#creating our fate
h-doodles · 1 year
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Connection // Consumption // Possession is my way of Love & you are mine as i am yours, various - a web weave for it's quicker & easier (to eat your young) by @pinkcannibal 💖
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teatitty · 2 years
Fate fans are like “is anyone going to get unreasonably attached to this specific character, research all their mythos and/or real life history and then fix every mistake the canon ever did with them?” and simply not wait for an answer
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deathsbestgirl · 2 days
so i was talking to my friend mc about fate + choice and she verbalized an important distinction for the way i (we) think about fate. most people have an issue with fate because it takes away agency but i don't see it that way. i think you can only see it that way if you see fate as external, instead of something within you. so, as i said, fate and choice are one & the same.
we live in a complicated world so nothing is purely our choice — there are so many variables from mental health to society to weather to politics to trauma/abuse. but we still always have choices. i hope people don't see the state of our world as fated. it's something we all make together, and will hopefully change for the better.
in regards to the x files, i think this was a lesson both mulder & scully were learning through the series. mulder always fighting against fate, scully insisting our choices make our fate. grappling with the external forces of the world, choices made by other people that help shape our lives. partially culminating in season seven as creating their own blueprint for a relationship & life, and not following the paths set out before them by other people (society, their families, csm).
they talk about it so many times. clyde bruckman's final repose, the field where i died, milagro, tithonus, amor fati, all things, the truth, nothing lasts forever and whichever ones i forgot lol
idk what i'm saying anymore but it seems a recurring theme. accepting their choices, embracing their choices, making new choices. understanding their agency.
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necrophcge · 6 months
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seraqhites · 1 year
the paradox of self-awareness 😵‍💫
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subconsciousmysteries · 11 months
idk what to do about the 4s man. They're either really whiny manipulators and groomers (4 -> 2) or they are bona fide psychopaths (4 -> 1 false security) or they are an ungodly combination of both.
In fiction I've seen good examples of 4s but in reality I struggle not to blame them for all the world's problems. There are reasons.
#Don't make me say it don't make me say it#ISRAEL is what happens when people lose touch with holy origin#On top of this I've just never met a 4 who didn't turn out to be a horrible person#Totally self absorbed fake deep turning everyone they claim to love into a degrading caricature#Controlling the identities of everyone close to them and seeing it as betrayal if you don't let them be dictators of who you are#And/or if you don't feed their first world navel gazing delusions. About how they're trans or non binary or how they have superpowers#All of this Whilst playing the victim of the world#My friend suggested once that the purpose of 4s is to create suffering in this realm and teach us all what suffering is#Couldn't agree more lol. Enneatypes are all a construct of the matrix anyways#And the whole reason this matrix exists is so we can learn what suffering in a predator / prey world is#So there has to be 4s#I mean I can see the evil of all types but none are quite as cancerous and malignant 4#Another thing I notice with 4s is their brand of evil is particularly about worshipping the matrix#Like... theirs is the evil that makes you identify with the roles you are playing in the simulation as if it's your true self#They all get so triggered by real spiritualism which sees infinite possibilities for who you could be (as opposed to seeing fate / destiny)#Real spiritualism sees that all is one and we are everything all at once and our current identity is just a costume we're wearing#They dismiss that reality as stupid 7 talk#All is one is also 9 talk... 9s who they worship their broken ideal of... But anyways#The need to believe one has a fixed rigid identity they can never change is most intense in 4s#There is a real resistance of anything which may transform them#Because to 4s a transformation is seen as a betrayal of my True Self tm#Which the 4 doesn't realize isn't a true self... It's an artificial self-image you've constructed and trapped urself in#I'm keen to meet good 4s but I still believe there is something specially worse about 4 evil compared to everyone else's evil#Hey you guys got what you wanted you really are special#Anyways I do believe we have something innately unique about us on a spirit / soul level. and seeking what that is is important#But no 4 I've ever met is close to capturing what that is#They're too caught up in shallow worldly indicators of identity. They are always mistaking our worldly costumes for our essence.#Then strutting around like geniuses who are more enlightened than everyone. It's quite disgusting
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muslim1ummah · 1 year
If Everything is Predestined, What is our Fault?
