#cullen x female reader
thewulf · 1 month
Forever Yours || Paul Lahote
Summary: Request -Okay so reader is Bella's (fraternal) twin sissy. She moved to Forks with Bella and the whole first book happens WITHOUT her knowing what's going on. She's just as in the dark as Charlie is..... Read Rest Here
A/N: LOVED THIS. LOVE TWILIGHT. Keep them coming!! Thank you for the requests as always!
Pairing: Paul Lahote x Swan Sister Reader
Word Count: 4.0k
TW: Possessiveness
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You and your sister, Bella, had always gotten along well even being so different. She was the shy twin who always stood behind you. You on the other hand always fought Bella’s battles because she needed it, that’s what sisters were for. The two of you weren’t identical, and your personalities could not have been more different. Yet, at the end of the day, she was the person you knew would always understand you. She was your best friend and confidant. So, when she proposed moving back in with Charlie you followed along with her.
Things changed when the two of you moved to Forks and not in a way you liked. She began distancing herself from you after she met Edward. Instead of coming home and gossiping about your respective days she started going to the Cullen’s house. She stopped telling you things. She became protective and oh so secretive over her boyfriend. You confided in Charlie more than you could ever expect. You hung out with Jessica and Angela more than you would’ve ever dreamed. Still, you looked after your sister. She was the shy one who fell hard and fast. For whatever reason you just couldn’t seem to trust Edward. When she finally let the two of you meet he was just off and you couldn’t seem to pinpoint what it was.
It wasn't until the departure of Edward Cullen, leaving Bella desolate and shattered, that the mysterious shroud enveloping your lives began to unravel at a rapid pace. As Bella struggled to navigate through the abyss of heartbreak, you tried your hardest to be the strength that she needed. But it often felt like you were failing her. Like nothing you could say would offset any of the heartbreak she was feeling. And you were angry. Angry at the stupid family that decided to vanish without a trace. For even though Edward seemed off he seemed like he truly was deeply in love with your sister.
Your only saving grace was your old friend Jacob. He found a way to bring your shattered twin back to the surface of the water she was struggling to swim in. The three of you spent so many nights together doing everything and nothing at the same time. Laughing till your faces were blue and finding the human connection she so desperately needed. You could never thank him enough for bringing back your sister you had lost for so many months.
But even that wasn’t enough for him to leave. When Jacob withdrew from both of your lives you became the sad twin. It was Bella who became angry like you were so many months prior. Bella forced you in the truck one afternoon claiming she had a bone to pick with the second boy who abandoned her in so many months. You had no desire to see the boy, but Bella demanded you come with her.
You watched as she pounded on the door of his home only to be met with nothing. You waited in the truck as Bella noticed Sam and his pack off to the side of Jacob’s home. Her footsteps treaded the path towards Sam and his pack, heart pounding with a mixture of apprehension and anticipation. It was only when you saw her physically push Sam, the leader of the tribe, did you bolt out of the car trying to catch your sister from doing anything too drastic.
"Bella, stop!" you cried out, your voice tinged with desperation as you rushed forward. Your heart was hammering desperately in your chest, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within you as you reached out towards Bella, hoping to stop the impending confrontation.
But it was too late. Bella's palm has already met one of the dark-haired boys cheeks with a sharp crack, the sound reverberating through the trees. You watch in dismay as the man’s expression darkened. His features contorted with fury, a primal growl rumbling in his chest that even startled you. The forest seemed to hold its breath as the world became silent at what the next move of the man could possibly be. You gulped feeling the tension thick in the air.
And then in the midst of the events that were unfolding you looked to the men in front of you looking at each of them one by one before your eyes finally met the one who had just been slapped. His gaze locked onto yours, a fleeting moment of connection amidst the tumult that surrounded you. In that instant, everything seemed to crystallize, the world narrowing down to just the two of you even with all the people surrounding you.
Timed seemed to slow to an utter crawl. The world around you faded into insignificance as your attention was locked in on the man. A sharp gasp came from you as you continued staring right at him. It was a feeling you had never experienced in this lifetime. Something you could never have expected. He too couldn’t seem to break his gaze away from yours. In that fleeting instant, everything seems to shift. The air crackled with anticipation, the forest holding its breath as the weight of the moment bears down upon you. It's as if the universe itself has paused, allowing you and Paul to exist in a suspended state of existence, isolated from the disorder that rages beyond the confines of your shared gaze.
As the boy who captured your heart and soul with just a single look staggered backwards, a whirlwind of emotions courses through his mind each feeling vying for dominance over the others. Anger, once burning bright within him, now dissipates like mist in the morning sun, leaving behind a hollow sense of bewilderment and wonder. His chest heaves with the effort of controlling the torrent of feelings threatening to overwhelm him. He had felt every single emotion. Saw every single emotion. You were her. You were his imprint. Only Sam had been so lucky to have found his person. And now he did. And he didn’t even know her name nor you his.
To your surprise you felt your feet moving forward as he dropped to his knees on the forest floor. Pauk was acutely aware of the weight of this moment. He had to wonder what you were feeling. You too were locked in on his own eyes, yet you could have no idea what was going on and how chaotic your seemingly normal life was about to get. But amidst the heaviness of the moment, there is something else—a glimmer of hope, a spark of possibility that ignites within him like a flame in the darkness. For in your eyes, he sees not just a reflection of his own turmoil, but also a flicker of understanding, a shared recognition of the bond that now binds the two of you together.
"What... what just happened?" Bella's voice wavers, her eyes wide with disbelief as she looks between you and the man she just slapped. But you have no answers to offer, you were just as confused as she was. While Bella's voice wavers with disbelief, her eyes dart between you and the surrounding men, searching for answers amidst the bewildering scene.
Embry, who had been standing nearby with Sam, catches your eye with a knowing smirk, a hint of understanding dancing in his gaze. He stepped forward, as if he's seen this scenario play out before. "Looks like we've got ourselves an imprint," Embry remarks, his voice tinged with amusement as he addresses Sam, who watches the unfolding scene with a composed yet cautious demeanor.
Sam nods in acknowledgment, his expression unreadable as he assesses the situation before him. His eyes shifted between you and Paul with a measured intensity, as if gauging the depth of the bond that now connects you.
Meanwhile, the boy you had originally came to see, Jacob, came sprinting out of the house that he had just ignored Bella from. His expression a mix of surprise and concern as he takes in the scene before him. His eyes narrow as they settle on Paul, a flicker of protectiveness crossing his features before he turns to you, his look softening with understanding in your utter confusion. Yet in all that was happening so fast you couldn’t seem to tear your eyes away from this man. He had captured your mind, body, and soul all within a single look.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Jacob asks, his voice gentle yet tinged with worry as he approaches, his footsteps echoing against the damp grass.
You finally tore your gaze away from Paul somehow, your heart racing as you meet Jacob's concerned gaze. Despite the frenzy that surrounds you, his presence offers a sense of comfort, a reminder of the unwavering support that has always been there for you, negating the two weeks he had decided to ignore you for.
"I don't know what happened," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper as you try to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions that flowed through you so unexpectedly. "But I feel... different."
Bella's eyes widen in disbelief, her mind racing to comprehend the incomprehensible. But amidst the uncertainty that envelops you all, one thing remains clear—the ties that bind you to Paul, are unbreakable, defying logic and reason with an undeniable force.
"Jacob," Sam's voice cuts through the silence, his tone firm yet tinged with a hint of urgency. "Take them to Emily's. We need to talk." He motions towards Paul who was still on his knees before you.
Jacob nods in acknowledgment, his gaze flickering between you, Paul, and Sam, a silent understanding passing between them. He moves forward, his hand reaching out to gently guide you away from Paul, his touch reassuring in the confusion that surrounds you.
"Come on, Y/N, Bella," Jacob murmurs softly, "Let's go."
As Jacob reaches out to guide you away from Paul, a low, guttural growl rumbles deep within Paul's chest just as it had earlier after Bella has slapped him. His possessiveness flaring in the face of Jacob's touch. His eyes narrow, a primal instinct driving him to protect what he now considers his own.
"Hands off my girl," Paul's voice is low, but the irritated edge to it is unmistakable as he stands to takes a step towards you. His eyes never left yours. The intensity of his declaration sends a shiver down your spine, his unwavering stare holding you in a trance.
But Sam, ever the voice of reason among the sea of emotions, steps forward with a measured stride. His expression unwavering as he addresses Paul with a firm yet understanding tone. “Paul, calm down," Sam's voice carries authority, tempered with a hint of empathy as he meets Paul's frustration head-on. "We need to talk, separately. She will be just fine with Jacob."
Paul's protest is immediate, his feelings for you overwhelmingly strong. "No, she's not going anywhere without me," he insists, his voice tinged with desperation as he takes a defiant step forward, his resolve unyielding.
But Sam's gaze holds steady, his alpha like authority asserting itself in the face of Paul's defiance. "Paul, stand down," he commands, his voice brooking no argument as he meets Paul's gaze with unwavering determination. Paul winces but gives into Sam’s demands, though the reluctance is evident in the tension that lingers in his frame. His eyes remain locked on you, a silent promise of protection and devotion burning brightly within their depths.
While Jacob leads you away from Paul you can't help but feel torn between the conflicting desires that rage within you. Part of you longs to stay by Paul's side, to bask in the warmth of his unwavering love. While another part recognizes the need for clarity and understanding in the sheer confusion that threatens to consume you. And as you and Bella follow Jacob through the dense undergrowth of the forest you can't shake the feeling of Paul's presence lingering at the edges of your consciousness, a constant reminder of the inexplicable bond that now defines your existence.
Jacob guides you and Bella through a trail in the forest, a heavy silence hangs in the air, punctuated only by the rustling of leaves and the distant calls of unseen creatures. Sensing the need to break the tension, Jacob takes a deep breath before breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Look, I need to tell you both something," Jacob begins, his voice cautious yet resolute. "But it's going to sound... well, it's going to sound crazy."
You and Bella exchange a puzzled glance, the weight of Jacob's words settling uneasily in the pit of your stomachs. You've both sensed that there's more to the Quileute tribe than meets the eye, but the truth remains shrouded in mystery.
Jacob takes a moment to gather his thoughts before coming out with it. "The thing is... we're not exactly... normal," he admits, his words halting as he struggles to find the right way to explain the inexplicable. "We're... werewolves."
The revelation hangs in the air like a heavy fog, enveloping you and Bella in a cloud of disbelief. For a moment, neither of you can find the words to respond, the enormity of Jacob's confession leaving you speechless. "Werewolves?" Bella's voice is barely above a whisper, her eyes wide with shock as she looks to Jacob for confirmation.
Jacob nods solemnly, his expression grave as he meets Bella's gaze. "Yes. And there's something else. Something called imprinting."
You nodded along, “That’s what the one guy just said. We’ve got ourselves an imprint? What is that?” You asked pressing him further.
Jacob smiled knowing that your life was going to change, hopefully for the better. "It's when a wolf finds their soulmate. Their other half. The one person they're meant to be with for the rest of their lives." Bella's brow furrows in confusion, her mind struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what Jacob is telling her. But you, on the other hand, feel a strange sense of recognition stir within you, a faint echo of the inexplicable connection you felt with Paul.
As Bella sighs with uncertainty, Jacob senses the weight of her confusion and seeks to provide clarity. "And... and what does that have to do with what happened back there?" Bella asks, her voice laden with hesitance as she gestures back in the direction of Paul and the pack.
Jacob's gaze flickers towards you, a silent acknowledgment passing between you as he prepares to reveal the truth. "It means that... Paul imprinted on you, Y/N," he explains gently, his eyes filled with compassion as he meets your bewildered gaze. "He's your soulmate."
“Paul.” You whispered his name out loud for the first time. Paul, your soulmate. Your heart skips a beat at the revelation, the words sinking in slowly as you struggle to comprehend the enormity of what Jacob is saying. Soulmates? It's a concept you never thought you'd entertain, let alone experience firsthand.
"Soulmate?" Bella's voice echoes your thoughts, her eyes widening in astonishment as she turns to you for confirmation.
You nod slowly, the reality of the situation beginning to sink in. "I... I don't understand it all," you murmur, your voice barely above a whisper as you grapple with the implications of Jacob's words as the three of you walked through the forest to what you assumed to be Emily’s place, whomever that was.
Jacob offers you a reassuring smile, his expression filled with understanding. "It's okay, Y/N. I know it's a lot to take in," he says softly, his tone gentle yet firm. "An imprint is... it's like finding your other half. Your perfect match. And for Paul, that's you."
Bella's eyes widen in realization, her mind racing to process the revelation. "So... he's bound to her? Like... forever?" she asks, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she seeks to grasp the intricacies of the imprinting process.
Jacob nods solemnly. "Yeah. It's a permanent bond," he explains, his tone heavy with the weight of the truth. "But it doesn't have to be romantic. It can be... it can be like a best friend too. Someone who's always there for you, no matter what."
The realization washes over you like a tidal wave, the enormity of the situation sinking in as you come to terms with the truth of Paul's imprint. It's a bond that transcends the boundaries of time and space, forging a connection between two souls that can never be broken.
And as you walked surrounded by the whispering of the trees and the steady presence of Jacob by your side, you find yourself beginning to accept the truth of your newfound destiny. The road ahead may be filled with uncertainty, but with the unwavering support of your sister and the friendship of Jacob, you know that you'll face whatever challenges may come your way head-on.
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As you, Bella, and Jacob step into Emily's cozy kitchen, the aroma of freshly baked muffins envelops you, a comforting contrast to the whirlwind of emotions swirling within. Emily's warm smile greets Jacob, her eyes alight with joy as she rushes forward to embrace him.
"Jacob, it's been too long!" Emily exclaims, her voice filled with genuine affection as she pulls back to look at him.
Jacob returns her embrace, offering a sheepish grin. "I know, Em. It's good to see you," he replies warmly.
Emily's gaze then shifts to you and Bella, her smile widening as she takes in your presence. "And who do we have here?" she asks, her tone friendly and inviting.
Jacob gestures towards you and Bella. "Emily, this is Y/N and Bella Swan," he introduces, a sense of pride evident in his voice. "They're new to town, and we thought I'd bring them by to meet you." He spoke referencing the pack as a whole. It was intriguing watching him operate now that you knew why he up and disappeared on you those weeks ago.
Emily's eyes widen with recognition as she looks at Bella. "Ah, the Swan sisters! Charlie's girls. I’ve heard a lot about you two," she remarks with a knowing nod. Then her gaze shifts to Bella, and her expression changes to one of surprise. "And you're the vampire girl, aren't you?"
Your heart nearly stops at Emily's words, the revelation hitting you like a sudden jolt. Vampire girl? You exchange a bewildered glance with Bella, who looks equally taken aback. Edward was a vampire? What next… mermaids?
"What? Bella? Vampires?" you stammer, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment as you struggle to comprehend Emily's words.
Bella's face turns crimson, her embarrassment palpable as she shoots you an apologetic glance. Her eyes told you that she would explain it all later. "Emily, I'm so sorry," she begins, her voice tinged with mortification. "Y/N, this is... um... kind of a long story."
As the truth about vampires and the supernatural world of Forks begins to unfold, you can't help but feel overwhelmed by the enormity of it all. But amidst the confusion and embarrassment, there's a sense of shared understanding that together you'll navigate the challenges that lie ahead. As the conversation continues in Emily's kitchen, laughter and chatter filling the air, the sound of approaching footsteps draws your attention. Sam, Paul, and Embry enter the room, their expressions relaxed and jovial as they exchange banter with Jacob.
"Hey, look who decided to join the party!" Jacob teases, a playful grin spreading across his face as he greets his packmates.
Sam chuckles, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Couldn't stay away, could we?" he retorts, a hint of mischief in his voice as he exchanges friendly jabs with Jacob.
Paul's gaze finds yours amidst the commotion, a soft smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Y/N," he says, his voice gentle yet earnest as he steps forward, his eyes meeting yours with a depth of emotion that leaves you breathless.
"Paul," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper as you meet his gaze, a rush of anticipation coursing through you at the prospect of speaking with him alone.
Sensing the unspoken tension between you and Paul, Jacob steps forward with a knowing smile. "I'll leave you two to get to know each other," he says, his tone light yet meaningful as he gives you a subtle nod of encouragement.
As Jacob and the others retreat away from the kitchen to give you and Paul some privacy, you find yourselves alone in the midst of Emily's bustling kitchen. The air crackles with anticipation as Paul takes a step closer, his eyes searching yours with an intensity that sets your heart racing. "Y/N, I wanted to talk to you," Paul begins, his voice soft yet filled with determination as he gathers his thoughts. "About what happened earlier. About us. If that’s okay with you."
