#cricut christmas shirt ideas
divisionten · 2 years
Artemis Fowl Escape Room
Note: this was originally posted to Kotaku, but a number of my old articles there were destroyed after they purged whole sections of the site.
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I’ve been very good friends with one of my former classmates for almost 20 years. He’s a massive Artemis Fowl fan (as am I, though I didn’t grow up with it like he did) so, when I found a signed copy of the book for his Christmas gift, I knew I couldn’t just give it to him. He’d have to be Artemis... and steal it.
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NOTE: I paid for it. Please don’t steal books, and support your favorite artists. :D
Not just steal it, steal it from his own past self. Artemis Fowl follows the Doctor Who school of wibbly wobbly timey wimey... stuff.
First and foremost, I had just over a week to figure out
a) my budget and
b) how the puzzles would flow from one to another
Budget wise, I wanted to spend less than $50, which meant I needed to get creative with props. I own a Cricut, so I could make some very professional looking custom textiles, stickers and cards/paper items, and had a massive amount of sticker vinyl already on hand. I work for an electronics company, and do hobbyist Arduino, so I also already have lots of wire, batteries, some modules, and a few completed robots I could cannibalize. Lastly, I also have a large stock of cosplay items (wigs, costumes, fabric, foam) lying around. I know most people wouldn’t have this on hand, but if you’re planning on making an escape room, look at what YOU already have. Maybe you have power tools, or maybe you’re good at designing quick websites. You probably also have more than eight days to come up with an entire escape room game too, but the idea came to me AFTER I found his gift.
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Lower Elements Police shirts for my friend’s wife, my friend, and myself of Wing Commander Vinyáya, Extremely Irritating Human Fowl, and Captain Short. Materials cost for all three was between $15 and $25- I have leftover heat vinyl i can use on another project, and a cool new shirt for myself to boot.
As far as things that lock, all I have is a locking mailbox, and a small key locker (like the kind used by some AirBnB to store a key outside a house). None of the doors within my house lock. So, I knew I’d definitely use the mailbox and key locker SOMEHOW, but I also needed something big and safe enough to hold the book.
Like... a safe. I bought an extremely cheap one on Amazon for $12.
I also spent another $8 on some concentric stacking boxes to start the hunt.
From there, my puzzle flow began writing itself. “Artemis” would need to do two things-
Find the location of the safe.
Discover the safe combo.
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I’m already building a full jumpsuit out of scuba neoprene and copious amounts of cursing, but for now, this’ll do. Also, yes, I’m aware I wrote it in English and not Gnomish. Sue me.
Since things tend to go in threes, I split the puzzles into three quest lines, and started filling in the blanks with puzzles.
Lastly, to sweeten the deal, I decided to raid my cosplay drawers (and my heat transfer materials) to make an EXTREMELY low budget Holly Short cosplay (homemade shirt for me, plus my Kino goggles, Elena Fisher thigh pouch, my exercise armband, 13th doctor boots, Dipper/Hiccup wig, and some cheap elf ears), plus shirts for my friend and his wife, above.
The last thing I did was convince another very close friend (and actor) to call in as tactical support (aka the escape room hint helpline) as the Artemis Fowl books’ equivalent of Q, a very condescending centaur named Foaly. I sent him the full set of puzzles I’d written with solutions (and changed his name in my caller ID), so he could berate “Artemis” and offer hints or solutions should my friend get stuck.
START OF THE HUNT: Open concentric boxes, and get scolded by Artemis Fowl
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I set up three boxes, each smaller than the other, with 3 codes (Gnomish, Centurian, and the Eternity Code) on the inside lid of of each box, nested in each other and wrapped.
The smallest box contains only an invitation to begin the game.
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-To Myself:
It has come to my attention that there may be an issue. If you’ve gotten this, that means you’ve lost your memory- and, by extension, MY memory.
For safekeeping of my own mind, I’ve taken great pains to hide pieces of my own memories with friends and various acquaintances. Do yourself a favor and find the original document the People wrote on me those years ago. You’ll know it when you see it.
I hope.
You’re me, which means you’re too smart for me to wish you good luck. Just go and find the high school bags of three of our former friends. They should point you in the right direction.
- A. Fowl Jr.
There’s also a sheet of instructions.
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I hope this finds you in good health. I’m worried. I’ve had my mind wiped before, and it probably will again in the future. I don’t think you’ll be the ones who do it- you learned last time I’m a bit too smart for you.
In case someone more... unsavory, like that maniac pixie does something to me, I leave instructions on how to help jog my memory.
· In the residence with the People’s files, I’ll leave two clue trials. There will be three clues leading to the location of the People’s file. These will be tied with gold ribbon. And three more, with green, on the actual combination to said safe. Only I will be smart enough to put that information together, and I’ll need all six total to have enough to remember both the location and combination.
· Foaly and you will be indispensable. Please help where you can.
· If a door is closed or locked, unless a clue I’ve left behind specifically says to open it, it can stay closed. The same can be said for drawers and closets. You know me. I don’t like getting my hands dirty more than necessary.
· On that note, if a clue requires any sort of brute force, it’s wrong. I can’t assume Butler will be there to assist. You have my express permission to smack me upside the head of this and remind me I’m a planner; physical activity is hardly my strength.
· I may have seeded the internet (very well, I HAVE seeded it) with my own history lest I forget something like Butler’s first name or other personal information. Remind me to look up things online should I need to be reminded of family history.
· Everything needed to get my memory back is located on-site, but it may not all be indoors.
Thank you, Holly. I trust you to hold this until needed. I only hope that day never comes.
A.F. ii
The next three quests could be done in any order, and involve searching three bags I use for cosplay. I picked characters my friend was familiar with, so, while I do own a really nice Kaede backpack from Danganronpa v3, I didn’t use it, as my friend has only played the first game.
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PERSONA 5 QUESTLINE: First combo lock clue/safe clue
The FIRST of THREE clues to the safe and lock starts with searching JOKER’s bag. A note from the Phantom Thieves is contained within, with the following text:
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Hey, Dullahan (still your code name, right? Skull mentioned you might have had a change of heart). Been a while. You asked us to steal your heart for safekeeping, so we did. We only took a piece, though, so just follow the trail and you’ll be just fine; check the pillowcases; Mona’s always whining I need more sleep. Oh yeah, the first piece of it is in the Recon officer’s hands. Maybe they’re willing to TRADE for it? You might want to POKE them about it. Gotta GO- we’ve got more work to do. Sakurai invited me to some kind of tournament. -Joker
Trade Pokémon in Pokemon Go
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I have a Pokémon to trade, an Unown. It’s an X, named MarksTheSpot.