Many Muslims are often confused about predestination. In fact, they have little knowledge about fate, Allah has made it obligatory to believe in fate, if one does not believe, he will no longer be a Muslim. Atheists target these ignorant Muslims and confuse them with questions. We will InshAllah answer some of their confused questions.
What is Predestined (Taqdeer)? hhh
Belief in destiny is an integral part of information. By general fate we are ourselves destiny, bad luck, luck, forehead, fate etc. As the saying goes, who can destroy fortune? Belief in destiny is an integral part of information. By general fate we are ourselves destiny, bad luck, fate, luck, forehead, fate, destiny etc. As the saying goes, who can destroy fortune? Qadr is the root word of Taqdeer. Qadr or Qadrun means – understanding, measure, measure, assessment, fixed limit, valuation, blind, destiny, fate etc.
Is everything predestined by God? 
Yes, everything is predestined, Allah Ta’ala has written everything about Him 50,000 thousand years before His creation. For example, if a person is written before creation, he will be good or bad, he will be rich or poor, he will be short or tall, how much food and water he will take, how many times he will take breath, how many years, how many days, It is written about how many minutes and seconds he will live, he will not go to heaven, he will go to hell, etc. But here is one thing, Allah has written that you will not do bad or good deeds. Rather, Allah Ta’ala is the most knowledgeable, He is the creator of the past and the future, He knows everything, so He knows what you will do and wrote it, it is His power. A good side for us in this is to face him through good and bad and be grateful to him. And always fearing and hoping and asking for forgiveness. I am giving an example, suppose the class teacher told some boys of his class that you will fail and another boy said that you will get good results, now you answer whether this teacher will pass or fail on purpose?
Some Atheist’s Misguided Questions About Fate and Their Answers
     1. Nothing will happen outside of what God has written in fate. So what do I need to try?
Let us understand the answer to this question through a story. Think of a class. There is a teacher and many students in that class. At the end of the semester, the time for the final exam was approaching. As the teacher knew all his students very well, he challenged and said – I know exactly which student will get which grade. Not just verbally – he even wrote it down on a piece of paper – so-and-so will get an A+, so-and-so will get an A, so-and-so will fail, etc. The students have no idea what the teacher has written on the paper. Each of them gave their own test. Examination booklets are checked as per marking scheme. Then it turned out – one! The grade that the teacher wrote about the student on the paper, he got exactly that grade! The teacher’s knowledge of the student was so perfect that he did not make a single point of error in estimating the grades. Think about it, in this situation no student can come and say – I got that grade because the teacher had already written the grade. Because, the grade that the teacher had written earlier – it did not affect the exam result at all. Students no longer knew who would get what grade. So, the one who got A+ got A+ by studying on his own, and the one who failed failed because he didn’t study on his own.
Since Allah is “Al-Aleem” or All-Knowing, He is fully aware of everything past, present, and future. Allah knows when what will happen, who will be born, who will marry, how much money will be, where will any accident happen, what illness will happen, who will die, who will go to heaven, who will go to hell – all this is known to Allah. There is nothing unknown to Allah. Allah knows what will happen in the future, what will not happen, what will not happen or what will happen – everything. And he has written this information in a book called “Laohe Mahfuz”. Who wrote for? for us To make us understand that, O mankind, try, make du’a, but don’t strain. No matter how chaotic and uncontrollable you think the world around you is – nothing is happening outside of God’s sight, everything good and bad is happening because God is allowing it to happen.
Document : Sura yeah sin ayat 12
     2. Wait, do you mean to say that so much lawlessness and torture is happening in the world because of God’s will? I do all the sins that I do for the will of Allah? Then why will people be punished for sin in the afterlife? People are not doing everything according to God’s will?
Everything that happens in this universe – be it a natural phenomenon, wrongdoing, evil or good – is all by Allah’s permission. Not even a leaf falls from a tree without Allah’s permission . Whatever we want to do, Allah allows it to happen. But just because Allah has given us the freedom to do something, we should not do it. It is our duty to do those things which Allah and His Messenger (PBUH) have made Fard/Wajib, and to refrain from those which they have made Haraam.
