#crazy cap ain’t no problem to stop being crazy I need you alive
acrobaticcatfeline · 4 years
Unstable (A Fe Sides Fic)
Word Count: 2171
TW: It’s another vent fic babyyy swearing, yelling, insults, threats (sort of), an excess of anxiety, there’s an intrusive thought from one of them about jumping off of a building but its one line that she gets scolded for. I think that’s it but if there’s more let me know!
Notes: I had a really rough week last week and now that I’m done with school I have time to write fun things again and I needed a vent. It also is part of rebuilding my personal mind palace! I plan on making more with these guys, they are really easy to write honestly, it was like an out of body experience.
Pairings: Lol nope, not even a little bit no.
Summary: The mind palace was usually quiet. The facets did not all get along, and everyone is high strung during Quaranfinals. Someone needs to step in and get this train moving again.
The mind palace was usually rather quiet. All facets left each other alone for the most part, hoping to stay functional and avoid unnecessary fusions but the last few weeks had been out of the norm. Inge was high strung as ever and was snapping at the smallest inconveniences and that wasn’t even addressing the others.
“Listen here you unstable mother fucker! We don't have time for your whiny depressed bullshit right now! She has two huge finals and your fucking cahoots with Barbie is the opposite of helpful! She needs to WORK and you guys are actively working against that! Don't either of you care about her future?!”
“How about you shut your trap for 5 seconds and drop your high and mighty act? The only reason me and Izzy have been working against you is because you have been failing at your job ever since this quarantine started. If you actually did your fucking job maybe me and Iz wouldn’t be falling down a hole ourselves. For someone who needs to have so much control all the time it's surprising how little you’re ever able to keep. You act like you're the ringleader around here when it's obviously Izzy and Lia. I may not like Lia but at least she can work with me. You on the other hand-”
Lia and Isadora were nervous. They were onlookers in the argument and couldn't get a word in edgewise to stop them. Izzy was trying to hide in her Roman Sanders sweater and Lia was hidden in her hoodie that was too big on her, biting her thumb as her eyes darted everywhere but the fight. In the real world Fe was closing her laptop with a sigh, desperate to go and take a nap. She looked quickly to Izzy with all she had to say, communicated in the glance. Suddenly the palace shook and Inge snapped her head at Lia who was very interested at her chewed up Crocs and not the anger filled gazes directed at her.
“She's too stressed. If you keep at this you're gonna wake up T and that wont help you in getting her to do her work. If T gets up right now she's gonna fail and we all know it. Let Izzy calm her down for a bit. See, she's only taking a half an hour long nap, like her dad told her to. We all just need to chill for a bit.”
Lia was scratching at her face and Inge finally let the anger and annoyance leave her. She gently swatted at Lia’s hand, placing a quickly conjured sheet of bubble wrap in it. Lia smiled at the floor, still not meeting her eyes, vaguely worried at the signs of T waking up, hoping beyond hope that she was just still channeling the hyperactivity that Fe was plagued with. Izzy was meanwhile glassy eyed, placing herself on the floor blindly, waving her hands about in a way that all three recognized as her weaving a dream. It was wonderful to watch, extremely relaxing to see her go off on an adventure of her own design. It was almost meditative to watch her methodical movements, the simple twists of her wrists as she moved the story along. Lia busied herself with popping the bubbles, as Carli and Inge both left to busy themselves in their own wings of the palace. Lia sat across from Isadora, glancing up at her every once in a while. She muttered quietly to herself and maybe Izzy as well.
“She's waking up. I don't know what we’re gonna do, we really gotta get Fe through this last week, but Isa will stop us, I know she will, but how are we supposed to still get things done”
“We’ll figure it out”
Lia’s head snapped up at Izzy whose eyes were still unseeing as she spoke.
“Talisa works with us. We just need to convince her to use her strengths to support us in this. I know she can. Besides, dreams are so much more fun with her around. Who knows, maybe daydream mode will help her write her essay”
Lia smiled softly as she felt comfortable enough to look Izzy in the eyes that couldn't see her. She nodded and went back to her bubble wrap, far more content with the slow draining of anxiety from her body. At least until the palace shook again.
“AAAAAH!!! Well what a wonderful time to be alive eh? Heh, that's a joke, gods, she's asleep and she's still exuding panic like no one's business!”
Out of a darkened corridor walks Talisa in all her glory and self deprecation. There was yet another shake as Fe awoke. Isadora’s eyes cleared in an instant as she rose to her feet.
“Oh boy, Pops woke her up? Ooooh that's not great. I'm sure she's gonna be off all day huh Iz? Oh that's just fuel for this, gosh what have I missed?”
“Quarantine you lucky bitch”
Izzy walks to her with a cocky grin and does a simple handshake with the crazy eyed side. Talisa’s eyes glance around the room. She grins wider, scratching at her scalp.
“All this panic and mania and I wasn't invited? I feel like I should be insulted!”
Lia rose as well, abandoning the bubble wrap as the need to stim left her, and walked over. She smiled small and avoided her face.
“She's got homework. Its, it's all homework now, everything's homework. I haven't been helpful much, but I knew you would probably make it all harder for her, I've been enough of a hindrance for her, I imagined she probably wouldn't do well being overly mentally compromised AND lazy as all get out”
“Oh Lia! I'm wounded! I'm not all bad! Plus-”
There was a sudden shift of the palace again as Fe sat down and started furiously writing her essay, anxiety as her fuel, aided by a giant cup of soda from the gas station.
“A little blood pumping’s good for the brain, ain't it? She just needs a little push! Maybe off of a building eh? Sounds like a ball!”
“Yo, you've been up for less than 5 minutes, stop with that shit, give her a week maybe? So we can properly talk her down?”
“Oh fine, I guess my premium service can wait to activate!”
Her hands moved from her scalp to her arms, scratching without conviction. Isadora softly took her hand off, stopping the scratching and handing her a fidget cube to replace the destructive stim.
“Ohhhh! This is neato mojito Dora!!! Where'd you think this un up? It's pretty! It's my colors too! Ain't that sweeter than molasses! Why I've been so rude, how've you been doing Dora? And you Lia?”
The two smiled. They genuinely liked her, she was nice to be around, while she had her problems, she didn't get mean and angry like Inge and Carli do. She was just… manic. A little odd, maybe crazy, but she wasn’t mean. She didn't yell, and it calmed the two. And they got along well anyways, Lia because she often was a placeholder for her when Fe wasn’t extra out of it and knew how to deal with her quirks, and Dora because divergence fed her like nothing else, made her imagination run wild.
“Whoo! Well ladies, looks like I've got my work cut out for me eh? She invited that boy over last week and that was the first time she saw him in weeks? Oh and her other school friend left her group chat? Yikes, she's a right mess!”
“Yup. she… hasn't been adjusting well to all of this well”
“I’ll say!”
Talisa fidgeted absently with the cube in her hand as she walked around the palace commons, looking around at the scenery. The walls, usually a light lavender were dark violet and the paint was peeling in spots, revealing a gooey black underside. The TV was stuck on a looping image of the most recent Sanders Sides episode. She grinned wide enough to look uncanny, bending her back to crack her spine, almost splitting in half and did a spin as she rose again. She interlocked her fingers and cracked the lot of them and twisted her neck to pop that as well. 
“What are you about to do?”
“Why, what I do best dear Lia!”
She jumped in the air snapping her fingers twice. Her appearance changed, her extraordinarily unruly hair was tied back in a ponytail, tucked through the hole in the back of her baseball cap with the Slytherin logo across the front of it. Her shirt that had been well worn from being worried between her fingers as well as used as pajamas, changed to a tangent hoodie, her shorts with frayed strings switched to a flower patterned pair of leggings, and a skateboard appeared under her feet. She spun around on the board with her wild smile never leaving her face.
“WE’RE ON THE HIGHWAY TO HYPERFOCUS BABES!!! And a little smidge of depression but hey it’ll add to its effectiveness”
It was then that Inge and Carli came running and screamed simultaneously.
“Couldn't you for once just do something that was helpful for Fe?”
Talisa stopped in mid spin, turning slowly to look at Carli and Inge. She was no longer smiling. She was glaring and she stepped off of her board and took slow methodical steps towards the two.
“Now now girls, there's no need to scream!”
She was completely in Inge’s face when she said her next words.
“Isn't that right brainiac?”
Inge nodded instantly, fear filling her instantly. Talisa then turned to Carli and grabbed her by the collar of her dress. She glared hard into her eyes and began to grin as Carli’s eyes filled with panic and she avoided her gaze.
“And just for your information, Lia is more helpful than you could ever hope to be, you coward. For someone whose supposed to be confidence you’d think you might be able to share some of that with our host instead of sitting in your room at 3 in the morning and crying into Ramen over the fact that she still isn't in a relationship”
She released Carli, who fell to the ground and scrambled as far away from her as possible and sobbed quietly in the corner she curled up in. and then a moment later, her entire demeanor changed and she smiled happily.
“Oh hi there gals! I was just starting to get Fe to get working!”
Inge blinked owlishly. Her head tilted, as if the whole interaction before held no merit over what Talisa had just said.
“What? But I thought?”
She walked to the TV screen, changing the screen to be a first person view of Fe working away on her essay. Inge made a noise of confusion as she looked back at Talisa yet again.
“But, but you’re a hindrance! You, you make her life a living hell, how is she still doing her work?”
“You know what I do right? Like, you know what my job is? Come on pinky and the pain, I do ADHD yeah, but I also do anxiety and depression. If she doesn't get this stuff done she’ll fail, doncha think that'd drive her to be anxious enough to get it done? If she doesn't she’ll be depressed as all hell, there's no chance she can do law school if she can't even pass an English course. And the bonus of ADHD is that sticky hyperfocus! She’ll be done with that essay before Thursday, and that test for math?”
The palace shook again as the TV showed her turning in her math test. Talisa grinned.
“I’d say it was a walk in the park, wouldn't you? But you know, on an unrelated note, we should really fix that shaking affect, makes me dizzy”
Inge stared in shock and Carli did the same. Talisa stuffed her hands into her front pocket on her jacket and went over to the beanbag across from the TV and plopped down onto it. She pulled her right hand out and chewed on her thumb as she watched the screen. Her job was done for the moment so she let herself relax as she felt the others do the same. Inge rushed back to her room to help aid Fe with the memories needed for writing her essay, but the others placed themselves somewhere in the common room. Carli sat on her love seat and watched the screen intently. Izzy fell asleep quickly, not being needed for the moment, same for Lia, the both of them curling up with Talisa. She let her left hand leave her pocket to pat Lia's head. The only noise was coming from the soft snoring of the sleeping sides and the TV projecting the real world. Finally, finally, the mind palace was quiet again.
Taglist: @fivebyfive-finebyfive @tacohippy56900 @analogical-mess @crookedlyoptimisticdestiny @angels-and-dreams @fandomloverangel
Let me know if you want to be tagged in my writing or taken off my list!
Thank you for reading I will see you later ladies lords and nonbinary royalty!
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wildroseofarran · 5 years
The Hurricane || Luna, Oliver, & Logan
Oliver: The evening was as expected in North Carolina before a terrible storm. Albemarle Sound was bristling with anticipation, waters gray and anything but calm. Oliver Langdon Cole slammed his fist into the bench seat of his 1978 Ford Pickup. Five tries. The engine simply refused to turn over. In the back of his head he knew why. The battery needed replacing months ago. This was his own damn fault for being so cheap.
The first strike of lightening. The fingertips of the hurricane had arrived.
Cole leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. Tristan? He'd just left for home. There was no way he'd be calling him.
Luke: "Aw, hell." Luke gave the sky an uneasy glance through his windshield. It looked every bit as mean and nasty as the ocean did. They were in for a bitch of a storm and if he didn't get a move on, he was going to be caught in it.
Next time Pete could go and negotiate his vendor contracts and Luke could be the one listening to the zydeco band audition and deciding whether to--
"Aw, hell."
His Camaro slowed to a stop as he spotted a very familiar truck.
Oliver: The whistling wind and patter of the first rain was all he had noticed. With his eyes out of use, he searched for the necklace underneath his flannel button down. He felt the recycled glass rings on the very old silver chain. They were pushed to the side. Not that necklace. The 9 mm bullet on the ball chain. The cap was carefully removed, revealing two pristine white tablets.
Might as well, he thought, taking a deep inhale and popping them in his mouth.
Luke: Luke tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. Should he stop? Keep going? What if Oliver was having car trouble? There was no other reason Luke could think of to explain why he'd be on the side of the road with a storm about to break.
It had already started to rain.
"Goddammit." Luke pulled over and got out. If Oliver didn't want his help, he'd just leave.
Oliver: Oliver had opened his eyes, but his attention was to the east, towards the hideous storm with an agenda. He'd have to walk home eventually. No tow truck was going to even consider coming out here...
Luke: Turn. Turn your head. Don't make me knock on the window, it'll be so much easier if I don't have to knock. Turn your head, Oliver.
Luke sighed. No such luck. Of course.
He knocked on the window, waiting for Oliver to turn to him before giving him a tight smile in greeting.
"Hi. Need some help?"
Oliver: Perhaps to Luke's surprise, the man did not flinch. He turned his gaze towards what could only be a person and sighed. Down rolled the window.
"Hey, stalker."
Luke: "Not stalking you. God is pranking us both. Need some help?"
Oliver: "What, don't wanna slide in and watch the world flood?"
Luke: "I can do that in my own car."
Oliver: "Yeah but ya love me."
Luke: Luke sighed. "Do you need help or not, Ollie? I'm not out here trying to get pneumonia."
Oliver: "'Scuse me. The fuck you just call me?"
Luke: He winced. Fuck. He'd been calling Oliver Ollie in the privacy of his own mind for so long that he hadn't noticed his slip.
"Yes or no? I'm about to let you get washed away by the flood."
Oliver: "Ya wouldn't do that. Ya like me too much."
A quick glance was given to their surroundings and he felt for his bag of sour candies in his glove compartment.
"Gonna tether t'that tree there."
Luke: "All right, fine. Have fun being the water version of The Wizard of Oz. Call me when you get out of Kansas, Dorothy."
He started back to his car.
Oliver: "The fuck are ya goin' on about now?"
Luke: "You obviously have no interest in getting off the side of the road and out of the storm."
Oliver: "I just fuckin' said I'm tetherin' her down. Ya know...flood?"
Luke: "You can do that or you can tell me what the problem is and let me help you so you can go home."
Oliver: "The fuckin' battery s'dead, know-it-all."
Luke: "The problem's that simple and you'd rather tie it to a tree? Unbelievable." He pressed the button to open his trunk. "Pop your hood."
Oliver: "It's fuckin' rainin'!"
Luke: "God invented these crazy things called umbrellas."
Oliver: "Who asked you? Ya wanna wait out here for ten goddamn minutes when you're so ready t'leave? I ain't got an umbrella."
Luke: "Hush and pop your hood. I've got an umbrella. In fact I have two, one for each of us."
Luke grabbed a set of jumper cables from his trunk and popped his own hood.
Oliver: "You goddamn bossy sonofabitch," the host muttered, double-checking his necklace before stepping out of his truck.
Luke: He'd been called worse. Not that it mattered at the moment. This was probably the most successful interaction the two of them had ever had.
Luke hooked up his end and turned to Oliver. "Ready?"
Oliver: Maybe they could just stare at their respective engines the entire time, he thought bitterly. The hood was popped just enough, hovering over with the umbrella.
"The fuck ya got two of these for?"
Luke: “Situations like these,” he said, making sure all connections were secure before starting his car.
Oliver: "This is so much safer than leavin'."
Luke: “Why you’re very welcome, Oliver. Happy to help a fellow townsman.”
Oliver: "Ya can't demand this and bitch at me."
Luke: “Watch me.”
Oliver: "Oh yeah. Of course," he grumbled, tossing a sour lemon candy in his mouth, "you're you."
Luke: “What, like you’re always a ray of sunshine?”
