romaniangothic · 3 years
i only recently (as in today lol) discovered your art and can't get over how talented you are so 2, 4, 14 and 18 from the artist asks please!
hiii!! thank you so much, i really appreciate it!! 😭 (also seeing ur username in my notifications will never Not be funny as hell DJDJDJDKDKDJ)
2. who is your favorite character to draw?
this changes sooo often lmao but my favorite character to draw rn is my detective kincaid!! here's a lil wip of him :]
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4. how often do you draw?
between being busy with school and also dealing with mental health stuff for years now, i really don't have a set schedule or anything 😭😭
i will either get hit by inspiration and sit and draw for 7 hours straight Or i won't draw for weeks at a time (which you can kinda tell from my uploading schedule lmao) i also get artblocked pretty often so 💀 i do try to draw as often as possible lol bcs no matter what i say, i do actually enjoy it jdjdjdjdjdj
14. what was something that you used to draw a lot you don't draw as much anymore?
this could just be any of my fandoms that i left over time but Overall, probably anime stuff. that's how i rlly started out with my art lol just obsessively drawing kakashi or whoever i was into when i was 12 idk 😭😭
i haven't watched any anime in a long ass time tho for some reason
18. how long have you been drawing/ when did you officially "declare" yourself as an artist?
ive always been the 'artistic kid'. ever since i was like a toddler lol. i started drawing seriously in november 2015 or something like that so i was. 10?? started drawing digitally and got my first wacom tablet in 2016
tbh before the pandemic started last year i didn't Really consider myself an artist? everyone around me called me that and i would draw almost every day but yeah idk. during the lockdown i had So much time to sit and reflect around a lot of shit and i realized that i Am an artist. imo if u make something and put it out there then congrats!! ur an artist, babey. there's no need to be rigid about this label tbh were all just trying to live and create stuff
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hunnybadgerv · 3 years
captainsaku Oooooh, congrats V!!
shadoedseptmbr OH Well DONE!
chyrstis Congrats on getting it! That's seriously awesome! :D
shallow-gravy CONGRATS!
crackerdumortain congrats!!! 🎉
theoriginalladya congratulations!!!!!
Thank you guy! You're awesome. I was so excited. I really wanted it because it's a chance to be involved with district-wide curriculum writing and decisions. I kind of can't believe it. I didn't figure they would choose me.
Three-year teacher with a non-traditional background.
I was in a State Department of Ed meeting and got to listen to a group of teachers complain about the existence of people like me. So, to have been allowed this chance really kind of makes me even more about this opportunity.
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amlovelies · 4 years
i know its still friday for you, but it's saturday here and screw it, you deserve an early one.
have an amazing day tomorrow, relax and spoil yourself!
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THANK YOU! 💜💜💜 youre so so sweet! I have like four days off and I’m looking forward to relax and enjoy myself 💜💜 be prepared for me to be super annoying on the internet for the next few days!
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ambrosykim · 3 years
12, 13 and 34 for everyone please!! welcome back ❤
aw thank you!!🥺💖💖
12. When was the last time they cried and why? (prior to meeting UB) 
charlie: she doesn't remember, it might've been months before meeting UB! she usually doesn't cry only in incredibly tense situations and even then she makes sure she's alone
lauren: they had a girls' night with tina and they watched some cheesy romance movies (i think it was pride & prejudice tbh🙄)
adele: she actually cries quite frequently, so i couldn't really say! she probably listened to hadestown or smth (you can't tell but she's a huge musical nerd lol)
simone: she burnt her toast on a monday morning. day ruined. (she mostly cries at the end of days to let off steam tbh)
13. What’s something they regret?
charlie: not learning to hide her emotions sooner
lauren: not telling her grandpa that she loved him enough times
adele: everything she did from age 17 to 20 (but she doesn't really remember much tbh)
simone: letting bobby close to her
34. What’s their love language? 
charlie: physical touch
lauren: quality time
adele: acts of service
simone: words of affirmation
questions for detectives!
