#cookie run heartbreak
slicedsashimi · 11 months
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i’m such a big fan of the mermaid tale update, I’VE ALWAYS BEEN
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beltsourcookie · 4 months
the faerie kingdom episode would have been better if they added worms and moles as their npcs and not a bunch of monotone grayscale silver aesthetic
in fact, the forest/woods aesthetic isnt the problem because compared to actual cottagecore faerie aesthetic, the faerie kingdom is too incredibly 'pristine' and feels like youre in in the utensil section of the cooking aisle
devsis creating the faerie kingdom:
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what the faerie kingdom should have taken inspiration from:
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cookies that have heavy designs from wild berries and flowers would have been more suitable because it can build a more creative and colourful world instead and there would be endless possibilities for outfits
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sweetchocohearts · 2 years
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Them 🖤
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All I’m sayin is that if Almond gets to be a Batman bitch and Walnut is a Scooby-Doo scringle then Almond Milk 100% deserves to be a Powerpuff Girls powerhouse
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indigo-flightly-falls · 8 months
Two crk ocs and their dynamic in a nutshell
Charred Angel Cookie, a ball of trauma who physically cannot get attached to others: I am a monster of my superiors creation. I was meant for nothing but loneliness, and I shall take my revenge on the ones that get the life I deserved.
Dark Syrup Cookie, an ex-villain who is also a ball of trauma: .... have you ever eaten toast with butter?
Charred Angel, who has never had someone not run away screaming in fear from them before: ... what.
Dark Syrup, completely serious: I think it could fix you.
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toddbarrowcountry · 1 year
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Recording my new song ready for April 2023 release!!!🤠🎙🎸🎶
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nariism · 9 months
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a/n: fluff!! neuvillette being a touch starved loser (affectionate) + lots of terms of endearment. happy belated neuvillette day! may all neuvillette wanters be neuvillette havers ≧◡≦
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Neuvillette can't stand coming home if not into your arms.
The deafening silence of a sleeping home drives him mad. It used to be welcomed after his terribly loud days. Now only serves to remind him of the millennium he spent alone, of the heartbreak he had to endure with no one to hold him, and of the growing emptiness within his heart long before he knew you.
It's unlike him to come home so late, but duty calls and as the Iudex of Fontaine he must go wherever summoned.
For days he has come home well into the latest hours of the night, sliding off his shoes in the darkness of the hall and allowing the silence to swallow him up whole. Five unbearably long days of missing your smile greeting him at the door, hands all over his face and squeezing his cheeks until he nudges them away in lieu of kissing you hello.
He expects tonight to be the same. It's so late that there was not a single soul wandering the streets of the city, no one awake to witness the very tired, very cranky Chief Justice.
You always find a way to defy his expectations.
The hall is quiet when he cracks open the front door. Crushing loneliness swells in his chest and sinks into the pit of his stomach when he realizes that you must have gone to bed long ago, as anyone sane would do. But then there's a click, followed by a small flame dancing in the dark.
You ignite an array of candles one by one, each additional glow illuminating your beautiful face in warm light. Neuvillette can't stop the hitching of his breath, nor the confusion knitted through his brows.
"What are you doing awake?"
You know he doesn't mean to scold you. Soft laughter fills his ears as you saunter over to him slowly. Realization crashes down on him as you approach, allowing him to see closer what has kept you up.
"Happy birthday, my love."
It's so late that midnight passed hours ago. He hadn't even realized amongst all the chaos of his work that the 17th had come and gone, making way for his birthday.
Only you would remember. It was a talent you had, memorizing every detail about him that sometimes even he lost track of.
("Neuvillette, dear, I picked up some dark roast on the way home today." He didn't even realize he had run out.
"Welcome home, I made ragout!" He wasn't aware he was craving it until you brought it up.
"Do you want this?" It's the last cookie in the bag, saved especially for him because you know it's from his favourite bakery in town.)
He leans in and blows out his candles, eyes never leaving yours as he blinks at you slowly. You look so beautiful even now, in the dimly moonlit hall. Darkness envelops your bodies again and yet he never tears his gaze away. Not even for a moment.
"Now put the cake down, please."
"Hm?" Your head tilts, clearly confused by his request.
"So I can hold you," he quickly explains, fingers itching at his sides because of how much he aches to hug you.
You gently set the cake down on the entrance table before you get scooped into a warm embrace, pressed snuggly to his chest as he memorizes the outline of your body against his once more.
"I've missed you, my dear," he says, face burrowed into the crook of your neck.
"It's only been a couple days," you laugh, and then remind him: "I see you every day at lunch."
"No, this is different." He pulls away slightly, forehead pressed against yours as he looks into your eyes. There's something in there— vulnerability and love all mixed into a beautiful purple harmony. "I miss coming home into your arms after long days," he admits.
"Oh, love," you breathe, reaching up to cup his face the way he's so used to. "Things will settle down again soon."
His eyes close as he savours your presence, soaking up all the affection you're giving him in his moment of weakness. You've always spoiled him.
"I suppose so," he agrees, a smile finally settling on his lips. Your thumb runs along it, tracing the curve of his happiness. There's a beat of silence before you open your mouth again.
"What did you wish for?" You ask curiously, voice growing quieter as you lean in to kiss him. And the answer he gives comes naturally.
Neuvillette has always wished for things he read about in novels; imaginary promises of treasure and desire and fame, sealed with the wispy smoke of blown out birthday candles. He isn't even sure if he has ever actually wanted any of those. But as he looks at you, with the slow beating of his heart and the brushing of your lips against him, he can't think of a single thing he could want more than this.
"I did not wish for anything," he tells you honestly, giving your waist a squeeze. "I already have everything I could ever want."
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
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frostbitebakery · 3 months
part one two three four five
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“Why are you buttering me up, Master?” Obi-Wan signs, taking another careful sip of the cookie shake.
Master Tholme unfolds his hands on the table, cane resting against his leg. “Because I understand that you might not want to participate in this mission,” he signs back. It must be one of those days where he doesn’t want to talk. Obi-Wan understands and lets the silence engulf them. “But the Council and I feel that this is where you need to be.”
“Master,” Obi-Wan signs and bows.
“Hello, Obi-Wan.”
It’s not the first time he’s seen Qui-Gon again after Melidaan’s parting gift almost killed him. Of course they’ve seen each other. Qui-Gon had been there for him while he recovered, had hovered over Master Tholme’s shoulder like a shadow.
“A particularly annoying shadow,” Master Tholme had commented drily back then. “Which is funny, considering.“
Obi-Wan opens his arms and Qui-Gon’s tall frame closes around him. Maybe a queezing too tight but… but that doesn’t matter. “How are you,” he taps on a broad shoulder.
He’s abruptly let go. Not pushed back, thankfully.
“I am well, thank you.” Qui-Gon falls silent.
Obi-Wan has forced himself to stop trying to make the awkwardness between them less uncomfortable by the time he turned sixteen and Master Tholme sat him down to explain why he should let Qui-Gon come to grips with everything that has happened between them on his own until Qui-Gon reaches out to him.
“How are you?” And the caring and heartbreak lingering in Qui-Gon’s eyes is too much.
“I feel prepared to accompany you on this mission.”
It had been Qui-Gon who had taught him sign language in different iterations useful across the galaxy, before and later. Tholme has taught him tap code, after.
“Then let’s not waste any time,” Qui-Gon says, eyes on his long padawan braid.
Meeting Anakin feels… weird in the Force.
“So you don’t talk? Ever?”
Obi-Wan shakes his head, amusement crinkling his eyes.
“You don’t want to or you can’t?” the boy asks before his eyes widen. “Both are fine!”
“Cannot,” he signs carefully, settling on an Outer Rim dialect.
“Oh, ok!”
It’s the beginning of a never ending nightmare. Tatooine. Naboo. The desperate attempts to stop a war from happening.
He keeps to the background, inconspicuous and invisible.
Which is the only reason he ends up in the plasma refinery complex.
“It’ll be alright, little one,” Qui-Gon murmurs, gentle fingers wiping tears away before they reach the mask. “Just squeeze my hand.”
“Master,” he taps, hiccups threatening to disrupt something in his throat.
“Take care of the boy.”
So he does.
He brings Anakin back to the Temple, watches over his nightmares in silence.
He kneels as Master Tholme cuts his braid.
He explains to the Council what he thinks.
Anakin is bright. Smart and a beacon in the Force. He’s older than usual, granted. But his connection to the Force is palpably vast and potentially dangerous if he isn’t trained to handle that connection. He’s safer in the Temple where they can watch over him and teach him.
The Council agrees.
He introduces Anakin to Depa.
Her dry wit has the boy relaxing. Her no-nonsense attitude is a guiding light, a steady framework he can lean on and count on.
Depa delights in showing him the Temple, the opportunities to learn and try out new experiences.
Shadow work piles up and suddenly Obi-Wan is running around the galaxy trying to put out fires.
When he’s slumped in the back door of an abandoned factory in the shady part of an Outer Rim planet, struggling to breathe and feeling like he’s dying, lightsaber in a death grip, he makes the decision to return to the Temple. The mask has to change or he will die because he is out of breath. Unacceptable.
The technicians look at him chagrined and apologetic, explain that this is all they can do at the moment, maybe he can take it a bit easier?
“No, you need to adjust the valves on—“ a small voice peeps up from behind his shoulder.
Obi-Wan has been aware Anakin is clinging to his back like a monkey bear. He’s ignored the looks he’s gotten on the way to the tech complex.
“Have at it, then,” he signs.
Anakin looks at him like he’s personally chosen every star in the galaxy as he hands over the mask.
“An order.”
“A strong suggestion,” Mace corrects.
