Activist-artist, Jaune Quick-to-See Smith first Native American artist exhibited at Whitney Museum of American Art Written by Kimber Hand-Harris
For the first time ever, a Native American artist is having a retrospective and important art exhibited by New York’s famed Whitney Museum until Aug. 13, 2023. At 83-years young, artist, art educator, and activist Jaune Quick-to-See Smith said she is proud to “break the buckskin ceiling” and is showcasing a powerful collection comprised of five decades of her work, totaling 130 pieces of art, sensibly titled, “Jaune Quick-to-See Smith: Memory Map.”
Read the rest of this story and more! Link in bio!
#Salish #Kootenai #Métis #Shoshone #westrivereagle #eaglebutte #southdakota #cheyenneriver #CRST #newsforyou #diversenews #art @whitneymuseum
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navinsamachar · 1 month
मंडी में फल-सब्जियों के मनमाने दामों की शिकायत, पोस्टर प्रतियोगिता, जन्माष्टमी, अंतरिक्ष दिवस, प्रतियोगिताएं, परीक्षा परिणाम, सदस्यता अभियान व पीटीए की नयी कार्यकारिणी गठित,
मंडी में फल-सब्जियों के मनमाने दामों की मंडलायुक्त से शिकायत नवीन समाचार, नैनीताल, 24 अगस्त 2024 (Nainital News Today 24 August 2024 NavinSamachar)। निवर्तमान सभासद मनोज साह जगाती ने नगर की मल्लीताल सब्जी मंडी आढ़त में मनमाने दामों पर फल, सब्जियां व दालें बेचने का आरोप लगाया है और इस संबंध में मंडलायुक्त दीपक रावत को पत्र लिखा है। कहा है कि हल्द्वानी मंडी से फल, सब्जियां व दालें आने के बावजूद यहां…
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gemharvest · 1 year
I'm tired of being upset over Discord getting rid of discriminators I just want my new username so I can stop thinking about this.
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wihinaphe-makhoche · 2 months
6/24/24: Reflections on Visiting Homeland & Indian Policy
This will be a series of short essays about my experiences visiting CRST (Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe). Edited & posted 7/30/24.
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Standing beside the graves of my great-grandparents, William Garreau and his wife On the Lead.
I've just returned from a trip to the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe (CRST), sovereign Lakota land surrounded by the state of South Dakota. This experience of going to this place where my ancestors lived was humbling, informative, and intense above all.
While I am an enrolled member of the Cheyenne River Lakota, I was born and raised in Maine; In many ways, this is where my heart is. I connect with the woodlands and the river that has been a constant companion to me through all my years. This, though, is not where my blood family or ancestors are from.
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The sky here seems to stretch forever. You don't fully understand the enormity of it until you're under its expanse--But despite what you might hear about "prarie madness" in places where the "sky is too big", I felt comforted in knowing that this is where my family and ancestors lived, and continue to live.
Coming from Maine, tribal lands are handled differently. In traveling to a Native community here, you are very nearly assured that everyone living on reservation land is either Native themselves, or integrated into a Native family one way or another (married, adopted, etc). In off-reservation areas, there is still often recognition of the land's Indigenous roots, whether it be through place names or by signage. This is not to give too much credit to colonizers. The Wabanaki community has been steadfast in maintaining their cultural identity and asserting their presence. This is helped by the fact that these are truly ancestral lands; Wabanaki have lived here since time immemorial, and their archaeological record in the area goes back at least 5,000 years.
