#constantly having to come up with new songs or write a bunch of books or keep producing great movie roles
tillthelandslide · 1 year
Same For You: (3) The Deal
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A/n: here's part 3 guys, I'm loving writing this series and trust me there's good stuff to come.... I'm so excited!!! I hope you're enjoying this so far :) let me know what you think ❤️- Lou
Series Warnings: slow burn romance, eventual smut, age gap, complicated relationship (low-key unhealthy dynamics), eventual love...
Series Masterlist
(2) Your Very Own Mirror
She sits in the Dirty Hit office, Jamie sat opposite her, Matty sitting next to Jamie, the pair looking at a bunch of stacked papers. The pair had been texting constantly since they met up for coffee, talking about music, speaking about their songs and their mutual interests in other artists. She explained how Fleetwood Mac was her favorite band, he informed her that they were one of Ross' favorites too. He spoke a lot about Ross, she was unsure what the intention was, she secretly hoped the bearded man asked Matty to slip him into conversation but the rational part of her brain told her it was more likely that it was just general chit chat. Mates supporting mates.
She liked how Matty and her were at the moment, despite not knowing each other for very long at all, he got her, she felt like he had very quickly become one of her best friends. Her favorite times were late at night, when he'd randomly call her and ask "have you heard of this thing love?" And began talking about some niche topic. She also loved when he'd call her to talk about music, to recommend a song he'd listened to and thought she'd like. Each call proved that she was at the forefront of his mind and she was becoming quite accustomed to the idea.
She was sat picking at her nails, only noticing the bad behavior when she feels blood being drawn from the skin, she rolls her hand up into a fist, hiding the abuse she'd given to herself, opting to pick at the varnish of the other hand.
"Are you okay love?" He asks, watching as he picked at her black nail varnish, small flecks falling somewhere unseen. He's by her side in the next second, a look of pure worry on his face. His presence near her, closer to her, made her feel calmer, he quietened her ever noisy brain.
"Yeah yeah... Sorry just a bit nervous I guess" she says making him nod but he can tell she's withholding the truth. He places his hand in hers and squeezes gently, before letting her go.
"Don't be... We're the ones that should be nervous" he says making her confused.
"How so?"
"You might say no" Jamie speaks, placing his phone down on the table.
"Let's get this started then shall we"
The three of them settle on a deal of sorts, a trial period, where Matty, George and Ross (all who agreed prior) would book in some studio time with Y/n and her band. The idea was, that after they had established some tracks, and worked with the boys, if she liked it and felt like the label offered what her and the band was looking for, she would then sign to it. Jamie explained that he hoped she would sign to the label and if they did, they could support the 1975 for a few shows. All of the talk was very exciting but she was also incredibly nervous.
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They all sit around the brown leather booth in a hipster looking bar in Soho, round the corner from where y/n and the band usually perform. She's dressed comfortably in a pair of black jeans and a black knitted sleeveless turtle neck, when she left the house earlier to attend the meeting, it was fairly warm. Outside was now far too chilly for her liking and she cursed herself for not bringing a jacket. Matty had walked with her to this particular bar, texting the rest of the band to join them.
"Cheers" Ross says, clinking his glass against hers and Matty's, George who was sitting across from her raising his glass to her and smiling widely.
"To the new recruit" Matty says making her chuckle and shake her head.
"Hey I haven't agreed yet!" Her words make everyone chuckle and she doesn't miss the way Matty raises his eyebrows at her, as if to say "sureeee"
"Yeah I heard all about your bargaining... Ballsy" George says, the word having been used to describe her far too many times now.
"Got to protect myself and the band haven't I?" She says and they all laugh again.
"So we start making this album with you and you'll consider letting the label sign you?" George asks and she nods.
"Wow... You really are cool... Charli was right" George says making everyone laugh.
"Speaking of' George says, standing up as the black haired girl strides towards him, he meets her in a hug and they share a quick peck, George murmuring a "hi baby" which makes y/n smile warmly, before she's turning towards y/n.
"Hey bitch!" She says, pulling y/n up and hugging her.
"Hi!" She's says, hugging Charli tightly. They weren't the closest but she always loved being around Charli and her friends and was very fond of her, wanting to be closer with her. The girls sit back down and they all talk amongst themselves. Matty talks to Charli and George as Ross speaks with Y/n.
Adam eventually joins and Y/n stops her conversation with Ross abruptly, looking at Adam who was now greeting Matty.
"Hann this is y/n, the artist we told you about. Y/n this is Adam" Matty says and she stands, reaching a hand out to him who shakes it with a smile.
"Great to finally meet you, the guys haven't shut up about you to be honest" he says and she smiles, mouth falling open and then shutting again, at a loss for words.
"You okay love?" Matty asks and she shakes her head, composing herself.
"I can't lie... I'm kind of freaking out, I'm a huge fan..." She says to Adam making everyone laugh.
"You're one of the reasons I started playing guitar, you're mad talented" she hates the way she sounds like a cliche fan but she couldn't help it. Matty raises his eyebrows at her and she sees the cogs turning in his brain, he looks at her and she knows he's mentally saying "Adam your fave then?" But she shakes her head at him.
"Wow, thank you, that means a lot. The guys showed me some videos of you and your band playing, you're sick!" She smiles and blushes at his words, sitting back down next to Ross and continuing their conversation.
"He's right you know... You're really talented, amazing really... How long have you been playing guitar?" The way he so casually compliments her had her heart fluttering and she nearly stutters over her words- nearly.
She feigns confidence as she says "since I was 15, the summer after I discovered your band... I tried bass but it wasn't for me" and he laughs.
"How so?" He asks.
"my hands are too small and I struggled to be honest"
"don't be silly, let me see" he says, lifting her hand and placing it against his. The sensation is instant for both of them, fire igniting, sparks flying, electric buzzing, hand against hand but it's as if their souls have been ripped open for the other to see.
Their mouths both fall open as they touch, neither look at their hands, too busy looking into each other's eyes, occasionally flicking down to each other's lips. She feels the warmth of his hand against her and she blushes.
"You're right... You've got tiny hands" he struggles to get the words out, having to swallow a few times before they even come out. She smiles at his teasing, fingers closing around his hand, tugging it towards her before she opens her hand again, inspecting it closer.
"Or you've just got giant hands Macdonald" he smirks at her then, eyes finally moving away from her lips and down at their hands. Her mouth sits slightly agape as she takes in his hand, eyes falling on the veins and callouses there.
Their moment is interrupted by the buzz of her phone which sits in her lap, her eyes flick down to look at it before she looks back up at Ross.
"Sorry' she says quietly, reluctantly letting go of his hand and reaching for her phone. His hand wraps back around his glass, bringing the liquid back up to his lips to take a sip.
He watches her over the rim of his glass, seeing the way her eyebrows furrow as she reads the text she received. He doesn't like the way she's huffing as she reads it, or the roll of her eyes before she's placing her phone face down onto table, drawing her attention back to him.
She seems almost withdrawn when her eyes find his again, and the smile she directs his way seems forced.
"Everything okay love?" Her stomach flutters at the nickname and she has to stop herself from gasping. She's worried her voice will fail her so she simply nods, but with one look from Ross, a raise of his eyebrows and a tilt of his head, she's spilling all.
"Sorry it's just the band... They didn't want to come to the meeting with me - said I can make the decision as I'm the 'frontman' which I already fucking hate... Which is just stupid anyway because we're a band, were supposed to make these decisions together, and now Jay, drummer, is lecturing me saying I should just sign the contract... That doing studio time with you guys before is a waste of time" she rants, her words are rushed but Ross manages to catch every single one without fail, she buffs at the end of her words, breath fast and shallow.
"Love" he says, her heart fluttering again, picking up tenfold when he takes her hand back in his "breathe for a second" he watches as she inhales deeply before exhaling, her shoulders slumping slightly after she does.
"Better?' she nods.
"Good... I'm sorry darling, that sucks... For what it's worth, I think it's really brave of you.. and super cool too" he says, a clear smirk resting against his lips as he speaks.
"Really?" she barely realises that her hand is still in his, only noticing when he follows his "yeah" with a squeeze of her hand.
"I think you're just trying to do what's best for your band and although they're putting all the pressure on you to make that decision, I think you're making the best one... Just looking out for them" he says and she's the one squeezing his hand now, silently thanking him.
"I'm glad you get it... Thank you Ross" she says, debating whether to pull her hand away from his despite not wanting to. It seemed like it was a matter of who would break first.
"You're welcome sweetheart... Anytime" her breath hitches again at the new nickname, this time not going unnoticed by the bassist, who raises his eyebrows, but doesn't say anything, which she feels grateful for, she really didn't want to feel mortified right now. Instead he surprises her with a question.
"Fancy going outside for a bit?" He asks, eyes never leaving hers, the intensity of his eye contact making her mouth fall open slightly. She nods as her eyes flick from his eyes to his mouth.
They stand from the table, thankfully everyone is too engrossed in their conversation to realise and they quietly slip outside the pub. The cold air immediately makes her skin prick up and goosebumps rise to the surface, she wraps her hands around herself, running them up and down her arms in an attempt to keep herself warm.
Wordlessly, Ross shrugs off his jacket, moving forward and draping it over her frame, the fabric almost immediately drowning her, but the warmth she feels (weather from the item of the clothing, or from the fact she's wearing his jacket) makes her smile. His hands don't leave the lapels straight away, tugging gently until she's standing closer to him.
Maybe it was because Ross was usually quiet, his actions this evening were taking her by surprises, pleasantly so.
"You look cute in my clothes" the confession makes her blush and she has to take a step back, sighing deeply. "Where are you going?" He says, pulling her towards him again. He notices her breath is heavy again.
"What's up, am I making you uncomfortable?" He goes to retreat but she stops him, shaking her head as she looks up at him
"No... Not at all... You're just surprising me is all" she admits and he smirks.
"How so?"
"The pet names, the- the touching... The forwardness... Just didn't expect it from you to be honest... You're usually quiet" she says and he nods.
"I'm not usually this forward to be honest..."
"What is it about me then?" She challenges.
"Everything" the one word answer has her breath hitching again and he notices, smirking and pulling her close to him again.
"I like that noise... Wouldn't mind hearing it in different circumstances" he says, as she laughs in an attempt to ease the tension.
"Jesus Christ" she murmurs "you're giving me whiplash".
"Sorry... I'm coming on too strong aren't I?" He says, stepping back again, this time she lets him. Not because she wanted him away from her (in fact she wanted exactly the opposite) but she allows it because she thinks it's best, she knew they'd get ahead of themselves if she allowed it to continue.
"You're not, don't apologise" she says, making him smile.
"Okay..." The tension seems to be lifted somewhat and she can breathe almost normally again. Her heart is still beating rapidly in her chest, almost soaring when she spots the dimples either side of his lips and the way his eyes are creasing as he smiles.
"I want to get to know you more... Seeing as we're going to be working together" he says and she smirks, sure that was the reason, she thinks.
"Id like that" he nods, stepping forward just slightly. He feels the need, the desire to just hug her but refrains from doing so, wondering what's coming over him. He was never like this usually.
"We should go inside... I'm freezing my tits off" he says making her laugh loudly. Oh god that laugh he thinks, he thinks it's the best noise he's ever heard and knew he'd do anything to hear it again.
"You didn't have to give me your jacket" she gazes up at him, one eyebrow raising, her eyes almost twinkle when she sees him smirk, accompanied with a slow shake of his head. His hand slowly reaches forward, just one hand, reaching for the edge of his jacket, smoothing the fabric between his fingers. She feels his knuckle graze her abdomen briefly before he pulls back.
"Don't be silly, I wanted to... Couldn't have you shivering out here whilst I'm all toasty" he explains, she stops her breath from hitching, sighing instead, trying to pull it off as a content one instead of a surprised one.
"And now it's the other way round" she says, raising her eyebrows as her arms cross over her chest, the fabric creasing under her hands, his scent escaping from the clothing, harassing her senses, making her skin rise in goosebumps again.
"oh shush' he says making her laugh. He places a hand at her back, leading her back inside. They make their way back over to their table, her still in his jacket and his hand still resting against her back, coming to rest against the back of her seat as they sit back down.
Her eyes find Matty's as she shrugs off Ross' coat, the curly haired man frowning at her.
"What's up?' she mouths, worried something was up with him. She couldn't quite explain it but she felt some sort of duty towards Matty already, knowing he was so similar to her and that alone had her wanting to protect him. She wasn't sure whether she liked how deeply she cared for him already, she felt like she knew him so well already and was a scared of getting hurt. Whilst on the other hand, the man who's jacket she was just wearing, she didn't know that well at all, seeing as in the years she had been following the band, he was more reserved than Matty.
"Later" he mouths back, making her frown. She picks up her phone that she left again the table, ignoring the texts from her bandmates and pulling him Mattys contact in her phone.
Ross draws his eyes away from the scene, not wanting to intrude but feels a pang of jealousy hit him. He sees the name light up her phone "Bestie ❤️" and somehow he knows its Matty.
"You'd tell me if something was up right?" She sends the message, hearing the ding of his phone before he's drawing it from his pocket, eyes flicking from the device to her as he reads it.
"Yeah love... Don't worry I'm fine x" she receives back in reply, placing her phone down and smiling at him, he smiles back. She makes a funny face at him for safe measure, just in case he was in fact lying, she hoped it would cheer up a little bit.
He chuckles and the sight makes her smile wide again, turning her attention back to Ross for a second, who smiles at her too.
"So y/n..." She looks to see who was talking to her, finding Adam smiling at her.
"How long have you and your band been together... What's the name again?" He asks and she smiles.
"The Love Of Thieves" she confirms, making him raise his eyebrows, muttering a "cool name".
"We've been together for almost 10 years now... Started when I was 15, the rest were around 18 then" she says.
