#creator challenge
katesharmasheart · 1 year
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@lgbtqcreators creator bingo - free choice
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the-slumberparty · 3 months
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For this challenge, you get to choose a type of love (or many) and put your own spin on a trope. (See below)
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Find an accessible PDF list of prompts HERE.
💕 This challenge is open to all fandoms and characters.
💞Dark creations are accepted but we will not accept underage, incest, or bestiality. Please don’t forget to add warnings to your works appropriately.
💓 For written pieces, there are no word count limits, but we do ask that you add a “read more” beyond 500 words.
💖 We hope that creators can create an inclusive work and encourage writers and creators to use appropriate tagging, ie, f!reader, etc..
💗 For this challenge, we will accept sequels or continuations to previous works. Please be sure to link the original work in your submission.
💘 Creators may submit three pieces of each medium (up to three visual pieces and up to three written pieces)
❤️‍🔥Be kind to yourself and to others. We are here to support and include each other.
💝This is an event for February 2024, with a final due date of March 4, 2024 for late submissions.
!Tag this blog in your submission so we see it.!
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solomons-poison · 1 year
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Hi everyone!!!! Welcome to my summer fun creation event~
I've been on Tumblr for close to 11 years, but haven't really been active on here or in any communities until starting last year. So this is to celebrate a year being involved in these exciting communities, getting to know so many great people and share a lot of fun creations with each other, like art and writing. 🎉 I wanted to get something out there to encourage people to keep creating and just have some fun thinking about our favorite characters!
✨️The subject for this event is: the beach!✨️
This event will start June 21st, and there is no end date for the event!
Anyone can join, whether we are mutuals or not! Rules will be laid out below regarding what all is permitted, but any art type is accepted.
Examples of what you can make it about are: fun headcanons about characters visiting the beach; picnics and dates on the beach; swimming; building sand castles; weddings, etc. It can feature either just canon characters, or canon and OC/reader characters together! Submissions do NOT have to have a romantic pairing.
Personally, I'd love to see stuff for the Ikémen series (IkeVamp, IkePri, etc), Jujutsu Kaisen, and Obey Me! since those are the communities I'm involved in myself. But it's definitely open to other shows/manga/games as well! Feel free to tag me in your submissions when you're done! There's no masterlist so don't worry about telling me what you'll make or securing a spot.
Submissions can be sfw or nsfw
If it's NSFW, you MUST have a visible age/age indicator on your profile
The event begins 6/21, there is no end date
Any art type is accepted, it does not have to be only writing
Canon x canon, or canon x OC/reader pairings are accepted
You may tag me when it's finished if you'd like!
Please tag your work with "minx summer fun 2023" ;)
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ninalucas · 11 months
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@lgbtqcreators​ creator challenge — lgbtq+ characters { 1/10 }
"I never knew anyone who could make me so happy."
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idolomantises · 5 months
Does it like, annoy anyone else when a story presents itself as "feminist" and "progressive", but also punches down on women who are sex workers or sexually active.
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avelera · 1 month
Laois from Dungeon Meshi legit feels like someone said the generic blond main character guy in a fantasy story can never actually be an interesting character in his own right and Ryoko Kui went, “Oh, bet?”
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serenado-exe · 1 year
So anyway -
The point is that Pizza Tower still has a racist, outdated stereotype of Indigenous people in the Oregano Desert level.
It even has a achievement for rain dancing around a totem pole (totem poles are a Pacific Northwest thing, not a Plains Tribe thing). They war cry at you and they throw tomahawks (because it's always tomahawks or spears).
Bellyache about the screencaps being 5 years old if you want, but the stereotype made it into the game, so he hasn't changed that much. He didn't change enough to have a shred of awareness about using a racist stereotype. And before anyone tries: that trope isn't a hallmark of Wario games or 90s animation, it's a hallmark of racism.
Even if he "doesn't" make bigoted jokes anymore (though I would consider the Tribe Cheese one such joke), he made an entire level based around that trope.
And like every other time there's an anti-Indigenous caricature in videogames or popular media, it doesn't get mentioned, or it gets glossed over because the creator went "Oopsie! That was cringe."
The exclusion of the Tribe Cheese from that salvo of screenshots undermines the entirety of it, because it's a solid example of him not having changed enough to be conscious beyond "that was unfunny," and everyone just focuses on what he said and when - without the connection to how that mindset still lingers in the final product of the game.
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jugheadjones · 3 months
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BUGHEAD APPRECIATION WEEK 2024 ↪︎ Day 2: Betty appreciation 🔹 Meme Queen Edition @lgbtqcreators creator bingo: [color]
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flufftober · 10 months
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🍂 🍃 Hello and welcome to our third annual Flufftober 🍂 🍃
We’re so excited to be back and to once again have you here!
