#core builder pro
overtaken-stream · 16 days
Chrollo Lucilfer.. the devil himself
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0bserve And C0nnect
Chrollo Lucilfer x F!Hunter!Reader
I'm truly sorry to the person who requested the plot because I've lost the original request, so I have been going off on this from my memory! I deeply apologize! Also it's been a long time since I have watched hxh so if this seems ooc I'm sorry for that too!
Summary: The man feels both familiar and unknown, as if he exists in the space between memories and the midnight, his effortless charm draws you in so that just a single word from him sends you spiraling into a chasm beyond madness, beyond reason—into a place where no words can truly capture what you feel.
Warnings: incorrect mechanical stuff, mild tempering of memories, untidiness.
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The door makes a clicking sound as you jammed the key into the keyway, twisting it and opening the gate to the comfort of your own house. Your legs tremble as you step inside the abandoned apartment. Every breath you take is loud in the stillness of the room, like the melodies of bugs in the company of the midnight sky. The planks creak under your weight as you slowly make your way toward the bedroom, if one might call it that. You don't often see the familiar tears of dull wallpaper. Each room is devoid of a human presence. Your absence let the thin layer of dust cover each surface your eyes can see. It's not your main source of worry. The untidiness does not compare to your most shameful traits.
Quiet drips continue to fall on the metal sink, unbeknownst to your consciousness.
Nudging the door open, you're met with the sight of a mattress tossed on the ground, dented in a place where one might sit, the color worn away, just as you'd left it.
On top of it rests a closed piece of technology, a futile computer and you barely take in the sight of a tiny Ladybug USB tossed unconcernedly, the haze of liqour still in your system. The blanket is on the floor, soaking in the liquid leaking from a place only you could find it. Its clear base covering the wooden floor boards.
To anyone else it's a mess they couldn't find the beggining or the end of, to you it's a masterpiece that ever was.
Countless wires lead from it to a wall opposite the bed, and the quiet hum of hard disks and fans fills the air.
You move to sluggishly grab the USB and then take careful steps towards one of the two brains that the computer holds, remaining mindful of the wires you wouldn't want to pull. You've done this innumerable times, to the point that you can do it with your eyes closed. Perhaps a reason for this habit is the fact that ever since you built it you've never tried to move anything out of place.
No amount of intoxication can make you forget the layout of this room.
The soles of your shoes stick to the ground so everytime you take a step you can't help but grimace at the obnoxious and the disgusting sound of two different surfaces seperating.
You get in an awkward crouching position next to the core, sticking the USB between the wall and the massive fan inside, your hands instinctively find the hidden opening.
The design of your masterpiece does not need eyes for the builder to use. The hidden crevices between metal and deadly operating systems are your playground, unlike someone who might try something.
Plugging in the USB, you sigh out the air you were withholding.
You slugglishly make your way over to where the makeshift screen is, instructing and letting the information be sucked out and stored in the USB.
All it needs is a minute now.
You've always known what led you to work in this profession, work in a field next to Hunters and the bottom of the barrel alike.
Every job has it's pros and cons. It just so happened that the upside to being an info-broken is the financial side, a river of money that never truly slows down and only continues forward, info-brokers such as you have to catch each banknote with a rod and a hook.
If you take a gamble you might even be able to pull out a cash strip if you're lucky.
For some, the risk of losing a livelihood is a horrifying thought, and they can't be blamed for disagreeing with the gray morality and equal exchange of this world. For you, though, the risk and money are different sides of the same golden coin.
So why don't people try their luck for once in their miserable lives?
You can't be intimidated by a couple of eyes that follow and observe your every movement, not now anyway. Years ago, you got used to them pretty quickly, made the uncomfortable gazes your turf. You won't be intimidated.
What you're doing now is just speeding up the job, wishing for it to end quickly before the case got too out of your hands.
Many long for your sufforage, however they could never murder a valuable source of information such as you.
Including whoever was it that followed you in the bar an hour or so ago.
You never seem ready during these situations.
A soft beep makes you snap out from the screen, making your way over to the side and unplugging the USB you let the red colored technology rest in your palm, your eyes squeezing shut as you tightly grip it's surface. You can only hope that the protection the insect symbolizes graces you and the machine you've built.
Listening to the quiet hum of the machine, mouthing along with its robotic voice as it bids you farewell.
"M. O.
N. S.
T. E.
R. at youur servii-ce."
Multi-brained Omnipresent Network System, your masterpiece.
You need a window for your next step.
(It's tough outpacing polished criminals in this day and age.)
Walking out of the room and into the kitchen, listening to the stomach-twisting noise comings from the sticky oil on your shoes, you grab at the handle, pulling back the glass and setting the tiny machine on the glass.
pressing one of the digits on a singular black dot on the USB, you watch as it snaps its wings out of hiding before softly flying to its destination.
It's only a harmless little Ladybug now.
The tap drips as you drag your feet to a wooden chair, the sound echoing in your mind. Now in an almost sober state, you sit down on it with a groan like that of an elderly man. A sigh leaves your lips as your head tilts back toward the ceiling, where the damp patches are still visible. How is it that the neighbor above still hasn't had their pipes fixed, despite it being the subject of complaints for almost a decade before your visits to this apartment became rare?
You'll have to move soon, judging from how much Jenny's one job can get you—maybe a comfortable three-bedroom apartment for you and all the extra projects you can't bring yourself to deem useless. It would be hell to reconnect MONSTER, or to rebuild it in a different house.
"Such a hassle..." Your eyes remain half-closed, the invisible mist of sleepiness overcomes your being.
(This ordeal is no joke. It would have elicited a reaction from you and left you agasp at the hands of those who watched you today, if only you weren't so drained and surrendered to laziness.)
That is, if your goddess of luck blesses you with another day to live after this encounter... Your choice to bring a double aged sword to a gun fight is a miscalculation that makes you regret ever trying the Hunters exam in the first place.
Perhaps this is the worst decision you've made, no this is definitely the worst decision you've made. Letting in an unknown man in your house who claims to be called by your neighbor to check out the broken pipes and practically dig your own grave has never felt this stretched out nor this mentally draining.
(Build Yourself A House Out Of Straw)
You're left to watch his back as he meddles with the pipes under the tap. He's built for agility and strength, muscles showing for moments as he moves his arms and therefore flexes his shoulder. He is no pipefitter.
And you are no fool.
Leaning against the entrance with your arms crossed, you answer any questions he may have, keeping your responses brief and tight-lipped under his hidden sidelong glance. The way he talks is interesting, his expressions are unshackled as he touches on the topic of your neighbor.
"How long has this been going on? The leak is quite bad."
"For a while." You haven't been living here, and there's not a single timeline in this universe where your lazy neighbor actually called someone to fix his pipes, and what are the chances that you happened to be in your house when the plumber knocked on the door. The coincidences aren't believable.
He is natural, a professional at his job. Any unsuspecting prey may fall into his trap without even knowing it was there in the first place. He is ordinary to the point of suspicion. He is unnatural.
Thieves aren't known for their patience; you're dealing with someone worse. There's a chance you've already interacted with him, though your gut tells you that you might not have been on the same side.
Your hooded eyes watch as he stands to his feet, turns toward you, and lets you get a good look at his face. The black eyes and dark hair would do him well to blend in with the shadows. The clothes seem ordinary and well-maintained, the kind that no one truly likes to wear. His facial features are as sharp as his jaw, captivating for maidens such as you.
"Would you mind if I take a look at the bathroom?" You squint at the thick wraps around his forehead. Familiar, very familiar. Attractive too.
"Sure." Was any effort put in a disguise?
You're not sure of the reason he'd want to see your bathroom, but what do you have to lose? That room ain't anything special.
You hear his footsteps following as you turn and lead the way. His lack of reaction to the untidiness is another suspicious behavior.
"Have you not been in the house, miss?" You stop in the hallway, lightly turning your head until his face is visible. The man who gave you the probably-false name remains unbothered, unjudgemental despite his question. He seems to be thinking, eyes pointing downwards as he silently follows.
"No, I haven't." You continue to trudge along the familiar walls. He is as quiet as a cat, his footsteps making no noise, similar to the paws of a calculating feline, his eyes ghost over and soak in everything in view. He remains behind you, out of sight.
The man lowers his gaze to a single door that you didn’t bat an eye at, passing by it without breaking your stride. The smell of oily odor is stronger now that he is closer to the source. It’s incredible how you don’t seem to be in hiding. He quickly returns his gaze to your back, he no longer needs to arouse any more suspicion, so he keeps up with you.
The smell is nostalgic, reminding him of the unpleasantness that clings to him and that place from the past. It seems that you are used to the metallic odor, no doubt, spending time with such technology does that to a person, numbing their valuable senses so these meager details. If you knew him, truly had him memorized, prioritized, you would not have opened the door. You would have slipped through the window and ended up in his hands all the same.
The troupe left no way for you to evade him.
