#construction equipments
prokopetz · 6 months
I think people sometimes misunderstand why we come up with such elaborate justifications for shipping two characters together. I don't justify my ships because I feel that I need to; I justify my ships because squinting at the published canon with furrowed brow and asking myself "okay, how exactly would this work?" is my idea of a good time.
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msafegroup · 1 year
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lp-engineering · 1 year
Fully Automatic FLy Ash Brick Machine Manufacturer
Check out the best fly ash brick machine in Coimbatore! With our high-quality machines, you can now produce fly ash bricks in a fraction of the time. Get the most efficient and reliable brick machines from LP Engineering, so you can produce more bricks and reduce costs. To know more about automatic fly ash bricks machine
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LP Engineering Contact no: 090924 79693, 063802 27979 Website: https://lpengineering.in Address: A1, S. F. No: 355, 356/2, Abbas Gardens Rd, Luna Nagar, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641025
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Mobile Asphalt Plant Manufacturer and Suppliers – Atlas Technologies
Mobile asphalt drum mix plants are in great demand. They are for flexibility and high production in comparison to stationary plants. We are exporter of Mobile Asphalt Plants in countries like Peru, Venezuela and Kenya.
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abequipmentald · 2 years
Construction Equipments |  AB Equipment
When you are working in the construction industry, then the use of construction equipment on a regular basis is your habit. These are used to carry heavy loads to the sites. There are various types of these equipment that are used by the owners of the site.for more information email us at [email protected] or call us at: 080030309
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randomitemdrop · 14 days
I have twenty-thousand Republic Dataries. What can I get?
I think that might be just enough to buy a Crisp-E-O Donut Droid
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radi-0silence · 12 days
Oh, to be held by, caressed, and cuddled by a machine that has the ability to crumble titanium like paper...
For them to be so gentle with me, trying to exert a softness that they've never done before. To try and be soft in a hard sharp body... Now that's true love!
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coquelicoq · 7 months
we get a lot of really great stuff in system collapse about murderbot's relationships with ART and ratthi, which makes sense, because it spends almost the entire book with them. but i also love how even though mensah isn't there for most of the story, other people keep reminding mb of her:
chapter 2, page 25: “From ART’s personnel file, she [Karime] was older than Mensah and she didn’t look like an intrepid space explorer, either, even in the protective environmental suit.”
2, 27: “It took Karime three seconds to process the abrupt statement. (She was almost as good at not looking annoyed as Mensah was.) She kept her expression neutral and patient.”
2, 28: “In the underground colony room, Karime lifted her brows. ‘Another occupied site?’ I thought she was being careful not to show too much reaction. It was the way Mensah would have played it.”
4, 70: “Iris looked at me and I saw her hesitate, because her hesitation looked a lot like Dr. Mensah’s hesitation. And I realized I really didn’t want to go down there.”
5, 104: "Iris has that same thing as Dr. Mensah, the thing where she’s able to look and sound calm under circumstances where shit is possibly about to go down.”
it's spent so much time with her and it knows her so well and respects her so much that she's the model against which it compares all other humans. it thinks about her when they're not together. it's protective of her. it has such total faith in her competence. it (non-romantically) loves her and doesn't want to not see her again. idk man, it just gets to me! and they were teammates (oh my god they were teammates!!)
I said, aloud, "You have to be kidding me." (ch. 2, p. 28)
seven pages later, in reaction to the same thing:
Mensah had had time to review the feed video. She muttered, "Oh, you have to be kidding me." Yeah.
twinsies 🥰
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burntheedges · 6 months
Maintenance Request: Chapter 2
Joel Miller x f!reader | new chapter every Friday 18+ (minors DNI) | ao3 | main post & chapter list chapter word count: 2.4k
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fic summary: Hot Construction Guy is the bane of your existence - he seems to only pop up at the worst possible moment for you, every time you see him.  There’s no way there could be something more there.
chapter tags/warnings: banter, my mediocre attempt at describing construction equipment (lol), mention of bra a/n: yes this is based on the time there was construction where I work and I, like reader, discovered what this thing was for the first time.
Chapter 2
Friday, September 6 Second week of the semester
Two days later, you’d almost forgotten the parking garage incident. (That was not remotely true — you’d complained about it and Hot Construction Guy so much that Beth had declared the topic officially banned. Until you saw him again and you had “new material”, anyway. Not likely, you’d scoffed.)
