vncdraws · 9 months
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Every time I remember these characters exits, my neurons just flare up.
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plottwiststudios · 2 years
You gave us a game filled with some of the hottest characters I have ever seen, game them all emotional backstories and let us in-canon romance them.
I'm not surprised people voted for horny. I'm surprised it wasn't a higher margin.
Then Women of Xal II will be a treat for ya'll. Especially for the older fans that are around my age or more (33!). Thanks so much for your compliments! It's always nice to hear that people appreciate our characters! <3
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companionwolf · 1 year
me staring into my laptop's screen because my friend asked two basic crucial questions about my game and i dont have answers: why is there a sim, why is there backups. why cant they just be in cold storage.
brain: v -
me: virtual afterlife is not happening, next idea please
brain: its just ultimately soma again. thats all i got boss
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hotmessexpress2023 · 1 year
Endless love is fueled by endless friendship, if you want to have the greatest romance ever, have the greatest friendship ever, cultivate it; do not let your friendship die.
Remember, it's not a lack of love that destroys relationships; it's usually a lack of friendship. -Steve Maraboli
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 year
Considering wwx's canonical breeding kink and his general fondness for dubiously safe scientific experiments it is technically within the realm of possibility that a few years post-canon he just invents cultivation hrt and transition surgery by accident.
He just rocks up to a cultivation conference one day 5 months pregnant like "I turned my body into that of a woman! Yeah the boobs too we travel a lot and don't want a wetnurse. I'll reverse it in two years or so." And every single trans person and egg in the culivation world simultaneously sits up and goes "wait what?"
Imperical to understand that wwx still fully identifies as a cis man and does not know trans people exist. He did not know he was gay while actively being in gay love, this man is very smart but he doesn't know shit. Just a few weeks after the conference people start coming over like "hey... that thing you did... can you do that to me?" and he's like damn sure are a lot of dudes who wanna get pregnant. One day a "female" cultivator comes and is like "so you said you're going to reverse it... you think you can do that on a body that's already female? Turn my body into a man's body?" And he just goes well probably, let's find out!! It's so great all these people wanna help him perfect his techniques, isn't it lan zhan?
Years later they run into one of the trans women he first helped and doesn't even recognise her as she's thanking him and after the clarification just goes "wow! haha damn you're even wearing women's clothes! Should I start calling you guniang?" sort of as a joke but she's like yes please and he just says alright nice to see you again ma'am (still doesn't get it)
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randomkposts · 1 month
A thing I think we should consider more about Makoto's character when writing her is that she knows Aikido and is not using it in the Metaverse.
Let me explain.
Martial arts come with a philosophy. They are a synthisis of a founders philosaphical and religious beliefs and their martial studies.
Aikido's founder was Morihei Ueshiba, and his goal was creating a fighting style that lets the user defend themselves, while also protecting the attacker from injury. Aikido can be translated as "the way of harmonious spirit", or "the way of unifying with life energy."
The goal is to avoid cultivating violence or aggressiveness. Its tecquniques include attack redirection, throws, pins, strikes, and joint locks. When using weapons, it uses staffs, knives, and wodden katanas.
Its fitness goals are less about strength training and more about flexibility, endurance, and controled relaxation.
All of the above, establishes that it is Not Aikido, Makoto is using in the Metaverse. She may have learned how to strike in Aikido class, but in the Metaverse she is going for all out attacking.
It could have been possible to tie in take down tactics to her and add ways to force shadow negotiation as her confidant incresed, but it doesn't. Instead its about analyzing the shadows.
She trains in a martial art whose goal is "to overcome ones self instead of culivating violence or agression", and when she comes face to face with an opponent in the metaverse she throws all that philosophy out the window in favor of agressive striking.
Her magic attack, is necular- an energy at which is produced by splitting the nuculus of atoms (particles) apart, or fuse them togther.
Her rebellion does not begin and end with her bike.
