#cringe incel moment
cursedcatvibes · 3 months
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re4r!incel roommate leon x roommate reader
word count: 3.6k
summary: Incel leon who thinks he’s above women and thinks he’s an alpha male. he’s an absolute piece of shit too.
tags/warnings: 18+ minors DNI! Smut, many many mentions of misogyny. He literally can’t find the clit. P in V, he wrapped it before he tapped it! Incel 😧. quick mention of abuse but it’s not super relevant to the plot. not proofread!
a/n: not much to say other than i cringed so bad trying to write leon’s character, but i was committed, i looked through incel forums on reddit and even got chronically online real quick. also i’m on vacation! so i’m not able to write as much as I want! :( i’ll probably post small drabbles but i will most likely have another full story up in a month considering I cranked out a whole 7k page fic and then now a 3k one. DONT QUOTE ME! Also maybe agent leon x agent reader next. @gettingsilly (my sweetheart who was so hyped about this! here you go my love!)
pussy - rammstein (highly recommend them)
behind blue eyes - limp bizkit (fun fact; this was the og title of the story!)
rape me - nirvana (this was going to be a non con but i changed my mind)
norwegian wood - the beatles (literally burns the woman’s house down cause she don’t want him😭)
happy reading!
Handsome. Is the first thing that came to mind when you first opened the door to greet your new roommate, Leon. 
The rent was getting out of hand these days and you figured it was a way better deal to split the rent instead of living paycheck to paycheck damn near.
The only downside were the horror stories about roommates and even just random strangers too. It made you feel a bit queasy, but what else could you do, a recently single woman and at the ripe age of 25, technically you were in your prime for all types of creeps and weirdos to try and pull something, especially if you live alone.
So you bit the bullet and put up a craigslist ad, putting it at the back of your mind for now while you went back to getting rid of your ex-boyfriend's belongings. 
You only remembered about it when someone responded to it and after a few messages back and forth you gave the address to him and told him he could move in tomorrow. Feeling a bit proud of yourself for even being able to organize such an arrangement.
The first thing you noticed was how absolutely built he was, he definitely went to the gym and it made you feel a little insecure for a brief moment, before you stepped to the side to allow him to enter. “Welcome to your new home!” You beamed, happy with what you’ve done to the place. Completely missing the way his eyes ran up and down your body lewdly. 
He only wanted to have a girl roommate because he figured she would give it up easily or at least flaunt her body off to him, much to his dismay you were wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, not a single ounce of skin showing where he could sculpt your body out. “Prude.” Is what ran through his mind.
“Thanks.” He replied stiffly. “Where is my room at?” Leon asked as he looked around, he was kinda pissed off you didn’t show him any goods. He hated girls who didn’t show off their body, but he hated girls who showed off too much, thought they were just whores looking to get some attention.
So what if he catcalled them? Obviously they were dressing like that for attention and got all pissy when he gave them that attention.
You were oblivious to Leon’s degrading thoughts, too focused on trying to make sure he didn’t try to kidnap or murder you. When he spoke about where he would be staying you perked up and showed him the room while also giving a quick tour of the apartment.
You were even sweet enough to help him unpack all his things once they were all brought in! He owned some interesting objects, a bit uncomfortable to watch him unpack as he had a whole box dedicated to just sex toys. Fake pair of tits that were way too big to even be comfortable on a woman, fake mouth, fake ass, and multiple fake pussy’s. That wasn’t even the worst part of it. 
It got all too freaky when he pulled out hentai figurines that had little to no clothes on, all in lewd poses with lewd expressions on their faces, more specifically ahegao. You could feel the initial attraction from him sizzle down to a mere speck of a flame.
How could someone just own all this stuff so casually, flaunting it like it was a toy race car collection? But Leon didn’t care, fictional cat women were so much better than real women. They couldn't reject him or deny him sex. (Because they quite literally couldn’t, they're inanimate figures.)
He had the straightest deadpan expression on his face and you got the heebie jeebies thinking about what he could’ve possibly done with all these weird toys.”So,” You cleared your throat awkwardly, suddenly feeling like every object of his you touched was just icky. “Where did you say you lived before this?” You asked curiously.
Leon glanced over at you, wondering if you were gonna pull your hoodie off and finally show him your tits if he answered all your questions, he was growing frustrated. Dammit woman! Show him something! He thinks this is the longest he had gone without jerking off or watching a porno. If you weren’t gonna entertain him sexually why were you still bothering him?
“My mom’s. She said something about me needing to move out because I'm too old.” He grumbled out, this gave you a major ick, didn’t this guy say he was 27? He wasn’t struggling to get money when clearly he can afford expensive sex toys and other items. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” You replied quietly, to which Leon grunted in acknowledgment.
Once you finished the box you were unpacking you decided the best course of action was to just walk away from this conversation. “It seems like you can handle the rest on your own, I don’t really wanna break any of your computer monitors and stuff.” You said as you stood up from the floor and brushed your hands against your pants.
 “Okay.” Leon hummed, disinterested in  conversation. All he really wanted to do was hurry up and set his computer up so he could jerk off in peace. You leaving his room was a bonus. He didn’t want to be downright rude and kick you out, after all, he is totally a nice guy. Plus he got the opportunity to stare at your ass as you walked out, he could see it jiggling underneath your sweats which was enough to rile him up.
You wish you could say it improved from there but unfortunately it did not at all. It only seemed to worsen. Like who the hell is watching porn from the moment they wake up to the moment they fall asleep. It’s all just yucky. The loud and over exaggerated moans that were definitely done for performance and not real. 
The only time Leon would leave his room was to eat or grab some water, he always looked so dazed too, it made you wonder what he was doing in there, you’ve never seen him go to work so it made you curious. 
Leon on the other hand was always so dazed or flustered in the face from the amount of jerking off he does all day. He once ran his dick dry enough to start cumming clear, rubbing himself raw damn near. It’s not like he tried not to get laid, he definitely did. But it never worked.
The way he carried himself was creepy, flaunting the fact he was a nice guy who could give a girl a good time. News flash! If you have to say you’re a nice guy, you're definitely not. Girls often avoided him in middle school and that followed him throughout highschool and even college. So he naturally drifted towards animated women.
He was hot but his personality quite literally sucked, it's like he would attract women because of his looks and as soon as he started speaking they lost interest. But you? You still greeted him every time he came out of his room with a polite smile on your face, offering to cook him something but he always declined because the mere thought of having a woman do something trivial such as cook for him like a traditional woman should, made him hard on the spot.
He had the normal views on life, such as all men do. Women are baby makers, they belong in the kitchen, they should treat their man like a king. It’s not like anyone could change his opinion either. He’s so far into the rabbit hole that his other incels praise him like he was a god, thus only further bursting his massive ego. 
You didn’t think much of Leon, not in a harsh way, you just didn’t really know that much about him because you two never spoke like that. All you did know was that he watched porn, maybe a bit too much that was considered normal. It's not like you're shaming him because you watch porn too, but you have some decency, a bit of dignity and pride.
Yet your opinion of him instantly sours when one day he comes out of his room, which reeked with the smell of cum and sweat, the room was humid too, which confused you when you first noticed it. He wore an angry expression on his face as he stomped, yes, like a toddler would, towards the fridge to guzzle down a can of soda. 
You, sitting on the couch mindlessly scrolling through your phone waiting for the time to pass on your off day, you planned to go to a club and slut yourself out to help remind yourself that you’re in fact hot and your ex missed out. Yet when he slammed the fridge door closed that caught your attention, perking your head up like a puppy.
“Uh, you alright?” You asked aloud, watching his eyes snap towards you with a frustrated huff. He figured if you put up with him this long then you must see the same misogynistic views he does about women. “No!” He scoffed out, dragging himself to sit on the couch next to you, like directly. Knees touching and everything.
This piqued your curiosity, maybe you could learn something about him? “What’s wrong?” You questioned as you shut your phone off, sitting up a bit straighter now, putting some distance between the both of you on purpose by grabbing a throw pillow.
Leon then started to rant and you’ve never been more disgusted and horrified in your life before. “I’ve been talking to this really hot chick and we were hitting it off, even had phone sex once or twice but when she asked me who my ideal woman was she ghosted me! Like what's wrong with saying women belong in the kitchen, or doing laundry, or even just cleaning. Women are only here to serve us alpha males.” 
Your nose scrunched up while your face morphed into genuine horror mixed with disgust. Is this seriously his mindset? It must be a joke or something of the sort because no way in hell. “Is.. is this a joke?” You asked, feeling puzzled as you looked around for a hidden camera. Out of all the people you got stuck with, you got stuck with an incel of all people.
Leon stared at you with the most serious face he could muster, he wasn’t kidding, in fact he was getting a bit upset that you were thinking he was joking. “Women are what's wrong with this world! You’re all too soft and so ditzy. You all think men’s feelings are a joke.” He grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and you swear you can make out a dried cum stain on his clothes. 
You felt so sick and also tickled, you’ve never heard someone or have been around a real life incel before and unfortunately this one came in the form of a super hot guy that wasn’t looking so hot anymore 
“Ew..” You stood up from the couch and stuck your tongue out slightly. “Is that how you see women? No wonder why she ghosted you, you’re a fucking incel.” You scoffed out, to which Leon got offended. “So?! What’s wrong with that?!” He shouted, the tips of his ears turning pink. It was different being scolded by a woman in person rather than over the phone because  he knows they can't hurt him physically but rather verbally. Plus it’s much easier to insult someone online versus real life.
“Do you actually hear the words leaving your mouth?” You questioned, staring him down intensely. Leon tried not to shrink in on himself, it reminded him of his mom telling him that he had done something wrong and now he was in trouble. So he doubled down and sat up straighter too, staring up at you. 
“Yeah, and what about it? Why do women get so butthurt over every little thing?” Leon grunted out, rolling his eyes like a little kid would. You were just astonished that he was willing to keep going even after being confronted with the fact, but you weren’t oblivious to the way his ears were turning red from embarrassment. “Fine, if that’s how you’re gonna be.” You murmured as you sat down on the coffee table right in front of him. His eyes follow your form curiously. If he was being honest the only reason why he actually moved in with you was because he thought you were really hot from your profile picture and even the photo you sent of yourself to prove that you were real, per his request. He jerked off to both photos for hours. (Plus his mom really did kick him out.)
Leon went to question you in hopes of turning the table around to make it backfire on you. Yet as his mouth opened to make another snide remark about women you spoke up first. “Let me be the first one to tell you this, and I mean this too.” You paused as you stared right into his eyes. “No woman is ever gonna have sex with you if you have this mentality and mindset.” You watched his eyes widen a bit and felt some joy come from it.
Leon balled his hands up into fists in genuine anger, a deep part of himself knew she wasn’t lying but the other part was so adamant on her being wrong. Obviously she didn’t know what she was talking about, women never do. “You’re a liar. You’re just jealous.” He scoffed out, narrowing his eyes into thin slits.
You were absolutely not lying.
Far from it actually.
The closest Leon had came to a pussy is on a computer screen, let’s face it. No woman on earth would wanna sleep with such scum such as him, not even prostitutes themselves want to take on such a tedious task. They’d rather kill themselves or have their pimp abuse them than sleep with him.
“Really, name 5 women you’ve had touch you in a romantic way.” You countered, staring into his eyes with an intense expression. Leon opened his mouth to try and smugly name a woman until he realized the answer was 0, he had no names because no one wanted him like that.
It was a blow to his ego and it showed on his face. If he wasn’t such a loser with terrible opinions along with his shitty personality then you would’ve felt bad but you didn’t. It was his own fault.
“That’s not fair.” He grumbled, staring up at you with a slight hurt look on his face. He wanted to get back at you. Make you regret and eat your words. How? Well that problem was quickly answered as he grabbed your wrist and pinned you beneath him on the couch. A yelp leaving your mouth at the sudden movements.
