#creepypasta cabaret
wolfintestinez · 2 months
mfs when they watch moulin rouge. i hope i am known as your cabaret creepypasta moot
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ghost-cwunch · 30 days
Hi! Lessie is here with a brand new outfit! ^^
Blood warning!
(Image is in black and white to avoid possible triggers <3 Read more for the original)
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🪻Dividers by: @benkeibear
Lessie is a genderfluid person that presents as female at night at the cabaret and as male in his day to day life. He passes quite well, and she's quite the attraction! Quite the cunning voice and skilled whenever she performs her numbers.
She's also a murderer... But we oversee that. I support women's rights and women's wrongs. :3
On another note, let me just rant rq...
IVE BEEN ABSOLUTELY *OBSESSED* WITH THE CHICAGO 2002 MUSICAL. Like im FOAMING at the mouth. Like I'm about to take a comically clear bite out of my pc monitor. Please. I love it. So much. I just had to make an oc (MORE WILL COME TRUST.)
Toodles for now! Will be back with reposts off my other account!
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Tryna think of Allets in a world where she was always able to freely be herself. 
She'd be the most feral chaotic person ever. She's got messy dyed hair and animal skulls in her room. She listens to a mixture of bubblegum pop, hyperpop, dark cabaret, babymetal, and creepypasta fansongs. Whenever a song comes on the radio that she likes, she sings along off-key and dances like an idiot. Her outfits are all a mismatched mix of earth tones and neon, accented with cat ear headphones, fingerless gloves, doc martins, and rainbow socks. She'll run up to you covered in mud bouncing and squealing sparkly-eyed while showing you a bucketful of leeches she just collected. She hosts sleepovers where she gets everycreature to try and summon a demon, and she's like done a bunch of research and got a bunch of supplies and is going ALL IN on it. She's openly a bisexual disaster. She tries to keep any spiders she finds and gives them names like Princess Sassafrass and Lord Dinklebottom. She's constantly picking up new hobbies and abandons a lot of them within a month or two and rediscovers them at some later point. She'll talk your ear off about dozens and dozens of books you haven't read. She's obsessed with The Magnus Archives. She's got a mile-long bucket list of the most insane stuff you've ever read. She loves Halloween.
Our Allie in the life she's actually in will never have the boundless unrestrained energy of that version of herself. Will never be quite so unburdened. Will never be the completely unapologetic free spirit she could otherwise have been. 
But I hope for her, eventually, to get close. At least sometimes. 
I hope for her to one day be able to do much of the above. 
I hope that one day, she will run up to Eliote covered in mud, bouncing and sparkly-eyed, excitedly showing her a bucketful of leeches she just collected. 
And I hope that maybe, just maybe, she won't catch herself and feel the need to apologize. 
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titleknown · 7 years
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Shoutout to @borderlineanders for recommending this to me, it’s The Princess the tragic; unfinished glitch character from the gamepasta of the same name!
While it is a gamepasta, it does actually do quite a bit new with the “formula” so-to-speak. It uses an original entity with its own mythology, goes into the gamedev-history from which weird gaming rumors like The Princess derive for its structure and uses a lot of the communal aspects of weird gaming rumors that don’t get seen a lot in such stories.
And, what’s most fascinating of all, unlike other monstrous game entities in such stories, the more one reads it, the more one realizes that she’s perhaps the greatest, most tragic victim of this story.
It’s funny, I hadn’t read it before now, so it’s eerie how well the theme of her being such a victim fits. Almost as if she pursues us still. Tho, it also reminds me of an idea I had for a new version of Princess Lana in a hypothetical Captain N reboot, so it’s probably a coincidence.
The revelation of her as a “living meme” in the end is a bit cliche, at least as far as Creepypastas go, and I like to think the narrator is wrong and there’s something far stranger afoot.
My hypothesis: She looks not just for her story, but for a world to live in. A world where she can exist, the world she can live in without breaking. And really, perhaps her myth is the closest chance she’s had at finding a home, for what is myth but building a world out of story...