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turtlesaus · 1 year
Big-Man Raphael Hamato - TurtleDuck AU
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(Most of the design choices were inspired form Pinterest, IDK who drew them cause literally noone cited their sources x-x)
Raphael Hamato
Nicknames: Raph, Raphala, Raphie Race/Species: Turtle Mutant/Yokai Age: XXX (Changes though time) Height: XXX (Same as age) Gender/Pronouns: He/Him Job: Tank/Brute FOrce/Cuddler
Raphael was not pressured into being the eldest child, and so he was able to age slowly, and was able to culivate his childhood much longer. Leo gives him eternal support to help him understand everything, and to keep him anxiety from giving him too much trouble.
On that note, because he wasn't given that stress-related emotional punch, Raph gets overwhelmed easily with big plans and his anxiety can make him spiral out sometimes.
Usually, however, he is a cuddly and fun younger brother.
Raph's Ninpo is called Energy Manipulation, and is more on bodily constructs. He is capable of manifesting a ninpo energy construct in the shape of his body.
He can alter the construct in its entirety to giant sizes and also independently alter the size of its appendages to take down physically large or exceptionally powerful opponents. He can add additional limbs to his construct as well, and form a more traditional energetic shield to block attacks.
On top of that, he uses Tonfa's and small knives.
Raph grew up understanding that he considered his oldest brother his parent, not the rat in the bedroom. Everytime he had talked to the rat, he had been brutally reminded of htis, so the few time Splinter leaves his room, Raph is usually found hiding from him and avoiding him, and thus Splinter was banned from the kitchen, the living room, and the bedrooms.
After he met draxum, Raph found that he was overjoyed to have another 'parent', and was almost as attached as Mikey was.
With his new sibling, he adapted to their presence quickly and loves on them a lot. Even with his anxiety, he would rather die that abandon or betray his brothers.
Family Dynamics
Raph & Leo
Raph has some serious anxiety, and has trouble understanding big thought processes and plan, but Leo has always slowed down and simplified it for him. Because of the support he's gottne from Leo, Raph is very dependant on him to help him understand some things.
Raph & Donnie
With Raphael's anxiety, Don has learned to show his blueprint, albeit simplified, to him to help him clear his worries. When Raph gets overwhelmed Don will, without hesitation, lend him his headphones or sunglasses.
Raph & Mikey
Mikey and Raph alone together usually leads to absoloute chaos. One is flusted easily, the other is a complete ADHD attention span presentation. They love each other, and cuddle at the drop of a beat, but don't leave them alone with a lot of energy.
Raph & Casey
The two of them destroy shit together, and pretty much be jock bros with easch other.
Raph & April
Raph and his bog sister get along live a mother duck and her child. He follows her around, and she will slowly make sure that he understand everything before just leaving him. He really appriciates this.
(More Coming later)
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feral-nightingale · 1 year
What role in the tragic play are you?
Sami'a Nightingale: misunderstood villain
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Prepare for an onslaught of both the most dehumanizing and hateful takes, and flood of thirst comments. You are chronically misunderstood. Whether or not you're actually evil is debatable. You may be acting out for revenge, to defend someone you love, or even just to protect yourself. You're a pretty jaded person. You don't trust or even really like most people. Maybe you did at one point. But that part of you is gone, and you don't go a single day without grieving it. You think a lot about what your life could have been. You're stuck in the past. You're angry and maybe you don't even want to be, but this is the only way you can see to survive. You're open, but less in a trusting way and more like a wound. You don't like to let people see you, but the hurt spills out of you before you can stop it. You're impulsive, even as you try hard to plan and prepare. Maybe someday your side of the story will finally be heard. Until then, you can convince yourself that being hated is safer anyway.
More thoughts below
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But that part of you is gone, and you don't go a single day without grieving it. You think a lot about what your life could have been. You're stuck in the past. You're angry and maybe you don't even want to be, but this is the only way you can see to survive. You're open, but less in a trusting way and more like a wound.
Poor Nightingale, their innermost insecurity ripped open and put on display for all to see. The life they could have lived with their tribe is never far from their mind. A life where their conjury lead them to be the priestess for Menfina, healing the ails accrued by the tribes hunters. A life where they could fall in love, and know only the hardships of living. A life that was taken from them when their community turned their backs on them, labeling them a 'cursed child' and then exiled to starve alone in the Shroud. A life where they could have grown up surrounded by love, instead of being labeled a wild pest who's sole crime was wanting to survive another day on the outskirts of Gridania after their world ended.
