#cuddle chemical
nambawan-zonvip · 3 months
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sorry for the delay, i was busy.
but at last, here they are!!!
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emoopossumz · 4 months
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Ladies one at a time
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sonnet-of-anarchy · 1 year
Some chess husbands details I particularly enjoy in this scene (besides the obvious) ⬇️
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1) notice how Julian touches Robin/ sort of frantically wafts him? Or, more specifically, where Robin puts his right hand… ⬇️
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2) BIG STRECH which to me implies he was sort-of uncomfy (or at least in an uncomfortable position) but did he move? Of course not. ⬇️
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3) this sodding smirk at the prospect of Julian getting the code for the adult channel. ⬇️
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I think we as a society aren't paying attention enough to exactly how FUCKING TOUCH-STARVED Aaravos must be. That man hasn't been touched in over 300 years, probably more. If you hugged him he'd probably melt. Where are all my clingy!Aaravos fics? Huh? He should be constantly trying to either touch or manipulate his partner into touching him in some way. Pulling every trick he knows just to get some cuddles. Or just straight up demanding it because he's the boss or whatever makes it seem more in character. Give me an incredibly touch-starved Aaravos who cannot get enough physical affection after some poor fool gives it to him a singular time! Make him desperate after so many years being lonely in solitary confinement for high crimes and misdemeanors!
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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rubbish78 · 1 year
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My Chemical Romance all sharing one brain cell while performing live at iMusicast on 05/23/2003 (x)
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anaiscrazy · 9 months
Power Outage
Gerard way x reader
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Summary: the power goes out and reader is scared, so Gerard gives her comfort//Microfic!
You and Gerard where cuddled up watching a romance movie together, when the power went out “crap the power went out” gerard said annoyed. You sighed with disappointment as you’re favorite part of the movie was happening when the power went out. Just then there was a loud clap of thunder and you jumped into his arms “ohh” he said flirtatiously, “I don’t know you where scared of storms” “y-yeah” you mumbled nervously. “C’mon kitten, let’s cuddle and fall asleep” he whispered in your ear, picking you up bridal style and bringing you to bed. He sat you down on the bed and began cuddling you tight. Every time there would be thunder or lightening you would jump. After a while you started to fall asleep. When you fell asleep Gerard decided to go get another blanket, just the. You woke up “mmmh Gerard? Gerard where are you” you said now sort of freaking out” “ohh kitten, I wasn’t leaving, just getting another blanket” he said as he covered you with the new blanket as you fell asleep.
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fingors · 10 months
>start HRT
>brain finally starts producing a variety of chemicals properly
cuddle time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love my friends!!!!!
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Subtle as a Brick (Frank Iero x reader)
Summary: When they started being more than just friends, Frank and (y/n) agreed to keep it to themselves. After all, the guitarist and the drummer getting together? They’d never hear the end of it. It’s just a shame they share a bus with the rest of the band... 
Word count: 1111
Warnings: none. It’s like, PG-13 levels of suggestive (if that) 
A/N: gender neutral reader because I am a what? That’s right, a whore for ambiguity. (Which is why hopefully, you can read this for any era that you please <3 ) 
Stifling a giggle, Mikey took a photo of the blissfully unaware idiots crammed into the bottom bunk of the bus, before reaching past the curtains of the bed above and poking it’s occupant in the leg. 
“Hey. Dude.” 
Gerard stuck his head out, still bleary eyed from sleep. “What, man?” 
“Come and look at this.” 
Rolling his eyes, he slid out of bed and moved to stand next to his younger brother, ready to berate him for disrupting a very pleasant nap when he followed Mikey’s pointing finger. And a grin crept across his face. 
“Oh I fuckin’ knew it.” 
If either of them had been any taller, Frank and (y/n) would have found it impossible to have ended up in this situation. But, bite-sized as they both were, the two of them fit perfectly into (y/n)’s bunk, snuggled up amid a tangle of blankets and hastily removed clothing. Thankfully, both of them were still wearing something - as a collective, the band had all seen Frank’s ass enough to last them a hundred lifetimes. 
(y/n) was draped across Frank’s chest, their legs tangled with his, face buried into his shoulder. His arm was wrapped around their back, hand settled over the curve of their hip. Between the two of them, they were wearing one complete set of pyjamas, and the skin that was left on show was proof that pictures really do speak a thousand words. Both of them were littered with enough love bites to create a dot-to-dot trail, and Frank’s shoulders were marked with the telltale parallel lines of nail marks. 
“Please tell me they aren’t naked.” Ray, a hand covering his eyes, poked his head around the doorway that separated the sleeping and living areas. 
Mikey shrugged. “No, but they clearly were at some point.” 
“Oh, gross. That’s not a mental image I needed.” 
