#controversial comments on prophet
rightnewshindi · 30 days
मोहम्मद पैगंबर पर की विवादित टिप्पणी, मुस्लिम समुदाय ने थाने पर किया पत्थराव; थाना इंचार्ज समेत तीन सिपाही हुए घायल
Madhya Pradesh News: छतरपुर में मोहम्मद पैगंबर साहब पर की गई टिप्पणी को लेकर बवाल मच गया। एफआईआर दर्ज कराने आए मुस्लिम समुदाय के सैकड़ों लोगों ने थाने पर ही पथराव कर दिया। छतरपुर में मुस्लिम समुदाय के लोगों ने कोतवाली थाने में पथराव किया। भीड़ द्वारा किए गए इस पथराव में थाना इंचार्ज सहित तीन सिपाही घायल हो गए। भीड़ ने कई गाड़ियों में भी तोड़फोड़ की। मुंबई में हजरत मोहम्मद पैगंबर साहब पर किसी…
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mydaddywiki · 10 months
John Hagee
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Physique: Rotund/Heavyset Build Height: 5’ 6" (1.67m)
John Charles Hagee (born April 12, 1940 -) is an American pastor and televangelist. He founded John Hagee Ministries, which telecasts to the United States and Canada; and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church, a charismatic megachurch in San Antonio, Texas. He is also the founder and chairman of the Christian Zionist organization Christians United for Israel. Hagee has attracted controversy over his comments regarding Catholics, Jews, Islam, homosexuality, women, African Americans, Hurricane Katrina and even the Bible itself.
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You got to love/hate televangelists. Most, if not all are charlatans, homosexuals, thieves, crooks, deceivers and fake prophets. But then most of them look so brick makingly hot (from the hair, the suits and the jewelry) that you can almost ignore what they've said or done in the past. Let me stress ALMOST. But my penchant for short, chubby, silver-haired men built like an eggplant, seems win out over me with him.
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Well, lets see, he's married to a younger woman he had an adulterous affair with from his own former congregation. Seems kinda hypocritical after hearing this quote from him, "Christians don’t steal or lie, they don’t get divorced or have abortions." He and his wife have three children (Hagee has five in total) and thirteen grandchildren. His son Matthew Hagee, the sixth generation of the family to be involved in evangelism, who also inherented his father's ass, assists him and does much of the televangelism. And using his position, Hagee has grown into an enormously wealthy man. A net worth of $5 million.
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I know I should hate John Hagee, but that ass of his is SO hypnotizing. Plus if he knows a man wants to fuck him, it’ll probably pisses him off to no end.
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
The church of a controversial South African preacher has been burned down after he allegedly wielded machetes at a primary school and forcibly removed his grandchildren.
Pastor Mboro's Incredible Happenings Church was set alight by angry schoolchildren on Tuesday, local reports said.
The day before, a widely circulated video appeared to show Pastor Mboro - real name Paseka Motsoeneng - waving blades during a tense stand-off with teachers in Katlehong, a township just outside Johannesburg.
He is flanked by a man carrying what police have since identified as a replica firearm.
Provincial authorities said the two young children filmed being removed are at the centre of a custody battle after their mother passed away.
Five people were arrested following the incident at the school, police said.
They said the video showed "acts of intimidation and violence" and men "harassing learners and teachers".
Separate video footage shows Pastor Mboro's church, housed in a marquee tent, going up in flames as thick, black smoke billows from it.
Pupils in school uniform were seen running from the church, which was also looted, News 24 reported.
Authorities in the district of Ekurhuleni, where the church is located, said on social media platform X: "Anger erupted after Mboro wasn't arrested following yesterday's incident, leading to the tent burning."
The post said Pastor Mboro was arrested on Tuesday morning, but the police have not confirmed if he was one of the five people detained.
Pastor Mboro is a self-styled prophet with thousands of followers across South Africa.
He has claimed to perform miracles such as healing people during sermons and delivering a fish from the womb of a pregnant woman.
South African education minister Siviwe Gwarube commented on the incident at the primary school, posting on X: "I am absolutely incensed by this attack on our schools, staff and learners.
"No one - absolutely no one - should break into schools with weapons interrupting teaching and learning time and terrorising children."
Police said those arrested have been charged with crimes such as assault, intimidation and malicious damage to property.