Also, while looking about, I found out the writer of this pasta has a Tumblr; at @rocketlex. They’re working on other game projects and they seem like a pretty cool parson, so go check ‘em out!
And I will close by saing, anyone wanting to see how to write a good gamepasta should take a look at this and note what it did differently from the other two big ones, the NES Godzilla Creepypasta and Ben Drowned, and how one could innovate and do something different in their own way...
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kin-playlists · 3 years
•°. *࿐
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genre(s) ;; steampunk, dark cabaret, progressive, etc.
themes ;; general character playlist
|◁ II ▷|
✧ 1. Crack a Bottle, Run a Bath - Shayfer James
✧ 2. Demon - London After Midnight
✧ 3. The Devil is a Gentleman - Merci Raines
✧ 4. Human Frailty - Peter Gundry
✧ 5. If I Told You Once - The Circus Contraption Band
✧ 6. Inside of You, In Spite of You - Thoushaltnot
✧ 7. The Pimp and the Priest - The Dear Hunter
✧ 8. Volatile Times - IAMX
✧ 9. Quiet Resonance - Evelyn Stein
✧ 10. The Devil Within - Digital Daggers
~ GIL ! 🐚
all playlists are subject to change or improvement without notice. check carrd for request info.
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the-clown-crypt · 6 years
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muntadoodles · 5 years
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Me? Getting dragged back into Creepypasta? More likely than you think. Me?? Working on a concept for an operator because I want more than Slenderman and Zalgo??? WELL BOY HOWDY LOOK AT THAT. There's definitely going to be outfit adjustments for him, but I think the body is how I envisioned him to be when I started this little concept sketch while Drawpiling with a friend. He's an urban operater and is either settled in New Orleans or Chicago, I haven't decided yet but I am leaning towards the first of the two. He basically keeps his city as a monster's paradise- so long as those monsters serve as his proxies. He rose to power around the late 1800s/early 1900s and while he isn't as globally famous as Slenderman or Zalgo, locals know very well to steer clear of crossing him, but do not entirely know who he is or what he looks like. Only his proxies and very few humans have seen him and lived to tell the tales. If you want black magic, protection, or a favor of any sort, you sell your soul and services to this guy. He is an avid fan of swing and dark cabaret music, and misses the roaring 20's era for all the partying and style. Though the money he made in moonshine did also help a lot to give him the funds to rise to power against competing gangs. I still have yet to choose a name for him, but that'll be something put aside until I finish his design and other major points about him, such as fully fleshed personality stuff, operation methods, and powers. (By the way, follow me on Waterfall! It’s a small social media site in the making, but it’s great if Tumblr ever really does melt down! -http://wyvern-king.waterfall.social/)
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hydez-oc · 2 years
I used to have a creepypasta storyline where a group of travelling performers (in one story they were a cabaret, then people got suspicious of them and  so they left and became an actual circus to move around better) was made up primarily of dead people who recruit by killing others and the leader was some sort of necromancer or a demon or something (didn’t develop him enough to know, but it was one of those two)
I think if I were better at writing it would’ve been ok considering it’s extremely similar to the official story/lore of Insane Clown Posse’s brand, which I did not know about while writing it
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burlveneer-music · 7 years
Amorphous - Shapeshifting
Peek-A-Boo-Magazine likens Amorphous to Cabaret Voltaire
All lyrics by Gil OS except Unilateral by Diego Bittencourt Amorphous poem by Creepypasta Wikia Piano on Second Nature by Marcelo Manieri [RIP] recorded in 1997. Vocals on Unilateral by Diego Bittencourt Vocals on Irreversible & Brave New World by Victoria Sykes Shapeshifting composed and produced by Gil OS, Arvin Clay & Derek Pegritz
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titleknown · 7 years
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Well, I said I’d give my experience with lost pastas on Creepypasta Cabaret, and that I will. But first, some background on the story it is from.
