#cringe culture is dead let your ocs be mary sues
neibolt-werewolf · 2 years
i’d love to hear about your oc charlie!!!! do you have a story for them? :D
Hehehe I do have a story for him!! It’s still heavily in development (and it probably always will be) but for right now a good summary before I go to bed can be:
For starters he’s my unapologetic self-insert Loser OC </3 I don’t have much planned out for him yet in regards to the Clown Summer, but there are some things that are important for what I do have planned so far!
Firstly, Charlie is trans, and but doesn’t realize it until after he moves from Derry and is an adult. He and Beverly have a really close friendship being the only two “girls” in the Losers Club, and while Charlie doesn’t feel completely in touch with being a girl (though he doesn't have the language yet to understand why), he does take comfort in Bev’s friendship and similarities. This is a bond that remains just as strong upon the two being reunited in 2016.
Secondly, Charlie is very, very queer and very much has a crush on both Richie and Eddie, but he pushes those thoughts away for obvious "its the 80's/90's" reasons until they all eventually move from Derry and the amnesia curse kicks in.
As for in 2016:
Charlie comes back to Derry with the rest of the Losers (Stan is alive) and events go roughly similar to canon (tho I plan to rework a lot of the 'ritual' stuff, I just don't feel comfortable including the canon ritual in my rewrite, but nonetheless each Loser will still face their own demons/past). Of course, things are very silly between Richie, Eddie, and Charlie, who are now adults and suddenly remembering their childhood crushes.
Roughly around the time Bowers attacks Eddie, Charlie ends up coming in contact with the Deadlights, though he's quickly knocked out of the trance. In the trance, he witnesses Eddie's canon death saving Richie, though he initially marks it down as just a bad hallucination caused by Pennywise. It isn't until they're all in the final battle with Pennywise that he realizes the awful truth: That it wasn't just a hallucination. That he saw Eddie's real death.
With this knowledge, he stops Eddie from saving Richie and instead takes his place, sacrificing himself and dying the same way that Eddie dies in canon.
Sometime after he dies, he finds himself in a space-like plane of existence, and Maturin the turtle offers him the opportunity to return to life, as he gave his life to save his friends. Charlie takes it (though he believes he must be dreaming) and comes back to life.
He reunites with the Losers and while its shocking and upsetting at first, everyone is happy that Charlie's alive and things seem to be on their way to some sort of normalcy.
Something isn't quite right, though... (He's a werewolf-like monster now bc Maturin kinda sucks at bringing people back to life and doing so can never be done without consequence. That's the narrative reason, at least, the real reason is bc I thought it would be a funny considering Richie's fear in the novel. Oh also Pennywise isn't 100% dead I'm still workshopping that though.)
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kaoruko-han · 2 months
What's disappointing about realizing why you'll never be understood is that it's no amount of trying will change anything
It doesn't matter that I write faster or have a better English. By essence I am different. It's why none of my first fics took off. People saw ocs and assumed mary sue, people saw no romance and assumed it was worthless
Because what is ocs but a way to self insert? What are fanfic but about your otp kissing?
What else could it be. Nobody care.
Isekai are popular recently and I see people hating on it on there and yeah no wonder it's self insert fantasies.
But this website do the same since a while now. Now the fiction which work are those that explicitly want the reader to imagine themselves with Christian Grey #85. Authors don't even have to try, it'll work out anyway.
JJK is nothing but this because people don't even care about the characters, but just their appearance. That's all there is to it.
Fiction doesn't reflect what people really feel about our society but then I wonder why people don't use fiction to have a reality free of what oppress them
Instead I see fiction for women primarily about being treated worst than we are irl but since the guy doing it it's hot. It's a "power fantasy" to be with a guy who have full control over your life but he love you. Lol.
I tried to understand that to accept it since I can't go anywhere in the jjk fandom withiut shit like this and that we keep repeating that cringe culture is dead but it's no use.
It make me cringe and I wish it wasn't as present and that this fandom wasn't known for fangirls using Gojo's figure as a dildo or creating t shirt where they call themselves Toji's hole or asking around which sexymen they would let abuse them
And I think wow so it's why ocs aren't as present anymore? You guys never cared about creating a character or about the character's personality of the one you claim to like? It's just about recreating what society does already?
But yeah. I do write what I want to see because nobody else will write it otherwise. Because fiction is just about that for many of you.
You can't accept a whole fandom for sure. I was just doing good in the past because it was a forum, a little community where we were all friends.
