#crash the party like a record scratch as I scream
aderbywithscurvy · 5 months
So The Tortured Poets Department dropped about a week ago and I’m DEEP into a thing I do when I like music, which is to modify lyrics. I don’t totally overhaul/Weird Al them, but just tweak stuff so it fits the *~*me*~* better.
I can’t tell if this is an only-me thing or a some-people thing, but I can confirm it’s definitely not a thing my coworkers do so it’s not an every-person thing.
Anyway I’ve already done my internal modifications to the new Taylor Swift album.
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provenaence · 4 months
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like for a starter from She™
i think her main verse is gonna be :
i . main - sarah was inspired by the boys to learn more about / get into hunting after they left , taking exclusively ghost cases for about a year until she was comfortable branching out . like @medaeium she rarely works alone , but will generally only work with 1 . the winchesters , 2 . the harvelles , or 3 . someone approved or recommended by one of the two . ( i say generally bc odds are if ur muse wants to work with her we can find a way to make it happen lmao )
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lockedtowers · 5 months
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The air chilled around her, dreary winds and broken bonds shattering the delicate balance she’d tried so long to build. Something was missing. Something was lost. The needle points of the grass poking into her torn up clothing as she tries to sit up, the pain still present even though the wounds had healed.
Hand moves up to her neck, and she feels something; there’s flakes coming off of her, and a certain stickiness she well acquainted with. The rusting scent making her feel dizzy, and the thickening scar on her neck making presently frail bones shake. Goose flesh forms on her skin as she feels herself, feels the way her hair’s dried to the rust and the way her clothing sticks to her skin.
She’s shaking as she gets up, falling out of the nest she’d been placed inside, tears burning her mismatched eyes as she stands up on shaking legs. She looks down as she climbs down the rotting staircase, swallowing the lump in her throat as she climbs down. Wide eyes welled with tears as she moves, the stench lessening as she moves away from it, slowly making her way through the grounds.
Breath’s heavy as she wanders, the Beast in the woods keeping a close eye on her, one she can sense, but doesn’t react much to. Something’s missing, something’s gone, and she doesn’t entirely understand what, or why, or who.
Boots nearly sink into the wet dirt from the rainfall, shaky breaths as she makes her way out of the brush, the riverside closing in. She glances down at the water, and her reflection makes her almost scream. Limbs feel as if they’re glass, shattering at the sight as she falls to her knees, tears falling freely as she sees the state she’s in.
There’s far too much blood, and she knows its hers. She just wished she knew where how it all got there. She covers her neck with her hand, struggling to breathe, spine fluid and mind spinning at the sight. Hand clings to her own neck, as if she could hold the blood no longer spilling in place if she just pushed hard enough. Her entire body burned, limbs barely able to steady. Spine straightens as she looks up, hands hugging her arms tightly to her as the tears fall.
A building on top catches her attention— the sputtering lights; ‘Tea House’ flashing as she starts getting upwards. She’s still shaking, but she recognizes the name, knows that’s what that man, the alchemist, told her about. That she was supposed to go there. Someone was supposed to be there. Someone was supposed to help her. She just had to get there.
Abandoned ship left on the coastline catches her attention, and she slowly walks over, climbing inside and waving her hand over the water. Her hands glow purple as the boat starts moving towards the docks, holding her breath as she travels. The shaking hasn’t stopped, her eyes glazed over in fear at every sound and sight.
The water splashes up, striking over her, the blood moistening from the water. She huffs, coughing out some of the excess fluids, gripping the edge of the boat tightly as it continues to move. Hair now wet, tangled, and crisp from the previously dried blood. Her torn clothes clinging even more so to her skin, ripped in just the right places for several of her sealed over wounds to show. She hates it. Hates how exposed she feels. How alone she is. And still, her freedom isn’t guaranteed, there’s still a chance she won’t escape. There’s still a chance he’ll find her again. She couldn’t handle it if he did.
