the-italian-food · 2 years
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IL Culatello, Antica Corte Pallavicina
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thbiedermann · 2 years
Bandnudeln mit Olivenöl, Knoblauch und Culatello-Schinken
Das ist doch mal wieder ein Gericht ganz nach meinem Geschmack. Sie ziehen diese Gericht mit wenigen, aber frischen Zutaten sicherlich auch den Gerichten vor, bei denen viele, manchmal sogar industriell gefertigte Saucen oder andere Zutaten in großer Anzahl verwendet werden. Habe ich recht? Dieses Gericht kommt mit wenigen, und zwar eigentlich nur vier Zutaten aus. Als Abwechslung zur…
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manifestocarnivoro · 2 years
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“Del maiale non si butta via niente”, questo si sa. Non lo si faceva nei secoli passati, quando ci si raccoglieva attorno al norcino e se ne raccoglieva ogni parte, e non lo si fa nemmeno oggi, quando è notevolmente aumentato l’interesse per il quinto quarto. Compresi vescica, cotenna e piedi.
Vescica Prima di tutto, non sottovalutate la vescica: Riccardo Camanini la usa come contenitore per cuocerci la Cacio e pepe (si capisce quando è pronta perché «ne esce un vago sentore di pajata», afferma) e nel 2019 con questo piatto ha vinto il premio House Special durante i World Restaurant Awards di Parigi (in foto). È un modo gourmet per esaltare un elemento che già svolgeva questa funzione nel caso di altri prodotti, come la Ventricina abruzzese e molisana, il Biroldo della Garfagnana, il Culatello di Zibello, il Fiocchetto, la Salama da sugo ferrarese, la Spalla cotta e cruda di San Secondo, la Mortadella di fegato della Val Sesia, il Gammune di Belmonte e la Bondola polesana.
Zampetti Le zampe, al di là del classico impiego come prosciutto, possono essere bollite fino a renderle gelatina, che poi si utilizza in cucina tal quale per rassodare (per esempio in aspic), o aromatizzare e servire come pietanza a sé. Sono importanti per contribuire al sapore del “doppio brodo”: dopo la prima cottura, aggiungere zampe arrosto darà quel sapore di “barbecue” che lo renderà molto più goloso.
Cotenna La cotenna, dal sapore deciso, di solito viene tolta o aggiunta in piccole dosi (a minestra o stufato) ma, più frequentemente, fritta, alla fine (Alessandro Borghese ne prepara dei pop corn per completare la pasta e patate). In Cambogia, a Luang Brabang, è una specialità servita con pesce fermentato, mentre in Italia rimane il dubbio se, quando si tratta di guanciale per cucinare una delle nostre specialità laziali (Amatriciana o Gricia o Carbonara), vada o meno rimossa e se aggiungerla o meno al ragù classico. Sulla porchetta, invece, non abbiamo dubbi (quando la cotenna diventa lucida e croccante, il maialino è pronto), così come sul suo uso come involucro (cotechino e cappello del prete), sulle sue proprietà gelificanti e sulla sua capacità di rendere un lardo o un prosciutto molto più originale e saporito. Il meglio di sé però lo dà nei famosi Fagioli con le cotiche, nelle Cotichelle ripiene (manzo, salsiccia, parmigiano, noce moscata) al pomodoro e nei Cicci maritati (una specialità campana in cui avvolge pinoli, uvetta e prezzemolo, poi cotti in un brodo di mais e legumi), come ingrediente di Cassoeula, Bollito, Paniscia, Ramen, Cassoulet e Iota e come fondo su cui cuocere i Borlenghi emiliani. Jamie Oliver la mette anche sulla sua Pizza alta americana al jalapeño insieme a salsiccia, Cheddar, spezie e semi di finocchio (assicurando trattarsi di una bomba!) In tutti i casi, è importantissimo scottarla bene e raschiarla per togliere le setole.
Photo © Giovanni Panarotto.
Fonte: “I tagli segretamente buoni del maiale: vescica, cotenna, piedi” di Giorgia Fieni, Eurocarni 8/22
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sorbet-and-gelato · 1 year
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@standswap-september #5 - Borrowed stand! Originally I was gonna make more La Squadra to go with the Tonno and Culatello post from yesterday but I was struck on designs... Luckily I still made a different one because of the prompt! I was gonna do a fuller piece featuring Burning Down the House/Emporio but I ran out of energy, so just Weather stand for now. Not sure what to call it yet.