Until then, you can convince yourself that being hated is safer anyway.
Sami'a "Green Eyes" Nightingale. The Alliance's pet demon. Menphina's loyal hound Dalamud incarnate. Or so they would have their enemies believe. During the Ala Mhigan and Doman Wars of Liberation, they realized that their legend among the Garlean rank and file preceded them, and some soldiers would sooner run for the hills than be forced to face them down. At the time it proved useful, and afterwards they took no small effort to culivate those rumors for future conflicts. Thing is, they were probably a little too successful. They see it in the people they meet and call allies: the small spark of fear buried deep within their eyes and the tenseness of shoulders as if they were a savage beast who could attack at any time. "Oh well," they reason for their own sanity. "At least I'm still (mostly) seen as a beacon of hope to the hopeless..."
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Anonymity certainly has its perks. Though they may not command instant respect, at least they treated for who they are and not their legend.
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This was fun to put together. Thanks so much for the tag @arinaxiv.
You can find the quiz here
I'm gonna tag the polycule next. Show me your blorbos @valentineemberly @seldemonnb @faerunes @hellstoupee
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qblester · 2 years
i Am stating this While normal speaking to you but you do Not have step in and defend me i Very much know what i am getting into here and i would Feel bad if there was splashback like Onto you for a situation i am starting and Culivating and such.
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For memorial day, I want to remember my veterans (the veterans I researched). I'm going to put their names and one fact that stuck with me below.
Arthur Clifford Kimber - He named all three of the planes he flew after his best friend Nick.
Hiram Baker Fisher J.r - He died two days before being comissioned.
Fritz Barkan J.r. - He left behind a wife named Elizabeth Reynolds.
William M. Bassett - He was a theater techie, and had a patent for a dolly system.
Howard D. Benson - He was an athlete and part of the student government.
Jack W. Bleasdale - He did theater in highschool. He died in a POW camp, leaving behind a wife named Ellaoise.
Russell V. Braga - The last news his family received was from his friend saying they had been separated during battle in Iwo Jima.
Julian G. Burnette J.r. - He was only 22 when he died.
Samuel L. Carson - He wrote home on the day he died that his orders to come home had finally come through.
Bernard J. Casaurang - He was president of the high school glee club and worked as an actor.
William A. Cashin - He died while in pilot training.
Harvey B. Clarke - He was a cheerleader, star athlete, and popular guy in highschool. He worked as a figher fighter.
Deane P. Clementson - His plane had been damaged on a past mission. Nevertheless he and his crew accepted another mission, which would be his last.
Frederick B. Cooley - He did boxing.
George B. Culiver - He was killed at Anzio. I don't have much information on him, which saddens me.
Norman B. Dahlin - He worked as a medical administrative corps officer before joining the airforce.
J.R. (Frank) Dally - He graduated in 1944. I don't have much information on him either.
Albert D. Davies - He fought in India and Africa. He was killed in a transport plane crash in the US after coming home.
Morian C. Deal - He worked as a butcher with his father at their family butchery.
Phillip S. Doty - He died of severe burns. He suffered for several months before dying.
Henry Howard Estes - He was listed as missing before being declared KIA
Glen D. Faris - He was part of the royal canadian air force. He was only 19 when he died.
James R. Field - He died as a POW of preventable illnesses.
John D. Fredericks III - He was a huge part of highschool student government. He was killed by machine gun fire.
George E. Fuchs - He was a star football player in high school. He had a really nice smile.
Thomas D. Gorman - Notice of his death arrived only a few days after both his brother and father were released from the military.
Robert W. Griggs J.r. - He was part of an acapella group and worked as an actor.
William R. Gunther - He was a star basketball player.
Alvin W. Harroun - He went to Stanford University and was part of Delta Upsilon fraternity.
Bryson R. Hills - His plane was called ‘The Flaming Mayme’.
Michael K. Hite - He was part of the marines. I know very little about him.
Robert C. Hoffman - I don't know anything about Robert besides his name. I wish I knew more.
Theodore B. Holmes - He had a daughter named Carolyn who was almost two when he died.
William H. Houston - He worked as a medic in the airforce.
Jack E. Howell - He wanted to be a pediatrician.