Crack Joker’s cipher
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Inside the pillowcase is a dossier, with a puzzle:
xM fW qF xO zJ kO xN cC lR jK xA gR xC xA gH oO eE xS xE rF wV xD oR eE fR oO xT fV eE xH oO rF jG xE tB kE iN oW xH aA xO oM kK oO xU gU oD oR xS qA aV oF nE xE tT oR xW uG oD wE xA nU wE rD nU cC xY nE oF xT fV xO wI kE rD xO jE xE kR fV iN xA oT iF rT xS nV rS xY aE nE oE iF nE xT nG mE oW xO uN eD jR uT xL kX hT nB xO eE qA xO nN jU xT nR kE xW cX bB oS cD nE eF xH sV dE xO eB bR xM jW qN dE kX vY xA iW bE xK dD wB jE xE iW oW xS eW aH cR iF xT lE xH dS lW nO iS xE fF xI jE kR xR yY uR fG xH nE rR xA xL uB uG oK pQ bR xL xM jE bR xA sI aQ zX xS sS bJ iR yG xT wI bU qR xE uD kR xR xL aY zU iJ vR rH xO aN eT xC gW cO lW qI xK rD uG xK kE rD xE oN nF oL wC xY uH uE oG xC qE xO jR fF xM rU gG oN xB wN oF xO oB qJ yB xT iX eQ kW sO sS hE iS xH oK lE xR kR iE fF xE wR qI uH xE iD fS xZ mU sT yE xE uV hY xR jR kN xO gO aN dQ nE xE rD aD xS iG zZ oW nT sS iE xA rR kR xN dR oO xD yX fR oO xA wE oF nU vR xO sE vR xN kR kZ xE
Finding only the letters with an X before them [X “MarksTheSpot”, remember?] leaves:
Mona cased the house. Way too easy to loot. Who makes their hall masterlock key combo three zeroes and a one?
The Hall Keypad
Putting 0001 into the hall keypad will slide open a small lock containing a key to the mailbox outside as well as a folded-up paper.
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First Safe Combo Clue (in Gnomish):
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The paper contains the following
The Mailbox
The mailbox contains the first safe location clue:
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Joker’s puzzle line has been completed.
DANGANRONPA QUESTLINE: Second combo lock clue/safe clue
The SECOND of THREE clues to the safe and lock starts with searching MAKOTO’s bag. A note from him is contained within, with the following text:
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“Deactivate” Monokuma
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I’m not that easy to get rid of, kiddo. You n’ me. One round. Who’s a better liar, do you think? I want to know… All About You.
A homemade plush Monokuma is in the bag (who also opens his mouth and talks, when squeezed), unzipping the rear compartment is a piece of paper punctured with a You Don’t Know Jack pin and the above message.
The Mysterious Fourth Player
There’s a Jackbox pin attached to the note, signaling to play the Jackbox game All About You.
The three of us log in, and it won’t be streamed on twitch. But a fourth player joins, named MONOKUMA (it’s my friend who is playing Foaly, as I discreetly gave him the room code). He answers as normal (or like Monokuma might), but when it comes to the one-truth-one-lie section he lists the following:
Truth: An alien left you a snack in the fridge.
Lie: Artemis will never regain his memory.
This will lead “Artemis” to search the refrigerator, where a Tardis confection will be waiting.
The Doctor’s Orders
Breaking open the candy TARDIS will have a hastily scrawled note by the Doctor.
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I’ve done lots of travel in my day… lots. Grab my screwdriver off the bookshelf (the OLDER one), and go find my old friend Ford’s journal. I know it’s still there. And check out the inside of the back. It’s exposure to the Chameleon Circuit should translate language, but it won’t crack codes in your own. One’s translated then, and the other… well you wrote that code, so good luck.
Using the 10th doctor’s sonic screwdriver on the last page of Gravity Falls’ Journal 3 (two references my friend IMMEDIATELY groked) will reveal a black light message:
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The Eternity Code
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The Eternity Code (written by Artemis in the third novel) is blocks of lines to make letters. If its too hard to read with the sonic/invisible ink, “Artemis” can peel off the tape and find a printout underneath, which may be a little easier to navigate.
And folded up with it is an “old newsprint article”
Root’s Obituary
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Today, thousands gathered to witness Commander Root’s recycling ceremony. The man, a maverick who knew exactly how to take risks, was well known for clanking through Police Plaza hallways, barking orders, louder than a crack of dynamite. From a humble beginning in Haven’s western suburbia all the way to L. E. P. chief commander, the man never did anything halfway, and has been put to rest, having taken in an incredibly lengthy list of most wanted criminals.
He will be sorely missed.
(The bolded words are all board games on my living room shelf rack).
Makoto’s puzzle line has been completed.
RATCHET AND CLANK QUESTLINE: Third combo lock clue/safe clue
The THIRD of THREE clues to the safe and lock starts with searching RATCHET’S bag. A note from him is contained within, with the following text:
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Not much I can do from another galaxy, but Clank hacked your computer and left you a fairy hologram, you’ll need some infrared goggles to read it. There’s also some weird folder on your desktop, might be worth a look.
Sorry pal, but you’re on your own this time.
This will lead “Artemis” to check the computer.
Hacking Back
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Two users on the computer, myself and... Artemis. There’s some notes taped to the monitor that might help.
“Give it up, Foaly. I know you know my password.” and “you can always click the hint, but it’s the family motto...”
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The hint lists “Gold is Power”, and the password is Aurum Est Postas, the Fowl family motto and Artemis’s own computer password (until he later changes it to Centaur in Book 6).
There’s only two things of note when logging in as Artemis, and they lead into finding the final combo lock clue and safe location clue.
For Emergency Use Only
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Not-so hidden among the wafers, wire, magnifying lenses, and sensors is a pair of ‘infrared’ goggles (Also other than the ‘infrared’ goggles, the rest of the items are all real tech, plus my magnification ring, as I’m legally blind and loathe to carry a larger magnifying glass)
The Final Safe Code Clue
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Wearing the goggles, ‘Artemis’ will now be able to read the image, which is in Centurian.
The Mysterious Computer Folder
There was something else Ratchet said was on the computer, wasn’t there?
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Leads on Finding..../the Safe seems a good place to start.
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Opening the folder is five photographs of people in nón lá (leaf hat), otherwise known as Vietnamese conical straw hats.
I did a semester abroad in Sapa, Vietnam, so not only did I take the photos, I also just so happen to have my own nón lá hanging up in my bedroom (I lost my baseball cap the first week I moved there, and my host mother insisted I get one to protect myself from the sun).
If you’re at all familiar, the Artemis Fowl series begins with Artemis tracking down a fairy begging on the streets of Ho Chi Minh city, so the hat’s my little nod to that.
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Searching the hat leads to a simple note...
Face where Man acquires sustenance and it is sinister.
Face where Fairy acquires sustenance and it is right.
It’s wrapped in a gold bow, like the other two safe location clues.
Ratchet’s (and Foaly’s :D) puzzle line has been completed.
All minor puzzles are complete; it’s now time to find and open the safe..
Clue one tells you its on the bottom rack.
Clue two tells you a bunch of board games.
And clue three says its on the left (sinister) when looking at where humans get food, or on the right on where fairies get food.
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Its inside that rightmost cube on the bottom, since we are facing the backyard from this view, with the kitchen behind.
From here, we know the third digit must be even, as it’s the largest number. The dials only go from 0-9, so the third digit must be 2,4,6, or 8. The numbers must add to ten, with no duplicates, so the third number cannot be 8. It also can’t be 2 (1,1,2 is invalid).
So the third number must be 4 or 6.
But even the next largest numbers (2 and 3) only add to 9 with 4. (2, 3,4) so 4 cannot be the final digit.
The last digit must be 6.
If 6 is the last digit, the other two numbers must add to 4 to make 10. There are only two valid combinations to make this possible (without violating the no duplicate rule)
The combo is either 0, 4, 6
1, 3, 6
(the combo is 1, 3, 6).
With this information, Artemis can find and open the safe.
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When he does, a folded note saying STOP! is inside. It contains the following.
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You’ve come quite close, me, congratulations are in order.
But there is one final test for you, my old friend. Through these trials, you might have jogged a hair of your-my-OUR memory. I hope you have, because if you’ve done this wrong, this box is set to blow.
