#couple renmin
faerenjun · 1 year
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domestic gift factory // renjun + jaemin
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youchangallery · 2 years
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˒ nct dream couples icons 120×120, cr. mention chanyouchan
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nctzzzenn · 1 year
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bengiyo · 2 years
My Tooth Your Love Ep 12 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Unfortunately, we're doing this on a Tuesday night because the episode leaked early. Very disappointed for the team, because I know they probably wanted to celebrate a certain way.
Last time, we saw Bai Lang struggle with his worries of abandonment as Xun'an hid the homophobic beatings he was taking from his father. We have a lot of ground to cover with the final goodbye for our leads, Alex and RJ, and Ren Min and A.
Five years of operation for a restaurant is pretty good!
Bai Lang and Alex have such an effective friendship.
These earpieces they're wearing are serving classic Star Trek chic. It's giving, 'Hail them.'
We should be seeing these abs from a bed scene, and not for a reveal of physical abuse.
I'm not even going to question why we needed a horse. It got us a kiss on equestrian gear.
RJ is back and reveals that Bai Lang meddles. I like RJ's vibe a lot.
Clever of the mom to call in an audience for Bai Lang's first meet to stave off a blow up from the dad, but I still don't like this.
The delivery of the missing info from Xun'an's mom was affective. I liked the framing of the dad crossing the visual boundary into the kitchen.
If BL doesn't stop denying me a pleasant evening for the boys with these interruptions!
Aww, Xun'an still has the post it note.
I suppose I'll let Ye Qiran and Bai Qing happen for bisexual reasons. Also Zhanyang is adorable.
Lot of BL actors have come out of Kamen Raider lately.
Renmin and A are cute, though I'm not entirely certain where they fit.
We're meeting in the outro outfits!!
The Taiwan Flex: Marriage Equality. This time with my favorite Gay Thing: the Mutual Proposal.
Oh so the outro was for the wedding. That's adorable.
Reward domesticity? In this economy?? It's more likely than you think.
Final Verdict: 9.5, Recommended. I absolutely loved this show and think it a prime example of how using older characters can lead to some fresh romantic exploration. My minor knocks are for homophobic dad and the underutilized feeling of the side couples despite their thematic resonance with the main couple. Also, minor knocks shorthanding Bai Lang being able to sleep in the dark now.
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Frustrated ferromagnetic transition in AB-stacked honeycomb bilayer
In two-dimensional (2D) ferromagnets, anisotropy is essential for the magnetic ordering as dictated by the Mermin-Wagner theorem. The recently discovered van der Waals ferromagnets are largely considered to have uniaxial anisotropy. On the other hand, honeycomb lattice is immune to magnetic frustration even with antiferromagnetic exchange coupling due to its bi-partite unit cell.
However, often ignored interlayer coupling may significantly alter the critical behavior and even the ground state. It is especially so when the interlayer exchange anisotropy has similar magnitude and opposite sign from the intralayer anisotropy. When such competing anisotropies are present, the phase transition becomes nontrivial. Probing the phase transition in 2D ferromagnets under competing anisotropies requires highly sensitive and direct magnetic microscopies and is so far lacking.
Shiyuan Wang and colleagues from Fudan University and collaborators from Renmin University employed the high flux sensitivity of scanning superconducting quantum interference device microscopy (sSQUID) on investigating the critical behavior of a ferromagnetic honeycomb lattice from the bulk to 2D limit. They probed the spin correlations of ABC-stacked CrBr3 under zero magnetic field. In the thick samples, they observed a spike and a plateau region as a function of temperature in susceptibility, which was due to the competition between intra- and inter-layer anisotropies.
Read more.
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You know. This show and its commentary on love, timing, equal footings, and relationships? Yeah.
It’s in the way several characters’ paths cross all over their timelines, and for some the timing is never right for a relationship, even if there are feelings, like love even.
It’s in the way Alex says: Just because you have feelings, doesn’t mean you have found the love you were looking for. E.g. that love that is just right for you, maybe even both of you, at the same time.