It’s from an old site; itself called The Guginol Cabaret, back from the days in which the web was less centralized and more strange, which I wish there were more around in the spirit thereof, but I digress.
It was something like a proto-Bogleech, though ironically when I discovered the site I had not found Bogleech yet, and it also had proto-Creepypasta, with a similarly gritty; down-to-earth personal-encounter feel as many of the best early ones.
The writer's name was listed in only one place on the website as “Jude Redmond,” with a few other things they wrote giving a possible (I think) clue to their location, but no photographs or even an indication of their gender, just an email that they rarely responded to.
And they'd always insist, even in the “email responses” section of their website that their stories were “True, all true,” which at the time I wasn't sure whether to take at face value as if the author meant it or as an authorial flourish. I was not a bright young person.
The stories were also unique in that they were all CC0, some of the earliest I had seen in fact, stated as a form of “giving back” on the author's part. Though sadly I did not save them, as I thought the website would be around forever.
The stories themselves were; even in the bits embedded into my usually-shoddy memory, so diverse and eccentric, that it would likely take several articles (Which I may do) to elaborate upon them.
But, the most memorable one was the Colors Cycle, a series of stories where each monster; though the definitions of “monster” could be vague at times; was themed after a different color and its meanings.
This ultimately and memorably concluded with the creature pictured here, The Knurd Tank. It was a seemingly ordinary “drunk tank” that was alive, and not only able to produce monsters of different colors, but to implant ideas into those that were inside of it, able to implant them so far that their very bodies were altered
The twist of the story, which blew me away back then, was that the color of the room was not “Drunk Tank Pink,” but rather a real life impossible color known as Self Luminous Red; simultaneously red while brighter than white, and the form above is an approximation of the heavily built-up “angry face” of such.
I'd describe the actual prose; from what I remember; as a mix between Lovecraft and Liggotti in style, ornate and atmospheric, but also that uncanny type of bleak in its surreality, like a rotting palace in Carcosa.
I still don't think I quite captured the “depth” of the room that was so elaborately described though. I'm not the best artist.
I browsed the site quite eagerly, even sending in a question to the author about a possible werewolf story (I was obsessed with them at the time,) which they did do but that's for another time.
It was helped by the fact that there were a lot of article in addition to the fiction, about real life bizarre paranormal phenomenae (Some of which I have never found reports of outside of that website) and of pop-cultural monsters (Some of which I still can't find pictures of.
I cannot link it though, because it is gone. Like, vanished from the internet.
There were almost no outside links and; despite the heavy amount of effort put into it; it seemingly was so infrequently-visited that the Web Archive never even captured it.
The one thing I did find, when searching for the author with the few things they did reveal about their location lead to a news article on an apartment owned by an individual with the same name where the owner literally vanished overnight; with all surfaces being completely clean; albeit scoured by what seemed like pure bleach.
I wish I could attribute that article's loss to a similar mysterious disappearance, but no, I just lost the link via computer moves and can't re-search it.
Regardless, I thought I might as well share this experience with you; almost a real-life Creepypasta about Creepypasta. Happy Halloween, and to all a good Samhain!
And, if anyone has any information about Mx. Jude Redmond, please send it, because it’s been nagging at my mind for years...
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titleknown · 7 years
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This picture of an Crocodile Girl is an unusual one.
Why? Because the pasta it exists for its lost.
Specifically, I was told about it via my buddy @zitface, who asked,
Hey guys can i get some help?
I’m looking for one of my favorite creepypastas. I can’t remember the name, but I remember this:
It involved this girl downloading a program by accident or SOMETHING, and it was unclear what it did [to the narrator], but it had genuses, domains, phylums, etc, and she was apparently a biologist who knew them all, so she picked the crocodile one [her favorite apparently]
It was laid out like a diary and the final entry had the phrase “nobody love crocodile[alligator?] girl” or something like that.