You swallow hard, the weight of Paul's words hanging heavy in the air as you search for the right response. "Paul, I... I don't even know where to begin," you admit, your voice trembling with uncertainty as you struggle to find the words to express the whirlwind of emotions that threaten to overwhelm you completely.
But Paul reaches out, his hand finding yours with a gentle touch that sends a shiver down your spine. "We'll figure it out together, Y/N," he says, his voice filled with conviction. "Whatever happens, I'll always be here for you. I promise you that."
As you stand there, enveloped in the warmth of Paul's presence, a soft blush tinges your cheeks as you struggle to find the right words to express the swirl of emotions coursing through you. Your heart races with anticipation, your thoughts a jumble of uncertainty and longing. "This is all a lot," you murmur softly, your voice barely above a whisper as you meet his gaze with a shy smile. "But it's a good thing you're so... so handsome." You weren’t sure where that surge of confidence came from, maybe it was the bond. But even you couldn’t deny the sheer beauty of the man that stood before you. You feel a rush of exhilaration mixed with nervousness, unsure of how Paul will respond to your flirty compliment.
Paul's expression shifts, a mischievous twinkle dancing in his eyes as he leans in closer, his breath warm against your ear. "Is that your way of saying you think I'm cute, Y/N?" he teases, his voice low and husky.
You bite your lip, a playful glint in your eyes as you meet his gaze. "Maybe," you reply coyly, a hint of flirtatiousness creeping into your tone as you lean in closer to him. "You'll just have to stick around to find out."
As a smirk tugs at the corners of Paul's lips, his gaze intensifies, locking onto yours with a magnetic pull that leaves you breathless. You feel a surge of anticipation coursing through your veins as he leans in even closer, the air crackling with electricity between you.
"Oh, I intend to, pretty girl" Paul murmurs, his voice a low rumble that sends shivers ripping through your body. His words are filled with promise, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he closes the distance between you, his breath warm against your skin. “Don’t you worry about that.”
A soft gasp escapes your lips as Paul's hand gently cups your cheek, his touch sending waves of warmth cascading through you. Your heart pounds in your chest as his lips brush against yours in a tantalizing whisper, a feather-light caress that ignites a fire deep within your soul.
"You're so beautiful, Y/N Swan," Paul whispers against your lips, his voice filled with sincerity and admiration. "I can't help but be drawn to you. I’m forever yours pretty girl."
The sweetness of his words sends your heart soaring, a rush of euphoria washing over you as you lose yourself in the intoxicating embrace of his affection. In that moment, all doubts and fears melt away, leaving only the undeniable connection between you and Paul, a bond forged in the flames of desire and longing. And as you surrender to the irresistible pull of his embrace, you can't help but feel a sense of bliss wash over you. With Paul by your side, you know that the journey ahead will be filled with laughter, passion, and endless moments of pure, unadulterated love.
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iconicstoner · 2 months
I read your love bites and apologies story and I was thinking something similar but opposite!! Reader loves the hickeys and can't get enough of them! Like reader is always covered in hickeys!!! Maybe there's a situation with reader's parents or something, and reader uses it as a way to rebel or something! Idk! Just do whatever you want!!!
If you don't want to write this, that's totally cool!
a/n: Thank you so much for this request! It was so fun to write and I hope you like what I came up with lol. I also am really glad you enjoyed one of my other stories!
marked up
gn!reader x jasper hale (smut)
words: 910
summary: you decide to rebel against your parents by letting Jasper mark you all over, but it quickly turns to even more than that.
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“Woah darlin’, calm down now,” Jasper tells you, keeping one hand in your hair. Your mouth is on his icy cold neck, leaving kisses everywhere. He doesn’t have blood, so he can’t get hickeys, but if he could then he would’ve been covered by now. He tried again to tell you to calm down, but all he could focus on was your warm breathe on his neck.
“You always cover me in hickeys, so maybe it’s my turn,” you tell him with a smirk. You’re sitting in his lap, the two of you on his bed, and despite the fact you’re looking down at him, he’s in full control.
  “You don’t like when I leave marks on you?” he asks, already knowing the answer. He gives that perfect smile that’s been burned into your memory. 
“I love it,” you whisper sensually in his ear. You hear a low moan in the back of his throat as he grabs you by the waist. He lifts you up and roughly places you down on the mattress below him. 
“Sweetheart, I’m gonna leave you covered by the time we’re done here. Everyone will know you’re mine,” he tells you. 
“I was hoping you’d say that,” you respond. 
“Why’s that?” he asks with a grin. You think back to the fight with your parents you’d had before you’d left home. You fell asleep without a shirt on, your parents noticed one of the hickeys on your chest, and they were not pleased. You assured them that it was fine. You still had amazing grades, great relationships with your friends, and your own hobbies, but they hated the idea you were having sex, especially not with someone they didn’t trust, like Jasper.
Jasper lifts up your chin, kissing you your jaw, bringing you back into reality.
“My parents and I are fighting about you again,” you say between breathy moans, “they think you’re a bad influence.”
“I am,” he said while slipping his hand under your shirt. You wanted to listen to his thick southern accent forever, hearing him call out your name in it. You tugged at his shirt, lifting it up. He quickly took it off, and you did the same with your own. Your chest was now exposed and he began kissing you all over. He left hickeys up and down your chest, your waist, your neck, everywhere. Anywhere he could reach your soft, warm skin he pressed his tongue to it. He knew neither of you would be satisfied until you were fully covered in hickeys.
He pulled away from you, slowly unbuckling his pants just to tease you. He unbottoned your pants next and pulled them off you, leaving kisses along your hips. He pulled down your undewear just enough to expose you and began to kiss you there. He licked your bare skin slowly, causing you to buck your hips with excitement. 
He moved back up to your neck, kissing and leaving hickies there again, but he kept a firm grip on your hips. His mouth trailed down to your collarbones, and left more marks there. You knew he was trying to tease you. As he pulled away to let you gasp for air you looked noticed a tent in his boxers, and you knew you craved him. He began to slowly grind against you, his hard pressing up against you in the most satisfying way, causing you to beg for him.
“Please Jasper, I need you,” you moaned out. He began to kiss and suck one of your nipples. You jumped in pleasure as he put one of his cold hands between your thighs, roughly spreading them open. He stopped kissing your chest, and began to kiss you. His tongue was in your mouth, his hard cock was rubbing against you, and you were in pure bliss. He pulled away from the kiss and pushed a few strands of hair out of your face.
“Oh darlin’, I’m not even done with my tongue yet,” he told you before moving back down between your thighs. He grabbed you by the hips and began to tease you with his tongue. He traced it along your inner thighs, causing your hips to jump again.
“Please, Jas,” you begged. You saw him smile up at you before begining to give you head. His tongue moved in the most perfect ways. He kissed and licked you everywhere, and you had never felt more pleasure. His hands were firmly gripped on your thighs, and his tongue moved swiftly. You let out shaky mones as your got closer to your climax, but his movements never faltered. Before you could even register the thought, you had already came. Your legs were shaking from the pleasure.
He sat up, brushing more hair out of your face. He wiped some sweat off of your face before gently kissing your forehead. It was hard to tell if you liked him more gentle and sweet or rough and dominating. You sat up, resting in his arms. The two of you peacfully laid there, skin to skin, for what could’ve been forever. He shifted and got out of bed, having to force himself to let go of your hand. 
“It’s getting late,” he told you as he gathered both of your clothes. “You should get home before it’s dark, or else I might have to punish you next time,” he whispered seductively as he left a final hickey on your neck. 
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xetswan · 4 months
IMAGINES- Jasper x reader
My Star
(This was requested months ago and I’m so sorry I’m just now putting this out 😭)
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Twilight Masterlist
In which Jasper lost his “Star” before turning into a vampire and years later spots her with his new vegetarian family.
“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Carlisle asked Jasper whose eyes were widened already trying to control his thirst around all the humans.
He nodded his head.
Edward and Emmett stood on either side of him.
“If it gets too much let one of us know.” Alice stood in front of Jasper with a sweet smile on her face.
The family thought Alice and Jasper would end up together due to how much he trusted her but Alice knew she wasn’t the one for him.
He mourned for his lover before them.
Before turning.
She knew that was the only woman for him.
And he was glad she understand, not having to speak on it. The pain was too much for him to bare so he kept silent about it.
“Yes, ma’am.” He smiles down at the girl, his hands laid behind him, clasped together.
“Alright, you got this.” She nods at him, getting out of their way and the three men enter together. The rest of the family behind them.
As they entered the loud building the energy switched.
Jasper focused on the music that played, watching the girls that kicked their feet and played with the bottoms of their dresses as they danced.
The men that encourage them, cheering them on.
He scanned the room, observing.
“I want to dance.” Rosalie stated behind them.
“Let’s dance then baby!” Emmett boomed.
Edward furrowed his brows trying to remind them of why they were here.
Alice placed a hand on his shoulder. “Let them have fun.” She nods her head to assure him.
Edward makes eye contact with Carlisle who also allows it, taking Esme’s hand and taking her to dance.
He scoffs, staying sternly next to Jasper.
Jasper still scanned the room, not paying attention to his new family. Alice joined Jasper’s other side and took his hand.
“Want to try to dance too?” She had a lot of hope and confidence in him.
Something he could say the same for.
The blood burning his nose as he tried his hardest to hold it in.
“I don’t know, honestly.” He answers her, his nose flaring but he tries to hold it in.
“You got this, trust me.” She pulls him onto the dance floor as well.
Alice begins to twist her hips, following the rhythm of the music.
“C’mon!” She encourages, now kicking her feet and moving his arms for him.
“I don’t know how to dance.” He begins to smile.
“Just follow my lead.” She gets more into and he finally follows suit, the burning in his nose still there but she distracts him from it.
Edward still stood there, solemnly.
Watching Jasper’s every move, making sure he doesn’t get caught up and switch like a light.
As Jasper dances, he glances around again.
A shine of a light flashes on a man and he stares at the guy for a little bit before moving alone onto the next thing.
This time his eyes spot a lady.
A lady who looks oddly familiar.
Her hair bouncing as she dances and laughs.
Time freezes for him. Alice notices his change in posture. His moves slow down.
“Jasper?” She turns to see what he’s looking at. Edward comes up to them, pulling them off the dance floor.
“What happened?” Edward aggressively questions.
“I- I don’t know.” Alice stammers, Jasper’s eyes don’t leave the girl he saw.
“Jasper, what’s going on?” Edward grabs onto the mans shoulders.
“I see her.” Is all that leaves his lips.
“See who?” Alice asks, gently pushing Edward out of the way.
“My star.” He whispers, shoving past Alice and Edward, the girl left the dance floor and to the bar.
He stays feet away but watch her every movement just like Edward was doing to him.
But for him, he was trying to see if it’s true.
If it’s his star. As she got her drink, Edward grabs onto him once again.
“Jasper, you can’t do that.” Glaring at the man who doesn’t seem to be there. Not paying attention to his “brother.”
She’s on the move once again, a man beside her this time. She’s flirting with him and Jasper feels a pang in his chest.
She laugh and he hears it for a split second. That’s how he knew, it’s her.
It’s his star.
She grabs onto the man’s shirt that she’s flirting with and guides him outside into the back of the building. Jasper realizes he needs to get Edward off of his back.
He looks around trying to find something to do so. Alice watches Jasper’s movements and then she gets a vision.
Holding onto the wall once it’s over.
She grins and goes over to Edward.
“Eddie!” She laughs vibrantly, grabbing onto the boy and spinning him around. “Please dance with me!” She then spins herself with his hand. “Alice, now’s not the time.”
“When ever is there a time, Edward.” She pouts, then glances at Jasper and widens her eyes, telling him to go as she distracts the boy.
He mouths a “thank you” before rushing off. Following who he believes is his lover.
He exits the building, now being quiet.
He looks around for her. Not spotting her as the wind blows in the air. The moon shining down on him and the body of water ahead.
He takes a few steps out, he hears some noises of a man whimpering, gargling his own blood.
The blood smell fills Jasper’s nostrils.
He feels enticed by it, his body moving slowly towards the dying body feet away from him. It’s the man that she came out with.
It’s the same man from before.
And before he can get any closer his body flies to the ground with a thud. Someone pinning him down. “Who are you?” A voice questions, shoving him further into the ground.
The lady not getting a look at him.
He grunts, trying to fight her off. Slowly he stops fighting, trying to get a good look at her face.
“My star.” He huffs out, his hands laid next to him and her strength weakens on him. Pulling her hands back.
“Jasper?” Her voice breaks, this time he flips them over and pins her down. Not harshly.
She laughs loudly.
“My Jasper!” She squeals, not able to do anything but she kicks her feet to the ground as he stares down at her with a grin.
“[Name], I thought you were dead.” He tells her, observing every feature upon her face.
“I thought you were dead.” She lifts her head up to tell him. He lets her arms go but still straddles her waist, slightly hovering above her though.
“You’re one of them too?” He notices the blood that drips from her mouth.
“I was turned after you left, they invaded our home.” She informs him, leaning up on her elbows. He closes his eyes, shaking his head.
“I should’ve been with you.” He mentally beats himself up.
“Hey! Who’s back here?!” A voice shouts and the two scramble up. Jasper grabs her hand, yanking her away from the scene. They hide behind a vehicle as a sheriff flashes a light around the area they were just at.
He finds the body and gasps. [Name] giggles to herself, watching from the window of the car.
She looks down at Jasper with a smile, gripping his hand and she guides him to the lake in a fast movement.
“You eat humans?” He suddenly asks her. She furrows her brows. “What else would I eat, darling?” She bends down, cleaning the blood off of her face. Luckily none of it got onto her dress.
“Animals.” He responds in a quiet tone.
“Your family’s one of the vegetarians?” She sat on her knees but turned her body to his direction.
“Your’s isn’t?” He tilts his head.
“I don’t have one. I’ve been alone since they killed everyone in our village.” She hums, playing with the water.
“Everyone?” He repeats.
She then realizes how insensitive she sounds, that was his family too. “The Volturi, since everyone grew in havoc they deemed us dead. No hope for any of us to be civil enough to live out in the world.” She thinks back to her memories of when it all happened, the fire.
“I escaped without anyone realizing. I’ve been on the run for a while.” She stands up.
“Before the village was turned they told me you died. I had no reason of living. But then I was turned and I couldn’t even kill myself. It was tragic.” She places a hand on his cheek, rubbing it gently.
“Did you ever return home?” She goes to take her hand back but he grabs it, keeping it on his face. Cradling her hand.
“No, she told me you were dead and I couldn’t bare to see your name on a grave.” He spoke softly.
“She?” She furrows her brows.
“Maria. She turned me. Made me her personal soldier after she told me you were dead.” He closes his eyes trying to fight back the memory of him falling to his knees when he found out his star was dead.
“I’ll kill her.” Venom laces in [Name]’s voice but Jasper chuckles.
“She’s dead, my Star.” He shakes his head.
“Good, she’ll never experience my torture.” She half-jokes. Knowing there’s some truth to it.
“Never leave my side again.” He kisses her hand, pulling her into his arms.
“Never again.” She agrees, laying her head on his chest. It was cut off by yelling.
“Jasper!” His siblings were looking for him, he grabbed [Name], holding her close to him as the family found the man.
“Who is this?” Rosalie was the first to question. Esme held Carlisle’s hand. Alice clapped her hands.
“It’s her!” She grinned. Jasper gave the shorter girl an earnest smile.
“Her?” Rosalie gave a dirty look, still confused. “It’s [Name], his passed lover.” Carlisle announces.
Edward then lets it all hit him.
That’s why he was acting weird in the building. Relief also hits him when he doesn’t see blood all over him. Just a little on the girl next to him.
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soulofapatrick · 6 months
Unbreakable Bond - Jasper Hale x female reader 
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Summary: Someone reveals your relationship with Jasper to the Cullens
Words: 1.5k
Warnings: a little angsty I guess but mostly fluff
Y/N’s POV 
The Cullen household is bathed in a soft, warm light, casting a cozy ambiance over the living room. We’re all gathered here, the entire Cullen family, and our guests from the Denali Coven. I’m curled up on the couch, next to Seth Clearwater, our own unique mix of vampires and wolves living together in peace. Though I’m a vampire now, I’ll forever be grateful to the Cullens for making me part of their family. 
The Denali visitors also have a new member, Isla, who possesses a remarkable and unique ability - the power of relationship identification. If I were human my heart would be pounding and I’d be sweating buckets from anxiety as no-one knows about me and Jasper. I’ve been trying to mask my scent with Seth’s all evening and I know it’s been pissing Jasper off but he understands, knowing it might still be too soon to tell anyone our relationship. Alice left just over three months ago, wishing our relationship well and hugging us tightly before she slipped away. 