“What the—“ You were suddenly cut off by Leon’s hand slapping over your mouth, he smelled of cum and sweat, it made you wanna gag and throw up on him. “I bet I can make you cum so hard you’ll forget that you were mean to me.” He hissed, his fragile ego was broken because of you!
You furrowed your eyebrows before rolling your eyes. “Whatever.” You said underneath his palm, voice coming out muffled.
Leon smirked and moved his hand off your mouth, gazing lustfully at your body. He seemed confident but on the inside he was screaming at himself. He’s never touched or seen a woman in such an intimate manner in real life. This wasn’t a screen this time.
He gulped and hooked his fingers on the waistband of your sweatpants, he was determined to make you cum if it was the last thing he ever did.
Once he removed your sweatpants he found you commando beneath it. His breath caught in his throat, your mound was glistening beneath the light in the living room. It wasn’t even wet because of him, but he was dumb enough to not know the difference. He stared in awe before looking back up at your face when you cleared your throat awkwardly. “You gonna stare or what?” You questioned.
Leon shook his head before putting his hands on you, gently rubbing your inner thighs. Making you think that for a brief moment he might actually know what he was doing, right up until he pressed his thumb against your lower lips and started rubbing them.
Completely missing your clit.
He felt so aroused and a bit cocky now that he was touching your pussy, his eyes laser focused on your face to see if it was feeling good. He even tried dirty talk too. “Yeah? Does that feel good? I bet it does.” Literally hyping himself up.
You found it hilarious and decided to nod, stifling a laugh as you let out a fake over exaggerated moan he hears in his crappy pornos. Leon let out a soft groan at the sound, his hips bucking up into the air while his cock twitched.
Now, Leon had seen enough porn to know that he needed a condom and lube, obviously they never showed the actors prepping the girls' pretty cunts, they just stuck it in. Spoiler alert, foreplay is hot! None is not.
While Leon ran to his room you took the opportunity to finger yourself, even if you were sure he wasn’t packing much you wanted to be somewhat prepared for a small stretch, you groaned silently, throwing your head back in pleasure, clearly favoring your hand over Leon himself.
When you heard his footsteps you quickly pulled your hand away and watched as he excitedly took his pants off. Wow, so much for knowing how to pleasure a woman. It was funny to watch him struggle to keep it together when he kneeled back between your legs.
“I’m gonna put it in now.” Leon announced, squirting a generous amount of lube on your cunt before (attempting to) rolling on the condom. (You definitely had to help him. The last thing you wanted was to get knocked up by some dimwit.)
He put some lube on his cock, jerking off a bit while looking down at your pussy. Not your face. When he stopped masturbating he slapped the tip of his dick against your clit a few times, your body jolting in pleasure at the sudden sensation.
This immediately boosted his ego and you were in awe he was able to make you feel partially good. He was just daydreaming of how tight and warm your hole was going to feel. His dick wasn’t that big either, it was average length, average size, average balls. Just.. underwhelming and average.
“What’re you waiting for?” You murmured, snapping him out his trance briefly before he cleared his throat. “J-Just trying to brace you for my cock, it’s big right?” Leon questioned, feeling a bit insecure but he wanted you to make him feel better, feel like a man. That was a woman’s purpose after all.
“Yes (no).” You sighed out breathily, keeping up your act, dragging your nails down his body gently, causing him to shudder and nod with a smug look on his face. He pushed himself in fairly easily, considering your ex-boyfriends cock was much bigger and overwhelming, accidentally clenching down around Leon’s sad excuse of a penis which riled him up, thinking you had came.
You definitely missed his dick and now was stuck with some crappy one attached to a misogynistic freak. A soft sound of discomfort left your lips and Leon took it as a sign that you were enjoying it. You must love it! He was so confident in himself!
So confident that after 5-6 thrusts he spilled inside the condom, talk about a minute man. He was a millisecond man. His whole body spasmed from euphoric bliss, he had never cum this hard in his life before, burying his face in your neck, sloppily kissing at your skin because he couldn’t kiss for the life of him.
You were stunned someone could cum so quickly, that had to be a world record or something. Quickest man to cum after sticking it in or some random ass title, you hadn’t realized you had zoned out about the Guinness record book until Leon pulled his cock out from inside you, feeling good about himself.
He was panting softly from the intensity of his orgasm, leaning back against the couch to gaze at your pretty pussy, he wanted to eat you out too, wanting to show you he was good orally too.
“Was it good? Did you cum too?” Leon said as he stared into your eyes, wanting to hear you sing his praises and take back your harsh words that hurt his feelings. Almost like a puppy waiting for its owner to praise them for pissing outside the house instead of inside.
You grabbed your clothes and put them back on, smirking as you stared him dead in the eye. “No, I didn’t cum.” You snickered as his face dropped, kissing his forehead quickly. “Sucks to suck, Leon.” You said casually, getting up to go to your room and nap.
Leon sat on the couch stunned beyond relief, his cock kicking against his thigh as he watched you.
He swore under his breath that you were lying and you did cum, after all, delusion is key, and delusion is what made him become your roommate to begin with.
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Fantasies, Reality and Desire
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Michael Gavey x fem!reader
warning : masturbation (m), drugs/alcohol, obsession, stalking, no use of Y/n, Michael is a creep (kind of incel but not really)
Summary : Fantasies of a fellow student he couldn't get rid of and didn't want to, the reality that he's a loser and she's one of the richest you can be and the desire he desired her but did she desire him? In the end, what was the truth that Michael saw and what was the bitter reality?
Info : After a long time something for Michael the sweet even if I initially had something shorter in mind it came here to much fun reading ;)
cover from me
Fantasies can be many things Fantasies that you will graduate with an impeccable grade point average and perhaps be the best in your class. Fantasies can be about the future, a good job with lots of money, maybe lots of friends…but most of all, fantasies can make you see the world as more beautiful than it actually is.
Above all, fantasies were also there for when thoughts, stress and life become too much. If you were a loser, a misunderstood genius who was the best at maths in any subject and outperformed even the professor who was teaching him at the time.
The bespectacled man whose blue-green eyes looked at the maths book on the desk in front of him knew that most of his ‘students' minds were not on him, he knew he was wasting his time on these stupid ones but it was just too tempting, at least in his mind, to be above them when he was teaching them and could give each one a bad mark in turn because they didn't get it anyway.
But when he looked up again, he saw her, the girl of his fantasies, the fellow classmate who always looked at him and smiled at him.
She wanted to tell him something like, I'm watching you, please go on for me Michael he could almost hear her voice and he always smiled back a slight almost mischievous nervous smile and pushed up his glasses.
He always gave her a better grade he studied her handwriting felt the paper between his hands and from the way she smiled cutely, her pretty eyes looking at him and her elegant handwriting she was everything to him in this class.
Above all, he remembered a moment it was the week before the first important exams everyone was still trying to get into his head, cheat or bribe but his angel came to him.
She came to him after class and sat down on his table, her gaze showing no disgust and he felt himself cringe when her body was so close. He had always just watched her or seen her and had only ever met her by chance at parties, in the bar or in the library.
She had always been nice to him. Once she had even ordered him a shot that night in the bar and he had wanted to thank her for everything, but in reality he had only managed a stuttered, ,,T-Thank you".
But when she sat in front of him, her skirt pushed up even higher and the black fabric of her knee-high socks clung to her soft thighs, the tasks he was supposed to go through with her seemed completely uninteresting.
It was the day of the afternoon that had burnt itself into his brain when he first felt her against him, her ,,Thank you Michael, you're the best" made him blush and he froze when he suddenly felt her arms around him.
The sweet earthy smell of her perfume that he knew embarrassingly stood in his nightcap he knew exactly what he was doing was wrong that he was truly a loser who had a chance in his imagination.
But this fantasy that she liked him mingled with the reality of feeling her body on him for a moment only to stand there like a pathetic outsider, almost unworthy of her but she was everything.
,,You should come to my party this Saturday to relax after the exam," these words were still echoing in his head as he made his way back to his room in the late afternoon, having thought about going to the party all week. Oliver wouldn't be there, it was the first weekend of the holidays and it was the party before everyone went back to their homes.
Whereas home was more of a millionaire mansion and Michael was studying here as usual and looking around the city a bit…maybe he would finally dare to go to the red districts…maybe it was better to face the reality that he would never lose his virginity to his dream girl.
My angel…she doesn't pay me any attention when I pretend and yet…she's just so kind he thought to himself and had to think back to the moment of the hug he knew in reality it was just a gesture but his emotions, his fantasies, this hope in his sick heart, his mind that wouldn't let him rest twisted everything.
Every look was for him, the smile was for him when she crossed her legs a moment too long and he could only catch a glimpse of her underwear but it was for him, the hug as her breasts pressed against his torso.
It was the same thoughts that haunted him when he saw her on his bed, the tingling in his groin increasing as he closed the door and drew the curtains, almost paranoid, but this fantasy mixed with the reality that he was kinky and his desire for her made him want to do his thing in secret.
His room almost became a place of shame, she would come here and smell her perfume, see her lost top after swimming in his drawer next to the photos. Photos he had taken since the first day, photos in all positions and photos that were on his mobile phone, photos that he had pulled from his laptop.
Videos he had taken with his own laptop camera, it was easy for a genius like him to hack them. Another disgusting thing and yet what could he do? when he had lost himself to her with everything.
His fantasies were with her, his harsh reality was with her and his desire was for her. Was it his fault if he desired her when she smiled at him so kindly and was so pretty that it came to such a thing again?
He had to reach for those pervy recordings, his glasses slipped down slightly and it only took his own shame to feel the tug in his groin and the tightness of his boxers as his body began to react to the video faster than he would have liked.
It was harmless, just showing her coming back in the evening he looked at her unifomr again and went to her thighs and wished he could cuddle her in front of him and just wanted to touch her.
,,You must be so soft," he murmured, feeling himself swallow hard, his hand moving over his centre a few times, stroking his hardness lightly, and he shuddered, imagining his imagination showing him slowly removing her clothes.
The buttons of her shirt which sometimes showed him her bra through the bright white, how the dark fabric of her bra hid her breasts and on cold days he could see how she tried to cover her slightly hard nipples with her arms.
,,Wonderful," he whispered as he saw her slip the shirt off and his fingers wander over her torso, grazing her soft smooth skin and kissing any birthmarks, scars and stretch marks if she would let him.
She was a goddess, her body was everything and he would give anything to disappear between her thighs, to put his lips on hers and finally have her listen to him, a muffled moan escaping him as his thumb ran over the tip of his thigh, a twitch going through his hips and he wanted more of the pleasure.
He got out of his trousers and underwear, unbuttoned his red shirt as the room slowly became too warm and his glasses slipped slightly as he lay down on his bed, his eyes showing remorse as he reached for his bedside cabinet.
,,If only I were with you,’ he murmured, looking up from the video that was still playing and she had taken off her bra by now, he let out a pathetic whimper as his movements quickened and he saw her breasts in the dimmed light and felt the urge to touch them.
Letting his fingers massage the soft flesh Are you sensitive? Threw me for sure he thought to himself the hint of a smile which was followed by another grunt and moan as his fingers ran over the sensitive tip again he turned on his side and held the phone closer in front of him.
Watching her elegant fingers run over her body, looking at her breasts, he saw her say something he wished she wanted him to say, but that wasn't the reality.
Running his tongue over his dry lips he wished he could kiss her, taste her as she slipped out of her skirt and he saw the light-coloured panties with the lace he also knew.
When she played tennis in sports with her friends, he was always there at the window with a camera, behind a wall with binoculars, or on the court with his tasks and his eyes.
He took in everything he got from her and the image that presented itself to him, his hips moving rhythmically towards his hand. He knew the video would only go on for a few minutes while he looked at her body and she would change her clothes, but it was also a moment worth savouring.
Another twitch of his cock as she sat down on the bed and he could almost look at her centre, if only the fabric hadn't blown...if he hadn't been such a disgusting pervert it wouldn't make him so lustful.