There's only one word to describe a man such as him: beautiful. Beautiful in a way one might consider a dark, chilling forest, or a black-feathered crow that brings a bad omen with the flap of its wings. Similar to a redback spider, his beauty is poisonous. His bite is worse than his bark, his venom makes you sweat at the red wound and spill your pain along with your sanity. He possesses all the charm and resources needed to ensnare his victims, leaving them helpless in his web of deceit.
(Let It Be Blown Away By A Wolf)
His beauty is alluring, much like elements of nature that can captivate yet harm. It makes you salvate, the itch that his unassuming clothes leave is impossible to ignore. On the surface, he is naught but a simple worker, one who wishes to get paid quickly as he twist the pipes and steps away from the source of his curiosity hidden behind a washed down door. You're sure he must have his assumptions, however the man doesn't act on it. It's the only fact that gives you some security under his observing gaze.
He's good at hiding in plain sight.
It's exhausting just waiting for him to come out.
You've never been a good host to the guests anyway.
Thieves can only uphold a half-assed disguise for so long before curiosity will get the best of them.
It's unclear even to you whether you expected to be locked in the bathroom. You know that a thief's fingers are nimble and light, it wouldn't take much for him to lock the door handle behind you and disappear into the smoke. They would buy time for whatever crime they're planning to commit. Besides, it's not like you own anything luxurious, except MONSTER. But even then, its system doesn't have gold and emeralds embedded inside, not to mention that you programmed the network to be understood only by you. Whatever information he might be after won't be found because, first, you haven't gathered it, and second, the network isn't designed to retain any digital information for this exact reason.
(And Watch It Be Burned)
If he's not after any information, well, MONSTER is made of junk from that horrid place. You had to rebuild and redesign any purchased parts to avoid raising suspicion. Overall, MONSTER doesn't cost much (technically, it shouldn't cost any money), but if the man decides to destroy it for whatever reason, you wouldn't be too affected. Its messy blueprints are safe and sound somewhere far from this apartment, the heartache would only come from the time you spent building your masterpiece.
But no, he doesn't make his move yet, only staring and meddling with the pipes present, forcing the stillness and anxious mood onto you.
You try not to look too intensely at his face, half hidden by the hair and the bandages on his forehead. It's quite a ridiculous detail that makes him stand out, it makes you think that maybe you are still somewhat drunk, otherwise why would you want to speak more to this beast in here's den?
"Those bandages." He hums in acknowledgement and you can't hold back your smirk, so instead your hand comes up to hide it away.
"You slipped and hit your head or something?"
"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." His tone was... Unnaturally lighthearted.
Perhaps you were the one who slipped and hit your head, because this is no place for jokes.
Your eyes glance at the forgotten place, swiftly moving to the mirror before the man moves to stand.
You have to give him credit, because in the aftermath that lasted for only a second, the weak shield you've put up shatters as if it never existed.
He holds the door open before lightly bowing.
"Ladies first." And you turn your back to him, there's no going back now.
There's a sense of dread as you wake, your mind immediately going haywire, searching for the last moments as if the memories have slipped through your fingers as you tried to grasp them. An itch crawls beneath your skin, and the goosebumps make it uncomfortable for you to stand on the thick oil coating the floor.
(Into Ashes)
"Are you aware that the neighbors below have been complaining about a mysterious liquid leaking from this room for quite some time?"
No. No, you are not aware, because you haven't been living here.
The man in front of you has his back turned, staring at your masterpiece, captivated by its brilliance. Yet, despite this, his commanding presence holds your attention, stealing the answers from your mind.
"Such work you've put into this. Neither my abilities nor Shalnark have been able to figure it out."
You can’t see clearly through the numb feeling settling in your gut. You can’t tell if he's caressing the screen or even looking at it—his presence in this room is too confusing, almost as if he doesn't belong.
"Tell me how did you do it?" You try not to get hang up on his tone.
You can't help but feel pride at his fascination. After all this time, you finally have the satisfaction of someone else complimenting your life's work. It brings a feeling beyond euphoria—a sensation like standing in the sunset, letting its warmth wash over you before the sunshine disappears for hours. It's the peace of sitting on a balcony after a long day of research, gazing at the hanging constellations in the dark blue sky.
You search for an answer, your tongue swiping across the inside of your cheek. Yet, as his torso turns toward you, your mind fixates on one thing, or maybe a couple of things, the slick dark hair, the orb earrings framing his long face, and the tattoo of a cross—an unusual detail you wouldn’t find on the average person. His sense of fashion isn't impressive, but his captivating physique makes up for it. Lastly, your eyes linger on his mouth, the corners tilted upward in a quiet smile as he waits for your answer. His smile, you'd say, is beautiful.
"How did I do it?" you repeat, but he doesn't confirm.
"... Why don't I..." Your tongue tastes iron as you swallow nervously, flustering you further. Your heartbeat quickens as you open your mouth again.
He seems like the kind of man who would enjoy a cup of tea.
"Inform you of that... on a date?" You can tell he wasn’t expecting it. No normal person would expect such a question at this moment, though he shows no visible surprise.
"I'll tell you everything about it."
You eyes gloss over a crushed red bug held between his middle finger and his thumb.
Covering your red cheeks becomes the priority.
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More character designers need to stop looking at body builders when they're designing strong characters because body builders are NOT designed for either power or endurance. If you're designing a character to participate in a certain sport it helps to look at people who actually DO participate in said sport.
An EXCELLENT example of a character built for their sport is Mister Sandman of Punch-Out fame.
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Note how, while he is OBVIOUSLY muscular, he doesn't have 8-pack abs and he's not particularly vascular (read: dehydrated). He also has a thicker waist, something that any pro boxer would have because, contrary to what one might think, when throwing good punches most of the power from the blow comes from your core, not your arms. For fuck's sake this man literally makes the ground shake as he walks in for your fight. This man is STURDY and everything about him lets him know that once you get hit with that Dreamland Express, you're definitely going nighty-night.
I chalk this up to the fact that Mister Sandman is very clearly designed based off real human boxer Muhammad Ali (they even have similar boxing records if you look at em) and it makes for a very effective design.
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(Is this post largely just another excuse to gush about Punch Out? Yeah a little...)
Anyway. My point is just if you wanna draw a strong character, look at pics of actually STRONG people, not people who are pursuing aesthetic above all else. Obviously you can exaggerate and be aesthetic a la Jojo's Bizarre Adventure or Baki the Grappler, but it never hurts to start from a human base. If nothing else it makes for more interesting less same-y character designs.
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dandelion-wings · 3 months
If you don't mind me asking what are the specs for your gaming pc? I'm interested in building my own pc for the same general purpose, and while none of the games I would be playing are as demanding as Genshin Impact, it would be nice to learn from other builds.
I'll be honest, I don't know what parts of it are actually important (when I say "built" I mean "a more knowledgeable friend walked me through picking everything out on PCPartPicker, then later walked me through putting the pieces together"), but the actual parts picked were:
Intel Core i7-10700F 2.9 GHz 8-Core Processor
Asus TUF GAMING H570-PRO WIFI ATX LGA1200 Motherboard
Corsair Vengeance LPX 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-2400 CL14 Memory
Samsung 860 Evo 4 TB 2.5" Solid State Drive
EVGA XC BLACK GAMING GeForce RTX 3060 12GB 12 GB Video Card
EVGA SuperNOVA 850 G6 850 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply
PCPartPicker was super helpful for me, though I'd recommend double-checking their compatibility claims--they originally said that a different set of memory sticks would work in this setup, and then I started having crashes and found out that it was because they weren't actually on Asus' approved list to pair with that motherboard. Adding in the SSD, which I bought later, and without the cost of the case or monitor factored in, it ran me about $1800 total? But that was 2022 prices, so I don't know if it would be the same today.
This one runs Genshin Impact on its highest video settings, and nominally runs Baldur's Gate 3 on its highest as well, though I turned that down to medium because it was running extremely hot. (I did stick with air cooling because I was nervous about managing liquid cooling, but that might well have made it handle that better.) Those are my most graphically demanding games, so that's my benchmark! I'm less able to tell which are the most demanding on the CPU, but I play a lot of city-builders and it's dealt fine with all of them even when I go for the biggest maps, so it is... better than my old PC in that regard. XD
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lunarsilkscreen · 9 months
It's interesting to me that most games basically start with a level editor of sorts in order to get off the ground and running. And it's the level-reader that allows for hacks of older games, and the infamous Mario Kaizo.
The team behind the original Zelda had briefly considered this to be the core feature of the Zelda games. Later declining the idea, because customers would want to play a completed game, instead of hope their neighbors were also willing to pay for the NES and Zelda game and wish to swap levels.
The release of the source engine was a decision by valve to encourage the modder community in a similar facet, both releasing a game AND the ability to share custom levels with friends.
This also became a feature in many games such as Tony Hawk Pro skater, but removed as a feature in later installments for much the same reasons Nintendo had decided not to make it a core feature of Zelda.