Let’s take the exam hall example again. Suppose – the teacher is taking the MCQ type exam. There are 50 questions in the exam, each question has 4 possible answers, out of which only one answer is correct. Now, if the teacher wanted, instead of giving these 50 questions in the exam, he could have asked completely different 50 questions. Or, he could have changed the possible answers given in the current question paper and given different answers. That is, the teacher has complete control over what will be given in the exam paper. When a student writes an answer he has to choose one of the possible answers given by the teacher, he cannot go beyond these possible answers even if he wants to – that is the rule of the exam. So, what the student can answer depends on the teacher’s question. Similarly, Allah gives each person different choices in life. We cannot go beyond those choices even if we want to.
Now imagine: During the exam, the teacher himself visits the hall and observes the condition of the students. While walking around, the teacher noticed that a student was choosing the wrong answer. Now if the teacher wants to stop the student immediately and say – “This throw! You are giving the wrong answer!”, can even take away the notebook. But he did nothing like that and let the student choose the wrong answer. Why? Because, if you tell the answer during the exam, it does not mean to take the exam. After the exam, the student submitted the report card. Now what should happen is: The teacher will check the book according to the marking scheme. Give points for correct answers, no points for wrong answers. But, if the teacher decides to check the notebook very liberally, giving marks for almost correct answers, then no one will have anything to say. In the same way, Allah allows people to commit injustice in the world. If all injustice is stopped by Allah, then who is good or bad among people – how will this test be? The world is not a place to get results, the world is a place of testing, and the results of this testing will be available in the hereafter.
So from the exam hall example we can understand – a student’s exam paper is completely under the teacher’s control, while he is writing the answer whether he can finish writing it at all depends on the teacher’s will. After submitting the exam book, the result is also under the control of the teacher. That is, the teacher is in full control over the entire process of taking the test. A student’s freedom is only to fulfill the goals of the MCQ – and he will be marked according to the goals he fulfills. Now if the student fails then who is responsible? The answer will be – the student is responsible. He was given the opportunity by the teacher to choose the wrong answer for the test – but the teacher didn’t want him to fail at all.
Similarly, Almighty Allah gives us some choices at every stage of life, Allah is completely in control of what these choices will be. We don’t choose what we like from those choices. God is controlling the outcome of that choice. It is natural that people will be burnt to death if they jump into the fire, but Allah willed it so Ibrahim (A) did not burn in the fire. It is natural that a person will die if a knife is stabbed in the throat, but Allah did not want it, so Ibrahim (A) did not die even after stabbing the throat of his son. Choices and their consequences are not ours to answer for in the afterlife, they are beyond our control. We have to answer for which choice we choose.
Document: Sura Al- Anaam 59
    3. Well brother, I understand everything, everything is under the control of Allah. But, if he is so powerful over everything, then why is he not stopping the injustice and oppression in the world? Couldn’t he have created a world where there would be no injustice?
For your information, the world that you are talking about without injustice and oppression has been created by God long ago – that is the world of angels. Angels do not disobey Allah, do not commit sins, and therefore do not fall into any wrongdoing. Almighty God has created man in such a way that man will commit sin, do injustice and torture – this is the perfect model of man’s creation. That people do bad things is a by-product of a special human trait. That special feature is – “power to choose”. Since no existence other than Allah is above error, if Allah gives any existence the power to choose, it will err. That is why when Allah Almighty said to the angels that I will send my khalifa (man) on earth they said – “Will you send someone who will commit corruption and murder?” Why did the angels say that? Because one of the meanings of the word “Khalifa” is one who does not listen to the words of others, who is free-willed, who has the power to make his own choices. And if the existence with the “power to choose” is not above mistakes, it will make mistakes, in terms of which it will prevent chaos.
There is another great benefit in allowing people to sin. Angels cannot sin, so they cannot ask Allah for forgiveness. But, people commit sins and seek forgiveness from Allah because they commit sins. And Allah the Exalted is Gafur, Gaffar – Most Forgiving. He can forgive more sins than man can commit. He not only forgives, He loves to forgive. And so the selfishness of human creation is hidden in man’s sinning and asking for forgiveness. It is through sin and forgiveness that people get God’s love, come to God.
Document: Al Baqarah
    4. No matter what you say brother, there is so much injustice and oppression in the world and Allah is not doing anything, it cannot be accepted. Right?
