🤩 Bridgerton Sleepover, the day after 🤩
Okay, I wrote a silly little thing based on two of our prompts! @viscountessevie , I'll say it again; the banners are amazing! ♥️♥️
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Imagine Kate and Anthony being married for almost 20 years, they both want to do something special for the other.
For one of them it comes naturally, the other one needs a bit of help.
Fair warning, things get fluffy, all of their children are involved and I want to hug them all!
"Daddy?" A tiny voice sounded from afar. "Why are you using mommy's stuff? Are you allowed too?"
Anthony looked up from behind the canvas. His little girl startled him and in a split second he decided it was best to include her in his plans. If he didn't, he was convinced the surprise he had for his wife wouldn't be a surprise anymore. 
Anthony put the paintbrush back on the pallet before he gestured for Mary to come closer. 
"Mary-mouse, can I tell you a little secret?" He asked his daughter, when she was close enough to touch her, he took her hand and pulled her on his lap. 
"I love secrets!" Mary cheered out happily. She ran a hand through her thick curls and she looked expectantly at him with her big beautiful eyes. "Is it about why you stole mommy's work things?" Mary frowned. "Because I think I have to tell Amma, we're not allowed to play with it daddy."
Anthony threw his head back and laughed, he loved his daughter so much, she was the purest and sweetest 6 years old he knew. 
"I'm okay Mouse, actually, I'm making something for Amma. For our anniversary." He lifted his hand to point out at the canvas. "Can you tell me what it is?"
Although the question was asked to a young kid, Anthony felt nervous about her answer. He was insecure about his work, so a lot of his confidence started to depend on the opinion of his youngest.
He saw how Mary took it in, with great care and her little fingers caressing her cheek she looked at the painting. Thoroughly as ever she bowed her head to the left and right.
His anxiousness started to peak, yet at the same time Anthony was aware of how foolish this was.
Am I really letting it all depend on my kid?
Eventually Mary lifted her head. "Ah!" she yelled out cheerfully. "This is our garden!"
The fact that it took her this long to see didn't encourage Anthony per se.
"Yes, sweetie, you've guessed correctly." Anthony kept his worries inside and started to tickle Mary's side for a moment.
Mary turned her head toward him. "Thank you daddy." She giggled proudly.
"How did you know?" Anthony dropped a kiss on her flushed cheek. He was curious to hear her answer.
"This!" Mary pointed at the oak tree. "I recognized the M we carved last year."
Anthony felt how his eyebrows rose, If this was what gave it away to his kid, he didn't do a good job.. 
That being said, the proudness that shined off Mary's face made him forget his hesitations. All he could do was wrap his arms around her even tighter and pepper kisses in her hair.
"Yes Mouse, you're so smart! Good catch!"
"Thank you Daddy." Mary said, a little smugly. "And that's an E, and a C." She let her fingers run over the painting, but Anthony didn't have it in him to correct her.
He understood how big this moment was for her. It took his daughter a while to read, way longer than her brothers and sister. Anthony and Kate didn't mind, each kid learned in their own way and all they ever did was support them. 
It was only after one day when Mary came to them they decided to do something about it.
Little as she was at the age of 4,5, Mary knew exactly what she wanted and the fact that she was held back by something made her upset and angry. She asked them why she understood everything, but couldn't get it out of her head.
"Everything is dancing before my eyes, is that normal? Does that ever go away?" Her face turned so sad after admitting this, Kate and he decided it would actually benefit her, even at this young age, to know what bothered her. 
It turned out she had a severe form of dyslexia. Knowing this helped his daughter a lot, because although she was a child, she wanted to learn everything, fast, and with the tools she gained, now she could.
"Do you like it?" Anthony felt tears pricking in his eyes when he realized how much progress his little girl made, how happy she was nowadays. 
"Well.. I like the tree…" Mary said softly, like she didn't want to hurt his feelings. "But.. Daddy, maybe I can help you with the other things?" 
