#crackship bc they put crack in the ship
hella1975 · 1 year
part 2 of tkm highlights
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I apparently had no commentary on chapter 17 or the epilogue but I DID lose my mind. anyway. craziest thing about these books is definitely the fact the british gangsters seriously showed up completely coincidentally and nothing different is ever confirmed. evidently not what I was expecting
the brits know how to pull up 😂😂😂😂💪💪💪💪💪
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the-acid-pear · 5 months
Holy shit i just realized i never shared my crack ship idea bc i ended up getting depressed that day ANYWAY; CRACKSHIP IDEA: HARRY/WALT (green phone)
REASONING: Walt specifically has a history with Harry (whether this means Harry was the phoney in the stripclub eludes me and isnt the point) since when you ask him about his coworkers he mentions they go way back, even calls him by his first name and calls him reliable meaning they most likely ARE friends. To this add the fact that it was Harry's proposal to send him to the factory (unlike Jake and Roger who both dread the thought) and the fact that Walt comes back from it Miserable. He clearly wasn't trained either (Jack has to tell him his new name) so someone needs to teach him the ropes around here.
On top of this, and now we're stepping into a bit of more personal interpretations perhaps, but as far as i'm aware from all the lines i re-read I dont think there's any evidence that Harry saw any fresh out of the factory phone guys (closest was Joe but that was previous to his memory being gone, and Harry was REALLY sad about it too). He did work on the factory for a while but it seemed he was more on the management side (also he was only 3 months there). I also really think Walt's procedure got botched, most likely because the breach in time between the creations of any phones, i mean, shouldnt he be a gen 3? Why the hell does he suffer from amnesia? He was also as previously stated not even trained. It's like they haphazardly put him back together (does a machine do the entire process, not just the head replacement? has the machine gotten any mantainence in all these years? etc)
So, to paint a full picture: You have an utterly miserable fresh off the factory phone guy with amnesia, the last one to be ever made (hopefully, probably) and you got his friend and the person who proposed this fate for him (not the culprit, that's Jack [YOU CHOSE THIS] F. Kennedy), one of the oldest phones ever made. And as i'm done writing this i realize the ship factor is honestly pretty secondary i think there's a lot to explore here even in a platonic way too. Something about being faced with the consequences of your actions and being forced to question what you thought was right and wrong while also not getting time to stop because not only does the company need him but also this guy who no one else is gonna help needs him.
Are you listening to me. I'm grabbing you and shaking you by the shoulders do you understand what i'm saying?
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ultravioart · 5 months
Consider the crackship/au ship of Brigitte(25) and Venture(26)... the ship needs a name.
The vibes? Ice cream and apple pie ♡
Sloan would LOVE Lindholm desserts....
Bonding over taking apprenticeships (Sloan with the Wayfinders Society, Brigitte with Rein and Overwatch).
Brigitte helping Sloan with drill repairs
Venture eager to learn about omnic history thru Brigitte's family connections (Rein, Torb, Bastion, etc.)
Sloan helping Brigitte with self confidence!
Asthmatic Sloan being allergic to cats but puts up with it bc Mitzi is adorable...
Brigitte writting Sloan doofy little love poems when they are away at work, and Sloan eating it up bc (clutches chest full of heart emojis) MI VIDA!!!!! SHE LOVES MEEE (long distance relationship)
When the two do meet up they are adorkable together. The kind of couple that makes you roll your eyes.
Brigitte doing weight training while listening to Sloan infodump about omnic history.
Gym partners... Hiking partners... life partners!!!
Sloan would pick a meaningful stone for an engagement ring <3 and I think Brigitte would really like the fairy tale romance of it all...
Idk i think it would be a cute crack ship... def au territory but do u see the vision......
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franciskirkland · 10 months
Hypermobile Françoise anon here!!
