#corky is 58
You know my feelings on California’s orca law, but if it keeps Corky safe, then it might be worth it.
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riddlebanshee · 4 years
18, 20, 26, 27, 34, 49, 58
18. ideal weather? Like 80 degrees with a decent amt of wind and lots of puffy clouds!!! Also acceptable is warm fog and rain with no thunder attached!!!
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?Online, actually!! I like writing in journals but I always find it easier to keep track of if Im working on discord w/ friends or just in google docs!!!
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?SWIM SWIM SWIM SWIM
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?STAY INSIDE FAR AWAY FROM THAT SHIT BBVDVASHNM   
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?I literally have no idea if the company even EXISTS now but on my local tv back in my hometown............................(to a jingle-tune thing)1-800-901-1102 CORKY’S!!! I don’t even know if it’s spelled right but it was an extermination company I think bbdashvhj and for some reason i NEVER forgot the jingle 
49. what saying or quote do you live by?“Do not harm but take no shit”!! Altho genuinely I dont think I know enough quotes off the top of my head to say for real vhjjvdhsaj
58. four talents you’re proud of having?-My singing voice-My art (altho I would argue that’s a skill)-My writing (again, also would argue that’s a skill)-I usually have a decently quick learning curve with stuff?? NOT SURE IF THAT COUNTS im kind of a three trick pony vdvsahj
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secondhandpostcards · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Postmark: two: Bern [rest illegible]; Saffa 1958 Zürich, 17.Juli-15.September
Stamp: grayscale image of an aerial cable car ascending to a mountain, 50 helvetia
Address: Miss Corky Trout
525 E. 81st 4-A
New York 28, N.Y.
Text: 7/24/58
Greetings from Bern!
Received your letter upon docking in Le Havre. Thanks so much for writing! We’re going to try to stay in the little hotel you suggested in London. We really appreciate helpful hints that can save us money! Will also try to call your friends. It’s always fun to say ‘hi’ to people.
Corky, we’ve been having a marvelous trip. Have spent two weeks in France, two days in Barcelona (saw a bull fight), and just arrived in Switzerland after a 2 ½ wk. stay in Italy. Loved Italy! We’ll be in Germany Sunday. Am looking forward to that.
We’re flying into N.Y. from London Aug. 22nd. Will stay at the Sheraton - McAlpin Hotel. Hope to talk to you then. Love, Jan
My Note: I have a card from Corky as well.
Image info: Bern - Zeitglockenturm
Berne - La Tour de l’Horloge
Image: A photograph of the Zytglogge, a clocktower in Bern, Switzerland, against a blue sky. The foreground shows an ornate pillar featuring a colorful knight holding a red flag. The edges of the card have been cut with decorative scissors.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
This will form up today in Ernest it'll be clouds here and rain occasion in the same no because the ships are big you say yes because there's so many of them.
It was no surprise and the volume was not that high it's just quite a bit of old hardware
Justin is ready to go since he can get the weapon and the rest of the crew too exactly work out for them cooking and grab so you can average and life is a little plasticizes them more and it's gross he's a big it tells him what they're doing as they're going under and they can't stand it
So many of them are saying let me rest you idiot you're in that case directly to him too he's a piece of s*** some friend he turned out to be I'm said that start getting somewhere probably turned around and slashed him right in the throat said you see you can't trust you to do anything cuz I found it's true and it's almost dead because you guys so rest in peace you'll be out and all the max will be dead because of this boy it sounded back up and he's staring straight up in the sky like he passed out since moving around tell me since it now Tommy missed it and he escapes and he grabbed some weapon and he says you're going to need it and he goes out and he finds clothes and stuff and find status and it works because he got the word out tons of people die because of him and yeah if somebody he knows. It's a huge pile of lies coming out of Corky right now
Thor Freya
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swordmaid · 6 years
12 - 39 & 58 all random let's see what i got LOL
• 12. what qualities do you find attractive in a person?    
i find myself liking people who laugh at my jokes ?? idk man. if they’re attractive then they’re attractive. also people w/ really cute smiles, dimples and arms ? i lov staring at arms it’s so weird kgjfkgj 
• 13. do you have any pets? 
i do ! i have three dogs  – nami, corki and cream. they’re all fat babies
• 14. have you ever traveled outside of your home country?
 i have, i’m living outside of my home country right now lol. the only place i’ve been to that i haven’t lived in is america tbqh
• 15. what language(s) do you speak?
english & tagalog ! 
