#cosmo ssc
starrysharks · 1 year
how do the characters in SSC feel about eachother or like what are their dynamics? :3 andd what are each of their interests?
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apologies for the awkward cropping here, but here's a couple dynamics + some of the kids' favorite things!
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vexwerewolf · 5 months
I’m suddenly getting swathes of Lancer hate across my feed… Has something happened in the fandom? “Union is ______ how could they paint them as even remotely good. They allow _____, and I hate the devs they are ______. The whole thing is just 40k with communist veneer”.
Like am I taking crazy pills…? I thought that all of the problems were literally like right there on the tin “we are a utopia in progress! We will obtain it by any means possible even if it means being everything we say we are not/fighting against. As the player you decide what is right. How much will you ignore for someone else’s idea of utopia?” Like doesn’t it mean all the tools to actually change are there and that is the HOPE aspect of all of this?
(Sorry if this in incoherent grammar is a weak point and I pulled something in my back simply standing up. Now I am sad and crook backed in spasmodic pain)
This isn't an argument I feel super enthusiastic about stepping into, because it gets the most annoying sort of people in your mentions eager to maliciously misrepresent what you say.
However, yeah, there are some pretty terrible readings of Union floating around. I'd invoke "media literacy" because think that a lot of this comes from people not really holistically engaging with the fictional future history of Lancer, but also from a sort of dogmatic purism that requires future societies to be flawless, else they're irredeemable.
It is important to note that ThirdComm is the direct descendant of two highly imperfect societies. FirstComm was formed as a response to the Three Great Traumas of discovering the Massif Vaults (and thus that they were the inheritors of a fallen world), the wars over the Massif Vaults, and the discovery of the lost colonies, all of which collectively showed humanity how close it had come to total extinction.
FirstComm decided that it had a responsibility to ensure that humanity never risked extinction again. It manifested this by trying to colonize every habitable planet it could find, pumping out ship after ship to seed the cosmos with as much human life as it possibly could. This led to problems when it encountered civilizations like the Karrakin Federation and the Aun, who had been carrying humanity's torch just fine by themselves, thank you very much.
SecComm was an Anthrochauvinist fascist state. The book defines it thusly:
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We can see a lot of Anthrochauvinist historical romanticism in the mech naming schemes of Harrison Armory, SSC and IPS-N - the fact that Harrison Armory names its mechs after great military leaders of pre-Fall Earth history, IPS-N does the same with naval figures, and SSC uses the names of Earth animals. Even the GMS Everest is named for a mountain on Earth. It's very Cradle-centric.
Anthrochauvinism was, to be clear, largely just an excuse for colonialism and hegemony. Atrocities could easily be justified under by stating that whoever they're being committed against were a threat to the Continuance of Humanity - a term that SecComm got to define.
It's also at this point that we have to zoom in from broad sociopolitical points to address one very specific piece of history: the New Prosperity Agreement. This was signed to prevent the outbreak of a Second Union-Karrakin War, and mandated that the Karrakin Houses would maintain privileged levels of autonomy within Union, and that they would be granted colonial rights to the entire Dawnline Shore. This agreement, struck in 3007u, basically defines much of the current political situation today.
ThirdComm was a final and inevitable reaction to the atrocities, abuses and excesses of SecComm. The unspeakable horrors of Hercynia were the spark, but I need to stress how little Hercynia actually mattered in the larger Revolution - at the start of NRfaW, it's explicitly stated that almost nobody in the galaxy even knows where it is, let alone what happened there. The Revolution was a generalized response to SecComm's tyranny, with no single rallying cry.
The Revolution might also have failed entirely, but for a critical error by Harrison Armory: pissing off the Karrakin Trade Baronies. After getting kicked off Cradle, the Anthrochauvinist Party organised a fleet at Ras Shamra to try and retake Cradle. Simultaneously, however, they were attempting to secure protectorate agreements to steal worlds in the Dawnline Shore out from under the KTB. Putting these two together and making five, the KTB assumed that the fleet was pointed at Karrakis, and started the First Interest War.
The First Interest War initially favoured the KTB. They smashed the fleet above Ras Shamra and simultaneously conquered the moon of Creighton in the Dawnline Shore. However, they underestimated just how ruthless Harrison I was - he "retook" Creighton by relativistic bombardment, and then conquered four of the 12 worlds of the Dawnline Shore with mechanised chassis, a technology the KTB had not adopted and had no counter for.
To prevent further loss of life, Union was eventually forced to broker a peace agreement that saw Harrison I handing himself over to Union justice in return for Harrison Armory's continued sovereignty, and the KTB joining Union as a full member state.
So, with that historical context out of the way, let me get to the second part of this absurd essay I'm writing.
