#csi 3x12
lilcathsmith · 4 months
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Greg in every episode of CSI (52/328) • Got Murder? •
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starryhc · 4 years
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CSI 3x12
Nick Stokes and his wonderful eyebrows were made for mask wearing.
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tinylilemrys · 5 years
Merlin 3x11 “The Sorcerer’s Shadow” Highlights
Omg, it’s Dudley
Do you think Harry Melling was determined to play a character with magic after all those years of not being a magical character in the Harry Potter series?
God I still adore this theme tune. I hardly ever skip the intro because I love it so much
Arthur being all “chill, Merlin, there’s nothing to worry about – it’s just a tournament where there are no rules” while watching dudes slice the heads off of practice dummies and having axes just barely miss his head is 100% peak Prince Dumbass. Bless
Imagine showing up to a bed and breakfast and they’re like “you can stay here, but you need to room with someone else”. We have it so good in the 21st century
I say this all the time, but Colin is such an amazing actor. When those two skeevy dudes start harassing Merlin and ordering him to clean their boots, the fear and disgust on his face is palpable
Like, Merlin’s obviously powerful enough to kill both of them with minimal effort, but he can’t protect himself that way in this scenario, so watching him navigate the situation without that to back him up is so tense and uncomfortable
Colin Morgan is a gift to this world y’all
I wonder how lonely Merlin is at times. He seems to latch onto new friends whenever he has the opportunity to make them. Gilli saves his life and Merlin’s immediately in protective best friend mode
Morgana is so good at manipulation. She’s just there planting all the seeds she knows will make Uther want to compete in the crazy death tournament. She’s such a great villain
That trumpet fanfare. You know the one
Merlin and Gaius immediately being all raised eyebrows when Gilli wins his fight
CSI: Camelot – now with added Gaius
In this episode, Merlin actually goes to the tavern
The magic as homosexuality metaphor is strong in this episode. Gilli’s whole thing about how his dad was too scared to ever use his magic, but how Gilli wants to be proud of who he is, and Merlin’s agreement with him but fear for his safety in a mentor kind of way… it’s all there
Look, I know it’s only a few more episodes until Uther dies, but I can’t help but sit here during all of his fights just waiting for someone to fatally stab him
Gilli’s conflicted feelings about killing the guy who was tormenting him his heartbreaking. I 100% understand that feeling of wanting to hurt those people who make your life a living hell, but I know for sure I would feel guilty af afterwards
So Gilli gets a hero’s welcome when he gets back to the tavern, but since innkeeper said earlier in the episode that only people competing in the tournament could stay there, aren’t they all in the tournament too? Aren’t these his opponents? Did they all just hate the asshole dude that Gilli killed as much as he did?
Arthur’s almost physical pain at the idea of losing a fight to his dad
Arthur: “Do you have any idea how it feels to live with a man who constantly thinks he’s the best?” – Merlin: “Mmm, must be irritating.”
Fuck I love Anthony Head’s voice
I’d listen to him reading a grocery list I swear
Morgana’s shit-eating grin as she watches the two most proud and stubborn men she knows beating the shit out each other with the potential to fatally wound is amazing
I like that Merlin has learned to stop listening to Gaius when he warns Merlin against talking to baby sorcerers about their magic because Gaius’ bad advice was largely to blame for the Morgana situation we now find ourselves in
Okay so this scene in Gilli’s room in the inn, where Merlin reveals his magic to Gilli and they’re both overcome with emotion at realising that they’re not alone is so powerful, but like, then they both start yelling about magic at the top of their lungs and I’m just wondering how thick these walls actually are? Doesn’t sound travel super well through wood? Do they know that there are dozens of people they don’t know in the building? What’s the plan if they’re confronted?
Merlin’s eyes flicker down for the shortest of seconds when Gilli accuses him of forgetting who he is, even as he tries to deny it, conveying his doubt with the tiniest of eye movements
Like fuck, Colin Morgan is fucking fantastic actor
(I’m saying that a lot because it’s true)
The one time where Kilgharrah is all “hmm, maybe let’s save the king” and Merlin is all “do we have to?”
