#copper yoga
thehigherchannel777 · 9 months
Rose Quartz Pendant by Thehigherchannel777
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Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love forgiveness and acceptance. Rose Quartz is known as the stone of Romance helping you to attract new love interests however I always stress to people the importance that rose quartz is also the stone of self love acceptance forgiveness and compassion for yourself as well as to others. To learn more about rose quartz check out my new blog post on Rose Quartz on my website. This one of a kind rose quartz copper pendant is available on my website as well.
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sheltiechicago · 1 month
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Five Copper Petals Dramatically Enclose a Bamboo Yoga Studio in a Lush Bali Village
A yoga and meditation studio in Bali welcomes visitors to relax and stretch under an airy bamboo canopy. A recent project of the local architecture firm IBUKU, “Lumi Shala” is a copper-coated structure with scalloped roofing that layers like five overlapping petals. The metallic covering is met with interlaced bamboo infrastructure inside, as those same botanical-like forms sweep upward in massive arches and “reflect warm golden light onto the bellies of the blonde bamboo ceilings inside, inspiring feelings of lightness and freedom,” the designers said. Earthen walls also support the roof with gaps that allow seamless movement between interior and exterior and sunlight to stream into the space.
All images © Lumi Shala
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ayurtechbiohackerz · 10 months
Elevating Wellness: The Science Behind Ayurtech Biohackerz's Ayurvedic Products
Focusing on our health and well-being is more crucial than ever in a world that is advancing quickly. Even though modern-day medicine has progressed significantly, many are looking to practices that have been around for a long time and have stood for centuries. Ayurveda, the oldest Indian whole-body healing method, is gaining new interest due to its holistic well-being method. In this quest for health and health, Ayurtech Biohackerz has emerged as a shining light, providing the Best Website To Buy Ayurvedic Products with products that combine traditional practices' wisdom with modern science's power.
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The Ayurvedic Approach Towards Wellness
Ayurveda, commonly described as the "science of living," is a holistic healing system that considers physical health and mental and spiritual well-being. It considers each person a unique blend of three doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha. It aims to bring them into equilibrium to achieve optimal health. This individualized method of wellness is at the core of their products.
Their Ayurvedic products are carefully designed with a thorough knowledge of ancient principles. The team of experts from the company comprising Ayurvedic researchers and practitioners, ensures that every product is designed to tackle particular imbalances and promote well-being. Combining traditional wisdom and the latest research makes them an organization that offers products tailored to each individual's demands.
A Look at the Science Behind Ayurtech Biohackerz Products
While Ayurveda is deeply rooted in ancient tradition, Ayurtech Biohackerz takes it an additional step by incorporating technological advances in the development of its products. They conduct rigorous research and testing techniques to confirm the effectiveness and safety of their products. This dedication to science assures customers confidence in the quality and benefits of the products they're purchasing.
One of the unique characteristics that their product line has is the utilization of bioactive substances that are derived from natural resources. These substances, often supported by research conducted in the field, are selected with care because of their ability to help many aspects of health. Through the combination of these bioactive compounds along with conventional Ayurvedic herbal remedies, Ayurtech Biohackerz creates products that provide comprehensive advantages.
A Touch of the Human Touch within Every Product
In a marketplace where most products are mass-produced and lack an individual touch, this brand is unique by infusing an element of humanity into all of its products. The company's dedication to well-being extends beyond the physical characteristics of its products. It also extends to the psychological and emotional well-being of its clients.
When you visit the website of Ayurveda, you'll discover many resources that educate and inspire. It is an invaluable resource for anyone wanting to know the basic principles of Ayurveda and dosha types and how to select items compatible with their particular constitution. Their educational approach shows their commitment to ensuring that their customers make informed choices regarding their health journey.
The Most Effective Website to Buy Ayurvedic Products
For those looking for the top site to purchase Ayurvedic products, Ayurveda is a standout. The firm's commitment to the science behind Ayurveda and its contemporary method of product development makes for a unique teamwork which will benefit customers. Their products are designed to address the individual's dosha imbalances, providing an experience that is personalized and aligns with the philosophies of Ayurveda.
In the end, Ayurtech Biohackerz is an outstanding illustration of how ancient wisdom can seamlessly be integrated with modern science to improve the quality of life. Their Ayurvedic products capture the essence of holistic health, providing an individual approach to meeting the needs of body, mind, and spirit. They are committed to conducting the latest research and technology, with personal contact and an educational platform; they're the Best Website To Buy Ayurvedic Products for those looking to begin the journey to complete well-being.
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casavanihomes · 10 months
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This brown rug is purely made out of 100% cotton to enhance and beautify your living space to look-a-like heaven. This carpet is absolutely soft, elegant, aesthetic, attractive and comfortable as well. This rug fits perfectly in every corner of your living space to maximize your glory in front of your friends & family.
->Material : 100% Cotton.
-> Pattern : Bordered.
->Weave : Hand Woven.
->Features : Easy to clean
-> Regional design: Modern.
->Color: Brown
->Care Instructions: Normal wash.
->Size: All custom size and colour.
0 notes
lua-magic · 4 months
Astrology observations .
Vedic astrology, Natal chart only.
Best way to activate Venus in your chart is by activate the planets sitting with Venus.
Mercury conjunct Venus. Carry always book and pen with you.
Mars conjunct with Venus.
Carry small Copper metal with you.
Jupiter with Venus.
Carry any spiritual book with you always.
Saturn with Venus
Carry Rudraksh( seven mukhi) with you.
Sun with Venus.
Carry photo of your father or sun stone.
Moon with Venus.
Carry a small bottle of water with you or photo of your mother.
Venus with Rahu
Carry photo of your paternal grandparents or pet a cat.
Venus with ketu
Carry photo of maternal grandparents or pet a dog
Twelfth house is your expenses, foreign settlement, foreign travels, spirituality and hospitals as well
However, realm of twelfth house is very vast, it also includes, jail, mental asylum, isolation, yoga, meditation, connection with supernatural and intuition, and dreams as well
Twelfth Lord in first house.
Native will go to foreign travel or foreign settlement, it might give you health issues as well
Rahu in first house, also gives native foreign land settlement and gives you unique personality and disconnect you from your race and religion.
Twelfth Lord in second House
It might cause seperation from your family, and could give teeth and speech related issues.
It creates fluctuations in money 💰.
Twelfth Lord in third House 🏠
Makes you creative, intuive and great writer as well, you subconscious mind downloads information from another realm.
It might give foreign settlement to your younger siblings., or your younger sibling is from foreign culture.
Twelfth lord in fourth House
Could give you separation from your motherland, and mother or mother could be spiritual and meditation
It gives native isolation and intuition. You might spend lot of money on your mother as well.
Twelfth Lord in fifth House
It might give separation from your kids, or your studies and education or you will leave your education and work in other field not related to your education.
You might end up spending lot of money on your kids, or your kids might settle abroad.
It makes you intuive and give you interest in meditation and yoga
Twelfth Lord in sixth House
It is good, as you let go all your eniemies and your debt as well, so basically twelfth Lord will help you to solve problems related to debt, disease and eniemies.
Twelfth Lord in seventh House.
It might create problems in marriage, but it gives you foreign travel and foreign business partner.
Partner could be from different culture, race or religion, or partner could be spiritual or interested in yoga and meditation. You might get partner who is spendthrift or you spend on your partner alot.
Rahu in seventh House, also gives you partner from different race religion and culture.
Twelfth Lord in eighth House.
Could give you problem with your in-laws or you might spend lot on your in-laws.