(Also, I should add that I'm a day ahead of a ton of timezones so if it looks like I'm doing prompts early, that's why.)
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gcgazette · 1 year
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Culatello di Zibello
Mon dieu ! (My God !)
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abr · 1 year
Le parole sono importanti (cit.)
Terzo Installment
La frase detta così è da sinistri, cioè non vuol dire nulla: valori “assoluti” di per se le parole come gli atti non hanno. Importante delle parole è comprenderne e condividerne il SIGNIFICATO (da signum fero: porto un segnale, un emblema). Qui si va a cercare radici e significati autentici, non quelli cangianti della narrativa corrente manipolati dalla neoligua imposta alle masse.
Cos' la destra/cos'è la sinistra? si domandava il grande Gaber. Rispondeva contrapponendo preferenze, tic e comportamenti di tutti i giorni (vasca vs. doccia, culatello vs. mortadella), differenze così normali da risultare banali, cangianti ma radicate, personali, POLARIZZANTI. Personalmente trovo si tratti di una ottima risposta a domanda profondamente sbagliata.
Destra-Sinistra, si tratta di un modello dello spettro delle posizioni politiche: una semplificazione della realtà, nomina nuda tenemus. Come sempre, ocio ai modelli, sia scientifici o no come questo: succede che li confondi con la realtà.
Il modello si radica ai tempi della rivoluzione francese: nella Assemblea Nazionale Legislativa del 1791, i nobili monarchici costituzionalisti si riunivano alla destra del presidente, alla sua sinistra i borghesi Giacobini (in mezzo stava la cd. Palude).
Notare come nel Parlamento attivo più antico, quello inglese, i seggi non siano disposti linearmente ma contrapposti in due sezioni distinte. Il pragmatismo del modello è esplicito: o governi o sei all'opposizione. Invece Destra-Sinistra, teoricamente un segmento continuo dove collocare posizioni diversificate, fatalmente incentiva la polarizzazione tra alternative: è il nome stesso. Tant'è, ci sono cascate anche persone serie come Norberto Bobbio. La fede nei modelli al posto della realtà è il motivo per cui gli intellettuali sono pericolosi quanto gli ignoranti.
Oggi molti individui e gruppi non si riconoscono più in uno spettro semplicistico Destra-Sinistra: é superato, dicono. Però cambiano solo l'asse ovvero gli estremi; la tendenza alla dicotomia e alla polarizzazione rimane, fatalmente tornando allo schema Destra-Sinistra a loro insaputa.
Ricordiamo tutti la retroguardia clericali-anticlericali; poi ci fu il tempo dei NeoCon "esportatori di democrazia" interventisti vs. isolazionisti e quello, tramontate o stelle un giorno l'Ucraina vincerà, del pacifismo senza se e ma, "colombe" vs. "falchi". Oggi ci si divide manco lungo assi, direttamente sugli estremi:
libertà: chi difende la libertà individuale da ogni interferenza, chi invece definisce "libertà positive" diritti per certe categorie che sono obblighi per altri (es.: no libertà di parola);
partecipazione: democrazia vs. aristocrazia, solo gli istruiti "non deplorabili", solo la scienza, no chi va "formalmente deprogrammato" (cit. Hillary Clinton questa settimana);
multiculturalismo vs Identità (eppure i primi sono quelli che la Diversità è patrimonio da preservare).
Occhio infine al rigurgito (cfr. Ultima Generazione) dei mai defunti luddisti decrescisti: quelli che distinguono ciò che è bene per l'ambiente vs. sviluppo, forza distruttiva nei confronti della Terra.
C'è pure di peggio: quelli che fascismo- antifascismo, i più laidi arretrati reazionari non scusabili di tutti, lo sanno pure loro. E' polarizzazione viscida strumentale o adolescenziale decerebrata, in ogni caso ricorda l'antiebraismo in quanto a livore cieco disumano.