The boat rushes over another wave, more water hitting her skin, but she only breathes in, allowing it to soak her. Between the blood and the water, she feels like a drenched cat. Technically, maybe she was.
As she reaches the docks, she climbs out. Slowly, steadily. She listens carefully, avoiding anyone nearby. Who knows who she can trust, who works for the crown, she just knows where she’s supposed to go.
She tries to change, tries to make herself disappear in the shadows. She keeps quiet, keeps as calm as she can given the circumstances. Skin still burns where she cried, each step up the thousands of stairs near collapsing her force. Nose waters and she wipes at it with the back of her hand as she slowly moves closer to the front doors. The hours flashing, but she isn’t wholly sure of the time. The night had barely faded, light steadily swarming the sky. Bloodied hands reach out and touch the doors, dried flakes coming off as she finds it surprisingly unlocked.
Slow yet steady, she walks inside, eyes blearing around as she walks further inside. Nobody’s there yet, but the walls are lined with the very thing the Hearts worked everything to ensure lasted. Blinking, she hears a noise in a room hidden down the hallway, and she walks towards it. She hears something behind the door. The fear rises in her spine, hand coming up to knock, but she holds back. She hasn’t felt this small in years, this terrified of anything. She got used to the treatment, she got used to how others would treat her, yet now she didn’t have a semblance of anything left. This was all new. This was all horrifying, terrifying.
Another deep breath, and she knocks, a man behind the door saying to come in. She shivers as she reaches for the knob, twisting and pushing. Slow steady steps on the mossy soil as she walks inside, grassy spots notable as she reaches further inside. Various furniture pieces made wholly of glass, multiple tables, seats, even a hat post that don’t exactly match the decor of the room. Arms squeeze to her sides as she walks further inside, large eyes looking over at the turned chair, spotting the strung straw hat atop what she assumes is the speaker.
“You the cat?” He asks, and she nods— then realizes he can’t actually see her. His brow furrows as he glances to the side, but she still can’t see him.
“Yes.” She responds, hands squeezing her elbows as she moves closer. Eyes still adjusting. She swallows, breathing carefully as she watches the seat. “Who are you?” The man stands, near a whole foot taller than her, and he lowers a cup down to his desk.
As he turns, he stops, dark eyes widening as he sees her. Quickly enough, his brows raise and fall, turning where he stands to look towards his desk. “You’re in a bigger state than they said you’d be.” He states, walking to his sink. A small towel taken from the side, he wets it, walking over to hand it to her.
“They?” She asks, large eyes turned upwards towards him as he puts the towel in her hand. She shakily grasps it, forcing herself to settle; she was alone now, she needed to stay strong. “Who’s they?”
So she didn’t know? That was surprising, but he knows what Dodo said. She was a necessity, she needed to stay alive, and he needed to watch her. Keep an eye on things and, above all, make sure she didn’t turn against them. Why, he didn’t get, she just seemed like a timid girl, though the amount of blood she was covered in did make a shiver rise up his spine. It couldn’t all have been hers, surely.
“Doesn’t matter. Still haven’t confirmed it, though. You’re the cat?”
“I…” She looks down, then nods, swallowing again as she starts wiping the dried blood on her arms off. “Yes. And you still haven’t told me who you are.”
“Good.” The towel’s already filled with blood, and he takes it back from her, bringing it back to his sink to rinse off and return to her. “Hatter. If you must know. Now. Got any other clothes?”
“No.” She stays eerily still, and her eyes seem even wider than normal when he turns back. With a raised brow, he walks back, putting it in her hand just as she continues. “I don’t have anything.”
He nods, turning back to his wardrobe filled with various coats. He pulls one, a brown leather jacket, out, bringing it over to her as she finishes cleaning off her upper half. He once again takes the towel, and puts the jacket in her arms. “Put that on, you’ll get a cold.”