We’ve all been sitting together, enjoying the light conversations, when Isla suddenly goes silent, her brows furrowing as she looks around the room. Her eyes dart around the room, evaluating the various relationships within the house. I feel her gaze on me, and it sends a shiver down my spine. I hope she doesn’t discover our secret. 
As the night wears on, the tension within me mounts. Isla’s sharp gaze flits between me and the members of both our covens, and her curiosity seems to be growing. I can’t help but fidget on the couch next to Seth. He gives me a knowing look, his eyes filled with sympathy and understanding. We’ve been through a lot together, and he’s one of the few I’ve trusted with mine and Jasper’s secret. Seth’s hand settles on my knee, thumb rubbing soothingly and I can feel Jasper bristle from across the room where he’s sulking, leaning against the wall. 
Finally, a calming silence falls over the room, conversations slowing to a quietness that is only broken by the record playing in the background. Esme, Rosalie and Tanya are looking at Isla with curiosity and I’m shifting in my seat again, my legs still over Seth’s lap and his fingers drumming a comforting rhythm on my calves. 
Isla's penetrating gaze is unwavering, and I can sense her curiosity burning like a flame in her dark, enigmatic eyes. Her words break the silence, each syllable imbued with a contemplative and almost otherworldly quality. "There's a bond here," she speaks softly, her voice tinged with reverence, "A romantic bond that's stronger than anything I've ever sensed before." Her statement lingers in the air, and I can almost hear the collective intake of breath as everyone's eyes dart around the room, desperately searching for clues.
My heart should be pounding in my chest as her gaze momentary flits to Jasper, who shifts his position from where he leans against the wall. I can feel the weight of the room’s expectations, the unspoken questions about who this powerful romantic bond might involve. My eyes dart from Jasper to Seth again, the latter trying to provide me with comfort without drawing unnecessary attention. 
Then, an electrifying moment unfolds. Isla’s voice, trembling with excitement, pierces the stillness as she cries out, “It’s you!” The words seem to hand in the air, leaving everyone shocked and bewildered. After all, everyone knows Jasper’s mate - Alice - left him months ago, a revelation that had sent ripples of sadness through the family and making me feel even guiltier than ever before. 
But Isla seems to pay no heed to the apparent facts, as her eyes dart frantically around the room, unwilling to let go of her conviction. Then, with sudden clarity, her intense scrutiny lands on me and Seth, the two of us glancing at each other and I’m swallowing hard, somewhat panicked as Isla whispers somewhat uncertainly, “You?”
Her words feel like an electric shock, coursing through the room. I feel like the ground beneath me has crumbled, and the eyes of the Cullen family, the Denali visitors, and Seth all turn towards me, their expressions ranging from shock to confusion. I can't bear the weight of their scrutiny, the disbelief in their eyes. 
In that overwhelming moment, I’m gripped by an uncontrollable surge of emotions. I jump up from the couch and, without a second thought, flee from the room. My footsteps are swift and soundless as I rush outside to the porch, needing the cool night air to soothe myself. 
Out on the porch, I grip the railing tightly, my body trembling with emotions. My chest aches, but no tears come; vampires can’t cry. It’s a though my body is trying to release something that’s forever been denied to me. The weight of the revelation, the fear of judgement and the sudden exposure of my hidden relationship with Jasper has left me in a state of turmoil. I close my eyes, trying to steady my racing thoughts and find solace in the tranquility of the night. 
With my eyes closed, I focus on the cool, night breeze, hoping its gentle touch will provide some relief. But its not the wind that soothes me. It’s the warmth and presences of someone wrapping their arms around my waist from behind. A familiar scent fills my senses, and I shudder as soft, cool lips press against my shoulder. 
Jasper. He’s here, holding me, his presence a comforting balm for my turmoil. His empathetic powers come into play, and a calm washes over me, as if he’s channeling his own serenity into my very being. In that moment, the world around me fades into obscurity, and it’s just the two of us, finding solace and strength in each other’s embraces. 
Slowly, he untangles himself from me, but his hands remain gentle as he turns me to face him. He cups my face in his cool, comforting hands, his golden eyes filled with love and understanding. He begins to speak softly, “You know how much I love you, right? And I want you to know that Alice left letters for everyone when she saw this day coming.” 
His words are a balm to my anxious heart, reaffirming the depth of his love and commitment to our relationship. I can’t help but smile though my lingering uncertainty, touched by his unwavering affection. But before I can fully process the weight of his words, he moves closer to me, my hips pressing against the porch railings, and his strong, sturdy body now surrounds me. The space between us vanishes, and the electrifying tension in the air seems to grow hotter. 
Jasper’s lips find mine with an urgency I haven’t felt since the first time we kissed when he opened his emotions to me. Neither of us realising the first time that his emotional manipulation powers can go both ways like Bella’s where he can let me feel how he’s feeling. It’s almost euphoric, being able to know exactly how he feels with no barriers. 
The kiss is a heady fusion of sensations. His lips are velvety and cool against mine, an exquisite contrast to the heat that radiates between us. I can taste a hint of his unique, familiar flavour, an  alluring combination of the forest after a summer rain, the subtle sweetness of his breath, and the enticing essence of Jasper himself. 
His emotions are a revelation, an unfiltered connection to the depth of his desire and longing. I feel the surge of his love, a powerful current that engulfs me, overwhelming but incredibly tender. There’s a are, unbridled passion in his kiss, a manifestation of the profound emotions he feels for me. It’s almost euphoric, this unadulterated exchange of feelings, being able to know exactly how he feels with no barriers, just the pure, unfiltered connection of our love. 
The kiss itself is a passionate dance, an exploration of each other’s souls through the meeting of our lips. It’s an affirmation of the love that binds us, acknowledging the intensity of our connection and a promise of the forever we’ll share together. 
“Come back inside with me," Jasper murmurs against my lips, breaking the kiss but not the closeness between us. His words are filled with warmth and reassurance, and I can feel the sincerity in his embrace.
"They hate me," I confess, my voice a soft whisper as I rest my forehead on his shoulder.
Jasper gently lifts my chin, his golden eyes meeting mine with unwavering love. "No one hates you," he says, his voice tender and filled with conviction. "They may have been surprised, but we'll face this together. You'll see, they'll understand.”
He places a sweet, lingering kiss on my forehead before entwining his fingers with mine and gently coaxing me back inside. His presence is a source of strength, and with him by my side, I find the courage to face whatever challenges lie ahead
                           ┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈
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Twilight Masterlist
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via-l0ve · 2 months
Hello beautiful, hope you are doing great 🤍
I was wondering if you are taking requests right now?
If yes,would you please write hdcs about how Carlisle Cullen and reader would handle jealousy☻️(maybe some protective side of Carlisle)
If not,still thank you for your attention, and have a good day 🤍
Jealousy (Carlisle Cullen x GN! Reader) ❣️
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a/n: in love with this man
warnings: Jealous carlisle, gross men, this is so short.
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Usually he keeps it subtle
he’ll eye you from across the room at first. he knows you can handle yourself at first
he gives you the eyes
the “you okay?” eyes
even if you nod he’s still watching to make sure
the SECOND he sees this creep touch you he is by your side pulling you into him.
if the guy won’t back the fuck off he will get snarky
“get away from her/him. now.”
“you have no right to touch them. get your ugly ass away.”
carlisle never wants to get physical with anyone but if it comes to it he will
he’d do anything to protect you
after he shoo’s the guy away he’ll grab your pretty face
“my poor darling. are you okay?”
if you say yes he’ll give you a little kiss and ramble out a “you’re mine.”
if you’re shaken up and feeling upset, he’ll take you right home and pamper you
“please believe me when i say you are absolutely exquisite. men are rats. you deserve so much better, love.”
“i am so sorry that happened to you.”
feminist carlisle is what i live for
he’s stressed about you
but he knows you’re his and he is yours
he would move mountains for you
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Carlisle Cullen x Reader (3)
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AN: This fic is a continuation of this one and this one. There are no warnings for this installment.
It didn’t take your children long to divide themselves into teams after they heard that you would be playing baseball instead of refereeing like you usually did.  Carlisle stole a quick kiss as you accepted the baseball bat that he offered you.
“I choose dad.  Sorry mom,” Rosalie called to you.
“I choose mom.  Sorry babe!” Emmett fired back.
Your gaze fell on Edward who was whispering in Bella’s ear.  You had an idea what your eldest son was saying.
“Edward!  Get over here!  You’re holding everyone up!” Rosalie complained.
“Yeah, Eddy!  We don’t need mom to know that we cheat.”
“Too late,” you quipped.
Edward rolled his eyes in response and darted across the field to join Carlisle and Rosalie.  Emmett was batting first and he hit the ball with a thunderous crash once Alice had thrown it.  Edward took off into the forest while Emmett darted around the bases.  He must have sensed Edward’s return because Emmett skidded to a stop on the third base at the same time that the ball smacked into the glove Alice wore.
Jasper was the next to bat.  Alice pitched the ball to her mate and just as it had with Emmett, bat and ball collided with a tremendous bang.   Jasper sped around the bases as Rosalie chased after the ball and he had just managed to make it to the second base when Rosalie hurled the ball back to Alice.
You stepped up to the plate and you saw Carlisle motioning to Edward and Rosalie to spread out – you fought a grin; your mate knew you too well. 
“Bring us home mom!”  Emmett cheered.
The clouds darkened from a light grey to a darker shade while you squared up.  Your daughter launched the ball at you and with a heavy boom, the bat and ball connected.  Tapping into your powers, you sprinted to first base, tapped your hand into Jasper’s as you passed second base and high fived Emmett as you approached third.  Your children raced over to the home plate and crossed it; Bella announced that they were safe immediately after they had each stepped over the plate.
You had almost reached the home plate when you were tackled to the ground.  A hand cupped the back of your head to prevent it from slamming onto the ground and you became aware of your mate’s body pressing into you as you heard the ball slamming into Alice’s glove.
“You’re out, darling,” Carlisle purred.
Tearing your gaze away from your mate’s golden, mischievous ones, you called out to Bella.
“Safe!”  She yelled back.
You saw the question in Carlisle’s eyes before he noticed that your outstretched fingers were actually resting on the home plate.  He chuckled and climbed off of you before offering a hand to help you to your feet.
Your children swarmed you within seconds and you received countless hugs and birthday wishes but the best hug by far that you received came from your mate.
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divine-donna · 10 months
inquisition companions react to the inquisitor missing half their arm
because bioware didn’t wanna give it to us, i decided i’d just do it myself. (insert thanos meme) even though i am like years late to the hype.
the game is like 9 years old at this point, but spoilers ahead.
do keep in mind this is my own personal interpretation of each character. it may not be accurate to your own interpretations. (also i know leliana is technically not a companion in inquisition but i included her anyways)
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cassandra pentaghast
if cassandra could plunge a knife into the heart of solas, she would. she would not let him get away with betraying you and taking the anchor along with your arm. you had basically fallen into her arms when you emerged from the portal and she had to carry you back to halamshiral. for the days you were unconscious, cassandra was anxious and extra prickly. there were many times where cullen would have to talk her down from her anger. even varric did too.
dorian pavus
the first thing he did was crack a joke. the atmosphere was tense and it just slipped out. “i asked you to come back in one piece, not missing one.” safe to say, the other companions did not approve of his joke. dorian was set to return to tevinter after being notified of his new position as a magister, but he delayed the return to his homeland for you. he sat in your room as you lied unconscious, barely breathing, leg anxious bouncing up and down. when you awoke, you were immediately met with a large and tight hug from him. he knocked the air out of your lungs from that.
blackwall admires you. in fact, everyone would go so far as to say he adores you. he thinks of you as strong, capable, almost infallible. you closed rifts, you closed the big green tear in the sky, and you defeated corypheus! what couldn’t you do? all your feats proved to him that you were the strongest leader he could ever know. and yet, you were still mortal. you left the eluvians mortally wounded and exhausted beyond belief, your eyelids so heavy and ready to close so you may drift off into the black void of sleep. blackwall would not let you, not until you were taken away to be cared for. you found him sitting besides you, awake and on guard. your mortality was his reminder that you and him were the same, even if your lives appeared to be completely different. and he understood that the world would need a leader like you and that is dangerous.
iron bull
the bull could feel a stronger kinship with you that day. it appears that the both of you lost something. he betrayed the qun for the inquisition, thus losing a part of himself, his people. you lost a literal part of yourself, something you had to come to terms with after having the anchor for two years. to say iron bull was shaken up would be an understatement. he was getting cassandra to hit him with sticks for days on end while you lied unconscious. he wondered what would’ve happened if he was with you, if maybe...he could’ve stopped solas. but reminiscing never did anyone any good.
as much as he wanted to help you, cole couldn’t. he also understood that you wouldn’t accept his help, no matter how much he insisted. so instead, he did the best thing he could do: help tend to your injuries. what was curious was that he could feel very little of your pain. when he felt your pain two years ago after forming the inquisition, it was concentrated in your hand and forearm. with it gone, you felt at peace. the primary source of pain for you had been washed away. perhaps it was a blessing in disguise, he thought.
sera’s immediate reaction is, like dorian, to crack a joke. everyone is used to her eccentricity. but it felt different this time around. while you laid unconscious, recovering from the long battle, she occupied herself. she had to busy her hands and her legs, keep moving, keep her mind busy. because if she sat too still for even a second, then her mind would think about the worst outcome. she would get images of you, dead, because solas had betrayed you, betrayed her, betrayed the inquisition. hell, he betrayed the world! that knob! thinking he knew what was best! sera’s all the more relieved when it’s revealed you survived. she bursts through the door to see you and hug you tightly, complaining about how much you scared her.
varric tethras
in all honesty, varric should’ve been more prepared to expect...well, the unexpected. he had expectations of you coming out unharmed, untouched. obviously, that was not what happened. and he wondered if he was responsible for this. he had been one of the many people to support you as the inquisitor two years ago, suggesting it. he wondered if he made the wrong decision. but also, part of varric was relieved. he lost someone close to him two years ago. he didn’t know if he could handle losing you too.
vivienne de fer
the court would devour tales of the eluvians and how you managed to survive. that was vivienne’s first thought. people would be talking about you for centuries to come, certainly. and yet, she knew in her soul that was not what you would want. she does her best to minimize what rumors spread when you first emerge from the eluvians and help give you privacy. behind closed doors, vivienne checks on your injuries. part of her is amazed that the anchor was removed so cleanly.
josephine montilyet
josephine has seen many things ranging from serious to just plain absurd. when she was alerted that you had returned with many serious injuries, including the loss of half your arm, she sent messages to get the best possible doctors in all of orlais to help attend to you. the woman was definitely stressed beyond belief. but when she wasn’t trying to get everyone from backing off from you or getting people to look at you, josephine was attending to you herself. you awoke to find her wiping some sweat off your face and when she noticed, she muttered about how great andraste was and embraced you tightly.
cullen rutherford
your knight-commander appeared to take the news very well, much to the disapproval of cassandra. but the moment cullen was alone, in private, he flipped a table, causing everything to crash. all he could feel running throughout his body was regret, guilt, and anger. regret and guilt for not having gone with you. he should’ve. because if he did, maybe you would have came back alright. anger directed towards solas because the apostate had betrayed you, the inquisition. and everything you and him had worked towards was going to crumble. all of his hard work, leliana’s, cassandra’s, josephine’s, it’d all be for naught. cullen ends up spending a lot of time alone while you’re unconscious. he prays to andraste and the maker to distract himself from any wandering thoughts going towards lyrium. certainly the new mabari hound he decided to adopt on a whim helps with distractions at least.
the woman has seen many things in her lifetime, having experienced the fifth blight itself and been part of that fight against the archdemon. still, things aren’t easy when you come back from the eluvians missing half of your arm. even if it goes against all her duties, leliana stays with you until you wake up to make sure you’re alright. you’re the inquisitor after all and it’s vital that you’re still alive.
he’s the one who took it. you think he cares?
in all seriousness, it gave him no pleasure to remove your arm for the anchor. even if his plan was...well, shoddy we should say, the anchor was going to kill you. he had no choice. carrying your hand and forearm around felt heavy. he could carry it just fine but what made it heavy was the burden that came with his plan to tear down the veil and bring doom upon the world in a desperate attempt to bring it back to what it once was. and also, the burden of having harmed you.
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ccalhoun · 5 months
≻ ┄┄ ♡ ┄┄ ≺
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carlisle cullen x gn! reader n.sfw abc's! warnings: gender neutral reader, human reader, sub/bottom reader, dom/top carlisle, smut/nsfw, vampires/blood mentions, small parts of twilight lore, various kinks im too tired to write out wc: 1.5k cut for length!
