#crickets given pencils
crickets-everywhere · 4 months
Pretend I'm not American rq
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Shout out to everyone but Isn'treal I thoroughly enjoyed avoiding this thing until it literally infected my entire fyp and then my mind
My top 4 (in no particular order don't make me rank i cant)
Are Joost, Bambie, Baby Lasagna, and Nemo
Anyway here's the speedpaint
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guillotinna · 2 years
I keep seeing these Gen z is task force 141 and I wanna join
Anytime you use a computer, you do that stupid movie hacker trope of exaggerated typing and say "I'm in"
Saying "POV" in front of sentences
In the group chat saying "1 like and I'll kms", liking your own message and then saying "damn guess I gotta"
I see a lot of these posts were Gaz and Soap would understand y/n....bffr, no those geezers would not
No one knows what the gen z kid is saying they just know it's probably not good
"You're telling me a shrimp fried this rice?"
You have a small photo you keep tucked in your chest pocket and after enough times seeing you looking lovingly at it, one of the guys asks who it is. Is it a s/o from back home? 😏😏
You say no and pull out a photo card of your fave singer and they're like ??? Really
One time during a particularly physical scuffle with the enemy, you get thrown to the ground and huff out "one hop this time" only to promptly tackle tf outta your assailant while saying "take it back now yall"
Reads everyone's zodiac charts except ghost bc he won't tell his birthday let alone the time he was born so you just make one up
Price calls a 6 am meeting to which you say "double it and give to the next person"
*Alexa, play teenagers by MCR*
If you had time describe the base, you'd say it smells like ball sweat, blood and war crimes which everyone took offense to for different reasons
Would absolutely get soaps doodles tattooed
Actually speaking of which, imagine getting caught giving yourself stick and pokes with a pen and being banned from using pens period
You'd be in a meeting with a #2 pencil
Ofc a gen z member would be absolutely feral which very little regard for their own safety much to the dismay of the others
Quoting "Oh these aren't homemade, they were made in a factory....a bomb factory......they're bombs." All the time around soap even though he has no idea what you're talking about
You don't spent too much alone time with ghost bc he likes quiet and you can't be alone with your thoughts which is why you lean more towards spending time with soap or gaz
I just like puns so I'm gonna add this but gen z love borgs (a customized gallon jug of alcohol that is usually given a name) and yours is appropriately named taskforce 1-borg-1
this is mainly for my americans but i know pretty much the whole world got beef with engl*nd: before you met Soap, you thought the entire 141 was en*lish so when you finally did meet him, you said "oh thank god" with a sigh
americans 🤝 scotts
making fun of english "people"
"Pull up in the monster, automobile gangsta With a bad bitch that came fr-" "....sergeant, comms off please"
you show Ghost WAP and he has to take a walk
*price yelling at gaz and soap*: KYLE GARRICK AND JOHN MACTAVISH GET IN HERE- Y/n: oop not the government name
Another for my US baddies: if your'e ever arguing with any of the guys, the nail in the coffin would be "and it's called soccer"
"one more like and i'll-" "enough!"
you call Price "ms. girl" and he could not be more confused
someone asks "do you serve?" and u reply "yah, serve cunt"
when asked why you decided to join the military you said something like: "well i didnt think i'd live past 18 so when I did, i ended up here".....crickets from the rest of the team
"good thing we only have showers on base because i would have already taken a toaster bath by now"
ask Gaz "no bitches?🤨" one more time see what happens
price: the enemies have taken civvies hostage and blocked off all exits and entrances to the town-" y/n: "omg tea"
Also calling price "capt. Save-a-hoe"....I wanna be saaaavvveddd ;)
If you took a shot every time you said "rest in peace to all the soldiers that died in the service, I dive in her cervix", you'd be dead lmao
When asked if they like the military they'd say "it was either this or the psych ward so yah, I'll take it"
Quoting MPGIS constantly and no one even sort of knows what that is ("Crack. Is that what you smoke? You smoke crack?")
Some detainee being interrogated is spilling some nonsense, so you hit them with "oh brother this guy stinks!" And then with the butt of your gun
"Little bad trini bitch but she mixed with China, real thick vagina, smuggle bricks to-" "SARGENT ENOUGH"
Falling asleep on team mates (minus ghost's) shoulders mostly because the most peace they get is when you're unconscious
*when y/n hears any slightly suggestive/dirty phrase*: what are we talking about 😏 (iykyk)
Same energy as: " born next to a nuclear power plant, has an IQ of 2 and was hit in the head with several Rocks as a child"
Vine quotes out the wazoo, it's just awful for the rest of the team lmao
Replying to everything with "on god?"
soap: "what are you 6?" y/n: "yah 6 inches deep in your mom".....you did not walk away from that unscathed to say the least...worth it tho
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rockybloo · 4 months
Getting people interested in your OCs takes a LOT of time. So creating OCs for the sole purpose of getting people interested in them is def draining af and I get why people get frustrated and sometimes just give up completely.
I have been drawing original characters since I could hold a pencil because I love making my own beings I can just do whatever I want with. And I've been posting my OCs since the early 2010s (I had been drawing original characters earlier but it wasn't until I got into middle school that I began posting my art online).
The biggest reason I've been going so long just drawing them, with only sprinkles of fan art in between ever blue moon, is because I genuinely enjoy my characters. I've had an active imagination since forever so I enjoyed imagining them in scenarios and sometimes drawing said things.
I would say, with my full chest, that I didn't really reach any flavor of "popularity" until 2022 which is when I came up with Glitter and Guilt. And I am fairly certain that is where a GOOD chunk of people came from since...I mean who can resist magical girls?
I had been drawing my number 1 favorite baby, Beanstalked, since highschool but, unfortunately, I spent most of that time posting it on a sperate blog from this one and only am I recently sharing art for it here.
I think the only other big source of other people discovering me is from my Red Beans art (Jack x Nana) because prior to 2022, that was like...85% of my art I would make. And while that was on a separate blog as well, I'd at least sometimes reblog it to over here.
Bondwidth also helped a wee bit with getting a couple people interested in me since before Glitter and Guilt showed up, Bondwidth became an active thing I'd post on this blog that kept it alive since, like I said, I had a separate blog for Beanstalked and Red Beans so there was a time long ago where this blog was basically crickets.
So 2022 was def when I got put on a wider radar thanks to Sweetheart and Bitterbat.
SO YEAH--Getting people to be interested in you OCs is def a time consuming process which is why I say to just keep having fun and blabbering about your characters because in the end, that's the only thing that matters. That you enjoy them.
I couldn't predict when people would flood me because I had been blabbering about my characters for practically 2 decades and I had been a relatively small artist working on a small lil webcomic that I eventually had to reboot because I had a better vision of it.
And then one day I just happened to have designed some OCs people REALLY liked and here we are.
I do get curious about how things would play out if I never made Glitter and Guilt and just kept trucking along with Beanstalked. I would have probably made it to where I am now, given like....an additional 10 years maybe? I dunno how to gauge fairy tale interest--I AM BIASED THO SINCE I LOVE THEM (I get so happy watching walk throughs of little story book forests and Eftling y'all have no idea).
But now I am getting off topic
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The Assistant 12
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Warnings: this fic includes noncon/rape, cheating, creep behaviour, violence, anger. These warnings are not exhaustive.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: As an assistant at the Daily Planet, you’re rarely noticed. Until you are.
Characters: Clark Kent
Note: Another one.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. Thanks to everyone who reads this one and thank you for all your energy.<3
Love you all like Lord Farquaad loves unnecessary vowels. Take care. 💖
The crickets keep you awake. The flutter of bats and the sway of trees swirl together and set an eerie lull. The scent of pine wafts in and eludes to the freedom withheld from you. A serene atmosphere tainted by the coil of heat twisted around you.
Clark snores into your hair. Unbothered by his strange surroundings or the circumstance. It almost maddens you to think he can act so normal on the surface yet be corrupt to core. It's all so sickening but frightening.
You think of Lois and the crack of bones, Richard and the smell of burnt flesh, the fury in Clark’s eyes. You know you can’t resist him. Not without getting hurt. You’re too weak, you’re too afraid. You don’t want to die, not like this. You don’t want to leave this world behind without getting to tell all the stories in your head.
You lay awake, waiting for his eventual rise. He grumbles, patting your hip before he sits up. He bends over his lap and rubs his eyes before climbing to his feet. You watch the strain of flannel across his shoulders as he cross to the door and pulls open the door.
He returns with a copper kettle. Water drips from the edges of the lid as he hangs it in the fireplace, rebuilding the burnt out fire beneath. You shiver as you sit up and tuck yourself into the corner.
He moves around, searching through the bin he put in the opposite corner. He takes something out and brings it to you. He hands you the small notebook and searches his front pocket for the short pencil hidden there. You see the redness in the rims of his eyes and note the unkemptness of hair and clothing unlike. He is not the straight laced journalist you thought you knew. 
"Make a list. What we need."
You nod, mouth too dry to speak, brain too fuzzy to think. You blink at him as you cradle the notebook. You’re not sure what he means.
“Food, soap, whatever,” he sighs as he turns on his heel, dragging his feet to the fireplace as he sets his hand on the mantel, “gotta hook up the water… grabbed enough coffee and some granola…” he’s mostly talking to himself, “a bed, I’ll get a bed for sure.”
You write bed at the top of the first page. Then you stare at the next line. You can’t put freedom there. You have to keep lying. You write down eggs. Eggs are good, you can make breakfast tomorrow, that might keep him happy.
“I’ll make the coffee,” you offer, “where is it?”
He inhales and goes back to the bin. He fishes out a small glass jar of instant grinds. You try not to show your disappointment. It’s something. You know better than to not play along. He’s shown you the consequences for not.
“Cups?” You ask, gently, putting pen back to paper as you remember a few other things.
He returns to the bin again. A sleeve of paper cups. Alright, that will do. You stand and keep the notebook in hand as you near the fireplace. You write down cups.
“You’ll have to find some proper ones,” you say as you put down the book and grab the jar. You read the label and set it down as you kneel in front of the fire. You hold up your hands, it’s cool despite the summer sun outside. “And some pretty dishes.”
He’s silent. You try not to give yourself away. He can’t see through your act. You rub your hands together and shiver. He moves and you fight not to wince. He grabs the blanket and brings it over to drape over your shoulders.
“I’ll some nice ones,” he promises as he lowers himself to his knees beside you, “I didn’t get to show you the tub…” he puts his large hand on your back as you watch the fire, waiting for the kettle to boil, “I got it just for you, baby.”
“That’s nice. I’m excited,” you almost believe yourself as you keep a chipper chime in your voice, “I really have to pee.”
His hand slips down and he lowers his chin.
“Like I said, water’s not… gotta run a line down to the lake…” he sniffs, “I’ll take you out, you can go by the trees.”
“Alright,” you nod as you pull the cups over and open the plastic sleeve.
You pull out two then uncap the lid of the jar. You tear back the seal and carefully measure out grinds into each cup. You smile and twist the cap back on. You set down the jar as Clark looms close.
“You don’t have to be afraid of me,” he says so quietly you barely hear him. You flinch but hide it as you reach past the blanket and touch his side. “I wouldn’t… wouldn’t do what I did… to you. I did it for you.”
“I know,” you wilt out, snaking your arm around him, “look at all you’ve done for me…” you look up at the rafters, then the walls, and the fire crackling before you. He doesn’t see your other hand, how it grips the chain around your ankle, “you’ve made a whole life for me… for us.”
Clark is gone for a few hours, or so you guess. The sunlight shifts a little through the windows, at its peak as you estimate about noon. A rush of air signals his return and you stand at the window watching as he drops a whole industrial container in the dirt, at least twenty times his size.
You watch him. It’s unsettling how inhuman his strength is, but what’s more, is how inhuman his mind is. Something’s disjointed in him. That he can justify all he’s done; not just to you but to his own wife, to another human being.
He twists back the bar on the door and cranks it open on its hinges. He goes inside and emerges with another bin matching the blue rubber one in the corner of the front room. He approaches the cabin and lets himself in. He puts down the heaping container.
“Food,” he announces, “I grabbed a few other things but I’ll sort it out. For now…” he stops to brace the back of your head and kisses you, “you can deal with the kitchen.”
He passes you and unhooks the chain from the floor. He leads you as if you’re on a leash into the next room. It’s a large kitchen with wooden counters and a tall faucet over a sink; there’s a fridge and stove, and everything else you could ever need. You can’t believe he’s turned a pile of dirt into all this. It would be impressive if it wasn’t so disorienting.
He hesitates but keeps the links in hand as he guides you onward. He turns back at another door, smiling.
“I did say I’d show you the tub,” he preens, “while you put everything away, I’ll get it working. But you should see…”
He waves you closer as he twists the handle and pushes in the door. You near warily and look around the door frame. There’s a tub against the wooden slats of the wall, a curtain hung around it. It’s big, bigger than yours. The tub you’ll never see again.
You try to smile and your lips quiver. You cover your mouth to hide your despair. You flutter your lashes, desperately holding back your horror. You can’t let him see.
“Honey,” he touches your shoulder as you pull back.
“I’m okay,” you squeak, “I just can’t believe you did all this for me.” To me…
“Of course, I… I’d do anything for you. Don’t you see?”
You nod, gulping down the wave of terror. You fan yourself and face him, hoping he can’t see right through you. Your heart is thumping wildly. Didn’t he say he could hear it?
“I’m just so overwhelmed. No one ever…” you trail off, “Clark, I’m not afraid of you, I’m afraid that… I’m not enough for you.”
His forehead stitches and he tilts his head. A scoff scratches in his throat. Shit, he doesn’t believe you. He drops the chain, the metal clanking loudly on the floor.
“Sweetie, of course you’re enough,” he grabs your hands, making you jolt. “You’re everything I ever dreamed of… I’ve written pages for you. I can’t stop. I just dream of our life together and… you did this. You made me want to make our story more than words. I’m building it around us. All of this.”
He looks up dreamily, “we can live happily ever after. Just us. No one will get in our way.”