It might cause you separation from your inheritance, and you have to let go alot of things in life, as both twelfth house and eighth house is of let go.
It might give you losses in life. It gives great Intuition, and intrest in spirituality and makes you great in occult.
Twelfth Lord in ninth house.
It might give you separation from your father, teacher or your guru, you might end up spending lot on your father.
You might leave your race and religion and settle to foreign country.
Twelfth Lord in tenth House.
You might end up leaving your work and change your area of work completely, it also gives you working foreign country, and foreign company.
Native can also work in hospitals, jails and mental asylums or in spirituality and meditation.
Twelfth Lord in eleventh House
Gives you obsession regarding to your desires, your relationship with elder brother or sister could effect negatively, gives you connection with foreign land or country.
Twelfth lord in twelfth House.
Is good, as the planet is in its own house, but as it is twelfth house Lord, it will give you, all the results of Twelfth house like, foreign travel, foreign settlement, isolation, and intrest in spirituality and meditation, if your ancendent is weak and afflicted could give you health issues and mental health issues.
Mercury in Twelfth house, give extra ordinary power to connect with spiritual realm and download datas, it could give anxiety and sleeplessness because now Mercury is getting connected to another realm, hence such natives are extremely creative in their ideas and even great writer.
Such natives have got great, imagination, some unique skill, visiualisation and creative writing abilities.
Venus is exalted, and shows devotion ro their partners.
Mars in twelfth house looses it's strength, hence native could face health related issues as well and also shows native will waste lot of his/her energy in sexual activities..
Jupiter is the house Lord shows native is good in counselling and teaching.
Saturn in twelfth house makes you lazy and you would procrastinate alot, however, it does makes you spiritual and good in meditation, if it is not afflicted then would give you opportunity in foreign land.
Sun in twelfth house looses their identity( Such natives have either two names or even if they get famous, they won't be known by their original name) and could give separation from their father and motherland.
Moon in twelfth House could give issues with your mother or separation from mother, and makes you spiritual and good Healer.
Mars retro, always get attracted sexually to someone younger than their age (huge age difference)
Your mind is now connected to spiritual realm and that could give msgs in dreams, Deja Vu, premonitions..
Rahu in twelfth house could make you obsessed with bed pleasure, but also makes you spiritual and good in meditation. Native could feel the presence of spirits or other worldly beings easily around themselves, and could give fear of death as well.
Person would connect to astral realm or suffer from sleep paralysis as well..
Venus retro are rarely satisfied in their sexual life.
Mercury retro can't express their feelings
Jupiter retro loves to advice people, and are great problem solver.
Saturn retro are hard working individuals and can has to do lot of work by themselves without any help from someone.
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itsrheasgirl · 6 months
Okay, but in the light of the recents events can you write some angst? Rhea and reader are close friends for years and had always been affectionate and caring towards each other.
After Rhea’s boyfriend proposed to her there’s a party to celebrate the occasion and accidentally Rhea hears a conversation between reader and another wrestler (who only knows about readers feelings for Rhea). The wrestler is asking how is the reader coping and does she regret never telling Rhea about her true feelings to which the R answers that she was never Rhea’s choice and all she wants is to see her happy even if that means never knowing what could have been between them. When Rhea hears that she’s completely shocked and broken because she too was hiding her feelings because she never thought that anything between her and her friend can ever happen.
You can continue it however you feel like, but with happy ending between the two of them please
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- - - -
You couldn’t take your eyes off the text message as it sat in the center of your phone screen, a sharp pain driving into your chest as your breath held itself tightly in your throat. Rhea was getting married.
It had come as no surprise to you. You knew the day would come that Rhea’s boyfriend would finally propose, taking the one person you cared about the most in the world away from you and yet you still couldn’t convince yourself to breathe.
“Rhea’s engaged.”
You almost whispered over to Sonya as you both bent forward into downward dog, the dagger in your chest tightening as those two words played over and over in your subconscious. You didn’t want to say the words out loud but you couldn’t stop them, your form faltering as you heard the female beside you gasp.
Sonya dropped out of position instantly and sat cross legged on her yoga mat with a grin from ear to ear, the words coming from between her lips in a high pitched tone.
“I’m sorry what!”
You didn’t want to have to repeat yourself, the words tasted like copper in your mouth and saying them again out loud would hurt you even more the second time.
Lowering your position back down onto your knees, you sit back and exhale a shallow breath. Sonya knew all about how you’d spent the last few years pining after Rhea, ever since you’d been pulled up to the big leagues from NXT. She knew how you’d left every event Rhea had attended with her boyfriend miserable because she’d been too busy with him to pay attention to you.
It’s not like you’d expected her to ignore him, but you hadn’t expected her to ignore you either.
Slowly bringing your posture round to sit cross legged in front of Sonya, you tilt your head up to meet her gaze and plaster your best ‘I’m so happy for her’ grin upon your lips.
“She’s engaged. Rhea’s getting married.”
Sonya could see the pain on your face; even though you tried your hardest to hide it from her. Rhea was such a big part of your life, how could you not be hurting.
Shuffling a little closer to your closed off posture, the dark haired female took your hand in hers without a word. She didn’t want to force you to talk about it; at least not yet, instead the two of you sat in the empty gym in silence.
- - - -
You could faintly hear the music from inside the bar as you sat outside in the empty parking lot, surrounded by nothing but your own thoughts. It had been a rough few days for you, battling with the fact that Rhea was getting married was harder than you’d expected it to be and if you were being completely honest with yourself; it still hadn’t quite sunk in.
You’d chosen to give Rhea some distance. She needed time to get used to being a fiancé and you; well you weren’t entirely sure you could face her without giving away the fact you were disappointed that she was marrying someone else.
Tracing your finger over the rim of your empty champagne glass, you exhale a long sigh. It had taken everything in you to attend Rhea’s engagement party. Being around her and your friends whilst struggling with your feelings about the whole situation was hard; it was the main reason you’d slunk off to have some alone time, you needed a moment to let out your emotions and the extensive guest list for the party had left you with limited options.
Placing the empty glass down at your feet, you hunched your back and lowered your head into your awaiting hands. The sharp pain in your lungs from days before had yet to subside; the constant thought of Rhea’s text flashing across your screen reigniting the fire in your chest that burned stronger than any other heartache you’d felt before and it showed no sign of stopping.
Closing your eyes tightly as the sound of approaching heels rang in your eardrums, you prayed it was just a stranger coming for a cigarette or maybe to throw up in a bush.
You weren’t in the right headspace to talk with anyone right now, but knowing your luck it would be the one person you weren’t quite ready to face. Other than when you’d arrived alongside Sonya and Bianca, you hadn’t said two words to Rhea. She had been far too busy with the line of people desperate to congratulate her and you— well you’d actually been avoiding her.
Keeping your hands buried in your palms, you slowly parted your fingers to peek at the shoes that stood before you. Relief instantly washed over you as they fell upon the unnecessary high pair of stilettos you’d lent to Sonya for the special occasion. You thought you’d been quite successful when you’d managed to slip away from the group; but not quite successful enough it seemed.
“There you are.”
Sonya uttered. Her slender frame towering over you as you remained face in hands.
“What are you doing out here?”
She didn’t really need an answer. Sonya knew exactly why you’d hidden yourself away, but that hadn’t stopped her from coming to find you non the less. Taking a seat beside you on the old wooden bench, her slender fingers pulled a single palm from your face to hold tightly in her own grasp.
“You should be inside with everyone else, Son. We don’t want the bride-to-be noticing you’re missing.”
“I could say the same to you.”
Sonya sighed.
“She hasn’t noticed I’m missing.”