“Call it what it is,” Obi-Wan signs, cutting through the air with his hands he’s so furious. “Chancellor Palpatine has no business wanting to spend time with Anakin.”
Mace sighs, leans back in the chair. “I’m aware, Obi-Wan.” He taps his fingers against the armrest but he’s releasing energy, focusing his thoughts, not code. “How are you feeling?”
The renewed esophagus has him out of the mission count for a bit yet, he’s slowly weaned off the artificial nutrition. Overall, he’s starting to feel a bit restless.
“Perhaps you want to enjoy Coruscant’s scenery while you’re here?” Mace asks, a twinkle in his eye. “Though I beg you to not get into trouble,” he adds with a frown. “Too much trouble, I mean. I forgot for a second who I was talking to.”
Spying on the Chancellor is not on Bant’s list of approved activities but what she doesn’t know…
Obi-Wan touches his chin and brings his hand forward.
“So you can either sign in the dark or write tap code with these gloves. You can adjust the brightness and still sneak around.”
“Thank you, Ani.” It’s one of the best gifts he’s ever had the honor of receiving. It solves a lot of problems on missions. He hugs the boy close and feels swept up in the thoughtfulness. “I don’t sneak.”
“You totally do and it’s so wizard!”
“You were supposed to be my Master!”
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ladykailitha · 2 months
Sweet Home Indiana Part 2
Hello! My elbow was doing better this morning and then I took a nap and hurt it again somehow...(head desk) so I'm still putting out my backlog without being able to build up more because of it, hopefully it gets better before I run out of backlog because that would be embarrassing.
Here we get some backstory as Eddie strolls back into Steve's life.
Pt 1
When Robin came into open the store she found Steve wearing the clothes he had been wearing the night before. None of the bread dough was rising, none of the cookies were baking having not even been made, the cakes were out on the cooling racks instead in the freezer to chill enough to have frosting put on them.
He was curled up next to their large stand mixer dubbed the Beast, cradling his sides like he was trying to hold in his innards.
“Steve...” she called out gently.
Steve looked up at her and her heart broke. His eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks tear-stained and blotchy. Snot ran down his nose and pooled on his upper lip.
She sighed and then turned around. She hunted around for a marker and a piece of paper. She wrote that they were closed for the day and hung it up outside the front door. She locked it behind her and went to go sit down next her best friend.
Steve laid his head on her shoulder and sighed.
“Eddie’s getting married.”
Robin had to force herself from jerking her head around to look at him because he needed her support more than he needed her ire in that moment.
“Who do I have to kill?” she muttered darkly, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair soothingly.
Steve barked out a bitter laugh. “She’s this hot shot legal assistant from Barbados. Like I didn’t even know that was a country until I looked it up. It’s in the Caribbean. Did you know that?”
“I did.”
Robin blinked for a minute. “Wait...she?”
Steve just shrugged. “People change, Robs. Don’t make it a thing.”
She bit her lip and worried it between her teeth. Because fucking hell she wanted to make a big deal out of it. Someone should make a big deal out of it.
“Nancy’s back in town visiting her family,” she said instead. “Holly’s graduating next week.”
Steve threw his arms in the air. “Great! I’m being invaded by my ex. Just put me out of my misery now, Robs. I don’t think I can take it.”
Robin smacked his arms. “No. There will be no killing of the Steve. If anyone wants to make it your problem, then they’re going to have a problem with me, got it?”
“Thanks, Robbie,” he murmured, running his fingers through his hair. “Like the way he went about it was such complete shit. Like how dare he think that a simple annulment is going to get him off abandoning me for fame and fortune and then not coming back when it fell through?”
Robin’s head did whip around that time. “He fucking did what?”
Steve sighed and waved at the papers in the trash. She got up and picked them up. She read through them with increasing ire. Her hands started to shake and her face burned with indignation.
“Screw killing her,” she hissed. “I’m going to kill him. Just as soon as I find his scrawny ass. How dare he?”
He huffed out a bitter laugh. “I hunted down his number and called him out on it. I told him if he was so desperate to be free of me he had to tell me to my face.”
“So what you’re telling me...” Robin said slowly, “is that your not just being invaded by one ex, but most likely two exes. And like your two biggest heartbreaks ever?”
Steve got to his feet and lopped over to her. “That about sums it up, yeah. I know you closed the store, but I still have to make Mrs. Laurence’s cake. She’s supposed to pick it up at 3pm.”
She patted him on the shoulder and tossed away the papers. “Let’s make this cake. We can’t disappoint Mrs. Laurence.”
Steve and Robin went through and tossed everything that couldn’t be salvaged. Steve pulled the two chocolate sheet cakes out of the freezer and set them on the decorating table. He went into the walk-in freezer and got out the two large tubs of frosting; one chocolate buttercream and the other vanilla buttercream.
Robin pulled out the food dyes and began mixing the colors they would need for the cake. Steve went and grabbed one final thing from the fridge before closing the door. A raspberry filling.
He got to work starting with a crumb coating and then took the purple colored frosting from Robin and began covering the whole cake. Once it was completely covered he started adding design elements and darker purple flowers.
Then he passed it over to Robin who wrote “Happy 50th Anniversary” on the top.
All in all it had taken about an hour. Then he called up Mrs. Laurence and told her that Robin would be delivering the cake today because the shop was closed. He didn’t explain why and she didn’t ask. Mostly she was just grateful that it was going to be delivered.
Then Steve got to work preparing for tomorrow. Things like cookies and pastries that could stay in the fridge over night were made first. Then he started on the thing he was most famous for: his brownies.
He had four kinds, a triple chocolate that was dark chocolate brownie with milk chocolate frosting and chunks. The second one was a peanut butter marble with fudge drizzled over it and topped with chopped peanuts. The third was a cheesecake and caramel that was super popular with the high school kids. But the most famous, the one every raved about was the mint brownie. It had mint in the brownie itself, mint frosting, and fudge and crumbled brownie bits covering the top.
The Monster as it was fondly called by Steve’s customers could turn even the most fervent of mint haters over to the dark side, it was that good.
Finally everything was ready for tomorrow.
When Robin came back from delivering the cake, she sat down at the decorating table and leaned on her elbows, clasping her hands together.
“When are you going to get some people into help you?” she asked gently. “You know I won’t be here forever and you can’t keep doing it on your own.”
Steve who had just finished cleaning everything up looked up at her with his big puppy dog eyes. “You’re going to leave me?” he asked with a pout.
She slapped at his arm. “You know that I’m heading to college in the fall, just as soon as I pick which one I’m going to. You’ll have all summer to train a couple of people to take my place.”
He sighed. “I know. I’ll think about it after I deal with my exes this week.”
Robin rolled her eyes. “Fine. But I also get to interview these new peeps and make sure they’re good enough.”
“Deal!” he said and they shook hands.
Because they were closed the day before Steve had a line of customers lining up on the sidewalk when he turned the closed sign to read “OPEN”.
Robin and he got to work helping all the customers.
It was fine up until Mrs. O’Donnell came in absolutely bitching about how she always gets her bread on Wednesdays and he knows that he should have been open for her. Especially since Mrs. Laurence got her cake, so Steve should have been able to open for her to get her bread.
She had completely bottlenecked the whole line. Robin was working as hard as she could to keep up with demand on her side of the counter, but Steve could see she was starting to falter.
“Enough!” Steve barked and the whole shop went silent. “I had a personal matter come up that couldn’t have been avoided and Mrs. Laurence had paid for her cake well in advance which is why she still got it. And unless you don’t want to get your precious bread ever again, because I have banned you, then you better stop harassing me, get your damn bread, and get the fuck out of my store.”
Mrs. O’Donnell let out a small “eep!” before paying for her bread and leaving quickly. There was a small amount of clapping and Steve grinned.
“Next, please,” he said and the next customer came up.
Things went smoother after that.
Two hours later, the rush had ended and Robin and Steve worked on restocking the shelves.
“You always were a bitch, Steve,” a voice said from the corner on the shop were there were a couple of tables people could use to eat their tasty delights. “But watching you take down that bitch O’Donnell was like poetry in motion.”
Steve stiffened, hands clenching on the tray of brownies he was carrying. He slowly turned around and sure enough in all his black clothes, leather jacket, and many chained glory was Eddie Munson.
He gritted his teeth and slid the tray home in the display case. He pulled the towel off his shoulder and wiped off his hands. “Nice to see you finally got tired of running.”
Eddie got to his feet and moved to step toward the counter when a little bell went off announcing a customer.
In walked this soft round woman with a bright smile. She didn’t even notice Eddie standing there, she just walked right up to Steve.
“Mrs. Laurence!” Steve greeted warmly. “How was the cake yesterday?”
Mrs. Laurence smiled. “It was lovely as always, dear. Nothing but rave reviews from all.”
He smiled at her fondly. “I’m glad. So what can I get you today?”
She tapped her finger on her lips as scanned over the case. “I’ll take a half dozen raspberry truffles and a monster please.”
Steve’s smile turned into a grin. “You’re just in time, I just finished a fresh batch of monsters just before you came in.”
“Lucky me indeed,” she said with a giggle. “They are so much better fresh. Not like your peanut butter ones. They taste better after a day or two to really set the peanut butter.”
Steve laughed as he packed her order. “I always feel like the opposite, give the brownie bites on top time to get chewy and they’re...” he did the chef’s kiss. “But I like how gooey the fresh peanut butter ones are fresh out of the oven.”
Mrs. Laurence laughed too. “Agree to disagree, dear.” She paid and turned around.
“Oh my goodness!” she huffed. “I didn’t even see you there, you must think me rude just jumping the line like that.”
Eddie shook his head. “I don’t think you’ve got a rude bone in your body. Jeffy takes after you that way.”
She tilted her head. “Eddie?”
Eddie nodded mutely, lips pressed into a grim line. She swept him up in a hug.