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greywindys · 2 years
I think I can see your line of thinking, but I'm interested to hear why you think the album is about Murdoc more than it is about 2Doc this time.
Yeah, of course! I want to precede this answer by saying that this is all my fanon interpretation. The inferences I make use canon to support them, but Ed didn't seem to write anything like this into the actual CI story. I'm always open to new perspectives though. What really guided how I listened to CI was this quote, from this interview with Damon:
"It's very easy to suffer from delusions of grandeur in a culture like today's. The messiah complex is very real today, and it's evidently powered by social media. History teaches us how things end for false prophets, the madness that comes with any movement with one of them at the center."
Overall, CI isn't exactly saying anything new. I can name, off the top of my head, quite a few pieces of media that commentate on the same topic, in almost the exact same way. But the concept is, overall, consistent throughout the album, and I feel like I can hear a narrative. I don't like to conjecture too much about Jamie or Damon's artistic viewpoint, I'm not that kind of fan, but the songs seem to show a speaker getting pulled into a belief system, a vice, a ~cult (it's vague) and going through the motions of being a believer(Oil, Silent Running), to being a leader leading others down their same self-destructive path and being consumed by their own Messiah complex (Tarantula), to eventually coming out of it in the end, possibly (Skinny Ape, Possession Island). At the very least, there's an evolution from being the one controlled to the one who abuses their power (or tries to, at least). IRL, this could be Damon grappling with his own "Messiah" role, bestowed upon him by fans.
So why, if Damon is "2D", am I not saying this is about 2D?
The short answer: because none of that has anything to do with 2D. The narrative in the album, imo, is a lot more consistent with the cycle Murdoc's character has been stuck in consistently throughout Gorillaz' entire run. Murdoc is the one who sought out fame, love, recognition, etc, and constantly gets derailed by vice after vice, only to fight through it, but fall into old patterns again not long after. How many times have we played the "is he better this phase or not?" game? Who "suffers from delusions of grandeur'? Who had the Messiah complex this phase? Who has been both hurt by the world, and hurt the ones close to him? Murdoc. The album, to me, plays like an outside narration of Murdoc's journey this phase, and on a wider scale, the cyclical pattern of his life (and the band's).
Murdoc has often been used as the main character to voice the controversial opinions, to carry out the problematic decisions, essentially move the plot along at the expense of his own reputation among the fanbase. So it makes sense for me to think about each CI song in connection to each step of his ongoing, unhealthy patterns (one of which could be his relationship with 2D, hence where we can get the 2Doc reading). "Moonflower" is less of a real character to me than she is a representation of Murdoc's various vices and insecurities. And of course they unite in the end. He's either freeing himself of them, or welcoming them back to him so he can start down the wrong path all over again. Which leads me to my next question...
I'm still going back and forth about the ending of the album. Is it optimistic? Is it depressing? Is the message that we're trapped in our own addictions to social media, belonging, acceptance etc, but hey, at least we're trapped together? Are we Murdoc? Lmao, but I'm also also being somewhat serious.
I can already hear the counter arguments about how it was 2D who "literally fell for the cult," but the thing is, the narrative doesn't fault 2D for that. 2D also never had a Messiah complex, or got sucked into fame the way Murdoc did, and continues to do. All of 2D's flaws have all but been erased these last two phases. Talk about his children he doesn't pay child support for, his addiction to painkillers, his homewrecking, and whatever else, but the fact is that none of those things are acknowledged by the current canon anymore, and the current writers don't treat them as relevant. They might as well not exist, because the writers want him to be 100% "pure." The narrative doesn't portray his relationship with the rival cult as his fault either, it's Murdoc and Moonflower's fault for manipulating him (Moonflower) or being mean pushing him away (Murdoc). As he's currently being written, he doesn't have the range to be the main character on this album, imo. To be frank, there's little to nothing of substance there anymore (part of the reason I don't really respect what his character has become, despite liking him in the past).
I'm actually a little bit irked about the story we got versus the actual substance of the album. Though I typically defend Ed, I feel like he interpreted the concept very literally and gave us a simplified version of Damon's vision. It was a cute story, but compared to the album, it's kind of basic, imo. I think it also illustrates the overall lack of communication between the art, music and writing pieces. You can tell there wasn't a lot of cohesion until late in the phases development, and the cartoon band side of it missed out on a lot.