We Muslims believe that there is something good in the end of every injustice, every tyranny that happens in the world. Maybe we can see that good thing in this world, or we can’t. But, on the Day of Judgment, God will make clear to us the events behind every event in this world, the next event. Allah will settle the account of everything in the Hereafter. On that day there will be no dissatisfaction in anyone’s heart – the one who will go to Paradise will not have any dissatisfaction in his heart, even the one who will go to Hell will surely understand that Hell is his abode. Just as a book of 100 pages cannot be judged by reading 10 pages, in the same way one cannot judge the whole course of life by looking at some of the injustices and atrocities that happen in life. When we take our baby for vaccination, he looks shocked and asks – How is this cruel doctor causing me so much pain in front of my parents? But at that moment we parents feel a reverse gratitude towards the doctor. Because we know this temporary pain will lead our child to long-term wellness. Similarly, a Muslim has full faith in Allah Almighty in all times, good and bad. He knows that through this temporary suffering, Allah may be removing a greater danger, forgiving our sins, testing our patience, preparing us for a good reward, or separating the Muslims from the hypocrites (http://quran.com/3/154). . The way people are blinded by their greed for worldly possessions despite the fear of despair-pain, sudden accidents, sudden attacks of deadly diseases, death at any moment, if it were not for all these suffering-causing things in the world, then human greed would easily have reached any level. presumably
  5.  Last question, if Allah knows everything, why is there a need to take so many tests in the world? Is it possible to send people directly to heaven and hell?
If a teacher says to a student in the exam hall – “I know you are a bad student, so I will not give you the exam questions, you got an “F”, now you go home”. Even if the student is the worst student in the class, will he accept it? No, he would like to take a chance by taking the test. Allah knows who will go to heaven and who will go to hell but we don’t know anymore. So Allah sent us to test in this world. Two angels are writing down everything we do. On the day of judgment, when the exam book will be brought before us and the marking will be held along the lines – then pass and fail, no one will have anything to complain about.
One name of Allah is “Al-Khaliq” or the Creator. So he loves to make beautiful things. That is why he created man, created the universe, created angels, created heaven and hell. Almighty Allah does His works step by step, He likes thoughtfulness, not haste. So He created the universe in six days instead of in one moment. In the same way, He does not catch people immediately for their sins, but gives them time until death so that they cannot go to the Hereafter and say – “Allah, you have not given me enough opportunities”.
Narrated by Anas Ibn Malik (RA). The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that on the Day of Resurrection a person will be brought who lived a life of comfort and abundance on earth but will now be an inhabitant of Hell. This man will be plunged into the fire of hell only once and will be asked: O son of Adam! Did you get any peace or any wealth (in the world)? He will answer: By Allah! No, he is my Lord!
And then a person will be brought who is a dweller in Paradise but who lived the most miserable life on earth. This man will be immersed in Paradise only once and will be asked: O Son of Adam! Were you in any trouble (in the world)? He will say: By Allah! No, he is my Lord! I have never faced any hardships in the world or fallen into any misery. – (Sahih Muslim)
Read More: The proof of one God and the refutation of the Christian lie of trinitarianism.
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partiallypearl · 2 years
just saying, harassing Iginio Straffi about the cancellation of fate the winx saga is WRONG and if any of my mutuals partake in it, please let me know so that i can unfollow them 
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hyliagenesiia · 3 months
Finally giving Zelda her own verse tags, I have been so lazy about it. She does not have as many verses as my other blogs, but I am all about creating verses as I may need, so this post is subject to change.
* denotes an exclusive verse. currently none.
EVADE DESTINY — v ; we can't evade our destiny [ pre-calamity ]
For all the AoC/pre-botw threads with muses of that timeline. Zelda has not awakened her power unless otherwise stated.
HOW TO SHINE — v ; learning how to shine again [ post botw ]
For threads set after the Calamity is sealed and prior to TotK. Zelda's magic does not come as easily to her after the Sealing, with no threat against Hyrule to be used against, but she can still access it. She is still trying to adjust to having been in the castle for a hundred years and struggling to figure out what she wants for her kingdom from this point on.
FATE — v ; fate is a terrible thing to know [ totk ] tag subject to change
Main TotK verse if I feel like specifying. Zelda is constantly in and out of the the main timeline, using her Time magic to travel between the Eras to do what she can to help Link grow stronger and defeat Ganondorf.