And even if you find a love that’s right for you, it’s still a different thing from taking part in a romantic relationship, not the same thing.
It’s also about timing, and the factors that play into it, like your situation, your circumstances, the stage you are at in life.
Then there is that aspect that I will call equal footing, that will make a relationship one of the really good ones.
It’s about shared expectations, standing on common ground, about how knowing yourself and standing up for yourself and setting boundaries comes into it, as well as being open for someone else and the respect you have for them and their footing.
That entire scene of Bai Lang saying My feelings are the same as yours, and Xun-an going: What does that even mean, how can you say you and I are the same, when you treat me like this? I think it’s about this exactly, that feelings alone won’t make up all the requirements needed for a relationship.
And doesn’t this touch on every couple or love interest in the show?
Bai Lang and Jin Xun-an have crossed paths before, but it wasn’t their time, JinXun-an was not as settled in who he is now. This time around, they fight for the love they fall into and fight to arrive at that equal footing that makes their relationship and them so right for each other now.
For Jin Xun-An and Ye Quiran, chances to fight for an equal footing have passed, because of growing, growing apart, growing in different directions, even maybe because of each other, but never being able to build on their feelings of love in their timeline.
Even A and Renmin touch on that subject of finding equal grounds to meet on with the struggle to find common and shared interests and way to meet.
RJ and Alex. It’s why I am so curious as to what they will do with Alex and RJ. They are at very different stages of their life, age wise, could they still have equal footing now, could they maybe in 10 years, what will be their timing? They are already shaping each other, but can they be right for each other in that way?
Love alone is never enough for that equal footing, not enough to make a relationship good and healthy and maybe even possible.
But it can be the motor, love, to work and fight for that setting and timing where your footings are equal and you can be right for each other.
Of course people do not only choose relationships that are right for them, and that too is a step on their way and something that shapes you, part of a necessary narrative.
I just find the ways this show touches and comments on all those subjects very insightful.
WBL did touch on similar things, especially with that second season.
I just feel like very wise human beings were at the core of making this tooth show here, and WBL, too.
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
Not everyone wishes for war with China and some even dare say it's better to cooperate
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🤔 Tuttavia, nel mare del sentimento anti-Cinese, una figura politica Italiana ha parlato positivamente della Cooperazione Cina - Italia nella Belt & Road Initiative, si tratta di Irene Pivetti, ex-Presidente della Camera dei Deputati 🇮🇹
💬 In un intervento ad un Forum dell'Istituto di Studi Finanziari presso l'Università Renmin di Pechino, la Pivetti ha trattato la questione del Memorandum, affermando che «[...] la cultura dell'Italia è amica della Cina. Tanti imprenditori stanno lavorando con la Cina. Ci sono così tanti legami culturali ed economici tra di noi. [...] Come cittadina Italiana, spero che l'Italia non si ritiri mai dal Memorandum. [...] Continuiamo a guardare e apprezzare un rapporto più stretto con la Cina» 💕
📊 Nei primi cinque mesi del 2023, le esportazioni Italiane verso la Cina sono aumentate del 58% rispetto al 2022, la Cooperazione a Mutuo Vantaggio arricchisce entrambi, è vincente 😍
😍 Siamo due civiltà millenarie, gli USA non hanno la Città Proibita o Pompei, le Mura della Città Antica di Xi'an o il Colosseo, perché non essere entrambi all'altezza della Storia? Perché non costruire insieme una Comunità Italia - Cina dal Futuro Condiviso? 🤔
😡 Ogni volta i politici Occidentali utilizzano espressioni nuove per promuovere politiche anti-Cinesi, dal "de-coupling" che diventa "de-risking" fino allo «squilibrio commerciale» di cui parla il Ministro Crosetto 🤦‍♀️