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dizzyduck44 · 1 year
I’m one of those fans who sat through the 2008 season. I was rooting for Lewis. I heard Martin Brundle’s sarcastic comments in Singapore. I then sat and watched Brazil in genuine disbelief. As a fan at the time it was all a bit of entertainment and the only ones who really lost out were Ferrari. As a McLaren fan that suited me fine as the red team were the bitter rivals.
The last 15 years have not been kind to that season. It’s still heartbreaking to watch Massa’s father believe he is World Champion and 20 seconds later be told no. The dignity which Felipe stood on that podium having won his home race but lost the championship still chokes me up. Imagine being World Champion for 20 seconds.
Then 2009 ticks round and Nelson Piquet Junior hits us with it. That unbelievable Singapore Grand Prix, well Renault manufactured the result by asking him to crash.
There was enough evidence for the FIA to charge Renault and put them on probation for 2 years. They state that they could not erase the Grand Prix result as it was last season and that has been completed. (In much the same way we would see a let’s get the 2021 trophies handed out so whatever legal challenges comes we already have a precedent).
Massa never came close to another title and after his departure from Ferrari seemed to find his love of racing again. His time at Williams really showcased the personality and talent he was and I for one was sad to see him retire.
We then go on to learn that Timo Glock and his family suffered years of abuse and death threats from fans who believed he had let Lewis through on purpose. However he never wanted to finish that race on slick tyres, but was not able to come in for tyres as the pit lane was “closed” 2 laps from the end to set up the podium celebrations. A statement I have never heard about any race before or since.
2008 became a year in F1 we don’t really look back on fondly, and that’s from a McLaren fan.
Now in 2023 an offhand comment from Bernie Ecclestone (nothing new there) has lead to revelations from others which are a little sickening.
Nelson Piquet Jr admitted to a German journalist in Singapore, on that night in 2008 he had crashed on purpose and he was terrified to tell his father, but never to say anything.
Half the journalists in the paddock that night suspected foul play, a few made those now prophetic comments such as Brundle’s. No one was really allowed to say anything though as there was no proof.
Nelson Piquet Snr went to Bernie Ecclestone and Charlie Whiting before the end of the 2008 season and told them what had happened in Singapore, meaning that F1 and FIA officials knew before the end of the season that they had a race that potentially had been fixed.
The fact they did nothing is damming. In fact it seems nothing would have been done at all if the story hadn’t been given to the press in 2009.
So 15 years later Massa finds out the only chance he had to be World Champion was hindered by a result the FIA have know was manufactured all this time.
Alonso is still racing, Briatore is his manager. Renault are still in the sport, all be it as Alpine. For a newer fan there is no sign that race had any implications.
The best bit, after the way the FIA treated Lewis in 2021 is he really going to fight Felipe from getting some acknowledgment that he was robbed? Surely an outcome on that argument could give Lewis the basis for a challenge for the 2021 title.
It’s messy, it’s not particularly fair on any of the three drivers it could impact. Ultimately Felipe, Lewis and Max played no part in the decisions that caused such controversy.
And I bet you the FIA will not even consider naming Co-champions for those two years. It’s not fair to take away what was already given, but it’s not right to deny the FIA meddling took from others. Of course for any of this to happen requires the Brigadoon of all outcomes.
The FIA will have to admit it was wrong.
And when they’ve done that, then they can explain how the Williams garage mysteriously went on fire straight after they had won the 2012 Spanish Grand Prix.
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mariacallous · 2 years
UK presenting royalty Graham Norton has left Twitter soon after Harry Potter writer J.K. Rowling criticized him over comments about transgender people made in a recent interview.
The row began after singer-songwriter Billy Bragg commended Norton for his position on trans rights made at the Cheltenham Literature Festival.
Rowling, who has often clashed with trans activists on social media, told Bragg he was “supporting rape and death threats” by backing Norton, who appeared to have actually said very little to spark the controversy. When questioned on Rowling’s position on trans rights, Norton had said: “When I’m asked about it, I become a part of it. My voice adds nothing to that discussion and I’m sort of embarrassed that I’m somehow drawn into it.
“If people want to shine a light on those issues then talk to trans people. Talk to the parents of trans kids, talk to doctors, talk to scientists. Talk to someone who can illuminate it in some way.”
The comments were part of an answer to an initial question about Monty Python star John Cleese, who often criticizes what he sees as cancel culture. Norton has said so-called ‘cancel culture’ was actually another phrase for ‘accountability’ facing celebrities over their words.