These days, Games like Mario Maker capitalize on the Super Mario Hack World Hype in order to ease the barrier for entry to newer and younger players. Which is sad in its own right, as players seem to fall away from learning about hack tools and hack development.
What that means is that most core game mechanics and programming is done with the.level editor first, and everything else doesn't require programming, just set builders to follow the layouts planned to put the levels together.
Certainly, some programming might be needed later for unforeseen issues, but mostly, the nuts and bolts are firmly in place already.
Every game developer could probably release a tool that requires little to no programming in order to put a game together. And most game devs these days, barely know scripting , because they grew up with those tools and their availability.
What that means is your average game dev probably doesn't know a whole lot of programming, or how the underlying engines *actually* work. Which is interesting to me, because it clarifies which game game developers are kept or not kept at a parent company, and why.
Because most are script kiddies and data entry gurus.
But a lot are graphics designers, modelers, texture creators, scenario writers who all rely on these tools to ease the assembly of a game.
Which, ironically, is the same issue we face with the other tools these engines might rely on. The same ideas I pointed out about full-stack web development.
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iquallinfoweb · 4 days
Website Design Portfolio Rajkot | Unique Design Solutions
In the digital age, a well-structured website design portfolio is essential for any web designer or design agency. If you're a designer based in Rajkot, Gujarat, showcasing your skills through a captivating portfolio can be the difference between landing a new client or missing out. Not only does a portfolio highlight your work, but it also serves as a personal brand builder. In this guide, we’ll dive deep into how you can create an impactful website design portfolio, focusing on what works specifically for the Rajkot market, with tips, examples, and knowledge that every designer in this region should embrace.
Why a Website Design Portfolio is Crucial for Rajkot Designers
The demand for website designers in Rajkot is rising due to the city’s growing tech and business ecosystem. Whether you're working as a freelance designer or with a firm like i-Quall, having an online portfolio is your business card in the digital world. Clients from Rajkot, and globally, rely heavily on visual and interactive examples of your work to assess your capabilities.
Let’s explore how you can craft a portfolio that stands out from the rest, specifically catered to your audience.
Main Elements of a Website Design Portfolio
1. Define Your Niche
When building your portfolio, it’s crucial to define your niche. Are you a website designer who specializes in e-commerce, personal blogs, or corporate sites? Perhaps you’re skilled in UI/UX for mobile-first websites? By narrowing down your focus, potential clients in Rajkot can immediately understand your strengths.
Pro Tip: If you work with companies in Rajkot like i-Quall, focus on projects where you’ve helped local businesses improve their online presence. This can help you establish yourself as an expert in the Rajkot market.
2. Show Off Your Best Work First
Your portfolio should start with your top projects, ideally ones that showcase the diversity of your skills. Display projects that demonstrate creativity, problem-solving skills, and technical ability. Each project should be accompanied by a brief description explaining the client’s problem, your solution, and the results.
Example: A Rajkot-based clothing company, for instance, may have approached you to develop an e-commerce website. Highlight how you improved user experience and increased their online sales.
3. Be User-Centric
Your website design portfolio should not only display your skills but should also be easy to navigate. Clean, minimalistic designs often work best. Make sure that your portfolio’s layout reflects your design style, and always keep user experience in mind.
Tip: Use smooth transitions, clear calls-to-action (CTAs), and keep the layout intuitive. If you specialize in responsive design, make sure your portfolio looks equally good on desktop and mobile.
Create a Winning Website Design Portfolio Rajkot
Step 1: Plan Your Portfolio
Begin by outlining the core sections you want to include. Typically, this should consist of a homepage, an "About" section, a portfolio (with your best work), a blog (if applicable), and a contact page. If you're showcasing website design work for Rajkot-based companies, make sure to customize these sections to reflect local client needs.
Important Sections to Include:
Homepage: This is the first impression. It should highlight your design philosophy.
About Page: Share your journey as a designer in Rajkot, including your experience and what sets you apart.
Portfolio: Showcase at least 6-8 examples of your best work.
Blog: Share design tips and case studies (optional but helpful for SEO).
Step 2: Showcase Client Testimonials
Client testimonials build credibility. If you’ve worked with well-known businesses in Rajkot, include their feedback in your portfolio. This adds a local flavor and shows that you're trusted by businesses in your region.
Tip: Reach out to past clients for short quotes on how your designs impacted their business. Make sure to include relevant keywords like Rajkot website design or i-Quall client to optimize your content for local SEO.
Step 3: Include Case Studies
Detailed case studies are one of the most effective ways to sell your skills. Choose 2-3 projects that best reflect your strengths. Discuss the project’s objectives, the challenges you faced, and how you tackled them. Provide before-and-after screenshots, and, if possible, data on how your design solutions improved the client’s business.
Example: For instance, if you redesigned the website for a Rajkot-based restaurant, include how the new design increased online reservations by 30%.
Step 4: Use High-Quality Visuals
Your portfolio is your visual resume, so it’s essential to use high-quality images. Poor-quality screenshots or low-resolution visuals can make even the best designs look amateurish. Show your work in its best light, with clear, crisp images that load quickly.
Building a Website Design Portfolio in Rajkot
Creating a portfolio isn't just about throwing up some images of past work. Here are some foundational pieces of knowledge that can help you refine your approach:
1. The Importance of SEO
Incorporating search engine optimization (SEO) into your portfolio can help it rank higher when potential clients search for designers in Rajkot. Use relevant keywords like "website design portfolio Rajkot" and "Rajkot web design services" throughout your site’s copy and in meta tags.
2. Localize Your Content
Rajkot businesses may prefer working with a local designer because they understand the local market and culture. Highlight that you’re based in Rajkot, understand local business needs, and can provide personalized services.
3. Keep It Updated
A portfolio isn’t a static document. Make sure to regularly update it with new projects, trends, and case studies. This keeps your work fresh and shows clients that you’re always improving.
One of the leading companies in Rajkot, i-Quall, has a portfolio that perfectly captures the spirit of modern web design. They focus on user experience, clean code, and creativity, all while offering local solutions tailored to Rajkot businesses. Their portfolio includes projects with clear objectives, challenges, and outcomes, which clients find incredibly useful. Highlighting their local expertise has also helped them secure clients looking for Rajkot-specific solutions.
Creating a portfolio isn't just about showing your designs—it’s about telling a story of how your work helps businesses. From planning your portfolio layout to showing off your best work and incorporating Rajkot-specific elements, a well-crafted portfolio can make all the difference in landing clients.
If you're serious about web design and want to stand out in the competitive Rajkot market, your portfolio is your most powerful tool. Use it to demonstrate your skills, connect with local businesses, and show how your design solutions can drive real results.
Take a cue from companies like i-Quall Infoweb who have mastered the art of localizing their portfolio to their advantage. Whether you’re a seasoned designer or just starting out, a well-built portfolio will help you stand out in Rajkot’s growing digital landscape.
URL : https://www.i-quall.com/rajkot/website-design-portfolio-rajkot/
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zov911 · 11 days
Driving Success: The Game-Changing Benefits of CRM for British Building Contractors In the heart of windswept communities dotted across the British Isles, building contractors are vital ingredients of our country's regenerating core. These innovative builders, risk-takers and dream-chasers form the backbone of the UK's bustling construction industry. This article examines a powerful tool that can lead them confidently through this labyrinth—the CRM system. CRM, short for Customer Relationship Management, can dramatically increase the efficiency, productivity, and profitability of British building contractors. It's not about merely replacing the traditional ledger or rusty filing cabinet—CRM is more like a knowledgeable, reliable co-worker who never takes a break. #1. Streamlined Project Management British construction sites are a lot like our famous roundabouts—a lot of moving parts, and everything needs to keep flowing smoothly. In such a dynamic environment, managing projects, tracking progress, following-up on leads, and maintaining customer relationships can be like having one's cake and eating it too. Enter CRM. Think of it like your very own foreman, keeping tabs on all the nitty-gritty. It streamlines project management, organises tasks, schedules meetings, and sets reminders. By alleviating extraneous administrative burdens, CRM enables British contractors to focus on what they excel at—building things that last. #2. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction is the cornerstone of any British business. A good chap knows that a happy client is a returning—and referring—client. When it comes to the construction industry, where word-of-mouth and reputation can be make-or-break, ensuring the utmost client satisfaction is as essential as the kettle for the morning tea. CRM systems are pros at designing personalised customer journeys. From timely follow-ups to remembering client preferences, CRM ensures that customer relationships are not lost in the shuffle of busy work schedules. It's like having a dedicated customer service representative who remembers every detail—even on a rainy Monday morning. #3. Boosted Revenue An efficient CRM system proves the old British adage—look after the pennies, and the pounds will look after themselves. By reducing administrative overheads, improving service quality, and driving repeat business, CRM can lead to significant revenue boosts. Moreover, many CRM systems provide powerful analytics tools. They enable contractors to examine business metrics and make data-driven decisions, thus improving the chance of a full English breakfast rather than humble beans on toast. #4. Improved Team Collaboration Just like footie, the building trade is a team effort. A coherent, efficient team dynamic can be the difference between a Wembley win or a relegation scrap. A robust CRM system enhances internal communication and aids in smooth task delegation, ensuring everybody knows their role and, more importantly, when the tea break is. To sum up, CRM is not just a tool—it's a fundamental game-changer for British building contractors. It provides a technological edge in an increasingly competitive market and paves the roadmap for sustainable growth. CRM is like British weather — unpredictable, often overlooked, but absolutely essential for growth. To all builders out there, embrace CRM and continue building Britain—stronger, smarter, and more successful than ever. Case Study: JSM Construction Utilizes CRM to Boost Business UK-based JSM Construction managed to not only sustain but also to thrive amidst an intensely competitive segment and an unpredictable economy. The catalyst for their standout performance was a seemingly simple but game-changing tweak in their operation – the adoption of a robust Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool. JSM Construction – The "Before" Picture JSM Construction, just like any other British building contractor, faced multiple challenges.