A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
extremely caring, always. he is a doctor after all! he'll bring you water and a snack if you need it, and he'll insist on carrying you to the bathroom afterwards even if you can walk fine, he'll make sure you pee to decrease risks of uti's and run a shower (or bath, depending on how hard he went ;))
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
his favorite body part of his would most likely be his hands, he adores the way you squirm and whine when he fingers you, or the way you instantly listen to whatever's he's saying when he grabs your chin, how could he not love his hands when they made you so happy?
his favorite body part of yours is your neck, he feels guilty over it but every time he's close to you, head buried in your neck and shoulder as he's fucking you, all he can think about is how sweet your blood smells and how close he is to it. how easy it would be to just bite you and taste the red liquid that was no doubt the sweetest thing he would've ever tasted in his hundreds of years.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
i think carlisle would be fine with cumming anywhere, he would never want to make you upset or uncomfortable so if you set a boundary he'll do nothing but respect it. but he 110% prefers cumming in you. it just feels more intimate, and he wants to be as close to you as he can possibly get
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he wants to feed from you, he would never tell you this or even think of it while around you! however, when it's been awhile since the last hunt and he's feeling needy the only thing that can seem to fill his brain is his lovely little mate sleeping soundly in the bed he bought and put in his room just for you. and the part that makes him feel even more guilty? it makes him insanely hard to think about how hard you'd cry if he were to feed from you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
he is VERY experienced. he has been alive since before your great grandma was even a thought. he's had more than his fair share of pleasing both men and women, he knows many techniques and him being a doctor he knows every part of your body better than you do! combined with him carefully studying your reactions while he pleases you? he could have you cumming in seconds if the circumstances were right.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
he loves any position that you love, he's probably tried just about every position and could recommend a few that he knows would increase your pleasure or make you more comfortable.
his preference definitely depends on how he's feeling, if he wants to be closer to you or is just feeling affectionate he'll either go with spooning or missionary. if he wants to be a little bit more rough, he'll definitely do face down ass up as he likes the control it gives him.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
carlisle would lean towards a bit silly in the moment especially if you have anxiety or are just nervous. he wouldnt want you to feel intimidated or scared! if you ask him, he would be completely serious but he's carlisle for gods sake, nothing can prevent his adorable smile from shining through.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
very well groomed, most likely wouldnt be clean shaven as vampires cant grow hair and i cant imagine a doctor being ok with no pubic hair even if he doesnt have to worry about getting diseases.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he's very intimate and caring, he would lay out rose petals and light candles if you were comfortable with it. at LEAST once a month he'll make you let him pamper you, cook you a nice hot meal, run you a bubble bath, and listen to your every demand. no matter the time or place, he will always be as romantic as he can be when it comes to you!
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he doesn't like jacking off, he wouldn't unless you asked him for whatever reason. he has extreme patience from living for nearly 400 years, he will always wait until the next time he can meet with you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
doctor/sir kink, breeding kink, possessive kink? it makes him embarrassingly horny to think of you belonging to him, not much of a kink but he always wants to hold your hand when he cums
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
anywhere, as long as its with you. but, if he had to choose, probably your bed since it's where you seem the most comfortable and he always wants to pamper you!
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
just you, smelling the scent of your blood when you get closer, your voice, your eyes, your smile, anything could get him going as long as its you. if you want him to get into bed asap, just say anything about you being his and he'll take you away before you even know he picked you up
N = No (something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
hurt you. he could never forgive himself, even if you asked for him to be rough he would never do anything to cause you any pain. his heart drops when you get a papercut, he didn't even want to think about what he would do if he was the cause of your pain.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
definitely prefers giving, he'd never say no if you offered to suck him off, but before sex he has to eat you out until you cum at least once, preferably twice if you'll let him.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he finds the perfect pace for you, listening to your heartbeat and picking up on every hitch of your breath, staring at your face intently to see any slight changes to indicate what feels good. if you ask him to go faster or slower of course he'll listen, he'll do anything you ask
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
he hates quickies, he wants to take his time making you feel good. if you're not somewhere where he can take his time but you want to have sex, he'll just pick you up and run you home.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he knows more than anyone that some experimentation is healthy! he'll try anything you want at least once, and because of his heightened senses he doesn't have to worry about getting caught!
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he can go as long as he wants, because he's a vampire he doesn't need any time to recover after an orgasm and he has a seemingly endless supply of energy.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he'd be willing to use toys, he doesn't have much experience of his own with toys but if you told him what you want to try he'd buy it for you, money is no issue for him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he LOVES teasing you, he can't help it. seeing you whining and desperate for him, and if he can get you begging? he'd become even more infatuated with you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
naturally, he isn't very loud, mostly small grunts and groans. if you confessed that you like hearing him, he'd be willing to let go more and let more sounds slip out. but he does love your noises and he'd be lying if he said he didn't control his volume to be able to hear more of you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
loves making out with you, it feels so intimate to him. just holding you and kissing you for as long as either of you want. of course, he'll give you time to breath where he'll kiss your neck and let your breathing stabilize before kissing you again.
X = X-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
big, very big. as a human he was more of a grower, but as a vampire it's at his full human length plus an inch at all times. so about 7 inches, and GIRTHY.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
very high, higher than any human. he could go for days if he really wanted to.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
obviously can't sleep, but he loves watching you sleep after. he's fine with letting you sleep while he cleans up everything. you look so at peace when you sleep, he could stare at you for hours, and he does. ≻ ┄┄ ♡ ┄┄ ≺
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Tag List Registration
Requests are always open and well appreciated.
So, if anyone wishes to Request something for the characters and celebrities mentioned below, feel free to go.
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Daemon Targaryen
Realm's Desire
Honour of our House (Sequel to Realm's Desire)
The Present as It Is (Sequel to Honour of our House)
Dreams and Dragons
Dancing with Dragons
Never Yours
In The Stories
Blessings of the Goddess
In the Silence
The Dragon of North (Sequel to Never Yours)
False Accusations
For Your Sake
For Them
Without Him
Aemond Targaryen
Not in Our Destiny
In the Darks of Night (Sequel to Not in Our Destiny)
Rage of a Mother
The Crimson Lady
The Crimson Queen (Sequel to Crimson Lady)
Twisted Feelings
Twisted Love (Sequel to Twisted Feelings)
Beloved Sister (Platonic! Also, Aegon x Reader)
Fire of Desire
You Love Me Right?
Being Rhaenyra's Daughter and taking Aemond's Eye Part 2
Being Reborn in Wizarding World with Aemond
The White Dragon (Also, Cregan x reader)
Cregan Stark
The White Dragon (Also, Aemond x reader)
The Dragon of North (Sequel to Never )
Being Cregan Stark's Young Wife Would Include
Aegon II Targaryen (Only on Request)
For A Better Future
My Gorgeous Princess
Beloved Sister (Platonic! Also, Aemond x Reader)
Helaena Targaryen (Only on Request)
Ecliptic Wedding
First Meeting
Being in an Arranged Marriage
Defending Your Honor
You are a Foreign Delegate
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Tony Stark
A Woman of a Kind
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Peculiar Thing
Doctor Stephen Strange
Bucky Barnes
Broken Beings
T'Challa Udaku
Something New
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Carlisle Cullen
Marry Me
Edward Cullen
Jasper Hale
Under the Moon
Aro Volturi
Marcus Volturi
Caius Volturi
Demetri Volturi
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Draco Malfoy
The Kiss of the Dark
Tom Riddle
Percival Graves
Albus Dumbledore
The Fate Awaits (Sister!Reader)
Grieving the Dead (Sequel to The Fate Awaits)
Gellert Grindelwald
The Fate Awaits (Wife!Reader)
Grieving the Dead (Sequel to The Fate Awaits)
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Aleksander Morovoza
Nikolai Lantsov
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Robert Downey Jr.
Chris Evans
Is Air Conditioner Working?
Tom Hiddleston
Beautiful yet Broken Doll
Crazy Cravings
Matt Smith
Indian Dinner
Robert Pattinson
Rami Malek
Sebastian Stan
Mistakes Are Common
Tom Felton
The Harry Potter Reunion
Ram Charan
Ben Barnes
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imyourbratzdoll · 7 days
Can you please make a part 2 to "I can be a better boyfriend than him" and can you elaborate on what the green monster is towards the reader please and thank you I really love this short drabble🩶
hello! so, this turned out longer than I expected, and I hope you enjoy it, thank you for requesting this! also, I forgot it was green-eyed monster and not green monster when it comes to jealousy haha.
part 2 of i can be a better boyfriend than him.
summary - ever since you met rosalie, you had felt this pull toward her. but when she stopped speaking to you, it was as though a part of you became obsessed. will she ever be yours or will you stay broken?
warning - lots of angst, swearing, bad thoughts towards self, thoughts of breaking up a relationship, jealousy, some fluff though.
the gif I use isn't mine and divider by @newlips
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It had been a week since you got caught staring at Rosalie, your mind was going crazy, it would go from how beautiful she was to how to get rid of her boyfriend, wondering how important he is to her to how you’d never be good enough for her. Even though you’d die for her, it felt as though you were in over your head.
After that day, it seemed as though the Cullen/Hales were watching you, waiting for you to try something. You blink, coming out of your thoughts when you hear her laugh, your eyes slowly drift over, skipping past the many golden eyes that watch you and land on her. Aphrodite herself in the arms of Hercules, her smile beams up at him as he holds her, whispering in her ear, probably smelling her unique scent of vanilla and strawberries that only she could pull off. You can feel your heart twist and squeeze before shattering into your stomach, your throat closes up and your mouth becomes dry as you stop breathing.
You feel the familiar green-eyed monster creeping beneath your skin, your very own jealousy. The thing that makes you think you could take Emmett in a fight to get to his girlfriend. A laugh breaks you out of your stare, this time closer. You turn slightly and look up, your mouth opens and closes, brows furrowing as you see who is standing beside you. Next to you is Edward Cullen and for some reason you feel as though he’s laughing at you or something you’ve said. But you hadn’t spoken, had you? Did you let slip of your slight obsession with his adoptive sister? No one could’ve figured it out, everyone stared at the Cullen/Hales, it wasn’t news to them. So how did he know?
You huff, cheeks puffing out as frustration seeps in next to your neverending jealousy. “What are you laughing at, Cullen?” It didn’t take a genius or an empath to know people were staring at the two of you with jealousy (an emotion you knew so well), envy, curiosity and more as none of the Cullen/Hales talked to people outside of their family, let alone laugh with at them, well with the exception of Bella Swan of course. The woman so bland that it seemed to attract the weird. They weren’t your thoughts but things you picked up from around the other students. 
“If you stare any harder, she might burst into flames.” You sigh.
“Not my fault your sister looks like a goddess. It’s a good thing you are all adopted because no one would believe she’d be related to you. Your face is even an insult to dog shit.” Edwards brows furrow, head whipping your way so fast that you’d think he’d break his own neck. His mouth opens but before he can give a comeback, a booming laugh fills the hall and your head turns, seeing Emmett on the floor laughing with one hand on his chest and the other slapping his knee so hard you feel he might end up breaking it. The others seem to laugh more quietly, you’d be confused thinking that they somehow heard you from all the way over there if you weren’t so captivated by Rosalie’s smile, her eyes trained on you in a lighter way. Something you hadn’t seen since her first day. Her smile is so beautiful.
“Well, that was rude.” Edward once again breaks your thoughts as he mutters with a frown on his face. 
Your eyes flicker between Rosalie and Emmett, a question on your mind. “Are her and Emmett serious?” They had to give it to you, you had the guts even when you didn’t know they could all hear you. 
Edward raises a brow. “They are, our parents already love him.” Your eyes roll.
“You’d hope so or they’d be asking for a refund.” You were already looking in their direction so you didn’t miss Emmett’s offended face or the fact the other three were now laughing at him. Could they hear you from all the way over there? You turn with the serious look still on your face. “You think your parents will adopt me? I’d be a great daughter, I cook, I don’t clean though, but I can pretend. I can be quiet, mostly because I’m hoping my mouth will be kept busy.” He chokes, you don’t know what on. Maybe air dick? He chokes again. Definitely air dick. Another choke, couldn’t he at least get a room? You stare annoyed as he interrupts with his noises. “Excuse me, I’m trying to give myself a good review to pass onto your parents, so stop choking on Casper’s dick and be quiet. Now.” You clap your hands together. “When should I start calling them mum and dad?” 
Edward focuses on your thoughts, trying to see if you were serious. All he’s met with is Rosalie and wanting to be loved. Through his annoyance, he decides to let you down harshly. “Y/n, I’m sorry but Rosalie is happy with Emmett and she’s never going to end it with him for someone like you. You’d have better luck finding someone in your league at a Dollar Store.”
From across the hall, Jasper could feel your emotions, even though you don’t need to be an empath to know how you felt as Edward said those words. Speaking of the crystal ball, he tries to read your mind again wanting to know if you were finally going to let whatever this is for his sister go. His brows furrow even more than they were before, confused as to why he suddenly hears nothing. It was as though you had shut yourself off completely. Not even allowing your own thoughts into your head. 
You blink, nodding to the wake up call. “Okay” They can hear it in your voice, you sounded like someone who was just told they’d never achieve their dream because they weren’t good enough and in this situation Rosalie was your dream and you were never going to be good enough for her. This was only one of the worst things that could’ve happened, not only did you finally realise that your crush knew you liked her but her family had stepped in and basically told you that your feelings don’t even matter, no. The worst was the fact that all of the students stuck around because they wanted to see what a Cullen wanted with you. 
They heard everything, they heard about your crush on the woman, they heard that her family didn’t approve and that she’s happy with Emmett, they heard the harsh words poured onto you like a cold bucket of water. They heard EVERY word.
Reality finally sets in as you take in the situation around you. Not wanting to give anyone anything, you straighten your back with your head held high and you turn, walking past the Cullen/Hales without a glance. Deep down Rosalie would always have your heart even though you could never have hers. The confusing part was you don’t know why you felt so strongly about her, it wasn’t like you two spent time together. The only memory you have of talking to her was when they first moved to Forks.
The town was buzzing with gossip about a new family moving here. You had heard snippets of the family, but you weren’t that interested in partaking in gossip. You yawned as your first class was about to begin, your notebook and pen lying in front of you on the table. The door to the classroom opened and gasps were heard, followed by the room erupting in chatter. You kept your head down, just wanting to get this day over with so you could go home and try to sleep your life away. 
“It’s a pleasure to have you in Forks, Miss Hale. Please take a seat next to Miss L/n.” You heard your last name, causing your brows to furrow. There were many open seats, why did you have to be chosen to sit with the new kid? “Miss L/n. Please raise your hand so Miss Hale can find her seat.” You don’t bother looking up, your hand raises, hearing a quick thank you from the teacher. It felt like the universe was trying to bring you together.
It was as though everyone had stopped breathing as she walked toward the back of the room, all you could hear were the click of heels before a body slid gracefully into the seat beside you. “Alright, look up front please! I’d like to start this lesson without any disruptions.” The students immediately took their eyes off the woman beside you, turning their attention to their teacher. “Thank you.” 
You open your notebook before hearing a slight huff to your left. You ignore it, hoping that whatever was the issue that they wouldn’t need you. You weren’t a people person, you didn’t really have friends because you liked to keep to yourself. Maybe that’s what made you two the perfect match, your mutual dislike for people.
“Excuse me.” You hear a soft elegant voice and you grow confused as to why your heart has started beating so rapidly. You push the odd feeling away as you turn, only to be met with the most gorgeous woman you have ever seen. You hold back from widening your eyes, knowing that she’s probably gotten that everywhere she goes and is possibly sick of the attention– You didn’t know that she thrived on attention, on being the most beautiful woman in the room. Sure she wasn’t particularly that fond of the male gaze as she once was, but she knew she was stronger now and enjoyed every bit of attention she could get. “I’m sorry for bothering you, but I seem to have forgotten my pen and I was wondering if you had a spare one that I could borrow?”
You nod but in your mind you wonder who forgets their pen? Neither of you knew that a certain pixie-sized seer had something to do with it. You reach into your bag and pull out another pen and hand it over. You watched as her perfectly manicured fingers wrapped around it.
“Thank you.” She smiles and you begin to wonder if you were dreaming because no one could look this perfect. Rosalie tucks her hair behind her ear, holding out her hand. “I am Rosalie. Rosalie Hale.” 
Before you can stop yourself, you find your hand in hers. The cold not bothering you like it would others, “I’m Y/n. Y/n L/n.” After you introduced yourself, it seemed as though everything fell into place. The empty feeling you used to feel in your chest is now gone and replaced with warmth and a pull. You both spent the majority of the class talking as if you had known each other for your whole life. When the bell rang and she said goodbye, you didn’t know that would be the last conversation you were ever going to have with her. 
You walked out of class, heading to your next one when voices stopped you. “Did you meet her?! Did you?! Do you like her?!” A hushed squeal comes out of someone, claps could be heard from their hands and shoes bouncing off of the ground.
