#crying caretaker
whumperofworlds · 1 year
Whumpee and Caretaker had an argument before Whumpee got kidnapped by Whumper. Caretaker desperately looking for Whumpee, not wanting to have their last words to them be something so scathing. They had to find and save them!
And when they do, they freed Whumpee, and they immediately started apologizing to them as they held them tightly, crying.
"I'm so sorry, Whumpee. I didn't mean all of that!"
*chef's kiss* Good shit.
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Prompt 169
Danny is from a world where everyone has wings, even if most have long since lost the ability to fly. Something about loading and aspect ratio, wings being too small, body too heavy, now mostly used as display, whatever. 
It doesn’t matter even if he had blueprints from when he was like six of a jetpack to help fly. It won’t work anyway and hey, he has his ghost form! Which uh, might be perhaps, affecting his wings which were maybe sort of scorched black and practically down to the bone thanks to the accident. 
It doesn’t matter, he swears. Though he’s admittedly relieved to see the new feathers growing in are different from Dan’s angry sunset. Even if they’re not even supposed to be able to grow back. Alright, this is fine, no one is going to notice! It’s not like everyone knows about the poor Fenton kid whose wings were absolutely destroyed thanks to an accident! It’s fine. 
He’s not flying in a half-panic towards the Far Frozen while crying because his wings are coming back and he’s so scared. He didn’t panic and instantly fled the moment Jazz pointed them out while changing the bandages. 
He definitely didn’t trip over something while wiping away said tears and blacking out from all the stress and all of his problems that he definitely mentioned to someone and isn’t keeping a secret. Definitely. 
Hawkwoman and Hawkman would like everyone to know that neither of them were expecting a very small child to be spat out of the villain of that week’s machine that should definitely not be a portal. A very small child, maybe nine or ten, with a multitude of concerning wounds both old and fresh. Which isn’t even beginning to touch on the wings. 
Feathered, like baby down despite the gnarled scars, unlike their own metallic, with the beginning of tiny specklings like stars amidst the darker fuzz peeking from the wounded flesh. 
Who?! Who dared?! It’s (at least to the forever reincarnating duo) a literal baby! They still have down! Tiny baby fuzz! Was it the portal?! Oh this villain is going to taste their maces for causing this if that’s the case! 
The rest of the Justice League would honestly like to know what just happened and are honestly unsure on if they should stop the two…
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acornered · 8 days
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whumpster-dumpster · 5 months
Just put a cool compress on my eyes and cheeks after bawling for a while and it was such a comfort so caretakers, feel free to do that for your whumpees
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chiharuuu22 · 8 months
One thing that made Caretaker feel relieved was when she finally saw Whumpee crying.
Whumpee, who has never shown specific emotions, never complains, always carries on, and gets through all his difficulties and suffering. Alone.
That day, Caretaker just sat opposite Whumpee. Staring into his eyes while holding his hand. Saying that now Whumpee is safe, everything is finished, and he can let out all the things he has been holding back.
Whumpee was silent at first, but when finally Caretaker took him into her arms and gently rubbed his head and back, Whumpee sobbed and started crying. Whumpee cried loudly in the Caretaker's arms, complaining of pain from all the wounds on his body, saying that he was scared, saying that he was tired, and explaining haltingly and incoherently everything he had been through.
Caretaker didn't say anything; she just kept quiet and rubbed Whumpee. Even though Caretaker felt a prick in her heart, she honestly also felt relieved. Whumpee, who always stood up straight, finally collapsed with a cry. Until finally, Whumpee fell asleep in Caretaker's arms and was then slowly laid down and covered by Caretaker. Sometimes, Whumpee sobbed in his sleep, but at least he didn't wake up until morning.
The next day, when the sun was high, Whumpee finally woke up with puffy eyes. Caretaker smiled and helped him wash his face with cold water and compress his eyes. Whumpee smiled a little, and Caretaker felt it was another step towards Whumpee's recovery.
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hakusins · 6 months
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hottest panel i'll ever draw
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lumpywhump · 26 days
Tw: bad caretaker, almost cataonic whumpee, slight bit of suicidal thoughts
a practically catatonic whumpee. Theyre just done with everything. It hurts so much. They only do basic things. Things they have to do. They don't talk. They don't laugh. Anytime not preforming a necessary action is just spent staring at a wall or lying in their bed.
bad caretaker who can't understand why whumpee just isn't doing things. It's not that hard whumpee! You just have to tough it out. Just open your mouth and say shit! And when they start yelling and demanding until whumpee doesn't even move. They just stare at the ceiling in their bed... not caring if they rot away. It doesn't matter anymore
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transsongtaewon · 13 days
I think the way baby Yoohyun cried is sooo cute, especially since it was all crocodile tears. Here is this tiny little guy deciding to get his way by crying because he saw it on tv and then his hyung, also a tiny little guy, starts crying too because he was so startled and itty bitty Yoohyun never anticipated that reaction so he just sort of stops crying so hyung will stop crying and this was never meant to end this way.
