#corona's sun crest
frie-ice · 2 years
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A party in Corona as Rapunzel has the best birthday ever.
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disneydarlin · 1 month
Tangled: Rapunzel's Art —Aesthetic
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Growing up, Rapunzel demonstrates great artistic skills. Although she enjoys painting the most, she's also talented with chalk. In the film, once Rapunzel takes a closer look at the Corona Sun Crest, she realizes she's been subconsciously incorporating the shape into her artwork all along. Noting her shocked reaction, it's possible the power of the sundrop in her DNA influenced her subconscious behavior until she was able to unlock the deep memory of her parents. The symbol then becomes a personal connection to Rapunzel's life as the floating lanterns bear the kingdom's crest. They represent hope that the lanterns will guide their lost princess home on her birthday.
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swaps55 · 11 months
The four of them take cover unseen along a raised deck lining the perimeter of the converted cargo bay. In the center, the YMIR unloads into the skull of a krogan pinned under one of its treads. Another slams his crest into the mech’s metal hide. It stutters under the blow, but rights itself, and…well. This model definitely has a flame thrower.
The stench of burnt flesh fills the air.
“What’s the plan?” Garrus asks.
“Get this fucking mech out of my way,” Shepard replies, checking his heat sink before bracing on his heel, poised to push off into a sprint.
“That’s not a plan, Shepard.”
“You’re creative. You’ll work it out. I trust you. I’ve got Jedore.”
Before Garrus can protest Shepard is gone, sprinting away down the decking. Shouts echo as the Blue Suns register the new threat. Gunfire rattles through the lab.
I trust you. The last people who trusted Garrus are dead.
“We have to flank it,” he says, an urgent thrum running through his subvocals. “Lawson, can you pick off the Blue Suns? Jack—”
Jack grins. “I’ve got the mech.”
“Wait, that’s not—”
She rises to her feet, corona blazing.
Well, we’re about to die.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 9 months
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Random theory, I think Cass’s vision here could actually be foreshadowing partly what could’ve happened in PEEV if Cass didn’t back down, but also what will happen in the rest of OAH. Cause that sun melting away for Cass to take its place could be her defating Rapunzel. But it could also be her bringing Corona to it’s knees and rising from the rubble. Cause that symbol looks more “corona crest” than it does “sundrop iconography”. Cause the sun is melting away, just like Corona melted away, for the moonstone to rise. And as I’m typing this I just realized it could also be foreshadowing the eclipse as well; with the moon making the sun disappear and fall away.
And of course this attack on Corona or Rapunzel, whichever it is, paves the way for Zhan Tiri to terrorize the world in her true form.
And I think is meant to either scare or entice Cass. Probably both. Cause yeah she’d be unleashing an ancient evil but she’d finally win. She could have someone who “understands” her at her side. I think a big goal ZT has through this vision is to at least try to convince Cass that they’re the same, and she does this by actually connecting them visually. They both have the black and white color scheme to them, sticking out against the bright yellow of Corona. But in particular it’s the eyes. They both have white eyes in the vision and they’re almost the same shape too. By doing this I think it’s a lot easier for Zhan Tiri to try to make her case to Cass that they’re the same. Cause they “look” the same.
However there is one big difference. Despite all the black, Cass still has a splash of blue where Zhan Tiri doesn’t. The moonstone, her power, right where her heart is. I think in this specific instance the moonstone is a subtle indicator of the heart and goodness that Cass still has.
And of course, we all know what Cass finds in that spot when she things the moonstone is completely ripped from her 😈😈
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prestonmonterey · 7 months
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tlt update!!!!!
finally got to costuming :D
started workin on my shirt
(sun bc apollo cabin, 7 points bc cabin 7 and also its the crest of corona--)
@tatsumisheep3 @vincentaureliuslin
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cat-fairchild · 6 months
I’ve seen some conversation about which of the Fears can most rightly lay claim to the total solar eclipse. Having watched it today with my End friend Talia and mostly tried to stay out of the debate entirely (there were more important things to think about), I can tell you this much: there are representatives of at least four of them willing to try to stake a claim. Besides me and Talia, I think I saw representatives of the Dark and the Spiral (I think, it’s hard to be sure with either), plus some others of both of our patrons (unless I miss my guess, there was even a small group of Vast children playing King of the Hill on a gravel pile roughly the size of a small house, though considerably taller and not so wide at the base), and some of the discussion got quite spirited.