“I don’t..” She glances up again, then shakes her head. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, don’t get used to it.” He leaves the towel in the sink, realizing this isn’t the most useful way to clean her up. With a sigh, he turns back, watching her cling to the jacket as he walks back. “Got anywhere to stay?”
“I… think so.” It’s a sort of. It’s a maybe. She doesn’t exactly, but the cabin she awoke atop of in the forest was empty. She had protection there, technically, with the Beast roaming. The Beast ready to watch her, eat others, ensure she didn’t get hurt. She shifts her weight from one foot to another, hugging the leather close to her chest as she looks up at him. “Why?”
“Making sure I don’t have to find that for you, too.” He states, fingers reaching out to touch her crusted hair. Fingers drag a strand away, the dried blood making him more curious. His eyes dart down, noticing the sealed gash on her neck. Brows raise and fall quickly again as he sniffs, stepping away from her. “That from the Queen?”
She straightens her spine, brows furrowing and nose twitching. He notices. “No.” But she pauses afterwards, thinking over again; really, she isn’t sure. “I don’t think it is.”
“What about the eye?” He sits again, taking his cup and sipping quickly.
“… My tutor.”
“That sealed up bullet wound on your side?”
He’s most certainly observant. “…. My father... Sort of.”
“Sort of?”
She shakes her head, looking around the room quickly. “He said he’s my father. I don’t think he is.” She tugs her torn shirt down a bit, cheeks flushing as she looks away from him. “He took me. He raised me. But it doesn’t-- didn't feel right.”
He hums, standing quickly once again and walking back over to her. To her surprise, he grins, nodding as he looks down on at her. His hand reaches out, tilting her head up when she tries to look away, which makes her eyes widen a bit as she stares up at him. “You can come back tomorrow. Once you’ve cleaned yourself up. I’ll get you settled up then.”
“Settled?” Head tilts, but he holds her still, tapping her nose quickly as he releases her. “What—“
“You’ll figure it out. Y’seem like a smart little cookie. Just.. Clean up first. You’re gonna get blood on my grass.” Her head tilts, far more than it should. That’s where he recognizes her name in her, she certainly seems to be able to bend like a cat. The fact she’s still alive, with all that blood on her; clearly escaped from something bad back with the royals, but he won’t question what just yet. She’ll tell him eventually, he just has to wait.
“If I don’t come back?” She asks, her voice much more headstrong than before. A brow raises, and she continues. “What then?”
“Then you don’t get my help, or a job. Simple, really.” He says, smiling again. Her eyes seem to hold onto his smile a lot. “Listen, let me make this a bit more clear. My help comes with a price, and while I’m willing to be your… friend, shall we say, I’m gonna need a little something in return. Okay?”
“… I’m not gonna have sex with you.” She responds, hugging the jacket tighter.
He stares, astounded at where her head went, then continues. “Wasn’t expecting you to. That’s not what we do here. Listen, Doormy will be here tomorrow, and they’ll be the one training you. So, just.. Come back, cleaned up. Doormy faints at the sight— and smell— of blood, really don’t want to add to their tendencies. Alright?”
She shakes a bit again, looking down. He walks to her again, once more tilting her head up to look at her. “Look at me.” Despite his bite, his hand is gentle on her skin, his gaze soft, if not analyzing. There’s a strange sense of familiarity within it, and she isn’t wholly sure where it comes from, but it does make her ease with him more. Expression softening, blinking quickly as she does; just looks at him. “Good. So you can listen.” He pulls away from her then, and she already misses the gentle touch— something else she doesn’t understand.
Her minds fuzzy at the reality of it all, and she doesn’t really get it. Tongue pokes out to wet her lips, nose twitching as she tilts her head again. Lips parted as she watches, following his steps. Her curiosity gets the better of her, and she follows him; careful not to step on the grass, legs stretching over to walk on the dirt spots instead. A deep breath in, and he looks to the side, realizing she’s followed him. A brow raises, turning fully to face her properly.
