#cops on the radar
vanityangel · 2 months
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sami's boyfriend senses were tingling
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Immortal Cop Danny P.2
Part 1
So, we have seen my scenario where Danny is revealed as an Immortal Cop really late in the Timeline, like nearly the entire Batfamily has already been formed kinds of late.
But what about a world where Danny has been on the Force since Batman Year 1?
Officer/Detective Nightingale has been one of the best and most loyal members of the GCPD for well over 3 decades. He didn't hide his "Meta Ability" when he first joined the force, since Gotham hadn't been introduced to all of their Superpowered Rouges yet, and the attitude for Metas in Gotham was nowhere near as harsh as it would be in the future.
He was one of the Go-To Cops in the early days of the Batman, since he had proven to be trustworthy and most people felt comfortable talking to him. Most of the community respected him, although some saw his power of Immortality as unnatural or freakish.
Batman met Officer Danny on one of his earliest cases. Danny pushed him out of the way of a Bullet and saved his life, getting shot in the process.
Bruce will never forget when Danny reached into the hole on his side and pulled the bullet out with his fingers. He didn't even flinch.
Danny has also been one of Commissioner Gordon's best friends and closest confidants for years. He was even offered the job of Commissioner once due to his extensive experience on the Force, but refused since he knew Gotham would never accept a Meta Commissioner, or maybe because he believed that he wasn't the right fit for the job.
Dick remembers the time when Officer Nightingale found out about Robin's age. He will always think of Danny laying into Bruce for bringing in such a young kid as one of his fondest memories.
Gordon remembers being invited to dinner with Danny's mom, a nice if cryptic lady dressed in gothic clothes who thanked him for all the work he did for the city, and for keeping her streets as safe as possible. Apparently she did the same for Batman, who had gone to Danny's apartment for some information and left with a full belly and plenty of leftovers.
He was basically the best Cop you could ask for. Calm, kind, honest, understanding, and he genuinely seemed to be trying to help the people around him.
Barbra calls him Uncle Danny, and he was there to help her adjust when she lost use of her legs.
Commissioner Gordon thinks of Danny as his best Cop/Friend, unflappable and loyal to a fault.
Bruce thinks of him as one of his more trusted allies, on the same level as Commissioner Gordon even.
Robin called him "Cool Cop D". Later, he was one of the reasons Dick decided to become a Police Officer.
Hell, even Damian commended the man's resolve to help the City, which was considered a monumental feat at the time.
Which is why it was such a shock when Danny disappeared.
He just didn't show up for work one day. This in and of itself wasn't too out of the ordinary, but he usually called in to tell them he was gonna miss a day. They thought it was just because he was so anxious lately, jumping at the little things like a guy bumping into him or asking to leave room at the mention of Autopsies
Then he missed the next day. Not that bad, I mean he had been really stressed out recently. Maybe he just needed an extra day, to work off the stress? Nobody was really worried anything had happened to him, he was immortal after all, but they were still concerned.
Then he missed a third day. This was far more concerning. The last time this happened, Danny had been found passed out in his apartment because he hadn't slept in days and hadn't eaten in weeks (what's the point if he won't die either way?).
He had been put on medical leave for a month after that.
So one of the guys decided to visit his house, just to see if he needed some help.
They find the apartment empty. No evidence that he ever lived there. It was like the entire place had been scrubbed clean of anything that even hinted at his existence, and whoever had done it obviously wanted to cover their tracks.
So, an investigation is launched.
And almost instantly, the Feds take the Case from the GCPD and declare Danny as dead a week later.
Seems they forgot to take a look at his Resume...
So Gordon takes this to Bats, who immediately starts investigating the Feds in White who showed up to steal the case.