1. I hope things start going better for you :c
2. What are your Gerita headcanons, if you have any?
3. Do you have any crackships you enjoy? (For example, I'm a Sweden/Italy enjoyer)
1 - thank you!! <3 i am so exhausted 100% of the time i literally cannot keep up with basic life expectations which in turn contributes to the ongoing misery of my living situation. i've had the last couple days off from work and i haven't gotten much done as far as writing bc i needed to catch up with housework and rest. i work for the next 3 days so i might go quiet bc i need to sleep for at least 12 hours or i'll disintegrate. i have a Blood Doctor appt on monday that i've been waiting literally 5 months for but i might need to cancel it bc my medicare card is expired. sobbing emoji x 5
2 - tbh idrk what ppl mean when they ask for non-specific headcanons like without context i'll forget every thought i've ever had. like my general thoughts on them or... ? i love gerita they're really sweet... i've been thinking about starting a fic soon! they're husbands with each other this is canon actually. it's such an essential ship to me like i can't see them not together unless one of them died lol
before getting together their lifestyles and habits were so incompatible but ludwig has learned to be less rigid and likewise feliciano is forced to clean up his act re: being a lazy little slob.
i feel like they'd have a lot of pets, specifically dogs and cats. like everything in their house is covered in fur, their pets are so pampered and they refer to themselves as mutti and vati when talking to them...
the introvert/extrovert couple of all time. ludwig can't stand PDA but they're so sappy behind the scenes.
feliciano packs ludwig lunch every day and puts the most embarassing little notes in it.
their refrigerator is covered in stickers for some reason? no children were responsible for this.
ludwig is the designated driver bc feli is so reckless but feli complains that he's too slow and begs him to let him drive. he never does.
they've almost broken up over putting together ikea furniture.
3 - crack ships? not that i can really think of?? i like most ships tbh so i see potential in pretty much any characters that have interacted.
for pure crack value i'm sure there's something but sorry my brain is mush rn. what about crossover ships like mad men lane pryce x france hetalia lmfao. napoleon x france? england x his hand?? england vs queen elizab - no let's not do that please.
prumano is crack to me bc (in my opinion) they're too chaotic to actually work, like in close proximity i give them a week until they kill each other by accident or intentionally.
gilbird and pierre are nesting partners. get it? bc they're birds.
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
the anon who asked about your odd ships. now I wanna know EVERY take you mentioned but in case that gets very long / you don't want to talk about everything, I'm most curious about the canon ship you can't stand, that notp, and that poly ship. Though if you have the time I'd rather know all the takes 🤣
ask and you shall ✨receive✨~
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dropping a cut here for length~~ because m a n did just those three questions get long sorry~~~~
the canon ship i can’t stand:
aside from the obvious (akechi x his m*t* s**t*), i don’t like the harucouple. i find their story pretty bland tbh, and i just find miou plain unlikeable.
questionable 10cm anime aside (‘cuz seriously, what was up with miou in that anime? she found out that chiaki died [from unrelated causes] after he saved her from drowning, and then proceeded to blame herself for his death??? even though akechi was like “ay girl his death ain’t your fault, so chill ok?” she just went ahead and made chiaki’s death all about herself, distanced herself from haruki with no explanation, then slapped him when he got all depressed and had an existential crisis that came about because she ignored him? like whaaaaat) the fact that miou is just too dang passive is pretty annoying. m
like, what’s up with that “zutto matteru yo, haruki-kun” nonsense? why is she expecting haruki to be the only one to put in effort to see her? take some initiative, girlllllllllllllll close that 10cm yourself dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he’s going to study abroad in the us of a, he has no time to hop on a plane to zip back just to see you. if you have the time to find him (like during your summer vacation), and if the opportunity presents itself (like, if your friends happen to get tickets for a trip to the ‘states and are gracious enough to give one of said tickets to you), go to see him yourself, dammit!!!!!!
and! the fact that they just picked up right where they left off 7 years later is pretty dumb. people change over time, you know? the person you thought you liked in high school may have very well grown up to become an adult that you barely recognise, much less still have feelings for. so the fact that they just??? got right together after those 7 years with absolutely minimal contact??? is just????? what???????????