Paul H. Jungermann - He was a physical therapist and managed two floors of the hospital he worked in.
Donald A. Kelly - He worked with amphibious vehicles (ducks). He was killed in a car crash.
Lowell F. Kuehnle - He was listed as missing in action before being declared KIA.
Emil H. Kunz - He was an aviation teacher.
Wilbur C. Lauridsen - He was part of the Palo Alto amatauer radio association, and they still celebrate his life.
Adelbert (Jack) Lawrence - He played basketball and was in the glee club.
Norton Le Goullon - He had four siblings.
Sidney Levy Jr. - He was a Sea Scout and an air raid messenger.
Andrew E. Lincoln - He was a sea scout. He was only 18 when he died.
William L. Longmire - He was a POW and died of preventable illnesses.
Herbert C. Love - He was killed in Normandy after D-Day.
Louis M. Love - He was a thespian. He was ranked number one in an aviation class of 2500 cadets.
Wendell H. Marlowe - He was killed on Christmas.
Phil E. Mattingly - His family held out hope for years that he was still alive despite being MIA. He was declared dead in 1946.
Virginia Ruth Mayer - Her mother worked as a nurse during WWI, and Virginia followed in her footsteps.
Robert V. Mitchell - I don't know much about his life. In his photos, he looks kind.
William H. Moody - He went by Howie.
Eugene L. Morgan - He has the same birthday as me. He was born 7/17/1917
Hugh H. Morris - He was a swimmer.
Karl E. Miller - He died of dysentery as a POW.
William C. Muldoon - He was executed with his crew when they crashed in enemy territory.
Margaret N. Neubauer - She was born in Santiago, Chile
David J. Nolan - He worked as an actor.
Charles A. Norby - His plane was called ‘Shack Rat’. He was murdered in cold blood by a Nazi soldier after he became a German POW.
Frederick H. Palmer - His plane was named the ‘Wing Dinger’.
Harold H. Piggott - He was popular in highschool and had the affectionate nickname 'Piggy'.
Durham W. Porter Jr. - He was a boy scout.
Forrest Wayne Reeves Jr - He was a civilian construction worker on a military base when he was killed.
Robert H. Reeves - When he died, he left behind a 13 month old son.
Alfred J. Siverstein - He majored in art during college. He went by the nickname 'Bud'.
Robert E. Slater - He was on the USS Bonefish, a submarine which still has not been found.
Carl W. Stuke Jr. - He lived in Chile for a while.
Donald J. Stuke - He is buried next to his brother Carl.
Lyle A. Taggart - In high school, He was voted most popular guy in 1939, as well as best dancer (boy).
James F. Taylor - I know nothing about him besides his name. I hope his family remembers him.
Arthur D. Wagner - He was a mathematics major in college.
Andrew G. Webb - He was an actor and a star basketball player in high school.
Howard C. Weller - He was part of his high school choir, and came back to sing with them while he was on military leave.
John Austin Widsteen - His body was not identified and he was not formerly buried until six decades after his death.
Frederick M. Yamamoto - He was so loved and respected. He was smart, dedicated, and died fighting for a country that didn't fight for him.
Albert T. Lavers Jr. - When he died, he left behind a 3 year old daughter named Suzanne.
Marcus Paul Merner - He played guitar.
William Henry Suffern Jr. -  He graduated from Paly in 1947.
Brian Adam - He was an artist.
Billie M. Bedsworth - He lost his life saving his friend. The comments on his memorial page show that he was so loved.
Arthur F. Gleim Jr. - He was part of the sound crew, audio visual club, and audio visual crew in high school.
Roger C. Hallberg - His family is still looking for closure to this day. He was last seen wearing a wrist watch and his wedding ring.
Barry ‘Buck’ Dean Kingman - He was a stand up guy. Everyone I've spoken to about him adored him. He could have done so much if his life wasn't taken during a war he didn't believe him.
Richard Arlan Stone - He was killed when he stayed behind to protect wounded soldiers.
Thomas L. Vendelin - He wanted to be the greatest drummer the world had ever seen.
If you'd like to read more about any of these people, feel free to read the (unedited) book!
