#couldn't agree more anon
Jds little thigh highs and guarders moment is making me go fucking feral
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skullsemi · 4 months
There needs to be more child mortimer content he's just too precious
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Protect the little brat I'll say
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
It is not a question. Just want to say thank you for sharing your BE analysis. It helped me to enjoy and appreciate the wonderful drama even more. I don’t have an art degree - engineer by trade so able to learn a different field is exciting. Looking forward to more great work. I know I will not tired of this topic! DSJW forever.
You sweet, sweet person! This is so nice.
Please don't think I was bragging about that art degree haha. I'd much rather than an engineer qualification but I don't have the brain power required for such a useful skillset. I am the child of an Engineer, you lot a bunch of clever clogs. (to be clear, I'm not fishing for compliments in return, just trying to sweeten you up because you're nice.)
Anyway, on a serious note: thank you, I appreciate you. I hope to post more interesting Beyond Evil stuff in the future :)
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I love reading your asks, so I wanted to ask you if you had any favorite female characters from Rik and Ade projects?
Helloooo! Thank you, that's so sweet. ❤️ Let's see... I'm going to single out some TYO characters specifically and then talk more generally. This post is absolutely going to become a big, incoherent mess. 😂
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Sue from Sociology is my favourite minor TYO character. Don't get me wrong, I love Helen the Murderess too, but there's something that draws me to Sue. To be fair, I'm just seriously weak for Jennifer Saunders in general, and she's basically done up as a female Rick here, if Rick was actually cool. I like inserting her into fanfic sometimes (okay, once... but I have plans). She's very much a background character for the majority of Interesting, but Interesting itself is one of the first (and only, possibly the only?) time there are lots of women in a TYO scene at once, even if they're not getting to do much. Shout out to Dawn's Christian who gets crushed by the gigantic sandwich too, of course! (As an aside, I find it funny that both Jennifer and Dawn got to strangle/smother Mike on the sofa on different occasions.)
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Vyvyan's mum. Pauline Melville pops up a couple of other times in TYO as well, and she's just very good whenever she does. I believe she gave French & Saunders a bit of guidance when they were all on the standup circuit. Vyv's mum is a great character because she's just SO awful. Let female characters be awful! She's so spiky and sharp in every way, and she's probably the only semi-developed female character who appears on the show. I think letting the audience meet her gives Vyvyan a bit of texture and depth - sure, we could imagine any family background for any of them, but we're being told THIS HERE is Vyvyan's. Poor Vyv. Pauline Melville herself, of course, is a prize-winning writer now! The dream.
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The devil and her condemned soul is one of my favourite TYO cutaway segments. The condemned soul is Helen Atkinson-Wood, who is most well-known for playing Mrs Miggins in Blackadder the Third. She also has a small role in the Comic Strip episode Consuela (and possibly others, but I looked up the cast list to that one yonks ago because it's my favourite). I wonder if Lise wrote this sketch, considering the subject matter. Either way, Dawn and Helen's delivery is great, especially the faux discrete way Dawn says "period pains". I hope it put stuffy men's heckles up.
Aside from TYO, Jen and Dawn were often the only female presence in the Comic Strip episodes, particularly the earlier ones. Of the first two series, Dawn wrote Summer School and Jen wrote Slags - neither were standout episodes of their series, the kind often recalled today, but with Slags especially, the female characters within them were given more agency and stake in the plot than usual. Jen played five different characters in Happy Families in 1985 - a little gem written by Ben and also starring Ade.
I'd like to give a little shout out to Helen Lederer, who popped up a lot in Rik and Ade's - and French & Saunders' - comic output, while never really being given her own opportunity to shine on TV. Oh, and I'd also like to give a shout out to Marsha Fitzalan, who played Sarah B'Stard in The New Statesman - she did such a good job of playing an intensely flawed, funny female character. There are countless male characters who are basically terrible people - I mean, Alan B'Stard for one - and it's vital women are also allowed to be that awful in comedy.