As always, let’s fill the month of October with as much fluff as possible 🥰 and for that to happen, we not only have 31 prompts for you, no; we also have something special this year...
Prompt Extras
Last year's Prompt Substitutes were very well-loved and a lot of you used them to replace some prompts from the original list. You're more than welcome to do this again if there's a prompt that doesn't work for you for whatever reason - no explanation needed.
Once again, we offer you last year's top five fan favorites (as voted in the end survey). In addition to that, we also offer five scenario prompts.
If you don't want to replace any prompt from the original list but still love the additional ones - or you simply want to challenge yourself - you can also mix them all together!
So in whichever way you use these Prompt Extras, have fun with them and go wild 💚
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Below the cut you'll find all our rules, posting info, all the prompts in writing, as well as some explanation for prompts we feel might need clarification. If you have any more questions, please feel free to send us an ask 🥰
We hope you like these prompts, and now
Happy Creating 🥳
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Standard Blog Rules & FAQ
No inc*st or p*dophilia - we can’t keep you from writing it or creating art for it but it won’t be reblogged. See further down for clarification.
No hate or ship bashing - we’re all different and we all love different things. As long as it doesn’t go against rule #1, it’s allowed.
Tag correctly! Trigger warnings (including cheating!), ships, ratings, (pure) smut, etc - it’s all fine as long as you tag it.
There’s absolutely no word count restriction, write as little or as much as you like.
In regards to art, anything goes: drawings, paintings, collages, mood boards, gifsets, videos, playlists… the sky’s the limit (though not really…)
While we can’t force you to write fluff or create fluffy art, please try to keep in mind that this is a fluff event 😉
You can start writing and/or arting as soon as you see this - but please refrain from posting before the respective day.
You can participate on as many days as you like, even if it’s just one; you can also create multiple entries for the same day.
You can replace prompts from the original list with either or all of our prompt extras; you can also mix them with the original prompts or create for them in addition to the 31 original prompts, that's completely up to you.
It’s okay to write one story/a series for all the prompts as long as it’s separated into chapters and the respective chapter/work is posted on the given day.
You do not have to stick to one ship or even one fandom - switch as often as you like to or even write for multiple ships for one day.
The ship does not have to be a romantic one! Friendship and family feels are more than welcome (but this is not a way to get around rule #1!)
This event can be combined with other events as long as the other event allows it.
Late entries are always welcome, even if it is months later.
All fandoms and ships are welcome - fanon and canon - as long as they’re of age (in case you want to add smut) and not related.
Since this has often been asked in previous years, please let us clarify the no inc*st or p*dophilia rule:
No inc*st: This rule does not apply to distant cousins and such, as you might find in the LotR fandom (or basically in all of European Monarchy). The line we draw is at direct blood relations (siblings, parents, kids) and/or legal guardianship.
No p*dophilia: This rule does not rule out fandoms that feature teenagers such as Harry Potter, Heartstoppers, Hunger Games, etc. It also doesn't mean you can't write about their time together as teenagers! It was mostly aimed at ships in which one is a minor and the other is not - but since even that got complicated over time, the rule is now this: if you keep it SFW, all is good and allowed, we don't care; if it turns NSFW, be mindful of the legalaties of the world/society/times your characters live in.
Posting to tumblr
Please use the tag #flufftober2023
Since tags are sometimes wonky, make sure to also add @flufftober in your post
We will try to catch them all, but please don't be mad if we miss a post or if it gets reblogged a bit late
If you're absolutely certain a post has slipped past us, feel free to send an ask with the link to your post
To make reblogging easier for us, make sure to add the following tags: #flufftober2023 #day [xy] #[fandom] #[ship and/or main character(s)]
If you're using a prompt extra tag it as #alt [number]
Posting to ao3
You can add your creation to the collection flufftober2023 or flufftober_2023 (yes, we've once again claimed both)
Late entries are always welcome, on tumblr as well as the ao3 collection! Neither will close - but like always, reblogs will become less regular the more months have passed...
Prompts (and explanations)
1. “I’ve got you”
2. Family, Friends, Loved Ones
3. “Wait you love me?” - “I always have”
4. Cinderella Moment (the "ugly duckling" gets their moment to shine)
5. x + 1 (can be a classic "5+1 things" [or any number you want] creation or literally a plus one for an event or really anything else you can think of)
6. Corn Maze
7. Porch Swing
8. Rainy Day
9. (...) at first sight (think "love at first sight", "enemies at first sight"...)