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mistyeyedbi-archive · 4 years
i can't get "i just said i'd let your douchebag oc break me" out of my head and it's still cracking me up 😭
Lmao it's true tho! The man would DESTROY me and my turbulent confidence💀😭
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homeformyheart · 3 years
oooh twc_mason fwb ending please!!
thanks for asking kat! let’s see... so this one is labeled aptly as “friends with benefits ending” (official title tbd) XD and was inspired by all the post-bakery fics I’ve read and had an idea for Mason x Ria, to take in a different direction than I did in the “bakery” prompt fill back in February - the idea of Ria ending this “friends with benefits” type situation they have that’s “not serious.”
I already have 1.7k words but don’t know exactly where I want it to go, so I’d say it’s about halfway there?
I can’t decide between an angry confrontation/angsty ending or a heartwrenching confrontation/happy ending. And of course whether or not some smut would fit in context.
Anyone who thinks they know me/my writing might know what I’m leaning toward 😅.
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magebastard · 4 years
happy birthday!! ❤🎉
thank you so much! I appreciate it a lot! 💕💕
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masonscig · 4 years
pairing | mason x detective sofía olmos
word count | 3.3k
warnings | discussions of mortality, mentions of sex, lots of angst. but like. in domestic situations
tags | @raleighcarrera, @pixeljazzy, @natesewell, @masonsfangs, @agentsunshine, @tuagonia, @pixelsandkink, @crackerdumortain, @echohauville, @admdmrtn, @bravomckenzie, @durogatorymortain 
author’s note | well i’ve been toying with the idea of sofía choosing not to turn, so i thought i’d flesh that out and ruin my own day :-) so... here’s all the times mason tried convincing sofía and every time she turned him down. i’m not exactly 100% satisfied w how this came out but i’m still not sure how mason would react in this situation so i’m making things up as i go tbh. the title is inspired by 400 lux by lorde specifically the “i’d like it if you stayed” line bc whew!!! and i’d like to clarify that she’s not like ancient by the end of this she just greyed early LMAO
read it on ao3
The first time was casual. She had a knack for musing her thoughts aloud, tossing her harmless opinions out for anyone who’d catch them.
She was good at starting conversations in that way – while he’d never been one for talking.
She never did it with heavy topics, though.
He could sense a shift in her before she said a word. Squirming just a bit in her seat, shifting from thigh to thigh, jaw clenching, shoulders tensing; all telltale signs that she was on edge about something.
He assumed it was the nightmares. Or the disease seeping its way into the town of Wayhaven, its rot afflicting its citizens, her suffering taking a quiet backseat to her duties.
She surprised him, and that was rare.
“I don’t think I’d turn, if given the chance.”
“You really think that’s in the cards for you?” He said, a bit rudely, scoffing.
He didn’t intend to be that mean, but she couldn’t understand the complexities of immortality just yet. She wasn’t ready to deal with that – she could barely handle her life as it was.
“I know…” she winced, trailing off. “I’m just saying. I don’t know if I’d be able to handle it.”
At least she felt the same.
The second time, it came as a question.
He’d all but forgotten about her bringing it up. For him, it was out of the question. He didn’t care if she wanted it – he couldn’t do that to her.
It was one of the first times he stayed (was compelled to stay, like he sensed she actually needed him there).
She kind of tipped her chin up at him from below, staring like she always did.
He’d known her for her impulse – quick to assist, quick to support, quick to fight, even if she knew she was outmatched.
But with him, she always held back, and he knew that. He wasn’t quite sure if he was grateful or jealous that she reserved the wild parts of herself for him and the emotional parts for everyone else.
She reached over and pushed a strand of his unruly hair away from his face, fingertips lingering on his temple.
“Would you want me to turn?”
This time, he bit back the snarky retorts that threatened to burst out of him. “Not sure.”
She nodded, content, settling against his chest again. “That’s okay. There’s no rush.”
He couldn’t agree more.
The third time should’ve counted as the first – he was the one to initiate it, surprisingly. And it wasn’t easy.