However, in criticising Bragg, Rowling wrote: “Enjoying the recent spate of bearded men stepping confidently onto their soapboxes to define what a woman is and throw their support behind rape and death threats. You may mock, but takes real bravery to come out as an Old Testament prophet.”
Neither Norton nor Bragg referenced rape or death threats in their statements.
Norton has since deleted his @grahnort account. Watch his initial comments below.
Deadline has reached out to Norton’s reps for comment.
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cbd-hemp · 2 months
Watch: UFC Star Bryce Mitchell Labels Elon Musk 'Anti-Christ' in Controversial Interview
Bryce Mitchell at PBD Podcast Bryce Mitchell, a UFC featherweight contender, sparked controversy by calling Elon Musk “evil” and suggesting he could be the biblical ‘Anti-Christ’ during a recent interview. Mitchell, known for his belief in conspiracy theories, accused Musk of potentially being the ‘False Prophet’ who will present the ‘Mark of the Beast’ to the world. The UFC fighter’s comments…
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ghlagatindotcom · 2 months
Even my children pay tithe to me, how much more ordinary church members — Prophet Badu Kobi
Glorious Wave International Church’s leader and founder, Prophet Bady Kobi has had his name trending on the media again following a controversial comment he passed about tithing on Empress Gifty’s ‘U Cook’ show. According to him, payment of tithe to men of God is compulsory and every church member should be encouraged to indulge in it. The controversial pastor noted that even his children who…
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garudabluffs · 1 year
Irish singer Sinéad O'Connor dies aged 56 - BBC News Jul 26, 2023
Remembering the talented singer who made her network television debut on "Late Night." (From "Late Night," air date: 9/7/88)
Sinead and Van perform a duet of the classic song. (From "Late Show" in London, 5/17/95)
"Have I Told You Lately?" 42 Comments
VIDEOs https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=the+coors+with+Sinead+o%22connor
Sinéad O'Connor's Last Tweets Are A Heartbreaking Tribute To Her Late Son 102 Comments
Sinéad O'Connor's life in pictures 1 of 26
Sinead O'Connor 'was an extremely courageous artist' - journalist Eve Barlowby Sky News7.4K views · 6 hours ago 2:15
Sinead O'Connor: She 'turned out to be prophetic' on Catholic churchby Sky News6.7K views · 7 hours ago 0:28
Sinead O'Connor: Irish singer has died aged 56, family confirmsby Sky News40K views · 7 hours ago
Conor McGregor, Sami Zayn, Outlander And More Pay Tribute To Sinéad O'Connor After Her Dea…
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'Outlander' Star Caitríona Balfe Shares Tribute to Late Sinéad O'Connor: 'Thank You for Sharing…
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Sinead O'Connor chosen to sing Outlander theme as she 'embodied the spirit' of iconic Scots show
Irish singer Sinead O'Connor has died at 56 Updated July 26, 2023
5-Minute Listen READ MORE https://www.npr.org/2023/07/26/529671631/irish-singer-sinead-oconnor-has-died-at-56
"Rock critic Bill Wyman says O'Connor belonged to a proud Irish tradition of speaking up against the established order. "You know she's always on the side of the victims, and the vulnerable, and the weak," he observes.
In 1992, at the height of her fame, Sinéad O'Connor appeared on Saturday Night Live. In her performance, she raised her voice against racism and child abuse. There was dead silence when she ended the song, a version of Bob Marley's "War," by ripping up a picture of then-Pope John Paul II."
Frank Sinatra Had Some Brutally Honest Words For Sinead O'Connor
"In 1992, Sinéad O'Connor was invited to perform on Saturday Night Live. Following an intensely charged rendition of Bob Marley's "War," she presented to the camera a photograph of Pope John Paul II before tearing it to pieces. She then fervently declared, "Fight the real enemy!" Despite the fact that the Catholic Church and the Vatican were under critical fire worldwide for charges of pedophilia and child abuse at the time, the incident became a widespread controversy (via CBC).
According to CBC, O'Connor received a lifetime ban from all NBC programs following the stunt and was even booed off stage a few weeks later during a Bob Dylan tribute show. Tough crowd, eh? It wasn't long before Frank Sinatra heard about the whole fiasco and, being a good Catholic boy himself, chimed in with a few words of his own. And no, they weren't kind words.