Under your old L.E.P. contractor’s shirt are two identically sized items. One of them is the files the People wrote on you so many years ago. The other… is a block of C4. Don’t bother pulling at them, but touch the spines all you like so long as you don’t yank it out. They’re designed to be identical, but only one is meant for you.
Foaly, Captain Short, and Wing Commander Vinyáya can’t help you here.
Think on it, and, when you’re sure you know the answer, pull it out and rip it open.
Diffuse the Safe Bomb
I’ll wait.
Last chance to try and figure this one out yourself.
Good? Good.
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And here is where I pull an Artemis Fowl myself, and I play the biggest con-slash-bluff of the hunt.
There are two books inside, both wrapped, with wires coming out of the paper (they don’t actually lead anywhere). No matter which one “Artemis” takes, there is a signed copy of Artemis Fowl inside (the other copy is mine), plus the home-made shirt. Neither “Foaly” nor I will help him; he’s welcome to hem and haw at his old clues all he wishes. It’s entirely up to his gut on this one. There is no wrong answer.
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Merry Christmas, old friend.
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fanpixers · 9 days
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Christmas Tree SVG PNG
This Christmas Tree SVG and PNG is the perfect addition to any holiday craft project. Ideal for making t-shirts, stickers, vinyl decals, ornaments, and tattoos, it works flawlessly with Cricut, Silhouette, and other cutting machines. You can also use this design for creating festive holiday cards, wrapping paper, or even holiday decor. The Christmas tree silhouette is versatile and timeless, perfect for adding a touch of holiday spirit to mugs, coloring books, or any DIY project. Whether you're preparing for the Christmas season or crafting gifts, this holiday-themed cut file ensures that your designs stand out. Perfect for winter projects, Christmas decorations, and creative DIY ideas, this design is ready to download and bring joy to your creations!
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cricutmachinedesign · 5 months
9 Unique Vinyl Cricut Projects to Make in 2024
Are you searching for some vinyl Cricut projects? Chillax, I’ve got your back! From the beginning, I have created many crafts using my Cricut machine and vinyl material. Working with these two is always my first choice, and I love making all sorts of DIY projects. As an expert in them, I also prefer to teach aspiring crafters who choose to craft for their long-term careers.
Till now, I have taught my cousin, brother, and one of my friend’s daughters. And you won’t be. She is just 12, and she knows how to use Cricut. This means crafting with Cricut is a cakewalk. Anyone with a little bit of guidance can do much better. In this blog, I will show you the 9 amazing craft ideas so that you can create Cricut projects with vinyl in no time. Let’s get started now!
1. Coffee Mug
If you are looking for vinyl Cricut projects for your friends and family, you must try this personalized coffee mug, which can be easily created using iron-on vinyl. This mug looks really great when created by Cricut. However, you will need one more tool, which is the Cricut Mug Press. So what are you waiting for? Get a Cricut Mug Press today and gift someone you love the most!
2. T-shirt
It’s time to wear something personalized or give someone who loves wearing a casual t-shirt a gift. I made this for my birthday as her birthday gift. See how beautiful it looks😍. I used glitter black and golden vinyl, and then I created this design as suggested by my daughter. She first drew it on a piece of paper and asked me to add this design to her new blank t-shirt. And after a long process, this is what I have done! So, here is one more project idea for your vinyl Cricut projects.
3. Wooden Book Crate
A wooden book box can be the perfect gift for children as they can arrange all their old or new books in it. Although I made it as a Christmas gift, and it is an older one, I wanted to show it to you to give you an idea. If you are amazed by this crafting idea, give it a shot today and let your children see your creativity.
4. Hand Bag
If you want vinyl Cricut bookworm projects, try this book bag. This book and stuff tote bag can have a beautiful vinyl design, giving it an enticing look that nobody can ignore. Whether you want to carry something heavy or light, the bag always gives you an ecstatic feeling, especially for a book lover. So, what are you waiting for? It’s never too late to start something new.
5. Wall Decals
Wall decals can be really exciting and fun vinyl Cricut projects for someone who wants to decorate their home. They can also be used as a gift for a loved one by decorating your loved one’s room wall. Easily brighten up your space by adding such beautiful wallpaper to your wall. Whether you want text-based wallpaper or floral, you can try all of these with Cricut vinyl.
6. Coasters
Have you ever tried HTV vinyl on cork? Never? Don’t worry; it will look superbly cute when you end up creating it for the first time. So, I made these few coasters using cork and vinyl. And you can see the look, don’t you feel ecstatic after seeing them? They are my favorite and the first coasters I tried with Cricut.
7. Laptop Decals
When you have Cricut, don’t miss a chance to try a decal for your laptop. Yes, it is a great idea because, as a crafter, you will need to use the laptop more frequently. Since your laptop is your better companion during crafting, let’s make something exciting for it. The design is easy to find on Cricut’s official site. Go and give it a shot today!
8. Backpacks
Almost every child carries a backpack for school or when they hang out with friends. Whatever! If you want someone with a personalized or custom bag, you can try something with vinyl. These vinyl Cricut projects can be a superb, exciting craft and give you an ecstatic feeling wherever you carry them. Let’s start making them today and show the world your artistic ideas!
9. Yoga Mat
Self-care is so important these days. Hence, many people are changing their lifestyles and trying to improve them. Yoga is one of them, and it can transform anyone’s life in the long run. However, yoga-doers need yoga mats, and it’d be best to customize them using your Cricut and vinyl. Whether you have a Cricut Maker or Explore machine, every machine is capable of cutting the vinyl intricately.
Question 1: What vinyl Cricut projects should I try for gifts?
Answer: Many Cricut projects can be made using vinyl materials, and they are easy to create with a Cricut cutting machine. Moreover, they are very suitable for making gifts, meaning you can gift anyone you love. Here is the list of projects that I have created using my Cricut vinyl material:
Custom T-shirts
Shoes with graphics
Coffee mugs
Question 2: What is the life expectancy of Cricut vinyl material?
Answer: There are two types of mats available in the marketplace. One is for temporary uses, and the other one is for permanent uses. However, if you want to use Cricut permanent vinyl, you can use it, which is weather, and fade-resistant. Also, it has an adhesive that can last up to three years. I think that is enough even if you are making something like a personalized T-shirt.
Question 3: Which machine is the best for vinyl Cricut projects?
Answer: Although all the latest Cricut models, such as Cricut Maker and Venture, are suitable for making crafts with vinyl materials, if you are looking for a cutting machine that fits your budget, then you should try Cricut Explore 3, as it is the latest in Cricut Explore family and it comes in the right budget.
Source: Vinyl Cricut Projects
Visit here For More Information: cricut.com/setup
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cricutmaker · 9 months
Instant & Crazy Cricut New Year Projects for DIYers
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Are you all ready to welcome 2024 with some of the crazy Cricut New Year projects? I know we haven't celebrated Christmas yet, but I am already looking forward to New Year's Eve. I am Archie Andrews, a High School craft teacher and a passionate DIYer. Ever since I bought my Cricut machine, it has not only helped me unleash my creativity but made a special bond with my students.
No doubt, it was a tough road for me to understand the craft machines, but I never left any chance and grabbed info from different sources. As time flew, I soon became an expert and made numerous kinds of projects for various occasions. Inside this blog, I have made a list of Cricut ideas for New Year that you can use for the 31st night.