“Cassandra.” She says, looking up at him. With another deep breath, her eyes look into his, a hint of recognition there, but she still doesn’t really understand. “My name is Cassandra… Why do you want to help me?”
He drops the towel in his hand back inside the sink, breathing in. “Do I have to have a reason?”
With a sigh, he puts both hands on either of her shoulders, shaking briefly and looking into her eyes. As he looks at her, another thought comes through, but he doesn’t vocalize it. “Tomorrow. I’ll give you a reason tomorrow. Deal?”
The burning sensation creeps up her spine at his words, compelling her, her breath stopping as she stares at him. Eyes glance everywhere else, then back to him. She swallows, and nods, the burning feeling moving up to her head as she looks down, then up. She needed to learn better. She needed to know better. But she didn’t. This is how they trade, and it’s hard to deny the intensity a prospect brings. Blue-and-silver hues blink, and she nods once more, sealing the promise in her bones.
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jeonqkooks · 2 months
i got to listen to ‘who’s afraid of little old me’ live last night i am so powerful nothing can stop me (typing as i’m hella late to a brunch date and will be yelled at shortly)
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theman · 5 months
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crash the party like a record scratch as I scream
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tolerateit · 5 months
so i LEAP from the gallows and i levitate down your street CRASH THE PARTY like a record scratch as I SCREAM WHO’S AFRAID OF LITTLE OLD MEEEEE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
you should be.
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 3 months
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? Masterlist
Wandanat x human pet!fem!reader
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Summary: Wanda and Natasha have been looking for a pet for some time, but they've had no luck until they meet you, will you be a good fit for their lives?
Warnings: 18+ due to themes, MDNI, heavy pet play, human pets, abuse, violence, hurt/comfort
AU: human pet hybrids
(1) Is it a wonder I broke?
(2) I wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me
(3)Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream
Things Are Scary in the Dark
No Need to Panic
I'm Not a Violent Dog
Running Away
Chew Toy
Play Date
Entertain Yourself (coming soon)
Running Free (coming soon)
Agatha and Scratchy:
Attention, Affection
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oxygenpdf · 4 months
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“The who's who of "Who's that?" is poised for the attack. But my bare hands paved their paths. You don't get to tell me about "sad"—If you wanted me dead, you should ve just said Nothing makes me feel more alive. So I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street. Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream. "Who's afraid of little old me?"—You should be” — Who’s afraid of little old me? By: Taylor Swift
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wingedblooms · 5 months
Elain Archeron, member of The Tortured Poets Department
i’m hearing voices like a madman - so high school
i’m seeing visions / am I bad or mad or wise? - guilty as sin?
you can mark my words that I said it first / in a mourning warning, no one heard - cassandra
and for a fortnight there, we were forever - fortnight
leaving me bereft and reeling / my beloved ghost and me / sitting in a tree / d-y-i-n-g - how did it end?
i saw in my mind fairy lights through the mist - so long, london
i cry a lot, but I am so productive, it's an art - i can do it with a broken heart
but my bare hands paved their paths / you don't get to tell me about "sad" - who’s afraid of little old me?
so I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street / crash the party like a record scratch as I scream / "who's afraid of little old me?" / you should be - who’s afraid of little old me?
i hate it here so I will go to secret gardens in my mind - i hate it here
one slip and fallin' back into the hedge maze […] i keep recalling things we never did - guilty as sin?
these fatal fantasies / giving way to labored breath, takin' all of me / we’ve already done it in my head / if it's make-believe / why does it feel like a vow we'll both uphold somehow? - guilty as sin?
wise men once said / "one bad seed kills the garden" / "one less temptress, one less dagger to sharpen" / locked me up in towers / but I'd visit in your dreams / and they tried to warn you about me - the albatross
a rose by any other name is a scandal / cautions issued, he stood - the albatross
i spied the catch in your breath - i look in people’s windows
what if I roll the stone away? / they’re gonna crucify me anyway / what if the way you hold me is actually what's holy? - guilty as sin?