Frank Sinatra's unsavory response :
That's right — Frank Sinatra wasn't pleased with Sinéad O'Connor for her unsavory public gesture toward the pope, and if there's one thing Frank didn't do, it was remain silent when he wasn't pleased. According to Insider, the singer ascended the stage at a concert hall in his home state of New Jersey and, in the middle of the show, remarked, "This must be one stupid broad. I'd kick her a** if she were a guy. She must beat her kids to stay in shape."
Maybe the pope incident was just the straw that broke the camel's back, as Frank reportedly already had beef with O'Connor after she refused to perform the national anthem at one of her concerts in New Jersey. Once his remarks reached her ears, she told inquirers that she started "checking her bed for horse heads" (via Showbiz Cheat Sheet).
Read More: https://www.grunge.com/986575/frank-sinatra-had-some-brutally-honest-words-for-sinead-oconnor/
Sinéad O’Connor, Fiery and Uncompromising Singer, Dead at 56
Polarizing Irish singer-songwriter was unlikely pop superstar, though mental-health issues persisted throughout her career
READ MORE https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/sinead-oconnor-dead-obituary-200764/
42:59 War © ℗ 2005 Sinéad O'Connor.
Take My Hand (In Tua Nua with Sinead O'Connor) 1984 (demo version)
Sinéad O’Connor Remembered: Jamie Lee Curtis, Tegan and Sara, and More Pay Tribute
The Irish singer-songwriter died at the age of 56
This is a developing story… https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/sinead-oconnor-celebrities-pay-tribute-1234795837/
Sinéad O’Connor, acclaimed Dublin singer, dies aged 56
Michael D Higgins leads tributes to Irish musician, saying the country has lost an ‘extraordinarily beautiful, unique voice’
READ MORE https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/music/2023/07/26/sinead-oconnor-acclaimed-dublin-singer-dies-aged-56/
READ MORE scroll down https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/music/2023/07/26/sinead-oconnor-acclaimed-dublin-singer-dies-aged-56/
Sinéad O’Connor: A take-no-prisoners defiance in the face of trauma
Sinéad O’Connor 1966-2023: A life in pictures
Why Sinéad O’Connor Matters: Radical at the right time in the correct way
Sinéad O’Connor at Vicar Street: A once-in-a-generation singer in the form of her life
O'Connor 'a wonderful, complex and brilliant person'
The world was shocked when Sinead O’Connor died at 56, just a year after losing her son. But as more information emerges, it turns out there was an even more heartbreaking detail to her final days. (msn.com)
The world was shocked when Sinead O’Connor died at 56, just a year after losing her son. But as more information emerges, it turns out there was an even more heartbreaking detail
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the-sayuri-rin · 1 year
It's been three months since trans activist and influencer Dylan Mulvaney's 49-second Instagram ad for Bud Light launched, but conservatives and Evangelical Christians are still more triggered about it than they've ever been about anything.
The newest right-winger to join the chorus?
Controversial reality TV celebrity and self-professed devout Christian Dog the Bounty Hunter put in his august two cents about the matter during a recent Facebook Live with minister and self-proclaimed prophet Sharell Barrera.
In his comments, Dog—whose real name is Duane Chapman—threatened to give Mulvaney "two black eyes" among other charming bits of repartee, as seen below
Chapman and his fifth wife spent their time with Barrera talking about how the Christian church has somehow resulted in everyone being gay and trans, or something.
The father of 12 told Barrera:
“For many, many years, these holy rollers have done just that: rolled around."
"You see where they’ve got us now. They’ve got kids changing their sexuality.”
“We have to stop all that, rebuke them. Two ways to rebuke: in Jesus’ name and then physically.”
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lostanddeadmedia · 1 year
The Q Gospel Part II
So since I hit the character limit in the last part, this is Part II of whatever. All trigger/content warnings that may apply still apply, this is Dead Dove, Do Not Eat territory. Picks up from where I left off under the cut (it's there as a courtesy, I don't want to trigger anyone).