You almost bark; a throaty scoff parting your lips as your second palm dropped to your lap. Your neck craning so you can look over in Sonya’s direction with sullen eyes.
“If I hadn’t said hi, she wouldn’t even know I was here.”
The words tore at your chest as you spoke, but it was reality and you had to face that. You weren’t on Rhea’s radar, you never had been and her future was with the man who’d asked her to marry him.
“Rhea loves you.”
Sonya muttered as her hold upon your palm tightened slightly.
“You're her best friend, of course she would know if you weren’t here. You’re connected.”
A shallow sigh burst free from your lungs as you swallowed back the tight lump that began to form in your throat, words leaving your lips laced with sarcasm.
“Not in any way that counts.”
You hoped Sonya wouldn’t push it any further. You hadn’t talked to anyone about how Rhea’s engagement was making you feel and you planned to keep it that way. It wasn’t anyone else’s burden to bare but your own.
Exhaling another shallow breath, you lean back against the bench and tilt your head up to face the heavens. The sky was so clear, you could see every star as they shone across the midnight sky and the beauty of it all tugged at the corners of your lips.
“I’m fine, Sonya. Please don’t let me ruin your night. Go, enjoy the party.”
A few moments passed before Sonya said anything, her voice soft and heartwarming as she gave your palm another squeeze. You were always too concerned for the well-being of others and never took care of yourself. It was something you’d always done.
“I’m not leaving until you talk to me, Y/N. You can’t keep hiding your feelings about this from everyone. It’s going to eat you alive until you break and you shouldn’t be alone when that happens.”
You could feel the lump in your throat cutting off your airways as it began to grow larger. Of course Sonya was right. The more you pushed down your emotions, the harder you would break when your body finally had enough.
“I can’t.”
You choked out through labored breath, your bottom lip beginning to tremble as you held on tightly to Sonya’s hand.
“I can’t face it. I can’t let myself feel it. I just can’t.”
Sonya leant forward so she could look upon you with concern in her gaze, her dark hues catching the tremble in your lip and the tightness of your chest as she took both your palms in hers.
There was only so much heartbreak a person could take and watching the woman you loved marry someone else broke that barrier and then some.
Smoothing the pads of her thumbs against the top of your hands and tracing each knuckle at a time, Sonya exhaled a muted breath. She wanted to help you, to be your shoulder to cry on as you let out all the bottled up feelings you had pushed deep down, but she didn’t know how to help you when you wouldn’t help yourself.
“Listen to me, babe. Rhea is your best friend, she’s the love of your life and you need to process this now or at the end of the day, you're gonna lose her completely. Do you want that?”
Of course you didn’t want that. Yes Rhea was getting married, but that’s all she was doing. She wasn’t moving away, she wasn’t leaving you. She would still come over to your apartment at midnight if you needed her, she would still spend girls night getting drunk and dancing till your feet hurt. She was your best friend and she wouldn’t abandon you because of a guy.
Slowly lowering your gaze from the sparkling sky and down to meet the chocolate pools of Sonya’s hues, you swallow harshly in hopes to keep your tears at bay.
Was all you could manage as you pulled in a stammered breath, the prickle of a threatening break burning at your eyes.
“Then talk to me.”
Sonya’s voice was always so soothing. Her tone was sweet as honey, but still firm.
Letting your lids flutter closed for a brief moment, you inhale a deep breath to fill your lungs. The tightness in your chest sent a pain down your spine as you gave Sonya’s hands a soft squeeze, your exhale coming out in stammered bursts.
“She’s getting married, Son. There is nothing I can do, nothing I can say that’s going to change that. What does telling you my feelings do except hurt me more?”
Sonya wasn’t entirely sure what to say. She couldn’t put the words in your mouth, you needed to figure them out on your own but it had been six days since you’d found out about Rhea’s engagement and you’d not said two words about it to anyone. It had to be killing you and all she wanted to do was help.
Exhaling a shallow breath as she mulled things over in silence, Sonya kept her watchful gaze upon you. The tremor in your lip was still very present and she could see the tears as they began to glistened across your lense, not yet ready to break the waterline.
“She needs to know how you feel, babe. You have to tell her the truth.”
- - - -
Rhea’s fingers spread out on the wooden door frame ahead of her as she pushed out into the cool night air, her plush lips curving into a warm smile as her ring glistened in the moonlight.
She couldn’t believe how many people had shown up to celebrate her engagement, her fiancé had even flown out her parents as a surprise; but she was desperate for a second alone. Ever since the party had started, she hadn’t had a second to breathe, the constant flood of people congratulating her never seemed to end. There were only so many times she could say thank you before it started to drive her insane, eventually things had finally calmed down enough for her to sneak outside for a breath of air and she couldn’t be more grateful.
Stepping out into the empty parking lot, she let her lids fall and inhaled the largest breath. Flooding every inch of her lungs with the crisp midnight breeze, she raised her lids only to fall upon the back of your head in the distance.
Sonya’s gaze grew wide as she spotted Rhea standing by the bar entrance, her actions to stop your sudden outburst not quite fast enough as you opened your mouth to speak loud enough that Rhea would definitely hear.
“How- How I feel?.”
Sonya shook her head gently in hopes you’d stop talking but you ignored it and kept going in a slightly breathless tone. Your words were thick in your throat which made it harder for you to breathe, but you persevered.
“What am I supposed to do Sonya, just walk up to her in the middle of her perfect fucking engagement party and tell her I’m in love with her? Tell her she shouldn’t be marrying him, she should be marrying me?”
Sonya’s lips parted; unable to speak words as she simply watched you falling apart before her. The well in your eyes deepened as tears threatened to break your waterline, the thickness in your voice casted in emotion as you tried to swallow.
“She loves him, Sonya. She doesn’t love me. She’s never loved me. She will never love me. So why— why would I punish myself and tell her I’ve loved her since the day we met, when I’ll get nothing in return but a broken heart? Huh. WHY?!”
Your breathing was getting harder and the knife in your chest was tightening, twisting and twisting like a vice as it pushed all the air from your lungs. Sonya had pushed you to this, she’d told you to let go and feel. But had she been prepared for this?
Sonya kept a watchful eye on Rhea over your shoulder, unable to stop the crumbling wall she’d detonated as you blurted out the things you hadn’t planned on Rhea ever hearing.
“Y/N, I—”
Sonya was lost for words. She didn’t want to stop you from finally giving in to all the pain Rhea’s engagement was causing you, but at the same time she didn’t want to add to the awkward situation Rhea had found herself in. She had no idea how you felt about her getting married; how could she? You’d avoided every text message and ever phone call from her over the last few days, desperate to keep your emotions at bay.
“I can’t burden her with this, Sonya. Rhea deserves to get married and be happy, she deserves to walk down that aisle with nothing but joy. If I tell her that I love her.. that I’ve always loved her..”
You pause to inhale a shaky breath as the first few tears break free from your waterline, trickling down your cheek and dripping onto the emerald satin of your dress.
“I have to let her go, Son.”
Was all you could utter as your throat grew tight and your demeanor fell lax as you slumped in your seat.
You knew Sonya was trying to make things better, getting you to admit to your feelings for Rhea was only the first step in what was going to be a long night for you and as much as it was hurting you; you had to admit it was helping.
“Go back inside, Sonya. I’ll come in soon, I promise.”
Exhaling a long sign, Sonya extended her palm to swipe away the stray tear that clung to your cheek. Her fingertip sliding beneath your chin and tilting your head back up so she could address you head on with her words.
“Don’t stay out here punishing yourself Y/N, if you're not back inside in twenty minutes I'm coming back out here to get you.”