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oakthcrn · 1 year
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" You know if you keep making that face, it'll stay stuck that way." Lark said without looking up from her book. She was meandering around Thorin's room. " It is only dinner, and it took me ages to get Thranduil to even come here. " She had been working hard being an envoy between distrungled peoples; she had culivated a private dinner in which she hoped that the bond between elvenkind and the dwarves would be strengthened. Though, she wouldn't be holding her breath if she were honest. At least she convinced blackmailed Thranduil to join them at Erebor for a private dinner. Perhaps there was hope of burying the hatchet between her people and her friends.
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fuckedliar · 1 year
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(  #𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐑  )    a  private  rp  blog  for  ELIZABETH  EDEN  WOODEL.  a  (  FANDOMLESS)  original  character.  birthed  by  L  and  originally  est.  2020  /  revived  2024.  this  blog  is  PRIMARILY iconless.  BLOG  FEATURES;  heavy  themes  that  are  USFW.  topics  include  and  are  not  limited  too;  murder,  drugs,  sacrilegious  ideology,  religious  trauma,  sex,  cannibalism,  sacrificial  rituals,  etc.  CONTENT  WILL  NOT    be  suitable  for  all  viewers,  please  curate  your  own  space.  in  order  to  interact  please  be  over  the  age  of  twenty  one,  mun  is  twenty  seven.  
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1.  don't  be  gross ( homophobic, transphobic, racist, antisemitic, ableist, pedophilic, someone who fetishizes someone for their race. )  basic  rp  rules  apply,  but  please  don't  be  rude  or  mean.  that  kinda  negativity  im  not  into.  keep  the  drama  to  yourself,  im  just  here  to  write.  if  you  wanna  be  friends  that's  great  and  we  can,  but  i  don't  wanna  be  pulled  into  any  kind  of  drama.
2.  this  blog  is  heavily  nsfw.  when  i  say  heavily  i  do  mean  it  literally.  it  touches  on  uncomfortable  topics  for  most,  drug  abuse,  murder,  cannibalism  (mentioned  not  written  out),  sexual  conduct,  sacrilegious  topics  and  or  behavior,  cosmic  monsters  verses  human  monster.  its  not  for  the  faint  at  heart.  i  wont  write  rape,  incest,  dd/lg,  or  anything  gross  like  that.  if  you  write  that,  stay  away.  thank  you.  i  also  wont  write  smut  on  tumblr.  if  we  are  close  enough  and  have  developed  a  stable  friendship  /  plotting  /  chemistry,  we  can  write  it  on  discord. 
3.  im  simple.  easy  as  that,  i  used  to  write  real  flowery  prose  and  such  --  but  i  cant  seem  to  do  it  anymore.  my  writing  has  shifted  more  into  a  novel  format  rather  than  a  Shakespeare  play.  if  you  write  that  way  awesome,  i  love  to  see  it  and  read  it.  i  just  cant  do  it.  that  being  said  i  don't  expect  you  to  match  my  length,  writing  style,  or  anything  like  that.  i do have vision issues so i don't use icons or tiny font.
4. shipping is fun. its cool and great and i love it. im not afraid to admit ships are one of the fun aspects of rp-ing. i enjoy all forms of connections, romance, platonic, hateship, etc. i just like chemistry is all. its easier that way yknow? so please don't for anything on me. i don't consider memes sent force shipping its testing the waters. if you have an idea or see anyone that strikes your interest just let me know and we can chemistry test. easy as that.
5.  i  love  ocs.  i  love  some  canon  characters,  but  im  skeptical  of  some  fandoms.  forgive  me  if  i  don't  follow  you  for  my  own  comfort.  if  i  followed  you  first  though  that  means  im  interested  in  writing.  i  try  to  keep  my  list  pretty  slim,  so  if  we  follow  each  other  and  i  send  memes  with  no  real  response  or  there  isn't  any  pulse  on  the  other  end  of  our  plotting  i'll  unfollow.  i  just  don't  see  the  point  in  following  someone  if  we  aren't  going  to  actually  try  to  write  together
that's  the  end  gang.  hope  those  rules  weren't  too  harsh,  i  don't  see  the  point  in  kinda  beating  around  the  bush.  im  pretty  sporadic  and  this  is  a  low  activity  blog;  i  work  and  have  a  family  im  pretty  dedicated  too.  any  questions  please  shoot  them  my  way.  