These issues ranged from keeping up with the numerous construction projects, suppliers, and subcontractors to maintaining strong relationships with customers. The firm was also navigating the increasing complexity in bidding for contracts and sustaining customer loyalty amidst the steep competition. Integrating the CRM tool JSM's incorporation of a durable CRM tool into their operations fundamentally moved the needle for them. Aided by a technology consultant, they embraced Salesforce – a cloud-based CRM platform with proven results across various industries worldwide. Salesforce offered the company a unified view of every customer interaction, actionable insights, and sales predictions. Visible Transformation Following the implementation of Salesforce, JSM saw significant improvements in their day-to-day operations and overall business performance. For starters, the CRM tool streamlined the process of managing relationships with customers, suppliers, and subcontractors. This led to an enhanced service and satisfaction level from all concerned parties. Customer inquiries, updates on ongoing projects, and even issues could be logged into the system. With real-time data, responses were swift and efficient, thereby reducing complaints and improving customer relationships. Additionally, the team had more time to focus on income-generating activities, such as bidding for contracts, thanks to the streamlined process. This development led to a substantial increase in the company's revenue. Furthermore, Salesforce allowed JSM to predict sales based on market trends, industry updates, and their sales pipeline. Predictive analysis empowered them to make strategic decisions about future projects in a timely manner, fostering resilience in an uncertain climate. The actionable steps Step 1: Identify the need for a CRM tool: Acknowledge the challenges faced in managing relationships with customers, suppliers, and subcontractors. Step 2: Make the decision: Choose to implement a robust CRM tool, like Salesforce, into your operations. Step 3: Integration: Work with a technology consultant to seamlessly integrate the CRM tool into your existing operations. Step 4: Get trained: Equip your team with the necessary training to utilize the CRM tool effectively. Step 5: Review and improve: Regularly review the CRM's performance and make necessary improvements for optimal results. In essence, the adoption of a CRM tool significantly revolutionizes operations for British building contractors. It holds the key to improved customer relationships, revenue growth, and overall business resilience. It's an avenue worth exploring for those who desire to drive their success exponentially in the modern building industry. "Ready to fuel your success in the construction industry? Don't get left behind. Discover the game-changing benefits of CRM for British Building Contractors. Click here and start your journey now!" Kickstart Your Digital Journey Today! "According to a recent study, implementation of CRM systems can lead to an increase in sales productivity by up to 34%. This productivity boost is much needed in the British building contractors industry that already contributes around £90 billion annually to the UK's economy."
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devoqdesign · 12 days
Beyond the Basics: Advanced UI/UX Techniques for Elementor Power Users
Elementor has revolutionized web design by making it accessible and intuitive for everyone, from novices to experts. As a leading WordPress page builder, Elementor provides a robust set of tools for creating visually appealing and functional websites. However, for power users who want to push the boundaries and achieve advanced UI/UX designs, Elementor offers a wealth of features beyond the basics. In this blog, we’ll explore some advanced techniques and strategies to elevate your Elementor projects and create truly standout websites.
1. Custom Theme Building with Elementor Pro
Elementor Pro's Theme Builder functionality allows you to create custom headers, footers, and archive pages. This capability transforms Elementor from a page builder into a full theme-building tool. 
- Dynamic Content Integration: Use Elementor's dynamic tags to pull in content from custom fields or post types. For example, you can dynamically display post titles, authors, and meta-information on your single post templates.
- Conditional Display: Utilize conditional logic to control when and where different templates or widgets are displayed. For instance, show a specific header only on certain pages or categories.
Example: Create a custom archive page template that includes dynamic search and filter options, tailored to the specific content of your site, whether it's blog posts, products, or portfolio items.
2. Advanced CSS Customization
While Elementor provides a user-friendly interface for styling, advanced CSS techniques can offer more precise control over your design. 
- Custom Breakpoints: Use media queries to create custom responsive breakpoints beyond the standard ones provided by Elementor. This is especially useful for targeting specific devices or screen sizes.
- CSS Grid and Flexbox: Implement advanced layout techniques using CSS Grid and Flexbox for complex and responsive layouts that go beyond Elementor’s built-in options.
Example: Design a unique multi-column layout for a portfolio section that adjusts dynamically using CSS Grid, ensuring perfect alignment and spacing across various devices.
3. Integrating Third-Party Plugins and Tools
Elementor’s ecosystem includes a vast array of third-party plugins and tools that can extend its functionality.
- Elementor Add-Ons: Explore advanced add-ons like Essential Addons or JetPlugins for additional widgets and features that complement Elementor’s core capabilities.
- External Tools: Integrate external tools like chatbots, CRM systems, or marketing automation platforms to enhance functionality and user engagement.
Example: Add a sophisticated lead generation form with advanced field options and conditional logic using a third-party plugin, and integrate it with your CRM for seamless data handling.
4. Performance Optimization
Optimizing performance is critical for maintaining a fast and efficient website. Advanced techniques in Elementor can help improve load times and user experience.
- Lazy Loading: Implement lazy loading for images and other media to reduce initial page load times. Elementor provides built-in lazy loading options, but you can also use custom code for more control.
- Asset Management: Minimize the use of heavy widgets and scripts, and combine CSS and JavaScript files where possible to reduce HTTP requests and improve load speed.
Example: Use a performance optimization plugin to combine and minify CSS and JavaScript files generated by Elementor, and ensure that only essential assets are loaded on each page.
5. Advanced Custom Field (ACF) Integration
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) is a powerful plugin for adding custom fields to your WordPress site. Integrating ACF with Elementor allows you to create highly customizable and dynamic content.
- Custom Field Display: Use Elementor’s dynamic tags to pull in content from ACF fields and display it in your designs. This is particularly useful for creating custom post types or complex content structures.
- Template Customization: Design templates that leverage ACF fields to display personalized or detailed information based on user input or post meta.
Example: Design a property listing page that pulls data from ACF fields to dynamically display property details, images, and pricing, providing a unique experience for each listing.
6. Creating Interactive and Immersive Experiences
Elevate user experience by integrating interactive elements and immersive features into your Elementor designs.
- Parallax Scrolling: Implement parallax scrolling effects to create depth and visual interest as users scroll through your page.
- Microinteractions: Add subtle animations and feedback for user actions such as button clicks, form submissions, or hover effects to enhance engagement.
Example: Use parallax scrolling to create a visually engaging landing page with layered background images and foreground content that move at different speeds, adding a sense of depth.
7. Custom Elementor Widgets
For those comfortable with coding, creating custom Elementor widgets can provide tailored functionality that isn’t available in standard Elementor options.
- Widget Development: Develop custom widgets using Elementor’s API to add new features or design elements specific to your needs.
- Custom Controls: Add custom controls to widgets for more flexible configuration options, allowing users to customize the widget’s appearance and behavior.
Example: Develop a custom testimonial carousel widget that allows users to add testimonials with specific styling and transition effects not available in default Elementor widgets.
8. Accessibility and Usability Enhancements
Ensuring your Elementor site is accessible and user-friendly is essential for providing a positive experience for all users.
- ARIA Landmarks and Roles: Use ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) roles and landmarks to improve screen reader support and make your site more navigable for users with disabilities.
- Keyboard Navigation: Ensure that interactive elements are easily navigable using keyboard shortcuts and focus indicators, enhancing usability for all users.
Example: Implement ARIA roles and proper focus management for a complex form to ensure that users with screen readers can easily complete and submit the form.
For Elementor power users, diving beyond the basics opens up a world of advanced possibilities for creating highly customized and interactive web experiences. By mastering custom theme building, advanced CSS, custom JavaScript, and integrating third-party tools, you can push the boundaries of what’s possible with Elementor. Embracing these techniques will not only enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your sites but also provide a more engaging and intuitive experience for users. As you explore these advanced strategies, remember to keep performance, accessibility, and usability at the forefront of your design approach to deliver exceptional results across all devices.