Oliver: "Not when I wake up with a man on top of me."
Luke: Luke felt his face heat. “And apparently not when you avoid having to wait out a storm for hours on end.”
Oliver: "M'sorry, I like livin'."
Luke: “You are. The umbrella is protecting you and the engine.”
Oliver: "Until lightning strikes me down. You first, though."
Luke: “The umbrella is plastic.”
Oliver: "We're -" have a deep sigh through pursed lips. "Why were ya on top of me?"
Luke: “We’ve been over that.” Luke wouldn’t sigh back, but he was sure Oliver could hear the desire to do so in his voice. “You don’t believe me and think I’m insane.”
Oliver: "So tell me the truth n'I'll believe ya."
Luke: “Why? I have before and you didn’t accept it.”
Oliver: "I said the truth!"
Luke: This time Luke did sigh. “I’m too tired for this conversation, Oliver. I’ve told you the truth. Whether you believe it or not, that’s up to you. Asking me again won’t change my answer.”
Oliver: "You're a fuckin' lawyer. Ya know what - ya'd tell your equivalent t'plead insanity!"
Luke: Another long sigh. “Believe me, I know. God knows I know. Think I haven’t questioned my sanity ten million times? Think I would put myself through this voluntarily?”
Oliver: "Even with logic ya bring it back t'that. It's like a fuckin' magic trick."
Luke: “Knowing how batshit crazy I sound doesn’t mean I’m denying the reality of my life.”
Oliver: "N'this is why ya stay away from me. Why - Whatever."
Luke: “Don’t whatever me, you’re the one who brought it up.”
Oliver: "Ya can't get mad at me when you're the crazy."
Luke: “I’m not crazy, and even if I was, crazy people are allowed to be angry.”
Oliver: "Ya can't molest me n'get mad at me."
Luke: “I didn’t fucking molest you, Oliver. I leaned on you.”
Oliver: "Ya laid on me."
Luke: “Splitting hairs.”
Oliver: "D'ya hear yourself?"
Luke: “Do you? You woke up fully clothed. I was fully clothed. My hands were nowhere near your dick or your ass. I did not molest you. I was simply leaning on you. Or laying if that’s the word you wanna use.”
Oliver: "I feel like a fuckin' broken record. How the fuck would ya feel if ya woke up like I had?!"
Luke: “I’d be pretty fucking weirded out, Ollie. I don’t blame you for that. I would assume I’d gotten blackout drunk and had fallen asleep on my couch with someone, which surprise surprise, I have. I’ve already told you my only defense and you don’t accept it. You told me to stay away from you and I have. After your car starts, I’m gone. I’ll go on my merry way. Matter of fact, why don’t you try starting the engine.”
Oliver: "It all goes down the shitter when ya keep claimin' some - some ghost shit. Then it's all just some fuckin'...gaslightin' thing."
Fine. He handed the umbrella over and back to the driver's seat he went.
Luke: "If I could conjure an apparition to convince you and prove I'm telling the truth, I would." Maybe he could. Maybe there was something he could do to prove the truth to Oliver. If he saw something with his own two eyes when he didn't have a migraine, he had to believe it, right?
It was definitely something to think about.
Oliver: Just tell me what I want to hear, he thought. Why do you have to adhere to being psycho?
Attempt one got him nowhere. For a moment he thought he had flooded it. Attempt two seemed more sure of itself but also failed. He wasn't going to scream. He wasn't going to punch something. He simply leaned back and closed his eyes again.
Luke: Luke was no mechanic, but that did not sound good. Either time. Although the second time sounded slightly less bad than the first time.
"We'll give it a little while longer," he said evenly, watching the rain.
Oliver: No response came from the man in the truck, the one nodding as though Luke could see him.
Luke: That was fine. If they didn't talk, Oliver couldn't--once again--call him crazy.
Better to let the jumper cables do their thing while he texted Pete to tell him why he was late.
Oliver: His attention returned to the wild and furious ocean, soothed by its growls and the crack of gorgeous thunder across the horizon. Not nearly as picturesque as a crisp clear day with the sun baking his skin, but the world was alive, and though it did not reflect on his face, it stirred him.
Luke: The storm might've been soothing Oliver, but it was annoying the hell out of Luke. Of course it was storming the day he happened to run into Oliver and his dead ass battery.
A few minutes later he said, "Try now!"
Oliver: Another try, the same result. A fist into his seat later he tried again. This was the consequence of neglect. In a fit of defeat, the truck was shut off. He then headed to the toolbox on the back of the truck for the chain.
Luke: Luke sighed. Yep, that battery was dead as a doornail.
"Better call a tow truck. They'll come out if you promise them a case of beer."
Oliver: "No one's comin' out here."
Luke: “That’s what the case of beer is for. Chris will come out if you promise him a case of beer.”
Oliver: "Stop tryin' t'fuckin' help me. Bad shit happens n'just let it fuckin' happen, Luke. You're hurtin' my brain, man."
Luke: A voice in the back of his head loudly and gleefully screamed ‘I told you so! This is what you get!’
The voice was right. He knew what was going to happen and he’d still stopped. That was the definition of insanity, wasn’t it?
“All right, fine. You wanna stay out here? Be my guest.” He shut off his car, removed the cables, slammed the hood.
“Good luck with your dead fucking battery and the damage the flood is probably going to do to your car. Been a real treat seeing you.”
He hopped in his car and started it.
Oliver: Finally, peace. This man was too much of everything. Too stubborn the night they had met; too handsy; too insane; too unwilling to admit to lies. The man was too happy and far too optimistic. Watching the man, finally in a sour mood slam into his car, he wondered what it was he had done to catch his attention. Artificial light versus a moth, he added to himself.
"Bye, then." He'd chain the truck to the tree. At least then he'd be able to find it should the water rise high enough to reach it. He knew it was a shit plan but it was better than having no idea where it would be by Monday.
Luke: Had Luke known that Oliver was that relieved to see him not only leaving, but leaving on in a bad mood, he would’ve turned around and forced as much help on him as he possibly could. Because apparently that was the way to annoy the hell out of Oliver; be nice to him.
“Fuck it.” He was going to call the damn tow truck. Oliver could just deal with it.
Oliver: The hell was he doing? Oliver poked his head out of the window, wind and misty rain be damned.
Luke: Him? Oh nothing. He was simply going to pull out his phone and dial a number and pretend he didn’t hear Oliver.
Oliver: "Hey! What are ya doin'?!"
Luke: Luke lowered his window just long enough to say, “Making a call, what does it look like I’m doing?”
He rolled his window back up and proceeded to try and talk Chris into coming out.
Oliver: "WHAT kinda fuckin' call?!"
Luke: Nope, back to ignoring. He was scowling as he talked to the person on the other line, clearly having a hard time doing whatever he was doing.
It was another couple of minutes before he finally hung up.
Oliver: This was reality now. He knew calling the police would be useless. This man was a lawyer and could chance his story at any time. What the fuck was he meant to do?
"Kay, thanks. Great."
Luke: “Better stay in your car,” he called. “Storm’s picking up.” For his part, he thought it best to leave before Chris arrived. His services had already been paid for.
Oliver: "Luke, what did ya do, goddammit?"
Luke: “Nothing you have to worry about.”
Oliver: "I swear to fuckin' god, man."
Luke: “You’re not gonna be hurt or inconvenienced or put out in any way.”
Oliver: "Can't just fuckin' tell me anything, can ya?"
Luke: Like I haven’t tried, he thought. “I can tell you it’ll be about ten minutes until you see for yourself.”
Oliver: "Ya leavin'? Who the fuck did ya call?"
Luke: “Do you want me to leave?”
Oliver: "If ya ain't gonna be truthful, yeah."
Luke: “I’m being evasive, there’s a key difference. If you really must know, I called Chris.”
Oliver: "He's got family. He ain't comin' out here."
Luke: “He’s still on the clock. He’ll be here soon.”
Oliver: "I don't owe ya."
Luke: “Didn’t say you did.”
Oliver: Well then, "Good!" he huffed.
Luke: “Yep, sure is. Good talk.” And now to wait for Chris to arrive with his tow truck.
Oliver: Even sitting across from one another felt like torture. He wanted to yell at his helpfulness. He wanted to shake the man until he spilled truth from his lips. He thought back to their first meeting, how he was dissuaded from driving drunk; how he had pitied the man and his loss. Strange man, but no threat. He remembered the shock of waking with a warm body on top of him, with no memory of why.
His cheeks flushed pink.
"Ya can go, now," he called.
Luke: “I’ll go when Chris arrives. Won’t be more than a couple minutes.” Besides, he had a feeling Oliver would refuse Chris’ services if he left.
Luckily, he could see the truck approaching in the distance. Oliver would be rid of him soon.
Oliver: He would as soon as he saw the headlights. His jacket was zipped to his neck before stepping out into the unforgiving whistling wind. He just had to put up with this a few more minutes. Maybe he could hitch a ride from Chris after.
Luke: Chris’ annoyance at being out in the storm was obvious, but he was pleasant enough as he greeted Oliver and set about hitching his truck.
“Want me to take it to your place or to my garage?”
Oliver: "My place, man. Thanks for this. Didn't expect ya out here in this weather."
Luke: “No problem. I’ll go out in anything as long as I get paid, brother.”
Oliver: "I guess I know that for next time. Was gonna fuckin' walk my ass home."
Luke: "In this? Don't know if that makes you ballsy as fuck or dumber than a box of rocks."
Oliver: "It's me, Chris. I'm both," he smiled.
Luke: Chris laughed. “The two go hand in hand with you, Cole. Catching a lift with me or with Graham?”
Oliver: "You," he said, perhaps a bit too quickly.
Luke: He thought nothing of it, though it did kind of surprise him. “All right, cool. Hop in, almost done here.”
Oliver: "Kay. Thanks, man." Barely a glance was given to the man who'd called him.
Luke: “No problem.” Chris nodded and waved at Luke, who waved back.
For a second there he thought he’d become invisible, which ended up making him think, which in turn had depressed him.
Sighing, he pulled onto the road and went on his way.
Oliver: He'd been noticed. The glance his way hadn't been seen, it seemed, as nothing had been said in regard to him. Thank god, he thought. This was meant to be a gesture worth gratitude, but he couldn't bring himself to say goodbye. He'd just keep Chris busy with conversation until the house. Work, Tristan, the season and its effect on fishing. Once home, he knew what he'd need. Several tall glasses of beer.
Luke: Luke had made it back to the pub no worse for the wear, if a bit quiet. He’d given Pete the copies of the renegotiated contracts and had gone home. He didn’t feel like being around people at the moment.
Or for the next few days. He just went to the library and worked as usual, then went back home with barely any deviation.
Dana/Oliver: Oliver had remained home. As there was nothing to do until the hurricane had passed, he had resolved himself to drinking and an ill attempt at a phone call with his daughter.
Days later, as Luke walked through Peter's house, another phone call had been made. One which had rung twice and decided better.
Luke: Luke hurried to adjust his backpack and armload of case files to search his pocket for his phone.
He sighed when saw the missed call notification. Time to play ‘Ollie or Dana?’.
The deciding factor was usually another attempt at a call, so he waited for a few moments to see what would happen.
Dana: This time, there would be no further calls from his expected love interest. An hour would pass in silence. Another phone call by an unknown number. A single ring and nothing.
No further calls for the evening.
Luke: He had no idea what was keeping him from returning the calls except sheer curiosity and a little bit of....fear? Maybe that was too strong a word. Trepidation? Who the hell knew.
When he finally decided to take matters into his own hands, he started by calling the unknown number.
Dana: Two rings in and the call was answered by the newly familiar Australian voice.
"How are you holding up in this weather?"
Luke: Luke took a long, shaky breath. He’d chosen correctly. The game wouldn’t end in tears this time.
“Oh, you know. M’about as chipper as the hurricane.”
Dana: "Do you want to go to the bottle-o with me?"
Luke: “Yeah,” he said after a moment. “Okay.”
Dana: The hurricane was pretty much gone at this point. He was confident in his request. "I'll walk to you. I'll be there soon."
Luke: “Okay. See you in a bit.”
Dana: In what little respect Tolvin could muster, every dirt and back road was taken to conceal his route, taking to the backdoor to knock rather than exposing their meeting.
{Text} I'm here.
Luke: {Text} I’ll be right down
Luke checked himself in the mirror before going downstairs. In deference to the storm and the drop in temperature that followed, he wore jeans and a light gray sweater. There was no product in his hair or any special care taken, but he’d showered and his clothes were clean. That was about all he could manage.
He tried the front door first, and finding the porch empty, made his way to the back.
“Hey,” he said softly. He sounded and looked completely defeated.
Dana: Oliver seemed to have cleaned up, if not for the fact that there was no Oliver. His clothes were clean and without dog hair. His hair and skin fresh from a shower. His beard had been managed, both combed and trimmed from his lips. All for the man in the doorway.
"Do you wilt in poor weather? Is that what's happened to you?" Tolvin smiled, one utterly different from what he had seen from Oliver.
Luke: It was like one of his dream filters had been applied to reality and a soft, comforting glow had temporarily been applied to his life. Temporarily being the key word.
This cleaned up version of Oliver who wasn’t really Oliver who smiled at him like he mattered and wouldn’t call him crazy wouldn’t last. This was a spell and he was....Cinderella.
He tried to return the smile. “Something like that. How are you?”
Dana: His prince charming was watching him intently when he realized that smile was not true to form.
"Something like that. What's happened?"
Luke: “Just a rough patch. I’m fine, really.”
Dana: "Do you want to stay here?"
Luke: “Been stuck in here and the library for days because of the storm. Some fresh air would be nice.”
Dana: "Liquor store and Oliver's, or a pub, then?"
Luke: “Liquor store and....somewhere other than Oliver’s. The beach, the woods, doesn’t matter.”
Dana: "Would you be opposed to a boat?"
Luke: “I wouldn’t be opposed at all.” A boat sounded great actually.
Dana: "To the bottle-o and the docks, then. Ready?"
Luke: Luke double checked his pockets for his keys, phone, and wallet, nodding. “Yep, I’m ready.”
Dana: The long scenic route to the nearest liquor store was deliberately taken, not just for privacy, but for as much time as possible before his will disintegrated.
"You saw him recently, didn't you?"
Luke: This too was much needed. Moments of privacy seemed so rare in this town.
He nodded. “I did, yeah. Day the storm hit.”
Dana: "Tell me what happened."
Luke: “Was coming back from doing some work for the pub and came across him on the side of the road. His battery was dead, I offered him a jump start, he said he was just going to try tying his truck to the tree, I decided to just give him the jump start. Then we ended up where we always end up.”
Dana: "With him in denial, and you insisting on the truth." He could imagine how they parted ways. At least Luke was absent a bruise this time. And tears.
Luke: He sighed and nodded. There weren’t any tears now, and there hadn’t been any in the moment, but there had been plenty in between. “Yeah. Right there. With a reiteration of ‘you’re crazy’ as the cherry on top.”
Dana: "As expected. No one in my family knew. My daughter doesn't know. Her mother has a vague idea. Enough that she didn't want me around."
Luke: “Right. As expected.” On some level—hell, on quite a few levels—he knew that. He understood that. But on even more levels, he was himself, and pretending the truth wasn’t the truth wasn’t something that came easily to him.
There was a very good reason he only represented clients who were innocent.
Dana: Tolvin offered his hand. "Not everyone can handle your strength, Luke. I couldn't."
Luke: Luke took it. “What strength? Look at me, Dana. I’m a mess. Logan is the strong one.”
Dana: "Had you moved on in any way since my death?"
Luke: “No. You being here proves that.”
Dana: He smiled to himself. "Does it?"
Luke: “It does. Love is the only thing in this world stronger than death. Forgot where I heard that but it’s true.”
Dana: "Could it be that I have unfinished business with you?"
Luke: “It’s love. Let me hang on to that at least.”
Dana: Alright. "Fine. It's love."
