teenwerewoofs · 2 years
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[Podfic] redo undo
Written by @nezstorm (cc: @bxdcubes)
Read by bri
Teen Wolf - Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent/Stiles Stilinski - Rated G
Summary: “All I wanted was for you to be happy.” “And I was, you know,” Stiles tells him and doesn’t that hurt?
Additional tags: Future Fic, Angst, Past Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Past Relationship(s), Post-Break up, Unhappy Ending
Podfic length: 00:03:34
Audio format: MP3 or Streaming
If podfic isn't your thing, check out the written work here.
And definitely check out all the amazing stuff by nezstorm on AO3 here!
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takaraphoenix · 5 days
Stetopher question for you. Or food for thought, if you're inclined to indulge me.
I absolutely love these three together and Sugar for the Secretary is my current fave of your fics. But I've noticed that you tend to write it as Peter & Chris as a couple and Stiles joining them. And that's awesome and angsty (Thirteen Truths especially grabbed me by the jugular and shook), but also... is extremely unbalanced for a relationship?
Like, Peter and Chris are an established, age appropriate, smoking hot couple. Peter is independently wealthy, former left hand, smart and snarky born werewolf. Chris has his arms business, hunter cred, years of weapons and physical training, and potentially Argent money.
And Stiles... is an awkward teenager/college student, with anxiety, medical debt, ADHD and nothing to bring to the table in terms of assets. Maybe his spark, although canon did shit-all with that, so at best untrained.
That's hard! That is daunting. That's an emotional minefield to step into. He's significantly younger, poorer and weaker. And if Peter and Chris are married? They're legally bound, have rights to each other and Stiles is meant to believe he's an equal member of that relationship? With his self esteem issues? How?
I get why you end your fics where you do, with revelations and declarations, but I can't help but feel like the next moment is a giant panic attack and Stiles spiraling and realising he has no actual standing and is taking all the risks. Being a third can suck. (There's a very short, heartbreaking Stetopher fic called Cut and Run, that will decimate you in less than 2000 words, that does this extremely well.)
So yeah, food for thought. If you're so inclined. Maybe some Stetopher where it's not Peter and Chris as the main established couple?
Okay so I was nodding along and then the last sentence hit me in the face somewhat xD
Because like, yes, yes, these are the things that appeal to me, I love me a good imbalance. But then it sounds like you're aiming away from it and. Mh.
I mean, obviously, on the long run, I will be writing established Steter, Stargent and something where they all three get together at the same time - and lemme be clear, that very much is obvious to me, because the last time a ship hit me that hard and intensely was Nicercy and I have written over 300 Nicercy fics in the past decade. Not necessarily promising you 300 Stetopher fics, but yeah I am committed to this now and I will be writing a lot for it.
But for now, I will continue exploring the dynamic I enjoy the most. And that is Stiles being added to Petopher. At least until I'm actually hit by a plot that features a different angle ;)
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lucky-bishop · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @lavender-lotion love u!!!
How many works do you have on ao3?
80 as of this week! 79 Teen Wolf and 1 WWDITS 😂
What's your total ao3 word count?
662,501. Which is insane to me. But I've already posted 78k so far this year!
What fandoms do you write for?
First and foremost is Teen Wolf. But I have a few works in WWDITS, Stranger Things, and Scream. Most of them are WIPs, and only one is posted to AO3.
Top five fics by kudos:
Hearts in the Byline, Steter, E, 62,395 words
Kinky Antics with the Pack (Kinktober 2022), Multi-Pairing, E, 53,103 words
The Empty-Nester Alpha, Steter, E, 16,306 words
Try, Try Again, Steterek, E, 35,241 words
Mask of Many Faces, Steter, M, 22,806 words
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Sometimes I'm slow or it takes me a while, but I largely respond to all comments. Sometimes if I don't know what to say to a comment, I won't say anything, but that's pretty rare.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Um. That is tough. I do love angst. I'm going to cheat and give two because they are angsty in very different ways. Major character death vs whump.
For This I'll Burn, No Pairing, E, 4,409 words
Sharing is Caring, Steterek, E, 15,322 words
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Also tough! I have a few that are very happy. But I think I have to go with:
The "No-Bite" Rule, Steter, M, 3,869
Steter HEA.
Do you get hate on fics?
Not often, thankfully. But yes, I have.
Do you write smut?
Sure do!
Craziest crossover:
I haven't written anything that's a crossover, I don't think. I do have a BTVS/Teen Wolf crossover in my long list of WIPs, though. Have the closest thing I have to a crossover - Sleeping Beauty AU.
That Gleam in Your Eyes, Deter, E, 7,393 words
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! The "No-Bite" Rule was translated into Ukranian. Being asked by the translator if this was okay was a beautiful moment that made me incredibly happy. 💖
Правило "Жодних укусів"
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not! But I would. Maybe @thotpuppy and I will write that baseball AU someday.
All time favourite ship?
It's so hard to pick, but it has to be Steter. I always come back to them.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I think it's pretty unlikely I'll ever finish my Stargent fic where Chris uses Stiles as a surrogate daughter after Allison's death. But never say never!
What are your writing strengths?
I'd say tone is my biggest writing strength. I try to have my works be very thematic and emotionally connected, and I think that comes across well for the most part.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Transitions! And action! I guess "movement" if I had to provide a single answer. This can cause my writing to feel very choppy and it's something I do acknowledge and try to work on.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I'll do pet names, single word translations, things like that. I try not to write outside of what I know, though. Maybe someday I'll incorporate my rusty German into fic, who knows?
First fandom you wrote in?
MCU. Those works have been orphaned/abandoned. Good riddance lol. It's just been Teen Wolf since then. My (current) first fic on AO3:
Clean Plates, Sterek, T+, 3,118 words
Favorite fic you've written?
Oooooooooooh again. This is really hard. But I think it has to be:
Down to the Marrow, Steter, E, 23,206 words
Managing an unreliable narrator was not easy. But I'm so happy with the end result. And there's beautiful art by @tarantula-teeth. I love this fic with my whole heart.
No-pressure tags (and I'm sorry if you've already been tagged and I missed it!): @tarantula-teeth, @dear-massacre, @meggie-stardust, @punchedbymarkesmith, @aurevell, @midmorning-bomb, @vmures
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Rp Partner search
This is in no way me getting rid of my rp partners I have currently. I adore them and am keeping them. Just looking to branch out more and make new friends 🖤
Searching for partners in the TW fandom. I play Stiles so looking for the following ships:
Petopher (I want to play Peter in this ship. I never have before but I think it would be A LOT of fun!)