Merlin is the fucking ice man when he’s determined to save someone. The absolute frigid glare he gives Gilli while fucking with his plan to kill Uther is everything
Please do yourself a favour and just watch the extras whenever the crowd is cheering. Some of their reactions are hilarious
The farewell scene between Gilli and Merlin is so sweet and hopeful. It’s a shame we never see him again
Uther has a rare moment of decent parenting towards Arthur and I love Morgana’s seething rage at the exchange
Every time Gaius tells Merlin he’s proud of him, I gain a year of life
 < 3x10 | 3x12 > 
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buildinggsr · 6 years
Out of curiosity, why do you not like Nick from CSI?
Hi thedisdainfullysilentvisitor! Thanks for your question :) 
I would like to start by saying that [I’m not a native English speaker, so I apologize in advance for any typo/grammar mistake]. However…main thing is that to me all the members of the CSI team are essential in order to make the show as great as it is (from Hodges, to Doc Robbins, to SuperDave, to the main characters). I’m re-watching CSI from the first season (I’m at the third one at the moment, 3x12) and I’m having a confirmation of that: all of them are great and I love them all, each for his own characteristic. Among them, each one of us has his/her favourite/s and, unfortunately, Nick is not one of mine. Why this?
I really can’t tell. Nothing in particular, probably it’s only the fact that I feel him not as much intense as I find other characters in the show. I know he has been through many problematic/dramatic situations and he has behaved great when experiencing them, but still…
I find him a good guy who does his best to do his job well done. He has a great heart, he’s amusing and smart. I like that his character developed throughout the seasons, though, and I think he did a really good job!
Hope this have has answered your question! :)
Take care.
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backtothestart02 · 7 years
I call inconsistency with the writers on letting Barry be smart. We've seen him think on his feet. We've seen him act like a leader. He was definitely a leader and a mentor to Wally in 3x12. In 3x20, we saw Barry do that trick with the fire and snapping his fingers. In 3x13, he needed to be coached again. In 3x19, he nor the team could figure out how to take down Mirror Master and Top when Barry figured out how in 3x04 with Jesse's help.
Yeeeeep. I almost cried when I did a rewatch of 1x11 & Barry was teaching Joe sciencey things in the CCPD lab by doing experiments. *sigh* I miss CSI!Barry.
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Oh, I've been very anti-Starlabs for a while. But more so now. That's why I keep saying #DismantleStarlabs, because it holds everyone back, especially Barry. I remember in 3x12, Barry was acting as a mentor and as a hero that can do things on his own. He phased a train all by himself. But looking at 3x22, he's been handicapped so the team can come up with a plan, because if he knows about it, so does Savitar. I also want to see Iris at CCPN and do some reporting again.
For me I’ve read the Flash comics since I was kid. Typically the storylines were centered around Barry being a CSI with his lab in the police station being the main focal point. I want to see Barry be a scientist who is driven by the desire to help those in need. Who loves to solve puzzles from meta-humans and criminals alike.
Of course this would lend itself to having Iris’s job as a journalist be more integrated in the plot. Her investigations into the criminal underworld go hand in hand with Barry’s pursuit of stopping crime. 
The focus on Star Labs takes away from both Barry and Iris which to be honest frustrates the living daylights out of me >:)
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thewhumpproject · 8 years
Crime Shows Whump Catalogue (WIP)
Crime/Cop/Detective/Investigative dramas/whodunnits/Murder mysteries/whatever you want to call them. Incomplete and will be updated as I write it all up.