Her hair was tied up in a sloppy bun, a few strands of hair clinging to the sweat on her temples. She was using her chin to fold the fresh towels she’d just grabbed from the dryer, a relatively easy chore compared to the deep cleaning she’d given the cabin.
Fold, plop, fold, plop, fold, plop.
The fragrant smell of lavender in her favorite detergent didn’t bother him as much anymore. It kinda relaxed him. He was up to his neck in folded towels, just watching her hum to herself and hand them over one by one, smiling at him every single time.
When she got to the sheets, however, she jumped on top of them, rolling around the mattress until she was wrapped up in them.
“Mmmm. I could live in warm sheets forever,” she smiled up at him, laughing when he tossed the stack to the ground, opting out of being helpful, instead climbing over her body and pressing his weight onto her.
“Hey, I just washed those,” she pretended to pout through her giggles, her arms trapped in the tangle of sheets, his arms tightening around her to hold her in place.
“S’not a big deal,” he murmured, pressing kisses to the scarred skin at her neck, smiling into her skin when he heard her sigh contentedly.
“It’d be a big deal if I made you wash them. You’re lucky I like you,” she squirmed, freeing a hand from the covers, a hand brushing softly over his hair.
He normally couldn’t stand the feeling of his strands being tugged – his hypersensitivity made it feel identical to the sensation of something crawling and biting his scalp until it bled.
He fucking hated feeling that way. But when Sofía tangled her hands in his hair, whether pulling on them when he was buried between her thighs, or stroking it absentmindedly in the most innocent way (like in that moment), he endured it. It honestly wasn’t half bad.
“What’s on your mind?” She asked, running a thumb over his cheekbone.
She’d learned how to read him over the years.
“Nothing urgent. Just thinkin’.”
She grinned, stuck a leg between his thigh, and pushed herself upwards, trying to flip him over. She was fucking awful at anything combat-related, so he just rolled his eyes and went with it.
She flopped on top of him, nuzzling into his chest. Her body was draped over his, which he normally hated, but the weight of her didn’t drive him up the fucking wall anymore. So he allowed it.
“Well, you know I’m always here to listen.”
They laid there for a while, and he was silent, unsure.
“How long do you plan on living?”
“What do you mean?” She pulled back and stared at him, loose hairs a wild frame around her face.
He huffed in frustration. “I don’t fucking know what I mean.”
“Hey, hey, you can tell me anything. You know that, right?”
Her gaze was soft, tender, understanding he’d never quite felt from anyone else nestled in her warm hazel irises.
She was so patient – way more than he deserved. No matter how many times he pushed her away, she was always there, waiting for him to come back to her.
“I’ve been thinking about how long you’ve got, is all,” he said, pulling her tighter when she tucked her head underneath his chin.
“How long we’ve got,” she whispered, running a palm over his chest.
She was quiet for a while, so long that he thought she’d fallen asleep.
“I’m not sure how long I’ve got, but I know I want you there.”
She leaned up, pressing a long kiss to his lips.
He wasn’t much for romanticism, but even he could admit that he enjoyed softer kisses from her.
Sofía always kissed him like it was the last time. Granted, it might’ve been because of their rocky start, but she poured everything into them, regardless of if it was a “good morning” kiss or a “see you later” kiss or a “fuck me until I can’t walk” kiss.
He pulled back with a smirk. “You want me for my body.”
“Oh, shut up. You know there’s more to it than that,” she rolled her eyes, slinging a leg over him to straddle him.
“Oh?” He quirked a brow at her.
“Yeah, it’s just a perk,” she teased, tugging him in for another searing kiss, and that was the end of that.
The fourth, fifth, and sixth times were all him.
Once on the rooftop, once when she was sick, and once in the afterglow.
It got both easier and harder with every time.
The sensation of the wind against his cheeks struck him like a blade slicing at his skin, the smoke dulling it to a pinch instead of a cut.
She sipped her coffee next to him, tugging her side of the blanket underneath her chin. Her bangs had grown out, the soft edges of them grazing the plush material.
Her cheeks were flushed, the wind drawing out the rose of her cheeks.