I am looking for a literate 21+ rp partner. Has to be ok rping nsfw, angst, and hurt. I am open to canon as well as AUs. I am open to discussing things and creating a friendship where we can fangirl and squeal and cry over our babies. Where we can send pictures for ideas or even just cause we like them.
If you’re interested please send me a DM and we can talk!
I am easiest to reach on discord. That’s where I like to rp as well. I like to set up servers for each rp partner so we can have our own space.
Discord: the.Cheshire.collective
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vmures · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I got tagged by the delightful @mirrorthoughts 💜💜💜 Thank you for the tag!
How many works do you have on ao3?
13 at the moment
What's your total ao3 word count?
218,148 words (mostly thanks to one very long fic, lol)
What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Teen Wolf and 9-1-1. I am noodling a few ideas for Stranger Things. I've also written Buffy the Vampire Slayer stuff, mostly crossovers in the past, but haven't gotten around to importing them to ao3. They can be found on Twisting the Hellmouth under the same user name as ao3 (vMures)
Top five fics by kudos:
Hanging On (You're All That's Left to Hold On To)
A Hallowed Pack
A Change of Luck
A Merry War
Finding Home
All Teen Wolf fics, mostly Steter with one Sterek fic in the mix. 😄
Do you respond to comments?
I certainly always try to.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm a happily ever after sort of writer generally, so none of my fics have very angsty endings. Just not the sort of thing I tend to write.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
They all have happy endings so far. Not sure I could pick which one has the happiest ending.
Do you get hate on fics?
Not usually, at least not on ao3. Worst comments I've gotten have been on fanfiction.net and I have been ignoring those for decades at this point. I think I don't get much hate on ao3 in large part because I don't allow anonymous comments on my work and people are less likely to leave hate comments when they have to do it with their official account. I've gotten a few odd comments, some weird nitpicky ones, and some demanding ones from time to time. I always try to respond politely to those, but sometimes get a bit snarky.
Do you write smut?
Not as of yet. But I may some day try my hand at it. No promises though. lol
Craziest crossover:
I once wrote a crossover between Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, and X-Men (it can be found on Twisting the Hellmouth).
On ao3, my only crossover so far is a Teen Wolf/Harry Potter crossover: A Hallowed Pack
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone just asked if they could translate Midnight Rain into Russian, so that will be my first fic translated into another language.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really
All time favourite ship?
Cannot pick favorites for the life of me. In Teen Wolf, I love Steter, Sterek, Stetopher, Stargent, Steterek, Dargent, Detergent (Derek/Chris/Peter), and so many more combinations of my favorite characters. lol Stranger Things I read mostly Steddie and Ronance, but am open to quite a few other pairings.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Yep, my one unfinished WIP Buffy/Stargate crossover, The Road Not Taken. After a decade of agonizing over whether or not to mark it abandoned and give myself grace for not finishing it, I finally did so. Part of me still would love to finish it, but I lost the notes I had on it and doubt I'll ever find the desire to rebuild the story and figure out where I had wanted it to go.
What are your writing strengths?
I'm pretty good at writing natural sounding dialogue and proud of that fact.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I have been called a wordy bitch or told my writing is very dense. So that could be considered a weakness. Otherwise, I'd say writing action scenes and making sure the actions make sense and flow properly.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
As long as there's a translation somewhere, I don't mind. Sometimes it is effective to include.
First fandom you wrote in?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Favorite fic you've written?
Oh man, this is a particularly hard question. I love A Merry War a lot, but ultimately my absolute favorite so far is Hanging On (You're All That's Left to Hold On To). That fic is my baby. Took me two years to finish and I poured a lot of my heart and soul into it.
Once again I've hit the tagging portion of the tag game and drawn an absolute blank on who to tag. So consider yourself tagged if you want to play along! 💜💜💜
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meggie-stardust · 11 months
thanks to the lovely @lucky-bishop for the tag <3
favorite color: purple and pink
last song: "Shot Shot" by Gomez because that song came on in an episode and do you ever had a needle drop that is so perfect for you? And then you get to wax nostalgic about where you were when In Our Gun was released?
last movie: We had "Nightmare Before Christmas" on in the background earlier
currently watching: Suits (I blame @punchedbymarkesmith), D20's Burrow's End, and slowly but surely making my way though too many things to list.
other stuff I watched this year: I don't even know... what year is it? what have I watched? I have not been good with keeping up with movies, but I have watched a lot of shows... mostly these days I'm watching all of the Dropout content. It just makes me happy.
shows I dropped this year/didn’t finish: I mean pretty much everything I watch I accidentally don't finish. My watch list would be the equivalent of people leaving texts unread. Like why did not not watch the last 2 episodes? Idk I got distracted and forgot.
currently reading: I have been reading non-stop this year (and less fic that any time in recent memory). I'm currently reading "Watership Down" to get into the vibe for Burrow's End, and I'm reading "Boyslut" by Zachary Zane. I'm also listening to "Re: Dracula," so that counts as reading "Dracula," right?
currently listening to: I'm training for a 1/2 marathon, which means I'm listening to a ton of podcasts and books on tape because I don't run to music (I'm weird, I know). I've been trying to pick my way through the Sheridan Tapes (which I was liking a lot when each episode was kind of a spooky story, and now the meta narrative is dragging a bit -- also i love a good DIY podcast, but start getting annoyed when you can tell one person writes all the dialogue because every character has the same way of delivering a very specific line, in this case: what the hell?)
currently working on: work stuff mostly. I have to sit down and finish the last chapter of "Gimme Danger". Also Maybe planning a Stargent fic in my head.
current obsession: Dash mini waffle makers. I always knew I would have some eccentric something as I got older. I didn't know it would be having a ton of mini waffle makers in different shapes an colors.
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canonrpfinder · 11 months
Searching for 21+ rp partner for Teen Wolf.
I am ok with NSFW, hurt, angst, AUs, and Canon.
Searching for Sterek, Steter, Stargent and Petopher.
I play Stiles for Sterek, Steter, and Stargent and want to try playing Peter for Petopher. I never have before but I think it would be fun!
I rp on discord and am open to discussing anything and everything!