NCIS - DiNozzo:
Found this halfway through making this list. Goes as far as 8x15. Has every little thing [x]
1x20 – Drugged, kidnapped
2x22 – Plague
2x23 – Still lowkey weak from Plague, gets almost blown up and ‘collapses’, continues to need rest
3x08 – Tied to a chair (w/ Ziva) and punched
3x12 – ‘Shot’ (scratched) in arm
3x16 – Injures ankle
3x23 – Bloody nose
4x04 – Knocked out
6x24 – Fight, breaks arm
6x25 – Still has broken arm, gets tackled by Ziva
9x01 – Shot in head, amnesia
10x21/22 – Car crash, unconscious, cut nose (Ziva hurt more these eps)
NCIS: LA – G. Callen:
[NCIS 6x23] – Shot multiple times
1x08 - Hit over head/‘concussion’
4x01 – Captured, beaten
4x20 - Poisoned
5x04 – Thrown/knocked out by explosion
6x12 – Exposed to ‘deadly’ virus
7x01- Tased (tasered? Shot with a Taser? ...Mildly electrocuted)
8x24 - Shot in vest
NCIS: NOLA – Christopher Lasalle
1x15 – Gassed/high
1x22 – Shocky (emotionally)
2x02 – Shot in Kevlar
JAG – Harmon Rabb:
1x20 – Captured, tied up, drugged, interrogated
2x03 – Head injury, blinded
2x13 – Hit by car, nasty gash, ligament damage, slight concussion
2x14 – Knocked out, hits head again
3x01 – Deteriorating concussion
4x01 – [After ejecting from plane, wakes up in a tree] Knocked out
7x01 – Head injury, severely hypothermic, amnesia
9x01 – Knocked out in plane crash, head injury
Criminal Minds – Spencer Reid:
An in-depth breakdown [x]
1x06 – Hostage, kicked
2x15 – Kidnap, torture, drugged (begins drug addiction arc)
4x24 – Anthrax
5x01 – Shot in leg (covers actor’s own injury) on crutches in further episodes
6x12 – Headaches (storyarc that sort of fizzles out)
9x23 – Shot in neck
Derek Morgan:
4x18 – Tackled through window, knocked out
5x23 – Knocked out, tied up
9x23 – Shot in arm
11x16 – [11x15, drugged and kidnapped] drugged, tortured, chemical burns
Chicago PD – Antonio Dawson:
[Chicago Fire 1x13 – shot. 1x14 – Shooting aftermath]
1x13 – Shot
1x14 – Shooting aftermath, hospital
Jay Halstead:
3x01 - Torture
CSI:NY – Don Flack
2x24 – Explosion
6x08 - Beaten up
Mac Taylor:
4x10 - Knocked out, drugged, kidnapped
8x18 - Shot
Danny Messer: 
6x01 - Shot
CSI (Las Vegas) – Nick Stokes:
2x19 – Pushed out window
5x25 – Buried alive
Greg Sanders:
3x22 - Caught in explosion, hospital
7x04 – Beaten up
Numb3rs - Don Eppes
1x02 - Shot
2x24 - Drugged
5x20 - Stabbed
Hawaii 5-0 – Steve McGarrett:
1x01 - Fight
1x20 – Falls off cliff, head injury, broken arm
2x01 – Stabbed, collapses off-screen
2x10 – Captured, tortured
2x16 – Hit by car
4x08 – Shot in arm
4x19 – Trapped in building collapse
4x21 – Captured, beaten, tortured
5x01 – Shot in leg
5x07 – Gassed, drugged, tortured
5x13 – Car crash
6x06 – Fight
6x17 - Gassed
6x25 – Shot on a plane
7x01 – Continuing issues from liver transplant
7x04 – Stabbed (but apaaaarently he’s too tough for being stabbed in the back with a kitchen knife to do more than be momentarily inconvenienced)
7x25 - Peaky, turns out he has radiation poisoning
Danny Williams:
1x01 – Bullet grazed arm
1x23 – Sarin poisoning
3x10 - Shot
4x19 – Trapped in building collapse, impaled
5x16 - Stabbed
6x17 - Gassed
6x25 – Donates some liver
Lethal Weapon – Martin Riggs:
[Emotional whump like every episode especially the first half of the season]
1x01 – Shot twice, shoulder + foot
1x02 – Bar fight, black eye, crashes through window from building across street,
1x03 – Cattle prod-ed
1x04 – Fight
1x07 – Hit by car door, tortured,
1x10 - Drugged
1x12 – Almost drowns
1x13 - Shot with nail gun
1x16 – Angsty, smashes head into mirror
Quantico – Ryan Booth:
1x01? - Shot
1x07 – Shot
1x08 – Continued from shooting
1x09 – Tortured
Bones – Seeley Booth:
1x15 – Explosion
2x18 – Knocked out, tied to chair, beaten
3x05 – Shot in leg
3x08 – Car crash/explosion (Bones in car too)
3x14 – Shot and ‘dies’
4x13 – Breaks his hand punching someone, knocked out, concussion
4x14 – Kidnapped, trapped in box then on ship, hallucinating, explosion
4x25 – Hallucinations
4x26 – Brain surgery, coma
5x10 – Explosion
9x24 – Shot
11x01 – Shot
Graceland – Mike:
1x09 – Stabbed
1x10 – Continued stab wound, attacked
2x01 – Tortured
2x13 – Shot, suffocated