10. Love of my Life (even this does not have to be romantic 😉)
11. Sweet Tooth
12. Fire & Ice
13. Wrong (...) (think "wrong number", "wrong train", "wrong person"...)
14. “I hate it” - “No, you don't”
15. Emergency, Confession, Adventure
16. Singing one another to sleep
17. Encouraging someone to achieve a goal
18. “Did you plan for this to happen?”
19. Keeping someone safe
20. Pumpkin
21. Swoon
22. Picking (think "picking flowers", "picking up someone", "picking out a dress", "picking a song for the wedding"...)
23. Trinket
24. [melting emoji] (does anyone even know what this emoji stands for? No? We neither but we would love for you to get creative with it 😉 but also, think "melting in the heat", "melting from embarrassment"... also, I would've loved to add it here but tumblr doesn't have this emoji yet)
25. Nook
26. Fireplace
27. Outdoor Event (think "hiking tour", "concert", "picnic"...)
28. Soothing Touch
29. “Hey, wake up!”
30. Self-Worth / Self-Love
31. Dreams Do Come True
Prompt Extras
Last Year's Favorites
Alt 1: Hot Chocolate
Alt 2: “You’ve told your parents?”
Alt 3: Wearing Each Other’s Clothes
Alt 4: Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights
Alt 5: “Oh no, you’re a Morning Person!”
Alt 6: Reverse all the Roles
Alt 7: Create a Fairytale Retelling
Alt 8: Give your character a new occupation
Alt 9: Create a crossover of two or more fandoms
Alt 10: Have your characters share the last table at a café
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dosie-dosie · 7 months
If you’re like me and you like to play around with your OCs a lot, here’s some things you can do with them!
Put your OCs in character scenario memes! Here’s some I found on Deviantart.
Do an art trade where you draw someone’s OC and they draw yours!
Use those "Draw The Squad" templates and draw your OCs.
Crochet/knit/sew/etc. a plushie of your OC.
You can also make a paper doll! You can find tons of tutorials on youtube.
You can also make a figure of them out of something like clay, cardboard, or another material.
You can build them out of Legos!
You can also create a hand or finger puppet of them.
Draw a comic featuring your characters!
Create an animation of your character.
Draw your characters as animals!
Create pixel art of your OC! Maybe even make it look like video game sprites.
Draw your characters as playing card designs.
Draw your characters as tarot card designs (Suggested by @ultragirl-parsley)
Create a coloring book full of your OCs!
Create a large cardboard cutout of your character. There are tons of tutorials online!
Put your OCs as designs on cookies, cakes, etc. (I kinda want to do this one but I know it won't turn out well for me 'cuz I suck at handling food T_T)
Design your OC's home.
Make a board game about your OCs and their story
Make Minecraft skins of your characters
Make your OCs in picrew or other dress-up things!
Create a character playlist on Spotify or other music site!
Create a Pinterest board with inspo for your OCs! Maybe outfits they’d wear, a moodboard, etc.
Reblog those “tag your OC as” blogs! They usually have a prompt and you can reblog it and tag which OC it describes. Here’s a few blogs which do this: Tag Your OC on Tumblr develop your oc on Tumblr Daily Asks for your OC (tumblr.com)
Take quizzes as your OC! You can find some on Quotev or IDRLabs.
Make a roleplay account as your OC.
Create a quiz on Quotev about your OC. Maybe something like, "Would my OC like you," "How similar are you to my OC," etc.
Put your OCs in the incorrect quote generator.
Find OC questionnaires and templates online.
Create a page on your Tumblr just for your OC! You can include things like a character sheet, general facts, your posts about them, etc.
Do character exercises for them! You can find a lot of these on the internet, but here’s an example.
Write from your OC's perspective. It'll help you understand them better!
Create a list of media they enjoy. Maybe movies, video games, songs, etc.
Write a song (or just lyrics) about your OC or parts of their story.
Write a random story about their childhood!
Create an in-universe news report from your OC's world.
Write a poem about your OC.
Put your OCs in character alignment memes! Here’s some from a search on Pinterest.
Create voice headcanons for your OCs. Here’s an example of Vivziepop’s for Hazbin Hotel..
Play as your character in video games! Like, maybe design your character in Miitopia or Sims.
Do some theatre improv games as if you were your OC.
Edit your OC on to pride flags.
Also, you could maybe make those like, Tiktok edits of your OC? (Y'know the ones I'm talking about?)
Create an AU version of your characters! (I’ll create a list of AU ideas soon! :D)
Have your characters solve the trolley problem and other moral conudruums.
Cosplay as your OC!
Create ship names for your characters!
You can also find baby names that your OC might like or something.
Create a visual novel/dating sim in Google Slides (or if you can code, you can do it like that!)
Create a crossword/word search relating to your characters and story.