So he gripped the mobile phone even tighter, held the top he had taken sprayed with perfume to his nose and greedily took in her scent, closed his eyes, gave in to his desire and groaned into the garment a few moments later, spilling himself into his hand.
Giving his high a moment before he turned on his back, breathing heavily he put her top aside and adjusted himself into a sitting position before reaching for the tissue box and cleaning himself adjusting his glasses and picking up new clothes with a sigh of satisfaction and shame.
He had done it again, had given in to his fantasies again, had taken her and made her his again, had touched her body and inhaled her scent like a lecher.
His slightly sticky hand rebuffed him, it wasn't hers, it wasn't her who had fondled him, he hadn't come inside her, he couldn't put his lips on her body...it was all just his disgusting fantasy. Fantasy is not reality he thought and threw the tissue into the garbage can with the others before looking at the clock and seeing that the party was starting.
But he felt the desire inside him that he should have just satisfied telling him to go there, that he could see her, dancing, drunk, maybe she would need help, maybe she would lean on him, maybe he would feel her body against his.
Michael Gavey knew he had fantasies, obsessive fantasies, he knew the reality was sad and scary but he knew his desire was stronger and he would go out with the camera, his cell phone and a pair of gloves if he accidentally let something go because in the end he was just the weird math nerd Michael Gavey to her and not her stalker since she started at Oxford University.
@sapphirespiders , @aemondslove , @ateliefloresdaprimavera , @moonygirlsworld , @liannafae , @
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bisexualbailorgana · 2 months
season 1 of the umbrella academy is possibly Thee season of television ever. moments of eye wateringly cringe dialogue and also moments of actual comedic genius. set design and scenery that feels realistic ie victor’s messy apartment, hazel and cha cha’s shitty motels, the bowling alley, diego’s gym, agnes and hazel eating lunch by the bins outside her diner. aidan gallagher playing the most convincing disgruntled bitter 58 y/o while being a literal child. psychological incel horror of victor x leonard and the incestual nightmare of allison x luther vs the oddball delight of agnes x hazel and five x dolores. fight scenes in the coolest locations that are actually well choreographed. soundtrack that is composed almost entirely of songs u probably heard on the radio but never knew the name of yet somehow fit perfectly. victor exuding massive transmasc energy before elliot page himself even came out. they introduced gays and then buried them but its kind of okay bc one of them can see the dead. there's furries. everyone is traumatised and dealing with it horribly and they all hate their dad. it's perfection
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obsessedtomone · 9 months
Unravel Yourself Before Me ⛓️ Chapter 1 - Convenience ▸Shigaraki x femReader
Summary: “Say, I’ll make you a killer deal,” he begins, the tone of his voice deceptively even, failing to mask the coldness. “If you fucking apologize to me right now, and manage to clear things up with the professor before—” He slides his sleeve just above his expensive-looking smartwatch and casually checks the time, “—the class ends, in about… mmh, give or take three minutes? I promise you won't regret this as much as you will if you do go through with this stupid shit you started with me.”
His face breaks into a slow and creepy smile as he threatens you, body emanating nothing other than incredible malice.
You wish you could turn back time and never cross his path, that stupid night at the store.
You wish you were a different, nicer person, one that knows when to bow their head or to apologize if they messed up.
But you weren’t and you won’t. Setting: University AU - No quirks (unless degenerate personalities count) Tags: Slow burn, Eventual Smut, Unhealthy/Toxic Relationships, Humiliation, Mentally Ill Reader, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Enemies to ??? Warning: Dead Dove – Do Not Eat | Mind the tags TW: Implied Su/Self H, Dubcon, Reader has a super shitty past like actually, Shigaraki Tomura is his own warning.
AO3 Crosspost | Chain Divider by firefly-graphics
Chapters: One • Two • Three
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Chapter 1 - Convenience Pitter-patter.
With a pop of your joints, you reach for the moon or the ceiling or maybe the gods above. You reach and you reach and finally you feel that satisfying stretch burn through your muscles.
What time is it anyway?
You cringe, because the birds are chirping, the first light of the day is starting to show, and because… you’ve been gaming your entire fucking Saturday night.
It’s 4:30 AM when you check your phone.
—And you could’ve been studying, could’ve been in touch with your project buddies, to at least send them your part of the project in time. But you didn’t and you won’t.
Not at least until tomorrow anyway.
Tomorrow, probably around ten minutes before your group’s deadline.
Yeah, you’re that special kind of asshole.
Looking around yourself, you realize that—all of the sudden, the room feels so fucking stuffy you could suffocate. It’s messy and god fucking knows when you opened your goddamn windows last.
So that’s exactly what you decide to spend your next action point on, as your mind briefly wandered back to your past few Valorant matches. 
You actually stayed up late, trying your best to climb to Diamond and dealing with the hyper-misogyny of random pathetic incel teammates who immediately shit themselves the moment a woman opens her mouth on mic.
At least you weren’t living in your mommy’s basement, swimming in a sea of trash, right?
You glance around your room and wince.
Okay, maybe you’re swimming in like—a puddle of trash. 
But that’s okay, because you’re definitely way above those goblins on a societal level… right?
You don’t dwell very much on that particular thought.
With a yawn, you reach for the windows and open them wide. The cool air of soft autumn rain invades your stale room the second you open them, replacing the warm stuffiness of your man-cave and filling your lungs with fresh oxygen.
You wonder how long it’s been raining for already, when you feel your stomach—the one vital organ you’ve purposefully been ignoring all night—growling. What did you eat today?
When the fuck did you eat last, actually?
“Uuugh—” you whine, finally feeling the shakiness of your hands and the overall weakness of your body. 
On your way towards your joke of a kitchen, you decide what flavor cup noodles to scarf down quickly before you hit the hay. Your internal debate is torn between two particular flavors, before you open the cupboard and realize—there aren’t any instant noodles left.
God fucking damn it.
You briefly glance down over your sorry excuse of an outfit—one that would put homeless people to shame—made up of plain black sweats and an oversized black hoodie, noting how you should also maybe perhaps take a fucking shower after literally sweat-gaming all day.
Fuck it, you think, taking a total of two seconds to decide that this was good enough for the world, before you set off to the nearest twenty-four hour convenience store.
So you grab your phone, your keys, and that’s what you do.
Despite the hints of a rising sun, it’s still pretty dark outside. The air smells like fresh morning rain and wet concrete.
You don’t mind, because to your own delight, it couldn’t be quieter around here.
The neighborhood you live in is incredibly sketchy, but you couldn’t complain given it’s barely a fifteen minute walk to your university and the rent to your rundown one-bedroom apartment is dirt fucking cheap.
It suits the broke ass bitch that you are and you like it this way—one, because you have a thing for sketchy run-down places and two… because it’s yours and yours alone.
The totally-legal-and-definitely-wont-blind-you pepper spray you bought from the shadiest internet store sits snugly in the pocket of your hoodie, one hand occasionally fidgeting and feeling the rim of the object. 
Knowing you have something to use in your defense makes you feel safer when you’re outside. You never know when something unpleasant could go down.
You’re so used to being on-guard after all the years of shitty experiences. 
Of being on your own.
Of stupid shit that kept happening to you.
So you walk, if only with a smear of anxiety, because you still need to stay vigilant and not put the universe to a fucking test.
The first thing you notice when you waltz into the corner store, is how goddamn bright the fluorescent lights are. They’re far too bright for your tired eyes that are used to endless hours of staring into dimmed screens with the lights off.
The second thing you notice is how eerily quiet it is inside—save for the whirring, clicking and occasional gurgling of the refrigerators in the back. Or at least that’s where you think the sounds come from.
It’s odd that the current shift didn’t think of turning on the radio to fill the silence—to make this place feel less like a ‘bad end’ location from a horror game—but a quick glance towards the staff at the counter and their wireless earpieces tells you that they couldn’t give less of a fuck about the store’s ambiance.
Not that it matters, when you’re too busy surveying the shelves in search of some food, of something edible, the ‘food’ in question consisting mostly of snacks and other nutritionless garbage that would give nine point five out of ten doctors a cardiac arrest.
Speaking of heart failure, you find yourself in front of the refrigerated drink aisle, using all of your brain wrinkles to make your hardest decision yet.
Which one of the canned heart attack flavors are you gonna buy today?
You hum, spending a good three minutes (give or take) thinking, and when you finally go ahead, reaching with your fingertips to grab the energy drink—
“Hey,” a low and grating voice speaks right behind you.
The sound makes you fucking jump.
You turn around with a scowl and then—straight out of a comedy skit, you feel like you’re staring at your male doppelgänger.
An extremely sketch-looking guy, wearing black sweats that match your own, the hood of his equally dark colored hoodie up and covering a messy mop of white hair.
And then you notice his… his intense crimson colored eyes, drilling a hole through the middle of your fucking skull.
If only looks could kill.
“Did you need something?” You fail to mask the venom in your voice, aimed at him for no good reason.
A skin care routine, you think.
Not like you bothered with one either, but at least your face isn’t disintegrating into disgusting flakes yet, unlike his punk ass.
Motherfucker couldn’t have waited two fucking minutes for you to pick something? 
Where the fuck do you have to be at like 4:50 in the morning?!— you scoff, but the words remain yet unspoken.
The hooded figure raises his hand to scratch at his pale neck, seemingly annoyed at your shitty attitude towards him. 
He just has to meet the worst type of bitch at this ungodly hour, on a Saturday no less—and he isn’t having it. 
Red eyes stare you down for a moment, watching your face scrunch up at his sight.
“You’ve been standing in front of the drinks for like ten fucking minutes, ugly ass bitch.” He finally claps back, and with that, your eyes narrow. “Pick something or get the hell outta my way.”
“I was just about to, asshole,” you reply, voice betraying you and ultimately cracking while you seethe. “Grab your stupid ass drink so you can finally go home to the boys and cry about not getting any.” 
You finish your sentence and stand aside for him, motioning to the drinks all the while his eyes widen in what you presumed to be shock—but before he has the chance to respond, you hurry the fuck up and leave.
The poor employee at the counter who saw the scene playing out (store ain’t that big, now), seems to want nothing to do with any of this. Graveyard shifts must be really fucking fun when you’re graced with not one, but two annoying idiots.
You drop all of your items on the counter and while the cashier is scanning them, you pat all four of your pockets, looking for your wallet to pay.
Until it dawns on you.
No fucking way—
Ain’t no fucking way your stupid, braindead ass forgot to bring money.
This isn’t fucking happening to you right now.
Especially since the embodiment of patience is standing just a few inches behind you, shifting uncomfortably from one leg to the other and waiting with bated breath for you to finally pay and get lost.
“Uhh. Do—Do you guys keep tabs open?” you ask, recoiling at the sound of your own voice, scratching at the back of your head sheepishly and almost whispering the second half so the guy behind you wouldn’t be able to hear it. “I kind of… forgot my wallet at home.”
The cringe that is already coursing through your veins, deepens infinitely when you see the employee stare at your face, as if you grew a second head.
Your humiliating predicament makes the guy behind you break into the creepiest snicker. You shoot him a glare and dare him to say something, but he’s too busy laughing at you.
God, if only the ground would swallow you whole, right fucking now.
With the worst shades of shame coloring your face, you turn around to leave, swearing to never set foot in this fucking establishment ever again. Nevermind that it’s the only store close to your house.
Before you have the chance to make good on your promise, the white haired guy reaches out—if a bit hesitant—and grabs your arm.
What’s the chance a nuke would crash into this fucking store and wipe out your entire existence, together with whoever is here to fucking witness this? Or maybe aliens could finally make contact with planet Earth and take you the fuck away. Getting your ass probed sounds infinitely more appealing than this incredible embarrassment you feel in front of the two assholes.
Your pathetic gaze lifts from the ground and when you meet his eyes he looks—amused?
“What. Let go of me, man.” You panic, trying to free yourself from his grip, but his fingers are firm. Is that blood under his fingernails?
“I’ll pay,” he offers, a disturbing smirk playing on his dry lips.
This fucking guy.