Anthony sighed and nodded against her back, she was right, he needed all the help he could get. Mary was as talented as her mother, so this was probably his save.
"Would you want to do that?" he asked carefully. "Can this be between me and my little girls only?"
"Charlie knows too?" Mary stepped off his lap and looked at him with a frown on her face. Anthony couldn't tell how she felt and he wasn't given any time to think about it.
Like clockwork, his eldest daughter barked in his study like a thunderstorm.
"Dad!" she panted heavily. "I got it!" She proudly lifted some brushes in the air. "Hey, You got Mary in as well! Good! We'll need her!" She sprinted towards the desk and when she stood before him she was still jumping on her feet. 
"Where did you find these?" Anthony asked, a little worried when he recognized the expensive brushes Charlotte held in her hands. "I told you to get the ones from Milo, I'm sure they looked different."
"Dad!" Charlotte said, offended. "You aren't any good, you need the best tools there are if you want it to be a good surprise." 
"Charlie! What are you saying exactly?" Anthony didn't know how to respond, in the back of his head he knew his daughter spoke the truth, but the brutal honesty kind of bummed his ego in a way he didn't like.
"You don't want Amma to laugh, right?" Charlotte wasn't impressed, she gave him the brush, put both hands on her side and stared at the painting.
"Mary, can you fix this mess?" she asked her sister seriously. "I wanted to try, but you're way better than I am."
It was interesting to see what happened next.
Anthony could tell at first his youngest was jealous of Charlotte, that she felt a little left out. 
Charlotte, good and honest as ever, was oblivious to this. She just stated the obvious, and Charlotte complimenting her took away the initial hesitations. Anthony could see this much.
"Please help me out." He pleaded as well to give her the last push. "I'm lost without my girls."
Silence was filling the room, but suddenly Mary clapped her hands.
"Okay! Let's do this!"
"They're in his study." Miles said when he entered her studio. "I saw Charlie getting something out of your back though."
Kate hummed and felt the joy rushing through her. 
"I know. I put it in there deliberately. Cute, they still think they can fool me." She winked at both of her boys. "But your father needs all the help he can get. I really don't want to make fun of him at our twentieth anniversary celebration party."
Kate loved her husband with every fiber of her being, but this was way too ambitious. When Charlotte accidentally blabbed out what he was trying to do, Kate knew she had to do something. Her Anthony was so sweet and the gesture alone brought tears to her eyes. Kate wouldn't let him fail, not if she could help it.
"You're one to talk," Edmund rolled his eyes. "Why are we here exactly?"
"Hush!" Kate looked at her oldest with fake sternness in her eyes before she pushed his shoulder lightly. "I'm only asking for your help to make it go faster, not because I can't do it on my own."
"Tell yourself whatever you want," Edmund shrugged. "I happen to know the last time you made him dinner, it burned and you called out and ordered it somewhere, you fooled dad by telling you made it yourself.."
"How…?" Kate had to sit down by his revelation, she really thought no one knew. 
"I cannot reveal my sources." Edmund said with a wide grin on his face.
"Don't listen to him, Amma, his girlfriend at the time, worked at the restaurant." Miles pushed his brother too, a lot harder than she did.
"Miranda?" Kate asked, now it was her turn to startle Edmund.
"No," Miles said while shaking his head, he was smiling devilishly when he looked at his brother.
"Oh, then it must be Polly."
"How…?" Edmund showed the same amount of confusion Kate did a little while ago.
"I don't reveal my sources, Neddy." Kate kissed the tip of his head. "Enough teasing! We have to make a list, what do we need?"
Her boys started to sum up the ingredients and write it down on their phones.
"I'll make a group chat, this way you can look it up whenever." Miles said happily, Edmund nodded and padded his brother's hand. "Smart thinking, Milo."
Kate felt her heart aching by the softness her son's showed towards each other.