• 16. who was your first crush?
sdkfjdsf i don’t remember ?? i think some dude that liked me in middle school. but tbqh i probably just liked the attention LOL
• 17. do you wear glasses?
ya my eyes don’t function well
• 18. what is your favorite pastry?
i fucking love bread
• 19. do you prefer swimming in a pool or in the ocean?
in the pool ! i’m kind of terrified of the ocean bc the thought of crabs walking underneath my feet is not pleasant. however if i had to choose where i’d die i’d rather die in the ocean tbqh it’s beautiful 
• 20. bright, dark, or pastel colors?
bright ! 
• 21. what is your favorite social media app?
instagram bc i love validation 
• 22. what is your sexuality?
i’m still exploring tbqh. i didn’t really have the chance to explore my sexuality when i was younger ( than i am rn ) since i spent most of my teenage years depressed so relationships was something i never rlly bothered with. 
i used to think i was ace for a long time since i wasn’t interested in guys and the thought of being w/ one romantically and sexually is really uncomfortable. but then i realised i was looking at the wrong thing and nowadays, i identify as a wlw ! i’m still exploring who i am tbqh but i am comfortable with the idea of loving women.
• 23. do you have any siblings?
i do lmao i have three other siblings it explains why im like this
• 24. what is your favorite scent?
bread smells so good
• 25. where do you want to travel to?
i want to go to thailand or vietnam tbqh. any place that i haven’t been to is good tbqh lmao
• 26. what is your favorite film?
either coraline or corpse bride !
• 27. who do people say you look like? (celebrity/family member)
they say i look like my sister. i dont see it for me but ok
• 28. who is your best friend?
mary ! she’s been my best friend ever since we were like 10 ? i think. she’s a great person and she deserves the whole world :\
• 29. what is your dream job?
i really want to be a film director ! i really love story telling.
• 30. do you know how to drive?
no LOL i’m useless. i’m tryna learn though !
• 31. who is/was your favorite teacher?
my design teacher from high school ! she was great bc she got my humour also was strict enough that she actually taught me stuff
• 32. are you a feminist?
i would say that i am ? i mean tbqh why shouldn’t you be i don’t understand why people don’t want equality w/ everyone lol
• 33. what is your zodiac sign?
hi im a gemini and we’re all not that bad
• 34. do you enjoy reading?
i do ! i haven’t read anything recently lol
• 35. do you have any hidden talents?
i can bake ! i can make some rlly good cookies :\
• 36. have you ever dyed your hair?
i haave. my hair cant catch colour well tho it took like 3 bleaches for my hair to go at least dark grey.
• 37. what is your favorite thing in your bedroom?
prints by disasterina 
• 38. what is your biggest fear?
god i have a huge fear of frogs ? i used to live near a fishpond and every time it rained, toads and frogs would come out and litter the entire roads and i would be terrified of them.
• 39. can you whistle?
nope ! i’d try but i just end up spitting 
• 58. if you could time travel, what year would you go to and why?
ohh my god. early 1990s when internet was still relatively new. i’d dress up as a cryptid and hang around the night, maybe capture some people knock em out and leave them on the woods. wait for people to capture pictures and write conspiracy theories abt me then i’ll travel to the future and read all about it. peak time travel 
 some asks 🌿 / accepting.
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noizchild · 3 years
What This Week Looks Like:
Chronus (Original, chapters 38-42)
Summary: Eight-year-old Anna Jane Fukao was just spending the summer with her dad and his girlfriend in a cabin in the Scottish countryside. The corky little girl is out enjoying the woods with her stuffed bear, Teddy, when a strange creature draws her to the lake and offers her quest: Find the lost city of Chornus.
Love Puzzle (Original, Chapter twenty-six)
Summary:  Wallace moves to this new arts apartment to seek fame and win back his love. He ends up with even more.