Tag List:
@overtherose @kyrianclawraith @ghostreblogging @the-autistic-spider @just-rant-and-write-fic-idea
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spitblaze · 3 months
gnc and butch women (cis AND trans) and transmascs are punished for performing masculinity past certain thresholds of arbitrary attractiveness because people that cishet society categorizes or clocks as 'women' are not supposed to perform masculinity. hope this helps 👍
#spitblaze says things#this is the last thing im ever gonna fuckin say on the topic. im purging this stupidity from my brain once and for all with this post#there is an intersection of transphobia and misogyny here and idc what you wanna call it but to deny its existence is weird to me#transfems' hypervisibility means they have a lot of recognition but its absolutely not a privilege#transmascs' invisibility means they can stealth and fly under the radar easier which is better but not by a lot#and the assertion that nb people have to 'pick a side' so we can decide how to treat them is fucking ludicrous#there are absolutely differences in our treatment and our needs but a lot of it boils down to the same shit.#we are women when they want to deny us agency. we are men when they want to deny us support. this is true for everyone under the umbrella#and it's MEASURABLY worse when you're not white#anyway. im kinda over leftist groups who spend all their effort arguing about theory instead of doing anything in practice#so the next person who claims butch lesbians have 'masc privilege' or that transmascs dont actually face any sort of unique oppression#is getting smacked with a heavily vandalized copy of abigail schrier's Irreparable Damage#like again idgaf what you call it. you can just call it 'transphobia and misogyny' if you want im not a cop#ive just seen too many people who claim that it doesnt exist at all and im done with letting this take up brainspace#so im hanging up this sign and leaving. goodbye#i saw us go through the exact same shit with bisexuals and asexuals and gay men and frankly im not thrilled that its at my doorstep again#we go through a lot of the same shit but different populations do in fact need different kinds of support. thats it
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ultimaterickshowdown · 7 months
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grahamcore · 2 years
remembering that will was canonically a cop at one point is genuinely so baffling because what the fuck do you mean the insane rabies guy was writing speeding tickets and doing drug busts? imagine getting pulled over by a man who looks one inconvenience away from a psychotic break. how did he even get hired
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yourqueenb · 1 year
Imo one of the issues was that MC was assuming motives and working solely off of that instead of conducting the investigation with an open mind and based on evidence found. It caused her to read too much into or make the wrong inferences from irrelevant pieces of information in the conversations we had.
Of course it’s fine to have general theories. Someone trying to prevent the Act from passing would make sense. Sebastyan being jealous and Juliana’s potential ex lover would also make sense. But I feel like operating completely off of whatever theory comes to mind first instead of allowing evidence to lead them in the right direction made Trystan and MC easy to manipulate, causing the investigation to drag out longer than necessary. Holding too tightly to a theory is honestly a rookie mistake for a detective. And this MC is supposed to be smarter and more experienced than that
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turtlecat1440 · 4 months
Been having panic attacks off and on all day today. At first I thought it was because of my final assignments before I graduate this month. They're really big, and I have a presentation Monday. But I don't think it's that, the slides are done, and I got some good practicing in.
But in my haze I remembered what it ACTUALLY is. I paid my rent today and was reminded that I only have a little over thirty days before I have to move. That means I only have about a week to let the landlord know that I'm moving. And that means the landlord will start to tour our house, and request that it is clean (at least in the past I've had landlords do this). Unfortunately, that means I will probably be doing cleaning, while packing, during my finals.
Apparently it all hit me at once. My finals, my move, the worst of my anxieties triggered all at once.
What's worse, I have a car on jack stands in my Garage that doesn't currently work. I received it completely non-functional, and about twelve weekends of work later the engine is going good. Now, it does run, but it does not, uhh, have wheels. A family member gifted it to me as a project, but neglected to send me the title, so even if it DID work, I'd have to drive it illegally. Asked them for the paperwork a month ago and haven't heard an update. It'll probably cost me around $400 to ship it to my next place, which'll suck, but I'll probably just bite the bullet on that one. At least I can drive it onto the ramp.
Oh yeah, and I forgot to tell the landlord the back deck is rotting and I fell through it, so I gotta get on that too. Just trying to get past today with a modicum of work done, and I'll be happy enough. Maybe I'll skip work Monday.
That is to say, no one thing stresses me out this much, but the culmination of things. Well let's just say, peantic attak.
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meadowmines · 1 year
A Headcanon, or: reason no. 29389263 why the cops hate Majima
As was mentioned in passing in Safety Man, one of Majima's previous legit businesses was a cafe. A cafe with a gimmick where the waiters played """scary people""" characters with suits and shades and the whole nine yards and also with cute aprons. The waiters and in fact the entire staff were family men and the cops knew this and hated it but they weren't doing anything illegal exactly and worse, civil servants in uniform got bottomless free coffee and one free bakery item per visit (remember, kids: if it's not just for cops, it's not a bribe!) so not only could the cops not do shit about it, they ended up eating lunch there all the time because it was cheap and really, really good.
So. The cops know Majima runs most of his businesses legit but they figure (and correctly so but never mind that) that at least one of them has to be a front for something shady so of course they're listening in on all the calls in and out of these places and finally, finally, one day they hear:
"Hey, keep this on the dl but we got some primo Colombian in this week. Yeah, you gotta come by the cafe n' take a sniff of this shit, it'll have ya buzzin' for days."