Regardless, I do believe a good time was had by all. There’s very little that can put a stop to an argument quite as effectively as a rapid, 360-degree sunset that plunges the world into an artificial dusk and leaves the horizon tinged with orange in every direction at once, leaving the sun’s corona flaring out from behind the moon in an awesome display of the sheer power we rely on every day but rarely stop to consider. Everyone present, myself included, was much too busy shouting and laughing and cheering and applauding and screaming in awe and wonder and deep, instinctive, delightful dread to bother much about the specifics. And it truly was an awesome sight, in the truest, oldest sense. They say night falls for a reason, and the brief not-quite-night of an eclipse falls faster and harder than any night that comes at its appointed hour ever could. It’s the moment of beginning to tip at the crest of a roller coaster, that breathless, giddy here we go extended over a minute or more—
Dangit, I’m not trying to start anything. Different people get different things out of it, after all. Perhaps we all see such a wonder in our own way, and isn’t that a wonder all on its own?
(However, I’m still right.)
(Just kidding.)
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pinkfey · 1 year
words: about 800. summary: teeny tiny drabble so i can practice writing again!! talyss notices ursula looks different lately. setting: roughly fourteen years before the events of bg3. pre-relationship.
Something was different about Ursula. Physically. It wasn’t the hair, for sure—Talyss had braided it every day for the past two decades and certainly would have noticed a change. Her clothes, perhaps? A new piercing? No, definitely not. The Scarlet Serpent had not made for port in more than a month and Talyss always accompanied her when they docked.
The object of her ruminations sat crouched before her, having busied herself with some flimsy ropes the deckhands discarded while Talyss provided moral support via the occasional handfed slice of fruit plucked from a nearby basket. That is to say: she did nothing of use, but Ursula had never turned her company away, so she made do sitting pretty, sharing a tangerine, and admiring the view.
The view which currently confounded her. Something was amiss, she was sure of it. 
With the Serpent sailing eastward, the sun rising from the seascape casted a blinding corona around Ursula’s silhouette. Talyss tossed bits of rind aside and squinted, tempting fate as she precariously teetered on the tip of her chair’s legs to get a better look. The band around Ursula’s bicep went taut as she pulled the ropes close to her, then relaxed when her arms extended to rest on her knees. Talyss absently teased a slice of tangerine between her teeth in contemplation. For the briefest of moments, she wondered why Ursula had never shown any carnal interest in anyone over the years. Between her attractive musculature and mysterious charm, she certainly wouldn’t have trouble seducing anyone. Not that Talyss would know.
Ursula worked her fingers through the knotted cords, wiped her brow with the back of her palm, and when a bead of sweat glimmered down her cheekbone, Talyss’ breath caught in her throat. She lost balance, chair tipping to the side, and she shot a hand out with barely enough time to brace herself against the parapet. Frozen, she glanced back at Ursula, who hadn’t so much as raised a brow. Typical.
Then she spotted it. A mark or… perhaps a smudge of dirt? Right on the crest of her cheek.
Righting herself proper, Talyss reached out without hesitation and gently rubbed at the mark, but upon inspection of her thumb, it remained. She rubbed at it again, more vigorously this time, until Ursula shot her a deadpan stare. 
Talyss scoffed at the look. “Ursa, is that… a freckle?”
Ursula returned to her work. Her cheek had gone a little flushed, but the blemish had stayed put. “We’re at sea, Talyss. What do you-”
“Stars above, it is!”
She tipped Ursula’s chin in her direction, ignoring her friend’s evident annoyance, and found more freckles peppered across her nose and cheekbones. Random and haphazard, faint and dark against her glistening teal skin, yet they were almost… delicate. As if Selûne had dipped a brush in seawater and painted them herself. 
Talyss let out a soft breath and reached her other hand out so as to touch her. “You have freckles.”
But Ursula jerked her chin away from her with a sniff, and Talyss’ hand returned to her chest self consciously. Self consciously? That was new. She took a sudden, intense interest in her tangerine and ignored the lurch in her stomach that she suspected was not the ship’s doing.
“Captain noticed as well,” Ursula said. “Said it’s the sun’s fault.”
“Mark of a true sailor, then?”
Ursula almost smiled, which, to Talyss, was a victory. “Something like that.”
Talyss wrinkled her nose at the stench of brine the breeze blew their way, but Ursula, hot with sweat, took it in with a heavy, relieved breath. And Talyss just watched. She has freckles.
So something was different about Ursula.
Something was different about Talyss, too. 
With Ursula, she used to carry herself well—that subtle confidence, that ease—and why not? She was her oldest companion��there was no need to feel any way other than comfortable, no? No. Lately she’s been disjointed. Lately she loses her balance on chairs and wonders whether her dearest friend has bedded anyone. Lately she gets embarrassed, self conscious, shy. Lately even doing nothing of use in her presence felt like she was admitting something. Felt intimate. She used to be able to touch Ursula without a thought, but lately it left her skin itching. She wanted to do everything for her. To feed her. To be with her. To write songs about it.
Talyss peeled the last quarter of the tangerine and offered it to her. And when Ursula leaned in to accept it, wisps of white hair stuck to her forehead and her lips grazed her index finger and she pulled back to return to work as if it was nothing, as if the offering and the accepting were still mundane happenings that simply happened and were not an indication of anything more.