This is not me getting rid of any of my rp partners I currently have cause I adore each one of them! Just want to meet knew people and rp more 🖤
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themoonslore · 2 years
Teen wolf Fic I’m currently reading
So Well Suited by Bunnywest
Word count: 111578 Chapter 22/22 Steter, stargent Stetopher
( stiles, Peter, Chris triad/throuple)
Chris and Peter run HA Menswear.
Stiles works at Gamesworld.
They strike up an agreement, sharing kitchen and bathroom access.
Stiles would like to share more, but Hot Suit guys are a couple, so he knows it will never happen.
Past current reads:
Part 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6   7 
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That stargent pic you just posted makes me think of maybe a biker bar au or mercs for hire! Love it!
I love this for so many reasons, the main one being that they both look like absolute goobers in that pic. Professional level goobers. They went to Goob College to get their degrees in Goobering, and then took the exam to become Officially Licensed Goobers. 
Which makes it fucking perfect for their resume as mercs. 
Like, for whatever the dark web version of Linkedin is. Linkedin for assassins and mercenaries and arms dealers. That’s the profile pic for their joint account. They get away with it because their portfolio is Extremely Violent and Even More Successful. Honestly, their reputation precedes them most of the time, with someone hearing of their ruthless modes of operation, and then contacting them via LinkedinforCrimes. 
The picture may give clients pause for a moment. “This can’t possibly be a picture of them,” they think. “They wouldn’t put their real faces in the open. Especially not looking like that,” they assure themselves. “No one who looks like that could have killed twelve armed men and blown up an entire warehouse district in three hours, and I know for a fact that they did that last Tuesday.” 
It is their real faces. 
They do look like that. 
And they did kill twelve armed men and blow up an entire warehouse district. 
Stiles insists that their pic is proof of their effectiveness. They don’t need to look menacing or shadowy or whatever dramatic nonsense is happening on everyone else’s profile, because they get shit done.
“I grew out of my emo phase, Chris.”
“You were listening to My Chemical Romance literally this morning.”
“My Chemical Romance isn’t emo, they’re eternal. And don’t try to change the subject. An edgy picture, or lack of picture altogether, says that you’re either insecure, or that your face is already in the database of some law enforcement somewhere. We can put our picture up because we’re not dumb enough to give anyone evidence to compare it to. And we can look like the handsome motherfuckers we are because it’s important to acknowledge our depth of character. We’re more than killing machines, you know? We have feelings. We yearn. Yeah, we mostly yearn for more money, but still. We yearn.”
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teenwerewoofs · 2 years
I can see you starin', honey
Like he's just your understudy
Like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me
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MCM, Bunnywest & DiscontentedWinter
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<<This post is a part of a longer conversation about fanfic writers, how they view fanfic, and their writing process. All views are the fanfic writers’ own, and whatever fanfic they choose to write is entirely their own decision. No judgement value will be placed on fic content. These conversations are meant to provide insight for other fanfic writers in whatever stage they are at in their writing life>>
Meet-Cute Monday
(with Bunnywest & DiscontentedWinter, @bunnywest & @thisdiscontentedwinter) 
AO3 Stats:
Pseud: Bunnywest Pronouns: she/her Current fandoms: Teen Wolf Current pairings: Steter (Stiles/Peter), Stargent (Stiles/Chris), Petopher (Peter/Chris) How many total fic: 178 How many fandoms: 1 Total word count: 1,658,496 Longest fic word count: 111,578 Shortest: 280 Highest kudo count: 5,034 Lowest: 106
Pseud: DiscontentedWinter Pronouns: she/her Current fandoms: Teen Wolf Current pairings: Sterek (Stiles/Derek), Steter (Stiles/Peter), Stetopher (Stiles/Peter/Chris) How many total fic: 86 How many fandoms: 2 Total word count: 1,484,562 Longest fic word count: 80,022 Shortest: 932 Highest kudo count: 18,673 Lowest: 97
What's the story behind your writing pseuds? DW: No story at all except I was on a Shakespeare kick at the time, and someone already had "WinterofDiscontent."
B: I honestly can't remember the exact origin, I think it was back in the days of IIRC and triviachat. I was Ladywest because I'm from western Australia, and then it was Easter so I made it Bunnywest and it just sort of stuck.
DW:That's super cute. I should have made up a super cute story!
How long have you been reading and writing fanfic? B:Ooooh, I wanna say ten years reading? My kid sent me a link to a Stucky fic when I was recovering from surgery, because she knew I'd love it, and also it was T rated so it didn't weird her out too much sharing it. I've been writing since May 2017. There was a really great bit of fanart and I commented that it would be great if there was a story and they said "you could write it," and at first I was "Haha, no," but then the idea wormed into my brain.
I legitimately thought I'd write this 400 word thing and be done, and then people started commenting and asking for more, and I'm a whore for validation. Who knew? So I kept going. And the more I wrote, the more I found my stress levels dropping, and the more fun Peter Hale was to play with. I literally write to empty the brain pan of bullshit. If I go too long without writing now, I have weird stress dreams. And I do so love the endorphin rush of posting at bedtime and waking up to fifty something comments.
DW: I was always aware fanfic was a thing, but Sterek was definitely my gateway drug. In about 2014, a bunch of people I knew on Goodreads started recommending Sterek fanfic, and I was hooked from that moment. In late 2014 a BNF (Big Name Fan) writer wrote a post about how fanfic shouldn't be put on Goodreads, which led to a lot of fic writers demanding GR remove their fics, under the mistaken idea fics were being hosted there, not just linked. And a lot of fans on GR were very upset when their reviews all disappeared without warning. They were also upset to be told that they weren't "real" fans. So I decided to write a Sterek fic for them, which they could talk about on GR and I wouldn't demand it get taken down. I thought that it'd be just that group that would read it, mostly, but suddenly I had an inbox full of comments. So I kept writing more, whenever I had the time between my professional writing projects.
What’s your meet-cute story? DW: I think we'd maybe commented on a few of each other's fics? But then our mutual fandom friend introduced us, and all three of us decided at one point to write a fic together.
B: Our actual meet-cute was Daisy's elephants. Winter posted about her dog's obsession with a particular stuffed toy that she disemboweled on the reg, and lamented that she only had a couple left in her stash. My local reject shop had a shit ton so I sent them to her, and in return she sent me some of her books. We haven't actually met, I think I should point out.