so yeah. that canon ship i can’t stand is harumiou. stock shoujo romance ships confuse me h e l p
aside from that, yuko x her french husband ig, bc she needs therapy, not a man. prioritise your kids, yuko, not yourself. you’re a parent, so act like one, dammit!!!!
that notp:
every single aizo ship aside from lxl, daizo (as a crackship), and aiyui (read: ft4 yui, for the crack potential only), bc i really can’t see him with any girl (or any other guy for the matter, really). aiyuu forever, y’know—
also, hiyomona bc episode 6 of the [redacted] anime still makes my skin crawl. why would you ship mona with someone who says “you’re so cute, no wonder why the guy tried to assault you” h e lp. i used to think that hiyomona was kinda cute, but now it just. gives me the heebies sorryyyyyyyyyyy
that poly ship:
keikarenariken!!!!! the fast food quartet is just so cute together y’know~~~~? kei and ken even bounce off each other really nicely (cries in heart no chikai novel i totally didn’t forget about), and arikaren are just plain cute!!!!! ken and karen have nice interactions with each other, in a sense… soooo… they’re all just so precious and cute and i think they should all hold hands and feed each other extra salty french fries
and for another poly ship, kotahinakoyuryou! yukki deserves to have 3 gardening-loving lovers y o u g e t m e ? flower shop ot4, anyone? i just think the four of them should be girlfriends (yes, even kotaro) and weave each other flower crowns~~~~~~
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fingersinhisass · 1 year
18 28 39 for OC ask!
thank you for the ask!!! i’m having so much fun w these
18. Any OC crackships?
oh man well. i had one that started out as a crack ship bc their “canon” storylines don’t even interact but they just fit so well together that it really became more of an actual ship lol. basically fake detective/actual stalker who’s obsessively devoted to the people she falls in love with plus a manipulative mastermind whose entire thing is getting people to fall in love with her just so she can see how much she can torture and put them through with them still loving her. so yeah, they’re like. terrible people together yay them!
28. Your most dangerous OC?
this is hard i’m having to go through my mental rolladex of ocs bc i’ve got. so many. hmmmmm one i can think of off the top of my head my vampire oc heather. i made her for a campaign that sadly never got started but i still love her. my crazy early 2000s inspired queen ❤️
39. Introduce any character you want
ok. i’m forcing you to look at kinoni my beautiful ghost obsessed son. he’s a freak and i love him. absolute genius inventor and devotes all of that brain power to making devices to increase spiritual energy so that he can interact w ghosts bc he wants to get with a ghost so bad but has absolutely zero spiritual sensitivity. also lives on a diet of exclusively hot chip and chicken nuggets. he has three boyfriends and a fat ass.
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stormstruck-angel · 2 years
2, 12, 17, 18? 👀
Under a read-more because I ramble!
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
This is like trying to choose a favourite child - the answer changes all the time, depending on who I'm using more frequently, who's getting development, who I feel like drawing, etc etc etc.
At the moment, I'd say my two favourites (bc I can't pick just one) are Atlas and Nicky - Nicky, being the newest baby and potential barbie doll, is currently Being developed, and as such is frequently on my mind. Atlas is my most recently played character, and I'm just very very fond of them generally - they're my only tank character, and they're very different from personalities I normally play, and they're very, very pretty, so they're kind of my default favourite these days.
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
Oh, SO MANY.... Jay, Leo, I want to say Bon because I didn't make him but he was generously gifted to me by a beloved DM, Wyvern, Orpheus, Moss... the list goes on and on and on
17. Any OC OTPs?
Among just my OCs? Not really! I rarely ever make my own partners for my own OCs.