It’s different for me, she wanted to say. Isn’t it different for you?
But there was no fruit left in the basket, so she stood up, turned, and walked away.
She prayed she’d watch her walk away.
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entrelac · 10 months
A Jenni Toe pan 
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B Eiza Ecstasy sun
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0 Chlo Galaxy bug
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1 Candles ? Light porcupine blue 
2 Renae Spanish Space 01 monkey
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3 Dina Arabic Heaven human
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4 English Airforce Fantasy insect cyborg
5 Amber ? orgy robot
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6 Liya b tram
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7 naval station
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Let it be 
Sanyo Opening Airforce Apertura
Bork on 1 crest Bork kush 
Crown Fania Corona 
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Skull Hailee Cráneo
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Quantum Jaroslava Cuántica
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Quiff trans Copete courtney
Heart Miriam Corazón Chloe 
Ass House Culo Dan the man
Destiny Mma Destino
Digital Zara Digital
Error Russian Error 
Extasy Buzzo éxtasis
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Form Felice death Forma
Gelatin Bills Gelatin
Iron model Hierro
Bone hottest water Hie-so
Jerks mina idiots
Kraken Charli kraken
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Lines Mexican Linear 
Mussel ? animals Mejillón 
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Membrane Gif Membrane
Mentality Stephanie mental 
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Dick Sara Model
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Nucleus Marta Núcleo
Odin hair fire Odín
Pineal Ann Pineal
Ball Kylie Polla
Ren point
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Relics bomb feet reliquias
Testicles milf testículos
Earth Estella Tierra
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Unix Adriana Unix
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Fleeces native Vellones
Visio simple Visión
Puke Chlo Vómito
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Spine Valkyrie Columna vertebral
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Wallace non Wallace
Xern Zamia Xern
Yonkers beautiful Yonkers
Zed video Zed
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scout-company · 1 year
Dead or Alive—Chapter 9
Devon hasn’t stepped foot this far out of town in years. But now she is running across the sand as fast as her heels will let her.
The setting sun is starting to ignite the air a golden orange, grazing the tips of the hills Devon crosses. Just a few more hills. The yellow beam had shot down just past the oasis sands. 
As soon as she finds this bandit, she is going to give him a piece of her—
“Oi!” Scout whistles somewhere just behind her.
“Devon! Wait!” Semyon all but barks somewhere nearby.
“No!” Devon steals a brief glance over her shoulder as she starts up the next hill. The Novakid is charging—scrambling—ahead of her buddies. Semyon is helping Alice up the hill with a tug to her arm.
Scout’s fast. As soon as Devon looks away from her and the others, Scout is almost by her side. “Where do ya think yer going?” she crackles, her plasma churning and flashing like an angry lava lamp with each syllable.
Devon presses forward. “I’m finding that bandit,” she declares.
“Alone? Y’ain’t armed!” Scout pops, the frequencies behind her voice sailing high like microphone feedback. “How do ya know where yer goin’, anyhow?”
Nosy Novakid. “I saw him beam down this way,” she huffs, “Good enough?”
Scout doesn’t seem to catch the venom Devon injects into her voice to tell her to go away. Instead she brightens, the ends of her untamed corona bob perking like animal ears. “Ya did? That makes our job mighty easy!”
Devon shoots her a glare. “Your job? It’s my antique that bandit stole.”
“So we deal with the bandit and get it back for you,” Semyon says as he cuts between Scout and Devon, voice tense with breathlessness. 
“You? You can’t even lift a butter knife to defend yourself, Semyon!” Devon scoffs.
“Shut it!” Semyon snarls, face and ears blooming red. “Point is, we deal with the bandit, you head back to—”
“No! I am going to—!” Semyon starts to reach a hand out to stop Devon before she can crest the hill. She smacks his hand upwards with a pivot of a heel. But that movement catches a stray root skimming just below the sand. And angers a nearby Trictus burrowed in the sand.
Devon trips over the root just before the monster cactus can swipe at her with its thorns for claws. It sneers, the rainbow leaves atop its head quivering while its “face” stays static.
What happens next is a blur for several moments as Devon tumbles down the wrong side of the hill. She hears the trictus growl, hears Alice yelp. Semyon shouts something, a gun fires once. Twice. Three times. 
Finally Devon slides to a stop. The world takes several more moments to stop spinning around her. She registers the rough grit of sand sneaking its way under the cuffs of her jeans and into her vest as she starts to push herself up. Ugh. She’s going to feel gritty for days now. Her vest is probably scuffed, too.
Dully Devon registers Semyon’s voice calling at her. “Devon! Are you ok?!” Then as he gets closer his warning shifts. “Don’t move!” he insists.
Devon pushes herself to a sitting position anyways. “Go home, don’t move. Make up your mind,” she drawls, squinting against the world trying to spin again. 