Indian policy in Maine also fundamentally differs from that out West. In my paper Triumph and Tribulation: Wabanaki Experiences, 1950-2020, I cover MICSA, perhaps the most significant Maine Indian land policy in recent years:
For the Passamaquoddy and Penobscot, their long battle with the State of Maine for land claims would bear fruit in 1980, with the passing of the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act (MICSA).[1] MICSA was initially deemed a success and was the largest land claims settlement at the time, as well as the first to include provisions for land reacquisition.[2] The Act had tribes cede 12.5 million acres, or 60% of Maine, in exchange for $81.5 million divided between tribes.[3] The Houlton Band of Maliseets joined the settlement in 1979 and were provided with $900,000 for the purchase of a five-thousand-acre reservation, as well as federal recognition.[4] The breakdown of the $81.5 million between the Passamaquoddy and Penobscot was $26.8 million for each tribe, or 150,000 acres in unorganized territories—soft money.[5] The remaining $27 million would be split between the two with one million dollars set aside for infrastructure for elders.[6] MISCA also created the Maine Implementing Act (MIA) and the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission (MITSC), which would define tribal-state relationships by establishing specific laws about Wabanaki peoples and their lands.[7] This served as a means to define and resolve discrepancies with MICSA, as it was largely considered much more legally rigid than the Wabanaki tribes had initially understood it to be.[8] This rigidity would ultimately be a major critique of MICSA and its associated provisions. There were concerns that MISCA did not respect Wabanaki tribes as sovereign nations but, rather, reduced reservation lands to municipality status.[9] State paternalism toward Indigenous peoples of Maine was effectively allowed to continue. Per-capita payments for MISCA were ultimately very little for many, hardly the windfall gain that many perceived it to be; additionally, many saw acceptance of the payments as agreement to the terms of MICSA, with which not all Wabanaki agreed.[10] Though MICSA was perhaps the first step in a road toward true self-determination, Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, and Maliseet people continued to struggle. Fears surrounding termination still loomed in the minds of many ...
The 1990s would bring the Aroostook Band of Micmacs (or Mi’kmaq, now considered the correct spelling) into the MICSA agreement. Following the 1980 settlement, and with the MIA considered no longer necessary, the Mi’kmaq had been largely left to fend for themselves.[11] Their fellow Wabanaki found it inappropriate to speak on their behalf.[12] In 1991, Congress would seek to correct this oversight: similar to the Maliseet, Mi’kmaq would receive $900,000 for a five thousand acre reservation, federal recognition, as well as $50,000 in additional property funds in dispersed settlements.[13]
However, like many tribes in the West, my oyate were affected by the disastrous Dawes Severalty Act (also known as General Allotment Act) in 1887. In short, this act would give Indians an allotment of land to farm or ranch (regardless of traditional living and subsistence practices). "Surplus" land not allotted was then sold off cheaply to white farmers and ranchers, creating something of a checkerboard affect in Indian country. I talk more about this in reblog discussing the issues of cottagecore on my main blog back in January.
Because of this, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe land is still inhabited by a minority of white farmers and ranchers. While we had no incidents while picking timpsula, traveling through fields to Thunder Butte, or otherwise exploring and learning, the discomfort my aunties (residents of CRST) felt when encountering white ranchers was palpable.
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Digging timpsula at CRST with my thiwahe (family)
Reservation lands have historically been a place where Indians are cloistered away. My grandfather would recall times when there were curfews for when they had to be back (though he would gleefully recall violating this curfew and riding around with friends and getting up to all sorts of car-related hijinks); an extension of US paternalism towards Indians. In earlier times (though not in such a distant past), Indian agents policed and monitored Indian behavior. Nuns and priests evangelized and enforced the ban on Indigenous religious practice. The cultural devastation created by these systems is still felt today. My great auntie, who lived on the reservation, was very Christian until the day she died. Our language continues to be endangered. Efforts to revitalize and maintain our culture are critical and complicated by generations of racial shaming, residential schools, and forced US paternalism that has caused us to become unwilling dependents.
This is one of the biggest recurring themes in Indian policy in the United States. We are set up to fail, and when we do, the US government can swoop in and claim we can’t take care of ourselves. 
I don’t mean to engender a sense of hopelessness within this essay, far from it. There is hope. I want to make those outside of Indigenous communities viscerally aware of our struggles and our existence in the current moment. We are here, we are not peoples of the past, and everything is not okay. There is pain, but how we navigate our cultural wounds is a testament to our resilience as a people. 
Within the Lakota Nation, there have been a number of programs to preserve and revitalize the culture. The Lakota Cultural Center in Eagle Butte has recently experienced a massive overhaul under the leadership of Dave West, current program director.
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Me and Até outside the Lakota Cultural Center in Eagle Butte after getting my tribal ID
We were lucky enough to catch Dave during his work day at the center, and he graciously gave us an extremely in-depth and powerful tour of the museum. What stood out to me during my conversation with him was a re-orientation of cultural knowledge.
The Lakota Cultural Center has been doing important work in facilitating community nights and days were our oyate can come together and share knowledge on more equal footing. Tables and chairs are set up in a circle, so that, as Dave put it, "A six year old child and seventy year old elder can both be heard." Workshops may range from traditional crafts to singing, story-telling, gathering, and language-sharing.