Getting up without another word, Sonya leant down to press her lips against the top of your head and turned to head back inside. You needed a little alone time and as much as she wanted to stay with you, keep you safe while you broke down over losing the most important girl in your life, but she had more important things to deal with. She needed to get Rhea back inside and away from you, she’d heard more than she needed too and Sonya wasn't willing to let her address the situation until you were ready.
You wanted to make sure Sonya actually left, that you were finally alone to release the emotion she had pulled from you but as you stared down at your palm and inhaled a labored breath, you couldn’t help the unstoppable tears that broke free from behind your lids. Your cheeks instantly moistening as the waterfall of emotions finally hits the surface.
- - - - -
Smoothing away the smudges of black from under your eyes as you inspected your reflection in the bathroom mirror, you exhaled a small huff and pushed back off the sink ledge. You just had to make it through the night. Rhea didn’t know a thing and as long as you could keep it together, everything would be fine.
Crossing the bathroom floor as you smoothed out your emerald dress, you stop abruptly when a pair of heels appear before you. They weren't the shoes you’d leant Sonya, they weren’t Bianca’s or Liv’s. Swallowing a large lump that formed in your throat, you slowly raised your gaze to meet Rhea’s glimmering sapphire hues.
You scoffed under your breath, forcing your plush lips into a warm smile as you contemplated what you should say to her. You knew she’d be mad at you, you’d been avoiding her for days but you had to say something. Pulling your palm through curled locks, you inhaled yet another breath.
“Having a good night?”
‘Having a good night?’ Your subconscious screamed. Could you not have come up with something else? Rhea’s gaze was fixed on you, locked in like she had something to say and yet she said nothing. The two of you stood in silence simply looking at each other and waiting for the other to speak. Your palms began to sweat as you finally broke eye contact, a soft smile pulling at the corner of your lips as you scoffed a small chuckle. Even after all the years of knowing Rhea, she still made you nervous.
“Rhea, you okay?”
You uttered, your entire form moving forward and in her direction.
“You look like you just got bad news, babe what's going on?”
Your worry about saying the wrong thing to Rhea disappeared as she remained motionless in front of you. Why wasn’t she speaking? What had happened?
Stretching out your palm towards Rhea’s, you flinch slightly as she yanks her hand away. The expression on her face falling even more sullen as she inhales a breath and takes a small step away from you.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Rhea finally broke her silence. Her palms remaining at her sides as she kept her gaze upon you. You felt your heart as it dropped in your cheat, your windpipe closing around the air as it tried to escape your lungs. You couldn’t breathe and you didn’t know what to do.
You choked out, trying your best to remain calm.
“What are you talking about?”
Had Sonya said something? She was the only one who knew about your feelings for Rhea and she was known for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Swallowing the nerves that began to return, you froze as Rhea finally closed the distance once more and took your palm within her own.
“I heard you.. I was outside and.. You love me?”
Each sentence was stammered and incomplete but you quickly pieced together what had happened, your fingers winding with Rhea’s as she held onto your palm tightly. She wasn’t going to let you go until she got the answers she needed and as much as you regretted everything she’d heard, you didn’t really want her to let go.
“You expect me to tell you I’m in love with you when three days ago you told me you're getting married. Are you crazy?”
A small chortle parted your lips as you shook your head gently, the nerves that boiled beneath your skin dying down as you watched Rhea’s lips curve into an impish grin. Her fingers tightening even more with your own as she pulled you a little closer towards her.
“You could have told me four days ago.”
“And what difference would that have made, Rhea?”
You scoffed, pulling your palm free from hers and turning your back as you crossed the bathroom, spinning on heeled feet as you continued.
“Are you seriously telling me that if four days ago I had come to you and said I love you, that you should be with me, that we should be as happy as you are with him, that it would have made a difference on how things would be right now?”
You didn’t want to raise your voice at Rhea, partly because she scared you, but mainly because you couldn’t face the emotions it would undoubtedly pull back up and you’d just managed to calm yourself after the first time. Rhea hadn’t moved but neither had her features, the impish grin still plastered on her lips as she watched you vent. Why was she so calm about all of this?
She finally spoke. Her form closing the distance between you until she was able to scrape your hair behind your ear. The softness of her thumb against your jawline causing you to tremble.
“Yeah right.”
You scoffed once more as your throat tightened again, the closeness between you and Rhea causing your entire form to shift. You could feel the warmth of her breath against your skin, the sweet smell of her perfume flooding your nostrils. She wasn’t being serious, your confession of love wouldn’t have meant a thing. She loved someone else and no matter what you said to her, nothing would change that. Right?
Cradling her palm around the angle of your jaw, Rhea tilted your head to force your gaze to hers. You spent years wishing she’d look at you the way she did in that moment, but as you stared up into her glistening baby blues you couldn’t stop the color that flushed your cheeks. Rhea’s dominance at work was captivating for many, but as she stared into the depth of your gaze you completely forgot how to breathe.
“I said yes and I meant it.”
The air trapped within your lungs caused your chest to hurt as the breath remained locked within your body, Rhea’s thumb gently grazing along your jawline as she spoke.
“Breathe baby.”
She muttered to you, her free hand placing down against your chest over your heart. The heavy thrum drumming against her palm as her lips curved into a delicate smile.
“Just breathe.”
How did she expect you to just breathe? It had been years since you’d fallen for Rhea, yet you had never done a damn thing about it for fear of her rejecting you. Only to be telling her how you felt at her engagement party and her telling you she wishes you’d told her sooner. Would this have been your engagement party if only you’d told her when it happened and not kept it a secret from her?
Finally finding your breath after what felt like hours, you swallow back the dryness that coated your esophagus. Your cheek softly leaning into Rhea’s palm as she continued to cradle your face. The problems of the world around you melting away as you forgot exactly what was happening.
It took a few moments, but eventually it all hit you. Your entire frame darting out of Rhea’s hold, you shake your head as the words fell from your lips.
“No. No.. no no, you can’t do this to me.”
Rhea’s manicured brow arched slightly as she watched you shift backwards, her first instinct to reach for you and gently hold you still within her palms.
“You can’t make me fall more in love with you Rhea, you can’t. You’re getting married.”
Rhea’s palm slowly began to slide up the length of your bare arms, her fingertips causing the hairs on your skin to stand on end as they danced back up to rest down upon your shoulders. You wanted to tell her to stop. That she shouldn’t be in here with you, she should be outside with her fiancé. Celebrating with her friends and family.
“I’ve thought about you every day since the moment I laid eyes on you, Y/N.”
You could hear Rhea’s words as clearly as spoke them and yet somehow your brain struggled to process them. She wasn’t serious. She couldn’t be.
“Rhea, please.”
You whispered, dropping your gaze to the ground.
“I remember every word you said to me.”
You knew Rhea wasn’t going to stop. She knew how you felt now and if this was the only moment she had to tell you, then god dammit she intended to let it all out.
“I remember the way you smelt. Your smile. The sound of you laugh. The way your cheeks flushed when Sonya introduced us and from that moment on it’s all I thought about. Until…”
Rhea paused. Her thumbs gently gliding over your shoulders as she inhaled a shaky breath.
“Until you met him.”
You uttered softly. Your gaze finally returning to find Rhea’s sapphire hues.
She scoffed softly. Connecting your eyes once more with a disheartened smile.
“Until I realized you could never love me.”
It tore at your chest as she spoke. The reality setting in that you could have spent every second from the day you met together but because of your stupidity and choices to keep silent, Rhea had fallen in love with someone else instead of you.