🤦‍♀️ Crosetto si interroga su come uscire dalla Via della Seta «senza danneggiare i rapporti» con la Cina (❗️❓), e l'Italia vede la Cina sia come partner che come concorrente. Anche questa retorica, quanto ha stufato? 😴
📊 Dal 2019 al 2021, le esportazioni Italiane in Cina sono aumentate del 42%, come mostrato dal Compagno Jia Guide, Ambasciatore Cinese in Italia. Il Commercio Bilaterale Cina - Italia ha raggiunto, nel 2022, quasi 78 miliardi di Dollari, e la Cina è il principale partner commerciale dell'Italia in Asia | E Crosetto non vede alcun vantaggio? 这太荒谬了 😡
🇨🇳 La Cina, come dichiarato dal Compagno Wang Shuo - Direttore del Centro per gli Studi Europei dell'Università Fudan, rispetterà la decisione dell'Italia sul Memorandum, ma è evidente che i rapporti decadranno 🤔
🌸 Qualche giorno fa, sul Collettivo Shaoshan, è stato analizzato il Tema del Partenariato Strategico, e sono stati citati tutti i Paesi che hanno subito, a causa delle loro politiche, un declassamento del livello delle relazioni bilaterali: USA, Giappone e India. Per caso vuole aggiungersi anche l'Italia? 🤔
🇨🇳 La Cina, ha dichiarato l'Ambasciatore, è pronta ad adottare ulteriori misure per facilitare l'esportazione di prodotti Italiani di alta qualità nella Repubblica Popolare e sostenere le imprese Italiane nel Mercato Cinese, il più grande mercato emergente al Mondo 👍
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🤔 However, in the sea of ​​anti-Chinese sentiment, an Italian political figure spoke positively of the China-Italy Cooperation in the Belt & Road Initiative, it is Irene Pivetti, ex-President of the Chamber of Deputies 🇮🇹
💬 In a speech at a Forum of the Institute of Financial Studies at the Renmin University in Beijing, Pivetti dealt with the issue of the Memorandum, stating that «[...] Italy's culture is a friend of China. Many entrepreneurs are working with China. There are so many cultural and economic ties between us. [...] As an Italian citizen, I hope that Italy never withdraws from the Memorandum. [...] We continue to look at and appreciate a closer relationship with China» 💕
📊 In the first five months of 2023, Italian exports to China increased by 58% compared to 2022, Cooperation with Mutuo Advantage enriches both, it's a winner 😍
😍 We are two millennial civilizations, the USA does not have the Forbidden City or Pompeii, the Walls of the Ancient City of Xi'an or the Colosseum, why not both live up to History? Why not build together an Italy-China Community with a Shared Future? 🤔
😡 Western politicians use new expressions every time to promote anti-Chinese policies, from "de-coupling," which becomes "de-risking" to the "trade imbalance" mentioned by Minister Crosetto 🤦‍♀️
🤦‍♀️ Crosetto wonders how to get out of the Silk Road "without damaging relations" with China (❗️❓), and Italy sees China both as a partner and as a competitor. Even this rhetoric, how boring is it? 😴
📊 From 2019 to 2021, Italian exports to China increased by 42%, as shown by Comrade Jia Guide, Chinese Ambassador to Italy. Bilateral trade between China and Italy reached almost 78 billion dollars in 2022, and China is Italy's main trading partner in Asia | And Crosetto sees no advantage? 这太荒谬了 😡
🇨🇳 China, as stated by Comrade Wang Shuo - Director of the Center for European Studies at Fudan University, will respect Italy's decision on the Memorandum, but it is clear that relations will lapse 🤔
🌸 A few days ago, on the Shaoshan Collective, the Theme of Strategic Partnership was analyzed, and all the countries that have suffered, due to their policies, a downgrading of the level of bilateral relations were mentioned: USA, Japan and India. Do you happen to want to add Italy as well? 🤔
🇨🇳 China, said the Ambassador, is ready to take further measures to facilitate the export of high quality Italian products to the People's Republic and support Italian companies in the Chinese market, the largest emerging market in the world 👍
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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softmoonlighttt · 5 years
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♡͙۪۫ׄꦿ𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓶𝓲𝓷 𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓲𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓼 繼꤬꣦𝆃☁驥驥
驥驥驥驥驥驥like/reblog if you save pls─⃜🧦 ⃟  ᮫᳝۟۟۟𖠵
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bacco-web · 2 years
for my love.