Kate was perfectly capable of handling things herself, but the things that were unfolding before her eyes, was exactly why she included her son's.
Kate would never tell it aloud, but she missed her boys. It wasn't as if they weren't around anymore, but they grew up so fast, at this point, moments like these were a rarity. 
Edmund was about to start University, while Milo thrived on the football field. Both boys were almost never home and each day they were losing a bit of their youth and relied on her a little less.
Kate craved to be with them, so much so that sometimes in the middle of the night, she woke up with a longing so bad, she just had no other option than to step out of the bed and watch them sleep.
So when the opportunity presented itself, she faked trouble with the surprise she was planning for her husband, and wasn't disappointed by her boys when they offered to help her out.
"We also need to check dad's calendar, we can plan the whole thing but he has to be around." Miles pointed out.
"And I think it's best for us if we aren't." Edmund added while he frowned, the crease between his brow was so much like his father's, Kate gasped for a little air.
"Good one Neddy." Miles shook his head. It was clear to Kate her son remembered the time he walked in on his parents. "My vision has been corrupted a while back, best to prevent our sisters from such cruelty."
"I know right, it still haunts me sometimes." Edmund caressed his chin. 
"Boys!" Kate clapped her hand. "This isn't helping. Please stop it."
"Gladly." Edmund shivered, Miles avoided looking directly at her and focused his attention on his phone.
"Good." Kate tried to hold back her laughter. Her kids acted as if they were horrified everytime she and her husband were kissing or showing how much they liked each other. The things they've seen were relatively innocent, so it wasn't something she had to feel guilty about.
Well, if Kate was honest, this was all true except for the one time Charlotte entered their bedroom, but she was only 1,5 years old and didn't understand what she was seeing at the time. Her husband and she started to lock the door after the incident. 
Other than that, Kate was a firm believer it was a good thing her children saw how happy their marriage was.
"I suggest one of you goes to his study to get Dad's agenda out of his suitcase." 
The boys still looked distracted so Kate took Miles' phone out of his hands to get his attention.
"I have to do this?" Miles said, a little anxious.
"Yes, or your brother." Kate nodded. "It just has to be done quickly."
"He's in his study!" Edmund said loudly. "We can't just walk in, get his agenda and walk out." 
"Besides, Dad and Charlotte are working on something, we can't ruin the surprise." Miles added.
"You are smart enough to figure something out." Kate smiled encouragingly at him.
"I agree, if anyone can pull it off it's you, Milo." Edmund said smoothly. 
"So you two decided it'll be me then?" Miles was visibly conflicted. He glowed after hearing his brother compliment him, yet it didn't take away all his nerves.
Edmund just shrugged. "If you're too afraid I can do it though."
"No!" A little offended by the lack of trust Miles already stepped towards the door. "I'll be back before you know it."
"Smart move." Kate laughed when both she and her oldest watched Miles storm out.
"Learned from the best." Edmund winked at her. "You're a master in getting us to do things we think we came up with ourselves. I'm just grateful I've inherited the gift."
"I won't lie, at times it comes in handy." Kate laughed while at the same time she felt a little busted. Her son couldn't be fooled anymore, he looked after her way too much. 
"Dad still buys this stuff, doesn't he?"
"Yup." Kate smiled widely. "I hope this can be our little secret?"
"Of course Amma." Edmund grabbed her hand and squeezed it softly. "You know me, I won't tell a soul."
They sat in silence for a while. Kate was moved to tears, this moment of vulnerability between her and her Neddy was what she didn't know she needed.
When Miles came back she had to shake her head in order to stop herself from feeling too emotional to function. 
Luckily Miles made it so easy with his big smile and the proud look on his face. "I have it!" Her youngest son cheered triumphantly. He held the agenda in his hands when he sat down in the chair again. 
"How did you manage to do this so fast?" Edmund sounded impressed.