Third Committee Union isn't a civilization that arose from whole cloth. It's shaped by five thousand years of Union history, six thousand years of post-Fall history, and six thousand years of pre-Fall history before that. It is, ultimately, an extremely well-thought-out and well-worldbuilt fictional polity, in that all of its imperfections come from traceable root causes in its history.
Why does ThirdComm permit the abuses of the KTB? Because to stop them, it would likely have to go to war, and such a war would butcher billions. Worse, to do so, it would probably have to ally with Harrison Armory and make horrific concessions.
Why does ThirdComm permit the expansionism and cryptochauvinism of the Armory? Because to stop them, it would likely have to go to war, and such a war would butcher billions. Worse, to do so, it would probably have to ally with the KTB and make horrific concessions.
Nobody in CentComm likes that Harrison Armory are empire-building expansionists. Nobody in CentComm likes that the KTB has a hereditary nobility and enforces blockades against planets that rebel against it. The problem is that ThirdComm is, in historical terms, still relatively new. They've been around five hundred years, and compared to the 1600 years that SecComm was around and the 2800 years FirstComm existed for, that's not very much.
ThirdComm is attempting to decouple itself from the Cradle-first politics of its predecessor, and to amend the many, many atrocities committed in the name of Humanity. It is not easy to do any of these things. SecComm was defined almost entirely by the fact that if it didn't like what you were doing, it would send in the military as a first response. Every time ThirdComm chooses to do the same, its legitimacy erodes, because the mission of ThirdComm is to prove that diverse, vibrant and compassionate human civilization can exist without devolving into war and bloodshed. ThirdComm always tries diplomacy as a first response because if it doesn't, millions of people could die.
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andymakesgames · 1 year
Shitty Space Camp explored the cosmos at Night Market 2023
This past Saturday was the Lost Horizon Night Market, a “a transient bazaar where one can encounter a variety of mysterious lounges, theaters, galleries, cafes, installations and other establishments, all situated within seemingly ordinary box trucks.”
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My partner, Jane Friedhoff, and I have been talking about running an event called Shitty Space Camp for years and it seemed like the perfect opportunity. Every kid wants to go to space camp, but some kids wind up at SSC, a low-budget disappointment run by people who’d rather be anywhere else. Come experience the wonders of space expressed as a bunch of shit we found in the trash. No refunds. What better place for our fly-by-night operation than the back of a U-Haul truck.
All of the photos here were taken by Jo Chiang.
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With the help of our friends Mike, Midge, Chris & Dane, we spent about 7 hours in a hot parking lot turning a box truck into a dollar store galaxy.
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No astronaut training is complete without a session on the gyroscope chair.
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Despite our best attempts to get her to leave, the back of a truck had a Saturn Gremlin who mostly slammed energy drinks and heckled our campers.
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We had an advanced voice-controlled robotic grabber arm.
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The A.I. occasionally got a little surly.
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We wound up with quite a line to get in despite assuring potential campers that this was a terrible--maybe even shitty--experience.
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Brave astronauts-in-training could even explore the dark side of the Moon.
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About 2 hours in, the police showed up and told us we could do one more group before we had to hit the road, so we crammed the truck just about as full as it could go and begged people to stand back as we spun the gyroscope chair.
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That's a wrap on outer space! Our voices are completely shot but it was a magnificent time!
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Big thanks to our whole crew and for the folks at Shadow Traffic for organizing!
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Before I go, here are a few cellphone pictures taken by our crew during the build process!
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Here we are just after finishing the build.
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And here we are starting to tear down after being asked to leave by the police.
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Night Market is a killer event and you should keep your eye out for it if you're in NYC. If you want to see some other trucks I've worked on for past years, you can look at them here, here, and here!
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gobqro · 5 years
Querétaro considerado líder nacional en desarrollo tecnológico aplicado en justicia y seguridad
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El Poder Ejecutivo del Estado de Querétaro estuvo presente como invitado especial en Oracle México “Embrace The Transformation”, para exponer el desarrollo informático y tecnológico aplicado en seguridad y justicia penal, para garantizar los derechos fundamentales de las personas.
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Juan Martín Granados Torres, secretario de Gobierno (SEGOB), participó en el panel "Quién está transformando a México", en el que expuso las decisiones políticas que se han tomado para impulsar la evolución tecnológica en favor de una mayor eficacia en el acceso a la justicia penal y mejor respuesta en materia de seguridad. Compartió el panel con Noé Reynoso, director de Estadística y TIC del Colegio de Bachilleres en la Ciudad de México; José Luis Valle, director ejecutivo de Tecnologías de la Información de la Afianzadora Aserta y Alfredo Funes, director de Tecnologías de la Información de Grupo Fármacos, teniendo como moderadora a la periodista Karla Iberia Sánchez.