"They're older than you?" Matty asks, her eyes flicking to him and she smiles, nodding at him.
"Yeah... Everyone thought it was really weird... Me hanging out with people who were older than me. But my brother played bass with our drummer's brother, and we all used to hang out... They didn't realise I was as young as I was until about 6 months in" she explains and everyone laughs. Ross can't help but like the fact her brother played bass, knowing it was a conversation they could have another time.
"Such a cool kid weren't you?' Matty jokes making her raise her middle finger at him.
"Shut up... I didn't get along with people my age to be honest. Besides I grew up around older people, so I just fit in with them" she explains and people around the table nod, seeming to understand.
"Where did the name come from?" George asks, sipping from his glass as his other hand held Charli's.
"We actually kind of stole it..." She says, making everyone laugh.
"My dad always used to play records around the house and I remember coming downstairs one day and this song was playing... Wasn't really my vibe like musically but there was this one lyric" she says, smiling as she looked at her fingers.
"Oh the tears that you weep, For the poor tortured souls, Who fall at your feet... I fucking loved that... So I asked my dad what the song was"
A chorus of "The Love Thieves" breaks out and she nods.
"We added a word obviously..." She laughs again "it was originally just a place holder but it kind of just..."
"Stuck' Matty finishes and she nods again.
"I think that's fucking sick" he then says and she smiles.
"Thanks..." She blushes as Matty smiles.
"Cool name for a cool band" Ross says and she smiles over at him.
Eventually people start filtering out, Adam leaves first, wanting to get home go his wife and child, which Y/n finds very sweet. Charli and George are then leaving next, Charli pulling her up from the table to hug her tightly.
"We'll have to go out soon, just the two of us" y/n confirms with a nod and Charli then kisses her cheek and bids her farewell.
Mumbling a "keep being a legend and if these lot get on your nerves, let me know"
Matty, Ross and Y/n stay until close, eventually being ushered out by one of the bar tenders.
She begins to shiver as soon as she steps outside, and it's a matter of which one shrugs their jacket off first, the winner being Matty, who drapes his coat over her shoulders. She says a thank you but her eyes find Ross' who looks down sadly at her.
"Sorry for being that idiot who didn't bring a jacket" she says making them both laugh.
"It's fine, I've got my cig to warm me up" Matty says and she nods.
"Want me to call you a cab?" Ross then speaks up, she smiles but ultimately shakes her head at him.
"No I'm good thank you, Abbie works around the corner and has just finished her shift so she's going to swing by and pick me up" she explains making the both of them nod.
"Abbie is your guitarist right?" Ross asks and she nods.
"The one and only... She likes to think she's Hann but she's really not" her words making the boys chuckle.
"She's a fan too?' Matty asks, cringing when he realises he just called her a 'fan'. But y/n doesn't mind, because she was one, and a huge one at that. She had their logo tattooed for Christ sake.
"She is" she confirms. They hear the beep of a car and y/n flicks her eyes towards it, seeing Abbie with her head out of her window, waving at them.
"Well that's me" she says, going to shrug off Mattys jacket but he stops her.
"Keep it" he says, pulling her towards him to hug her tightly.
"Lovely to see you again... I really look forward to working with you y/n' he says into her ear as they hug.
"You too Matty... Better text me" she says and he mumbles an 'of course, not getting rid of me now" they then pull away and she steps forward, closer to Ross.
"MacDonald" she says and he smirks down at her, hooking his arms around her waist and pulling her the rest of the way towards him.
"Y/L/N" he says back, sighing into her hair as they hug. It was the first hug they shared and he was already addicted. To the way she felt against him, in his arms, smaller than him, warm against him. The way he could feel her heart beat against his chest and the way she felt her warmth seep into him. The way he could smell her, more strongly now.
"Tonight was fun" he says and she nods against him. The pair realise they've been hugging for a little too long so reluctantly pull away.
"I'll text you" he says and she smiles, really hopeful that he does.
She pulls away and her eyes flick between the pair, heart beating and breath picking up. She then leaves them, walking to the guitarists car, opening the door and getting in.
She was fucked.
"Good night?" She asks as she begins driving.
"Amazing." She confirms.
"Who's jacket is that?'
"Oh. Anything going on there?"
"No don't be silly"
Her phone buzzes as she looks at it, seeing one notification from an unknown number.
"Let me know when you're home please xx - Ross"
She quickly saved his number in her phone as "MacDonald" tempting to put a little heart next to his name but not wanting to get ahead of herself, when she recieves another message.
"Looked better in my jacket btw... Fancy grabbing a coffee sometime? Xx" it reads and it makes her gasp quietly again.
She thinks twice about sending what she wants to, deciding to just go for it and replying back with a "Yours was comfier... Smelt like you too 🤭... And would love to x"
Her phone pings far too quickly for it to be Ross so she looks again and sees another message, this firm from Matty, who had edited his contact name from the simple "Matty" to "Bestie ❤️" when they went for coffee with one another.
"I'm now realising the huge mistake I made when I gave you my jacket... You've got my house keys" it reads and she gasps.
"Fuck" she says, burring her hand into the pocket of his jacket, feeling the metal against her hands and pulling it out.
"What?" Abbie says.
"I've got Matty's keys" she says.
"Shit" Abbie says.
"Yeah. Shit"
"Text me your address please x" she sends, worrying when he doesn't reply "Matthew!" She then sends.
"I'm not letting you drive all the way here just to drop my keys off xx" - Matty.
"Well I'm not letting you roam the streets in the freezing cold Matthew. Send me your address xx" - Y/n.
He replies back almost immediately with his address.
"Do you mind dropping me off near by? I can get an Uber back if you need to be somewhere" she explains and Abbie nods.
"You sure? I can wait about a bit"
"No honestly it's fine"
They drive almost in silence to his house, pulling up close by.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do" she says making y/n shake her head.
"It's not like that.. I'm just going to give him his keys and then head home...besides you're literally gay"
Y/n walks the last bit towards his house, seeing him sitting on the curb.
"Oh thank fuck, I'm about to freeze to death here"
"Nice to see you too' she jokes.
"I'm so thankful you're here darling. Seriously, I could've crashed at someone's house" he says and she shakes her head, smiling when he pulls her into a tight hug.
"Wanna come up for a bit? I make a mean brew" he offers and despite knowing she should really say no, she's nodding.
"Sounds heavenly" and then she's handing him his keys and they're entering his house.
She's entering Matty Healy's house. Her phone buzzes in her (Mattys pocket) and if she had looked she would've seen a text from Ross that read "Home yet love? You've got me worried here xxx"
(4) No Need To Explain
A/n: AHHHHH what's going to happen next? Let me know what you think is going to happen!! If you're liking this please consider liking, leaving a comment and reblogging :) love youuuuu
© all lyrics are written and owned by yours truly (let's ignore the fact they're not that good but yeah) no stealing hehe
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agaypanic · 10 months
could you please do a chase davenport x musical reader ?? she’s constantly asking him “how does this sound” and blessing his ears with her voice. sometimes even asking him to help her play something only for his intelligence to shine and play every instrument perfectly much to her surprise. thanks a bunch !!
His Little Songbird (Chase Davenport X Singer!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Chase is the first person you go to for thoughts on something new you’ve written. He’ll do anything to keep hearing your voice.
A/N: i feel like if chase was dating a musical person/singer, hed totally call them his songbird or something equally as cheesy and everyone would think it’s cringey but his s/o would be giggling and shit. Made reader like semi-famous (she’s going on a tour) bc i think thats fun
Bringing Chase along on your first tour was probably the best decision you ever made. Being the smartest man in the world, he could handle any technical problem you were having in a flash. He was so supportive, always making sure you took care of yourself and watching every show without ever getting tired of hearing the same set over and over again. Plus, having your boyfriend with you while you traveled around the country was way better than having to text or call whenever you wanted to talk to him.
But one of the coolest things about having Chase with you was that he absolutely loved being the first person you went to when a new song popped into your head.
“Hey, Chase?” You called out, scribbling notes and words in your little notebook. You were hanging out backstage before a sound check and decided to do some writing.
“Yeah?” He answered, appearing by your side almost instantly. He crouched down next to you, glancing at your notes before looking up at you curiously.
“What do you think of this?” You asked, tilting the notebook so he could get a better look. Being a fast reader, he looked at the page briefly before looking back at you.
“Good rhymes.” He said. “Wanna try it?” You nodded, and Chase left, coming back with a guitar and chair. He got settled, and you held the book out for both of you to see. Having bionic super smarts, Chase could easily play any instrument. So whenever you wanted to see how something would sound, he quickly volunteered to grab whatever you had in mind to play along. It sort of made you wish that he would be on stage with you, but Chase insisted that he was better helping you behind the scenes.
Chase started strumming the chords you had written down, waiting for you to start singing. When you did, he had to power through his playing. Chase was always taken aback by your beautiful voice. If you had to take a shot for every time he fawned over your singing, you’d probably get alcohol poisoning in a day.
When you were finished, you and Chase had a small conversation about things to fix, playing the song over and over until you were satisfied. Then, when you were called over to do a sound check, you kissed Chase and gave him the notebook to put in your bag.
Hours later, your concert was in full swing. Chase watched your performance from backstage like he did every show, phone recording the entire time despite it being the same songs. And then, when you were finished, you ran to him like you did every show, and he picked you up and swung you around while telling you how great you did. You knew he actually paid attention because every time, he talked about a different moment that he deemed his favorite of your performance.
While you got changed into something more comfortable in your dressing room, your phone buzzed. Seeing it was a post notification from Chase, you opened it and smiled.
He had posted pictures that he had taken in the past couple of days. It was all mainly you. The two of you at a cute little local cafe. You posing next to your vinyls and CDs being sold at a store you went to to pick up some snacks. Doing your sound check and performance.
The last picture might’ve been your favorite. You were alone on stage, doing an acoustic version of a song you had written for Chase for your first anniversary. Although all of your songs were amazing in his eyes, this one would forever be his favorite. In the picture, you were looking to the side. Not at the camera, but at Chase, giving him a big, loving smile.
You liked the picture and then looked down at the caption.
chase.davenport: my little songbird <3
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endless-season · 5 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
tagged by @defeateddetectives /o/
3 ships you like: *looks into void* do I even have 3 proper ships
1) MikoIzuTotsu (Suoh Mikoto x Kusanagi Izumo x Totsuka Tatara) - K
And no one was surprised. I MEAN ITS BEEN OVER TEN YEARS. BUT A GOOD CHUNK OF THOSE TEN YEARS WERE DEDICATED TO HOMURA TRIO (well technically... the real answer is Totsuka Tatara however we will ignore that for the sake of this meme). Get yourself two others who will go through it all with you thick or thin. Get yourself a leash i mean what. Get yourself a Kusanagi-san! Settle down in a bar and raise i mean gather a gang family!
2) Qin Jiu x You Huo - Global Examination
Felt obligated to include them since I'm currently trying to drag ppl to read this lmao. Also bc i have no ships to answer with, help. BUT THE CHEMISTRY! I mean, this is probably the first time I clearly see what people mean by the word ~ chemistry ~. Qin Jiu is such a chaotic menace, You Huo is such a chaotic menace, they are similar but also different and then put them together and everyone suffers, it's beautiful *wipes tear*. But they are also so so so soft together (i was going to say, in private.... but also in front of people's salad so!!!) *clutches heart*. The author, 木苏里 just does a create job exploring the two throughout the story, READ GLOBAL EXAMINATION! THERE'S ALSO AN ONGOING MANHUA THAT COVERS LIKE A THIRD. DO IT. and then send me liveblogs pls and thanks.
3) H-h-help... ships... are hard... I... don't ...
first ship ever: IzuTotsu (Kusanagi Izumo x Totsuka Tatara) - K Shamelessly links to that post where I sobbed over everything #Actual Marriage Goals The trust! The intuitive understanding! The communication! (sorry Mikoto, your grunting fails you) The ~ G o S s i P i n g ~ ! The mutual support and comfort ;_;! The domesticity of it all! The quipping and doting! The we're all in this (this = Mikoto doom but with matching wing tattoos) together! The seemless division of labor haha
last song you heard: i turned on my playlist when i saw this question so that by the time i finish answering the meme and come back to this question, i will have an answer… Anyways, so the answer is…. ~ wHAT A coINcindENce ~ Dark Night Fireworks, Lucien's season 1 theme from MLQC.
favourite childhood book: Uh........ idk.... Deltora Quest? Alex Rider series? If manga counts then maybe Detective Conan? lmao.
currently reading: I’m Not Shouldering This Blame (这锅我不背) Current novel in my danmei binging spree. 40 chaps in, enjoying it so far. Synopsis gives a pretty good idea of what to expect. Hordes of book transmigrators trying to derail or benefit from knowing the plot, military dealing with the supernatural mess and notifying MC and ML who are supposedly the villains, MC... just trying to work in peace cmon, ML... just trying to seduce MC cmon.
currently watching: Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End Just finished it over the last few days hence why there's a few posts in my queue. It’s nice and chill. I admit I was eyeing Himmel the moment he appeared in the first episode and didn't know whether to laugh or cry at his instant transformation / flashforward to old bald man. Was pleasantly surprised to see him appearing constantly in flashbacks haunting the narrative ethereal dead wife style lmao.
currently consuming: I waited for dinner to write this! Was lazy tonight so just a bunch of easy to prep in 5 min sides. Rice, Prawn dumplings, Chilli Bamboo (Fu Chi brand), Century Egg + Tofu + Pork floss, Smashed cucumber salad that I managed to ruin :/
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currently craving: A reason to live A shiny new satisfying fandom obsession... Motivation and energy and wisdom to adult... A yakult and WangLaoJi... ... ...... *walks to fridge and grabs yakult and wanglaoji*
A rare meme where I'm gonna actually tag!!! See what ppl are up to and eating these days >:)
@qserasera @chiaki-c @nervous-sheep @alice-chan-chan @jelly-cooperation
@laxmiree @caesurables @pu-san @vanishing-apples @dijeh
@ittybi @ellie-winthrope @bloomingmitsuri @a-justaway-is-just-a-justaway @constastan
As usual feel free to skip if tagged or do even if not tagged :> Edit: why is tagging not working *squints*
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
I'm just adding my voice to the growing choir but yeah, I don't think Trent is going to out Collin:
It would be an extreme moment of regression. I mean, this guy gave up decades of high-profile journalism due to his distaste for how the job was making him compromise his ethics. He's not gonna just turn around and out a player after that.