Boom. Cops descend on the cafe from every direction, with drug-sniffing dogs and the works, and they don't find shit. And the cops sputter out some shit about primo Colombian and sniff and buzzin' and Majima goes "ohhhhh THAT'S what yer here for! Why didn't ya say so? Hang on a sec" and he goes in the back and comes out with the biggest shit-eatingest grin on his face and a 50-pound sack of the finest whole bean Colombian coffee money can buy over his shoulder. And he proceeds to grind and brew and decorate and serve piping hot coffee to the lot of them. (don't ask where he learned how to barista). And the cops are all "first of all fuck you forever Majima and second why'd you tell whoever you were talking to not to tell anyone if it's just coffee" and he's like "what? we gotta make sure it's fit to sell before we put it on the menu? don't want the whole world hearin' about it and have it turn out to be shit? gawd don't they teach y'all ANYTHING in cop school anymore?"
The worst part is, it was the best cup of coffee any of the cops had ever had in their entire lives and it was, per cafe policy, free.
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mariocki · 6 months
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Brannigan (1975)
"Well, if it was up to me, I'd get some men out thumping on the streets, passing out some 'e pluribus unum'. That's what ninety percent of police work is today."
"The murder rate in your country, I'm sure, gives ample testimony to your superior police methods."
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Seven Covers in Seven Days: DRIFTWOOD by Marie Brennan.
tagged by: @asexualbookbird
Every day post the cover of a book you love and tag someone to do the same!
tagging: @sixofravens-reads
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redistooviolent · 2 years
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ive been watching d&dads and i wanted to draw nick and narcolas
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captainclickycat · 1 year
I had a dream the other night that I had to go to Edinburgh to solve a murder. I think maybe it was some sort of airbnb arrangement, but instead of paying to stay there you had to solve a crime in the local area in exchange for staying there. Anyway so I wanted a holiday in Edinburgh so I agreed to go there and solve the murder.
Benoit Blanc was there with me, but he didn’t help me solve the crime at all, because he was too busy boning some guy.
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ronanception · 2 years
itty bitty rant - One of my biggest 'read it and instantly click away' factors is when someone makes Steve or Robin, or any of the cast, a cop. I mean - I don't instantly click away because it COULD be a super interesting story but only IF they come to terms with The Institution and leave, but that's not what people want to write about generally.
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echoedvoice · 2 years
had to block a nearly-blank “stoner” blog that followed me earlier who had only one post titled “I’m waiting for your comment…” with a picture of weed that said “is weed legal where you’re from?” like sir are you a cop…….. be honest 🥺
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beeapocalypse · 1 month
entire basis of mine reading of dallas + houston is the idea w absolutely no roots in canon that houston lived w him for a couple years due to their parents going thru some financial struggles and was around when dallas faked his death. the drama
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exsqueezememacaroni · 2 years
#ive shared this on my main blog#but its still funny to me how my last two - uh - special interest musicians have been two guys that I feel like I#missed the boat for - in my 'going out to see music' life#like Phil Collins was sooooo uncool when I was a teenager#but i bet i would have been so stoked to see him play then if i let myself#and mike was really just outside of my radar and somehow when i probably would have seen him on the same ticket#with bands i was seeing at the time....i was traveling a lot and was never on the same continent for those shows!#what a fucking bummer - im sure i would have fell in love instantly#as it is - when i did start listening to him more in 2004-2005#i was totally in it with my bf and even then the internet wasn't what it is now#so i had no idea what he looked like!#i just thought - wow this guy really has some killer dynamic vocals and that was that#and i had never gotten into fnm at that point - so the reunion tour was not a big deal to me#but anyways what WAS i listening to back when? what do i listen to now?#i have probably seen waaaay more tmbg shows than is healthy - i was obsessed with john linnell as a teenager#and as mentioned i loved tod a and cop shoot cop and firewater#btw did you fucking know that Jennifer Charles of Lovage was ALSO on Firewaters first album??#and i loved stephin merritt and all his various projects#and skeleton key and funny little nyc bands that came and went#omg and fucking gogol bordello! so many good shows from those guys!!#and then there was belle and sebastian#and aimee mann and moldy peaches and y.a.c.h.t. and all that early-mid 2000s shit#and with that same bf we got more into like les claypool stuff#and dead kennedys and black flag and minutemen - but obvs never went to shows for those#and then by like 2007 i was too busy farming and then i settled down a whole lot when i met my spouse#and i kind of lost music for a while bc really i just love live music in small venues and that just didnt happen for me after 2010 or so#so im thinking maybe i should embrace my midlife crisis and start going to see small shows again?#but i dont even know who to see anymore and i AM feeling too old for this shit?!#lordy lord#anyways - time to write emails for work! /rant
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