“They won’t,” you rasp and you squeeze his hands, legs wobbly as your head spins. “They can’t…”
They won’t find you. They can’t save you. That’s what you really mean. 
He searches your face. You measure your breathing, urging your heart to calm. You cling to him, afraid you might collapse. The crushing weight of surrender lays over your shoulders. You don’t have a choice but that doesn’t make it any easier.
“Sweetie,” he lets go of your hands and brings his grip around your waist, “I knew you just had to see what I see. What’s inside my head. That you would get once I made it more than fiction.”
“I do,” you croak, running your hands up his arms and across his chest, “I see it. It’s amazing.”
He leans in, growling over you as he draws you closer. He bends to nuzzle your hair and lets out a hot breath over your scalp. He inhales your scent and sways you. You are nothing, you are thin as air, you dissolve in his arms. 
“I forgive you,” his lips tickle your forehead as he pulls back just a little, “honey, I love you and I forgive you.” His hand slips down your side and his fingers curl beneath the denim of your waistline, “I missed you so much.”
You swallow, eyes welling as you dip your chin, hiding your dread. You caress him through the flannel of his shirt. You know what he wants. All his sweet words only ever lead to pain.
“I missed you too,” you brush your hand up to his neck, feeling how he trembles at your touch. That is your power; you cannot win, but you can survive.
You drop your other hand onto his and pull it away from your waist. You turn, sure to keep your face down, tugging him with you as you approach the counter. You let him go and unbutton your jeans. You bite down on your disgust.
You bare your ass, planting an arm on the counter as you bend against it. You touch your ass and dig your nails into the flesh with a hum. You wiggle your hips at him.
“Please, Clark, you said you miss me, right.”
“I’m sorry, sweetie,” he comes up behind you, placing his hand over yours, groping you around your own, “I’m sorry about last night. I’ll never… I’ll never hurt you like that again.”
He shifts his hand, tickling along your ass, down along the crease, and between your folds. He pushes his fingers against your cunt and you step apart, as far as you can against the restraint of your jeans. You look down as he pokes into you, groaning as he feels you around his knuckles, spreading them so you stretch around him.
You grip the counter and look down at your ankle, the chain hanging there, loose. That’s it. You just have to wait for your chance; maybe not today, but eventually, when his guard is down, when he trusts you. When his delusion is too much to suspect the truth.
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gripefroot · 11 months
Crooked Ways [13/22]
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“You love those boardroom meetings, cricket. You’ve been begging to go with me since you were ten.”
“That was before I realized how boring they were!”
“No, no - I remember last year when you got so mad at the accounting department that you climbed on the conference table and threw your shoes at the managers. You laughed all night long. Your mother fretted that you were going insane.”
Bulma was insane.
Fingers tap-tapping on the same conference table, she continued to replay the conversation with Dad to figure out how, exactly, she could have explicitly told him no and still ended up in the Capsule Corp high rise in downtown West City. It irritated her enough that it stopped her mind from going where it wanted to go. 
Remembering what she shouldn’t think about only made her want to think of it more. The immediate response in her body had her sitting up straighter in her chair at the head of the table, uncrossing her legs and blinking in a flurry. At the opposite end, a marketer was giving a presentation that she didn’t care about. Since she read through the monthly reports, she already knew what he was saying. Couldn’t she have attended through video conference? That way no one would be able to see her flushed cheeks…
Vegeta. This was Vegeta’s fault. 
Her teeth dug into her bottom lip, exactly where his teeth had done the same the night before. And the night before that. And the night before…
How many days had it been? Since they’d created the strangest nighttime routine, after their daily bickering and respective responsibilities they fell onto the couch in front of the television every night and kissed and kissed and kissed…
It was a much better distraction than any horror movie. Sometimes Bulma wondered what Vegeta was seeking a distraction from, but she’d never asked. 
He’d even given his approval of the new gravity sensors in the training pod in the form of a kiss. She’d expected him to grab her rear, too, but his hand floating down her back had stopped at the base of her spine before drawing away. Disappointing, but Vegeta was full of odd boundaries and cold walls she hadn’t learned to navigate yet. 
“Ma’am? Miss Bulma?”
Bulma put on a dazzling smile, focusing her eyes on the man across the room to give him a few polite, generic comments. He gave a sigh of relief, ending his presentation. She let out a long, slow breath while whispered conversation broke out. The next pale, sweating man stood to make his presentation. Would this never end?
At some point she picked up a pencil, sketching out the battle suit that was at the top of her priority list. And then another, with a few tweaked differences. Looped feet to better stay in his boots. Then another with attached feet entirely. What would he say to that? He’d mentioned that the Frieza Force suits were single pieces. And what about the straps on the armor; would he prefer buckles or elastic that could be slipped over his head and - 
“Thank you,” Bulma said politely when the next man finished. And the next. And the next. 
Vegeta would be training. Probably half-killing himself, but he liked it enough that Bulma held her tongue about it. Some of the time, at least. She’d probably never get used to seeing him sagging and sweating, reopening wounds and barely able to walk up stairs…
Somehow he always found energy for a makeout. She appreciated that about him. 
Next she sketched a half-formed idea that she’d had a few nights earlier. Turning the interior gym into a proper training room for Vegeta so the eyesore of a training pod could be removed from the lawn. Of course, the gravity sensors and technology would have to all be moved, but that was the sort of project she liked…
The managers were packing up their briefcases, muttering amongst each other about dinner. Bulma stood at once, sweeping her drawings and pencil into her purse with a smile for everyone around her. They scrambled to their feet, posturing bow after bow. Annoyance that she was watched so closely, respected so automatically made her steps to the doors too quick. They admired her because she was her father’s daughter, but what about for being her?
High heels in hand, Bulma stepped out of the car at the home compound, the domes turned gold by the light of the setting sun. Instead of going inside to get out of her tight dress or to fill her aching belly with something substantial, she found herself wandering across the lawn to the training pod and the flashing lights visible through the windows. The grass was cool beneath her bare feet, the soil nearly cold. Summer was coming to an end. Only one more summer until…
She beeped her keycard access outside the pod, the whirr of generators and electricity quieting before the door slid open. A cough itched at her throat until she let it out, stepping inside the haze of heat and smoke. 
“Why are you interrupting me? I was almost at my limit!” 
Bulma waved a hand in front of her face to diffuse the smoke clouding her vision. Vegeta hovered several feet above the ground, shirtless and, indeed, sweating. Some of his hair was smoking. That would explain the burning-hair smell that tickled her nostrils. 
“Don’t you want to come inside for dinner?” Bulma asked. A few of the robots, attacks paused by her keycard, beeped. 
“I’ll come inside when I’m done!” The roar filled the pod. She pursed her lips, but said nothing else. His temper would burn itself out in a few hours. She could live with the disappointment in the delay of their nightly kissing. 
“Fine,” she said. “Shower before you come eat, though.” 
“Don’t tell me what to - ”
Bulma was out of the pod before Vegeta finished his sentence. Door sealed shut and explosions resumed, muted by the insulation she and Dad had carefully installed. She hummed a little to herself while she headed to the main dome to ignore the pinch of sadness eating at her heart. 
She was getting too used to relying on Vegeta as a distraction. 
“How were the meetings today, sweetie?”
“Fine.” She served herself in the kitchen, Panchy hovering at the stove while she heated water for tea. “Did Dad make any oh-so-important progress on his submarine issues?”
Panchy sighed. “Oh, if only I knew.”
Oh, if only it was worth wasting my day.
“By the way, Yamcha called for you earlier.”
Bulma nearly dropped the spoon into the rice. “What?”
“Yamcha. He wanted to know how you were coping.”
“Coping with…?” Being alone? Abandoned by my friends? Ignored? Overlooked? Each aggressive answer pushed away the tiny sliver of doubt Bulma had about whether she was betraying Yamcha with Vegeta. Of course she wasn’t - she and Yamcha hadn’t been a thing in months - but…
“He also wanted to know if we have any more of those tent capsules that were discontinued a few years ago since no one was buying them,” Panchy went on, the shrill whistle of the tea kettle raising Bulma’s shoulders to her ears with a cringe. 
“That’s bold of him, isn’t it?” she said with a hint of a snarl, slapping curry on her plate next to the rice. “‘Hi, Bulma, long time no see! Give me free capsules!’”
“That wasn’t what he was saying at all,” her mother protested. “And anyway, I told him I’d look and send them if we have any.”
“You do that!” 
“I will, that’s why I said - ”
“I’m going to my room!”
At some point in the last three minutes Bulma had stopped feeling like a weary, overworked CEO and suddenly like a teenage girl again. She suspected it was when Yamcha’s name had been said. Why, exactly, it triggered her so deeply, she couldn’t be sure. Only that she couldn’t stand another minute around Panchy or waiting for a prince that might never come…
She cried out all the tears she could, huddled on her bed, before pulling her tray of food closer with a sniff. Cold, now. Not that it mattered. Unwinding herself, Bulma stepped off of her bed to open the blinds of her bedroom window. Dark trees obscured the pale indigo of mid-twilight. Not a single sprinkle of star. Regretfully she sat back on her bed, eating without thinking about anything at all. 
Bulma sighed when she gave up on supper, scooting back on her bed until she was engulfed in pillows with her toes tucked in the blankets. What a stupid day. And the conferences at Capsule Corp would last the rest of the week…
She wouldn’t make it. 
A knock at her door didn’t turn her head away from the window. “Come in,” Bulma said, not bothering to raise her voice. A much deeper one responded, the visceral response across her skin to the man in the doorway pitiful compared to what it usually was.
“Are you coming to…watch television?” 
A helpless sort of smile grew on her face. “Hi, Vegeta,” she said. 
“I don’t know. I thought you’d be training much longer.”
“I…got hungry.”
Bulma sensed that was a lie. But she said nothing about it. “Look at me, I’m already in bed,” she sighed woefully, finally looking over at Vegeta with a smile. “You can go back to training.” 
His scowl was darker than any night sky. Arms crossed, shirt stretched tightly across his chest. By that time his scent had made it across the room. She smelled soap. Her stomach twisted at the thought that he’d listened to her. With a sigh Bulma rubbed her forehead. Why hadn’t he gone away yet? She needed peace and quiet to finish her pity party. 
“Is that food?” 
“It was my dinner,” she said, pushing the tray further from her with her feet. 
“You didn’t finish.”
“I wasn’t really hungry.” 
Vegeta grunted. Then, without an invitation, he strode right inside and headed towards the bed where he grabbed the mostly-full bowl of rice to shovel into his mouth. A grain stuck to the corner of his mouth when he finished, setting down the empty dish to wolf down the curry, next. Bulma smiled, resting her head against the pillows. He’d kill her if she said it, but he really was adorable, in his own, special way. 
“Not enough,” he grunted when all the dishes were empty and he neatly set the chopsticks next to them on the tray. 
“Obviously,” she said. “There’s more in the kitchen. Why didn’t you eat before you showered?”
Vegeta shrugged. He wouldn’t meet her eyes, his gaze instead lingering on the bed next to where she was reclining. Bulma gave the covers a pat in invitation, wondering why her hands suddenly felt ice-cold. He sat, angled away from her and staring out the window, same as she did. 
“Why don’t you move into a different bedroom?” he asked. 
“So that you can see that constellation you like.”
“Oh.” Bulma wound a finger around a curl of her hair, already tired at the thought of getting ready for bed and waking up early the next day for more meetings. “Um. Well, it’s only visible during the summer, anyway. Plus I like this room. It has a bigger balcony.” 
“Do you use it at all besides trying to kill yourself when drunk?”
“Ha, ha. I do when my friends visit.”
“And how often is that?”
Bulma jabbed a kick at Vegeta’s sitting rear with her foot beneath the blankets. He just gave her a narrowed look. “Just so you know, I’ve been drawing up plans for a training room inside the main dome,” she told him. “So be nice or I won’t do it.” 
His brows rose. 
“And you have to promise you wouldn’t destroy this place,” she warned, pointing a finger at his nose. His eyes nearly crossed as he stared at the tip of it. “This is my family’s home. We live here.”
“Well,” Vegeta said. “You’d better insulate the room, then.”
“Obviously I would!” 
“So, you don’t trust me?” A cunning smile tilted the corners of his mouth in a thrilling, almost frightening way. If Bulma didn’t know him better she might have been scared. But beyond the smirk was a delicious, dark smolder in his eyes that she recognized well enough to not be surprised when he scooted a few inches closer, leaning with a fist on her bed to keep himself upright. 
Her heart lodged in her throat. Without thinking she reached for him, holding his face in her hands while he closed the distance with a puff of breath warming her cheeks in the split-second before their lips connected. The dizzying sensation was quick to wipe away her anxieties, replacing them with a sultry kind of haze that she would happily live in forever. 
Vegeta cradled the back of her head in his hand, moving her as he pleased to better draw pleasure from the simple act of kissing. When he gave a choked moan, their noses nuzzling when he pulled back, Bulma moaned herself. Tonight his touch was the sharp bite of static electricity. More ashy than usual, like scorched earth instead of rainy moss. When his teeth bit gently into her lower lip she wriggled closer, wrapping her arms around his neck while his hands held her by the ribs. 
“I suppose here is just as well.” His words were muttered before he resumed making love to her mouth, tongue swirling around her mouth before easing inside. 
“Hmm?” Bulma couldn’t form words with his tongue in control of hers. Her questioning noise was more of a whimper, anyway, and she didn’t really care what he meant right then.
“For kissing.” 
“Oh. Ah. Oh…” She tried to lean back, giving in to the arch of her spine wanting to be closer to him, wanting to crawl right out of the blankets and tackle him onto the bed (never mind that her dress would probably rip) but Vegeta seized her skull, tilting her head back down for more kissing. He wasn’t going to take the hint and kiss her neck then. Or lay her back and climb over her…
“I do wonder,” his voice reverberated in her ear a while later, when he’d grabbed her leg out of the covers to drape over his lap. A few more inches and they’d fall back together. “How you’re making so many more glorious plans when you can barely keep up with your current projects as is.”