FOR THE FUTURE — v ; for the future i create [ time travels ]
General tag for threads in which Zelda is in a different Era, by accident or design. Her Time magic is not always accurate and she cannot control it as well as she would like - she could end up in another timeline for weeks before she can travel again.
CALAMITOUS EMBRACE — v ; nothing will save you from calamitous embrace
This blog started as a Triforce Swap Power!Zelda AU and this tag is for any threads that play into the AU. Zelda, as the Bearer of Power, unleashed the Calamity in a fit of rage. She hears the voice of Demise and fears what he might do with the powers she inherited through the blood of the Goddess.
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13thpythagoras · 5 months
free my boy, the atchafalaya river
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bog-horse · 8 months
learning history from my history professor (masters in history and theology) means we hear a lot about the importance of religion in american history and all it’s done so far is reinforce my belief that all religion is made up
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bixels · 10 days
End-of-Splatoon thoughts.
Thinking about how since the very start, Splatoon has had a feature where players can draw and post artwork and spot them as graffiti on walls or billboards. Or how the weapons have always been paint brushes and rollers and ballpoint pens. Since its inception, Splatoon has been dedicated to engaging its players with the act of creation and creative expression, showing them how their art can build communities and (literally) change the world.
Thinking about finding golden human-made music discs buried underground for thousands of years, and a grand finale music festival. About the Voyager Golden Records. About those human handprints etched into concrete in Alterna. Did those human artists know it would end like this? First a fiery death and then, eventually, a worldwide celebration of music to represent our shared past, present, and future. Did they know that their songs, insignificant in the face of extinction, would one day become the solution that will save the next dominant life-form from the same fate?
Thinking about how eerily similar the Octarian domes are to Alterna. About how close Inklings and Octolings were to repeating the same mistakes as humans. But their doomed fates were undone not by some miracle technology or military power or a rocket, but by music.
Thinking about how humans wiped themselves out with war, and our parting gifts were liquid crystals that somehow paired with the DNA of primeval inklings and somehow infused them with our memories and culture and a Song. And 12,000 years in the future, that same Song will end a war.
Thinking about how art and music and punk culture and rock & roll and friendly competition and petty arguments and water guns aren’t uniquely human concepts, but the fundamental qualities of intelligent life. An inheritable spirit that can cross evolutionary bounds.
Thinking about the theme of Splatoon, that art and music and fun will not die with the human race. That every piece of art we create is a seed we sow for future generations to reap. That our legacy is ingrained into the crust of the earth. That long after we’re gone, the oceans will remember, and they’ll pick up where we left off.
Thinking about how Splatoon says that the essence of humanity –– the thing that will outlive us –– isn't war or prejudice or destruction or greed, it's a song.
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azuremist · 1 year
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“Unfinished Painting” — Keith Haring
This painting was left intentionally incomplete. Haring began it when he was dying due to complications from AIDS, and knew he didn’t have much time left. The piece represents the incomplete lives of him and many others, lost to AIDS during the crisis.
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“AIDS Memorial Quilt” — Multiple
This quilt is over 50 tons heavy, and one of, if not the, largest pieces of community folk art. Many people who died of AIDS did not receive funerals, due to social stigma and many funeral homes refusing to handle the deceased’s remains, so this was one of the only ways their lives could be celebrated. Each panel was created in recognition of someone who died due to AIDS, typically by that person’s loved ones.
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“Untitled” (Portrait of Ross in L.A.) — Felix Gonzalez-Torres
This pile of candy weighs the same amount as Gonzalez-Torres’ partner, Ross Laycock, did. Ross Laycock had died due to AIDS-related complications earlier that same year. Visitors who see this piece are encouraged to take some of the candy. As they do so, the pile of candy weighs less and less, like how AIDS had deteriorated the body of Ross Laycock.
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The SF Gay Men's Chorus
This photo was taken in 1993. The men in white are the surviving original members. Every man in black is standing in for an original member who lost their lives to AIDS.
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“Electric Fan (Feel it Motherfuckers); Only Unclaimed Item from the Stephen Earabino Estate, 1997” — John Boskovich
After the death of his lover, Stephen Earabino, from AIDS, Boskovich discovered that his family had completely cleared his room, including Boskovich’s own possessions, save for this fan. An entire person, existence and relationship had been erased, just like so many lives during the AIDS crisis. Boskovich encased the fan in Plexiglass, but added cutouts so that its air may be felt by the viewer, almost like an exhalation. In a sense, restoring Earabino’s breath.