"The common material in Q and Mark (cf. Mark 1:2; 1:7-8; 1:12-13; 3:22-26, 27-29; 4:21, 22, 24, 25: 4:30-32; 6:7-13; 8:11, 12; 8:34-35; 8:38; 9:37, 40, 42, 50; 10:10-11; 10:31; 11:22-23; 12:37b-40; 13:9, 11, 33-37) has repeatedlyled to the hypothesis of a literary dependence of Mark on Q. But if Mark had known Q, his criteria for selecting the material he used, and especially the sayings he omitted, cannot be explained. The reasons given remain hypothetical (Mark as a supplement to the sayings source, Q as a supplement to Mark, a critical debate by Mark with the Christology of the sayings source), and fail to make plausible the considerable differences in the literary configuration and theological orientation between Q and Mark. A direct literary connection between Mark and Q must be regarded as improbable. The text complexes they share point rather to independent access of each to old Jesus traditions, but contacts between the two streams of tradition at the pre-redactional level are not to be excluded." -Udo Schenelle commenting on the relationship between Q and Mark (op. cit. p. 195)
"A much discussed feature of Q arises out of Q's version of the mission charge. Here the Q missionaries are told to take absolutely nothing for their journey, not even the basic necessities of life such as food or clothing. Elsewhere, too, Q sayings seem to presuppose an extremely radical break with past personal ties. The Q Christians are told that they must 'hate' their own families (Luke 12:46); they are told that they must take up their cross (Luke 14:27). They are not to worry about their daily needs (Luke 12:22-34) since God will provide for them. They are to be followers of the Son of Man, who has nowhere to lay his head; and they are to break with their past in such a radical way that they are not even to go home to bury a member of their own family (Luke 9:57-60). These saying have led to the plausible theory that behind Q lies a group of Christians who obeyed these instructions to the letter. Hence Q presupposes the existence of wandering prophets or charismatics who made a radical break with their own homes and went about preaching the message of the kingdom (Hoffman 1972; Theissen 1979). However, the presence of sayings like 10:2 may suggest that the final stage of Q also presupposes a group of settled Christians providing backup support for the wandering preachers (Zeller 1982, 1984)." -C. M. Tuckett's observations (op. cit., pp. 570-571)
"J. S. Kloppenborg proposes to explain the origins of Q in terms of a three-stratum model. In his view the oldest layer of Q was composed of 'wisdom speeches', including the nuclear elements of the Sermon on the Plain/Mount and the Missions Discourse, as well as Luke 11:2-4, 9-13 Q; Luke 12:2-12, 22-34 Q; Luke 13:24-14:35 Q; and others. At a later stage this complex was combined with, and partially reshaped by, materials that treat the proclamation of judgement against Israel (preaching of the Baptist, the nobleman of Capernaum, the Baptist's question, the Beelzebul controversy, the demand for signs, the Q apocalypse). The third and final stratum was provided by the temptation story, which presents Jesus as a model for one's relationship to God." _Udo Schnelle summarising the stratification proposed by Kloppenborg (op. cit., pp. 188-189)
"The original version of Q must have included wisdom sayings as well as eschatological sayings. It cannot be argued that Q orignally presented Jesus as a teacher of wisdom without an eschatological message. The close relationships of the Gospel of Thomas to Q cannot be accidental. Since the typical Son of Man sayings and announcements of judgements which are characteristic of the redaction of Q are never paralleled in the Gospel of Thomas, it is evident that its author had no knowledge fo the final version of Q, nor of the secondary apocalyptic interpretation that the redactor of Q superimposed upon earlier eschatological sayings. The Gospel of Thomas is either dependent upon Q's earlier version or upon clusters of sayings employed in its composition." -Helmut Koester (op. cit., p. 150)
"For the followers of Jesus whose tradition is represented in the original composition of Q, the turning point of the ages is the proclamation of Jesus. In the sayings of Jesus, his followers find the continuation of this announcement. These sayings are not only reassurance of the eschatological moment, they are also the rule of life for the community of the new age insofar as Jesus continues to speak in sayings of wisdom and in rules for the community. Jesus may indeed have been viewed as the heavenly wisdom. This is especially evident in Q 10:21-22 which defines the relationship of Jesus to the Father in terms of the established sapiental concept of Wisdom and God. If Q 13:34-35, the lament over Jerusalem, should belong to the original composition of Q, Jesus is also the one who sends Wisdom's envoys.