The three guys lapsed into silence for a moment, just watching their friends breathing in synchrony. This certainly explained a lot of things. For example, of all of them, (y/n) was the only person who’d never been injured on stage by Frank. Now this could be explained by the fact that they were safely tucked behind a drum kit for the whole show, but Frank’s bad habit of using anything within reach as a projectile whenever he felt like it - including, memorably, one of Mikey’s shoes that he’d actually torn off the other man’s foot - made this a rather impressive feat. At soundchecks, the two were always interfering with each other’s equipment and pulling faces at anyone who wasn’t looking in their direction, cracking up with laughter like a couple of kids the second they were caught. On the few occasions they actually went out to eat rather than getting takeout, they always seemed to sit suspiciously close. The rest of them had suspected that something was going on for a while, but infuriatingly, had never managed to catch them in the act. 
Until now. 
With a shrug, Gerard pulled the others through to the living space and closed the door that separated the two sections as softly as possible. “Don’t say anything when they get out here later. It’ll be way funnier if they fuck up and forget we’re here and start making out, or something.” 
As they flopped onto the couch and switched on the TV, Mikey pulled a face. “Let’s just hope it doesn’t go any further than that.” 
(y/n) was woken by the sensation of Frank softly trailing his fingers along their cheek, drawing little swirls and stars as he wandered his way down their neck before moving upwards again. They smiled sleepily and leant up to kiss his jaw. 
“Morning, sleeping beauty.” He pressed a kiss to their forehead, relishing the way the simple action made their cheeks flush. “You okay?” 
“Mhm. Sore, but like... the good kind.” 
“Post-show sore, or post-me sore?” 
“Pig!... Both.” They swatted at his other arm half heartedly, and he laughed softly. 
“Glad to hear it. Just a shame we can’t really stay here all day for an encore, y’know?” 
Rolling their eyes, (y/n) shifted slightly away from his grip and reached for the other half of their pyjamas. “You’re such a cheeseball. Anyway, the guys would get too suspicious if we didn’t appear at all. And two, you’d just get hungry.” 
An affronted look crossed his face as he reached for his shirt. “I can’t believe you’d say something like that.” And then his stomach groaned, as if to say ‘nope. They’re right and you know it’. “Fine. You win. Who’s going out first?” 
“I’ll go. You might, uh...” and their eyes flicked downwards, a gentle smirk appearing. “You might wanna sort that out before joining the others.” 
As they clambered out of the bunk, he pulled them in for a kiss that almost made them go weak at the knees, before patting them on the ass. 
“Go on then.” He watched them go, waiting until the door had closed again to get up and head for the bathroom. 
Ray made a big show of looking at his watch. “Uh, afternoon, actually.” 
“Kiss my ass, Toro.” (y/n) flicked a bit of cereal at him. “Am I the last one up?” 
Peering over the top of the comic he was reading, Gerard shot a wink at Mikey. “Nah, Frank hasn’t surfaced yet. We were gonna come check on you guys - didn’t want you sleeping until soundcheck. Guess we don’t need to now.” 
A flash of panic was obvious in their eyes for a moment, before they relaxed again. “Yeah, guess not. Maybe he’s getting some extra sleep after being kept up by Mikey snoring all night.” 
As Mikey gasped - “I do not snore, prick!” - Frank shuffled into the living area, putting on a very convincing act of having only just woken up. 
“Dude, tell (y/n) I don’t snore.”
“Why? You do.” 
The bickering match only intensified as all five of them got involved, hurling petty insults at each other and making thinly veiled threats of bodily harm if they didn’t shut up (those were mostly from Ray). Frank flopped onto the couch, his free hand softly brushing against (y/n)’s knee while he was sure none of the others were watching. He was so focused on not spilling his bowl of cereal that he didn’t realise everyone else had seen the movement. 
And as they both settled in with their breakfast, unaware that their clothes weren’t quite covering the evidence of last night’s activities, the other three shot each other a sly grin. 
Oh yes. This was going to be fun. 
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scribbleshrimp · 7 months
Being touch starved and touch repulsed at the same time is a special type of hell. If you touch me I’ll throw up. If I don’t touch someone within the week I’ll go insane.
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partiallypoison · 2 years
showing videos that i took of ray toro solos to my dad and brother like you better fuckin agree this is the best damn guitar player in the entire world or else
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vulturevanity · 1 year
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Wooly grub concept for Tales of Terin. The fauna in the world is more bug-like.
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cuddleslover1738 · 2 years
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tc in the black parade outfit. based off of this video by @/delilah_pink_ on twitter.
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lovesthecure · 1 year
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sleepwalk-living · 2 years
gerard: oh shit everyones crying let me just- (EARSPLITTING AOL DIAL UP NOISES)
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bakugo-th · 6 months
sometimes the only thing you need after a shitty day is to hug your cat while sitting on the kitchen floor
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writing-fanics · 5 months
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don’t mess with the devil ii
Part I final
Chapter ii: Home is with you
[warning: mentions of sex]
Lucifer Morningstar x human!Reader
The smell of chemicals wafted through your nose, and the occasional beeps that sounded like a heartbeat monitor? You groaned, and your vision still blurry. “L-Lu?..” Your voice hoarse, but the voice didn’t respond.