Semyon slides to his knees just in front of her, swinging his oversized medical bag off his shoulder. Meanwhile Scout takes a few steps down from the top of the hill above them, now being a brighter light for them than the fading sunset. Alice stands behind her, clutching that broom of hers close and glancing around.
Semyon takes a moment too long for Devon’s liking to open his bag and pull out a roll of gauze bandaging. So she tries to start standing up. Only for a bolt of pain to object from her ankle. She bites a hiss back, but Semyon glances up at her anyways. Great. He has that expression of knowing concern he’s mimicked from Bronzemarch. It looks cartoonish on him.
Devon growls at herself and tries standing again. Other foot first, then—
“I said hold still,” Semyon grunts, placing a huge hand heavy on Devon’s shin to keep her down. “Your ankle’s twisted. Bad.”
“Think I don’t know that,” Devon mutters rebelliously, eyeing the guilty ankle. It’s twisted inwards at an angle even her boot can’t hide. Still she insists, “I can still walk. I need to find that stupid bandit.”
“In this condition?” Semyon scoffs, concern still showing despite the exaggerated twist of dubiousness pinching his features. 
From her position atop the hill Scout pipes up, “What’s got ya so riled up ‘bout that antique anyhow?”
Devon shoots her a look. “I told you: it’s my antique! It’s an heirloom.” She tears her glare away from the Novakid and shifts it over the hill towards where she’d seen the yellow beam. “I’m not going to be the one that loses it after Earth,” she adds under her breath.
Semyon looks up at her with that concern again, eyes softening with something like pity. Sentimental Apex. Devon refuses to meet that pity with anything less than a scowl. “So can you fix this or not?” she huffs at him.
Mild annoyance twists at his thick brows—better than pity, at least—as he reaches back into his back. “Yeah, just give me a sec,” he grunts. “Take off your boot.”
Devon complies this once, gingerly working her boot off. Its black leather has been scuffed by the rough sand and scratched by more than one branch. She dusts it off as much as she can, scowling at the scratches she’s going to have to polish later. 
Meanwhile Semyon gently pulls her foot back into a more proper angle, muttering something like apologies when the pain makes Devon wince. Once it’s less twisted but still visibly swollen, Semyon carefully wraps it in place with the bandaging. Then he pulls out the small syringe of a Stimpack, the red liquid catching Scout’s light. Its needle glitters, highlighting the point in angry orange. Semyon mutters some sort of warning, but Devon bites her lip and forces her focus away from the needle to much to register the words. 
The poke from the Stimpack needle hurts more than it has rights to, but immediately afterwards her ankle is washed with numbness. At least she can breathe now.
She barely listens to Semyon’s warning of caution as she works her boot back on, loosening the zipper an inch to account for the bandaging. His lip twists, but then he puts his surplus supplies away and stands up. Once Devon has her boot back on, she tests it, then starts to stand back up. Semyon offers a hand, but she slaps it away. She’s fine. Putting weight on her numb ankle feels like standing with inanimate lead for a foot, but at least she can stand. 
Devon makes it up the hill, having to slap away Semyon’s offers for assistance twice. Once they make it back up to the crest of the hill, Scout has Devon point the way towards where the yellow beam had been. And by now they’re only one hill away.
The last hill is the tallest yet, reinforced by hundreds of shrubs that are trying to overcome the desert. The sand here is staring to mix with rocks and actual soil, but it’s still dry this time of year. Their footsteps crunch loud enough in the silent twilight air to echo.
Something else also starts to echo as the four of them near the top of the hill. A voice.
Scout stops everyone with a static-like hiss, dropping to her hands and knees to creep the rest of the way up. Devon and the others follow suit.
The voice is grumbling to itself. Devon can’t quite pick out the words, but she recognizes the language as a fellow Human one. 
When the voice exclaims something of frustration barely louder than his grumbling, Scout and the others share a glance. The look in Alice’s eyes is something nearing recognition when she glances at Scout and whispers, “The bandit?”
Scout nods just enough for her bob to rustle with faint static.
“I knew it,” Devon hisses under her breath. She crawls forward a few more feet until she can barely peek over the hill. When she doesn’t see anyone immediately, she raises her voice. “Alright, you idiot! Come out with your hands up!”
Alice squeaks, “What are you—!?”
“Who’s there?!” the voice barks. A weapon clicks.
Scout crawls forward until she passes Devon. Then she carefully scoots to a kneel, pistol in hand. She peers over the edge of the hill, plasma churching and crackling like a campfire. 
Then a man comes into view, storming out of a hiding place beneath the hill. He’s wearing all black, and holding a massive rocket launcher.
As soon as he comes into view, he fires.
Scout whistles and ducks. The rocket pierces the air just over her and Devon. Devon can feel the heat from the rocket as it passes.
Scout fires back, rising to one knee. The gunshots ring in Devon’s ears until she can’t hear anything else.