Comedy has always been a pretty male sphere. Even these days, there are definitely still men Ricky Gervais who believe women can't be funny. Misogyny is still massively prevalent in society. Male comics attract female attention; female comics attract male abuse. That's a simplification and generalisation, of course, but it's broadly true. And I don't see younger generations of men getting better with this, to be honest. Actually, I see them getting worse (thanks, Andrew Tate). Sorry to be all doom and gloom!
When Rik and Ade started out in comedy, women getting to play characters other than wives or the like - that is, straight characters and caricatures there largely for the male characters to bounce off of for their laughs - was still uncommon. Despite the existence of successful female comics across the pond like Lucille Ball, and beloved 1970s sitcom The Good Life having a main cast split evenly gender-wise (I know Richard Briers technically had first credit, but Penelope Keith as Margo Leadbetter was absolutely the funniest of the four of them), there was a genuine belief that women couldn't (and maybe shouldn't) be doing comedy.
Women like Victoria Wood were pushing boundaries in important ways around the time of the alternative comedy boom by writing specifically about women (and, quite often, northern women - which I personally think is important, since Last of the Summer Wine had such a chokehold on portraying almost all of its female characters as ostensibly the same). Her sitcom dinnerladies was both melancholic and hilarious. Her sketch shows and other comic output, quite often featuring Julie Walters (her friend and muse), Celia Imrie, and many others, were all written entirely by her. She was also a gifted pianist and wrote several comic songs.
All of this is to say, Victoria Wood definitely helped pave the way for French & Saunders. She even referred to herself as an alternative comedian in her material. But honestly, I don't think it was until much later that women stopped being regularly restricted to straight roles in comedies created by men (which, of course, most comedies were). This was part of why Absolutely Fabulous, written by Jen, was such a breath of fresh air in the 1990s. For once, every single major character was a woman - men were the scarcity! And Jen has mentioned before that producers would constantly pressure her to write more roles for men. Meanwhile, we can observe that Girls on Top (dubbed the female TYO, which is... sort of true and sort of not), which Dawn and Jen starred in with Ruby Wax and Tracey Ullman in the 1980s, isn't very well-known today. I'm not 100% sure how well it was received at the time, but clearly it wasn't as popular as TYO had been before it. Ruby Wax and Tracey Ullman have both also had successful careers in comedy, but I'd argue that's mainly thanks (particularly in Tracy's case) to opportunities in America.
So I'm not saying women never got to be the funny (also I'm just talking about the UK), but the fact is: if your comedy has a completely/majority male cast, with women only popping up in supporting roles or in guest appearances, it's obvious which characters are going to be better developed, more beloved, and just funnier. I mean, even the Vicar of Dibley, which was obviously written for Dawn and showcases her comic prowess, features a supporting cast of funny men (there was also Emma Chambers as Alice and Liz Smith as Leticia - before she was killed off - but the women were outnumbered by the men). I get that this perhaps fits with the idea of a tiny, slightly backwards village in Oxfordshire - and the fact Geraldine was a female vicar shocking these men was very important to the premise - but still.
We know certain men just REALLY struggle at writing women, too, so they've either done a really bad job or just avoided trying altogether. I do have an example for this, but I don't want to name them since I do love the show they created - it's just, y'know, writing women is definitely not their strong suit! And I'm really not trying to poo poo any shows here by pointing this out. I'm just making observations. All of these comedies I'm referencing here are very old now.
So! To get back to where I started with this!
I love that Lise Mayer was one of the writers of The Young Ones. In some ways, the fact one of the writers was a woman feels pretty incredible for 1982. At the same time, though, it's not surprising that she's often the forgotten one when people talk about who wrote TYO.