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(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ .ᐟ ➮ ֗ ִ ּ ꒰ 𝘬᥆𝘸𝘭ᥱ-𝘸ᥱbヾ ~ ⦅✰⦆⸝ ֗ ִ ּ ֗ ִ
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if you pick it up, please like it or reblog.
no plagiarism.
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luluas-things · 3 years
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⠀⠀⠀⠀.. く ﹚̤♡⃨ Renjun & Jaemin
⠀ ⠀་🧸ꫬ໋ ⠀Moodboard﹚̤♡⃨ ⠀Nct ▒𓂅⃨
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀﹙𝐸﹚﹫luluas-things ⠀ ▒⃞⃮ 👑 ⠀⠀ᩧ
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀▒₊ ♡⃨ ︙ love yourself⠀▒⋮ Ꜣ 🦋⠀ ᷧ▒̈
⠀ ⠀ ⠀Coloca o crédito se for usar por favor!
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danvmar · 6 years
Jaemin: Hi!
Renjun: Hi!
Jaemin: Did you eat already?
Renjun: Did you eat already?
Jaemin: Are you copying me?
Renjun: Are you copying me?
Jaemin: I love you
Renjun: Yea I ate already.
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faerenjun · 4 years
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visual vampires
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nctzarchive · 6 years
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ℓiкє iƒ yσυ υsє σr sαvє  🐻・゚:* ♡
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boygroup-archive · 5 years
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bengiyo · 2 years
My Tooth Your Love Ep 10 Stray Thoughts
Oh, Frigay, how you've given us so much to enjoy this month. I love ending my Frigay with My Tooth Your Love. It's really my favorite. I love the way we're showing a relationship between 30-somethings here. We should be picking up with Bai Qing confronting Xun'an.
Really love the opening shot with Bai Lang framed awkwardly between his sister and boyfriend. Way to bring us back in and let us know exactly what the current conflict is.
I think Bai Qing has a right to be concerned about her brother. In many ways she's a maternal figure to him, and Bai Lang has trapped himself in his trauma.
Yes, Renmin the hockey player is back to flirt with A. Love a man willing to clear his entire weekend to hang out with his crush.
I love the conversation in the drive to work about how even at 30 it feels different when you start doing first-time couple things with someone. But I want to reiterate not to kiss while driving. That seemed like a specific choice by Xun'an, considering Bai Lang has trauma around car violence.
Oh no they are almost sickeningly cute right now.
Realizing that RJ is artistically talented is giving me so many feelings of warmth and yearning for him. This is a diary, and seeing Alex recognize how much RJ liked him is giving me complicated feelings about their potential romantic future.
I'm excited to see where this consequences thing goes with these two.
I like this dynamic with Renmin and A. Renmin maybe tried too hard to force a romantic moment, and they had to talk it out and come to a compromise. Still, it's clear they want to try making this new thing between them work.
Is Ye Qiran trying to beef with Bai Lang?
It's really refreshing how much there isn't really a love triangle here. I like that the show knows the audience isn't invested in seeing someone complicate the romance as if they're a genuine threat.
I love the staff at the clinic. They are so loyal and invested in this romance.
I do feel for Ye Qiran. He missed his opportunity with Xun'an over a decade ago, and now he has to deal with losing him a second time because the hope is being squashed. The use of the piano scene exemplifies how good their dynamic was at the time. I hope Bai Lang is prepared to deal with Xun'an's family.
I kinda wished we'd lingered on Xun'an trying a bunch of foods he didn't like.
Alex being awake during that window cleaning scene adds another layer I wasn't expecting. I am so curious where this will go.
Welp, time for the drama next week.
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nctiiny · 6 years
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↬…♡ norenmin matching iconsˀˀˀˀ like or reblog if you save!
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