You’d stopped thinking rationally. The words spilling from your lips like an unstoppable force and your palms cupped around the angle of Rhea’s jawline.
“I did love you. I— I do love you. I always have and I believe that I always will. No matter where your life takes you, I will always love you Rhea Ripley. Forever.”
The prickle of tears threatened your waterline once more as you spoke, the pads of your thumbs tracing over the apple of Rhea’s cheeks as you forced yourself to keep in place. It was killing you to tell her the truth knowing she was about to marry someone else, but Sonya was right. Rhea had the right to know the truth, even if it meant you could never see her again due to how much it hurt.
Rhea hadn’t blinked, she hadn’t flinched, hell you weren’t even sure if she had taken a breath. Her entire form remained still in front of you as if you’d frozen her into a state of shock.
You’d said your piece. You could easily slip out of the bathroom, out of the party and off into the night without any backlash.
Exhaling a soft sigh as you retracted your palms from around Rhea’s face, you took a small step back. Your form stumbled slightly as her palms tightened round your shoulders, the entire body tightening as one palm slid round the back of your neck and the other took hold of your waist. The air around you becomes thick as it all flashed before your eyes.
Was she about to….
Rhea’s lips were on yours before you had the time to stop her, the distance between you completely gone as she pressed her muscular frame against your own. Your own palms winding into the small of her back as you hold her close.
It was wrong, it was all wrong but you’d waiting years for this moment and if it was the only chance you’d get to be with her— even if it was just for a second, fuck were you going to take it.
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itscolossal · 8 months
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Five Copper Petals Dramatically Enclose a Bamboo Yoga Studio in a Lush Bali Village
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dropout-if · 9 months
Dropout Customization
Due to some questions about MC customization, I have decided to compile all the physical and personality aspects that are selectable about the Dropout.
A reminder that this is all subject to change and that new things may be added (or deleted). Feedback and ideas to further develop MC are encouraged.
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Main Ideas
Name Surname Nickname
Sex, Gender, Pronouns (it's possible to customise them), Breast/Pecs, Penis/Vagina (If MC is transgender, their transition takes place while they're away) Title (Ms. / Mr. / Mx.)
Virginity or lack thereof.
If MC is trans (when they realized about it [high school, middle school, college] and if they told their family // the ROs already know, as MC told Uma and J, and word spread).
Birthday which establishes the Dropout's age as either 21 or 22 depending on the season (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter)
Major (Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Computer science, Law, Economics, Education (in relation to science/maths/etc), Mathematics, Physics, Psychology). The Dropout's Major affects flavor text. These options are the ones approved by the Dropout's parents, though it's possible for MC to express interest in other degrees/topics (music, art, English, anthropology, archeology, classical studies, history).
Reason behind dropping out (MC got kicked out (they were caught cheating) MC didn't get a high enough GPA and dropped out / MC never even wanted to go to college and ultimately decided they wanted out / MC didn't fit in (they were discriminated, lonely, etc) though they really liked college / MC originally liked their degree and college but gradually lost interest in the entire thing / MC never liked their degree and decided to drop out / Something specifically related to mental health (mainly anxiety) / Impostor's syndrome.) This affects flavor text.
2 Coping Mechanisms (Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, Sleeping around, Avoidance, Overspending, Humor, *Hobby (overworking self) [Anger, Fake/forced happiness, Sadness, Indifference].) Each coping mechanism opens a variable and a storyline. You can choose two, though choosing one related to emotional responses [between brackets] automatically blocks out the others.
2 Hobbies (Singing, playing an instrument, songwriting, creative writing, drawing, sketching, sculpting, acting, photography, soccer, football, swimming, basketball, gymnastics, boxing, judo, karate, taekwondo, kickboxing, going to the gym, cooking/baking, dancing [ballet, contemporary dance, modern], yoga.) This affects flavor text and scenes.
Job (Bartender [Wanda, Statler is also around often], Cashier [Statler], Columnist [J (+Kai if poly)], Caregiver [Kai], Waiter/Waitress [Uma (+Travis if poly)], Tutor [Travis]) Each job gives you more time with a certain RO, as well as unlocking a storyline.
Personality Stats
Playful/Serious Honest/Dishonest Friendly/Rude Introverted/Extroverted Laid-back/Uptight Cynical/Idealistic Flirty/Reserved Family oriented/Individualistic
Others: Insomnia, Migraines
Physical Appearance
*It's possible to choose MC's appearance as a high schooler as well. This affects flavor text.
Height (very tall, talk, average, short, very short)
Skin tone (ebony, dark brown, light brown, russet, golden, olive, honey, tawny, tanned, fair, rosy, ivory.) Choosing any skin tone gives you the possibility of choosing to be a poc (idea I stole from Mila, @beyondthegame)
*Build (scrawny, skinny, lithe, lean, muscular, chubby, curvy, hourglass).
*Hair color (max 3 tones, 1 base and other 2) (possible to return home with a mess of dye for Maude to fix. NATURAL (Ashen blonde, Sunflower blonde, Strawberry blonde, Caramel, Honey brown, Chocolate brown, Copper, Auburn, Ruby red, Midnight brown, Jet black, Ebony black) NON-NATURAL (Pink, Violet, Lilac, Blue jade, Vermilion red, Snowy white, Silver, Emerald green, Canary yellow, Bleached).
Hair texture (kinky, very coiled, coiled, curly, wavy, slightly wavy, straight)
*Hair length (ear-length, chin-length, shoulder-length, below shoulder-length, chest-length, waist-length)
*Hair style (SHORT/MEDIUM: natural, side-parted, mullet, layered, bob, ponytail, twin ponytails, buzz fade, slick back, messy, wolf cut, bun. LONG: natural, high/low ponytail, messy, shaggy, California waves, a half updo, side-swept, bun, braid, twin braids, twin ponytails).
*Eye color (albino red, dark blue, light blue, dark green, light green, hazel, amber, chestnut brown, chocolate brown, black, grey).
*It's possible to choose MC's appearance as a high schooler as well. This affects flavor text.
*Glasses (yes, no, contacts)
*Facial hair (No/shaved. Stubble, full beard, goatee, ducktail,van dyke, garibaldi, mustache, soul patch, light beard).
Scars, can choose as many as possible (Back, chest, abdomen, upper and lower arm, thigh, knees, calf, mouth area, neck, cheek, hands, eye area, shoulder)
*Tattoos (One big in X body area, patch-like bodysuit, bodysuit, one/two sleeves, just legs, a few tattoos all over, a small in X place).
*Piercings (Ears [helix, lobe, industrial], navel, tongue, nose ring and septum, eyebrow, lips, smiley, nipples, genital)
Freckles (face, body, both)
Beauty mark, multiple (under eye, over lip, neck, body)
*Outfit/Style (streetwear, alternative, cute, preppy, casual, formal, business casual, dark academia, messy, boho/eclectic, comfortable)
*Bedroom, at family home and at new apartment (messy, colorful, emo, basic, boho, modern, industrial, vintage, minimalist, cute)
*Diet (vegan, vegetarian, pescetarian, keto, meat-eater, lactose intolerant)
Family pet (small/large dog, cat, fish tank, hamster/rabbit/guinea pig, cockatiel/parrot/canaries)
Closeness to all family members (tight-knit, close, so-so, cold, barely any relationship)
Same with the friend group
Crush on Statler during high school (yes/no)
'Popularity' during high school and college (popular, social butterfly [got along with many people but wasn't part of the popular groups], normal, loner, outcast [somewhat antagonistic in a way/rebel].)