3x01 – Continued shooting injuries (drug addiction arc begins)
3x07 – Drug withdrawal, sweats, vomiting, delirious, ice bath
Rush – Michael:
1x09 – Car crash, knocked out
1x10 – Head injury
2x10 – Captured
3x07 – MMA fight, nasty fight later (attempted eye-gouging involved)
3x15 – Tumbles down hillside
3x22 – Speared
4x06 – Knocked out (beginning of story arc to 4x08)
4x07 – Kidnapped, head injury, shot
4x08 – Coma hospital scenes
1x04 – Hit on head, collapses
1x06 – Smoke inhalation
2x08 – Shot in leg
2x11 – Kneed by suspect
3x09 – Fight, stabbed, injures arm/shoulder, hospitalised
3x14 – Falls through ceiling, dazed for a second, shot (in vest)
4x06 – Fight
4x11 – Comes to on a boat, shot, falls overboard
2x01 – Caught near explosion, minor head injury
3x17 – Hit by a car
4x12 – Hit on head
3x19 – Knocked out
1x10 – Caught in explosion, hospitalised for head trauma
2x18 – Glass in face
1x04 – Hit in face
1x10 – Caught in explosion, collapses, hospitalised
1x03 – Shot in vest 
New Blood: Stefan –
1x02 (Case 1, Part 2) – Drugged
1x03 – Caught in explosion
1x04 (Case 2, Part 1) – Dog bite, drunk, punched
1x05 - Knocked out, strung up
1x06 (Case 3, Part 1) – Car crash (tbc)
1x07 – Fight, car crash, thrown by explosion
1x03 – Caught in explosion
1x04 – Kicked in the nads, drunk
1x05 - Knocked out, strung up, punched
1x06 – Car crash (tbc), hit, thrown to ground
1x07 – Fight, car crash, thrown by explosion
The Glades – Jim Longworth:
1x01 – Alligator bite
2x01 – Dog bite
2x08 – Snake bite
2x11 – Fight – sand in eyes, knocked out, attempted drowning
4x13 – Shot (cliffhanger, last episode)
The Finder – Walter Sherman:
1z12 – Shot (fine, later complications: subdural hematoma)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine – Jake Peralta:
1x06 – Concussion from falling from ceiling
2x13 - Exercises, flops to the ground
2x19 - Kidnapped
2x20 – Falls through car sunroof, various broken and bruised bones, later hit by car, hospitalised
3x10 - Knocked out
3x16 - Knocked out
4x01 - Run over by go-kart
4x02 - Fight
4x03 - Hostage, shot in leg
4x04 - cont. shooting recovery (cane)
4x17 – Hungover, mentions that he might have injured his ribs
Psych – Shawn Spencer:
3x11 – Knocked out
4x09 – Shot
5x04 – Barely poisoned
6x13 – Appendix burst
7x08 – Head injury, concussion
Endeavour – Morse:
0x01 – Faints
1x02 – Stabbed
1x04 – Shot
2x01 – Knocked out, tied up, beaten up
2x02 – Falls through floor
4x02 – Drugged
4x04 – Head/ear injury from grenade
Lewis – James Hathaway:
2x03 – Drugged, trapped in fire, caught in explosion
4x01 - Shot
5x04 – Mild arsenic poisoning
7x01 – Whiplash
Midsomer Murders – Ben Jones:
15x02 – Knocked out, tied up, concussion
19x03 – Knocked out, tied up
Grimm – Nick Burkhardt:
1x01 - Injected with a toxin, collapses
1x08 – Brutal fight
2x13 – Drinks a potion, stomach pains, collapse
2x15 - Blinded
3x01 – Zombified, enraged and gets into fights
3x02 – Continued ‘zombification’, fights as his pals try to capture him, injected with painful cure
4x02 – Sudden headache
4x06 – Sudden headache develops into general weakness gets worse over time
5x21/22 – Fight, torture, hallucination, shot
6x04 – Lightheaded for a moment
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coolmoviemanmike · 6 years
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I just watched CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3x12 "Got Murder?"
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backtothestart02 · 7 years
Even with or without the CSI stuff, I feel Starlabs kind of cripples Barry to an extent. We do see him do CSI work from time to time. But we've also seen him figure things out on his own. Some episodes, he acts like the leader he's supposed to be (3x12) and others where he seems handicapped (3x13). This was also an issue I have when it comes to Iris and CCPN. Her journalism could be beneficial to the group, but it's left shafted in the back somewhere.
True. I mean, I’m not as anti-STAR Labs as a lot of people are, but I’m def more awed when Barry figures out things on his own, esp if it ends up being rly cool like phasing an entire TRAIN.
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