“N-No, I’m good. Thanks.” Your voice is shaking more than you want it to and you feel tears finally prick at your eyes.
Why do you live your life this way? Why are you so fucking pathetic—especially in front of assholes like him?
Why are you still so weak? 
After everything you’ve been through?
You try once more to shake him off of you, but he’s deceptively strong for his build, and doesn’t relent now that he’s got you where he wants you to be.
“It’s okay, really. This just made my night so I’m gonna pay for ya,” he says, the almost-even tone in his voice not matching the way his creepy smile seems to be getting wider.
He swiftly pulls out some scrunched-up bills from the pocket of his sweats, slipping them to the employee who could not give less of a fuck about whoever pays first, grabbing your already-bagged purchase and basically shoving it to you as he gives his best ‘Come again soon!’ bullshit line that actually translates to ‘Please fucking leave the store already’.
“How about that, huh? Now you owe me one, little bitch,” he whispers into your ear, voice low and full of grit sending chills down your spine and rendering you absolutely speechless.
Without sparing you so much as a second glance, he finally pays for his own shit and leaves the store in a smug stride.
You could basically read the “EZ” he wrote in slash all chat while destroying your fucking nexus.
What a horrible fucking night, you think to yourself, hurrying to go home as well.
Your only comforting thought being that you wouldn’t have to see his stupid fucking pasty face ever again.
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hxhhasmysoul · 6 months
the blatant didactic nature of the gojou's racist comment scene
the way people talk about the racist comment gojou made is baffling to me. completely baffling.
gege seems to have lefty leanings and jjk is pretty lefty too. it's not super lefty, it's not fully enlightened on all possible fronts, not even close to as left as most tumblr fandom would want to be or imagine themselves to be. most of you fail miserably because you are averse to self-awareness and interrogating your own internalised bigotry and it plays a huge part in the outrage about chapter 255.
jjk can be easily criticised from the left. very fucking easily, but most of the fandom just doesn't know how and any criticisms they make on how jjk handles lefty issues usually fall so fucking flat and honestly often veer into into criticising jjk from a right wing and fundie religious pov. that's just the truth, i've personally dissected some of such takes, mostly about the performative feminism in the fandom that is aggressively terf flavoured.
so i will do some more mild lefty critique in the context of the recent gojou flashback. by explaining to the loud functionally illiterate part of the fandom what gege likes to do in the story. like what very basic, unsubtle things gege does in the story to push their lefty leanings. so this is as much a critique of the text of jjk as it is of the fandom.
jjk's target audience are japanese teenagers. idk if gege thinks they are writing mostly for boys but i wouldn't be surprised by that, that is the stereotype, even though i think a lot of teens who aren't boys passionately read shounen titles too. especially something like jjk that aggressively panders to the not straight male gaze.
what gege did with gojou making the racist comment, they'd done before with toudou and megumi. and with yuuji and ozawa. i mean the very unsubtle rhetorical didactic technique they used. gege took their presumed teenage male reader by the hand and led him through a basic lefty concept.
(they also tried to do it with momo and nobara and mai but that one is such a mess and honestly a failure because gege mushes in too many topics and really doesn't stick the landing on some, that it fails to be a simplistic didactic moment like the other ones. it'd be too much of a tangent to go into it)
megs & toudou aka gege explaining to teen boys how not to end up someone akin to an incel
when toudou asked megumi his type, as readers are very clearly led to understand that megumi's point of view is the correct one.
megumi's answer about character being what matters gets clear approval from the two girls present. gege points to the teenage boy reader, look, if you want girls to think you’re okay, think like megumi.
and toudou is very clearly written as cringe, as a guy who tries to be edgy but simps for an idol. there is a stigma in japan against men who obsess about idols because they are considered immature, unable to handle having interactions with other humans and forming parasocial relationships instead. so toudou's rejection of megumi's thinking is put into context. his behaviour puts women off, and shouldn't be taken seriously because he's likely a virgin, too afraid to talk to a real woman.
the attempt is good, but not perfect. because the social ridicule men like toudou get is really annoying, because it's just trying to shame them into being "normal", and it doesn't address the underlying societal and cultural issues that lead to men turning to parasocial relationships for emotional fulfilment. so i'd say 8/10. pretty high because toudou at least was like: don't be homophobic.
ozawa & yuuji aka gege explaining to teen boys how to be a borderline decent human being, and to people with low self esteem due to cultural shunning that they deserve more than basic human decency
gege does the same thing with yuuji and ozawa. ozawa has deeply internalised her fatfobia and turned it into self hatred. she develops a crush on yuuji because he considered her attractive. yes, i think yuuji is generally great and would make a partner happy, but ozawa's primary motivation is that he's normal about her. this teaches the reader: yuuji is the best one among the boys because he's not shallow and fatphobic. but also with ozawa not pursuing yuuji when she got slim, it shows people like her not to settle for the bare minimum of being treated with basic decency. it would've been better if ozawa didn't turn slim because i've seen cis male fans really gloss over everything else, but it's not a completely meaningless attempt. it's just like 5/10.
gojou & miguel aka gege explaining to teen boys how certain widespread stereotypes are actually bigoted
gege has gojou say an openly bigoted thing, get instant push back for it from the affected party and apologise to the person he hurt. it literally teaches the reader, we all have biases, we all are ignorant about things, even the people who the society elevates and puts on a pedestal. and when that happens, when our ignorance is pointed out to us, when it hurts someone, we should not argue, we shouldn’t treat their push back as a personal attack, we should just simply apologise. there's no attempt at gojou apologetics in the text. 10/10, the best of gege's attempts.
racism and colourism and cultural chauvinism are prominent cultural and societal issues in japan. japan also has huge issues with abelism, misogyny, queerphobia, fatphobia to name the biggest ones i can think of. but also these issues are pervasive in all other countries around the world, just to varying degrees. there's no country that is perfect on any of these, some are objectively better on some, but never all, than others and some market themselves as better but are actually fucking awful.
one of the most globalised things is bigotry, it spreads like wildfire. but it also spreads in ways that most people don't understand. you need to be taught critical thinking and reading comprehension and actually taught that they can exist in the first place to pick up on these things, no one is born with these skills and knowledge. if people never encounter stereotypes like "black people are naturally stronger" challenged or discussed, they will not know that 1. they are not true, 2. that they are actually harmful. because on the surface it kinda looks like praise, and people will propagate it thinking that it's praise. gojou isn't trying to insult miguel, his apology makes it clear. he lived in a culture where this opinion was widespread and never thought about it, it vaguely sounded like praise to his ignorance. it doesn't mean that what he said wasn't racist because his intentions were good. i've written before what i think about using intentions to excuse shitty behaviour, i've actually written about it specifically in the context of how the fandom treats gojou's shitty behaviour.
we all have these internalised bigoted opinions in ourselves, not because we're all bad people but because we're surrounded by them. as children we initially trust adults until we learn better that not everyone should be trusted. or that some people can be trusted about some stuff but not everything. so we take what we hear from them at face value. same with the media that we’re all bombarded with. someone has to teach us to notice these things. (if you think you're morally pure and only have good opinions it means that you've not worked through much. there are so many complex issues in our cultures and societies that it's impossible not to have blind spots. but also it means that you're closed to evolving your opinions. many views that used to be progressive 20, 10 years ago are not seen as such anymore. certain interpretations are proposed, seem good but get challenged, and usually turn out to be reductive. believing that there’s some finite and established set of morally good opinions means that you just want a cheat sheet to perform moral purity to get societal brownie points, you’re not really interested in reality)
we need to first learn that we have the biases we do and then also be open to interrogating our preconceived notions, to be actually capable of shedding them. we need to not take personally being called out on it.
but that's hard. the morality policing that is so pervasive online leads many people to never wanting to be wrong. because others will be horrid about it and will never forget. there's no incentive to get better on issues, or grapple with one's own biases when many people online will never accept the idea that someone can make a mistake, be corrected and take that correction to heart and do better from there on. you have one chance to get it right and then well, morally impure brand forever.
and this is one crux of the issue with fandom's reaction to the scene in 255. gojou is shown to have a racist blind spot and happily regurgitates a racist comment. and what happens next doesn't matter. the fandom has decided that gojou is forever tainted because he wasn't fully enlightened to begin with.
what gege did is one of the best ways a story can be aggressively didactic about something like this. show a person doing a bad thing and then show how to sincerely apologise. no apologetics, no relativism, very short, to the point.
but in this day and age, with how people perform leftism through media consumption and fandom, this is met with vitriol. and that's fucking scary because it will make it toxic for others to attempt stuff like this. all of you misinterpreting this so aggressively is actually harmful. idk how much of this will get to gege and other mangaka but it might make some of them believe that it's better to never touch any societal issues because it's not worth the backlash, most of which stems out of either actual lack of reading comprehension or malicious misinterpretation. because gege did it correctly and the fandom just will not accept that.
to the rabid and loud parts of the fandom, gojou having this flaw is either:
the author is just being a dick to their character, therefore the true gojou that lives in his fans' heads is not racist.
or what gojou did actually wasn't racist uwu, or his intentions were pure uwu, it's not that important and you're overreacting.
or gege is racist for even mentioning racism... some of you really think you are leftists and then parrot this tired far right tactic: i'm not bigoted, you're bigoted for mentioning bigotry...
and all of these, all of these completely miss the point of that scene.
this is one of the 3 recent gojou scenes that i think are meant to be redeeming for his major flaws selfishness and insensitivity, and the only one that in my opinion actually works.
the one that is completely garbage and confusing is the one with gakuganji, gojou seemingly is trying to appoint someone to provide structure to the rebuilding after the whole sukuna debacle. like i think it's meant to show gojou actually taking responsibility for his failures (the whole mention of yaga) and show practical concern over futures of the people in his care. previously he kinda showed responsibility over what happened to riko and getou but it was all kinda mired with him getting a power up, and him really still being an irresponsible and selfish guy later on. and all he had to offer the teens he recruited as child soldiers was some "better jujutsu society" that very pointedly lacked on any fucking details as to what it could've been. and him ceding responsibility onto gakuganji, one of the pillars of the previous system really kinda shows hoe vacuous gojou's ideals were. -10/10 on the redemption attempt.
the one that feels very tone deaf is gojou telling ijichi that he trusts him the most. ijichi literally thought that gojou could hit him a few months before that. ijichi a lower ranking person in a hierarchy, believed that a higher ranking person could hit him. the kind of bullying and disrespect that leads someone to believe that is serious, honestly gojou and ijichi kinda remind me of an abusive family dynamic, where the abuser sporadically and irregularly drops some kindness to confuse the victim and make them not leave. and the last act of kindness just doesn't feel that meaningful. 0/10 on the redemption scale.
but this with miguel? a 10/10 redemption moment. gojou isn't prideful when his racism is called out, isn't trying to diminish what he did, isn't avoidant. he apologises. that's it. this is why it actually is a very simple argument against the "gege hates gojou" bs.
that "gege hates gojou" is stupid in general, because it's basically based on the belief that giving a character flaws means the author hates them. and this stems from far right moral purity ideologies that a lot of people have never challenged in themselves. that's why there's so much harassment and vitriol over finding out people put on a pedestal have flaws.
gojou is flawed. each and every one of us is flawed. we all have biases and blind spots and internalised bigoted views, many of which we don't realise we have because we usually don't think about those topics. that point is what we do with that, how we react to realising that a thing we had as some background belief is actually a harmful stereotype. if it's just in our heads then interrogate it, where did it come from, maybe there's more shit like that in our minds that we need to tackle. if we say it, then acting like gojou is actually the way to go. apologise, if necessary do more remediation, and then interrogate where it came from.
having bad opinions doesn't make anyone an intrinsically immoral and impure person. what they do when those opinions are challenged and how they act / what they say next time is the mark of their character.
so many of you moral purity fuckers, who deem themselves leftists, want media to be morality plays. want media to take you by the hand and show you right from wrong. and when an author actually does that, the exact thing you claim you want them to, it literally flies over your fucking heads.