DW: No. We had plans for this month, but... pandemic and closed borders.
Which came first for you: original content writing or fanfic writing? DW: Original writing. I've been writing original characters for as long as I can remember, and I was published first before I posted fanfic anywhere. We wrote our first fanfic collab in September 2019. At some point Bunny said something about how writing a novel was harder, or different, and I bullied her into writing one with me to prove that it wasn't. I mean, it's a bit different, but if you can turn out 50k fanfics in a few weeks, there is nothing stopping you from writing a novel. I eased her in with self publishing, then, in case she thought that was a fluke, with our next series I submitted it to a publisher and it got accepted!
B: Oh fanfic for me. I wanna say we wrote [our first novel] in April 2020 because we both had two weeks off? Winter bullied...lovingly cajoled... me into attempting it just to prove to me I could.
DW: And I was right!
Wow! So this is very much a pandemic collaboration. Because I checked out your self publishing and there was so much, I assumed it must have been over a long time. B: Oh Winter is a machine. She has, I wanna say, fifty odd books? But it’s hard to keep count, only because she keeps releasing more. I have to keep reminding myself that she's the Spiders Georg of writing and three books in a year is perfectly respectable.
DW: Ha! Nah, there are people out there who are writing a lot faster than me!
So I’m absolutely fascinated by the fact the two of you self publish and write fanfic at the same time. I think there is this assumption in writing that fanfic is a nice little stepping stone and then one day you’ll become A Writer. And when you’re A Writer you will have no need for writing fanfiction. B: There absolutely is that assumption that 'real writers' graduate from fanfic. Winter did it backwards because she's just Like That.
DW: For me, fanfic takes the pressure off. I have work writing, and I have fun writing. Fanfic is fun writing, and I reward myself with it when I've got the work writing out of the way. After wrangling characters and plotlines all day, it's fun to go back to fanfic and just let it go in any crazy direction it wants--my fanfics have the tendency to do that!
Also, with fanfic I can write and post a chapter in a day, and tomorrow there will be a bunch of excited comments, which gives me the motivation to jump back in. With original writing, I don't get that immediate and enthusiastic feedback, so sometimes it feels like a lot more of a slog. I'm sure I could write twice as fast if I had a cheer squad for my original writing! So, I'm always going to need fanfic, I think. Not as a stepping stone, but as a fun place to play.
B: This. Case in point: we have two completed books right now that won't be published till the middle of next year, which is a LONG time to wait for validation for that one joke you're really proud of. But fanfic? Write today, post today, feedback immediately!
How has the fanfic community fueled your writing? DW: It's the enthusiasm. It's an incredible feeling when people leave comments about how excited they are to see where this story is going, or where they think it might be. And sometimes reading the comments section just makes me laugh, because I might be in the middle of a fairly shitty day, but a keysmash comment with a flailing Kermit gif? I love making people happy with my fics, or even making them yell at me because of an evil cliffhanger. That enthusiasm is wonderful, and always gives me a push.
B: The rush of getting comments definitely keeps me going-- whether it's the excited flailing for the next chapter with a hundred theories as to what's going to happen, or a simple “IM DED”-- I love it all
DW: Same! It's accountability, too, though not in a formal sense. You want to finish because you don't want to leave anyone hanging!
B: Basically, fanfic is stress relief and original works, while still fun to write, carry slightly more responsibility to turn out, y'know, not shit.
DW: This! Lol!
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lucky-bishop · 9 months
WIP Tag Game!!
Thanks for the tags, @dear-massacre and @rosieposiepuddingnpie!!
I have so many WIPs. Like. Too many. Some of these will probably never end up actually getting written. BUT, alas, here we go!
Non-Teen Wolf:
Nadja Pegs Laszlo (WWDITS)
The one-brain cell polycule (WWDITS)
Guillermo Mercy Kills Nandor (WWDITS)
Gay Besties (endgame Steddie but mostly abt the Steve & Robin friendship, Stranger Things)
Teen Wolf, Not Prompts:
7 minutes in heaven (Stiles' sexy birthday celebration w/ the pack)
A Parting Gift (MCD) The nogitsune leaves a gift behind. Sterek.
Affectionate Biting - Malia's love language is Biting
Lonely Girl (MCD) - Allison's ghost haunts Lydia
Alpha Peter bitches Stiles
Shifter Royalty Stilinski Family Steter
Extra Hedonist Peter w/ Bottom Dom Stiles
S1 monster of the week crack feat. the sheriff, Scott, Stiles, and Derek
Deputy Chris Argent, endgame Chris/Sheriff
DILF Chris Argent, mostly Stargent w/ endgame Stiles/Chris/Isaac
Erica Prom Queen Murder Spree
FBI Trainee Stiles
Stiles can't suck dick but Peter uses his face in Other ways
Monsterfucker dildo where Stiles gets a monster mate
Steter monsterfucking in the woods
Peter's presumptuous when he gets with Stiles but ends up getting an actual BDSM education
Non-con mating bite, Steter
Possessive Peter Steterek! The only one of these that's currently on AO3 as Possessive Beasts!
Peter babytraps omega Stiles
Sciles makes an "if we're not married by x" pact and then commits shenanigans trying to keep each other single
Unrequited Stiles/Scott where Scott rejects Stiles
Crack shrunken Peter fic
Smart Scott 5+1
Stiles/Peter/Deucalion college fic
Stargent Painting Fic - inspired by Lorde
Dark Stargent - Chris takes Stiles as a surrogate daughter after Allison dies
Sterek (MCD) - Derek returns to find Beacon Hills, and Stiles, in shambles. He tries to save them both.
Peter finding out that Stiles doesn't trust him even though they're together, inspired by T.Swift "Hoax"
Steter "hands are meant to be held" Valentine fic
Part 3 of the Steterek feminization where Stiles tops the hell out of Derek and Peter
Stiles is horny and has access to a 3d printer (Steter getting together)
Stiles/Cora/Derek dangerous Hales make Stiles horny
My very Steter take on The Train Station
Stiles gets bit by a grindr hookup fic
Transmasc Stiles and TA Peter get together
Teen Wolf & Buffy fusion, where Stiles is a Watcher (end game Stetopher)
Untitled Sterek watersports fic
Writer in the Dark, another Lorde-inspired fic, with the Kira/Cora pairing!