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Durante su participación, el secretario de Gobierno destacó que en el estado de Querétaro, con el apoyo del desarrollo tecnológico, se ha logrado abatir 40 por ciento la cifra negra, debido primordialmente a que, mediante una tableta electrónica cargada con un sistema informático, se brinda mayor accesibilidad a la ciudadanía para denunciar en menos tiempo, sin traslados y en el mismo lugar de los hechos. De igual forma, resaltó que la administración que encabeza el gobernador del estado Francisco Domínguez, tiene al ciudadano como centro de atención, por lo que cada una de las políticas públicas que se trabaja en seguridad y justicia penal están diseñadas para servir y atender las necesidades, demandas y derechos humanos de la gente.
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Granados Torres comentó que el diseño, implementación y operación del Sistema Informático Único ha sido una pieza fundamental para consolidar la coordinación institucional, pues agiliza los procesos y contribuye en la metodología de trabajo de los diferentes actores en su respectivo tramo de operación. Cabe hacer mención que este evento, celebrado en la Ciudad de México, reunió a diferentes personalidades para discutir cómo la tecnología puede ayudar a las personas, sector público y privado a escribir su futuro, con foros que permitieron compartir sus experiencias, casos inspiradores y conocer a las personas o instituciones que están convertidos en protagonistas de la transformación del país.
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capitanogiorgio · 4 years
Daniel and Football
So this is just a bit of fun and me linking to of my passion: football (soccer) and Karate Kid. Mainly because a) We see Daniel playing football several times in the first movie b) He is of italian descent and, although we don’t know how close he is to his roots, football is a very popular sport in Italy (probably one of the most popular if not the most).
Based purely on a screen test done by Ralph Macchio when he was 18, I would also headcanon that Daniel’s family (grandparents maybe, I was leaning towards Lucille’s side but that could be both Lucille and Daniel’s dad’s side as well) comes from Naples, southern Italy. Which, you’ll see have its importance.
Lucille and Daniel’s dad both supporting the SSC Napoli (Naples’ main club) and passing it on to Daniel
Daniel and his dad playing together in the park or with the whole extended LaRusso family in the street where they live.
Football being one of the things Daniel and his dad bond over and hence why he keeps playing after his dad’s death even though the US has not been known for its football as a nation, and especially at the time (except the New York Cosmos with their stars but most of them came after Daniel’s dad’s death)
Lucille and her husband cramming into an italian-owned pizzeria, with a radio and managing to find a channel covering the 1968 EURO. Daniel’s dad jumping with him in his arms when Italy finally wins the Euro
The whole LaRusso family having a crush on Dino Zoff, goalkeeper extraordinaire (MAYBE Daniel cries for days when Zoff leaves Naples for Juventus, in Turin, northern Italy)
The 1970 world cup. Italy seen as one of the favourite only to fail in the final against Brazil. Daniel only has fuzzy memories of it but he remembers how he had been so heartbroken and his parents so disappointed.
Games his parents tell him about. A couple they were able to see live the only time they were able to come back to Italy.
Daniel kind of becomes a fan of the NY Cosmos with Pelé and then Beckenbauer, players he only read about in some magasines
He sneaks out once with his cousins to go catch the game against the Los Angeles Aztecs because there’s George Best on the other side and he wants to see how he plays so badly.
Many, MANY, opinions in the LaRusso family about football and the Italian national team. Daniel argues in italian, he’s very opinionated.
Daniel singing Fratelli d’Italia with passion, trying to sing louder than the rest of his family. It never fails to bring a little tear in Lucille’s eyes.
Italy 1982. ITALY 1982. Daniel would be ECSTATIC. The team being doubted everywhere but Daniel believes. Zoff is 40 but he’s still the best, and maybe there aren’t any Napoli players but he doesn’t care. He doesn’t even care Paolo Rossi’s on the team. He’s fed up of all the crushed hopes and he’s sure it’s gonna be their world cup.
Daniel cheering like a madman after every single Rossi goal. Daniel cheering when Scirea controls the defense like it’s nothing.
Daniel skipping school for the final, the only time Lucille allows it and they all cram to the same pizzeria except they know have a TV with the RAI channels and thus showing the final.
Daniel being unable to sleep at night because all he can see is the three goals and the team giving his all and they’re WORLD CUP WINNERS BABY
1984. Maradona to Naples. Daniel can’t believe it. He wishes his dad could be there to see. To see one of the best player in the world join their club. Lucille finds a light blue t-shirt and knit a number 10 in the back to offer Daniel. It’s not much but that’s all they can afford and Daniel loves it
Daniel loves and cherish Ciro Ferrara even though he too, like many others, left for Juventus. He loves him dearly.