“My Jeff didn’t say anything about you coming to town,” she admonished her youngest child.
Eddie just shook his head. “It was a last minute decision. Just something I have to take care of.”
She looked back at Steve who had his head tucked to his chin and then back to him. She nodded sagely. “I see. Do take care of yourself, Eddie.”
She wave back at Steve. “Bye, dear. Thank you so much again for the cake yesterday.”
“Of course, Mrs. Laurence, you have a good day,” Steve said softly.
Eddie finally made it to the counter.
“I forget she’s Jeff’s mom,” Steve muttered as he wiped down an already clean counter.
Eddie cleared his throat. “Yeah. Like I forgot he was in town for his parent’s wedding anniversary. I guess time does that to you.”
Steve nodded. “So you’re actually here.”
“So I’m actually here,” he agreed. “But first I want to know what the fuck a monster is?”
Steve’s eyes misted as he pulled out a brownie from the case and set it on a piece of parchment paper.
“It’s called that because it’s big, green, and ugly, but soft and sweet,” he explained like he was reading from a script, refusing to look up at Eddie, “just like the Frankenstein monster from that super old horror movie.”
Eddie looked down at the so-called monstrosity with a wave of affection for the man in front of him. That wasn’t why it was named the monster. The reason it was called that was because that’s what the towns people were calling him before he left for fortune and fame, because he played D&D, like metal music, and was an out and proud gay man. That and the fact that they thought he had killed a bunch of kids with a batch of bad blow.
Which had been bullshit. Considering he had never sold meth or cocaine and didn’t have any on him. So when they tested his hair, his clothes, his uncle’s trailer and couldn’t even find so much a speck of the stuff, let alone the stuff that killed the kids, they let him go.
As far as Eddie was aware they still don’t know who sold them the drugs.
So yeah, Steve made him the brownie when he was at his lowest to tell him how soft and sweet he was despite being called a monster.
Eddie opened his wallet and got out the cash for the brownie and handed it to Steve.
Steve went through the motions of getting him his change. Which Eddie immediately put in their little tip jar.
Steve boxed up the brownie and handed Eddie the box.
Eddie pulled out an envelope out of his messenger bag and handed it to Steve.
Steve sighed and pulled them out. He began to look over them over and had a pen in hand, when he looked up to see Eddie moaning around the brownie.
He clicked the pen and shoved it back in his apron. “I better have my lawyer look over this, after all I’m just dumb, right Eddie?”
Eddie’s eyes widen and he choked down the bite of the brownie. Flashing back to their last major fight.
“God!” he screamed. “How can you be this stupid? Those kids are in high school now, they have their own parents, for fuck’s sake. Where is your ambition? This is just bullshit. You aren’t chained here for fuck’s sake.”
Steve’s face shuttered and the mask he only pulled out when his parents were around dropped over his features. Bland, clueless, and absolutely frightening in its uncanny valley.
That’s when Eddie knew he’d fucked up bad. He had said the three things he swore in his wedding vows he’d never say to Steve. That he had no ambition, that he was stupid, and that he was bullshit.
He turned on his heel and never looked back.
Steve smirked as if he knew what was flashing through his mind and walked away, leaving Eddie standing there with hand near his mouth, the expression of shock still on his frozen features.
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Tag List:
1- @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
2- @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie
3- @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666
4- @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
5- @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690
6- @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon
7- @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt
8- @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @blackpanzy
9- @amazing-spiderkeys @oldpinghai @raisedbylibrarians @kultiras @swimmingbirdrunningrock
10- @steddie-as-they-go @captain--low @micheledawn1975
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scramblescrew · 3 months
Yandere Hollyberry, Cacao, Golden Cheese, and Pure Vanilla Cookies when Y/N tries to escape them by swimming through dangerous waters
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Dark Cacao Cookie would be PISSED, how can you be SO FOOLISH that you’d jump into the Licorice Sea. Didn’t you know that you could die!? Drowning, being eaten by a monster, stolen away by Mer-Cookies, anything bad could happen to you and this ancient king wouldn’t let that happen. Dark Cacao Cookie would take off the heavy pieces of his armor as well as his cape and dived in to get you. Unfortunately for you this king, being a bigger & taller cookie, quickly caught up to you and dragged a struggling you back to shore and then- back to your isolated room. When you were chained back into place, Dark Cacao would then let out a long berating session about why you ever would have thought to run away from him, and especially trying to swim in the Licorice Sea. But after the tangent, Dark Cacao Cookie kissed your forehead and cuddled you for the rest of the night.
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Now HollyBerry Cookie understands why you were trying to leave. It really wasn’t right to keep another cookie locked in a place without access to the outside world, but it was for your own good. Other Cookies would have taken you away from her, and she could never handle that. So seeing you try to swim away from her was heartbreaking. But same as DCC, she would put her shield down and jump in to get you back. Once she got you and dragged you back to shore, she would have Wildberry Cookie take you back to her room, have you dry off (within the privacy of being alone in your room, Wildberry isn’t gonna watch you!-), and redressed into warm clothes. After which she would come in, locking the door behind her, and tuck you into your bed, then lightly scolding you for trying to run away, noting that you would’ve gotten seriously injured by doing that. But after she was done, she’d cuddle up to you and let drowsiness take over the two of you.
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“Y/N COOKIE! WHERE ARE YOU!” The guards shouted as they searched the floating kingdom, but it was no use, you had gotten out of the kingdom disguised as a Cacaoian merchant and were riding a horse away from the area. you had made it to a coastal gummy bear village and had sold the horse for a decent amount of coins before a few guards and Pure Vanilla found you, you quickly took the money and ran, thinking of how you could escape now. you then looked into the water while running and remembered and it would take awhile for the sogginess to harm you, so you secured the gold to you and jumped into the water and swam as fast as you could away from the guards. Pure Vanilla Cookie’s guards quickly ran in and swam after you, they quickly gained up on you, capturing you and dragging a thrashing Y/N Cookie back to the sickeningly sweet Ancient.
The same ancient who wrapped his robed arms around you so softly and took you back to the floating kingdom then to the shimmering white and light yellow castle. locking the both of you into a warm, SAFE room where you belong, warm…safe…alive….happy….and in his arms……
“Why must I be imprisoned by the cookies who love me so” Rang through Y/N cookie’s mind
((Hello EveryCookie! The author here, I just wanted to say that I don’t own any of these characters, the Ancient cookies belong to DevSisters and even Y/N Cookie belongs to you all! I
also wanted to thank you all for reading this first attempt at posting on Tumblr! I hope y’all enjoy it and I would love to write your guys’ requests if you have any! Have a great day/night!))
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beybaldes · 10 months
my first, my last, my everything
summer sleepover masterlist
roy kent x gn!reader
summary : “i could be your family” requested by the loml @onceuponaoneshotfanfic <33
content warning : readers family are a little mean because they are moving away from home, set pre-ted lasso era.
an : what a cute prompt :(((( domestic roy is something so personal to me :(((( title is based on the song of the same name by barry white !!
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It was well known by anyone that had even heard of him that Roy Kent was ‘one tough cookie’ (as Ted had called him in a interview once when he first came to Richmond), and the sentiment had seemed to stick. But back when Roy first asked you out, you knew you were in for a world of romance.
Based on his ‘I don’t like anyone or anything’ aesthetic alone, you figured he’d be a secret softie and the worlds most hopeless romantic - and you’d been totally right. The evening of your first date, he’d shown up with 2 dozen red roses, kept his hand on your thigh the entire car ride, opened every door for you, pulled out every chair for you, and complimented you at every opportunity. When he walked you back to your door, after a night of being a perfect gentleman, he gave you the most searing and passionate kiss of your life, leaving without another word.
After spending half an hour sat in bed debating if his silence after the kiss was his way of letting you down gently, you searched to see if there was any meaning behind the 2 dozen red roses he’d given you.
The traditional romantic message of 24 roses is that of complete devotion, or “I am yours.”
You had no doubt you’d been seeing Roy Kent for a date, and getting kissed by him like that, again.
4 years later, almost each and every day of it spent together, Roy asks you if you’re willing to move across the country with him if the bid from Chelsea goes through and he gets transferred. When he asks, head hung low and his hands in tight fists, you can tell he expects you to say no. Expects you to explain that while you love him, and you’ve loved these last 4 years, that you can’t - won’t - leave Sunderland. He is ready for this to be the biggest heartbreak of his young life and have it ruin every other partner for him.
You say yes in a heartbeat, and seal it with a kiss just a searing as the one he gave you after your first date.
The move down south is long and tiring, but so worth it. You’re closer to Roy’s mum and sister, he gets to play for his childhood team, your work seamlessly transferred you to it’s sister company, and you were living in a beautiful house with the love of your life (who had an incredibly sexy shaggy mullet going on). Life couldn’t have been better.
Except for the fact that your family hadn’t stopped bombarding you with text messages about your move all week. You still had boxes left to unpack and they were already making you regret your decision. Not the decision of moving in with Roy, you’d go fucking anywhere with Roy, but they made it so hard to allow yourself to feel like you’d made the right choice when they were constantly telling you you hadn’t.
Every single one of them was telling you Roy would leave you sooner or later, for some model, footballer, actress or one of the spice girls. One of your uncles even had a bet going with one of his mates from the pub that Roy would fuck all five before then end of his career. To say it made you feel like shit would be an understatement.
“Sunshine, I’m home.” Roy shouted from the front door, kicking it closed behind him and then kicking his shoes off. He’s been doing press about the transfer all day, and he feels terrible having left you in the new house all alone to unpack, but he knows it’s just part of the move, there’s ultimately nothing he can do about it. Still, the only thing he wants to do before he has to go out for another full day of press tomorrow is curl up in your arms, have you run your fingers through his hair, and whisper sweet nothings in his ear about the new life the two of you are going to build together in London. Instead he is met with what seems like a cold and empty house. “Babe? You here?”