Photo Booth Props
One of the most demanding Cricut New Year projects that you will personally love to make is the photo booth props. They are widely used by everyone while capturing the moment and making it for a lifetime. Photo booth props are available in various sizes, shapes as well and packs. Apart from that, they can be easily made out of cutting machines and tools.
New Year Bar Cart
Is it fair to welcome 2024 without a bottle of champagne or shots? No, right, then unbox your bar cart and fill it with all kinds of drinks for your guests. You can decorate the cart by hanging a small garland around its corner and decorate it by placing small disco balls or flowers across the cart. You can decorate the cart by using a craft machine and other necessary supplies.
Equally important, other Cricut ideas for New Year Eve that you can use this year are flower garlands. They will give a personal touch to your party area and make it look more pleasant. However, you can make the garland in different shapes, sizes, or patterns as per your choice. To make your work more simple, you can use your craft machine and other supplies.
Thank your guests for attending your party by giving them a return gift. It's evident that they are going to love it and will never forget you. Amongst so many Cricut New Year projects, designing t-shirts is everyone's favorite project that they can create with a craft machine. For making the t-shirt, all you will need is a craft machine & its supplies.
Furthermore, decorate your house by hanging a Happy New Year banner on your wall or near the chimney area. The banner will not only add vibes to the environment but also fill energy inside your guests. You can make this DIY project with your craft machine and other tools. Other than that, you can keep the banner safe and reuse it for next year.
Wine Glasses
Make your guests feel special by serving them the drinks in glass etched wine glasses. The glasses will increase your class among them and make you look more creative as compared to others. Apart from that, you can also give glasses as a token of love and appreciation to your guests. Moreover, you need to have specific items that will help you create one of these  Cricut New Year projects.
Party Hats
Are you planning to host a theme New Year party this year? If yes, then you shouldn't miss to add party hats. Make your guests wear the hats, and let them enjoy the party without any tension or fear. You can easily make the hats by using your craft machine and other tools.
New Year Card
On the contrary, one of the easy DIY crafts that can be made within a few minutes is greeting cards. You can make different types of cards out of your craft machine in sizes, shapes, and colors. Other than that, you can also write a small message for your loved one and share your feelings.
Tote Bags
Equally important, tote bags are used by everyone on a regular basis for shopping or going to the office. You can make tote bags and give them to your friends so that they can carry their items in one place without having any mess. To make this DIY craft, you need to use a craft machine, Design Space, and other supplies.
Summing up the list of Cricut New Year projects, if you have a friend who loves to collect shoes, then you can give them a pair of customized shoes. It's crystal clear that they are going to love the shoes and won't forget how much they matter to you in your life. To make such shoes, you need to use the Cricut machine and other supplies.
Did you find something interesting that you are planning to make this year? If yes, then I wish you all the luck and make the best craft that you can make out of this craft machine.
For more information visit: Cricut.com setup mac Cricut maker 3 setup Cricut new product setup Cricut Design Space software
Source: Cricut New Year Projects
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cricutmachinemaker · 9 months
8 Christmas Crafts With Cricut to Brighten Your Holidays
Finally, it is December, and I can’t wait for the day when all of us will be celebrating Christmas day. I know you are here to find the top 8 Cricut crafts for Christmas ideas you can include in your decoration. And I am also ready with my popular crafts to provide you with some cool crafting ideas. These Christmas crafts with Cricut are easy and fun to make. With this blog, I am going to share the projects I made last year, including those I have made this year.
Whether it is an elegant ornament or a Christmas jar, I have made almost everything to elevate my Christmas holidays. For my Cricut projects, I used a Maker cutting machine, but you can use any of the cutting machines. Many craft ideas that I will share in this blog can be used as a gift as well. So, let’s dive further into this blog and get some craft ideas to celebrate our Christmas together with family and friends.
1.   Tantalizing Paper Star
I made this white paper star using cardstock and my best buddy- the Cricut Maker machine. Just hang it anywhere in the home or on the Christmas tree. I used white cardstock paper because I wanted something that would shine every time. However, you are free to try any color that you feel is good according to your home sarroundings. Besides, you can also add a bulb that will make it a star lantern, which looks just fantastic!
2.   Merry Christmas Socks
We celebrate Christmas when the winter is at its peak, so why not make something useful? These Merry Christmas socks are the perfect Cricut crafts for Christmas, and I personally loved them so much. My younger son loves clothes with designs or text. He told me to make something cute for him. So this is what I tried and finally gifted him last year. On these socks, I used a vinyl material, which gives pro results, and the Cricut machine helped me so much in making this beautiful Christmas project.
3.   Mini Paper Town
Do you want to try this mini paper hometown? I would you must this mini town if you have children in your house. I made this using paper and cardstock material. Look at those Christmas trees and how intricately my Cricut Maker 3 has cut all those paper leaves. That looks amazing!
So, if you want to decorate a corner at your home or want to keep this town on the table, just give it a try! Since Cricut has made crafting easily possible, you can make any craft easily.
4.   Christmas T-Shirt
Every year, I love giving T-shirts to my husband and children. Using Cricut vinyl, I made the T-shirt you can see in the above picture. This was for my dear husband who loves black color, so I decided to try something on a black colored t-shirt only. Finally, you can see what it looked like when it was done.
You are free to try different types of texts with beautiful fonts that you can find on Cricut Design Space. Despite this black T-shirt, I made two more shirts for my children. Here is what it looked like.
5.   Jingle Ornament
When we are celebrating Christmas, how can we leave Xmas tree decorations? So, I made this jingle ornament for this year. See what it looks like? To me, this is one of the best Cricut crafts for Christmas Eve. In addition, you can easily personalize this Cricut ornament. To personalize it, just replace the word “Jingle” with the name of the person you are personalizing for. So what are you waiting for? Try this easy or straightforward Jingle ornament and brighten up your Christmas days.
6.   Christmas Theme Coasters
I made this Christmas-themed coaster using my infusible ink. The seamless look of these coasters will attract everyone during the Christmas dinner. Thanks to Cricut Maker 3, which made my vinyl transfer so easy. Also, such crafting tools are always the best option for creating such pro-level coasters.
7.   Personalized Cute Stockings
Making personalized stockings is made so easy with the Cricut machine. To make this personalized stocking, you can add the names of your loved ones. This stocking is so simple to make that you will not need to cut the tedious patterns using your hand. Take out your Cricut machine and cut the pattern that you want to see on your stockings.
8.   Elegant Paper Lanterns                              
This alluring lantern is one of my favorite Cricut crafts for Christmas. Cut the cardstock using your Cricut cutting machine and fold it accordingly to give it the shape of a lantern. Add the LED lights inside the lantern and let it spread the spark of Christmas. However, I made this lantern last year, but this year, I will be trying something similar with different designs. So whether it is intricate design or beautiful colored cardstock, you can cut or make anything with Cricut.
Final Words
With Cricut, you have a wide range of possibilities to make any Cricut crafts for Christmas effortlessly. In addition, the Cricut provides professional and precise cuts on any materials that you are using. Be it harder materials like wood or software materials such as paper, everything can be cut in less time when you have a Cricut. You can also give these projects to your family, friends, and close ones. So what are you waiting for? Just delve into these 8 Cricut projects that are simple and elegant.
Question 1: How to make Christmas crafts with Cricut?
Answer: Creating Christmas crafts on a Cricut machine has never been easier. However, if you want to make crafts, say ornaments with Cricut, then you need to follow the steps given below:
Question 2: What are the Cricut Christmas gift ideas for coworkers?