Visit my Upwork project catalog :  Elementor Developer
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rohit1211 · 13 days
Master the Art of Programming: Java
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Java remains one of the most famous and flexible programming languages, extensively used in web development, mobile packages, corporation systems, and greater. Whether you're a novice seeking to enter the tech enterprise or an expert aiming to beautify your talents, mastering Java can drastically increase your career. Chandigarh, with its burgeoning IT zone and reliable training institutes, is an ideal location to pursue Java education. This weblog explores the significance of Java, the benefits of education in Chandigarh, and what you could expect from a top-tier Java path.
Why Java is a Vital Skill a. Versatility across platforms Java’s "write once, run everywhere" (WORA) functionality permits builders to create packages that run on diverse structures without needing to be recompiled. This versatility makes Java a crucial talent for builders operating on web, cellular, and desktop programs.
B. High Demand Inside the Job Market Java builders are in high demand across multiple industries, inclusive of finance, healthcare, retail, and tech. Java's strong safety capabilities and scalability make it a favored language for constructing enterprise-stage applications, leading to abundant task opportunities for the professionals in Java. C. Strong Community Support Java boasts a large, active network of builders who make a contribution to its continuous improvement and provide assistance through boards, tutorials, and open supply initiatives. This strong network support ensures that you’ll in no way be short of assets even as you study and operate with Java.
Why Choose Chandigarh for Java Training a. Emerging Tech Hub
Chandigarh is quickly becoming a tech hub, with a developing IT industry and a vibrant startup environment. This thriving environment is good for everyone trying to immerse themselves in the era and stay in advance of industry developments.
B. Quality Training Institutes Chandigarh is home to several esteemed education institutes that offer complete Java courses. These institutes provide a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience, ensuring a radical understanding of Java programming.
C. Experienced Instructors Courses in Chandigarh are typically led by pro experts who bring years of industry experience into the study room. Their sensible insights and real-global examples make mastering Java each enticing and applicable.
What to Expect from a Java Training Course in Chandigarh a. In-Depth Curriculum A pinnacle-notch Java route in Chandigarh will cowl a huge variety of topics, including core Java principles, item-oriented programming (OOP), information structures, algorithms, Java frameworks (like Spring and Hibernate), and greater. You’ll learn how to increase strong, secure, and scalable applications with the use of Java.
B. Hands-On Projects Practical enjoyment is a cornerstone of any Java education software. Expect to work on real- global tasks that allow you to apply your knowledge and build programs from scratch. These projects no longer only enhance your getting to know each other but also assist you in constructing a portfolio to exhibit your abilities.
C.Industry-Recognized Certifications Upon finishing a Java course in Chandigarh, you’ll receive a certification that validates your abilities. These certifications are diagnosed by employers and may considerably raise your resume, making you an attractive candidate in the task marketplace.
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themesfores · 2 months
Unlimited Elements for Elementor (Premium) v1.5.114
https://themesfores.com/product/unlimited-elements-for-elementor-premium/ Unlimited Elements for Elementor (Premium) v1.5.114 Power up your page builder using our easy-to-use & creative widget library. Make your next web design project look prettier than ever before with Unlimited Elements. Each widget was handcrafted by our experts. Unlimited Elements for Elementor Pro is a plugin that adds additional widgets and features to the Elementor Pro page builder plugin for WordPress. Unlimited Elements for Elementor Pro is designed to make it easier for users of the Elementor Pro plugin to create professional-looking websites with a wide range of customization options. It is available for purchase on the Elementor website. Core Features of Unlimited Elements for Elementor Pro Plugin Additional widgets for creating sliders, carousels, team members, pricing tables, and more Custom post types and taxonomies for creating custom content types and organizing them in WordPress Custom templates for single posts, pages, and custom post types Custom form styles for the Elementor Pro Form widget Integration with popular WordPress plugins such as WPBakery Page Builder, WooCommerce, and Gravity Forms Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder features 700+ unique addons with infinite possibilities One click import layout from Elementor Page Builder page Import only the addons you want to use Lifetime Updates 24/7 Support on hand to assist you Well Documented Our addon library is growing each day and you will get all our updates Ability to customize the HTML and CSS of the addons easily Simple Sliders (20) Banners (24) Pricing Tables (21) Content Tabs (22) Testimonials & Reviews (23) Carousels (21) Content Boxes (43) Team Members (26) Website Headers (20) iHover Effects (20) Icon Hover Effects (9) Link Hover Effects (21) Buttons (11) Content Accordions (23) Timer Countdowns (23) Content Tabs (22) Food Menus (24) Social Network Icons (21) Product Boxes (26) Google Charts (7) Video Teaser Popups (20) Widgets (10) Flip Boxes (15) Video Galleries (7) Opening Hours (15) Mp3 Audio Players (15) Statistic Counters (23) Bullet Lists (25) Footers (20) Unlimited Elements for Elementor (Premium) Please note that any digital products presented on this website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. https://themesfores.com/product/unlimited-elements-for-elementor-premium/ #Addon #ElementorPlugins #WordpressPlugins
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salestowns · 2 months
Best CRM Software for Small Businesses
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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software has become an indispensable tool for small businesses aiming to streamline their operations and boost customer satisfaction. With a plethora of options available, choosing the right CRM software can be daunting. This guide will explore the best CRM software tailored for small businesses, focusing on their features, benefits, and pricing to help you make an informed decision.
What is CRM Software?
CRM software helps businesses manage their interactions with current and potential customers. It organizes, automates, and synchronizes sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support. For small businesses, a CRM system can enhance customer relationships, streamline processes, and improve profitability.
Other Blog: Real Estate CRM software
Types of CRM Software
CRM software can be categorized into several types based on its core functionalities:
Operational CRM: Focuses on automating customer-facing processes such as sales, marketing, and service.
Analytical CRM: Emphasizes data analysis and customer insights to inform business decisions.
Collaborative CRM: Facilitates collaboration between different departments to improve customer service.
Strategic CRM: Aims to build long-term customer relationships by aligning CRM strategies with business goals.
Industry-specific CRM: Tailored to meet the unique needs of specific industries, such as travel, hospitality, or healthcare.
Other Blog: Best CRM for travel business
Why Small Businesses Need CRM Software
Small businesses often juggle multiple tasks with limited resources. CRM software provides several benefits, including:
Improved Customer Relationships: Keep track of customer interactions and preferences, leading to personalized service and increased satisfaction.
Increased Efficiency: Automate routine tasks, freeing up time for employees to focus on more critical activities.
Better Data Management: Centralize customer information, making it accessible to all relevant team members.
Enhanced Communication: Facilitate better communication within the team and with customers through integrated email and messaging systems.
Sales Boost: Identify sales opportunities and track performance to increase revenue.
Top CRM Software for Small Businesses
Here are some of the best CRM software for small businesses:
SalesTown CRM
Overview: SalesTown CRM is a popular choice for small businesses due to its free tier and robust features. It offers an easy-to-use interface and integrates seamlessly with other SalesTown tools.
Contact and lead management
Email tracking and templates
Meeting scheduling
Live chat and chatbot builder
Marketing and sales automation
Pricing: Free for the basic CRM; paid plans start at $9 per month.
Free version available
Extensive integration options
Limited features in the free version
Paid plans can be expensive for small businesses
Zoho CRM
Overview: Zoho CRM is a comprehensive tool that offers a wide range of features to manage sales, marketing, and customer support. It's known for its customization options and affordability.
Lead and contact management
Workflow automation
Email marketing
Analytics and reporting
Social media integration
Pricing: Plans start at $14 per user per month.
Affordable pricing
Highly customizable
Strong automation capabilities
Steeper learning curve
Some features are limited to higher-tier plans
Salesforce Essentials
Overview: Salesforce is a leading name in CRM software, and Salesforce Essentials is designed specifically for small businesses. It provides powerful tools with the reliability and support of the Salesforce brand.
Contact and account management
Opportunity tracking
Task management
Customizable dashboards
Mobile app
Pricing: $25 per user per month.
Robust feature set
Strong support and resources
Scalable as your business grows
Higher cost compared to some alternatives
Can be complex to set up
Overview: Pipedrive is a sales-focused CRM that helps small businesses streamline their sales processes. It's known for its intuitive interface and visual sales pipeline.
Sales pipeline management
Contact management
Activity reminders
Email integration
Sales reporting
Pricing: Plans start at $12.50 per user per month.
Easy to use
Visual pipeline is highly effective
Affordable pricing
Limited marketing features
Basic reporting capabilities
Freshsales by Freshworks
Overview: Freshsales offers a complete CRM solution with built-in phone and email capabilities. It's designed to help small businesses manage sales and customer relationships efficiently.
Lead and contact management
Email tracking
Built-in phone system
Sales pipelines
AI-based lead scoring
Pricing: Plans start at $15 per user per month.
Integrated phone and email features
AI-driven insights
User-friendly interface
Some features require higher-tier plans
Limited third-party integrations
Overview: Insightly is a versatile CRM that combines sales and project management features. It's suitable for small businesses looking for an all-in-one solution.