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sassyfrassboss · 6 months
Oh puhleez! If Catherine was president of the Hedgehog and Bumblebee association then Meghan would have wanted that! If Catherine had been patron of mosquito swatting she wanted to do that! She wanted whatever Catherine had because she saw that was an easy route to being popular.
She only cares about getting her pictures in the papers, going viral on social media and being seen as the 'most beautiful'.
I'm pretty sure all those dumb stories about copper bathtub, floating yoga rooms, vegan paint and tennis court at frogmore etc that she took offensoto were all planted by her. She only got mad because people made fun of her for all that.
I think she was leaking to a ton of people to see what would stick.
She was also lying so much back then she was having a hard time keeping her stories a secret straight.
Meghan wanted everything Catherine had, including William.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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"Lord Surya" ☀ Talon Abraxas
Surya, the Sun, is God incarnate in solar form, a glorious, shining golden orb visible every day. He is Astamurthi, one of the eight forms of Shiva. The Sun alone is the pivot of the entire Universe, the dispeller of darkness, and root cause of the three worlds. He is the deity of great brilliance and is considered the Supreme Soul. There are many names of Lord Surya and each name refers to a particular quality of consciousness - Aditya, Savita, Surya, Mihira, Arka, Prabhakara, Martanda, Bhaskara, Bhanu, Chitrabhanu, Divakara and Ravi.
Surya is the chief of the Navagrahas and is often depicted riding a chariot harnessed by seven horses which represent seven solar rays, seven chakras of the body and seven days of the week.
Surya's sons, Shani and Yama are responsible for the judgment of human life. Shani provides the results of one's deeds during life through appropriate punishments and rewards while Yama grants the results of one's deeds after death.
In Vedic astrology Surya is considered a malefic on account of His hot, dry nature. Surya represents soul, will-power, fame, the eyes, general vitality, courage, kingship, father, authority figures, benevolence, generosity, grandeur, dignity and friendliness.
Surya has the following associations:
Animals: Deer, Tiger, Lion Bird: Goose Gem: Ruby Metals: Copper and Gold Direction: East Food: Wheat Sign: Leo Day: Sunday
In Tantra yoga, Surya, the planetary deity of the Sun, represents the Universal male principal, while Chandra, the Moon, represents the Universal female or shakti principle. Surya is also associated with Agni, the god of fire.
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rainymoodlet · 11 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Episode Six] Saying Goodbye...
This post absolutely killed me to shoot, omg. I was sitting here thinking "is there any way I can keep them... any way at all..." because these seven sims are genuinely some of the sweetest and funniest pixels I've ever had the pleasure of witnessing exist okay 🥹
Proper goodbyes for our darlings under the cut! Everyone, say a fond and fair farewell to Maxwell, Zayden, Jiro, Jasper, Ainsley, Orlando, and Nolan! 😭 This will not be the last time we see them! They are permanent fixtures in Dan's life from this point on, I'll see to that! 😉
[ Part 5/5 ] 🌹
Maxwell Santiago by @yikessims was an absolute darling from the moment he entered the Mansion. His Gloomy trait tended to get the better of him, though, and while he and Dan were largely friendly and had positive interactions, his constant Sad moodlets tended to make him very unreceptive to Dan's flirtations. Were it not for the negatives from those interactions, I'm sure Max would have made it farther! 🥺
Zayden Mars by @softietrait is exactly as delightful as he is portrayed in writing, and I honestly think he was just too much energy for our Dan! He was often Playful and loved pranking everyone in the house/on the Group Dates, and as Daniel was often the target of a lot of his buzzers, his resulting Tense moodlets made him straight-up refuse flirtations with Zay - who would then be unreceptive to any attempt Dan made to flirt afterward. 😮‍💨
Jiro Okabe by @wormsimblr is genuinely one of the closest sims to Dan in the house when it comes to Friendship points - he closely rivals Dodo for that position! He and Daniel could never seem to get in a groove when it came to romantic interactions, even when Daniel had plenty popping up in his Grab Bag! As you can see here, Jiro even refused an Embrace from the guy before leaving 😟
Jasper Hartley by @2013trait really related to Daniel on a lot of conversational topics, and the two of them got along just fine, but they never seemed to hit a stride with their flirtations. Daniel would try to flirt with Jasper, and Jasper wouldn't be receptive - only for Jas to immediately try to flirt with Daniel after, which he wouldn't accept, and it ended up happening so much that their Romance bar hovered in the same position for most of the challenge. 😓
Ainsley Copper by @jaigny was such a sweetheart, but he and Daniel seemed to have the same "problem" as Jiro and Daniel. Though they're undoubtedly attracted to one another, the two of them ended up closer as friends than they did as potential romantic partners: they can absolutely talk each other's ears off, but once it veered into Romantic interactions, Ainsley would often get Embarrassed by his Socially Awkward trait and their conversations would devolve from there. 😩 
Orlando Harper by @akitasimblr was an absolute treat to watch in-game, omg. He was constantly doing something Athletic, and I was often yelling at him to stop going for soccer balls or yoga mats while posing the groups. 😂 I hate to perpetuate his career in Bachelor/ette Challenges, but this man was absolutely resistant to any sort of flirting - and Daniel actually finds him very attractive! 😂 Needless to say, the two have forged a genuine bond during this portion of the show, and I'm sure we'll see much more of Dodo in the rest of Dan's life to come. 😌
And ohhhh... Nolan Langford by @wastelandwhisperer was Sad for some reason on the day of the Rose Ceremony, and it just fit too perfectly to catch Daniel comforting him like this. 🥺 He was genuinely so excited for a chance to meet and romance his childhood hero, but in-game, Nolan tended to either be excited over Dan's celebrity status (which I ended up turning off for the poor guy's sake sdkjfhd) or simply uninterested in Romantic interactions. It's messed up, because Daniel's Grab Bag was always awash with Romantic socials spurred on by his Attraction to Nolan. They just never seemed to hit a stride - I hope you guys enjoyed how I portrayed it in the course of the show!
I love each and every one of these sims very deeply, and I want to thank you all for giving them to me and trusting me with their little pixel hearts. I have been there for the loss of many a sim in a Bachelor/ette Challenge, so I totally understand the disappointment and sadness over not seeing your sim anymore - my askbox is always open!
Again, this is definitely not the last time we'll be seeing these guys. I can't wait to get further into the challenge and show you how they'll be showing back up in the future, but know this - Daniel will keep relationships with these sims for the rest of his little pixel life!
Thank you all for following along with Kiss Me in Komorebi this far - we've gotten through one month, six group dates, and twenty-one solo moments to get to here! And we have so much more to experience: I am so glad you're all enjoying this, and thank you for following Daniel's journey for love! 🥰
I love you all! Have a cookie 🍪
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Had you played TV cliché bingo while watching The Couple Next Door, I do believe sparks would have been flying from your dabber. I’m almost in awe that so many were crammed in before the first ad break alone. Barely seven minutes in, Becka (Jessica De Gouw) and Danny (Sam Heughan) were pulling each other’s clothes off and having sex at their living room window, curtains open, in a way that no married couple whose small child has just left the room ever do. Except in TV La-La land.
It was a bonus, though, for Alan the Pervert (Hugh Dennis), who has a telescope trained on their house and dark circles under his eyes that suggest he does a lot of squinting while hunched over his computer (and I don’t mean at Wordle).
I suppose at least this drama owns its clichés. What am I saying? It revels in them. It opened with the classic taster of horror to come, Eleanor Tomlinson as Evie running in what we shall call TV’s “sexy terrified” way. That is, frightened but looking hot, hot, hot in a short silk nightie as she ran barefoot through a forest. We then flipped back in time to Evie and Pete (Alfred Enoch) happily arriving at their new suburban idyll to start their family, which was a sort of sunny Wisteria Lane and not at all like the Leeds I remember from when I lived there.