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cometrose · 8 months
i watched season 1 and caught up with season 2 of mashle in like a day and a half
blame bling bang bang born, that opening is so fucking catchy that i guilt-tripped myself into watching the anime because it didn't feel fair to stream without at least watching the first ep
i don't regret it this anime is like really fun im surprised
the casual eugenics??? everyone without magic is unworthy and deserves to die because it is unnatural and goes against the blessings of god?
you would think since lack of magic keeps finding its way into the gene pool and subsequent offspring these people would do more soul searching and question it!
I also think its really interesting how everyone suffers in the eugenics society, it is not just having magic, you have to have good magic otherwise you are just as worthless as the nonmages. You may hold yourself to a higher standard and think yourself superior but you are essentially still trash. Having magic isn't enough you have to be perfect all the time. Everyone suffers even the talented mages cause the slightest imperfection means you are lesser than dirt. You can't tell me this world is happy and blissful when anyone slightly out of the ordinary lives in fear of someone coming to strangle them in the night.
the story also acknowledges this there are tons of people who think they are superior to mash because they have magic even when they themselves are incredibly weak. like shoutout for commentary on racism and racial supremacy on how the weakest of people will act prideful and egotistical at the chance to walk over others.
i love mash, he's cute, i find his empty-headedness endearing i thought i would grow tired of his gimmick but I am pleasantly entertained. he's the realest guy ever
finn has to be the straight man in a comedy anime and i mourn for him but he's cute as well
i forgive lance, i know i shouldn't but he's also kind of funny i'll ignore his siscon nature for my sake and his as well
dot surprised me like i was really expecting a crazy hot-headed incel weirdo but he's very respectful towards woman and for that you I rock with you! I also like how he plays the straight man role with finn like out of the boys in terms of self-awareness it goes mash > lance > dot > finn and thats neat
does mash have two dads...did that cop turn into his second father...
this is just ha*** po**** but that's okay im not mad
the magia lupus? yeah i cringed every time they came on screen I can't handle that blood purity speech at my age. I always remember reigen's (mp100) speech at the end of season 1. you're not special cause you have magic you're human just like everyone else here! GROW UP
speaking of them, they're kind of neat at least love, abyss and abel. they're cute im a sucker for rivals turned friends
rayne...i might have feelings for you
i was scared rayne was gonna be a dick when he appeared but he happily surprised me he is so sweet to mash thats great i love that and he's super cool and strong i respect that. I hope i see some brother moments with him and finn soon!!!
everyone has a specialty magic like is that innate? do they learn anything else or is their breed of magic just determined by their bloodline
i haven't even acknowledged cream puffs...thats okay too
i love how the main cast of friends is like "thank god im the only normal person here"
pretty good comedic timing i appreciate a healthy balance of humor and drama
i love how the cast moves to the beat of their own drum and i love teenagers rebelling against society! change da world my final message!
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katyspersonal · 9 months
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^ I think my biggest accomplishment in K1rby fandom still was this girl lol. Basically, I've pulled her from the limbo of obscurity with my insidious powers of noticing the things no sane person would xD
In K1rby anime, in an episode about otaku incels, there was like 2 seconds moment showing a deck with two magazines on it; one showed Island Sisters (the tiny fairies that actually appeared in another episode), and another this magical girl character. I've talked about this with the person that has been translating anime into subs from Japanese (4Kids localization was pure cringe except for Dedede's voice acting), and since I've already became unmarketable I asked her to spread the word across the fandom in her blog, that had a large audience. My logic was that if one magazine featured existing characters, logically this person could also be someone in the setting, just never explored.
And like.... literally within the next two days, at least five people (from what I've seen personally) drew her and headcanoned the name and interesting lore for her, each was very unique and not like other people's and super cool! I did that too. And the second doodle is a cute ship I thought of for her, and no joking, three people at least loved the idea and drew something for it too!!
It's been six years now but honestly all five of you here can tell that my approach to the media didn't change at all and I am still digging out every obscure gremlin no normal person would THINK to notice first fsdhfdh I hope I'll always be this way xd
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nudgeling · 1 year
The story of how the Broken Hearts Club came together was really nothing more than a string of unrelated events that by sheer coincidence managed to overlap just enough for three hurt destructive fools to band together. The Frog, Log and the Dog. Pearl, Martyn and Ren. It was really quite anticlimactic in retrospect, nothing that would compare to the utter carnage they would eventually leave in their wake. Every villain has an origin story, doesn't always mean it’s an interesting one. No disasters, no torture, no big betrayals… just college.
Martyn was first. When Cleo had broken up with him, only the most frivolous of incels would have said he took it well. The five stages of grief was a slip n’ slide of bad decisions. There was the denial by pretending they were still an item around even some of his closest friends. After all that had been cleared up he'd get into screaming matches with her over the smallest things, which more often than not ended in spewing out unfair insults that hit way too close to home. Cleo was guilty of that one too, but she was never the instigator. Later, much later, Martyn would cringe at his behavior, despite it being dwarfed by all the things to come.
He was well on his way through the 'bargaining' phase on the day of the pool party. Lately he'd been bending over backwards to be granted even a minute of Cleo's time, time he would then spend pulling every trick in the book to try and convince her to get back together. It never worked, obviously. Once it even earned him a sock in the face. He knew he deserved it.
He'd also picked up a nasty habit of… well, there was no sugarcoating it. Spying. Not quite stalking, he hadn’t gone so far as to follow her every move, but when they happened to be at the same place at the same time his attention was rather tunnel-visioned.
The pool party was no exception. They had both gotten a separate invite, seeing as they were both good friends of the hosts. Either Bdubs and Impulse hadn’t figured out the extent of how destructive their break-up had been yet, or they'd simply caved beneath indecisiveness and invited them both anyways in hopes that one of them would decline. But lo and behold, neither one did.
Martyn made the unfortunate choice of driving there, meaning that he had chained himself to sobriety. It was fine at first, but the more the general intoxication levels increased, the more it just felt like hell. The music choice was nothing but popular party-clichés blasted on a way too high volume, the crowd was too large and consisted of a majority of drunks-of-their-asses college students, and while the bbq was nice at first, it had been completely unattended to since the booze had circulated enough times among the 'responsible' group. It didn’t help that the hosts were the healthiest loving couple at the entire school, and that Cleo seemed to be having genuinely fun; laughing and dancing all night with a pretty cyan-haired man.
Martyn hadn’t approached her yet. Probably wouldn’t, either. He still had morals beneath all the heartache, and sense enough to know that causing a scene could put a real damper on the festivities everyone else seemed to enjoy. Adding to that, his face still stung from their latest encounter and he wasn’t keen on collecting another black eye so soon. One he could pull off, but two just made you look stupid.
However, he could only take so much before giving into another one of his vices: smoking. It was unhealthy, yes, but arguably better than the alternative of letting his anger fester. (aside from the option of straight up leaving, but that didn’t even occur to him at the time. Or maybe it did, and he refused to acknowledge it)
He went to the front of the house, away from the backyard where the party took place, to light one up. Impulse generally didn’t approve of the practice, and Martyn didn’t trust himself not to get into an argument at the moment. The music and loud chatter of drunk students could still be heard from his spot, but they were less all-consuming. Muted. Instead his world became the view of the undisturbed street and the quaint suburban houses that surrounded it. Ignoring the life behind him, it was a nice peaceful night. The stars were even out. He felt goosebumps prick his skin from a chill breeze as he put the cigarette to his lips and waited for the faux relaxation to overtake him.
He didn’t get that far though.
Bright yellow light and the sharp volume of the party cut through his tranquil existence as the front door flung open. He caught the tail end of Bdub's voice yelling "-get OUT!", before a person was shoved out into the night. They were a red blur that stumbled forward a couple steps before falling flat on their face in the street. The door shut with a loud BANG that made them both jump.
And so the peaceful night was back. Ish. It wasn’t that weird of a situation, really. Someone got drunk, maybe got a bit too argumentative or handsy, and was kicked out. Wasn’t that uncommon on events like these. Still, it was a sudden enough event to snap Martyn out of whatever moody pit his love sickness had dug for him, if only for a moment.
"Hey, uh, you alright there?" he asked, stepping carefully towards the figure. He could see now that they wore a bright red hoodie and had long frazzled brown hair that splayed out and scattered over the street floor.
They muttered a string of slurry unintelligible words as a response while shakily trying to push themself up. They failed, falling right back on their face.
"Want some help there mate?" It wasn't really an offer he expected they would refuse, so even as he said it he was walking over, flicking the still burning cigarette to the ground.
"I'm fine," the figure slurred. It was a female voice, and seemed to carry some kind of accent, but that could’ve just been the alcohol. Martyn found it very familiar, but he couldn’t put his finger on where he'd heard it.
"Sure you are. Here." He reached out his hand.
For a couple of seconds she just laid there, watching the hand with blue glinting eyes under the shadow of her hood. Then she finally gave in, and out of the oversized jumper's arm slipped a pale small hand that took Martyn's. Despite her reluctance, his help was clearly needed since he was basically lifting her back up to her feet. From so close the stinking smell of booze was really quite intense, and Martyn instinctively wrinkled his nose.
"Christ, how much did you-" He paused. He got his first proper look at her face. It was wet from tears and her eyes were red and puffy, and her hair was plastered to her skin from sweat. But more peculiar was that she looked an awfully lot like… "Pearl?"
She broke into a hollow smile. "That'sss my name, don't wear it out!" She lifted her hands to do finger guns, thereby losing her grip on his arms and her balance with it.
"Woah!" Martyn reached out and caught her just before hitting the ground.
"Oops. Sssorry." She broke out into giggles.
"Oh jeez, you're really out of it. I thought you didn’t drink, what did you do?"
"Got my heart broken, that’s what I did!" Her voice and expression were unnervingly joyful for that statement. His heart twisted in sympathy and he went to answer, but she went on.
"What is a girl supposed to do with that, stay sober? Well, I could, but then I'd feel miserable and I don’t want that. I feel great now! I'm not even thinking about Scott! Or Cleo! Or how all my friends have left me and I'm all alone. I… I'm great! Awesome."
"Wait, what was that about Cleo?"
"Not thinking about it!" she said in a sing-songy voice - completely ignoring him - with a smile on her face.
"Oh, brother."
He wrapped one arm securely around Pearl's shoulders while pulling out his phone with the available hand.
"Whaddaya doing?" Pearl slurred from his side.
"Calling your brother."
"No!" With great resolution she reached out and flapped the phone with her hand. It caught him so off-guard it nearly fell out of his grip.
"What are you doing!?"
"No Grian!"
She kept reaching for the phone, and Martyn had to apply remarkable strength to keep the drunk woman from slapping it out of his hand or pushing them both to the ground.
"Fine, FINE! No Grian!"
"Yes, yes, I promise, now please calm yourself!"
She immediately slumped back into his side. All resolve left her eyes and left them glassy and unfocused. A dumb grin spread on her face, smiling at nothing at particular.
There was simply no way she was making it home on her own. Grian was apparently out of the picture, and seeing as she had been kicked out of the house alone, there was probably no one to her help here either. Which only left… him.
Cleo's loud barking laugh cut over the music and raucous chattering. A genuine laugh. Unbothered. While Martyn was a heartbroken mess, she was just… moving on. Like their three years didn’t even matter. Maybe they didn’t, for her.
The music got quieter and quieter as Martyn headed for his car with Pearl leaning on his shoulder.
The ride was quiet except for the low rumbling engine and Pearl's steady snoring. She had passed out within seconds of getting in the back seat, and Martyn wasn’t really in the mood for radio music.
