#contribute to sustainability
Blockchain & Ethical Philanthropy: My Personal Dive into a Future of Impactful Giving
In the digital age, where innovation meets intention, the fusion of blockchain technology with the principles of ethical philanthropy has opened up a new frontier for those of us passionate about making a real difference. My exploration into this promising intersection was deeply inspired by a thought-provoking article I found on Socious, which delves into how blockchain and AI are teaming up to push the boundaries of ethical philanthropy and sustainable impact projects. This journey has not only broadened my horizons but also reinforced my commitment to harnessing technology for social good.
The Revolutionary Role of Blockchain in Philanthropy
At its core, blockchain technology is reshaping the philanthropic landscape. Its principles of decentralization, transparency, and security introduce a novel paradigm for giving, where every contribution is traceable, impactful, and reaches its intended destination without unnecessary intermediaries. This shift promises to restore trust in philanthropic efforts and streamline the path from donor to beneficiary.
Accelerating Sustainability: The Blockchain Advantage
Blockchain's potential to fast-track sustainability efforts is unparalleled. By enabling direct and efficient support for social impact projects across the globe, it dismantles traditional barriers, fostering a decentralized network of change-makers. This innovative approach not only enhances the effectiveness of individual contributions but also propels us towards our shared goal of a sustainable future more rapidly.
My Personal Commitment to Making a Difference
Driven by a deep-seated desire to contribute to a better world, my engagement with blockchain technology has opened new avenues for impactful giving. The journey towards sustainability is fraught with challenges, necessitating a blend of innovation, collaboration, and persistence. Blockchain emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a platform where our efforts are transparent, direct, and most importantly, meaningful.
Envisioning a Future Powered by "Blockchain for Good"
The notion of "blockchain for good" encapsulates a hopeful vision for the future, where technology is not just a tool for advancement but a catalyst for positive change. It imagines a world where the challenges of today—be it environmental degradation, social inequality, or beyond—are addressed through the ethical application of blockchain technology, leading to a more equitable and sustainable world.
A Reflection and Invitation to Action
As I reflect on my journey through the realms of blockchain and ethical philanthropy, my belief in the transformative power of technology to foster positive change has only grown stronger. The insights from the Socious blog have been invaluable, shaping my understanding and approach to supporting social impact projects. We stand at the brink of a technological revolution with the power to redefine philanthropy and sustainability.
I invite you to join me in this exploration, as we leverage the potential of blockchain to enact lasting change. Together, let's navigate this exciting path towards a future where our collective efforts in ethical philanthropy and sustainability create a ripple effect of positive impact across the globe.
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rosalinesurvived · 1 year
Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going to make someone smile. ☆♥
Oh. Okay. OKAYY!!!
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screamingay · 3 months
ngl i really think cricket powder might be the future. ive heard they take 2000 times less water to raise than cows and obviously less space why are we not jumping on this. personally i cant find it in me to be squeamish abt bugs if they're ground into a fine powder like.. how is that more repulsive than a literal hunk of flesh and fat yknow
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un-pearable · 5 months
why are 99% of crochet animal patterns just vague blobs. cmon. i know we can do better as a community. have you seen the shit the national parks service put out? yeah, the NPS. there are grandmas on the frontlines of the most formally accurate critters this side of a 3D printer. we can do better than orb with two triangles sewn on. we can make a more accurate cat. that is NOT what a turtle looks like. step AWAY from the axolotl
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violentviolette · 9 months
i struggle to talk about this sometimes cause i feel like i sound like an entitled and spoiled piece of shit, but i think these are real problems that happen when ur life stops being a dumpster fire and its important to talk about how to navigate them
because my life right now is extreamly stable. i have a home i dont have to worry about ever being evicted from, i dont have to work in order to affort to live, i have the time, space, freedom, and support to do absolutely anything i want right now
and yet i find myself doing absolutely nothing. im so used to using stress and external threats, the threat of starvation, homelessness, abuse, being kicked out or fired or flunking, to motivate me that now that those things are gone and im in a safe environment that asks nothing of me, im just at a loss. i struggle to even wake up everyday without some kind of big consiquence as a motivater
and even when i do have ideas or inspiration as to what i want to do with my now endless hours of the day, i just. dont really know how to execute them. i dont know how to do things if its not in a crunch time manic haze.
i think my big goal this year is going to be to try and figure out how to navigate that and retrain my brain to be able to set more long term objectives and then follow through on accomplishing them. because i can feel myself becoming a more flakey and unreliable person who gets nothing done and just kind of Exists with no real reason or purpose and i reallyreally hate that
i finally have a life i dont want to kill myself to escape from and i just feel like im wasting it by not actually being present in it, u know?