But the bandit seems focused on Scout. Maybe if Devon takes this chance to sneak around…
She only gets a yard sidling along the crest of the hill before Scout calls out, “Oi! Where’re ya—!?”
Devon looks back right as the bandit fires another rocket. And immediately the air between Devon and Scout bursts into orange plasma. The rocket hit Scout’s arm.
Scout shrieks like the worst speaker feedback. Her gun and a scorched fragment of her prosthetic sleeve hit the sand. The rest of her tumbles backwards, leaving a cloud of glowing plasma behind her. 
Devon registers Semyon crying Scout’s name. Glances over as he rushes to catch her.
The gun. Devon dives for it, biting her lip against the sharp heat as wisps of plasma graze her face. The fragment of Scout’s sleeve flops to the ground as Devon snatches the gun up and stands. She fires a warning shot at the bandit before she can even aim.
“I’ll give you one chance to surrender and return that antique to us, bandit!” she barks.
Below, the bandit raises his rocket launcher again. But then he pauses at Devon’s warning. “You’re not them, are you?” he says.
“We’re Haven Valley,” Devon snaps, ignoring whatever he meant by “them”, “The town you stole from. I’m going to give you three seconds before I—” 
“Wait wait wait wait!” The bandit all but drops his weapon and raises an empty palm. “Cease-fire! I don’t mean any harm to you people.”
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the-star-knight · 2 years
Tales Of A Star
Tales Of A Star
Summary: A retelling of the show through Star’s eyes
Star is young teenager, daughter to one of the Queen's handmaiden and the royal stable keeper, when the long lost princess has soon to be held coronation, she comes across a magical stone. Unknowingly of how this is her destiny, she soon finds out that this gem turns her world on its head, giving her a sword, armor, and a duty she must carry: protecting the Kingdom of Corona.
Chapter 12 - Beyond Corona Walls (Part 1)
Word Count: 2,291
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It's been almost a week since we departed from Corona. The past week has been quite exhausting, to say the least. All thanks to Rapunzel, we were sidetracked a couple of times. I couldn’t blame her for it, she was having the time of her life. I would join too if I were in the mood. For the last couple of days, I've been trying to adjust to life on the road. 
It's honestly a big shake-up from life in Corona.
“Next stop: Vardaros!” Hookfoot yelled.
“City of fun and games!” Lance also sprung up from the trapdoor on top of the roof of the caravan.
“I am so glad we brought those two along,” Cass said sarcastically. She was the driver of the caravan, sitting in the front alongside me while holding the reins.
“Ah, come on, Cass! Vardaros is an amazing city! You’re gonna have fun. Which I’m guessing is a new thing for you!” Eugene joked.
I snorted. It was kind of funny. 
“Come on Pascal! It’s our first big city outside of Corona. You heard him, Cass, this is gonna be fun!” Rapunzel beamed. “Vardaros, here we come!” 
Continue reading on AO3 or continue under the cut ⬇︎
“Not that you shouldn't trust the endorsement of three lifetime criminals, Raps, but maybe you should trust me too,” Cassandra said. “I’m just making sure we don’t lose sight of what we’re doing out here.” 
“I know. Believe me, Cass,” Rapunzel pulled out a torn piece of a scroll.  “I feel like whatever is waiting for us at the end of this road, is only part of why we’re out here.”
She rolled up the torn scroll and put it safely in her bag. 
I always wondered what the drawings on the scroll meant. There was the drawing of the sunflower that had healing powers and a drawing of the sun, but it also seemed there was something else. Perhaps we will find those missing pieces on this journey. 
I began to second-guess my choice of leaving Corona. The thought enters my head every so often. Now, I’m officially a knight of Corona. I have a duty to protect the kingdom, and what’s the first thing I do as a knight? Leave, of course. Now I realize how bad my decision looks. Maybe, I should’ve stayed in Corona…
Rapunzel sensed something wasn’t right with me.
“Are you still not gonna wear your new uniform?” Rapunzel asked abruptly, breaking my train of thought.
I shook my head, “No, I just figured I wouldn’t want to draw any attention.”
“Attention?” she blinked.
“Well, yeah, I don’t want to wear something that yells Corona.”
“Pfft! The uniform doesn’t say that!”
I pulled it out from the bag next to me. I unfolded the uniform in front of her and right smack dab in the middle of it had the Corona crest embroidered on it with silver threads on the backside. “Really?”
“Okay, okay, okay, maybe I went a little crazy with the embroidery,” Rapunzel scratched her head, “but I can fix it!”
Rapunzel got up and took the uniform into the caravan.
“That’s not the real reason why you don’t want to wear it, is it?” Cass asked.
I sighed, she was right, “Yeah…”
“Why wouldn’t you want to wear it? That was a gift from the royal family and for you being knighted. Corona hasn’t had a knight in centuries, you know?”
“And I appreciate it, I really do! It’s just that…” 
“Just what?”