18. Any OC crackships?
Almost every ship you could make between my OCs would be a crack ship, but some fun ones brought to you by things I think would be funny and also the absolute chaos that was Throwing Them All Into the Sims and Leaving Them To Their Own Devices for A While--
lyra/althea, lyra/atlas, castor/zamir, atlas/orpheus (orph isn't mine but i HAD TO include this one), nicky/leo/aqua (also mostly not mine but the concept is so funny and so vaguely fucked up at the same time and I KNOW she'll see this--), bon/castor (honestly it Could be canon if I want, I just don't think it ever will be), Castor/Atlas would be so funny and so awful, I could go on forever putting two characters together at random and watching the fallout---
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bittersweet--chaos · 3 years
Hey there!! Me again!! (The one who asked for the Darlin and David crack ship that one time lol)
I don’t know if you’re still doing requests (or if you can stand my crackship loving ass) but perhaps
Darlin and David out together and someone says they’re a cute couple, which flusters David, but Darlin just finds it funny until David plays along and acts like their actual boyfriend
Cue flustered Darlin
If not this ship, Sam and Darlin also works
Play along
Hello hello again! I decided to do Sam and Darlin'(if you don't mind) bc I wanted to try my hand at writing for my favorite vampire/werewolf couple. But I can definitely picture David and Darlin' like this. I hope you enjoy!
"Alright cowboy, where to next?" Darlin' had asked Sam. The two empowered people were currently out, traveling around Daliah at night for the hell of it. The two of them need a break from looking for Quinn anyways so what better to do than explore the city at one of the greatest times. A lot of nice places were open at night and the lights of the city were so vibrant it could've been mistaken as the Aurora Lights. "Food. You need to eat." Sam responded as he rolled his eyes at the usage of "cowboy" being his nickname of the night. The two found a diner for Darlin' to eat at While ordering, Sam went and found a booth by a large window for the two to sit at. "Food's gonna be here in a minute." Darlin' said as the slide into the booth across from Sam.
"Good. You need some food in ya before you damn near pass out." Sam joked, his accent cutting thickly through his words whenever he spoke. It set Darlin's heart on fire whenever he spoke. "Oh shut up." They snorted. A conversation soon sparked up between the two as they waited for Darlin's food to be done. Soon it was and Darlin' got up to grab the tray of fast food. When they headed back towards the southern vampire, they noticed a woman talking to Sam.
They couldn't hear the conversation from far away with out them being shifted to they walked closer, a low growl emmited from their chest. "Do you need something?" Darlin' asked as they towered over the shorter woman. She spun around and quickly wavered her hand infront of her face. "Oh sorry! I didn't mean to intrude on you're date. I just wanted to say I saw you two walk in and you looked so cute that's all." The small woman smiled.
Darlin's face felt hot as a blush crept it's way from their neck to their cheeks. "Um, we're not-"
"Thank you ma'am. Darlin' come sit so you can eat." Sam smiled at the woman and then smirked at Darlin'. That fucker. "Awww what a gentleman. Ok, I'll let you two lovebirds carry on with you're date." The woman smiled and walked away, but not before waving goodbye to the two. Darlin' ste their food down and stared at Sam before sitting down across from him again. "Why the hell did you do that?" Darlin' asked when the woman was out of ear shot. All Sam did was smirked and drap his arm over the back of the both seat.
"What? Say thank you? It's called manners Darlin'"
"Why'd you say thank you to something that wasn't true?!"
"Is it not true?"
That left Darlin' stunned. They're mouth was left open as the blush on their face grew hotter. "I-uh-" they started stuttering, trying to come up with something to say. Sam reached over with his free hand and grabbed one of Darlin' fried and putting it in his mouth. Once he was done chewing it they broke out of the stun dazed and grabbed him by the shirt. He didn't have time to even say anything because Darlin' had smashed his lips into theirs. The kiss started off rough, but soon melted into something sweet and passionate. Sam's hand found it's way to Darlin' cheek and caressed it until they split for some much need oxygen.
They two's breathing were heavy as they both sat down. "So, where to next on this date Darlin'?"