(Headcanon-y side-note, but Trent is HEAVILY queer coded and based on my personal readings of his character he's someone who would not just respect Collin, but understand him.)
I've been noticing that each episode has a small "Don't print that" moment where Trent seems legitimately open to keeping the club's personal secrets. The ones that, frankly, have no bearing on football and thus the public has no right to them (changing manicurists, diarrhea, etc.) None of these scenes have implied that he's merely humoring his worried friends and planning to air all the dirty laundry when they're least expecting it. A player kissing another man in an alley on their night off absolutely counts as 'Personal and none of the book's business.'
Outside of the book, how would Trent publish this? He doesn't seem to be doing freelance. It's possible he could pass the tip off to someone else, but we haven't seen any journalist buddies he's friendly with and giving that to a stranger (from the audience's perspective) would feel like even more of a betrayal. You're not just outing him, but using someone who we can't trust to spin the story in an empathetic light, as Trent did with Ted's panic attacks?
Trent doesn't snap a photo of them, despite having the time to get one (they're oblivious). He doesn't write anything in his notebook. He doesn't interrupt and hound them for a quote like he might have in season 1-2. He just walks off, looking contemplative/a bit worried.
So I don't think Trent is going to out Collin, but I do think he might try and do something about it. Meaning, this episode has shown that Collin is, well... pretty bad at keeping his sexuality a secret. He's sneaking out of his boyfriend's house, trying not to draw attention to himself, but then he hits a whole bunch of trash cans while leaving. I got a huge spike of anxiety when he looked at his phone with the other guys standing right there, given that a selfie, kissy emoji, and "thirst" are all pretty damning texts. He's obviously kissing right next to the main road, just a street or so down from where half the club is eating dinner, in a remarkably lit area. And though he tries to deflect a lot - fine he's gay for Zava too, this is my wingman, story about trying to seduce women - it comes across as trying too hard to anyone who's paying attention. Because, you know, Collin is trying very hard, despite his missteps.
The point is that Collin is constantly on the cusp of being outed. If the story doesn't have that happen next episode (that would put a damper on Richmond's win streak) I think Trent is going to step in somehow in an effort to provide damage control - or at least try to, even if he winds up being too late. The use of "Everybody Knows," while obviously a pertinent title, is also a list of how all these awful things have already come to pass - "That's how it goes" - and contains such gems as,
"Everybody knows you've been discreet But there were so many people you just had to meet Without your clothes Everybody knows"
(The context here is cheating, but for a background snippet of a song I think the general vibe of bad things + lovers + not being discreet wins out.)
So Trent may try to step in, even if it comes to naught. After all, if he spotted them it's only a matter of time until someone else does too. Collin is lucky it was Trent who saw them and not someone else.
Cue the emphasis on how much he's changed as a journalist (Collin wouldn't have been lucky a year ago), viewers get a cool new relationship between characters who haven't interacted yet, as well as the canonizing of Trent as a queer man without giving him a coming out story because frankly a 50ish character doesn't (necessarily) need that. He's already got the "vibe" 🌈😎
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literary-illuminati · 11 months
Book Review 62 – The Ballad of Perilous Graves by Alex Jennings
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This is the latest book I never would have heard of if it wasn’t for an award nomination (WFA for Best Novel, in this case). Overall, I was left dearly wishing I had liked it more than I did – it was so thoroughly soaked in imagery and references to a whole milieu I only barely know enough about to catch all the references flying over my head. Unfortunately by the final act the whole thing just collapses into a mess of spectacle without much in the way of connective tissue or context.
The story follows Perilous “Perry” Graves, his kid sister, and his best friend/crush Peaches (who is clearly an ersatz Pippy Longstocking but for some reason this is almost literally the only reference the book doesn’t explicitly acknowledge). They live in Nola, a fantastical alternate New Orleans full of zombies, animate graffiti, sky trolleys, and music that is indistinguishable from magic. After the magical songs that sustain the city escape/are stolen, it’s up to the three of them to get them back before Stagger Lee (the song) hunts down and kills the others for his mysterious partner. There’s also an extended subplot with Casey, a recently returned Katrina refugee in what seems to be our world, discovering that his and his cousin’s graffiti and other art is very literally magic and can come alive when he isn’t looking. Things just generally get messier and harder to explain from there.
Above everything else, the book’s a love letter to New Orleans. The sheer fascination and affection Jenning’s has for the place just about oozes out of every page. The geography and the culture and especially and overwhelmingly the art. Now I know barely anything about modern pop music and even less about classic jazz, but Jennings is either a massive fan or an incredibly confident bullshitter, and either way it’s an absolutely loadbearing part of the book – famous jazz musicians appear as magicians and ghosts, snatches and stanzas of different songs are quoted liberally, and of course the songs themselves are the driving engine of the plot. I, at least, just kind of let all the references wash over me and try to figure them out from context, and also started listening to the namedropped songs as I read. But even without really knowing the subject, the sheer love for the culture that just suffuses the book is really incredible endearing. Which is good, because it’s absolutely the main actual draw here.
The dialogue also deserves a shoutout – both because there’s a fun line you can draw between the characters that talk like actual people and the ones that intentionally present themselves like cartoon characters, and also because it’s the first book I can recall reading this year where people speak in AAVE. Plus, as a matter of style, when songs or certain ghosts were speaking telepathically the book used a different font for what they were saying, which is the sort of flourish that I always like when it’s not too overused.
While the surreal, exaggerated sort of magical absurdism works very well for the setting of Nola, the plot is...just kind of a mess. You almost get the sense the book was written in one sprint and then never revised – the protagonists are constantly getting help out of nowhere exactly as they need it to solve their latest problem, and revelations of plot critical information exactly when it’s needed to keep things moving abound, whether there’s any setup or justification for it or not. The metaphysics that underpin Nola are all vague and confused, which really wouldn’t be an issue if the entire third act didn’t turn on on the villain being wrong about them. The end result is a finale that feels like a bunch of big set piece scene the author had been looking forward to writing without any real connective tissue linking or supporting them.
Also, like – it is a major part of Perry’s arc that a year before the events of the book he had a run in with a monstrous caricature of a Jim Crow era hanging judge, and it has traumatized him sufficiently that he had steadfastly refused to try and do any magic since. The judge is later revealed to be an escaped bit of living graffiti, with absolutely zero relevance or deeper significance, and never appears on-screen again. Which just feels like some sort of narrative malpractice, honestly.
I’m also just left a bit disappointed with the villain – or, specifically, the wasted potential. Like, the idea of The Storm as this primeval elemental force that wants nothing more than to drown the world is a pretty great villain for a magical New Orleans, honestly. And there was something there of graffiti and music and just art being this engine of joyous hubris letting the city exist in defiance of its inevitable doom – but you really have to dig to get at it, and most of the other personal plots and heroes journey stuff burying it was far less compelling to me.
Anyway yeah, in the end this very much felt like it was style over substance, but on the other hand the style was excellent. In the end I kind of feel like this was ill-served as a book? Not that it’s necessarily impossible to write a novel that’s mostly about music, but this was really begging for a medium that could include a soundtrack.
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alrightbuckaroo · 5 months
hi ada! it's nice ask week! i hope you don't mind me coming into your inbox!
what are your 3 favorite scenes in lone star?
what's your favorite hobby outside of fandom?
what's your favorite song/album right now?
Hello Rachel; I don't mind at all! I hope life is being kind to you and that hateful messages cease entering your inbox for the rest of time <3
what are your 3 favorite scenes in lone star?
Oh gosh, only three??
Maybe it's cheesy but I love the proposal scene. There's so many layers to it: the fact it was episode 3x18 and TK woke Carlos up at 3:18 in the morning, just after Carlos told TK he can wake him up at 3 a.m. if he needs anything??? I love the red string of fate, I love synchronicity I love soulmates. I also love the fact TK holds Carlos' hands the way he did when he told him they make a pretty good team. I say it all the time, but they really do hold one another like that's the reason God gave them two hands <3 Also the way TK rocks back and forth with excitement? The same way he flipped the ring he was going to propose to Alex with but because of anxiety? If I'm going to love anything it's a reference let me tell you that much!
I have gone out of my way to show people the Lou story line because to this day it might actually be my favorite. It's so miniscule, in a way, in the grand scheme of things but nothing beats TK walking in, posed like this: 🧍‍♂️and asking Carlos if they were robbed. As if the COP would just be sitting in a mess of a living room if they had 😭
Saving Grace is tied with Push as my favorite episode and I'll occasionally think of Grace telling Judd, "You're so tall." and Judd replying with, "You're so beautiful." and feel the need to scream because I LOVE them so much. I have a spin-off I want to write based off a Tarlos AU that's in the work and I can't wait to write them falling in love because I love falling in love with their love.
what's your favorite hobby outside of fandom?
Media consumption seems like the weirdest thing to call a hobby, but truly, that's what it is!
I love watching films that I don't know I'm about to love (Humboldt County, my beloved) , discovering new television shows that rewire my brain (looking at you AMC's Interview with the Vampire), listening to music that feels like sunshine (Cannock Chase by Labi Siffre, you will always be famous) or reading a book that makes me want to bite a brick (A Density of Souls by Christopher Rice ruined my life (affectionately)
If I'm not doing any of that, and this is going to sound so corny, but I write! I've been working on a novella for a little while as I'm trying to prepare something for grad school (that isn't gay firefighter fanfiction lol) and I was working on a book of poetry before realizing that I'm a much stronger narrative fiction writer than I am a poet (Ada Limón if I could just have a sprinkling of your voice please ma'am)
what's your favorite song/album right now?
Album wise it has to be Cowboy Carter. I've been saying it since forever, but Beyoncé truly is on a very different level than any other pop artist we have right now (and I like a lot of them! I loved eternal sunshine and I can not WAIT until Dua drops her third album in May)
If anyone is the music industry right now it is her because she is constantly reinventing herself as well and influencing the industry as whole. Did you know that she's the reason music comes out on Fridays now? Her impact !!
Anyways, one of my favorite genres of music is Classic Country; so think 1950s, 1960s Patsy Cline, Johnny Cash, Skeeter Davis, Lee Hazlewood, Glen Campbell; that whole bunch.
So, I was so excited to see what Beyoncé was going to cook up because that is a woman who makes sure each and every thing she makes is perfection and my god, it got as close as any of her work has gotten so far.
It also features an interpolation of Good Vibratations by The Beach Boys, who's one of my favorite artists so it feels like this album was made specifically with me in mind. Here's hoping Act III is rock because I need to hear her with Jack White again.
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mothdruid · 1 year
Hi, babe 💌 You know what's been plaguing my mind for a while now?? rockstar AU tgm
Not necessarily rockstars, but like, what/how they would be as artists... ok hear me out KWJDKDKDK
I'm 100% sure rooster would be something like The Weeknd, bringing 80s tunes back and being super popular. He would know how to play a bunch of instruments and produce music, all thanks to his late rockstar father Goose, an absolute icon of the 80s that teached him everything he knows. (Goose would probably be part of a famous rock band with mav and ice hehe)
And hangman would be a country music star. There's no room for argument on this one lmao he'd have the most cocky annoying speeches on award shows and he'd constantly appear on those tacky gossip pages all over instagram/tiktok/twitter, showing up drunk to important events and allegedly hooking up with his fans but also being Texas' darling so he'd never flop or do any wrong on the eyes of his hardcore fans KSMSKSJDKS would definitely sneak the most foul double entendre spicy lyrics in his songs tbh...
I see bob as someone that would do music like Mac Demarco, Cults, TV Girl or Thee Sacred Souls. Something more romantic, calm and a bit of jazz influence maybe...? Songs you would listen to while reading a book or looking out a window while driving in the rain
I think payback would have some jazz influence too, like Nat King Cole or either something like New Order. Or even classic rock perhaps?? If not, I think he'd be a well-known producer like Jack Antonoff (taylor swift's producer) or Dr. Dre depending on his style
I can definitely see Phoenix as a rockstar girlie. Like Soho Dolls or Le Tigre typa beat. Or like Vic DeAngelis from Maneskin. OR OR she would sing the type of songs Mitski and Phoebe Bridges put out. She'd be so iconic plsss like when Hayley Kiyoko's fans call her lesbian jesus. Yes. Exactly.