La polarizzazione indotta dal modello è il vero tarlo che sta divorando dall'interno la civiltà - che è solo Occidentale, spiaze. Ciò nella inattività impotente della Palude conformista centrista in via di estinzione, la quale prima di tutti riforgiò il modello senza cambiarlo, mutandolo in Moderati vs. Estremisti tutti, fonte del conformismo trasformista.
Mitigazione del danno
Dagli oroscopi ai cambiamenti climatici, il problema è sempre scambiar modelli per la realtà. Il danno può solo essere mitigato, non estirpato, verificando costantemente i modelli con quel che succede nella realtà (metodo scientifico sperimentale).
Un primo improvement, per portare i politologi almeno al livello dei Terrapiattisti è passare a modelli bidimensionali. Il primo a due assi é del 1964: aggiunge all'asse destra-sinistra un asse verticale autoritarismo vs. democrazia, già aiuta. Poi arriva il classico del libertario David Nolan, base di successive evoluzioni tipo Political Compass: sull'asse x "libertà economica": libero mercato, meno stato e spesa pubblica, privatizzazioni; sull'asse y le "libertà personali": i "vecchi" diritti civili, droghe, aborto, eutanasia, da completare oggi con quelli "nuovi" che fanno incazzare i Woke e i WEF: privacy, novax, no tracciamenti, proprietà, mobilità individuale, autodifesa.
La politica vista come punti su un piano elimina le domande chiuse (o di qua o di là) e stempera la tendenza alla polarizzazione; inoltre ciò aiuta a comprendere filosofie politiche ben evolutesi nei tempi recenti, in particolare anarchismo e dottrina libertaria; si dà anche conto, per contiguità, dell'apparente conundrum "opposti estremismi" (già Franco Freda si definiva "Nazi-maoista") e della prossimità tra anarco-capitalisti con la V di Vendetta, libertari e conservatori. Etc.etc.
Fermiamoci qui. Le parole sono importanti, le etichette e dove si mettono, anche.
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artbyfinnbrown · 1 year
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JoJo Fan Stands based on the Anime Openings part 10: Traitor’s Requiem Localized Name: Traitor’s Song. Stand Master: Martin Culatello
Destructive Power: 0 Speed: C Range: D Stamina: A Precision: 0 Development Potential: 0
[Traitor‘s Requiem] Is a ghostly stand with no ability to effect the physical world. Instead, it has the power to “pull secrets” out of dead bodies, allowing the stand user to access any information that the corpse would have known in life.
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glyphsmash · 1 year
heh... ya know, kid... i was a lot like you, once... *takes a long drag off my cigarette* *chuckles grimly* ... young and innocent... wide-eyed at the prospect of a couple slices of capicola... lemme guess: you recently graduated from pepperoni to salami.. now you think you're ready to take on the world, huh? play in the big leagues? well... here's a word of advice from a pro: get out while you can. the things ive seen... things ive done .. ive killed for a cut of culatello.... i betrayed the man i love for a slice of iberian ham... trust me, kid.. you dont got it in you... and thats a good thing
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quartopiano · 21 days
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lamilanomagazine · 6 months
Prodotti Dop e Igp regionali: prosegue il progetto "Nati qui, apprezzati in tutto il mondo" in Emilia-Romagna
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Prodotti Dop e Igp regionali: prosegue il progetto "Nati qui, apprezzati in tutto il mondo" in Emilia-Romagna. Bologna - Il settore della ristorazione in Emilia-Romagna sempre più ambasciatore dei prodotti Dop e Igp regionali e protagonista nella loro promozione. Si è conclusa la seconda fase del progetto pluriennale "Nati qui, apprezzati in tutto il mondo" avviato dal 2022 dall'Assessorato regionale all'Agricoltura in collaborazione con Apt Servizi Emilia-Romagna e Marr, società leader in Italia nella distribuzione di prodotti alimentari al mondo della ristorazione, e che ha visto  anche la partecipazione dell'Enoteca regionale. La presentazione si è svolta oggi presso l'Enoteca regionale, con la partecipazione dell'assessore regionale all'Agricoltura e Agroalimentare, Alessio Mammi, del presidente di Enoteca, Davide Frascari, e per Marr del responsabile commerciale, Antonio Giovanetti. Sono 110 gli operatori della ristorazione che lo scorso autunno-inverno hanno partecipato a quattro educational tour nei luoghi dove hanno origine alcuni dei 44 prodotti Dop e Igp dell'Emilia-Romagna, un