Luke: “Thank you,” he said quietly.
Dana: "You already know why I'm here."
Luke: “Because we love each other.”
Dana: "I told you why when I returned," he continued steadily.
Luke: Luke sighed. “I know, Dana. I remember the conversation. I’m trying to find a little glimmer of hope and positivity in my life. Please let me. Just for today. Please.” I’m begging you.
Dana: "There is nothing depressing in knowing you are one of my reasons for lingering in the Skinlands, Luke."
Luke: “Let me for one second just enjoy you being here without thinking about you being dead, Dana. Do you want me to beg? I will. I’ll drop to my knees and beg you if it means I can just pretend this is a normal situation for just a little bit.”
Dana: He knew the question would be sudden, but there was a point to it. "Do you like this body?"
Luke: Luke gave Dana a confused glance. “Oliver’s a handsome man.”
Dana: "This is normal. I am Oliver Cole. Kiss this body."
Luke: “Oliver Cole thinks I should be in a padded room. I don’t want to kiss him, I want to kiss you and you are in his body which is objectively attractive. Keeping you separate keeps me sane.”
Dana: "So separation is your normal?"
Luke: “If I didn’t separate you from him they would have to put me in a padded room, Dana. I love you. I want you. When I think about you I don’t picture his body or his face, I picture yours.”
Dana: "Then how will you kiss me, or enjoy my touch when it's his skin?"
Luke: “Because of that separation. You’re using his body but it’s you. Not him.”
Dana: "Do you want to keep him?"
Luke: “I couldn’t bear to go through this process again with another person. It’s fucked up enough already.”
Dana: "I suppose for you it is."
Luke: He squeezed Dana’s hand. Luke knew he lived by a new set of rules now but hearing that just...
“Let’s talk about something else. How are you?”
Dana: "I'm well enough. I was pleasantly surprised by an artifact I found deep in the - Yes, I'm fine. Thank you."
Luke: “In the Umbra?”
Dana: "Yes. A specific area."
Luke: “What does the artifact do?”
Dana: The wraith's smile grew. "Let's keep you out of the Umbra for a little while longer."
Luke: Luke nodded. “What else have you been doing?”
Dana: "Hmm. How long has it been since we last spoke?"
Luke: “A while. Weeks.”
Dana: "Just weeks," he said to himself. "It's been longer for me, where I was. We can call it self-discovery."
Luke: “The good kind?”
Dana: Hmm. "I believe so."
Luke: Another nod. “Then I’m glad.”
Dana: "Bring me up to speed on your goings on."
Luke: “Not much to tell. Still staying with Pete and working from home.”
Dana: "Why do you live in Raleigh when you're rarely there?"
Luke: “It’s only in the past couple years that I spend more time here than there.”
Dana: "Have you considered moving back?"
Luke: “I’m here for my mental health.”
Dana: "So remain here. Sell your home. Be happy."
Luke: “My firm is in Raleigh. My partners are understanding enough to let me work from home precisely because I am a partner. I have friends, clients, a whole life in Raleigh.”
Dana: "And yet you're here."
Luke: "Having a mental breakdown will do that."
Dana: "Your friends cannot help you?"
Luke: "How can they? They don't know what's going on with me and I'm not gonna put it on them. They'll think I've gone completely insane like Oliver does and I wouldn't blame them. Hell, I don't blame Oliver."
Dana: "Well who here knows that can help you? Your brother? Logan?"
Luke: “No one knows. Just you.”
Dana: "You're here for me, then?"
Luke: “Yes. You’re here and so am I.”
Dana: "You need more reason than that."
Luke: “Getting to be here with the man I love is better than sitting in an empty condo feeling like I’m dying inside from loneliness.”
Dana: "But I have to reiterate that you have friends in Raleigh. You're not alone."
Nearing the liquor store, Luke was turned and, as bravery would have it, softly given a kiss.
"We're going to see Logan today."
Luke: "My friends in Raleigh are human, Dana. They supported me and they were there for me when you died but everything that's come after? I can't talk to them about that. Can't talk to my family about it either." He couldn't even talk to Logan, which gave him an unending amount of guilt.
Still, the kiss was accepted and returned with a soft smile that quickly gave way to surprise. "Really? We're going to tell her?" Had he thought the matter into existence?
Dana: "How she decides to react, remember to take nothing personally. That's all I ask of you."
Luke: "She'd be well within her right to punch us both."
Dana: "Not you. Just me. I told you not to say anything. It's my choice."
Luke: "I still kept something major from her. But whether she's pissed or not, I'm so glad you decided to tell her."
Dana: At least he seemed in a better mood.
"What are you having to drink?" he asked as he stepped inside. The store was quiet. A young couple quietly argued over what to bring to a party. An aged woman sat quietly on her side of the counter, fiddling with her phone.
Luke: Slightly better yes, but also more nervous. He had no idea how Logan would react to her brother in someone else’s body.
“Just beer is fine. Blue Moon.”
Dana: A Blue Moon for Luke, and a bourbon Oliver frequented for himself. Should he inquire, nothing should seem out of the ordinary.
"Docks first, or Logan?"
Luke: “Logan. We’ll get her a Smirnoff Ice.”
Dana: "I've never seen one of those in Oliver's house," said for Luke's ears only. "You'll have to buy that one."
Luke: Luke nodded. “I’ll grab her some.”
Dana: "Is there anything else?"
Luke: “Not that I can think of. Is there anything you want to bring her?”
Dana: "I can't think of anything relevant."
Luke: “All right. You go ahead and pay while I get her drink.”
Dana: So he would, and he would wait for Luke outside of the store by the grass.
Luke: Luke came out a few moments later with drinks in hand.
“Still wanna go on a boat?”
Dana: "You said Logan first."
Luke: “I meant afterwards. Figured we could invite her.”
Dana: "If...Depends on her mood."
Luke: “It’d be a good distraction if things go less than great.”
Dana: "We'll have to see."
Luke: Luke nodded again. “Yeah.” He reached for Dana’s free hand. “Come on.”
Dana: He took the offered hand and nodded. Luke would have to lead the way, as his feet had turned to lead.
Luke: That was okay. He didn’t blame Dana for any nerves or worry or even reluctance to finally tell Logan. This was an intense situation, a gut-wrenching situation, and they had no idea how it was going to play out.
So he kissed Dana’s hand and walked them in the direction of the little cabin Logan had made her home.
A few things had changed since Dana would have seen it last. There were a few motion-activated cameras in the trees on the road and the path leading to the cabin. Some flower beds had been planted nearby, the truck parked out front was clean and appeared to be repainted, the lawn was pristine. There was even a wind chime on the little porch.
Dana: Dana quietly calculated the cost of every item leading to the front door of their temporary safehouse. Hundreds of dollars for the cameras. A fistful of dollars for the flowers. Repainting a truck could spiral to over a thousand depending on the paint and the garage.
"Hmm." She made roots. He needed to pull them.
Finally, Luke was passed in order to be the first to knock.
Luke/Logan: Luke held his breath as Dana knocked. He couldn’t help but wonder what was running through his mind. There was no way he’d be pleased that Logan was making a home here. Or, if they were being honest, had already made a home here.
It was a few moments before she finally came to the door and opened it with a smile that was both delight and curiosity. She was a bit thinner than the last time Dana had seen her, but healthy enough. Her hair was a bit shorter.
And she was currently wearing an apron stained with icing and chocolate.
“Luke!” She greeted him with a hug. “You’re a nice surprise. Who’s your friend?”
Dana: The man by Luke's side seemed to have lost his tongue. He wouldn't have been the first man. A certain human in town had taken that title.
He had seen Logan in Edenton through Oliver's eyes before. Never to say hello. Seeing their safehouse and what she had done, seeing her wrapped in an apron playing with a domestic life was enough to sever his speech. He should have expected this, given the space of his absence.
At last, he managed to find his voice. "It's been a long time, jellybean."
Luke/Logan: The silence stretched and Logan began to grow more confused, looking between Luke and the man beside him, waiting for one of them to speak.
Luke tried to figure out what to say. Should he introduce them as normal? Rip the bandaid off right away? Let Dana rip it off?
Shit. Well, it looked like Dana was going to do exactly that.
Logan’s pleasant smile fell away in an instant. Her face went hard and cold and Luke could practically feel her guard raising.
“Excuse me? Luke, who is this man?”
Dana: Tolvin smiled. That's my girl, he thought.
"Good to see you haven't lost all of your instincts." He took a breath. A hand was brought to Oliver's chest.
"This is borrowed. You know who I am."
Luke/Logan: Luke could see that Logan was ready to slam the door or maybe go for the shotgun she kept beside it so he stepped in front of Dana to intervene.
“Lo, don’t freak out. Let me explain.”
“Explain what? Why this—man is pretending to know me and saying precious things he has no business saying? Who the hell is he?”
Oh god, she was pissed already. “He’s not some random man. Well, not exactly. It’s...” He took a deep breath. “It’s Dana, Lo.”
Dana: "You've heard my voice without a body. You know I exist. The fact that I'm possessing now a surprise to you?"
Luke/Logan: She gave the man a withering look. “Stop it, both of you. This isn’t funny.”
“Believe me, Logan, I know. This is the least funny thing I have ever told you.”
“Then you also know that my brother would never possess someone. He dedicated his life to killing anything that threatened human life.”
Dana: "I've been gone a long time jellybean. I've lived from a different perspective longer than I've been gone. It's not ideal, but this body was chosen mindfully, I promise you that."
Luke/Logan: “The two of you really expect me to believe that my brother, my Dana, would possess a civilian? I don’t know who the hell you are but I’ve had about enough of this.” She turned to Luke. “I know it’s been rough for us both but you can’t tell me you buy this. You’re a rational man, how can you possibly believe the man you love would do this?”
Luke took another deep breath. “I know it’s a lot to take in and accept but I swear to God that I am not lying to you and that he is not lying to you. Please, let’s just all sit down and have a drink and talk, please.”
Logan looked between the two of them for a long time before stepping aside to let them in.
Dana: She must’ve known in her heart of hearts. She wouldn't have let him in otherwise. Why, when it would have been a lie? He waited for Luke to pass first, lingering in the doorway once inside, eyes fallen to his sister.
Luke/Logan: Small changes had transformed the interior of the cabin as well. New curtains hung from the windows, the floors had been polished to a near gleam, and what once had been an empty section of wall with an empty hallway table in front of it was now a memorial altar built to Dana Tolvin. Candles, flowers, incense, and a small cross were arranged carefully and reverently around photos of her brother to honor his memory and try to help him find peace.
Luke broke the silence this time. "Why don't I go put these in the fridge to chill for a bit?" he said, taking all the bottles of alcohol.
"Fine. Mind the cake in there." She removed her apron. "It's for a birthday party tomorrow."
"I'll be careful. Ya'll sit."
Dana: The alter was studied, his new face touched as he squinted at the aged photographs. There was something unnerving in the worship of his memory. It reminded him of alters he'd found in the Necropolis. Those by Gaunts, old, proud wraiths with still existing fetters despite centuries lost.
Tolvin turned to face the huntress and sighed.
Logan: He’d find her glaring at him. If he dared say a single word about the way she’d chosen to honor her brother’s memory he was going to have hell to pay and everything written on her face said that quite clearly.
She still hadn’t accepted that this man—who she was pretty sure she’d seen before—contained her brother’s spirit.
Dana: "I don't recall alters like this being allowed by Mother Superior, even for Jesus. My memory is a bit cramped, but that much I recall," he said gently.
Logan: “I’m not a nun or a child in school. I’m an adult and last I checked that gives me the authority to do whatever the hell I like in my own home.”
Dana: "It's not a home. It's a safehouse. One I've already told you to leave."
Logan: “I refer you to my earlier statement. I am an adult and I don’t know you and you don’t know me. And if you really expect me to accept or even entertain the idea that Dana Tolvin decided to possess an innocent man you’re going to have to do more than pretend to be him.”
Dana: "I'm not going to do anything, Logan. You know better than to expect me to prove anything to you. You know and honor my word, or you do not. It's that simple. Do you think I simply dissolved into Oblivion since you last heard my voice?"
Logan: “My brother would lecture me to hell and back for being naive enough to believe a random man I didn’t know held his spirit after more than a year of nothing on words alone. I heard his voice once and then never again. I thought I was crazy, I thought I imagined it or dreamed it or hallucinated it after I finally had a nervous breakdown. I tried every summoning ritual I could find, I asked Father Patrick for help, I researched and studied with Luke by my side until we were both crossed-eyed and our heads hurt from reading. And still nothing. Silent, indifferent, nothing. I thought that was a sign from God, telling me that he was in Heaven where he belonged, that somehow he was at peace and I made myself believe it because that was less painful than the nothing I kept getting for my efforts.”
She wiped her face. There was nothing to be done about the tears but she’d be damned if she broke down. “After all that, you expect me to just accept that the man I knew would do something so invasive to another person, you expect me not to question it? Not to question my own sanity after I’ve been speaking into a void for so long?”
Dana: He'd been better off allowing her to hold hope in both hands. This was closure, as messy as it felt, for both Luke and Logan. How could he possibly begin to explain his world to these two fetters? Where would their inquiry end, and when would they have peace? He could very well lose one of them before being drained from this body.
"Luke was with you. You both spoke to me and heard and felt me." A delirium in its own right that she would rationalize. "I don't blame you for being hurt, but time is not the same where I am now. I've avoided skinriding for this very reaction. I was too impatient." He looked to Luke, adding, "And I was jealous."
Logan: “Luke didn’t hear you ever again either! Luke ended up thinking he was crazy, too!” It didn’t help that in her research she’d come across the phenomenon of shared delusions between people who were close.
“‘Skinriding’? Do you hear yourself? You had me blackballed for accepting a Druid’s help with healing you and now I’m supposed to believe you think it’s okay to possess people?!”
Dana: "Whether you accept it or not, I am here, and I am in this man. You can continue in your disbelief, but that does not alter reality. When I was human I was proud and untrusting. I still wouldn't trust a druid with this knowledge, let alone anyone else in this town. Most would recreate the memory of my telling them any truth about the afterlife to sleep better at night. It's one of the reasons this has been avoided. I cannot reach Transcendence with you here."
Fuck, he hadn't meant to say that.
Logan: Logan went very still. “One of the reasons this has been avoided? Exactly how long has it been avoided? How long have you been possessing this man?”
Dana: The man stood straighter. "So now you believe me, when deception is involved."
Logan: This was just too much. She was meant to believe that Dana was possessing someone, didn’t have a problem with it, had been doing it for an indeterminate amount of time, and had only now deigned to tell her for reasons apparently only he could understand?
She just gave the man in front of her a heartbroken look and went into her bedroom, closing the door behind her.
Dana: And this is why I was desperately urged not to do this, he thought. There was little to no hope of understanding, and at best, if this continued, he would be trapped in a Harrowing trial. The risk of such a forbidden art was beginning to seem unworthy in reward.
"I wouldn't mind that drink now," he sighed, heading to the fridge.
Luke: Luke wordlessly grabbed a glass for Dana.
“Give her a minute to catch her breath. This is a lot to take in, even for someone like her. You came to me in a face I recognized. Oliver’s face is unfamiliar to her.”
Dana: "Well, if I did that again," he said quietly, "she might have chopped my head off on principle."
Luke: “I think the principle is the bit she’s having trouble with. Hearing your voice is one thing, you being in someone else is another. I think it’s hard for her to believe you’d do this.”
Dana: "So I've gathered. Knowing how stubborn I can be, when the circumstances are based on -" another sigh. "I'm still stubborn, the reasoning is what's different."
Luke: “You’re not the only one who’s stubborn. So is she. But you both have to be a little flexible with each other right now. You can’t dig in your heels, otherwise there’s no point to this. You’ve got a chance to get each other back. You both need to take it and be patient and learn all the things about each other that have changed.”
Dana: "What would you have me do right now?"