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replying this to a person (me) who has no cis men in her life at all and spends all her free time thinking about sapphic fictional characters is so funny like it really requires a whole other level of projection
but genuinely, responding "decenter men" to someone asking you to support survivors of abuse is disgusting and i honestly do not understand how people who victim-blame live with themselves, i truly don't. the lack of empathy is insane
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if it makes you feel better i think shaggy's job as a mystery ghost hunter covers a lot of his expenses
who do you think pays mystery inc??? they just roll up and terrorize property owners because they're nosey 😭 they survive off Daphne and Shaggy's trust funds and nothing else lmao
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petit-papillion · 11 months
i know u want us not to believe everything we c on social media but u r damaging charles image
I am damaging Charles's image? Me? Because I made one post that is a little critical of him?
Well, for one, I don't think I have any power to damage his image. You can go on Reddit (or any other social media) every week and find new negative memes/comments about Charles, and he still has millions of followers, plenty of lucrative sponsor deals, and the respect of the majority of people who work in F1.
Second, I am not the kind of person who will turn a blind eye to the flaws of my favorite driver. Charles is a real person who is entitled to make mistakes, who does not have to share his entire life with us, who is sometimes at the mercy of his sponsors, and who also has had some serious PR training. So yes, I expect he doesn't always tell the truth, and many of his posts are clearly meant to promote his sponsors.
As Charles's fan, I can chuckle at his atrocious acting in a Shell commercial, question why he is posting photos of matching swimsuits with his girlfriend, or call him out on promoting environmentally irresponsible sponsors/habits like private yachts & jets, because these are all things he does out in public or on his social media. And if he posts on social media as if he's on a VistaJet flight and someone witnesses him flying commercial, that's on him.
Finally, if I truly had that much influence, my 100s of positive posts about Charles would certainly offset 1 critical one. Also, the Ferrari admin would've fixed all the horribly incorrect race facts about Charles on their website that I have been calling them out on, the strategy team would not be making dumb mistakes anymore, Charles would stop cutting his hair so short, and we'd have black fireproofs every race.
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thesparrow1996 · 9 months
two of the girls from my vague kindergarten through high school friend group got married this year.. i was not exceptionally close to any of them past the age of like 12 but it’s so weird to see these people i grew up with still close to one other and celebrating milestones while i’m going through life in a fog very unhappily and having cut contact with basically everyone i knew from here 😶
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im convinced that people who actually want to live in cities and dont see the environmental and emotional trauma their inflicting on themselves by enabling those places to continue to grow have just the most severe brain damage
#saw a post that made me mad talking about slow living being Bad (in ways im not gonna write in tags and end up in thos spaces by accident)#but like......dropping a hut on a vacant lot and growing some veg and chickens is not nearly as#detrimental or colonizing as sprawling cities#also like who the fuck WANTS to live in a concrete jungle when trees and grass exist#yall are fucking sickos to lump wanting to be educated on herbal medicine and growing food and SPACE AWAY FROM LOUD NEIGHBORS#in with like trd wife and trf bullshit#cottagecore on twitter houses those type but like.....you know farms exist outside of northamerica too right#and some of us are better equipped for famr labour than retail?#i see more people complain about cottagecore as an aesthetic than is actually has issues tbh#but maybe i just mind my own business and actually know what living on a farm entails#my body gave out on me but i literally used to work on a horse farm#i know how much work chickens are#anyway people really will complain about anything and fail to realize that their own lifestyle is a much bigger problem than some strawman#they created in their heads just because they saw one tradwife on instagram living on a homestead with her 8 children and cheating husband#sorry i dont want to contribute to mental illnesses and pollution by living in the city??#farm whether hobby or just partially self sustaining doesnt equal root of all evil#some of us are just better equipt to tend to the sheep in the scottish highlands were our ancestors started#and besides id rather see semi delusional tradwives stsrting homesteads than all that same 'vacant' land go to more housing developments#anyway tho#all this because some bad faith take someone had because someone had the audacity to talk about their experiences with transmisogyny#(which i still think is a dumb concept cause called a spade a spade its transphobia) and wasnt a transfemme#im begging yall to stop talking over transmasc and afab people#youre not more important because you identify as a woman stop giving yourselves victim complexes and shutting down important conversations
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lucysweatslove · 9 months
I got my new car today!!! I haven’t actually driven it yet. Because new things are scary for me and it takes me a little while to get used to something like driving a new car, I wanted to drive it around my parents’ a little before going in a busy road. Rob said it has “responsive break” and i wanna get that “feel” down before I’m in heavy traffic. I like it though and am very grateful and excited!!
Being at my parents’ hasn’t been too triggering this time around. Usually there are some kind of comments about my body or what I’m eating, but we have such a short turn around this year that thankfully it hasn’t been too bad…
Did have to listen to my mom talk about this guy who has multiple myeloma (my mom has a precursor to MM) and apparently is in “full remission” using an antiviral but it came back because he got the covid vaccine…. Tried to explain why that’s probably not true actually but you know… I think she just desperately wants there to be simple/easier answers to the cancer she might develop, which I get, but I also feel like this is how misinformation takes roots.