“It’s me mom.” The voice said, causing you to sit up quickly in response. “Whoa, slow down.” Your mother, said placing a hand on your back. “I-I’m back..” You whispered, and your mother looked at you worriedly. She gently rubbed your hand, “Yes you’re. Thank Heavens.” She said, planting a kiss on the side of your head.
You sat there and said nothing, staring blankly at the blanket. Processing everything, you were no longer in Hell. No longer with Lucifer. You were back home on Earth with your mother. Like you always wanted right? Then why did you feel so cold? So empty?
You felt as if a piece of you was missing. Like you were missing your other half. Your Lucifer. You missed his warmth, his smile, and his goofy personality at times. He always found a way to make you smile whenever you were feeling down, and you would return that sentiment.
You didn’t tell him you loved him yet, he’s told you. But he respected that you might not be ready to saw it yet. He understood completely, once you explained it to him. Having told him about your bad relationships in the past. Now, that all seemed to end right now. You were never going to see him again.
“Y/n, oh sweetie you look pale.” Your mother said, snapping you out of your thoughts. As she placed her hand on your forehead. “I’ll be right back.” She said, and you assumed she left to get the doctor. You frowned, as you laid back down in the hospital bed. The hospital gown fabric scratchy, and the sound of the heart monitor made you sick.
You laid on your side, back towards the door. Your stomach grumbled, but you didn’t feel like eating anything. Laying in the single bed made you, the king sized bed you shared with the king of hell.
The satin sheets and the comfortable bed. Mainly you missed, laying in bed with him cuddling or just laying there to relax. Or of course doing the ol devils tango. You missed the smell of the caramel apple candle that filled the bedroom. The smell of freshly baked apple by on Saturday mornings.
Tears trickled down your cheeks, as you hid your head into your pillow. As much as you were happy to be back home, seeing your mom again. Somehow, what was once home no longer felt like it.
You opened your closed hand to reveal, a golden ring with wing like textures engraved into it. Tears welled up in your eyes, as you were filled with so much regret.
“I should’ve told him..” you sniffled, as you closed your hand again. Hiding your face into your pillow once again. “How much I love him.” You whimpered, as you sobbed.
back in hell
Weeks later
Lucifer sighed, as he leaned forward onto his desk. His eyes wandered towards the framed picture on his desk, of you and him at Lu Lu World. “This is way better than Disney!” He remembered you said, after which you showed him pictures. He knew of another park called ‘Hellsney’.
You had faded away from his hands, and a part of him knew you were going back to the living world. He felt it when part of his magic he shared with you, returned to him. He didn’t even get to say goodbye, tell you how much he loved you before you faded away in his arms.
At least, he knew you were much sadder up there than here. He couldn’t bear the site of your beaten and battered body. Adam was lucky that Charlie was there to keep him, from killing him.
Lucifer stared down at Adam, as he held Charlie in his arms. His voice distorted and demonic. “You come at me my daughter and my partner!” said Lucifer, as his daughter stepped down onto the ground.
He lunged towards Adam, and stood over him. Eyes red glowing filled with rage, “Don’t forget your in my house now bitch!” He laughed, demonically as he threw punch after punch. With the intent to kill. You don’t mess with the devil or his family.
He’s going to miss that smile of yours, that infectious laughter. Your voice, and your delicious cooking that rivaled his. He never thought he’d find love again after, Lilith left. Yet, here you come in six years later. A human no doubt ending up in hell so suddenly, and he fell in love with you.
Now, you left too. Not by choice but you were gone as well. He was still recovering from Lilith leaving him while the two of you, were still in a relationship. You told him that you understood, being together for as long as they did you understood.
You being there with him helped seemed to heal that wound. Then fixing his relationship with his daughter helped too. But now that wound in his heart, seemed to open back up. Hells, he loved you god so fucking much. You were special there was something about you, maybe the two of you were soulmates.
A silly thing to think but it could be possible?
He reached towards the photo, and stared at it longingly. You had a goofy smile on your face.
He remembered that day, after that photo was taken. A hellbird flew down, and stole his caramel apple. You gave yours to him, and the two of you shared it.
God he was going to miss you..
“Come on.” A distorted voice said, he turned around in his chair. “Who’s there?!” He called out, but saw nothing. Was it all in his head. He could’ve sworn that voice sounded familiar.
“Lu!” A voice called out, a faint yellow glow as if a portal trying to manifest itself appeared behind him. He didn’t notice a hand reaching out to touch him, through the tiny hole.
He thought it must’ve been that Alastor, pulling some sick twisted prank on him. But he could’ve sworn, he felt a little bit of his magic leave him.. That could only mean..
Taglist: @96jnie
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