Teen Wolf, Prompts:
Greenberg has an absolute glo-up and everyone Notices
Stiles and Scott go looking for trouble (feral Derek and Peter) and they find it
Co-Alphas Scott and Derek fuck
Derek is being thrown a surprise party, but doesn't like surprises, and this leads to him and Stiles boning
Derek spanks Scott and Stiles for being shitheads towards him
Peter shows off wearing panties and the whole pack takes turns taking them off of him
Fox Stiles and Scott are roommates, and they compete to respectively make Peter and Lydia loud in bed
So I guess. That's technically 45 wips which is actually insane! Especially because that doesn't count any of the ~10 events or so I will probably participate in per year!
Anyway tagging: @lavender-lotion, @beaconfeels, @like-lazarus, @thotpuppy, @midnightwinterhawk, @meggie-stardust and anyone else who would like to play along!
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lunar-eclipse-tales · 11 months
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Rp Partner Search
Searching for a rp partner for the ships Stargent and Petopher!
I am not getting rid of my current partners cause I love them so much just looking to explore these ships!
Searching for someone 21+ literate. Has to be ok with rping NSFW, hurt, angst, drama.
In Stargent I will play Stiles and Petopher I will play Peter so looking for someone who will play lovely Daddy Argent! He’s just so pretty and ugh I love him.
I’m open to canon as well as AUs. I want to find someone I can create a friendship with where we can throw ideas off of each other and create Pinterest boards and send pictures and TikTok’s to and just fangirl and squeal and cry over our babies.
If you are interested please comment on this post, DM me on here, or message me on discord at the.Cheshire.collective
I rp on discord so I can create a specific server for us so we have our own space 🖤
If you want to RP and just like this post I’m an awkward turtle 🐢 and don’t know if you actually want to RP or just like the post 😅 so please send me a message if you’re interested or comment. Cause I would feel super awkward messaging people if they just liked the post.
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stargent-week · 2 years
The current mods for Stargent Week are @ambersagen and bri (@teenwerewoofs).
You can find the Stargent Week collection for 2018 here on AO3, as well as at @stargentweek.
You can find the Stargent Week 2019 works under the tag "Stargent Week 2019" on AO3.
You can find the Stargent Week collection for 2022 here on AO3, as well as at @stargent-week.
1. Who can participate in Stargent Week?
Anyone who wants to participate!
2. What can I make?
Whatever you want! Fic. Art. Gifsets. Videos. Podfic. Moodboards. Music. Interpretative dance. We want you to celebrate Stargent in whatever way you want!
3. Do I need to use the prompts?
Nope! The prompts are 100% options and are simply for inspiration or structure. Lots of people enjoy having a place to start when creating multiple fanworks, and it’s tradition to celebrate some of the popular tropes and themes in fandom. If the prompts don’t help you, then feel free to ignore them.
4. Do I need to write in English?
Nope, not at all!  Whatever language you want to write in, go for it.
5. Do I need to participate every day?
Nope!  Participate as much or as little as you want.  Want to only create one day?  Go for it.  Want to create two things for every single prompt?  Go for it!  The goal here is simply to have fun while creating some new Stargent fanworks - no need to stress about it! :)
6. Does the work need to be completed?
Definitely not!  Post your WIP.  Only got a scene completed and you aren’t sure that you want to write the rest of the story?  Tell us what we need to know in the summary or author’s note up top and just post that scene!
7. Do I need to post my work on AO3?
Nope!  You can post it wherever you want!  
If you want to post it on AO3, we do recommend you add it to the collection, just so it’s easier for people to find.  You can find instructions on how to do so here.  This year’s collection is called Stargent Week 2022 (Stargent_Week_2022).
If you want to post it on tumblr, we would love it if you tagged us (@stargent-week) and/or used the tag “Stargent Week 2022” so that we can reblog it!
You can feel free to submit it to us on the blog, too, and we’ll post it for all our followers to see. :)
8. When is Stargent Week?
Stargent Week 2023 will be held November 26th through December 2nd. Please see the AO3 collection (Stargent Week 2023) or the blog (stargent-week.tumblr.com) for more details.
9. Can I use ai generated fanfic or fanart to participate in this week?
No. You are welcome to use ai for your own purposes but we will not be rebloging or promoting any posts made with ai.
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fandomcares · 4 years
The Project Black Lives Matter Silent Auction IS CLOSED!!
@fandomcares​ is a support blog run by dedicated members of the Teen Wolf and Sterek community. Our goal is to help fans within the community who may be going through financial, emergency, or other hardships, be it through fundraising, providing resources, or just giving them a safe space to talk.
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The silent auction will start NOW and will go until 12:00 am PST (-5) on Tuesday, June 9th.
Fandom is full of creators that wanted a way to support the Black Community. This auction will be multi fandom and a percentage of the proceeds will be split between several charities suggested by our participants. Check out this post for more information: 
(Also keep in mind this is a living document, changes are made constantly so if something is incorrect or missing please message us and let us know!)
Our amazing fandom artists, authors, and creators have donated commissions for you to bid on!  If you see a post that catches your eye, please fill out the BID FORM.  The amounts on this post will be updated periodically so keep a close eye on the post you bid on!  
Feel free to rebid and bid on multiple posts.  Check out ALL of the entries! We have some AMAZING CREATORS who are waiting to fill your commissions.  
Fill out the form and during the day I will update the bid amounts. Keep an eye out to see if you’re still in the running! 
This whole thing was done with the help of @originfire and @auriette​. Please let me know if there are any mistakes!!
Questions?  Hit up our ASK BOX, or you can message @stickykeys633 for additional information.  
Please signal boost and reblog!  
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(Sometimes Keep Reading is wonky on mobile so here is the full link: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620135038600806400/the-project-black-lives-matter-silent-auction-is)
#1 >5k word fic: DiscontentedWinter - Opening Bid: $20
Current Bid: $30Current Bid: $50Current Bid: $100Current Bid: $110Current Bid: $150 Current Bid: $175  Current Bid: 200
Current Bid: 500
Fandom: Teen Wolf - Sterek, Steter // Offering:  1 -
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620114718125932544/discontented-winter
Bid on Me!
#2  >5k word fic: BunnyWest- Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $30 Current Bid: $75  Current Bid: $100
Current Bid: $150
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf - Steter, Stargent, Stetopher, Dargent, Steter Senior // Writing (fics over 5k words) // Likes: fluff, HEA, domestic fic, arranged marriage, friends to lovers, nothing too dark // Dislikes: scat, watersports, incest, non-con.