Idk why but I think fanboy would probably be like a mixture of Steve Lacy and Kali Uchis. He'd slip spanish in his songs like kali and it would be a success I KNOW IT I feel in my bones. I bet he would serve LOOKS at the red carpet too and he'd be friends with so many artists
Coyote looks like he could pull off some mean R&B hits or even something like Tyler, The Creator. He'd have some incredible live performances and his fans would be so chill. He'd probably be the Mr. Worldwide of this generation and have a bunch of awesome collabs with a lot of artists, including his bff Jake hehe
And if they were a band??? I think bob would be a bassist and write their songs, rooster would be lead guitarist and vocalist, nat would sing too, javy would be the drummer and I haven't thought of other roles for the rest, I think I used all my brain juice on this one lmao
lmk your thoughts on this bc I can't stop thinking about it, it's such a cool concept 😩
ahhhh!!! i love love love this!! (i'm so sorry about getting to this so late)
i agree that Bradley's dad taught him everything he knows and also was famous in the 80s. i definitely know that he would make sadboy music, like the weeknd and joji. he would have some of the most beautiful music videos. i'm thinking of videos like Starboy by the weeknd and Tick Tock by joji.
and hangman? 100% correct. i think a lot of his music calls back to country music of the 90s though, a time he was nostalgic for and what influenced him to become an artist.
when i think of bob as an artist, rex orange county and mac demarco are definitely the first artists that come to mind. i think also someone like dayglow. but i also have thought that maybe he would be like marc rebilet. i could also see him as someone like tame impala.
i agree with payback being more of a producer who has made some music. i think it'd be music similar to what kendrick lamar has made. extremely impactful music. maybe something like denzel curry too. i just think his music would be very impactful. (ps. i love jack antonoff and have met him)
SZA is who comes to mind when i think of what artist natasha would be. so similar to the mitsuki and phoebe vibe. but the song Kill Bill by SZA screams nat to me. but also Silk Chiffon by MUNA also gives me nat vibes. (the versatility of woman)
i also 100% agree with your mickey analysis. i could also see him doing rap though. rich brian is who comes to mind if mickey rapped.
javy? i think javy would be closer to drake than tyler, sonically. maybe like pharrell (but his rap stuff)?? but if we are thinking out there bands, the flatbush zombies would be up that alley too. but i think that drake or maybe travis scott are the artists i think javy would be like.
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causeitsagame · 1 year
For the fic ask meme! Literally all of them? I’m so curious
Well, it made the most sense to answer this particular ask and let it cover others!
Keyboard or notebook?
KEYBOARD. When I write by hand, my wrist soon hurts. (Old tendonitis from undergrad, it loves to flare up.) But my fingers can fly across the keyboard fast enough to keep up with any words as they come. When I get into a groove, I can type awfully fast. My single-day writing record was around 18k words, but uhhhh that has not been approached since.
Now, the risk of typing on a keyboard: the computer has all of those other fascinating elements lurking behind the writing window, and it's just so, so easy to tab over to them. To counter this impulse, I'll often fire up Composition Mode in Scrivener, which takes over the screen and hides all of the other things I could be doing.
Beta or no beta?
I don't use a beta, but I do have a writing buddy. We mutually talk each other through knotty/stubborn structural plot elements of our current pieces, and that's where writing challenges usually lie for me.
In terms of cleaning up the fundamentals, I typically do two things before making anything public. One, I bump the font size way up and/or change the font, to make it look like a "new story." Two, I read every word out loud. I've found this to be an incredible way to catch awkward phrasings, repeated words, run-on sentences, etc. that I'd otherwise miss. (It can also help with pinning down character voices if I go full Audio Book Voiceover and add in some vocal flair for each line of dialogue. But you need to be willing to feel like a little bit of an idiot for that part.)
My writing buddy constantly makes (friendly) fun of me for how much I'm into PLOT. I cut my teeth on the Wheel of Time and A Song of Ice and Fire series as a younger reader, and those authors fucking. Love. PLOT!
Foreshadowing! Plot twists! Callbacks! The tiniest of hints! The smallest of details! ("No one cares about those details nearly as much as you do, [Miggy]." "DON'T CARE.")
I will say that GRRM's famous Architect vs. Gardener paradigm doesn't fit my plotting style, though. I use what I've dubbed a Road Trip approach, and I'd explain that here, but this is already long enough! I can do it at some other point if anyone's interested?
Smushy or smutty?
I'm fine with smut, I guess, but I prefer it to serve a plot purpose. "These two, overcome with desire for each other, are overjoyed to be reunited" is an example of a place where it could absolutely contribute to the narrative, for example. Otherwise, I'd rather just stick to emotional development and find it to be generally more engaging.
Fucking hate them. Ugh. I usually do a quote from the story and then a vague description. Worst part of posting to AO3, truly.
Funniest fic?
Probably something that was lost in my old Livejournal account? I filled an incredible number of anon fic meme prompts there and some of them were actually quite hilarious.
(I miss anon prompt memes so bad. :( That's a huge thing that both Tumblr and AO3 lack.)
Most popular fic?
Legal Partners (Ace Attorney), and it's not close.
Most fun to write?
Probably a poll-driven fic series that I did on Livejournal. I'd write the setup, let people vote on the outcome, and have to figure out how to make it work for the next installment. It was incredibly fun and engaging, riiiiiiight up until some people decided to start setting up a bunch of burner accounts to cheat and managed to ruin the experience for everyone. 🙄
Best and worst?
Worst would definitely be one of the random Yuletide fills I've done. I like the idea of Yuletide, where you gift someone with a fic in a tiny fandom they'd never otherwise get to read. But in reality, the recipients kept adding specific details about romance, timeline, events, etc. that went beyond what they were supposed to provide. As an author, you're technically not constrained by anything beyond the requested fandom and a few specified characters. But if the recipient makes their preferences so very clear, then you're unfortunately faced with a choice between "write the specific thing that would apparently make them happy" and "write a story that you can actually envision, structure, and be proud of." There's a reason I haven't done Yuletide for years.
Best? Well. See. Okay.
I challenged myself to write the stupidest crossover possible. Which meant that I had to make it work. Which meant that I needed to worldbuild. I needed to plot. Weave in foreshadowing. Explain the details. Respect both universes, both in content and mood.
The end result: a Marvel/Glee crossover (really) that a Hugo & Nebula winner has repeatedly encouraged me to file the serial numbers off of, to publish as original work.
Most underrated?
Special, the answer to the last question. I've downloaded it as an eBook, and when I've reread it on a plane (or wherever), I do find myself going "man, this IS good."
Plot. :D For the reasons previously detailed. I try not to hold back from swinging at the fences with developments, both negative and positive. At the same time, I want any positives to feel earned and I want any negatives to carry proper dramatic weight, which means not otherwise rolling around in gratuitous suffering.
I just got some great and thoughtful AO3 comments on my current story (need to reply to comments!!!) and this one: "I called it. I FUCKING called that unimaginable agony and pain was coming!"
came two chapters after this one:
"I’m falling in love with these kids so much. Which can only mean we’re in for a whole lotta pain in a chapter or two."
That's what I'm going for, along with the bad -> good reverse direction, too. (…Usually.) I'm basically a Nagito of plotting. You know: hope leads to despair, and vice versa. I want to elevate the mood before everything crumbles, for the reader will feel even more despondent if everything falls from even greater heights. Or flip it around, and happiness feels like an even bigger relief if the plot previously didn't seem to allow for the slightest scrap of it.
I absolutely know that this comes from cutting my teeth on fic: environmental descriptions. It felt weird and repetitive to describe locations that any fan would be familiar with, so that led to me glossing over descriptions of where things were happening. Which is all well and good if it's in an existing location, I suppose; a DR fan doesn't need a loving description of a HPA classroom.
But! While editing, I'll often see that I've done the same thing for some new spot, as well. I'll have an image of this new place in my mind, but that description doesn't make it onto the page with more than a few loosely-sketched lines. That doesn't just harm the story's overall quality, but it also lessens the emotional reaction of the reader as they can't wholly picture the scenes as they happen. It's something I keep kicking my own butt over as I repeatedly catch this pretty fundamental error in editing.
Dirty little secrets?
This 'dirty little secret' is all about how I've tee-heed over some reader reactions.
I think the behavior itself is good! For a story of any real length, I have a cardinal rule that I always, always follow: "every important character has to screw up at some point." No one is allowed to be a perfect cinnamon roll, in other words, while other less ~awesome~ people handle the fuck-ups.
Why it's a dirty little secret: I have giggled a LOT in private over responses I've gotten from clear [their favorite character] stans… because they blatantly ignore how their favorite also screwed up. They've cheered me on for having [their non-favorite] fuck up, and are so relieved that I obviously hate [their non-favorite], too.
Meanwhile, other people have told me the exact same thing... but with the two characters reversed! It's just such a blatant example of how people will have their stan blinders on. It amuses me every single time, even if I never ever mention specific examples outside of private conversations.
(Knowing that I have my own stan blinders is what keeps me using that rule, by the way. My favorites have gotta fuck up just like everyone else. Fair's fair!)
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freshairforrabbits · 1 year
Taking your word for it re fanfiction asks, so: 1, 7, 9 (for your Hostel fic that deserves more love), 10 (again Hostel), 17, 21, 25, 27, 28, 36, 41, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49. Your made up title to write a summary for is "i need no introduction (welcome to the greatest show)" from skins by the Haunting, which I have been listening to on repeat over the past few days.
Thank you for asking all of these ❤️ and also for making me discover that song because it is so fucking good!!!
1)Since I can remember! At toddler age and maybe even a bit before, my mom would let me and the siblings draw all over these little blank picture books she would staple together. She would then ask what the story was about so she could write it down on each page, and I was already making up new endings to whatever media I could understand like Bug's Life, Jurassic Park, PBS kids shows. If that doesn't count as fanfic though– then I seriously buckled down to write my first one when I was 10, with pencil and paper, and then 22 for actually finishing one and posting it on AO3
7) anytime after 9pm 
9) oh fuck that's a tough one, I'd say in Jagten it's the parts with Paxton stumbling around the Elite Hunting Clubs killing floor, because in the movie that's one of my favorite scenes where Paxton calls Natalya a bitch and then she's like, 'they paid me a lot of money for you. That makes you my bitch.' Just getting to write her seeing his shock and disgust and fear was fun as hell. 
10) I was going to actually go all the way up to some plotline where she does kill him (since Paxton is killed in the Hostel universe I figured Natalya becoming a hunter to do the honors instead would've been so badass of her, despite Paxton being a favorite in his own right he's just very killable), but then I figured it'd be far better to start things off sort of where they began with the fic. Natalya and Paxton facing each other down except this time the resolution is up in the air, and Paxton has no idea that she's coming for him. 
17) The girl, she made a deal, he remembers it now, to save the ghosts she'd come to see as friends, as more parents than her own, sacrificing herself to a crude entity of booze, sex, and filth;
21) If we are talking about outside of AO3 then that would be god, this would be a lot of people both within AO3 and outside of AO3, hm, I really admire this one author who wouldn't you know shares the same name as you! All jokes aside, so much of the fics I've been writing and making lately have been directly inspired by your writing and so I can't help but admire the fuck out of the absolute range of your writing and the ability you have to tackle so many different styles and characters!
25) Yes! Although I can't give any specific examples, I just know I have, and it's usually when writing super hopeful bits after writing a bunch of incredibly harrowing sequences.
27) I make outlines! They're typically very long too and constantly get changed around and shifted and even deleted and rewritten many times. The outline for pretty boy is 40k on any given day and most of that will not actually be what's finally written it's just excerpts and scenes that don't quite work but pieces of them could be stitched together for something better 
28) There isn't exactly anything I'm doing super different now then when I first started! But I wish I'd known to never touch general fandom Tumblr or Twitter or social media (and especially Discord Servers) with a ten foot pole when I started posting, that'll destroy your motivation to write faster than anything, not to mention it gets in your head about characterization and whatever else; like just write!! Just write and don't look at what other people are saying because it is not worth it unless they're fellow authors you have a rapport with 
36) Selfcest-Daddy-Son Carnival Ride of Grooming and Sexual Battery from Fucking Hell; Oh and don't forget the maybe-baby! (not sure if that's the spoiler that questions asking for but dfghhjjj)
41) Probably Natalya from Hostel and Natália from 3% in an unfinished wip but she's not exactly a minor character imo, just under appreciated 
44) (You fight, you rip into him, you eat him alive, fangs sunk through the muscle of lips, colonel's cum, corporal's blood swapped between you, ouroboros, you—)
45) Sheer mental illness, literally nothing else makes me write 30k in two weeks more than a sudden burst of energy and nigh delusional thinking which inevitably leads to a cycle of crashing and burning but fuck it we ball nothing else gets me clearing out those wips faster. That and one of the core elements of experiential therapy emphasizes learning to express through writing so that definitely keeps me going too since the more I write the more I can take with me to a session even if the content isn't relevant, it's all about processing a vast array of situations and emotions and intrusive thoughts through playing with little figures in the sandbox of a word document.
47) "i need no introduction (welcome to the greatest show)" this is going to be such a boring answer but for a title like this nothing better comes to mind then that idea you mentioned about Recom Jake being captured by the Na'vi. Just something about how he'd be putting on his best performance for them, all Loki stuck in a glass cage style or something, knowing oJake is freaked the hell out by him and then everything to do with Spider would be such a fucking mess. And good God that song is a banger!! (I am now listening to it on repeat as well while writing haha) I'm notoriously shit with creating summaries on the spot so apologies for not being able to make one up :'') 
48) Imprisonment. Bottom line, I don't know if that's a trope per se? But a character, specifically the protagonist or the biggest baddie of the fandom getting mind-breaked in a cell I pretty much write for every fandom I have ever been in and probably will continue to do so. 
49) Warrior Cats Truth or Dare on FFnet, it was a crackfic that had me dying laughing as a kid I remember reading it every night before bed in elementary school. Very fun, and it is why I love a good crackfic to this day
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chiefguideandcentre · 2 years
I want to be a one hit wonder- sing a catchy song, write a great book, find a great acting role- doesn’t matter
Bust in, blow minds, make millions, peace out
Being a one hit wonder- one and done- that’s the dream baby
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nincompoopydoo · 3 years
Can I request a Fred Weasley oneshot with the promts "you don't love him", and "love is supposed to be good". Thanks 😊
PAIRING: Fred Weasley x reader WORD COUNT: 1.9k (about 1000 words my ass) SUMMARY: The Leaky Cauldron serves as a sanctuary to drink your problems away for the night but a certain ginger always seems to find his way to you. Possible part 2? A/N: Sorry this took so long, I had to rewrite the hold dang thing and I know I said I would write around 1000 words but looks like i can’t help but be long-winded. WARNINGS: Angst. Mentions of getting drunk. support my writing through ko-fi💖 MASTERLIST
You find solace in the pint of butterbeer, sitting at a table for two, tucked by the corner and under the archways of the Leaky Cauldron. The passing wizards in sleek venerable trench coats and witches with an odd taste in hats only act as an activity of sightseeing in keeping yourself awake, hypothesizing strangers’ lives and whether they might have gnomes lurking in their gardens or have gardens in the first place.