After meeting Miyagi, I’m sure he would be a bit curious about japanese football. And when Kazuoyoshi Miura is loaned to Genoa in Italy, he can’t wait to tell Miyagi. Miyagi probably has no idea who that is but Daniel would be really excited and try to keep up with his career (and he’s still active professionally today, aged 53)
When Hidetoshi Nakata joins Serie A, Daniel chooses he’s one of his new favourite players.
The 1994 world cup. THE 1994 WC. And the final was in Pasadena... AND OF COURSE DANIEL IS THERE. Daniel followed the team bumpy’s start before Roberto Baggio wakes up. And Daniele Maldini is all gracious and style and maybe Daniel crushes on him even though he doesn’t play for Naples.
So Daniel managing to get tickets for the final thanks to Mr Miyagi making him a gift and he goes with his mother obviously. And they both have Italian jerseys on, ones family brought with them from a recent trip to Italy and they have painted their cheeks as well and they’re SO into it. And then the game. 0-0, extra time. And then the pens and it’s like 1990 all over again. Daniel talks about Baggio’s cruel miss for days (months even)
2006 is his revange and he’s also super emotional because he cheers with a 4 year-old Sam who barely registers what’s happening and it makes him think of the Euros and World Cups he followed with his dad and the ones his dad tells him about.
He watches the 2002 World Cup in Japan with Miyagi.
He goes out of his way to get tickets to see Andrea Pirlo play with New York City when he joins the MLS.
He’d fight Alexi Lalas in a heartbeat
Daniel still practicing sometimes, some juggling here and there or with Louie (and maybe Anoush who could be convinced to be dragged for a bit of men bonding time over football).
Anyway, Daniel loves football, and that’s one of his link to his italian heritage and I wish CK could show a bit more of this
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Songday Sunday Collection (SSC) for April
Another month past, another summary.
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Alistair x Warden Weeping Willow - Gaelic Storm
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Anders Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz 
and Justice Two Hearts - The Birthday Massacre
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Cole Pliocene - Cosmo Sheldrake
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Cullen A Reason To Fight - Disturbed
x Inquisitor Evermore - Beauty and the Beast 
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Hawke Raise Hell - Dorothy
and Leandra House Of Gold - Twenty One Pilots
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Sera  Raise Hell - Dorothy
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Solas Hiding - Florence + the Machine
x Lavellan Lipstick - Elise Estrada Life Eternal - Ghost Gravity - Sarah Bareilles
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Varric Raise Hell - Dorothy
Meredith Turn to Stone - ELO
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quantumd3 · 6 years
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Via @quanta_gramm - Old Planetary Dust Disks Found by SST: Why are some older stars surrounded by dust? Observations from theSpitzer Space Telescope by a team led by George Rieke (U. Arizona) were expected to show that young stars, on the order of one million years old, have large dust disks, while relatively older stars, between 10 and 100 million years old, have none. The conventional wisdom was that the dust diskssurrounding young stars were still forming planets, while in older systems these disks had dissipated after planets had already formed. Unexpectedly, they found some older stars with the infrared glow of impressive rings or disks ofdust. A possible explanation is that the old disks are remnant debris from violent collisions between many forming planets of rock. Resultant dust rings from such a scenario are depicted by an artist's illustration above. . Illustration Credit: T. Pyle (SSC, Caltech), @nasajpl , @caltechedu , @nasa • #astronomy #astronomer #astrophysics #space #cosmos #science #physics #universe #stars #planet #illustration #constellation #interstellar #spacetravel #outerspace #sun #chandra #astrobiology #NASA #Hubble #telescope #galaxy #stargazing #starstuff #creation #photography #astrophotography #disk #explore #caltech https://ift.tt/2Np2l5z
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kopykitab1-blog · 6 years
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Crack your SSC CGL online exam with SSC CGL books, and Mock test papers easily. Boost your preparation with SSC CGL books and sample papers from Arihant, Upkar, Disha, YCT and Cosmos Publishers. Our SSC CGL Mock Test available in Hindi also.
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starrysharks · 1 year
I’d love to learn more about starsaints !! The characters designs are so fun to look at and i really want to know about the characters personalities and Interests!!!
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i do have a relationship/opinion chart if that answers some questions! previous asks have also gone over interests, and i can give a very quick overview of their personalities here -
hero is the quiet type, which is why yao thinks of him 'like a protagonist'. he's very thoughtful and caring, but he lives in his mind to an extent.
chiffon is a bit of a diva, and she always speaks her mind, and can often be a bit brash. she's also a bit insecure about her height.
mallow is the big sister of the group, and probably the most mature. she's a very protective person.
watts is the know-it-all of course, but he's insecure about the fact that he's only really 'booksmart', and stresses himself out by overthinking.
yao is very quiet, like hero, but mostly because he's always focused on his games. he's a bit blunt, and he seems level-headed at first glance, but he does have his own self-doubts.
chantry is overreactive and gloomy, and only certain people can calm them down - specifically mallow, who they've taken a liking to. they're also very superstitious, so being in a carnival of supernatural beings isn't the best experience.
cosmo is someone who's very kind and true to themselves, though they feel ashamed of their self-proclaimed 'unattainable dreams' which i won't say because spoilers. they're able to get along with anyone but often find themselves comparing themselves to that person.