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Elk hide prepared by CRST youth.
Community engagement with traditional practices is not only sacred, but helps heal and offers a healthy outlet for pain we may be feeling.
Something I've taken away from my work this summer, and what I intend with this blog is similar to the cultural center's message-- Knowledge sharing. Knowledge is power as much as it is healing. I believe it is critical to share knowledge not only without our own communities, but outside of them as well; To facilitate a conversation between Indigenous communities and our neighbors (all residents of Turtle Island).
I hope to share more about my trip in follow-up posts. This installment has been focused on Indian land policy and cultural revitalization. If you've made it to the end, I want to thank you for taking the time to read and engage. Please feel free to share your thoughts in comments! Respectful conversation around my posts is very encouraged. Have a wonderful day!
Check out my (free) substack!
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Citations & References:
[1] Lecture NAS 222, 4/15/24. [2] Girouard, 60. (Girouard, Maria L. 2012. “THE ORIGINAL MEANING AND INTENT OF THE MAINE INDIAN LAND CLAIMS: PENOBSCOT PERSPECTIVES.” Graduate School: University of Maine.) [3] Lecture 4/15/24. [4] Ibid. [5] Ibid. [6] Ibid. [7] Ibid; Girouard, 60. [8] Girouard, 60. [9] Lecture 4/15/24. [10] 4/19/24.
[11] Brimley, Stephen. 2004. “Native American Sovereignty in Maine” Maine Policy Review 13.2 (2004) : 12 -26. http://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/mpr/vol13/iss2/4., 22. [12] Ibid. [13] Lecture 4/19/24.
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oceandirtcountry · 3 months
Randy: We absolutely, one hundred percent, need a strategy. We’ve bullshit our way into Beacon, but we’re going up against the powerhouses NDGO—and if we make one wrong move, we’re absolutely fucked. Any ideas?
Rex: We go in our underwear.
Randy:…dude, no.
Rook: To be fair, most of our abilities do not require clothing. And with Ben’s Omnitrix, he does end up naked either way.
Ben: It’d be funny.
Randy: Guys. We are, I swear on Oum, not showing up to the Vytal festival—
Cheering, whooping, other crazy stuff ensues. The girls wave as they walk onto the field.
Announcer: And now, for…
The gates to team CRST’s side open oddly slowly, with smoke spilling out.
They’re in their underwear.
(By the way, these fucks go on to beat Pyrrha and Ren in a two-on-two by completely fair methods, but this was something I couldn’t write, so I wanted to put it out here.)
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macrochia-4 · 24 days
TIMESTAMP: 28. 7. 5016 1100 CrST
>>//[BRA90]:: FIRING
>>//[JAD00]:: FIRING
>>//[CHA68]:: === SIGNAL LOST
Partial Combat log of Battlegroup Rapids, Operation Shrubbery Market
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cobalt-knave · 8 months
Whump Fic Recs pt. 1 (& a brief love letter and tagging tutorial)
Ah, whump, my most beloved genre of fanfiction. What is whump? Whump refers to stories prominently featuring injury or sickness and/or the care and recovery thereof. This is most often in the hurt/comfort category or the hurt no comfort category. It is a wonderful opportunity to shake up dynamics and reveal hidden character depths in a high stress situation. What do you do when the strong one is hurt? How does that call into question your feelings towards them? How does that call into question their feelings towards themself and their role? Who will care for the one who always caretakes? It’s a great tonal shift too. Just *chef’s kiss*. Plus, you know what? It’s sometimes just fun to run your favorite characters through the plinko.
How do you tag whump and why should you? The tags on ao3 to use are”
 “Whump” (not just “whumptober” or “whumptober 2022″ or other variations),
“hurt/comfort” or “hurt no comfort”
“sickfic” if illness is the featured whump
“injury recovery” if such a thing is covered
“torture”, “car accidents”, “broken bones”, “blood and injury”, “blood and violence”, etc as relevant (start typing into the additional tags section to see what the common tag is to use.
“Character Name Whump” or “Hurt Character Name” if in a specific fandom whumping a specific character
all of the previous should be used in addition to the base whump tag.
if relevant, use the archive warning “graphic depictions of violence”
why tag? BECAUSE I WANNA READ IT AND FIND IT AND IT IS WOEFULLY UNDERTAGGED. It is also good to tag if someone wants to avoid it by excluding it from the search.