Then fandom in general became bigger and more insufferable.
I don't think this mindset will go even if I go on another one. Fandom define themselves only through amatonormativity and a fake support of aspec to not look bad.
I'm better off cutting tie and not sharing my posts in the main tag anymore, to not give me the illusion that anyone give a damn about what I do.
I just need to stop sharing and wanting to connect so bad.
I will never feel at my place here.
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miss-dollette · 10 months
With these shitty opinions, you're gonna have a field day reading the dead dove tag on ao3. You're gonna have a field day.
Like. Let people write whatever as long as it's tagged properly bc very fucking obviously you don't know how to scroll past certain fics bc they're not catered to YOU. And there's literally a tag for this kind of taboo shit that you've been shitting on. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat!!!!
Also, shut up about the fucking writing style and grammar of fics now and oh, no! bad dialogue?? dude shut UP. In time, they'll improve in their own way or maybe, maybe!!! ITS JUST NOT YOUR STYLE???? With what little there is with Makarov fics you better be fucking grateful that there's at least a small community on here.
And why tf are you suddenly turning into the fun police, huh? "Codename "Athena" cringe bc callsigns r usually used to make fun of u and don't be a mary sue!!!" Cry about it. Let people have their fun with their OCs. I thought we were over cringe culture with the Mary Sue shit man.
If you don't like seeing that type of content then mind your own fucking business because truthfully, I feel like you wouldn't survive old Tumblr or old fanfics with this attitude. Consume what you want, don't interact with what you don't like and just get on with your day.
It's a shame that you are a good writer with such shit opinions on what the fandom is making. Grow up.
Skimmed through this and couldn't help but laugh.
Babe, I know what DDDNE is, I've been reading and creating fanfiction FOR YEAAAARS and my Ao3 account was created in 2014 and I was on Wattpad before it had ads! And honey, i was on Tumblr YEARS before the porn ban and when SuperWhoLock was trending. So don't presume anything about me because I know my shit.
I said what I mf said, and I knew ya'll were gonna come for me, so I said it anyway.
Take your own advice, and don't interact with my blog if you're such a crybaby - I left a TW for a reason, so people like you wouldn't wander in by accident. But look at you, you read my post on purpose, then got mad and sent me a message!
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harl3quinharl0t · 1 year
Saying this, hoping none of my followers/anons think that some SPG OCS are Mary sues, cringe culture is dead, and who cares. Why is it important to you that someone else's oc is the way it is? It's not like you made the oc, so why are you focusing so hard that they are a Mary sue or not, let people have their fun
And yes, i did see people agreeing with a person in the Cavalcadium, writing channel.
Cringe culture is stupid, let people be cringe and free instead of being judgemental.
And if it's a fanfic you can't read, then don't just read it??? Closing your eyes is an option
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the-kestrels-feather · 8 months
Get To Know Me Tag Game
I was tagged by the lovely @gyokujyn, thank you friendo!!
1. How did you get your nickname (or url)?
There's nothing especially deep to it tbh, my name is Kestrel and my go-to username is kestrelfeather (yes I know its a Warrior Cats name it haunts me every day) but it was taken already
2. What's the last thing that made you cry?
Not to trauma dump on this here Tumblr post but tbh I need to get better at actually feeling my feelings, because I don't remember the last time I cried, and it's not because I'm living my best life or anything it's because I bottle my feelings like a fine wine 😅🙃
3. What's your latest guilty pleasure?
I try not to feel guilty about things that being me joy but it is absolutely my shameless Self-insert OC created to date Bucky Barnes and is almost definitely the Nonbinary equivalent of a Mary Sue but they make me happy GOD DAMMIT Cringe culture is DEAD
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
So despite not being a sporty kid I've actually played a few! Itty bitty baby Kes played soccer, Tee Ball, and Softball at varying times, and did Ballet, jazz, and tap for like a year or two. But that all stopped when I turned 7 and FINALLY talked my parents into letting me take horseback riding lessons, and I did that for 11.5 years. I absolutely LOVED riding, and would ABSOLUTELY still be doing it, but unfortunately it's time and money I don't have so I just stare longingly.
5. What are your pet peeves?
People who don't chew with their mouth closed talk with their mouth full my mother even though she denies it, kids who come into the textbook distribution room I work in and go "I need a book" but when i ask them for a title, class, teacher, literally any information that woukd help me get them the correct book they just say "I don't know".