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𝙴𝙻𝙸𝚉𝙰𝙱𝙴𝚃𝙷 𝙴𝙳𝙴𝙽 𝚆𝙾𝙾𝙳𝙴𝙻 ___ was born during the month of february; the 14th to be exact. born to natasha and jonah woodel, she was the youngest of five. surpassed by her elder brother matthew and her elder sisters amelia, katherine, and diana -- she was the end. now we find her ruling the upper class of Haven Heights. She has culivated this throne she sits on and has hand selected those she shares the spot light with, of course in order to maintain such a crown requires blood and dirt. Elizabeth is talented in dealing with both and still remaining spotless for the masses.
AGE: late twenties - early thirties. NICKNAMES: eli, liz, blondie, goldie locks. BIRTHDATE: february 14th, _. SPECIES: human / VD . GENDER: CIS-female. SEXUALITY: bisexual. STATUS: single. BIRTHPLACE: Haven Heights. RESIDENCE: Haven Heights. OCCUPATION: dabbles in working the social presence of her brothers business, nothing too serious. / VD.
HEIGHT: 5'9". WEIGHT: 178lbs. BODY TYPE: healthily (exceptional), faint curves with muscle definition. SKIN TONE: fair, sun kissed. HAIR STYLE: long and worn down the center of her back, on occasion it is cute into a spiked pixie cut or a short tomboy cut. HAIR COLOR. its varies from pale blonde to a strawberry tone. EYE COLOR: black. not brown, black -- barley an iris visible. SCARS: one from when she and andrea killed their friend Charlotte, a thin stretched scar that runs along her left knee. MODIFICATIONS: pierced ears, pierced nipples, formerly a pierced nose. no tattoos. FACECLAIM: primarily faceless, references are Jessica Alexander, and willa fitzgerald.
BIRTHSTONE: amethyst. SUN SIGN: aquarius. MENTAL: pstd, seasonal depression. ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral. AESTHETIC: she walks like god, the prettiest faces hide evil, even lucifer was an angel, queen bee on a throne, my mothers worst fear, my fathers greatest pride, the shark in the pond.
PERSONALITY: Loyal, Impatient, Hard working, White liar, Fair.
FATHER: jonah luke woodel. MOTHER: natasha leigh woodel nee carlson. BROTHER: matthew george woodel. ELDEST SISTER: amelia joy woodel. THE IRISH TWIN: katherine leigh woodel. THE THIRD SISTER: diana marie woodel. GRANDMOTHER: jean opal woodel. FRIENDS: Andrea Lombardi (BFF), Courtney Riley, Charlotte Dement ✞ . PETS: julius ( a white persian ).
SOUNDTRACK: to be updated as we go.
SYNOPSIS: Elizabeth Woodel was born into money. With her birth came status and connections, things any little girl could dream of having in their world. It was picture perfect, at least until she realized her mommy didn't love her like she loved the rest of her siblings. It was fine, she would manage she'd just prove to her mother that she was more than worthy of her love and attention. From a young age Elizabeth was perfect, hair never out of place -- the people ate out of her palms and she was loved by everyone . . . except her mother.
This would consume her in many ways, that even as she delivered time and time again her mother would ignore her. Simply smile at her in public but shut her doors when they were home, at some point a switch begins to trigger when she feels the need to impress her mother. It jumps and finally sticks that she does not crave her mothers love, but to be better than her mother and beyond what her mother could hope to become. She would replace her in social status, in wealth and power.
Fate is funny how it plays into the wishes of those who crave something so badly, and at a tender age did Elizabeth and her three best friends witness a life altering moment. Where some saw horror Liz saw change and opportunity, a metaphor for her metamorphosis. She along with her friends witnessed one of the long standing mysteries of Haven Heights, the murder of Wallace Van Buren.
The four girls swore to never speak of the event again, after all who wants to relive such a horror like that? All that blood and mess, all that thrill and terror bundled together like a gift basket. They'd managed to keep their silence for several years until their junior year of high school, when Charlotte Dement lost her resolve. What softened her will Elizabeth couldn't pin point, but hearing what she intended -- she couldn't let that go.
