#cs fake dating
magicalyaku · 1 year
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Ok ok, let's get back on track. Work was draining these past weeks, but I'm on vacation now, so time to catch up! June was the month of the library books. I put a bunch on hold in April and May and they all came in at the same time. And after up to 10 weeks of waiting I was not about to push a single one back further, so I had to work a bit there. 8D Also, according to my list I've read 51 books in the first 6 months of the year. I seem to remember wanting to read less this year? Yeah. Not going well.
Gwen & Art are Not in Love (Lex Croucher): I read it in the very first days of June, which was basically an eternity ago, so my memory is a bit wonky. I do remember I had lots of fun! It was funny and sweet with a solid story and serious times when needed, nice characters, good adventure. The female lead did not get on my nerves! There was a cat! And a girl with a (legendary) sword! I think, though, it's a bit unfair that both boys ended up with permanent bodily harm while the girls got away scratchfree … Go read it!!
Thief in the Night (KJ Charles): I didn't know anything about this other than the summary when I put it on my waitlist in the library. After 10 weeks it finally came in and my first thought was "Is it broken?!" because it's only about 100 pages! It is a full story, mind you, I was just so suprised by it (and because I waited for so long!). It's a companion story to The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting, featuring the brother of the protagonists of that one. It's pretty cute. Super short, but just the right length for a simple story. We can have a simple story once in a while. I had a good time reading this.
The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting (KJ Charles): I borrowed this right after Thief in the Night. This is a full-length novel, so it has a lot more time to dive into characters and intricacies. It's nice. Like not groundbreaking, but very enjoyable. There's this thing about (pseudo-historic) British aristocracy that just calls for mocking them. I liked a lot how the climax and ending played out!
Flowerheart (Catherine Bakewell): Now this was another difficult book for me. I thought with time I'd get a little more chill with YA fantasy heroines. Seems I'm not there yet. The heroine here has these whiny self-pitying phases that really annoyed me. She's like "Oh maybe he never liked me in the first place" just because the guy didn't want her help at one thing. But: 1) He was her very close childhood friend, that was not a lie. 2) She has like one day of training in and can't control her magic, so her help would be … probably no help at all. And 3) when he told her before that he needs her on the weekends she said no, she can't … So why is she getting upset?! I hate characters like this. /D But thankfully, this is only half of the time, the other half she's pretty ok (the guy as well) and I actually found myself liking the book. The romance is acceptable and it does have some nice imagery going on with all the flower magic and stuff.
Sounds Fake But Okay (Sarah Costello & Kayla Kaszyca): My one non-fiction book of the year. :D It's about seeing the world from the perspectives of a_spec people. Like taking apart all that amatonormativity and all these ideas about romance and family and stuff that most of our world sees as right and normal. So it's not just a "let me tell you what aromanticism and asexuality are"-book but dives a bit deeper. I found it insightful. I think, both a_spec and allo people can take something away from reading this. Challenging our social constructs in thought at least can't hurt after all. Regarding the ebook library edition I read I didn't quite like the layout as the incorporated community quotes where not well marked and I stumbled over them a few times before realising it's another quote. That's probably no issue in the paper version though. I also struggled to tell the authors Sarah and Kayla apart. They introduce themselves and their stories in the beginning but I immediately jumbled them up ...
Captive Prince Trilogy (C.S. Pacat): I borrowed the English edition from the library … and didn't want to return it! Which is stupid because I own the German version in paper. But that kinda sums up how I feel about these books. Captive Prince was not the very first gay fantasy book I read almost two years ago but the first one I liked. (The actual first was Rowan & Ash by Christian Händel which had a terribly selfish love interest and shied away from all the important conflict. (And yeah, long before that I did read The Raven Cycle but I picked that one up for the Ley lines and the no-kiss-promise. The gay was just a pleasant surprise, so I don't count it.)) Which is funny, because especially the beginning is so filthy! I remember being quite put off by this the first time around, but apparently it was intriguing enough to continue reading. I like the incredible slow-burn of Damen's and Laurent's relationship. The slow building of trust in a surrounding where trust is so rare. How shit happens between them and they have to sort it out on page before progressing. How you only catch glimpes of Laurent's true self for a long time. I like it when authors feel smart through their writing and writing Laurent's and the Regent's intrigues and all the different settings with war strategies etc. sure does feel smart to me. I like the slow-burn in stories as well when things start at some point and only get important much later and all weaves together beautifully. It's so rewarding. Look, where we started - look, how far we've come! Hah. u3u
Riley Weaver Needs a Date for the Gaybutante Society (Jason June): For the end of the month I went for something light and funny. Of all the authors I read last year F.T. Lukens and Jason June stuck with me the most. Lukens for the cozy charming fantasy and June for the slightly silly noisy onea. Riley Weaver is no exception to that. It does have a serious undertone and message, though, but due to the framework of the story it manages to never feel dull or preachy.
I also tried to read Dragonfall by L.R. Lam, but gave up after just 50 pages. I can't even say if it's good or bad, because I don't know. I couldn't stand the viewpoints. Like, there's three people. The first one is a 1st person narrator, who refers to the second person as You, but in the narration, not dialogue! That put me off so much. It was so … icky! The second person narrates 1st person as well. If there's another "you" I don't know because I didn't make it to the point where they meet for real. And then the third person comes along and … it's 3rd person?! And I screamed! God, I hate that. I mean, it can work and I have read books that I like with inconsistent viewpoints but there was nothing here for which I was willing to endure. To be fair, I don't like dragons in the first place, so maybe we never were a good match from the start. :'D
That's it for June!
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kazoosandfannypacks · 2 years
"Wishing it Wasn't" by kazoosandfannypacks
Chapter 1/18: The Most Dangerous Bluff Pairing: CaptainSwan Rating: Teen (for gun usage in later chapters) Word Count: (1K/19.5K) Summary: Season 2 Canon Divergence: When Neal tells Emma he has a fiancée, she claims to have a new boyfriend of her own, and blurts out the first fairytale name she can think of: Captain Hook. Killian agrees to this ruse, but when feelings grow between the two, will the con be more than they can handle? Chapter Summary: After meeting Neal again and finding out he has a fiancée, she claims to have a new boyfriend of her own, and, upon inquiry, gives the first storybook name that comes into her mind. Unfortunately for her, that name is Captain Hook, but as soon as she remembers her ex's personal family history with him, she realizes this opportunity is too good to pass up. Tags: season 2, canon divergence, gun violence in later chapters, angst with a happy ending, fake dating, mild character death, mildly anti neal Author's notes: When I first came up with this fic, I didn't expect to ever finish it, or even get it past the first few chapters. I then made the mistake of telling a certain discord server about it, and they encouraged me to finish it. Anyways, without further ado, here's the captain swan s2 fake dating au! Taglist: @zahara @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @booksteaandtoomuchtv @jrob64 @tiganasummertree @anmylica @teamhook @undercaffinatednightmare @gingerchangeling @lonelyspectator @caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @cs-rylie @pirateprincessofpizza [if you'd like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
Also on Ao3!
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 Cars and taxis inched by in the usual hubbub of New York traffic- but Emma hardly noticed them as she stood on a sidewalk, talking to a man who she'd never wanted to see again- until she was called upon to track him down in New York.
 Discovering that her ex was Rumplestitskin's son was quite the shock, but she was handling it like a pro, just like she handled everything else life threw at her.
 "Emma, there's something else you need to know." Neal said. 
 "What's that?" Emma asked. She was already surprised enough that Neal had decided to come back to Storybrooke to be with his father and his son- especially after abandoning both before. What more could he say now? 
 "I, I can't stay in Storybrooke forever." He said. "I have a life here- a job, an apartment, a fianceé."
 "A fianceé?" Emma thought. "It figures that he would've moved on already, found someone else. Why should I care?"
 "That's nice." Emma said. "I'm really happy for you." She was thankful Neal didn't have her superpower.
 "So there's no hard feelings?" Neal asked. "No jealousy or trying to steal me back or rivalry or any of that?"
 "Of course not." And she even faked a laugh as she faked her next sentence, "I have a boyfriend too."
 As soon as the words left her mouth, she regretted them, but she couldn't take it back without looking like an even bigger fool.
 "Oh," Neal said, looking down at his shoes, "that's nice."
 Emma smiled a little. "Yeah, he's a really great guy."
 "Can't wait to meet him." Neal said. "Does he live in Storybrooke too?"
 "Yeah," she said, because the best way to lie is to stick with the first thing your brain says, so there's no suspicious pauses in the conversation.
 "So he's from the Enchanted Forest too?"
"Who was he in my worl- our world?"
 Emma tried to think of a guy in Storybrooke who she wasn't related to, and blurted out the first fairytale name she thought of. "Captain Hook."
Several curse words ran through her mind. Why hadn't she said "Pinocchio" or "Mad Hatter" or even "The Huntsman" or something?
 "Captain Hook?" Neal asked. He blinked a few times in disbelief, then ran his fingers along the bridge of his nose. "You're dating Captain Hook?"
 "Is that a problem?" Emma asked.
 "Is that a problem?" Neal repeated, then smiled. "I don't mind at all that the mother of my child is dating the same pirate my own mother ran away with. Doesn't bother me at all."
 She'd forgotten he had a personal connection like that with Hook- this bluff might prove better than she'd expected.
 "Glad to hear it." Emma echoed his previous sentiment. "No hard feelings, right? No jealousy? Trying to steal me back? Rivalry?"
 "Of course not." Neal said, seemingly unbothered by her rebuff. "I'm glad you've found someone who makes you happy."
"Yeah, you too." Emma smiled sadly. She didn't know what felt worse, the fact that she hadn't found that happiness yet, or the fact that she was lying when she was glad for Neal's happiness- or the fact that she knew that when Neal said he was glad she was happy without him, he wasn't lying.