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whump-in-the-closet · 2 months
"You want Caretaker to live? How...endearing. You're going to have to beg a little nicer for that."
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whumperofworlds · 1 year
Can I see 'buried alive and found' for Dreme pleasssssse 🥺
Thanks my friend! Oh man, this is kinda a challenge! I've never written the "buried alive" trope before!
Fandom: Final Fantasy I (OC centric)
TWS: Buried alive, kidnapping, crying, panic attack, death mention, rescue, blood, rope burns, ransom, beaten up
He had to find his partner, and fast.
He had already paid the ransom to save Keme. And the kidnapper had left with the Gil with these chilling parting words:
"He's underground. You better hurry and find him."
Drusus would have chased after them, to demand what they had meant. But he knew that he would be wasting time doing that. He had to find his husband.
He rushed to the backyard of the abandoned house where he met the kidnapper, and almost immediately, he spotted a large patch of dirt shaped in a rectangle, with a sunflower on top as an insult to injury.
His stomach twisted. It was like a grave. And the sunflower was Keme's favorite flower. How did the kidnapper know about that small tidbit of information about him?
He shook off that feeling before getting to work. He dashed towards the patch of dirt, and with his bare hands, he began to dig. He wasn't sure how big the hole was, but he estimated that it was around a few feet. If he had known the kidnapper would go this far, he would have brought a shovel to make the process faster. But his hands would have to do.
As he dug further, a sudden, terrifying thought hit him. How long ago was Keme kidnapped... a few days now. What if the kidnapper buried him here as soon as they arrived at the house? What if Keme ran out of air by the time Drusus arrived?
What if... Keme was already dead?
No. Fuck. Don't think that, Drusus thought, shaking his head. No time to think of such thoughts. He had to focus.
As he dug deeper and deeper, he could see red on his hands, and pain flared up as his fingernails dug into the dirt. But he could care less about that. His only thought was getting Keme out of this, to save his life.
He wasn't sure how long he was digging, but eventually, his fingernails hit something hard and wooden. He froze for a second, his eyes wide. Was that...?
He dug a bit further, before he uncovered more dirt to find a wooden coffin, a cross embedded on it. His heart skipped a beat, beads of nervous sweat running down his face. He fought back the panic attack that hit him, as he tried to take a few deep breaths. Tears welled up in his eyes at the realization.
Oh Cosmos.
Was he too late? Was this actually Keme's grave?
No. He heard something inside.
Muffled gasps and sobs filled the air from inside the coffin, and Drusus heart skipped a beat. Keme was inside, alive. Oh thank Cosmos.
"Babe," Drusus tried to soothe, hoping that his partner could hear him. "It's me. I'm here to get you out."
Another gasp. Then a raspy, quivering voice spoke up, albeit muffled, "D-Drusus."
Full name. FUCK.
With all of his strength, he ripped the coffin's door open with his bloodied hands. Inside was Keme, filthy and bruised from his captivity. Dried blood caked his forehead, and Drusus could see the rope marks on his small wrists. His brown eyes were wide as saucers, and he was breathing erratically. As soon as the coffin was opened, he wrapped his arms around Drusus' neck, and he could feel the trembling from his beloved.
Drusus returned the touch, tears falling down his own face, as he gathered up his husband in his arms. He held him close, shushing him gently as he held Keme's head on his broad shoulder.
"I got you," Drusus tried to reassure, his own voice quivering as well, "you're safe. I'm here. It's gonna be okay."
I could have lost him in such an awful way...
Keme tried to take a few breaths to calm himself, but all it came out was raspy gasps. His body shook as he tightened his hold around Drusus' neck.
"I-I thought..." Keme stuttered, sniffling as tears dribbled down his face. "I thought I was gonna die in there. I-I thought I would never see you again."
"I know..." Drusus reassured, running a hand over Keme's dirty green bandana tied around his head. "But you're safe now. I got you."
"Th-that man... he said he was gonna kill me. That I'll never see you again."
Drusus' blood boiled at that mere thought. His kidnapper... told him all that? He would find that man, and kill him for what he had done. How he nearly killed Keme. How he traumatized him. He wouldn't get away with this.
But for right now, Keme needed him. He was safe now, in his arms, alive and well.