You are drawn to the drifting scent of butterscotch—the tankard of butterbeer sits glumly in your grasp as it has lost all its foam. You take a sip, more of a gulp, feeling the gas building up in your abdomen, and the sweetness to it almost feels sickening at this point.
Belly full yet feeling extremely empty.
The days leading up to you, being here at the Leaky Cauldron, and playing the part of the drunken witch very well weren't exactly pleasant. Flourish and Blotts seem to lose its shine in fulfilling your love for books and organization with every passing day and your relationship with the boy you met and fell madly in love with during your sixth year don’t seem to hold the same spark as before. Walter was a Ravenclaw—handsome, diligent, and incredibly smart. You and him dating had been an on-and-off situation because the one thing you two share in common is the lack of decisiveness.
Today, tonight, you and Walter are finally resolute. The true end where second, third, or fourth chances will never cease to exist from now on. With the new offer for a job in America, you and he both know drifting apart seems to be the only reasonable solution to the whole mess of what you assumed was love.
He spoke the words in this very spot, sat in the chair across from you. You had been watching the way his thumb would caress the back of his other hand and you knew, the night was bound to end in a disastrous way. An unfortunate turn of events for the witch who doesn’t truly know if she ever loved another or was ever loved.
Yet, you sit here, eyes completely dry. Far from crestfallen, far from regret. Only filled with the dread of not feeling the sadness you’re supposed to be feeling. You ignore how your shoulders feel lighter and how the tightness in your chest seems to have miraculously disappeared as soon as you watched Walter walk out of the Leaky Cauldron.
Are the butterbeers celebratory or depressing? You’re not sure.
You rest your chin on your palm, feeling like you’re in a daze. Butterbeer isn’t necessarily the type of drink to get you intoxicated but noting the rate you’re consuming each mug, it’s no surprise that you’re just a little tipsy.
Then, you see a certain ginger twin emerge from the entrance of the pub like some divine intervention. He seems to spot you from afar, waving in your direction. You lift your hand weakly in the midst of trying to figure out which of the twins you are particularly waving at. It’s Fred Weasley as it turns out, you recognize the certain strides with every step taken towards you that differs him from George. As he nears you, there’s an assurance that it’s certainly Fred with the sight of a mark on the bridge of his nose—an indicator and a technique to tell the twins apart you used when you were younger.
Fred halts by the empty seat diagonally to your left, hands shoved in the pockets.
“I have never seen you here at this hour—are you okay?” Fred cuts himself short, brows turning into a frown when he notices the unusual mess in your hair. If he knows you any better, well-kept and neat hair was all you cared about after the number of times you have furiously whined about the frizz in your hair during the summertime.
It isn’t summer now, well into the end of November. The days are colder and he remembers how your hair would especially shine in the gloom of Autumn.
“Not really.” is all you manage to say before taking the hundredth swig from your nearly empty butterbeer. You inspect the mug with furrowed brows and narrowed eyes. “I swear this was full the last time I looked...”
Before you know it, he’s snatching the mug away from you, dragging it across the table as he settles into the empty chair. He stares at you with a beckoning brow, expression mixed with disappointment, disapproval, and worry.
“Hey! That’s my butterbeer, Weasley!” you whine, trying to reach for it but Fred pushes it further, hand securing around it. Without hesitation, you smack him in the arm. “Stop being a complete arse, Fred. What are you even doing here and where’s George anyway?”
Fred winces in pretense pain, dramatically rubbing the side of his arm as he tries to suppress his laughter from your sudden burst of violence. “George is back at the shop going over numbers and as far as I’m concerned, I can be anywhere I want to be. You clearly had too much to drink.”
“But it's butterbeer!”
“That is exactly my point.”
You let out a huff, leaning into your seat and running your fingers through your hair. After a moment’s silence with Fred still staring you down in the effort of getting you to talk, you finally give in. He knows you too well for you to hide anything from him.
“Walter and I broke it off.”
Fred blinks, trying to hide his wide-eyed gaze. “For good?”
You finally turn to him, nodding slowly. “For good.”
“I’m sorry.” His voice is soft when in reality he’s trying to hide his relief in hearing that things between you and Walter have finally come to a resolution because falling in and out of a relationship was driving you mad. He cares for you and always has since the very beginning and a part of him wishes for those feelings of infatuation between two melancholic teenagers will emerge back from what he assumed was already dead.
He watches you lean your head back onto your palm, seemingly sinking deeper towards the table as you try to wrap your head around the situation to form proper words with your lips. “You know what’s the worst part of it all?” Fred shakes his head, eyes never breaking contact with your own. “I don’t even feel that sad about it. Like all those years were...nothing.” Your laugh comes out as a puff of air. It’s cynical rather than finding the humor in it. For the first time, he doesn’t laugh when you do.
Another beat of silence and Fred is contemplating whether his next words that beg to be freed from his mind are appropriate in a time like this. Although he knows how he tends to speak his mind without thinking of the consequences, he knows to tread lightly around you from the times when his words nearly tore your friendship apart.
Still, he knows to be honest with you.
Through the chatter of the crowd at the Leaky Cauldron whilst a few men by the other corner of the pub begin to break into singing a drinking song, Fred’s voice comes off as a whisper, barely audible. “You don’t love him, don’t you?”
Your gaze had initially drifted to the bunch of rowdy men, rendering verses about magical whisky and beer. Yet, they now return to hold a certain ginger’s gaze. You want to be offended by his question because of how it supposedly hurts the raw wound of feeling sorry for yourself. Your love life hasn’t been the best and your tendency to jump to your own defense about it is a clear note to everyone that it simply shouldn’t be questioned.
But it’s Fred. The one who has constantly looked out for you when other boys and men seem to take advantage of your hopeless romantic side. The one who would pull a prank on George just to see you smile. The one who ended up taking you to the Yule Ball as his date because Walter, at the time, rejected you like you were nothing. You should have known that it was never meant to be.
You know to be honest with Fred Weasley.
“I don’t think I ever did.”
He doesn’t say anything, wanting to listen as he waits for you to conceive the proper words to finally speak your mind. It is clear you want to let it out and let off of the burden that has trapped you under its knees, constantly looming over your shoulders and causing dread and fear of losing so much in such a short time. The band of merry men as the whole pub begins to join the group in singing about the joys of alcohol, life, and love in the tune of a traditional Scottish muggle song.
You wonder how can these people be so happy in a time of an impending war. Maybe, it's temporary, meant to drown the hurt and sorrows for tonight and when morning comes, they'll return to opening the stitches of their wounds. When morning comes, you will either wake up at this very table or in an empty bed. Either way, you’ll be alone.
Now, all you want to do is get all your worries and troubles off your chest, not wanting to feel so empty and suffocated. “Love,” you pause, inhaling deeply. ”Love is supposed to be good and pure and beautiful. Love was what I thought I had and right now, I don’t know what to make of it, Fred...I thought I was going to marry him someday.” You find yourself sighing once more, already feeling the lightness in your chest. Running your fingers along your cheek, you close your eyes to help yourself focus through your rapid thoughts and your dazed mind. “Everything is going wrong. I hate my job. I hate my bed. I’m drunk on butterbeer for Merlin’s sake. I feel so, so alone—”
“Ah, and that’s where you are wrong.”
Your eyes are open now, narrowed from adjusting to the sudden brightness of the candlelit place. They drift to Fred who seems very content. He then places his hand on yours and you realize you had been fiddling with your fingers for the last minute. His hand is warm on yours and the heat gradually travels to your chest, heartbeat now slightly picking up in speed. If you listen close enough, you would be able to hear it.
“You are never alone. Not when I’m around and you know I will always be around.”
His words tug at the side of your lips, now widening into a faint smile. It’s small but it’s the kind that reaches your eyes and raises your cheeks. “Thank you, Freddie.”
Then, you watch him abruptly come to a stand, chair screeching. He tugs on the lapels of his coat, adjusting it with the roll of his shoulders. He grabs the back of his chair, and leans forward, towards you. “George and I are visiting the Burrow for the weekend. I’m sure mum won’t mind you staying over.”
You blink, mouth slightly agape at his offer. “I don’t want to trouble anybody—”
“Don’t be silly. Mum loves you more than George and I combined. And she loves us a lot!”
You laugh and it’s genuine this time, knowing how Molly will be always whispering to you about what makes Fred a good husband in the kitchen when you’re washing up the plates and how she will never let you go to bed hungry.
The burrow is like your second home and right now, home is all you want and need.
“Alright, then.”
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kpoppwriter · 4 years
Soulmate!ATEEZ Headcanons - Meeting their Soulmate
 ❧ Anon asked: Heyy! I was wondering if you would like to write an Ateez soulmate!au headcanon? like what type of soulmate bond would they have (tatoos, colourblind untill they meet their soulmate, feeling pain when soulmate feels pain...) and how they will meet their soulmate very briefly. I hope is okay for you and i explained it well. Love the blog💞
❧ Anon asked: Hii can i request a fluff non idol soulmate au scenario of yunho? This is specific but can u include it where both of u are able to sense and feel each other's emotions and feelings? I love ur writing. Thank you 🥺🥺💕💕🥰🥰
❧ A/N: so I looked up a bunch of different soulmate aus so no one would have the same one and oml there are a lot of soulmate aus. Some of these are non idol!au as well this took me so fucking long to write omg each one is like the size of a drabble
~※ Main Masterlist ※~
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Hongjoong - You can hear whatever song your soulmate is listening to
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That familiar sound of singing echoed in your head. You were practically hypnotized by it. You were so entranced that you didn’t realize you had been zoning out while standing in front of the recording studio. You shook your head and headed into the studio. The group you were going to work with for the day stood up and greeted you. You noticed they were practicing for the recording. One of the boys got up and went into the booth to record. You put on your headphones, as did he. You started recording then started the track. Your mouth went slightly agape when you heard that familiar voice but this time in the headphones. You pulled yourself out of your thoughts when you heard the man asking for your opinion on how the recording sounded.
“I think...here, try it like this.”
You sang the last part, the part he had just recorded, changing a few of the notes to fit the track better. Now the man in the booth was the one with his mouth open. He blinked a couple times before looking back at the lyrics in front of him. He’d definitely have to say something when the two of you had a moment. 
Seonghwa -  The outline of your shadow is your soulmate
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You stood with your back against the sun, your shadow hitting the pavement in front of you. You stared at the shadow trying to engrave the outline into your memory. You were so curious about the shadow that you saw whenever the sun was bright- What were they like? Did you know them already? What did they look like? Who were they? 
While you were lost in thought, your friend Seonghwa walked up beside you. He called out your name bringing you back to reality. You looked over at him, sending him a smile. You looked down at his shadow. The shape felt familiar to you. Too familiar... 
Yunho - Feel each other's emotions
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You sighed as you leaned back in your desk chair. You were far too stressed out from your homework. You really just wanted to stop worrying about your homework but you had to get it done for class the next day. You ran a hand through your hair, deciding maybe you should take a bit of a break. You made your way to the kitchen to grab a snack and some water. When you returned to your desk, you heard your phone ringing. 
“Hey Yunho,” you said answering the phone
“Hey Y/N. You feeling okay?”
“I’m just a little stressed out right now. How’d you know?”
“I guess I just have a sixth sense,” he chuckled, “You wanna hear what Mingi did today?”
You let him tell you the funny story of his adventures with Mingi, making you feel a lot better. He was always right there the moment you started feeling bad, even if you didn’t tell him. Maybe he did have a sixth sense...
Yeosang - A red string tied around your pinky is connected to your soulmate’s pinky
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You’ve never seen your red string. You knew it was there, everyone had one, but you were never close enough to your soulmate to actually see it. That is, you didn’t see it until you moved to Seoul. 
You were out at a local coffee shop just relaxing on your day off. You sipped on your drink, a book in your other hand. You looked up briefly when a small group of boys dressed in athletic wear wandered into the coffee shop. They were chatting among themselves as they got in line to order their drinks. You didn’t think much of them until you went to take another sip of your coffee. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a bright red string tied in a bow around your pinky. You followed the string with your eyes until you were met with one of the boys. He noticed you staring between him and your pinky, his eyes glancing down at his own pinky. He quickly muttered something to his friends before coming over to you.
“Hi, I’m Yeosang.” 
San - Timer for when they’ll first meet
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“You have to stop obsessing over your timer,” Wooyoung peaked over at San’s wrist
“It’s almost hit 0 though! I’m going to meet them any minute!” 
San and Wooyoung continued to walk through the halls of the KQ building towards the practice rooms. They didn’t notice you also walking down the hall. You were looking down at your phone when you bumped into something- or rather, someone. You apologized profusely, a dark pink blush appearing on your cheeks. The blush was mostly from the embarrassment of running into someone but also because the person you ran into was rather attractive. You quickly scurried away down the hall. San and Wooyoung just looked at each other in confusion and surprise. Wooyoung’s eyes glanced down at San’s wrist. 
“Hey, look!” 
He pointed at the counter on San’s wrist. There was a large zero where the numbers counting down used to be. San looked up at Wooyoung then back down the hall where you went. 
“Wait, were they...?”
Mingi - Write something on your own skin, appears on the other’s skin as well
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You were too young to know. The two of you just thought you both had magic powers or something. No one told you about how soulmates could draw and write on each other. You wish someone had. 