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bookiedoodles · 2 years
When you have a lot of crackships that only occasionally get a couple of interactions, you really feel like in a dream when one of such ships gets its own episodes in the show. I still can't believe that Huntlow is real. Why can't people let us enjoy things we love?? Like, we literally have GRAINS of the desired content, and we are happy even with that! We are by no means a big fandom, considering that with these two characters (Hunter and Willow) there are ships that actually occupy a large place among the content of the fandom, namely: Gol\ \\dric and Bosh\\low. We are not even allowed to feel a little bit of happiness from the fact that our otp is getting a bit of canon stuff. To be honest, I'm really sick of this anti-bullshit. JUST LET US VIBE WITH OUR COMFORT SHIP, FOR GOD'S SAKE! I absolutely don't want to ruin my day by bumping into a №9999 Huntlow slander post.
I am very close to starting a war with that part of the fandom that is like a muddy spot on a banana :\
Now tbh I can’t fully relate bc I only ever thought about huntlow after watching ASIAS, so I can’t fully comment on the whole “crack ship suddenly getting crumbs” part, but I totally get it!! And even STILL there isn’t really much for Huntlow, but it’s totally awesome that a ship that seemed so bonkers in Yonkers and totally unattainable is suddenly getting at least a smidge of a nod from the show… that’s exciting!!!! We have all the right to be going bananas!!!! So the fact that anti’s are being so pissy about it is just. Sad.
Also their reasons for not liking it are crazy. I mean!!! Sure, the ages is really an “up to you” kinda thing. I personally don’t see a problem with their age gap, but I can understand if that does make some people uncomfortable. However, if their age gap is really the only ammunition you have to be shitty to people who do ship it… then good lord just put the water gun away.
And now that we’re speaking up and being like “personally I don’t see the age gap as that big of a deal, considering Willow is turning 15 and Hunter is 16”, now they seem to think they need to come up with OTHER reasons as to why it’s a terrible ship. To the point that it’s just BLATANT LYING. Just say you don’t like the ship!!! You can not like the ship, that’s fine!! Just leave us alone!!!
ALSO THERE REALLY GENUINELY IS NOT A LOT OF HUNTLOW SHIPPERS OUT THERE IDK WHY THEY THINK THERES SO MANY OF US LOL??? Like they’re so fucking WORRIED about us when we don’t even take up THAT much of the community.
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tuiyla · 3 years
But sometimes I wish there was more of the kind of acknowledgment you give, that we simply don't know what would have happened and frankly it's giving the writers too much credit to assume the same writing issues wouldn't have been present.
Fr!! This is why I have such a problem with so many crackshippers because most of them have the same problem where they steamroll over canon and act like their ship would definitely be better than the canon ships, as if Glee's writers haven't screwed over every pairing in one way or another.
Everyone is free to dislike canon and prefer crackships, but just bc your prefer one ship to another does not mean that they'd be better than the canon material, and just bc a ship was good as friends does not mean that'd automatically translate well as a couple because friendship dynamics are very different from romantic relationships.
Shoutout to shippers like you that acknowledge canon while still appreciating crackships in AU :D
Yes, thank you!
I hope no one takes this the wrong way because I'm legitimately not saying that crack is always inferior or something but I do think crackshippers can fall into the trap that you mention. That because they can create whatever AU they want for their ship - they have to, to make the ship work - it's always gonna be an ideal world. But what we get in canon isn't ideal because obviously it's not gonna be tailored to personal need the way an AU is and, well, Glee kinda sucked anyway.
I also think, and I forgot to touch on this in the previous post, that this acknowledgment is needed because canon ships can be more restricted in this sense. Because we do have canonical things that happened for better or worse, whereas crack can be whatever we want it to be. And yes, it's nice to imagine what X crackship could have been, but it's kinda unfair to say it would have been so much better than Y canon ship when in reality we just do not know. And then when people headcanon for Y canon ship, there's sometimes a double standard because oh, that's not how it happened in canon. Right, but X crack just straight up did not happen in canon, either, but we still create our own scenarios because we like these characters and think their incompetent writers didn't deserve them.