Rik and Ade were/are feminists, and it obviously wasn't their fault as individuals that comedy was so male - comedy was also restrictive in other ways before them. In terms of social class and political attitudes, they were definitely something refreshing and new. That said, it wouldn't be until later, with people like Caroline Aherne (who really changed the fundamentals of the sitcom genre with The Royle Family), that working class voices who weren't fucking Bernard Manning actually got some notice in comedy. And I've not even mentioned race in this ramble. If comedy was male, it was even more pale. There were comedies starring black and Asian comics in the 1980s and 1990s that started to break through - The Lenny Henry Show, Chef!, Desmond's, The Real McCoy, Goodness Gracious Me - but there's no denying BAME people, BAME women especially, have had to struggle a lot for a voice in comedy. Comedy is more diverse today than it was 40 years ago. There has been progress. But it's absolutely still male dominated, and still very white, at the top.
Rik was pegged as the golden boy of the alternative comedy movement, and he was and is undoubtedly remembered for so many different comedies. But in terms of pure success and fame? Actually, I think Dawn and Jen have been the standouts of their cohort. I don't think anyone would've predicted this 40 odd years ago - I mean, Christ, Rik had to speak up just to ensure they got equal pay at The Comic Strip. The boys were given their chance to shine first, there's no doubt about that. But it was Dawn and Jen who were the subjects of a BBC documentary last Christmas.
...Maybe there is hope for funny women, after all.
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thefanciestborrower · 5 months
do you have prey link hc's i am BEGGING spare vore
YEAH here you go! These are mostly gonna be B0TW and T0TK Link since that's who I talk about most on here, but if you want any other version I'd be happy to do that too. Okay so it might actually take Link a second to warm up to being eaten in a friendly manner if I'm being honest because there are. SO many monsters that would love to make him into a proper meal so in his mind it's a bad thing. At least...until it's very firmly established as something affectionate and kind of silly a few of his friends can do. Then once he warms up to it he's an absolute menace. Cannot ever sit still in someone's insides and I mean he absolutely CAN'T. It's impossible he's just too fidgety and can't keep his hands to himself to save his life. That I feel like is true of every Link, but especially our lovely B0TW/T0TK gremlin boy because look at him. Even his idle animations show him constantly stretching, bouncing, and shaking his little hands, so staying still in a stomach really isn't an option. Unless he falls asleep of course which is, a very big probability. Especially if he's bored. Something I think might be a little funny is how easy it would be to startle him by just, grabbing him up. For a normally rather stoic hero it seems very easy to catch him off guard in the games, and I feel like that would very much apply to any time a friend decided to grab him for a snack, even if they hadn't meant to scare him. He'll make the silliest shocked little face before he realizes what happened and chills out. The biggest culprits of just snatching him would probably be Si.don and Dar.uk because, well look at them they're huge.
For Sid.on it's more of an affectionate Z0ra thing I think. It feels like something they would use to transport very young Z0ra still in their tadpole stage if they had to and a lot of fish use mouth brooding anyways to care for their eggs, so it stands to reason that eating someone might be a fairly understood and acceptable thing. Especially looking at all the stuff that happened with Jabu Ja.bu in previous games. Sooo Sid.on has a tendency to eat Link as a way of catching up with his friend after going a while without seeing him, and honestly Link never really minds it. His insides are soft and make a great bed, and they're warm too, so Link honestly just wishes he was given more of a warning sometimes before getting gulped lmao. Dar.uk tho...he was awful about snatching Link up because he thought it was a bit funny. Gor.on eat pretty much exclusively rocks and minerals, so it's possible they might be completely incapable of processing something like a Hyli.an, especially one that's still alive and kicking. Combine that with how much bigger Dar.uk was than Link and....yeah there was really no reason for him not to eat his tiny friend every once in a while lol. Link was pretty fussy about it because he was NEVER given a warning and always grabbed at an inconvenient time, but he never was genuinely mad about it either. Just playfully annoyed and incredibly wiggly. I feel like Link also gets eaten by various monsters he fights like Hinox, Molduga, and other things like that, but it's waaayyyyyy less friendly or fun for either party
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alisterix · 1 year
Thoughts on Troubadix/Cacophonix being the village gay? The mascot of homosexuality so to speak? Everyone's gay uncle even? The guy freshly discovered gays go to for advice perhaps?