 "Well, I guess I'll be seeing him when we get to Storybrooke." Neal said.
 "Oh, yeah." Emma said, having forgotten entirely that now she'd have to, you know act the part. "That's not going to be awkward for you, is it?"
 "Of course not." Neal said. "As long as it wouldn't be awkward for you if Tamara came to Storybrooke with us."
 "My fianceé." Neal smiled. "I didn't want to invite her because I felt it'd be a little awkward for you, but since there clearly won't be any jealousy or tension, I see no reason why she can't join us."
 "The more the merrier." Emma lied.
 Emma had told Neal that Henry was unaware of her "relationship" with Hook, that she'd been intending to tell him about it on the way home from this trip to New York, but the double whammy of meeting his birth dad and finding out about a potential stepdad might be a lot for him, and Neal agreed, so he kept his mouth shut about the whole thing all the way back. When they arrived in town, she sent Gold and Henry to give Neal and Tamara a tour of Storybrooke, while she set out to look for the Captain- unfortunately for her though, she ran into her mom first.
 "Emma!" Before she saw Mary Margaret or even heard where her voice was coming from, Emma found herself wrapped in a hug from her.
 "Oh, uh, hi, mom?" she said.
 "How was New York?"
 "I called you, like, eighty three times while I was there." Emma said. "I found out Baelfire was Henry's father, we brought him and his fiancee to Storybrooke…" she saw Mary Margaret's face fall as she mentioned Tamara. "Are you disappointed?" Emma asked.
 "In what?" Mary Margaret asked.
 "That the father of your grandson is engaged to someone else?"
 "Why would I be…?"
 Emma saw through her lies. "Look, mom, maybe fairy tales are neat, cut and clean, but whether or not we come from them, our stories are still messy." Emma bit her lip and decided to change the topic. "Speaking of 'messy,' is our friend from the Enchanted Forest still in the hospital?"
 Mary Margaret rolled her eyes. "Hook is doing fine. After he got out, he unleashed Cora's giant- who has now befriended us and is one of the dwarves- and we haven't seen him much since. Why?"
 "It's a long story." Emma said, not even trying to consider how a giant became one of the dwarves. "Any idea where he is now?"
 "Probably hanging about near the mayor's office." Mary Margaret said. "He's been working with Regina and Cora."
 "Alright." Emma started to walk in that direction, but her mom called her back.
 "Where are you going?"
 "Long story." Emma said.
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yundeob · 3 months
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— featuring ot8!ateez in iconic HOLLYWOOD romance and rom-com movies
— TICKET BOOTH IS CLOSED! 🎟️ : the movies are about to start! all fics will have MATURE CONTENT! MDNI!
sit back, relax, grab your popcorn and tissues, and enjoy the silver screen . . .
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TROPE: exes to lovers! divorced!au
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst, crack, slice of life
AS DIVORCED PARENTS to two twin daughters, you and hongjoong have your fair share of work cut out. Driving to piano lessons, cheering at hockey games, drop offs at each other’s houses, it can all be a little much. But could a relaxing summer retreat as a whole family possibly rekindle past emotions you’ve swept under the rug? . . .
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TROPE: bad boy!seonghwa, enemies to lovers!au , 60s!au
TAGS: nsfw, smut, angst, crack
THAT WAS THE SUMMER before JFK got shot, before the beatles came, and when you were working part time at your aunts summer resort. That was also the summer you met resident heart breaker and cocky entertainment crew member, Park Seonghwa. Remind yourself why you’re suddenly dance partners with him again? . . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: dilf!yunho x formerstripper!reader, strangers to lovers!au, contract lovers!au,
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst
LIVING IN BEVERLY HILLS comes with its perks. But for two different people such as yourself and multimillionaire business tycoon, Jeong Yunho, both of you can’t seem to find what you’re looking for in the so called ‘Land of Dreams’. So the proposal is simple really… let him spoil you with money, jewelry and clothes while in return, you stay by his side. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: marriage!au, established relationship, spy!au, assasin!au
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, ANGST, crack
WHO WOULD’VE THOUGHT picture perfect suburban neighbourhood couple, Mr. and Mrs. Kang would be at each others necks trying to kill each other first. You’ve both come this far in your marriage while hiding your secret identities, but it looks like only one person can remain standing. I guess you both did promise “in sickness and in health”. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: royalty!au, princess!reader x reporter!san, strangers to lovers!
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst
AS CROWN PRINCESS, you’re on a tightly scheduled tour of European capital cities. But after an especially rough day in Rome, you sneak out of the embassy to explore the so called Eternal City, running into no other than celebrity news reporter, Choi San, looking out for his next big royal scandal. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: college!au, stoner!mingi, enemies to lovers!au, fakedating(?)au, y2k aesthetic
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst, crack, slice of life
YOUR YOUNGER BROTHER Wooyoung is desperate in getting you, his older sister in college, to date so that he can finally date in highschool. The options for potential candidates are scarce, considering men flock away like birds the second you’re near. Good thing campus stoner and weirdo, Song Mingi is the same as well. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: fashioncolumnist!reader x advertiser!wooyoung, y2k aesthetic, fake dating(?)au, enemies to lovers!au, mutual pining
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst, crack, slice of life
LISTEN, IF IT MEANS getting a promotion at your editorial company as a news journalist instead of pop culture and lifestyle columnist, you’d do anything. And that includes pretending to be the most annoying and clingiest girlfriend to some guy for 10 whole days. But just so you know, Wooyoung likes clingy. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: unrequited love, star crossed lovers!au, mutual pining, secret romance (shakespeare be rolling in his grave rn)
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, ANGST
FOR CENTURIES, a plague of hatred and hostility has been present in the relations between the House of Choi and your own. You know you can’t be together, but yet why do you keep catching that dark haired boy staring at you so longingly? And why do you want him just as bad?. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
a/n: for updates, follow my blog! this will be a work-in-progress so I ask for your support:(🙏
taglist: @vent-stink @dazzlingstarrs @vcutparis @xpixie @potatos-on-clouds @showingmafandomlove @bibbleypoof @kpop-will-kill-me @avantalem @beabatiny @gabrielle-brugger @nsixns @amaranth1ne @stayminho @myblovedjyh @kkeshia @rebekah-reads @yoonbroom @4kwp @butterflydemons @iwaizumiismybae @soobinsputnik @stayatinykatsy @atitties @justconniez @kitten4sannie @ghostskilledmyaddiction21 @cheolsthicthighs @morethingsfandom @geminiml95 @byuntrash101 @quailbagutte @syubseokie @newworldwritings @urmom26john @sleepy-kat-here @pearltinyy @hjshyhyssnmgwyjh @cursedeastern @starryunho @piratekingateez2001 @jiminbility @paumll @drinkingrumandcocacola @roomsofangel @channies-bbg-room @meanaonthemoon @teeztopia @pommelex @kiln9z @sanhwalvr @youresolivlie @edawg77 @a-0206 @summer-gyu @bvidzsoo @yoongzsmile28 @tournesol155
taglist became too long so find the second taglist here💀 no longer taking requests
3K notes · View notes
lecsainz · 1 year
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( requests are OPEN || back to nav || back to main masterlist )
˒ ⌕ second f1 masterlist
fluff ಇ | smut ✧ | angst ✶ | sad ʚ | sugestive 𑁤
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˒ ⌕ one shot
runaway bride: you were nervous before your wedding and realized your true feelings for your best friend charles.
love notes: you and charles spend a cozy morning together, enjoying breakfast and a sweet moment at the piano.
winning hearts: charles and you, a new driver on the grid, form a strong bond as you both pursue your dreams in motorsport.
stuck in the elevator: you and charles find yourselves stuck in an elevator.
always be here: after crashing during the quali at the miami grand prix, charles is devastated, but finds peace and comfort in your presence.
remind me: you and charles have been friends since childhood and end up dating when you're older.
big dream: y/n and charles's daughters, rylee and amelie, wish for a baby brother, leading to lighthearted conversations and laughter during a family lunch in monaco.
meeting of families: where charles becomes enchanted upon meeting carla's older sister during a family dinner. → PART TWO
saturday morning: the one where you decide to look for your boyfriend around the apartment after not finding him in bed.
home sweet home: you're charles' girl, and he catches you groovin' solo in the crib you both share.
˒ ⌕ smut
yacht experience: you're on a yacht with other drivers, and charles can't get your body out of his mind from the previous night, leading to him and you having sex in the yacht's cabin.
dress: you and charles are attending a gala event, and he can't hide how much the dress you're wearing drives him crazy. the night ends with the two of you having hot sex in the hotel room.
shower heat: charles and you engage in a shower sex, where he skillfully uses the showerhead to bring you to climax.
lust to love: coming soon!
honeymoon: the one where you and charles have sex for the first time after getting married.
just ride: the one where you decide to surprise and tease charles by riding him on the balcony of your apartment while he's on a call with his engineer.
you're mine: the one where you decide to tease charles and he ends up getting jealous.
sunset: charles being turned on by your sundress.
˒ ⌕ smau
hollywood rumors: the one where you recently broke up with actor dylan o'brien, sparking rumors of a potential new relationship with a formula one driver.
met gala interview: the one where you getting ready for the met gala and preparing for an interview with vogue and you receive questions about your secret boyfriend.
wedding to remember: you and charles, along with your daughters amelie and rylee, get ready to attend a friend's wedding where the twins will be the flower girls.
high infidelity: the one where you're famous and end up raising suspicions of cheating on your boyfriend carlos with charles, his teammate.
main thing: the one where you're an actress and a mom, and rumors about you and charles surface. → PART TWO
been mine: that one where you and charles have been friends since childhood and end up together.