“Huh?” Muddled, Bulma ran a hand behind his thick neck, fiddling with the hair there. 
“I’m still waiting for my battle suit.” 
“Oh, of course you are.” 
Vegeta went rigid. It took all of four seconds for her to realize how very trapped she was by his shoulders and arms, pinning her against the headboard. “What’s that supposed to mean?” He pulled away, frowning deeply. The image was offset by his reddened lips. 
“Everyone wants something from me,” Bulma said with a sniff. “Of course you do, too. That’s all.”
“You decided to make me a suit. I didn’t ask for it.”
“No, but you’re always asking for other stuff, aren’t you? The gravity sensors, stronger robots, this and that and food and kissing - ”
“Yes, and you complain the entire time. What’s your point?” 
The point? She huffed out a breath, crossing her arms just like he did, but without the power of bulging muscles. His face was all shades of blue in the light from the window. Except his eyes. They glittered. From the bickering or the kissing. Or both. Bulma squeezed her legs together, but it didn’t help the build-up of desperate yearning. 
“Yamcha called today asking me for free capsules,” she told him. “I’m just…annoyed. Especially after a day like today. All those stupid presentations.” 
“You’re chewing me out because of what Yamcha did?” Vegeta’s brows drew together in ominous warning, which she ignored. He could have hurt her a million times over since he came to Earth, and he hadn’t yet. Her fear of him had gone stale long ago. 
“No, I’m chewing you out because of you.” Bulma waved a hand, as if the difference was negligible. “You make demands, too. Like you own the place! Maybe I’m tired of doing everything for everyone! How come no one ever thinks of that?” 
“If you’re tired of it,” he said, and he lifted her chin with a finger so that their eyes met in a dazzling bridge. She tried to swallow and failed, a tiny eep squeaking from between her lips. “Then stop doing nice things for everyone. You’re a generous woman, Bulma. People have learned that. And they come to expect that.” 
“You want me to stop working on your battle suit?” The words trembled, but Vegeta didn’t comment on that, his eyes flashing. 
“So I should stop doing nice things for everyone but you?” 
His mouth tilted downward in a frown. Very nearly a princely-pout. Bulma wanted to trace it with her thumb. “That’s not what I said,” Vegeta said through gritted teeth. “Cease putting words in my mouth.” 
I could put other things in your mouth, she wasn’t brave enough to say. Yet. 
“My grandfather,” he said suddenly, and then snapped his mouth shut. She waited, too intensely curious to ruin her chances of hearing this undoubtedly private tidbit of information by nagging. Vegeta exhaled, head lowering slightly, the bridge between their eyes breaking into a thousand stars. “My grandfather once gifted my grandmother a planet.”
“Well, I haven’t offered that to anyone yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Krillian or Goku asked.” 
He nodded. The fist he propped himself with loosened and turned into a flat hand, brushing over her bedspread. “My grandfather thought too small.”
Bulma started. She was sure she’d lost the conversation. Where was he going with this?
“I would give you a galaxy.”
Her mouth fell open. Immediately Vegeta bristled, rising to sit straight with his shoulders out proudly. “You doubt my ability to accomplish such a task,” he said, though Bulma had thought no such thing. “Might I remind you I was at the front lines of the Frieza Force. I could give you ten galaxies.” 
“I didn’t say you couldn’t,” she said, bemused. “No need to get so defensive. But why would you do that?” 
Vegeta blinked. Something unfamiliar swam in his eyes, something deep and regretful and confused. Then he shook his head. “I only meant to make you feel better,” he muttered at last. “I have no interest in your weeping tonight.” 
Bulma hadn’t been in danger of weeping (again) but she didn’t tell him so. Something warm and big was swelling in her chest that she couldn’t quite make sense of. Part of it had to be surprise that Vegeta offered her a galaxy. What would she do with an entire galaxy? She knew how the Frieza Force had worked - did Vegeta think to install her as a tyrannical overlord of conquered planets? She could laugh at the very thought: Bulma Briefs, Dictator, and her right hand man, the villainous and violent Prince Vegeta.
“Why are you laughing?” Vegeta asked sharply. 
She smothered her smile. “I’m not laughing.”
“Yes, you are! I heard it.” 
“If you gave me a galaxy, Goku would show up to depose me,” Bulma said, and she did laugh, but only a little. 
“And I’d finally have my chance to beat him.” Vegeta’s words took on a dangerously low tone. She didn’t dare laugh, but she smiled. 
“You’re full of it.” 
“Full of what? I scarcely ate even part of a meal.” 
“So go eat! I’ll return to my feminine weeping and hysterics after you leave.” 
He stared at her, likely assessing the truth of her threat. 
“I’m teasing,” she told him, smiling. “Really, go eat. I’m tired and I want to go to bed. I can’t stay up all night listening to your revenge fantasies or I’ll fall asleep during the conference tomorrow.” 
Vegeta nodded. Unsettlingly compliant, for him. “I want my battle suit when those conferences are over,” he said, standing up. The loss of comforting weight on her bed settled an unhappiness on Bulma’s shoulders, which she disguised with an indignant gasp. 
“You’ll get it when you get it!” 
But he just waved her off, just like she waved him off sometimes. 
“By the way,” Vegeta added, already halfway to the door. “You should wear that dress more often. But not around anyone but me.” 
The flash of his smile, more feral than affectionate, was blocked by the door closing behind him. Self-consciously Bulma put a hand to her chest, pushing the neckline closer to her skin as if a pervert would be on the ceiling just to gawk down her front. But she committed his suggestion to memory, anyway.
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sugolara · 9 months
𝙊𝙡𝙙 𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨
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ft. K.B x S.T x I.M x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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Before night fell, they pulled their vehicles to the side of the road, next to a field of tall grass. Eijiro and Katsuki had opened the windows to the RV and threw any bloody sheets or those that contained blood so the stench would be gone. It only helped a little.
When night arrived, all the males had entered the RV so they could rest well with one of them keeping watched. F/n stayed in her car where she got comfortable and looked towards the fields. It looked peaceful as the tall grass swayed when the wind blew.
The door to the passenger side opened. She saw as Katsuki gave her a look, “What?”
“I’m keeping watch.” He said and crossed his arms, “So what the hell are you doing here?”
“Well,” F/n tapped the steering wheel, “I plan on sleeping here.”
“Don’t be stupid. I’m not going to save your ass if you get into trouble.” He spitted out.
“Okay, well, sleeping in there surrounded by guys doesn’t sound too pleasing.” She shrugged, “Bad enough it was with you three, now two more? No thank you. Besides, I doubt there's even room.”
He scoffed, “They sleep like the dead. Especially Denki. You got to throw water at him or something.  Besides, we left the couch for you.”
“How thoughtful.” He rolled her eyes at her. “So, are you coming?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there in a bit.” He raised his eyebrows at her which made her smile, “Promise. You have my heart.”
He scoffed and shook his head as he walked away. She sniffled and looked at the map that Shoto had previously given her. They were miles away from Musutafu. With the pencil she had found in RV, she marked a little ‘x’ near the cities they’ve crossed. The pencil hovered over the crossed city.
She let out an irritated sigh as it was too difficult to make out the word. It was too bad they used a marker. She figured that Denki and Eijiro had probably found the map lying around. As she set the map aside, a bang was heard on the car hood. 
Startled, she grabbed her knife ready to take action but when another noise was heard, she let out an annoyed sigh as Katsuki threw small rocks at her. She rolled her eyes and placed her knife away as she got out of the car, “Okay, going, jeez. Could’ve asked nicer.”
“That’s me being nice.” Katsuki said and watched as she got in the RV. When she was out of sight, he let out a low sigh and climbed on the RV’s ladder. He felt so tired. He only took watch so he could clear his head. He also didn’t like sleeping much these days. 
The thought of waking up alone with only being surrounded by dead alarmed him. He had spent almost three months alone, but that was before. He felt like if it were to happen again, he would certainly lose his mind. Being isolated is no way for humans to live.
Maybe, he should’ve asked F/n to accompany him on taking watch. They're almost the same so for Katsuki it would be like talking to himself, except a much smarter and stealthier Katsuki. He wouldn’t say that to her, though.
With his sleeves, he wiped his sweat along with what little dirt he had on his face. Soon, the nights would get colder and he wouldn’t have to worry about his sweat annoying him. He wondered what month they were in. Possibly they were halfway through the year. 
That sounded insane to him. 
When F/n entered the RV, she could hear the soft snoring of the males. It seemed like they had already fallen asleep. She sighed as she sat on the old ripped couch and listened to the crickets chirp. She could also hear Denki who slept on the table that converted to a bed move in his sleep.
His legs were sticking out and his bag that was used as a pillow tilted his head in an awkward manner. She then looked towards the back where she saw Shoto laying on the floor while Izuku and Eijiro slept on the bed. 
She let out a low sigh before laying on the couch. Maybe her nose was playing with her but she could faintly smell her father. In a way, it comforted her as she soon fell asleep to the smell and crickets chirping. 
“You’re missing.” F/n let out a rough sigh and squinted as her father stood next to her. She peeked through the scope, aiming for the rotter's head, but before she could press the trigger, another rotter came into view. “You’re hesitating.”
She rolled her shoulders, her fingers on the trigger and after letting a breath out she pressed down. Two bullets flew and penetrated their heads. A hole was all that was left with blood gushing out. “You’re slow.”
She let out a scoff and looked at her father, “How am I supposed to get any good when you’re throwing these comments at me. Besides, I was faster than yesterday.”
Her father readjusted the gun strap, “Hanta is two steps ahead of you. Mind you he had no problems with my comments.”
“That’s because I’m also helping him.” She said, “And he’s only getting the dead that are tied up.”
“Yet he is still two steps ahead.” She and her father continued through the woods, making their way towards the creek, “I don’t take him out too far because his mother is afraid. You know that.”
She stepped on the footsteps her father left behind, “Mom’s also afraid.”
“They don’t understand.” They stopped when they reached the creek. 
“They’re scared.” The flowing water sounded peaceful. 
“They’ll die being scared.”
For a short moment, he watched as a few fish swam before letting out what sounded like a sad sigh, “F/n, it won’t be long before I’m gone. Everyday is a waiting game. This is no longer our world, it's theirs. We’re only living in it.”
He then turned around and looked at her, “I’m building you like me. You haven’t realized it, but you take a lot after me, more than your sister. I know I haven’t been the best father. I isolated you because I was afraid you would turn out like the others.
“Soft. Vulnerable. Pathetic. I’m making you strong so you don’t have to depend on anybody else and when you’re all alone, you won’t need anyone, just yourself.” He placed his hands on her shoulders, “You can never give up. Even when the people you love die or disappear. Even if you have to die trying to save them.” 
She stared into his eyes, “..What are you saying?”
He stared at her for what felt like minutes before smiling, “Ah, that’s just foolish talk.”
She was more confused when he ruffled her hair, “You’re father is just getting old.”
He then pointed across the creek where a rotter stumbled towards them. She understood and raised her rifle, her finger on the trigger. “You’re slow.” 
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Hello, Cricket!!! For the OC questions:
With the royal queen of the Nemo household: Lady Dorothea Marianne Starrick.
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Aww, Giulietta, my dear!! <3
Some questions for my Dottie, good gods it has been *ages* since I last answered anything about her!! I am actually so happy to have the chance to do it now! <3
So, without further ado, let me answer your questions about my most beloved brainchild.
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Fear of losing the people she loves. Dorothea suffers from PTSD due to an accident that happened when she was younger, where she saw something she wasn't supposed to see, and that left her shattered inside, riddled with anxiety (or hysteria). The fact that she was so overly sheltered as well, both from her parents, Byron, and her cousins, left her completely unprepared as to how to deal with some of the situations she found herself facing after meeting Jacob. After falling for him, marrying him, and carrying their children, things have not entirely gotten better for her in that department, in the sense that her fears have multiplied, because she got so much more to lose.
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
Her favourite cake flavour is definitely the citrusy one, lemon custard in particular. She just appreciates the lightness and delicate flavour that comes from it. A specific type of cake she particularly appreciates is the one with lots and lots of fresh fruits in it.
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
The first gift she ever received from her father for her name's day, was destined to become one of her most favorite things: a music box, playing the lullaby Crawford always sings her before tucking her to sleep. Even when the prologue of my story takes place, in 1908, she still has it in perfect condition, and she still plays it out, whenever she feels frail and needs her papa's warm memory to comfort her.
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
"Long as the day in the summer time Deep as the wine dark sea I'll keep your heart with mine 'Til you come to me
There like a bird, I'd fly High through the air Reaching for the sun's full rays Only to find you there
And in the night when our dreams are still Or when the wind flows free I'll keep your heart with mine 'Til you come to me"
🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
Stargazing is THE hobby for Dorothea, the one that earned her the moniker of "Morning Star". With Byron teaching her everything he knew about the starlit sky and how to navigate through those constellations, Dorothea spends each clear night sitting at her window, wondering about the deepest of thoughts, doing many hours of introspection in order to understand her own self better and sometimes, when she feels particularly melancholic, wondering if she would ever find a person that would love her for who she is. As for someone who she would want to stargaze with, the answer here is easy: Jacob. She loves to just sit with him and explain to him EVERYTHING about the starlit sky. Her eyes literally lit up when she explains all she knows to him.
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
Jacob's smile, his laughter, his voice, and his kind eyes. My girl cannot look at him for 5 minutes without becoming a babbling mess, all flustered and with cheeks burning so hot she can cook eggs on them. She got better with age, but even after having been married to him for so many years, when she looks at him deeply in the eyes, she finds herself wondering how lucky she was to have been given the opportunity to love him with all that she is. And these thoughts DO make her heart race like wild horses in a prairie.
thank you for these questions, I truly loved answering them.
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avalordream · 1 year
Oneshot Check-In
I wanted to make a My Hero Oneshot thing and here's the progress I made with like-
the first one with Sero-
I tried my best- and I still have to finish IT-
Edit: Four months.