You’re sprawled on the couch Roy had insisted was way too big, but looked small now in the middle of the gigantic living room, lazily covered in a throw blanket and only wearing one of Roy’s Sunderland shirts. Even though you’d heard him come in, you didn’t have the strength to call out to him, especially not when your phone was still frantically buzzing against the coffee table every 10 seconds.
“Sunshine? What are you doing in here?” Roy places something down on the kitchen counter and you can hear it thanks to the main rooms open plan, and you can tell he’s getting closer to you because you can hear the soft padding of his feet against the wooden floor. “You okay?”
Even though he wants nothing more then for him to crawl into your arms, he knows you need it more then he does right now. So, before you can resist him, he pulls you into his arms, sitting the two of you upright on the settee with you in his lap, his hand in your hair. “What’s up, buttercup?”
“Nothing Roy-o, just tired. Missed you.” You hid your head in the crook of his neck, hoping that if you burrowed deep enough into his mix of warmth and aftershave, you could hide from the constant buzzing of your phone. “It’s a big house, I feel so small without you here to share it.”
“Give me a week, sunshine, then I can be here all day every day until preseason. And then we’ll be on a pretty similar work schedule.” Roy pressed a kiss to the crown of your head, ghosting a kiss against your temple and the another against the shell of your ear. “It’s going to be perfect. You. Me. Here. It’s all going to work out, sunshine.”
For a moment, you believed Roy and it felt like everything was going to be okay, that you’d made that right choice, and that you and Roy were taking the first step towards the rest of your lives. Then your phone buzzed.
“Fucking hell, babe, you got a fan club or what?” When you didn’t laugh, Roy’s concern only grew, leaning forward and picking up your phone to see what all the commotion was. As he scrolled through message after message from family member after family member, his brow grew tense, and a scowl settled on his face. “What a fucking joke.”
“No, seriously, they can say all they want about me. I don’t give a fuck. I never have. But about you?” Roy scoffed, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you with him as he leant against the back of the sofa. “You’re fucking related to them and this is how they’re talking to you? It’s a fucking joke.”
“They’re my family, Roy-o, they’re just trying to look out for me, that’s all.” One of your hands moved to run up Roy’s chest, tracing around the embroidered material of the Chelsea badge right over his heart. God, did he look good in blue.
“Some fucking family, to treat you like that.” Roy ran a hand over his forehead, pushing his curls of out his eyes. You loved his hair like this, grown out and curly like in the pictures you’d seen of him as a kid. Maybe one day you’d convince him to push it out of his eyes with a headband. He’d look sexy in a headband. “I could be your family.”
Roy’s hand cupped your jaw, turning your head slowly to face him. When your eyes finally met his, he pressed a soft and long kiss to your lips. You melted into it, the stress of the week and of the messages from your family melting away under Roy’s loving touch. “You’re already my family, Roy. It’s like you said, me, you, here. Besides, you have been since you wormed your way into my heart on our first date with those 2 dozen roses.”
“Funny you’d say that.” Roy whispered, nuzzling his nose against yours, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips then pulling away with a smirk. “Thought the new house could do with some greenery.”
As you turned to look at the kitchen counter, you saw what you could only assume was 2 dozen roses already in vases. It must have been what Roy brought home with him, and suddenly you wished you’d been feeling happier and could’ve appreciated them more when he first walked in the door.
“The traditional romantic message of 24 roses is that of complete devotion, or “I am yours.”” You repeated under your breath, a warm smile brightening your whole face. Roy’s eyes widened, as though he hadn’t necessary expected you to know the meaning behind 2 dozen roses, but he loved you even more for it.
“I am yours.” Roy repeated, voice filled with complete and utter earnest. “And one day I’m going to put a ring in your finger to prove it.”
an : Mwah!!!! Love you guys thank you for reading so far <333
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lionlena · 1 month
Unforgivable mistake (JoelMillerxreader) Part 12
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Summary: Reader is much younger than Joel and is in love with  him. One night, after arguing with Tess and getting drunk, Joel spends  the night with a reader, but in the morning he breaks her heart…  She  runs away from Boston hoping that she will never meet this cold bastard  again in her life. But almost six years later, she unexpectedly sees  Joel in Jackson. She decides to hide herself and her little secret from  this asshole.
Warnings: age gap (reader is about 28 years, Joel 58),  strong language, swearing, past trauma, bullying, attempted rape, memories of sexual abuse, unprotect p in v,  dom!Joel, Joel is asshole, ANGST, hurt, sadness and heartbreaking, sexual harassment, women abuse, violence, injury, sickness, misunderstanding, breakdown
A/N: So, these were your decisions:
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However, for people who still do not want to read the sex scene, the text will be marked in red.
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Part 12
You always liked Christmas. You liked the Christmas atmosphere and searching and making gifts. Your heart always swelled with joy as you decorated the Christmas tree with your little boy. You were happy when you visited Anna and Toby just before or a few days after Christmas and they greeted you with sweet treats. And now it seemed like the holidays were going to be even better after Joel and Ellie joined your family. Not to mention that the Christmas holidays also took on new colors for Teddy. You saw him whispering with Ellie and Joel and you suspected it was about a gift for you. It was so sweet.
You had also started exchanging other things for gifts a few weeks earlier because that's how it worked in Jackson. People traded things for other items or small services.
You managed to get new colorful books for Teddy, one of them presented different breeds of horses in a humorous way. You found a hunting knife for Ellie. You knew Joel wouldn't be happy about this, but in the end, what mattered was her happiness. You made a warm scarf for Claudia in her favorite color. And you found new leather gloves for Joel. You knew it was something he would definitely come in handy on patrols.
But before Christmas, you realized that maybe you would be able to give him one more gift… Something more intimate.
It was like an epiphany. The kids decorated the Christmas tree with Joel. Teddy was in a mischievous mood and started wrapping his dad in Christmas chains. Joel laughed and started joking about being immobilized. And you just stood in the doorway with your eyes wide open. It was a missing piece that suddenly fell into place.
"Honey, help, please!" Joel's voice broke you out of your trance and you joined in their fun with a smile, but the sight of Joel tied up did not disappear from your mind.
A few days later, on Christmas morning, everyone got their presents. You were happy to see the joy on the faces of your loved ones. You haven't been forgotten either. The kids gave you horse-shaped cookies and a colorful bracelet, and Joel gave you a necklace with a horseshoe pendant. You were touched by their efforts.
The whole day passed in a joyful atmosphere. You went for a walk with the kids and took part in a big snowball fight in the middle of the city. To your surprise, even Joel joined. And of course, he was targeting Tommy and Ellie. It was adorable because he suddenly looked 20 years younger and you knew you would remember this sight forever.
In the evening you ate a delicious dinner, and when Teddy went to bed and Ellie was busy reading a book in her room, you finally decided to give a special gift to Joel.
He was sitting on the couch with a steaming mug of tea with honey and bourbon. You sat down next to him, holding your mug and the rectangular box in your hand. Joel raised his eyebrows.
"What's that?"
You set your mug on the coffee table and placed the box on his lap.
Joel followed you and set his cup down as well.
"I already got a gift from you and I am very pleased with it."
"I know but… it's something different… something special and I don't know if you'll agree to it."
You waked his curiosity and he couldn't help himself anymore and he opened the box. The contents of the box surprised him. Inside was a rope, a wide dark ribbon, and a key. Joel looked at you with a surprised puppy face.
"Sorry, baby, but I don't really know what to do with this. It's… really… interesting but…"
His attempts not to offend you were amusing. You couldn't help but peck him on the cheek.
"I'm already explaining everything to you. I accidentally realized what could help me break through my trauma and make love with you."
Joel gasped and sat up straight. You had his full attention.
"You know, I'm most afraid of losing control… being vulnerable again… I know you've changed and I believe you won't take advantage of it, but it's stronger than me."
Joel grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips, kissing your fingers.
"You don't have to explain yourself to me. I know I deserved this lack of trust… And I'm grateful to you for giving me a second chance."
He looked at the contents of the box again and slowly began to guess what you wanted to do.
"So, do you want to tie me up?"
When he said this, you couldn't help but blush.
"Only hands…"
"Okay. And this." He ran his fingers along the navy blue ribbon.
"To cover your eyes."
A smirk appeared on his face.
"This is getting interesting. And the key?"
"To an old house on the outskirts of town. I was borrowing it from Tommy. I told him we wanted to see the house because it was bigger and see if you could renovate it… But what I really wanted was for us to have a quiet place where we could hide out during the day "
Joel smiled widely and pulled you into his lap. You squealed in surprise but didn't mind. You sat up facing him and placed your hands on his strong shoulders.
"You have thought of everything, my Angel."
You smiled and felt his strong hands caress your hips.
"So you agree to this?" you asked shyly.
You weren't really sure if Joel would agree to give up his dominance. But looking at his satisfied face, you slowly gained hope.
"Of course, I agree. If it's something that will help you get over trauma, I agree with everything. It's something new for me but… I'm 100% for it."
You sighed in relief and leaned against his body. Joel kissed your temple and whispered:
"But remember, I don't want you to put pressure on yourself. I still stand by what I said. I love you whether we have sex or not."
His words filled you with peace. You leaned down and pressed your nose into his neck, inhaling his scent.
"I love you," you whispered and felt Joel hug you tighter.
Two days later, you and Joel agreed to meet at the old house at noon. Teddy was supposed to be with Claudia, Emily, and Rose until the evening, and Ellie would go about her business.
Joel had gone to the old house earlier, lit a fire in the living room, and spread blankets on the floor. He didn't want to tell you this so as not to upset you, but he felt as anxious as a teenager.