˒ ⌕ fake text
this toxic twisted rush: the one where you get abandoned on your anniversary with charles and end up discovering his true colors.
sleepless: the one where charles can't sleep before a race day and ends up sending messages to his girlfriend.
interview distractions: the one where you're charles' girlfriend and decide to tease him a bit during an interview.
˒ ⌕ headcanons
i really like your curls i like a lot ಇ
˒ ⌕ blurbs
happy birthday love ಇ
perfume ಇ
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˒ ⌕ one shot
she’s a bad bad girl: that one where the media makes up stuff about your relationship with carlos but he ain't gonna let that shake our relationship.
smooth operator ✧
˒ ⌕ smau
instagram stories: carlos and you had been keeping their three children out of the public eye for a while, but accidentally revealed them in a social media story.
bésame: the one where you are carlos' latina girlfriend and you exchange cute posts on instagram
˒ ⌕ blurbs
good night babe: the one where you are insecure about sleeping at the same bed as your boyfriend, carlos.
amor a la ventana: where you're the next-door neighbor of carlos, and he invites you to dinner.
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˒ ⌕ smau
we keep this lowkey: the one where harry styles' younger sister is seen with lewis and everyone starts commenting about a possible romance between them.
˒ ⌕ headcanons
˒ ⌕ blurbs
late night drive: the one where you are lewis, go out for a car ride at night.
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˒ ⌕ blurbs
melting the iceman: the one where you see your husband taking care of your son and feel that you couldn't be happier as you are.
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˒ ⌕ one shot
hotel room: where the hotel mistakenly switches room keys, and pierre ends up in christian horner's niece's room.
bathroom incident: pierre takes his sister to a race, and you get trapped in the paddock bathroom.
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˒ ⌕ one shot
back to december: lando reunites with his ex-girlfriend in the paddock with another driver.
˒ ⌕ fake text
sweatshirts: the one where you steal lando's sweatshirts.
miss you: the one where you're lando's girlfriend and, because you miss him so much, you decide to go see him at a race.
date with my bestie? the one where you're best friends with lando but due to adult life, you end up drifting apart
miss you: the one where you're lando's girlfriend and, because you miss him so much, you decide to go see him at a race.
˒ ⌕ smau
triangle: the one where you're toto wolff's daughter and everyone wants to know who your boyfriend is.
˒ ⌕ headcanons
dating with lando norris
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˒ ⌕ one shot
sister's support: you decide to accompany daniel to a race for the first time and end up being invited on a date.
tattooed: the one where you're a tattoo artist, and Daniel comes to your tattoo studio.
football game: the one where you're the younger sister of the kelces and you go to a travis game and end up meeting daniel ricciardo.
˒ ⌕ smau
mystery affair: the one where you, a famous singer, finds yourself in the midst of rumors when photos of her with lando and pierre surface, and no one expects the true identity of her mysterious man.
falling for you: that one where you're a famous singer, and daniel comes to your show, and you exchange love declarations on social media.
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˒ ⌕ smau
my brother's friend: the one where you're charles' sister and dating one of his friends, max.
˒ ⌕ one shot
foolish: where max has feelings for you but he's with kelly, and when he finally acts on it, it's already too late.
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˒ ⌕ smau
they're talk- talk- talking about: the one where you and mick have been dating for a while without the media knowing and you start interacting more on social media
˒ ⌕ one shot
winter visit: the one where you go on a super chilly winter holiday date with your boyfriend for a mini getaway to meet his parents.
˒ ⌕ blurbs
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˒ ⌕ one shot
sneezes and strategies: where you have a sneezing attack during a race.
fangirl moment: before a race, you encounter one of your favorite singers in the paddock, who happens to be your fan.
from pit stop to push-up: you go to the gym "of your own free will" with lando.
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˒ ⌕ driver!reader x fabio quartararo
secret crush: you receive a message from motogp rider fabio quartararo aand become the subject of jokes about your little mishap from the entire grid.
date night: part two is a secret crush, where you go on a date with fabio.
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2K notes · View notes
star-my · 5 months
Ateez Fic Recs ☆ Tumblr
These are all available on tumblr as of April 2024. Some are likely crossposted on ao3 as well.
Almost all are complete works, those with “+” after WC are incomplete.
Most of these are Mature or Explicit (usually because of smut) ~ mdni ~ italicized titles rated G or T ~ Please read responsibly
If any authors tagged here wish to be removed/untagged, please lmk! | Shoutout to @thecarnivaloflies for creating their own rec list that I gathered some of these from!
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☆ Arranged Marriage with Prince!Ateez scenarios by @nateezfics | Prince AU, Arranged Marriage AU | 6k
☆ Black Ocean series by @bvidzsoo | Pirate AU, Siren AU, Royalty AU | 14-40k each
☆ Hooked by @songmingisthighs | SMAU Uni AU, Fake Dating AU |
☆ boyfriend!ateez discovering you write smut scenarios by @eightmakesonebraincell | SMAU |
☆ Rating BFF!Ateez as Valentine's dates by @bluehwale | SMAU |
☆ Blue Bird by @seonghwaddict | Mafia AU | CS + JWY | 7k
☆ one more rep by @cheollipop | PT AU, Model AU | CS + JWY | 7k
☆ time of love by @desayunho | SMAU Neighbours AU | CS + JWY |
☆ Arriba by @teeskz | Uni AU | KHJ + JYH + CS + SMG + JWY | 13k
☆ Splish Splash by @atozfic | Uni AU, Athlete AU | PSH + JYH + CS + JWY | 20k
☆ Light it Up! by @cybrsan | Hala AU, Dystopian AU | KHJ + PSH | 4k
☆ Triple Threat by @huihuiheart | CS + JWY + CJH | 6k
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Kim Hongjoong
☆ Wanbelyn by @songmingisthighs | SMAU, Doctor AU, Single Parent AU, Nanny AU |
☆ Marigold by @yoongiseesawmp3 | F2L Uni AU | 13k
☆ guns and roses by @baekhvuns | E2L Mafia AU | 6k
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Park Seonghwa
☆ mr & mrs park by @baekhvns | E2L Mafia AU, Single Parent AU, Nanny AU | 50k
☆ bodyguard by @baekhvns | S2F2L Mafia AU, Bodyguard AU | 38k
☆ just friends by @baekhvuns | R2L Model AU | 37k
☆ paradigm + paradigm, pt 2 by @yoongiseesawmp3 | F2FWB2L Coworkers AU, Bar AU | 12k
☆ facade by @gamerwoo | S2L Arranged Marriage AU, Royalty AU, Assassin AU | 26k
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Jeong Yunho
☆ your hand by @smileysuh | Coworkers AU, Tattoo Artist AU | 7k
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Kang Yeosang
☆ badboy!yeosang by @ateezmakemeweep | High School AU, Bad Boy AU | 18k
☆ entropy by @in-san-ity | S2F2L Mafia AU, Single Parent AU | 21k
☆ crash landed on you by @atozfic | S2E2F2L Fake Dating AU, Chaebol AU | 20k
☆ Graveyard Dares and Bitemarks by @harmonie-writes | F2L Vampire AU | 5k
☆ Sweeter than Candy by @hwalyn | E2L SMAU (Ongoing), Uni AU |
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Choi San
☆ lowkey by @arafilez | FWB2L | 3k
☆ the law of attraction by @yuyusuyu | F2L Uni AU | 3k
☆ perfidy by @in-san-ity | S2F2L Uni AU, Mafia AU | 21k
☆ Will you join me? by @kyun-toast | E2L/R2L Mafia AU, Assassin AU | 3k
☆ after all, you're my wife by @astayinwonderland | Arranged Marriage AU, Mafia AU | 3k
☆ texts with ateez (+ crush san) by @baekhvuns | SMAU
☆ the scentist by @k-hotchoisan | Neighbours AU | 5k
☆ it's you series by @minisugakoobies | BFB AU, Roommates AU, Secret Relationship AU | 9k+
☆ The Art of Climbing the Corporate Ladder series by @ennysbookstore | S2F2L Coworkers AU, Office AU | 29k
☆ Obvious + Claiming by @huihuiheart | Established Relationship AU, Hybrid/Omegaverse AU | 4k
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Song Mingi
☆ preying on you tonight by @bvidzsoo | E2L Werewolf AU, Witch AU, Uni AU | 29k
☆ Genesis by @songmingisthighs | S2F2L SMAU, CEO AU |
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Jung Wooyoung
☆ upstairs neighbour wooyo series by @mangiverse | SMAU R2F2L Neighbours AU |
☆ tits out by @captain-joongz | BFF2L Uni AU | 7k
☆ body talk series by @jungkxook | BFF2L Uni AU | 28k+
☆ All 'Cause of a Neck Kiss by @cocobeanncteez | F2L | 3k
☆ Two Can Play by @huihuiheart | Werewolf AU | 2k
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Choi Jongho
☆ zemblanity by @in-san-ity | S2F2L Mafia AU, Bodyguard AU | 24k
120 notes · View notes
iiwaijime · 3 months
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thank u guys so much for 200 followers in such a short period of time 🥹🥹 when i started posting my old PLUS NEW works again here i did NAWT expect to get back most, if not all, my pookies back !!
i saw other ppl ( @afyrian + @causenessus ) doing this and thought i'd like to try it too!! btw check out their ones cs they're amazing writers n congratulate them for their milestones👊💥
therefore formatting and stuff is heavily inspired by them,,,
.. n e ways!! basically u can send requests from the following thru asks!! feel free to mix n match!! anons/repeats are welcome!
-drabbles, short fics (<1000 words), smaus, hcs OK !
-doing characters from genshin, hsr, mha, haikyuu, jjk, bllk !!