"stay away from her" / the saboteurs protested too much - but daddy i love him
crashin' into him tonight, he's a paradox - guilty as sin?
it’s happenin' again / how did it end? / i can't pretend like I understand - how did it end?
this cage was once just fine / am I allowed to cry? / i dream of crackin' locks - guilty as sin?
thought I caught lightning in a bottle / oh, but it's gone again […] please / i’ve been on my knees / change the prophecy / don't want money / just someone who wants my company / let it once be me - the prophecy
cards on thе table / mine play out like fools in a fablе […] poison blood from the wound of the pricked hand / oh, still I dream of him - the prophecy
lilac short skirt, the one that fits me like skin […] and I'll tell you one thing, honey / i can tell when somebody still wants me, come clean - imgonnagetyouback
i, i hear thе whispers in your eyes / i’ll make you wanna think twice / you'll find that you were never not mine / (you’re mine) - imgonnagetyouback
'cause the sign on your heart / said it's still reserved for me / honestly, who are we to fight thе alchemy? - the alchemy
i'll tell you something right now / i’d rather burn my whole life down […] i'll tell you something 'bout my good name / it’s mine alone to disgrace / i don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing - but daddy i love him
if long-suffering propriety is what they want from me / they don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly / i choose you and me religiously - guilty as sin?
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provenaence · 5 months
tag drop part two .
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missegyptiana · 5 months
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crashquez · 5 months
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// so i leap from the gallows and i levitate down your street, crash the party like a record scratch as i scream //
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corneliaavenue · 4 months
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unhealthyfanobsession · 5 months
Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me is so Nesta coded and I’ll die on this hill.
The who's who of "Who's that?" is poised for the attack
You don’t get to tell me about sad
Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream/"Who's afraid of little old me?"/ You should be
The scandal was contained/The bullet had just grazed/At all costs, keep your good name/You don't get to tell me you feel bad
Is it a wonder I broke? Let's hear one morе joke/Then we could all just laugh until I cry
I was tame, I was gentle 'til the circus life made me mean/ "Don't you worry, folks, we took out all her teeth"
I wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me/ You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
You caged me and then you called me crazy/ I am what I am 'cause you trained me
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So I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream "Who's afraid of little old me?" I was tame, I was gentle 'til the circus life made me mean "Don't you worry, folks, we took out all her teeth" Who's afraid of little old me? Well, you should be
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 3 months
Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?
Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream (3)
Wandanat x human pet!fem!reader
Summary: Wanda and Natasha have been looking for a pet for some time, but they've had no luck until they meet you, will you be a good fit for their lives?
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: 18+ due to themes, MDNI, heavy pet play, human pets
Authors Notes: It's party time!
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A little over a month had passed since you found your new home with Wanda and Natasha. The days had been filled with love, gentle guidance, and an abundance of care. Your bond with them grew stronger, and you began to trust them more each day. They had become your family, and this house had truly started to feel like your home.
One sunny afternoon, you overheard Wanda and Natasha talking excitedly about a welcoming party. They wanted to introduce you to their friends and their pets. While the thought of meeting new people and pets made you nervous, you trusted Wanda and Natasha and wanted to make them proud.
The day of the party arrived, and the house was abuzz with activity. Decorations were being hung, delicious smells wafted from the kitchen, and laughter echoed through the halls as Wanda and Natasha prepared for their guests. You, however, found solace in a familiar hiding spot—under their bed. The space was small, dark, and comforting, reminding you of your early days when you needed a place to feel safe.
Wanda passed by the bedroom door, catching sight of you peeking out from your hiding spot. She smiled gently and knelt down, her hand reaching out to touch your head softly. "Bumble, it's going to be okay," she said in a soothing voice. "We won't let anything happen to you. Our friends are excited to meet you, and we'll be right by your side the whole time."