Alright. On to the recs. Multifandom including The Mechanisms, The Magnus Archives, King Falls AM, The Adventure Zone, Our Flag Means Death, The Murderbot Diaries, and Stargate SG-1.  There will be more whump recs to come.
On Account Of The Jonny Doll by NammiKisulora
Fandom: The Mechanisms
Ah, NammiKisulora knows how to make these immortals hurt in such twisted and unique ways.
 “Yeah. Get in, will you? I want to get going. Jonny keeps waking up. W-without skin.”    “Oh Yes! That Must Be On Account Of The Jonny Doll!”
Jonny is executed, which is a normal enough occurrence. It’s only afterwards things go wrong.
We Still Have the Radio - I. and  We Still Have the Radio - II. by luckjustkissedyouhello                
Fandom: King Falls AM
luckjustkissedyouhello writes some damn good, damn brutal whump!
The next thing he’s aware of is water against his face, wait no, all of him, where he lays on his left side. Water that is rapidly rising. He lays there dazed. Then a groan above his head has him jerking back into the moment, fear lancing through him, stealing his breath. Ben.
In which Ben and Sammy are in a car accident.
bleeding by Athina_Blaine
Fandom: The Magnus Archives
Martin goes and gets himself stabbed. It's inconvenient.
Re-Initialization by CompletelyDifferent
Fandom: The Murderbot Diaries
This Unit: Where is my owner, Dr. Mensah?
Dr. Yuen: Well, that’s the million dollar question, isn’t it? SecUnit, where did you last physically interact with Dr. Ayda Mensah?
Information Retrieval: Dr. Ayda Mensah last interacted with This Unit on Preservation Station at 08:27:22 on 4098-09-17 CRST.
This Unit: You do not have permission to access that information.
Dr. Yuen: You’re incorrect, SecUnit. We do. Answer the question.
(When the infamous rogue SecUnit of the Preservation Alliance gets captured, the corporate techs assigned to it expected to be able to get some juicy data, or at least some insights into its cracked governor module. They didn't expect something so... basic.)
trust me by gaysidecharacter
Fandom: The Adventure Zone: Balance
Everyone gets real sick and Lup is having a time.
Not an echo even by Hopeful_Foolx
Fandom: The Magnus Archives
They stop the Unknowing. There is an explosion. And trapped under rubble and panic, Jon wakes up. So does Tim. Three prompts, one story. Starting with Day 4 - Running out of Time
Friends in Strange Places by beesandcats
Fandom: Our Flag Means Death
"Steel in your side for so long was a weird feeling, Stede decided. It had actually been around hour six that he came to the conclusion, if anyone was keeping track. It had been around hour three, when he heard the snores from the other side of the deck, that he realized he should perhaps try to be friends with the steel in his side. Obviously, they were not friends."
A missing scene from Season 1, Episode 6. Stede's been stabbed and stuck to a pole all night. He's gonna need some help when everyone wakes up for the day.
Things Stay the Same by teyla
Fandom: King Falls AM
During blizzard season, Ben and Sammy, each for their own reasons, make an unwise choice. The experience that ensues should be life changing—though is it? 
In which there is a snowstorm, an accident, a soaked through jacket, and thoughts of revealing secrets.
Lifestock by NammiKisulora
Fandom: The Mechanisms
"Guys, you get what this means? It means fresh meat, every day for as long as we like." "The fuck are you talking about?" "Just sayin' we could leave his leg attached, tie him up, and bring him along. Carve off what we like at mealtimes instead. We dunno how long we've got to lie low for."
Tim is held captive for food after a battle.
Between A Rock And A Hard Place by Sam Walker
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
To save Daniel’s life, Jack has to do that hardest of all things: talk.
This fic is written from Jack's perspective. Daniel is involved in an accident off-world and the only thing Jack can do to help is talk to Daniel while everyone else works. I love this fic for the interaction between Jack and Daniel, and for the insights into Jack's motivations. Despite being mostly Jack and Daniel, you get a sense of camaraderie about SG1 and you can see just how much Jack cares about his team.
And if you read any of these, be sure to leave kind comments for the authors!