She was his favorite garden.
It wasn’t his job to nurture her, but he wanted to. He hadn’t admitted it out loud before.
In every sense of the word, he was her guardian. Self appointed, but hers nonetheless.
It was hard to get the words past his lips, but when he did, his shoulders lifted with relief.
“I think you should stay with me.”
She swallowed her mouthful of coffee, brows furrowed. “I am. This is our house.”
He eyed her, mouth tugging up at the side. She was still figuring him out. Hell, he was still figuring himself out. It was fun to watch her detective skills in action.
“Oh…” she trailed off, heart racing. He could practically see the blood pumping to her heart.
“I, uh, don’t know.”
“Don’t know? What’s that supposed to mean?”
She shook her head, staring into her mug. “I don’t know how I feel about… forever.”
“Forever with me,” he said, taking a deep drag of his cigarette, his other hand fisting the blanket at his chest.
“No, no, not that. I just don’t have the best track record with being… satisfied with life.”
He chose not to respond, glad he knew how to refrain from saying things he’d regret.
The cigarette was gently pulled from his lips, and she was right there – face even closer to his despite them being huddled under blankets.
He blew out a thick plume of smoke from the corner of his mouth, away from her face. She laughed, swatting it away, before tossing the cigarette off the roof.
“Hey, I wasn’t done with that,” he smirked, eyes flitting to her mouth.
“It’s not you, I promise. I just have to sort through some things,” she said, the sincerity in her tone enough to make him believe her.
“I believe you.”
It wasn’t that he ever didn’t trust her – he trusted her more than anyone he’d ever known – it was that he never felt compelled to verbalize it. They just… knew.
Those three words softened her gaze and pulled her to him, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips that he quickly deepened (after throwing her mug off the roof).
The first time she got sick, Mason wasn’t equipped to deal with it.
She looked weak, broken out in cold sweats, the warmth drained from her features. The first twenty four hours were torturous – despite it not being a life threatening illness, she’d never been this way.
He knew humans got sick (of course) but it wasn’t like they ran into battle with their weapons raised and he could anticipate the fallout – one day she was fine, and the next she was hospitalized.
He was supposed to take care of her, but instead he stood by, helpless, as the nurses poked and prodded and doped her up until she was comatose.
His mind was reeling with possibilities, mulling over what would happen if she was ripped from him.
I didn’t give her a kiss before I left. I didn’t take her hiking like we’d always planned.
I didn’t tell her I loved her.
I mean, he had, hadn’t he?
Living with her, sleeping with her, being with her was more than enough… right?
She stirred after a while, trying and failing to sit up.
“Don’t get up. You’ll hurt yourself,” he almost barked, adjusting the pillow underneath her head. “You’re not supposed to be moving.”
She laughed weakly, barely pushing the bangs away from her face. “You worried about me?”
“Of course I am. What kinda question is that?” She chuckled a few more times, morphing into a cough. “Just teasing. You’re sweet.”
He grabbed the cup of ice water and adjusted the straw, bringing it to her lips gently, letting her sip it.
It was a different experience considering he hadn’t ever taken care of her like that before. She was fiercely independent, so she never really needed him like that. Still didn’t, even as she was shivering uncontrollably in the hospital bed.
“Thanks,” she breathed, settling back against the pillow.
“You shouldn’t have to worry about this,” he mumbled, setting the cup down with some force, the plastic clacking against the tray.
“It’s not a big deal. I should be back to new in a couple of days,” she said, wiggling until she was on her side, facing his seat at her bedside.
“It is a big deal.”
“Mason, I promise, I’m fine –”
“I want you to turn.”
He didn’t mean for it to come out so demanding, but in truth, he was desperate.
She chewed her lip, tucking her pillow underneath her chin. “Do you really want to have that conversation here? With me doped up on medication?”
She was silent for a while. Her gaze raked over his face, flitting from his eyes to his nose to his cheeks to his hair back to his eyes again.
“I don’t want to argue,” she said finally. “My brain isn’t even functioning properly to argue my case.”