primato europeo per numero, con un valore produttivo di 3,6 miliardi (su 8,5 a livello nazionale). Gli operatori hanno vissuto una esperienza complessiva delle denominazioni d'origine di Emilia e Romagna, visitando i luoghi di produzione di culatello di Zibello Dop, salame felino Igp, coppa di Parma Igp, squacquerone di Romagna Dop, formaggio di fossa di Sogliano Dop, olio extravergine di Brisighella Dop e piadina romagnola Igp, incontrando e confrontandosi con i produttori sui processi di lavorazione e degustando i prodotti, abbinati ai vini di cantine dei diversi territori (tra cui Lambrusco, Sangiovese, Albana, Gutturnio). "E' molto importante dare valore alle nostre produzioni di qualità- commenta Mammi-, che rappresentano cultura e identità territoriali, posti di lavoro nel settore agroalimentare, secondo per volumi economici di produzione a livello regionale, e cibi buoni e sicuri. Un grazie a Marr, ai ristoratori che hanno partecipato e agli altri partners per la collaborazione in questo progetto che ha permesso di conoscere ancora meglio il territorio e i nostri prodotti. Il mondo della ristorazione è fondamentale per la promozione dell'Emilia-Romagna a tavola e per mettere in evidenza ogni giorno il valore della Food Valley. Sono in numero sempre crescente le persone che scelgono il turismo esperienziale e connotano il cibo e il vino come elementi distintivi del territorio alla pari del paesaggio, delle città d'arte, del mare e delle altre opportunità che offre l'Emilia-Romagna. Quando parliamo di cibo, non ci riferiamo soltanto a prodotti necessari alla nostra sopravvivenza alimentare, ma entrano in campo anche la storia, le tradizioni, la cultura. Il cibo diventa occasione per ritrovarsi e costruire rapporti; è un prodotto culturale a tutti gli effetti". I quattro educational fanno seguito alla prima fase di "Nati qui, apprezzati in tutto il mondo", che aveva visto, nella Pasqua 2022, il coinvolgimento di 420 strutture, tra alberghi e ristoranti delle città d'arte e della riviera adriatica dell'Emilia-Romagna, selezionate in base alla propensione all'utilizzo di prodotti Dop e Igp regionali e alla vocazione ad una clientela turistica), con la distribuzione di un'apposita tovaglietta con la mappa delle tipicità regionali e di una mappa cittadina con QR code. Il codice permetteva di accedere ad una landing page dedicata, dove conoscere al meglio i prodotti regionali a qualità regolamentata e biologici, attraverso video ricette e link di approfondimento. A supporto dell'azione promozionale della Regione, anche la newsletter Food Valley News, che ogni mese racconta a diverse centinaia di follower prodotti stagionali, sagre e manifestazioni dedicate alle Dop e Igp regionali.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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bu1410 · 6 months
Good morning TUMBLR - March 19th - 2024
''Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971."
Abu Dhabi UAE June 1996 - Nov. 1997 -                             
 ‘’Tawheela Water Trasmission Scheme Project - Part 2
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Sheik Zayed Mosque - Abu Dhabi
Our Cielent was ADWEA - Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority. They have in place numbers of works supervisors and assistants, essentially Indians and Filipinos. Among these particularly noteworthy were a couple of Indians. The first Adel Rodrigues, was originally from Goa - dressed in white from head to toe, including hat and shoes, the first time I saw him I thought he was a plasterer or a baker who happened to be there by chance. An other one still remarkable was an Indian Muslim. He was responsible for checking the reinforcements and formwork before casting. The reinforcing iron and the binding iron wire were painted with green epoxy paint, to counteract oxidation due to the environment and the brackish water - so the Indian used to spent hours with two laborers to indicate the points where it was necessary touch up procedures because the original paint was slightly damaged during assembly. This wasted hours and sometimes days, because without the signature of that guy the concrete casting could not take place.
AL NASR Contractor. At Ajaban pumping station, as mentioned above, we had Al Nasr, one of the most important civil works contractors in the Emirates. They made use of Lebanese technical staff and Indian workers, mainly Sikhs. The construction manager was Ahmed Mansoor, a very competent young engineer. The general Superintendent was another Drusus Lebanese, Michael Swayd.