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Oh ABSOLUTELY YES he is UNDISPUTABLY GAY. He is ✨THE✨ GAY. When you search "gay" in a dictionary a picture of Cacofonix shows up. He is the village gay, the mascot of homosexuality, everyone's gay uncle, he is an icon and he is the moment.
Aside from being the village bard he is also a teacher if I remember correctly...? At least he was in some volumes. It would make the most sense for him to be good with kids. I also headcanon him as trans personally, I've fallen in love with the idea. He can give the trans kids of the village so much support and guidance, too. "Look... I felt this way too, but Panoramix healed me with his potion. It's all good, it doesn't hurt, look me at me now. I'm doing great and I'm happy. That's going to be you, too, I promise." 💙💗
Uncle Cacofonix would give the best guidance and support to queer kids. I mean, the confidence on this guy! He is a bard that can't sing for shit and who nobody wants to listen to, and yet he still does what he wants to because it is who he is and it makes him happy. He's so unapologetically living his truth regardless of what everyone else thinks of him and he doesn't let anyone crush his spirit no matter how much they try to silence him. He would be the person to say "Don't let anybody stop you from being yourself. You are perfect the way you are and shouldn't have to change for anyone." If that isn't one of the most powerful and important lessons to teach to children then I don't know what is.
What if the queer kids he helped are the only ones willing to listen to his music because of that message...? They ask him to sing them a song and he's very surprised, asking them what makes them want to listen to a bad bard. And one of them says "You may be a bad bard, but you're a good person. You're the best! You tell us all the time how we should be ourselves and do what makes us happy, but what about you? We want you to be happy, too."
And Cacofonix is so touched by that he can't even hide the tears in his eyes-
...and naturally ends up bragging about it later to all the adults and throwing shade at them xD
"Unlike you, children can actually appreciate my art. There is more respect and care for the artist and his work in that little kid's finger than in all of your bodies combined."
"That's just concerning. Are we sure their hearing is developing correctly? Hopefully they'll grow out of it."
*Cacofonix gets offended and leaves* 😂
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explodingstarlight · 1 year
Ahem. Non binary Aroace mikey. Yes ik it isn't aro week yet, i just love Them
*slams gavel*
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haven-flare · 10 days
No hate to the person critiquing the wuwa designs as I understand where they are coming from. But I will say calling you white knighting wuwa seems like TO ME that they didn't like how you gave them you counterargument about how the characters have a story to tell them. And that you need details to tell a person story.
To me designs don't have to be overdetailed to tell a story it can be something simple. I'll take the person who used the KH and Nier Automata example (just a heads up this is morr about KH. Im not familiarwith Nier)
KH hearts designs are simple but tell you what you need to know. First glance at Sora we know he a kid who has a big heart with warm a bright color tones with a a simple and clean (lol song joke) keyblade design. When we look at the standard Heartless they dark with piercing yellow eyes with a big head. This tells me there is wrong and evil about them. Hell even the main villains all wear long black robes with a zipper but it tells me they are a mysterious organization.
Same thing with Final Fantasy 7. Tifa has has the most recognizable design in the game yet her design is not overly detailed. She just wearing a black and white crop top with suspenders and skirt that can one can recreate. Yet her most notable thing she wears is her red and black gauntlets. This tells me she is a fighter who perfers up close and personal. Sephiroth can always be seen wearing his iconic black leather boob window outfit with his pauldron. We see him wielding a sword and that tell me he knows how to wield it. As well as seeing him smiling or having a serious face telling me that he scheming and is someone to be taken seriously.
These designs can tell me their story and doesn't overly rely on every small thing or scream out "hey this is very super important character that sticks out like a sore thumb in this scene so you know they are very super important"
Agreed, again, I think I mentioned something like this before? It's all about the art style they are going for, and acting like one is better just because it has more visible detail is kind of, hm, missing the point.