The situation was… weird. Very weird. Pearl-freaking-Moon was passed out in his back seat, and from alcohol at that! They’d never really been friends, but they’d been around each other quite a bit when he used to hang out with the Hermits. She had always just been "Grian's sister" to him, though. He remembered her as a friendly and funny character that could match Grian's chaotic energy with ease whenever she wished to, but falling back into a reserved laid-back presence when she didn’t. He liked her, but he had his friend circle, and she had hers. Outside of group hangouts they never conversed more than the occasional small talk. Sometimes she tagged along to a party with them but never drank, although from the outside you'd never be able to tell. She kept up with their antics well enough without any influence, so he could only imagine what ruckus she had caused whilst being properly drunk.
Another thing that kept circling in his mind was her mention of Cleo and this "Scott" person. Could it be the cyan-haired man? Did she find a new partner already? He didn't know how to feel about that, honestly. He liked to imagine it was to make him jealous, or an 'inbetween' to get over him. Jumping into a serious relationship so soon seemed a bit weird, even for her. If it even was a relationship at all. If they even knew each other. All he really knew was that Pearl had gotten her heart broken by a "Scott" and that she also had reason to be upset with Cleo. He could very well just be jumping to conclusions.
After about half an hour of driving he suddenly realized that he didn’t know where Pearl lived.
"Shit. Hey Pearl?"
No response except more snores.
"Pearl! PEARL!"
Martyn sighed and dragged his hand down his face. He could call Grian. Maybe he should call Grian, but her earlier objections about it made him uneasy. He didn’t know any of her friends who wouldn’t have been at the party, which really only left him with two options. Dropping her over at the police… or his living room couch.
It didn’t really feel like a choice at the time. Only later, way later, did he wish that he’d chosen to do anything else than bringing her home that night.
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Oh Viv.
Oh Viv ....
Oh that Classic Disney Animator Syndrome Cringe goes deep, huh?
Like oh no....
I'm sorry but This Bimbo.
"She's not one big fat Jewish stereotype that I've constantly made fat jokes with in the past she's just a 1920s flapper girl I vaguely based off a chicken!"
...Okay ... So still fatphobic and honestly kind of sexist and yeah ... Sure she's based on a chicken, Sweetie ... Just like how The Penguin from Batman and that shitty Harley Quinn Animated Series is just based on a penguin and like how Disney Villains are just Disney Villains and it's not like any certain types of coding sometimes just objectively goes into making cartoons whatsoever whether one might be conscious of doing this or not and people are allowed to read into these things and interpret these things critically how they want to and there might actually be a valid criticism here this time for once even if it's a bit of needle in a haystack moment.
Yeah no, I'm going to let people have this one. The "chicken" should've had her head cut off the moment you decided to have her stop riding Alastor's pecker. Like I'm sorry, but you should've killed that Darling.
And oh yeah we need to talk about the gamer incel problem in this damn fandom. I didn't get this screenshot from twitter I got it from a short made by the guy who's gone on record saying that his favorite youtuber besides Viv is pewdiepie, and that he thinks Viv should be more like pewdiepie (because he always has to insert his shitty opinions into his boring drama reports) and if you know anything at all about pewdiepie, you know I don't give a shit what some vivziepaparazzi thinks when he says he doesn't think Medrano created an antisemitic stereotype due to bad character design, which yes, I'm sorry, is objectively the case regarding Mimzy this time.
And for all his own harping about how Medrano can't take criticism and needs to ether get a social media manager or get off social media and keep her mouth shut, Medrano really did need to just keep her mouth shut on this one and take a break from social media this time.
Also, given... some things I just learned last night while watching JayLaws video on Brandon Rogers, Vivienne has absolutely no right to be claiming she's uncomfortable, like oh my god. You hired this man.
I do love her, but next to the Blair White/ Sh0eonhead tribute this is probably the worst tweet she's ever posted and I'm so glad I wasn't there to witness it in real time.
I still love Brandon too but JayLaws video solidified that I'm never buying merch with Blitz on it ever if the whole "Rolling With Robbie" thing wasn't enough to convince me of that compromise already.
Speaking of ...Antis and Fantis obviously DNI.
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bread0nhead · 2 years
It Takes Strong Hands To Hold a Brat
Hi. Hello. Long time no post. Heres your 100% orgasmic juice box. Come take a drink.
Brat Tamer Shigaraki x F!Reader
•No Minors or Ageless readers allowed- 18+•
Please share if you enjoyed, much appreciated!
“As our new fearless leader of the Paranormal Liberation Front, I have instructed Y/N to be of any service to you as your healing!”
Re-Dasto rubs his clammy hands feverishly together, like the fly you think of him as. The way he grovels over shigaraki like a quailing love sick puppy makes both you and shigaraki roll your eyes. Something you both notice, stacking the cringe on thicker.
“Don’t say it like that. For all we know, he’s probably some incel creep who gets his rocks off to women serving him like the big man he is”
Re-Dastros skin blooms darker in small patches as one eyebrow twitches and the corner of his toothy smile cracks. An airy chuckle halts Re-Dastro from whatever he was about to barrage you with.
“Brave of you to come in here with a mouth like that.”
The raspy yet sultry tone to his voice melts in your brain and send heat to your core. You can feel the way your cheeks flair up just a few degrees warmer. Fuck, did he notice? He looks at you with a glint in his eyes and a lop-sided grin that taunts at your nerves.
“S-See? A total creep. Have someone else do it.”
Damn you stutter.
“I don’t want her anyways.”
Shigaraki turns around, with his back to you and Re-Dastro, returning to whatever he’s fucking around with on his laptop.
“I’ll send someone else right away!”
Re-Dastro pinches your ear to drag you out of the room, whispering about how you royally fucked this up.
“No. I don’t need anyone’s help.”
“Right! Of course!”
Your ear is let free from Re-Dastros grip, leaving a radiating throbbing pain. But nothing as painful as the pain in your ass being second cousins to Re-Dastro.
“Someone as strong as you doesn’t need assistance, even a broken leg won’t slow you down!”
“Maybe you should service him. You’re already kissing his ass. Why not wipe it while you’re at it?”
Shigarki slaps his scared hand over his mouth, swallowing his laughter from being more obvious. When he is able to contain his amusement, deep crimson eyes dance over your body, leaving your inner thighs squirmy ever so slightly. His head moves to rest against his open palm. Pure white clumps of hair drape across his forehead, brining more attention to the color of his eyes. He smiles at you. It’s a warm smile, likes he’s pleased with you.
Shigarki pushes himself out of his chair, slamming his laptop shut. He manages to restrain his limping as he comes close to you. His eyes stay locked on yours the entire time. Breath catches in your lungs when he’s close enough where you can smell the cypress from the soap on his skin. Even as he uses the cane to hold his damaged body up, he towers over you. Dominates your space. His lips ghost over the shell of your unharmed ear. You take in a subtle inhale of the crook of his neck, without moving. Letting the smell fill your lungs and spark lustful ideals in your mind.
Shigaraki whispers low enough so it’s a moment kept between just between you and him.
“Next time, be careful with that mouth of yours.”
Your lips fall slack and heat builds up between your legs. That pulsation of desire demanding to be fed. Filled.
Shigarki straightens up while creating space between. The look of satisfaction now replaced with something much colder.
“Leave. Both of you.”
His back turned and his attention returns to being solely on the contents of his laptop screen. Re-Dastro silently gives orders to leave as he walks back to what you imagine would be his office.
A strong breath expels from your lungs as your body drops the tension it was carrying.
What the fuck was that?
The next time you see Shigaraki is days later for his coronation, letting his new followers know his plans for the PLF.
You’re once again standing outside the massive door to his private suite. Draped over your arm is the new custom tailored suit that Re-Dastro instructed you to deliver. The lavish fabric still warm from being pressed. Your teeth toy with your bottom lip as you picture how good Shigaraki will look in the suit. And how much better it would look off. With a shaky exhale, you expel any remaining nerves and firmly knock on his door. Just seconds later, the door opens to shigaraki shirtless and hair more unruly than before. Scares, bruises and partially healed wounds litter his arms and chest. His pants unfastened, showing the band of his brief. He looks like he’s been awake all night, tossing and turning unable to get any moment of rest.
“You look like shit.”
“I feel like shit. And what did I say about that fucking mouth?”
“Not sure. Wasn’t listening last time.”
There’s a long moment of silence as you both glare into another, neither willing to back down. You like this game. Like poking at his ego, seeing how far you can take it. He carry’s himself like he knows he’s strong. Like he can not just control any situation, but dominate it. You want that. Want it so badly it’s all you have been able to think about since your first introduction with your new leader. The thought of his voice making demands assigned only for you. His strong hands holding your body in place, no matter how much you squirm under his touch. His eyes watching over you, observing you. Admiring you. Fuck. It’s too much. You break away from his gaze and shove the suit into his chest. Shigaraki grins at his victory and the way it makes squirm with embarrassment. It’s cute.
Shigaraki lets the suit fall to the floor, instead grabs your arm with four fingers to force you inside, kicking the door behind you when your far enough in. As soon as the door latches shut, your back is pushed against it. The hand that gripped at your arm moves to squeeze your face, causing your lips to pucker out. He smiles at how your brows knot in anger but your eyes tell the truth of your twisted satisfaction.
“You’re a real fuckin brat, ya’know?”
“Aww, can’t handle having your feelings hurt by lil’ o’ me?”
Shigaraki’s head lulls back with your toothy grin on his face and a dark breathy chuckle. His tongue drags across his lips, imagining the taste of you.
“I can handle you.”
His words are spoken like they’re law. Unmistakable proven fact. He can handle you. Every part of you. Like it would be as easy as breathing air.
Let the games begin.
You crane your neck so your lips just barely touch his. You make a show of biting a corner of your bottom lip with lust in your eyes. Provoking him to play along.
“Yeah? Show me.”
Shigaraki takes in a deep inhale through his teeth, following by a breathy curse. His free hand drags up the side of your thigh, under your skirt to feel the softness of flesh. He moves tauntingly slow as he works up your body. He can feel your skin shiver as it grows littered with goosebumps. Two fingers swipe along your damp clothed cunt as he lets out a heavy breath in your ear, whispering “you’re so fucking wet”. Your eyes roll back and it’s impossible to hold back a moan. His hand works further up, gripping the side of your hip, giving it a good squeeze. Slowly he works his way up to under your breast and gives your neck a quick bite, enough to leave a mark but not enough to break the skin. When his mouth unlatches your flesh, his eyes stare deeply into yours with his lips ghosting over yours. You watch as his lids shut, angling yourself for the kiss.
But it never came.
Instead your body is falling backwards as the door swings open. When your ass hits the floor, you finally register that he opened the door and the shit-eating grin plastered on his face as he’s looking down on you.
“I win this round, brat.”
God damnit.
“That was quite the speech. Really liked the part about not holding back. Going wild and all that.”
You’re leaning up against Shigaraki’s door with a very expensive bottle of champagne in one hand and two crystal flute glasses in the other.
Shigaraki can’t help but smile at your comment, especially the way your tone dripped with shameless carnal desires. He’s not surprised to see you back here so soon. Especially considering it was just hours ago since you were last here, moaning under his touch. What was a surprise was the overwhelming amount of relief he felt seeing you.
As he goes to move closer to you, he’s careless about his injuries from his fall mere minutes ago. Pain shoots up his leg and into his spine, causing his to stumble his side into the wall.
“Shit! Hey!”
You rush to him, dipping your body under his arm as support while being careful not to drop the contents in your hands. He could see your genuine concern for him. Another surprise to Tomura. He’s quick to collect himself and remove himself from you, not wanting to show any signs of weakness. Especially not to you. Shit, why does he care what you think?
Shigaraki drags himself inside his large lavishly furnished suite, with you following close behind. When the door shuts, you set the champagne and glasses in the nearest table and carefully observe Tomura. He’s wrapped in bandages. Wounds opening back up causing blood to bloom. It’s clear he’s in a lot pain. Pain any normal person would barely be able to handle. You watch as he strips himself of the heavy red jacket and moves to sit on the edge of his bed.
“I don’t have the energy for your bratty games. Or that shitty mouth.”