At the Sweihan pumping station the staff was made up of Syrians, very competent but ''schemers'' therefore always committed to bypassing SAIPEM and having a direct relationship with Client's Works Management.
Al Ain receiving station. In Al Ain Main Contractor was the Italian Company SAC was a company of the SICIM Group of Busseto, Italy. Thay had brought several Italians to the Emirates, both staff members and labourers. SAC Director was Mr. Secchi, a legendary figure in the Italian construction sector abroad. Mr. Secchi was assisted by the Deputy General Director, Mr. Giorgio Borchia, who will have an essential role in my professional future. Mr. Secchi was that kind of ''old fashion guy'': he used to stay in front of site main gate early morning - next to his Cadillac - to check on anyone arriving late. Tall, with a large handlebar moustache, he was the classic 'benevolent grump' with an enormous ego but who knew how to reward the most deserving elelements of his staff when they were leaving for holidays. He liked to personally deliver envelopes with couple of thousand dollars in cash. One of his favorite ''targets'' was Mr. Franco Pennacchia. It happened that Secchi once Franco's jeep and to ask him (in front of many other people)
Why is your jeep so dirty?
Well…Mr. Secchi....you know there's dust on the site…
Well…it's 100 dollar fine so you'll remember to keep it clean!
So Franco tried to keep the jeep clean, until one day when Secchi stopped him again:
Why is the jeep so clean?
Mr Secchi...…do you remember when you gave me 100 $ fine because it was dirty…
So what??? With all the fuss on the construction site you have the jeep which is like a mirror! It means you waste time cleaning it continuously! Ok....it's another 100 dollar fine for you!!
On Fridays Mr. Secchi used invited all of us us to the Hotel Hilton swimming pool – he lived in one of the 14 villas within the vast hotel park. We were his guests all day, and he wouldn't even let us pay for a beer. Then around 5.00 PM he used to invite us to the villa, where we could enjoy of excellent slices of fresh imported Parma ham, culatello, Parmigiano Reggiano and bottles of fine wine.
ROAD ACCIDENTS During the Tawheela Water Project, many road accidents occurred involving our vehicles. The series of accidents - one of which was very serious - was caused by the poor quality of the tires of our Toyota Land Cruisers. It took 6 incidents before Mr. Trovato ordered an investigation into the causes of the repeated episodes. It emerged almost immediately that the tires of the cars were ''re-conditioned'' and not new. That is to say that for that sense of saving that the SAIPEM purchasing manager always grasps, we all risked our lives on the fiery streets of the Emirates. The second series of accidents was caused by camels suddenly appearing in front of us on the roads, especially at night. In Emirates, killing a camel with a vehicle carries means a fine of 6,000 Dihram (if the accident occurs at night) and 10,000 Dihram if it occurs during the day. Almost all roads are equipped with fences to prevent stray camels from invading the alphalt. However, it often happens that a fence is broken, and the camels take the opportunity to cross the roads. After yet another incident, Mr. Bulato made the decision to forbid leaving the field in the evening, except for service reasons. One of the most serious episodes involved my Filipino assistant. Due to the great heat, it was decided to pour the concrete only at night - Mr. Mercado, on his night return from site (he was travelling on a pick-up driven by Pakistani guy) was hit by female camel and her baby, who suddenly jumped in front of the vehicle. The consequences were very serious: multiple fractures for the driver, fractured collarbone, head trauma for Mercado, and the pick up was completely destroyed.
WORTHINGTON PUMPS. The desalinated water, once stored in the tanks, in turn had to be pumped to the next station, and then to the receiving station - and from there into the city's distribution network. The enormous Worthington pumps, weighing 24 tons each, would have installed for this pourpose. Each station was equipped with 6 of these pumps. At Ajban station we were ready to install the pumps: bases cast, 1,200 tons American crane ready, all that remained was to transport the pumps from the central warehouse to the site. Suddenly, when everything was ready to begin the operation, a column of local police cars arrived at site with sirens and lights blaring!
Who's in charge here?? A captain of the Abu Dhabi police shouted.
Mr. Ottani stepped forward not without hesitation.