It told us everything was too smug to be true by having laughing children playing with water guns, lawns being mowed, cars being washed. Uh-oh. We know that can’t last. And it didn’t. Evie miscarried her baby (conceived with a donor because Pete has “puny sperm”) by minute 16. I have a terrible feeling that the koi carp in the garden are some sort of “swimmers” metaphor.
Sometimes the dialogue was so stilted, I wondered if it was a spoof. “You guys will get through this,” Danny said to Pete, who should really have responded by asking if he was a chatbot. It soon transpired that Danny and Becka were swingers (it’s based on a Dutch series called, yes, The Swingers) and they promptly had “that couple we met in Marbella” round for some wife swapping as Pete watched from his window. Has anyone in this street ever considered closing a blind? And, actually, aren’t they “the couple opposite”, not “next door”?
There’s a dull subplot about Danny being a dodgy copper, which ties in to a dull investigation that local journalist Pete wants to look into, but his editor wants him to cover the opening of a new city library. A new library? Pull the other one. The UK has closed about 800 of them in the past decade.
At least Evie cheered up when she got Danny’s powerful beast between her legs. Oh, I mean his motorbike, though it’s obvious it won’t be long before the other beast comes into play. I feared we might get to the end of the episode without it committing the top TV cliché on the bingo card, namely spontaneous sex on a kitchen worktop. But, no. Evie and Pete gave us a full house by doing exactly that — and during a storm for added cheesiness.
These couples are as wooden as Dutch clogs, but I am enjoying Dennis’s greasy performance as the disgusting stalker who pretends to like yoga so he can be near Becka. I must warn you that later in the series it’s traumatic to see the man who played the nice dad in Outnumbered masturbating. I must also warn you that episode two contains some of the worst cringey couple dancing you are likely to witness in your lifetime. I think the moral of this silly but entertainingly corny tale is going to be: “Don’t shag the neighbours.”
Carol Midgley joined The Times in 1996 and is a former Feature Writer of the Year winner. Find her column in Times 2 each Wednesday and her TV reviews on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Indeed I saw all the reviews after the streaming view, including all episodes. The Times’ review concretes many things about The Couple Next Door 💁‍♀️
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theficpusher · 3 months
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Marionette by Anonymous | E | 2733 Harry is a vampire on the hunt. He doesn’t know that he’s not the top of the food chain.
Just a little taste by lunarheslwt | G | 3688 “Little dove,” Louis crooned, making Harry shiver a little, affected, “you’re shaking. Do you want to bite?” Harry stilled. He knew what Louis was asking. He knew Louis probably could sense how in dire need of comfort he was. He knew Louis was offering. And yet- “No,” he whispered, even as he felt the strong urge to let his lips trace the well-known path to the spot he usually bit into, “I could hurt you.” “Harry, my darling, you haven’t hurt me once in the numerous times you’ve needed to bite. Today will be no different. You know it’ll do you good.” Harry sucked his bottom lip between his teeth, torn. In the end, it was an offer he was too weak to resist. “So…do you want to? Little taste?” “Yeah,” Harry rasped out, “please.” Or, Harry is a vampire that comes home one night, grappling with the darkness that comes with being one. Louis offers him unwavering love, acceptance and the one thing he needs but is reluctant to ask for; permission to bite for the sake of comfort and safety seeking.
Nothing's Greater Than the Rush by therogueskimo | E | 8303 Good luck. That’s how whoever had turned him had signed off their little instruction manual, as though this was the most natural thing in the world. As though being a vampire - which Louis didn’t even know existed until he was one - was normal, something that happened every day. To survive being turned into a vampire, Louis must feed on the person he loves most. There's just one little problem: that person is his best friend, Harry, and Harry has no idea.
Liquid Gold by wabadabadaba | E | 9273 Harry’s original intention wasn’t to tease but he couldn’t stop himself. He leaned forward, dropping on his hands, and let his teeth graze Louis’ jaw. He delighted in Louis’ reaction- his breath hitched and was uneven, his body was pliant, and his eyes were already dilating. Harry moved his fangs from Louis’ jaw down to his neck, right over his jugular vein. Harry’s eyes rolled back as he smelled Louis’ blood- there was the bitter copper smell that all blood had with notes of something sweet. He applied the tiniest amount of pressure, enough for Louis to stop breathing all together, and licked the vein. He kissed it and pulled away from Louis completely. or, Louis has a biting kink and the only person he thinks can fulfill it is his vampire friend, Harry.
it's me and my plus one at the afterlife by mrsenjolras | T | 9322 It all starts because Liam Payne makes a stupid decision. Well, that’s not exactly true. Technically it starts when Louis turns 16 and becomes the Slayer, the chosen one to fight all evil forces in the world and to prevent the apocalypse, blah blah, major responsibility, saving the world, et cetera et cetera. But this time? This time Liam did something really, really dumb. [Or: Louis is the Slayer, Nick and Harry are vampires, and Liam and Niall make up the rest of the Scoobies.]
just a little rush, babe | G | 10296 “You know everything they say about Dracula? All that stuff I wrote in my paper?” Niall asks as he rips one of the glazed donuts in half. Harry hums. “It’s all bullshit. Real vampires do tomato juice cleanses and do yoga. Fuck.” Harry's a vampire who's awful at parallel parking, being scary, and being alone. He meets Niall walking home alone one night.
In This Room by thisonegoes | E | 17675 It’s his neck that first catches Zayn's eye and stops him in his tracks. A shirtless man with his back to him, his hands up in his hair, practically stumbling into the other humans dancing around him. It's a lovely neck. A Zarry Vampire AU. Happy Halloween.
Death Wish by Speechless | E | 22067 Louis hates vampires, he lives his life trying to kill as many as he can, night after night, year after year. He hates them. Then why the fuck is he kissing one? Again. “I mean it, Harry.” Louis says, into his mouth this time. “You need to get the fuck away from me.”
Scorpions et mandragores by Stria | E | 22934 Vampires were rich gents, well-versed in the unspoken rules of polite society, knowledgeable about an infinity of topics, ready to lend a hand in historiography debates. Vampires were charming, fashionable, mysterious. Vampires drank synth or donated blood, played nice with humans, didn’t bite anymore. Vampires were nice, non-threatening. What a load of bullshit. (Or, in a world where vamps have come out of the coffin, vampire Harry's tired to play nice with food, and gets obsessed with human Louis, fresh-faced and captivating.)
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polutrope · 2 months
Hi 😁 I would love to hear your DVD commentary for "Made For Her"!
"Maitimë’s body is the model of womanly beauty: she is all long curving lines, each joint blending seamlessly into the next; and where the lines break continuity — as at her fine collarbones, her proud cheekbones, the sharp line of her nose — these are as artfully placed cuts upon a gemstone.
Elsewhere her body swells — her breasts, her calves, her ass — and it is upon these features most eyes, following the cascade of her shining copper hair, linger.
Few venture to meet Maitimë’s bright grey eyes. She is told (and knows) she has the eyes of her father, twin white flames, and laughs when rumour comes to her that even the princes of Valmar who dwell at Varda’s feet are too afeard to look upon them long.
Maitimë does not mind. It tickles her, such admiration and awe, for no prince or lord will ever have her. “To none will the lofty heir of Curufinwë grant her love,” they murmur, and she plays the part they have given her.
There is only one, too close to be suspected, to whom she grants the enjoyment of her body. And when they move together in ecstasy, Macalaurë worships every part of her with hands and tongue and seafoam gaze. For her sister never shies from Maitimë’s eyes.