Contact and lead management
Project management
Workflow automation
Email tracking
Customizable dashboards
Pricing: Plans start at $29 per user per month.
Combines CRM and project management
Good integration options
Higher starting price
Some users find the interface complex
Choosing the Right CRM for Your Business
When selecting a CRM for your small business, consider the following factors:
Budget: Determine how much you can afford to spend on CRM software. Some options offer free plans, while others require a monthly subscription.
Features: Identify the features that are most important to your business. Do you need advanced automation, detailed analytics, or integrated marketing tools?
Ease of Use: Choose a CRM with an intuitive interface that your team can quickly learn and use effectively.
Scalability: Ensure the CRM can grow with your business, offering additional features and capacity as needed.
Integration: Check if the CRM integrates with your existing tools and software, such as email, social media, and project management platforms.
In today's competitive real estate market, having the right tools can make all the difference. Real Estate CRM Software is more than just a database; it's a comprehensive solution that can boost your efficiency, improve your client relationships, and ultimately increase your sales. By centralizing your information, automating tasks, providing valuable insights, and improving collaboration, a CRM can transform how you do business.
Remember, the key to success with a CRM is not just in choosing the right software, such as the best CRM for small businesses, but in fully embracing it and making it an integral part of your daily operations. With the right CRM for small business and proper implementation, you'll be well on your way to taking your real estate business to new heights of success. Using a small business CRM will streamline your processes and enhance overall productivity.
Other Blogs:-
Best Contact Management Software
Best CRM for Sales Reps
Real Estate Broker Software
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jeremy-ken-anderson · 3 months
Intended New Monk
So, for about another 5 days there's this stupid thing called BootDK which is a rotation discovered by The Balance (basically, the pro-grade minmaxers of the FFXIV community) that throws out all the stuff the class was designed to do in favor of what the math says you should do. The devs accidentally left in a shape of play where hitting two buttons over and over (Bootshine and Dragon Kick, in case you were wondering about the name - I would have preferred it be named DragonBoot, but they didn't ask me).
But how did they want Monk to play, in its new form?
There are 4 core mechanics to Monk.
The core Builder/Spender and Stance rotation.
The 3 self-buffs (Riddles)
The Chakra gauge
Perfect Balance/Masterful Blitz
Each of the 3 stances deals damage based on 1) whether you're in the stance and 2) whether you've got charge or not. For Demolish/Pouncing Coeurl (Snap Punch at earlier levels) there's also 3) what position you're attacking from (flank does bonus damage for PC/SP and rear does bonus damage for Demolish)
Each stance holds different numbers of charges: Opo holds 1, Raptor holds 2, and Coeurl holds 3. This means ideally you go
Dragon Kick (Enter Raptor Form, Opo Charge 1/1)
Twin Snakes (Enter Coeurl Form, Raptor Charge 2/2)
Demolish (From rear for bonus damage. Enter Opo form, Coeurl Charge 3/3)
Leaping Opo (Enter Raptor Form, bonus damage for being in Opo form and more from spending Opo Charge 0/1)
Rising Raptor (Enter Coeurl Form, bonus damage for spending Raptor Charge 1/2)
Pouncing Coeurl (From flank for bonus damage. Enter Opo form, bonus damage from spending Coeurl Charge 2/3)
Dragon Kick (Enter Raptor Form, bonus damage for being in Opo form, Opo Charge 1/1)
You go back and forth using Dragon Kick every 2 times you do the 3 forms, Twin Snakes every 3 times you do the forms, and Demolish every 4 times you do the forms, with the other 1, 2, and 3 times being Leaping Opo, Rising Raptor, or Pouncing Coeurl (Prior to level 92 these are named Bootshine, True Strike, and Snap Punch respectively but the idea's the same)
But Also! The Riddles!
When you're doing more damage, such as when you're on the spending side of this, you might use Riddle of Fire, which increases your damage by 15%. It's on a 1-minute cooldown. At level 100 you push the button again for a massive hit of free damage. When you're near an enemy and want to hit them a little more, you use Riddle of Wind (on a 90 second cooldown). At level 96 you can push the button again for a hadouken that hits a group for free big damage. And you've got Riddle of Earth, which reduces incoming damage and gives you regeneration if you actually take damage while it's running (on a 2-minute cooldown). It turns into a self-heal for more recovery on use.
But Also! The Chakra!
When you crit, there's a chance you'll get 1 Chakra point. Also whenever you can't do something else (for instance you have to run away from the boss to avoid a fireball), once per second you can gain 1 Chakra point by pushing a button.
You can spend 5 Chakra to release a bonus attack for free damage. And every 2 minutes, you have Brotherhood, which you should be using on cooldown. This gives your whole party +5% damage (hence the "use it every time you can") but also makes it so all your allies hits have a chance to give you Chakra points, dramatically speeding up your gains. Chakra can go as high as 10, but you want to spend it as soon as you have 5+ to make sure there's no risk you overcap. It's free damage!
So to recap:
Use the attack in the stance you're in. If you're out of charges use the one that gives you charges, and if not use the one that spends them for bonus damage.
In between these attacks, if you've got 5+ chakra, use your free damage button
Use Riddle of Fire and Brotherhood and Riddle of Wind to buff up your damage numbers, whenever you can.
But Also! Perfect Balance!
You can use this to basically make all your stance buttons light up at once. If you just used Demolish, you can use Perfect Balance > Pouncing Coeurl > Pouncing Coeurl > Pouncing Coeurl to do beefy damage if you've got access to the monster's flank. Doing 3 of the same stance will give you access to Elixir Burst (Elixir Field at earlier levels) for big damage and a "building toward fancy special move" black sticker. Doing 3 from different stances (say, Demolish, Leaping Opo, Twin Snakes) will give you access to Rising Phoenix (Flint Strike at lower levels) which does big damage and a white sticker. Doing whatever you want with Perfect Balance while you have both a Black and White sticker (if you've got Brotherhood and Riddle of Fire going this is probably whatever spenders you've got) will let you use Phantom Rush, for Big Damage.
Ideally, you want to line up your Phantom Rush to be ready every time Brotherhood and Riddle of Fire are ready. It deals 1400 potency, and FFXIV has its bonuses multiply together, so if you use Brotherhood (+5%) and Riddle (+15%) at the same time it's more than +20%. 1400 * 1.15 * 1.05 = 1,690.5
The weird thing - and this happens with all the jobs - is that the baseline rotation falls behind the special stuff in terms of importance the longer things go on. The solution for this in Monk's case is (much the same as Viper) that you just trust the glowing buttons. Rather than spending any mental energy on memorizing the base rotation you can cheat out of for ~8 seconds every 40 using Perfect Balance - you just push the button which is glowing (which is happening because you're allowed to use it and either it's granting or using charges).
TL;DR What Should I Focus On?
In order of importance for Beeg Damage, you should focus on
Always use Brotherhood and Riddle of Fire about 5-10 seconds into the fight and then as soon as they're ready for the rest of the fight.
Never have 2 stacks of Perfect Balance. Use one stack right away, and maybe use your second stack right after that. Then you've got wiggle room to make sure the third one lines up with your second Riddle of Fire.
When you're using Perfect Balance, if you've already got a black sticker make sure to push 3 different stance buttons (whichever ones are glowing). If you don't have a black sticker, push the same stance 3 times (best damage is 3xPouncing Coeurl, if you have 3 charges and can stay on the enemy's flank for 5-6 seconds).
Push your Meditation button between attacks whenever it has turned into an attack. If you're running away and unable to attack, push it then too to make it turn into an attack faster.
When you're in melee range, push the glowing attack button. If there's one that isn't Opo-Opo form glowing, push that one.
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huntjames · 3 months
Path to Global Opportunities: Unleash Your Potential with IELTS Pro's IELTS Preparation Courses
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) serves as a crucial gateway for individuals seeking to study, work, or migrate to English-speaking countries. Obtaining a competitive IELTS score unlocks doors to prestigious universities, enhances job prospects in international companies, and empowers you to navigate a globalized world with confidence. However, preparing for the IELTS can feel overwhelming, especially with numerous resources and study options available. Navigating this landscape and finding the right IELTS preparation course is essential for success. IELTS Pro emerges as your trusted partner in mastering the IELTS. We offer a comprehensive range of IELTS preparation courses designed to cater to diverse learning styles, skill levels, and academic goals. Here’s how IELTS Pro equips you with the knowledge, skills, and test-taking strategies necessary to excel on the IELTS and achieve your international aspirations.
