#crowdsource the oc
antirepurp · 4 months
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hey it's our crowdsourced oc! they're a maned wolf who was created in a project researching methods for turning biological beings into data, and as a result their body is largely unstable. they're also able to use that instability to partially enter computers and similar machines, not fully though as they can't fully turn themselves into data. they prefer being and doing things by themselves and have a hard time accepting help, but a lot of it is a front they put on to appear tougher than they are. they're in a qpr with big and visit him often, especially when they just want to Exist for a while
thanks for everyone who helped make them real! :D
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lorata · 7 months
Writing about Chaff and Alec got me back onto the topic of patriotism. I think what's so interesting about your victors is for the ones who are completely loyal - particularly Odin - there's a real patriotism for the District and that's how they justify a lot of the Capitol stuff. It brought me back to the 3rd Victor of the Golden Trio and what it would look like to have a victor who is completely devoted to the Capitol, more so than Two itself and how that would fit with the whole Centre/Victor thing. I don't know if I'm going to turn it into anything but here's my very rough drabble on him.
For all the Golden Trio are as much a part of Two’s mythology as the mountains themselves, people are strangely reluctant to talk about Amun. 
There’s something about him, something that’s hard to place and even harder to name, that makes people wary. Even among the diehard patriots, who idealise him second only to Ronan, there’s a distance. Because Amun doesn’t belong to them the same way the other victors do and everyone knows it. Sure, the victors, the volunteers, even the trainees belong to the Capitol but they’re the product of the District. Trainees are the District’s offering to the Capitol, a gift freely given as a symbol of their loyalty, a show of love to their masters by sacrificing the very best of their children to them. The victors, the sacrifices who are returned to them as a symbol of the Capitol’s benevolence, are a bridge between the District and the Capitol; tangible proof of the rewards of obedience.  
Except that Amun has never belonged to the District. He is not like Odin, whose image as loyalty incarnate only grows stronger as the decades roll on. Amun is loyal, no one doubts that, but his loyalty has never been to Two. On the contrary, Amun is the Capital’s Victor through and through. He is their mouthpiece and their guard dog and he would burn District Two to the ground without a second thought if the President ever asked that of him. There is no pretence – Amun has never been a man of artifice – but his patriotism, his loyalty, is to the Capital alone. 
ha ha OH BOY that will be .................. interesting later on, huh
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alittlelessalone · 11 months
Hello fellow Scum Villain fans! If anyone is bored, loves Moshang and Qijiu (especially Shang Qinghua and Shen Jiu), and would be interested in hearing the details of the very long fic I’m writing, I would love to have a brain or two I could bounce ideas against to make sure they sound valid, interesting, and in character. I have a full outline and around 150,000 words written so far, but there are parts that I could use some insight/thoughts on and I figured other passionate fans might be the right people to ask!
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
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Maybe. Maybe want 2 try the drawing 1 character per color meme thing. UNLESS I GET SCARED‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ Idk we’ll see lol but Gimmie some SUGGESTIONS for COLORS otherwise I will be forced to take matters into my own hands 🫴
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soullessbullshit · 4 months
Important Crowdsource:
I've been considering posting some tabletop sheets for my Vestiges (and maybe even my take on building some of the in-game characters while I'm at it).
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cutepoop · 2 months
Forget sex.
Have you ever been stuck in plot development hell, and your friend gives you a perfect twist to ruin your ocs' lives?
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anarkhebringer · 1 year
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POV you said something cringe
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inevitablemoment · 1 year
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mekanikaltrifle · 1 year
For tomorrow's oc drawings:
I'm not mentioning which names these are so youse will just simply not have the biases. none of em.
(when I say continuously drawn I largely mean they're currently still in the roster of characters I draw when I think about drawing, rather than that they're in a story that's been shelved or isn't actively in progress)
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charliesinfern0 · 1 year
karkat gives page a pumpkin when asking her out because he knows for a fact that girls (jade, roxy, wyllin) love pumpkins
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tovaicas · 1 year
subtle gold strip
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or slutty thigh-high
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antirepurp · 4 months
previously on crowdsource the OC: core personality has been picked! our list has expanded:
species: fox/wolf/similar canine
cool power: glitch/data abilities
backstory: lab experiment gone wrong
canon relations: queer platonically involved with a canon character
cool accessory: goggles
✨core personality:✨introvert with tough exterior, really a softie
again, any runner-ups that don't directly conflict with the winner also have a chance to be incorporated. for our FINAL POLL it's time to determine with which canon character our fella is in a qpr with
our character's age has not been set yet and will be determined based on the winner's age!
the final list of features will be announced tomorrow, stay tuned!