You’d restocked your office deodorant, stashed a few back-up t-shirts, and you were generally feeling more amiable towards the world as you sat down to catch up on some grading for your freshman seminar course after your office hours on Friday afternoon. You’d carefully arranged your coffee, laptop, and notepad on your desk, and were just about to open up the first student’s assignment when it started.
The loud sound reverberated so loudly through the halls of your building that you actually saw your cup of pens vibrate a few millimeters to the right on your desk. 
You blinked. You swore you saw dust shiver up from the surface of your bookshelves and dance in the air with the force of the sound.
Your framed diploma rattled on the wall behind you and one of your plants vibrated threateningly towards the edge of the windowsill along the same wall. You caught it and put it on the floor. 
You groaned. There was no way you’d be able to work through this. The pens on your desk had started to roll around, for fuck’s sake, and you’d just watched one of your books do a little jump towards the edge of your desk. What could possibly make that much noise? You stood up and moved to your door, poking your head into the hallway. Your neighbors on either side, Jillian and Greg, were doing the same. You all silently raised your eyebrows at each other and then shrugged in unison. Clearly they didn’t know what it was, either. 
You ventured out, heading towards the source of the sound. You heard the two of them start to chat about their shared course behind you as they followed more slowly. You weren’t the only ones heading curiously towards the lobby of the building, which was just at the end of your hall of offices. As you turned the corner and looked through the large front windows of the building, you realized the sound wasn’t coming from inside at all, despite its volume and power. It wasn’t even something on the steps up to the building. It was coming from the south side of the quad — your building sat on the west side, on the same corner, not far away at all — in the construction zone for the new library. They’d started building it last semester and weren’t anywhere close to finished with it yet. 
The machine that was making all the noise was easily 20 or 30 feet tall, maybe more. As it came into view, you realized it was some sort of ludicrously enormous industrial hammer… thing? Whatever it was, it was dropping a massive weight from the top of its little… chute, straight down towards the ground, apparently hammering in what looked like spikes? Beams? You shook your head and crossed your arms. You weren’t usually at such a loss for words, even in your own head. Jillian and Greg arrived and stepped up next to you and you all stood almost pressed against the glass of the windows to watch. 
“Anyone get an email about any construction?” Jillian squinted at the hammer thing. 
“Nope,” Greg huffed. “But really, do we ever?”
“Good point,” you agreed. “This is like, a whole new level of noise, though.” They both nodded. 
“They were supposed to start at 5,” a new voice added from behind you. It was Claire, the chair of your department. “They just told me about it yesterday, but it wasn’t supposed to be during regular hours.” She frowned, and then sighed. “It’s only lunchtime.”
“Should we ask them about it?” Greg spoke up to suggest it, but you knew there was no chance of him actually doing it himself. The man could dodge confrontation like it was a sport and he was the reigning world champ in the weight-class of mild, unassuming academics. You met Jillian’s eyes and knew they were thinking the same thing. You smirked but turned before Greg could see it. 
You replied, “I’ll go. I need to know if I should bother to stay here and try to grade or just head home.” Your Friday classes were over before lunch, and they all knew it. (Greg was jealous, but he’d never admit it. Too confrontational.) Claire nodded, gesturing you forward. 
“Be right back.”
As you opened the door, you realized that, against all odds, it was actually possible for the noise to get even louder. It felt like it was rattling your brain down into your spine, drowning out the sounds around you as you walked on a short diagonal path to the library construction site. The quad was criss-crossed with seemingly random paved paths that followed the natural walking paths formed in the grass, and this diagonal one led you straight from the steps of your building to the center of the site. Before you could even get to the other sidewalk, though, a man in the typical construction outfit — plus safety goggles and some sort of headphones — noticed you and walked over to intercept.
“Sorry, ma’am, can’t come this way right now. You’ll have to use the other paths.” You were already opening your mouth to ask about the noise when his voice hit you and you realized just who he was under all of the protective equipment. You reacted before you could stop yourself.
“You! Again!” You belatedly realized you were pointing at him like this was some sort of dramatic reveal in a murder mystery. You had no idea when your arm had even raised. You dropped it quickly and stuffed your hand in your pocket.
He stopped short, and considered you before removing his headphones. “Looks like.” His voice was loud, shouting over the banging noise that was rattling your eardrums from this close. You rolled your eyes, but told yourself to take a deep breath. “Let’s move this back to the other path,” he continued. He started to herd you in that direction, keeping himself between you and the construction site as you moved backwards. 