Unveiling Your Pathway to IELTS Success: Why IELTS Pro Stands Out in IELTS Preparation Courses
Traditional IELTS preparation often involves generic study guides and impersonal online programs. IELTS Pro approaches IELTS preparation differently. We recognize that each student possesses a unique learning style and specific academic needs. Our courses go beyond rote memorization and test-taking drills. Here’s what sets IELTS Pro apart:
Personalized Learning Plans and Expert Instruction: Upon enrollment, our experienced instructors conduct a thorough assessment to identify your strengths, weaknesses, target score, and preferred learning style. Based on this evaluation, we create a personalized learning plan that caters to your individual needs. Our dedicated instructors are passionate about IELTS preparation and possess a deep understanding of the test format, scoring criteria, and effective teaching methodologies. They utilize engaging and interactive teaching methods, incorporating workshops, targeted practice exercises, personalized feedback mechanisms, and study plans tailored to your learning pace and preferred approach.
Focus on All Four Skills and Exam Strategies: The IELTS assesses all four core English language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. IELTS Pro’s courses provide a comprehensive approach, ensuring you develop proficiency in each area. Our instructors equip you with test-taking strategies specific to each IELTS section, helping you maximize your score potential. You’ll gain valuable insights into question types, time management techniques, effective reading comprehension skills, clear writing strategies, and techniques to excel in the speaking test. We provide personalized feedback on your practice tests and mock exams, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and refine your test-taking skills before the actual exam.
Flexible Learning Options and Ongoing Support: IELTS Pro understands that everyone has unique learning schedules and preferences. We offer a variety of flexible learning options to cater to your needs. Choose from in-person classes, live online courses with real-time interaction with instructors, or self-paced online modules that allow you to learn at your own convenience. Our online learning platform provides access to a comprehensive library of practice tests, interactive learning materials, vocabulary builders, and video tutorials. Regardless of your chosen learning format, you’ll receive ongoing support from our dedicated team. Our instructors are readily available to answer your questions, provide guidance throughout your preparation journey, and address any concerns you may have.
Community Building and Exam Confidence: Preparing for the IELTS can feel isolating. IELTS Pro fosters a supportive learning environment where you can connect with fellow students, share experiences, and motivate each other. Our online forums and in-person classes provide opportunities to practice speaking and communication skills in a safe and encouraging environment. As your confidence grows, so will your ability to perform optimally on the IELTS exam day.
Embrace the Future with Confidence: Embark on Your IELTS Journey with IELTS Pro
Don’t let IELTS preparation become a solitary and stressful experience. Let IELTS Pro be your guide on the path to achieving your desired IELTS score. Contact us today to discuss your academic goals, preferred learning style, and desired IELTS score. Our experienced team will create a personalized learning plan that sets you on the path to success. Together, we can turn your dreams of studying, working, or living abroad into a reality. With IELTS Pro by your side, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to conquer the IELTS and unlock a world of exciting opportunities.
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vtechiereview · 3 months
Automate Your Dreams: The Complete AI Agents 2.0 Review (2024)
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AI Agents 2.0 might be the game-changer you've been waiting for. This innovative software boasts a suite of AI-powered tools designed to automate a vast array of tasks, streamlining your workflow and freeing you to focus on what truly matters.
But is it all hype, or can AI Agents 2.0 truly revolutionize your productivity?
This comprehensive review will delve into everything you need to know: features, functionalities, pricing, and most importantly, whether it's the right fit for you.
Buckle up and get ready to discover if AI Agents 2.0 can become your secret weapon for conquering your workload.
What's Covered in This AI Agents 2.0 Review
What is AI Agents 2.0?
Features and Benefits
How Does AI Agents 2.0 Work?
AI Agents 2.0 Review: Pricing
Pros and Cons of AI Agents 2.0 Review
Conclusion: Is AI Agents 2.0 Right for You?
AI Agents 2.0 Review: FAQ's
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What is AI Agents 2.0?
AI Agents 2.0 is a software program that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to automate a wide range of tasks across your business.
Imagine having a team of virtual assistants powered by AI, capable of handling content creation, data analysis, web scraping, and more. That's the potential of AI Agents 2.0.
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Features and Benefits of AI Agents 2.0
AI Agents 2.0 boasts a plethora of features designed to boost your productivity and efficiency. Let’s see the important key highlights:
DFY (Done-For-You) Agents: This feature allows you to leverage pre-built AI agents for various tasks, eliminating the need for complex setup or coding knowledge.
Chatbot Builder: Create chatbots to interact with customers and answer their queries 24/7, improving customer service and engagement.
150+ Built-in Tools: Access a vast library of tools for tasks like content creation, social media management, data extraction, image recognition, and code generation.
AI Chat: Have AI-powered conversations to generate ideas, brainstorm content, or get answers to your questions.
AI Document Scan: Extract data from documents automatically, saving you time and effort.
AI Web Chat: Automate conversations on web platforms, increasing lead generation and engagement.
AI Image Vision: Analyze images and extract valuable insights, perfect for market research and product development.
AI Code Generator: Simplify coding tasks by generating code snippets based on your specifications.
Speech to Text: Convert spoken words into text format, ideal for creating transcripts or dictating content.
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How Does AI Agents 2.0 Work?
AI Agents 2.0 utilizes a user-friendly interface that allows you to configure and deploy AI agents for specific tasks.
The platform leverages pre-trained AI models and machine learning algorithms to automate various functions. Here's a simplified breakdown:
Choose an Agent: Select a DFY agent from the library or build a custom one.
Configure Settings: Define the parameters and instructions for your chosen agent.
Run the Agent: The AI agent executes the designated task, saving you valuable time.
Review Results: Analyze the output generated by the AI agent and make adjustments if necessary.
AI Agents 2.0 Demo Video
Let’s see the demo video (how simple process to start your online business):
Ai Agents 2.0 Review: Pricing
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$47 launch price for AI Agents 2.0!
This exclusive offer is almost gone. Don’t miss out — secure your access on the official website before it’s too late!
Pros and Cons of AI Agents 2.0 Review
Wide Range of Tools: Automates a variety of tasks, boosting overall efficiency.
Ease of Use: User-friendly interface with minimal technical expertise required.
Cost-Effective: One-time fee can be a budget-friendly solution compared to hiring human assistants.
Time-Saving: Frees up your time to focus on core business activities.
24/7 Automation: Agents can work continuously, even outside of business hours.
Learning Curve: While user-friendly, there may be a slight learning curve to mastering all features.
Limited Customization: DFY agents may not offer complete customization for highly specialized tasks.
Accuracy: Results generated by AI may not always be perfect and might require human oversight.
Potential for Bias: AI models can inherit biases from training data, leading to skewed results.
$47 launch price for AI Agents 2.0!
This exclusive offer is almost gone. Don’t miss out — secure your access on the official website before it’s too late!
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Conclusion: Is AI Agents 2.0 Right for You?
AI Agents 2.0 presents a compelling solution for businesses and individuals seeking to automate repetitive tasks and streamline their workflows.
The extensive library of tools, user-friendly interface, and cost-effectiveness make it an attractive option. However, it's crucial to consider your specific needs and limitations.
Here are the major facts to look into before making a purchase:
Your Technical Expertise: While AI Agents 2.0 is designed for ease of use, some technical understanding can be beneficial for maximizing its potential.
Complexity of Tasks: If your tasks require high degrees of customization or nuance, DFY agents might not be sufficient.
Need for Accuracy: For tasks demanding flawless results, human oversight may still be necessary.
Budget: While the one-time fee is attractive, consider the value proposition against the potential time savings and efficiency gains.
AI Agents 2.0 can be a valuable asset for:
Entrepreneurs and small businesses looking to automate tasks and free up time.
Marketers and content creators seeking assistance with content generation and social media management.
Anyone overwhelmed with repetitive tasks that can be automated.
However, it might not be ideal for:
Businesses requiring highly specialized automation.
Tasks demanding perfect accuracy and zero room for error.
Individuals with limited technical comfort.
Your specific needs are the key. Can be AI Agents 2.0 become your personalized productivity partner.
$47 launch price for AI Agents 2.0!
This exclusive offer is almost gone. Don’t miss out — secure your access on the official website before it’s too late!
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AI Agents 2.0 Review: FAQ's
Q: Is AI Agents 2.0 a scam?
A: While AI Agents 2.0 offers legitimate automation features, scrutinize reviews from credible sources to gauge its effectiveness for your needs. Be wary of unrealistic claims or upsell tactics.
Q: Does AI Agents 2.0 require a monthly subscription?
A: Typically, AI Agents 2.0 functions on a one-time fee model, granting lifetime access. However, double-check with the vendor for any potential subscription options.
Q: What kind of customer support does AI Agents 2.0 offer?
A: Customer support options vary depending on the vendor. Look for details regarding email support, knowledge bases, or video tutorials.
Q: Can AI Agents 2.0 replace human workers entirely?
A: AI Agents 2.0 is a powerful tool for automation, but it's unlikely to replace human workers entirely in most scenarios.
It excels at repetitive tasks, freeing up humans to focus on creative endeavors, strategic thinking, and tasks requiring social or emotional intelligence.
$47 launch price for AI Agents 2.0!
This exclusive offer is almost gone. Don’t miss out — secure your access on the official website before it’s too late!