"I'll make sure that bastard wouldn't harm you again, love," Drusus promised. "Even if it means tracking him down, he won't hurt you again as long as I'm around."
Keme loosened his hold around Drusus' neck, before glancing up at his partner's face for a long moment, their eyes meeting. Yes. Drusus was a strong man. He wouldn't let Keme get hurt, especially by someone who would do such a thing like this.
"Th-thank you..." Keme whispered.
"Of course, my love," Drusus said with a nod, wiping away a stray tear from Keme's face. "C'mon, we need to get you to Taika."
As Drusus bridal-carried Keme back home, he knew one thing: that man who did this to his beloved would pay.
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chaotic-orphan · 1 month
Guardian Angel
Whumpee blinked at Caretaker, owlish eyes wide as Caretaker opened their cell door with a key like it was nothing. They didn’t care about making noise or Whumper hearing them, they just swooped into Whumpee’s cell, that same toothy grin on their face that was both friendly and intimidating at once.
“You— you came.”
Caretaker leaned against the door of the cell, crossing their arms over their chest. “I said I would, didn’t I?”
Whumpee just stared. Caretaker nodded at them. “Now that your mistaken lack of faith in me has been rectified, let’s get moving.”
Whumpee nodded their head. Of course! In their stupor they probably looked like an idiot, staring at Caretaker like they were their guardian angel. Probably because they were.
Another voice piped in from across Whumpee’s cell. “Whumpee?” A voice called out and Whumpee’s heart raced in their chest. They ran out of the cell, straight past Caretaker and out the door, going to Other Whumpee’s cell.
They glanced at Caretaker over their shoulder who stepped out of the cell. Eyes pleading. Caretaker’s expression didn’t change. They just said: “no” flatly.
“Caretaker please! Other Whumpee kept me alive in here! We’ve been leaning on each other the whole time.”
Caretaker blinked. “I don’t care.”
Whumpee froze. “What?”
“I don’t care,” Caretaker repeated in the same tone. Whumpee turned to face them fully, mouth agape.
“You don’t understand—”
“I think I understand perfectly, Whumpee. It’s you who’s confused so let me clear it up for you.” Caretaker closed the distance between them, cupping Whumpee’s cheek in their hand so gentle. Oh so lovingly it made Whumpee’s heart stutter and stop, and restart again at Caretaker’s touch. They missed Caretaker, they realised with an ache in their chest.
Caretaker tilted Whumpee’s head up further, ensuring that Whumpee saw the seriousness in Caretaker’s eyes when they told them.
“I came back for you, to rescue you, Whumpee. Your little trauma bonded friend here could be the next Pope, or cure cancer, for all I care and it wouldn’t make a shred of difference, or change my mind, because I came here for you.”
“Whumper will torture them!” Whumpee said, covering Caretaker’s hand with their own. Caretaker’s smile grew softer around the edges.
“I don’t care, little dove,” they almost whispered. The truth of the statement rang home for Whumpee who pulled away in disgust.
“If you came here for me then why don’t you do this for me? Just this one thing, please!”
“Please,” Other Whumpee echoed. Caretaker straightened. There was no way they went through all of this trouble and effort just to come rescue Whumpee, sweep them off their feet, and have to compete for their affection with someone else. Someone they bonded with during the course of their captivity.
“You have the keys,” Whumpee said, voice pleading. Caretaker looked into the cell Whumpee was standing in front of. Assessing the damage. If they brought Other Whumpee and Whumper caught up to them, Caretaker could always throw Other Whumpee under the bus and kill two birds with one stone. “Please.”
Caretaker’s eyes slid to Other Whumpee’s and there was a spark there. Something threatening and belligerent. Caretaker stepped back, a shutter sharpening all their soft edges when it came to Whumpee and grabbed Whumpee’s wrist.
“Yeah. No can do.” Caretaker started dragging Whumpee away, kicking, screaming and cursing.
“Caretaker! Caretaker please!” Whumpee screamed, pulling at Caretaker’s fingers, but they might as well have tried to punch a hole in a block of concrete. They fell dead weight but Caretaker continued on like they weighed nothing.
Whumpee threw their head over their shoulder, tears streaming down their face when they saw Other Whumpee at the bars to their cell.
Whumpee was about to scream and tell them that they’d come back for them, that they’d rescue them, but Other Whumpee beat them to it.
“If you’re getting some fool-hardy notion of rescuing me right now, forget it. Live for me instead.”
“Other Whumpee,” Whumpee cried as Caretaker dragged them up the stairs. “I’m so sorry.”
Caretaker marched on, heart breaking at Whumpee’s cries. They had come too far to stop now. They’d free Whumpee, that was what they came here to do.