Answer: The most wonderful time is just a few weeks away, and it’s difficult for me not to think about my coworkers. Since they have helped me get through the workday, I have decided to make some Cricut Christmas gift crafts.
Question 3: What are the funny Christmas ideas I can make with a Cricut?
Answer: There are numerous options available to make your funny Christmas crafts. These crafts are easy to make on a Cricut cutting machine. Be it a Cricut Joy or Maker 3, all machines are capable of making such projects in less time. The funny Christmas ideas that you can try with Cricut are Funny Christmas Socks, shirts, and ornaments with funny images.
Visit: cricut.com/setup
Source: https://cricutdesignapp.wordpress.com/2023/12/26/8-christmas-crafts-with-cricut-to-brighten-your-holidays/
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cricutsetupmac · 9 months
8 Trendy Cricut Joy Christmas Projects [Beginner’s Friendly]
Being a crafter, I have a special love for my crafts. Yet, I couldn’t do anything for the past 6 months. My daughter, Rinne, was preparing for her entrance exam, and due to this, I was all day busy looking after her. Thankfully, after passing her exam, she helped me with Cricut Joy Christmas projects. In addition to that, my daughter also helped me decide on the best projectsfor this year.
Even though we lacked the time and wanted to do numerous projects, we did a lot of fabulous projects that were wonderful! Thus, I am now eager to share with you the 8 Cricut Christmas projects I have made with my daughter. So, are you ready to spread the joy of this festive holiday? If yes, let’s dive into it.
1.  Bee Kind T-Shirt
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Now, create this Bee Kind T-shirt using your cutting machine. The small cutting machine is capable of cutting more than 50 materials uninterruptedly. Thanks to Cricut, you can get this design on Cricut Design Space for free. Yes, you heard that right! You can simply access this design by searching the name “Bee Kind T-shirt.”
Whether you are a beginner or pro-level crafter, such Cricut Joy Christmas projects are often less time-consuming. So, start your Cricut machine and cut this readymade design for someone you love.
2.  Personalized Bags
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Be it a tote bag or a shopping bag, everyone needs a bag to carry something. The best thing about being a crafter is that we can personalize anything that we want. So, I decided to add such a beautiful design to my shopping bag. For adding the design, I used a heat transfer vinyl, and I also used Easy Press to transfer to design on the bag. Despite this, I cut this design on my small Joy cutting machine smoothly, and the result was superb.
3.  Leather Jewelry
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Do you love jewelry, or is there anyone in your family who loves it? Try making this beautiful earring and necklace using the Faux leather. These small Cricut Christmas projects are simple and can be easily made with your Cricut Joy.
However, this project idea comes from my daughter. She is a jewelry lover, and she has made many such jewelry herself for the upcoming Christmas. Since I also love such earrings and necklaces, I decided to mention them in this blog.
4.  Christmas Theme Coasters
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Christmas means gathering friends and family at our home. Since I have also invited many of my guests to this Christmas Eve, I had to decorate my dining table. The coasters are the best way to show creativity and attract people. So, my daughter came up with her own creative ideas and suggested this iconic coaster design to me. After a lengthy discussion, we made this four-coaster design. However, numerous coasters are yet to be made. So, set up your cutting machine and start cutting the design for your coasters.
5.  Glass Mugs with Texts
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Glass mug is one of the best Cricut Joy Christmas projects to make this year. I love to make one every year on special occasions. The reason why I make because I find it the most suitable gift idea. It is easy to customize or personalize. Look at the texts I have added to this mug. I made this for my daughter, who always stays up late every night. So, as a reminder, I wanted to gift this mug with this text, which sounds more like a taunt.
6.  I am Snow Cute T-Shirt
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In this T-shirt my daughter and I have created the design together. She suggested me the catchy text and considering her ideas, I made this beautiful T-shirt using my machine or vinyl materials. This shirt is a gift for her best friend. Therefore, she wanted to add her own idea. Now, the shirt is ready to be gifted to her friend. At the same time, I am eager to know what her friend has to say about his shirt.
7.  Felt Paper Wreath
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I made this wreath using the felt material, and my trusty Cricut Joy cut these felt leaves within 20 minutes. The color combination is so good that I decided to fix it in my drawing room. Most people also prefer to hang the wreath on their main doors, and it’s entirely up to your choice. But I have also made more such wreaths for my door as well. But this particular design was suitable for my drawing room. Since it was the most beautiful, I thought to share this as part of my Cricut Joy Christmas projects.
8.  Paper Lantern
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This is one of the simplest Cricut projects you can ever make for your Christmas night. Just upload the design to Cricut software and create a design you would like to add to your lantern. In addition, I used cardstock material because it is not very soft and can be easily folded. Cut the paper and fold it to make a cylinder. So, whether you want to add the LED light or place the candle inside the lantern, both options are plentiful. However, I added the scented candles, which smelled good while burning.
Final Thoughts
To sum up, I discussed 8 Cricut Joy Christmas Projects that are simple but elegant for your Christmas celebration. Whether you want a gift or something to decorate your home, you will find everything in this blog. In addition, I did all the projects using my Cricut Joy machine, which is capable of cutting 50+ materials smoothly. So, crafters who are using only Cricut Joy and want to make projects out of it can easily make any projects.
Question 1: How to make Cricut Joy Christmas cards?
Answer: I have made several cards with Joy, and if you also want to learn how you can make your own cards, then follow the steps provided below:
First of all, set upthe Cricut Design Space with Cricut Joy.
Then, choose the Custom Insert Cards.
Further, load the mat and material on the machine.
And then select the card inserts.
Now, follow the prompts given on the Design Space app.
Afterward, load the tools.
Cut out your cards and unload the mat.
Question 2: Is Cricut Joy good for making Christmas cards?
Answer: You can make your pro-looking cards with Joy. If you don’t want to invest much in buying that bulky and expensive cutting machine, then this tiny machine is the perfect choice for you. The advanced design of this small cutting machine allows you to cut 50 different types of materials easily. Hence, you can create various personalized cards in minutes. All you need to do is choose the design and then send it to your cutting machine. Finally, it will cut your design intricately so that it looks wonderful.
Question 3: What options are available in Cricut Joy Christmas decorations?
Answer: There are multiple options available for the decorations with the Joy cutting machine. Below are the easiest decoration ideas to elevate your holiday:
Hot cocoa station sign
Oven mitts
Santa tray
Cards and tags
Plant pots
Christmas tree gift box
Cactus and llama mugs
Tea towels
Reindeer lollipop holder, and others.
Source URL: - Cricut Joy Christmas projects
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martinsmith01 · 10 months
9 Creative Cricut Ideas for Christmas Gifts [2023]
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Whenever Christmas arrives, I start making Cricut Christmas crafts and gifts a month in advance. I can’t stop myself from daydreaming about Christmas celebrations with my loved ones. This is the time when I begin brainstorming Cricut ideas for Christmas gifts.
Being a Cricut expert, I am often asked to create many different types of gifts on special occasions like Christmas. Last year, my own husband asked me for a custom T-shirt. In contrast, my children expected their gifts from their imaginary Santa.
Well, Santa couldn’t come to deliver gifts, so I took it upon myself to give them their favorite gifts. In short, I have made many Christmas projects so far, and I would like to share them with you so that you can get some ideas for making your own gifts. These gifts are simple to create using Cricut machines. Let’s take a look at Cricut gift ideas for Christmas.