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ralwealth01 · 3 months
How To Invest In Self Storage
Learn how to invest in self-storage like a pro with 15 expert tips, explore self-storage deals, and discover self-storage investment funds at RAL Wealth. Get started today. How To Invest In Self Storage
About Company:-
The RAL Wealth Builder Program is a transformative financial initiative offered by RAL Wealth, a leading financial advisor and wealth builder management firm. Designed to empower individuals and families from all walks of life, this comprehensive program aims to unlock their wealth-builder potential and pave the way toward long-term prosperity. The RAL Wealth Builder Program equips participants with the tools they need to achieve the big picture of their financial goals and secure their future by providing personalized financial guidance, strategic planning, cash flow, and diversified investment opportunities.
Founded to empower individuals and organizations to create, preserve, and transfer wealth, RAL Wealth has established itself as a trusted partner in financial advisory services. Our team of seasoned financial experts boasts a wealth of knowledge and experience across various industries, making them uniquely qualified to guide clients toward long-term financial success.
At its core, the RAL Wealth Builder Program is a comprehensive financial strategy tailored to meet each participant’s specific needs and aspirations. The journey begins with an in-depth consultation, during which RAL Wealth’s financial advisors gain insights into the participant’s economic situation, objectives, and risk tolerance. This understanding serves as the foundation for crafting a customized roadmap to navigate the complexities of wealth management.
Click Here For More Info:- https://www.ralwealth.com/
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ausetkmt · 3 months
Are you one of the people who seemingly used the GPT Builder in Microsoft's AI-based Copilot Pro? If so, you can kiss it goodbye. Come July 10, Microsoft will squash the tool permanently -- at least for the consumer version of Copilot.
On a new support page, Microsoft said that it will remove the ability to create GPTs starting July 10 and then delete all GPTs -- those created by the company and its customers -- from July 10 through July 14. In a nod toward privacy, any data associated with or collected by the GPTs also will be gone.
Also: How to use ChatGPT to create an app
Launched just three months ago in mid-March, Copilot's GPT Builder works similarly to OpenAI's ChatGPT Plus GPT Builder. Both tools let you create your own custom GPT chatbots to use yourself or share with others. Creating your own task-specific chatbot this way requires no coding skills or knowledge as the tool talks you through the process.
The difference is that the ChatGPT Plus GPT Builder lets you use your GPTs privately, share them with specific people, or publish them to the GPT store. With Copilot Pro's GPT Builder, you can use them only privately or share them with specific people.
OK, but why kill off the tool after only three months of life? Here's the explanation from Microsoft:
"We are continuing to evaluate our strategy for consumer Copilot extensibility and are prioritizing core product experiences, while remaining committed to developer opportunities," the company said on the support page. "To this end, we are shifting our focus on GPTs to Commercial and Enterprise scenarios and are stopping GPT efforts in consumer Copilot."
This makes it sound as if custom GPTs and the GPT Builder may have a future for commercial and enterprise customers, though Microsoft didn't elaborate on this possibility. Otherwise, the tool may have simply failed to catch on with subscribers, and the company might feel it's no longer worth the time and effort to support it.
Also: ChatGPT vs. Microsoft Copilot vs. Gemini: Which is the best AI chatbot?
In the meantime, what do you do if you've created custom Copilot GPTs and don't want to lose them? Here's what Microsoft advises:
Open your custom GPT in Edit mode and select the Configure tab. Copy the instructions and paste them somewhere else.
That last step seems vague since Microsoft didn't indicate how and where you could use those instructions. But at least, the data will be retained in some format. Certainly, you can save the information and then copy it back to a regular Copilot prompt when you want to run that particular request
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govindhtech · 4 months
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A broad array of audacious and functional goods was launched by CORSAIR. Invigorating new cooling options, modern power supplies, and adaptable PC cases are among highlights of this year’s Computex showcase, catering to both novice and expert builders.
Superior Cooling Efficiency Combined with Eye-Catching Style
With the new line of CORSAIR fans, your customised PC gains style and functionality. Fans of the LX RGB and RX MAX Series offer additional options for enthusiasts hoping to simplify and expedite their build process with the ground-breaking iCUE LINK ecosystem. Combining superior cooling with an enthralling light display, LX RGB dazzles with its two RGB light loops. The 30mm-thick RX MAX fans, which come in both a dazzling RGB and a non-RGB reinforced with liquid crystal polymer, provide performance aficionados with improved airflow and exceptionally quiet operation.
The new RS Series fans, which come in an ARGB variety as well, are particularly appealing to builders seeking direct motherboard control via simple daisy-chained PWM interfaces.
iCUE LINK TITAN Series Offers Revolutionary Cooling
Utilising a three-phase motor and a carefully planned cold plate surface profile to optimise contact with the CPU, these CPU coolers make use of the state-of-the-art FlowDrive cooling engine created by CORSAIR. A bright RGB pump cap completes the eye-catching appearance, while powerful RX RGB fans distribute the heat.
Improve the appearance or performance of your cooler with ease with the new CapSwap Modules, which work with all iCUE LINK coolers, including the TITAN Series. With its distinctively curved form, the Groove module uplifts your mood, and for power users who want to overclock, the VRM Fan module cools the motherboard components surrounding the CPU socket. Two more modules have been added to the expanding selection of CapSwap accessories, which already includes the LCD Screen module.
AT Computex 2024, CORSAIR introduced the iCUE LINK TITAN range of high-performance AIO liquid coolers. Its revamped pump, cold plate, fan, and RGB lights make it a major upgrade over previous Corsair AIO coolers.
iCUE LINK TITAN AIOs have 240mm, 280mm, and 360mm radiators. The Corsair iCUE Link system hub included with all three sizes lets you connect and control all your compatible devices with a single wire.
The CORSAIR iCUE LINK TITAN‘s main characteristics are:
FlowDrive Cooling Engine
A three-phase motor and precision-engineered cold plate in the new FlowDrive Cooling Engine maximise CPU heat transmission.
New high-performance PWM fans optimise airflow and static pressure at lower noise. RGB illumination lets you match the fans to your system.
Vivid RGB Pump Cap
The pump cap has addressable RGB LEDs that can match your system.
Easy Installation
First-time builders can install the iCUE LINK TITAN AIOs.
iCUE Software Compatibility
Corsair’s iCUE software can monitor coolant temperature, fan speeds, and RGB lighting with the iCUE LINK TITAN AIOs. Create bespoke cooling profiles and lighting effects.
For PC builders seeking a high-performance, easy-to-install RGB AIO cooler, the CORSAIR iCUE LINK TITAN AIOs appear promising.
Take the Lead with Immersive Visuals
With a 240 Hz refresh rate, infinite contrast ratio, 0.03 ms GtG reaction time, VESA certified DisplayHDR TrueBlack 400 technology, and a 34-inch curved QD-OLED gaming monitor, the XENEON 34WQHD240-C offers remarkable visual quality.
Small Dimness, Unwavering Excellence
It’s not necessary to sacrifice to be compact. An engineering marvel, the CORSAIR ONE i500 PC boasts an award-winning lineup of CORSAIR components for content producers, pros, and gamers, including an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 GPU and an Intel Core i9-14900K CPU, both liquid cooled and capable of AI-ready performance. While Metal Dark is still a ways off, Wood Dark and Wood Bright are currently available.
High-End Compact Builds with Next-Generation Power Supplies
Adding to the array of CORSAIR PSUs compatible with ATX 3.1 is the award-winning tiny form-factor SF Series. Providing 80 PLUS Platinum-rated power at wattages up to 1000W, these power supplies are very powerful. Reduced space requirements for improved cable management and case compatibility are provided by their Type 5 Micro-Fit connections.
Multipurpose Carriers for Your Upcoming Computer
Both the 3500X and the 9000D RGB AIRFLOW are impressive devices that are perfect for building a powerful gaming PC or a stylish, business workstation. Enjoy a cable-free aesthetic with an ASUS BTF or MSI PROJECT ZERO motherboard setup that uses hidden reversed connections. The 3500X boasts a beautiful wraparound tempered glass design and a flexible architecture that accommodates huge GPUs and motherboards up to EATX.
Building upon the success of the 1000D, the 9000D RGB AIRFLOW is a super-tower case that is the pinnacle of systems exhibition. Thanks to the patent-pending InfiniRail technology, you can say goodbye to set fan placements because it allows you to precisely direct airflow with a simple rail slide. The iCUE LINK System Hub that comes with the setup guarantees that even the most advanced system suitable for this large case can be assembled fast, with clean connections and minimal cable clutter.
By fusing performance with unmatched customisation, CORSAIR’s innovations enable enthusiasts to achieve their ideal setup and empower enthusiasts on all levels.
The cost and availability
Both the CORSAIR webstore and its global network of approved retailers and distributors are currently selling the CORSAIR ONE i500. Launching later in 2024 are the remaining products that were displayed at Computex.
The CORSAIR website or your local CORSAIR sales or PR representative can provide you with the most recent price information for the items that were announced at Computex.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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