Canti Angel (Yu-Gi-Oh, Chapter 58)
Summary:  All Canti wants is to be loved. He is always looking for a new mate to share his bed with. Someone with a pure heart. One night, he sends out his wind pixies to find him a new lover. They return with Anzu as the answer. He comes to her through the form of a mind slave and seduces her into a steamy affair. But yet, Arestil, Canti’s older sister who is still reeling with misery after her own lover’s death, vows to kill anyone that Canti falls in love with. Now, Canti must fight to keep his new love from dying by his sister’s hands.
Rest of the Week:
Factory (Gurren Lagann/Gundam 00, Chapters 60-69)
Summary: This is a reference to Andy Warhol’s factory. Isn’t really a full-on series. Just some stories slapped together in no particular order. Kind of like how Warhol’s work was. Doesn’t make sense at all, but you just can’t help but to like it.
Suburban Island (Season Four, Chapter Eight)
Summary: Volume four and original project in the Wasteland Project. The rain and weather conditions have been getting worse lately. The floating government is beginning to fear the worst.  Humanity might be running out of time. Some connections are being during the days that getting washed away through the toxic rain. Some might not be enough to carry the people through Golden Leaf’s slow demise. Maybe it’s time to start thinking about leaving?
Earth Child (Season Eleven, Chapter Four)
Summary: It’s 1983 and the old biddies are back for more mischief.
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spooksuprex · 7 years
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? I’m good with my height.2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) One of those bear hunting dogs.3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? Loose and soft.4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Pokemon Emerald5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: My friend from Arizona, my writing, and general story ideas.6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Uber awkward.7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]? [insert person/thing here] is the worst thing ever8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] Melancholic9: Are you ticklish? Yes10: Are you allergic to anything? Pollen, and a specific brand of allergy medicine.11: What’s your sexuality? Heterosexual12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? Cocoa.13: Are you a cat or dog person? Dog.14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? Vampire, so I can wear a cape.15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? Hat Films.16: How tall are you? 6′1″17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? Vladimir.18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] 31719: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Yes.20: Do you like space or the ocean more? Space.21: Are you religious? Not really.22: Pet peeves? Not soaking dishes before washing them.23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? Nocturnal24: Favorite constellation? Uh... big dipper?25: Favorite star? North star I guess?26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? I think they’re neat27: Any phobias or fears? Spiders and bugs in general28: Do you think global warming is real? Yes, though I’m unsure how much is natural and how much is man-made.29: Do you believe in reincarnation? Eh... I don’t think its impossible.30: Favorite movie? Superman vs The Elite31: Do you get scared easily? Yes32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? 533: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.] 11/1034: What is a color that calms you? White, reminds me of my bed.35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? Hmm... Italy would be interesting to visit.36: Where were you born? Indiana37: What is your eye color? Green38: Introvert or extrovert? Introvert39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? Not really, but they’re neat.40: Hugs or kisses? Hugs41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? My friend from Arizona... or kara, so I can “thank” her for sending this to me.42: Who is someone you love deeply? My dog43: Any piercings you want? No.44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? Tattoos yes, piercings no.45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? Once. It sucked.46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! ... My friend from Arizona. We’ve talked for a long time, and every time it always makes me super happy. She’s funny, kind, a bit goofy... She’s very memorable and its hard not to think of her.47: What is a sound you really hate? A train braking48: A sound you really love? A fan blowing49: Can you do a backflip? No50: Can you do the splits? No51: Favorite actor and/or actress? Nicholas Cage52: Favorite movie? Superman vs the elite... again53: How are you feeling right now? Annoyed at this length of this.54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? Brown, which it is.55: When did you feel happiest? When I’m talking to my friend from Arizona.56: Something that calms you down? Drawing.57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!] Autism.58: What does your URL mean? A bear that is ghostly.59: What three words describe you the most? Big, quiet, smile.60: Do you believe in evolution? Yes.61: What makes you unfollow a blog? When they annoy more often than they post neat stuff.62: What makes you follow a blog? Neat stuff, like art.63: Favorite kind of person: People who can do their damn jobs.64: Favorite animal(s): Dogs65: Name three of your favorite blogs. karawaltersuniverse, puublack, candygarnet66: Favorite emoticon: :D67: Favorite meme: I lived, Bitch68: What is your MBTI personality type? Dunno, don’t feel like doing the test.69: What is your star sign? Cancer, I think.70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? No, she