1.  Custom T-Shirt
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Have a look at this black T-shirt with the phrase: I’M SO GOOD Santa CAME TWICE. This was the T-shirt I personalized for my husband. He was happy wearing this because he loves black color shirts and the phrase I added was also interesting. However, I made this shirt with Cricut Maker 3. For materials, I used Cricut iron-on vinyl. You can also try to make this T-shirt for your children and for someone you love.
2.  Water Bottle   
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I don’t know when my obsession with these reusable water bottles will be over. Honestly, I love using these steel-reusable bottles. Whenever I go outside, I keep one with myself. Since I understand the importance of having a water bottle, I love to personalize it for someone I love. Hence, you must consider personalized bottles as the best Cricut ideas for Christmas gifts.
3.  Paper Flowers
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Paper flowers are my all-time favorite, and I love to make them every year. Most paper flowers I used to send as a gift. Plus, I made at least seven different colors of paper flowers. I used them to decorate my home and also gifted some to my friends.
These paper flowers were super easy to make using my Cricut Maker 3. Despite the Cricut Maker, you can also use other cutting machines such as the Cricut Explore series, and Joy.
4.  Pillows
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Well, there is one more thing I made last year, i.e., a pillow cover with simple phrases. This was not meant for a gift, but I used it as a home decor. This idea came to me after extensive research of Cricut ideas for Christmas gifts. Somehow, I found and made this possible. I always prefer simple and elegant home decor. Therefore, I kept it a little simple but colorful. Last but not least, I used heat transfer vinyl materials to add some creativity.
5.  Xmas Tree Ornaments
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If someone in your family is celebrating their first Christmas, including a newborn baby, then such ornaments are one of the best Cricut ideas for Christmas gifts. However, I crafted these two ornaments for my baby cousin in 2019. Since I made this in 2019, I added the year in the ornament. Further, you can also add the baby’s name if you want because personalization is something that will make it look unique to all.
6.  Makeup Bag
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In 2021, I made this personalized bag for makeup. I gifted this to my friend, who is a beautician. I knew she needed this always. So, I made something useful for her. Being a woman, I know how important it is to look confident in public. Hence, we always carry a bag with basic makeup stuff. Therefore, I made this beautiful makeup with eye-catching phrases. She was literally amazed to see the creativity I added to this bag. So, make this makeup bag and personalize it as per your choice.
7.  DIY Wooden Spoons
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Making gifts like wooden spoons using the cutting machine is super easy. You can also add the shiny adhesive vinyl along with the black & white checked ribbons. The purpose of making this gift was my friend. She wanted to gift this to her cousin. I was happily ready to make this because it was cheap and easy to make.
In addition to the supplies, I needed a Cricut machine, painter’s tape, expressions vinyl flame, a Design Space cut file, white chalky finish paint, a wide flat brush and glitter vinyl, and Transfer tape.
8.  Monogram Gift Tags
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I made this monogram of gift tags for all members of my family. I remember how I used my Cricut and created this monogram of gift tags. Making this was really exciting, and the final result was lovely. In contrast, these are reusable tags, so we don’t need to throw them away after one-time usage.
9.  Personalized Santa Bags
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Try this gift idea, and gift it to anyone, along with gifts. This Santa bag is the best gift for a family. However, you can fill this bag full of gifts for all members of the family. The main supplies I used in this project were a Cricut Maker, Cricut EasyPress 2, 12″ x 10″, Multiple Colors of Cricut Iron-on, Canvas Wine Bags, Cricut 12″ x 24″ Cutting Mat, Cricut Weeding Tools, and Oversized Canvas Bags. What are you waiting for? Just give it a try!
Final Words
Through this blog, I have added the top 9 Cricut ideas for Christmas gifts, such as Christmas T-shirts, water bottles, paper flowers, DIY pillows, baby’s first ornaments, and custom makeup bags. All these gift ideas I have shared in this blog were made last year or before that. Besides, I have also added the shirt ideas I made for my husband. However, being a craft enthusiast, I know how important it is to give something to someone so that they can feel special.
Source URL: Cricut ideas for Christmas gifts.
For More Information Visit: Cricut Maker 3.
cricut software appcricut.com/setup
Cricut Design Space
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cuttingsetup · 10 months
Cricut Christmas Gifts: Spark Joy With DIY Delight
Christmas is within walking distance, and it’s time for me to start planning Cricut Christmas gifts. It’s been a long time since I stepped into the world of crafting and started making custom gifts. With the Cricut machine, turning my ideas into tangible shapes has become an easy task. The possibilities for creating personalized Cricut Christmas ideas are endless, as they can be cut from any material in just minutes.
Need help deciding what to give your kids as a Christmas gift this year? Don’t worry; I am here to help you. To make your work easier, I will share with you some adorable Christmas gifts that you can create with a Cricut machine and give to your kids. Plus, I’ll share some tips on how you can make gifts.
1.  Santa Claus Sack
Add all your Cricut Christmas gifts inside this Santa Claus sack and stick it under your tree. Your kids will surely love this personalized sack as they will get all their favorite goodies inside it. In order to make one of these Cricut Christmas projects, you just need a cutting machine, a sack blank, and supplies.
2.  Merry Christmas Pillow
I will decorate my house or room by putting a fresh set of pillows on your sofa, couch, or in front of your christmas tree. By aligning the pillow in a perfect alignment, I will give a festive vibe to your room and make the room look more attractive. To create a customized pillow, I will need a Cricut cutting machine, iron-on material, a Heat Press, and a pillow blank.
3.  Christmas Holly Wreath
Another DIY craft that I will include in the Cricut Christmas gifts list is a customized holly wreath. I will put this craft on my front door, on the dining area wall, or near the chimney area. As an expert, making personalized paper wreaths is one of the easiest crafts for anyone. This year, I will make this project using a Cricut cutting machine, supplies, and other tools.
4.  Christmas Baking Set
In addition, gift this holiday set to your children and motivate them to make cookies and other dishes in this festive season. Inside this set, I included three different utensils: an oven mitt, a wooden baking spoon, and a hand towel. To make you clear, I made this baking set via HTV and a Cricut cutting machine.
5.  Makeup Pouch
One special present that I am planning to give my sister on 25th Dec 2023 is a do-it-yourself makeup pouch. She loves to do makeup before attending any party and is very particular about her makeup items. Now, to design this craft, I am going to use Cricut Joy, Design Space, Cricut tools, a Heat Press, and a makeup pouch blank.
6.  Merry Christmas T-Shirt
In addition to this list, most of my buyers reorder t-shirts for their family members. With my smart cutting machine, I can make this outfit out of any materials in different sizes, shapes, and colors. Besides, this year, I am planning to make an extra set of t-shirts and give them to charity houses. 
7.  Cozy Socks
After the t-shirt, another piece of clothing item that has massive demand in the market is the cozy Christmas socks. Most of my customers send their favorite designs and tell me how to design them on their socks. Undoubtedly, the cutting machine makes it easier as it cuts the materials in the appropriate shape, and the EasyPress 6 x 7 heat press finishes the rest of the work.
8.  Engraved Acrylic Keychains
Let your children know how much you love them by gifting them engraved acrylic keychains as one of the Cricut Christmas gifts. As a token of love, I can add a sweet message or make any other emoticon. Now, you can easily make this DIY item out of a Cricut machine and other supplies.
9. Snowflakes Leather Earrings
One thing that I want to share with you is that I love to make customized earrings and wear them on different occasions. For this holiday season, I am going to create a pair of snowflake leather earrings that will surely match all of my Christmas outfits.