They were accessories, they'd never reported the crime and they knew where the body was. It would be more than enough to destroy everything she'd worked for, everything her best friends had clawed and fought for -- she couldn't let it go. A verdict had been reached in such a brief moment, where they tried to speak and reason with her but reason wasn't in her cards. Liz lost her favorite tennis skirt that night, and she spent the next several hours in her bathroom at home scrubbing the blood from under her nails.
Charlotte was dead. They'd killed her, they just wanted to frighten her truly -- but when she called them crazy there was no point in arguing. What Elizabeth didn't realize was they were now being watched, taken in by the very killer who'd put a show on for them all those years back. It wasn't long after that texts, calls and letters appeared with threats -- with obscure and vague warnings.
He didn't realize who he was dealing with of course, that with Andrea's connections and her own they were able to discover the killers identity all those years back. The two keeping that secret between just them, and when he called and made his threats and demands for money -- calling his name put a stretch of silence between them that was deadly. They knew who he was, knew where he kept the body, and after all with such a strong social standing who would the public believe? There wasn't much of a argument in this case -- but there was a deal to be made.
Every queen needs a knight, a killer willing to use their blade to further their leaders path. Silence for silence, blood for pay and security -- a very well thought out deal. It was made, sealed with bloody palms exchanging a firm shake. He stayed to the shadows, and as time went on the girls began to succeed even more with a shadow watching over them. Feed the beast and it will do as you bid it, keep it fat and happy and it will come to love you -- and in a way he did.
Now Liz is at her prime, her business adventure as a figure head for her brothers company and growing in her socialite game . . she put her mother to shame. Bigger and better, she will do whatever it takes to keep her crown and stay in that heavenly spot light.
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plottwiststudios · 30 days
2024 Writing Goal: Make more characters that other writers can write for, in the event they want to, or I need them to in larger projects. I believe I achieved this!
Before Women of Xal, my stories suffered from characterizations and dialogue that only felt cohesive and in-character when I wrote for them. I found this to be a flaw and worked on it throughout Women of Xal's production.
It's not very perfect. Characters like Culiver and Artimis could be emulated with some studying. Xobi especially!
But then we get into Clanice...
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ledilan · 2 years
I still hold shame from losing my cool. From being overwhelmed and emotional. I still have shame for not recognizing my needs or having them there for me.
For my younger self not knowing how to create safety for myself in a moment of being vulnerable to those around me. The blame I projected is the shame and disappointment in myself that I am still carrying.
I'm starting to create more trust in myself, and listen to my needs now. And I suppose I can look that that embrassingly emotionally raw moment with softer compassion; without that moment happening I would have had the road map to learn what I now know about my needs.
Hell, I probably had a bad juice drink, was really hungry, experiencing rejection sensitivity, feeling like it was going wrong, and about to shit myself. I could barely handle how overwhelmed I was in that moment. Then on top of it I hurt to person I loved because I yelled. I also did not feel seen or heard in that moment and after greatly trying to express myself and being pushed off... Well I was alone in that moment.
I know a lot of the anger I've felt and confusion over felt is because of so many mixed signals. So many lost moments. I was too focused on responding to emotions around me., I lost myself little. Lost my needs.
I just... Know that, it's okay, I'm doing little better than so long ago. I'm still struggling with a lot of pain I'm trying to put to rest. I'm still carrying this shame, I'd like to put down.
I'm still reasonably upset about many of my own person boundary violations and self respect. I'm still sad for the hope that was burried in the love lost. I know it was long ago. I know there were many sweet moments too. And I want to look back in realistic fondness and not anger or sadness. First, I need to heal this shame, it's the forgiveness of myself that feels like such a long journey.
I honestly know, I'm a good person and just wish I could learn to breathe and pause easier. I honestly know that I've cared way to much and all the gentle kisses I offered that were rejected... Connection I was reaching for. In those moments I needed more self respect for myself and should have done differently. I see this now.
How do I say sorry to myself? Where do I start? What words do I need to reach and feel to grant forgiveness, with all the healing I've done. How can I apply my kindness to myself. I know compassion is beautiful and maybe culivating compassion toward self is my key?
All I can do is try.
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umbrvx · 6 years
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ladysiryna · 6 years
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This is degradation
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