“Doesn’t have to be an argument.”
“It’ll be one.” Her voice was sure. Weak, but unwavering.
He figured he had time to convince her – plead his case, make an undisputed argument, and win her over. Something. But he could never find the right time. Or rather, he was never driven to do so.
The one time he felt compelled to bring it up was in the early hours of the morning, the first rays of sun slicing underneath their dark curtains, gold streaking across their crumpled clothes long since abandoned on the floor.
He hated the way the sun made him feel, but seeing it catch the silver strands in her hair changed his mind. Just a bit.
He drew patterns across the smooth skin of her back with his fingers, smirking at the shiver he elicited from her body without even trying.
Her head was tucked underneath his chin, arm and leg curled around him, face buried in his chest.
“So needy,” he murmured into her hair, watching her back rise and fall.
Her chest rumbled against his, her laugh vibrating up through him (one of his favorite sensations).
“‘S’cause you’re warm,” she mumbled, squeezing him tighter. “I’d stay in this position forever if I could.”
“You could.”
She tensed against him, her grip loosening. “I don’t know if I’m ready for that, Mason…”
“Will you ever be?” He asked, a bit sarcastically, regretting his tone almost immediately.
“I… don’t know.”
“It’s been a long time since we’ve talked about it.”
“Why do we have to talk about it now? Can’t we just… I don’t know, sleep? And talk about it tomorrow?”
He sighed, dropping his arm from her back. “At this rate, we’ll never talk about it.”
“What? No, we will, I just need more time –”
She pushed away from him until she was on her side, staring up at his stern expression.
“I know,” she said, voice low, pressing a kiss on the crook of his elbow. “Honestly, I’m fucking terrified.”
“What’re you scared of?” He asked, brows furrowed.
“Disappointing you, mostly. And the process. And living forever. I feel like I’m upsetting somebody one way or the other.”
“Are you really worried about what I’ll think?” His laugh was curt, cutting. He didn’t really mean it to come out that way. It was just baffling to him that after all these years she still cared about what others thought of her.
“Well… yeah… you’re the only person I’m worried about disappointing in the first place,” she said, matter-of-factly.
“I’m flattered you think so highly of me, sweetheart, but I’m the last person you’d disappoint,” he shrugged, mouth lifting at the corner.
“You say that, but I know you’d be upset if I chose not to turn,” she sighed, rolling on her other side, folding her pillow around her ears.
“Damn right I’d be upset.”
She scrambled to a sitting position, swinging the pillow at him, hitting his chest with a soft smack. “I know you’d be sad. But more than that… you’d be disappointed.”
“You’re going on and on about my disappointment but I’m failing to see why that’s important here.”
“Because if I choose not to turn I’m essentially a ticking time bomb and you’re gonna treat me differently and everything we do is going to be tainted by that because I’ve let you down –”
Mason cut her off with a kiss, palms cupping her cheeks – no, cradling her face – like she was fragile, precious.
He was never much for words, nor was he one for meaningful sentiments. He was never good with words like his counterparts.
But just then, in that moment, seeing his girl ramble on and on about how her eternity boiled down to those she cared about – he had to say something.
“I need you to stay with me.”
He breathed the words into her, lips grazing her own, like in his own way he was pouring how he felt – what he wanted – into her.
She curled her fingers around his palms, which were still gently holding her face, and pulled back so she could see his eyes.
She was misty-eyed and trembling, like whatever she needed to confess was ten times harder than what he’d just said.
“I would be turning for you, not for me.”
His first reaction was anger.
He could feel his body heating up, his jaw working, his muscles tensing underneath his skin. But she didn’t deserve his immediate reaction. She was better than that.
“Is that such a bad thing?”
She rolled her lips together, pursing them, anything she could do to hide her bottom lip quivering. “You’re the only one I’d do it for.”
“And… that’s a bad thing.”
She sank her teeth into her bottom lip, blinking furiously to try to keep the tears back. He still held her, as gentle as ever.