He hates how harsh he came off. Hates that he couldn’t stop himself from spitting venom. Hates that you don’t leave. Instead you grab the first aid kid on his bed side table and kneel between his legs. Without speaking a word, you unlace his red shoes and carefully remove them. Next you begin to unbutton his suite jack, followed by his shirt. The entire time no words are spoken and you don’t look him in the eyes once. Tomura can feel his breathing getting heavy. He watches you closely, every movement you make, he carefully observes. When he’s down to nothing but his pants, you begin remove his soiled dresses with the softest of touch. A sort of touch he’s never felt. One that moves with care and consideration. He trusts your touch. Enough to close his eyes and focus completely one the way your fingertips brush against his skin as you attentively dress his wounds with new bandages.
When you’re finished, Tomura’s body relaxes into his king size bed. His bare back pressed into the plushness of the comforter. You crawl up beside him and trace your eyes over his features, admiring his unique beauty. Tomura turns his head towards you, opening his eyes to stare into yours. This time you lock eyes without it being some childish game. It’s something else. Something new. Your hand cups the side of his face, moving to slowly play with the white strands of hair.
“You looked really good in that suite. It’s a shame it had to come off.”
You tease with a flirty smile.
Your comment was a surprise to Tomura. Mostly because he rarely, if ever, gets compliments on his appearance. He can’t help but chuckle. You’re an enigma to Tomura. Someone unlike anyone else he’s met. You’re unapologetically…. You.
“I don’t believe it. So you can not be a brat sometimes.”
His voice is gruff from his speech earlier. Raspier than usual. Making it sexier than usual too.
“Well don’t get use to it.”
Tomura swiftly moves to cage you under him. One hand has both your wrists pinned over your head while the other paws at the exposed flesh of your hips.
“I wouldn’t want too. I like it.”
“Yeah? Too bad you can’t do anything about it.”
You maneuver yourself out from under him and straddle yourself on top of him. Slowly grinding your hips so your rubbing against his hardening cock. You can feel his mass. Can only imagine how overwhelming size of his member.
“You can hardly stand. You won’t be able to fuck the brat out of me with your weakened state.”
You empathize your words by grinding yourself slower and harder on him.
Tomura groans while digging his palms into his browns.
“I want you to dominate me. Put this brat in her place.”
This time it’s a deep throaty growl Tomura makes, followed by a single laugh that’s more like a puff of air.
“Or are you not man—“
Your words are choked off by a strong hand wrapped around your throat, with its pinky lifted. Your whole body halts anymore movement. You smile down at Tomura, nearly salivating. This is exactly what you wanted. No. Needed.
“Strip. And make a show of it.”
His demand is strong. It sends a thrill throughout your body. So you do just as he requires.
You crawl off of him and stand before him as he’s propping himself up with his forearms on the bed. Your hands run over your body, starting from your neck down between your thighs. Your hips sway slow and softly as your shimmy the tight pencil skirt off the delicious curves of your ass. When the fabric pools at your ankles, you begin to unbutton your shirt slowly, being sure to keep your eyes locked on his. Whenever Tomura did stray away from your gaze, onto your body. You stopped unbutton and gave a teasing smile. God, he wanted to dust that shirt off you so fucking bad.
“Can I tell you a secret?”
Your shirt feel to the floor, and your left standing in your heels and lacy under garments. You trace your fingers over your wet mound.
“Since that first day we met… I touched myself every night thinking about this moment.”
Tomura moans and palms at this straining cock. Two of your fingers dip under your panties and into your folds. Both you and Tomura moan simultaneously.
He can’t take how painfully slow this is anymore. Tomura grabs your wrist and thrusts you forward into the bed post at one of the corners of the bed. He wraps all five of his fingers around your underwear, watching to crumble and roll off your perfect body. He leans in close you. You grip the bed post hard, eager for what’s to come.
“Glad I wasn’t the only one.”
Your eyes roll back and a breathy moan escapes your lips. Two of Tomura’s fingers plunge deep into your crevice. The squelching of your sopping cunt fill Tomura’s ears. He plays with you. Watching and listening closely to see which movement of his fingers your body responds most too. His other hand reaches around to play with your nipples. Pinches, flicking and squeezing. Your sounds become loud. Enough for any passersby to easily know what is going on behind closed doors.
Tomura retracts his fingers and moves to squat down. He spreads you open, getting a good look at you. Your embarrassed at how intense he looks at you. Licking his lips at the sight. Soon after he drags his tongue over your pulsating cunt and he’s moaning at the sweet taste.
“Fucking perfect”
Tomura whispers before delving into you, feasting on you. He moves like your the last meal he’ll ever eat. It has you screaming his name along with a string of profanity. You’re grabbing into the bed post like it’s the only thing keeping you down on earth.
“Where’s that bratty mouth of yours now? Huh?”
You try to conjure up words. But your mouth just bubbles incoherently.
Tomura laughs. He’s enjoying this. He needs more. After a quick slap to your ass, he stands up and grabs his tie that’s tossed on the bed. He uses it to tightly tie your wrists to the bed post, preventing you from moving. Not that you would anyways.
“You’re mine after this, Y/N.”
Before you have a moment to even think of his words, his thick long cock penetrates deep inside of you, causing you to moan loud enough it borders a scream.
Tomura slaps his hips into yours, letting his balls clap against you. He’s deep and fast with every trust. He grabs a fist full of your hair to pull your head back, using it as leverage to only trust himself stronger into you. He’s grunting, moaning. Even his filthy sounds alone could probably make you cum.
“Y-yes-ah- yours! Yours! Yours!”
You chant as the sensation of Tomura sparks throughout your body. You can feel yourself salivating. This is the best fuck you have ever had. You don’t think you’ll ever be able to live without Tomura after this. Hell. You’re sure of it.
Tomura loves this thrill. Loves the power you give him. He’s addicted to you now. He wonders how he’ll go four months without you as he’s under the doctors care. Until then, he plans to fuck you stupid every night. Every morning. Every chance he gets.
Your both moaning and close to the edge. Tomura can feel his balls swell. He reaches around to play with your clit, while biting into your neck. It has you screaming his name, loud enough for the whole building to hear. He wants everyone to know. Needs everyone to know your his and no one besides him can touch you.
“I’m gonna- gonna-“
You can’t even finish the though before your convulsing around him, sucking and squeezing his dick causing him to cum with you. Filling you with every drop he has. Your both panting, covered in sweat and saliva. You slump to the floor, while still tied up. Tomura sits next to you as he catches his breath.
When both of you have evened out, he finally unties your wrists. There’s a moment you both share, it’s unlike any other moment. It’s not filled with wanton need or firey passion. It’s calm but strong. It feels like if you dive into this feeling, there’s no going back. Tomura rests his forehead against yours. You both hesitate in this moment. Neither of you are sure who did it first, who took the first leap into the unknown. But as your lips lock with his and teeth and tongue collide. You know there’s no holding back.
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
stayed up until 1am yesterday talking to my zurich friend (instead of staying up until 1am playing the stupid connect the dots game on my phone lol)
i gave him the unbearable lightness of being and immortality to read and now im a bit embarrassed about it idk. i was 19 when i read the unbearable lightness of being and it resonated with me for various reasons and i remember reading it with a pencil and underlining different quotes and writing little comments and stuff. i don't remember every single thing i underlined ofc but i remember that there was a lot of stuff that stood out to me.
so yesterday i was talking to my zurich friend and he hits me with "now i have information about your sex life". and i was like fuck, what did i write in that book? cos i remember it was quite sexual at times, so i was like shit, did i highlight something graphic? this is so embarrassing. and he was like "yeah, so there's this paragraph and you wrote 'me' next to it". and i was like shit shit shit, what is it.
so he sent me a picture of it and it's this:
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so i was like oof, it's not as bad as i thought, this is just like a funny sexual moment. but now im paranoid that 19 yr old me underlined things that are far worse than this and my zurich friend is gonna see it and feel weird.
but yeah we talked about the book and like relationships and stuff like incels and femcels and whatever. i told him about how i confessed my feelings to my bestie's bf when we were 15 by giving him a page from 1984 (the cringe is unreal, every time i think about it my body goes into anaphylactic shock) and he told me that he's recently deleted all of his instagram comments bc he'd tag his ex gf under stupid memes and leave weird comments and it was all very embarrassing.
but anyway yeah good talk. other than that i feel like a bad friend toward my london bestie bc im going to skating camp the same week she's organising her birthday trip. and i couldn't bring myself to tell her so i ignored her messages for like a whole day.... i feel so bad.
also i booked a trip to zurich in december for this conference thing. and it's like a proper investment, i paid 690 francs. and im very excited! but also a bit nervous bc it's gonna be a very serious thing and i need to be à la hauteur!
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papirouge · 1 year
Not the same football anon as before, but i wanted to stop in and say that I agree with you. I really like hearing Girioud talk about his faith so openly! It’s cringe whenever people (mostly muslims) call it a right wing dog whistle but if a muslim player prays on the field, they have no issue. Girioud is not apologizing for being Christian and I like to see it. Him and Benjamin seem to be close friends so I hope he could help him since it’s been reported how Pavard struggles with depression. :(
People hate grizemann were the same incels that hated Pavard too. They’re himbos - cute, skinny, sometimes awkward white boys with nice hair 😂 those incels wish they were half as hot. 😭
Yeah Muslim are so freaking fake anyway. They supported the Muslim players who made drama in the french football federation league because they wanted special treatment during the ramadan, and they lost their shit when people told them that their demand was edging on religious proselytism (the FFF paid them dust btw lol). But just because someone is Christian suddenly he's a far right agent....🤔 If only the Coran helped them understand what hypocrisy is....
At least Giroud* doesn't ask a religious prerogative, he keeps his religious takes outside the field. Christianism as a whole is a much more adaptative religion than Islam anyway, that's why there aren't stories of Christians asking for special treatment wherever they go and claim victimhood over it. Our religion isn't about performance, it's about what we are in our heart🩵 God is so based for that 🌟
Are you talking about Benjamin Pavard? as I said I'm no soccer head so I vaguely know him. I think he's in the France NT team?
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I digged for some info and it HE'S FROM MAUBEUGE??? I had a friend from there when I studied in the north of France !! I LOVE this place !! France North is infamously super poor and there's a lost of classism regarding this region (it's said they are all inbred degenerates bc there's been a lot of child abduction, incestuous & pedophilia scandals around there 😭). I'm sure the the Ch'tis (surname of France northern people) are proud of their boy! Benjamin doesn't have that much of a Ch'tis accent (though at some moment you can slightly hear it👀). He even admits that at the beginning of his career he had some hard time to be understood by his agent bc of his chtis dialect - ngl he's cute 🥹🩵
You last paragraph SENT ME lmaooooo (the "nice hair" is soooo specific GIRL I'm obsessed with men with good hair TOO 😭) But TEA. #teamhimbo aaaall the way. Them cute skinny soft boi Whities are those who save the France NT (Kyky is the exception & can stay tho 👀) Them ugly soccerbro incels have NOTHING on them💅🏾
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hxhhasmysoul · 1 year
You've frequently said that Yuuji is like a shoujo protagonist. Could you elaborate on that? I don't read shoujo and the last shoujo anime I watched was years ago so I'm not very familiar with it but I'm very fascinated as to why you think Yuuji's like a shoujo heroine. I don't think I've ever heard anyone else describe him as such.
I think I've seen some people talk about him in the context of a shoujo manga, though it might have been more in the context of him being a shoujo love interest which from what I recall of shoujo isn't really apt, Megumi with his aloof personality fits that bill more. but maybe others compared him to a protag too.
As you can see I'm also not some shoujou manga, or any manga category, expert. And I'm sure there's at least one, but more likely several, in-depth academic analyses of shoujo as a category, or what a shoujo protagonist is. And as with any such broad category there are surely exceptions, possibly even very popular ones.
With the above caveats, what I mean when I say "Yuuji is a shoujo manga heroine" is that he kinda fits the bill of what I picture when I think of a shoujo heroine. But also it's a bit of a sad joke, because, le sigh, patriarchy.