can sit tho71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? Work pants, loose T-shirt72: Post a selfie or two? No.73: Do you have platform shoes? Nope, don’t need ‘em74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? I once had a swing set fall on my head and I didn’t get a concussion75: Can you do a front flip? No76: Do you like birds? Yes77: Do you like to swim? Yes78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? Swimming79: Something you wish didn’t exist: Assholes80: Some thing you wish did exist: Pokemon81: Piercings you have? Noone82: Something you really enjoy doing: Writing83: Favorite person to talk to: Karawaltersuniverse.84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? Weird, obsessed with social justice.85: How many followers do you have? 17986: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? No87: Do your socks always match? No88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? Nope.89: What are your birthstones? Ruby90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? Cat, so I can sleep all day.91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? Peony92: A store you hate? Target.93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? None94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? Fly.95: Do you like to wear camo? No.96: Winter or summer? Winter97: How long can you hold your breath for? I dunno.98: Least favorite person? Annoying coworkers.99: Someone you look up to: This sounds cliche, but Leonardo Da Vinci.100: A store you love? Kroger101: Favorite type of shoes Boots102: Where do you live? Indiana103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? No.104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? Ruby105: Do you drink milk? Yes.106: Do you like bugs? No.107: Do you like spiders? No108: Something you get paranoid about? Being gossiped about behind my back.109: Can you draw: Fairly well110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? Look down five questions.111: A question you hate being asked? This one.112: Ever been bitten by a spider? No113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? Yes114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? Cloudy115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: .... my arizona friend.116: Favorite cloud type: White floofy ones117: What color do you wish the sky was? Orange118: Do you have freckles? No119: Favorite thing about a person: Their hair120: Fruits or vegetables? Fruits121: Something you want to do right now: To be done with this.122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? Sky.123: Sweet or sour foods? Sweets124: Bright or dim lights? Dim.125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? Ghosts.126: Something you hate about Tumblr: The community.127: Something you love about Tumblr: My friends.128: What do you think about the least? Toast.129: What would you want written on your tombstone? “This isn’t the last you’ll see of me!”130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? The person who wrote this.131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? My beard132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? no133: Computer or TV? Computer134: Do you like roller coasters? No.135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? No.136: Are your ears lobed or attached? I assume lobed.137: Do you believe in karma? Yes138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? 3139: What nicknames do you have/have had? Cory, corky, cody, corey, coby, cornbeef, cornbread.140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? No.141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? Yes, when I was younger.142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? I’d hope good.143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? Giving144: What makes you angry People who can’t do their damn jobs.145: How many languages do you speak fluently? One.146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? Girls.147: Are you androgynous? No.148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: My hair.149: Favorite thing about your personality: The fact I like to try and see both sides of an issue.150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. My Arizona friend, Leonardo Da Vinci, and karawaltersuniverse so I can choke her out for making me do this.151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? Renaissance.152: Do you like BuzzFeed? No.153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.] Ain’t got one.154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? No.155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? No.156: What embarrasses you? My looks.157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:158: Biggest lie you have ever told: I once said I threw up to get out fo work.159: How many people are you following? 382160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? 18,641161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? 32162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? 17,453163: Last time you cried and why: Couple weeks ago, had a bit of a funk.164: Do you have long or short hair? Short.165: Longest your hair has ever been: Like... two inches?166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? Neutral167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? ... Not really. I got shit to worry about.168: Do you like to wear makeup? Nah.169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? No.170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? Yes, you fuck.
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iokku · 8 years
I made a survey asking your headcanon’s for each yordle’s mental age relative to humans.
The results are as follows:
Kennen: 22 Rumble: 24 Tristana: 26 Ziggs: 31 Teemo: 34 Veigar: 34 Poppy: 36 Heimerdinger: 55 Corki: 58 Kled: 62 Gnar, Amumu and Lulu left out because reasons.