Luke: “Sit, have your drink. I’ll have mine with you. If she’s not out in a few minutes I’ll go get her and we’ll all talk.”
Dana: "...Alright. A drink." So he would sit in the chair he used to.
Luke: Luke nodded and joined him with his own drink, taking Dana’s hand and squeezing it.
“Hey,” he whispered. “I love you.”
Dana: "Still?" he smiled weakly.
Luke: “Always.”
Dana: "Nothing lasts forever, Luke. A very long time, but not forever."
Luke: "Positive attitude, remember? We need good vibes today."
Dana: "The end of something shouldn't be so frightening to the Skinland."
Luke: "We're human, Dana. So were you not that long ago. We can't help it, we have a limited scope."
Dana: "On purpose. I still haven't fully comprehended the reasoning, but it exists."
Luke: "I can think of a few reasons." He took a sip of his beer and looked toward Logan's door.
Come on, he thought. Come out and give him a chance.
Dana: "My...initial belief is that you have time to develop, to honor the first phase of your life."
Luke/Logan: "Some people do that better than--"
Logan's door opening cut him off. She looked a little calmer, a little more composed, and (he hoped) more open-minded.
Dana: Tolvin stood immediately, waiting for her next move. If she told him to leave or join him outside, to sit, to do anything. He would wait on his feet.
Logan: Logan took a deep breath and went to the fridge to get her drink. She took a sip, came over, and sat in the chair across from them.
"Tell me something only you and I know," she said softly, meeting the man's gaze. "Something you've never told Luke."
Dana: He returned to his seat after her. He expected some version of a reverse Turing test. This they could do.
"I've never told him about the night I first met you," he said softly.
Logan: She took another deep breath. "Describe it. Tell me exactly what happened."
Dana: "We had been following small group of Brujah from the city to the suburbs. They were already injured. We were waiting for an opening. We had what we needed, but we had lost them. Dexter Nguyen heard you first. They had been quiet breaking in. They needed a quick meal. Your house must have seemed the easiest. Either way, I took you in my arms and told you to close your eyes. They were so wide, and you didn't want to shut them."
Logan: Logan tried not to focus on the horrified look she could see on Luke's face out of the corner of her eye.
"What happened next?"
Dana: "I was torn between leaving you to do my duty, and keeping you calm, but most importantly, quiet. At the time, your silence was paramount to your safety. They were so focused on finding the master bedroom that they had ignored the little door to the right with the flowers on it."
Logan: She nodded. Go on, her eyes said. She probably could've asked him to stop there, but she needed to be sure.
Dana: "Wilson was killed by the leeches. Nguyen almost died. I had to let you go long enough to save him. You were so loud and traumatized. I felt scattered and angry. I think I yelled at you once. I knew it would do little good. You had every right to cry. I put your face to my chest and carried you out. I had to let you go again for the system. I insisted we take you."
Luke/Logan: If he'd yelled Logan didn't remember. She just remembered her father's panicked voice and her mother's screams.
Luke finally chimed in. "How old were you?"
"Ten," Logan whispered. "How old were you?" she added to Dana.
Dana: The man sighed. "Nineteen. No...I was twenty. Wilson had been alive for my birthday," he recalled.
Logan: “What happened after you decided to take me?”
Dana: "Then it was out of my hands for months. As soon as you were with the church, you were back in my arms. We were to make something of you. You would either be a hunter or a nun, and you hated any form of dress."
Logan: "And now I own several," she mused. "So much for the Church's expectations."
Dana: "Since I died?"
Logan: "My friend June got them for me after she saw I didn't own any. I wear them on special occasions."
Dana: "I'm not the only one to have changed."
Logan: "My changes have been far less drastic." She studied him for a moment. "Who is he? The man whose body you're using."
Dana: "From your eyes."
Tolvin leaned back in his seat, offering a glance to Luke. "He's a longshoreman, a drug addict, an ex-military, and a neglectful father."
Logan: "Why on Earth would you choose someone like that?"
Dana: "Would you rather a respectable, well-loved and unforgettable man people would immediately notice acting out of normal behavior?"
Logan: "I'd rather you not be in anyone's body but your own but apparently that simply isn't an option."
Dana: "Not yet."
Logan: "'Yet'?"
Dana: "That's what I said. I can't elaborate right now."
Logan: “When will you be able to?”
Dana: "When I better understand it myself."
Logan: Logan nodded. "Okay."
Dana: Tolvin looked between them once more. "What now?"
Luke: "Well." Luke took a deep breath and tried for an encouraging smile. "Why don't we take our drinks and take a little sail together."
Dana: "That I wouldn't mind in my last hours."
Logan: Logan's brow furrowed. "Last hours?"
Dana: "I can only keep him for so long. Think... like leaving milk out of the fridge. Playing with fire."
Logan: Another nod. She supposed that made sense. Doing this had to require an incredible amount of energy on Dana's part. "Is he....aware?"
Dana: "He could be, but he isn't." Not most of the time.
Logan: "He has the option, you mean?"
Dana: "If his mind were open. Sometimes I feel him, sentient and judgmental, but remembers nothing once he's set to rights. It's the... It's denial. everything supernatural relies on it. We relied on it when we were hunters."
Logan: "How did you convince a man who doesn't believe....?"
Dana: "He has the potential for understanding. My belief is that some sort of trauma prevents his mind from opening. As it is, he's easiest to access when compromised with drugs or alcohol."
Logan: Jesus Christ. "Then help him. If not you, then you, Luke."
Dana: "It could very well be irreversible. I don't know everything about him just because I occupy his body."
Logan: "Maybe it is, many traumas are and for dozens of different reasons. But if there is a way you can help, I think you should. Some compassion for the man whose body you're using wouldn't just be good for him, it would be good for you. And for you, Luke."
Dana: "Then you do it, Logan. Meet him by chance and get to know him."
Luke/Logan: "I'm not going to meet him 'by chance' and get to know him simply to assuage our mutual guilt. If I do meet him by actual chance that's another matter. His life has had enough disruption. You're the one borrowing him and I think you should be the one to help him. If you're not willing or not able, so be it. Luke, are you willing?"
"He thinks I should be in a padded room."
"Because I told him about the ghost thing...?"
Dana: "You're assuming I have guilt, Logan. I don't. Our job was never about helping people, but ridding the world specifically of rogue vampires that don't even follow their own code. There were other chapters of our order for things like me. This guilt you believe I should have, I might have for someone else."
Luke/Logan: "Maybe it should have been. Maybe it should be for all hunters from now on. But that's not the point. You don't have guilt about this." Which concerned her in so many ways but again, not the point. "Okay. I do have guilt. And I don't want to help this man just to make myself feel better."
She turned to Luke. "I think you'll find that the overwhelming majority of humans would also believe you're crazy if you told them about our world and the vampires and spirits and myriad creatures within it. People just aren't equipped to handle it or process it. I wasn't when I was a little girl and all that happened. Dana can attest that I had night terrors and nightmares and flat out panic attacks for months, bordering on years."
Dana: He couldn't imagine anything relevant to say would help matters as far as guilt and altruism was concerned, so instead Tolvin settled with listening to get explanation to Luke.
Luke/Logan: Luke was frowning. "But he deserves to know the truth, that I'm not putting him or myself through this for no reason."
"Yes, he does. But if he's as deeply in denial as Dana says, you can shout the truth at him with all the force you can and he still won't believe it. He won't hear you."
"This is a truth people aren't prepared for. Of course they all deserve to know, but literally everything around them convinces them not to. It's too scary, too foreign, too uncomfortable and when some of them do manage to believe, some simply can't take it and they lose their minds in a very real way." She looked to Dana for back up.
Dana: "Others will convince them that it's not real, or dismiss them, or more often than not, assume them to be dangerous and lock them away in a mental institution. Humans love doing that."
Luke/Logan: Logan nodded. "People fear--and persecute--what they don't understand."
Luke was silent for a few long moments, during which he took several sips of his beer. "So...what you're saying is I should stop trying to convince him I'm telling the truth?"
Dana: "Unless we find an indisputable method, I'm with Logan."
Luke: "Won't he be suspicious if I just suddenly stop the ghost talk?"
Dana: "It depends on what follows."
Luke/Logan: "Should I actively lie if he asks or....?"
"I would just not mention it. If he insists I'd just tell him you've reconsidered the ghost thing and leave it at that." She turned to Dana. "Do you think he'd accept that?"
Dana: "What I know is he believes Luke has been cruel to him. Thoughts like that need active balms."
Luke: "Then I need to apologize before anything else." He sighed. "Maybe I have been cruel, especially if he's in as deep denial as you say. He was just a normal dude living his life until we showed up in it and flipped it upside down."
Dana: "If I've had to learn anything where I'm now from, it's patience. That's what you'll need with him. Both of...all of us."
Luke: Luke nodded. "I owe him that much after...everything."
Dana: "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. I'm on borrowed time right now. Let's not spend any more on the subject."
Luke/Logan: Another nod. "Let's go down to the docks then." He offered Logan a smile. "You in?"
The smile she gave him in return was muted, but genuine. "Sure. Let me get my keys."
Dana: Left alone, Luke was held by his forearm. Whispered to, "Give us a minute?"
Luke: "Yeah, of course," he whispered back. "Take your time. I'll be outside."
Dana: Tolvin nodded in thanks, waited for the front door to close, and stood.  "...What do you do for money?" he called across the cabin.
Logan: "A few different things. Father Patrick gave me a job after the Church dismissed me. I clean his church and teach Sunday school."
Dana: "Is it enough to afford this cabin?"
Logan: "I'd be okay if that was all I did. I also babysit and work freelance for the bakery making cakes and things for parties. That's what I was doing when you and Luke arrived."
Dana: "So, you keep yourself busy." He studied the house again, on the lookout for his old belongings.
"No hunting? Not been a rabbit?"
Logan: "Yes, on the advice of Father Patrick." She returned with jacket and keys in hand.
Dana's things were scattered throughout the house and his old bedroom, diligently cared for and treasured. The only things missing were the things she'd sent his daughter.
"He said keeping myself busy would help my depression."
Dana: "Keeping busy becomes an addiction after a while. It is where I'm from. Then again...obsession and...silence seem to run hand-in-hand. It's indescribable what I've seen. I wish I had the creative..." he sighed. "I think you'll find it fascinating, when the time comes."
Logan: "It's been...therapeutic in a way. There was a period of time when I didn't really leave the house or shower or do anything or really see anyone. Now at least I see people and make money to support myself. So I guess that's progress."
She took a deep breath. "I can only imagine what you've seen and experienced."
Dana: He would hold that conversation for now, more curious towards a particular subject. "Are you working towards American citizenship?"
Logan: "Eventually. Permanent residency for now. Father Patrick got me in contact with an immigration lawyer to help me."
Dana: The wraith scoffed. "I suppose you could marry a lawyer...one with no interest in...anyone else at the moment."
Logan: She frowned. "Marriage? God, no. Father Patrick is my sponsor."
Dana: "Would it be so bad returning to Australia?" He paused, knowing her answer would be geared towards him. "Have you heard from your godfather?"
Logan: "I don't feel welcome there anymore," she said softly. There was hurt in her voice. "The bishop made his opinion of me very clear the last time I went."
Logan nodded. "Yes. We're on friendlier terms."
Dana: "Your home is more than the church. It's the country itself. It's where your family lived." Still, what would he have done? He would have taken her body back home. He would carry her ashes in a locket.
"What have you learned about him?"
Logan: "My family lived here, too." She finally met his eyes. "Being there without you hurt. Being here without you hurts. But it hurts less because people don't whisper about me, or judge me, or let me know how much they disapprove of me."
She took a deep breath. "He's given me a part of my parents I didn't have before. He knows and remembers things I don't."
Dana: "Who is whispering about you in Australia, Logan?"
Logan: "Who else? Hunters and nuns."
Dana: "Are they blaming you for my death?"
Logan: "The hunters are. You're my partner and you died on my watch."
Dana: "You weren't with me. You were nowhere near me or you would also be dead. Is that what they would rather?" He sighed. For some, yes absolutely.
Logan: "Probably. They were tame compared to some of the nuns. What they said doesn't bear repeating."
Dana: "I want to know what they said."
Logan: Logan shook her head. "It doesn't matter anymore. I'm here with you doing positive things with my life and they're there."
Dana: "Logan, do you understand why I haven't spoken to you?"
Logan: "To protect me from...I don't even know."
Dana: "So you'll go home."
Logan: She gave him a crushed look. "You wouldn't talk to me so I'd leave?"
Dana: "So you'd move on."
Logan: "Dana."
Dana: "Stop thinking emotionally for one moment, and switch roles with me."
Logan: "Okay. Are you asking what I would want for you if I were the one who'd died?"
Dana: "Yes."
Logan: "I'd want you to be happy and safe and loved."
Dana: "Yes, and you're not safe here."
Logan: "I'm not safe anywhere. Vampires exist everywhere, no one knows that better than we do."
Dana: "But this place is an exception. They know you worked with me. Why they've been lenient on you I don't know."
Logan: "Why? Because they broke me. And they know they broke me. I'm a Sunday school teacher. I bake cakes and pick up children from school when their parents are busy and sing in the church choir."
Dana: "Is that what you would have been had no vampire ever broken into your home?"
Logan: She gave a helpless shrug. "I don't know, maybe. My dad loved to bake. My mum could sing. But those are things I do to remember them and honor them so maybe I wouldn't have pursued them at all if I still had them. Maybe I'd be a completely different person. I am who I am because I lost them and you."
Dana: "I don't want that to be all that you are. Moving on doesn't mean neglecting those you've lost, Jellybean. That's not what I'm asking of you."
Logan: "What are you asking of me, Dana?"
Dana: "To not let the dead speak for your life. I don't want to be the driving force to your purpose. Think about that while we walk, alright?"
Logan: Logan nodded. "All right. I will."
Dana: There was that. Finally, he smiled in earnest. Progress was being made, whether her agreement was insincere or not, the seed was planted.
The door was opened for her, and a hand was placed on Luke as soon as he was within range.
Luke/Logan: It had been planted, and she loved and respected her brother enough to give the matter serious consideration.
She returned his smile and stepped outside, finding a very relieved-looking Luke.
He smiled at them. "Are we okay?"
Logan nodded and looked to Dana.
Dana: "Yes, we are." As proof, he kissed the top of Luke's head. "Can either of you drive?"
Logan: Logan jingled the keys. "I'll drive."
Dana: "Get ready for rolling stops, Luke."
Logan: She gave a mock gasp. "I do not do rolling stops."
Dana: "You very much do."
Logan: "Ridiculous," she said, unlocking the truck.
Dana: The door was held for Luke, as he was destined for the middle.
Luke/Logan: That was fine with him. He was well familiar with Logan's rolling stops.
"Seat belt," he reminded her as he put on his own.
Dana: "Must I?" Tolvin smirked.
Luke/Logan: Luke nodded. "Yep, you must. A speed demon is driving."
"I am not a speed demon," said the woman who pulled onto the road faster than most people would consider acceptable.
Dana: "I suppose I should look after this body." On the seat belt went. "Maybe that should be the first suggestion you give, Jellybean. The man never wears it."
Logan: "That doesn't surprise me, especially considering the amount of care he gives his body in general. Is his car safe at least?"
Dana: "It's a very broken pickup truck. Take from that what you will."
Luke: "Its battery sucks. Don't think he makes taking care of it a priority."
Dana: "He doesn't believe in garages, is his issue."
Luke: "Does he believe in having his car break down every five minutes?"
Dana: "It's been once since I found him."
Logan: "I suppose that's impressive." She turned onto the man road. "So he doesn't believe in the supernatural or taking care of his truck. What does he believe in?"
Dana: "Hard labor," he shrugged.
Logan: "Is that all? Does he have any family or pets or friends?"
Dana: "A bloodhound. What's his name, Luke?"
Luke/Logan: "Humphreys. He's sweet and friendly and seems well taken care of."