And I also agree with you that a crack's canon dynamic doesn't mean it would work well if it was made romantic textually. Again, crack is always gonna be potential not reality and I think it's super cool that people care so much to write fics and share their thoughts with others and I dig all that, but, for lack of a better way of putting this, I think canon ships deserve a certain level of respect. That's not to say everyone has to like all of them, not at all, but just don't compare to crack in ways that are unfair. Canon couples have bad moments because they're canon with conflict and bad writing moments and production influences. The worlds we build in our minds cannot be compared. So I guess I'm just saying that statement A, "I prefer this crackship to the one we got in canon because I think they could have worked better", is fair. Statement B, "This crackship deserved to be canon so much more because they would have been better" isn't.
Shoutout to shippers like you that acknowledge canon while still appreciating crackships in AU
I guess I'll drink to that haha, thank you! I think they should be treated on different levels but appreciated nonetheless, or at least acknowledged for what they are.
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I have a theory that shipping with Sansa is so erratic and random bc she has no good canon options. Joffrey was a demon. The Hound put a blade to her throat twice and was about to rape her. Tyrion married her to gain access to her family holdings, molested her, and she was miserable with him. Littlefinger abuses and manipulates her. Willas sounds nice, but we don't know him. Robert Arryn is a terror. Harry the Heir is a jerk. It's not a surprise she has so many crackships attached to her. Though I can't say Jonsa or Sansaery are any better than her canon options since Jon isn't attracted to girls like her, who he looks down on, and she would find him horsey and ugly since he's the male version of Arya. Meanwhile Marg ditched her when she couldn't use her and then helped set her up for murder. It seems every possibility or crack option for Sansa is terrible.
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devizakura · 3 years
for the ask game: Alonzo 😂💙
Sorry for making you wait so long!
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav
My thoughts on Alonzo are complicated. I liked him quite a lot until I saw THIS
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and ngl... It kinda left a huge mark on me, to the point that "Alonzo acting sleazy with younger-coded characters" is one of the 3 main criteria when rating my level of comfort in every Cats production. I do like the versions of him that are more serious, a bit grumpy, and put more emphasis on him being basically Munk's second in command, but, yeah... Feelings about UKlonzo are complicated.
otp(s): like I've mentioned before with Cass, Casslonzo brings me comfort. It's also the only het Alonzo ship in the modern mainstream version that doesn't come off as... kinda sleazy
other ship(s): in older productions (mainly Broadway), Alonzo would sometimes be with Demeter instead and honestly, it's good. B-way Alonzo is also significantly less sleazy so, nice. I can also get behind all the guy ships (most notably with Munk and Tugger), where the sleaziness is completely nonexistent really.
#noromo ship(s): with Munk, I guess? I'm fine with either but I do personally see them as friends, I suppose.
crack ship(s): i don't think I have any, what even are crackships in this fandom honestly???
fav headcanon(s): while Munkustrap is the leader of the tribe (bc let's be real, Old Deut is the leader in the same capacity the queen of England is. He's a representative figurehead that shows up during special events), he still has a human home. Alonzo is the one always present at the junkyard taking care the strays that reside there so in a way, he's like... the mayor of the junkyard absbzbdbdbs
Thank you for the ask and I'm sorry 😭💜
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izukillme-moved · 4 years
I'm in a shipping mood today~ so I'll be critiquing all Izuki ships I have seen! I'll list out pros and cons of each. This might get long lmao.
HyuuIzu - the top Izuki ship on Ao3! (Good job, me 😂) It holds a special place in my heart, I have shipped them since June 2017 (I'm a late entrant to KuroBasu xD). In fact, tomorrow is the three year anniversary of the day I got into KnB and fell in love with them!!  Pros: captain x vice captain, childhood friends, know each other very well, opposites but actually kinda similar, opposites attract, really cute tgt, SO MUCH ANGST WRINGER, fluff too though... tbh sooooo much potential for literally everything. Just perfection. (wdym I'm biased shut the fuck up) Cons: kinda one-sided as Izuki gives more for Hyuuga than Hyuuga does for him.