You were nervous too. Your heart was beating like crazy as you crossed the threshold and locked the door. You knew no one would disturb you there, but you wanted to be sure.
Joel immediately greeted you with a smile and walked over to you. He kissed your lips and helped you take off your jacket. He grabbed your hand and led you toward the fireplace.
You sat down on the blanket and took a deep breath.
"So, how do we start?"
Joel placed his large hand on your cheek.
"Slow down, Sweetheart. We have a few hours. Let's take our time."
Joel squeezed your hand comfortingly and murmured,
"I got the wine."
You smiled and nodded. You were glad that Joel was being responsible this time and he wasn't rushing to anything.
You sat next to each other on the floor, leaning on the couch. Joel handed you a glass of wine and kissed your temple.
"Is it warm enough?"
"Yes," you replied and took a sip of wine. The alcohol warmed you up even more.
The whole house was cold, but you were warm enough when you were this close to the fireplace.
After some time, you felt Joel's hand caressing your thigh. He did it gently and slowly and focused his full attention on your reaction.
Despite your initial tension, you slowly started to relax. Joel leaned down and started nibbling on your neck, and a soft sigh escaped your lips. Joel smiled and tightened his grip on your thigh.
"Is everything okay, Honey?"
You nodded even though you felt a little anxious and took a shaky breath. Joel sensed it immediately and moved his hand away.
"Do you want to tie my hands now?"
You were surprised by how willing he was to give you the power. You smiled and stroked his hair. You set your wine glasses aside.
"Can you lie on your back?"
Joel immediately obeyed your command as if you had some magical power over him.
You reached for the box that was still lying on the couch. Joel prepared everything. You pulled out the rope and Joel folded his hands over his chest.
He looked at you with excitement. He really liked your idea and that gave you confidence. You moved closer to him and tied his wrists together.
"Not too tight?" you asked with concern.
You didn't want your comfort to be discomfort for him. You believed that wasn't what love was about. You also didn't want to take revenge on him for what happened in Boston. This wasn't what your relationship was supposed to be built on.
"It's perfect, Darling," Joel replied with a smile to encourage you. "Continue…"
You smiled and started unbuttoning his shirt. You pulled the fabric up and kissed his belly. Joel growled quietly.
You giggled quietly and did it again, deciding that it wouldn't hurt to tease him a little. Joel tensed his abdominal muscles and looked at you in awe.
His eyes were shining and for a moment you even regretted that you were going to cover them. You reached for a blindfold and wrapped it around his head.
You kissed his forehead and then whispered:
"Do you see anything?"
A shiver ran through his body as he felt your breath on his ear.
"Nothing…" He managed to croak out.
You smiled and looked at his pants, which already showed a bulge. Apparently, you've discovered some forgotten Joel’s fetish.
"All right." you purred and sat on his legs, then unzipped his fly and looked at his face. You grabbed his pants and the waistband of his boxers.
"Can I?"
Joel lifted his hips, giving you a clear signal to pull the fabric down.
"I beg you."
You giggled and with his help, you pulled down his pants and boxers.
Your eyes locked on his semi-hard cock. You swallowed and touched him, causing him to hiss softly.
You couldn't help yourself. You didn't really get a chance to look at him the first time.
Now you had plenty of time and full power, and that excited you. You felt yourself getting wet and you were filled with joy. Your plan worked. You felt no fear. You didn't panic. Joel was at your mercy and he liked it.
You supposed he could have freed his hands if he wanted to, but that was the point. Joel wanted your needs to be important, not his.
Before you could start touching him, you got up from his legs and took off your pants and panties.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"What do you think?"
"You're undressing… I heard the belt buckle… you know you have beautiful thighs…"
You rolled your eyes and you knelt by his hips. You grabbed his cock but he suddenly jumped.
You looked at him in surprise and your heart skipped a beat. Has he changed his mind? He didn't want to give you control?
"You don't want to do this without preparation…"
You breathed a sigh of relief and your heart warmed with his concern.
"Don't worry… I'll get ready."
Joel groaned like a disgruntled puppy.
"Why should you do it alone when you have me…"
You frowned. Was Joel trying to change the rules of the game?
"Your hands are tied."
A deep chuckle escaped from his chest.
"But you didn't gag my mouth."
If Joel wasn't wearing the blindfold, you'd see him looking at you with a look: Really?
"You don't mean to tell me that Steve has never eaten you."
At that moment, you were glad that Joel couldn't see your red face.
"He did, but never… in a position like this."
A sly smile appeared on his face.
"Then I'll do it even more willingly… come on, sweetie… don't be shy and sit on my face. You won't regret it."
His voice was dripping with lust and your breathing quickened. You felt that this way you would completely dominate him. It was too tempting not to take advantage of it.
Finally, you slowly knelt over his face with your knees on either side of his head. He placed his tied hands on your lower back and pushed you closer to him. You gasped at the moment his lips touched your slippery lips. His mouth immediately covered your pussy. His tongue began to circle your clit. You moaned softly and grabbed his hair. His stubble caused this burning, pleasant feeling on the inside of your thighs. Joel purred until you felt a vibration against your cunt. As his thick tongue pushed into you, you couldn't help but moan loudly. You began to move your hips, your clit rubbing against his curved nose that you had never been more grateful for. Joel devoured you like a hungry dog. Slurping sounds filled your ears.
"Ah… Joel… Joel!"
You arched your back, your thighs trembling, and your orgasm hit you with such force that you were afraid you were going to collapse all your weight on his face.
Joel smiled and slowly pulled his tongue out of you. He licked up your juices and kissed your thighs before helping you move aside.
You were so delighted that you leaned in and kissed him on the lips, tasting yourself. His hands tangled in your hair.
"Now… Now you're ready." he purred, not hiding the satisfaction in his voice.
It took you a moment to catch your breath, but you finally sat on his legs and wrapped your hand around his semi-hard, thick cock, and started stroking it, exploring every vein with your fingertips.
He squirmed and moaned. His cock was now standing proud and Joel hissed.
"Baby…" his voice was hoarse. "I don't want to spoil your fun, but if you don't stop… In a moment I won't be at your disposal anymore."
You giggled and hovered over him.
"I see. You've been waiting for this for a long time."
You slowly sat on his cock. You hissed, feeling that familiar burning sensation as he stretched you. You never forgot it… Although that memory was obviously negative. It was different now. Then in Boston, he was drunk and didn't care about your feelings or comfort. Now you were partners, two people with a strong bond.
Joel gasped and brushed his hands against your thighs.
"Ahhh… Baby… You're wonderful. You're the most wonderful woman in the whole damn world."
You smiled and placed your hands on his chest. Your hips moved up and down. You weren't in a hurry, you didn't have to. You were in complete control of everything and Joel didn't complain. You heard his deep growls and saw his breathing quicken. At that moment you felt something new… A new chapter in your relationship has opened. You trusted him.
When you felt yourself getting closer to your second orgasm, you moaned loudly and quickened your pace even more. Joel grabbed your thigh with his tied hands as much as he could. His grunts became even deeper. But at some point, he bit his lip, he was getting closer to coming, but he didn't want to do it before you… He couldn't.
But you didn't hold back. You reached between your legs with one hand and started rubbing your clit. Your moans became even louder.
"Ahhh! Ahhh… Honey!"
And so you reached your second climax. You collapsed onto his chest and Joel groaned softly.
"Y/n… Baby… I'm too close…"
Joel started moving his hips and you heeded his warning. The lack of condoms in the post-pandemic world sucked. You hadn't talked about this part of your relationship, but you both seemed to realize that it was too early to think about having a second child.
You slowly pulled out of him and laid down next to him. You decided to help him and grabbed his swollen, throbbing cock with your hand. Joel made an almost animalistic, primal sound. After fasting for so long, he didn't need much. Just a few movements of your hand was enough and he came, and gushing sperm covered his belly and reached his shirt.
While Joel was still breathing heavily, you couldn't help but start licking his skin.
His flaccid cock twitched even though there was no chance of it getting hard again.
You giggled and pulled away, once you had licked most of the semen off you looked at him with affection and started to untie his hands.
When his hands were finally free, Joel immediately removed the blindfold. His eyes had to get used to the light again, but he still looked at you with admiration and devotion.
"Hi…" he croaked and brushed his hand against your cheek. "I missed your beautiful face."
You smiled and placed your head on his chest. His hand started stroking your back.
"Did you like it?" you asked and looked into his eyes.
You didn't need a verbal response. It was enough for his lips to curve into a wide smile and his eyes to sparkle.
"That was amazing…" His hand started caressing your hip. "But the more important question is, did you like it? Was everything okay?"
You snuggled closer to his body. His concern only proved to you how much he had changed since Boston.
"Yes. I'm fine. I feel very good… Do you think we can do it this way for now?"
You felt a little uneasy asking about it again. You didn't know if Joel would consider tying his hands a one-time thing.
Joel nodded and kissed your head.
"Of course, Sweetheart. I'm proud of you for fighting your trauma… We will do everything slowly. At your pace and on your terms."
His words were like a soothing balm for your soul.
You closed your eyes, listening to his heartbeat.
"Maybe next time we'll try without the blindfold?"
Joel also closed his eyes and smiled. He pulled you closer to him.
"Whatever you want. With or without a blindfold. It doesn't matter to me as long as you feel safe and comfortable with me."
You took a deep breath and felt sleepy. The fire was still burning in the fireplace, Joel's body was warm, and his voice sounded like a lullaby. You yawned and murmured sleepily:
"Can we take a nap?"
Joel chuckled quietly. He found you so cute when you were sleepy.
"I'd love to take advantage of this opportunity. We still have a few hours."