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frenzyarts · 2 years
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Yay let’s play this game :D leave your comment in the replies! Even if there’s already 10 comments feel free to add some suggestions
Come on gamers let’s crowdsource a new big titty oc 😂
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mk-writes-stuff · 6 months
OC Takeover Tag Game
Hey everybody, I’m starting a little tag game of my own! I hope y’all like it :)
Rules: for any OCs you’d like, if they stole your phone and got on your tumblr blog, what would they do/post on it?
I’m going to do this for some of my Seven Station Chronicles characters.
Belladonna: take 4000 selfies, spend six hours editing them, then post exactly one heavily filtered and edited selfie
Cassie: post thirst trap pictures of herself flexing
Nellie: say hi to everyone and not know what exactly to say so she’d just start posting her favourite recipes and asking people what they thought of them
Cassiopeia: scroll through my blog, realize there’s content about her future on here, start crowdsourcing all the information she can to try to avoid the fate in store for her
Narcissus: post a selfie and tag every single follower instructing them to reblog and compliment him
Ricinus: like Cassiopeia, would realize there’s content about secrets on here and start trying to find out if his wife was cheating on him
Goldenrod: somehow find mom blogs and start posting the sort of deranged things that end up reposted on Reddit under like r/shitmomgroupssay
Stellaris: ask for pictures of everyone’s pets and backyards and reblog every response with 12000 questions
Rhys: post the world’s worst selfie but he’d be really enthusiastic about it
Bonus (some you don’t see very often!):
Septimus: post asking whose phone this is so he can return it
Ruthlessness: make a popularity poll between her and Ambition, start raging every time Ambition gets more votes
Torathen Xi: honestly, delete my blog
Ananias: start posting cult propaganda
Tagging a bunch of people for this one! @illarian-rambling @kaylinalexanderbooks @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @elsie-writes @bargainbincheese @dontcrywrite @kbwritesstuff @magic-is-something-we-create @pluttskutt @somethingclevermahogony @spitefulbull @touloserlautrec - any of you interested in trying this one out?
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dragonagitator · 5 months
I thought of another reason why House MD is seeing a huge resurgence in popularity 20 years later: We're just meaner now.
Back in 2004, House MD was a show about "what if the greatest doctor in the world was also the biggest asshole in the world?" The things he said to other people were presented as if they were the most shockingly insensitive things those people had ever heard in their lives.
Whereas in 2024, House MD feels more like a show about "what if Reddit was a person?"
His particular type of meanness is way more mainstream now than it was back then.
That's why I don't feel like I'm pulling a Mary Sue by writing my author self-insert OC as generally unbothered by House's remarks and occasionally even laying him out with her retorts. She's been on the internet since she was 12, so whatever nasty thing House just said, she probably used to read at least half-a-dozen nastier things every day before breakfast.
She'll also come armed with the crowdsourced toolkit of best practices for shutting down Boomer bullshit that Millennials and Zoomers have come up with over the years. And yes, at some point, she will deploy the air horn.
(Wilson, bursting in: "What the hell was that?!" OC: "Operant conditioning with negative stimuli." Wilson: "...what?" OC: "We're learning how to be normal around black people instead of constantly committing microaggressions." House: "I can fire you, you know." OC: "Oh, really? Let's go down to HR right now. Let's go tell them about how you want to fire me for trying to make you stop saying racist things to your direct report. Let's see how that conversation goes for you." House: *glowers* OC: "Also, firing me is not the threat you seem to think it is. I can just go back into accounting and double my salary, whereas you'll never find another department secretary willing to put up with your shit ever again." Wilson: *suppressed cackling* Cameron & Foreman: *shocked* Chase: *wishing he'd brought popcorn* House: *furious but maybe also a little aroused?*)
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i-mybrunettelady · 24 days
Nyra enjoyers do me a favor... I'd greatly appreciate it if you could pinpoint down what exactly do you like best about her.
I am conducting a lil research thing that's called looking into my ocs' heads, it's very fun, and I don't think she'd be where she is now without you guys so I'm crowdsourcing opinions!
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