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Pairing: Hanta Sero x Fem!Reader
Warnings: N/A 
The streets were quiet as the birds slept in their cozy little nests. The night was calm although working heroes begged to differ. Anything could happen in the dark, unseen by all but sensed by very few. The same could and can apply to all forces and magnitudes of every kind. But tonight....
        Tonight was different.
        The rain trickled down against the window panes as the lamplights turned on to illuminate the damp sidewalks, the raindrops creating ripples in the puddles that had already formed there. You sighed blissfully, leaning your cheek against the palm of your hand as you stared out the window as the steady fall of water eased your mind, sending you into a subspace of sorts...
which was rudely interrupted by a shout from the living room where the family TV resided. 
        You sighed, trying to block out the noise from your older sister as she watched some cricket, cheering loudly now and then. It never bothered you before now but at the moment, you had a physics test to study for the following day. 
        You were a student in the support course of UA. You already knew your quirk wasn't strong enough to stand alongside those in the hero course and didn't have the courage or unfaltering drive they seemed to magically possess. At first, you had accepted it. Facts were facts and that was perfectly fine. Eventually though, it became abundantly clear after the UA Festival...that they lived in a world completely separate from normal civilians or even other students in the academy. It never really bothered you until you carefully looked at how the media, people and society perceived it. Heros, heroes-in-training- and heck - even the students who were studying to become heroes themselves were guaranteed the spotlight from day one. They were always - and usually - painted in an honorable light- like the ray of justice that would pierce the cold gale of villainy. Admirable as it was, what about the people who supported heroes from behind? Like those who made their gear complement their quirk and fighting styles? Why weren't they given the recognition they deserved? Maybe it was you being selfish but the thought itself wasn't...incorrect.
        You sighed, shaking your head as you put your pencil down. Maybe you were just being overdramatic and a bit spoiled. This was too much to think about for one day…and with everything that happened… You needed a break. 
        “Hey- Sis-! I’m going out for a bit!”, you called out to the living room, shrugging on a (f/c) coat and tugged on your rainboots. She finally looked up from the tv screen, her eyes darting from your notes scattered about on the kitchen table and then to the clock on the wall. "At this time of day?", she commented, her eyes holding a glimmer of concern as she absentmindedly turned down the volume of the TV to carry her voice over to you. At this point, you'd already put on your yellow raincoat and boots, grabbing an umbrella by the door as the rain pounded against the sidewalks. You really needed to get out of here...rewire your focus and rewind.... yeah, that sounded like a great idea. "Y/N? Hello?", you faintly heard a voice call out as you felt three sharps raps against your hair, wincing as you stepped back. "Wha- Hey!! That hurt!", you huffed indignantly, reaching out to snag a bucket hat from the closet.  
        Your sister's expression soured instantly, crossing her arms as she stood in front of you. "I'm hearing a hollow head instead of a brain! Are you out of your mind!? There's a thunderstorm scheduled tonight!", she argued as you simply huffed stubbornly, shaking your head. It didn't matter...not anymore... Next thing you knew- the torrential downpour drowned out your sister's cry as you dashed out into the night, letting the rain guide you along as your eyes adjusted to the dark...
        Your quirk was Instinct...and the hero name that you chose for yourself as a child was Guidance, the Trump Card hero....as if dreams were anything more than dreams. You wished desperately to be put into the hero course...as did everyone else...but...
        A puddle caught your eye and you jumped into it without a second thought, splashing water everywhere as your rain clothes protected you well... You wish they hadn't so you could feel anything but the numbness taking over. Your quirk was just good as a luck quirk, if only you could summon it at the right time. In a time of dire crisis - at least what your body perceived to be dire crisis of some sort - your quirk would activate, giving you a sort of..."nudge" to achieve the best course of action. Those nudges came in various forms...sometimes an image...sometimes an intense urge to do a certain action... And sometimes you wondered how it was overlooked by the staff. You didn't like sounding like a brat who didn't get her way but it just felt...horribly disappointed. 
        A flash of a taxi driver flooded your mind as you looked up, seeing one race down the road in your direction. Amidst the raindrops, you could make out a puddle on the side of the road, guessing your fate was to be drenched- or something close to it.
If only your reflexes worked as fast as your mind. 
        The driver didn't see the figure by the road, revving past as its tires splashed a torrent of water toward you as you tried to back away, using your umbrella as a shield between you and the incoming downpour that would inevitably send you home. The vibrant yellow headlights blinded your eyes as you had the queerest feeling of something wrapping around your waist, lurching your body backward as your head spun- the umbrella leaving your grip as raindrops suddenly hit the back of your neck, trinkling down your coat and into your clothes. Your back met something firm yet soft as your surroundings finally stopped spinning, a dull throb spasming through your forehead, an aftershock from your quirk coupled with the sudden jerk from...wait...
        You slowly held your forehead to look down at your waist, straps of white binding around you as its clear transparency distantly reminding you of tape as your mind struggled to keep up. "Uh- You ok?", a voice broke through the confusion and haze of your mind, turning to look at them.
───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────────
That's all I got so far- and it's only like-
1,111 words long. I'm not even close to done yet.
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krshndra · 1 year
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"Maria!" A deafening noise pierced my ear as my mother yelled my name. I was trembling, not from fear, but because my hands and legs were gripping tightly to the blanket I used to get down from my room. My feet landed to the moist soil and I began to feel the breezy air, hear the sound of birds chirping, witness the tall grass swaying, and be amazed by the flowers blooming. With my pen and notebook in my hand, I began to run as quickly as I could. Every single step I take away from the house, freed me from the shackles that prisoned me from when I was born in this world. The once large, prison-like mansion that I grew up in suddenly became a dot in my sight. Ah! It feels like God has given his last grace to me as I stumble upon a tree. Panting heavily and sweating tremendously, I hastily find my way to its shed and sit comfortably. With the soft gush of wind, fatigue rushed on to me, and my consciousness slowly slipped away.
My eyes fluttered open as I heard the sound of crickets. The moon met my eyes, and peace welcomed me. I always believed that escaping from reality may vary from person to person. It has never been the same for everyone, and as I breathed in the fresh air, my hands started to draw, and time started to flow. The graphite of my pencil collides with the rough paper; my hands are careful not to smudge, and my imagination is as wild as ever. This is my way to escape from reality. As if waiting for someone to see, a piece of paper tucked in under the roots of the tree caught my attention. Written on it was a quote from an artist that intrigued me. From that point on, I never knew that it was possible to escape from reality and enter a fantasy.
I replied to the letter with a quote from an artist I really looked up to. Tucking the paper again under the roots as I made my way to the place that has never been home to me. Visiting that tree had become part of my days, as it continued to be weeks, and eventually, months. And every time, without fail, I am always exchanging letters with a person named Elijah. His letters that are always tucked under the roots of the tree never failed to make me laugh, giggle, be flattered, and feel butterflies in my stomach. In that short span of time, I felt our special connection to each other through our letters; he was an artist and I am too; we share the same interests, and I hope we share the same feelings too. Even when I hadn't met him in person, my feelings just continued to grow and grow until they overflowed, and so I planned to confess. I wrote a letter, saying that I would wait for him tomorrow at this tree.
Birds chirping, the sun rising—a new day has come. I felt my cheeks heating up as I prepare myself. My heart is beating fast, and once again, I felt butterflies in the pit of my stomach as I was waiting for him at this tree, the tree that witnessed our story. Arrived before the sun rises, and now the sun is setting, but there were no Elijah; not even a shadow of him has come. But I knew my love for him was far stronger than this, and so I patiently waited until my body could not hold it anymore. Tears fall like rushing water, my body trembled as my heart ached. He let me experience those beautiful feelings with him, and now that he had left me, I finally understood why storms are named after people.
Months had passed before I slowly got to recover myself. Months had passed, but nothing had changed in the tree. I wasn't planning to stay too long; I wasn't planning to cry, but when I saw a paper, the same old paper he always used to write to me, tears started to pool in my eyes. He said he was waiting for me; for weeks he stood at the tree, unmoving, waiting to catch a glimpse of me. Shocked, confused, angry, and pity—these emotions seeped through me, but when I saw him write his full name at the end corner of the paper, the once-fluttering butterflies running around my stomach became mud that slowly ate away the little strength I had. With blurry vision, I ran back to the house, where it all started. Books after books, papers after papers, until I found his picture, Elijah's picture. He was wearing an old-fashioned barong with his hair styled like centuries ago, but still, it did not fail to show how handsome he is. My tears never stopped, and they probably will never stop, as I saw below his picture, carved with the year 1890.
The once-thought fantasy that I entered became a nightmare that I never fathom having, as I realized that the man I love who painted colors in my life was from the year 1890. He was born way too early, and I was born too late for us to continue our story.
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dejwritesarchived · 2 years
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❪ ♡ ❫  ───  ⠀ ⠀⠀ before i let go  ⠀ 〳 ⠀ z.yeager  ‵
❪ ♡ ❫  ─── ( synopsis ) late-night lovemaking with zeke without realizing this was the last time.
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — warning !! afab reader, her/she pronouns, reader is black coded, soft!zeke, i probably wrote him ooc (pls bare with me. this was my first time writing in the canon aot verse), a very self-indulgent cause you know i'm one out of maybe 23 members of the zeke simps (we out here and we so hot, love y'all zeke simps <33), lovemaking bc i am practicing writing softcore smut, babymaking love, mentions of weapons, usage of spit, canon verse, reader is a weapons engineer for marley, marleyan!reader, takes place right before the scouts attack marley, i'll think about if this should get a part two lol, minors dni pls.
read on ao3
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YOUR TEETH GRAZED AT YOUR LOWER LIP WHILE YOU WERE SCRIBBLING ON THE PIECE OF PAPER. The little lamp on the side of the dresser illuminated the bedroom as you were sketching a weapon. You had this thing where your mind never went to sleep when you had an idea in your mind. Being a part of a team that designed weapons wasn’t particularly the dream job you wanted nor expected. But you were good at drawing and that made you a good asset to design weapons to defend the land you resided on. The eraser end of your pencil tapped at your lip as you could feel the man sleeping right next to your stir in his sleep.
You were trying so hard not to wake him, especially given that you promised you’ll go to sleep at a reasonable time and not let your work keep you up. But you couldn’t help it. You had a deadline to meet and your brooding boyfriend couldn’t particularly stop that. No matter if he was a part of the notorious Marley Warriors. The light from the lamp seemed to bother him, shuffling under the thin sheets and grasping to tug you closer. That’s when he knew you were doing the unthinkable.
“It’s time for you to get some sleep,” His voice came off sluggish as his blue-colored eyes stared up at her.
“Okay, I’m done, Zeke.” You huffed as you closed the notebook. You had placed the book on the dresser.
“It’s a big day tomorrow, you know?” Zeke questioned. “Plus, I told you. The more you bring work home, the more stress you get.”
You noticed he’s been saying that all week. You would only let out a hum in response, especially considering that you didn’t even know what the hell he was talking about. You asked your friends over tea and they would only make subtle jokes about proposing. You still remembered how hot your cheeks became at the thought of it. You marrying a Marley warrior.
You let out a sigh climbing under the sheets after turning the lamp off. You snuggled closer to him, taking comfort in the body heat that heats your body like a freshly dried blanket. Your eyes shifted closed as you tried to force yourself to sleep. However, you’ve been dating Zeke for a while. He could read you like a book.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
Your face was buried into the crook of his. Inhaling his scent of cigarettes and pine before speaking, “This big day thing, I want to know what is it?” You questioned.
The moon shines into the room, if you listened closely you could hear the crickets outside the home. You lifted your head up and even though the darkness, Zeke knew the curious doe-eyed look you were giving him.
“It’ll all make sense soon love,” He’s placing a kiss on top of your head before attempting to go back to sleep.
“Are you planning to propose? If yes, I think this is the perfect timing to admit that I want a child,” You bluntly admitted.
You only received a dry chuckle from your boyfriend. You could feel his fingertips tracing up the silk nightgown you wore. Like clockwork, your skin is decorated with goosebumps that send a shiver down your spine. “A child, huh?”
A soft gasp came out of your mouth when you felt Zeke’s body climb on top of you. You felt breathless as you stared at him. Your words took a sudden halt as you looked at him. Despite the only source of light being the moonlight that peeked through the curtains, you still could see those crystal blue eyes that caused you to fall in love. “Mhmm, a child. Preferably two. Twins.”
You could feel Zeke’s nose nuzzle at your neck. He shifted himself in between your legs so he wouldn’t squash you under his weight. You could feel his facial hair prickle at your soft brown skin causing you to giggle. “You really been thinking about that?”
“Mhm, it’s the least I can do while I design warfare weapons,” You let out a relaxed sigh when you felt his lips kiss your skin.
“I can give you that before I go.”
You didn’t even notice those words tumbling out of Zeke’s mouth. You were too caught up in your skin growing hotter with each nibble on your neck. You moved your neck to the side just to give him more excess. Your teeth grazed at your lip holding back the weary moan you wanted to let out. Zeke’s fingertips traced alongside your thigh, dancing ever so slowly up the silk nightgown you wore. You felt the pad of his index and middle finger rub your folds through your panties. He was so eager just to feel the wetness on his fingers, that he yanked your panties down your thighs with ease. You could feel the cool air hit your cunt as Zeke lured you into a passionate kiss.
The kiss was intense. Your lips moved in sync so intensely that if you kissed hard enough you could taste the mint of the toothpaste he used. A moan escaped your mouth as you could feel Zeke’s kisses linger lower and lower. His rough large hands tugged the nightgown up to your waist with ease. He was so eager to get a taste of you. Eager to fulfill your needs.
You choked up a gasp when you felt the crisp air hit your cunt when Zeke tugged down your panties. Your cheeks grew hot watching as he tossed the piece of clothing behind him before once again taking place in between your thighs. Even though you two had sex countless times. You still felt that nervous pit form in your stomach and your skin got so warm as if it was the first time the two of you were having sex. You still could remember the first time you two had sex, more specifically the shameless smile you had on your face as you stepped into the office to be met with Pieck.