Joel covered you both with a blanket and buried his face in your hair. It wasn't long before you were both dozing off. *
The next day, when you were driving together to Anna and Toby, you had a blissful smile on your faces. You kept glancing at each other. Whenever your horse rode next to Joel's horse, he immediately placed his hand on your thigh.
You two heard a long groan behind you.
"There are children here."
Joel laughed and rolled his eyes. He looked at Ellie, who was riding with Teddy.
"You keep saying you're an adult. So just one kid and…" Joel smirked and placed his hand on your hip. "We're just showing affection. It's nothing bad."
Ellie snorted.
"Yeah, right… That's why you've been so happy since yesterday. Find a room."
Teddy started laughing happily.
"Ellie, Daddy, and Mommy have their own room at Grandpa's."
Ellie patted his head.
"You'll understand when you get older."
You looked at them and smiled. You loved the little fights between the teenage girl and Joel and the way Ellie took care of Teddy.
Suddenly Joel stopped your horses and you looked at him in surprise. You were practically at Anna and Toby's house. But when you realized what it was about, your heart trembled. From a distance, it was obvious that something was wrong. There was a trail of blood in the snow leading to an open door. The front windows were broken.
You didn't think much, your instincts just kicked in. You jumped off your horse and shouted:
"Anna, Tob…"
Joel was equally fast. He grabbed you from behind and pressed his hand to your mouth.
"Shhh…" he growled. "We don't know who is there."
You looked at him with tears in your eyes. You realized he was right. Your behavior was irrational. You nodded and he released you.
Meanwhile, Ellie was hugging the worried little boy. Joel walked up to her and gave her the reins of his horse.
"Hide among the trees."
Teddy looked at him and whimpered.
"Where are the grandparents?"
Joel wanted to hug him, but instead, he rubbed his shoulder soothingly and said sympathetically,
"Don't worry, 'bear cub'. Me and mom will check everything."
Joel tried to stay calm even though he suspected the worst.
He walked up to you and handed you his handgun while he took the shotgun.
"You're following me. If something goes wrong, you jump on your horse and you all run back to Jackson. Without turning back. You understand!"
His voice was so stern and commanding that all you could do was nod and hold back the tears that wanted to escape from your eyes.
Joel sighed, he didn't want to be so hard on you. He cupped your head in one hand and kissed your forehead.
"Okay. Let's go."
Slowly, tense, and focused, you approached the house. The surroundings seemed deserted. You felt your heart in your throat. You glanced at the open door and the trail of blood leading into the house. You heard Joel's voice:
"I'll check the house…"
When he disappeared into the house, you had the impression that time stopped. You felt fear and despair wash over you. Anna and Toby were like parents to you. You couldn't lose them like this. Tears began to flow down your cheeks.
Finally, Joel left. He still looked focused and ready to fight.
"Nothing," he muttered.
"What?" you croaked.
Joel stepped closer and wiped away your tears with his thumb.
"No one is there. There are no bodies… Someone must have been there… The house looks ransacked, but… Anna and Toby may still be alive."
You felt the world spinning around you. You didn't know if it was all real or if you were stuck in some nightmare.
"What happened here?"
Your question hung unanswered in the frosty air.
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Taglist: @casa-boiardi @noisynightmarepoetry @ihavetwoholesforareason @sloanexx @creedslove @orcasoul @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @i-workwithpens @milla-frenchy @liatome @jojo-munson @pascalislove @goldenhxurs @elliaze @aestheticangel612 @cheyxfu @prestinalove @stevengmybeloved @faith-alons26 @harriedandharassed @this--is--music @joeldjarin @elliaze @ajeff855 @anislabonis-love @quality-lust @sarahhxx03 @sofiparallel @misshoneypaper @simplyreading96 @ilovetaquitosmmmm @softstarlite @missladym1981 @heartpascalispunk @brujademente @littleshadow17 @emmathetrash
Pernament tag list: @harriedandharassed
Yes, I know, this cliffhanger is… Ugh… But I promise that this time the next chapter will appear much faster so I won't leave you in suspense for a long time.
Part 11
Part 13
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queensharotto · 6 months
Brittle Doughie’s Cookie Run x Reader Masterlist (Part 3: Early 2023)
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A masterlist of @brittle-doughie’s Cookie Run stories organized by month.
Genre Emojis
😞 is for angst, 🎃 is for Halloween, 🎄 is for Christmas, 🍪 is for Cannibalism, 💗 is for Yandere, 💝 is for Valentine’s, 👻 is for Horror, 🎂 is for Birthday, 💚 is for Yandere!White Lily Cookie
The Indents are related to the featured cookies. If there are numerous cookies (Over 10 Cookies Featured), I’ll make a note on that as well. Additionally, I’ll categorize various cookies if they’re associated with a specific hobby, location, food etc.
Also, the ⭐️ will indicate a story featuring one of Brittle’s OCs.
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January 2023 ❄️
• “Molded, Battered, Whole”
Featuring: The Five Dragons
• “Y/N Cookie getting Injured”
Featuring: Pomegranate Cookie, Mala Sauce Cookie, Black Raisin Cookie, Financier Cookie and Princess Cookie
• “Foul Play” 💗
Featuring: The Cherry Stars
• “Seize the Spin”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Face the Music!”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends, B.A.D 4, Manager Scarlet and Producer D.K.E.C
• “Two Sides of a Coin”
Featuring: Hollyberry Cookie
• “New Time Balance Department Cookies”
Featuring: The Time Balance Department
• “Sands of the Sale”
Featuring: Yogurt Cream Cookie and Lilac Cookie
• “Memories”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Coworkers Delight”
Featuring: Maple Taffy Cookie
• “Spared No Expense 2”
Featuring: Cheesecake Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie’s Valentine’s Day Experience” 💝
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “A Fish in a Barrel”
Featuring: Affogato Cookie and the Cookies of the Dark Cacao Kingdom
• “Good Day for Walks”
Featuring: Pure Vanilla Cookie
• “A Handycookie’s Expertise”
Featuring: Coffee Candy Cookie, Baguette Cookie, Dark Fondue Cookie, Maple Taffy Cookie and Marble Bread Cookie
• “Chaos and Control”
Featuring: Twizzly Gummy Cookie and her Gang
• “House is Where The Heart Is”
Featuring: Raspberry Mousse Cookie
• “The Serenity or The Charismatic”
Featuring: Pure Vanilla Cookie and Clotted Cream Cookie
• “Eternity”
Featuring: Snow Sugar Cookie
• “Interactions with Milky Way Cookie during Episode 15”
Featuring: Milky Way Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie Dislikes People Yelling”
Featuring: Hollyberry Cookie, Purple Yam Cookie, Carol Cookie, and Caramel Arrow Cookie
• “No Deed Goes Unnoticed”
Featuring: The Cookies of the Dark Cacao Kingdom
• “At Your Beck and Call”
Featuring: The Pearl Legion and House Custard Soldiers
• “Ayo, Their Pouch Responses”
Featuring: Sea Fairy Cookie and Moonlight Cookie
• “No Dice” 💗
Featuring: Clotted Cream Cookie and the Ancient Cookies
• “Undeserving”
Featuring: Affogato Cookie’s Disciples, Dark Cacao Cookie, Adventurer Cookie, and Captain Ice Cookie
• “But the Dance is Today!”
Featuring: Cookies of the Hollyberry Kingdom
• “Y/N Cookie’s Tailoring Hobby”
Featuring: The Tailor Cookies
• “Lost Amidst Matrimony” 😞💗
Featuring: Pure Vanilla Cookie and White Lily Cookie
• “Sweet Heartmender” 💝
Featuring: Blue Lily Cookie and Lilybell Cookie
• “Burger Chain Backfire”
Featuring: Reporter Cookie and Shining Glitter Cookie
February 2023 💝
• “Antagonized”
Featuring: Almond Cookie, Truffle Cookie, Butter Pretzel Cookie, Lollipop Cookie, and Melon Bun Cookie
• “Even More Heartbreak”
Featuring: Black Pearl Cookie, Captain Caviar Cookie, and Seaweed Cookie
• “Star of the Industry” ⭐️
Featuring: Dumpling Cookie (debut), Reporter Cookie, and various Music Cookies
• “The Sugar Swan’s Treasure”
Featuring: The Sugar Swan
• “Y/N Cookie Blurbs”
Featuring: Various Cookies
• “Pet Times”
Featuring: Carrot Cookie, Cheesecake Cookie, and Baguette Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie’s First Encounter with Stardust Cookie”
Featuring: Stardust Cookie and Moonlight Cookie
• “Moon Pie Cookie”
Featuring: Moonlight Cookie
• “Tales of Sweetness” 💝
Featuring: Carrot Cookie, Beet Cookie, Red Velvet Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie and Light Cream Cookie
• “If Y/N Cookie Hated Someone”
Featuring: Dark Choco Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, Affogato Cookie, Ice Juggler Cookie and Cocoa Cookie
• “Movie Star Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Cheesecake Cookie, Blackberry Cookie, Cocoa Cookie, Mint Choco Cookie, Tea Knight Cookie, Eclair Cookie, Twizzly Gummy Cookie and Shining Glitter Cookie
• “Duel of Hearts”
Featuring: White Choco Cookie and Rose Cookie
• “A Very Much Invited Guest”
Featuring: The Cookies of the Hollyberry Kingdom
• “Fashion Week 2?”
Featuring: Cheesecake Cookie, Chestnut Cookie, and the Tailor Cookies
• “Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to”
Featuring: The Vegetable Cookies
March 2023 🌱
• “Artist Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Butter Pretzel Cookie, Cheesecake Cookie, Truffle Cookie and Pastry Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie’s Costume Concepts”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Drawings for the Little Cookies”
Featuring: Lollipop Cookie, Walnut Cookie, Onion Cookie and Strawberry Crepe Cookie
• “Ya Like Raisin Buns?”