You rushed into your kindergarten class and sat down at your table. You pulled out a piece of paper and your crayons. You started drawing, your eyes constantly glancing up at the door to the classroom. 
In came your best friend Mingi, a large smile on his face. He sat down beside you and looked over at your paper.
“That’s a pretty rainbow,” he smiled
“Thank you,” you giggled, “You wanna draw too?”
You dug around for another piece of paper but you didn’t notice Mingi had already pulled out a pen and began drawing on his arms. You giggled when you started seeing the flowers and stars appearing on your own arms. You took out your own pen and doodled on the free skin on your arms. The two of you happily laughed and doodled together completely oblivious that you were sitting beside your soulmate.  
Wooyoung - Get the same injuries as your soulmate does
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“My soulmate needs to chill out. This is the third bruise this week,” you groaned while putting some ice on your leg
You left the nurse’s office and headed towards the entrance of your school. Just as you were about to leave, your friend sent you a text. You mentally slapped yourself. You had promised your friend that you’d come with them to the school’s dance club meeting. You really wanted to reschedule due to your bruised leg but knew they’d scold the hell out of you for rescheduling on them for the third time. You sent a text saying you’d be there in a second before limping down the hall towards the music room. 
You arrived at the music room a few minutes later, your friend standing outside the door looking impatient. 
“There you are!” they looked down at your leg, “Did you get hurt?”
“I didn’t,” you huffed, “My soulmate did.”
“Ah, well at least Wooyoung won’t be alone then.”
“He hurt himself and can’t really participate today so the two of you can hang out.”
The two of you walked into the room, the other members of the club greeting you. Your friend introduced you to Wooyoung before going off with the other club members. You tried to strike up a conversation with him, asking him about his injury.
“I bruised my leg trying out a new dance move,” he said pulling up his pant leg to show you the purple bruise that looked similar to yours, “What about you?”
You said nothing, only showing him your own bruise. He looked between your leg and his, his eyes going wide in surprise. His eyes wordlessly said what you were both thinking.
Jongho - Each other’s initials on their wrist
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“Just come with us, Y/N!” Wooyoung whined, “It’ll be a lot of fun!”
“Will you shut up if I say yes?” you looked over at the boy
You rolled your eyes playfully when Wooyoung promised to leave you alone if you came out with the members of Ateez to karaoke. You hadn’t met all the boys yet so you were a bit apprehensive at first but after Wooyoung’s relentless pestering, you finally broke down and agreed. 
You and Wooyoung walked into the karaoke room, the loud sounds of singing and yelling coming from the room. Everyone, well almost everyone, were on their feet singing along with the song being played through the speakers. Wooyoung quickly joined in on the fun but you decided to sit with one of the boys- one you didn’t know. You introduced yourself, leaning in close to hear him tell you his name- Jongho. You talked for a bit before the boys were pulling Jongho up and shoving a microphone in his hands.You peeked at the initials on Jongho’s wrist. Your eyes went wide when you saw your initials on his skin. Was it just a coincidence or...
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only-johnny-deppp · 3 years
[AUDIO] Johnny Depp’s AMA Session – Question #5
On February 13, 2022, Johnny hosted his first “Ask Me Anything” session on his AMA channel at the Never Fear Truth Discord Server. The fourth question answered by Johnny was submitted by the user @QueenSanne who asked about his plans for the future in other arts such as music and writing. This time Johnny talks about when he first started to play guitar, the beginning of his career as an actor, his respect for the arts, upcoming new Hollywood Vampires songs, his love for writing and the book he has been writing for years.
“ - You really seem to be a multidimensional artist. I love your acting skills, I can't wait for the Vampires to come back to Germany and now I also fancy your painting skills. What will be the next dimension? Are you already writing some lines on a book? Or maybe some poems? Any other creative plans on your mind?”
[Johnny Depp’s Answer]
“ Thank you very much for your question! It’s a great question. I suppose, you know, after a certain amount of time you start to realize things that you allowed yourself in life and things that you… Thought it best to… Let go of or walk away from in life. And sometimes those things in life are very dear, I mean dear to the point of it’s truly a part of you, like the guitar, playing the guitar and playing music was my, well, is my life – was always my first love and I did it. I started playing it at 12 and taught myself how to play the thing I joined bands and ended up playing clubs at a very young age, you know. So for me there was – It was immediate; there was no question that the guitar was everything for me.
Then suddenly, couple years, well, a number of years later, I end up in Hollywood and the band breaks up and my friend asks me, ‘Why don’t you meet my agent?’ So I did and she sent me to this audition and I got the gig somehow as an actor in some movie. And I didn’t have much of an interest in it, you know, I always planned to go back to music and then made that film. Suddenly I found myself on this other road which was acting and that, once  I suppose, I was exposed to a lot of people, that is to say when people started to recognize me; it was a very odd feeling for me. And I think part of that was because I knew that I had achieved, I suppose, a certain amount of success in the acting field from, you know, the TV show or whatever. And, I just knew that I then had to make a choice to sort of say goodbye to music.
Yeah, you know, I didn’t want to like… ‘Hey! I’m an actor! I’m on this TV show!  Come! Come see my band play! or Come see me play!’ I couldn’t do that because I loved music far too much, I had far too much respect for it. So I did the acting thing and accidentally and kept on going still kind of trudging through the tundra there, of that arena. But at the moment because I did make the decision to unlock those barriers that I put upon myself, where I limited myself.
I don’t think I’ll ever call myself an artist. I don’t believe that’s my place. I don’t… I can certainly, and I do approach my work, my music, my whatever, as an artist but that’s when you’re commencing on a blank page. Even if you’re an artist, at that moment, you’re an aspiring artist because you don’t know what comes next. So I can’t call myself an artist but, do I paint? Do I draw? Yeah. Do they mean something to me? Yeah, because they represent my interpretation of friends and energies and moments and the luck, the amazing moments that I have been gifted with in my life, you know.
So yeah I’m painting a bunch and it feels good. I’m writing and recording music. There’s stuff with the Vampires that’s already sort of ready-to-go. There’s writing, you know, as you say, am I writing? I find I am constantly writing. I have always a notebook at my side and I’m constantly writing. And whatever I’m writing at the time that depends on whatever I’ve just laid down, you know, whatever I’ve just witnessed. I write all the time sometimes they’re songs and sometimes they’re slivers of a memory that will end up in this, what right now feels like a huge tome, which is a book I’ve been writing a book for about five or six years or so. Approaching that blank page is, truly one of the greatest challenges that one could face, you know. If you can keep a sense of humor, you’ll get through it.
So yes, I’m doing a whole bunch of stuff. Probably a bunch of stuff I shouldn’t be doing, but them’s the brakes*.
> Johnny Depp’s AMA Audios:
- Question #1  - Question #2  - Question #3 - Question #4
> Curiosities:
* Following the audio, a message was also written on the post saying:
“Who's excited for how we can collab with Johnny's # 🎵|music this year?” The Music Channel on Never Fear Truth Discord still has not opened yet, and will be another place to collaborate with Johnny, although more info will be revealed when the channel opens. Up until now, the only message there is Johnny’s audio voice answer for the 8° question of the second AMA session.
 * The audio’s achieve is titled “WhatsApp_Audio_2022-02-13_at_18.53.03.mpeg”, but was originally saved simply as “JD AMA Questions”
* When Johnny said “I have always a notebook at my side and I’m constantly writing” this is indeed a fact. Wherever he goes Johnny HAS ALWAYS a small notebook on the pocket of his jeans or shirt, as well dozens of pens.
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*  About writing a book, this is also a fact. According to Johnny, he started a book a couple of months before the end of his relationship with Amber Heard; and by August 16, 2018 he had written 300 PAGES, which according to him, he was still in the middle, and had at least more 300 pages to finish. [Let’s talk about this on the next post]
* Johnny finished the message with the expression “Them’s the brakes” which also means “that is the way things happen” or “that’s how it works”
* This is the longest audio sent by Johnny for the first 7 questions of the first session and the next 6 answers of the second session. We know that he hates speak in public, but when it comes to speak to friends he goes for hours… Also, he is probably one of the few people we’d love to receive a long voice message on WhatsApp.
* Just like all the audios of the first session, it seems that it was recorded while Johnny was in London. Also, they were originally recorded via WhatsApp and edited on Adobe Premiere Pro video editing software on his (or someone’s) Apple MacBook computer before being posted on Discord, on mpeg format before being changed for mp3 formats after dozens of complains many couldn’t listen.
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Streaming- Ashton Irwin
A/N: another 5sos fic! Ashton Irwin x y/n. Y/n’s gender is female for this fic, it just made it easier to write, my apologies to anyone it might upset, but you can always request. Feel free to correct any mistakes!
ummm, this is what comes out of an extremely tired and inspired Lizza. a poorly written Fic.....enjoy
taglist: @suchalonelysunflower @calpalirwin @cigarettesandcartier
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gif not mine
word count 1573
Since y/n was a kid one of her favorite things was watching people interact with their fans. It was amazing to her that sometimes celebrities realized the fans aren’t just a number in a book of statistics. She loved watching the news showing her favorite celebrities being kind to ordinary people like her. As she grew older and social media became a thing, her love for it grew more..
With social media came platforms to find many music, movies, and shows to fall in love with and came more celebrities to follow online. Her amazement every time she saw never interacting with people who saw them as their whole world, never ceased to exist.
One faithful day she got her very own moment, though she didn’t realize who she was meeting. Ashton had bumped into her at the grocery store and apologized many times as she helped him pick up his dropped lemons. She reassured him that it was fine, but Ashton couldn’t help himself from pulling the old ‘apology dinner’ scheme. Seems very extreme for a small incident, but he couldn’t think of another way to convince y/n to give up her number. Usually he had a bunch lined up, it just seemed that y/n had blurred his mind and common sense with her apologetic face. Luckily for Ashton though, y/n had agreed.
It took a couple dates for Ashton to finally tell her the truth about his fame, even when it only took one for him to realize she was clueless. Once the truth came out, y/n insisted she listen to all of his music with him, so they set another date. In which they spent hours on Ashton's couch deep in conversation about many things as they listened to every song Ashton and his band had put out. Throwing in comments about whatever song was on, of course. That day though, y/n had left as Ashton's girlfriend and since then she had been very adamant on Ashton interacting with fans more. She thought it was horrifying how little the band would interact with fans online, and she made it a point to basically lecture the guys about it the day she met them. Thankfully they all acted like they’ve known her for years the moment they saw her, so they weren’t upset by the lecture. They took it to heart though and slowly started interacting with the fandom online. Luke even created a secret tumblr.
Once Michael had slipped up on live stream that Ashton has a girlfriend and she was the one behind all the recent interactions, the fans went nuts. After eventually finding her social media, it became weird to not follow her. Slowly but surely she felt like a hypocrite since some of the fandom was actually interested in her life as well. So she became more active as well, even going as far to having Michael help her set up a twitch account. Most of her followers didn’t make it a point to stay caught up all the time, but they loved seeing her interact with ashton. Tiktok became a pretty huge thing for the fandom as she constantly posted videos of her and Ashton.
On this particular day, y/n had decided to stream on twitch. She spent her time interacting with fans by playing online games or watching edits they suggested. That leads us to now. She paused the edit she had chosen and looked up to the chat. She gasped as she realized just how many people had joined and how fast the chat was going.
“What’s going on guys?” she asks in a small whisper. She continues to struggle to read all the comments and tries to remember how to slow the chat. This goes on for a minute or so before she receives a text.
From goldilocks: the stream caught Ashton watching from the door. Tumblrs going crazy. Everyone wants me to join
y/n sends a quick “you should”. Before looking back onto the camera view. With a quick glimpse she doesn’t see her boyfriend himself, but his shoe. A smile appears on her face and she playfully rolls her eyes. Being as quiet as possible, she places her headphones on the table and slowly gets up and starts walking towards the door. Pressing her back on the other side of the wall Ashton seems to be hiding behind, she shows the stream a countdown on her fingers before jumping out and screaming at ash. The chat fills with laughter as they wonder how Ashton's face looked as he let out a high pitched scream. The stream continues to show y/n as she leans on the door laughing and holding her stomach, tears filling her eyes. It takes a couple minutes for everyone to calm down and y/n holds a quick conversation with her partner before holding out her hand. The chat obviously blows up again as he takes her hand and she playfully drags him into camera view. Looking around the room, y/n finds a stool before placing it near her seat and giving ash a kiss on the cheek. She tells him to sit and takes her place back into the office chair. Ashton watches her as she unplugs the headset and replaces them with the speakers. Finishing what she’s doing, y/n turns to face an empty chair.
“Why aren’t you sitting?” she questions, confusion clearly stretched on her face.
“Why are you giving me orders?” he questions back in a semi-assertive tone, mic on and all. He raises his eyebrows at her as he takes a seat next to her. She turns around putting her fully red face in view and watches the chat as they freak out over a smirking Ashton.
“Um, anyways… Do you guys have any suggestions on a game Ash and I can play?” she asks the chat, before finally finding the slow chat setting. She reads the suggestions before watching Ashtons finger appear next to her as he points to a suggestion. ‘Spot the difference’.
“Guess Ashton’s choosing” she mentions jokingly.
The mic however also caught Ashton grumbling and whispers “damn right.” another blush seems to appear on y/n’s face. Very easily she realizes the slowed chat mode does nothing but embarrass her more as it’s easy to read the chat pointing it out, so she turns it off before searching for a game.
After an argument ensued between the couple, in which Ashton won, they settled on the ‘under the sea’ version. They played a couple rounds before Ashton's competitive mode turned on and he ditched the stool. Instead choosing to lean over the side of y/n’s chair….with his face next to hers. Maybe Ashton truly didn’t realize what he was doing or maybe he was feeling some time of way, either way the chat did.