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welele · 1 year
Mis padres: hija, cómo tarda tu novio en el baño… Mi novio: pic.twitter.com/Q6GYlr8s2s
— CRST (@wiuwiuninonino) June 23, 2023
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ghostflowerdreams · 2 years
Writing Research - Truck Driver
This is for all the writers that want to write about or have a character who is a truck driver. I hope this helps you a lot. 
This list of links contains information on how to become one, types of truck drivers, how much they earn, what kind of food they eat, how they get clean, what kind of dangers they face, what a day in their life is like, and so on.
How To Become A Truck Driver?
LearnHowToBecome - How to Become a Truck Driver
Smart Trucking - How to Become a Truck Driver in the US: 10 Steps to Getting Your CDL
wikiHow - How to Become a Truck Driver
Berks Technical Institute (BTI) - How to Become a Truck Driver
Trucking Truth Blog - So You’re Thinking About Becoming A Truck Driver?
FCC - What Types of Truck Drivers Are There?
US Truck Driver Training School Inc. - Trucking 101 – Types of Trucking Companies
How Much Do Truck Drivers Make?
LearnHowToBecome - Truck Driver Salary Guide | How Much Does a Truck Driver Make in the United States?
Prime Inc. - How Much Money Do Truck Drivers Make?
Trucking Truth Blog - Truck Driver Salary: The Complete Guide
AllTrucking - First Year Truck Driver Salary
CloudTrucks - 9 Highest Paying Trucking Salaries of 2022
MigWay - How Much Money Do Truck Drivers Make in 2022?
Drive My Way - 11 Types of Truck Driver Pay Explained
Truckstop - Truck Driver Salary: Top Paying Jobs (By State & Freight Type)
Youtube: The Rideshare Guy - Truck Driver Salary: Here's What It's REALLY Like to Be a Truck Driver!! [video]
A Day In The Life Of A Truck Driver...
Flock Freight - A Day in the Life of a Truck Driver
Energy Transportation Group - A Day in the Life of a Truck Driver
John Greene Logistics Company (JGLC) - A Day in the Life as a Truck Driver
CRST The Transportation Solution - A Day in the Life of a Truck Driver
Migway - A Day in the Life of a Truck Driver
EpicVue - A Day In The Life of a Truck Driver: What to Expect
Carlile - A Day in the Life of an Alaskan Truck Driver
Youtube: CNBC Make It - I Bring In $144K A Year Driving Trucks | On The Job [video]
Youtube: Trucker Josh VLOGS - My Trucking Life | A DAY IN THE LIFE | #2228 | March 4, 2021 [video]
The CDL School - What is the Typical Day in the Life of a Truck Driver?
Business Insider - See photos of a day in the life of a married trucking couple making $125,000 a year [photos]
Youtube: HISTORY - Ice Road Truckers: Ready To Roll (Season 1, Episode 1) | Full Episode [video]
The News Wheel - On the Job: What Is It Like Being a Truck Driver?
Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation - A Day in the Life of a Truck Driver
Southwest Truck Driving School - A Day in the Life of a Trucker
Youtube: Eiver2 Trucker - A Week of my Life/ My Passion/ Truck Driver [video]
Youtube: She Someone Special - What It’s Like Being A OTR Female Truck Driver+ Pros & Cons + Storytime + Being A Young Trucker [video]
NewsNation - Behind the wheel: A day in the life of a big rig driver [video]
lily - Female Truck Drivers Archives: Lily Transportation
Youtube: Happiness By The Mile - A Day in the Life | Over The Road Trucker (Trucking Vlog 001) [video]
Youtube: Grtruckingdemolitionllc - A day in the life of a heavy haul trucker | kenworth moving oversize load [video]
Youtube: Kayla Taylor Trucking - A Day In The Life Of A Truck Driver / Drop and Hook / Weighing and Sliding Tandems / Fueling + More [video]
Youtube: Niesha K - A Detailed Day in the Life of a TRUCK DRIVER | Laid Back [video]
Youtube: ALEX THE TRUCKING GUY - a REAL day in the life of a U.S truck driver (POV 626 miles Indiana to Nebraska) - [vlog #104] [video]
Youtube: Eliante and Kayla - A Day In The Life Of A Woman Truck Driver | Eliante and Kayla [video]
Reddit: I Am A - IAMA New Long Haul Trucker, Ask Me Anything.