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Eyes. I suck at eye contact but if someone has pretty eyes I take notice
7. What is your eye color?
Great question tbh. Somewhere between blue and green, like a sort of teal-y color.
8. What super specific trope or genre is your kryptonite?
In non-fanciction settings: Gothic and Cosmic horror, action is fun, the fact that Librivox audiobooks of novels in the public domain are easy to find and extremely accessible, it's given me a strong love for classical literature, Picture of Dorian Gray is my favorite.
In Fanfiction settings: inject that Hurt/Comfort directly into my VEINS--. I'm also a big fan of any and all forms of Nonsexual intimacy.
9. What is your superpower?
As a Props Artisan I can make anything out of anything. I love making props from found objects, especially weapons. I was on a production of Romeo and Juliet and got to make all sorts of fun found object weapons because it was a post-apocalyptitc world
Some examples:
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10. Which fictional world would you be happy to call home?
I know I would like. Instantly die. But I would love to live as a half-blood in the Percy Jackson world tbh.
11. What are your hobbies?
Listening to audiobooks and video essays, writing, learning to draw, video games, and crafting.
12. Do you have any pets?
I have one Dog, an 11 year old rat terrier mix named Peanut who owns my heart ❤️ I used to have pet land snails too, but unfortunately they have all passed on.
Bonus Peanut. Look at this little face how could you see this and NOT want to hand over all your worldly possessions to her:
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13. What is your biggest toxic trait?
Oh jeez. I have a stubborn streak, but can also be really selfish.
14. Is there anything you're afraid you won't accomplish?
Oh BOY is there. My dream is to work Props for a Marvel movie and I worry I'll never get there. Also I'm just in general worried I'm never going to get a job in theatre/film which is my dream because it's the job I want, what I love, and what I went to school for and I'm scared I'll never get there.
15. What's number one on your bucket list?
The aforementioned dream of working on a Marvel movie!
@bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky @navybrat817 @feraljazzpunk @buckybuckyboo and anyone else who wants to!
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newt-pontmercy · 4 years
Unwarranted ‘ConCrit’
Let me clarify this; this isn’t me saying I’m against concrit in anyways. Constructive criticism can be useful! Especially when it’s asked for! However, if it’s not asked for, it can be kinda...Unhelpful. Actually, unhelpful is the wrong word. ‘Damaging’ is the right word.
So I’ve started writing a multichapter fic recently and I couldn’t quite work out why I was so anxious for comments, obsessively checking with every update to see if there’s more and worrying if there isn’t. At first, I thought it was because I was looking for validation or just because I was getting more comments recently. But then I realised. I’ve been like this towards comments for a long time. And I can probably pin down exactly where it comes from.
Fanfiction.net in 2012.
In 2012, I used to watch the tv series Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Being 12, I thought ‘wouldn’t it be really neat to write my own story about someone joining the Avengers?!’ so I did! And I had fun writing it! And I was looking forward to writing more! Until the reviews came in. Let me make this very clear; if you read that story then you could tell it wasn’t an adult writing it. You can tell it’s someone young and inexperienced who’s clearly just having fun. These are the reviews on that story.
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Yeah, the story was badly written and really cliche and the character was absolutely a Mary-Sue! But I liked writing her! I had so many ideas for that doc but I just...kinda stopped writing it. Because the only feedback I got in it was people telling me it was wrong. It was telling me the story was bad and that was really disheartening.
So I stopped updating. I stopped watching the show and still find it hard to try and rewatch. Because it always makes me think of this. Looking back on it, maybe the reviews aren’t that bad but to a twelve year old? They were a lot. I stopped writing for a long time after that. I started hating everything I was writing and I still cite it as part of the reason I have such a love-hate relationship with my own work. And I know it’s such a dumb thing looking back. But I was a kid and it hurt me a lot.
Write as many Mary Sues as you want! You want to make an OC that has a bunch of abilities and can save the canon characters? That’s wonderful! You’re wonderful! Someone calls your story cringe? Screw them! It’s 2020! Cringe culture is dead!
Unwarranted ConCrit can be harmful and y’all need to fucking chill.
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How are you so brave to share OCs? What’s your secret? Aside from the obvious talent you have.
Honestly? Just knowing in my heart of hearts that fanfiction is first and foremost fun.
It should be for fun. And OCs were always my favorite part of fandom. Those were the stories I actively looked for, and at the time, I was made to feel guilty.