"So he does believe in something. That's encouraging."
Dana: "A very typical American. Ex-military. Each layer of his life is response to the previous. The drugs due to headaches due to his profession, due to something else."
Logan: She nodded, understanding dawning. “Post-traumatic stress. He definitely needs help.”
Dana: "Do you know Tristan Seger?"
Luke/Logan: Logan shook her head. “I don’t think so. Who is he?”
“Oliver’s boss.”
Dana: "A fisherman he works for. The only help he turns to in my experience."
Logan: “Why him?”
Dana: "I don't know."
Luke/Logan: “This Tristan must’ve earned his trust.”
“He’s a good guy,” said Luke. “He dated Callum a few years ago.”
Dana: "The druid?"
Luke: “Yeah. Way way back when Callum first moved here.”
Dana: Tolvin smiled. "You've known he's a druid."
Luke/Logan: “Not confirmed but I’m 60% certain.”
“I explained that Druidism is genetic,” Logan offered.
Dana: "Genetic. That's one way to put it."
Logan: “You have no more room to judge, Dana. We can’t help what we’re born as.”
Dana: "I have no more room to judge?"
Logan: “You’re not a hunter anymore.”
Dana: "That doesn't make vampires any less dangerous. That doesn't change what other people are."
Logan: “Druids aren’t vampires.”
Dana: "No, they can use their power for good or evil. They are unpredictable. At least with a vampire you know where they stand."
Logan: “Druids who use their power for evil are tried and often executed.”
Dana: "Are you getting all of this, Luke?"
Luke: “We read about Druid social structure. They’re self-policing.”
Dana: "'We'?"
Luke: “Logan and I. We’ve done a lot of research.”
Dana: "What else have you done to him?"
Logan: “It was his idea. After you spoke to us.”
Dana: Hmm. "Knowledge is a safe space to reside."
Logan: “Knowledge is a necessary space to reside.”
Dana: "What else have you learned while I was away?"
Luke: “A lot about spirits. Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, who ends up in each. Vampires, Druids, angels, demons.”
Dana: "Heaven is - " he sighed. "Books will only tell you so much. It is not as simple as they read."
Luke: “Well, that’s all we’ve got to go on.”
Dana: "I can't give everything away."
Luke: “Nor do I want you to,” said Luke. “Some things should remain mysteries.”
Dana: "I hope you believe that months from now, too."
Luke: “I can promise you I will. I have no desire to see the man behind the curtain.”
Dana: "'The man'?"
Luke: Luke blinked at him. “Have you not seen The Wizard of Oz?”
Dana: "I don't remember."
Luke: “It’s a reference to that.”
Dana: How funny if it all relied on a single creature. Something other than Oblivion beyond.
Rather than speak, he took Luke's hand between his own.
Luke: Luke twined his fingers with Dana’s and squeezed his hand.
Dana: "How much are we going to drink?"
Logan: “The two of you can drink as much as you like,” said Logan. “I have to drive.”
Dana: "So responsible. I promise we'll be alright."
Luke/Logan: “Well, one of us has to be. Where am I going?”
“The boat rental place by the marina.”
Dana: "I'm wondering if it'll even effect me."
Luke: “If it does I imagine it won’t be very much. The body you’re in already has a high tolerance.”
Dana: "That he does. I can feel the effects of his drugs...like...weakness and a tingle."
Luke: Luke frowned. "Can you feel them because of his body's reaction or because he's doing just that many drugs?"
Dana: "Either or, but I've only seen oxy and alcohol."
Luke: "Oh good, only one of the literal worst drugs."
Dana: "Would you prefer cocaine?"
Luke: "Does he also do cocaine?"
Dana: "Not that I've found."
Luke: "That's something at least."
Dana: "It can be called a small victory. Don't you think?" he looked to Luke.
Luke/Logan: As Luke nodded Logan said, "Small is a relative term in this situation. Does he do anything mildly beneficial for his health?"
Dana: "The hard labor of his job. He lifts weights. Water sports...swimming."
Logan: Logan frowned. "He's such a contrary person. Drinking and taking pills and then turning around and lifting weights and swimming."
Dana: "Remnants of his old life, maybe."
Logan: "Is he in contact with anyone from his old life?"
Dana: "I don't know. I don't go around pretending to be him."
Logan: Logan was quiet for a few moments, thinking. "Does anyone other than Luke try to interact with you while you're using his body? There has to be a window of time between when you take him over and when you're with Luke, right?"
Dana: "At most I get neighbors. Texts from people, with no response. I can't give him more experiences during his black out. It will only diminish his sanity."
Logan: "Texts from friends or work or? I know this is turning into an interrogation, I'm sorry."
Dana: "I assume both. I know Tristan is his boss. He has a few."
Logan: “So he maintains contact with people but not so much that they’re checking on him at home regularly.”
Dana: "The average American doesn't seem all that social. Not from memory."
Luke: “As an actual American I disagree,” said Luke.
Dana: "You see all of your friends every day? Hear from those in Raleigh every day?"
Luke: “Every single friend? No. A large part of my friends? Yes. We have lively text conversations at the very least.”
Dana: "I feel you're an exception."
Luke: “Probably, but around here? Pretty average. People are more social in small towns.”
Dana: "He's from Nashville."
Luke: “My logic also applies to people from cities in the South.”
Dana: "I'm starting to think you're running on the assumption of a stereotype."
Luke: “It’s all I’ve got to go on at this point. Stereotypes and your observations.”
Dana: "We weren't social. We don't know people's circumstances. Not entirely."
Logan: “I feel like it’s a good idea to learn his,” Logan chimed in as she pulled into a parking spot.
Dana: Well, you have a bias, he thought.
Parked, Tolvin stepped out of the truck to a sudden stiffness in his legs. An ache, as though atrophied. His limited time was reaching its o'clock. He rubbed his borrowed calves and breathed in the evening air.
Luke/Logan: "You okay?" Luke asked as he followed Dana out of the car.
Logan, meanwhile, went inside to see about renting their boat.
Dana: "I'm fine. His body is beginning to reject me."
Luke: Shit. "Should we skip the boat ride and take him home? I don't want another incident." Especially not with Logan here.
Dana: "No. It's fine. This happens. I have a couple of hours at most."
Luke: "You sure?"
Dana: "There's no need to double check what I say. I have two hours. I promise."
Luke: “I’m sorry, I’m just paranoid.”
Dana: "It's... understandable."
Logan: Logan poked her head out the door. “They have no sail boats right now,” she called. “Just motor boats. Is that okay?”
Dana: "We could borrow that...what's his name... Tristan's ship?"
Luke: “Even I know we have a better chance of pulling down the sun. I can drive a motor boat.”
Dana: "What are you implying with my skills?" He arched a brow.
Luke: “Asking Tristan Seger to borrow his ship is like asking Michelangelo to loan you his paintbrush. Ain’t gonna happen. Rent the boat, Lo!”
Dana: While waiting, the man beside him was studied, smiled at. A tired smile, clear indication of the inevitable.
"We should have done this when I was alive."
Luke: Luke smiled back, reaching for Dana’s hand. “We’re doing it now. That’s what counts.”
A few moments later, Logan returned with boat keys in hand. “We’ve been assigned the Norma Jean.”
Dana: He supposed Luke had a point.
Still holding to Luke's hand, Tolvin blinked at his sister. "Is that a song?"
Logan: "That's Marilyn Monroe's real name. Norma Jean Baker. Apparently the owner named all his boats after classic Hollywood actresses."
Luke: Luke chuckled. “My dad has a boat, he taught us all how to drive it. For fishing trips.”
Dana: "I can...drive an airboat." Does that count?
Luke: It counted. “A boat is a boat. What I can’t do is sail very well.”
Dana: "No patience?"
Luke: “It’s so much work. Motor boats are easier.”
Dana: "We'll go sailing next time. Frustrations that aren't other people."
Luke: “Gonna help me sail?”
Dana: "Mhm. Something to do."
Luke: “Deal. Maybe you can use his muscle memory to help.”
Dana: "I am interested in tapping into that untouched well of knowledge."
Logan: “Can you actually do that?” asked Logan.
Dana: "With enough practice."
Logan: “That feels like a dangerous road.”
Dana: "It is."
Logan: “Perhaps it’s best not to travel it.”
Dana: "I'm already breaking the law."
Logan: “Then I would definitely advise not to break it even more. His thoughts should be his own.”
Dana: Tolvin kept his deep sigh as quiet as possible. Quietly, he laid himself down on the deck, hands as pillows and the sky his canvas to study.
Luke/Logan: The rumble of the motor was enough to muffle Dana’s sigh and, somehow, soothe Logan. Or maybe that was just the ocean and all the colors across the sky.
Luke waited until they were comfortably far out before stopping the boat.
Dana: "Do either of you want to swim?"
Luke/Logan: “I do not have on the undergarments for that,” Logan chuckled. “But the two of you can.”
Luke looked to Dana. “Want to?”
Dana: "I'll be stripping if I do."
Luke: “....Does he not have underwear on?”
Dana: "Wet underwear would raise serious questions."
Luke: “Damn, you’re right. Next time, during our sail.”
Dana: "Next time. I'll try to visit sooner, next time."
Luke: Luke smiled. “We’ll make a proper outing of it.”
Dana: "I won't know the exact date."
Luke: “That’s okay. We’ll be here.”
Dana: "You should be home more often."
Luke: “I am home.”
Dana: "The home and people in Raleigh."
Luke: “I’ll pop in when I’m ready.”
Dana: This was a subject he just wasn't going to win. He would try again later.
"Lay with me."
Luke: Luke smiled softly and laid beside Dana, reaching for his hand again.
‘I love you,’ he mouthed.
Dana: The wraith smiled tiredly. "I need a beer."
Luke: Logan silently held one out to him. She was perched on the seat, staring at the horizon.
Dana: A long pause followed, taking a slow of his beer. "There are stars where I'm from, too," he finally said.
Logan: “Are they the same stars?” she asked softly.
Dana: "I don't know. Wasn't my forte to begin with."
Logan: She was silent for another couple of moments. “I’d like to think they are. The same stars, just....reflected in some way.”
Dana: "I could - no. I'm not strong enough to bring something through, yet...but I can memorize a cluster and draw it next time."
Logan: “That would be interesting. And lovely.” Maybe it would help her and Luke feel closer to him. Or maybe just her. She’d never felt this isolated from her brother before.
Dana: It was as though he could feel her anxiety, quiet and festering. A sore he could feel on his own arm.
"Tell me something new about yourself, Jellybean."
Logan: “Something new? Umm...” She thought for a moment. “I started babysitting.”
Dana: "You'd said that. Whose children?"
Logan: “Anyone who has need. People who work at night, people with multiple jobs. I care for a six month-old baby three times a week while his mother goes to night school.”
Dana: "Do you do background checks on these people? One could be a trap."
Logan: “I do actually. I only work with families or people Father Patrick has vetted. He’s been incredibly helpful and kind to me.”
Dana: "That's what I want to hear."
Logan: She smiled. “He prays for you still. Thinks very highly of you.”
Dana: "We only met a few times."
Logan: "That was enough for him."
Dana: "What does he pray for?"
Logan: "Your rest."
Dana: "Are you going to tell him about me?"
Logan: "It's not my place."
Dana: Luke was then studied. "What about you?"
Luke: "I didn't tell anyone before. Not going to start now."
Dana: "What was told to my daughter?"
Logan: "I told her you were in an accident," said Logan. "No details, grisly or otherwise."
Dana: "With no body to give back to Australia?"
Logan: "Yes. I couldn't...tell them anything close to the truth and her mother didn't ask questions."
Dana: "She wouldn't," he sighed. "She would have expected that phone call."
Logan: "It's the worst call I've ever made. I know she didn't believe me but she was very kind about it."
Dana: "You spoke to Teagan, or just her mother?"
Logan: "Both."
Dana: "She let you?" Tolvin sat up on his elbows.
Logan: "Just for a moment, on speakerphone."
Dana: "What did you say?"
Logan: "That you loved her."
Dana: "Word for word, that's all you said?"
Logan: "I told her that I knew you and I was a friend of yours, and that no matter where you were, no matter what, you loved her with all your heart and soul and that she should never, ever forget it."
Dana: "...What did they say?"
Logan: "Her mother didn't say anything while I was on the line. Teagan said that she wouldn't forget, and if I knew whether you knew she loved you, too. I said you did."
Dana: Tolvin remained quiet, eyes to the floor, feeling an emotion lost to him for so long. Self-pity was so foreign now. A disgusting emotion like something tacky in his mouth. He just wanted it gone.
"Her mother said nothing at all?"
Logan: “Just thank you. A very shaky thank you, like she was trying to keep her composure.”
Dana: A glance to Luke. He wanted to understand his feelings during this subject.
Luke: Luke’s feelings were nothing but sadness and heartbreak. He couldn’t help but think of the night his dad had had the accident, how the thought and very real possibility of losing had all but crippled their family. Just like losing Dana must have crippled his daughter.
Dana: He couldn't tell what Luke was thinking. His face seemed...blank. Was he jealous of that life, envious, indifferent? The stars took his interest once more.
"Well, the worst...is over."
Luke: “Not for Teagan,” Luke said softly. “Poor baby.”
Dana: "My star baby will be fine. She's resilient."
Logan: She shouldn't have to be, Luke thought. She should still have her dad.
"I'm sure she is," he said softly.
Dana: The silence which followed from Tolvin was sleep-like. Oliver's chest softly rose and fell. Until, "I want to see her."
Luke: Normally Luke wouldn’t have minded the silence; he might’ve even enjoyed it.  But knowing that their time with Dana was dangerously close to coming to an end was making him anxious.
Dana speaking again was as much a relief as a surprise. “In Oliver’s body?”
Dana: Another glance to Luke. He placed the human's hand on his chest and squeezed.
"Preferably my own, but I don't know when that will be...if fucking ever."
Luke: Luke laced their fingers. “Optimism, remember? You’ll get your body back. But won’t that be...a lot for her?”
Dana: "Which would be easier, meeting Oliver and telling her the truth, or seeing her father with ectoplasm for guts?"
Luke: “Both those options would require her finding out about the supernatural. And neither one of them would be easy. It’s hard for adults to process, much less a kid.”
Dana: "Then I'll just see her and say Oliver was a friend, and just...check on my daughter."
Luke: Luke nodded and offered Dana a soft smile. Not telling Teagan the truth was the only option that wouldn’t severely mess her up.
“That sounds good.”
Dana: "I want you to both come with me."
Luke: “To Australia to see Teagan?”
Dana: "Yeah. That."
Logan: “Do you think her mother would allow anyone to visit?” Logan asked. “I’d love to see her.”
Dana: "I don't know who she is anymore. She's not what keeps me here."
Logan: “Couldn’t hurt to ask her. She knows I won’t say anything to Teagan, I’m hoping she won’t refuse.”
Dana: "She knows?"
Logan: "That I was your partner? I assume so. The church spoke to her after what happened."
Dana: "You said you told her I was in an accident..."
Logan: "I did. I spoke to her before they did and I told them that I thought it was a less horrible way of telling her. They had no choice but to agree."
Dana: "Who knows what they said to her," he sighed.
Logan: "I like to think I managed to guilt them into being courteous and kind."
Dana: "Guilt only goes so far, and you're no longer a hunter."
Tolvin suddenly sat up. "I didn't get you kicked out, Logan. When I had made my call, it was to send you back home and reassign you."
Logan: Logan turned back to the horizon. She bore Dana no ill will for the call he'd made; she never could've continued hunting without him by her side.
"They chose to blackball me instead. Apparently I'd committed a sin too severe for them to forgive."
Dana: "They would have given you something else. They should have."
Logan: "Maybe, but they didn't. They made their choice, and they made sure to rub as much salt in the wound as they could without being overtly cruel."
Dana: "What salt?"
Logan: She shook her head. "Forget it, never mind. Point is, they chose to fire me independently of anything or anyone else."