You nearly jumped seeing the brunette spread out on the lounging chair in the office. Your eyebrows instantly raised at her as you stumbled into the office fifteen minutes late and off maybe about five hours of sleep. Your thighs were sore from the previous night, your uniform hid the various marks on your body, and frankly, you should have called in sick. Your colleagues were already head deep into their work, as you plop down at your desk letting out a yawn.
“Certain beast kept you up all night?” Pieck questioned as she flipped through one of the sketchbooks filled with weapons you designed that never made the final stage.
You ignored Pieck’s words not wanting your business to be out there for the whole weaponry department to hear. “What brings you here Pieck?” You asked, looking over the documents that were left on your desk.
“They sent me to get an update on whatever weapon I’ll be carrying for this mission,” Pieck said as she looked up from the book.
“We’re fixing it up now, did they not give you a copy of the design. I sent over multiple copies.” You went through the files searching for the file to show Pieck the pictures.
“No, they’re more worried about if I can carry it,” She huffed. “Now, you never answered my question,” she says.
You playfully rolled your eyes at her. The friendship between you two has always been quite interesting. Pieck was the first warrior you had met due to her constantly carrying a lot of the weapons you designed. It was nice having a woman to talk to on some days considering that the department you worked in was filled with men. So having Pieck around pestering you occasionally wasn’t all that bad.
“Yes.” You uttered as you gave her the file. Even with what you told her, she wasn’t even going to pay attention to the papers you gave her.
“And how was it?” Pieck asked. Her brown colored eyes were filled with curiosity and she was so impatient for your answer.
“It’s none of your business, now tell your superiors that the weapon could get finished before the end of the week.” You shooed your friend away as you heard her let out a dramatic sigh but she hugged the file close to her chest and stood up to leave your workspace.
“I’ll just ask Zeke instead!” Pieck loudly says before leaving.
The distant memory that swirled around in your mind was interrupted by the kitten licks Zeke placed on your cunt. You let out a relaxed sigh feeling the wetness of his tongue touch you in such an explicit manner. Your brain instantly fuzzes up to be only able to purr out Zeke’s name. The lewd sound of Zeke slurping up your wetness as if he was a starving dog caused your fingers to instantly comb through his blonde hair. Your shifting closed while your hips rolled for more friction. Zeke's hands spread your thighs apart just as you whined about how good it felt. The delicate feeling of his tongue flickering at your clit caused your body to shudder and moans to roll off your tongue. Just as your back arched due to the desirable pleasure, you felt Zeke remove himself from your sensitive clit with a pop. His lips begin to place teasingly kisses on your thighs to ethereal bite marks that would leave a visible imprint that only he could see.
“Zeke,” You whined. “Why’d you stop? I was so close,” You huffed as your fingertips traced alongside his toned abs.
“Remember the first time we had sex?” Zeke asked as he was tugging on the silk nightgown you wore. He helped you out of it, tossing it on the wooden floors without a care in the world.
“How could I forget about it?” You asked as you let out a dreamy sigh remembering that night.
You could hear him let out a chuckle as he was removing his boxers. His dick was rock hard instantly. Throbbing to feel the warmth of your drooling cunt clutching around him effortlessly. Zeke grabbed a hold of your thighs dragging you closer to him. You could feel the tip of his dick brush against your entrance. Your teeth nibbled on your lower lip anticipating the feeling of Zeke’s cock stretching you out. You watched with so much eagerness as his hand went up to spit in his hand. The sound of him stroking his cock turned you on. When Zeke begin to inch himself inside you bit by bit, your hand instantly went to clutch the sheets below your naked body. You let out a hiss trying to adjust to his size. However, you could feel Zeke’s large hand take a hold of yours. His fingers intertwine with yours. He’s placing soft kisses on the back of your palm as his hips continue to rock forward into you. “Shhh, you can take it (Y/N).” He assured.
You were paying so close attention to his soothing gesture that you didn’t even notice that he was fully inside of you. His hips jolted forward at a slow pulsating pace. Your moans echoed the room as your hands pulled Zeke closer. With each thrust, your eyes rolled in the back of your head. Your mouth gasped open to let out a string of moans. The hold he had on your hand was released as he gripped your thigh to attempt to feel more of you. The feeling of the way you clutched around him caused the Marley warrior to groan in pure pleasure.
Your arms snaked around Zeke’s neck to attempt to bring him closer. Your lips which felt like they were swollen due to your consistent biting on them placed kisses on his shoulder with each rock of his hips. Your legs locked around his waist completely trapping him from taking away your pleasure. You wanted to savor this moment without interruptions. The headboard of the bed you two were in was knocking aggressively against the cream-colored walls. For a minute, it seemed like your moans were battling with the sound of the headboard until Zeke's hand went up to hold the headboard. His thrusting continued until you could feel the fiery pit that was forming in the bass of your stomach.
The thing is, you knew Zeke quite well on some days and then you didn’t on other days. The one thing you knew about him was when he was ready to unravel himself from the intense fever of cumming. The intense feeling of breeding you to the rim as you claw at the skin on his back. His blonde hair would fall in his face. His lip would twitch before he would let his teeth nibble onto it. His grasp on your sweat-coated body parts a bit tighter. He’ll mumble something about loving you and cherishing you right before he releases himself.
A short-winded groan trembled past his lips as the movement in his hips grew sloppy. You could feel the mess in between your thighs as you were coming down from the temporary feeling of your orgasm. Your thighs quivered slightly as Zeke slowly pulled out of you before plopping down next to you. Breathless paints filled the air as the moon shined through the cream-colored curtain, your body felt like it was shutting down. As your eyelids grew sleepy while nuzzling against your brooding boyfriend, you could hear him mumbling something before placing a kiss on top of your head.
YOU COULD FEEL THE SUN KISS YOUR KISS INDICATING that the morning has finally come upon you. You were expecting to feel the wrath of Zeke’s arms around you, but when your arms reached around the bed, it was empty. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you sat grasping at the sheets to cover your bare body. Your muscles were aching for you to take a warm bath before starting your day, but confusion still fizzled at your brain causing you to be stuck.
“Zeke?” You called out.
You climbed out of bed clutching the sheets closer to her chest. You tugged on the nightgown you wore to go search for him. Maybe he was in the kitchen, but as you searched the house it was empty. Quiet. You could hear each step you took on the brown wooden floors. The house was as quiet as ever.
You brushed it off as he probably had some early duties to attend to. You decided to take a shower to relieve your aching muscles. When you were getting ready, you kept thinking about the words Zeke was saying the previous night. You sat at the vanity tugging on your earrings before letting your fingertips trace alongside the purple-colored hickey that was tattooed on your brown skin. You were so caught on trying to think of ways to cover up the scandalous patch upon your skin, you didn’t even notice the paper on the vanity.
You picked up the paper and your eyes quickly scanned over it. You could recognize Zeke’s handwriting if your life depended on it, so you knew that he wrote the letter. The ink that stained the paper smelled fresh also and you could tell he wrote it in a hurry just by the way his y’s curved slightly. As you were reading the letter, you could feel a rush of emotions overcome your body. You were so confused about what you were reading.
“This can’t be true.” You mumbled to yourself, but you remember his words from last night. You remembered his actions from last night.
His words lingered off his tongue as if he was saying goodbye. His lips kissed you as if he wasn’t going to see you anymore. His hips crashed forward into the softness of your thighs like it was the last ‘I love you’ action that he was going to give you.
Your boyfriend was about to betray Marley.
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TAGS — @misss-chrisss @thicksimpx @luffysthickwaifu @indiecursor @tyga-lily @gabzlovesu @sintiva @fiona782 @warmchick @godessofbucky @caribbeanwifey19 @maydayaisha @plussizeficchick @chieflawyerpastatoad @littlemochi @celi-xxmoon @ceeriusly-dumb @po3ticb3auty @sunkissedebony97 @queenmjp @gaiasmight @babe-im-bi @sakusakwiyoomi @rinhoes @sleepy3 @caramelanins @maideneyes @thenerdyrebel @reiners-milkbiddies @woahhajime @babyyblueey @leviackermanst @goldenmnr @moonphase94 @yooniluvbot444 @daichisbunny @bnuyy @protectpancakes @xsweetdellzx @yeagerfushiguro @minniecums @serotoninaf @greattragedy @sal3m-is-lon3ly @pweetchimilk @rowsn @blackreaderatrisk
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crickets-everywhere · 5 months
Hey guy
Part 1 of drawing stuff other that my ocs
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Hey bb! <3
You’ve quickly became my favorite bakugo writer, how you write him just feels so real to me. every time I see you post something new I get so happy!
I’m seeing ya write a lot about blasty with crushes and or S/O’s but not really about how he gets into a relationship so I propose to you how do you think he would realize his feelings and act upon them? If he even would lol he’s so stubborn and awkward with feelings I swear.
Anywho I love you and I’m glad your blog is getting the attention it deserves!!
hmmm hmm hmm tysm @kits-mania for the ask, this is a good one!! also ahaha i wrote this with tiny baby UA bakugou in mind bc his comedic potential is seriously limitless 
-ok, to start, so basically, he’s a mess. an absolute mess. 
-yes, yes, ik, we’d all love for him to be like, cool and smooth and suave and spit crazy game but he’s just not that guy. he’s a snarling animal at the best of times and an outright asshole every other second of the day.
-(honestly, if u asked me, the only confession you could ever get that would somehow be more disastrous than bakugou’s would be if u got one from tamaki. and even then, tamaki is a sweetheart so u would 100% be much more forgiving)
-but that’s not the point, what is the point is that bakugou would just be so weird around u and that’s how he recognizes his feelings
-lmao like he’ll be so ridiculous with his mood swings,,, very yelling at you for breathing one second, bc even that somehow flusters him, n then the next second he’s recommending an extensive list of personalized training exercises (that he devised) for you and telling you to shut up if you try to thank him for it
-and he’ll do those things almost without thinking about it. like, he’s already impulsive, we been knew, but for this?? pls he absolutely cannot control himself. he’ll just keep accidentally doing nice things, that he’d never do for somebody else, and he knows this. but then he also feels like he’s gotta act like a dick to cover the strangeness up
-and after being rude, to save face, bakugou’ll be in his head totally “man, i’m the best at this. i bet they don’t even know i fuckin’ like them!” n like, yeah, he’s right, you 100% don’t, but everyone else around him does.
-very obvious to his friends how quiet he is when you come up. like, he’ll say shit about everyone at any given time, but when you come up in conversation?? absolute crickets from him. (this is bc bakugou wants to keep his mouth shut, to avoid suspicion obvi, but in doing so he almost doesn’t seem like an asshole. n when bakugou isn’t acting like a dick that’s when you know somethings up)
-so, those two things combined,,, the mood fluctuation and uncharacteristic behavior make it pretty clear to himself that he’s got a crush. now, don’t get me wrong, he’s gonna be clueless on how to do anything about it, but bakugou’s not dumb. he’ll realize his feelings pretty quickly after they form
-now, for the acting upon his feelings part- whew boy.  talk about an embarrassing turnout
-basically, he’s not gonna do shit at first. he’ll recognize his feelings and he doesn’t want to be a wimp about them, but he also kinda just wants them to go away. so he’ll wait it out. bc it’s embarrassing.
-but if that doesn’t work, and he really does just have one hell of a crush,,, then all he’ll be able to do, at first, is work up the courage to finally not be an asshole,,, using little gestures that include but are not limited to:
1.) offering you a pencil when you lose yours. alright, alright, ik, very small, but this is bakugou alright?? mans doesn’t give up anything unless somebody tries to kill him for it and somehow manages to succeed
2.) let’s u copy off his school work/homework etc. obvi not all the time, but if ur in class, at the very end of a test, n he sees you looking over, bakugou will just sit there. he won’t put his arm over his work. not like he would if it was anyone else but you
3.) when you ask him things, he’ll answer. and there’s a pretty good chance he won’t tell u to fuck off at the end (what a miracle)
4.) will probably try his best to avoid exploding/hitting your face during training exercises. now ofc, if u get paired up with him for sparring, rip say ur prayers, bc he will by no means go easy. bakugou doesn’t even know the meaning of going easy. but he will keep his punches and burns away from ur face. probably also tries his best to only explode you thru the fabric of ur costume. so you don’t end up with burns (what a gentleman. not.)
5.) if you drop something on the ground in front of him, and he’s closer to it then you are, he’ll pick it up for u. u know, like a normal person for once.
-okay so as u can see, those things, which are very big for bakugou, are tiny. so tiny. and no other person is going to see those regular-human gestures as romantic interest bc why would they??? 
-see what i mean by embarrassing?? pls i love him but come on man
-but anyway, he’ll do that for a while. like probably up to a full month tbh
-and the entire time he’ll just be pissed bc ur not getting it. so he’ll keep doing those little things more often in the hopes that you’ll finally understand, but ofc u dont
(sidenote: bakugou having a crush is rlly funny to me bc if any of the bakusquad asked you what you thought about him all u’d have to say is “idk? normal? he’s whatever?? what is this question about?” bc his gestures are so small. so small that they just read like normal person behavior, and thus you have no significant opinion about him. and that’s just v comedic to me bc the absolute shock on their faces when u say that? pls they’re like “Y/N we cannot deal with either of you anymore. bakugou is not normal to people??? obviously he likes you!! why do you not get it?!!!”)
-but n e wayz, yeah he’ll continue with the little shit for a while and then just impulse confess
-pls bakugou is 0-100 or not at all,, so he’ll be completely content in his weird behavior until one day he’s just fed tf up with you.
-like ur walking around with a nice outfit and your hair done up,, just 100% living normally, but for whatever reason the sight of you that day accosts him. just pisses him off bc he likes you, a lot, and it’s embarrassing
-so he just impulse confesses right there in the heat of his anger. very “jesus fuck, you really went ahead and did it now, idiot. you really fuckin’ piss me off. i’ve been busting my ass for weeks now, bein’ fuckin’ nice as shit to you, and you’ve got nothing to say? just gonna walk around like that, on purpose, and keep fuckin’ quiet?”