Youtube: Trucker Jay in the UK - New job new truck London [video]
Youtube: mark pritchard - A day in the life of a UK truck driver. [video]
Youtube: Trucker Cassie - Full Day Winter Vlog: Sweden [video]
Youtube: Angelica Larsson - A Day as a Real (Swedish) Trucker: What we do [video]
Youtube: Iwona Blecharczyk - Mój pierwszy ładunek! My first load (Polish Trucker) [video]
Youtube: Sheila Bellaver Caminhoneira - Na Vibe Da Estrada!! Saindo Empresa Rumo SÃO PAULO! (Brazilian Trucker) [video]
Youtube: Parul TV - Truck Driver in Canada Punjabi Life Daily Routine [video]
Youtube: PinoyTruckDriver Japan - Japan Truckers| Pinoy trucker Japan [video]
Youtube: LifeWithTracyB - A Day in the Life of Husband and Wife Team Truck Drivers! [video]
Youtube: Driver Solutions - Trucking: Day In The Life Of A Married Couple On Truck [video]
Youtube: Bair's on the Road - Day in the life: Truck driver & wife [video]
Female Truck Drivers
The Trucking Scribe - Dealing with Period Aches and Pains for Women Truck Drivers
The Trucking Scribe - Feel Better on Your Period, Tips for Female Truck Drivers
Trucking Truth - Handling Your Ladies Time On The Road…
Fueloyal - Female Truck Driver – Trucking Career Challenges and Importance
Youtube: Niesha K - Period Tips for Female Truckers + MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE [video]
Matheson - Is it Safe for Women to be Truck Drivers? Myths Busted.
Business Insider - Truckers say they’re denied bathrooms on the job, forcing female drivers to take creative measures to relieve themselves
NPR - What women truckers can tell us about living and working alone [audio]
Women in Trucking - How Safe Do Female Drivers Feel On the Road?
Business Insider - Female truckers describe the extra precautions they take to stay safe on the road — from disguising their gender and avoiding tight clothes to carrying weapons
Trucking Truth - Women In Trucking: Tips For Safety and Comfort
Kelly Struck - Female Truck Driver Safety: 27 Tips to Keep You Safe on the Road
Reddit: Truckers - What’s it like being a female trucker
Youtube: Big Trucker Bre - Pros & Cons To Truck Driving | Female Edition [video]
Reddit: Truckers - I’m [19F] interested in trucking… how safe do y’all lady truckers feel?
Reddit: Truckers - The fucked up shit women drivers have to deal with…
Reddit: I Am A - IAmA former female truck driver, AMA
Reddit: Ask Me Anything - I’m a 23yo female long haul truck driver. AMA
Youtube: YOU LOVE INDIA - A day in the life of a female truck driver| pallet fell out the truck [video]
How Do Truck Drivers’ Eat?
Schneider - Grocery list for truck drivers with ready-to-eat, no-prep foods
Logity Dispatch - What Do Truck Drivers Eat on the Road
Heavy Duty Trucking - How Truck Drivers Can Eat Healthy on the Road
HMD Trucking - A List of Healthy Meals for Truck Drivers
Prime Inc. - Healthy & Simple Truck Driver Food Ideas
Nutrition and Food Services (NFS) - Healthy Eating Tips Truck Drivers [pdf]
CloudTrucks - 13 Healthy Snacks for Truck Drivers
Trucking Truth - The Complete Guide To A Career In Trucking: How can I eat healthy on the road? Will I be able to cook my own meals?
Knight Transportation - Top Healthy Diets for Truck Drivers
Smart Trucking - Healthy Snacks For Truckers – 15 Simple Ideas For On the Road
Healthy Truck - Healthier Living (and Eating) for the Long-Haul
Garmin - How to Stay Healthy as a Truck Driver on the Road
How Do Truck Drivers Stay Clean & Use The Bathroom?
Truckers Insider - How do trucker do laundry?
Big Rig HQ - Where Do Truckers Wash Clothes While On The Road?
Trucking Truth - I Shower How Often? What Is Personal Hygiene Like On The Road
Schneider - What kind of clothes do truck drivers wear?
Team Run Smart - Laundry Tips For Truckers
Trucking Truth - The Complete Guide To A Career In Trucking: Life on the road: Showers, bathroom breaks, & personal hygiene
Prime Inc. - All About Truck Stop Showers: Tips For Showering On the Road
CTC Trucking - Everything You Need To Know About Truck Stop Showers
Schneider - Where do truck drivers shower? And other common questions
CloudTrucks - Where do Truck Drivers Sleep?