10. Merry Christmas Card
Last but not least, one of the cutest and simplest Cricut Christmas gifts is creating greeting cards. While making a customized card, I personally use the Cricut Joy machine, as it comes with a card mat that eases the work as it can create four cards at a single time. I can create various types of cards out of this cutting machine, such as layered cards, single cards, and many more.
By using my Cricut cutting machine, I made all of these Christmas projects. Now, I will wrap them up and will give them to my children on 25th Dec 2023.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Can I Start My Own Business by Selling Cricut Christmas Projects?
Answer: It doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or an experienced DIYer; if you have a vision of starting a business, then you can surely do it. However, to succeed in the business, you must ensure that you are making correct projects per the buyer’s needs and selling at a reasonable price. Apart from that, also check that you have all the crucial supplies that will help you transform your DIY craft into reality.
Question: Which DIY Christmas Crafts Can I Make With My Cricut Machine?
Answer: Some of the famous and trendy Cricut Christmas gifts that you can get by accessing your Cricut cutting machine are as follows:
Question: Which Cricut Supplies Do I Need to Create My Christmas Projects?
Answer: To make customized Christmas projects, all DIYers need to ensure that they’ve compatible Cricut supplies. The supplies will help them give shape to their idea into perfect form as per their expectation. Have a look at the list below:
Visit: Install cricut design space app
www.cricut.com/setup login
Source: https://cutting-setup.com/cricut-christmas-gifts-spark-joy-with-diy-delight/
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mannydesignspace · 10 months
How to Make Cricut T-shirt Designs for Black Friday?
Are you looking for T-shirt designs Black Friday? If yes, then I am here to help you. With the help of this blog, I will share with you the basic steps to create a custom Black Friday T-shirt. Since Black Friday is around the corner, everyone's aim is to buy a Cricut machine along with other supplies at a reasonable price.
With such attractive offers, buyers start shopping for Christmas and New Year. If you are a DIYer and looking for Cricut Black Friday T-shirt designs, then I am available for your service. Keep reading this blog for step-by-step instructions on how to make Black Friday custom T-shirts.
Step 1: Create a Design on the Cricut App
Before proceeding toward the cutting and printing process, you need to create the design on the Design Space app. In the following steps, I've written all the steps that will help you make or upload the T-shirt design.
First, sign in to your Design Space app with your login details.
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Second, press Templates and choose the design that you want to insert on your T-shirt.
After choosing the design, move it to the Canvas and change its color from the Color panel.
In case you want to highlight a particular item, then highlight it and change its color as per your wish.
Step 2: Finalize Your Design Draft
Now, I will take you to the cutting mat preview page, where you’ve to press the Mirror button.
Also, you will notice that the text won’t be in a proper manner.
Next, press the Cancel option visible on the bottom right side of the page.
Following this, select the whole text and then click the Attach button.
Afterward, press the Make It box, and you will get to see your final text on the mat.
Now, I will again click the Mirror option, and your whole text will flip over.
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Following this, click the Continue button to proceed towards the next step.
Step 3: Choose the Cricut Mat
Further completing steps 1 & 2, I will choose the compatible Cricut cutting mat. The steps below will help you decide which material is going to be perfect for forming your Black Friday custom T-shirt.
Begin the process by choosing the materials from the Favorites/ Popular section.
Apart from that, tap Browse all Materials and choose the material from the master list.
Now, load the tool (if needed) and then mat on your separate cutting machine.
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After choosing the compatible Cricut cutting mat, I will upload the material into my cut-die machine.
Step 4: Load the Material onto Your Machine
In this stage, learn about the steps for loading materials onto the cutting machine for T-shirt designs Black Friday:
First, start placing the material on the Cricut mat using your finger or scraper tool.
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After sticking the compatible material, load the mat into your craft plotter.
Next, unload the mat very slowly to avoid any damage to the mat or material.
Following this, start weeding out the access material from the design using the weeding tool.
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After weeding the Black Friday custom T-shirt idea from the mat, I will preheat my heat press.
Step 5: Apply the Design on a Blank T-Shirt
Finishing the T-shirt designs Black Friday above-said steps; I will provide the steps to apply the design on the material.
After making the final design, place it in the middle of your T-shirt blank using the measurement scale.
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Following this, remove the scale and place the Cricut heat press on your design.
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Now, select the time & temperature via the Heat App using the Bluetooth feature.
After the pressing process comes to an end, softly peel off the material.
Lastly, you will get to see the final T-shirt design in front of you.
On the whole of the T-shirt designs Black Friday blog, I covered complete details that will help you create more custom shirts for Black Friday 2023.
Question: What Supplies Do I Need to Make My Black Friday Custom T-shirts?
Answer: To make the Black Friday custom T-shirt designs, all the DIYers must buy some of the Cricut supplies. Those materials will assist you in transforming your idea into reality:
●     Cricut machine
●     Design Space account
●     Cricut material and cutting mat
●     Blade and tools
●     T-shirt blank
●     Scraper tool
●     Weeding tool
●     Cricut Heat app
●     Measurement tape
●     Cricut Heat press
●     Cricut trimmer
●     Heat press mat
Question: How Can I Make Custom T-shirts for Black Friday With Cricut?
Answer: Have a look at the following steps to make custom T-shirts for Black Friday:
First, sign in and create your design on the Cricut software.
Next, change the design color and resize it as per your choice.
Now, choose your material and load the mat into the cutting machine.
After that, insert your design on the blank and use the Heat press.
At last, peel off the material, and your final T-shirt design will be ready. 
Question: Where Can I Find Free Cricut T-shirt Designs for Black Friday?
Answer: If you are a newbie or an expert in creating customized crafts, then you can easily find the Cricut T-shirt designs Black Friday on the Cricut app/ Design Space. Along with the Cricut app, you will also get a free-to-use library from where you can use designs, images, or fonts for your projects. Besides, the Cricut Access plan also helps in using the items available inside the ever-growing library for modifying their projects. 
Visit: install cricut design space app
         Cricut Design Space
         cricut.com/setup mac
Source: T-shirt designs Black Friday
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cricutmakeronline · 10 months
7 Best Cricut Ideas for Thanksgiving to Try in 2023 
Thanksgiving feels like a happy ending to the year, and we all celebrate it with gratitude and love. It’s time to cook delicious food, talk about precious times with family and friends, and spend quality time with them. So, I know it will be a very busy time for all the Cricut crafters as they are all preparing for the upcoming festivals. So, if you are a crafting enthusiast, you may be running out of ideas for things to try this Thanksgiving. In order to help you out, I’ll tell you the best Cricut ideas for Thanksgiving.
If you want to create something for this Thanksgiving, read this full blog, and by the end, you will have tons of ideas to get you started. So, you can expand your knowledge about the Cricut crafts here with me. Let’s move ahead.
1.  Paper Cards
One of the greatest ideas is to make a special Thanksgiving card for the occasion. A card will not only give an emotional touch to your craft but also make your Thanksgiving memorable. You can use these cards to invite your friends and family to your place, or you can just sell these cards if you are a business owner.
So, my first choice for an occasion like this will be a beautifully decorated card. You can use thousands of things on this craft from the Design Space app. Don’t miss this opportunity to create amazing-looking cards. Also, it is one of the best Cricut ideas for Thanksgiving to sell.
