#cornish chickens
birdgenetics · 3 months
The Pattern Gene on Wheaten
Pg (pattern gene) can also create patterns on the e^Wh (wheaten) base, and while these patterns aren't widespread, they are common in Cornish.
It is interesting to me that while it is the lightest e base wheaten produces some of the darkest patterns, while E^R creates patterns with the least amount of black. This is only possible due to the melanizing affect of charcoal (cha).
The Cornish wheaten version of double laced is known as "Dark." The dark genotype is e^Wh/e^WhMl/Mlcha/chaMl/MlMh/Mh. They may have some additional genes that make them darker.
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Photo from The Livestock Conservancy.
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I got this photo from Countryfile.com
Laced Cornish
Laced in Cornish has black or diluted tails. I have recently discovered their necks can and should be laced as well but it seems to be more common that they are solid in color.
I haven't seen any black laced red Cornish, only blue laced red, or like in this picture, white laced red. The existance of blue laced red implies black laced red and splash laced red exist (and some splash laced red are probably exhibited as white laced red) but I digress.
All I have a picture of is the white laced red so I will stick to that. ("I" represents dominant white)
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rmspeltzfarm · 6 months
Making strong chickens
Making some strong chicks
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justslowdown · 3 months
Get yourself a friend you can make "big naturals" jokes to as you gut meat chickens together
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evlonarts · 6 months
Reasons I love the chunky little cornish bantams like Bourbon here? Look how chill she compared to other broody hens!
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blackbeardruid · 3 months
my mom doesnt believe im autistic but i just had to softblock someone because i gave them an unsolicited chicken fact and they did NOT like that i shared my chicken facts with them. like they were reposting from peta (peta is a major 🤮🤮🤮) about how chickens arent bred ethically and i had more information and facts on the genuinely unethical chicken breed in question and i guess i should have kept my chicken facts for people who ask for them
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gwyoi · 2 years
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chicken tikka masala being lower than god tier is sad
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barbwillbrb · 18 days
On my TMA/TMAGP shitposting:
If I was an Avatar, I would belong to the Flesh (with Slaughter influence).
Judge me as you will.
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shopwitchvamp · 9 months
You should try to fit an entire Cornish hen in your pockets
I'm gonna make some for Christmas, so it will be possible to test that soon..
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certifiedceliac · 2 years
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Cornish Hens with Apple-Cranberry Rice Stuffing (via The Striped Spatula)
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Garlic mayo chicken burger, french fries, onion rings…..
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msburgundy · 1 year
Are your ducks for meat or eggs? 🤔
my current batch are for eggs (and then the males that i simply liked too much to eat lol) but i have butchered one and i definitely do want to buy a batch of meat birds hopefully for late summer to be ready to process in early fall
and then after that ideally i'd like to hatch out my own meat birds, which is what Walter and my White Girls are for
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birdgenetics · 3 months
Absolutely phenomenal Spangled Cornish!
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She was on champion row at the Ohio National (I can't remember if she was junior or open) but regardless, fabulous type and color for a Cornish, and on a spangled no less! She is a cube of muscle. A block. It is hard enough to get that Cornish type without also throwing in the mottling. But her patterning is beautiful. A win well-deserved.
I think "Dark Mottled" would be a more appropriate term than "Spangled."
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bonefarm · 2 years
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These things are almost butcher age and my freezer space just got unexpectedly cut in half.
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etakeh · 1 year
Tyson’s back to being Big Pharma’s friend. In a major announcement this week, America’s largest chicken seller revealed it would reverse policy and restart selling chicken raised with antibiotics
It's getting harder and harder to find even basics that aren't horrible.
Not all stores have a lot of options, and often the options are "this shitty brand or this can't-afford-it brand".
The way the writer signs off...yeah.
The food business is big business, and that’s the most important thing to remember. Have a great summer weekend, all!
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evlonarts · 1 year
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The chicks I hatched in April are growing up so pretty!!
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roseunspindle · 1 year
Potential Hogwarts Food
Chicken and Ham Sandwiches (though I can’t tell if it’s supposed to be a sandwich with chicken and ham or chicken sandwiches and ham sandwiches ^_^’
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i may add the deserts...
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