Just as the departure of Wisdom or of her envoy does not constitute a change in the urgency of the message, so too Jesus' death would not be seen as a crisis of his proclamation. The disciples are already called to follow in the steps of Jesus, in their discipleship (Q 9:57-62) as well as in their task to carry on his proclamation (Q 10:2-12). Jesus' departure would make this call even more urgent. The ages have already begun to turn through Jesus' announcement. Any emphasis on Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection would be meaningless in this context. Thus Q can not be seen as a teaching supplement for a community whose theology is represented by the Pauline kerygma. Q's theology and soteriology are fundamentally different." - Helmut Koester (op. cit., p. 159)
"On the other hand, the Synoptic Sayings Source is an important piece of evidence for the continuation of a theology of followers of Jesus that had no relationship to the kerygma of the cross and resurrection. It is evident now that this was not an isolated phenomenon. The opponents of Paul in 1 Corinthians 1-4, the Gospel of Thomas, the Dialogue of the Savior, and the opponents of the Gospel of John in the Johannine community all shared this understanding of the significance of Jesus' coming." -Helmut Koester (op. cit., p. 165)
"Recent studies have shown how fruitful a redaction-critical approach to Q can be. At first sight such work may appear to be extremely hypothetical, being based on what some would argue is a very questionable presupposition (the very existence of Q as a single document). However, the very distinctiveness of the Q material as shown by the recent redaction-critical studies of Q is in itself an indication that this material did exist as a separate entity at some stage in development of the synoptic tradition. Theories about the theology of Q, if successful, may therefore provide support for the hypothesis of the existence of Q. Q may also alert us to the great variety within primitive Christianity. It shows us a version of the Christian faith which perhaps less cross centered than, say, Paul or Mark; but is nonetheless real for that." -C. M. Tuckett (op. cit., p. 571)
Mark and Q
Explanation 1: Q was a book of sayings and teachings attributed to Jesus.
Counteracts the reliance on actual events that Mark had.
Explains why Matthew and Luke's writings are so similar (like students copying from a primary source.
"Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." - Matthew 7:1-2
"Judge not and ye shall not be judged: condemn not and ye shall not be condemned: forgive and ye shall be forgiven." -Luke 6:37
The explanation is seen as problematic due to surviving proto-Gospel works sharing little with Matthew and Luke.
Matthew and Luke
Explanation 2: Matthew and Luke copied from each-other, much like students cheating on a test.
This theory is seemingly supported by the fact that the book of Mark was used as a source for the books of Matthew and Luke.
Scholars agreee that the books of Matthew and Luke do not depend on each other like they depend on Mark.
Q is Non-Canon
Explanation 3: Q is the non-canonical 'Gospel of the Hebrews'.
The Gospel of the Hebrews would be a short gospel consisting of the sayings attributed to Jesus.
The Gospel of the Hebrews is second among Jerome's chronology of Christian Writings (listed after Mark).
The Gospel of the Hebrews shares very little in common with either Matthew or Luke.
Q + Mark + Matthew = Luke
The Three-Source Hypothesis: Suggests Q is a proto-Gospel quoted in the works of Papias.
Papias' writings are often mistaken as an abridged version of Matthew.
Further states that the book of Luke was written later than accepted and took from Matthew, Mark, and Q.
Four Source
Four Source Hypothesis: Suggests the Q Gospel alone is not enough to explain the discrepancies between Matthew and Luke.
States that the books of Matthew and Luke not only drew material from Mark and Q, but also a Proto-Matthew and Proto-Luke (supposedly evidenced by the writings of Papias).
Alternate Theory: These three gospels draw common elements from either the Ur-Gospel or oral traditions.
Probability of Recovery
Highly unlikely for any unaltered written version to be unearthed.