CDL Training Spot - Where Do Truck Drivers Shower?
TruckersGoods - How To Get Free Showers At Truck Stops? (Best Places List)
Truckers Insiders - How do truck drivers shower? Travel tips from the Pros
FreightWaves - Can I use the bathroom? The answer for truckers is often ‘No’
CDL Training Spot - Where Do Truckers Pee? Get Ready For The Truth
The Trucking Scribe - How Do Female Truck Drivers Pee When There Is No Restroom?
Big Rig HQ - How Do Truck Drivers Use The Bathroom While On The Road?
Truck Drivers’ Advice & Tips
Trucking Truth - The Complete Guide To A Career In Trucking: Rookie Drivers: Tips, Tricks, & Surviving your First Year On The Road
Smart Trucking - 7 Things You Need To Know About Your First Year as a New Truck Driver
CloudTrucks - Tips For New Truck Drivers: Starting Your Career Strong
Trucking Truth - Important Truths for Rookie Drivers: Surviving Your First 6 Months
Schneider - 6 truck driving tips from experienced truckers
USA Today - These truck drivers have mastered road trips. Here are their pro tips.
Trucking Truth - Trying To Teach Proper Driver Forecasting
Schneider - 8 truck driver trip planning tips
Chevin Fleet Solutions - 10 essential winter driving tips for truck drivers [infographic]
Schneider - 6 leading truck driver budget and money saving tips
DRS Truck Sales - 5 Smart Money Saving Tips For Truckers
TransForce - 5 Budgeting Tips for Truck Drivers
The Lanier Law Firm - 50 Tips for Truck Drivers
Smart Trucking - Trucker Tips Master Guide: Expert Advice From Experienced Truck Drivers
The Trucking Scribe - Hobbies for Women Truck Drivers in Small Spaces
Porter Freight Funding - Most Popular Hobbies for Truck Drivers
Knight Transportation - 7 Hobbies for Truck Drivers and How to Start Them
Schneider - What do truckers do for fun on the road?
Smart Trucking - Team Driving Jobs | A Professional Truck Driver’s
GuideTrucking Truth - Dispelling The Myths Of Team Driving
Youtube: Ebony Swope - Couples Truck Driving | Day in the Life - Team Driving [video]
HMD Trucking - What Is Team Driving and How Does It Work? (Updated October, 2022)
Drive Knight - Top 10 Benefits of Truck Driving With Pets
ATBS - Tips for Trucking With Pets
Reddit: Truckers - A question for truckers who ride with pets…
CloudTrucks - Trucking Life with Dogs: Traveling Tips + Breed Recommendations
HMD - Best Pets for Truck Drivers
Reddit: Truckers - Pets?
Trucking Truth - Tips For Trucking With Your Pets
PRIME Inc. - 5 Advantages of Truck Driving With Pets
The Trucker - Dogs, cats, other pets can provide drivers with companionship, other benefits on the road but require care and caution
Reddit: Trucker Cats - Please give all tips and tricks for having a trucker cat. I’ll be riding with my boyfriend soon and we are bringing our cat. Any advice? Litter box, leash, or both? If litter box, where? Plus I’d love to see any cool setups for your furry riders’ litter boxes and beds.
Yuma Truck Driving School - An Intro to CB Radio for Truckers
Apex Capital Corp - Talk Like a Trucker: A Guide to Trucking Lingo
Top Mark Funding - Guide to CB Radio Lingo & Trucker Slang
Smart Trucking - Learn How to Talk CB Lingo Like a Trucker, C’Mon!
Freightech - Tricking Industry Slang and Terms
Trucker Country - CB Terminology And Trucker Slang
New York Post - Australia’s ‘hottest trucker’ makes $63K-a-year from OnlyFans
New York Post - Hot pink Brazilian truck driver racks up 2 million followers transporting fruit
Truck Driver Institute - How to be Successful at Truck Driving with a Child
Healthy Trucking of America - Can a Mom be a Professional Truck Driver?
TruckDrivingJobs - Truck Driving With Children Passengers
Trucking Truth - How is the truck driver's family affected?