Featuring: Black Raisin Cookie
• “Sweetheart Timekeeper Cookie” 💝
Featuring: Timekeeper Cookie
• “Stress from a Job”
Featuring: Baguette Cookie, Almond Cookie, Pizza Cookie, Dr. Bones Cookie and Kumiho Cookie
• “Ancient Y/N Cookie’s All Nighters”
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “Y/N Cookie being part of a Royal Family”
Featuring: Madeleine Cookie, Financier Cookie, Red Velvet Cookie, Chocolate Bonbon Cookie and Rougefort Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie having a Nightmare”
Featuring: Moonlight Cookie, Milky Way Cookie and Stardust Cookie
• “Downstream: Part 1”
Featuring: Affogato Cookie and the Cookies of the Dark Cacao Kingdom
• “Group Findings”
Featuring: Cauliflower Cookie and Peperoncino Cookie
• “Volunteering to be a parent to Y/N Cookie’s child (Part 1)”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Sea Fairy x Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Sea Fairy Cookie
• “A Jammed Heart” 😞
Featuring: Chocolate Frosting Cookie
• “Croissant Cookie vs. Timekeeper Cookie”
Featuring: Croissant Cookie, Timekeeper Cookie, Coffee Candy Cookie and Dark Fondue Cookie
April 2023 ☔️
• “A Forced Hand” ⭐️
Featuring: Salsa Cookie (debut) and the Ancient Cookies
• “Y/N Cookie in Scovillia”
Featuring: Scovillia Headmaster, Capsaicin Cookie, Parfaedia Principal, Prune Juice Cookie, Creme Knights Preceptor and Kouign-Amann Cookie
• “From Afar”
Featuring: Chocolate Bonbon Cookie, Croissant Cookie, Sour Belt Cookie and Lime Cookie
• “Kindred Souls”
Featuring: Milk Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie Comforting Centipede Cookie”
Featuring: Centipede Cookie, Lilac Cookie and Scorpion Cookie
• “Chocolate Frosting Cookie trying to redeem herself”
Featuring: Chocolate Frosting Cookie, Croissant Cookie, Coffee Candy Cookie, Dark Fondue Cookie and Timekeeper Cookie
• “The Pudding Cup Circus”
Featuring: Banana Cookie, Ice Juggler Cookie, Licorice Cookie and Pomegranate Cookie
• “Cookies of Darkness Go to the Movies”
Featuring: The Cookies of Darkness
• “Volunteering to be a parent to Y/N Cookie’s child (Part 2)”
Featuring: Financier Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie, Red Velvet Cookie, Madeleine Cookie, Captain Caviar Cookie and Clotted Cream Cookie
• “Exiled from their Kingdom: The Darkness’s Offering”
Featuring: The Cookies of Darkness
• “No Simp September”
Featuring: Hollyberry Cookie, Kumiho Cookie, Frost Queen Cookie, Blueberry Pie Cookie and Princess Cookie
• “I’ll Miss You” 😞
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “The Incorrect Quote Cookie Jar #2”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Y/N Cookie in the Crème Knights”
Featuring: Financier Cookie, Vanilla Sugar Cookie, Kouign-Amann Cookie, Prune Juice Cookie and Capsaicin Cookie
162 notes · View notes
polarisjisung · 7 months
cherry flavoured
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SYNOPSIS: y/n, the campuses notorious heartbreaker, had never been one to settle down, running from the word commitment since the concept had first been introduced to her, but one smile and a little cherry coke seems to do just the trick when she runs into captain of the dance team, park jisung
PAIRING: dancer!jisung x fem!reader
WARNINGS: swearing, manipulation
NOTES: I feel like this chapter is sorta difficult to format in terms of the story stuff and the written parts so it's kinda confusing 💀
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girls' night meant games, laughing until your stomach hurt, smiling until your cheeks began to ache, drinking to the silliest of promises, celebrating all things good, blocking out the bad
no thanks to the whole ordeal of a locker littered with notes, and being completely overwhelmed with such hurtful words, y/n had found it specifically difficult to move on from her conversation with the choi as if his every statement rung loud in her ears
each glimpse she'd catch of herself in the mirror causing her to gulp harshly, the glares she'd received at school making her feel small in a way she never had before, even after reaching her apartment, like there were eyes on her everywhere she went
but despite her initial rigidity, y/n had taken the night head on, ratatouille playing somewhere in the background as the girls began to form the dough needed for their chosen baked goods, milk chocolate chip cookies, with extra chocolate chips of course
"1 cup of butter" yunjin had yelled from somewhere across the kitchen, throwing the two sticks of butter at yuqi who failed to catch them, one hitting her in the eye, the other y/n's arm
the two girls laughed it off, but not before offering a sharp glare towards the ginger who only sheepishly smiled back, half apologetic as they haphazardly attempted to bake
"so y/n, spill" the smirk on yeonhee's face was enough for the redhead to know what she's referring to, regardless she asked
"spill what?"
"tell us about mystery man, I can't live with those faceless instagram stories of yours" yuqi whined, sitting up on the countertop as she bit into a breadstick, crossing her legs
"I don't know what you want me to say" she gave an honest answer, not knowing where to begin with the boy she found herself thinking of time and time again, "he's sweet" she says
"sweet? that's it?" yunjin huffed disappointedly "well we knew that, he sent you flowers and cupcakes for gods sake, and they were in your favourite colour, tell us something we don't know" she lifted her palm to her face, half frustrated as she laughed at the new side of her friend.
but y/n could't find a starting point, each time a random thought of the once blue haired boy popped into her mind the trajectory of what she'd intended to say would change, a smile beginning to form over her lips, unbeknowst to her
"we all know this is just a long talking phase" yeri walked across the room to the fridge, grabbing a glass of water "y/n will find someone new in no time"
the girl in question chose to ignore the comment with a roll of her eyes before continuing, reaching over to mix the batter seeing as yeonhee had grown tired of doing it
"I don't know, he just, he confuses me" the hesitation was clear in her words, the foreign feeling something she was still struggling to understand, "like he makes me feel comfortable and he makes my breath catch in my throat all at once"
they nodded, urging her to continue
"I think I like him" she sighed, unsure of herself, not knowing what it meant to like anyone at all, "I kind of want to ask him out on a date" she half whispered, worried at the possibility of rejection— her last attempt of a date having never felt extravagant enough for her thanks to the project they'd been working on
her statement was followed by instant hums of support and a shrill whistle from yuqi, though yeri has only scoffed at the sight
"y/n chasing a man? how odd" the sarcastic tone hadn't gone unnoticed by the girls again, nothing said in response under the assumption that the oldest simply had the habit of speaking this way, but for some reason, tonight y/n had felt a certain edge to her words through the blunt delivery and plain careless expression she wore
the redhead shrugged it off again, pouring in a bag full of chocolate chips as yunjin took over the stirring, popping a couple into her mouth
"I don't see why you shouldn't ask him" yuqi began, "you'll never get anywhere just thinking it, and from what I can tell, there's no reason he'll say no"
yuqi, like always spoke honestly, offering advice despite her usual carefree nature— one of the signs that reminded her friends just how much she truly cared for them
though, the inch of confidence that y/n had gained from her words seems to be cut down in an instant. yeris voice loud from across the kitchen
"I mean, if I was you, I'd reconsider. You've known him for all of what? 5 weeks— you move on quick y/n. Are you sure this is the right time?"
the doorbell rung before anyone could respond, or even fully process her words, the girls rushing towards the door, knowing the pizza they had long awaited had finally arrived.
y/n felt the way yeri let's her eyes trace up and down over her, scoffing loudly again with a disgusted snarl on her lips— she felt small, insignificant.
"dating has never been your strong suit, I don't know why you're trying now" and with that the older had walked out to the living room, taking a seat on the couch where the rest of the girls had opened up the red cardboard boxes and set then on the table, but y/n found herself frozen, stuck in place as she inhaled a deep breath
thought it came out shaky, the first few times she finally settled into a half steady pattern of breathing, a hand resting on her chest, heartbeat erratic
"y/n come, the food will get cold" yeonhee shouted, tapping the seat next to her, and the girl followed, yet again, forgetting the words her friend had uttered, or at least trying to
thought it had intially seemed easy to let go of, the girl found herself pondering over the words late into the night, when everyone had comfortably made their way under the covers and curled up tight, y/n rested one arm on the ledge of their apartment balcony, looking over the city
maybe she wasn't cut out for dating, to like somebody.
if she couldn't tell what it was, that knocking feeling in her chest at every sight of the boy, the mere thought of him, surely she didn't actually like him, liking someone wouldn't leave her confused. if she really liked him, she would have known, perhaps this was all a silly little crush that would die down later, just like yeri had said.
After all, yeri had had her own fair share of relationships, yeri had a first love, and y/n knew those were experiences she hadn't yet learnt from, believing yeri suddenly made all the more sense.
she sighs, watching the cloud of breath condense in front of her, the quiet sound of a busy city below bringing her to reality, soft footsteps becoming increasingly louder behind her
"you know, I meant what I said earlier" yeri leans up against the boundary of the balcony next to the girl, "as a friend, I care about you y/n and I just don't think you should do this"
y/n listens, hoping to find solace in her friends words, an explanation to her feelings at the very least.
"you're the girl who hooks up with people, drops one guy and moves onto the next, you've practically had every guy in school wrapped around your pinkie at some point or another but you're not the girl who can love anyone, you weren't built that way"
the saliva seems thick as she gulps, her throat dry as a nauseating pulse rose in her chest
"really?" her voice was hoarse, cracking as she found herself sniffling, the cold now getting to her and the thought of how she was perceived by those closest to her nothing short of mortifying
she nodded.