I REALLY want to read it again. I think the name was gibberish letters/numbers.
Any ideas?
And, despite my best efforts, I haven’t been able to find hide nor hair of it. It’s as seemingly lost and unloved as the titular Crocodile Girl.
And it’s fascinating to see a Creepypasta as strangely cryptic as its subjects, just found one day; and then lost. You only remember it faintly, in memory, to convey but never fully reshow. Like a lot of the liminal experiences of these stories.
But, then, if a story is the ghost of a dead time, what is the ghost of a story then? What is this picture, like The Forbidden Room or the Peter Jackson recreation of the old Spider Pit scene? What is the necromancy of art, and what ghosts walk from therein?
Halloween is a season for ghosts and ghost stories, so why not the ghost of a story?
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titleknown · 7 years
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Lookit this asshole. Herman, from A Room, is a very simple prescence, and a very simple design, being a just a fat; bald human with blanked-out eyes, and yet he manages to be one of the nastiest pasta villains I’ve seen.
It’s funny, isn’t it? I disparaged the whole “Man is the real monster” schtick in my last Pasta and yet here this one is, standing triumphantly at the forefront of the story’s simple Twilight-Zone-type premise of “Man trapped in a room, does not know what the fuck,” that takes some very interesting turns along the way, if the “ant” behind Herman shows.
We only really see him at the beginning; as a disembodied voice; and at the end, very obliquely explaining his motives in a way that raises more questions than answers. And yet, we feel him throughout the story, as almost a puppetmaster figure, with a distinctive warmly paternalistic yet quietly abusive personality.
And, as much as some would say giving monsters character detracts from their enigmatic nature, and thus their scare factor, I’d say ol’ Herman disproves that to a high degree.
You don’t need to get entirely inside their head to get character, you just need a simple personality, where you get enough of the pieces to see his face; but not enough to know his soul...
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titleknown · 7 years
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Boy did this pic of The Fatso, who used to be a little girl by the way, from The Witch And The Fatso come out dark and disturbing. No wonder, given that the story itself is one of the darkest pastas I’ve read. Jesus fucking christ is it dark.
Like, dark enough that I feel I must give a trigger warning for a GRAPHIC description of sexual violence within the story. The story, of course, being about a nasty old woman with the powers of witchcraft on her side, and the horrifyingly gruesome results of her handiwork.
While the witches in this story are technically “human,” they do have a disturbingly “off” mentality regarding human life, even the one “good” witch we see in the second part, and while the events are supernatural, it is the very human cruelty of the witch that propels the horrifying aspects of the narrative.
And, even when it is explained, instead of making it less horrifying, the understanding of this power; these people; makes the ultimate reveal of the extent of what it can do all the more horrifying. Because it’s people doing this.
And really, for all the more benevolent aspects of the mythical crone/hag/witch talked of as of late, there’s something to be said of exploring the horror of the concept of someone who isolates themselves to gain power; to do horrible; hideous things.
What I’m saying is there’s a fascinating underutilization of dark sorcery as a source of human cruelty, what @tyrantisterror would call Slasher Horror...
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titleknown · 7 years
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And for the thirteenth of my Creepypasta Cabaret I drew...
A Yellow T-Rex Wearing A Sombrero. Yes, this is from a real Creepypasta.
And it’s not even a joke pasta either, if you read it the author clearly has an idea that’s legit interesting with “rewinding” and themes of abuse and so-on, though it’s somewhat garbled and obtuse, and the author admits to “writing fast and asking questions later” and that “Not even I know what I wrote”
And that’s beautiful. It’s beautiful that Creepypasta; as a writing environment; could give birth to something this weird, at a time in which horror film has been spoken of as sterile ground for new monsters; new concepts, this writing scene is creative enough that some writer was able to concieve of the idea that a yellow T-rex wearning a sombrero could be a sincere horror antagonist.