Prime Inc. - For Trucker Families | Being A Truck Driver With A Family
Logity Dispatch - Can a Child Ride in a Commercial Truck?
Napier Truck Driver Training Inc. - Staying In Touch With Family As A Truck Driver
Overdrive - Driver held at gunpoint, cargo pilfered: How to avoid being an easy mark in dangerous times
TransForce - 6 Tips to Prevent Semi Truck Cargo Theft
Drive My Way - 8 Dangers of Being a Truck Driver (And How to Avoid Them!)
Smart Trucking - The Deadly Dangers in Truck Driving Jobs That You Probably Didn’t Know Existed
TCI Transportation - Common Dangers Truckers Face Every Day
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Workplace hazards of truck drivers [pdf]
Prime Inc. - What Is Team Driving Life? Pros & Cons of Team Driving
Schneider - Team truck driving jobs: What is Team truck driving?
FleetOwner - LGBT truckers share tales from the road
Rolling Stone - Inside the Growing World of Queer Truckers
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juliebrost · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Adidas UPF Sun Crst Golf Hat Mens L/XL 126713275 White.
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Printed on August 2, 2023: Benoist recognized as Certified Master Athletic Administrator
Allen R. Benoist is one of a very elite group of interscholastic athletic administrators nationwide to attain this level of professionalism.
For this story and more, see the link in our bio!
#interscholastic #athleticadministrators #CMAA #CRST #EagleButte
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navinsamachar · 2 months
शतरंज प्रतियोगिता में धैर्य, सक्षम, श्रेयांशु, धूर्वांश, शुभम व इशिका ने मारी बाजी, एचएन पांडे मेमोरियल चिल्ड्रन फुटबॉल टूर्नामेंट में BSSV ने जीता नॉकआउट मुकाबला
नवीन समाचार, नैनीताल, 5 अगस्त 2024 (Chess competition-Children Football Tournament)। शारदा संघ और पर्वतीय सांस्कृतिक समिति के संयुक्त तत्वावधान में सोमवार को स्वर्गीय एमएन बाजपेई की स्मृति में शतरंज प्रतियोगिता खेली गयी। स्विस लीग पद्धति के अनुसार खेली गयी प्रतियोगिता में धैर्य बोहरा, सक्षम दर्शन, श्रेयांशु साहू, धूर्वांश भट्ट, शुभम पुरोहित व इशिका बंगा ने अपने वर्गों में प्रथम स्थान प्राप्त…
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dininimapentrumine · 5 months
Proiectul Împreună (113)
https://youtu.be/ggUOxzuIpSI Azi ne rugăm pentru CRST Studenții de la Centrul Român de Studii Transculturale se pregătesc să îndeplinească una din misiunile Bisericii de bază ducând evanghelia în țările musulmane și asiatice în care creștinismul este foarte puțin prezent și de multe chiar persecutat. Riscurile pe care le va presupune slujirea lor sunt destul de ridicate, de aceea, să ne rugăm…
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mirletaliz · 6 months
S.D. governor Kristi Noem banned from CRST reservation
I'm proud to be a small West River Eagle team member. We serve the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe reservation in Eagle Butte, SD. We applaud them for standing up to the governor's appalling comments by banning her from reservation lands. I am honored to be able to cover such a critical story!https://www.westrivereagle.com/articles/s-d-governor-kristi-noem-banned-from-crst-reservation/
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ptagtrucking · 9 months
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A groundbreaking ruling was made by a federal appeals court in December, stating that team drivers' time spent in the sleeper berth beyond eight hours must be compensated under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
The case involved CRST Expedited and CRST International, two prominent companies that heavily rely on the team-driving model. The First Circuit Court of Appeals was tasked with determining whether the time spent in the sleeper berth should be classified as "on-duty" according to Department of Labor regulations.
Additionally, the court had to decide if CRST was obligated to pay drivers for the hours spent in the sleeper berth exceeding eight hours within a full 24-hour period. #Trucking #OverTime #LaborLaws
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northeastjobs · 10 months
CRSTS Programme Planner (Transport Planning & Strategy)
Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council are seeking to recruit a CRSTS Programme Planner (Transport Planning Strategy) Contract Type: Permanent | Working Pattern: Full time | Salary: £29,777 - £38,223 | Advert End Date: 17/12/2023 23:59 |  http://dlvr.it/SyqPVM
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