Answer "Would you rather?"questions as your character.
Find poems that remind you of your OC.
Make family trees.
If anyone has anymore ideas, please tell me and I’ll add them to the list!!
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katesharmasheart · 1 year
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@lgbtqcreators - creator bingo — parallels
finding their way back
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the-slumberparty · 6 months
Naughty or Nice Challenge
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For this challenge, you get to choose if you're Naughty or Nice. Below you will find two sets of prompts, naughty or nice, to choose from. While this challenge marks the end of year season, they do not need to be festive in theme, however we do encourage you to incorporate any of your cultural or personal holiday pasttimes.
This is an event for November and December, with a final due date of January 5, 2024 for late submissions.
🩷 This challenge is open to all fandoms and characters.
💜 Dark creations are accepted but we will not accept underage, incest, or bestiality. Please don’t forget to add warnings to your works appropriately.
❤️ For written pieces, there are no word count limits, but we do ask that you add a “read more” beyond 500 words.
🩵 We hope that creators can create an inclusive work and encourage writers and creators to use appropriate tagging, ie, f!reader, etc..
💙 For this challenge, we will accept sequels or continuations to previous works. Please be sure to link the original work in your submission.
💚 Creators may submit three pieces of each medium (up to three visual pieces and up to three written pieces)
💛 Be kind to yourself and to others. We are here to support and include each other.
!Tag this blog in your submission so we see it.!
🩷💜🩵Prompts below the cut🩵💜🩷
“All I need is you beneath me.”
“Don’t tell anyone.”
“I know it hurts, baby, but I feel so good.”
“What would they say if they knew?”
“You’re going to have to cry a little more if you want me to care.”
“I didn’t ask you to talk. I said do it.”
“Do it or I’ll make it hurt.”
“Do I sound like I’m joking?”
“If I have to tell you one more time.”
“If you didn’t want to hurt, you shouldn’t have hurt me.”
“Don’t look away.”
“Smile pretty for me.”
“Enough whining.”
“I’ve been watching for so long, I can’t wait any longer.”
“I saw the way you look at them. You don’t look at me like that.”
“You deserve this.”
“I love how weak you are.”
“If you didn’t want this, you’d behave.”
“No one else is gonna take care of you like I do.”
“You’re so pathetic it gets me off.”
“I wanna hear how much it hurts.”
“It’s so cute when you try so hard.”
“I want everyone to know who you belong to.
“I better not catch you looking at them again.”
“Sit down and shut up.”
“You’ve never looked more beautiful.”
“Don’t ever let me go.”
“I dream about you every night.”
“I can’t wait to see you again.”
“Can I hold your hand?”
“Wait, are you asking me out?”
“I made this for you.”
“You’re going to spoil the surprise.”
“I’ll do it, but it’ll cost you a snuggle.”
“I’ve never met anyone like you.”
“You could have just told me.”
“It’ll be okay. I’m here.”
“You forgot something. A kiss.”
“I’ll go with you… if you want.”
“This is the best night of my life.”
“I remember when we met. I’ll never forget.”
“You make my stomach do this thing.”
“I made us a picnic, but it’s raining and I’m lost.”
“Every time you look at me, I melt a little.”
“You’re never going to get rid of me.”
“There is no me without you.”
“You really did all this for me?”
“Kiss it better.”
“I wanna be more than friends.”
“I never hated you. I just didn’t want you to know how much I liked you.”
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danicloth · 6 months
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DAY 25 Multiverse 🌌
The best theory 🥺✨
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whispyfigs · 11 days
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after 5 years of loneliness and struggles, sora finally decided to return to her hometown to begin a globetrotting quest. first step? spend the entire summer in mt.komorebi. as soon as she got out of the bus, she took the biggest breath of relief as her grandparents welcomed her back. it's time to heal.
eat food at the festival of light, snow, or youth
take a selfie with yamachan
collect a simmi by popping open a simmi capsule
swim for 1 hour in wakaba’s river
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chasingmidnights · 1 year
This is for @the-slumberparty week 3 creator event. I used the generator and got the word, "phoenixes". I loved how this turned out! This is if Natasha Romanoff were a Phoenix.
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fizzytoo · 5 months
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the siblings invited a few friends (who also invited some of their friends!) to lunch
Briana stopped by for a few. Devin came with her partner, Isaac (they/them), she also brought along their friend, Laurel. Libby dragged her brother, Jack, along. And Maria came with her wife, Jess.
devin and isaac by @maelfe laurel by @thebramblewood libby and jack by @squea maria and jess by @hauntedtrait briana by @kazuaru dalila by @beebeesiims
i think i tagged everyone omg <333
+++ NEED to know what he said to make her react like this...
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