You whined softly, your ears flattening against your head. Despite her comforting words, the thought of facing so many strangers was overwhelming. You nuzzled into her hand, seeking reassurance.
Natasha appeared in the doorway, holding a tray of treats. She placed it on a nearby table and joined Wanda on the floor. "Hey, Bumble," she said, her voice calm and reassuring. "You know, everyone we're inviting loves pets just like you. They're kind and gentle, and they'll be so happy to meet you."
Wanda nodded, adding, "And we'll make sure you have a safe space to retreat to if it gets too overwhelming. You can come back here anytime you need to, okay?"
You looked into their eyes, finding comfort in their unwavering support. The bond you had built with them over the past month had taught you to trust them. With a small nod, you slowly crawled out from under the bed, your body trembling slightly.
Wanda wrapped her arms around you in a gentle hug. "That's my brave Bumble," she whispered, kissing the top of your head.
Natasha scratched behind your ears, her touch firm yet soothing. "We'll be with you every step of the way," she promised.
With their encouragement, you began to feel a bit more confident. As they continued their preparations, you stayed close to them, watching and learning. They moved around the house with ease, their love for you evident in every gesture and word.
The doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of the first guests. Your heart skipped a beat, and you took a deep breath, reminding yourself of Wanda and Natasha's words. You weren't alone—they were with you, and together, you could face anything.
Wanda gave you one last reassuring pat. "Ready, Bumble?" she asked with a warm smile.
You took another deep breath, feeling a mix of anxiety and anticipation. But with Wanda and Natasha by your side, you knew you could face the unknown.
The day of the party finally arrived, and you found yourself amidst a whirlwind of introductions. Despite your initial nerves, Wanda and Natasha's calm presence helped ease your anxiety as they introduced you to their friends and their pets, all of whom were human hybrids with various animal characteristics.
First, you met Carol and Val. They brought their human pet, a timid cat hybrid named Mallow. Mallow's ears twitched nervously as she clung to Carol's side, her eyes wide and cautious. You gave her a respectful distance, understanding her apprehension. Wanda gently petted your back, reassuring you that it was okay to take your time.
Next came Yelena, who you discovered was Natasha's sister. She had brought her puppy Honey, a golden retriever hybrid with sleek black hair. Honey's friendly nature and wagging tail immediately put you at ease. You found yourself drawn to her playful energy, and the two of you quickly began to chase each other around the yard, much to the delight of the onlookers.
Then there was Tony and Pepper, who introduced you to their hybrid cat, Bentley. Bentley's sleek, elegant demeanor contrasted with Honey's exuberance. He observed you with a curious gaze, his tail swishing gently. You gave him a polite sniff, and he responded with a gentle head bump, signaling his approval.
Thor and Jane arrived next, with their hybrid fox, Roswell. Roswell's sharp eyes and alert ears made him seem very aware of his surroundings. He gave you a friendly smile and a respectful nod. You sensed a kindred spirit in his calm demeanor and felt comforted by his presence.
Steve and Bucky brought their hybrid cat, Alpine. Alpine's fluffy white fur and piercing blue eyes made her look like a regal queen. She sat gracefully, watching the festivities with a serene expression. When you approached her, she gave you a gentle purr and nuzzled your cheek, a gesture of acceptance.
Finally, there was Agatha and her hybrid bunny, Scratchy. Scratchy was very shy and quiet, her large ears twitching nervously as she stayed close to Agatha. You felt a strong urge to play with her, sensing her need for companionship. While the other pets played together, you approached Scratchy slowly, lying down next to her to show you meant no harm.
Scratchy looked at you with wide eyes, her nose twitching. You gave a soft, reassuring bark, and after a moment, she tentatively reached out to touch your paw. Wanda and Natasha watched with proud smiles as you gently encouraged Scratchy to join in the fun. Slowly, she began to relax, and the two of you started to play a gentle game of tag, her shyness melting away bit by bit.