- requests format example [🐙 🏪 with choso!] or [🦑💻 smau with kenma!]
fluff 🐙 hurt/comfort 🦑
arranged marriage 💍 artist/muse 🎨 blind date 🕶️ bookstore 📚 childhood friends 💥 coffee shop ☕ dancers 🩰 fake dating 🪩 flower shop 🌹 rockstar 🎸 sibling's best friend 🔥 soulmates 💗 streamer/content creator 💻 street racing 🏎️
one-word prompts
coffee 🏪 cooking 🍳 flowers 💐 hair 💈 pets 🐾 plane ✈️ rain ☂️ run 🐑 shoes 👟 sleep 💤 socks 🧦 sunshine ☀️ tea 🍵 water 🌊 yellow 🧀
"fuck you!" "sure." 🥧 "it's always been you." 🌯 "i can't lose you." 🍄 "is it too late?" 🍚 "it's not a good night unless you're here." 🍕 "i'm still not sorry." 🍰 "maybe we should kiss." "maybe." 🍓 "no matter what, i'll always be yours." 🧃 "you know, you can tell me anything." 🍣 "you're my best friend." 🍪 "you're my happily ever after." 🍺
flowers for the florist (sweets for the sweet) — bokuto kōtarō , 🐙🌹💐
hey lover — toji fushiguro, 🐙🍕
anything — rensuke kunigami, 🦑💗🍄
soft and stupid and smitten — tetsurou kuroo , 🐙🏎️🥧
dense — tobio kageyama , 💥🍚🍪
yes this is a confession — toge inumaki , 🐙💍💐🍺
shameless — rintarō suna , 🐙🍕🔥
48 notes · View notes
callsign-mayhem · 1 year
southern state of mind
Pairing: Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Reader Word count: 2.7k
You and Jake are best friends, bonded by your hometown and love for line dancing. You take Bradley and Natasha into the city to a country and western bar and teach them to dance, and hopefully to make your move. 
Y/CS - your call sign 
Use of Y/N but no description of reader
A/N: I wrote this with the bar scene from Footloose (2011) in mind. Listen to ‘Fake ID’ by Big & Rich and Gretchen Wilson when you read the final scene.
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The music was turned up deafeningly loud and your foot was against the floor and, in your opinion, it was the best way to drive anywhere. Nothing said summer like speeding down the highway at sunset with the roof of the Jeep off and the wind in your hair, and it was even better with company. Taking the top off your car was a somewhat tedious job and you’d enlisted Bradley and Jake’s help earlier that afternoon especially for your little road trip into the city. It had been well worth it as the vibes, to put it simply, were immaculate.
Obviously Jake had called shotgun before you’d even left your apartment but you didn’t really mind; he was one of the very few people who was allowed to have the aux cord in your car. Music had been one of the first things you’d bonded over. That and the fact that you were both from Austin.
Natasha and Bradley were sitting in the back sipping gin and tonic from a can, quite happy watching the world pass them by while you and Jake belted the lyrics to a Jason Aldean song. It had taken a long time for you to get to this point with Jake and you knew most of the squad still weren’t completely sold on him, but you were hoping tonight might help change that. You wanted them to see the side of him he seemed to save especially for you, hence why you were heading into the city to a country and western bar you’d found online. It was one of the rare weekends you were all free and after a lot of convincing, Bradley and Natasha had agreed to go with you.
You locked eyes with Bradley in the rearview mirror. He had his aviators perched precariously on the edge of his nose and when you stuck your tongue out at him, he winked at you. It was damn lucky you didn’t crash the fucking car.
You glanced away in embarrassment and continued your duet with Jake, desperately hoping that he hadn’t noticed the blush dusting the apples of your cheeks. Originally it was just going to be you and Hangman - a friend date if you will - but then he’d had the brainwave of inviting Bradley as a way of finding out if he reciprocated the feelings you had for him. Telling Jake about your crush was probably the worst decision you’d ever had the misfortune of making because he’d been coming up with creative ways to try and get you together ever since. There’d been a few times where you’d almost considered outing yourself just so Jake couldn’t. You agreed to his plan this time, hoping it would be the last time you ever had to, but you insisted on inviting Natasha too. For one, she was more fun on a night out than both the guys put together, but also because you couldn’t imagine spending time with just Jake and Bradley alone. It would be one big dick-swinging contest.
The sun was low in the sky, glinting off all the skyscrapers that made up the gorgeous San Diego skyline. Jake reached into the glove compartment and pulled out your own pair of aviators and you took them gratefully, trying to put them on one-handed. Instead of watching you struggle he snatched them back off you and put them on you himself, poking the tip of your nose once he was done. If you’d chanced a look in the rearview mirror at that moment you would have seen Bradley watching this exchange, eyes hidden behind his glasses again. The only thing that gave his annoyance away was the stubborn set of his jaw, but that was Bradley Bradshaw all over. For the most part, he kept his feelings bottled up until he couldn’t anymore, and then he’d explode when he least expected it.
You didn’t know it, but Bradley had been spending a lot of nights laying awake wondering if he should tell you how much he liked you, weighing out the pros and cons in his cluttered mind. He was a lot of things, but he wasn’t a coward, and he wasn’t hiding it from you because he was scared of rejection. In fact, the only reason he kept stopping himself from grabbing you and kissing you senseless was because of Hangman. The two of you weren’t officially dating (as far as anyone knew) but the way you interacted was more than suspicious. Guys and girls could be friends, he wasn’t that naive, but the way Jake looked at you made him wonder if he wanted it to be more than that.
As for the way you looked at Jake, Bradley wouldn’t know much about that. He didn’t like watching you too closely when the two of you were together, just in case your smile or your eyes gave you away and confirmed his worst fear.
When you finally arrived at the bar you made sure to park as close to the entrance as possible in case your friends decided to get absolutely shit-faced. Agreeing to be the designated driver had seemed like a brilliant idea at the time - you’d be hangover free in the morning and able to enjoy your Sunday outdoors instead of in bed with a huge headache - but now, as Bradley slung his arm around your shoulder lazily and pulled you into his side, you were kind of wishing you’d let him drive. Ever the gentleman, he’d offered to bring the Bronco so you could have a drink, but since it was your idea and you were going to be subjecting him to country music and line dancing all night, it only seemed fair that he be able to have a few beers.
Now you somehow needed to get through tonight without any Dutch courage.
The bar was packed wall to wall with people in denim shorts, flannel shirts, cowboy boots and hats. Being from Texas yourself, you could tell who was just trying to fit the aesthetic and who actually dressed like that on the daily. Natasha and Bradley’s mouths were hanging open as they surveyed the scene in front of them. You’d given Nat one of your gambler hats to wear for the night and it suited her well, but you hadn’t been able to convince Bradley to wear one.
‘Bet you’re regretting turning down my offer now, huh Bradshaw,’ you poked him in the side and he flinched, laughing raucously, ‘Feeling like the odd one out?’
Jake moved the toothpick he was chewing from one side of his mouth to the other and adjusted his own hat, ‘He made the right call. There’s no way he’d be able to pull it off.’
Bradley swiped the hat from your head and put it on, adjusting it so it sat right on his head. Jake scoffed but he was smiling so you knew he wasn’t really trying to insult Bradley, but he flipped him the bird anyway. You stopped in your tracks to get a better look at him. He was wearing a blue flannel over a white tank, 501s and a pair of brown cowboy boots, and the hat was the icing on top of an incredibly delicious looking cake. The hat suited him better than it did you.
‘You’re such an asshole,’ you told him, nudging him in the ribs. He laughed again and shoved you playfully, ‘Can you stop fucking bullying me, Y/N. First you tell me I’m the odd one out, and now you’re calling me an asshole for trying to fit in.’ ‘You’re an asshole because that hat looks better on you than it does on me, and I’ve been wearing it since I was fifteen years old.’ Natasha and Jake shared a knowing look, ‘We’re gonna go get some drinks.’
One of your favourite Dustin Lynch songs was playing and to prevent things from getting awkward after what you’d just said (idiot, idiot, idiot) you took Bradley by the hand and led him out to the middle of the dancefloor. Perhaps ‘dancefloor’ wasn’t the right word since there were people dancing in every spare space in the bar. There wasn’t really anybody sitting at the hightop tables, they were just being used for bags, coats, and half empty glasses, and you were sure it was the same on the second floor. Although it didn’t feel like it, the place was huge and you were kicking yourself for not coming here sooner. Maybe it was a little cringe and slightly over the top (not every bar in Texas was like this) but it felt like you’d come home.
Bradley nearly tripped over your feet a couple times as you dragged him through the swarm of dancing people.
‘I can’t dance,’ he shouted. You spun around, still holding tightly onto his hand, ‘But you sing so well!’ ‘And?’ ‘Usually they go hand in hand.’ He cocked his head like you’d missed the point entirely, ‘You can dance?’ You flashed him your prettiest smile, ‘Obviously.’ ‘Then your logic is flawed,’ the corners of his mouth twitched as he repressed a smirk, ‘because you can’t sing for shit, darlin’.’ God, you wanted to kiss that look right off his face, ‘So you want me to teach you to dance, or what?’ ‘How do I know that what you got to teach is worth learning?’
Jake and Natasha appeared behind you with four bottles of beer. You accepted gratefully - because one wouldn’t hurt - and downed half of it in one long sip. Bradley didn’t take his eyes off you as you handed him your bottle and grabbed Jake’s hand.
‘I’ll show you.’
Bradley and Nat went and stood at one of the high tables, more than happy to watch you and Jake do your thing if it meant they got out of dancing for a little while longer. They were leaning casually, sipping their drinks with the air of two people that weren’t expecting much.
You leaned over and whispered to Jake: ‘Let’s show them how we do things back home.’