- n you just “....?” 
-and he’ll roll his eyes and huff and probably clench his hands into fists and “i like you. dumbass. fuckin’ obviously.” 
- and suddenly you just “oh.” bc now it’s very clear to you how much of a relatively ?pleasant? person he is around you and how much that contrasts with the absolute asshole he is to everyone else
-pls ik everybody says he’s a pomeranian but like, no, seriously he is. he’ll pick one person to like and act normal around,, but to everyone else?? pls guard ur ankles he will bite tf out of them 
so, in conclusion, bakugou with a crush is an embarrassing but oddly endearing affair. very much a guy who fumbles all the way to the finish line, but he doesn’t give up. not ever, and especially not when u piss him off sm (read: fluster him sm) just by being yourself 
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fatefulfaerie · 3 years
Zelink Week 2021 prompt #2/7 @zelinkweek2021
Word Count: 822
Incarnation: Breath of the Wild (post)
Additional Prompts Followed: Dragons
No Trigger Warnings
It was the calm, chalky slither of a pencil that helped her remember that Link was still alive today, that he had indeed rescued her from Calamity Ganon, and that she would not wake up in the blood-soaked and corpse-ridden Blatchery Plains with all this being an illusion.
She pinched herself and it hurt.
This was real. She was being silly.
Paranoid, even.
And so she relaxed into the moist grass of Farosh Hills, staring at out at the large yet weathered bridge that Link was sketching in detail, one of the hobbies he had picked up since he put the sheathed Master Sword down in their Hateno home and never picked it up again.
Zelda didn’t say a word when he did, only noticing silently. She wanted to ask how they would defend themselves if they ever met danger again but she didn’t and they didn’t. Link must have known—or just wanted to assume—that no more enemies were in Hyrule except for the Yiga. Both Link and Zelda used a bow and arrow for hunting but other than that, there had been no skirmishes save for a couple small spiders in the house. Either the Yiga had given up in light of Calamity’s Ganon’s defeat or they had something big up their sleeve. Link insisted the former and Zelda insisted the latter.
But she laid in peace nonetheless, comforted by the songs of the birds and the scent of the breeze, even the serpent-like green dragon on the horizon, with electric emanations that they were safely distanced from.
She looked at Farosh like it was nothing new, and indeed it wasn’t. She saw the dragons years before the calamity struck, but seemed to be the only one. Her father and the soldiers around her always insisted she was imagining things but when she did some research, she found that only certain Hylians can see the dragons. The distinction between those certain Hylians was unknown.
From that point on, to avoid people thinking she was strange, she always assumed that she was the only one who could see them. In this moment, she merely admired the grace and elegance of the beast.
“Zelda?” Link inquired.
“Hm?” Zelda hummed in acknowledgement, lolling her head over to where Link sat.
“I’m putting on the finishing touches,” he said, eyes completely focused on the parchment before him. “Do you want to stay at the stable or are we finally sleeping under the stars tonight?”
Zelda smiled.
“I think the stars will do fine,” she said, standing up to take the blanket rolls from their packs.
As she set out their accommodations on the flat section of the large hill, she couldn’t help but steal a glance at Link’s art, the bridge of Hylia copied in almost perfect posterity from end to end, the hills behind it, the water below it, all…
Zelda’s eyes widened. She shook her head and a smile encroached across her lips. It soon grew into a chuckle.
“You can see them,” she said.
“I—,” Link started. “What?” He looked over his shoulder at her.
“The dragons,” she said, pointing at the drawing, particularly where Link drew Farosh. “You can see them!”
Link furrowed his brow and couldn’t help but laugh a little at her enthusiasm.
“Yeah…is that not…normal?”
“No, actually,” Zelda said. “Apparently it’s rare to find someone who can. When I was little, I was the only one I knew who could.”
Link smiled.
“Are you saying I’m a rare find?” He asked. Zelda rolled her eyes.
“Yes, Link, you are definitely one of a kind.”
Zelda pecked his cheek and he blushed as he continued the final touches on his drawing, thinking to himself how much he loved the young woman in his company.
Perhaps he should tell her, say those three potent words he’d never brought himself to.
He looked up from his drawing and saw her, a restless cricket sitting calmly in her hand like it had nothing to fear, nowhere to go, and not an impatient cell in its body.
“Zelda,” he said. His heart thumped so loud he swore Zelda could probably hear it. She looked up and the cricket hopped away. Link felt bad but she didn’t seem to care.
“I…” he stammered. “I…I-I…”
Zelda tipped her head to the side, her hair like honey spilling down her shoulders. Goddesses, was she beautiful, enchantingly beautiful, her green eyes bewitching and her softness enthralling.
“I’ll, umm…”
She was perfect and what was he? What was he even doing? They had been getting closer, even kissing every once in a while, but love? He couldn’t admit it to her. What if she didn’t want that from him? What if it was too soon for his honesty? After all, she hadn’t said anything about love.
He wondered how many of Farosh’s scales he would need to harvest in order to muster the courage of a beast.
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Another Year
Final part of the New Year, New Me Series
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
A question you never imagined you would be answering suddenly pops up in your life, and suddenly it’s all you can think about. Considering how unstable your relationship with Jeonghan has been, will you two last to see another year?
Tag: Dubious Consent due to drunk mutual masturbation, creampie, choking, phone sex... sorta... Name-calling as usual, no protection- wear protection please
Special thanks to the anon who wanted a drunk y/n part! heh
You sat with your laptop in your lap as you typed the last few words of your essay on the word document you had open. You looked at it once, and then again, and then one more time just to make sure that the last sentence made sense.
You sighed and shut your laptop turning your attention to look out Joshua’s bedroom window. He stirred behind you, and you heard the pages of his book flutter slightly.
“Done?” He asked you. You nodded, and turned so that you could actually face Joshua, a smile spreading over your lips.
“Just one more killer essay for the books,” you agreed. He held out his hand and you raised yours right back to his in a high-five- one that only made the palm of your hand sting like it was on fire.
“Can you believe the school semester is practically over already?” Joshua mumbled. “Feels like we just finished moving you into your apartment for the year.”
Honestly, you couldn’t believe that the school semester was already over. So much had already happened this year, that it felt surreal. You had been so distracted this semester especially just figuring out your relationships with Jeonghan and Joshua that you could hardly believe that school had just been a background plot to all of that.
Now that everything was settled, going home for the summer was the last thing that you wanted to do.
“What are you and Jeonghan going to do this summer?” Joshua asked. The question caught you by surprise. You looked up from putting your laptop away in your backpack and let your head fall to the side.
“I mean, Jeonghan usually spends the summer with his family in the country, doesn’t he?”
You had spent so much time hating Jeonghan in the past that you had nearly forgotten that he didn’t spend the summer in town. A frown riddled across your face and you let your hands fall into your lap.
You used to just get so happy that you wouldn’t have to see Jeonghan that it didn’t matter where he was or what he was doing. You were just glad he wasn’t around. And it wasn’t even until recently that you discovered that Jeonghan had actually skipped almost as many friend events as you had due to you two’s feelings towards one another, so going away for the summer was just something you two had taken for granted.
But now you supposed it was different.
Ever since New Year’s you two had spent an inordinate amount of time together. The only times you weren’t together was probably when you were with Joshua, and Jeonghan was off working.
You looked back over at Joshua, and your eyebrows furrowed.
“We haven’t really talked about it,” you said honestly. Joshua groaned at the statement.
“Do you talk about anything?” He asked you. You shot him a glare.
“Look, not all of us are you and Mina and tell each other everything,” you murmured back. Joshua rolled his eyes at the half-veiled insult and stood up, leaving his book on his seat. He wandered over to his bed and retrieved his phone that was charging on the covers.
“You guys have to talk to one another,” he replied softly. “I don’t understand you two. You have been together for how long now and you seem to like one another and enjoy your dates and obviously other things but are you two serious or what? Are you long-term or just having some fun with one another while in college? Wh-”
“Woah, woah, slow down there Jiminy Cricket,” you interrupted, throwing your hands in the air and screwing your eyes shut as Joshua spoke. “I do not need you putting those thoughts in my head. Jeonghan and I are doing fine the way that we are and that is all that matters.”
Joshua scoffed at the sentiment.
“So what? You guys are just not going to have the talk with one another or something?” He asked you. You shrugged.
“Maybe we will, maybe we won’t. Whatever we do is our business.”
Joshua rolled his eyes but as he had learned to do when it came to topics about Jeonghan he let the topic drop. Instead he unplugged his phone and gestured for you to follow him.
“Come on, let’s go eat something.”
And despite the topic moving on, you couldn’t get what stupid Joshua had said out of your head.
What were you and Jeonghan going to do? You had barely established each other in a relationship and now you two were probably going to have to separate for the summer.
You hated to admit it but you were really really going to miss Jeonghan for this summer. You never used to think so, but despite it all he made good company, and he was a pretty good listener when he wasn’t being sarcastic and teasing you for this or that.
You couldn’t help but fret over Joshua’s words for the next few days, and while you were determined to set aside the thoughts, you couldn’t really put them to rest.
You weren’t really the type of person to get drunk at a party with your friends, as you didn’t really like to drink away your problems. You knew that it wasn't any sort of solution, just a way to make it seem like everything was okay for a while. It was like willing walking into the eye of a hurricane and pretending like the storm wasn’t ever going to come back.
But you couldn’t just sit there and let everything drive you crazy anymore. You couldn’t continue to let your thoughts plague your mind. So, no matter the weird glance it earned you from Joshua when you accepted your first shot, you decided that today you were going to drink your fears away.
Three shots in and you wondered why you didn’t drink alcohol more often.
Six shots in and you had completely forgotten why you were drinking in the first place.
The reason that your friends were all drinking was to ease their nerves after such a hectic exam week. Everyone had spent hours at the library studying each and every document given them from their teachers practically religiously. Jeonghan had one late Friday exam so he had to come join everyone late, and by the time he had finally walked into the door, a pencil tucked behind his ear like some sort of nerd, you were already wasted.
And very happy to see him.
You rushed over to Jeonghan and wrapped your arms around him before he could even react to you. You could feel his muscles tense slightly at first, but after just a second, he relaxed under you, his fingers spreading over the small of your back.
“Well someone missed me,” he murmured softly. His fingers dragged around your body, his fingertips trailing lightly over your hip bones as he moved his hand to the front of your body, and up your sides to your shoulders. He pushed you back ever so slightly and shot you a smile.
The smile however faltered when you smiled back at him.
“Have you been drinking?”
You pouted, and pulled out of Jeonghan’s reach, crossing your arms dramatically over your chest.
“And so, what if I am?” You asked him. “You’re not the boss of me.”
You knew somewhere deep down inside of you that you were acting like a child, but on the surface, you couldn’t really bring yourself to care. You instead turned away from Jeonghan and grabbed a stray bottle of alcohol that Joshua had offered you earlier.
You twisted open the bottle and tipped it into your mouth, dipping your head back so that you could drink back the bronze liquid.
It made a warmth spread across the inside of your chest that made the tips of your fingers feel tingly, but before you could even finish consuming the liquid, the bottle was abruptly pulled away from you. A pout spread over your lips and you reached for the bottle blindly making grabby hands but, that action just got you a hand placed to your head.
“Eh, unless you can tell me how many drinks you’ve had tonight, I think I’m cutting you off,” Jeonghan said pleasantly. You opened your mouth to tell him a number- you figured any number would work after all. He couldn’t know if you were telling the truth or not when Jeonghan tipped the glass of alcohol that was yours into his own mouth.
“Relax,” Jeonghan replied after finishing off the bottle. He set it down and placed his hands on your shoulders, smiling at you. “No need to be stressed. Exams are over, don’t go crazy tonight, just have a good time.”
That was probably one of the things that you liked best about Jeonghan (that admittedly used to drive you crazy). He was always so calm and collected. He didn’t let things get to him no matter how the situation ended up unfolding. He knew when you were over thinking things and seeing his calm demeanor made you want to match it.
You wanted to be relaxed like Jeonghan. You didn’t want to need to let the contents of a glass bottle drive your thoughts away for the time being. You wanted to just set the glasses down and have a good time with your friends.
But you also knew that if you let yourself sober up anytime soon then you wouldn’t be able to think straight. You shot Jeonghan an accusatory glare and turned away from him, rushing across the crowded room to Mina.
You hooked onto her arm and looked up at her with a pout spread over your lips. You didn’t have to say anything for her to look up across the room and know what was happening.
She reached over into a cooler and handed you a new bottle of alcohol and smiled brightly at you.
“Don’t let mean Jeonghan tell you when to start and stop drinking,” she stated pointedly. As she spoke, her eyes turned from you to something behind you. You opened her mouth to ask what exactly, but before you could two hands landed on your shoulders.
Mina reached forward and smacked Jeonghan’s wrist, making him let go of you with one of his hands.
“Being possessive and controlling isn’t cute. Let y/n have a good time,” she insisted. You hid a giggle behind the back of your hand, a gesture that Jeonghan didn’t find too amusing, but either way he rose his hands in an innocent gesture.
“Okay, okay,” he stated. “But you’re in charge of making sure that nothing bad happens.”
Mina didn’t really respond to that so Jeonghan crossed his arms over his chest.
Mina rolled her eyes.
“Nothing bad is going to happen it’s just a party.”
Whenever Jeonghan went to a party he tended to drink quite a bit. You had always watched with much disdain as the boy drank drink after drink and barely seemed affected other than an outburst here or there.
You were so reactive to alcohol that it was hard to imagine having such a good tolerance to it.
You should have stopped drinking quite a while ago- probably back when Jeonghan told you to- probably before that, but by the time that you were standing on top of Joshua’s dining room table calling for him from all the way across the room, there wasn’t really much that you could do to stop yourself.
You watched as Jeonghan stared at you for the millionth time that night, his eyes watching you careful as you took a step forward, slipped on a lime that was left on the table, and fell to the ground.