“Yes, I met her. Why are you so excited about this, Alice? You know how I feel about humans.” The voice you recognised as Rosalie’s responded. 
Alice lets out a huff. “You’re mates, that’s why! Didn’t you feel the pull? You’ve been waiting forever to find yours. Why aren’t you as happy?” 
“Mates?! I can’t be mates with that! She is human, innocent! She can’t live this life, she can’t be cursed.” Rosalie responds so harshly, it was as though her words were knives. “You will not meddle at all, do you hear me? I will even go as far as making it seem like Emmett and I are together and in love.” She growls and that’s the end of it, you hear footsteps echo throughout the hall as she walks off. Rosalie didn’t know that the minute she spoke to you, the mate bond activated within you. Spreading throughout your body and making you unable to forget or move on from her. You would say that would be the reason you had become so obsessed.
You pull yourself out of that memory. After that day, she stopped talking to you. She moved seats, became cold. The only thing that made you know that you weren’t going crazy into thinking if you two speaking on her first day was real or not was your pen. It was the only evidence, the only thing keeping your belief alive as you’d watch her twirl it between her fingers or write notes down with her flawless handwriting. 
A few weeks later the couple had graduated, which meant you could finally breathe. Even though whenever you heard her name your heart would break a little. It was a relief that you could go to school without having to force yourself not to look at her.
After a few months everything slowly got better, people no longer talked about you and because of that you finally decided to eat in the cafeteria again. Thankfully, everyone was now focused on Bella Swan and how she had run off to Italy to be with Edward. People theorized that they eloped or she was pregnant. But she was only gone for three days so unless it was some weird hybrid baby that theory was crossed off immediately. You should probably send her a fruit basket as a thank you for getting the attention off of you.
You grabbed some food and took a seat in a corner, away from everyone but that didn’t stop you from hearing whispers of a graduation party being thrown at the Cullen house and hosted by Alice Cullen. Apparently everyone was invited but you weren’t going to go. It would be too weird, you’d feel like a stalker and you were sure that Mr and Mrs Cullen would kick you out from what their children could’ve said about you. You were so tuned into your thoughts that you didn't notice a tiny person sitting next to you, followed by her boyfriend. 
“Hi!” A pixie-like voice broke you from your thoughts, causing your brows to furrow as you looked between Alice and Jasper. What was with the Cullens breaking you from your thoughts? It was like they couldn’t allow you to think for too long. Maybe she knew something you didn’t.
“Hi?” You reply in question. You weren’t that special to have any of these god-like people talk to you. So why were they? Were they going to pull a Carrie on you and drench you in pig's blood? Were they going to make you think that they liked you before turning around and laughing in your face? 
“I wanted to personally invite you to my graduation party and before you say no, please know that none of us think ill of you. I have a feeling we are going to be sisters!” She said it so surely, like she had seen it. You sat there speechless for a few seconds, mouth slightly open at what she said. “Please at least consider!” Alice reaches into her pocket and pulls out a piece of paper. “Here is our address, in case you decide to come.” She places the paper into your hands, closing your fingers around it and giving your hand a soft pat. 
You didn’t even see her write it down, she had it stuffed in her pocket like she had prepared for this to happen. As if knowing what you would decide. “Bye!” Before you can utter a word, she and Jasper disappear. You stare at the piece of paper, gulping. 
Your graduation came by the end of the week, a sad moment as you stared out into the crowd and no one stood, clapped or cheered for you when you received your diploma. You were truly alone, never seeing the golden eyes watching from outside, cheering you on silently that only her siblings could hear. Your head lowers and you walk off the stage, not even waiting for the ceremony to be finished. You head straight home, still wondering if you should go to this party since you’d probably be alone either way. 
The worst kind of loneliness is when you are surrounded by people but you feel alone. 
A few hours go by and by now the party has started, you’ve been having an internal battle with yourself. Your eyes drift over to a dress you had bought ages ago with only one woman in mind but you never got the chance to wear it. It just hung there, collecting dust. With a little push to yourself, you get up from your bed, what’s the worst that could happen? You quickly shower and make yourself smell amazing with some of your favourite lotions and perfume.
You slip into the dress, the material hugging your figure perfectly. You wore black tights underneath and a thick jacket with fur elegantly coming out of the holes. You head over to your mirror and apply a small amount of make-up, swiping a bold red lipstick against your plump lips. You straighten and stare at yourself, judging all of your flaws and you sigh. No matter how much you tried, you’d never be pretty enough. With a shake of your head, your soft styled curls brush against your cheeks.
You walk over to your knee high boots and slip them on, once you grab everything you need you leave, locking the door behind you. You get into your car and take off, driving to the Cullen house, trying to push all of your feelings away. You release a breath you didn’t know you were holding as you pull into their driveway, thanking whoever decided to build here for putting the large car space. From inside your car you can hear the music thumping, lights flashing and people hanging around and dancing. You turn your car off and step out, beginning to walk toward the house. Your eyes move around as you check out the place.
“Y/n! You made it!” You barely have time to register who it is as a tiny figure flies towards you and pulls you into a tight hug. Alice pulls back slightly and looks down, checking out your outfit. “Oh my god! This dress is beautiful! You look gorgeous!” She squeals, bouncing on her feet and thankfully not letting slip that she had already seen and knew who else would enjoy it. “Come, come! Some of us are hanging out in a different area of the party.” You look at her kind of shocked. Alice pulls you by your hand, the cold didn’t bother you. “Oh! Sorry, I had a feeling you wouldn’t want to be around the bigger, wilder crowd.” 
You nod, appreciating the gesture. “Thank you.” You both arrive in a lounge room that was decorated the same as the other section where the party continues on. The only difference was there were fewer people, meaning you could move and breathe freely. 
“Look who finally arrived!” Emmett yells, a large grin on his face. 
“Hello, I hope I’m not too late.” Your hands lock together as you smile, but it feels so forced. You were so busy pushing all of your emotions back that you forgot how to act.
“You’re fine! Sit, sit! You’re right on time!” Emmett replies, so friendly that you feel as though you walked into a trap. Was this where they would kill you? “Don’t worry, we don’t bite.” It seemed like you missed the joke when a few of them chuckled. 
“Emmett, shut up.” You knew that voice, you pushed harder against the wall holding your feelings inside. It felt like it was going to snap at any minute and you couldn’t have that. You didn’t know that Jasper could feel your struggle, making him look at you like he was in pain but it wasn’t his. 
God, She’s gorgeous. No, shut up, Y/n. You can’t be thinking this, remember what Edward said. You don’t want to open that can of worms, you’ll only end up getting hurt. But she’s so beautiful and you were so fucked. 
Edward could hear your internal struggle and from what he hears from Jasper, you weren’t just pushing your thoughts away. Maybe he messed up, he knew that he had when Rosalie threw him through a few trees when they got home. Jasper and Emmett had to literally use all of their strength to hold her back with how angry she was and even then there were foot marks from her pushing against them, he was lucky Carlisle got home when he did or he’d be a dead man. 
You quickly look away, deciding that the floor looked more interesting. Maybe you shouldn’t have come, this was a bad idea. But before you could turn and run, a voice stopped you. “Y/n. Is it okay if we talk?” You’d think the voice belonged to an angel or a siren if you didn’t know the person attached to it. You lift your head slightly, ensuring she was talking to you even though she had already said your name. But how were you to know that it was you? For all you know, you could’ve begun to walk to her only for someone behind you with the same name to push past. Embarrassing you.
But when your eyes locked with hers, you knew there was no one behind you with the same name and with a small nod. You slowly walk toward her, your heart skipping as she puts her hand out, willing you to grab it and when you do. Oh god, you think your heart exploded. She gently pulls you along and outside, taking you a bit further from the house so no one could interrupt you, she leads you to a small clearing that has a log with a blanket over it and a perfect view of the moon, a few fairy lights hung from some of the trees. Like someone had set it up that way.
You sit when she does, knowing that the feelings and thoughts you were pushing back were no use, you had lost to them the moment your eyes met hers. “I’m sorry.” You weren’t expecting that, she spoke so softly, looking up at the moon like it was hard to look at you, but you didn’t know that if she looked at you, her frozen heart would hurt from the pain she’s caused you. “I put you through so much for no good reason. I made you think and feel horrible things about yourself because I was scared.” 
You stay silent, scooting a tiny bit closer. Your heart warms when she grabs your hand gently. Rosalie finally turns to look at you and it was at this moment that she fully accepted the mate bond, she was stupid to think she could just forget you and move on. “I’ve lied about many things, kept secrets from you. But I don’t know if I can anymore. I want to try. But only if you want that as well.” 
“I… I know I’d forgive you easily and that scares me too. Because I want to be angry with you, I–I don’t want to… I want to know everything so that I can understand and that hopefully we can start over. But for my sake, I need it to be slow so I don’t hate myself for forgiving you so easily.” You finally let it out, you knew that your heart had already forgiven her but your mind hadn't. Of course you wanted to try, especially if it was with her. You didn’t care about the lies and secrets, you probably should’ve, but somewhere deep inside it was as though something wouldn’t allow that. It was weird because you’ve had people lie to you in the past and you held a grudge over it forever. Yet, you couldn’t with her.
Rosalie had already spoken to her family about this, Alice having already known was ecstatic. She helped her sister prove to the family that this would be a good thing and that they’d no longer feel so broken and dark. 
If Rosalie was human, she’d swear she would have a heart attack by how fast her heart would be beating. She’d probably be drenching her clothes with sweat as she prepares herself for this. “I will start from the beginning, I guess.” You nod, squeezing her hand softly to let her know that you were listening. “Emmett and I, we were never together. My family and I are different, so we tend to move around a lot and because of how we look, it sometimes attracts unwanted attention. So, we agreed to act together until we found…” She pauses, trying to find the right word. “Until we found the person meant for us. You may have noticed Alice is special, that she tends to know things before you’ve even thought about it. She saw you, before we moved here. She told me that you were human… I couldn’t handle it. I didn’t want to bring you into this world and I have spent so long keeping a distance from your kind, but I knew the moment I spoke to you that I’d never be able to let you go, not without giving us a chance and you a choice.” She seemed to choke up as she said the last part, as if she were dreading what your choice would be when the time came. She wouldn’t want you to lose you, wouldn’t want to watch you grow old while she stayed young as you died. But she also didn’t want you to become like her, stuck for eternity. 
Your mind seemed to work overtime with how fast it was thinking. Human? Alice saw me? Your kind? What world? Choice? You weren’t going to interrupt, but you were confused. You knew they weren’t entirely human, because no human would look like how they did. But you never thought to dig deep, it wasn’t your secret to uncover. 
Rosalie huffs, bringing herself out of her thoughts as her eyes focused back on the moon and you couldn’t help but think that she wore moonlight like lingerie. The next words took you out of your thoughts, though. “My family and I are vampires.” You guess this took the cake over the whole Emmett dilemma, it also explained why everyone laughed when he said they don't bite. You sat still though, watching her as she watched the moon. 
“Our eyes have meaning of what kind of vampire we are. If they are red, it means that they feed on human blood. But if they are gold, like mine and my family. It means we feed on animal blood. You’d probably call us vegetarians in a sense.” You make an ah sound, not really meaning to but you couldn’t help it. Rosalie shakes her head, not really understanding how you could still be here. “You should be running scared, you should hate me. We are killers, Y/n. We have killed and we could kill you if an accident were to arise like with that human.” She sneers and you put together that the human she’s referring to would be Bella.
You squeeze her hand. “I don’t want to run. It probably sounds idiotic for a human to stay after hearing that the person they like is a vampire. But you don’t scare me, something inside of me tells me that you’d never harm me. For some reason you’ve made me feel safe and whole the moment we locked eyes. You might’ve been killers before, but I don’t think you’ll kill me because if you or your family were going to kill me or anyone else. You would’ve done it by now. Especially since you have me all alone.” You pout, not liking that her smile had left. “Plus, you aren’t really that special in the killing department. I’m sorry to tell you this, but. Magic can kill. Knives can kill. Even small children launched at great speed could kill.”
This was the second time you heard her laugh. Her head falls back as an angelic laugh falls from her lips, her luscious blonde hair resting against her back. You felt warm knowing you brought her smile back, an added bonus that her laugh followed.
You felt hypnotized as you watched her. “You have a nice laugh.” 
She looks at you, happiness swirling in her eyes. “A nice laugh?” It felt good to be complimented, especially when it came from you. The air felt lighter, now that everything was out in the open.
“Mmhm.” You lean forward and tuck a stray hair behind her ear. “I like it.” She was still the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen, nothing could compare to the beauty in front of you. You turn away a bit, causing a frown to slowly appear on her face. “I can’t look at you…”
Rosalie hesitates, thinking that maybe this was where it would end. “Why not?” She never hesitates, never sounds so unsure of herself but you do that to her. 
You turn back again, a subtle smirk on your lips. “Too pretty.” Rosalie huffs, hitting your arm softly as she laughs with playful anger. Unbelieving of how fast she had fallen.
Your eyes connect again, a spark igniting between you. “Did you think about me?” Her question so light, so quiet, so shy. So unlike her.
You blink, releasing a breath you had been holding. “Sometimes it felt like I thought about you every minute.” She moved closer, her hands slowly moving to rest gently on you. Her eyes flicker over your face, knowing that if she could dream it would be about you. About this. Her hand slowly moves up, cupping your cheek.
“Can I kiss you?” It was so quiet that you barely heard it, but you did. The question kept repeating over and over as you nodded.
And with your permission, she crashed her soft cold lips against your plump warm ones. One hand resting on your cheek while the other rests on the back of your head, trying to bring you closer. Rosalie had never tasted something so sweet, so perfect. Your lips moved together, her tongue swiped across your bottom lip, gaining access, wanting to feel more of you, taste every bit of you. It felt as though you could finally breathe, that the missing puzzle piece was finally connected. You were her forever as she was yours.
Finally, fucking finally mine. They both thought.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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elissanatok · 1 year
﹒•˒⟿⭒「﹒•𝙈𝙤𝙤𝙣𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙚 ❞」ʿʿ ⟿☼
↳🪶💌⭒˞˔˙ː❛ -„𝖧𝗂𝗌 𝖾𝗑𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗈𝗎𝗌, 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝖨 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗂𝗍 𝗌𝗈𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗌𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗅𝗒 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝗍 𝗆𝖾. 𝖫𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗒 𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝗍 𝗆𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝖽𝗂𝖿𝖿𝖾𝗋𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝗍 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾."✹⋮
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summary: In which the middle child of the clearwater family suddenly gets pulled out of her peacefull and secure lifestyle, just to enter a world of shifters, vampires and love triangles.
◌༄۵ ! 𝔧𝔞𝔠𝔬𝔟 𝔟𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔨 !
! 𝖳𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 !
I hope you enjoy reading my story! Show me you're here, write a comment, vote, make a girl happy ;)<3
englisch is not my first language, please feel free to kindly point out the mistakes that are possibly made
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨
﹒•˒⟿⭒「﹒• 𝗋 𝖺 𝗂 𝗇  ❞」ʿʿ ⟿☼
there was not much one could wear at the reservation. half of the people ran around like it was august all year long, but not Olivia. she put on a pair of socks, a pair of fluffy socks and her boots. her thick coat almost hid her completely as she stepped down her porch. mutt was making a squeaking sound under her shoes, the brown liquid spraying against her jeans, as she walked to her jeep. the tiny yellow car being her only way into town.
she wanted to get a book, nothing else.
she did not expect to be thrown to the ground by the most fragile force that could have ever run into her. she looked up into brown eyes. the girl's hand being stuffed in thick gloves reached out to her. "g-god I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean to." Olivia nodded. her bum was wet and her hands were red and itchy from the ground, but she forced a light smile. "It's alright. don't worry. could have happened to me too." she tried stepping around the brunette and into the store, stuffing her hands back into her coat. the girl stepped aside, smiling uncomfortably and left a second later.
"bella!", she had heard a familiar voice call, but didn't bother turning around and taking a look. she wasn't bella and she had hurt herself enough already.
the rain fell harshly against the windows of the bookstore, then the window of her car, and the windows of her bedroom. it had been raining for a few days now, which annoyed her just a little bit. spending hours in her bed reading and watching movies was something she loved. but she hated going to school during the rain, because when she went in and when she stepped out, she would get wet, and being wet was something entirely different than watching the rain through her window.
a knock on her door made her look up from her novel. she smiled when she saw the brown hair of her brother, but rolled her eyes when she saw the second one. paul grinned. he was content in her room. it smelled of lavender and honey and her. "what do you want?", she asked and sat up slightly. seth let himself fall on her bed, while the older boy sat down in her chair. he inhaled the air carefully. honey, lavender and something he really, really did not like. he threw a nasty look at her coat, which was hanging around the wooden chair.