The song faded out, transitioning smoothly into another one. It was upbeat - perfect for line dancing - and you knew it well. Jake knew it too he was grinning from ear to ear as everyone moved into position, ready to dance.
It was now or never.
Admittedly, it had been a while since you’d danced like this and you were worried you’d be rusty, but when the song kicked in and you got going it was like you’d never taken a day off. There was something almost sacred about dancing in formation with this many people and the sound of hundreds of pairs of cowboy boots stomping against the floorboards sent shivers down your spine. You hooked your fingers through the loops of your Levi shorts as you dragged one foot across the floor and pulled forward, swaying your hips all the way around in time with the music. When the song reached its bridge, everyone broke off into pairs and you and Jake took the opportunity to really show Nat and Bradley what you could do. You could hear Phoenix cheering for the two of you as you scooted and rambled, completely enthralled in the music.
You spent your days flying fighter jets, but this was the most alive you’d felt in a long time. Your heart was racing against your chest and you could feel a stitch developing in your side, but you honestly couldn’t care less and if you went into cardiac arrest right now, you wouldn’t be mad about it.
When the song was over you headed back over to your friends who were clapping for you, stunned expressions on their faces. Bradley handed you your beer and after catching your breath for a beat or two, you took a sip, your eyes never once leaving his.
‘So, you want what I got to teach or not?’ He shook his head in awe, ‘You’re really somethin’, you know that?’ ‘Oh, I know.’
You headed back out there with Bradley on your arm and Jake and Natasha in tow. Luckily they were fast learners so it only took an hour to teach them the basics and get them dancing relatively confidently. You were taking mental pictures of Bradley dancing the two-step in that damned hat so you could remember them later. He’d told you he couldn’t dance but you were beginning to think he’d just never tried because the way he moved was so enchanting, you had to keep reminding yourself not to trip over your own feet.
‘Shall we put your new dancing feet to the test?’ you said to him.
When ‘Fake ID’ came on you and Jake forced Bradley and Nat out to the very middle of the floor. It was your turn to cheer for them as the song started to pick up and everyone fell into line, boosting their confidence just enough for them to get into it. It didn’t take much and before long, the four of you were in perfect rhythm as you side-stepped and clapped, turned and cross shuffled. You’d never seen Bradley smile like that before and you desperately wanted to take a photo, but you didn’t dare stop dancing.
Why couldn’t you do this every night?
In the middle of the song, everyone broke off into pairs again and somehow you ended up with Jake. This clearly wasn’t part of the master plan to get you together.
‘You need to go get your man, Y/CS. I ain’t going home until you do.’
As nervous as you were to make your move, you knew he wasn’t kidding. You tapped Nat’s shoulder and leaned in to tell her that Jake wanted to dance with her. She wasn’t an idiot, she knew what you were planning to do, and as she passed you mouthed ‘good luck.’
‘What’re you doing dancing with another woman when you’re wearing my hat,’ you teased, ‘That is so disrespectful.’ He raised a brow, ‘Well I wanted to be dancing with you, but you already chose Hangman as your partner,’ he challenged.
His tone was light but there was a question hidden somewhere in that statement; he wanted to know if you liked Jake.
‘I just didn’t know if you could keep up with me.’
In response to you challenging him, he started dancing again, reaching up to take off your hat and put it back where it belonged. You took his lead and started dancing in front of him and he reached out and put both hands on your hips as you swayed them, stepping forward until he was pressed right up against your back. You didn’t think you’d be able to carry on dancing if you got any closer, but then he did the unimaginable and looped his fingers through your belt loops and pulled you back so were flush against him. Black dots filled your vision when you felt his semi through his blue jeans and you couldn’t help but move a little more, shaking your hips and making him even harder.
He wasn’t expecting it, just like he wasn’t expecting you to spin around and wrap your arms around his neck. He was like a deer trapped in headlights as you pulled him down to your lips and finally kissed that shit-eating grin off his face, but when he eventually got over his initial shock, he kissed you back with such ferocity that you had to stop dancing. Nothing could have prepared you for the taste of Bradley Bradshaw, the scent of his aftershave mingling with sweat. If not for the room full of people you would have let him take you right there and then.
‘I think I’m gonna take you dancing more often, Rooster,’ you said against his lips, ‘you really know how to move.’ He kissed you again, dragging your bottom lip between his teeth and drawing a mewl from you. It was lucky nobody could hear the two of you over the music.
‘When we get back later, I’ll show you just how well I can move,’ he promised, ‘but I don’t think you’ll be able to dance for a while afterwards.’
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muwapsturniolo · 5 months
I’m back again to say Matt or Chris would NEVER date a colored girl💀💀 nvm let me rephrase that, a BL@CK girl‼️‼️ y’all’s pussy is dark and always be dirty and smelly gtfo😭😭 y’all probably got crust built up in there cs y’all don’t be taking showers. Yalls hair is also fake js like yalls lashes u niggas got no dad… Chris and Matt don’t want a dark girl like y’all. Date y’all own race cs no white guy want u😂
Damn bae not I was on your mind rent free🤭 can you say sum new and original?
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wooyoungisbaby · 4 months
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Finally sat down to make a proper list. This took a fuckin WHILE!!
All of these are member/member, literally all the xreader i've read is here on tumblr. I'm always open to recommendations, don't be shy o send some my way ^^
Please let me know if any of the links are broken or wrong! :) DM me if you wanna ask for clarifications about anything, i'd be happy to help :)
Red title: contains smut. most of this list is just smut :') Blue title: angst
Sillage by BBQkitten | 90k · OT8 · MG centric · omegaverse · mind the tags
After suffering a particularly horrible physical assault from his pack leader, a very traumatized alpha Mingi gets adopted by Hongjoong's pack. Here, he finally starts the journey to healing from the abuse he suffered in his childhood and young adulthood.
We Got Innocence for Days by CoffeeKitten | 24k (ongoing) · OT8 · WY centric · omegaverse
- Wooyoung is an omega who has never had a home, and his past gave him a lot of shame about his own natural behaviours T_T He's taken in by the rest of AU-teez, and they begin to show him that he's great the way he is :')
Collar Full by long_green_onion | 6k · OT8, WY centric · incubus WY
Wooyoung is an incubus, and dating the rest of ATEEZ. None of them knows what he is, and he feels guilt for hiding this secret from his partners. After a while of not having sex, he's starting to have serious hunger issues. Which is to say, he needs sex or he gon die. But none of the others want to fuck him bc he looks like he's dying - which hE IS.
Digression by ImNotSorryImThirsty | 4k · everyone except matz · WY centric · kinky
Wooyoung has been a big ol brat recently, and his boyfriends team up to punish him thoroughly. A great time is had by all.
Don't want to stay in the dark || 7k · YS centric · OT8 · omegaverse · omega YS · hurt/comfort
After a horrible dance practice and the thought that maybe his pack did not want him, Yeosang goes into heat for the very first time.
Libido by cosywoo | 12k · OT8 · CS centric · omegaverse · trans characters, both primary and secondary gender
A mix of medicines, remedies, and sex are pushing San ever closer to the bliss of being bitched, and he loves it.
How To Care For Your Song Mingi by twoshotrobot | 3k · OT8 · MG centric · everyone else's POV
A home made documentary about how to keep Mingies happy and content. Spoiler: You just need to provide him with enrichment in his enclosure, by which i mean. well. peanits.
Now The Time Stands Still by kittenhwa | 2k · OT8 · MG centric · kink · sub MG
#gangbang #cock_cages #rope_bondage #degradation #objectification #struggling and more :3
Muzzled by cosywoo | 4k · CSxWYxYH · puppy play · sub WY
Puppy Wooyoung is being very bad, but luckily he has owners who are ready to degrade punish train him :)
Play Pretend by beanguni | 45k · YSxYH > YSxCSxWY · non-idol AU · kink · YSxYH fake dating
Yeosang is in love with his roommates Wooyoung and San. He teams up with his colleague Yunho, a kinky bastard, to make them jealous :3c
Cast Out by beanguni | 37k · YHxMG · soulmates AU · college AU · top YH
Yunho and Mingi are rivals, but they do love to fuck.
A Child of the Sea by HJsGayBF | 8k · HJxWY · mermaid + soulmate AU · mpreg but it's a mermaid
After an injury, mermaid Wooyoung, is taken care of by the crew of Hongjoong's pirate ship. But... What is this feeling inside both their chests... No... it can't be....... unless? uwu
Don't Stop by imiyoko | 1,5k · HJxWY · mean dom HJ
"This was supposed to be a punishment — Edging you while I use you" Hongjoong sneered, "But you just take everything I give you like the toy you are, huh?"
Under My Skin by geshulins | 7k · HJxWY · mean dom HJ
Hongjoong bullies Wooyoung and makes him cum :)
Biting Down by cosywoo | 11k · CSxWYxHJ with bg HJxSH · non-idol AU · cucking · mean dom HJ
Sannie and Wooyoung are boyfriends, but there's a real hot guy at Wooyoung's place of work. San gets cucked and he is Very into it :)
I Miss You by flowerwoo | 2k · SHxWYxHJ · fluff and smut
Wooyoung cockwarms his favourite hyungs. thats really it.
Comfort in the Night by regalmingi | 1.3k · SHxWY · cockwarming · sub WY
Wooyoung is anxious and the medicine is. well. it's Seonghwa's peanits :) how convenient that they're dating!
froot by cosywoo | 2.5k · OT8, SHxWY focused · kink
With the help of blindfolds, light bondage, a cock cage and fruit, Seonghwa helps Wooyoung practice his patience.
Desecration by ImNotSorryImThirsty | 3k · SHxWY · sub WY · background OT8 · kink: CNC, humiliation etc
Wooyoung was naughty, and Seonghwa teaches him a very thorough lesson.