You hit the floor with a thud, and you knew that it should hurt, but honestly you could barely feel a thing.
A laugh erupted from your lips and you reached up into the air blindly as you laughed.
“I fell.”
A hand took your outstretched one, helping you up onto your feet. You stumbled as you did, right into Jeonghan’s chest. He gave you a pressed look.
“You fell off a table,” he mumbled softly. You pouted a little bit, but you knew what Jeonghan was trying to say. You whined a little shaking your whole body out in protest. Jeonghan rolled his eyes in amusement at the expression on your face and he wandered up to you, his fingers landing on your shoulder.
“Come with me,” he said softly. “Let’s go home.”
This time you didn’t argue as Jeonghan’s hand slid down your arm, his fingers intertwining with yours. His fingers were tight against yours, but it wasn’t in any way that made you feel upset. No instead you let Jeonghan pull you through the people in the party, brushing past Joshua on your way out.
Your fingers wrapped around Joshua’s wrist without warning, pulling Jeonghan to a stop.
“Joshua,” you whined softly. “Jeonghan’s going to take me home now and he’s going to have sex with me.”
Jeonghan jumped at the accusation, and one glance at him proved that he was embarrassed by the color rising to his cheeks at your words.
“I am not going to do that,” he insisted. You giggled and slapped his chest.
“It’s okay, he knows now we aren’t hiding it anymore,” you replied back. Joshua made a disgusted face at you and pointed at you.
“You drank too much,” he stated. You laughed at him.
“No, I love having sex with Jeonghan, drunk or not,” you replied back. Jeonghan grunted and took you by your wrist again, pulling you with more determination.
“Let’s get you home.” Was all he said.
You didn’t remember much from walk home. You remembered stumbling over your feet as Jeonghan walked you, and you remembered whining and stopping near a fire hydrant, and getting scared by a barking dog, and then eventually Jeonghan picking you up and carrying you the rest of the way back to your place on his back while you played with his hair.
Once you got back to your place, he unlocked the door, taking you quietly to your room and setting you down gently in bed. You practically threw yourself into your blankets, happily cooing for Jeonghan to lay down with you as you wrestled around.
Jeonghan didn’t come to you, and he didn’t respond so you sat up to look at him.
“Jeonghan,” you whined. He looked back at you over his shoulder and sighed.
“Aren’t you tired?” He asked you, closing the distance between you two once again.
“Come on don’t you want to take advantage of me while you’re here?” You asked him teasingly. Jeonghan rolled his eyes as he pushed you down onto your bed, but you didn’t mind it much. You just sat back up and shrugged your shirt off of your shoulder, winking suggestively at Jeonghan.
You couldn’t imagine you were very seductive in your drunken mess of a state, but as soon as you did it, a hazy look glazed over Jeonghan’s expression, his mouth falling open ever so slightly.  You watched as he swallowed hard, his adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.
“D-Don’t,” he mumbled. You reached up to the top of your button-up and began to slide the top few button’s out of the buttonholes. Suddenly, your clumsy actions from before were fading away, and your hand was becoming just steady enough to coherently unbutton the shirt.
“Don’t what?” You asked coyly. He glanced away from you, but only stood there for a few moments before turning back around, his eyes trailing down to your breasts that were slowly coming into view from beneath your shirt. You smiled self-confidently. “That’s what I thought.”
That seemed to be enough to remind Jeonghan of the situation, he reached forward suddenly and took your wrists in his hands, giving you a look that only made you want to misbehave more.
“You need to sleep,” he insisted. You gave him an innocent look and shrugged your shoulders, assuring him with your eyes that you weren’t going to do anything more. He gave you a wary look but eventually he sighed and let go of your hand. “You promise if I leave, you’re going to be good?”
The smile on your face only made Jeonghan groan.
“How is it that you are a horny drunk?” He asked in complete and utter defeat. You giggled.
“I’m not a horny drunk.”
You took your shirt by the hem and pulled it off, throwing it aside without a second thought.
“I’m just always horny for you.”
You knew that Jeonghan would protest more so you undid your bra as quickly as you could, distracting Jeonghan with your breasts so that he wouldn’t protest as you shimmied out of your pants. Jeonghan’s mouth hung open, murmuring weak protests to your actions as you did, but it wasn’t anything firm enough that in moments you weren’t sitting before him, your legs spread for him to see everything.
“Come on Jeonghan, am I ever so good for you?” You asked him, a whine at the end of your voice. “You know I’m not. Don’t you want to take advantage of this?”
Jeonghan’s hands slid into his pants slowly, and you smiled as you watched him slide down his pants, bringing his cock to your attention.
“I’m warning you,” he mumbled. You practically jumped at his words, your whole-body buzzing.
“Please Jeonghan, I need you so much.”
“Then touch yourself,” he replied sharply. Your eyebrows shot up at the intensity of his words.
“Wh-What?” You asked. He snickered.
“You want to be obedient? Then spread your legs and touch yourself for me right now.”
You stared at him unwilling at first to comment on his words, wondering how serious he was. When he settled himself in your desk chair, his legs spread apart, and his fingers wrapped around the base of his cock, you decided that he truly did expect a show.
You swallowed your sudden rising nerves, noting to yourself that no matter how often you did it- you were always so shy to touch yourself for Jeonghan. You hesitantly pulled down your pants and spread your legs, so that he could see your bare pussy.
All he did was quirk an eyebrow.
Your face burned red as you spread your legs further for him, still not quite as wide as you could make it.
“Wider,” he said without hesitation. “Don’t make me ask again or I will have to just leave.”
This time you were quicker to oblige, spreading your legs out as far as they could go- not that the threat made you feel any less embarrassed.
“Jeonghan,” you hissed. “I want you to touch me.”
He didn’t acknowledge your words, instead he stood up and walked over to you- “Spit.” And then after you had spit in his hand, returned to where he had been before. He wrapped his fingers around his cock and began to give it long, slow strokes.
You watched in disappointment as your saliva covered the length of his cock, wondering why he was using his hand to get himself off when you were right there.
“Start playing with your clit,” he said softly, a small grunt falling from his lips as he spoke to you. You had a ball of frustration growing in your chest already at having Jeonghan so close but not utilizing that closeness to make you feel good- but you also had a ball of heat growing in your gut.
You could feel yourself burning under Jeonghan’s eyes and you could even feel the wetness gathering at your entrance and dripping between your pussy lips. You let out a soft whimper as your fingers brushed against your clit, your legs instinctively closing a little.
The look you received from Jeonghan back was nothing short of murderous. You quickly fixed your legs before he could say anything and began to rub your clit lightly beneath your fingers. For a while he was silent, just watching you as you played with yourself for him, his own hand pumps matching the pace of your circles.
Just as you were about to complain, Jeonghan rolled his head back and his fingers paused near the tip of his cock, his thumb swiping over the tip.
“Dip your fingers into your pussy,” he mumbled. “Want you to fuck yourself.”
“But-” you started to protest, a pout crossing your lips again. Jeonghan lazily looked back down at you, giving himself another stroke.
“Do you want to cum?” He asked. Your surprise was practically undeniable.
“Wh-what?” You asked him.
“If you want to cum,” he repeated. “You have to be good. Now fuck yourself for me.”
You lowered your fingers don’t to your cunt, hissing as they slid past your clit. You whined, biting down on your lip as you did so. The tips of your fingers were so cool against the heat of your core, and once again you hesitated in actually pushing a finger into yourself.
“How often do I have to watch you fuck yourself before you stop being so embarrassed by it?” Jeonghan slurred with a grin. You lowered your eyes in embarrassment at his words, but the reaction just made him laugh. “Better keep your eyes on me- Or you don’t know what will happen.”
Your eyes raised back to Jeonghan.
“Can I... Can I fuck myself with more than one finger?” you asked him, your legs shaking at the question. Jeonghan hummed, his eyes falling to the side as he pondered the question.
“Do you think that you really deserve it?” He asked you, eyebrows rising. Your lips quirked up and you wiggled your chest a little.
Despite the fact that it sounded like a question, Jeonghan let out a loud moan and his fingers tightened around his cock, making you practically salivate at the mouth. You wanted his cock so badly. You wanted to wrap your fingers around it and give it a tug yourself. You wanted to suck his tip into your mouth and taste the saltiness of his precum. You wanted to feel him get tired of waiting for you and tighten his grip on you and push you hard down on his cock so that you could feel it twitch against the back of your throat.
Before you got the permission, you pushed a second finger into your pussy and began to fuck yourself quickly on them. Your eyes focused in on Jeonghan who wasn’t even bothered by you fucking yourself without permission. Instead, he just let out a string of curses.
“God, you little whore, you want me to fuck you that badly?” He growled at you. “You want me so bad that you would fuck yourself that hard for me to watch?”
You nodded excitedly, quickening your pace as you fucked yourself on your fingers, feeling your wetness coating your fingers. You had almost never felt yourself so wet before- You couldn’t help but whine out loud, and such a noise was something you knew just drove Jeonghan crazy.
“F-fuck, I’m going to c-”
Before Jeonghan even finished you were cumming all over your hand. You threw your head back in pure ecstasy as you came, Jeonghan’s own groans as he too came, dragging out the pleasure that you were feeling.
You felt your walls tighten and loosen around your fingers until finally your orgasm had passed.
You fell back against the bed, fingers still buried deep in your pussy.
You laid there for a while, just feeling your chest rise and fall, but it only lasted for a few seconds. You felt warm fingers wrap around your wrist, pulling your fingers from your pussy. You whined at the loss of them and squirmed a little as you felt a warm cloth wipe off your fingers.
“Fuck me,” you grunted in annoyance. Jeonghan laughed softly at the pout in your voice.
“Not tonight, maybe after you get some sleep,” he replied. You sat up and furrowed your eyebrows at him but all he did in response was raise a large shirt in the air.
“Arms up.”
You complied with his orders, and he pulled the shirt down over your head. You opened your mouth to ask him to fuck you again, but before you could he just laid you down against your pillows and pulled your blanket up to your chin.
“Now go to sleep. I’ll be here in the morning.”
And then he wandered out of the room, flicking the light switch off as he left the room.
“Good morning angel!”
You felt a dull ach shoot through your head at Jeonghan’s words, and you sat straight up in bed, your fingers clutching at the strands of your hair in pain. Jeonghan’s response was simply to lightly laugh at you. You heard him wander over to you, setting something on your nightstand, his fingers threading themselves in your hair.
“Oh, are you a little hungover?”
The glare that you shot over at him could kill.
“There’s a reason I don’t drink that much,” you mumbled. “It’s not worth the pain.”
Jeonghan hummed at the pointed response and let his head fall to the side.
“Which begs the question- why did you drink so much yesterday?”
You should have expected the impending question, but something inside of you had sort of just expected... Or hoped really that Jeonghan wouldn’t bring such a thing up. After all, you didn’t really want to have to talk about why you had so much to drink. Or why you were acting so crazy and-
A shock of embarrassment shot through you, and you buried your face into your hands.
Had you really touched yourself like that in front of him just the night before? Begging him to fuck you?
It felt like something of nightmares to think of it now.
“And why didn’t you fuck me yesterday?” You asked him, instead of answering the question. He gave you a suspicious look but shrugged.
“You were drunk,” he replied as if it were obvious. You rolled your eyes.
“I still wanted to fuck you,” you murmured. He shrugged, a small smirk crossing his lips.
“But wasn’t the show a lot more fun?” He asked you. As he spoke, he grew closer to you, his lips brushing against the cartilage on your ear. You swallowed hard and let yourself shy away from him. Jeonghan didn’t mind that however, and rose his hand to your cheek, turning you to face his direction once again.
Once he had caught your eyes, he gave you a sweet smile and pressed his lips to your warm cheeks.
“Now... Why was it that you drank so much yesterday?” You sighed, realizing now that there was no point in you continuing to try and hide why you had been so anxious recently. Your eyes turned down and you shrugged.
“I’ve been... Thinking recently.” Jeonghan snorted.
“That’s never good.”
You ignored the interruption.
“Well... Joshua reminded me that I have no idea what we are going to be doing for the break-”
“That’s what you are worried about?” Jeonghan asked. You smiled nervously, nodding your head once. The reaction that you received next was completely unexpected.
Jeonghan grabbed you by your wrist and flipped you over in your bed, pushing you down hard into the covers. You let out a yelp at the sudden action, but before you could ask him what he was doing, he pushed his fingers into your mouth.
You whined around his fingers but sucked them obediently into your mouth. Taking your time to tease both digits with your tongue. Jeonghan grinned down at you at that.
“Do you remember how completely desperate you were last night? How badly you wanted to be touched by me, and fucked by me?”
He pulled his wet fingers from your mouth, and without warning slipped them into your pussy. You gasped out in surprise, your head falling onto Jeonghan’s shoulder.
“The thing is Jeonghan. I’m always that desperate for you. I-I just keep it to myself better when I’m not drunk.”
That response made Jeonghan shove his fingers hard and deep inside of you, picking up the pace as he fucked you relentlessly with his fingers. He wasn’t normally this quick to fuck you, but you assumed that because he didn’t get to really touch you at all last night, he was eager to get to it today.
“And that is why you don’t need to worry so much about me leaving you this break. We’ll see each other plenty- I'll make sure of it.”
He pushed his fingers sharply into you and you cried out.
“And you want to know why?”
You weakly raised your head to look at Jeonghan, your eyes meeting his as a desperate, fucked out expression covered your facial features.
“Because I am crazy about you,” he replied pointedly. “And I don’t want to waste a second that we have together.”
Jeonghan pulled his fingers from you and raised them to your lips, spreading your salty liquid across your lips. You whined and your tongue darted out of your mouth to taste yourself for Jeonghan. He smiled gently at the action and sucked the rest of his fingers into his mouth.
“Oh darling-”
He reached down, pushing your legs apart as he got down onto the floor between them. He whistled when he saw your pussy, experimentally pushing a finger into you. You moaned at that and wiggled under his touch, but that just made him tighten his grip on you.
He leaned closer to you, his eyes watching carefully as he used to of his fingers to spread your pussy lips for him.