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kayjay63 · 5 years
Shirley Ballas shares mind-blowing old dance clip on Twitter - Daily Mail
Shirley Ballas shares mind-blowing old dance clip on Twitter – Daily Mail
As a judge on Strictly Come Dancing, she gives her critique on the celebrity dancers and their professional partners.
And Shirley Ballas harked back to her own heyday as a professional dancer as she shared an incredible throwback clip on Twitter on Monday. 
The clip in question sees Shirley, 59, and her former dance partner and ex-husband Corky Ballas, 58, performing a Latin routine during a…
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naijawapaz1 · 5 years
Casey Siemaszko Net Worth, Earnings,Movies, Dating, Facts, Wiki-Bio
Casey Siemaszko Net Worth, Earnings,Movies, Dating, Facts, Wiki-Bio
Actor Casey Siemaszko is enjoying a lavish lifestyle with his huge fortune. Born Name Kazimierz A. Siemaszko Birth Place Chicago, Illinois Height 5 feet 8 inches Eye Color Dark Brown Zodiac Sign Pisces Nationality American Ethnicity White Profession Actor, Voice Over Artist Net Worth $2 million Age 58 years old Sibling Nina Siemaszko, Corky Siemaszko Parents Father: Konstanty Siemaszko Mother:…
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Age at death of SeaWorld's captive orcas: By the decade
Here's a very quick look at the age of death of SeaWorld's killer whales over the past four decades. I chose the 80s to begin because that is when their breeding program began, which they have relied on exclusively to keep their population going since wild captures ended in the 70s. Please note that I'm excluding spontaneous abortions and stillbirths, as failed pregnancies can occur for an astronomical number of reasons and we simply don't know the rate at which they occur in the wild. I am including whales under one year of age on the list below as long as they were born alive, but am leaving them out of the average as is typical in aging studies due to neonates' much higher death rate. All animals included died at one of SeaWorld's three parks, although they did not necessarily spend their entire time in managed care there.
Canuck 2 (M, wild born) - 6 years
Ramu (M, wild born) - 19 years
Baby Shamu 2 (F, captive born) - 12 days
Winston (M, wild born) - 19 years
Kona 2 (F, wild born) - 12 years
Orky 2 (M, wild born) - 26 years
Kandu 5 (F, wild born) - 14 years
Nootka (F, wild born) - 24 years
Kanduke (M, wild born) - approx. 22 years
Kahana (F, wild born) - 13 years
Kenau (F, wild born) - 15 years
Samoa (F, wild born) - 11 years
Nootka 4 (F, wild born) - 15 years
Kotar (M, wild born) - 17 years
Gundrun (F, wild born) - 20 years
Nyar (F, captive born) - 2 years
Katerina (F, captive born) - 10 years
Bjossa (F, wild born) - 24 years
Haida 2 (F, wild born) - 20 years
Winnie (F, wild born) - 25 years
Splash (M, captive born*) - 15 years
Taku (M, captive born) - 14 years
Halyn (F, captive born) - 2 years
*Splash was born at Marineland Canada, not a SeaWorld park
Taima (F, captive born) - 20 years
Sumar (M, captive born) - 12 years
Kalina (F, captive born) - 25 years
Unna (F, captive born) - 18 years
Tilikum (M, wild born) - 35 years
Kyara (F, captive born) - 3 months
Kasatka (F, wild born) - 40 years
Kayla (F, captive born) - 30 years
Amaya (F, captive born) - 6 years
Nakai (M, captive born) - 20 years
The average life expectancy of wild orcas is 30 years for males and 50 years for females. It's often stated by activists that SeaWorld's whales usually die when they're under 20, which as you can see above, was undeniably correct. But with each passing year comes great advances in healthcare and husbandry, something that's true of not only orcas but all zoological species. And with that, the life expectancy of orcas in human care has increased, trending toward the expected life span.
