glitterspeckle · 10 months
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LOVE drawing every character I’ve ever liked as an eeveelution anyways galacta deserves to be the sparkle dog magical girl one
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fluffydice · 4 months
And because I love Saiki being unintentionally off-putting, whether slightly or drastically, I am now thinking about compliments he'd give that are very obviously linked to his powers, and are also disturbing his friends while also making them blush.
Saiki: You really are perfect inside out, huh? Teruhashi: You really mean it? Saiki: Yes. Your muscular system looks like something out of an anatomy book. Teruhashi: ...Okay.
Saiki: Your stories aren't bad. You know what aspects to share out loud and which to keep inside your head. Kaido: ...Thank you...
Saiki: You're rather resilient and strong for a human. It's impressive. Kuboyasu: Thanks, homie. Saiki: I mean it. If you were to hit me, I'm not even sure your hand would shatter. Kuboyasu: Thanks, homie.
Saiki: If I accidentally permanently turned you guys into stone, I'd make sure your statues were kept clean for as long as I lived. Everyone: ...Love you too.
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bbq-potato-chip · 7 months
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he was born in a cardboard box all alone
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attex · 2 months
🕷 with moon. i'm kinda late but i mean she was filled with spiders pre-collapse
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she was filled with spiders but that doesn't mean she liked that fact (if she knew) nor does it mean she's able to withstand a spider being close to her puppet :( maybe she's squeamish about such things because she was filled with spiders and didn't like that... much to think about
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aeriona · 1 year
Ok, so normally I tend to keep my wackier AUs to myself (fear of exposing my cringe), but I just gotta share this one.
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I call this the Eldritch AU. Basically, the big difference from the canon Four Swords manga is that Shadow was made with extremely cursed malicious magic. As a result he is very much Not Hylian (or perhaps even mortal), and can do some really weird terrifying stuff with his body. I’m talking about some lovecraftian body horror shenanigans.
Shadow’s blood and saliva is malice, His wounds regenerate in seconds and he can shapeshift into pretty much any shape he wants. What a perfect combination of powers to give to an emotionally-stunted teenager! Well, i say teenager, but he’s technically only a few months old, being made in the mirror shortly before the manga starts. Mentally and physically he’s a teenager though. Angst.
Fun fact: the “clothes” Shadow is wearing are not real clothes, but are actually a part of his body. They are made of skin, they even bleed when torn. Well, it’s very much fabric-like skin but it’s still extremely unsettling when you think about it. Not much changes in the actual Four Swords story and whatnot, other that Shadow being orders of magnitude more horrifying and far too OP for his own good. Also since there’s Vidow (because i’m trash), theres a bit of a weird dynamic in the beginning when Vio shows up, cause Shadow feels uncomfortable showing off his abilities to him. For a while at least, until they actually talk about it and agree it’s not a big deal.
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slimmestslime · 9 months
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had some thoughts abt tricky
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gendervoid-zane · 5 months
MyStreamer AU:
Okay, so the modern day MCYT fandoms tends to get bird-ify mcyters and theirs cubitos (examples: Philza, Grian, Jimmy, Jaiden, etc). This also has also happened in the AU.
The following does not escape the birdification-
Aphmau -> White Dove
Cadenza -> Peafowl
Dante (and by association Gene) -> Steller’s Jay.
Bonus: list of the characters who’s cubitos got in some way got creature-ified.
Vylad -> Voidwalker.
Zenix -> Zombie
Laurance -> Catboy
Aaron -> Wolf
Travis and Ein -> Demons
Zane -> Vex.
Gene (and by association Dante) -> Vampire
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malwarechips · 1 year
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moon <333
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leozapps · 11 months
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remembered a while ago that i can draw whatever i want so . leo and klaus as @collabwithmyself 's bellementum species
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yakool-foolio · 3 months
If I can make Vivia purr to my heart's content, then god damnit I'm gonna make Yakou purr, too! And though I can't base Vivia purring in any form of realism, I sure can for Yakou! Studies show that low-frequency purring of cats can be linked to assisting in healing themselves and even humans. Soooooooo since homunculi are immortal creatures meant to serve as soldiers, who's to say they can't purr to speed up the regeneration process for wounds and illnesses?! Pre-epilogue, perhaps not many of Kanai Ward's citizens are aware they can purr since it might be something that only 'activates' when they're actually knowledgeable of their capabilities as homunculi, or happens in short, surprise bursts during moments of intense emotion that someone could just shrug off as a frog in their throat.
Hence why I love imaging Viviakou being lovey dovey at the agency, maybe it being their first time snuggling up to one another, and Vivia begins purring and doesn't act shocked about it at all. Yakou curtly tilts his head and comments, "I didn't know you could do that." Then only a few seconds later, Yakou also starts purring and that gets a surprise reaction outta both of them. Vivia perks up, eyes wide with wonder, while Yakou adds with fervent fluster, "I didn't know I could do that!" He quickly excuses it with his hoarse throat from smoking and goes right back to snugglin'.
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glitterspeckle · 9 months
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Hmmm I think meta knight deserves more flair so I made the fur trail out at the ends
And the light chest fur because it feels more sophisticated- like a little coat
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tarkatan · 11 months
Me explaining to anyone who will listen that the backrooms were much more unsettling in the past because the unknown causes fear + is uncomfortable and that the concept was ruined (for me) due to the addition of tangible monsters and silly guys for jumpscares and marketability and that it ended up taking away the intent of such a liminal space
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wheucto · 11 months
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ravioliet · 4 months
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oh also on the topic of ocs here's a post edit i made a while back. he's talking about Oriole btw yes they still refer to each other as partners. also Lord Montague is likely some sort of highly dangerous creature but that's not relevant
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natsmagi · 4 months
candy wonderland AND giant definitely Mugi mascot? We're winning.
this is their apology to me for the unit outfit recolor
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the-woild-is-y-erster · 8 months
i think you guys deserve to see tjis stupid little thing i doodled
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it says live spot reaction btw <3
its next to a drawing of 92sies racer and i just💀💀💀
edit: found a different live spot reaction >:) also coincidentally aimed at race
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