Macalaurë’s body is in every way unlike Maitimë’s. Small, wiry, slender and firm, sharp at the knees and hips and shoulders. Her breasts like little dewdrops with blushing pink nipples, the plush bump of her ass, are a secret she keeps behind loose robes, opaque and simply decorated. Her dark hair she seldom lets loose, preferring to knot it behind her head, out of the way of harp and quill. Macalaurë’s body is the instrument of her craft, and it is for her craft that Tirion loves Macalaurë. Nothing will ever surpass the beauty of her music, and so Macalaurë does not try.
But Maitimë finds her sister’s form no less lovely than her song."
How did you think of the premise, did it take you a long time to think of their female forms or did it come to you right away, how do you think they first started doing this, do you have other headcanons about this universe, do you relate to one or the other more, what's your writing process like, how did you get so wonderful at descriptions.... etc etc! Anything you want to tell me I am all ears!
[Made for Her, 1.5k, E]
Predictably, female Maglor came to me first. Maglor exudes gender fluidity to me. But contrary to human binaries, s/he's a bird of paradise. So as a male, he's showy, sumptuous, comfortable with his sexuality, proud (see: Played). So I thought: what if female Maglor moves the opposite direction? Deceptively drab, effortlessly elegant, discerning.
Maitime, Well-Formed One, followed naturally as Maglor's physical foil.
This waterfall smut scene did not take me long to imagine at all 😆. I love slippery sexy times in water, and I love elves in nature. The images came to me in a vision while I was in Shivasana in yoga class hahaha.
I have thought about the broader universe of f!Maemags, though not in much depth. I allude to it here:
They were warned, as girls, that too much of bodily pleasure wearies the spirit. Not theirs. In them the spirit of fire burns, and burns, and but for her sister would burn Maitimë up entirely. Macalaurë was made for her, of this she is certain. Made to tame the heat of her spirit, to match her flame for flame and then to douse her in her watery embrace. 
The Feanorians are soooo incest-coded to me. The way Feanor isolates them from others, takes them on journeys to the 'border of the Dark', the liminal, the unknown. I think Maitime and Macalaure started fooling around early in their girlhoods, before they knew to feel any shame about it. It's a secret not because they are ashamed but because they are that possessive of their unusual love for each other. And secrecy is sexy.
I can imagine f!Maemags being even more codependent, more claustrophobic than m!Maemags. Especially in a patriarchy, where power structures set women apart, force them to find intimacy and community with each other, boundaries blur and dissolve more easily and sometimes uncomfortably. Which I imagine is how things go for f!Maemags in the First Age.
Thank you for your kind words on my descriptions. Descriptions were one of the things I was complimented on early on in my writing, so I seized on them as something to hone that wouldn't be painful.
They're not easy. Crafting a description I'm satisfied with is -- I imagine, because I don't do it -- much like trying to capture an image in paint or clay. The words are my paint, and I experiment with different strokes and colours: syntax, verbs, sounds. And then, with a sprinkling of magic, a sentence takes shape that makes me go, "Yes! That's it. That's the image/sound/taste/sensation." But until I get there I don't really know what it is. It's very satisfying. Similar to solving a math problem (not that I'm a mathematician, but I always loved that feeling of finding the solution). It feels like unlocking the codes to a little piece of the human condition.
So, uh. Anyway. Those are my thoughts on a little piece of p0rn.
Thank you so much for the ask, and for your readership!
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“Did you lose weight?”, she asked.
and I thought about all the other questions
she could have asked instead.
“how are you? and do you think about dying? do you wonder how many people you’ll love before the sun ends its fling with reflection? what venom did your mother feed to you? and what daisies did she wrap round your temples? how many homeless people do you actually give change to, do you think any orgasm is better than the first one you ever had, do you believe in heaven, ocean air or mountain air, isn’t it wild we can grow life inside of us, salty or savory or both, and who are you when you’re alone?
“I doubt it.” I said.
which was the first thing I could think of, instead of “I haven’t stepped on a scale in five years and I have spent so much time turning off pre-destined alerts telling me to look at my stomach in the mirror and do you know in the year since you’ve seen me my company became a non-profit and I found out I could fall in love with a woman and I wrote and published an entire book and spent 300 hours training to be a better yoga teacher and I am so tired and I am so happy and in a single instant you have reduced my drive to diet my fantastic to fitness and my brilliance to a body that serves no purpose to you except comparison.
“well, you look really skinny.”
and a world between that and my reply.
and every myspace picture every suck it in every boy poking my stomach every bloated period the time a copper IUD tricked my hips so much that a stranger congratulated me, the calorie counting app the five miles I ran every day for six months, skinny bitch, cosmo, low rise jeans, my prom dress, don’t tag me in that, no dessert for me, I worked out twice today, dressing on the side and dear god Haley you have moved mountains and if you say thank you they will bury you.
“oh.” I said.
and I walked out the door, grinning.
and I watched my thoughts with some kind of ancient wisdom I’ve worked so hard to find, and I saw all of the ways I could have combed my own flesh for answers of self-worth’s stupid questions, and instead I punched my fist into the air and cheered. because I did not say thank you.
because my gratitude is reserved for whatever miracle met me and gave me this impossible life of beauty.
and forgiveness must tell you that anger should never be wasted on another woman, when it is my privilege to proclaim my body as mine and not the medias. and I pray freedom finds you like it did me, but goodness life is long and lessons find us when it is time.
you can #summerbody all you like, but the only #goals the physical body really has is to decay. and yes, skeletons, are like, really skinny - but damn does my soul have curves.
- Haley Jakobson
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mahayanapilgrim · 2 months
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All the practices up to Guru Yoga, the
unification with Guru Rinpoche, are preparatory essential practices, except Vajrasattva, which is also an esoteric training.
Guru Yoga is the main or actual practice of Ngöndro, and it can bring us to the realization of the intrinsic nature of our own mind as taught in the Dzogpa Chenpo teachings, and to the attainment of Buddhahood.
In Guru Yoga training, when we say "E MA HO" we should see that the whole universe becomes emptiness, the totally open ultimate sphere. From that space, which is like clear, empty openness, arises the spontaneously present pure land of Guru Rinpoche.
Although the appearances of the world will not cease, the concept of grasping at self or perceiving them as real - as objects separate from us — will ease or cease. The reason we practice pure perception is to change our way of seeing, handling, and feeling.
Trainings such as the visualization of seeing everything as a Buddha land will change our way of relating to objects and to ourselves. Just as when we are angry or frustrated, all the objects we perceive give rise to anger and frustration, regardless of how beautiful or precious they are, so too if our mind is pure and realized, the objects we perceive will be seen as a pure land.
This is why we should see the entire world as Zangdog Palri (Copper-Colored Mountain), the pure land of Guru Rinpoche. We should visualize ourselves as Vajrayogini or Yeshe Tsogyal, Guru Rinpoche's vajra consort.
Above us in the sky, Guru Rinpoche is sitting on a moon and sun seat above a huge blossoming lotus with thousands of petals. He is youthful, compassionate, cheerful, beautiful, and majestic.
If our minds are in need of inspiration, we should visualize him as huge, filling the entire sky before us. If our minds are distracted and wild, it is best to concentrate on a small visualization of him, even as small as the size of our thumb. Otherwise, we could visualize him as large, filling the whole space in front of us, or as life-size.
When we open our minds in devotion to Guru Rinpoche, he is always there to bless us. He never goes away, as he is the manifestation of Buddhahood, our own pure nature.
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