Well – continued the officer, I have here an order from the Abu Dhabi Court which says to block all the Worthington pumps you have in your warehouse. We will proceed to seal them and you cannot touch them until further orders from the Court itself.
Ottani: and why this, if I may ask?
Captain: you purchased and imported in UAE the pumps irregularly, and for the moment they are confiscated. This is how we learned that the pumps had been purchased by SAIPEM by dealing directly with the American parent company, without going through the general agent and importer for the Middle East in Abu Dhabi. Who, having learned of the arrival of the pumps in the Emirates, immediately called for a Court injunction to block any further activities at site. ''To make one long story short'', we were stuck with the installation of the pumps for about a month, after which SAIPEM was forced to pay the amount due to the local Worthington agent - therefore pumps installation could be done.
THE RETURN TO UAE BY SHEIK ZAYED BIN SULTAN EL NAHJAN His Highness of him Shaik Zayed bin Khalifa Al Nahyan ("Zayed the Great") had left for the United States about a year earlier. A serious spinal problem had forced him to undergo a series of operations at Bethesda Hospital, Maryland.
Once recovered, Shaik Zayed went to Skirat, Morocco, where he owned a large property bordering that of King Hassan II of Morocco, a good friend of him. He spent his entire convalescence there for 6 months, until he was ready for the triumphal return to his homeland. For the occasion, great celebrations were organized, 3 days of national holiday were proclaimed, all state employees were given a 30% salary increase, and a bonus of 3,000 USD. Sheil's Zayed's car paraded along the Abu Dhabi seafront between two rows of cheering crowds, to conclude its run at the Abu Dhabi Exibition Center, where a grand reception was held in honor of the Emir. In the evening there was a grandiose display of fireworks on the sea in front of the city.
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funkatello · 10 months
Sydney's Italian Food Scene: Trends and Traditions
Italian food has long been a staple of Sydney’s diverse and vibrant dining scene. From cozy trattorias to upscale ristorantes, you’ll find Italian restaurant Sydney passionate about pasta, pizza, antipasti and more. While tradition remains at the heart of Italian cuisine, a new wave of chefs and eateries are putting modern twists on classic dishes.
Here’s a look at what’s trending on Sydney’s Italian food scene, as well as old-world traditions still going strong:
Handmade Pasta Renaissance
From orecchiette to paccheri, gnocchi to tagliatelle - handmade pasta is having a moment. Stanley Street restaurants highlight freshly rolled and extruded pastas made in-house daily. Expect unique shapes and flavors like squid ink fettucine, beetroot ravioli, and pumpkin gnocchi. These textural homemade pastas showcase quality ingredients.
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Neapolitan Pizza Perfection
Authentic Neapolitan-style pizza cooked in wood-fired ovens is on the rise. With charred and chewy crusts, San Marzano tomato sauce, and imported mozzarella - pizzerias are turning out gorgeous, flavor-packed pies. Expect classics like Margherita and Diavola as well as creative seasonal toppings.
Italian Regional Spotlight
More eateries are exploring regional Italian cuisines like Sicily, Sardinia, Puglia, and Emilia-Romagna. Expect dishes from best Italian restaurants Sydney highlighting grilled meats, seafood, olive oils, pastas, and produce native to each region. This gives diners a taste of Italy’s remarkable diversity.
Craft Cocktails
Leave basic Chianti behind. Darlinghurst restaurant and bars offer craft cocktails. These cocktails are Italian-inspired. They use amaros, liqueurs, Italian spirits, wines, fruits, herbs, and more. Think Negronis. Think Aperol Spritzes. Think Bellinis. Think new concoctions. These new concoctions feature Sicilian blood orange, Genovese basil, bergamot, and beyond.
Salumi & Formaggi
Many delicious Italian cheeses and cured meats are available, so charcuterie and cheese boards are very popular. Enjoy a feast of prosciutto, salami, mortadella, coppa, and culatello. These can be paired with Italian favorites such as Parmigiano-Reggiano, Pecorino Toscano, Gorgonzola, and Burrata. Great for appetizers before dinner.
Simplicity Done Right
Even with new trends, Sydney’s best Italian restaurants let prime ingredients shine through. Dishes like cacio e pepe, carbonara, saltimbocca alla Romana, branzino, and roasted meats executed flawlessly highlight quality and simplicity. This philosophy of letting great produce and technique speak for themselves remains at the core.