As the game went on the mic continued to pick up Ashton's voice as he spoke in a whisper next to y/n’s ear. Most of what was heard was Ash scolding y/n as she missed the items needed before the time ran out. Sometimes it was Ashton trying to hurry up, but all the chat and viewers cared about was the two times the mic picked up a rasp little whisper of “good girl” and “that's it baby” when y/n had found every thing in time. After about 11 rounds and 25 minutes of y/n’s bright red cheeks on stream for the world to see, she decided to call it an end.
“Ok guys,” she takes a second trying to find an excuse to end the stream, “ i’m gonna end the stream now, Ashton's gotta get back to what he was doing-” ashton standing straight now holding a thumbs up as he nods at the camera throwing some playful winks at the fans way “- and i have some errands to do before it gets to late. So I'll see you later.” she waves quickly before ending the stream. Making sure everything is turned off correctly. She turns the chair and looks up at the six foot Australian.
“Well that was embarrassing.” she whines and pouts. His smile widens, and a laugh escapes.
“what are you talking about?” he watches as her face changes into a look of annoyance. “You ok there? You’re gonna give yourself wrinkles.” he giggles as she gets up and wacks him, playfully of course. “What did I do? Stop it! I can’t defend myself!” y/n only stops when she hears a ding from the desk. She turns to find a lit up phone with a text from Luke.
From goldilocks: you ruined tumblr for me!! Everyone’s talking about how you’re Ashton’s bratty sub
With a cackle from y/n and her boyfriend as he reads over her shoulder, she responds.
‘Suck it up, we all know Ashton's a bottom.’
“Heyyyy” He whines and goes to grab her sides, but she maneuvers her way out of the room and starts jogging away, but not fast enough as Ash smacks her behind and goes after her.
Needless to say, waking up the next morning to find Luke had exposed his secret of having tumblr by posting a screenshot of our texts to twitter, was an adventure. Though, when you're dating Ashton, everything is.
And Ashton's definitely a switch, you just haven’t proved it yet.
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alexthedrummerboy · 4 years
I have kind of a bad day
Can you make it better by giving me a funny headcanon about our fav ghost boys?
aw no anon, i’m sorry you had a bad day!! i’ll see what i can do 🥺
reggie is actually incredibly book smart - he got great grades in school and actually enjoyed learning, but he sometimes lacks......common sense (i’m not projecting what are u talking about)
luke plays the oboe. he’s very bad at it and that pisses him off (he’s so used to being good at music, the fact that there’s an instrument that just evades him is SO irritating to him)
@diwata-nation​ it’s the oboe, you bitch
julie goes thrift shopping and buys a bunch of new clothes for the boys and willie comes over and shows alex how to crop his hoodies 🥺
however, the first time alex tries the cropped hoodie on willie fully blue screens 👀he is looking respectfully
willie become BROS with luke and reggie SO FAST
they have boys night constantly
boys night just consists of willie luke and reggie trying to get into ghost trouble/mischief and alex sighing and trying to stop them
he never succeeds
reggie feels bad for scaring tia victoria so he starts doing little things to help her out 
she’s cooking in the house and she drops her whisk and when she turns around to pick it up, it’s already on the counter
when she’s about to sit on the couch, reggie sees the remote under her and quickly moves it out the way so she won’t sit on it and be uncomfortable
and out of the corner of her eye victoria thinks she saw the remote control move by itself but.... it’s probably nothing right?
she starts to catch on - she writes little notes for reggie and leaves them around the house after she goes home 
(reggie tears up when he finds the first one and it just says “thank you mijo” scrawled in loopy handwriting by the table next to the front door)
the first time willie watches the boys perform he literally doesn’t stop looking at alex the entire time
the others are too amused to be offended that he isn’t even really paying attention to the songs because he looks so smitten
when the boys were in high school back in the 90s, they joined the cheerleading squad to meet girls (and alex because he genuinely liked the choreo and thought it would be good exercise)
alex quit cause his parents started getting on his case after he came out but luke reggie and bobby kept it up because it was actually kind of fun and good exercise
alex from then on goes to every game that the cheerleading squad is performing at out of solidarity <3 
the boys try to get alex to teach them how to dance !!!!!
i hope you get some rest, drink some water, and have a better day tomorrow, anon!!!!! <3 <3 <3 
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yn-x-animeboy · 3 years
Jungkook x y/n (as a famous artist) Pt.5
Tumblr media
pairing: reader x Jungkook
genre: fluff, romance, for entertainment purposes
BTS x Fem Reader
synopsis: You are a popular artist in America, pretty famous, loved and well-known by the general public (actually you were one of the top 10 artists in the world but you are pretty humble and naïve to realize your popularity), one day during one of your fan meets you talk about how much you love BTS, and not only how you wish to meet them and work with them but how Jungkook is one of your celebrity crushes. During the meet you fangirled with other ARMYs in the crowd; video clips of you fangirling and talking about BTS at your meet where posted and reposted all over social media. This obviously broke the internet because you were not only a famous singer but you also were always accepted and loved by ARMY and this made a lot of people happy. Suddenly it felt like everyone wanted you to meet the seven handsome and talented idols and collaborate, but you could only wish, you believed they didn't even know who you were...or so you thought
part 4: here
(a/n I will do another time skip so it wont turn out to be a 500 part fanfic)
Mini Billboard awards recap:
After the drunken hotel chaotic night you all were late for rehearsals, both your and BTS’s staff looked for you guys’ everywhere in the morning and the last place they thought to look for you all was in Jin’s room. Let's just say it was in general an interesting experience to find eight adults sleeping soundly in uncomfortable random positions. 
You all finally headed to your rehearsals for the performances. They invited you to watch them rehearse when you were taking a break from your own rehearsal. Even though the guys were tired, hungover, and their muscles ached from sleeping all over the place; they did such an amazing job at rehearsal, they were so professional. 
During the live award show your fans and ARMYs lost it everytime you guys would interact during the awards; the fact that you had met them last night and you all seemed to be such good friends now made fans so happy. Once again your name and BTS’s were going viral on social media; a bunch of ‘fancams’ were filmed and posted focusing on you all. 
You and BTS won all the categories you we’re nominated for that night and your performances went great too. That night after the award show ended, instead of going to the Awards After Party, you all decided to not go and instead hung out in Jin’s room again for the night. You ordered room service and champagne (this time everyone was only allowed to have 2 glasses max.).
After being all drained form the long day, you all went to your personal rooms. Jungkook again offered to take you to your room. When you arrived at your door you turned and looked at eachother,  this time sad smiles painted your faces, you had held in the tears when you where in Jin’s room because you felt sad your first real friends in the industry were going back to Korea tomorrow just like that.
Now you were standing in front of Jungkook, the man of your dreams, a literal fantasy that came true all thanks to your fans and supporters; you couldn’t help but tear up at the thought of letting someone like him go. 
You broke eye contact and turned towards the door to hide your tears, a small sniff from behind you made you stop dead in your tracks. Jungkook turned you around and hugged you tightly as he hid his face in the crook of your neck. You also wrapped your arms around him in response.
He loosened his hold and avoided eye contact with you as he was getting more and more emotional, his eyes where red and glossy; he cleared his throat and said “Well I think I should get going, It was so nice hanging out with you y/n- and meeting you, good night” he gave you another tight sad smile and walked off with his head hung low. 
You reached him and held onto the back of his shirt, “Don’t go....” you sniffed and played with the back of his shirt. “Do you want to.. maybe... hang out a little longer? O-only if you want to” you said awkwardly, but he smiled and nodded.
You went to the terrazze you had visited just the day before and sat on the outdoor chairs. You sat there talked all night. You stayed up until you could see the sun slowly rising; you both stood up, taking the sunrise as a sign to go back inside. Before you could even begin to move towards the door, “Y/n, can I hold you one more time?” Jungkook said, he was trying so hard to smile and not make you cry, but his little voice crack as he said it betrayed him. You sobbed and hugged him again, after a while he sat down, sitting you on his lap. You stayed like that until you received a “wake up” phone call from one of your staff members.
In the morning you all met each other outside the hotel, the boys said goodbye to you one by one hugging you and saving your phone number in theirs.  They even made plans, comparing your schedules and timezones, so that they could all facetime you daily.
While you waited for your assigned cars to pick you up, you all teared up and  huddled together saying goodbye once again. Paparazzi were peeking through the crowd of security and staff members to get an insight to the sad goodbye. 
----- time skip ----
It has been almost a year since the Jimmy Fallon Show. Even though the distance made everything more complicated, the guys have done everything in their power to make time in their busy days to dedicate time for you. After almost a year of daily video call conversations and catch-ups you have become such good friends, they even call you ‘yeodongsaeng’ (little sister) now; (the only one who doesn’t call you that is Jungkook tho, he calls you by your name or by random nicknames).
They have kept their promise after all this time, they facetime you EVERYDAY, they have never missed a day where they don’t call you, sometimes not all the seven members can be there for the call, but even if there is only one BTS member available, you WILL recive a call from them. 
You also have individual calls with the guys from time to time: 
Jin calls you once in a while when you are making dinner to help you/guide you and or just talk to you. 
Suga calls when he is stuck writing lyrics or creating beats for new songs, or just for musical advice. You are always the first to hear new BTS music now.
Jimin calls when he feels like talking, you have become each other's personal psychologists
J-Hope calls you every couple days to have “lunch together” through a screen. 
RM calls you too to chat a lot, you both recommend each other good books and even exchange lyrics from time to time. He also asks you to revise english lyrics to make sure they sound okay.
Taehyung calls you for pretty much everything: for advice, opinions, to catch up, for help, to keep him company etc.  He always knows how to make you laugh, and regularly interrupts your calls with other members.
Jungkook…. He doesn't just call you “sometimes”, he  not only  participates in the ‘daily facetime group call’, but he also calls you everyday before you go to bed, no matter what time it is in Korea or how busy he is, we always calls and to wish you a good night sleep; keeping you company and not hanging up until you fall asleep. Plus you two constantly text back and forth 24/7. 
You loved calling the guys and catching up with them every day, those calls were the highlight of your day; but every time you got a phone/video call, text, mail, snap, ANYTHING that was sent by Jungkook, your heart always skipped a beat; you felt tingles on the tips of your fingers every time you answer back; you smile stupidly at your phone and even now can’t sleep without your nightly virtual tuck in from Jungkook. 
(Deep down you knew your ‘platonic crush’ had become a real crush but you still denied it because in your mind, still, dating him seemed something impossible, but after every conversation you two have had over the course of almost a year left no doubt in your mind, he was the one for you)
One day, you visited your label’s building, you had a scheduled meeting pretty early in the morning, you had never been this early anywhere, it was currently 5:30 am. and you were just arriving.  Once you step into the meeting room you are greeted by the intimidating group of businessmen and businesswomen who are part of your team. Even though they are intimidating and powerful;  they are kind hardworking people; they really respect you and always listen to what you  want or have to propose. 
Walking in, you are greeted respectfully by them; the boss of the company stands up, gives you a side hug, and opens the chair next to his, inviting you to sit there, after you take a seat and your manager takes a seat next to you too. The meeting begins going over normal business stuff you don't really understand, (Sam would probably just translate the info later into simple words for you.) They talked about numbers, statistics and percentages until someone’s assistant said the ‘important person’ they had been waiting for was finally ready.
 You turned to the door as you expected the ‘important guest’  to come in through the door, but instead his video call was answered and projected on the room’s screen from a laptop. 
You recognized him immediately, he was BTS’s PD Bang Si-hyuk, he was the owner of BTS’s label company. You greeted him through the screen in Korean but he actually greeted you back in English before greeting your team.
the meeting’s summary: 
Bang Si-hyuk talked about how much BTS liked you as a person and as an artist; and how the Hybe Corporation also really admired and respected you.
He invited you to Korea next week to meet the Hybe corporation, and overlook some business proposals
He also offered for you to participate in RUN BTS, while you were there and hang out with the boys if you agreed.He hinted you would be seeing them more often, which made you more confused
You agreed to go and to visit the company and OBVIOUSLY to see the guys, but still, you were confused as to why this offer was being made, why now, why you, why?
After you kindly thanked him, you also asked why he was doing it. You were confused why make such a big deal for you to visit, and what he meant by ‘business proposals’ you were to overlook there.
Bang Si-hyuk tried to explain in short and simple words; he explained that:  Hybe and your label company had had meetings before, overlooking the possibility of merging part of your company under your name with Hybe, they were not only  interested in collaborating with you, but actually working with you. This would give you many more opportunities as an artist and for your label’s name. (your company has connections to other music companies in other countries too, but this time it felt more of a big deal to you than the others tbh) 
In conclusion if you agreed, and signed the contract; you could become part of the Hybe company while staying under your Label’s name
By doing this, it meant: 1. you had an extra contact in Korea (just like your company had in other countries) 2. extra work opportunities (thanks to your Korean speaking skills and influence) 3. possible future collaborations with BTS mainly, plus other K-pop artists 4. becoming a producer for other artists under the Hype record label  (something like what Suge does irl; you are now able to produce or work behind the scenes making music for you, BTS, and others. a.k.a your dream come true) 5. SO ON AND SO ON. 
You asked for the papers and after revising them with your lawyer and team you signed it, satisfied and excited tho what's to come.
You worked hard and finished all of your weekly tasks and even worked on things you had scheduled for next weeks. Before you knew it you were on your way to Korea…
You traveled on your  private plane;  you used it mainly to travel and avoid creating crowds in airports. (this was safer for you, your team and fans.)
When you arrived at Seoul, as you were getting off the plane and looked up after watching your feet as you went down the plane’s steps you saw seven boys stand out from the other people. They ran towards you and huddled around you hugging you tightly, they didn't let go of you, even as you all walked towards the assigned cars and again tightly rode the same car together like that one time after meeting on your way to the hotel. Staff members laughed at the Deja vú they felt as they saw a recreation of that chaotic day a year ago
It felt as if you all had never left each other, no weird silence, or awkward interactions, you all picked up where you left off.