Average age at death, wild born males: 17.5 years
Average age at death, wild born females: 13 years
Average age at death, wild born males: 19.5 years
Average age at death, wild born females: 16 years
Average age at death, captive born males: No deaths
Average age at death, captive born females: 6 years
Average age at death, wild born males: No deaths
Average age at death, wild born females: 23 years
Average age at death, captive born males: 14.5 years
Average age at death, captive born females: 2 years (1 death)
Average age at death, wild born males: 35 years (1 death)
Average age at death, wild born females: 40 years (1 death)
Average age at death, captive born males: 12 years (1 death)
Average age at death, captive born females: 23 years
Are these ages where they should be? No. But you can't deny that it's trending the correct way, particularly over the past 15 or so years. Don’t believe me? SeaWorld currently still owns 18 whales, the oldest of which are:
Ulises, oldest living wild born male: 45 years
Corky 2, oldest living wild born female: 58 years
Kyuquot, oldest living captive born male: 31 years
Orkid, oldest living captive born female: 34 years
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
These gates are in place. Here. The twin towers too. Lord Sauron is here. No no sauromon is not nor are corkies fighters they are all dead today due to his fresh mouth
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the-firebird69 · 5 years
Turns out to be shit. A huge hunk of shit.
Corky figured it out as he tested another one his pod coveredin shit
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rubbishwalks · 8 years
Down for the count
Quick, grab a piece of paper, a pen, or a pencil, and write down as many brands or varieties of alcohol as you can in 60 seconds. Go ahead ...
How many did you come up with?
1-15: Teetotal
16-30: Lightweight
31-60: Bartender
The reason for this little game? In the two years we have been recording brands of littered recyclables, we've come across 194 varieties of alcoholic beverages while cleaning. While some are more common than others, they all contribute to the problem.
Keep reading to see them all. You may need a stiff drink when you're done.
1.      1860 Imperial Vodka 2.      Absolut Vodka 3.      Activ Premium Vodka 4.      Alfie Gin and Diet Tonic 5.      Amigos Tequilla Flavoured Beer 6.      Anakena Wine 7.      Archers Schnapps 8.      Bacardi 9.      Barnstormer Black Cider 10.   Bavaria Lager 11.   Becks 12.   Belgium Lager 13.   Bells Whiskey 14.   Bengali Ale 15.   Ben Shaw's Original Bitter Shandy 16.   Berthold Keller Premium Lager 17.   Biere d'Or 18.   Birra Moretti 19.   Black Rat Premium Cider 20.   Black Sheep Ale 21.   Blackthorn Cider 22.   Blossom Hill White Zifandel 23.   Breezer Spritzer 24.   Brothers Pear Cider 25.   Budweiser 26.   Bulmer Cider 27.   Cactus Jack's Schnapps 28.   Caffrey's 29.   Captain Morgan's Gold and Cola 30.   Caribbean Twist Mixed Mango and White Rum 31.   Caribbean Twist Strawberry Daiquiri 32.   Carling 33.   Carling Black Label 34.   Carlsberg 35.   Carlsberg Export 36.   Carlsberg Somersby Cider 37.   Carlsberg Special Brew 38.   Carlsberg Citrus Hard Lemonade 39.   Carlsberg Kronenbourg 1664 40.   Cassini Wine 41.   Castlemaine XXXX Draft Lager 42.   Chardonnay Contenda 43.   Chase Elderflower Liquor 44.   Chekov Vodka 45.   Churchward Cider 46.   Ciecham Miodowe Beer 47.   Claymore Whiskey 48.   Cooperative Merlot Wine 49.   Coors Light 50.   Corky's Curious Alcohol Mix 51.   Country Choice Dry Cider 52.   Corona Extra 53.   