I sighed, “It...it doesn’t feel right …Ever since the day I was knighted at the Star Knight, I’ve felt like I didn’t deserve it…”
“Didn’t deserve it? Ha,” Cassandra chuckled. “You defeated Varian.” 
“But, that’s the thing, I didn’t defeat Varian, Rapunzel did…” I inhaled sharply, “He was right, I’m not a hero. I couldn’t even protect myself…I let my friends get hurt because of me...all because I was too weak.”
“Hey,” Cass elbowed me gently, “If anyone deserves to be called a hero, it’s you. What you did out there was brave of you.”
“Thanks,” I said with an emptiness in my voice. As much as Cass and other people around me say it, I don’t believe it.
We eventually stopped so the horses could rest up. 
I stepped out and stretched my body. Sitting in a caravan for hours felt like an eternity. 
As I stretched my legs, I thought I heard something. I looked up and just saw Cass with Fidella the horse. Okay, maybe it was nothing, I thought to myself.
Then I heard it again. This time Cassandra heard it too. We looked at each other basically telling each other we needed to find where that noise was coming from. 
We looked around the area. Cass looked at the caravan and went to the small wooden door that led to the supply compartment. She clicked her tongue and gestured to the door. We got closer and Cass put her finger over her lips, indicating to stay silent.
With one swift movement, she yanked the door open and something fell out.
We yelled and everyone came out wondering what happened, but upon looking at what fell out the fear quickly disappeared and was replaced with a uniform feeling of irritation.
Inside the caravan compartment was Shorty. From what we managed to extract from his story, he must’ve climbed in there when no one was looking because of all the food that was stored there, which he ate all of. So we now don’t have any supplies left.
Eugene suggested he should go into town to get more supplies, but then Rapunzel wanted to volunteer too. I think something was in the air because they were bickering, I guess, about who should head into town, it seemed like they might’ve been talking about something else…
Cass eventually has enough. She put her foot down. “Guys, I can’t take it anymore! Enough! No one is going for a walk! Let’s just take the caravan to town! Together!” 
We weren’t too far from the city. When we got out, however, it was different from what Lance and Eugene had told us.
“Vardaros, here we co–oh uh!” Lance said excitedly until he saw the city. “Eww.”
It was comparable to a barren wasteland. The once vivid city had been reduced to only a mere shadow of what it was. Broken down buildings, hardly any people there. Heck, I think I saw a tumbleweed pass by.
“Wow, guys you were right!” Cassandra said ironically. “This is great! What do you wanna do first? Get matching face tattoos? Or see if we can get a deal on a rusty hatchet? Oh, I know! Let’s see who can catch the plague first!”
“I don’t understand. What happened?” Eugene scratched his head.
“Come on guys. Maybe it’s not exactly how you remembered it. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a fun-loving city!” Rapunzel was optimistic as always. She approached a teen girl with dark braided hair. “Hello, there. We are new in town. My name’s—”
“Get lost,” she responded abrasively. 
Okay, wow, rude. 
“Maybe you should hold off on the introductions. Something tells me if word got out that actual royalty was in town we could be in trouble.” Cass warns her. 
Eugene butted in. “You know I hate saying this but she’s right. Let’s keep a lower profile, princess. We’ll get the supplies, you guys get the caravan back up to camp. The last thing you need is for someone to recognize you.”
Rapunzel looked like she wanted to argue back but didn’t. She went back to the caravan.
I decided to stay with the princess and Cassandra back at the campsite. I wasn’t really interested in staying back in Vardaros, from the looks of it, it didn’t have much to offer. 
Rapunzel sat at the edge of the caravan painting in her journal. Cass leaned on the caravan as she sharpened her sword with a rock that she found on the way here. I tried to make myself look busy but I just swung my legs in the air, sitting at the other edge of the caravan. 
I fibbed. I wasn’t sure what I was gonna do. I could write a letter to my family, but it’s only been a week and nothing big has happened. If the rest of the trip was going to be like this then I guess my letters wouldn’t be too fun to read about.
Reading! Of course! Ugh, how could I forget that I brought books with me on this journey—
“He asked you to marry him again, huh?” Cassandra’s voice interrupted my train of thought. 
Rapunzel, startled, closed her journal.
“Wait, what do you mean ‘marry you’ again? ” I squeaked out. “When was the first time?”
“Remember the coronation ceremony?” 
“Oh, yeah! I almost forgot! My mom told me about that.” 
Cass turns her attention back to Rapunzel and scoffs. “Come on! I know you guys well enough by now!”
“I-I guess he maybe asked me…” Rapunzel’s voice sounded unsure, which didn’t happen often. Usually, she was very sure of herself. 
“Well, what did you maybe say?”
“I didn’t say anything. And I’m not sure why,” Rapunzel sighed.
We heard someone clear their throat before cutting in saying, “Oh, I can tell you why.”