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620062358022291456/bunnywest
Bid on Me!
#3 Digital Art/Traditional: RubyRedHoodling- Opening Bid: $20 Current Bid: $25 Current Bid: $35 Current Bid: $45
Current Bid: $50
Fandom(s):  Teen Wolf - Sterek, Steo, Cordia, Allydia, Allira, Berica, StoydHaikyuu!!, My Hero Academia (BNHA), Fruits Basket, Ace of Diamond (Daiya no A), Demon Slayer, FF7R (Final Fantasy 7), FE3H (Fire Emblem 3 Houses), DnD, Critical Role, Animal Crossing and more // Offering: Digital Art, a single full body chibi character (fanart or Dnd/ Animal Crossing OC), a chibi couple
Bid on Me!
#4 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $15 Current Bid: $50
Current Bid: $100 
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf - Sterek, Steter // Likes: darkfic, angst, fluff, AU or canon, anything // Dislikes: none // Offering: Writing (fics 5k words and under)
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620062418906890240/cookie
Bid on Me!
#5 Opening Bid: $5 Current Bid: #10
Current Bid: #15
Current Bid: $25
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf - Sterek, Berica, 911 - Buddie // Likes: fluff, angst, mystical/fantasy (with sterek) // Dislikes: non-con, graphic violence, self harm, suicide mentions // Offering: Writing (fics 5k words and under)
Creator Profile:  https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620118576220733440/mila
Bid on Me!
#6 Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid: $25
Fandom(s): please visit Artemisa's showcase at https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620119057099866112/artemisa // Likes:  To explore the dynamics between character dynamics that stand on opposite sides just as hunter/werewolf, imperial/rebel, pureblood/muggleborn, mutant politics in general…), Kid fics and mpreg // Dislikes: Smut, Time Travel AU or full crossovers, but open to discuss AU where characters live in a different universes (please talk to the author about specifics) Bad Peter Hale or Bad Hale Family. // Offering: Moodboards
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620119057099866112/artemisa
Bid on Me!
#7  Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $15 Current Bid: $20 Current Bid: $50
Current Bid: $60
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf, Supernatural // Likes:  Sterek, Destiel, open for other pairings, happy endings, fluff,  smut, crack and angst as well or a little bit of everything // Dislikes:  Peter, Theo, and Crowley MCD where character stays dead, and some kinks (please contact the author for a list) // Offering:  Writing (fics 5k words and under), Writing (fics over 5k words), Depends on story idea/prompt for length
Bid on Me!
#8  Opening Bid: $5
Current Bid: $5 
Current Bid: $25
Fandom(s):  Teen Wolf - Steter, Sterek, Stoyd, Voiles, Stalion, Stargent, Steopher  // Likes: fluff, angst //Dislikes:  Non-con, dub-con, drug use, graphic violence, infidelity // Offering:  Writing fics around 1k and lower
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620119682067922944/bxdcubes
Bid on Me!
#9 Opening Bid: $10  Current Bid: $20  Current Bid: $30
Current Bid: $40
Fandom(s):  Teen Wolf - Sterek// Likes:  fluff, hurt/comfort, angst, crack fics // Dislikes:  non-con, incest, abuse // Offering: Writing (fics 5k words and under), Writing (fics over 5k words)
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620117416667643904/rachel
Bid on Me!
#10 Digital Art: Paws - Opening Bid: $20
Current Bid: $30 Current Bid: $50  Current Bid: $75 Current Bid: $80  Current Bid: $95  Current Bid: $125  Current Bid: 130  Current Bid: 135  Current Bid: 150
Current Bid: 160
Fandom(s): Any Fandom // Likes:  Portraits, figures, soft romance // Dislikes:  non-con, underage, sexually explicit // Offering:  Digital Art
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620119907407921153/paws
Bid on Me!
#11 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $25 Current Bid: $30Current Bid: $50Current Bid: $51
Current Bid: $60
Fandom(s): Check, Please! - Zimbits // Likes: Fluff, domestic fluff, meet cute, AUs,  Zimbits fluff, Zimbits AUs, flirty meet cutes // Dislikes: Infidelity, Kent Parson anything, non-con, A/B/O // Offering: Writing (fics 5k words and under)
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620119997898981376/wrathofthestag
Bid on Me!
#12 Opening Bid: $5
Current Bid: $10 Current Bid: $15
Current Bid: $25
Fandom(s):  Marvel (MCU) - Steve/Bucky, Captive Prince - Damen/Laurent // Likes:  angst, fluff, smut, getting-together, first kiss, mutual pining, UST // Dislikes:  non-con, A/B/O, hardcore BDSM // Offering:  Writing (fics 5k words and under)
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620122054562398208/disraeligears
Bid on Me!
#13 Digital Art: happyzimm - Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid: $25 Current Bid: $30 Current Bid: $40 Current Bid: $41 Current Bid: $45  Current Bid: $46  Current Bid: $50  Current Bid: $55
Current Bid: $57
Fandom(s):  Check Please (zimbits) // Likes:  portraits (no background, digital illustrations/drawings // Dislikes:  nsfw, violence // Offering:  Digital Art
Bid on Me!
#14 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $10
Current Bid: $15
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf: gen or Sterek, Supernatural: gen or Wincest, Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spuffy, Spillow, Spangel, or no pairing // Likes:  gen, fluffy, dark, angsty, Sterek, Winchest, Spuffy, Spangel, Spillow // Dislikes:  cheating // Offering:  Writing (fics 5k words and under)
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620062661373296640/astus Bid on Me!
#15 Digital Art: Poetry-Protest-Pornography - Opening Bid:
 $15 Current Bid: $25 Current Bid: $30 Current Bid: $35
Current Bid: $40
Fandom(s):  Teen Wolf (Sterek, other ships can be discussed),  OMG Check Please! (Pretty much any ship that doesn’t involve Parse), The Witcher // Likes: Sterek and Zimbits // Dislikes:  non-con, graphic violence/gore, bestiality // Additional Info:  Poetry-Protest-Pornography is open for other fandoms as well as OC’s. // Offering:  Writing (fics 5k words and under), Digital Art
Bid on Me!