There's nothing wrong with enjoying more detailed clothing and designs, at all. But to say other designs are bad because of it's lack of complexity just isn't right.
Also, since you didn't mention anything about NieR, I might as well talk about it. I really like the clothing in NieR Automata, it's usually only two to three colors that make the outfit, with the main character's being only black and white, with some small golden accents on 9S.
NieR, and well, Drakengard too, have designs that are pretty simple, and then give them more accessories if it fits with the character, and even then, I'm kind of in the fence for that, since the changes aren't that big.
I guess the most complex characters would be some of the Intoners from Drakengard 3? And probably most of the cast from NieR Replicant/Gestalt. I could honestly see the Intoners and their Disciples being gacha characters, specially Dito (Drakengard 3) who looks likes a stereotypical young gacha character, or Cent, every other disciple doesn't really fit with the beauty standards of gacha, unless it's one of those DnD like AFK games.
Actually, they were, weren't they? In the SINoALICE collab with NieR, and Drakengard 3. And a bunch of other games have collaborated with them too, including Punishing Gray Raven. Drakengard never got anything but SINoALICE, which is sad...
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il-predestinato · 11 months
Nasty ass bitch
I know, right?
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Total bitch.
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illiana-mystery · 2 years
Mike Hubble? More like Mike HUBBY. Damn, he's so fine
🤣🤣 I know right? The second he was on screen, I was like "Damn!" 🤤🥵
He is terrifyingly sexy in this episode. Like one second he's soft and sweet...
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(Soft boi you want to squeeze. 😇) ☺
and the next he's giving you a look that would make Tadeusz blush.
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(Scary boi, but still hot as fuck. 👿) 😏
Like this man is the epitome of "I can be your angel or your devil." And honestly, I don't know which one I desire more.
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When korn, slipknot & deftones started getting popular on tiktok in like 2020/2021 their fanbases started getting more annoying. Also half of what tiktok ppl call mall goth isnt mall goth, its just aliexpress cheap fast fashion
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tuiyla · 1 year
does finchel ever affect your feelings for Rachel? cause i've been thinking on how much Rachel kind of annoys me in S3-4 and I think it's a LOT to do with her looking the other way when it comes to what a jackass her bf is. I feel like it may even be something the writers were conscious of because she's sort of conveniently missing/silent during things like Finn freaking out during S3 prom or when Finn outs Santana. It's like some part of them must KNOW he's wrong, or at least that an in-character Rachel would likely be horrified, so they just kind of avoid the issue.
i mean, Finchel also sucks just for being generally co-dependent and boring as hell in S3-4, but that mostly just made me dislike them as a pairing, not actually side-eye Rachel as an individual character. Whomst amongst us hasn't been hung up on a loser at some point in time? Being hung up on a guy who has deliberately hurt multiple people you consider your friends though? I have less empathy.
You know, that is an excellent question. And the answer is... kinda, yeah.
Funnily enough I'd say it was more annoying to me when rewatching seasons 1 and 2 rather than 3 and 4. I'm pretty sure I have it in my rewatch notes somewhere that it's a pain whenever Rachel goes from having her own scenes to Finchel ones because I love her but then I have to suffer through... all that. I think that blind pursuit of Finn despite him being SO far below her league annoys me much more than the two having that more established dynamic in later seasons. The story itself doesn't see any wrong in what Finn does so how could I single out Rachel for it. It's all on Finn as far as I'm concerned.
That said, I sometimes think about what a realistic Rachel reaction to either The Outing or his hissy fit during prom would have been. Sure is convenient she was absent. Rachel is a fundamentally compassionate person and it REALLY pisses me off that the show LIES to us and says Finn is a better person. Laughable. The Rachel I stan would not have condoned Finn outing someone much less do it herself and she most definitely would not have stood for Finn wrestling a disabled Quinn out of her wheelchair. But that does sour the magical romance doesn't it. Ugh, Finn.