"we wanted to know if you would like to eat at sams today. emily asked about you, you know", paul told her, while watching her intently. she had not been at sams for a few years now. not since he had broken up with her sister. she liked emily, she loved her, she was her cousin, but that did not change the sour taste in her mouth whenever they talked about her. "Not today. tell her thanks tho please.", she smiled slightly, looking down at her book again.
paul exhaled a loud breath. he had already expected her answer. "you know, she and leah talked. they're on good terms now.", he told her, while seth threw her and annoyed look. she shook her head. she had to talk to leah first, after that she could decide if she would allow herself back there.
"okay. bye olli.", he called, as he jumped from her chair and jogged out of her room with her brother hot on his heels. she shook her head. she had just as much energy as they had in their little toes.
the day went by slow, even slower than usual. the tv had the nerve to stop working and olivia's mother was starting to get annoyed with everything around her. her job, her house, the dishes, the tv and her children. Olli didn't really blame herself, she had spent the whole day in her room, and was sure that she could not have possibly annoyed anyone.
Oh how wrong she was. her sister could get annoyed by anything. anything. and she truly loved her younger sister, but the fact that Sam and her whole pack had confronted her about her sister's absence, and asked her to talk to her, definitely ruined her mood. she felt like it was her fault that they had to miss her, pulling Olivia on her side after the breakup and away from emily. not like she was that close to anybody in the pack except her cousin. when Olli thought about them, she could only remember a few faces, a few names here and there, but she didn't miss anybody.
so when Leah stormed straight towards her the second she came home, she didn't really see the problem. yes, Leah was probably right. she should come to see Emily the next time she had the chance, but when she heard that everybody had been missing her, she got confused. "everybody? Sam?", Leah nodded her head. "Yeah, Sam. Paul's also a pain in my ass." Olivia rolled her eyes at that. "yeah I will come. Alright?"
she didn't feel excited about visiting them. not at all.
she didn't even know who them really were. she knew that her siblings and a few other teens hung around them a lot, she didn't understand why. she knew that seth never brought anybody home except Paul, and her sister was always careful with throwing names around, but she ignored it, trying to be happy for her siblings after all they had been through. she just wished she could be a little bit more like them.
let me know what you think!! reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback are highly appreciated <33
Taglist @lowkeysaurus
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lis-likes-fics · 2 years
Pairings: Edward Cullen x Reader Warnings: None really A/N: I’ve had this posted on Wattpad for a while, and I decided to post it now just because. This was a request that I got that I had a lot of fun writing with. I hope you enjoy it, thank you!
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Edward's eyes once again wandered to the girl sitting alone in a cafeteria full of tables with open seats. Her body hunched over the surface of the table, her eyes downcast as she stared at a book she held in her lap. There was a frown on her face, though not as deep as the one she usually wore along the halls of the school.
He delved into her mind, which was a creation of the words she was reading, pictures and images of characters and their actions as she mentally played out the scene she read. His curiosity reached its peak when his own face popped into her mind, it seemed she had chosen him to take the face of a character decorated in a fond light. He assumed it to be for the same reason others usually found him and his family interesting, a pretty face for a pretty person.
As the scene of the fantasy story played out, he found himself-a character, the hero of the story-sitting alone under a tree to reflect on his thoughts. The thoughts were relatively tortured, but forced into a positive light illustrated by the story.
As she read, he found a hint of distaste in her face at the way the author had described the thoughts of the character, drenching them in optimism when the thoughts and actions they had come from clearly should have been solemn to hold a depth she knew the character held. A depth she unconsciously identified with. A quiet scoff passed through her lips, and Edward's own lips lifted in a slight smile, finding amusement in her thoughts and portrayed emotions.
Edward found his feet moving before his mind as he stood from his own table, earning the looks of his siblings, which he ignored. Even the inquiries found in their thoughts could not reach his mind as his eyes stayed focused on the girl. As he approached her table, he could hear his name reflecting off the thoughts of the students around him, curious to see what was going on with the Cullen and the loner; essentially the outcasts.
He came to stand by her table, her eyes eventually tearing from her book as she came to the realization of the presence. When her eyes found him, her mind was torn away from her book almost viciously. Edward could see the alarm bells going off in her head at the sight of him and almost snickered, ever-amused by her reaction to him.
"Hello," he said after her mind had enough calm to comprehend his words. Although it seemed she was still experiencing some shock as she took a moment to respond. Her mind, however, was not as still.
What's going on? Am I being pranked? she thought to herself. There's someone at my table- Wait, he spoke to you. Say something! She shook her head to free herself from her mind as she nodded, taking note of the person in front of her. "Edward Cullen." She berated herself for verbally identifying him. "Er- Hi..." She tried to find something else to say, her thoughts an disorganized mess as she tried to sort through the socially acceptable answer but only coming out drawing straws. "What are you doing at my table?"
As Edward listened to her mind, he could not help his curiosity at the fact that her first thought was not connected to who he was, but rather that he was someone standing in front of her. His name had only come after the fact that she was not alone anymore and that she needed to speak. He was about to leave too much silence between their responses before he finally spoke to her, "What are you doing sitting alone at your table?"
He could feel the eyes boring into his body from all angles as people all over the cafeteria stared at them. It was the polar opposite to subtle, and they all shamelessly knew it. He filtered all of their thoughts to focus on her own, her mind interesting him to no end.
Her cheeks suddenly flooded with blood, tinting a darker color as she looked around at all the attention they were receiving. He bit the inside of his cheek to focus on anything but the blood flowing through her veins that was suddenly brought to his attention. Her heart was pounding in her chest, more of what he assumed was just embarrassment flooding her. Although, upon further inspection, in her mind he could sense something else coming from the change.
"I..." she tried to come up with a response. "I always sit by myself."
Edward stifled a chuckle at her reply. The bluntness of the statement was humorous to him, although he did not know why. Her eyes continued to dart around them, complaints and anxiety screaming in her mind about all the eyes watching them. Edward turned to see some of the people watching, locking eyes with them to humiliate them into looking away. Eye contact made most people squeamish, so a simple look should suffice for most as they frantically looked away to try and find something else to console their embarrassed thoughts about being found out.
Edward's eyes returned to her, giving a gentle smile in an attempt to calm her nerves a little. "Would you like some company?" he asked, tilting his head slightly in an attempt at using his charm. It was just a test really, he wanted to see her reactions to him.
Her mind wandered back to her book, to the character with his face. She matched the smiles and there was another fond light over the thought. He looks so happy, she commented, a brief flicker of the character's tragic backstory making the simple act of the hero smiling just as beautiful.
She returned to the present when his question resurfaced and she nodded, letting out a bit of a sigh as a small grin spread over her own lips. "That would... actually be really great. Yes?"
Edward's amusement mixed into something else: genuine wonder and interest trumped his basic curiosity. He took a seat next to her, his movements slow and almost cautious as he kept some distance, but not enough to raise any flags. Her smile wavered for a moment, an unease in her thoughts again as her eyes moved back to the eyes on her. This could be a trick... What if it's a prank?
Her eyes scanned over him, returning to the cover of her book as she fingered the edges. Maybe I should've ignored him... No one ever wants to sit here... Her thoughts had a frown sinking into his lips, the turn from surprise to shock to pleasantry to anxiety almost unsettling.
He tried to shake her from those thoughts as he asked in a gentle voice, "So, again I ask, why are you sitting by yourself?"
She shrugged, thinking of an answer. "I don't have anywhere else to sit." She was quiet for a moment. "I'm a loner... always have been." There was a sadness to her tone, and in her mind she found herself once again reflecting on the character in her head. An outcast loner by his peers, a loner by force.
"Something tells me... not by choice?" he asked as he tried to make the connection.
She looked at him, her eyes almost looking as though she was trying to see into his own mind. She shook her head, "Uh... No. No, not by choice."
"So... why?" He could not find the answer in her mind, hard as he tried. She was very good at avoiding the conflict, pushing it from her thoughts to limit the amount of discomfort she felt over the past. She shrugged, "Fall out with a popular kid."
Finally, she gave away a face and an accompanying memory with said person, a relationship she held in her early years of high school. It was a wonder he had not gotten the story by now. He knew every story, except this one...
"I see..." he mumbled, although he did not see the details, just the bigger picture. He was trying so hard to understand, to piece everything together. He had missed the way she searched the room, her eyes darting around her audience as she slumped toward her book.
"What's wrong?" he asked, taking in her new thoughts. He saw it before she said it.
"People are staring," she mumbled.
Amusement returned at the prospect of the eyes of teenagers watching them. He did his best to conceal his smile, but it was all in vain as a small grin found his lips. "That bothers you?"
She shrugged, "It doesn't bother you?"
"No, not really." He shook his head, his eyes glancing at random people before settling back at her.
"Right..." she chuckled humorlessly. "You're a Cullen. You're probably used to people staring."
He chuckled as well. "Kind of, yeah." She nodded and stared down at her book.
Edward wanted to keep her talking. Her thoughts were not giving him enough information on what she was actually thinking. She was too focused on the eyes on them and her awareness of him sitting across from her. "You know," he said, "you can always just stare back. People don't like eye contact much."
She smiled, looking at him as she shook her head. "That won't work for me."
His smile grew, his teeth flashing slightly in a way that he thought would make her cringe away from him, but she did not. Her gaze only continued to sort of evaluate him. "Why not?" he asked.
She gave no verbal response, but her mind did. I'm not that bold. He chuckled and silence fell between them again. This silence was not uncomfortable as their eyes watched each other. She was unaware that she was staring, taking in his face in a different light than he expected to see on him. It was like she was looking at him through rose-colored glasses, reminding him of Carlisle and Esme's own humble views of him.
Company's better than I thought... Edward smiled at the thought, which prompted him to say his next words, surprising both her and himself.
"You know... my table is always open."
Her brows shot up at that, an offer to sit with him and his siblings, the other social outcasts of sorts. She blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of his kindness.
She clasped a hand over her book, unconsciously pulling it toward her chest. "You mean, like," she wondered, "with your family?"
He nodded, seeing the problem as his brows furrowed. "Yeah," he muttered. "Is that a problem?"
She shrugged, running a hand through her hair. Again, she glanced around her, "Wouldn't there be... more staring?"
"As I said, just stare back," he smiled widely, a laugh escaping him at the fact that she was still stuck on the eyes still watching them.
This time, she laughed too, a musical sound that gave him a very surprising feeling. In her mind, she imagined the two of them staring at the students watching them, scaring them away as pride swelled in her thoughts at the prospect.
"That would be cool..." she said after coming down from her laughter. Her eyes wandered to Edward's normal table where the Cullens sat. They were no different from the rest of the students as their curious eyes watched them closely. Their gaze, however, was a little more intense than the others. "Are you sure your siblings wouldn't mind?"
"Of course," he said, almost laughing again.
A chirping voice suddenly entered his mind, as if on cue. Yay! She's coming!
It seemed she would be accepting his proposal. "Alice would be happy to have a guest, anyway," Edward said, his words lingering in an open statement. She was silent for a moment, weighing the pros and cons of the decision.
More people will stare... well the school needs the drama anyway. She shook her head at herself. Edward watched with heavy interest, his lips curling and his brows furrowing. He watched her shoulders fall slightly as her eyes downcast to her book.
I won't be alone anymore...
She thought about how it might be to sit at the Cullens' table, to sit with people who did not hold a distaste for her. She smiled to herself and turned to Edward. She nodded shyly, "Then... yeah. I'll sit with you."
"Really?" he asked. He had confirmation from Alice, but part of him was still surprised by her acceptance.
"Sure," she confirmed for him. She suddenly winced as her eyes closed, a nervous chuckle leaving her as she tapped on the table. "I'm Y/N, by the way."
He smiled, the information already in his head, picked from the minds of the nosey students surrounding them. "It's wonderful to meet you, Y/N," he said.
In the back of his head, Alice was exclaiming something about being excited for what was coming. He glanced over his shoulder at her and rolled his eyes to shake his head, being sure that his new table buddy had not seen. He smiled back at her and nodded, "Sounds like a plan, then."
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My Mega taglist: currently empty... Twihards taglist: @thelastpyle​ @babypink224221​ @lovelyy-moonlight​ Tag yourself here...
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xetswan · 4 months
The Switch of Daylight- Tore Up
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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[four] [five] [six]
A month later Bella still has been in a weird funk, she barely talks anymore. There’s no light in her eyes. She’s boring.
Sorry to put it in rough words I guess.
I make sure she eats and at least is getting food in her stomach but there’s really nothing else I can do.
I hang out with the guys on the Rez. Mainly Sam, I go see Jacob too but he doesn’t really talk to Sam so he feels awkward whenever we hang out.
So Sam is my go to. Or hanging out with Angela and surprisingly Jessica.
They try to get Bella to come out but she’s still in a depression.
October has been plain. I still haven’t opened the letter that lays on the ground. Jessica has brought it up every time she’s come over.
She’s tried to pick it up but I tell her to knock it off and we eventually leave my room to go somewhere else.
I don’t trust her in my room alone either. She’s too nosy even Angela can be influenced by her so I tend to go over to their places.
November, everyone starts to decorate for Christmas, it’s been getting colder and Bella hasn’t changed at all. Bob Marks and his wife even brought over a turkey and tried to explain their concern for her.
We tell them she’s okay she just wants time alone. I knew Charlie was getting worried as ever.
For Thanksgiving I talked Charlie into having Sam and Jacob join us, maybe getting Bella to open up a little bit.
But of course it really didn’t. She wasn’t paying attention to anything, having to repeat ourselves numerous times.
December, Charlie dragged in a Christmas tree toward the house, I watched as he looked up at Bella who sat by the window as she normally did, listening to music in the background.
And now her depression is starting to ware off on me.
The letter on the floor of my room becoming more of a distraction every time I enter the room.
The white becoming brighter like the sun is purposely shining down on it through the clouds.
As much as I want to read it, I know it would bring me down. The anger would seep back in.
Taking control.
“Hey, you’re gonna open it today?” Sam knocks on the door, startling me. I turn to look at him and I laugh nervously.
“Huh, no, I think I’m going to throw it away.” I go over to it and I think about picking it up but something stops me.
“Would you want me to read it and then I could let you know if it would upset you too much?” He offers, “you just want to know what it says.” I smirk.
“Maybe but I know how much it’s bothering you.” He shrugs his shoulders. I nod my head, thinking for a little bit before finally picking up the stupid letter.
“Here.” I shove it on his chest. He takes it and then sits down on the bed.
He reads it, taking his time as I then started to pace back and forth in my room.
I hear the paper crumple and I snap my neck over at him.
“Hey, what are you doing?” I go up to him but as he crumpled it he then starts tearing it up.
“There’s no point in reading this.” He throws away the now shredded and crumpled pieces of paper away. My eyes don’t leave the sight of the trash can.
“Why?” I look up at him, confused by his strong reaction.
“We worked too hard for you to get upset like Bella, it’s best you stay in the dark. You trust me right?” He smiles reassuringly but for some reason I feel odd about this.
“Yeah, yeah of course I do.” I partly lie. Shaking the feeling off I leave the room, he follows behind.
We go outside to see Bob Marks try to ask Bella how she is but she of course is in her own world and doesn’t hear him. Bob shrugs it off to Charlie but I can see that my dad is done with this.
Once Bob walks away he goes over to Bella’s truck, slamming the door shut that Bella had just closed.
“That’s it.”
“That’s what?” Bella is alarmed, Sam and I stay quiet.
“You’re going to Jacksonville to live with your mother.” He tells her, her eyes widen.
“What? Why?” She questions.
“I just- don’t know what to do any more. You don’t act like someone left. You act more like someone died.” Charlie explains, I watch as my sister looks away.
“I’m not leaving Forks.” She states.
“Bells, the bastards not coming back.”
She nods at his words, knowing it herself.
“It’s not normal, this behavior. And frankly, it’s scaring the hell outta me, your mother and sister.” Bella finally notices that I’m on the porch. I’ve talked to Charlie about sending her to Jacksonville, I’m the one who brought up to both of our parents and I think she knows too.
“Go to Jacksonville, Baby. Make some new friends.” He gently tells her. “I like my old friends.”
“You never see them anymore.” He argues.
“I do, too. I’m um… Jessica and I are going to Port Angeles tomorrow. Shopping.” She lies, I let out a sigh shaking my head.
“You hate shopping.” He points out in a suspicious manner.
“That’s how good a friend I am.” She says. “Alright, shopping.” He repeats.
I smack my lips, rolling my eyes.
“Dad, I’m going to Port Angeles with Sam right now actually. We’re gonna see a movie.” I hop down the steps, going over and kissing his cheek.
“You two sure are hanging out a lot.” He comments, pointing between us. I glance back at Sam and snicker.
“Yeah, we found out we have a few things in common.” I punch the boy then look back at my dad.