“A sight that I will never get bored of seeing,” he stated contently.
He leaned forward, his tongue darting out of your mouth and licking a strip between your folds, slowly making his ways from your leaking hole up to your clit. Once the tip of his tongue touched your clit, it sent a large shiver through your body- but that didn’t deter him. He raised his hand to your pelvis, pressing your firmly against the bed.
Then, his tongue flattened itself over your clit. You whined at the feeling of his warm tongue as he began to flick his tongue against your clit over and over again- each flick sending a wave of pleasure through your body.
Maybe you were just sensitive from your hangover- which conveniently wasn’t bothering you so much anymore- or you were just really turned on by Jeonghan’s touch, but it only took a little bit before you felt yourself growing close to an orgasm.
“J-Jeonghan,” you bit out, as he dipped the tip of his finger back into your pussy. He paused, what he had been doing, his finger knuckle deep inside of you to look up at you, a lazy smile on his lips.
“Yes darling?”
“I don’t want to cum from your-”
He shoved his finger deep inside of you, cutting yourself off with a loud yelp. You shot him a glare, but he just stared back at you innocently, as if he had done nothing at all.
“Fingers,” you finished after you had caught your breath. “Please, please sir. Just fuck me.”
Jeonghan didn’t seem to need any more convincing. Instead, he got to his feet, dropping his pants. He grabbed you by the wrist and practically threw you over the bed. You didn’t have to be told as you scrambled to your hands and knees, pushing your ass up in the air as you patiently waited for Jeonghan to come over and fuck you.
You didn’t have to wait long.
Jeonghan’s fingers dug into your thighs and he lined himself up with your wet pussy: “You ready for this you slut?” And then, he slid his cock into you.
There was something about having Jeonghan’s cock in you that just never grew old. You felt yourself moan as Jeonghan’s hand snaked its way down to your neck, giving you a small choke as he began to set a slow, but sharp pace of fucking you.
Even after all this time, it gave his other hand the purchase to wander your body- as if he was trying to get to know your each and every curve. He leaned forward briefly, his lips kissing you across your shoulder blades.
It was a little bit sweeter than you were used to from him. Not that you were complaining when no matter how fast he fucked you his cock always buried itself so deeply into your body that it made your toes curl against the bed's sheets.
You whined- which only made Jeonghan tighten his grip around your neck, making you choke a little. You felt your head get a little dizzy- just for a moment- before Jeonghan once again loosened his grip and kissed your back.
You heard a phone start to ring, and you glanced over, surprised to find it just lying there on the bed. Under any normal circumstance you would have just left it- but Jeonghan reached forward, pulling your hair back.
“Who is calling you?”
You almost came from the tone of his voice alone- but somehow you were able to keep it together enough to swallow hard and glance at the caller ID.
“It’s-” you grunted. “Joshua.”
“Answer it.”
Your head fell forward as he released your hair, so he wasn’t able to see the expression on your face at the command, but that didn’t stop yourself from letting your face drop in surprise.
“Either safe word, or answer it,” Jeonghan replied, giving you a short slap on the ass. “Don’t play around.”
You bit down on your bottom lip, and before you could really think through your decision, you grabbed your phone and slid it unlocked. You cleared your throat a little as you picked up and tried not to make too much noise as Jeonghan pulled you up from behind so that you were closer to his chest.
“Joshua!” Your voice wavered just slightly as you spoke, but nothing that you believed to be too suspicious. “Why are you calling me so early?” “You say it’s early, but you sound like you’re plenty awake,” Joshua laughed. “I just thought I would check up on you. Since you drank so much at the party. Jeonghan get you home okay?” Jeonghan reached over as Joshua spoke, his fingers flicking across your nipple. You just barely bit back a moan, making it sound a bit like a grunt as it left your mouth. Your heart skipped a beat.
“Yeah, my head just hurts a bit,” you said back. “Anyways thanks for-”
Before you could end the call, Joshua continued.
“You sure you don’t want me to come over? You know how bad your headaches can be,” he said gently. “I’ll bring your favorite.”
The more that Joshua spoke, and the harder you tried to keep the fact that you were being fucked a secret, the more you clenched around Jeonghan’s cock. The more that you did that, the tighter his fingers pinched your tits, and the harder he snapped his hips against you.
And the harder that he fucked you, the more and more desperate you became to hang up this phone call.
“No!” You yelped. Your face grew red. “I-I mean that’s okay. I’ll be fine. I sh-should just rest some more.”
The more you spoke the harder it became to hide. Jeonghan pushed you back forward and he began to really snap his hips into you. You were amazed that Joshua didn’t hear that alone.
“Are you sure that you’re okay? You sound a little strained...?”
“I-I’m fine, really ju-just-” And then Jeonghan buried his cock deep inside of your pussy. The first spurt of cum, unexpectedly squirted into you was all it took for you to fall forward, completely losing your composure. You gripped at the blankets on the bed, moaning loudly as you came around Jeonghan’s cock.
As you did so, Jeonghan just reached forward, fucking you almost impossibly hard as he whispered: “Now you’re really in trouble- letting Joshua listening to you cum like the whore you truly are.”
You gasped but couldn’t really find the ability to get yourself to form any coherent thoughts until your orgasm had entirely passed. And when it did do that, and you were finally able to breathe again, you scrambled for your phone.
“Joshua- I’m-”
“Were you fucking Jeonghan and you answered the phone? Did he put you up to this? You two are disgusting.”
And before you could get in another word, the line went dead.
You sighed and let your head fall into the blankets again, breathing out in relief when Jeonghan finally slipped his cock out of you, leaving your pussy to drip his cum.
“He’s never going to talk to me again,” you mumbled in disbelief. Jeonghan laughed, his hand patting your pussy contently.
“Yes, he will. Now get cleaned up and I’ll have some breakfast ready for you- okay?”
You rolled over and pouted, catching Jeonghan’s gaze as you spread your legs out wide for him to see. As you expected, the movement caused him to lower down to your pussy once again.
“Or... You could always have breakfast in bed?” You offered, a sly smirk covering your lips. He snickered at that, shaking his head in disbelief.
“How could I have ever hated you?”
And sunk back down to his knees.
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argyrocratie · 3 years
The boys of the scholarship class were not all treated alike. If a boy were the son of rich parents to whom the saving of fees was not all-important, Sambo would goad him along in a comparatively fatherly way, with jokes and digs in the ribs and perhaps an occasional tap with the pencil, but no hair-pulling and no caning. It was the poor but ‘clever’ boys who suffered. Our brains were a gold-mine in which he had sunk money, and the dividends must be squeezed out of us. Long before I had grasped the nature of my financial relationship with Sambo, I had been made to understand that I was not on the same footing as most of the other boys. In effect there were three castes in the school. There was the minority with an aristocratic or millionaire background, there were the children of the ordinary suburban rich, who made up the bulk of the school, and there were a few underlings like myself, the sons of clergyman, Indian civil servants, struggling widows and the like.
These poorer ones were discouraged from going in for ‘extras’ such as shooting and carpentry, and were humiliated over clothes and petty possessions. I never, for instance, succeeded in getting a cricket bat of my own, because ‘Your parents wouldn't be able to afford it’. This phrase pursued me throughout my schooldays. At St Cyprian's we were not allowed to keep the money we brought back with us, but had to ‘give it in’ on the first day of term, and then from time to time were allowed to spend it under supervision. I and similarly-placed boys were always choked off from buying expensive toys like model aeroplanes, even if the necessary money stood to our credit. Flip, in particular, seemed to aim consciously at inculcating a humble outlook in the poorer boys. ‘Do you think that's the sort of thing a boy like you should buy?’ I remember her saying to somebody — and she said this in front of the whole school: ‘You know you're not going to grow up with money, don't you? Your people aren't rich. You must learn to be sensible. Don't get above yourself!’
There was also the weekly pocket-money, which we took out in sweets, dispensed by Flip from a large table. The millionaires had a sixpence a week, but the normal sum was threepence. I and one or two others were only allowed twopence. My parents had not given instructions to this effect, and the saving of a penny a week could not conceivably have made any difference to them: it was a mark of status. Worse yet was the detail of the birthday cakes. It was usual for each boy, on his birthday, to have a large iced cake with candles, which was shared out at tea between the whole school. It was provided as a matter of routine and went on his parents’ bill. I never had such a cake, though my parents would have paid for it readily enough. Year after year, never daring to ask, I would miserably hope that his year a cake would appear. Once or twice I even rashly pretended to my companions that this time I was going to have a cake. Then came tea-time, and no cake, which did not make me more popular.
- George Orwell, “Such, Such Were The Joys”  (1947)
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kaileeandag · 2 years
Items in Michiko’s Collection
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Meet Outfit (green dress with daisy decal, blue and tan sandals) Meet Accessories (pretend bag of cheese flavored Curl snck, pretend 1,000 yen bill, and Holly Hobbie girls purse with matching wallet)
School Collection: -Michiko’s School Uniform (short sleeve white blouse, blue gold plaid two tab skort, white socks and black mary jane shoes) -Michiko’s Backpack and Supplies (black Caribou Cricket backpack containing a 5th grade social studies book, a 5th grade language arts book, a notebook, two pencils, and pink pen. Items come in a Holly Hobbie pencil case) -Michiko’s School Lunch (Snow White lunchbox, contains these pretend food items: peanut butter sandwich, bag of Cheese Tidbit crackers, and a carton of chocolate milk)
Holiday Collection: -Michiko’s Christmas Recital Outfit (red and gold dress with black tights and red mary jane shoes) -Michiko’s Sears 1975 Christmas Catalog (doll sized version of the actual catalog that came out for the 1975 Christmas season) -Holly Hobbie Tote Bag (gift from her teacher Ms. Tanguay, to keep her reading books in) -Michiko’s Christmas Breakfast (all items are pretend: stack of two pancakes and butter, two strips of bacon, hash brown potatoes, Pillsbury biscuit with butter, and cup of orange juice) -Michiko’s Winnie The Pooh stuffed animal -Michiko’s Growing Up Skipper doll -Michiko’s U.S. Olympic Wardrobe Barbie doll (comes with a swimsuit, a ski suit, and a skating outfit) -Michiko’s SunSet Malibu Barbie doll
Holiday Collection (part 2): -Betty Crocker Cook Book (1975 edition) -Michiko’s Record Set (plays 30 second samples of these songs: Only Women Bleed by Alice Cooper, Seasons of Wither by Aerosmith, We’re an American Band by Grand Funk Railroad, I Wanna Be With You by Raspberries, and All Right Now by Free) -Alice Cooper Welcome to My Nightmare record (does not function) -Frog and Toad Are Friends and Frog and Toad Are Together books (to help her improve on her English skills) -Barbie doll kimono (made by her sister Hanako, given to her on Christmas Eve) -Walt Disney’s Story Land book
Birthday Collection: -Michiko’s Birthday Outfit (light yellow shirt, blue bell bottom jeans, white socks and sneakers) -Michiko’s Birthday Cake (pretend vanilla chocolate frosted cake with two ‘1′ candles) -Michiko’s Birthday Supplies (table with pink table cover, three pink balloons, banner reading ‘Happy 11th Birthday’, and two blue balloons) -Mystery Date board game -Michiko’s Kitten Hime (name means Princess, is a black kitten and comes with a blue circular pet bed)
Summer Collection: -Michiko’s Bicentennial Shirt (white shirt with American flag and ‘76 decal. Can be combined with the bell bottoms from her birthday outfit) -Michiko’s Slushie (pretend grape flavored Slush Puppy)
Winter Collection: -Michiko’s Coat and Boots (orange coat, black boots) -Michiko’s Hat and Mittens (pink hat and mittens) -Michiko’s Sled (red sled)
Bedroom Collection: -Michiko’s Pajamas (light blue silk pajamas) -Michiko’s Nightgown (light blue cotton nightgown) -Entertainment Center -Michiko’s TV (does not function, has screenshots from these shows: Good Times, Sanford and Son, Sesame Street, All In The Family, and Scooby Doo) -Michiko’s Record Player and Radio (functions as both as a record player and a radio) -Michiko’s Bed and Bedding (twin bed with Raggedy Ann and Andy bedding) -Michiko’s Mickey Mouse Bean Bag -Michiko’s Magazine Rack and Magazines (comes with doll sized issues of these magazines: Non-no, Seventeen Japan, Soen, and Junon) -Michiko’s Candies records (doll sized versions of these records:  Anata ni Muchū ~Uchiki na Candies~, Abunai Doyōbi ~Candies no Sekai~, Namida no Kisetsu, and Toshishita no Otokonoko) (each record plays 30 second samples of the title tracks)
Extra Items: -Michiko’s Manga Collections (contains doll sized versions of these manga: GeGeGe no Kitarō vol. 1, Doraemon vol. 1, Lupin III vol. 1, and Orochi vol. 1) -Michiko’s Sketchbook (contains sketches of these characters: Lupin III, Kitaro from  GeGeGe no Kitarō, Tetsujin-28 from Tetsujin 28-go, Devilman from Devilman, Sally from Sally The Witch, Sazae from Sazae-san, the Osomatsu brothers from Osomatsu-kun, Ultraman Leo from Ultraman Leo, and Kamen Rider Amazon from Kamen Rider Amazon) (in America, Tetsujin 28-go is known as Gigantor) -Michiko’s Japanese Literature books (comes with doll sized versions of these books: The Setting Sun by Osamu Dazai, The Spider’s Thread by Ry��nosuke Akutagawa, The Boy Detectives Club by Ranpo Edogawa, and Arishi Hi no Uta by Chūya Nakahara) -Michiko’s Japanese dolls (comes with these dolls, all are Japanese only: Skipper Japan, Midge Japan, Twist n Turn Barbie #2624, and The Sun Set Malibu Skipper) (the Skipper Japan doll has different eyes while the Midge Japan doll has a different head and eyes. The Sun Set Malibu Skipper has a different hair color. The Twist n’ Turn Barbie is wearing a pink and black fleece shirt and black skirt)
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