So historically, and maybe even today, not an expert, the manga categories were very strongly targeted at very particular demographics. Which any form of media like that, you of course get a lot of stereotypes baked into it. Stereotypes about what these groups may want to see which are based on societal norms and expectations for these groups. And the main manga categories are gendered and divided by age into shoujo - manga for adolescent women, josei - manga for adult women, shounen - manga for young men, seinen - manga for adult men.
From what I've gathered, the adult categories, I think especially the seinen category, are more flexible in what they allow for in terms of topics. Like adults can be interested in whatever they want, especially when it comes to men.
The categories directed at the youth feel more rigid when it comes to what they should depict. In gross simplification, girls should be exposed to relationships while boys should be exposed to action.
It's not like you don't get any action in shoujo, like you can get a lot of it, but it's framed differently than what you get in shounen and I will get to that. But the relationship will be at the forefront, and there's usually romance as an important part of the story.
You also get relationships in shounen, the already cliche power of friendship and so on, though rather no romance. It's a running joke that we get epilogues where we find out the protag who had the most dramatic and kinda romantic moments with his male friend/rival/enemy is happily married to one of the girls that cheered on him from the sidelines. Heteronormativity needs to be maintained. It's also a cliche that any romance that happens in shounen is played for laughs and kinda cringe, or downright laced with some really creepy shit like pedophilia (older women taking interest in young boys usually but it's "just a joke" or even depicted as cool) or incel shit (like male characters harassing and stalking female characters).
Gege doesn't do any of that, and will be very good about it if they stay on course and not make the "and they were all heterosexual" epilogue. I wrote a more detailed post about it, one that also delves into a lot of gender stuff, though it's a bit of a questionable one due to its origins and it's a bit old, etc. etc., proceed with caution if you choose to check it out. (A side note too, Hell's Paradise is quite interesting with it's premise of the protag loving his wife even if it's not executed well. Generally Kaku tries a lot of interesting things, though doesn't always manage to stick the landing).
A shoujo heroine often isn't the brightest when it comes to school stuff, or strongest in terms of physical strength, if there's magic involved her powers usually don't seem to be the most devastating in their effects. What she will usually have is an ability to deliver moments of very high vulnerability. She will also usually have a huge heart and ability to bring people together. These 3 combined is how she usually will win fights. A shounen character often can also have the last two, but usually the vulnerability he delivers is a bit one note, sometimes feels almost performative with the "I'm not strong enough". (also I'm sure that there a plenty of shoujo that also fail these). And the shounen character uses his vulnerability moment to charge the final attack while a shoujo heroine can win just through being vulnerable. (There's obviously shounen which has done this too, like categories this big will have everything, Killua wins with Palm through showing vulnerability, he does that with Illumi too.)
You might already see where I'm going with this.
Yuuji is built around his very strong humanity, his compassion. It's in his name. He is extremely good at delivering moments of devastating vulnerability, moments that are not power ups for him at all. He's also built around his loneliness and desire for connection, for being surrounded by people. He's very people oriented, has a warm personality and brings people together. He's capable of deep compassion and love. He has very high emotional intelligence. And he's capable of winning a fight through that alone, actually.
I started to call him a shoujo heroine after the Junpei battle, because he literally wins that by making himself vulnerable in front of Junpei and talking Junpei down. That's why what happens next is all the more devastating. He makes himself vulnerable in front of Higuruma.
If you apply shounen logic to JJK you get all those fans shitting on Yuuji because he's not the strongest. Because he doesn't have flashy powers like Gojou or Sukuna or Megumi. The cold takes like: "he loses several battles, omg he's not really the protagonist", or "he doesn't get amazing power ups", or "he's not driven to be the strongest, he's not proactive in achieving some lofty goals, climbing to the top of the hierarchy", etc. etc. blah, blah.
However if you apply a more shoujo logic to JJK, Yuuji is the clear and only protagonist. He's the heart of the story, he's the most people-oriented, relationship-oriented, vulnerable character. People are drawn to his warmth, not his power (Toudou's fanfiction about Yuuji is about Yuuji being his emotional support, about Yuuji letting Toudou be vulnerable together!).
All of the themes of the story converge onto him. He's emotionally tied to both major villains, and to their victims. His subtle personal, highly vulnerable goal, screams shoujo manga.
That's why I call him a shoujo heroine.
Why I say this is all a bit of a sad joke. While everything I wrote above, I stand by with my full conviction, the joke is that it all hinges on buying into patriarchy.
The division between shounen and shoujo is based on the societal norms for the gender binary. The idea that girls should like certain things, should behave a certain way... boys should like other things, behave in a different way etc. etc. In a system like that even personality traits are gendered. Men are stoic, calm, collected, decisive, forward, intellectual, high-minded, practical, project strength, they should feel comfortable taking up space blah blah. Women are emotional, fragile, caring, supportive, they don't care about practicality but are interested in the trivial and pretty things, they should be shy and quiet, feel good in the background, blah blah blah.
One of the principal traits of a shoujo and shounen protagonists is their gender. Because girls should read about girls and boys should read about boys.
This is why it's a bit of a sad joke, because calling Yuuji a shoujo heroine feels a bit like calling him a girl. And while I do it with love, and with my highly internally processed views on gender, I do it in public. I do it on this website where so many people perform a lot of feminism or queer activism in ways that are full of internalised misogyny and queerphobia of various stripes. In a patriarchal society calling a boy a girl is an insult, it's a form of devaluing him because girls are seen as less than. It's implying that he's failing at being a man. And Yuuji gets a lot of shit from the fandom for not being strong enough, for failing as a shounen protag. For failing to be that idealised, aspirational version of a boy. One that can overcome anything, one that's always strong, that is always driven.
I will quote here what I wrote about Yuuji in the post I linked above not to repeat myself:
"Yuuji is written more like a female character than a male one if we take the gender stereotypes into consideration, especially those that pervade the shounen genre. He’s built around compassion, cooperation and orienting himself towards others. These are stereotypically female coded traits. He doesn’t have a self aggrandising goal like so many shounen protagonists. His goal is intimate, it’s about his emotional needs. I forgot to mention that Yuuji is quite passive compared to a typical shounen protag. He rarely takes action on his own and only when the situation really forces him to do it. He’s reactive not proactive. He has this goal of eating all fingers but he waits for instructions, follows them. He doesn’t go out in the world seeking out the fingers. Same goes for his missions to kill curses. The reality had to hurt him real bad for him to become more active and still even now he falls in line, he’s not driven in the way shounen protags usually are. Passivity is associated with the concpet yin, which is also associated with femininity. Why do I mention this concept? Because jujutsu sorceres are kinda the successors of onmyōji, or more literally the yin-and-yang masters. He doesn’t have much of an ego. He knows he’s good at fighting but he’s not arrogant about it like Gojou or Sukuna are. He’s tactile, he has an open body language. His best friend is Nobara. The way they are close is astounding. All their idiot to idiot moments. All their physical contact. The way they complement each other while fighting. The way Nobara can just text Yuuji to come and he does. Nobara being gone really affects Yuuji deeply, to the point where he uncharacteristically lashed out at Hana. And it’s completely not sexual or romantic. Compared to that his friendship with Megumi is pretty shit and not really close. He’s been very clearly socialised as a boy in a pretty misogynist society on shit like shounen manga. He has “a type” when it comes to girls, that he can invoke instantly because that’s how young boys are socialised, it’s expected of them. And yet that type is just an aesthetic preference. It’s not really what he’d even want from a potential girlfriend. He treats women like people. Naturally, instinctively not in the fake “nice guy” way. He’s such a well rounded role model of young masculinity. He is that because Gege doesn’t build him on the stereotypes of what masculinity should be according to the conservative patriarchal viewpoint. Yuuji is a human who’s entitled to emotions, who’s not a total victim of his socialisation, who doesn’t strive to live up to societal expectations. No status quo, the mantra of JJK."
In a world not steeped through with patriarchy this wouldn't matter. In a world without such rigid standards as to what is masculine and what is feminine, calling Yuuji a shoujo manga heroine wouldn't stand out. Because it wouldn't feel like a thing. Yuuji wouldn't draw anyone's disappointment or ire. There wouldn't be a feeling of him crossing gender norms because the norms either wouldn't exist or would've been very very wide and flexible.
tldr: Yuuji is a shoujo manga heroine because he also has pink hair and is capable of extreme cuteness, and have you seen him holding the bunny so adorably? Very Usagi coded.
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robinplayspokemon · 2 years
pokemon anime 1x19 "the ghost of maiden's peak" & 1x20 "bye bye butterfree"
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although our heroes escaped from filler island, they still find themselves traveling through filler town on their way to saffron city.
the first episode of this little filler extension is super not one of my favorites. i mean, leaving aside the fact that it expects me to put up with brock's increasingly cringe incel bullshit for a full episode, it also expects me to believe that james is a heterosexual? honey, no. bad show! very bad.
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anyway the only noteworthy thing about this episode is that it gives us the pokedex entry for gastly, one of the best pokemon. (i hate the way gastly is portrayed in this episode, though!) this is one of the most skippable episodes ever. d-rank
the second episode is decidedly not filler even though it doesn't relate to a plot point or location in the 1st gen games. this episode sees ash realizing the time has come for him to release butterfree, the first pokemon he ever caught & raised through two evolutions. the show has done a really good job of establishing just how much ash loves his butterfree up until this point, so seeing him say goodbye is a truly tearjerking moment.
... why'd she have to be pink, though??? none of the other butterfree couples are color-coded. why is ash's the only one the show felt a need to give a patronizing case of the not-gays?
seriously, though, i'm willing to shrug this off because this is one of the best episodes of the show. s-rank
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reallystellacadente · 2 years
I would just like to note that one of the best things about Andor was finding this YouTube channel, which covers pretty much everything Star Wars, keeps up with current SW shows, and offers really informative think pieces that are AMAZING for worldbuilding in any SW era or playground. 
For any of the show-related episodes, they are full of spoilers (that’s the point, to talk about and dissect the stories), and so are some of the issue episodes like this one. So be forewarned. 
Note: I am not one who usually finds “dude spouting off about a TV show or film” YT videos or channels interesting. This one is unlike most others: The presenter has an excellent, interesting and easy-to-listen-to voice, a great onscreen presence, is smart af, and the comments are generally neither cringe nor incel-ish. Seriously, this is a watershed moment for me. 
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keyofw · 2 years
CW: Misogyny, incels, cringe
Back in 2020, I finished the first draft of a musical, and because the timing could not have been poorer, I've been essentially sitting on it and waiting for places to open submissions while I do minor revisions. So I made a full demo of the show and have decided to actually share the whole thing for both of my fans, piece by piece (it's also available on streaming services because I am that vain).
My snarky elevator pitch is that it's about the first ever incel to go to therapy. Or even better, a harem anime meets A Beautiful Mind.
This is the opening number, and I'll post the full script for this number below:
1. Everybody Has a Dark Side
(Music begins with a pitched sound effect. Onstage band begins cue. In the back is a mechanical egg-shaped pod, big enough to hold a person. With smoke and lights, the pod opens, and out comes NIKO. They are mid-20s, looking like an archetypical “neckbeard” or “nice guy.” Despite being the apparent frontman for the band, NIKO can’t seem to pull off the edgy look they’re going for, though they try to rock out during the intro. Finally they take their place downstage at a mic. They deliver their edgy material without a hint of self-awareness.)
(Music break. NIKO rocks out for a moment, then straightens up to address the audience directly.)
Hi. I’m Niko. Just Niko. Some people say my music is too loud. Welcome to the show. “Did that guy really just say all that incel bullshit? And that’s the hero?” Yeah, I’m the hero - don’t get ahead of me now. Every hero needs a villain, an antagonist, an obstacle to overcome. That’s me. I’m the villain.
(Screamo - NIKO is not particularly good at it.)
(A phone alarm rings and music stops instantly. NIKO drops the persona and pulls out their phone.)
I’m late for therapy.
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