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gelasmugcantik-blog · 6 years
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livefreeshop · 7 years
VEG-03 Operations: Today the crew continued to conduct Veg-03 operations that began last week by thinning out the plants to one plant per pillow, in order to promote growth of the larger plants. The crew then watered the plant pillows. The crew will now begin the autonomous space gardening phase of the experiment.  The Veg-03 investigation uses the Veggie plant growth facility to cultivate a type of cabbage, lettuce, and mizuna. The first crew consumption harvest should be in about 3-4 weeks.  Organisms grow differently in space, from single-celled bacteria to plants and humans. Future long-duration space missions will require crew members to grow their own food, so understanding how plants respond to microgravity is an important step toward that goal.  Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF) Configuration Change: Following the completion of last month’s Multi-Omics Mouse investigation, today the crew continued to perform closeout activities by changing the configuration of the CBEF from the Multi-Omics configuration, back to its nominal configuration. The CBEF is a Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) sub rack facility located in the Saibo (living cell) Experiment Rack. The CBEF is used in various life science experiments, such as cultivating cells and plants in the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) and consists of an incubator and control equipment for control and communications.  Clean Bench (CB) Valve Checkout: The crew conducted standard maintenance on the CB relief valves and the microscope stage clips, located inside the Saibo Rack. This maintenance activity is performed every 6 months to prevent the valves from sticking. The CB is a glovebox with a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter and a high-performance optical microscope. Story Time from Space: Two crewmembers participated in the Story Time from Space activity by reading “Max Goes to Mars” and “Sunset” on camera. The video recordings will be downlinked and used for educational purposes. Story Time from Space combines science literacy outreach with simple demonstrations recorded aboard the ISS. Crew members read five science, technology, engineering and mathematics-related children’s books in orbit, and complete simple science concept experiments. Crew members videotape themselves reading the books and completing demonstrations. Video and data collected during the demonstrations are downlinked to the ground and posted in a video library with accompanying educational materials. Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) Preparations:  EVA preparations continued today with setup of Dynamic Onboard Ubiquitous Graphics (DOUG) and camera configuration and battery charging.  A trio of EVAs will begin with the Latching End Effector (LEE) R&R EVA on Thursday.  Eye Exams:  Two crewmembers underwent eye exams using the onboard ultrasound device.  Periodic eye exams are critical for monitoring crew health. Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Acoustic Dosimeter Reminder Virus Definition File Update on Auxiliary Computer System (ВКС) Laptops Filling (separation) of ЕДВ (КОВ) for Elektron or ЕДВ-СВ Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF) Configuration Change 2 HRF1 PC 3 USB Installation Acoustic Dosimeter Setup Day 1 Photo TV EVA Go Pro Battery Charging LAB1S3 CIR Rack Lower Right Snubber R&R СОЖ maintenance Clean Bench (CB) Valve Checkout PROFILAKTIKA-2. Preparation for the experiment. Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Drain PROFILAKTIKA-2. Operator Assistance in Preparation for the Experiment JEM CTB Consolidation for OA-8 Part 1 [Aborted] CBEF Temp Controller Ethernet Cable Disconnection Ultrasound 2 HRF Rack 1 Setup And Power On PROFILAKTIKA-2. Experiment Ops on БД-2 Treadmill (Individual Strategy Test) Verification of ИП-1 Flow Sensor Position ПРОФИЛАКТИКА-2. Заключительные операции Public Affairs Office (PAO) Social Media Event PROFILAKTIKA-2. Closeout Ops Health Maintenance System (HMS) Ultrasound 2 Scan JEM CTB Consolidation for OA-8 Part 2 Ultrasound 2 Guided Data Export VEG-03 Plant Thin Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (RGN) Wastewater Storage Tank Assembly (WSTA) Fill Station Support Computer (SSC) Client Power On VEG-03 Plant Pillow Prime. VIZIR. Preparation Steps. URAGAN. Observation and photography using photo equipment Life On The Station Photo and Video TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON ANALYZER (TOCA) FUNCTIONAL CHECKOUT Preventive Maintenance of SM Ventilation Subsystem. Group А Portable Onboard Computers (POC) Dynamic Onboard Ubiquitous Graphics (DOUG) Software Review Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Node 1 Vacuum Access Port (VAP) Check Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Procedures Print Photo/TV Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Camera Configuration ISS HAM Video Color Bar and Tone Activation ISS HAM Service Module Pass Story Time Book Max Goes To Mars Translation Read Photo TV GoPro Setup Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Fill