Acts of Service by seonghwalazia | 6.5k · SHxWY · dom SH
Wooyoung asks Seonghwa to take care of him. In this case, "taking care of him" involves making cum so hard that he cries- repeatedly. Wooyoung loves it though.
Tool Thrash by orca_mandaeru | 2k · SHxWY + YS · sub WY
seonghwa belts wooyoung's ass in front of the members, yeosang may get involved
Tame a Brat by Moonshine_Milkshake | 4k · SHxWY · sub WY · kink · aftercare, crying
Seonghwa doms the fuck out of Wooyoung and then takes really good care of him as he cries in the aftermath :')
if looks could kill by comma | 14k · SH&YS · escort YS · protective SH · mind the tags
"We are so going to hell.” Seonghwa laughs. “‘Course we are. Together.”
Sweet Peas and Freesia by Evmoonleigh | 4k · SHxYS · omegaverse · dom prostitute SH · both alphas
Seonghwa isn’t supposed to play favorites. He’s a professional.
Lotus and Pink Peppercorns by Evmoonleigh | 5k · SH+CSxHJ · omegaverse · alpha prostitute SH · omega clients CS and HJ
“We’ve never done this before,” Hongjoong starts slowly. “My husband’s name is San. We’re both Omegas. I…can’t give him what he needs, so I need you to do it for me.”
Call Me Doberman by zesstea | 41k · CSxWYxYS mainly · kink AU · dom YS
Established couple WooSan want to try new dynamics in the bedroom, but it's not quite working out for them. So San finds himself a dom in "Doberman", Yeosang. Things... Escalate, and they all become more importamt to each other than initially planned.
We'll hold off the flood tonight by ninetyeights | 17k · CSxWYxYS · non-idol AU · fluffy!! · podfic version
wooyoung's boyfriends fall in love: the fic
Flight 806 by Evmoonleigh | 10k · JHxYS · sci-fi AU · soft mind the tags · space travel
Yeosang goes to space! :D ...He can feel something calling for him from out there, and he has no idea why.
The Feeling You Bring by moonrisematz | 15k · HJxSH · non-idol AU · friends to lovers · dom SH
Seonghwa ""accidentally"" tells Hongjoong about one of his kinks, edging/denial, and Hongjoong is decidedly not handling the information well. What happens next will warm your heart :}
Take Care of a Leader by Moonshine_Milkshake | 1.4k · HJxSH · bottom SH
Seonghwa lets Hongjoong fuck him sometimes. But this is the first time Hongjoong surprises him.
Clutch series by cosywoo | ~24k · SH centric, feat. CS and WY · eggs! :)
Tentacles and eggs man, what more do you need to know?
Imbroglio by orca_mandaeru | 3k · OT8 · SH centric · feat. CS, WY, YH · omegaverse · sub SH
Omega Seonghwa is tied up for anyone to fuck if they so choose. Wooyoung chooses to tease him bc he's a meanie!! But perhaps after that, someone will show up and let him come? óuò
It Would Cost You by lieanni | 8k · SHxCSxWY · kink · dom SH · sub CS
Wooyoung is invited to join San and Seonghwa for a scene.
And they were roommates by zesstea | 6k · SHxCSxMG · sub CS · trans CS · edging/denial
San gets that special glow™ when he goes on stage after being edged. Mingi and then Seonghwa are determined to help him achieve this.
Practice Lesson by zesstea | 7k · MGxJH · they switch :)
Mingi is unhappy that he's inexperienced in bed, Jongho selflessly offers to help him out.
All Mine by undeliveredtruth | 5k · MGxJH · gentle dom JH
Mingi is upset about a smth that happened on a game show, and Jongho takes care of him by making him cum :)
Everyone Needs Some Care by Moonshine_Milkshake | 6k · MGxSH · top + gentle dom SH · background OT8
Seonghwa likes to take care of his band mates by having sex with them. Mingi has never taken him up on the offer before, but Seonghwa is happy to help him de-stress.
Mind the tags section
Fics that depict noncon or dubcon between members.
Trial and Error || 2.5k · SH (WY, YS) · sub/victim SH · noncon
Seonghwa is the primary subject for a clinical study.
Eyes On Me by SariErrbody | 50k · CSxWY · non-idol AU · stalking, dubcon, past noncon ...
Wooyoung works at a cafe, and there's this patron who's very handsome but also very odd. The patron keeps showing up just to stare at him.
Nectar and Ambrosia by orca_mandaeru | 4k · CSxYS · superhero AU · sub CS · dubcon?
Magical girl Yeosang lets San suck him off :3
Until He Breaks by JustNothingHelps | 5k · CSxHJxWY mafia AU · noncon
Hongjoong has something San and Wooyoung want, and they are real mean to him to get him to spill the beans about its location.
Entrapped by gutsey | 5k · CSxHJxWY · mafia AU · transmasc victim HJ · noncon
San and Wooyoung need some intel from Hongjoong, the tech guy of an opposing mafia family. And well. They try to fuck it out of him :)
The Secrets Within by flamewhipper | 11k · SHxWYxYS · alien SH · tentacles · dubcon
Yeosang and Wooyoung are waiters at a resuatrant. One day, they have a very, very beautiful patron who captures their attention in a way that seems very, very unnatural.
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princess-and-the-swan · 5 months
Captain Swan Fic Recs
I'm a slut for captain swan fics and for years I've lived off of the cs fic recs and masterlists other people have made so I thought I'd pay it forward and make one of my own. I'll be sure to come back and add more that I think of or happen to stumble upon. I hope y'all enjoy these as much as I have :))
Created: 05/03/2024
*** denotes fics I have/would 100% reread
MC Modern AUs (Misc.)
***Pan Says by HollyELeigh
Rating: E
Summary: After waking up in a strange room with a naked stranger, Emma and Killian must endure the twisted game their kidnapper insists they play in order to gain provisions and avoid punishments.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Status: In-progress
Tags: kidnapping, smut, mild dubcon
***Amaranthine by caprelloidea
Rating: M
Summary: In which soulmates are rare, and those that have them stop aging at adulthood. Rarer still – and dangerously conspicuous – are those that have special abilities. Immortality and powers alike fade when soulmates come in close proximity with their other half. In which Emma’s touch heals, and Killian’s kills.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Status: Complete
Tags: soulmates
Learning to Love (Again) by captain_k_jones
Rating: M
Summary: In the wake of his crumbling marriage, Killian Jones turns to his best friend Emma Swan for help. Even though Emma had just ended a two year long relationship she is more than happy to welcome Killian and Nate, his eleven month old son, into her home. What neither of them expect is to learn how to love again through each other.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Status: Abandoned (as of 09-08-2017)
Tags: incomplete, divorced!killian, daddy!killian, friends to lovers, roommates
The Trouble with Faking It by nowforruin
Rating: E
Summary: Killian Jones is one drunken mistake from never setting foot on a movie set again. Enter Emma Swan, the woman his manager has paid to pretend to date him and clean up his image. It seems straightforward enough...but there's always trouble with faking it.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Status: Complete
Tags: fake dating, actor!killian, pining
Bitter Hearts (middle of the ride) by bookstoreromantic
Rating: T
Summary: Fresh out of prison, Emma’s not a student at Boston University. She’s just using the library while she studies for her GED exams. Killian doesn’t know that though, and Emma doesn’t ever want him to find out. Not when he’s the first friend she’s had in years.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Status: Complete
Tags: college au, friends to lovers
Let’s Just Be Us by colormyheartred
Rating: T
Summary: Three-shot. Based upon a prompt about rockstar!Killian and movie star!Emma secretly dating, but those pesky fans figure it out.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Status: Complete
Tags: rockstar!killian, actress!emma, secret dating
***Tutor Me by Lovingcsfanfiction
Rating: T
Summary: Killian just got accepted to Harvard and needs to find a way to pay for college. Emma is struggling in her senior math course and needs to raise her grade if she wants to graduate on time. What happens when an academically driven boy winds up tutoring one of the most popular girls at Storybrooke High?
Relationship: Lieutenant Duckling
Status: Complete
Tags: high school au, friends to lovers, pining, fluff
***More Than A Memory by always-been-a-pirate
Rating: M
Summary: He didn't remember much. He didn't remember her. The accident changed their lives and sent Emma into a tailspin, desperate for Killian to come back to her. But when he finally wakes up from his coma, the past six years are gone. He has no recollection of their love, but Emma refuses to give up on them. She's got her work cut out for her, but some memories are worth fighting for.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Status: Complete
Tags: married, amnesia, light smut
***Counting Down the Days by Montana-Rosalie
Rating: M
Summary: Emma is a time-traveler. Killian is always waiting for her to return.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Tags: Time travel, angst, smut
MC Canon-Divergence AUs 
***Until We Meet Again by searchingwardrobes
Rating: T
Summary: As a joke, Liam Jones pays a gypsy to show 15-year-old Killian his true love in her magic mirror. When Killian looks in the mirror, he falls through realms and time until coming face to face with a 15-year-old Emma Swan.
Relationship: Lieutenant Duckling
Status: Complete
Tags: canon-divergence, fluff
***the princess and the pirate by gingergenower
Rating: M
Summary: The curse never happened, and her royal highness Princess Emma is kidnapped by the pirates aboard the Jolly Roger. Neither side realise what they're getting themselves into.