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“Blue” — Derek Jarman
This was Jarman’s final feature film, released four months before his death from AIDS-related complications. These complications had left him visually impaired, able to only see in shades of blue. This film consists of a single shot of a saturated blue color, as the soundtrack to the film described Jarman’s life through narration, intercut with the adventures of Blue, a humanization of the color blue. The film's final moments consist of a set of repeated names: “John. Daniel. Howard. Graham. Terry. Paul". These are the names of former lovers and friends of Jarman who had died due to AIDS.
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“Untitled” (Perfect Lovers) — Felix Gonzalez-Torres
Created by the same man who created the previous untitled piece, this piece was also inspired by his lover’s deterioration and death due to AIDS. This piece consists of two perfectly alike clocks. Over the course of time, one of the clocks will fall out of sync with the other.
In a letter written to his lover about the piece, before his lover’s passing, Gonzalez-Tourres wrote, “Don't be afraid of the clocks, they are our time, the time has been so generous to us. We imprinted time with the sweet taste of victory. We conquered fate by meeting at a certain time in a certain space. We are a product of the time, therefore we give back credit were it is due: time. We are synchronized, now forever. I love you.”
Please feel free to reblog with more additions
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(the group defeated arghena like. a few minutes ago)
fate: well since you guys are the four guardians, you guys can have special access to the realm of the almighty, i believe!
primeval: huh?! wait what?! really?!
primeval: i thought i was a normal human being...
technicolour: i thought i was a normal human being this whole time.
logos: for my whole life up until now, i have always felt like a normal human being.
eimi: i'm not even human.
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nasa · 2 months
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Observations from both NASA’s James Webb and Hubble space telescopes created this colorful image of galaxy cluster MACS0416. The colors of different galaxies indicate distances, with bluer galaxies being closer and redder galaxies being more distant or dusty. Some galaxies appear as streaks due to gravitational lensing — a warping effect caused by large masses gravitationally bending the space that light travels through.
Like Taylor Swift, Our Universe Has Gone Through Many Different Eras
While Taylor's Eras Tour explores decades of music, our universe’s eras set the stage for life to exist today. By unraveling cosmic history, scientists can investigate how it happened, from the universe’s origin and evolution to its possible fate.
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This infographic outlines the history of the universe.
0 SECONDS | In the beginning, the universe debuted extremely small, hot, and dense
Scientists aren’t sure what exactly existed at the very beginning of the universe, but they think there wasn’t any normal matter or physics. Things probably didn’t behave like we expect them to today.
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Artist's interpretation of the beginning of the universe, with representations of the early cosmos and its expansion.
10^-32 SECONDS | The universe rapidly, fearless-ly inflated
When the universe debuted, it almost immediately became unstable. Space expanded faster than the speed of light during a very brief period known as inflation. Scientists are still exploring what drove this exponential expansion.
1 MICROSECOND | Inflation’s end started the story of us: we wouldn’t be here if inflation continued
When inflation ended, the universe continued to expand, but much slower. All the energy that previously drove the rapid expansion went into light and matter — normal stuff! Small subatomic particles — protons, neutrons, and electrons — now floated around, though the universe was too hot for them to combine and form atoms.
The particles gravitated together, especially in clumpy spots. The push and pull between gravity and the particles’ inability to stick together created oscillations, or sound waves.
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Artist's interpretation of protons and neutrons colliding to form ionized deuterium — a hydrogen isotope with one proton and one neutron — and ionized helium — two protons and two neutrons.
THREE MINUTES | Protons and neutrons combined all too well
After about three minutes, the universe had expanded and cooled enough for protons and neutrons to stick together. This created the very first elements: hydrogen, helium, and very small amounts of lithium and beryllium.
But it was still too hot for electrons to combine with the protons and neutrons. These free electrons floated around in a hot foggy soup that scattered light and made the universe appear dark.
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This animated artist’s concept begins by showing ionized atoms (red blobs), free electrons (green blobs), and photons of light (blue flashes). The ionized atoms scattered light until neutral atoms (shown as brown blobs) formed, clearing the way for light to travel farther through space.