“I’m just starting to figure things out and – and I think I’d disappoint myself if I stayed alive and couldn’t live up to all the good things I did when I was human.”
“There you go with that fucking word again –”
“I can’t think of another word for it. Just disappointment.”
“You mean with yourself? Because I’m sure as shit not,” he joked, getting a small part-sniffle-part-laugh from her. He ran a knuckle underneath her eye, catching a tear there.
“I don’t want to sound rude –”
He laughed, a genuine laugh, so much so that he dropped his hands and fell back against the headboard.
“Do you know who you’re talking to?”
“The rudest person on the planet,” she said, still sitting up, reaching back to tie her hair in a sloppy bun.
“Hit me.”
“I don’t want my existence to hinge on another person’s.”
“It’s not. And that wasn’t rude. It was honest.”
She squirmed, tugging the sheet up to tuck under her arms and cover her up like a makeshift shirt. “I’m not making this decision for me anymore. It’s for us.”
He shrugged. “Sure, I guess, but if you ever get tired of me you could just, I dunno. Bail.”
“Isn’t this life… enough? Won’t you get bored of me? I don’t know if I’m interesting enough to keep you preoccupied for… uh, ever.”
He shook his head. “No.”
She leaned back against the headboard, arm pressed against his. “How are you so sure about everything?”
“I’m not.”
“I wish I were more like you,” she sighed, scrubbing the back of her hand against her cheeks, wiping away any stray tears.
“You could be,” he joked, this time a bit more pleading than the last time he’d said a variant of the phrase.
He slung an arm around her shoulders, pulling her to him, hand rested on the plush skin of her stomach. She nuzzled into his skin again, breathing deeply.
“I don’t know if living forever is in the cards for me,” she mumbled into him.
[disclaimer at the end bc i am still very ... ab this fic but !!! this is the first time i’m really writing domestic mason x sofía so i’m not even sure if i nailed the dynamic bc i’m so used to them never being on the same page .. which if you think about it they’re really not on the same page here LMAO but you know what i mean!! and tbh im not even sure i wrapped it up well... because like... how DO you end a conversation like that SJDFKSKDF like i racked my brain trying to figure it out and i just let it fizzle out bc i think after all the years of fighting they know they’re both too stubborn to change each others’ minds... i think. i might revisit this in the future bc this concept is very pleasing (sick and twisted i know) to me]
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hunnybadgerv · 3 years
white and clear (if you haven't alr answered them) please v!!
White: Are you a supporter/lover of fanfiction? Oh yes. I read as much as I can. I do try to grab novels as well. But I try to always leave comments and kudos on the fics I read (though last night I was a horrible reader and left no comments, but kudos were left). 
I also, where I can find the tumblr post, try to reblog people’s fiction, though in all honesty, we usually have the same circle of friends. So, I’m not sure it’s the most effective thing, but I do it to cheer and encourage my fellow writers and friends. 
Clear answered here.
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amlovelies · 4 years
4, 20 and 24 for mason and serena pls!!
of course! I’m always happy to answer about these two 💕
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
sparring/training. still something physical which gives them a reason to touch each other, but it helps Serena a lot to work through her emotions and just feel more in control and competent. 
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
At first there's a lot of raised eyebrows and concerns. the other members of ub are pretty concerned that Serena is going to get hurt, except then they notice how different Mason is acting with her. At this point in the narrative they are mostly just hoping they will figure things out. It seems so clear to people on the outside that they love each other, but Serena and Mason are both avoidant af. 
Once they figure their shit out and get together they are happy for them even if now they have to make sure to knock twice before entering any room they are in. 