“Alright, be safe.” He then comes up to my ear to whisper. “Make sure she sticks to her word when you get back, please.” It was barely audible and I knew Bella wouldn’t have been able to hear.
“Of course.” I whisper back, kissing his cheek once more.
“Bye Bells, I love you both.” I wave them goodbye as Sam and I get into his truck. “Why’d you lie to him?” Sam asks.
“You think my dad is gonna let me hang out with you guys and jump off of a cliff?” I raise a brow, putting in my seatbelt as I feel my dad staring at the both of us.
“True.” He laughs, he then slowly starts driving. Speeding up the further he gets away from my house.
Sam gets to the cliff and all the other guys are waiting. I excitedly get out and go to the truck bed to wear a suit is.
Being a vampire had its advantages, not feeling cold weather was a huge part of it.
Meaning I could jump off a cliff into cold water and not get a heart attack or sick from it.
I go behind the truck and Sam watches out for me while I change.
I used to be a huge adrenaline junkie when I was human, this is going to be so much fun.
Once I finished changing I threw my clothes on the truck and joined next to Sam.
“Ready?” He smiles down at me and I nod my head. Us and the rest of the guys all get together to run and jump off of the cliff.
The leap into the air felt free, falling and still getting that similar feeling in my stomach of falling. I laugh loudly and flip in the air into a diving position right as I hit the water.
I open my eyes underneath the water and see all the other guys hit the water as well.
A grin never leaving my face.
I then swim back up and laugh, trying to find Sam who comes up gasping for air.
“That was amazing!” I shout over to him, moving my limbs to get to him. “It was!” He shakes his hair, causing the water to hit me in the face.
We did it a few more times and each time the feeling becomes addictive.
I wanted to keep going up until I overheard Sam talking with someone.
Pretending to still get ready for another jump I listen in.
“They were trying to warn her about us. Me specifically.” Sam says to the other guy. I raise a brow.
“Honestly if I didn’t feel something for her I would’ve let her read the stupid letter.” He lets out his words and I shake my head to myself. Oh no…
“They love her. That’s all it was. And a warning about the wolves and some prophecy with the reincarnate. Who is her.” He carries on and I stand up straight suddenly.
Why would he hide something like that from me?
Why would he rip that up?
“I’ll tell you guys later.” He caught on I think. I turn around with a smile.
“Sam, gonna join me for one more?” I shout over to him.
“Uh, sure.” He jogs over to me and we get to the cliff.
We jump one last time and when we get back up to air I stare at him.
“I don’t think we should hang out anymore.” I tell him. He scrunches his face in confusion, still trying to catch his breath.
“What?” He asks. “I heard you.” I admit to him. “Heard me?” He raises a brow.
“Don’t act stupid, Sam. About the letter. Nothing would’ve made me like Bella. You hid that from me for your own good.” I call him out and his face goes pale. “[Name]-“
“No, don’t. I can’t argue with you. I just. I need time away from you for a little bit and then I want to hear what was in that letter.” I tell him with a bored expression. But still making sure I’m stern.
“Okay.” Is all he says in return.
It felt too fast, our friendship.
Three months was all it was to last?
I might’ve had a crush on him when I was younger but I can’t just forget my two lovers who had to leave. I’m hurt they left but I know they just wanted to be with their family.
They didn’t have a choice. Their loyalty is strong. I just wish I opened the goddamn letter myself.
“No, we promised Edward.” Carlisle shakes his head.
“But she won’t do well without us. I get flashes of her, but they’re unclear-“
“Forget her, let’s drag Edward home, and get [Name]. She should be with us.” Rosalie cuts Alice off. They were at their cousin’s house, Tanya in Alaska.
“He’ll come back when he’s ready. After Bella moves on. And [Name] should be where she wants” Esme interjects.
“Yes. Bella’s living her life, safe from danger, and [Name] will do whatever she can to protect that.” Carlisle assures the others.
“You mean safe from us.” Jasper mainly talks to himself, Alice wraps an arm around him in a soothing manner.
“And when will that be?” Rosalie looks at Alice.
“Can you see him, Alice?” Emmett questions. She closes her eyes, everyone now paying their full attention to her.
“The only decisions he’s made is to be alone.” She sadly tells them.
The others all look around at each other but then Rosalie stands up.
“Can you still not see [Name]?” Her eyes were hopeful, just wanting to see her sister again.
Obviously not really being sisters but Rosalie loved [Name] like one.
“I’ll try again. All I get are glimpses when she’s out with friends or home. She’s been with wolves.” Alice explains, holding onto Jasper who also watches his partner close her eyes once again trying to find their love.
“She’s hurt. Our letter is ripped in the trash and she’s trying to put it back together. Sam… The wolf. He tore it up.” Alice starts getting angry, her chest rising and falling prominently.
“How do you know that?” Emmett questions, now standing beside Rosalie. Carlisle and Esme grow curious as well.
“She’s crying about it to Bella. Well ranting, she can’t cry.” Alice voice breaks, she’s obviously putting herself in the room and wants to be there for [Name].
Jasper tenses up. “She shouldn’t have befriended a dog.” Rosalie judges.
“It’s her childhood friend…” Alice disagrees, even if she is against werewolves, she knows her girlfriend and will always be on her side.
(Change back to [Name])
I pull all the pieces of paper out from the trash, trying to lay them out on the ground to figure out what the letter says.
Not even hearing the door open and a body standing over me. I whisper to myself, angrily ranting about what Sam did.
“[Name], what are you doing?” I gasp, jumping up from the voice. Calming myself once I see my sister in my vision.
“What?” I ask disoriented. “I asked what you’re doing… with the pieces of paper on your floor.” She repeats her question and I look at the ground then back at her.
“It’s the letter, from Alice and Jasper. Sam, he ripped it.” I try not to get angry again, pulling out another piece of paper from the trash and I lay it on the ground with the others.
“Want me to help put it together?” She comes to the other side of me and without me even saying yes or no she sits on the ground.
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
Bleeding Hearts - Jasper Hale x Reader
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Summary: Jasper finds you on the floor crying and bleeding and patches you up which leads to feelings being admitted
Words: 2.1k
Warnings: blood; cut otherwise fluff and a little angst
Notes: DW I’m still gonna be writing TLOU stories too
I didn’t wanna go back to mine, the place feeling to cramped and closed off which I know would add to all the pent up frustration I’m currently feeling. It’s why I’ve ended up at the Cullen’s house, needing to be somewhere no one will judge me and hey maybe Jasper can use if freaky emotional control on me so I can stop feeling like I want to slam someones head into a table or scream. This week has been non-stop and I just need a fucking break, shoulders tense and heart racing as I let myself in, knowing they’ve got the fridge stocked for me to help myself to anything I want. 
I drop my rucksack with a hard thump, kicking my shoes off and throwing my jacket in the general direction of my bag before heading towards the fridge. I’m moving around the kitchen island too quickly as I feel my elbow connect with the  beautiful glass jar there and just watch it go crashing to the ground, realising a few expletives, “Ahhh! Fucking shitting fuck!” 
The sound of shattering glass grates against my ears as my frustration is turning into overstimulation, the frustration reaching a breaking point that I can’t deal with it anymore. The tears are welling up in my eyes as I sink to my knees to clean up the mess before any of the Cullens get home and see me in this state. It’s like I’m fighting a losing battle and everything is just falling apart around me, the frustration is just so overwhelming and I’m struggling to stop the tears as they stream down my cheeks rather embarrassingly. The Cullens don’t like to leave me home alone after what happened to Bella and Laurent when Bella was human. 
“Y/N?” My head flies up at the sound of a familiar southern drawl to see Jasper standing in the doorway. His usually golden eyes are a bright, almost glowing shade of red and his gaze is intense as they focus on my hands while his jaw pops audibly as if he’s trying to restrain himself. My hands are bleeding, the pain only registering with me as I see the fresh blood dripping down my palms and onto the floors, adding to the mess I’ve made with the jar. The frustration turns into hopelessness as I can’t even clean up without causing more problems, the world conspiring against me and hey, maybe Jasper could lose control and kill me. It’d be the least of my problems at the moment, “Leave the glass, I’ll clear it up. Let’s get you bandaged up.”
The honey blond vampire is swallowing thickly, as if swallowing his urge to give into the bloodlust, before he’s approaching me. He crosses the room in a few quick, human paced, steps to lean down and help me to my feet with his icy hand on my forearm. He’s leading me upstairs and down the very familiar hallway, past my room to the room at the end which is his. I don’t think I’ve actually been in his room in the year I’ve been friends with the Cullens. 
The walls are a soft grey colour, making me think back to him and Emmett running upstairs one day with cans of grey paint a few months into me knowing them all, and there’s a few painting on the walls. There’s photos around the room from different centuries he’s lived through. If I was in a better mood I think I would have laughed at it and teased him as it’s such an odd sense of humour and I like it. He also has a bed which surprises me as they’ve vampires, they don’t sleep. It’s large and comfortable with high quality linens and pillows, a cozy blanket draped at the foot of the bed and a few fuzzy pillows. He’s pushing me onto the bed, making me sit on the edge while he disappears to do whatever, I don’t mind as it gives me time to really take in every detail of his room. 
There’s a vintage dresser, looking like it has been carefully maintained and it just makes me think about how weird it must be to watch the world you were born into develop and change while you… you stay the same. It must be so scary and lonely, watching everything you knew change with only you knowing what it once was. 
Jasper’s returning, med kit in hand and I can feel my heart rate embarrassingly begin to race at the sight of him and I know he hears it as he’s got a small smile on his lips. He doesn’t say a word though, sitting next to me and raising an eyebrow as if to tell me to hold my hands out. I do just that, marvelling at how gentle and careful his touch is. His hands are cold and smooth against mine, the contract between us noticeable and somewhat soothing. 
Despite the stinging pain of the cuts the sensations of his touch is almost comforting and if find myself relaxing under his care. I can feel his fingers brushing against mine and there’s an undertone to intimacy in the way he tends to me. His touch almost hypnotic that I get lost in it, the tension almost palpable and I know he definitely feels it as he’s able to read emotions. I should be embarrassed about Jasper always being able to know exactly how I feel but right now I couldn’t care less because even without vampire abilities I can tell it’s reciprocated and the moment is a gentle one, just between us. 
He’s breaking the tension, southern drawl filled with heat and concern, “Now, why don’t you tell me what’s got you all worked up?” His eyes are fixed on mine, the red having disappeared so they’re that breathtaking golden colour again, like the colour of a sunset on a hot day. The concern in his tone is genuine and I think my heart jumps into my throat when he leans closer to me. 
“I-I really don’t know.” I reply softly, feeling stupid that I got so worked up over something that I don’t even know what it was. He’s leaning even closer, icy hands sliding up my shoulders around my shoulders as he pulls me into a hug that draws a sound of surprise from me. His embrace is warm and full of comfort despite how naturally icy cold his body is as it’s pressed to mine. The scent of the vanilla shampoo he uses on his wavy blond hair and the rich and musky scent that is just Jasper, makes me almost dizzy. 
Being so close to a vampire like this I feel completely safe and secure. His nose is buried in the crook of my neck and his cool breath against my neck, sending shivers down my spine. Vampires have no need to breath but it just seems a force of habit for the Cullens as they’ve integrated themselves into mortal society. I know how hard this must be for him, controlling his bloodlust being so close to my jugular but I don’t feel scared in any way. The moment feels intimate and special, feeling an embarrassing surge of romantic attraction towards him as I want to stay in his arms forever. 
The small smile I feel against my neck lets me know he can sense my emotions and a gasp is ripped from my throat when those cold lips press to my neck before he’s pulling back. Those golden eyes have darkened a little, full of unmistakable desire and passion. My heart is trying to break through my ribcage when he moves his hands to my cheeks, pulling me forwards until those same lips are soft against mine. I’m caught off guard as I never though Jasper would actually make a move, given his reputation for not being able to control his lust of human blood yet, making the kiss somewhat overwhelming. 
The kiss is oh so gentle and calculated as if he’s holding back so he doesn’t hurt me, thumbs stroking my cheeks softly as my own fly to his chest, feeling the coolness of his skin and the hard muscles beneath his shirt. My whole body feels electrified, tingling with anticipation and a satisfaction that I’ve not felt kissing other boys. His lips are surprisingly soft and cool against mine, mouth opening slightly so he can slide his tongue over my bottom lip. I’m parting them for him, our tongues meeting and the passion intensifying in a flood of warmth and I’m sure if Jasper knows he’s using his powers or not as we lose ourselves in the moment. 
Hands move from my cheeks, one to grip my waist almost painfully and the other tangling in my hair as he tilts my head back to deepen the kiss even more. I’m pressing against his chest lightly and he loosens his grip on my hair so I pull back enough to gasp for air and he’s chuckles low and rich, southern drawl strong and going straight between my legs, “Sorry doll, I forgot you need to breathe.” 
“Jasper.” His name slips from my lips in a whine and his eyes darken even more, tongue darting out to wet his lips. He’s yanking me forwards again, lips crushing against mine and I’m melting into his embrace as I can feel how careful he’s being with me despite how much sexual tension and want there is between us. He’s shifting his body over me, the hands in my hair and on my back are laying me down. 
My body feels so alive with the comfortable weight of him above me as he moves his lips down my neck and sucking gentle hickeys into the skin. His lips trailing down my neck is a new sensation that has my hips raising and searching for some form of friction, drawing a low sound from him. It’s amazing, being able to finally express all these feelings I’ve had kept hidden for so long, letting his feel the love and want for him. My fingers running through his surprisingly soft hair, pulling him closer to me, wanting Jasper to be the only thing on my mind. 
Suddenly, a low sound escapes my lips and Jasper’s replying with a small laugh as his hand in my hair moves to cover my mouth as he whispers, “They’re back darlin’.” 
“Jazz,” I can’t stop the whine as he breaks away from me, letting me catch my breath and regain my composure before we go down and greet the rest of the Cullens. I feel so empty and longing and I don’t care if everyone hears with their vampire hearing when I grip the front of Jasper’s shirt and yank. It catches him off guard, a surprised sound rumbling in his throat as he tumbles on top of me again, arms catching himself before he hurts me, “Jazz.” 
“I know sweet girl, I know,” He coos softly, fingers brushing the stray strands away from my face, his gaze so loving it steals the air from my lungs and I’m flushing hot, “Come on, we gotta go talk to them.” 
“They can hear us.” I protest quietly and he’s chuckling fondly again, head falling to my shoulder. 
“There is glass and blood on the floor.” Jasper reminds me and I groan in protest but let him move away, watching him as he’s now standing beside the bed. His tall and lean figure towering over me and I should be scared but all I feel content. He runs a hand through his tousled blond hair, causing it to fall into a charmingly disheveled way across his forehead. His golden eyes are filled with tenderness and concern as he gazes down at me, taking in my flushed and flustered appearance, chiseled jaw set in a determined expression, as if he's ready to protect me from anything that might cause me harm. Despite his vampire nature, there is an undeniable warmth and humanity in his features that make you feel safe and loved.
He reaches down and helps me to my feet, placing a soft kiss to my forehead before holding my face in his hands and looking me in the eyes promising me he will always look out for me no matter what. A sense of comfort washes over me as he wraps me in a strong embrace that has me knows he means every single word and no matter what any of his family says he will always stay by my side. 
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rosemarycovet · 8 months
characters I write for
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Edward Cullen
Alice Cullen
emmet Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Bella Swan
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(Mostly billy and Stu)
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Randy Meeks
Sidney Prescott
Tatum Riley
Dewey Riley
Mickey Altieri
Roman Bridger
Jill Robert
Ethan landry
Tara carpenter
Sam Carpenter
Chad meeks
Amber Freeman
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gilmore girls
(chilton) Rory Gilmore
Dean Forester
Jess Mariano
Tristin Dugray
Dave Rygalski
Lane Kim
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Finn Wolfhard characters
Mike wheeler
Boris pavlikovsky
Miles Fairchild
Richie Toizer
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Harry potter/wizarding world
Theodore Nott
Mattheo Riddle
Tom Riddle
Draco Malfoy
Cedric Diggory
Harry potter
Ron Weasley
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American Horror Story
Tate Langdon
Violet Harmon
kit walker
Zoe Benson
Kyle Spencer
Madison Montgomery
Jimmy darling
James march
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rue bennett
Jules vaughn
maddy perez
cassie howard
lexi howard
kat hernandez
Nate Jacobs
chris mckay
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Scott pilgrim VS. The world
Scott pilgrim
Ramona Flower
wallace wells (x male reader)
Envy Adams
Knives Chau
Kim Pine
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Rodrick Heffely-Diary of a wimpy kid
Patrick bateman-American Pyscho
Jesse Pinkman-Breaking bad
Peeta Mellark-hunger games
Finnick Odair-hunger games
Nanno-Girl from no where
Danny Jenner-Jeepers Creepers
Kat Stratford-10tihay
Patrick Verona-10tihay
Cameron James-10tihay
Dave Lizewski-Kick ass
Charlie-the perks of being a wallflower
jennifer check- jennifer’s body
Tim LaFlour-senseless
Robin Buckley-stranger things
glen glantz-nightmare on elm street
Request are open
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andreafmn · 1 year
12 Days of Ficmas ✵BONUS✵
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Request by @lillybearblog: I hope this is ok to ask for! Basically it's your first time with Carlisle! (Can be human or new vampire I don't mind!) It is your first time with everything even kissing, hickeys, org*sm etc. You are super nervous and Carlisle is the consent king. Hes super gentle and walks you through everything. Can add things like pinning against the wall 😉
Word Count: 3.5K
Story Description: (Y/N) has always worked tirelessly for the Heaven’s Care Foundation to provide orphaned children and at-risk youth with a safe place to be. But working in a nonprofit is hard, and trying to give hundreds of children a Christmas to remember even more. Unless an anonymous donor changes everything.