“No, I was going to… Look, we were told this noise wouldn’t start up until the end of the day.” You tried not to say it like an accusation — you’d already accused this random stranger of enough weird stuff this week — but it probably came out that way anyway. He nodded, eyebrows furrowed.
“Had a change in schedule. Some issues with deliveries and the work plan for the next few days.” You waited a beat, but he didn’t say anything else. No other information seemed to be forthcoming.
“That’s it? How long is it going to go on?” You knew you sounded annoyed, but really? He shook his head. “Maybe a few more hours? Hard to say.” Hours? You thought it, and apparently couldn’t stop yourself from saying it. 
“Hours?! Are you serious?” He nodded. “It’s the middle of the day!” He shrugged. “That’s it?” He nodded again, starting to herd you back again, but you cut him off. “No, seriously, that’s it? There are classes right now, and—” He sighed, and looked over his shoulder towards the construction site, where the hammer thingy was still banging away. 
“I’m sorry, darlin’, there’s nothing I can do about it.” He did at least look sorry, as he removed his protective glasses. Up close you saw that his brow was furrowed in concern and he tried to gesture for you to back up again. You suddenly realized you were bothering some guy on the crew with something he probably had no control over, while he was just concerned for your safety. You sighed. “No, I know, sorry. Look, can you tell your boss or whoever to at least let us know next time?” 
For some reason this request amused him, and his smirk in response annoyed you. “What?” Your tone had become snappish again and you were ready for this conversation to be over.
“Nothing. I’ll be sure to let him know.” He smirked around this reply like it was the funniest thing he’d heard all day, but you didn’t have the patience to try to find out why. 
“Ok! Ok. Just— fine. I’ll let everyone know. Thank you.” You needed to get out of there before you took out your frustration on this random contractor guy. Again. (Hot Construction Guy, Beth’s voice said in your head.) You turned on your heel and started to head back in the building. For a second it seemed like he might have wanted to reach a hand out to catch your arm, but he didn’t, and you had no idea why you even thought he might’ve.
At the top of the stairs into the building, you turned, and saw that he had drifted closer to stand right at the bottom, trailing after you. You found yourself in the same position you’d been in the other day and you almost tripped in surprise before steadying yourself with the railing. “What’s that godawful thing called anyway?” His mouth stretched into a grin. You watched smile lines crinkle around his eyes and tried to get a grip on yourself.
“A pile driver.”
“You’re kidding.” The name distracted you from admiring him, at least. He snorted and shook his head at your incredulous tone. “There’s actually a real thing called a pile driver? I thought it was just a euphemism.” You could see he was trying to tamp down on his grin but failing.
He shrugged. “Nope, that’s the real thing.” He gestured behind himself with one hand. You rolled your eyes and turned towards the door. 
“Of course it is. Ok. Bye.”
The pile driver (you snorted to yourself) helpfully punctuated your exit from the conversation as you entered your building again. A larger crowd had gathered by that point, and they all groaned in unison when you announced the hours of noise still ahead of you. 
You headed back to your office as the crowd split off into grumbling, agitated smaller groups, ready to pack your stuff and go home. To your great displeasure, Trevor the Brit Lit Prick fell into step with you. You held off from rolling your eyes by sheer force of will.
“Didn’t you tell him we needed less noise?” Trevor’s sneering, haughty tone immediately pressed every single of one of your buttons, just like it always did. What a prick. “I can’t help but notice that the sound is still happening.” You took a deep breath.
“Trevor, they said there was a scheduling issue.”
He tutted. Actually fucking tutted at you, like some kind of old-timey schoolteacher in a movie. “You should have informed him that this is unacceptable.”
“Well, Trevor, you’re welcome to give it a try yourself.” Before you could say anything stupid to the man currently overseeing the committee that decided approval for all new courses, you added, tone as even as you could manage, “he said there was nothing he could do.” 
With that, you opened the door to your office, sang a cheerful, “bye, Trevor!” and closed it in his face. Perhaps with a little more force than was really necessary, but Trevor really was a prick.
As you closed the door, though, the pile driver sent another BAM echoing through the building, and the combination of the noise and your door shutting at the same time visibly shook the walls of your office. You watched as your framed photo with your niece, Ellie, vibrated right off the wall. 