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
They both are guilt of this! Physical touch is the primary love language for both of them, and Serena has a pretty inappropriate sense of humor which makes for plenty of hijinks 
otp questions
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ambrosykim · 3 years
NETTTTTTT ITS YOUR BDAY????????!!! AHHHHH!!!! 💝💖💞🎉🎂 HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYY!! omg i hope you have the best day! ❤❤
AHHHHHH THANK U KAT!!!!!!!🥺🥺💖💗💕💕💝
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griffin-wood · 3 years
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Top: Liliana Brooks (TWC), Elliot Reynolds (TWC), Raylene Gray (BodyCount)
Bottom: Irene Leyva (TWC), Maximus 'Max' Wiseman, Maia Wiseman (Mindblind)
Thank you @kelseaaa , @fhauvilles , @nickeymouse , @detectivedumortain , @roses-and-roo for the tags! 🥺💖
Make your OC's from this picrew ! I certainly got carried away and made a few more than needed - but, here is some of my OC's from twc, mindblind and bodycount! 💛💛
Tagging: @takemyopenheart , @rosygray , @wayhavenots , @sosolenoo , @crackerdumortain , @winterkeys , @liamwynric and anyone who wants to join in! (No pressure at all!)
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nerdferatum · 3 years
Favourite bloggers?
I’m always afraid of leaving people out from these kind of asks, but I’ll try my best. I had to choose some people because the list will get too long otherwise (like it isn’t awfully long anyway).
I’ve been lucky enough to find many lovely people in these fandoms (who on top of that are incredible writers and artists so maybe check out their work): @ariendiel @garyabs @codename-mango @lookingforsomethingcuzimbored @voile-de-lune @gin-o-clock @lasswithumor @hopeshoodie @simonsmontjoy @fuseboxmusebox @zigtheeortega @kittidot @lordrezan
But there are so many talented people in these fandoms, so I have to also mention these amazing writers and artists whose works I always end up going back to: @deuchess @masonsfangs @veeples @amlovelies @night-triumphantt @toyhenoctus @mepheesto @valcubust @quietsphere @crackerdumortain @ejunkiet @eightmonkeys @s-ewell @lilas @queerbrujas @bellarxse
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babycracker · 3 years
crackerdumortain → babycracker
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hunnybadgerv · 3 years
hi v!!! plantster and marathon pls!!
from the What Type of Writer Are You? Asks:
Plantser: What is the first thing you do when you start working on a new WIP? It depends on if I’ve written in the fandom before. If I have then, I make a new doc, and type Summary, a/n, and Title at the top. If I think it could be more than one section I’ll also put -1-. If it’s for a prompt I also post the prompt in the document notes
If it is in a whole new fandom, I take the hot minute to create a fandom Scrivener file. I set up a folder for that character or ship or whatever, then I do the above. 
Marathon : What are three things you have to have during a writing session? I’m not sure there are three things that I absolutely have to do during a writing session. Sometimes I need music, though background noise will sometimes suffice. I always have something to drink--water, Coke, coffee, tea, juice, or something. 
I’m really struggling to find a third thing that I must have. I’m not even sure there is a third thing is really something I maybe need from time to time. Honestly, if I’m writing or planning to write, there’s nothing I really need in order to accomplish that goal. I’ve kind of gotten used to just going when I get the chance. 
Of course, on the flipside there are more than a few times when I’ve wanted to write, but not been able to even get started with any words. That happens to me a lot in my morning “writing time.” I’ll sit here and stare at the screen completely unable to focus on a single thing, including writing. 
Sometimes one of the things I have to have for a writing session is DISCIPLINE, which I probably lack more often than I’d like, or than I should.
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amlovelies · 4 years
ugh do you know how hard it was for me to decide who i wanted a song rec for?? i decided on tanner though bc ofc i did. so ive tried to pick a couple maybe less obvious facts, 1) deep, DEEP down he's incredibly insecure, 2) he has some serious and deep seeded abandonment issues, and 3) he actually really wishes that he was more well adjusted because he really wants to find someone to settle down with who accepts him like he is. have fun and thank you lol ❤
okay so the first song that came to mind with the deeper lore is born without a heart by faouzia
I'm a nightmare, I know what you mean by that I can't wake up from all these scary dreams I have
No, I wasn't born without a heart I wasn't always like this, no Watched you break me, no Now you blame me No, I wasn't born with all these scars
I have a lot of other songs about abandonment issues but they all feel a little too soft for tanner tbh 
tell me about your oc and I’ll rec a song
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