2.  Bunting
Yes, you heard right. You can create many colorful bunting designs with paper. You can use letters, images, and many different things to decorate your home. It looks very good at home parties, giving out a vibe for celebration. The idea of bunting works for all the theme parties like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Birthday, and Christmas as well. So, you can use the products from Cricut’s Treasure and create some fun things.
3.  Frames
A frame designed for Thanksgiving is a very brilliant idea to decorate your drawing room. You can hang it on the wall or just keep it on the table. This is also a very cool idea for selling your stuff. So, if you are someone who likes permanent things for decorations, a frame would be a nice idea. To create a frame, you will need to purchase a frame from an online or offline store. You can also use some popular platforms like Dollar Tree.
4.  Trays
You can purchase a tray from Dollar Tree and decorate it with a favorite message on it. I wrote the “Be Thankful” message on it. You can use a transferable vinyl to write your text with the help of a transferable tape. I would recommend you buy a water-resistant vinyl to prevent it from getting moisture. This simple stuff will look amazing at your home. So, go for this type of pretty craft with your Cricut for this Thanksgiving.
5.  Signboard
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6.  Customized Mugs
There are many ways to design a coffee mug. You can purchase the Cricut mugs or any mugs you like. Then, decorate with the vinyl. Cut out a cute text on the vinyl and then apply it on the coffee mug with the help of a transfer tape. For example, I cut down a cute text as “Blessed Teacher” and then applied it to my mug. To add more cuteness, I added cute apple stickers with the text. You can gift these mugs to someone you admire. It can be one of the easiest Cricut ideas for Thanksgiving.
7.  T-Shirts
Cricut is best used for the T-shirt stuff, as you already know. So, there is no occasion when you can’t prepare the T-shirts. There are multiple ways to design a T-shirt using your Cricut machine. So, why don’t you create a T-shirt for Thanksgiving? There are lovely texts you can use on the T-shirt with the help of Heat transfer vinyl and a heat press or a regular iron. The Design Space has a full treasure of images, fonts, and texts to use for the T-shirts.
You have seen great Cricut ideas for Thanksgiving. Most of the ideas are beginner-friendly, and those who intend to sell their crafts can also try them out. A Cricut machine can do lots of things for personalized as well as for selling purposes. Therefore, if you are someone who likes crafting, you can surprise your family and friends with all this beautiful stuff. The good thing is that you can use any Cricut machine to start the Thanksgiving crafts.
Source  :- https://newmachineprocess.com/7-best-cricut-ideas-for-thanksgiving-to-try-in-2023/
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adreamingwitch · 1 year
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I feel kinda weird starting a tumblr without making a proper intro so that’s what this post will mostly be.
I’m Marie, the being behind ADreamingWitch, my new lil sticker/art shop. I’m 26y/o, a creative being, writer, & tarot reader. I love learning, particularly about psychology, and all things mystical/magical.
I’ve been making art and dabbling in various creative hobbies my entire life. I’ve mainly been a traditional pencil to paper kinda artist, but I was lucky enough to have an opportunity to get an iPad Pro last year and have been playing around with procreate for that entire time. I’m no expert by any means, the app certainly still has secrets for me to uncover… but I’m to the point where I’m pretty confident in the little things I create here and there.
Stickers came to be last late fall, when I was trying to figure out a way to put my art out there. I’ve never been that fond of sharing my work prior, but I wanted that to change. My in-laws graciously gifted me a Cricut maker for Christmas, which opened a plethora of creative doors. At first I thought about doing t-shirt designs, but then realized I’d have to also learn sublimation for that and well…I didn’t feel like buying all that extra stuff tbh. Then I came across the idea for making stickers with your cricut, and I was intrigued. I’d been a modest sticker collector, and loved the idea of putting my art or any other design I wanted onto a sticker. I went absolutely crazy drawing up designs for weeeeks, until Christmas finally came and I was able to start the real test work.
Oh sticker paper… there are SO MANY. Label paper, vinyl paper, glossy or matte… it was overwhelming. But after I got my first test batch printed I knew I was hooked. This shit was truly addicting. I bought more paper to test, watched copious amount of videos on comparisons and tips, learned how to make a sturdy sticker that would hold up in water by testing different sealer options… and then got to where I am now. A several month obsessive deep dive and hundreds of sticker prints later, I finally had something that I could consider a finished product.
My main hope is to share my art and creations with people all around, and spread some of that love and joy I feel making them! I make everything from a place of love (cheesy i know) and honestly pour my all into it. I can’t half-ass things I care about, it just isn’t me. If I’m gonna put it out there, you best believe I spent a lot of time perfecting it before that. I just wanna reach all the other potential witchy, creative, or dreamer people out there. Sooo that’s what I’m here for. 🫶🏻
Well, that was a bit long for an intro about stickers, but if you read it all I thank you very much!! I really am excited for this new journey and to see what other ideas come to life for me in the future. Until then I hope y’all enjoy my little creations 🥹✨🫶🏻
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svglandsc · 2 years
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kinsteals · 4 years
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shirt motivational quotes Graphic Short-Sleeve Unisex T-Shirt
You've now found the staple t-shirt of your wardrobe. It's made of a thicker, heavier cotton, but it's still soft and comfy. And the double stitching on the neckline and sleeves add more durability to what is sure to be a favorite!• 100% ring-spun cotton• Sport Grey is 90% ring-spun cotton, 10% polyester• Dark Heather is 65% polyester, 35% cotton• 4.5 oz/y² (153 g/m²)• Pre-shrunk• Shoulder-to-shoulder taping• Quarter-turned to avoid crease down the center• Blank product sourced from Bangladesh, Honduras, Haiti, Mexico, or Nicaragua
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badassvg · 3 years
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BadasSVG Trending Squid Game Drama Christmas Xmas Feliz Navidad
Discover Now: https://bit.ly/3p2ifHX
Are you perhaps looking for trending SVG files? This collection shows many digital files with various trendy topics which are about Trendy images, trending memes SVG, inspirational quotes, best sayings, trending icon SVG, trending t-shirt SVG, and a bunch of interesting ideas for making shirts, mugs, and decorations, as well as specific gifts. We also have multiple types to choose from for your own machine/software like Cricut, silhouette, Heat Press Printing Machine, or Screen Printing Machine. We update new ideas every day, especially in this pandemic. Our main goal is to design digital files that can be used for vinyl crafts, scrapbooking, papercraft, screenprints, and so on. This collection is offered to you in formats that are compatible with Silhouette Studio Standard Edition, Silhouette Designer Edition, Silhouette Business Edition, and Cricut Design Space. Our digital products are formatted in SVG, PNG, DXF, EPS, and DXF versions for your needs so that you can apply them for any of your craft projects.
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designcategory · 4 years
This Is My Hallmark Christmas Movie Watching Shirt Red Truck, Christmas Svg, Hallmark Svg, Christmas Hallmark Svg, Truck Svg, Movie Svg, Christmas Gifts, Merry Christmas, Christmas Holiday, Christmas Party
Warmly welcome to everyone, thank you for shopping on my Website!
Please check the discount CODE from the Homepage before purchasing multiple items. Kindly contact me if you have any questions..
FB: https://www.facebook.com/cricutmarketsupport/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/CricutMarket1995/_saved/
Best wishes,
-Cricut Market-
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editablesvgfile · 4 years
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Dog Paws Print Christmas Tree T-shirt Svg, Christmas tree silhouette, Dog paws print svg, Christmas tree svg, Christmas new ideas, svg cutting files for cricut
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