#16 Digital Art: BEERWOLVES - Opening Bid: $20
Current Bid: $30 Current Bid: $50 Current Bid: $65 Current Bid: $75  Current Bid: $80
Current Bid: $100
Fandom(s): Sterek (Teen Wolf) // Likes:  Fluff or anything SFW // Dislikes:  Non-Con or anything NSFW // Offering: Digital Art/Sketches
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620062720027459584/beerwolves
Bid on Me!
#17 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $15
Current Bid: $50
Fandom(s):  Teen Wolf - Stiles/Derek, Stiles/Peter, Stiles/Derek/Peter // Likes:  romantic, fluffy, angst // Dislikes:  non-con, humiliation, major character death // Additional Info: Devilscut is definitely into ‘happy ever afters’ or at the very least into hopeful, positive endings. // Offering:  Writing (fics 5k words and under)
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620120197360156672/devilscut
Bid on Me!
#18 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $20
Current Bid: $35
Fandom(s): please visit LadyMerlin's showcase https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620061333557280768/ladymerlin // Likes: fluff and angst but fine with any genres, happy to do smut too // Dislikes: graphic violence, non-con // Offering: Writing (fics 5k words and under)
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620061333557280768/ladymerlin Bid on Me!
#19 GIFs and/or GIF sets: Klam - Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid: $20
Fandom(s):Teen Wolf (any and all characters prior to season 4)// Offering: 1 - GIF or GIF Set // Likes: Dark fics, fluff, angst // Dislikes: Non-sterek, super sweet fics
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620120341660991488/klam Bid on Me!
#20 >5 word fic:  Halehathnofury : Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $15 Current Bid: $20 Current Bid: $30
Current Bid: $50
Fandom(s): Sterek, Stucky, Hannigram, any Sterek side ships especially Berica, Clintasha  // Offering: 1 - > 5k word fic // Likes: Anything goes // Dislikes: Non-con, female Stiles, self insert, oc insert with main ship
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620120820925235200/halehathnofury Bid on Me!
#21 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $20 
Fandom(s): Check Please, Star Trek, Teen Wolf, Harry Potter, Leverage (Please check the creators ost for more information) // Offering: 1 -
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620120526501920768/thereoncewasagirl Bid on Me!
#22 Digital Art/Traditional Art- Gwen- Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid: $25
Fandom(s): Hetalia (Fruk; Gerita; Spamano; Prumano; AusHun; PruHun; Ameviet; open to discuss other ships; open to general fics and brotp)  // Offering: 1 -
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620121138941558784/gwen Bid on Me!
#23 Opening Bid: $ 10
Current Bid: $15 Current Bid: $25
Current Bid: $50
Fandom(s): Sterek, Stony  // Offering: 1 -
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620121321217605632/yoda Bid on Me!
#24 >5k word fic: HolyCatsAndRabbits - Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $20 Current Bid: $35 Current Bid: $55 Current Bid: $70 Current Bid: $85  Current Bid: $150
Current Bid: $200
Fandom(s): Good Omens (please check the creators post for more information) or Original Characters// Offering: 1 - >5k word fic // Likes: low-fantasy romance, erotica, pining, fluff, adventures & misadventures, SFW and NSFW, with characters in a variety of gender identities and sexual orientations, including aro/ace.  // Dislikes: No horror, graphic violence, torture, non-con, dub-con, underage, & other really dark stuff. For the erotica, kinks are negotiable: most common kinks are fine, and I will do light consensual non-consent with safe words and after care.
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620121431708172288/holycatsandrabbits Bid on Me!
#25 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $15
Current Bid: $25
Fandom(s): Yuri on Ice (Viktuuri, Salami, EmiMike, Leoji, Seung chuchu), The Magnus Archives (Jonmartin, What the Girlfriends), Fullmetal Alchemist(/Brotherhood) (canon ships, Royhughes), Sherlock Holmes (Holmes/Watson) // Offering: 7 - >5k word fics // Likes: shippy fluff, domestic moments or slice-of-life, or single-character introspective pieces // Dislikes: Noncon/dubcon, underage, heavy angst/angst without a happy ending
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620121795702472704/the-walrus Bid on Me!
# 26 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $30
Fandom(s): YuGiOh DM & GX (not Abridged or dub), Hetalia, Babylon 5, Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Untamed, Persona 4 // Offering: 1 - >5k word fic // Likes: Fluff, h/c, unusual AUs, crossovers (if both fandoms are known), dark or mature themes, rare pairs // Dislikes: Explicit NSFW, ABO. Dark themes discretionary to be discussed
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620060934002655232/sixy Bid on Me!
#27 >5k word fic: Gia (outtoshatter) - Opening Bid: $10 Current Bid: $15
Current Bid: $25 
Fandom(s): Sterek, Teen Wolf // Offering: 3 - >5k word fics // Likes: AUs, fluff, action, adventure, romance, plot driven, world building // Dislikes: non con, graphic sex, incest, drug use
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620060976948117504/gia Bid on Me!
#28 Digital Art: hillnerd- Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid: $40 Current Bid: $55
Current Bid: $60
Fandom(s): Harry potter "I prefer canon pairings but am willing to do almost any", marvel, dc, broadway shows, jane austen, anne of green gables, avatar tla "Really any fandom I'm happy to draw- as long as I don't have to do mechs/furries." // Offering:  2 - Digital Paintings // Likes: "I'm best at cute fluffy moments- sweet romantic ones, character moments- check out my art and see for yourself :)"// Dislikes: non-con, gore, anything like pedo/chan works.
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620017264783196160/hillnerd Bid on Me!
#29 >5k word fics: Neche - Opening Bid: $10  Current Bid $15
Current Bid: $30
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf (Sterek)Marvel MCU (Stucky) // Offering:  2 - >5k word fic  // Likes:  fluff, one shots, get together, canon compliant // Dislikes: rape, no main character deaths, no drug use, no incest (this includes adoptive & step siblings), no paedophilia
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620061125051072512/neche Bid on Me!
#30 $15
Current Bid: $20
Current Bid: $50
Fandom(s): TW, Sterek, Supernatural, Harry Potter, Buzzfeed Unsolved, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, MCU, crossovers, Rare Pairs (please check their creators post for more information) // Offering:  1 -
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620060896844234753/stormlyht Bid on Me!