That voice didn’t sound like anyone we knew. We looked behind the caravan and a woman was leaning back against the caravan, eating an apple. She was quite tall. She had white hair. Half of her face was painted red. Her clothes were interesting…they sort of resembled the clothes of the women of Ingvarr. I wonder if she is from Ingvarr, she seems like one of the warrior ladies from Ingvarr. 
”You got bigger things lying ahead of you,” she said as she took a bite from her apple. “Greetings.”
“I’m sorry. Who are you exactly?” Rapunzel asked.
“Oh, right, sorry! Princess Rapunzel, my name is Adira.”
“And what do you want, Adira?” Cass abrasively. She became more protective of Rapunzel.
“A word with Rapunzel alone. If you don't mind.”
Adira approaches Rapunzel, however, Cass immediately stops her by putting her hand on her shoulder. “Not gonna happen.”
“Just a second, Cass,” Rapunzel says. “Let’s hear her out.”
“Okay, I gotta be honest. I know we just met but, uh, I’m not a big fan of people touching me,” Adira looked down at Cassandra’s hand on her shoulder. 
“And I’m not a fan of people who lurk in the shadows,” Cass replied.
I sensed that this was escalating too quickly.
“Okay, last chance to do this the nice way,” Adira grabs Cassandra’s arm by her wrist.
“And where’s the fun in that?” Cass smiled. 
“Cass, no! Wait.” Rapunzel yelled, trying to stop them from going further, but it was too late. Adira grabs her arm and spins Cass around and launches her several feet from her. 
“Hey, I don’t know who you are,” Rapunzel yelled. “But you do not get to do that to my best friend!” Then, she charged toward her with a pan. 
“Alright then.”
It didn't take too long for her to disable Rapunzel. She ended up wrapped up in her hair.
Then, there was me. 
I hate how I sensed it was my turn to fight. I felt my heart race at the thought of fighting Adira. She is probably triple my size. 
My necklace sensed how nervous I was and glowed. In a millisecond, I was in my full armor and sword in hand.
“Hm, that’s strange. Never seen that before,” she said in response to my transformation, which is pretty nonchalant compared to the other reactions in my experience. 
I gripped the sword’s end, er…whatever it is called, tighter. I got into a stance (not even sure if it is correct).  There, I realized that the last time I transformed into my armor was back in, well, Old Corona. 
“Oh, please, I’m not going to fight a child,” Adira said.
“What! I’m not a child!” I protested. “I’m going to be sixteen!” I gripped my sword with both hands and pointed toward her.
“She can’t even hold a sword properly!” Adira criticized my swordsmanship. 
I lunged and, of course, she dodged it.
All three of us were trying to get a hit off her but no one was even close to even scratching her. Three people!
“You guys aren’t even trying,” Adira said. Rapunzel threw her pan at Adira but she caught it in mid-air. “Oh, wait, you are,” she said unamusingly. 
“That’s it!”  Cassandra jumps up and slashes toward Adira, but, what seemed on instinct, she turns, avoiding her sword. Her hands clasped behind her back. With her leg and her hands still clasped, she managed to knock Cassandra’s sword from her hands and knock Cass off her feet. 
She smiled at her and gave Cass her hand. 
“Enough!” Rapunzel wraps her hair around Adira’s hand.
“Yeah, see. I thought we covered this.” Adira grabs her sword from her back.  “I don’t like being touched!”
She lashed down her sword at Rapunzel’s hair, but it only tugged from the force. The hair was uncut. 
“It didn’t cut?” Adira was shocked. 
“It didn’t break?” Rapunzel was equally surprised at Adira’s sword. “It must be made of—”
 “Princess! Cass!” We heard a panicked voice from a distance. 
It was Hookfoot, coming out of breath. 
“Are you ok?” Rapunzel asked. 
“I see you have your hands full.” Adira let go of her hair. “I’ll seek you later.” With that, she left. 
Rapunzel turns her attention back to Hookfoot.  
“I fought as hard as I could and barely got out alive,” he said out of breath. 
“Wait, wait, fight? Fought who?” Rapunzel began to worry. “Where’s Eugene?”
“I’m so sorry…they took him.”
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writer59january13 · 5 months
Idyllic reverie during break of day
May today bring unbridled bliss
delivered courtesy sunshine kissed giving Midas a run for his money.