Dana: "You want me to forget it?"
Logan: “It’s not worth thinking about. What’s done is done.”
Dana: "I've been saying that about me."
Logan: “You are worth thinking about. My short-lived career as a hunter is not.”
Dana: "It wasn't short lived, and you were good at it. Your only flaw had been getting too close."
Logan: “If that was a flaw, it’s a flaw I value. I’d do it all over again.”
Dana: "We were here to do a job. We were sloppy. We should have done what we needed and left. Instead, I tried to use the man next to me, and I used that as an excuse to linger, and I let my emotions get in the way. We stood too close to fire and it took me. You're still here licking the flames."
Logan: “The only thing I regret is that they took you, that I wasn’t there with you to help you and protect you. Luke was more than an excuse, Dana. You know that. I’m still here because for better or worse, this place has become my home. Luke is here because his soul needs to be where he’s comforted and loved. And you’re here because we’re tethering you here. The world is full of should haves.”
Dana: His sister was given a hard stare if ever there was one. There was nothing he could do to change her mind. Nothing without damaging their fragile relationship. There were enough dents and scrapes without adding insult to injury.
"I'm going to take this body for a swim."
Luke/Logan: Logan wasn't naive; she knew Dana would drag her back to Australia if he could and had a mind to. But this was the way things were.
"What about the underwear thing?" Luke asked softly, finally speaking up.
Dana: "Close your eyes until I'm in." Off came the jacket. He wanted to look at Luke. He wanted to touch him and understand his mind. He felt so far away.
Luke/Logan: Both Logan and Luke closed their eyes, though Luke didn't do it quite as quickly. He reached for Dana's arm first, needing to touch some part of him. Today suddenly felt so very heavy.
Dana: With eyes closed, Luke would feel fingertips caressed over his chin and cheek.
Luke: Dana was given a soft smile in return. He adored Logan, but the next time Dana visited them, Luke wanted plenty of alone time with his love.
Dana: Both would hear a splash moments later. The clothes had been neatly piled on Luke's lap for safe keeping.
Luke: “How’s the water?” Luke called, holding tightly to Dana’s clothes.
Dana: Another splash and a series of sloshing. The shake of his head was muscle memory; Oliver's hair was much too short.
"Join me."
Luke: “All right.” What the hell.
After thinking for a moment to make sure he wasn’t wearing light colored boxer briefs, he stripped down and handed the bundle of clothing to Logan.
Dana: The clothes were playing musical lap, he thought with a smile.
"No drinking, no swimming, too?" he called to his sister.
Luke/Logan: “I’ll have one of the Smirnoff Ices. Not swimming though.”
Luke slipped silently into the water and swam over to Dana.
Dana: There seemed to be no other boats in sight. For now, they were safe to do as they pleased. His limited time was cast to the side. An arm wrapped around his waist. His pale skin was warmer than Oliver. He could feel that very subtle fuzz on his stomach and it comforted him.
Luke: Luke snuggled against Dana as much as he could while keeping himself afloat. The comfort was entirely mutual and he was more than a little needy for it. He didn’t want to think about how little time they had left, he just wanted to stay here with Dana for hours and hours.
Dana: "How ya feelin'?" he whispered into Luke's ear.
Luke: “I’m okay,” he whispered back, nuzzling against Dana’s shoulder. “How much longer?”
Dana: "Not much longer. Let's just enjoy this, okay?"
Luke: Luke nodded. “Okay. Just tell me when we have to go.”
Dana: "I will. Tilt your heat back." Their version of a bath without Luke having to step foot in Oliver's trailer.
Luke: He did as he was told and made himself as comfortable as he could. “This is nice,” he murmured, letting his eyes close.
Dana: He began to comb back Luke's blond hair, soaking it in the salt water. "This is. We should have done this."
Luke: Luke took a slow, deep breath, further relaxing against Dana. "We should have. We should do it more now."
Dana: "Ya really alright?"
Luke: "I'm fine." He turned to kiss Dana's cheek.
Dana: Considering their life, he doubted "fine" meant anything other than surviving.
"Kiss me," he whispered.
Luke: Sometimes surviving was the best a person could do. But in this case, Luke liked to think he was doing a tiny bit better than surviving.
He cast a brief glance to Logan and, after making sure her attention was elsewhere, turned to kiss Dana.
Dana: Oliver's lips were warm and soft. A surprise for Tolvin his first night observing his host. His kiss was gentle, mindful that this was only a temporary body. As useful as it was, he didn't want Luke becoming accustomed to this man.
Still, he couldn't help himself, playfulness seeping through as he nipped Luke's bottom lip.
Luke: It was a surprise for Luke as well. Looking at Oliver, a person wouldn't expect any part of him to be warm or comforting and soft. And maybe it was just the fact that Dana was occupying him that made it so.
He squeaked softly in surprise. Oh yeah, it was definitely just Dana.
Dana: The wraith was grinning. "What a manly noise." He wanted to hear it again. Luke's head was nuzzled and turned with his nose, giving access to nibble and lick below his ear.
Luke: Luke laughed softly and squirmed a bit beneath Dana's ministrations. That was a particularly sensitive and ticklish spot and he was doing a terrible job of hiding it.
Dana: Tolvin began to growl against his skin, biting just hard enough in an attempt to elicit more from his devoted companion.
Luke: Oh, Dana definitely got more. He got a half-strangled/half-bitten off moan and a quick and furious blush.
"Dana," he whisper yelled, though he was smiling. "Logan's right there!"
Dana: "Right, right. You're right. Guess we should be gettin' back," he sighed. "He needs t'be dry 'fore he's back."
Luke: “Yeah, we should.” He kisses Dana’s cheek. Then kissed it again.
Dana: A third attempt would have Luke's lips against his own. "Don't get me riled up," he warned. "We gotta get out."
Luke: Luke hummed softly. “All right. Let’s get out.” He reluctantly untangled himself and swam back toward the boat.
Dana: Along the way, his foot was given a quick tickle. He was as reluctant to get out, but time was limited.
"Eyes closed," he called to Logan.
Luke/Logan: He smiled over his shoulder as Logan covered her eyes with her free hand.
Dana: The shirt was basic. He knew Oliver had multiple, so he felt no concern in using the top as a towel.
"Almost." He finished dressing himself, though still shirtless, using the collar to scratch between his eyes.
"These are always tired and...pressure."
Luke: Luke hoisted himself back into the boat, using his shirt to dry his face and towel off the excess water from his hair. “Probably because of the migraines. We should look into some remedies for him.”
Dana: "I can't remember my last migraine when I was - back then. I just remember headaches."
Luke: “I’m sure Oliver wishes he just got headaches too. I’ll ask Callum if he has any natural remedies.”
Dana: "How are you gonna give him relief?"
He brushed his finger over Logan's hand. Safe to open your eyes.
Luke: “I’ll find a way. We might have to treat him while you’re borrowing him.”
Dana: "What do you think, Logan?"
Logan: “I agree with Luke. There has to be some way to help him that he agrees with.”
Dana: "When he's outta commission, then."
He looked Logan over. Was she alright?
"We need to go. I'm getting weak."
Luke/Logan: Logan just gave him a small smile.
“Okay. Hang on tight.” Luke got them back to the docks as quickly as possible. He was going to take no chances.
Dana: Tolvin offered her his hand, his gaze steady. She was too quiet. He wanted to know her thoughts.
Logan: Logan took it, squeezing and trying not to focus on the fact that these hands felt so very different from Dana’s.
She couldn’t have told him her thoughts, for she was still processing them herself. This all felt so foreign.
Dana: "Logan," he said softly. He was willing to sit here for a moment if it meant getting his pending point across. "I have never stopped loving you since I died."
Logan: She squeezed his hand again. "Nor I you."
Dana: "You know I will always love you."
Logan: "I know."
Dana: "You do?"
Logan: Logan nodded.
Dana: "I feel your worry."
Logan: "I'm sure you can."
Dana: "I you want me to go, just say so, jellybean."
Logan: "I don't want you to go, Dana. I want you here, with me and with Luke. We've missed you so much."
Dana: "I'm just... Think of me as away on business. That's all." Oliver's body was heaved to her side. "I still exist. You just gotta be patient with me."
Logan: Logan nodded, smiling softly. "Okay, big brother. I'll be patient."
Dana: "What are you going to do until next time?"
Logan: "Work. Help Luke research migraine treatments."
Dana: "That's all?"
Logan: “And choir practice somewhere in there.”
Dana: He nodded. "Give me your phone. I'll give you the number to my phone. Using his was too dangerous."
Logan: Logan pulled her phone out of her pocket and pulled up her contact list so Dana could put in his number.
Dana: The number given, Logan's cheek was given a kiss. "You're coming with us to his house?"
Logan: She smiled. "I'm driving, remember?"
Dana: "You could drop me off at the trailer park gate."
Logan: “Are you sure?”
Dana: "If that's what you need."
Logan: “I can drop you at your door. His door.”
Dana: "...Alright." Back to go Luke as he gestured directions. "Going home after this?"
Luke: "To the bar probably. Promised my dad a beer."
Dana: “So, this is where we go our separate ways, then.”
Luke: "Well, semi-separate. Logan needs to eat a proper meal."
Dana: “What does that mean? Have you not been eating?”
Luke/Logan: "I've been eating just fine."
"Ramen is not a balanced meal."
"It's all I can make!"
Dana: “You bake for a living, sis.”
Logan: "Might I remind you about my many struggles with the stove top? I can only cook in the oven. I also make a lot of casseroles. They're...edible."
Dana: “It’s a stove, not a wild boar. Just don’t turn it up so high.”
Logan: "That stove was a wild boar in a former life."
Dana: “Gas is easier than electric. Maybe that’s your issue,”
Logan: "Maybe. It would be useful to be able to see the heat, so to speak." She was quiet for a few moments as she thought. "Actually, you know what? That really might be the issue. Baking comes easy because I know what temperature the oven should be at. There's an actual measurement."
Dana: “So, I’m still of use in this realm,” her brother smiled.
Luke: "You're of use in all realms," said Luke.
Dana: "I doubt I'm of use in all. There are too many."
Luke/Logan: “True, but you’re amazing so I think you’re useful in all of them. Right, Lo?”
Dana: "You're both ridiculously optimistic. Turn left after the stop sign."
Logan: “We try,” said Logan, taking one of her infamous rolling stops before turning left.
Dana: "The one with the pick-up, there." The one with a woman in dark green tattered shirt and whitewashed jeans sitting on the cheap bent stairs.
Luke/Logan: Before Logan could ask about the woman Luke was cursing under his breath. “Dammit. Is that a stranger or one of his friends?”
Dana: "I think a friend. Just keep driving." He began to duck down.
Logan: “You still want me to drop you at the door?” asked Logan. “What if the friend asks questions?”
Dana: "I said keep driving, Logan."
Logan: “Okay.” Logan gave Luke an uncertain look but kept driving.
Dana: "Just don't stop. Drop me off at the end of the road and I'll go in from the back."
Logan: She nodded and did as he indicated, not stopping or slowing down or doing anything that would draw attention. At most someone would recognize her as their babysitter.
“I babysit children here. It won’t be weird if someone sees me.”
Dana: "Here? These people? Which ones? Have you seen Oliver before?"
Logan: “Never. It’s two families on the other side of the park. I’ve only been here once, I usually keep the kids after Sunday school since their parents work.”
Dana: "So you've never been here?"
Logan: “Only once.”
Dana: "You took them from church to here?"
Logan: “That time, yes.”
Dana: He could feel himself circling back to what he once was. Not necessary or productive.
Oliver's head peeked out towards the trailer.
"I think we're far enough."
Logan: Logan nodded and pulled over. "You sure you're going to be okay?"
Dana: "I have his keys. I'll be fine. I was a hunter, remember?"
Logan: She gave him a small smile. "I don't mean in a hunting way."
Dana: "I'll be back before you know it, Jellybean. You have a mission now. It'll give you something to do."
Logan: "Something outside of work at least." She reached over and squeezed his hand. "Please be careful, Dana."
Dana: "What more can be done to me here, huh?" He kissed her cheek and opened the door. "No more rolling stops." He shut the door behind himself.
Logan: "I'll try." She returned the kiss. "I love you, Dana."
Dana: "Love you," he called to them both, but his voice was much too soft to carry. Quiet, he disappeared between the trees.
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ladyvegeets · 5 years
Lethal Combination
Bulma shut the door to her Captain’s office and took the seat opposite his desk.
“Welcome back, Briefs,” Piccolo greeted, regarding her with piercing eyes. “I trust you’re all healed up?”
“Yessir.” She gave him a wry smile, her fingers tugging on the cuff of her sleeve. “Ready to be back catching bad guys.”
He stared at her a moment longer, trying to weigh her words, before turning his gaze to a manilla folder on his desk. “Glad to hear it. Hasn’t been the same without my best detective. Something just landed in my lap I want you to look at.”
He handed over the folder. Bulma opened it and flipped through the papers as Piccolo summarized the report for her. 
“Bank robbery. Third one in as many weeks. They’re hitting small branches, probably since there’s less security to worry about.”
She looked up at him over the documents. “Really, Cap? Local bank heists?” This was a case for a newbie, not a seasoned detective.
Piccolo’s expression didn’t change. “A worker was shot at the last one.”
She glanced back at the notes. “Huh. So they’re escalating their violence.”
“Still,” she shut the file. “This is rookie fodder.”
“Damn straight it is. I’m not dropping you in the deep end on your first day back. In case you forgot, you nearly died and lost a partner.”
Her throat went dry, knuckles turning white on the folder. “…Like I could forget.”
Piccolo sighed and looked away — the only indication he regretted his words. “You know what I mean. I’m not blaming you, Briefs. I’m just concerned.”
“Don’t be. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”
“Speaking of that, I’ve got your new partner—”
“No,” she interrupted. “I’m done with those.”
“It doesn’t work that way and you know it. Besides, this one’s a transfer, it’s out of my hands. From narcotics. A Vegeta Saiyan. Apparently former special forces and here’s the pincher, on a psych probation, so maybe you’ll get lucky and he’ll off himself.”
“Jesus Christ, Captain. You have me on babysitting duty too?” she flung up her hands up in the air.
Piccolo shrugged. “Take it or leave it.”
Bulma slunk back in her seat and sulked. “Ugh. Remind me why I chose to come back.”
“Beats me. You still have medical leave you could be on.” He leaned forward, his voice taking on a kinder tone. “You sure you’re up for this, Bulma? You’ve got nothing to prove, you know.”
She tugged on her cuff and looked away. “Yeah. I need to do something or I’m going to go crazy.”
He leaned back and smirked. “Sounds like you’ll be in good company then.”
Bulma headed back to her desk. Her phone buzzed and she picked it up, seeing a message from her mom about dinner that night. She texted her confirmation and pocketed the phone. Her feet slowed when she saw an unfamiliar man leaning against her table with arms crossed and eyes narrowed. He was of average height, but built like a goddamn linebacker, his shirt barely containing the swell of his big arms and broad chest. He had dark sweeping hair above a widow’s peak and sharp unfriendly features. A police badge rested at his narrow waist.
“You lost?” she asked, dropping the folder on her desk.
Dark eyes slid to look her up and down, his mouth souring. “You Briefs?”
“Yeah. Who’s asking?”
“Detective Vegeta Saiyan. Your new partner.” He didn’t offer a hand to shake, and neither did she.
They both weighed the other in cold silence. It was obvious neither were thrilled by their new assignment. Bulma decided to be the bigger person and nodded at the folder. “That’s our case. Some small-time bank jobs.”
“You’re shittin’ me?” he scoffed. 
She could sympathize. “I wish, but looks like we’re both being punished.”
“What the fuck did you do?”
“Got my last partner killed,” she deadpanned. To his credit, Vegeta didn’t balk. “You?”
He smiled, though it didn’t reach his eyes. “Keep trying to die.”