VIZIR. Closeout Ops Robotic Workstation (RWS) Setup Reconfigure Galley Rack at NOD1S4 Location [Aborted] Story Time Sunset Book Read On-Orbit Hearing Assessment (O-OHA) with EarQ Software Setup and Test Public Affairs Office (PAO) Educational Imagery Recording TV conference with the participants of “Cosmos 360” Project (Ku+S-band) IMS Update Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Protoflight Unit #3 (PFU3) Close Out  Completed Task List Activities Extravehicular (EVA) Disposable in Suit Drink Bag (DIDB) Audit Manufacturing Device Print Removal and Stow Maintenance Work Area Relocate Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. IMS Upgrade Standard commanding Three-Day Look Ahead: Wednesday, 10/04: EVA Tool Config, EVA Procedure Review, HRF2 Inventory Thursday, 10/05: US EVA 44: LEE-A R&R Friday, 10/06: Eye Exams, EVA Debrief, EVA Preps, STPH5 Photo, Insitu, BEAM IMV Insp, Meteor H/D Swap QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:   Component Status Elektron On Vozdukh Manual [СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) Off           [СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) On Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Standby Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Idle Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Operate Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Standby Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Full up Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Off   from ISS On-Orbit Status Report https://go.nasa.gov/2xVrYUk
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hrhprince · 7 years
ISS Daily Summary Report – 10/03/2017
VEG-03 Operations: Today the crew continued to conduct Veg-03 operations that began last week by thinning out the plants to one plant per pillow, in order to promote growth of the larger plants. The crew then watered the plant pillows. The crew will now begin the autonomous space gardening phase of the experiment.  The Veg-03 investigation uses the Veggie plant growth facility to cultivate a type of cabbage, lettuce, and mizuna. The first crew consumption harvest should be in about 3-4 weeks.  Organisms grow differently in space, from single-celled bacteria to plants and humans. Future long-duration space missions will require crew members to grow their own food, so understanding how plants respond to microgravity is an important step toward that goal.  Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF) Configuration Change: Following the completion of last month’s Multi-Omics Mouse investigation, today the crew continued to perform closeout activities by changing the configuration of the CBEF from the Multi-Omics configuration, back to its nominal configuration. The CBEF is a Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) sub rack facility located in the Saibo (living cell) Experiment Rack. The CBEF is used in various life science experiments, such as cultivating cells and plants in the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) and consists of an incubator and control equipment for control and communications.  Clean Bench (CB) Valve Checkout: The crew conducted standard maintenance on the CB relief valves and the microscope stage clips, located inside the Saibo Rack. This maintenance activity is performed every 6 months to prevent the valves from sticking. The CB is a glovebox with a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter and a high-performance optical microscope. Story Time from Space: Two crewmembers participated in the Story Time from Space activity by reading “Max Goes to Mars” and “Sunset” on camera. The video recordings will be downlinked and used for educational purposes. Story Time from Space combines science literacy outreach with simple demonstrations recorded aboard the ISS. Crew members read five science, technology, engineering and mathematics-related children’s books in orbit, and complete simple science concept experiments. Crew members videotape themselves reading the books and completing demonstrations. Video and data collected during the demonstrations are downlinked to the ground and posted in a video library with accompanying educational materials. Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) Preparations:  EVA preparations continued today with setup of Dynamic Onboard Ubiquitous Graphics (DOUG) and camera configuration and battery charging.  A trio of EVAs will begin with the Latching End Effector (LEE) R&R EVA on Thursday.  Eye Exams:  Two crewmembers underwent eye exams using the onboard ultrasound device.  Periodic eye exams are critical for monitoring crew health. Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Acoustic Dosimeter Reminder Virus Definition File Update on Auxiliary Computer System (ВКС) Laptops Filling (separation) of ЕДВ (КОВ) for Elektron or ЕДВ-СВ Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF) Configuration Change 2 HRF1 PC 3 USB Installation Acoustic Dosimeter Setup Day 1 Photo TV EVA Go Pro Battery Charging LAB1S3 CIR Rack Lower Right Snubber R&R СОЖ maintenance Clean Bench (CB) Valve Checkout PROFILAKTIKA-2. Preparation for the experiment. Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Drain PROFILAKTIKA-2. Operator Assistance in Preparation for the Experiment JEM CTB Consolidation for OA-8 Part 1 [Aborted] CBEF Temp Controller Ethernet Cable Disconnection Ultrasound 2 HRF Rack 1 Setup And Power On PROFILAKTIKA-2. Experiment Ops on БД-2 Treadmill (Individual Strategy Test) Verification of ИП-1 Flow Sensor Position ПРОФИЛАКТИКА-2. Заключительные операции Public Affairs Office (PAO) Social Media Event PROFILAKTIKA-2. Closeout Ops Health Maintenance System (HMS) Ultrasound 2 Scan JEM CTB Consolidation for OA-8 Part 2 Ultrasound 2 Guided Data Export VEG-03 Plant Thin Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (RGN) Wastewater Storage Tank Assembly (WSTA) Fill Station Support Computer (SSC) Client Power On VEG-03 Plant Pillow Prime. VIZIR. Preparation Steps. URAGAN. Observation and photography using photo equipment Life On The Station Photo and Video TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON ANALYZER (TOCA) FUNCTIONAL CHECKOUT Preventive Maintenance of SM Ventilation Subsystem. Group А Portable Onboard Computers (POC) Dynamic Onboard Ubiquitous Graphics (DOUG) Software Review Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Node 1 Vacuum Access Port (VAP) Check Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Procedures Print Photo/TV Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Camera Configuration ISS HAM Video Color Bar and Tone Activation ISS HAM Service Module Pass Story Time Book Max Goes To Mars Translation Read Photo TV GoPro Setup Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Fill VIZIR. Closeout Ops Robotic Workstation (RWS) Setup Reconfigure Galley Rack at NOD1S4 Location [Aborted] Story Time Sunset Book Read On-Orbit Hearing Assessment (O-OHA) with EarQ Software Setup and Test Public Affairs Office (PAO) Educational Imagery Recording TV conference with the participants of “Cosmos 360” Project (Ku+S-band) IMS Update Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Protoflight Unit #3 (PFU3) Close Out  Completed Task List Activities Extravehicular (EVA) Disposable in Suit Drink Bag (DIDB) Audit Manufacturing Device Print Removal and Stow Maintenance Work Area Relocate Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. IMS Upgrade Standard commanding Three-Day Look Ahead: Wednesday, 10/04: EVA Tool Config, EVA Procedure Review, HRF2 Inventory Thursday, 10/05: US EVA 44: LEE-A R&R Friday, 10/06: Eye Exams, EVA Debrief, EVA Preps, STPH5 Photo, Insitu, BEAM IMV Insp, Meteor H/D Swap QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:   Component Status Elektron On Vozdukh Manual [СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) Off           [СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) On Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Standby Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Idle Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Operate Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Standby Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Full up Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Off   from NASA http://ift.tt/2gaOfWf via IFTTT
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gobqro · 5 years
Querétaro comparte el modelo de justicia Cosmos con Tabasco
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Con la finalidad de compartir las buenas prácticas del Modelo Cosmos con otros estados, en esta ocasión, la Fiscalía General y la Secretaría de Seguridad y Protección Ciudadana del estado de Tabasco visitaron la capital del estado de Querétaro para conocer de primera instancia la operación del sistema de justicia que ha sido evaluado en la primera posición de avance en la consolidación a nivel nacional durante dos años consecutivos, por la organización México Evalúa. Durante esta visita de trabajo en las instalaciones de la Fiscalía General del Estado de Querétaro, el secretario de Gobierno y Enlace Operativo y Coordinador y de Coordinación de la Comisión Cosmos, Juan Martín Granados Torres, expuso la coordinación interinstitucional con la que se opera. así como la importancia del sustento tecnológico para optimizar las acciones en materia de seguridad y procuración de justicia.
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Para abarcar la magnitud del funcionamiento del sistema, se les presentó un llenado de denuncia vía tableta y la explicación del Modelo de Operación Policial a cargo del Secretario de Seguridad Ciudadana, Juan Marcos Granados Torres; posteriormente, se hizo una presentación esquemática de cómo la información viaja a través del Sistema Informático Único para estar a disposición de todos los operadores, en tiempo real. En materia de procuración de justicia, el Fiscal General de Querétaro, Alejandro Echeverría Cornejo, explicó que la institución tiene una gestión con base en la necesidades de la población, bajo el Modelo de Atención Diferenciada de la Demanda, con lo que se logra eficientar los recursos materiales y humanos. Por su parte, el Vicefiscal de Investigación y Persecución del Delito, Humberto Pérez González, remarcó la importancia del Fiscal Decisor, una figura innovadora a nivel nacional que permite movilizar los recursos y dependencias correspondientes de acuerdo a la naturaleza de los delitos.