When the last trace of night
evaporates analogous to milky hue,
whereat a dreamy state pervades thy being from tropical delight
as approach of Dawn
highlights morning landscape Gaia drew
ah, a paradise in pristine majestic light
arced, bathed, chiseled displayed
described, elongated, fingered gilt
heraldic imagery joyfully
kindling luminosity
markedly novel picture quintessentially resplendent
sedating this ubiquitous voyager waking xing vision
yawning zealot acquiesces bounteous chimerical dalliance
betwixt Goddess delivering break of day
against defeated quotidian
celestial vault, where Mithras dethroned
the capriciously finicky
inky beleaguered darkly crest
etched fading faux French Gendarmes
into humongous jagged lances
endowing sinosoidal amplitude
modulations nudging raiment
donned by trumpeting requiem, quiescent pronouncement
obliging new morning laminating, kneading, and jettisoning
remnant shreds twilight understood voicing willingness
Xerxes yeomen paid tribute as did preceding and subsequent
captivating Earthlinked fighting globe trotters held hostage
upon thee third rock from the sun straddling an invisible saddle
which oblate spheroid forfeited, manacled, and pitched
tarry sky (vis a vis feathery touch)
as one more ordinary day
wrested, tussled, and quickened nocturnal nod toward solar spears
betook the reluctant wrap of blackest night soundlessly forcing
transient domination (overruling the cerulean skies) until
dark shadows prefacing the edge of night
once again admirably, willingly, and unequivocally surrendered
a fair pact to take solace whence the morrow allowed, enabled
and provided a ray of shining hope (every now and again eclipsed)
via the Lunar trajectory coinciding with axis when spatial relations
commandeered thru cosmic consciousness dictating gambit heft
forging atypical sliver of night
before cosmological laissez faire
retreated into the back round, a universal choreographer
envisioning, insinuating, maintaining quirkiness
until recapitulation sans astronomers predicted future
trio of heavenly bodies would be aligned bedazzling Primates
access to espy Corona of the sun.
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frie-ice · 2 years
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When Rapunzel had returned to her tower with Gothel, she lay down on her bed, looked at the Corona's Sun Crest cloth Flynn had given here and saw that the shape of sun crest that were on her bedroom walls in her wall paintings.
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ahgastayverse · 1 year
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The sun crest is said to be based on the sun itself as it used one of its own tears of sunlight to bring the Golden Flower to world, as the flower had saved both the queen and her unborn child years later. So perhaps as a thanks to the flower for saving them, at the cost of its own existence, Corona adopted the sun as its symbol.
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The crest can be seen everywhere in the kingdom, outside and in the castle, on flags, banners, styled on the tile roads and paths, on the main lantern, and other items in the kingdom. It is even placed on clothing and is sometimes part of their design, along with jewelry and other accessories - like the guards' amour and helmets, Maximus' saddle, on the royal crowns of King Frederic and Queen Arianna, and Eugene's wedding ring.
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The crest is even hidden within Rapunzel's paints in her tower bedroom, seeing them helped her to realize who she truly is: the Lost Princess. The sun stitched on the piece of cloth that Eugene had gave her is what allowed Rapunzel to see it for the time, along with awakening a deep, hidden memory of her seeing it for the first time as an infant.
Tangled Wiki
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duskwingarts · 3 years
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Tangled - Kingdoms Crest backpacks For the fans of the Tangled Series, this set is perfect for you. Each Crest beautiful represent in there kingdoms color palette and sigils. Represent your favorite kingdom or collect them all. @DuskWingArts You can find there beautiful bags on our Society6 Shop. @DuskWingArts Instagram Pinterest Twitter DeviantArt Facebook Tumblr #Tangled #Tangledtheseries #Disney #DisneyPrincess #Pincess #DuskWingArts #KingdomofCorona #Corona #TheDarkKingdom #SeparatistsofSaporia #Saporia #Crest #Rapunzel #Raps #Cassandra #Eugene #FlynnRider #Flynn #Sundrop #Sun #MoonDrop #moon #getyourgeekon #sunandmoon #Society6 #backpack #bag #bookbag https://www.instagram.com/p/CNysjNSjPl-/?igshid=18vyb0ivjedf1
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 year
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Freya and her Valkyries! To reflect Corona’s crest, I decided to do seven valkyries to reflect the seven rays of the sun on their flag. Even when Sigyn was banished they never really replaced her.
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ssmarian · 4 years
leap, icarus. dive. you are not instructed to take up a life jacket without reason. without caution. without fear. the inky seas wish not to harm you, but their writhing ways rarely regard you. you are likely to be hurt, my love. just as you fear being dashed upon the rocks, so have many others. they all leapt regardless. so, so many have leapt. to breach the surface of the water, particle by particle, arms outstretched, this is to know, my love. to know fear and to know joy. there is no purer joy, my love. ecstacy immeasurable lies only beneath the waves. so many others have found it, my love, and they beckon.
leap, icarus, dive. though the sun's corona scalds and boils, the crests and crowns of each royal wave shall shield you. life goes on, regardless, as you stand on the cliff and postulate to yourself. seafoam dashes against the rocks, dragging back towards the seaside like blood off a blade.
so leap, icarus. dive. rejoin the many who have found the edge of the map where dragons lie. for you are a castaway, my love. take it to heart and cast your life jacket away. purpose awaits. love awaits. but above and beneath all else, my love, the ocean awaits. she is patient, and she will wait. you stand on the cliff, terrified, and she yet waits for you.
so leap, icarus.
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