inejswag · 3 years
thinking of kaz ghafa
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seanconroy · 5 years
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Looks like I might have to go on the lam for a while. #crime #criming #crimery #nondairycrimer #fugitive #apb #bolo #arrestwarrant #arrest #warrant #cherrypie https://www.instagram.com/p/B0onzj2JmBp/?igshid=1mh0urugok0th
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@catgirlcommie replied to your post “puts zero in the fates universe and she just starts liquefying people”
when you said fates I thought you meant you meant like fate:stay night and I had a mini heart attack
zero would get into the fate universe see passionlip and immediately turn around and leave
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apryllfool · 5 years
sentrymemes replied to your post:
….be. smol. do. crime. Like building secret rooms in places she shouldnt be
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Well they gotta do t h a t
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madhyanas · 3 years
the book of boba fett trailer so help me god please be a highlights reel of murders and espionage and general crimery boba is committing with fennec PLEASE. i don’t care about anything else. give me violence
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chaneilkular · 3 years
trickster cancelled... david makes man s2 bad... n*ver have I ever got renewed for new hate crimery... élite still happening (derogatory)... no beast boy anything on t*tans... no news on blood and water s2...
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huskeddevotee · 4 years
Music tastes because this game owns my soul
Amara: Nothing but calm, peaceful indie worship for meditation, or Partali Rap for everything else. Does enjoy the occasional rock opera, but not enough to make a Playlist for it.
Ava: Emo grunge and sad lo-fi. Typical sad 13 year old girl songs, but the sadness level varies. Sometimes its "ah, 13yo blues", sometimes "Oh, yeah. This is a child who's gone through some sh*t and is clearly not coping." Everyone uses her Spotify as a mood tracker to check in on her.
Axton: Bluegrass country, old school rock, and - god bless - the most basic pop in the world. Like, retail pop. Radio pop. Pop music no one likes and only hit the charts because of grocery stores playing it on repeat. He genuinely likes it, too.
Brick: R&B and jazz. Most people assume its violent screamo, but why would he want to listen to that when he's relaxing? That's punching music, not kicking back music.
Clay: Either super catchy and suave, or a blatant cry for help. Classy Jazz and touching Southern Gothic, Jimmy Buffet. Songs about confidence, Jimmy Buffet. Ballads for smuggling and general crimery, Jimmy Buffet. Why is he listening to Jimmy Buffet? He doesn't know. He just is. Wainwright has a therapist on speeddial for the day when Clay has listened to nothing but Jimmy Buffet for three weeks.
Fl4k: Anything dark and moody, actual genre doesn't matter. Prefers quieter, slow paced songs. Songs about leaving home for the better fill their main playlist.
Gaige: Screamo metal. The most offensive screamo metal you will ever hear. Has hearing problems from this. Don't use full volume, kids.
Hammerlock: Jazz, classical, folk, orchestra - elegent stuff, as per usual. He isn't stuffy about it like some people. Varied taste, he just has some quirkiness with his preferences. Rap is fine, he just likes old rap from his youth. Will absolutely grumble about it getting worse each year .
Krieg: Doesn't like music, it freaks him out. But, he is known to listen to someone singing. Axton's humming in the garage, Maya's shower concerts, Lilith's quiet memorial songs when she thinks no one can hear her. He doesn't like music. He likes singing.
Lilith: Rock sung by female leads, female rappers, and girl power ballads. Just appeals to her. The only male singer she liked was Roland.
Lorelai: Same as Lilith, but kicked up to a level that makes you think she's part of a coven. Does like the occasional country power ballad, though; songs about community and sticking together and such.
Maya: Music you could fall asleep to. Its the calmest, most zen playlist you could ever find. It's very vocal, with emphasis on slow instruments. The music you listen to when you want to study or transcend. do not find her guilty pleasures playlist.
Mordecai: He could tell you every artist he has ever listened you, and you will have heard of none of them. It's not intentional, he just fell down a rabbit hole and moved in. His taste is very folk, indie, rural country - lots of guitars and percussions.