Wow. The universe really did have a sick sense of humor to be partnering them up.
“Briefs, Saiyan!” Piccolo shouted from his office door. “Another bank robbery in progress. Get your asses over there, now!”
“Yessir!” Bulma shouted as she holstered her weapon and grabbed her keys. “I’m driving,” she announced.
Vegeta didn’t protest, following after.
Nothing was said between them the entire car-ride. When they reached the address, the street had been blocked off by patrol cars, several officers training their weapons at the bank from behind their vehicles.
“What’s the situation?” Bulma demanded as she got out of her car. An officer offered them bullet-proof vests. She pulled one on. Vegeta didn’t.
“Bank robbery turned hostage situation,” the officer filled them in. “Someone tripped the silent alarm. We don’t know how many inside.”
“Anyone made contact, yet?”
“We’ve tried calling in but they haven’t answered. SWAT should be here any minute.”
“Listen, Saiyan, we need to—” Bulma cut herself off when she looked over her shoulder and found Vegeta gone. “What the… Where the hell did he go?”
The nearby officer raised a shaky hand to point towards the road. Bulma followed his finger and saw, to her horror, that Vegeta walked right up to to the bank and let himself inside.
“What the hell…” she swore. She looked back at the officer. “How far out did you say SWAT was?”
Vegeta counted 4 ski-masked gunmen, three uniformed bank staff, and two customers. The moment he was noticed the gunmen started shouting and pointing weapons, mostly asking who the fuck he was and to get down on the ground.
He came to a stop in the middle of the bank, hands shoved casually in his pockets. “I’m here to negotiate.”
“We didn’t ask for no negotiator!” the nearest gunman shouted, storming over to point a shotgun in his face.
Vegeta narrowed his eyes. “Exactly. You morons haven’t asked for anything. Is this your first hostage situation?”
“What the fuck did he call us?” one of the gunmen asked.
“Listen pal, we ain’t no amateurs,” the nearest gunmen said, jabbing his shotgun threateningly. “Watch your mouth unless you wanna end up dead.”
“Ah yes, brilliant,” Vegeta mocked. “Shoot the negotiator. That won’t bring SWAT in here and blow you all away.”
The four gunmen exchanged uneasy glances, all of them deferring back to the one nearest Vegeta. Bingo. The leader.
“…We want a getaway vehicle,” said leader began.
Vegeta made a disapproving sound. 
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he drawled.
“The fuck not?”
“Because they’ll put a tracking device on the car, genius.” Vegeta stared the leader dead in the eyes. “Were you born this stupid or was it something you had to practice at?”
“Man, who the fuck is this guy?” another gunman shouted.
“Shut up, I’m handling this,” the leader snapped.
“Yeah, he’s handling this,” Vegeta repeated.
“SHUT. UP!” The barrel of the shotgun butted up to Vegeta’s temple. “Shut. The fuck. UP, or I’ll—“
“You’ll what?” Vegeta stepped forward, turning his head into the gun. “Shoot me? Go ahead.”
“The fuck?” The leader’s eyes widened.
Vegeta snatched the barrel of the weapon and held it to his brow, staring down it at the shooter. A dark unhinged smile spread across his face. “Do it. Isn’t that why you’re here? Isn’t that what you’ve been building up to all these weeks? You’re just dying to know what it feels like to take a man’s life, aren’t you? Do it. Squeeze the trigger. One little pull, that’s all it’ll take.”
“You’re crazy!” the leader stuttered, backing up, but Vegeta wouldn’t let him, advancing with him. The other gunmen were shouting: SHOOT! DON’T SHOOT! Hostages began to scream.
“What are you waiting for?” Vegeta goaded. “Shoot me. Shoot me. I’m right here. I’m RIGHT FUCKING HERE!”
The gunman took one more step back, and Vegeta came perfectly into line of sight of all four men. He sighed, disappointment burning the back of his tongue.
In one swift movement, he yanked the shotgun out of the leader’s hands and slammed the stock into his face. The leader’s nose crunched and he collapsed. Vegeta flung the shotgun across the room, knocking the next gunman’s weapon from his hands before anyone realized what had happened.. He pulled out his firearm (that the idiot hostage-takers hadn’t made him give up), and shot the two remaining robbers in quick succession.
SWAT burst into the bank screaming commands. Soon the place swarmed with law enforcement. The gunmen still alive were cuffed and hauled off, while the terrified hostages were safely escorted out. Vegeta holstered his weapon and met the hard steel gaze of his new partner. The blue-haired detective was giving him the look. The you’re fucking crazy and a danger to everyone around you look. He headed for the exit.
“What the fuck was that?” she demanded, grabbing his arm.
He glanced at her hand then at her. “Getting the job done. You got a problem with that?”
“You bet I do. Do you have any idea how NOT by the book what you did just was? We’re supposed to be partners,” she snapped. “We’re supposed to have each other’s backs.”
“Like you had your last partner’s?”
Her face went pale. Then her eyes burned with blue fire and she punched him. Hard. 
The girl had a mean right hook.
He cupped his cheek and stretched his jaw to fight off the sting as she stormed out of the bank. He waited a few seconds, ignoring the judging glares of the other officers before he slowly followed in her tracks.
AN: based on Lethal Weapon and DragonBall. What can I say, I love 80s action movies, and I saw there was a TV remake series and got excited.
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frequent-phases · 8 years
Fixed - Part 1
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“You’re all done.” The tattoo artist said as he placed the bandage over my fresh tattoo on the right side of my collar bone, directly opposite to my newly formed scar.
Want you to make me feel like I’m the only girl in the world like I’m the only one that you’ll ever love like I’m the only one who knows your heart, only girl in the world.
My phone blared from inside of my bag that sat beside Stiles, I stood up from the leather chair and dug around in my bag until I found the noisy object.
“Hey, Lyds.” I answered.
“Where are you?” She snapped back.
“What do you mean where am I?” I asked, confused.
“I mean where are you because you’re not at your house.” Lydia sassed and I rolled my eyes.
“I’m at the tattoo parlor in town, why?” I said, still confused.
“Are you around werewolf ears?” She asked.
“Yeah, what does that have to do with anything?” I was still extremely confused.
“Then I’ll tell you when I pick you up in twenty minutes.” She promptly stated before hanging up, causing me to sigh.
“I will never understand her.” I muttered to myself as I turned to see that Scott had taken my place in the leather chair, his left shirt sleeve rolled up and Stiles looked through a book of tattoo ideas.
“Hey, Scott, you sure you don’t want something like this?” Stiles asked as he flipped around the book so that Scott and I could see a picture of a creature that looked very similar to how they had described the kanima. Scott and I both gave him a look, so he did an awkward nod, smile thing that I found absolutely adorable. “Too soon? Yeah.”
“I don’t know, man, you sure about this? I mean these things are pretty permanent.” Stiles said as he flipped through the book a few more times before setting it down.
“I’m not changing my mind.” Scott said with a stupid grin and I couldn’t help but smile.
“Okay, but why two bands?” Stiles asked, not understanding the point of tattoos.
“I just like it.” Scott shrugged as the tattooist prepared his equipment for him.
“But don’t you think that your first tattoo should have some sort of meaning, you know, or something, like Liv’s?” Stiles questioned, waving his hands around.
“Stiles, getting a tattoo means something.” I deadpanned and Stiles went to say something but was cut off by the tattooist.
“She's right, tattooing goes back thousands of years. The Tahitian word tatua means ‘to leave a mark’, like a rite of passage.” Stiles crossed his arms, still not on board with Scott’s tattoo.
“You see, they get it.” Scott said with raised eyebrows.
“He’s covered in tattoos, Scott, literally!” Stiles exclaimed as he gestured to the tattooist.
“What about me?” I asked, waving my hands and Stiles rolled his eyes.
“You don’t count. You and Scott have this whole unspoken understanding about this.”
“Okay, you ready?” The tattooist asked Scott and he nodded. “You ain’t got any problems with needles, do you?”
“Nope.” Scott said simply as he shook his head and the tattooist began.
“I tend to get a little squeamish though, so...” Stiles trailed off as he scratched his chin, leaning around so that he could see.
“Oh man.” Scott groaned and at the same time, I heard something heavy hit the floor. I looked over to find my crush laying on the floor in a heap, passed out.
“Stiles!” I squeaked as I ran over to make sure he was okay.
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“So are you going to tell me why you’re being so secretive about?” I asked as Lydia drove through town.
“We’re picking up Allison from the airport.” She said simply and my eyes went wide as I whipped my head towards my strawberry blonde friend.
“I thought that she was staying in France for a whole year!” I exclaimed.
“That’s what I thought too, but she texted me a few days ago and told me that she was coming home and demanded that I keep it a secret.”
“And I guess you’re just so good at keeping secrets, right?” I asked, with a raised eyebrow and Lydia gave me a look.
“She meant from Scott and Stiles, which is why I only told you when you couldn’t let it slip to them.” She said and I rolled my eyes. “So what were you doing at a tattoo parlor with them?”
“I was getting a tattoo.” I shrugged as Lydia’s eyes bulged.
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“It’s not a triple date. It’s a group thing.” Lydia insisted and Allison and I gave her a look.
“Do they know that it’s a group thing? ‘Cause I told you, I’m not ready to get back out there.” Allison said with a hint of a sarcastic smile.
“You were in France and didn’t do any dating for four months?” Lydia asked as she raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow.
“Did you?” Allison asked and I laughed, causing Lydia to shoot me a glare through the rearview mirror. “I mean after Ja-”
“Do not say his name!” Lydia exclaimed, cutting Allison off before she dared to speak Jackson’s name.
“Is he okay? Like, did everything work out? No one really filled me in on that bit.” I asked and my friends glanced back at me.
“Well, the doctors looked like total idiots when he turned up alive, but everyone got over it. And yes, Derek taught him the werewolf 101, like how not to randomly kill people during a full moon.” Lydia mused and Allison smiled.
“So then you’ve talked to him?” Allison questioned and Lydia went silent.
“Uh, not since he left for London.” She muttered.
“You mean since his dad moved him to London.” Allison corrected, letting her head loll towards Lydia.
“Whatever, he left.” She snapped. “And seriously, an American werewolf in London? Like that’s not gonna be a disaster.”
“So you’re totally over him?” Allison asked, setting Lydia up to admit her scheme and said friend rolled her eyes.
“Would I be going on a triple date if I wasn’t?” Lydia snapped and Allison and I laughed. “Yes, it is a triple date. It’s not an orgy, you’ll both live.”
“You know what? This could be good for me.” I mused as we sat at a red light, causing Allison and Lydia to whip around. “What, you think because I’m, like, the only virgin left that I’m a total prude?”
“Yeah, kinda.” Lydia said, her eyes still wide.
“It’s not my fault that I’ve never been asked out. Believe it or not, I actually do want to get out there.” I said and my friends shrugged before turning back around.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, ‘But Liv, what about the adorable spaz that you’re always fawning over?’, well, my theory is that if I get out there, start dating some random jock that Lydia sets me up with, it’ll help me get over Stiles.
Lydia, Allison and I were laughing at a story that Allison told about some American tourist hitting on her obnoxiously, but she pretended that she was French and didn’t understand English. Suddenly Allison started freaking out.
“Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. I can't see him, not now.” Allison exclaimed as she sank down into her seat. Lydia and I glanced left to find Roscoe sitting beside us at the light. Stiles waved and Lydia awkwardly pretended that she didn’t see.
“Lydia go! Just go!” Allison shouted.
“But the light.” Lydia said as she gestured to the longest red light that I’ve ever seen.
“Hi! Heeeyyy!” Stiles shouted as he leaned over Scott and rolled down his window. Lydia didn’t even give anyone a chance to speak anymore, ignoring the red light, speeding down the road and Allison let out a huge sigh of relief.
“You alright?” Lydia asked and Allison nodded.
“Lydia, stop. We need to go back and talk to them.” Allison said after a few silent seconds. I turned around in my seat as Lydia slowed to a stop and saw the Jeep stopped in the middle of the road.
“They stopped. Why would they stop?” Allison questioned. 
“It’s Scott and Stiles, logic doesn’t apply to them.” I muttered as I stared at Roscoe.
“Maybe we should go ba-” Allison began but cut herself off with and began to scream along with Lydia and I as a deer ran straight through the windshield. We scrambled out of the car as fast as we could, staring at the dead animal sprawled across the hood of Lydia’s car.
Jealousy managed to set itself in my gut as Stiles ran straight for Lydia and Scott ran for Allison.
“Are you okay?” Scott asked Allison, but I didn’t pay attention to her answer, I was too focused on the deer’s body.
“Are you hurt?” Stiles asked Lydia and my heart clenched.
“Are you okay?” Scott asked Allison once more.
“I’m okay.” She assured him breathlessly.
“Well, I’m not okay!” I shrieked as I ripped my eyes away from the body and turned to my friends, Scott made his way to the front of the car while Stiles came over and began to check me for injuries, gently pulling a piece of glass off of my cheek. “I am totally freaking out right now! We were parked, how the hell did it just run into us!”
“I saw its eyes right before it hit us, it was like it, it was like it was crazy.” Lydia said.
“No, it was scared.” Scott corrected, raising his hand and laying it on the body. “Actually, it was terrified.”
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“Isn’t Stiles picking you up soon?” My mom asked as she walked into my room to find me blankly staring at my closet.
“Allison’s picking me up, so I should have a little more time to figure out what to wear.” I muttered as I began to rummage through my closet, an idea finally coming to mind. I dug out a pair of tan ankle boots, a pair of cut off jean shorts and a white top. 
“Well, I’m headed off to work. Have a great first day back.” My mom said with a smile, making a kissy face at me.
I blew her a kiss as I sat at my vanity, curling pieces of hair that had gone flat in the night and doing my make up. I’m not quite sure how much time passed before my phone rang, but I picked up, not bothering to look at the name before I answered.
“Hello?” I answered as I took off the lid of my lipstick.
“You know how many vehicle collisions last year involved deer? Two hundred forty-seven thousand.” Stiles stressed through the phone and I rolled my eyes as I applied the red coating to my lips.
“And you’re telling me this, why?”  I asked, putting the cap back on and started messing with my hair a little more.
“Because a freaking deer ran right down the middle of the road and hit you head on last night!” He shouted and I could practically see his spastic hand gestures. I laughed at his adorable antics as I nodded at myself, finally satisfied with my appearance, I made my way downstairs to get some coffee. “What’s so funny?”
“You are, Stiles. It was one deer acting weird, do you remember Scott telling us about the night that he got bit? A whole herd of deer almost trampled him, now that’s weird.” I said as I began to search for my k cups that seemed to have vanished.
“Yeah, but-” 
“You have got to be kidding me!” I shouted, cutting Stiles off.
“What? What’s wrong?!” Stiles rushed and I thought it was so sweet that he was instantly worried.
“I’m out of coffee.” I pouted and the line was silent for a few minutes.
“You, you’re joking, right?” He asked in a flat tone.
“I wish I was.” I whined.
“I thought something happened!” He shouted as a horn honked outside, causing me to perk up.
“Gotta go, Allison’s here!” I exclaimed, about to pull the phone away, but then Stiles spoke up.
“I thought I was picking you up?” 
“Nope, Allison is, like, right now.” I said as I grabbed my bag and walked out the door, pausing for a moment to lock it.
“But we always ride together on the first day.” Stiles protested as I slid into Allison’s back seat.
“I literally spent all summer with you and Scott, I need a little time away from the testosterone.” I said causing Allison and Lydia to laugh as we pulled away from the curb.
“Fine, I’ll see you at school.” He muttered.
“Bye, Stiles.” I said in a playful tone to which he grumbled and hung up. I laughed as I stuck my phone in my back pocket before turning my attention to Lydia and Allison. “Hey, can we stop by Starbucks? I think my dad took my coffee.”
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Lydia and I stood with Allison as she organized her locker.
“Freshmen.” Lydia mused, waving her finger around. “Tons and tons of freshmen.”