The glass in the frame shattered all over the floor. 
The frustrated noise you let out in response was, at least, drowned out by the next BAM. Small mercies.
you (1:14 PM): guess who I just saw again
bestie (1:21 PM): HCG?? 👀
you (1:22 PM): this time with a fucking pile driver
bestie (1:25 PM): … is that euphemism
you (1:26 PM): sadly no there’s actually a fucking pile driver at the construction site for the library. it’s making more noise that I imagined any piece of equipment could ever make and I was nominated to go check it out (1:26 PM): and guess who was standing there, ready to direct me away from it
bestie (1:27 PM): and???
you (1:27 PM): and nothing! (1:28 PM): he couldn’t do anything and smirked at me when I told him to tell his boss to schedule better next time. like an asshole. AND he called me ‘darlin’ again
bestie (1:29 PM): was he really being an asshole or are you just embarrassed about flashing him still
you (1:31 PM): ok rude (1:31 PM): and it was just my bra
bestie (1:31 PM): so it’s the second one then
you (1:32 PM): RUDE (1:32 PM): who’s side are you ON here beth
bestie (1:33 PM): the side that gets you to give HCG your number next time (1:33 PM): since he clearly works on campus and he’s around all the time (1:34 PM): and he’s “exactly your type”
you (1:35 PM): 🙄 (1:36 PM): I doubt he’s into me I’m just some annoying professor who yelled at him for no reason (1:36 PM): twice (1:38 PM): I ran into trevor after too
bestie (1:38 PM): ugh (1:38 PM): that prick
you (1:39 PM): he tutted at me (1:39 PM): like an actual tutting noise
bestie (1:40 PM): how is he always such a prick
you (1:42 PM): pretty sure he was born with it
you (3:08 PM): [video of pile driver operating, loud BAMs clearly audible]
Ellie (3:17 PM): whoa (3:17 PM): wtf is that
you (3:19 PM): a pile driver, apparently
Ellie (3:21 PM): what!! 💀 (3:21 PM): no fucking way
you (3:22 PM): way. it’s so loud it knocked our picture off my office wall
Ellie (3:23 PM): 👿 is it broken
you (3:24 PM): yeah ugh there was glass everywhere (3:24 PM): I have to get a new frame
Ellie (3:26 PM): 👿 you better fix it
you (3:27 PM): 🙄 I will you little gremlin
a/n: I'm trying a new thing with the texting to make it easier to read. let me know what you think? see you next Friday for chapter 3! prev | next
tag list: @jupiter-soups (let me know if you want to be in the tag list)
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fedoraspooky · 2 months
The downside of having an old west gunslinger type character for a dungeons and dragons 5e game is that now i have to learn how the heck to draw guns
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choreworker · 3 months
Today at the end of our shift we had to attend a meeting "Construction site and control of PPE" The company has established permanent control of PPE, with one of the penalties and sanctions, we have had information on this subject
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At the end we were given a kit and had to place them under the supervision of our managers at our equipment
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You can no longer clean the clothes due to tags. There will be a gantry which will control all your PPE to access the site, if you are missing any, you will lose the allocation for wearing PPE, and you will have to rent for the day the PPE that you are missing which will be deducted from the salary.
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Then camera controllers via AI ensure the proper use of PPE, in the event of infringement one hour of work will be deducted from the day
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For example, not wearing work gloves .
You will quickly learn to respect the safety rules and the wearing of PPE, another concern, in the event of infringement you will be assigned to more difficult and dirty tasks.
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robertpallesen · 3 months
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Construction Equipment, Portland, OR © Robert Pallesen
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msafegroup · 1 year
MSafe is dedicated to providing reliable and safe access solutions for various applications, from construction and maintenance to events and exhibitions. Our premium quality and prompt services make MSafe, your go-to source for top-quality aluminium scaffolding and towers. We offer a wide range of aluminium scaffold towers and scaffolding systems to meet the needs of any project. So whether you need a mobile aluminium scaffold for sale or a more permanent aluminium tower, we have the products and expertise to help you get the job done safely and efficiently
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alphabull1 · 17 days
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kicktwine · 8 months
so does scala ad caelum have cars
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godbirdart · 11 months
[watchin the lads down the road emptying a house slotted for demolition] oh to be a conventionally attractive cis boy in 25 degree heat heaving old lumber and drywall into a dumpster bin,
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