Corona Light 54.   Crabbies' Alcoholic Ginger Beer 55.   Crabbies' Cider 56.   Crofter's Apple Cider 57.   Crumpton Oaks Farmhouse Dry Apple Cider 58.   Dark and Handsome Ale 59.   Debowe Mocne Beer 60.   Desperado Tequila Beer 61.   Diamond White Cider 62.   Dragon Soop Caffeine Alcoholic Beverage 63.   Erdinger Cider 64.   Eridge Vale Super Strong Cider 65.   Estrella Damm 66.   Foster's 67.   Foster's Export 68.   Foster's Gold 69.   Foster's Ice 70.   Foster's Radler 71.   Frosty Jack's Cider 72.   Gin and Diet Tonic 73.   Gordon's London Dried Gin 74.   Green Goblin Oak-Aged Cider 75.   Greenall's Dry Gin 76.   Grolsch 77.   Guinness Draft 78.   Guinness 79.   Hardy's Pinot Grigio 80.   Harp Lager 81.   Heineken 82.   Helden Brau Lager 83.   Henry Weston's Vintage Cider 84.   Hobgoblin 85.   Holsten Pils Lager 86.   Hooch 87.   Inch's Stonehouse Strong Cider 88.   Independent Spirit 89.   Irish Meadow Cream 90.   Isla Negra Wine 91.   Jack Daniels Whisky 92.   Jack Daniels Whisky and Cola 93.   Jacob's Creek Wine 94.   Jacques Cider 95.   Jagermeister 96.   JP Chenet Wine 97.   John Smith's Extra Smooth 98.   John Smith's Bitter 99.   K Cider 100. Kingstone Press Cider 101. Kopparberg Cider 102. Krakus Polish Vodka 103. Lambrini Original Slightly Sparkling Perry 104. Lambrusco dell'emilia Wine 105. Laser Extra Strong White Cider 106. Leffe Beer 107. Lynx 108. Magner's Cider 109. Manzana Loca Cider 110. Marks & Spencer's Cider 111. Marston Pedigree Beer 112. McEwan's Champion Ale 113. Morrison's Lager 114. MyClassic Vodka and Orange Juice 115. Newcastle Brown Ale 116. Okocim Premium Mocne 117. Old Mount Cider 118. Old Speckled Hen 119. Oranjeboom Beer 120. Paradise Bay Tropical Drink 121. Pearly Bay Wine 122. Pernod 123. Perfect Serve Gin and Tonic 124. Peroni Beer 125. Petit Coronas Shot Vial 126. Pimm's 127. Pimm's and Lemonade 128. Prince Consort Imperial Vodka 129. Red Square Vodka 130. Red Stripe Jamaica Lager Beer 131. Rekorderlig Premium Strawberry Lime Cider 132. Sainsbury's Superior White Rum 133. Sainsbury's Crown Lager 134. Sainsbury's Original Cider 135. Sainsbury's Parkins Special Bitter 136. Saint-Omer 137. Sainte Cervoise Continental Lager 138. San Miguel 139. Schweppes Gin and Tonic 140. Schweppes Lemonade Shandy 141. Scrumpy Jack Premium English Cider 142. Shandy Bass 143. Shiraz White Wine 144. Shipstern's Bitter 145. Smirnoff Cider 146. Smirnoff Vodka 147. Smirnoff Vodka Cola mix 148. Smirnoff Vodka Cranberry  mix 149. Sol Mexican Beer 150. Somerset Cider 151. Sorso Wine (D'abruzzo) 152. Sourz Liqueur 153. Staropramen 154. Steinlager 155. Stella Artois 156. Stella Cidre 157. Stowford Press Cider 158. Strongbow 159. Strongbow Dark Fruit 160. Strongbow Citrus Energy 161. Taunton Old Somerset Cider 162. Tennent's Super Lager 163. Tesco Apple Cider 164. Tesco Bitter Shandy 165. Tesco Everyday Value Bitter 166. Tesco Everyday Value Lager 167. Tesco Imported Lager 168. Tesco Lager 169. Tesco Pinot Grigio Simply 170. Tesco Original Dry Cider 171. Tesco Pear Cider 172. Tesco Everyday Value Whiskey 173. Tetley's Smooth Flow 174. Thatcher's Cider 175. Thatcher's Gold Cider 176. Tiger 177. Tuborg 178. Tymbark 179. Tysk Polish Beer 180. Tyskie Beer 181. Ville Bois sauvignon Blanc 182. V-Kat 183. Vodkat 184. Volkova Schnapps 185. Wadworth 6x 186. White Ace White Cider 187. White Star 188. William Grant and Sons Whiskey 189. WKD Original Vodka Blue 190. Wychwood Bah Humbug 191. Young's Bitter 192. Zeo Zest 193. Zubrowska Bison Grass Vodka 194. Zywiec Beer
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