When you arrived at the Hyde building, Hybe bilingual staff greeted you and your team, introducing themselves as the people who would be in charge of our care while visiting.
They took you and the few team members from your staff  traveling with you to one of the floors where they gave your team some temporary office cubicles, so they could do their jobs while away from their cubicles back in America.
The Hybe staff also showed you to a private studio/office next to Sugas’s, it was decorated for you, it was spacious, comfy and waay better than your studio/office from back home. They told you they wanted you to have a personal space where you could hang out or work, since it was probable you would now be traveling back and forth from Korea and the US, due to the new business alliance between your companies.
The guys showed you around the building and introduced you to many Hybe staff members. They all made you feel at home.
You visited PD Bang Si-hyuk at his office and met him in person. He was so kind and welcoming, totally opposite from what you were expecting. He told you how excited he was for you to be part of the team and to work with your company. He also asked you if you could record a short video for his nieces who loved you.
Then, after finishing the tour the guys took you to their favorite restaurant in Korea; they taught you how to eat Korean food, how to properly hold chopsticks and about general Korean culture.
They showed you to the nice building of apartments where they currently lived and where you would also be staying when you came here.
You all toured you apartment and hung out the rest of the afternoon, enjoying each other's company. 
After having dinner and chatting for hours the boys waved you off as they left your temporary home; they wanted to stay up and drink (again Jimin’s and Jin’s idea) with you but they knew you were super jet lagged from the time difference, fighting off sleep as you tried to enjoy your time with the guys.
They lived in the same apartment complex, but a different building, (a lot of famous Korean celebrities stay here too due to the security and convenience)The apartment complex was almost like a hotel resort or a private villa/island, it was huge, it had everything, form tennis courts, gyms, cafés, etc. It was also close to all the major ‘artist’ studios, sets, buildings. 
So once the guys left, all they had to do to get home was ride the elevator down to your building’s the main floor, walk a bit, enter their building, get on an elevator, go up a couple floors, walk a little more and then into their shared million dollar apartment that was a literal castle compared to your apartment. (your apartment was big and luxurious too, but theirs was a multimillion dollar apartment)
You just arrived and felt so at home, everyone was so nice and promised to take good care of you. Nobody looked down at you or your team for being foreign or for being the ‘new guys’. Everything felt again like a dream. One day you are talking about BTS to your fans, the next you meet them, the next you are making contracts with the company they work for, the next you will be working with them; What’s next?
For now you are in Korea for two weeks max. The plan was to introduce you to the company, talk about future plans, projects, etc., and once that is done, go back to America and every couple of months or weeks depending on the schedules, travel back to Korea, etc, etc.
You brushed your teeth as an uncontrollable smile painted your face. Once you got ready for bed and finished texting your staff members making sure they were comfortable and well taken care of  after a long day, you heard a knock at the door. You cringed at the noise, you felt as if you were hung over almost, in reality really you were just super Jet lagged (the day before coming here you binged watched a TV show in one night, packed just hours before leaving to the airport and ditched sleep all together before and during the plane ride...stOpid) You stumbled around the unknown apartment with the lights off towards the door; it was not that late at night but who would be looking for you right now.
When you looked through the peephole you recognized them immediately; their hair was now a little longer from the last time you saw them, they had different earrings decorating their ears, they seemed different, still super attractive, but that smile did not change at all, it was still that adorable bunny smile that seemed melt your heart every time. 
You quickly typed the alarm code, unlocked the multiple locks on the door and swung it open, revealing a nervous Jungkook, you had hung out with him and the guys less than an hour ago, but now he was nervous… (he was scared you changed your mind about him after almost a year from meeting and seeing each other in person, he was scared that he was not you celebrity crush anymore, he was scared that the real feelings he had developed form all your daily video calls, texts, random phone calls were not corresponded, he was scared that you had forgotten about those night at the terrazze, he was scared you had changed after a year).
As he stood frozen you couldn’t wait or control yourself any longer and you flung yourself towards him; you hugged him as tight as your body could (during all the time you hung out today you never once had a moment just the two of you alone) but as you leaped and wrapped your hands around him you started thinking about him and how he could be feeling right now and couldn't help but feel a little insecure, (what if he had come all the way back here to tell you whatever happened a year ago in New York at that terrazze was a mistake, that all the calls and texts were just friendly exchanges, what if he came to tell you you were better off as friends or worse.. better of as colleagues…)
It took Jungkook a split second to respond to your hug, you loosened your grip as those thoughts had sworn in your head, and after realizing Jungkook was not hugging you back, so you prepared yourself to get your heart broken… but that all went away as Jungkook wrapped his arms around you, he lifted you a little off the ground as you rewrapped your arms around him, hiding your your face in the crook of his neck. You inhaled his scent as he held you even tighter against him. He rocked your bodies lightly as you held each other in front of your door. 
After, you loosened the hold on each other, but didn’t let go, you looked into those beautiful dark brown eyes you had missed and had prayed to see in person one more time after all this time; He lifted his hands from around you and cupped your face, lightly stroking your cheeks back and forth with his thumbs. “hi” you said, just like that one time in that New York terrazze, “hi” he responded with an adoring smile as his eyes traveled through your face, looking at your every detail, he didn’t want to miss anything, h was so glad to finally see your face in person instead of on a 2-D cellphone screen.
 As you two stood outside looking at each other you suddenly  shivered a little from a cold air breeze that swooped by, it was pretty chilly outside compared to your comfy apartment’s room temperature, it was almost winter; you gently took your arms from his neck and wrapped them around you to warm you up. You had answered the door barefoot, in your pajama shorts and oversized flowy t-shirt without thinking twice. But you then realized Jungkook was wearing a short sleeve oversized shirt too, it was pretty chilly outside and he came all the back to your apartment not wearing a hoodie or jacket. 
“Omg Jungkook it's cold outside why wouldn’t you wear a jacket, jeez” you said as you pulled on his arm leading him inside the apartment to keep him from the cold. “Actually I came back here to get my hoodie back,” Jungkook said. A small “Oh…” escaped your lips as you switched on the light illuminating the once dark room “I see” you again said, almost whispering, avoiding his look as you walked deeper into the room to look for the missing hoodie. You felt disappointed almost, ‘he came back for his hoodie duh, why would he have bothered coming back to ONLY see you’ you though as you looked in the living room, you  didn't see the hoodie there so you then went to the small dining room next to the kitchen to see if it could be there, ‘maybe he took it off before we all sat and ate the take out dinner for dinner’. You spotted the black fabric neatly sung over the seats’s back where JK sat earlier.
Jungkook took off his shoes and tried to catch up with you before you could take the hoodie off the seat and after seeing your reaction to what he had just said; yes he actually did leave his hoodie by accident, but that wasn’t the reason why he came all the way back, so when he saw how your face dropped and heard that reply of yours, it gave him the courage to say why he came back. 
He took a deep breath and cleared his throat before saying “Um, y/n, actually, ‘me forgetting my hoodie’ was just an excuse to come back here and see you again” he swallowed and looked down at his feet. “I don’t really care about the hoodie, I wanted to come here and see what would happen; if you would be excited to see me alone, if you would be glad or happy it was me at the door, you have no idea how bad I wanted to be the first and only one to hold you as you got of the plane, how badly I wanted to run towards you, picking you up and not let go, how bad I wanted to spend the day just the two of us and just- um *clears throat again*”  he fiddled with his fingers, he was so nervous to admit that outlawed he didn't even notice you turning back to look at him as he  confessed. You found his actions to be so adorable and cute.
You giggled and stood in front of him, once you were closer you carefully took his fiddling hands in your left hand and used your right hand to lift his face up to look at you. “Thank you, you made me really happy by coming here to see me, I missed you so much too and couldn’t wait to hang out with you again, I only wished for an opportunity where only the two of us could hang out, but you took the courage to come all the way back here, thank you” you responded to him and his actions with a warm and loving smile that made Jungkook’s legs feel like giving out and heart feel as it could explode. 
He again  observed your face now under a brighter light, he couldn’t believe how your face could look so, or more, beautiful then you face with the light makeup you wore just hours ago. You broke eye contact and spoke, “So um do you have to leave anytime soon?” as you looked anywhere but his face. Your tired eyes and shy tone warmed his heart even more “No, I don’t….. why?” he lowered his face, closing a big gap of space in front of you, forcing you to stop avoiding eye contact and look at him again.
“Well um I was thinking we could hang out again tonight. I could make some…. *you yawn* popcorn and watch a movie, or I could make some coffee and we could talk, or…..” you wanted to keep going but you felt another yawn coming so you stopped talking to fight it off. Jungkook chuckled at your adorable yawns. He  took the hoodie he had forgotten in the first place form the chair behind you and put it over your head. 
“Y/n you are tired, I think it’s best if you rest and tomorrow we could find a way to hang out again just the two of us…” he said as he fixed the hoodie around you, but you cut him off, “Please don’t leave, I haven’t seen you in a year Jeon Jungkook.” you realized how needy and clingy you sounded, but you actually did want to hang out with him. 
You rubbed your tired eye, fixed the hair around your face (your hair was inside the hoodie but some baby hairs tickled your face) and looked back at him, his eyes were wide and surprised at your reaction to him leaving,  “I’m sorry, it’s okay, I get it. I don’t want to make you do anything you don’t feel like doing, it’s okay...guess i will see you tomorrow then” you said as you tried to hide the sad look off your face and smile at him. 
He was moved, the fact that you didn’t want him to leave meant so  much to him, he took you face in his hands and kissed your forehead softly, he then kissed the end your your nose he then kissed the space next to your lips, he didn’t want to kiss you and make you feel uncomfortable or taken advantage of; but you being you, immediately spoke as he kissed the side of your lips ``aye that is not my lips...what a tease” in a sleepy tone. He chuckled as he opened his eyes and looked at you. You had your eyes closed, head slightly looking upwards and a smart smile, as you found your own reaction funny. 
He chuckled and blurted out: “cute..”. You opened your eyes to clap back, but before you could even open your mouth and say something back he leaned in again, shuting you up real quick…. but he leaned slowly…..very slowly…..v eee r y slowly…...SUPER SLOWLY, he was taking his dear time, he now discovered he liked teasing you like this. You got impatient and just closed the space between you for him, giving him a short peck before pulling away. This was the first kiss you have had after a year; you walked around him to tease him back for teasing you in the first place. He stopped you by placing his arm around your waist, “Are you expecting me to accept ‘that’ as our first kiss after being apart for a year…” he said. 
“Oh, so I’m not a good kisser? Was that not good enough.. okay… I guess I-'' you played the victim but were quickly cut short by Jungkook pulling the hoodie on you towards him and stealing a kiss from you.
You smiled against his lips at his neediness, but kissed him back as you placed your hands on the back of his head, sliding your fingers through his hair. He slid his hands under your hoodie and placed them on your bare waist, and pulling you even closer. You kissed each other slowly, taking in every detail about the kiss, not wanting to miss a thing; as things heated up you picked up the pace, the sweet kiss turning hungry and deeper. He moved his hands from your waist downwards and your once delicate fingers playing through his hair suddenly pulled softly making him groan against your lips; he squeezed his hands behind you making you whimper against his lips, he used this as an opportunity to deepen the kiss even more; he had lifted his hands and placed back on your sides as he softly caressed your skin under the hoodie, you wanted to to that too; so you slid your hands from the back of his head, down to his chest and too, under his shirt, you could feel his abs tense as your cold fingers lightly brushed against his skin, continuing to slide your hands around his torso, and gently running your fingers on his skin. That action made his breath hitch at his throat and his heart skip a beat. 
The two of you kissed passionately taking the other deeper, not wanting to let go. After a while you both slowly pulled away, breathlessly and numb from the kiss, you both wanted to go further but knew it was not time yet. You rested your foreheads together as you catched your breaths, looking adoringly to the other person, swollen lips, rosy cheeks and curious eyes. 
He spoke first, as he used his finger to soothe the skin under your eyes, “You need to rest y/n, come on”, pulling your arm and leading you. You thought that meant he was leaving, but this time you didn't fight him back; but instead of leading you towards the door he lead you to the big fancy couch in the living room, he turned on the TV to a random Korean variety show and lowered the volume to the point were if there isn’t absolute silence you couldn’t hear a thing the TV was playing. 
You both sat on the deep couch, he lent you his arm behind your head as a pillow as you sat closely next to him, the silent TV and warmness coming from the handsome man next to you quickly started to drowse off. Jungkook planned to keep you company until you fell asleep and then leave you to rest comfortably. 
JK watched the screen as he waited for you to fall asleep. Once he could feel your breathing rhythm became deeper indicating you officially had given in to sleep, he looked down to you and smiled at how adorable you looked, he stared at you for a little longer as he reflected on how lucky he was his once celebrity crush now actual crush was so close to him; he was so glad to have such an amazing person in his life and prayed he never had to be without you in his life ever again; he badly wished he could have you as his and only his but he understood the circumstances, he was happy he could athletes share precious moments like this with you. 
Jungkook shifted in his seat as he was about to stand up to leave you the full couch to rest, but you turned towards him, and wrapped your arms around him. “Don’t…” you whispered against his shirt, you were asleep but your sleepy conscience managed to say that. Jungkook couldn’t resist, he planted a soft kiss on the top of your hair, he then pulled you back with him from a sitting position to a horizontal one as he laid his back on the couch taking you with him without waking you up. He too quickly gave in to sleep as he held each other. 
a/n: I'M SO SORRY for taking so long to update, I had writer’s block and had no idea how to pick up the story, but last night I got inspired hahaha. I re-wrote this part and started writing part 6&7 so wait for those too.
PART 6 ------> here
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