They could make a new mission to free Other Whumpee once Whumpee was safe. Maybe take down Whumper and get Whumpee to testify… Caretaker didn’t falter as their brain formed a secondary plan.
Whumpee first.
A.N for WRITERS BLOCK — if you’re trying to escape that dreadful writer’s block, imagine yourself as a Caretaker (Whumper//whumpee) and write the scene!!!
This is how I would act as a Caretaker — selfish, determined and detached🫶 no heroics from me😌 #sorrynotsorry whumpee, RIP your friend ig?
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"Whumpee asked for you specifically, A. I'll let you in to see them," Whumpee's medic and lover, Caretaker, said.
A couldn’t believe it. Whumpee wanted to see them? Before their best friend, B? After they sacrificed themself and were tortured by Whumper for months because of them?
They followed Caretaker, refusing to let them down, even as their face burned with shame, guilt gnawing at their insides.
Leader Whumpee sat in the wheelchair, whiteboard sitting across their blanketed lap as Caretaker opened the door for A, the younger, sibling-like member of Team. A's breath hitched, eyes widening.
"They’re okay, A," Caretaker assured them. "Their throat is still healing, and they're still weak, but they're going to be okay."
A nodded, Caretaker letting out a deep breath. "Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to give the two of you some privacy. I have some things to attend to." The door shut behind them, leaving A standing before Whumpee, unable to meet their eyes at the sight of matching wounds from Whumper.
Whumpee's eyes burned with the shame of being unable to even give A a hug, or tell them that none of this was their fault. They attempted a smile, scribbling on their board.
"I missed you."
A's eyes welled with tears. "I'm so sorry, Whumpee," they whispered, hands curling into fists.
Whumpee shook their head vigorously, scribbling big letters on the board before tapping it when their marker. A looked up, hiccuping when they saw the message.
"It’s not your fault. They would've just killed you and taken me anyways. It's not your fault."
As A sank to their knees, they wrapped their arms around Whumpee in a hug, holding back tears as they pressed their face into the blanket.
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cpt-winters · 5 months
Battle Aftermath - *Team Leader Edition* ofc
Leader let out a shaky sigh as he cranked the shower knob, shuddering as the lukewarm spray hit him, water stinging the broken skin littered across his torso.
He closed his eyes, letting the pink-tainted water trickle down his grime-coated form. His shaky fingers ran across the dirt clinging to his forearm before his gaze fell to the tiled floor, watching the red spill down the drain. 
He should've tried harder.
Youngest needed him, and he couldn't- couldn't save them.
Leader turned his front to face the water, promising himself that was the reason for the moisture slinking down his cheeks as he stiffened his jaw.
His teammate's once pleading eyes still bore a hole through his brain, the gruesome imagery bled into his head, spilling across his thoughts.
Leader's temple ached as he let it fall against the tile in front of him, leaning his head against the wall while his throat tightened.
"Boss? Leader, you alright in there?"
Leader straightened to the unmistakable voice at the other side of the door, hissing at the jolt in his side from the sudden movement.
"Y-" He cleared his throat, the hoarseness of his voice intolerable to be heard over the running water. "Yeah. Yeah, all good," Leader called back, calm and unreadable as ever.
Or maybe not.
He could practically hear Teammate's frown from the next room with the resounding hesitance.
"..You sure?"
"Yes- Dammit!" Leader sucked in a shallow breath, refusing to let a sound escape him before regathering himself. "Just go."
A coppery taste pricked his tongue as he bit the inside of his cheek, stomach knotting as he waited for the footsteps outside to finally recede.
He was fine. He wasn't the one who- He was fine. And if everyone would stop asking about it, that would be just fucking great.
He was quick to stifle the first sob threatening the break through, quicker still to muffle the next he failed to. His vision blurred, shoulders shaking as he pushed the back of his bruised wrist to his mouth, refusing to let a single sound escape him.
1/3 (Part Two , Part Three)
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dementiadad · 3 months
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honeycollectswhump · 6 months
Whump Prompt
Caretaker is obsessive about a recovering Whumpee, to the point that it makes them physically uncomfortable and seize up whenever Whumpee gets close with other people. But Caretaker really cares about Whumpee so they try their hardest to not let this actually influence Whumpee’s recovery and connections.
Do they succeed? Does Whumpee ever notice Caretaker’s inner struggle? Does it create a rift in their friendship, making Caretaker distance themselves from the unknowing Whumpee, before they hurt them?
Does Caretaker snap and become a restricting Whumper to their friend?
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hakusins · 6 months
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great hawk the adorable the terror doodles!
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