For all its cliches, when Creepypasta gets truly creative; it can be astoundingly innovative, and even the “silly” ones or the “misses” can be fascinating! Horror was thought dead for the longest time in games and film, but if there’s anything that horror has taught me, it’s that the monster never stays dead, and it always hides in the strangest of places.
And that, I think, is a wonderful note to put a capper on this “season” of the series. But, there will be other seasons, and there may be some surprises and store even for this one...
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titleknown · 7 years
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Fun fact, did you know that @bogleech once wrote a Holders story? Because he did, specifically The Holder Of Compassion, a dark tale that I will warn you you may want to shy away from if you’re sensitive to animals suffering. The saddest animal of which is this little puff of fur on a gross old pillow who is the actual Holder Of Compassion.
I never really got into The Holders, derived from the old Holder of the End story, and Bog said he got tired with the formula relatively fast, but there’s something especially tragic about this one, both its place and its holder, and the eventual reveal about what they mean by compassion and the little detail on the eventual item is heartbreaking.
There’s always room for horror that’s really, deeply sad, isn’t there? One that makes us feel that the monster is, in their own way, a victim. The Karloff Frankenstein, the Gillman, King Kong, Godzilla, it’s a common theme in film.
However, the best at doing that I will say is Hideshi Hino, who’s story Hell Baby is a deeply tear-jerking tale that makes you feel sad for an anthrophagic zombie-baby.
Though, there is always more room for those, though sadly Hollywood horror filmmaking doesn’t seem to have many people left who truly love monsters to do so.
As an aside, the design here is slightly embelished, based on a very similar-looking creature from Bog’s story Doctor Fleagood Does It Again, which I will not spoil.
I do wonder if it’s a coincidence, or if they’re related by Bog recycling ideas, which either implies something sinister about the Holder, or something very, very sad about the critter...
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titleknown · 7 years
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What is it about puppets that lends itself to Creepypasta, even moreso than film (Though Charles Band still hasn’t given up trying)?
Well, likely because they’re simple to use and make, and common enough in children’s entertainment, that there’s a wide breadth of places to go in terms of inspiration, and some of those places are strange and low-rent enough to fit well with the surreal-meets-direct-reality of what I would call Cryptic Horror, which as I have said before, is the house style of Creepypasta.
It allows the creation of surreal imagery without breaking the feeling of being truly there. From the unsettling Fun In Baloon Land to the
Thusly, we have Pinky, from one of Cosbydaf’s lesser-known Creepypastas Faith Buddies. An unsettling Kermit The Frog-like puppet from a Christian kids TV show, Pinky dispensed dark and mean-spirited lessons about the Christian faith, ramping up to a particularly dark one on predestination and the apocalypse, with a strange post-credits scene implied in this picture.
What’s truly fascinating about this is, despite the bizarre and unsettling details here, none of what happens in the story is impossible in real life.
Similar to Cosby’s much more famous story Normal Porn for Normal People, which also had a theme of re-enforcing normativity with bizarre and unsettling video media by what is implied to be some strange, enigmatic group.
Pinky also showed up as a cameo-enemy in Cosby’s even more obscure story Muppet Chaos, which was about a “rom hack” made by some unknown individual about the Muppets being “condemned” to horrifying deaths by Sam The Eagle in the name of normativity.
Perhaps it’s simply a case of shared themes, but I like to think they were all three the result of the same cryptic, unsettling organization. There’s something fascinating about the idea of unsettling, obscure media being the tools of some secret organization seeking to “purify” the world in some bizarre way, like Videodrome meets Tlon, perhaps even to pacify Cosby’s creation Zharka
And, really, that’s kind of fascinating how puppets relate to this theme. They’re things that speak to you like people; like they’re real, but you can never really see the hand that controls them; not if the puppeteer doesn’t want you to.
One-way media between the broadcaster and the viewer, and you only see what they want you to see. Who knows what bitter hand is behind the felted mouth, the steely rod.
Huh, coulda sworn I remembered another notable puppet for this project...
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