"don't lead him on, you know you're not capable of love" is the last thing yeri said before disappearing past the sliding doors again, and returning to her own bed.
y/n sighs, maybe she was right.
tying her hair back and slipping out the door with the orange ball in hand, the girl turns back to face her friends, sprawled out across the floor half asleep, feeling suffocated by the thought of whether they all saw her the same way jiung did, jeno did, yeri did, the way she was beginning to see herself.
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abirddogmoment · 2 months
A lot about Mav's decline and a little about how it makes me look at Rory.
I didn't talk about it very much here, but Mav was really subtle in his signs of pain when he was declining from his spine injury. Some of the things that tipped me off were changes to his gait, lower tailset, slower movement, reluctance/slowness getting on or off furniture, and needing extra cuddling. These things could easily be brushed off as him being tired or him being disinterested, and it really made me doubt what I was seeing.
I was sure Mav had something really wrong with him, but it was so hard to convince the vet of that. She said things like "are you sure you didn't just train him not to jump on the furniture?" and "sometimes dogs slow down as they age", meaning well but ultimately making things a lot harder for me. This, coupled with Mav's happiness at the vet and overall stoic personality, gaslit me into thinking I was imagining things. I googled things like "munchausen by proxy symptoms" because I needed to know if I was the real problem.
When Mav went for his OFA hips and elbow rads, I had them take spine rads as well, hoping it would answer my question and help find out what was wrong with him. When his rads came back normal, I cried. It was partly in relief that it wasn't something structural, but also partly desperation that I couldn't prove something was wrong.
I pushed my vet to refer Mav for a neuro consult. It took four months to get her to agree and then for the neuro clinic to schedule Mav in. In that time, I started tracking his decline with a special quality of life chart I made specifically for him. It showed a degeneration of his QOL, but I still thought maybe I was dramatizing things and imagining it.
When Mav went for his neuro consult, they took him back for tests for ten minutes, then came back and solemnly told me they were certain his problem was neurological. They then asked me if they could take him back and let their vet students do the (non-invasive) tests on him for practice because he was such a happy dog. Of course I said yes.
They told me he wasn't a good candidate for surgery. I could do an MRI, but it would be expensive and wouldn't add much besides a formal diagnosis. They recommended palliative care.
I sobbed while driving home. Part of it was relief that I finally knew I wasn't imagining things. Most of it was heartbreak.
I scrutinized Mav's final decline because I couldn't let him suffer. I had hard lines ("when he can't run" and "when the painkillers stop working") and he reached those, but he was still so happy. He still had so much joy in his life. I made the call anyway.
The day came. He trotted into the vet's office like he was meeting his best friend at a restaurant. The vet carried him back to get a port and he wagged his tail the whole time. He scarfed down an entire fistful of cookies.
It was still, without a single doubt, the right choice for Maverick. I have thought about it from every angle, torn apart every single decision, and there's nothing I would do differently if I could go back and do it all again.
Now Rory came to me with a weird gait. She came to me with occasional dorsal shivers (the skin thing horses do) and extremely occasionally bunny hops while running. Not enough for me to think there's something seriously wrong with her, but enough for me to send videos to her breeder. I tried to believe it was just a symptom of puppy uglies or that she just needed more time to grow gracefully.
I debated it for two months, but I finally took Rory for an assessment at a sports physio vet here in town. When I filled out the intake form, I made it clear that I could be concerned over nothing, that this could be a waste of $85 and an hour of our time.
She scheduled us in, did her hands on assessment, and found a knot in Rory's thigh. She gave us some stretches and we have a few more rechecks, but Rory should be totally fine and her gait should improved within the week. All the symptoms point towards a longterm overcompensation to reduce weight on her one leg.
I felt so stupid going into the sports vet today. I almost cancelled my appointment twice because I was sure I was imagining things. Even when she was examining Rory, I was preparing my apology for wasting her time.
Rory is going to feel better. She's going to get to grow up without the effects caused from an overcompensation from shifting her weight in a weird way. She probably would've been fine even without the appointment, but she's going to be even better now.
It's a whole lot of text to say something cliché like trust your instincts or don't overthink it, but it is what it is.
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christinesficrecs · 8 months
Hello!! I hope you’re having an amazing day your blog literally means so much to me.
If this isn’t too much to ask, I would really love some angsty low self esteem Sterek fics. Happy ending only, though. It could be either insecure!Derek or insecure!Stiles, I’m good with either! I really appreciate it :) thank you!
That's so nice!! 🥰 These are only a little angsty, because I'm me. ;) And I possibly tripped over some mutual pining fics. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Bravery is a Loaded Gun by DefNotForWork | 17.3K | Explicit
In which the boys speak in half sentences and have two totally different conversations. What they can agree on, eventually, is that they love each other. And that Derek should jerk off more.
Convenient by  exclamation | 10.7K
Stiles knows what he is to Derek: convenient. He knows that Derek isn’t looking for a relationship, just someone to have casual sex with. Which is why Stiles is so surprised to find Derek setting up a romantic dinner for Valentine’s Day.
It’s Been Four Hundred and Ninety Days by paradis | 4.4K
It’s been four hundred and ninety days, and it took Derek forever but they’re at day one again.
I Just Want You For My Own (More Than You Could Ever Know) by yodasyoyo | 16K
“What is with that sweater, dude?”
Derek ducks his head to look at it, abashed. “Uh- Mrs Hernandez knitted it for me. It’s an early Christmas gift.” He smooths it down self-consciously.
Stiles cocks an eyebrow.
“What? She’s my neighbor and sometimes I-” Derek trails off. Stiles’ other eyebrow rises to join the first, and Derek sighs. “Sometimes I help her carry her groceries."
Of course he does. One day maybe Stiles will stop being in love with Derek Hale, but today is not that day.
Hide by dr_girlfriend | 12.4K | Explicit
Stiles has been rejected so many times that it doesn’t really surprise him when it happens again. Hurts, yeah, because dammit — he’d thought Derek was the one. Heartbreak sucks, and he’s not so sure he’s going to get over it this time.
Incommunicado by WhoNatural | 5.4K | Mature
Why is Derek being so weird?
Derek looks up from where he’s adjusting his shirt back into his pants - really? - and pauses. “Stiles?”
Clearly something in his scent is giving him away, but he’s too busy swallowing against the sting of bile that has made its way into his throat and checking behind the couch for future murder victims because Derek is totally cheating on him.
Cookies, coffee and shut the fucupcakes by DropsOfAddiction | 26.2K | Explicit
“Ok. I’ve got a few shirts with me because I came here straight from work, but I think it’s going to be a tight fit. I know I’m not as skinny as I used to be but I’m not exactly the same hunky physique as you, oh grand macho werewolf,” Stiles shrugs.
Derek runs his eyes blatantly over Stiles’ chest.
“I’m not so sure about that,” Derek mutters, and he slams his mouth shut, teeth audibly clacking together, as if he really hadn’t meant to say that out loud.
And Dwell Beneath My Shadow by lielabell | 8.6K
Derek is not stupid. He gets why Stiles puts up with him. It’s clear every time Stiles looks at him, the spicy scent of lust and arousal Stiles’s body can’t help but put off. It doesn’t surprise him. Not at all. Derek knows what he looks like, knows that his face and his body are more than enough to compensate for his shitty personality. Stiles wants him more than he is annoyed by him. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s not anything to be amazed over, nothing to write home about. Stiles isn’t the first– and most likely won’t be the last– hormone soaked teen who has panted over Derek. 
A Little Sugar by exclamation | 4.9K | Mature
The first time they had sex, it was after Derek paid Stiles’ rent. The second time was after Derek bought Stiles’ groceries. It wasn’t hard to work out the pattern. Derek hates himself for taking advantage of Stiles and tries to convince him that any form of payment is unnecessary, but he can’t seem to break the cycle.
waiting for you to say it first by paradis | 8.2K
Four months.
Four months they’ve managed to avoid one another. Stiles quit going to pack meetings. He quit doing research unless Scott really, really begged him to. He avoided driving the road that led out to the turnoff to the Hale house, he avoided going to all the spots where Derek might possibly be. Four months, and now, here they are, standing in the Minit Mart, Stiles thinks, staring down at the grimy tiles. He can hear the catch of Derek’s breath, and he closes his eyes and breathes deep.
Safety in Silence by Survivah | 66.9K
It’s perfectly understandable. Even Derek wouldn’t want to be Derek’s soulmate.
Relationship Status: It's complicated by kellifer_fic | 4K | Mature
Okay, I know this is a huge stretch for you, but can you please pretend you're like, into me?
Have It All by doc_sock | 5.8K
Derek is glad that he and Stiles are fuck buddies, really. So he wants more than that. So what? It’s not like what he wants is important.
Stay, Stay, Stay by  drunktuesdays | 2.2K
He should have expected this. He knew it, knew Stiles was always in this temporarily. Derek knew it wasn’t forever. The only thing that’s surprising is that Stiles is lying about it.
Closer Than Most by Finduilas | 46.9K | Explicit
Laura organizes a charity bachelor auction to raise money for the wolf sanctuary she and Derek inherited from their parents. Derek reluctantly gets roped into bidding on one of the bachelors, and he sure as hell doesn't know what he's getting himself into when he decides to bid on Stiles.
A Question of Pack by CawCawMF | 5.2K
Stiles had always been sure of his place in the pack. That place being the absolute lowest tier in the hierarchy of werewolf pack dynamics, but he was sure of it all the same. He wasn’t necessary exactly, since just about anyone could conduct research on supernatural mythology, but his job was still important to the pack and he felt good about that. At least, that’s what he always thought. That all came crumbling down one sunny afternoon in the form of Jackson’s big mouth.
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