Relationship: Captain Duckling
Status: Complete with separate epilogue
Tags: princess!emma, pirate!hook, light smut, slowish burn, kidnapping
A Toast to What If by HollyELeigh
Rating: M
Summary: Immediately following the end of WWII, Killian Jones and Emma Swan have a serendipitous meeting upon a train platform while each travels to their respective homes. When Emma’s traveling companion fails to arrive, she offers Killian her extra ticket so he isn’t forced to spend the night on a hard bench outside the station’s office. Once aboard, Emma receives devastating news - her lover has abandoned her to face her family alone with the news she is pregnant, and now, without a fiance. Moved with compassion, and a willingness to put off what is (or rather, what is not) awaiting him at home, Killian offers to go with her to face her family. They concoct a scheme to get married then have Killian “abandon” her a few weeks afterward, leaving her with no other option than to seek a divorce. A plan that will cast him as the villain and leave her somewhat blameless in her family’s eyes.
Falling in love with one another along the way wasn’t a part of the plan.
Relationship: Lieutenant Swan
Status: Complete
Tags: fake marriage AU; post WWII setting, historical, unplanned pregnancy 
Somebody that I used to know by I_should_be_doing_other_things
Rating: M
Summary: Emma and Hook’s adventure into the past took a different turn than either of them could’ve predicted, and a small overnight trip turned into two and a half years of bliss. But now they’re back. And things have changed. And he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to survive it.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Status: Complete
Tags: time-travel, hurt/comfort, pregnancy, smut
MC Enchanted Forest/No Curse AU
A Sailor’s Tale by Dreamtalker1
Rating: M
Summary: After the Dark Ones assaulted the Enchanted Forest and occupied the Royal Castle, princess Emma and her bodyguard Ruby are on the run. To stay undercover, Emma travels disguised as a boy. By accident, they find themselves on the Jolly Roger in the hands of the infamous Captain Hook as stowaways. To save Ruby's life, Emma trades herself to the pirate as a cabin boy. Keeping her secret among dangerous buccaneers, will push her beyond her limits. In order to survive, she has to overcome her insecurities and stand up for herself.
Relationship: Captain Duckling
Status: Complete
Tags: no curse, princess emma, pirate killian, stowaway, ransom, undercover, smut
Only the Beginning by 4getfulimaginator
Rating: E
Summary: When Princess Emma and Lieutenant Killian Jones are shipwrecked on an island that forces you to confront your greatest temptations and deepest desires, the sparks that have always existed between the two are sure to come to an unbridled head.
Relationship: Lieutenant Duckling
Status: Complete
Tags: no curse, shipwreck, castaways au, pwp, smut
her crowning glory by emmaofmisthaven
Rating: T
Summary: The laws are clear: to be crowned Queen of Eala, a princess has to be married. Emma has a month to find a husband, or else the crown will be snatched from her and given to the only other heir to the throne, one Killian Jones.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Status: Complete
Tags: the princess diaries au, princess!emma, prince!killian
One Shots
Theoretically by wtvoc
Rating: E
Summary: Emma's friend Killian has a reputation for sleeping around (and so does she). When he gives her a surprising gift on her thirtieth birthday, something about it unleashes the question she's been wondering for years: is he really as good as they say?
Relationship: Captain Swan
Tags: friends with benefits, smut, friends to lovers, modern au
all i want is the taste your lips allow by bisexual-killian-jones (aelover867)
Rating: M
Summary: Emma and Killian are in a pickle. They have crushes on the Cassidy cousins, but they are none-the-wiser. Enter Killian's idea of pretending to date to make Milah and Neal jealous. This couldn't possibly go wrong.
Relationship: Captain Swan
Tags: friends to lovers, modern au, fake dating
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hyunverse · 6 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny/anything you want ^ㅇ(๑>◡<๑)ㅇ^ "
omg this is cool 😸☝️ thank u for sending this to me!!!
first of all, @mnwrld & hanji!!! gives off major college au music nerd #1 meets music nerd #2 together they meet and bond over making music together doing music nerd things while holding hands
@astraystayyh with hyunjin and make it forbidden love. 25k words MINIMUM. a lot of longing, pining, and crying together. it'd be gut-wrenching with a happy ending ☝️
@in2heartz & lee know. dare i say fake enemies... sprinkled with a there was only one bed trope. i see it tbh 😸☝️ they come out of the holiday as lovers i tell u!!!!
@forlix with lixie!!! neighbours trope 🤠 pov xian is the new tenant of the apartment and felix comes with a tray of cookies as a welcome gift... i see the vision and i like it!!!
@hwajin & hyune ofc 😋 i'm thinking... small town love... 💭 they met at a grocery store cs kathy was like hey haha get that cereal box from the top shelf for me pls then hyune falls in love this is canon and real
@facioleeknow & seungmin...💭 fake dating!!! seung's trying to get an ex girlfriend to be jealous but falls in love in the process 😔
lastly, @blondie-hyun with jeongin!!! something cute me thinks... 😋 i'm thinking the classic bumping into each other and having books fall EEEEEEK
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gayleviticus · 8 months
i always forget cs lewis was platonic friends with his wife for a good few years and married her civilly so she wouldnt get deported to the US and only realised he was actually in love with her when she got cancer and then they were together 3 years before she died and then he died 3 years after that. what a fanfic ass storyline. fake dating? belated realisation of love?
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all-mirth-no-matter · 2 years
Mirth’s Masterlist
Explore: my everything tag | myotps
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Time After Time: (Peaky Blinders, Tommy Shelby x OC/Reader) You have been told by your mother since the moment you were born that you had the gift of prophecy. Convenient, since you managed to mysteriously transport back into time by one hundred years. What happens when you become wrapped up in the Shelby’s family business after the brothers return from the war? Will you ever get back to your own time or figure out how you got to Small Heath in 1918?
Reader Insert (tumblr): masterlist OC (multi-chapter): ao3 | moodboard
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Once Upon a Supernatural Time: (Supernatural x Once Upon a Time, Dean Winchester x Emma Swan) Henry Mills needs help convincing his new-found mother, Emma Swan, to believe in magic so she can break Storybrooke's curse. Could Dean and Sam Winchester be just the help he needs to get Emma to believe? Or will they also need some convincing? Dean's dealt with a lot of things - demons, angels, witches, werewolves - but magic may be a bit out of his belief system.
Explore: ao3 | moodboards & manips
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Our Lie Abilities: (Teen Wolf, Stiles Stilinski x Lydia Martin) She's a famous actress recovering from a difficult hiatus. He's a member of a band just trying to make it. They're lying to the world - but can Lydia and Stiles lie to themselves? Fake dating, non-supernatural AU.
Explore: ao3 | moodboards & manips
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Doctor Who University: (Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor x Rose Tyler) Rose Tyler is still mourning the loss of her beloved mentor when she starts a new semester of classes. Unexpectedly, she develops a strong bond with his replacement - a tall, thin professor with really great hair. [currently on hiatus]
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Once Upon a Time, Emma Swan x Killian Jones
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Tonight You’re Mine: Two feuding band members are handcuffed together at the Enchanted Music Festival. Emma Swan, part of a rising rock band, can't stand the egotistical Killian Jones, lead man of the popular group Skull Rock. How will they survive the festival and both perform before they find a way to become free of each other?
Explore: ao3 | moodboards & manips
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The Princess Bride: As the Enchanted Forest teeters on the verge of war, the reluctant Princess Emma is devastated by the loss of her true love, kidnapped by a mercenary & his henchmen, rescued by a pirate, forced to marry a prince, & rescued once again by the very crew who took her. Foiling their plans & jumping into their story is Killian, Emma's true love & friend to a dangerous pirate.
Explore: ao3 | manips
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Much Ado About Nothing: Shakespeare's comedy meets Once Upon a Time. Emma as Beatrice, Killian as Benedick, Snow as Hero, and David as Claudio. A story of gossip, rumors, sarcasm, scandal, and manipulation tied up with a bow of romance and humor. What could possibly go wrong?
Explore: ao3 | moodboards & manips
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Overdue: (one-shot) CS College AU. Someone keeps forgetting to return the book Emma Swan needs to complete her report, so she tracks him down and forces him to hand it over. Based on tumblr prompt.
Supernatural x Once Upon a Time Crossover
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Swan Hunting: Dean Winchester embarks on one of his first solo hunts since his brother went off to college. But as he searches for answers, he becomes acquainted with a certain blonde waitress he met in the most unconventional way. A young Dean/Emma AU.
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Other Swanchester One-Shots: a collection of one-shots usually accompanied by a manip.
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Credits & Disclaimers
I do not own series characters and original script dialogue, they belong to their creators. Original characters, narrative ideas, and word manipulations used to create these stories are mine. I do not give consent for any of my stories to be copied, reposted, transposed, or used for AI without my permission. I do consent to reblogging and link sharing.
Story Header art by me
Divider art by @saradika
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oldfangirl81 · 8 months
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I have an actual library card again. My goal is to read more this year.
I need recommendations please!
Some mix of these would be great.
• Queer romance
• Asexual romance
• Urban Fantasy
• Paranormal Romance
• Fake Dating to Real Dating
• Anything with dragons or kitsune
Below the cut are ones on the TBR list I'm creating if you also need ideas. I'll add as I get more recs. And I'll link eventually to a review post as I read them.
Conventionally Yours by Annabeth Albert
Fake Dating The Prince by Ashlyn Kane
She Drives Me Crazy by Kelly Quindlen
Alice Austen Lived Here by Alex Gino
The Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron
Melissa by Alex Gino
Your Lonely Nights Are Over by Adam Sass
Just Your Local Bisexual Disaster by Andrea Mosqueda
If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo
That Time I Got Drunk and Saved A Demon by Kimberly Lemming
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
The Last Sun by KD Edwards
Ace of Hearts by Lucy Mason
The Romance Recipe by Ruby Barrett
Jay's Gay Agenda by Jason June
A Dash of Salt and Pepper by Kosoko Jackson
The Engineer by CS Poe
After the Dragons by Cynthia Zhang
Runebinder by Alex R Kahler
Rare Vigilance by MA Grant
The Witch King by HE Edgmon
Robin Hood Vol 1 by Pat Strand
Dreidel Date by Eliana West
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star-my · 5 months
Ateez Fic Recs ☆ Ao3
These are all available on ao3 as of April 2024. Some may require an account to view them. Some are likely crossposted on tumblr as well.