TakaIzu - a fun ship!! I really see them as friends more but I love the dynamic authors bring about. Pros: really fun, lots of crack AND angst material, cool concept, idioms, PUNPPORTUNITIES. Cons: crackshipping, no real canon basis, a little too similar imo?
KiyoIzu - cute asf!! Kiyoshi's super supportive of Izuki and finds his puns funny, an automatic point in my book. Pros: fluuuuffff!!! so so so much fluff. Perfect for AUs. Complement each other on and off court. Cons: Kiyoshi's loving nature may be too much for the more private Izuki.
IzuRiko - awww just awesome shit!! Riko’s badass nature matches perfectly with Izuki’s more relaxed personality. + they’re just super cute.  Pros: Izuki knows her well and knows to let her lead. Riko knows what works best for Izuki and will bring out the best in him. Fluff/angst potential, 100%. Cons: Riko’s kind of bossy and snaps at Izuki’s puns. Also, Izuki’s privateness might be too much for Riko, who’s also not so open.
HimuIzu - lol this is really more of me and @kibashinosss‘s interactions, so I’m using our stuff, Seb! lots and lots of angst, some fluff and TONS OF HORRIBLE FLIRTING. It’s hilarious in concept bc theyre so different lmao Pros: funny as fuck, crack/fluff/angst perfection (esp angst though), pretty boysssss Cons: Himuro needs someone more open and Izuki needs someone less pushy.
MayuZuki - lmao I’ve seen a lot of fem!Izu with Mayu and I gotta say... eeeeehhh. Still, it’s cute in concept and the few IzuMayu fics I did read were amazing. Pros: crack ship king, lots of potential, can go literally anywhere Cons: kinda bland really, also Mayu’s very selfish and Izuki’s very withdrawn so... kinda difficult to work.
There may be a part 2 if I think of more ships!! Thanks for putting up with me guys lmao
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carbootsoul · 4 years
5, 6, and 17!!
 kit!! thank u :D
5. what’s a crackship you love? okay i guess yueki could be considered a crack ship bc they never interact blah blah so in that case, yeah yueki. however they’re not a crack ship in my HEART so truly it’s cabbage man/iroh
6. what’s the last thing you read that made you laugh? oooh in terms of actual books i’ve mostly been reading nonfiction about like. socialism so not much laughing there lol. i looked through like three pages of my ao3 library but could NOT remember what i laughed at and what i didn’t. anyway we’ll play hide and seek (to turn this around) was VERY good and i did laugh with delight at the end so it counts?? maybe not the most recent thing but it’s good
17. describe a fic that is still in the ‘ideas’ stage. frankly all of my fics but the middle school kataang one?? like i might have 3k words but u bet anything beyond the next sentence is like gauze between the folds of my brain. really tho i have an dystopian au (sunny if ur reading this i promise i didn’t steal it from you!! i got SO excited when i saw we had the same au altho mine is less angsty) that i have three sentences of written just so that i don’t forget, a camp counselor au (abt yue and zuko and sokka and suki bc they’re my favorite teenagers), and a note that just reads
could've been a martyr not a fire starter/there is a bitter triumph in crashing when u should be soaring (he didn't kill me, though, and here i am), i got my rage from my father and my morals from my uncle, something with lyrics from the end of the world by a great big world
bc i really just put every weird semi-poetic thought abt zuko i had in a note until i had the energy to write a story around them lol
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janiedean · 5 years
why do u think ppl ship jaime and sansa ?
first: anon, I re-sent this ask to myself editing the x but I would appreciate it if when y’all send me questions about ships I don’t like you’d do it so they don’t end up in their tag automatically bc I don’t wanna fight people on it and I don’t want to accidentally put hate into tags.