"I just worked my way around it." Miles said, it was clear he was very pleased with himself. "Dad was too busy with the girls and hiding the painting."
"Mary was there too?" Kate asked curiously. 
Miles nodded. "Good thing she did, because I took a glimpse and he desperately needs someone with talent to help him out."
Under the table Kate felt Edmund kicking her sheen softly.
She looked up, and when her eyes found her son's, she saw he knew.
"What a coincidence she was there as well." Edmund said, with a sarcastic tone only Kate picked up.
"Yes, I'm glad for you mom. Mary can handle this." Miles said happily.
Oh how Kate loved when everything fell into place.
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jechristine · 2 years
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(IG link)
So much here—her curls! Doria! Archie!♥️
And the podcast lives🤩
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incorrect118buddie · 2 years
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Every Friday this page will highlight some Buddie fics ! Please send in fics that you think should be highlighted, whether it’s your own or a different author to the ask or messages inbox:
Happy Friday besties ♥️ I hope this week treated you well . As always TYSM for the inboxes of story recommendations , it truly makes my day to see you guys participate 🚒🧯! S/O to all of you who make this page so fun 🤩 . Lastly be on the lookout for new quotes !
P.S is it just me or is Oliver Stark looking better and better 👀
-author speaks
Take My Hand, Wreck My Plans (That's My Man) by @signsofsam
Summary : “River!” It’s in the moment that she twists her head lazily to look at him he remembers that the cute kid with crutches and curls comes with one very attractive adult male, who is now watching him with one raised, judgmental eyebrow. Because of course--of course!--his dog has to run to the wickedly hot guy Buck has a massive crush on, with the warm brown eyes and the biceps he’s sneaked a peak at through a sleeveless shirt and the laugh that curls into Buck’s soul.
accidentally killing an octopus is just fishing by @hmslusitania
Summary: Buck gets injured on a call and winds up taking some time at the hospital. Fortunately, his hospital roommate makes it much more bearable.
i’ll be the stone that you need me to be by @harlstark
Summary: Don’t stop.” Buck begged. “Please… Don’t stop.” Evan, you’re crying.” Eddie protested softly.
“Don’t stop.”
Of Course I Love [Him/You] by @eddiepothos
Summary: In the weeks (months) following Eddie’s breakdown, he finds what makes him happy. He figures out (unearths) who he is.
And cries a whole fucking bunch.
Etched in Skin Like Stone by @justaswampdemon
Summary: Christopher asks Buck a question one night, and the universe finally falls into place.
maybe love won't let you down by @sibylsleaves
Summary: Buck tells Eddie he’s in love with him. Eddie pines.
or, five times eddie watches buck leave, and the one time he goes after him
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bonvoyagenoona · 3 years
Oh Cheryl I just finished project dream girl and suddenly all these asks are making sense to me and half laughing half crying and mostly sitting here feeling like an absolute cinnamon roll.. WHY DO YOU KEEP PLAYING WITH MY FRAGILE HEART MY LOVELY LADY???
I thought i hit peak uwu levels when Hobi was accidently stammering the truth in his love lorn daze or maybe when the plan was in action fully or when they finally confessed 🥺
Christmas is honestly such a magical time, but add beautiful stories like these?? It's a priceless combination. Your writing makes me feel like there's so much love all around me and for the moments that I'm reading your work, it always feels like there's me and a huge warm cinnamon scented bubble of warmth, positivity and love wrapping me in it's strong embrace.
I laughed really hard at all those puns and yeong ja hating moments lmaoooo
The comedy was perfect 😅♥️
I might cry if you don't give me atleast some drabbles of the after or a part 2.. Like akauhas I'm desperate🥺
Hope you had a lovely holiday season♥️ stay safe and healthy ♥️
Aww, hope you had a wonderful holiday, friend. This was so, so wonderful to receive. Thank you for sharing such a kind and sweet message! Just have the one ask/drabble thingy, but if more come, I'll certainly share!