As the evening wore on and the sun began to set, you watched from Wanda's lap as Natasha expertly got a fire going. The flames soon crackled and danced, casting a warm, inviting glow over the gathering. All the owners and their pets settled around the fire, creating a cozy, intimate atmosphere. The soft murmur of conversation and the occasional burst of laughter filled the air, making you feel part of a larger family.
The pets were either curled up by their owners' feet or nestled comfortably in their laps. You were snuggled on Wanda's lap, feeling her gentle, reassuring presence. Her hand absently stroked your back, and you sighed contentedly, feeling more at ease than you had in a long time.
As you observed the scene around the fire, something caught your attention. You noticed Yelena and Honey sitting close together, their bond evident in their affectionate behavior. They were kissing, Yelena's gentle pecks and Honey's nuzzles creating a tender display of affection. You had never seen an owner and their pet interact like that, and it piqued your curiosity.
Your ears perked up, and you watched them closely. The love and trust between them were palpable, and it made you wonder about the nature of your own relationship with Wanda and Natasha. You felt a strange mix of emotions—curiosity, warmth, and a hint of longing.
Wanda noticed your keen interest and followed your gaze to Yelena and Honey. A soft smile played on her lips as she understood what had caught your attention. She leaned down and whispered gently in your ear, "It's okay, Bumble. They're just showing how much they care for each other."
You looked up at her, searching her eyes for more understanding. Wanda's smile was warm and reassuring, her love for you evident in every expression. "We love you very much, too," she said, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
Natasha, sitting nearby, glanced over and saw the interaction. She gave you a nod and a small smile, reinforcing Wanda's words with her steady, comforting presence.
Feeling reassured, you nestled closer into Wanda's embrace, your tail wagging slightly. The sight of Yelena and Honey's affectionate interaction had opened your eyes to the depth of relationships between owners and their pets. It made you realize that love and care could be expressed in many different ways.
Once everyone had left and the house had quieted down, Natasha and Wanda began their bedtime routine. From your bed, you watched them prepare for sleep, their familiar rituals comforting you. They moved with a practiced ease, reflecting their deep connection and shared lives. As they settled under the covers, you felt a yearning to be closer to them, a feeling that had been growing stronger since the day's events.
You slowly got up and padded over to their bed, pawing gently at the edge. Wanda noticed you first and smiled down at you. "What is it, Bumble?" she asked softly. You whined and pawed at the bed, expressing your desire to join them.
Natasha, always the one for rules, gave you a stern look. "No, Bumble. This is our bed. You have your own bed," she said firmly. However, as both you and Wanda gave her matching puppy dog eyes, Natasha's resolve weakened. She sighed deeply. "Fine," she conceded.
Your heart leaped with joy as you jumped onto the bed, nestling yourself comfortably between the two of them. You nuzzled against Wanda, trying to imitate the affectionate behavior you had seen Honey display with Yelena earlier. Wanda's smile grew as she recognized your attempts to seek closeness and affection.
"Do you want a kiss, Bumble? Is that it?" Wanda asked, her voice soft and full of understanding. You weren't entirely sure if that was what you wanted, but you nodded anyway, trusting her to know what you needed.
Wanda cupped your face gently between her hands and pulled you closer until your lips touched. The kiss was soft and tender, filled with warmth and love. It felt different but incredibly comforting. You closed your eyes, savoring the moment and the connection you felt with Wanda.
Natasha, observing the scene, smiled softly. She reached out and stroked your back, adding her gentle touch to the mix of love surrounding you. "Welcome to the family, Bumble," she murmured, her voice uncharacteristically tender.
Nestled between your two loving owners, you felt a deep sense of belonging. The warmth of their affection enveloped you, soothing any lingering fears or uncertainties. As you lay there, you realized that this was your home now—a place where you were truly loved and accepted. With a contented sigh, you snuggled closer, closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep, surrounded by the comforting presence of your new family.
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