second: I don’t know why specific people ship anything tho with this ship I remember the fair times people tried to make it popular out of crackshipping because they hated jb that much and ‘but why ship jaime with b. when you can ship him and sansa’ which like.. whatever. I also don’t judge anyone for shipping what they like because everyone has their reasons for shipping things and crack stuff wanting your fave characters to be together is a thing that’s always happened. I think asoiaf fandom in general WITHOUT TALKING ABOUT SPECIFIC PEOPLE has a general tendency to ignore that grrm is writing in these books a very specific message of PHYSICAL BEAUTY DOESN’T MEAN SHIT because 60% of the shipping in this fandom is based on putting attractive people together without checking if it makes sense and specifically I think jaimesansa makes no sense and is wildly ooc and I think it’s telling that tyrionsansa has like 200 fics more than jaimesansa and jaimesansa has more than 400, but all in all I don’t make the rules and I can’t make people unship things and I ignore what I don’t like, and I’m sure there’s people who ship jaimesansa out of not shallow reasons that aren’t ‘I want to make burned ground around other jaime ships before jb happens in the show and people start getting into it’, because that was absolutely a thing that happened and whatever, but all in all I haven’t talked personally with anyone who ships js in years and personally I don’t care for policing anyone, so... I think it’s just exemplary of a general tendency in this fandom but I’m no one to say what you should ship or not so who gives a fuck about that, people will ship what they want and whatever, I don’t have to read it if I don’t like it xD
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alayaavijnana · 5 years
Naruto andddddddddddddddd my hero macadamia nut :B
naruto????? naruto?!!!!!! naruto not boruto, right?????????????? YOU wanna talk about naruto? *puts on ninja headband* chaaaaaaaa :’)
- my main ship Sasuke/Hinata!!!!!!! i know they’re a crackship but!!! listen?? i love them so much!!! they both have the weird eye shit going on, they’re both from strict clans that were highly acknowledged and respected. their color schemes are PURPLE AND BLACK. in canon she was the o n l y one not affected with i love sasuke syndrome so like image?? years later when sasuke comes back to the village and he starts talking to her bc she’s always around naruto now and he’s the one to fall first and like fhjdksjhdf ; ; blease... she’s quiet and kind and strong and i think she could make sasuke feel at ease and they could both heal from their fucked up clan drama together.
- my guilty ship so.. i don’t feel “guilty” over ships anymore. but i can’t write this one under crack bc i think they did kinda?? interact in canon. Kakashi/Hinata ! xhfjdjshs i don’t know man, there’s a lot of fun when i think of them for some reason? kakashi is STUPID, lazy, playful and sexy ok hinata would have fun with him ; v ; and like... you know what they say about shy girls 😏 HGHAJds one day kakashi sees her reading make out paradise and hes like HHWUH you read make out paradise? and she’s close to fainting. lots of kinky sex for them 😔 PLEASE, look at how cute they are together at how jhdskjf GOOD they look together omg??
- my crack ship that ended up way too real i think this counts as a crackship??? Naruto/Hinata/Sasuke.
- the ship I initially didn’t like but fandom converted me on i feel like the fandom has only ever made me dislike ships lol. but i guess Naruto/Sasuke??? like, certain shippers... very few... i’m extremely picky with this ship
- my BroTP OBITO/SAKURA/KAKASHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sometimes a brotp is 2 gay dads and 1 lesbian daughter.
- my NoTP Kakashi/Gai..... lmao. oh but also fuck Kakashi/Rin too. Sasuke/Sakura is always close to notp but sigh u know... gotta accept that shit i guess idk
- my main ship dabi/me. and bakugou/uraraka
- my guilty ship fans be making me feel guilty for liking kirishima/bakugou :pensive:~!!!!
- my crack ship that ended up way too real hmm... i don’t think i know or have any.
- the ship I initially didn’t like but fandom converted me on some shippers... (you and another friend) djshfd. bakugou/deku. but also momo/jiro!!!
- my BroTP bakugou/others!!!!!!!!! also big fan of dabi/shigaraki and dabi/kai :eyes: maybe just dabi/villains in general idk
- my NoTP i haaate momo/shoto. i don’t see them often but i still have them blacklisted for my protection. i was also close to blacklisting umm knockoff kakashi/loud banana head dude at some point too. not sure if it’s bc i don’t like those characters or bc i don’t like the ship though...
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