Codependency isn't a turn off for me, I mean, helloooo, Brittana lol, but when Finchel do it it's gross. Hope that helps. I just think Finn is this status symbol for Rachel but she should have realized in season 2, tops, that she's way too good for him and that's that. I often think about how Rachel's too good for Finn, to the point that I get mad about it lmao. And so it hurts to see her simp after him, of all people. And it does get annoying, and it does affect my perception of her at times. Oh I know what I have in my rewatch notes, that Finchel bring out the worst in each other. And I think that is true even if only partially so. Rachel certainly is at her most single-minded and blind to other people when Finn is involved. But yeah you're right Anon, having an "in love with the supposed stud guy who's actually a huge loser" era is not that bad. Understandable for Rachel, really. And when it comes to Finn's crimes it's really just that the show doesn't see them, so why would Rachel.
In that respect, my views of Rachel are not effected because if I started blaming people other than Finn for IKAG I would literally hate this whole cast. Almost all ND members were being biiig flops there just by agreeing to the condescending charade. And I don't think it's Rachel's responsibility that her bf is an ass. That said, it's unfortunate that she keeps pursuing this asshole and I think most of my leats favourite Rachel moments are tied to Finchel. Because of course. So yeah Finchel affects my Rachel feelings but mostly as an annoyance, more than anything, God, she just deserves so much better.
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theloveinc · 1 year
i agree puss in boots wolf was segsi and your vision of him as bakugo🧍🏻‍♀️head in hands 🚼
thank YEW... i know it's controversial but they didn't have to make him look like THAT!!! if we weren't supposed to like his appearance ☹️☹️☹️ (they knew.... they must've)
but anyway bakugo as DEATH........... i think someone told me they didn't? see the vision LMFAO which i totally get... but bc i yam a WHORE!!!
just the red eyes and silvery white hair! and bakugo as a bounty hunter in a cloak, unescapable, feared... predatory... AND w/ such a raspy voice. walking alone w/ no one...
and the thought of meeting him at a tavern (w/o pwuss there LOL), all dark in the corner. getting him a drink and keeping him company, even without speaking... i just. IDKKKKK.
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lesbianjodie · 2 years
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Apparently my inbox had a whole whore milfs era and you know what? Yes. They deserve it. Totally. So so true.
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aclosetfan · 7 months
on your reds posting. im a guy who also doesnt care for the reds, their oversaturation and.. boringness just really doesn't do it for me! in all honesty, the reds i tolerate are one-sided from bricks side, or kinda-toxic-not-endgame couple. im so glad to see someone who doesnt ship them either lol
love a hater like me <3 welcome!
In all seriousness, I'm so glad you mentioned one-sided reds from brick's side! Because that is something I'm down to read, but in a very specific way.
In my head/writing, I like the idea of Brick being a bit possessive over his relationship with Blossom, where, at first, they're both actively in the friendzone, but Brick is always arrogant enough to think Blossom would get with him if he wanted it to happen. So, when she gets into a relationship, he is hurt/jealous but is also relieved because the pressure of "will we? won't we?" is finally off. I feel the pressure wouldn't come from the reds relationship but everyone else who just assumes they'll get together because, well, it's brick and blossom.
I can't really think of the "lesson" that Brick would learn, but the drama of it is fun. They're actively JUST friends the whole time, but the vibe goes weird if they're silent for too long, as if they're both afraid to address the elephant in the room, which is the public's opinion of their relationship.
But because i don't ship them together, in my head, they have the awkward conversations and feel the awkward feelings. Blossom rejects Brick, and he moves on/gets over it/realizes nothing more was ever there. They either stay friends or don't. But she'll always be his "what if"
I haven't found a story like that yet tho!
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doubleduhpression · 8 months
Do you also think that het women being raped isnt as bad and that they could enjoy it because they're attracted to men?
did you even read the post? the whole thing is about how being penetrated against your will is more dangerous/degrading than being forced to penetrate someone else...
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