I went on the Mary Sue litmus test to make sure my OC couldn’t be classified as such.  I kept everything in a secure file on my computer and didn’t share it with anyone.  And I wasn’t having fun.
But, then, I got older.  I got better as a writer and I realized that all the people that made me feel guilty about what I liked were fundamentally wrong.  The Mary Sue label is bullshit.  Your fanfic is not going to be noticed by the creator and become canon.  Shut up and let people live their bliss.
So, once I got a good foothold in the community and more confident in my writing, I thought; fuck it.  Cringe culture is dead, long live Mary Sue!
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Rant about Cringe Culture
So before I start this, I just want y’all to know that cringe culture is dead. I say this because, well, think about it. What part of someone liking a certain thing makes it cringe? Cuz it’s weird? Cuz it’s not the norm? Maybe they draw edgy mary sue oc’s and you and your art expertise™️ just can’t handle that?
Well I’m here to tell you too bad. Where do you think you get off on making fun of someone’s interest just so it makes you feel better about yourself?
My rant starts here. So over the summer me and my friend wanted to put together a Danganronpa roleplay server on Discord (for nostalgia sake). We wanted to relive the good ole days, so we spent a good 3 something hours perfecting the server to make sure we didn’t overlook any mistakes. Now of course, we aren’t professionals so it was just a nice simple server. We were very proud of it, and eventually opened it to the public. It took a few days for people to join (and stay), and by the third day we started the roleplay.
Now, when we accepted the oc applications, we kept in mind that this was going to be a fun roleplay that anyone could enjoy. Of course we would help with their applications if it was too empty or there was something small they could fix. But other than that we just wanted anyone and everyone to enjoy their stay.
Couple days go by and a few more people join. These people, however, would label themselves more elite and experienced in roleplaying. Which is fine, I didn’t care how much experience anyone had. I myself have roleplayed since 2013 so I could relate a little. Again, this was just a server for anyone who wanted to roleplay. There was no experience requirement or anything, you didn’t need a resume to get in.
(I’d also like to clarify that if you have a Discord server with an experience requirement or that you want it to be more “professional” or whatever the word is, that is completely fine. I’m not slandering that at all.)
But these new people came in and started telling us that our server was an absolute mess. We accepted mary sue oc’s, we weren’t active 24/7, yada yada. Which I can respect some constructive criticism, if it were constructive. These people went on and on about how our server was hot garbage (despite it being active, people did roleplay), about the people in the server being stupid cringy kids who didn’t know how to roleplay.
Y’know, I have no problem with people coming for the server, but it really hit me wrong when these people came in and started targeting individual members in the server. “I can’t believe you accepted this edgy cat girl oc are you kidding me” or “wow your oc is cringe trash, learn how to make an oc”.
Listen. The kids in my server were 13-15 year olds if not younger or older. These kids are just getting introduced to this world of roleplay and oc making, and if they wanted to express themselves with their little edgy cat girl oc then by God I was going to let them. So these freaks came in, telling us how we should run our server, and my friend caved in cuz she felt belittled. That we weren’t fit enough to run this server. She made them moderators, they put stricter rules on how to make an oc and specific requirements on roleplaying.
For the time they were moderators, that fun airy nostalgic feeling was gone. We kind of felt these people enjoyed feeling above others rather than associating with the members. New members joined, and to be honest they were all arogant assholes. They felt their oc was better than the rest, telling others with less experience that they should just leave. I couldn’t stand the new members or the moderators. So we deleted the server.
So to end my rant, please do not shame younger kids for making ocs and being interested in the things they are. I’m 18 now, going into my freshman year of college for graphic design. I started my drawing career by making Invader Zim oc’s. Hetalia oc’s and drawing Hetalia ships. If I had been told early on that my ocs were stupid, cringe, and my art was awful I wouldn’t be where I am today.
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I, and many others, still have a long ways to go. Do not criticize someone’s oc just because it’s “mary sue” or “cringe”. Constructive criticism is very helpful, but do not put them down without a reason. They’re growing, they’re learning, and so are you.
Thank you.
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theradicalace · 6 years
hey it’s your Certified Undertale Mutual out here sayin: cringe culture is dead, love your favorite things.  make shitty mary sue ocs, self insert until the cows come home, ship oc/canon ships from dawn till dusk. and most importantly: don’t let anyone give you shit for it.
we’re out here having fun on main and anyone who doesnt like it cause it’s “cringy” is just shit outta luck and probably cranky cause we’re having a better time than they are
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