“You mean boys, their fourteen, Lydia. I know I want a senior.” I said as I bit the straw of my coffee and sent a flirty wink to a particularly hot passing senior who smiled in return. 
“You know, it’s okay to be single. Focus on yourself for a little while, work on becoming a better person.” Allison said as she stared off into space and I scoffed.
“Honey, I’ve been focusing on myself for seventeen years.” Lydia laughed at my comment before turning to face Allison
“Allison, I love you. So if you need to do that thing where we talk about me and pretend like we're not actually talking about you, it's totally fine. But I don't want a boyfriend. I want a distraction.” Lydia said and she suddenly zeroed in on two guys in leather jackets practically strutting down the hallway holding helmets.
“Brothers?” I asked not being able to see their faces from the angle that I was at
“Twins.” Lydia mused, looking ready to pounce.
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Allison, Lydia and I walked into English, there were only three seats left, Lydia took the one to Stiles’ right, I took the one behind him, not realizing that the only seat left for Allison was in front of Scott.
“Is someone sitting here?” Allison asked nervously and Scott shook his head vigorously.
“No, no, no, no. No, it's all you, all yours. Uh, it's totally vacant.” He rushed, and I smiled at him before gathering my things for class from my bag. As soon as I sat up, I felt my phone start to vibrate in my back pocket. I furrowed my eyebrows as I reached back and grabbed it, not having a chance to read the text before a feminine voice spoke.
"'An overcast sky, seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness.’ This is the last line of the first book we are going to read. It is also the last text you will receive in this class. Phones off, everyone.” A woman, who I guessed was Miss. Blake said, holding up her phone as she walked into the classroom. I raised my eyebrows and shut my phone off, that’s one hell of a first impression, although it is kind of creepy that she somehow got all of our numbers.
I zoned out on my surroundings as I concentrated on our worksheet, that is of course until jealousy made me pay attention to Stiles and Lydia’s conversation.
“Hey, Lydia.” Stiles whispered loudly causing both her and me to look at him and he pointed at Lydia’s bandaged ankle. “What is that? Is that from the accident?”
“No, Prada bit me.” She said, looking slightly uncomfortable.
“He bit you? But he’s always so good.” I said and Lydia just gave me a sad look.
“The dog?” Stiles asked confused.
“No, her designer handbag.” I said and Stiles gave me a look, “Yes, her dog. And it’s really weird because he’s, like, the most well-behaved dog ever.”
“Okay. What if it's, like, the same thing as the deer? You know, like, how animals start acting weird right before an earthquake or something?” Stiles suggested and I gave him an odd look, but of course, he was focused on Lydia.
“Meaning what? There’s gonna be an earthquake?” Lydia asked raising her eyebrow.
“Or something. I just, maybe it means something’s coming. Something bad.” Stiles said, leaning closer to Lydia.
“Stiles, it was a deer and a dog.” I said, but he still had his tunnel vision focused on Lydia.
“What’s that thing you say about threes? Once, twice-.” Suddenly a bird collided with the window, leaving a large blood spot in its wake. 
Miss. Blake set down her chalk and slowly walked over to the window and looked out with her mouth agape. I followed her eyes and my mouth copied hers when I saw the cloud of crows flying straight for the school. We all were silent for a few minutes, jumping each time a bird hit the window, that is until they finally broke through the glass and everyone began to scream as they were attacked.
“Get down, everyone! Get down, down! Get down! Get down!” Miss. Blake shouted and I gladly complied, diving out of my chair and under my desk, where Allison quickly joined me. We wrapped our arms around each other as we huddled together until everything was suddenly still.
Allison and I slowly let go of each other, hesitantly standing up and looking at the feathery carnage around us. As I looked around I noticed Stiles removing himself from Lydia and instantly fear and confusion were replaced with a white-hot rage.
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I’m not quite sure how much time had passed, but the paramedics and the police had shown up, along with Allison’s dad. Allison and I sat together on a desk while her dad examined her scratched up hand.
“Next time you’re feeling like you want to stay home, you stay home.” Argent told Allison before looking at me. “You too, I know about your condition.”
“I’m okay, thank you.” I smiled. It was oddly comforting to have Argent act like another father to me.
“I’m fine. But, Dad, the deer and now this?” Allison said, looking at her dad with a worried expression. Anyone who knew about the supernatural knew that this was a very, very bad sign.
“I know, I know.” Argent whispered as he shifted his weight around.
“This can’t be a coincidence.” I whispered as I noticed sheriff walking over.
“Mr. Argent, you wouldn’t have any insight on this would you?” Sheriff asked and three pairs of eyes grew wide of a second before Argent put on his poker face.
“Yeah. All this bizarre animal behavior, it's... you must have seen something like this before, right?” Sheriff asked with a hopeful expression.
“I’m not sure why I would or why you would think I would.” Argent said with a confused smile.
“I'm sorry. I-I could've sworn I overheard my son talking about how you were an experienced hunter.” Sheriff said, now also confused.
“Ah, right. Well, not anymore.” Argent said glancing at Allison before looking back to Sheriff who nodded awkwardly before turning to Allison and me.
“You two alright?” He asked and Allison and I nodded, muttering a simple ‘yeah’. That seemed so satisfy Sheriff and he walked away.
Suddenly Stiles had ahold of my wrist and started to drag me outside. Typically I would follow happily, but I was so pissed, I didn’t even want to talk to him. He managed to drag me out of the doors before I was finally able to plant my feet to the ground causing him to look at me with a ‘wtf’ face.
“Stiles, what the hell are you doing,” I said as I practically ripped my arm from his grasp.
“Come on, Liv, we need to get to Derek’s house.” He insisted, taking a few steps towards the Jeep, only stopping when he realized that I was still firmly planted on the sidewalk. “Liv!” 
“We don’t need to go anywhere.” I snapped, venom lacing my words. I could tell that I had instantly frustrated him because he swiped his hand over his face before stomping back over to me.
“Why are you mad?” Stiles groaned and I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.
“I don’t know, Stiles, I just think it’s kinda fucked up that you would go through hell and high water to protect Lydia and not the girl that you have literally known since birth.” I sneered.
“Liv-” Stiles began with an exasperated sigh, but I cut him off.
“I get that you have some weird obsession with her, I mean she’s gorgeous, but face it, Stiles! You don’t even have the possibility of a chance of being with her! The sad thing is, you know that she basically couldn’t care less about you and you still try. In the end, you’re just gonna end up all alone with a broken heart and I won’t be there to pick up the pieces of your mistake.” I shook my head with disgust before whipping around and storming back inside.
It killed me to say all of those things, but what killed me more was the look of betrayal and pain that he wore, like the venom in my words was actually killing him. I broke into a run to the girl's bathroom, locking myself in a stall as the tears began to fall. I hadn’t meant to say those things, but I was just so angry and jealous that I couldn’t have stopped them from falling out of my mouth, even if I tried.
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Me: Alright, I guess? Feel stupid? I dunno. Numb? Depression numb?  Sunflower Charlie: So tall. Daniel can’t even reach the top. 7′ now?? Gonna bloom soon.  Sunflower George: Almost reaches Charlie. Rivals.  Sunflower Miriam: 4 blooms! Gonna get more. Bees all the time, so cute. Yellow jackets, less cute. But good for pest control.  Tomato: They’re starting to grow. More flowers coming. Needs pruning.  Mint: Needs pruning. Keeps getting eaten by bugs.  Money plant: After the sun burning, growing so many buds now. Growing nicely. Bigger pot??  Rubber Plant: Doing well.  Pachira: Better now that the fan isn’t pointing at it.  Palm: Surprisingly alive.  Succulents: All good.  Đậu Đen: She’s doing good. Healthy. God, I hope she ain’t pregnant. 
Dear you, 
Today I went to work, still depressed. Elliot was kind enough to ask how I was doing and give me advice. I love Elliot. I don’t care what the rest of the crew says. I’m thankful for him.
Ervin told me he had to call out on Friday as well. He has hypertension. He keeps eating red meat though. I’m worried about him. I wish he could stay forever but come August, a new rotation.
Jeff wore a new hat today. It was, like. A golf cap? Instead of his usual cowboy hat. It looked good on him! I also appreciate Jeff. 
Did runs. Easy day. Picked up Hydrogen Sulfide detector. The jambalaya Daniel made was so delicious. I love that he helps me get my lunch ready. I love Daniel. 
Daniel kept sending me pics of the kitten today. I was so excited to see her. The second work ended, I drove home and ran straight to her (after dealing with mail). She seemed so quiet and lazy. It got me worried. It surprised me to roll her over and see 12 toes on her hind legs. Daniel said not to worry, she was probably napping. I couldn’t help but worry. Worry’s my middle name. Thanks to anxiety. He was trying to get me to calm down and convincing me to eat. 
While eating, I tried to calm down. Told him to put on spongebob. But I kept thinking about what I had read online. The lethargy. Kittens were supposed to have energy. Her gums looked white. She meowed weakly. 
Daniel could tell I was worried. He went out and got Đậu Đen and brought her inside. We had her and her kitty meet. It looked like the kitty kept trying to rub up on her and Đậu Đen kept walking off. It made me cry, I thought she was trying to abandon her. Daniel calmed me down, saying I was just being reminded me of my childhood. Eventually, the kitten kept rubbing up on her mom and Đậu Đen kept licking her like crazy. I felt so much relief. 
We watched the two. The kitten kept weakly going up on her mom. Đậu Đen licked her, ate, and would walk off. I was wondering if we should get the kitten back to Đậu Đen but she wouldn’t take her. We called a hospital earlier, the hospital said hard to tell if it was an emergency and that walk ins would end soon. 
I still didn’t feel right. I looked up a 24 hour animal hospital. I told her she was weak. Then I thought about it and told Daniel to tell them the kitten seemed like she was breathing hard. They said it didn’t sound right. We loaded her up in the cat carrier and took her to the car. 
Đậu Đen walked with us, we tried to see if she wanted to come in the car with us. She didn’t. I figured ‘cause she had the other two kittens to worry about. We made off to the hospital. 
There was a car there before us. A white couple with a beagle. I noticed the girl wiping away tears. It was hard to see. I wondered if we were taking up valuable timer with our kitten. 
The hospital staff quickly came out and retrieved the kitten. We waited in the car. They quickly called us and said they needed a $500 deposit to get some vitals up. No info on what was wrong. I took a deep breath. I made a lot of money now but $500 was still nothing to sneeze at. I looked at Daniel, he said it was my money. I thought about how I had $2200 in checking and $3k in savings. I said to go for it. 
I took out my embroidery. We joked around. I listened to a podcast. I felt bad joking around while the girl in the car next to us was crying. 
Daniel and I had decided to name the cat. Noticing she was polydactyl on her hind legs, she had 12 toes total. Daniel decided to dub her Doce, the Spanish word for 12. I had named Đậu Đen so it only seemed fair to have one with a Viet name and one with a Spanish name. 
Another call. They took down some info, transferred me to the doctor for the low down. The doctor explained Doce had been infested with fleas. She was a tiny cat, less than 5 weeks. With not much blood to spare, the fleas had sucked her down to nearly nothing. She asked if I had fed her. I told her just sugar water that we fed with a plastic syringe like thing we had used to give Đậu Đen her antibiotics. Then some salmon/water cat treat. I was on the verge of tears telling her this. I thought the doctor was gonna get mad I couldn’t feed her enough.
The doctor merely asked if she ate those things. I told her she did, the cat had licked at them. I think it was a good sign, that it meant Doce still had some energy. The doctor said the kitten was in critical health, knocking on death’s door. It was a good thing we had brought her in. They asked if I was willing to care for the cat, I said I was. She transferred me to billing.
While we were on hold, I joked with Daniel I hope it wasn’t $2k, knowing how much I had in the bank. 
The billing went down. 
“The doctor would like to do this test, that is $200. Then a fecal test for parasites. Another $200.” 
As she listed the items, my stomach dropped. 
The kitten had to be in an oxygen tent. $500. Luckily, she was small so IV would be cheap. Cheap as in $130. Another several hundred for transfusion. Another several hundred for blood test. 
It went on and on and my stomach was clenched. 
“Total comes to around $2,008. Not including the $500 you had put in as deposit earlier. The complete total is $2,508. What would you like to do?”
Was it expectations? Was it my inability to turn people down? I said yes. But I mentioned that I did not have enough in the bank. The billing lady said I could apply for carecredit. 
I immediately remembered the first time I applied for carecredit. I was making $9,000 a year. I had severe dental problems and the dental bill was $1,200. I cried at the dentist’s office. I couldn’t afford it. CareCredit gave no interest for up to two years if you could pay within then. I was so thankful, I thanked them profusely even if they had nothing to do with it. 
I looked at Daniel. He shrugged and told me it was my money. 
With no hesitation, I went on my phone and applied. We called billing. It was all good. The nurse loved Doce’s name. Everyone marveled at the credit limit I was given. I felt somewhat good and happy about that. 
The hospital said we could go home. They handed us the bill. 4 weeks and 3 days, they estimated Doce’s age. 
Daniel went to go get the bill. The couple next to us, I guess they were finally called to bring the dog in. The guy opened the girl for the girl, banged the door on my car. I saw her cradle her dog and hurriedly left. I couldn’t care less they banged my car. I was mad, briefly, like, hey, wtf. Pay attention. But I saw the dog. Remember my car was dinged up anyways. Felt bad I was upset. Told Daniel. He also didn’t care, he also saw how they felt about their dog. 
On the way to get gas, I realized by the time we got home, I’d have nearly 0 hours to relax. I told him he couldn’t tell anyone I spent this much. He agreed. He could tell I felt ashamed. Told me it was my money. Not in a way he didn’t care. But that this was what I wanted to make money for. I wanted to care for others. I wanted to donate most of my money. I’m saving a cat and I was looking for a pet. This is perfect. I asked what if the doctor says the kitten belongs to her mom? He said he’ll try to ask the vet if there’s any way we can keep her. Since it seems she got infested with fleas. We’ll find a way.
I hope so. I hope we can keep her but I just want her to be happy and healthy.
I felt dumb and stupid and insane for dropping this much money on a stray cat I’ve just met. I had to talk to Nevi. Nevi calmed me down, said it wasn’t a waste. 12 years of a cat’s life, this was nothing. I saw my money and knew it wasn’t completely necessary for now. I budgeted for it. I saw the value of the money going toward the cat. He helps me so much. I love Nevi with all my heart as well. 
I watered my plants. I couldn’t sleep. I should be sleeping right now for work tomorrow but I’m too energized and nervous. 
I don’t believe in God, but Daniel saw me do the sign of the cross in the car waiting to hear back on the news for the cat. Even being an agnostic, I find comfort in believing in a higher power. 
I told him he knows I don’t believe in God but does he think God sent the kitten to us? Knowing we could help her? That’s why Đậu Đen tried ot get us to see her kittens. That’s why she left the kitten with us? ‘Cause after the antibiotics, she felt better and she knew we could help her? Did she know? Did God send her right when we were looking for pets, not having one yet, so we had extra money to care for her? 
Did believing in God make me feel less guilty about spending the money on her? I think it did. 
I donated money earlier this week to grassroots organizations that supported BLM. I hope to keep donating more money to those organizations per paycheck. 
I hope that everyone stays happy and healthy. That there’s more community resources. I hope Doce survives and we can take her home and show her to Đậu Đen and Đậu Đen can see how happy and healthy she is. I hope we can be a happy and healthy family.
I love Daniel. I love Nevi. I am going to stay up and do some craft work. I love Daniel even though he’s making me shower in fear of fleas and I hate him for that. 
I go to tomorrow with hope things turn out well. And work goes out well. And Ervin stops listening to conspiracy theories and takes care of himself. I hope BLM works out and we get changes we need. I hope I get enough rest tonight so I can work well tomorrow so I can make money for the cats and for Daniel and for my future pet dog. 
I hope for everyone’s health and happiness. 
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