Almost all are complete works, those with “+” after WC are incomplete.
Most of these are Mature or Explicit (usually because of smut) ~ mdni ~ italicized titles rated G or T ~ Please read responsibly
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☆ Raise, Protect, and Hope by SinisterSound | Found Family, Mafia/Assassin AU | Platonic OT8 | 49k
☆ He's a Pirate series by pearlypearlypearl | Pirate AU, Magic AU | 70k
☆ The So Unknown series by themoonlightfae | F2L Vampire AU, Found Family AU | 110k+
☆ sticky by maganxx | FWB2L Roommate AU, Uni AU, Omegaverse AU | PSH + KHJ | 15k
☆ A Fever You Can't Sweat Out by to_shinestar | F2FWB Roommate AU | CS + JWY | 12k
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Kim Hongjoong
☆ <<Do you believe in fate?>> by LettersFromAphrodite | Magic AU, Soulmate AU | 42k
☆ Plug & Play by bangtanintotheroom | Band AU | 10k
☆ Say My Name by twinmoles | Demon AU | 8k
☆ Hearts Over Clubs by starryjeekies | S2R2L Mafia AU | 28k
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Park Seonghwa
☆ Kiss of Chaos by tenelkadjo | Magic AU, Witch AU, Annoyances/Enemies with Benefits to Lovers? | 40k
☆ Arrow in the Dark by tenelkadjo | S2F2L Fake Dating AU, Chaebol AU | 66k
☆ Properly by tenelkadjo | BFF2L Fake Dating AU | 10k
☆ Addicting Kitten by tenelkadjo | S2L Goth AU | 34k
☆ hearts & spades by wooyunhwa | S2FWB2L Mafia AU | 30k
☆ My Precious Pet series by yungidreamer | S2F2L Vampire AU | 26k+
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Jeong Yunho
☆ the summer series by honeyhotteoks | F2FWB2L Roommate AU, Quarantine AU | 16k+
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Kang Yeosang
☆ lessons in intimacy by honeyhotteoks | Camboy AU | 14k
☆ Gemini by HoneyAteez | F2L | 9k
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Choi San
☆ forever and a bit. by the7thcrow | Demon AU, Mafia AU | 5k
☆ Control by Destriny | F2L Demon AU, Uni AU | 29k
☆ Sunrise by thecarnivaloflies | F2L Military AU, Dystopian AU | 30k
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Song Mingi
☆ All In by tenelkadjo | BFF2L Vegas AU | 10k
☆ Steamroller by fallinforgyu | BFF2L Uni AU | 11k
☆ September, I'll Remember by I_Dont_Write_Fics | F2L Road Trip/Camping AU | 33k
☆ Love to Keep Me Warm by themoonlightfae | S2F2L Hallmark AU | 28k
☆ Diversity Hire by superbumpy | PA AU, Office AU | 13k
☆ Synesthesia by themoonlightfae | S2F2L Neighbours AU | 15k
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Jung Wooyoung
☆ Midnight Kisses by mingigoo | BFF2L Single Parent AU | 28k
☆ Steady Opposites by PeachzensBread | R2L Uni AU | 12k
☆ For The Longest Time by themoonlightfae | BFF2L/S2L Tinder AU | 5k
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Choi Jongho
☆ {Unavailable}
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"Wishing it Wasn't" by kazoosandfannypacks
Chapter 9/18: Reflections Pairing: CaptainSwan Rating: General Word Count: (1.1K/19.5K) Summary: Season 2 Canon Divergence: When Neal tells Emma he has a fiancée, she claims to have a new boyfriend of her own, and blurts out the first fairytale name she can think of: Captain Hook. Killian agrees to this ruse, but when feelings grow between the two, will the con be more than they can handle? Chapter Summary: Emma and Killian separately reflect on their evening together. Tags: season 2, canon divergence, gun violence in later chapters, angst with a happy ending, fake dating, mild character death, mildly anti neal Author's notes: >:} Taglist: @zahara @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @booksteaandtoomuchtv @jrob64 @tiganasummertree @anmylica @teamhook @undercaffinatednightmare @gingerchangeling @lonelyspectator @caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @cs-rylie @pirateprincessofpizza @pawshapedheart [if you'd like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
Also on Ao3!
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 "Thanks for everything." Emma said, parking the car by the docks.
 "My pleasure." He hadn't looked at her since she kissed him, and he wasn't breaking that streak now.
 He unbuckled his seatbelt and reached for his door, but she hit the auto door lock before he could, trying to smooth things out before he left.
 "Hook," She said softly, placing her hand on his arm, "I shouldn't have done that, should I have?"
 "What?" He asked.
 "I shouldn't've kissed you." Emma said. "I crossed a line. I'm sorry."
 "We did what we set out to do, Swan." He said, and he slightly twisted his arm out of her grip. "You've sufficiently proven to Neal that he made the wrong choice."
 "Right." Emma said. She unlocked his car door. "Want me to walk you back to your ship?"
 "I think I can manage."
 "Oh, your jacket." Emma said, almost forgetting she was wearing it for how natural it felt to be wearing it.
 "Keep it 'til tomorrow." He said. "Give it back to me when they're around."
 It seemed like a good plan, but he said it so deadpan, monotone, almost upset- not nearly the same man he'd been twenty minutes ago.
 "Alright." Emma said. "Goodnight, Killian."
 "Goodnight." He said, almost coldly, not even bracketing it with a "Swan," or a "love," or even an "Emma."
 Without another word, he left the car, left Emma sitting there, alone with her thoughts. They'd done what they wanted to do- they'd made Neal jealous, they'd kept up the ruse, they'd proven she's just as well off without him.
 But the problem was she'd had fun doing it. She actually had a great time that night, once or twice even forgetting that their date was just fake. But then at the end, should she really have kissed him, just to make Neal jealous? Even if that didn't cross the line, kissing him again after she knew they were gone? That definitely did.
 But Emma had to remind herself this is Captain Hook. His reputation preceded him- rumors floating around said he knew the names of the bar wenches in every port in the realm, that he'd never met a girl who didn't succumb to his charm, that he went through women faster than he did bottles of rum- and she knew how quickly he burned through bottles of rum.
 She watched in her rearview mirror as he walked back down the docks, onto his invisible ship, and disappeared from view.
 Had David been right? Had she neglected to be careful with Killian's emotions? He seemed like he was really enjoying himself with her- until she kissed him, that was.
 She pulled his jacket just a bit tighter around her shoulders.
 "That kiss was awful for him." She thought, her mind racing but the town standing still. "Why shouldn't it be? He's a pirate. He doesn't care about me. He doesn't like me. Because if he did, why would he get so upset when I kissed him?"
 The only reason she saw that he had to be so upset by her kiss was if he didn't feel the same way about her. He'd flirted with her because he flirts with everyone, he'd pretend courted her tonight so she didn't throw him in jail, and, much like many men she'd met, he would only follow his interests in her to the brink of commitment- anything more than that would be too much for him- and Emma had started to cross that line.
 She sighed as she eventually started the car.
 "David was right." Emma thought. "I played with fire and I got burned."
 She tried to shift her focus to other things- Cora and Regina being in town, the stranger who'd come in just before she left, trying to keep the secrets of the town from him, and from Tamara.
 But still, that little voice in the back of her head was antagonizing, berating her, bogging her down with insecurities, reminding herself of her place, her place as the only woman in all the realms who could scare off the notorious Captain Hook.
 "Does she know she's the only thing on my mind right now?" The notorious Captain Hook thought as he watched her drive away from his vantage point on The Jolly Roger. He was thankful she couldn't see him, that she hadn't been able to see how he'd turned back to watch her as soon as he was cloaked, how he stayed there until she'd disappeared too.
 He looked up at the sky as he walked the gangplank, hoping to take familiar comfort in the constellations he often used to navigate- then remembered he was in a land with entirely different stars.
 Everything in this land felt different, in an almost intimidating way. Hard roads designed to be used by vehicles that move so fast they can break a rib. Deep fried seafood. Food that comes in pre packaged boxes. Short jackets, short skirts- not that they were a bad thing, of course, just not quite what he was used to.
 And yet, whenever he was with Swan, he couldn't help but feel like he was used to her. There was something about her that felt so safe to him, like a harbor, like The Jolly Roger, like….
 He put his head in his hands as he sat on the steps to the forecastle deck.
 There was something about Emma Swan that felt like a home.
 He sighed as he pulled out his flask, knowing that no matter how he saw her, it couldn't change how she saw him.
 "I'm just a pirate in her eyes." Killian thought. "I'm just a means to an end. She's just using me to get to Neal."
 Killian had a hard time reconciling in his mind that the man he'd sat across from in the restaurant was the same kid who'd once stood on the deck of his ship, threatening Killian's life when he thought he was the one who'd killed Milah.
 "What's become of you, Baelfire?" Killian whispered. "Where's that kid who just wanted to be a hero?
 All that Baelfire ever wanted was a family- and as much as Killian tried to deny it, he really was the one who tore apart Bae's first family. He felt like he owed it to that boy he once knew to not wreck his chances this time, that if an opportunity came up for Emma and Henry to be Neal's family again, that he owed that much to him, just a fighting chance, without a devilishly handsome pirate standing in the way.
 "It's better that way." Killian thought. "Swan deserves better than me."
 And he looked up at the unfamiliar stars, he found himself silently hoping that Neal could be that man for her.
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