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI) read the request for everything else that's on here
Pairing: Carlisle Cullen x Female!Reader
A/N: i decided to use this request as a way to tie in the second part for the 12DoF one-shot for Carlisle. I really hope I did the request justice. I'm still very new to smut and it can be a bit hard for me to write it. Hope y'all like it!
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Christmas Miracle Come in Attractive Packages | Part 2
When the gala was finally over, and everyone was gone, (Y/N) looked for Carlisle Cullen once more. They had spent the time she had free talking and getting to know one another. As tension built between them, all she could think was how the night would end if he did wait for her,
She was sure he would have gone home by now, bored after hours of a lot of bureaucratic performances she had to do for the people that helped fund the organization.
But as she finally exited the doors into the freezing winter of New York, there he stood in all his splendor. In the midst of the white snow, his body and clothes blended into the scenery. He was as picturesque as the city.
“You waited,” she smiled catching up to him. “Thought you’d be home by now. It’s freezing out here.”
“Some things are worth the wait,” Carlisle responded, a grin stretching on his face. “Now, I don’t mean to sound too forward, but would you like to come over to my place? It’s very cold and my apartment is close by.”
“That sounds like a wonderful idea.” (Y/N) tried her best to sound confident. But the reality was, she couldn’t help but let her fears get the best of her.
She was inexperienced in all matters of personal relations. When everyone around her was experimenting from high school all the way to college, she’d never done anything. Instead, she spent her time trying to finish her studies so she could get started on her dream – the foundation. Then when she started on it, she had no time for socializing outside of work.
So, her love life had been on the back burner her whole life. And now that a man had seemingly taken interest in her, she was not sure how to proceed. Thankfully, she was a quick study.
Before she could notice, Carlisle was parking the car in the car park of a luxury apartment complex. He guided them inside, hitting the last level in the elevator. Just who was this man? Doctors made money, but this amount of riches definitely did not come from the hospital.
“Welcome to my home,” Carlisle said as he opened the door to a beautiful apartment.
It was a modern build, with sleek line architecture, tall ceilings, and floor-to-ceiling windows that gave him one of the best views in New York. It was a glaring juxtaposition to where she lived and could not believe this was how some people lived.
“It’s beautiful,” she breathed out, taking in the scenery. “Can’t believe this place is real.”
Carlisle turned on music, which startled (Y/N) around, her dress whooshing with her movement. Her clothing stood out amongst the white and black styling of the place, making her seem out of place and the perfect focal point in the space.
“I believe we never got a chance to dance,” he smiled, taking her arm and twirling her toward his body.
She collided against his chest, having to look up to meet his eyes. Carlisle led the dance, having them sway to a song that (Y/N) could barely register, too entranced by the man before him. She had never felt this drawn to anyone. Taking her time to know people was normally how she went about things, but something about Carlisle told her to jump headfirst into it.
As they gazed into each other’s eyes, they started to lean in, closing the small gap that was still between them.
“Wait,” (Y/N) stopped abruptly.
“Is everything alright?” Carlisle worried. “I don’t want to overstep.”
“Yes.. no… maybe,” she stammered nervously. “It’s just this is my first, uh, time…”
“What?” he chuckled. “First time going home with someone on the first date.”
“First time for everything actually,” she grimaced slightly. “I never had time nor interest in having a love life and before I knew it so much time had passed that I never had the chance to do… well, anything.”
“Well, that’s no problem.” He gave her a smile that instantly made her weak in the knees. “We won’t do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing.”
“That’s the thing,” she grinned. “Something about you makes me want to do… everything. I’m done putting my life on the back burner and I would love nothing more than to push forward with you.”
As they shared another smile, Carlisle place both of his hands gingerly on the side of her face and finally bent down, pressing a kiss on her lips.
That’s when she saw fireworks.
She could feel herself growing warm already, the knot in her stomach tightening promptly. (Y/N) knew the feeling perfectly. Just because she hadn’t done anything with another person didn’t mean she hadn’t explored that side on her own.
The kiss grew hungrier, with Carlisle taking the lead. He was gentle as his hands roamed down her body and settled onto her waist pulling her warm body flush to his ice-cold one. It had been a few years since he had engaged in any type of physical relations, and though he wasn’t inexperienced, he was ravenous.
He hadn’t planned to meet anyone in his time in Ithaca, much less a human. But (Y/N) had barreled into his life by pure chance. Had she not bumped into him whilst his brain was focused elsewhere, there was a big chance they would never have crossed paths.
Oh, but how glad he was that they did.
“Are you sure you want this?” Carlisle breathed, breaking the kiss first. “I want to make sure you are absolutely certain this is what you want.”
“It is, Carlisle,” she responded. “I’ve never been this sure of anything before.”
“Then, if at any moment you want to stop, just say the word and we’ll stop.”
“Take me, Carlisle,” she mewled in his ear. “I’m all yours.”
The words surprised (Y/N) as they came out, but they ignited something inside Carlisle. He brought his mouth to hers once more, taking his time to devour her mouth. She was bringing the animal in him that lay dormant. And though he normally hungered for blood, this night he was going to feast in something more primal. He was going to show (Y/N) what she had been missing.
Their movements were fluid, almost choreographed. Their hands ran across their clothed bodies, learning every corner with their hands.
When Carlisle felt satisfied with her mouth, his lips traveled down. He kissed her cheek, down her jaw, and started work on her neck. He kissed and kissed until he found a spot that made her moan loudly. With a grin growing on his lips, he nipped at the spot siphoning new sounds from (Y/N)’s mouth.
She could feel herself growing warmer, wetter. Her hands gripped onto his hair, pulling on the blond locks of his hair. This let out a growl from Carlisle’s throat, making him bite softly on the areas he was enjoying — never enough to draw blood, just hard enough that it was a temptation.
“That’s gonna leave a mark in the morning,” she chuckled, slightly out of breath.
“That’s the idea,” he grinned mischievously. “I want everyone to know what will happen here tonight.”
“Then, what’re we waiting for? Let’s move this to the bedroom.”
Carlisle’s eyes darkened, lust glazing them over. They fumbled backward together, connected through their lips and their hands not working fast enough to get their clothes off their bodies. They stumbled through every step, (Y/N)’s dress getting tangled between their feet and they walked the long hallways trying to not spend even a second apart.
“This isn’t working,” Carlisle chuckled. “Come here.”
Swiftly, he snaked one hand under her legs and the other on the small of her back. A gleeful shriek escaped her as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He wanted nothing more than to speed them over to the bedroom and get her on his bed so he could ravish her body as if it was his last meal. But he would scare her before he could do so. That meant he had to walk as fast as he could, and that’s what he did.
Carlisle pushed opened his bedroom door with his foot, crossing them through the threshold. He set her down gently as (Y/N) pushed the door closed after. He pressed her front softly against the door, his lips connecting to her skin, and he slid the zipper of her dress down.
As his hand pulled the zipper agonizingly slowly, he kissed from her neck to her shoulders, to her exposed shoulder blades. Every piece of skin he could find he would kiss or nip, smiling as he noted some start their process of bruising. Every mark was a testament to what he had done, of what she had allowed him to do.
The red fabric pooled at her feet, exposing her bare back and the black lace underwear she had chosen to wear. Instinctively, she covered her breasts. A red hue fell over her entire body in embarrassment. But Carlisle took her arms in his, turning her around and placing another kiss on her lips.
“Don’t hide yourself, (Y/N),” he whispered into her ear. “I want to see you. I want to see all of you.”
He looked at her with admiration and hunger, so much hunger. His eyes studied the curve of her breasts, the dip of her hips, the length of her legs — she was a sight to behold. Every single part of her body was perfect to him. From the freckles to the blemishes to the scars.
He had seen perfection in vampires, marble-like skin that could hold no flaw. Still, there was something about human beauty that he found precious. Immortal beauty would never compare to the transitional beauty of human beings. It was transcendental.
“You’re gorgeous,” he said as he looked her over. “Perfect.”
“Well,” she grinned. “I wouldn’t want you to feel left out, so how about we start with you?”
(Y/N) went for his tie first, pulling it until it joined her dress on the floor. Then she unbuttoned his shirt, ever so slowly, teasing him slightly. But it was backfiring. As she worked to build his desire, hers grew as well, along with desperation. His clothes could not be off him fast enough for her. She wanted him, and she wanted him now.
Once she reached the last button, she pushed the shirt and the blazer off his shoulders to reveal his bare chest. (Y/N) ran her hands through his pecs and down his arms, feeling the smooth valley of his skin. Not only did he look like a perfect marble statue, he felt like one. Carlisle was as smooth, cold, and as hard as stone — enchanting and beautiful. It took everything in her to not continue to gawk at his body. His mouth on hers helped.
Carlisle guided them to the bed, laying her gently onto the massive piece of furniture. The duvet felt cold against (Y/N)’s skin – nowhere as cold as Carlisle – and her body erupted in goosebumps. But the coldness was quickly replaced by the warm knot forming in the pit of her stomach as the man slid her panties off her body.
Never breaking eye contact, Carlisle pulled the piece of fabric down her thighs, her knees, her calves, her ankles, and finally her feet. In the shining light of the full moon that seeped through the windows, he could see her wetness glistening. She was drenched and he could smell her arousal since they had gotten to the apartment. Now that he had her right in front of him, he needed to devour her.
“Let me know if this gets too much, (Y/N),” Carlisle said, sucking in a breath. “Remember, if at any point...” 
“I promise I’ll let you know,” (Y/N) somehow managed to breathe out through her panting. “Just touch me please.”
Without a second thought, Carlisle’s tongue lapped her slit, running from her entrance and ending on the sensitive bud that lived at the top. This took (Y/N)’s breath out of her lungs. An overwhelming feeling of pleasure ransacked through her body, arching in tandem.
But that simple touch could not compare to when Carlisle started his ministrations on her clit. His tongue circled, his mouth sucked, and his throat vibrated. That was enough to have her nearing that so-awaited for peak that would have her clutching at the sheets. Yet, Carlisle introduced a finger into her wet entrance and that sent her onto another plane.
“Whatever you’re doing,” she moaned. “Don’t you dare stop.” 
“I wasn’t planning on it.” 
He responded pressed against her, his voice sending shock waves through her body. He was feasting, and like a good boy, he would devour his whole meal. It helped that it was so beautifully presented.
With a masterful tongue, Carlisle continued his attack on the needy mound as his fingers – two more already added for preparation – pistoned into her at an inhuman speed. But what had her moaning and writhing, was how he curled those fingers to press on her most sensitive spot from the inside.
She could feel the crescendo of her climax reaching its peak. Her walls clenched around Carlisle’s fingers, her body feeling fuller than it had ever been. There was only so much she could do with her own fingers. But this man somehow knew just how to coax out her orgasm better than she ever could. His mouth and his digits worked in perfect symphony until they had her yelling out his name.
(Y/N) was sure she was seeing stars. As her cunt wept in pleasure, her brain could barely process what had happened. Se believed she had been able to orgasm when she divulged in alone time, but it had never felt like this. Nothing (Y/N) had done to herself had her legs shaking or had her lungs devoid of oxygen. This experience was simply unparalleled.
As she recuperated from the assault, (Y/N) watched with newly growing warmth as Carlisle licked her arousal from his fingers, savoring it as if it was his last meal. It was just the thing to have her ready for the next round.
Carlisle towered above her, kissing her deeply. As his tongue explored her mouth, she explored her own taste on his tongue, making her wetness start pooling once more. Her hands traveled down his body, one of them landing on the button of his pants as the other palmed at his stone-hard bulge.
(Y/N) gawked as she finally freed his hard-on from his pants, astonished by the mere size of it. She was sure it would never fit – then again, how would she have ever known? But in her astonishment, (Y/N) found herself lowering her head, ready to at least make it fit in one entrance at a time.
Carlisle stopped her.
“Tonight is all about you,” he whispered. “We can delve into other things at a letter time. But right now, I need to be inside you.” 
“Then what are you waiting for?” (Y/N) purred with newfound confidence. “My cunt is begging to be filled.” 
The words surprised the woman as they rolled off her tongue. She had no idea where they were coming from or how she had the gall to say them. But it was how she was feeling and it was what her body was yearning for.
Carlisle’s smile contorted into a devilish grin as he lined himself with her entrance. He used the pool of her core to slather his shaft and pumped himself three times to get himself ready for her.
First, his head breached her, starting the stretch. It felt nothing like when he entered her with his fingers. And though it was just a tad painful, she was quickly growing to love the feeling. As his cock continued to slide into he, (Y/N) felt her breath leave her lungs. Once his hips hit hers, she felt completely full and stretched.  
“Are you okay?” Carlisle asked seemingly out of breath as well. “Let me know when you feel comfortable for me to move.”
“Just give me a sec,” she exhaled deeply. Growing used to the feeling did not take long. The stinging pain shifted quickly into yearning pleasure. At first, it was too much, but now it was not enough. “You can move now, please. I need you to move.”
He was slow at first, moving his hips softly into her. But he knew he could not last long. From her scent to her tightness, Carlisle felt himself nearing his end. Though restraint was something he excelled at, something about (Y/N) made his inhibitions fall. It made him feel like a newborn once more – the lowest level of self-control.
As his pace turned faster, (Y/N)’s voice could only make out moans, groans, and pants. It was a feeling like no other, and it was a great one. The knot that had formed at the pit of her stomach tightened as he continued his calculated attack.
“I-I’m close,” she mumbled out.
“So am I, darling.”
He pummeled into her even faster now. His tip hit her g-spot with every single stroke. As he did, (Y/N)’s grip on Carlisle’s hips tightened, pushing him into her deeper and deeper. She was chasing her second orgasm of the night in what she found was her favorite way.
Until he used his thumb to stimulate her clit. (Y/N) yelled out at the attack. Her eyes closed and her back arched off the bed. He rolled the small bud over and over, his fingers somehow matching the speed of his hips.
It was only a couple of thrusts more before they were both screaming out each other’s names. (Y/N) felt Carlisle’s release mixed with hers, coating her walls with his seed. It was reckless, but it felt right at that moment.
Carlisle slipped out of her and climbed beside her on the bed, cradling her body close to his as she panted. He could tell she was exhausted. (Y/N) slumped against him, too tired to do anything else.
Her mind was hazy from everything they did, and although she wanted more, her body was overcome with exhaustion. (Y/N) thought she would have built up stamina, that she would be able to go all night and enjoy this man for as much as she could. But she had not anticipated how much energy she would drain by getting two leg-shaking orgasms one right after the other.
“So,” Carlisle said into her hair. (Y/N)’s head was laid on his chest, his hand drawing shapes on her bare back. “How was your first time?”
(Y/N) stared at him through her lashes, transfixed at how the moonlight hit his perfect features. “It was more than I could have ever imagined,” she said. “You’re more than I had ever imagined.”
“What do you mean?” he chuckled. “Do not tell me you had not planned to have your first time with a man you barely know.”
“Obviously I didn’t,” she laughed. “But I wouldn’t trade this for the world. I, uh, I hope this wasn’t a one-off. I would like to see you again… and many times after that.”
“I could never let you go now. Not after all that,” Carlisle smiled down at her. “I would certainly enjoy continuing this wonderful adventure. In fact, if you’re up for it, why don’t we go out for breakfast in the morning?”
“I would love nothing more.”
Carlisle met her in another soft kiss. This one wasn’t hungry or ravenously passionate. It was full of promise, full of future expectations. It was a kiss that told her he wanted to know everything about her, to someday bring her into his life – although explaining his supernatural situation could prove rather tricky.
For her, it was a kiss that solidified her Christmas miracle. She was meant to meet this man. She was meant to go home with him. She was meant to be here, on his bed, in his arms. Carlisle was the miracle she had always waited for.
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