Moxxi: Carrie Underwood country. That genre of country thats just women killing men. Sure, she likes a sultry jazz, maybe a suggestive pop, but her heart is meant for a raspy-voiced woman with a guitar crooning about poisoning her husband.
Moze: She likes a lot of things, especially old synth-pop. Upbeat rock with old sounds the remind you of fruit for some reason? Her jams. Her favorite song is a mystery, though. Its in a different language you've never heard of, it has no identifiable instruments, the title is Track 1. Someone listened to the entirety of it and died the next day. Definitely haunted. She says it's just a national hymn from her home planet, but no one buys it.
Salvador: Back-porch country and ballads. He likes things that come from the heart. His favorite songs are ones of people singing about their home with pride. He has a soft spot for emotional climax songs from musicals, too. Detests bro country and retail pop.
Tannis: Hates music, but likes wind chimes. That's it.
Tina: Has 218 playlists for every conceivable mood. Her library of saved songs is over 10k. Has no favorite genre, but her favorite songs tend to lean towards the alternative or rap variety.
Troy: If you look at his Spotify he will cry. Barely any his playlists have a title, just keysmashing. The only one that has a title is just an eggplant emoji and it's nothing but dominatrix power balleds. His most played playlist is filled with songs about Cain and Abel. As for genre? Rap. Rock. Punk. Screamo. Everything your mother doesn't like.
Tyreen: Not an active music listener. But! Her Spotify is nothing but love ballads. Her top 50 each year are the sappiest romance songs known to man. A lot of soundtracks of musicals and movies, too. The genre does not matter, what matters is if someone's name pops into your head when you listen to it.
Wainwright: Emo country. Like, Southern Gothic if it was even more depressed and spooky. He has not evolved from his taste as a 13 year old in an unhappy family. Only started listening to happier music when he met Alistair. Would die of embarrassment if this got out.
Zane: Likes literally everything, but has a soft spot for the rock and folk that came out of Pandora during the Gold Rush times when the corps were fighting for tech and power. Those songs stuck with Pandora, and the songs are important for every clan. They're about greed, apathy of corporations, the mystery of the Eridians, the harshness of Pandora. He gets in a mood when he listens them, like a grandpa watching the news report on the war he just got back from. He tells stories when he gets like this. Sometimes they're sad, sometimes they're bitterly hopeful.
Zer0: Techno that sounds like someone vomiting out their soul. Moody, atmospheric, unsettling techno. They say they refuse to listen to anything that has color in its album art.
And it's all a lie.
Zer0 likes the pinkest bubblegum pop and the stupidest meme songs. Carmelldansen? They've listened to it for 1000 hours.
The only person to find their secret Spotify was Rhys and he was too busy admiring this strange account's taste in music to realize that every playlist title and description was a haiku, and that the account was called "atlas.n1nja.b0ps". Rhys brought it up to Zer0 like "I found my soul mate, we have the same favorites!" And Zer0 would have sh*t themselves if they could have.
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Mafia AU where Britannia and Rome are crime lords that actively try to outcrime the other, while Caledonia is running a pub as a cover for Brit’s crimery😂😂
Ooooo i have already done a mafia AU with a few friends of mine but it was more centred around their kids than celt and brit themselves. (I made a playlist and everything). As always brit trying to piss off and inconvenience rome is my favorite portrayal of her
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cayannamon · 7 years
You killed a nugget? Smh. I'll have you know my Labrador is named nugget. Shame on you. You would kill an innocent Labrador
You come into /my/ house, and accuse ME of such heinous crimery? The NERVE. I'll have you know I would never kill a lab or a door. Nuggets must be ate before they get cold. It's common sense.
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axl-fox · 8 years
But what is a sorcerers-druggie how do I become one?
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frschst · 11 years
James Blake X Crimery - Retrograde
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frschst · 11 years
Flume - Sleepless ft Jezzabell Doran (Lazy Crimery Edit)
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