Italian Hospitality 
Another tradition carrying forward is Italian hospitality and convivial dining. Eateries embrace a bustling yet homey trattoria vibe with frequent calls of “Ciao bella!” Warm service and a lively ambiance go hand-in-hand with the food.
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Family Recipes
Many restaurants showcase recipes passed down for generations. House-made pastas, sauces, desserts, and cures keep old family traditions alive with care and expertise. Dining out becomes an authentic homestyle experience. 
Fresh Produce & Ingredients
Italian cuisine culture centers on quality, seasonal ingredients. Menus shift to highlight ripe tomatoes in summer, mushrooms and truffles in autumn, and artichokes and fennel in winter. Expect the vibrant flavors of ultra-fresh vegetables, cheese, seafood and meats.
Sydney’s Italian food scene keeps evolving while staying rooted in tradition. For a sublime taste of Italy's flavors and hospitality, book your table at Funkatello in Darlinghurst. Our fresh pasta, pizza, seafood, wines and cocktails encapsulate both innovation and tradition. 
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figatellulaque · 1 year
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Petites courgettes sautées à l’huile d’olive, avec ‘nduja, oignons frais, tomates séchées et parmesan. Finition culatello passé au chalumeau...
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sorbet-and-gelato · 1 year
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Yippee I'm so excited to draw stuff for @standswap-september!!! It's my first time doing something like this, ooh fun! Here's some La Squadra standswaps to start off with! I'm not sure of stand abilities yet, but I have some ideas for personalities and stuff! I hope to do more of La Squadra, but I'm still sorting out designs. Without further ado, introducing...
Uva (Babyface) & Electric Friend (Melone) Stand namesake: Are 'Friends' Electric? by Gary Numan
Specchio (Man in the Mirror) & Smooth Criminal (Illuso) Stand namesake: Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson
Tonno (Beach Boy) & Ocean Man (Pesci) Stand namesake: Ocean Man by Ween
More information under cut!
Uva (he/him) is a spunky, impulsive teenager who wound up in Passione after killing his abusive mother. He has a passion for genetics and technology, and is very clever despite first impressions.
Before being put with La Squadra, his only company was his stand: Electric Friend. While the computer is part of the stand, the actual stand is its inhabitant. Electric Friend is sentient, fully autonomous computer malware that communicates with Uva. It gives him advice and talks to him like a friend. Strangely, it seems to be much more mature and is like an entire person of its own. This means it also can choose to not listen to Uva and cause trouble on its own. Although the computer is its home, it can infect and manipulate other devices.
Specchio (he/him) is outwardly quiet and stoic, but he reveals himself to be bold, confident, and a touch dramatic when he gets fired up. Uva thinks he's the coolest. He's especially cunning, and knows how to get under people's skin to make them bend and break. Sometimes he picks on his teammates, but he'll get defensive if anyone else does the same. He's the only one allowed to do that!
Smooth Criminal is a very expressive stand, and it often emotes and moves along with Specchio. It seems smug a lot of the time. Other times, it helps Specchio intimidate enemies. Its ponytails always float around it.
Tonno (he/him) is La Squadra's newest member, brought in by his mentor Culatello (The Grateful Dead). He's nervous about this whole hitman business, but he's always trying to prove himself. He's actually very talented and has sharp intuition and focus, which Culatello encourages as much as he can. Sometimes he gets himself into trouble because he's always trying to show the others that he's capable. He's very anxious, but he tries to hide that to appear strong and cool like the others.
Although not biologically related, Tonno thinks of Culatello as an older brother. He wants to make him proud!
His stand, Ocean Man, is a large fish that can swim through the air. While it's out, it's always by Tonno's side. Sometimes it lets him hold it, as emotional support. It's surprisingly cuddly! It shares Tonno's nervousness, and tends to swim in circles and twitch around when it gets scared. However, it can still be a vicious protector when it needs to be.
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marcedrickirby · 1 year
Watch "Culatello Ham: How Michelin Chef Massimo Spigaroli Makes the Most Precious Italian Cured Meat" on YouTube
We are run : the answer is no we play to win
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betohanada20 · 1 year
Antica Corte Pallavicina - Massimo Spigaroli Prepara il Culatello
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