(We don’t have a perfect system here in the US by far, but we aren’t lagging behind in the cancer treatment realm…. If antivirals worked to cure MM, there would be research on it… and people would do it… contrary to popular belief, Big Pharma isn’t pushing ineffective expensive drugs to steal your money and keep you sick…drugs are ridiculously expensive, but it’s not malicious… insurance companies are far more malicious for refusing coverage than the pharma companies imo)
Also listening to some people talk about pot shop workers (specifically managerial roles) not deserving to be paid a certain amount, all the gender critical bs, like yall, I don’t like government regulations in general and I have my views on how we attempt legislating morality and why it doesn’t work, but like…… when you use that argument to justify why people who “don’t have any education and just know drugs” (not a real quote just a paraphase) don’t deserve to be paid a certain amount, AND you don’t use it to say that like, gov shouldn’t restrict access to health care like abortions and gender affirming care… that’s not “government shouldn’t legislate morality,” that’s “government should legislate the morality I agree with” which is… the same thing you’re complaining about the “other side” doing.
Especially the gender stuff. It takes very little actual energy to use somebody’s preferred, correct pronouns. Affirming care literally saves lives. When you spend a lot of energy and time lobbying against these things, it really just tells me how uncomfortable you are with the idea that somebody could have a different life experience than you. The only person who should be spending that much time and energy caring about those things… should be the person themselves. Partners or family ofc should care too, but in a “how do we support this person so they can live a fulfilling life” way, not in a “i can’t handle anybody having a different lived experience than me” kind of way.
And also if you’re gonna complain about federal spending and budgets, can you at least acknowledge the ridiculous defense budget? Even if your viewpoint is “I don’t know how we can realistically and safely scale that back,” just like… recognize how little the government actually spends on programs like VA health care in relation to the massive defense budget. We rank third in the world for per capita military spending… I’m not saying you need answers on how to solve anything, but if you’re gonna criticize the drops in the bucket, acknowledging that they are in fact drops in the bucket comparatively would be nice.
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wrathdiwata · 2 months
do i a) get admitted and risk getting addicted to being institutionalised bec of systemic deprivation and neglect finally wounding me this bad (spiritually i'm bled out), but also receive the legibility of a potential diagnosis which would make me more visible to my extended family and communities (more likely to receive care but also more likely to be discriminated against), but also put me at risk of conservatorship by my abusers and fuck up my chance at getting insurance or being able to live in any country besides the one where my abusers reside or b) skip admission, let whatever's attacking my brain run rampant and risk more personality changes and altered states and seizures while travelling alone in a place wild with paternalism (it was hard even when i was on my game and physically strong) have less chance of legibility to family and community and more chances of other types of withholding of care, but less chance of conservatorship or not being able to get visas etc etc if it's undocumented . i didn't get to play even a day in my life without consequence. and now these are the stakes. whatever. bahala na.
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coopsday · 3 months
Through democratic governance and shared ownership, cooperatives set an example for peace and stability.
For the 2024 CoopsDay, cooperatives can showcase their high standards for inclusive and sustainable growth, and service as stewards for protecting the environment and fighting climate change.
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Through democratic governance and shared ownership, cooperatives set an example for peace and stability, bringing people from diverse backgrounds together on equal terms, and fostering understanding and respect.
Related Documents
International Day of Cooperatives
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drakonovisny · 1 year
why do my sims playthroughs always turn kinda fucked up :'D
#i made a girl who is really outdoorsy and wants to have a great ranch#i made a horse for her and moved them to the world that was included with the horse pack#she immediately got to training her horsie‚ gardening and stuff#but then her first bill came and it was astronomical because the lot is big#so she got a job as a gardener#but what she was making wasn't enough to sustain the ranch#some time later some rando called her telling that she might get a distant relative's inheritance if she marries within 7 days#ofc she wasn't planning to do that but then one of her neighbours asked to crush at her place for a few days#they had great chemistry so she decided to marry him platonically for the inheritance money and a helping hand at the ranch#he moved in and so did his horse lol#also aside from the inheritance money he also contributed 20k simoleons#however the same night they got married he froze to death while playing with the horses outside (i wasn't paying attention to him lmao :'D)#she didn't really love him but she still was heartbroken#she got on a drunken bender for a while and decided she's going to grow weed for sale now (i got the basemental mod at that point ajdnbfbb)#since she had like 50k simoleons on her now she hired a ranch hand who would help her with that while she focuses on training the horses#so i think next she's going to get closer with the ranch hand and maybe date her too if they have any chemistry#and they're gonna grow weed and look after horses together ahdbbxzbbz
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walterdecourceys · 6 months
maybe i could have a future in archiving. that's a real career they even made a whole podcast about it
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nogchompa · 6 months
its just....the way my brain is, if i dont see a point in something i do Not want 2 bother with it. but the issue is that working constantly has no ultimate point. im not working for a goal, im working to get food to allow this body's survival . whats the point in that. i want 2 create i want 2 have time 2 sit and draw stupid mspaint furries. i want 2 get home st 1am and not have 2 lament abt going 2 bed early cuz i need 2 get up early for the job i JUST finished . we all know how fucked up this is, and anyone who doesnt admit it is always clearly in denial . The empire is going to fall, & america has a reckoning, but its so depersonalizing 2 be a US citizin right now....
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