The cinnamon roll imagery made me super soft! Imagining you all curled up into one giant one now lol. I'm so touched that you felt this way. There's something special about Christmas and the end of the year generally that just amplifies whatever it is that you're feeling. Wanted that feeling to be love. Wanted to reflect that love, that light, and that laughter because so many of you have shared it with me. Wanted to create something that shows that there are little ways we can make that cinnamon-scented bubble for each other, and for ourselves.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm glad you felt that Project Dream Girl Hobi frosted your buttery cinnamon roll how you liked it 🤩
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bernthalized · 4 years
hihi love ur blog! (& ur tags especially 😳🤩♥️) also wanna share a random story that i just realised last night.. when i was still in uni (which was last year 😐) i used to go to this building (which was not my faculty's) for a class and one day, i was in the elevator with this guy.. TALL (im 173cm and i reach his shoulders?) and when i looked at him.. ohmy SO CUTE.. with curls and glasses and i just went 😳😳😳 and ever since then ive been seeing him EVERYWHERE whenever im in campus, i dont know who he is tho until my friend found out hes in THE SAME faculty as me but is 2 batches above? but ive never talked to him.. and last night i realised.. u know who he looks like.. JON IN SHOW ME A HERO.. I SWEAR TO GOD i saw a screencap of him with his clean shaven face, the curls and glasses and went WAIT HE LOOKS LIKE THAT CAMPUS GUY.. anyway *blows a kiss for jon & that hot campus guy 🥺♥️😘* anyway sorry if this was random.. bye.. love ur blog.. hope ur having a great day.. stay safe.. sending good vibes~ (yes im the same 💗💖 pink 💘💖 anon as b4 👁👁)
Oh hey Pink Anon! You're so sweet omg thank you 💗
Damn really?? Someone looking like Jon??? Hard to believe it but I do believe you 😍😍😍 aghhhh I've never met anyone looking like him but sometimes he gives me my ex vibes and I don't know what to think 😳 I'm glad you shared with me. I love randomness haha hope you'll see him again!
See ya ❤️
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your new theme's delicious 🤩🤩 and the cat 🥺 it's adorable <33
Isn’t it 🥺 just the cutest lil thing,,,, perfect for curling up with on a cool autumn day with a chilly rain pattering at the window ♥️
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chicpinkbeautybar · 3 years
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soft makeup with a touch of curls 😍😍😍 25MM mink lashes were cut short to my clients liking 🤩 to schedule your appointment with me please visit https://linktr.ee/chicpinkbeautybar ♥️ #wigunits #westpalmbeachwigs #malaysianvirginhair #indianhair #laceclosurewig #hairstylist #bobseason #customwigs #FloridaHairStylist #lacefrontalwig #WestPalmBeachBondIn #MiamiHairStylist #AtlantaExtension #TravelingStylist #hairweaves #bondins #extensions #hairextensions #pinkweddings #bluntcutbob #SILKpress #LaceClosureWeave #LaceClosure #LaceClosureBondIn #frontalinstall #frontalwig #frontalbondin #wpbstylist (at Palm Springs, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZVWUDXMOnE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kurosukii · 3 years
but seriously you're a really great writer and i love seeing you on my dash everyday even if it's just you responding to an ask. you're so kind and funny ❤️💞
thank you so much for this 🥺 (i’ve been cursed with the impostor syndrome the past few days and this really helped a lot luv u)
i’m glad you liked it a lot!! msby loves you as well 🤩♥️
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drikprado · 6 years
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Esse cabelo bagunçado que me faz tão eu!!! Bateu sdd desse cabelão 😍♥️ #cacheadasim🥰 #descabeladatbm😝 #curls🤩♥️ #aprovadagua😉😘 (em Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtZs0EKHbKOnxq_a-OUJVH5iLBpVKuT9Ym470g0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pw9uoj9mn2ge
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