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Muestra de ello -expusieron- es la implementación del programa denominado 10x100 “Defendamos Querétaro”, con el cual se incrementó la denuncia y la participación ciudadana. Cabe destacar que esta sesión es derivada de una iniciativa de la Oficina Internacional de Asuntos Antinarcóticos y Procuración de Justicia (INL) para que otros estados conozcan prácticas exitosas a lo largo del país, en materia de justicia y seguridad. Acudieron a esta reunión Artemio Cantú, Senior Projects Manager y Fernando Sánchez, Asesor Legal, por parte de INL; Jaime Humberto Lastra Bastar, Fiscal General del Estado; Hernán Bermúdez Raquena, Secretario de Seguridad y Protección Ciudadana; Mario Alberto Dueñas Zentella, Director General de Desarrollo y Evaluación Institucional; Ignacio Ruiz Gomar, Jefe de Desarrollo de Sistemas; Héctor Manuel Yris Whizar, Director General de Informática y Estadística; Juan Luis Osorio Díaz, Encargado de la Dirección General de la Policía de Investigación; y Juan Molina, Asesor del Fiscal General.
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tepasport · 7 years
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Tantissimi auguri al mitico Giuseppe Damiani, detto Oscar (Brescia, 15 giugno 1950) Giunse al L.R. Vicenza nell'estate del 1969, dalle giovanili dell' F.C. Internazionale Milano. Conquistò subito un posto da titolare nella stagione che andava a iniziare, ossia la 1969-1970. Con la compagine biancorossa mise a segno 14 reti nell'arco di quattro campionati. Oltre che con i berici, Damiani giocò anche nelle compagini di SSC Napoli, Juventus, Genoa CFC e A.C. Milan, con le ultime due militando in serie cadetta. Fu soprannominato Flipper. Chiuse con il calcio attivo giocando nella serie cadetta gli ultimi due anni con la maglia del Parma Calcio 1913 e S.S. Lazio, non prima di una parentesi negli Stati Uniti, nel 1984, nei New York Cosmos. Ha segnato 71 reti in Serie A e 30 in Serie B, vincendo uno scudetto con la Juventus nel 1974-1975 e il titolo di capocannoniere della Serie B, nella stagione 1978-1979, con 17 reti realizzate per il Genoa. Con 3 reti all'attivo, è stato a lungo il massimo marcatore del Genoa nei derby della Lanterna, venendo superato solo nel 2009 da Diego Milito ... ⚽️ C'ero anch'io ... http://www.tepasport.it/ 🇮🇹 Made in Italy dal 1952
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Songday Sunday Collection (SSC) for March
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Anders Make Them Hear You - Nine
x Hawke  Never Alone - Barlow Girl
x male Hawke Holy Lover - Keaton Henson
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Aveline and Hawke Gift of a Friend - Demi Lovato 
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Cullen The Wolf - Siamés It’s the fear - Within Temptation
x Trevelyan Drag Me Down - One Direction
x inquisitor I wouldn’t mind - He is we 
x Dorian Take Yours I’ll Take Mine - Matthew Mole
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Dorian x Cullen Take Yours I’ll Take Mine - Matthew Mole
and f!inquisitor Best friend - Kana Nishino Nightcore version 
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Fenris When They Come For Me - Linkin Park
x Hawke Nemo - Nightwish
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Grey Warden On my Side - Demon Hunter Anytime You Need a Friend - The Beu Sisters
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Hawke Anytime You Need a Friend - The Beu Sisters Face My Fears - Utada Hikaru ft. Skrillex
Kirkwall gang Towa no Kizuna - Daisy x Daisy feat. Another Infinity 
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Inquisition Anytime You Need a Friend - The Beu Sisters
and inner circle Friends Forever - Vitamin C 
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Isabela These boots are made for walking - Nancy Sinatra
x Hawke So still die See, so still mein Herz - Oonagh feat. Santiano
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Merrill x female Hawke Daisy - Zedd Vergiss mein nicht - Oonagh
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Sebastian x Hawke Memories - Within Temptation
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Sera  x Lavellan Solar Waltz - Cosmo Sheldrake
x Dagna Honeybee - Steam Powered Giraffe
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Solas Egg - CG5
x Lavellan Almost (Sweet Music) - Hozier  I Want It That Way - Backstreet Boys
and Inquisitor You are my friend - LONG SHOT PARTY 
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Varric Human - Rag'n Bone Man
and Hawke Somebody to die for - Hurts  Goodbye my friend - Linda Ronstadt  Burnin’ the Midnight Oil again - Thomm Jutz and Peter Cronin 
and Hawke, inquisitor No Below - Speedy Ortiz 
Other mages/templars Mr. Fear - Siamés
Awakening party Ashita wo Narase - Kavka Shishido
DA4 party Through the Cellar Door - Lanterns on the Lake
Mage rights Riot - Three Days Grace She’s a Rebel - Green Day We’re not gonna take it - Twisted Sister Smackdown - Thousand Foot Krutch Warriors - Papa Roach It’s not me it’s you - Skillet Twin Skeletons - Fallout Boy Mage Pride - Inon Zur 
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onlinetyari-blog · 7 years
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Booster Test Series for  SSC MTS 2016-17 by Cosmos BookHive
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