380 THOUSAND YEARS | Neutral atoms formed and left a blank space for light
As the universe expanded and cooled further, electrons joined atoms and made them neutral. With the electron plasma out of the way, some light could travel much farther.
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An image of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) across the entire sky, taken by ESA's (European Space Agency) Planck space telescope. The CMB is the oldest light we can observe in the universe. Frozen sound waves are visible as miniscule fluctuations in temperature, shown through blue (colder) and red (warmer) coloring.
As neutral atoms formed, the sound waves created by the push and pull between subatomic particles stopped. The waves froze, leaving ripples that were slightly denser than their surroundings. The excess matter attracted even more matter, both normal and “dark.” Dark matter has gravitational influence on its surroundings but is invisible and does not interact with light.
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This animation illustrates the absorption of photons — light particles — by neutral hydrogen atoms.
ALSO 380 THOUSAND YEARS | The universe became dark — call it what you want, but scientists call this time period the Dark Ages 
Other than the cosmic microwave background, there wasn't much light during this era since stars hadn’t formed yet. And what light there was usually didn't make it very far since neutral hydrogen atoms are really good at absorbing light. This kicked off an era known as the cosmic dark ages.
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This animation illustrates the beginning of star formation as gas begins to clump due to gravity. These protostars heat up as material compresses inside them and throw off material at high speeds, creating shockwaves shown here as expanding rings of light.
200 MILLION YEARS | Stars created daylight (that was still blocked by hydrogen atoms)
Over time, denser areas pulled in more and more matter, in some places becoming so heavy it triggered a collapse. When the matter fell inward, it became hot enough for nuclear fusion to start, marking the birth of the first stars!
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A simulation of dark matter forming structure due to gravity.
400 MILLION YEARS | Dark matter acted like an invisible string tying galaxies together
As the universe expanded, the frozen sound waves created earlier — which now included stars, gas, dust, and more elements produced by stars — stretched and continued attracting more mass. Pulling material together eventually formed the first galaxies, galaxy clusters, and wide-scale, web-like structure. 
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In this animation, ultraviolet light from stars ionizes hydrogen atoms by breaking off their electrons. Regions already ionized are blue and translucent, areas undergoing ionization are red and white, and regions of neutral gas are dark and opaque.
1 BILLION YEARS | Ultraviolet light from stars made the universe transparent for evermore
The first stars were massive and hot, meaning they burned their fuel supplies quickly and lived short lives. However, they gave off energetic ultraviolet light that helped break apart the neutral hydrogen around the stars and allowed light to travel farther.
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Animation showing a graph of the universe’s expansion over time. While cosmic expansion slowed following the end of inflation, it began picking up the pace around 5 billion years ago. Scientists still aren't sure why.
SOMETIME AFTER 10 BILLION YEARS | Dark energy became dominant, accelerating cosmic expansion and creating a big question…?
By studying the universe’s expansion rate over time, scientists made the shocking discovery that it’s speeding up. They had thought eventually gravity should cause the matter to attract itself and slow down expansion. Some mysterious pressure, dubbed dark energy, seems to be accelerating cosmic expansion. About 10 billion years into the universe’s story, dark energy – whatever it may be – became dominant over matter.
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An image of Earth rising in the Moon’s sky. Nicknamed “Earthrise,” Apollo 8 astronauts saw this sight during the first crewed mission to the Moon.
13.8 BILLION YEARS | The universe as we know it today: 359,785,714,285.7 fortnights from the beginning
We owe our universe today to each of its unique stages. However, scientists still have many questions about these eras.
Our upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will look back in time to explore cosmic mysteries like dark energy and dark matter – two poorly understood aspects of the universe that govern its evolution and ultimate fate.
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vanillashusband · 1 year
vanilla could literally be doing nothing and i would lose my mind over how incredibly pretty and wonderful he is hhhhfhfhgg i look at his wiki so much and there's this concept art of him just sitting in his throne and its. JUST SO SIMPLE BUT I COMPLETELY GET OVERWHELMED WITH MY LOVE FOR VANILAA AAAAAAAAAAAA HE'S S O BEAUTIFUL AND PRETTY AND GORGEOUS AND
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