#31 >5 word fic: cleo - Opening Bid: $10 Current Bid: $20
Current Bid: $45
Fandom(s): Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) (please check the creators post for more information)  // Offering:  1 - >5k word fic  // Likes: smut, dark, au, fluff, crack // Dislikes: Hard DNWs: Foreplay and sex involving food scat, watersports, emetophiliaUnrealistically happy endingsHigh School AUA/B/OCalling a partner Mommy or Daddy (or variations) during sexAnimal abuse/animals in peril
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620061570378153984/cleo Bid on Me!
#32 >5k word fic: deathsweetqueen - Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $15
Fandom(s): Marvel - anything with Tony (please check the creators post for more information) // Offering: 1 - >5k word fic // Likes: Racebends Tony as Indian, Tony or fem!Tony centric, poly relationships, soulmate AUs, canon AUs, canon divergences, genderswaps, horror movie AUs, Skrulls, pirate AUs, daemon AUs, time travel, historical AUs, A/B/O AU, supernatural bonds // Dislikes: Non-human (except supernatural) sex, tentacles, scat, urine, age play, mpreg, Zombie AU, Hogwarts AU, Coffee Shop AUs, bodyswaps, Steampunk/Cyberpunk AUs, apocalypses, fake dating, incestuous pairings
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620061517301366785/deathsweetqueen Bid on Me!
#33 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: 10
Current Bid: 15
Fandom(s): Steve/Tony, MCU  // Offering: 1 -
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620061270009380864/neb Bid on Me!
#34 Traditional Art: Alby ( artgroves) - Opening Bid: $15
Current Bid: $50 Current Bid: $75 Current Bid: $80 Current Bid: $100  Current Bid: $200
Current Bid: $215
Fandom(s): Merlin, Marvel (any fandom), X-Men, The Eagle, TW (Sterek)  // Offering: 1 - Pencil sketch or paste painting // Likes: "Happy to draw any rating, including fluff, angst, porn and romance, would prefer something shippy" // Dislikes: character death, violence, complex armour, mecha or furries
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620122286012399617/alby Bid on Me!
#35 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $10
Current Bid: $15
Fandom(s): Marvel - Bucky/Tony, Loki/Tony, Stephen Strange/Tony, Gen // Offering: 1 -
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620016483950592000/calmena Bid on Me!
#36 Opening Bid: $10
Current Bid: $25
Current Bid: $50
Fandom(s):  Teen Wolf -  Steter, Stetopher, Stargent, Chris/Lydia, Derek/Lydia, Corydia (Cora/Lydia), Lucifer, Tidelands - something Cal-focussed; preference is Cal/Corey/Dylan, but Cal/Corey, Cal/Dylan, and dark Cal/Adrielle is also on the table. Also willing to do Lucifer/TW crossover pairings // Likes & Dislikes: please visit Twist's showcase at https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620116913977180160/queerfictionwriter // Additional Info: Twist is disabled, so there’s a good chance they won’t be fast in completing your prompt. They also do not, as a general rule, take prompts, so if you’ve ever wanted them to write something for you, this is your chance! // Offering: Writing (fics 5k words and under)
Creator Profile: https://fandomcares.tumblr.com/post/620116913977180160/queerfictionwriter Bid on Me!
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ducknotinarow · 3 years
[BrookSteve]  « i’ll be fine! what matters is that you’re going to be safe. »
| Concerned and Protective starters This was not how the mission was meant to go. Sure fallbacks happen when out in the field. Sometimes you need to plan or expect them to even happen before stepping off the Quinjet. But this was still a pretty outstanding set of fallbacks.
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Comms single had been jammed for one so trying to get in touch with anyone else on the team was pretty much impossible. They were scattered on top of that unaware where anyone had ended up or was now. They were all on thier own giving the enemy the upper hand, they sure were tough to beat alone but they always worked so much better when they could pull from each other. Steve was left running through empty woods. Dashing from tree to tree to use for his cover. He had no clue where he was running just sort of going off his gut and what he recalled from before the comms had shut off. Peering around his current spot, dreading where anyone else could be. He had seen Ironman flying around for one but he could be lying low. He hadn't seen Stargent or Liberty either he wasn't sure where they were before everything went awry. And that left Steve to do nothing but worry about his girls. They didn't have a meet-up place set beforehand the plan was they would clear one out but since they couldn't coordinate that now? Steve took in a deep breath and charged off again once the coast was clear eyes off to the side where he saw the lackeys walking around, likely looking for anyone on the team. Leading Steve to wonder if anyone could have been caught then? Like his girls?! losing focus as worry started to settle in over him instead. Not paying much attention to what was ahead of him trying to recall what thier roles were on this one, if he ran to where they should be maybe he would get lucky and find them. He thought about when suddenly he hit a stop.
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Body colliding with someone else. Steve only stumbled back himself as he managed to shift his weight to keep from falling back. Quick to hold his shield up in defense in case he just ran right into one of the goons haunting him and the rest of the team. Only to lower the star and striped shield down when seeing who he knocked over to the ground. "Brooks!" Sheild returned to his back as he slides to his knees next to her helping her up as he made sure to check over for, well anything. Cuts, bruises, broken bones, and anything in-between all that "What are you doing here? did any of those dimwits hurt you?" Steve went on to on about even when not seeing a single mark on her. Brook took her arm away as she went to stand up on her own now keeping her voice lower as she looked down to her father, one of the only ways she really could. " i’ll be fine! what matters is that you’re going to be safe. " Steve cocked his head to the side as Brook went on to explain that everyone met back up but couldn't get ahold of him. She got worried something happened and took off looking for him. Even after Nina and Tony called out for her she was already too far gone. Steve had a slight guess on how many of those grauds in the forest too from how many he spotted and kept count of. Chances were the other side had just as many she could have been caught running blind like that. No comms up no way of even knowing where he would have been at!
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"Kid, don't take wooden dimes!" he soon found himself saying out to her, leaving her fairly confused. Which made sense since Steve used that outdated term. Sighing as he went to stand up dusting off the dirt from his legs. Taking a moment to look back from where he had run from seemed they were still in the clear. Sighing out before going to speak to her again "sorry I just, as brave as it was for you to come back for me you should have stayed back with the others. You could have been caught." She pointed out so could he. Steven should know better than to argue with her holding his hands up in defeat showing he was surrendering "Alright, alright." Smiling slightly this made him recall when he first met her. "You know how to get to the others then?" she nodded her head "Then you made the right call, let's head back you lead the way."
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