A List of Stories Attributed to the Q Gospel
The Beatitudes (describes the blessedness of those who have certain qualities/experiences peculiar to those belonging to the Kingdom of Heaven)
Love Thy Enemies
The Golden Rule
Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged
The Test of a Good Person
The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
The Parable of the Wedding Feast
The Parable of the Talnts
The Parable of the Leaven
The Parable of the Blind Leading the Blond
The Lord's Prayer
Expounding the Law
The Birds of Heaven and The Lillies In the Field
Lost Media Wiki
Early Christian Writings
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freewisconsin · 2 years
The people vs muhammad reddit
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The teacher had discussed the subject with his class after the magazine Charlie Hebdo republished drawings of Prophet Muhammad to coincide with a trial linked to the deadly attack on its journalists in 2015. The French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM) - the main intermediary between the religion and the government - has since promised its own plan to fight radicalisation, to include a training programme for imams.Īfter Samuel Paty's brutal killing, Emmanuel Macron defended freedom of expression: "We will not give up caricatures and drawings, even if others back away", he said, calling for an end to hatred and violence and for respect for others. He calls on Macron to lead France "in providing Muslims with the same safeguards it extends to other communities". In a column for Euronews, Pakistan minister Syed Zulfi Bukhari - also an adviser to Prime Minister Imran Khan - argues the caricatures are not satire but similar to the "dehumanisation. The French president's remarks drew fire from Turkey's President Erdogan - who slammed "rising Islamophobia in the West" and called for a boycott of French products - as well as protests across the Muslim world from Pakistan to Syria, Bangladesh to Gaza. Macron's comments came at the end of a week in which three people were stabbed to death in a Catholic church in Nice by a Tunisian man, and a security guard at a French consulate in Saudi Arabia was wounded by a man with a knife.īefore these events, he had sparked controversy over his defence of freedom of expression and attack on "radical Islam" and "Islamist separatism" in the wake of Samuel Paty's beheading.
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France: President Macron says he understands Muslim shock over Prophet cartoons.
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gujjukathiyawadi · 2 years
पैगंबर मोहम्मद विवाद: मुस्लिम देशों के संगठन OIC की छोटी सोच से भड़का भारत, खरी-खरी सुना दी
पैगंबर मोहम्मद विवाद: मुस्लिम देशों के संगठन OIC की छोटी सोच से भड़का भारत, खरी-खरी सुना दी
हाइलाइट्स पैगंबर मोहम्मद विवाद पर ओआईसी देशों के बयान से भड़का भारत विदेश मंत्रालय के प्रवक्ता ने OIC के बयान को विभाजनकारी एजेंडा बताया है गौरतलब है कि बीजेपी नेता नुपूर शर्मा ने पैगंबर मोहम्मद पर कथित टिप्पणी की थी नई दिल्ली: भारत ने पैगंबर मोहम्मद विवाद पर पाकिस्तान को दो-टूक सुनाने के बाद सोमवार को इस्लामिक सहयोग संगठन (OIC) को भी खरी-खरी सुना दी। गौरतलब है कि भारतीय जनता पार्टी (बीजेपी) के…
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Exclusive: ‘सुप्रीम कोर्ट की टिप्पणी…', नूपुर शर्मा केस पर जस्टिस एसएन ढींगरा ने दिया बड़ा बयान
Exclusive: ‘सुप्रीम कोर्ट की टिप्पणी…’, नूपुर शर्मा केस पर जस्टिस एसएन ढींगरा ने दिया बड़ा बयान
Image Source : PTI FILE Nupur Sharma ‘single-handedly responsible for what’s happening’ in country, says SC. Nupur Sharma Case: दिल्ली हाई कोर्ट के रिटायर्ड जज जस्टिस एस. एन. ढींगरा ने नूपुर शर्मा पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट के ऑब्जर्वेशन को ‘गैरजिम्मेदाराना’, ‘गैरकानूनी’ और ‘अनुचित’ बताया है। India TV को दिए एक इंटरव्यू में जस्टिस ढींगरा ने कहा कि सुप्रीम कोर्ट को ऐसी टिप्पणी करने का कोई अधिकार नहीं है।…
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Nupur Sharma did not appear before the police, Mumbai Police will soon decide on the action
Nupur Sharma did not appear before the police, Mumbai Police will soon decide on the action
Prophet Remarks Row Latest News: Suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma did not appear before Mumbai Police on Saturday to record her statement in connection with the case registered against her for allegedly making objectionable remarks against Prophet Mohammad. An FIR was registered against Sharma at the Pydhuni police station on May 28 and the police had sent summons to him through email, an…
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bharatlivenewsmedia · 2 years
Prophet row: Maha police's summons to Nupur Sharma, Naveen Jindal over controversial comments
Prophet row: Maha police’s summons to Nupur Sharma, Naveen Jindal over controversial comments
Prophet row: Maha police’s summons to Nupur Sharma, Naveen Jindal over controversial comments Thane, Jun 12: Suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma and expelled BJP functionary Naveen Kumar Jindal have received summons from the Bhiwandi police in Maharashtra to record a statement in connection with her controversial comments against Prophet Mohammad, an official told PTI Thane, Jun 12:…
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