#curse you kodaka
yakool-foolio · 1 year
I just realised Zilch’s character artwork foreshadowed how that’s NOT the real Zilch!
I think I see what you mean! The end of his fur scarf fades into a pink wisp like smoke from the tip of a burning wick. A gradually dissolving façade. Very good observation, I wouldn't have thought twice about it until it was pointed out. Took me several minutes to even register what the foreshadowing was in the art, but I finally got it heh.
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funishment-time · 7 months
you guys remember the Bad Hetero Ending of Danganronpa 1?
someone on BSky asked about it:
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This may be an unanswerable question (it may have already been asked), but in the bad ending of Danganronpa, Togami has a photo of Fukawa's head, and is that Togami's child? However, will the day come when the truth about that matter will be revealed? !
and our good friend Kazutaka Kodaka um...told us more about it, much to the Detriment of my health:
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After losing Kirigiri and deciding to live together in the school, everyone changed their mind and decided to join hands with each other. Fukawa also stops being self-deprecating, and Togami stops being overbearing, and the two start dating, but Fukawa dies in an accident the next day. Since she died from choking on a gyoza, Togami is confused that it was Celes' curse. While Asahina was comforting him when he was feeling down, something like that happened and Togami's child was born. Asahina, who loves children, thinks this is her mission and decides to give birth to everyone's children. Also, it was a boring school life and there was nothing else to do, so we all did a lot of it. After that, she gave birth to more than 10 children and the school flourished.
well. goodbye my Friends
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seth-burroughs · 1 month
All the Yomispawn in one place. According to my mind
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Takumi is uhhh. He looks to be a mix of Yomi and Vivia tbh but I don't like Vivia and Yomi's got the same opinion. Also both Yomi & Vivia are trans men canonically as decided by me so I don't think it's very possible and Vivia doesn't look motivated enough to even try anyway. I am assigning Takumi as hellxander baby for multitude of reasons one of which is that extremely efficient hitman with 9999999999 confirmed killz who likes to burn bodies in his spare time not to mention the Fifth Fucking Car™ could give life to the cringest most annoying loser I've ever seen in a Kodaka trailer
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Unnamed girls from old limit x despair (rip in rest) poster and thl trailer are hellectro babies I don't think I have to explain that one. Ok so lxd girl could have just dyed her hair like The Father but I think it's funnier if she was just born that way because recessive genes n shit. Both inherited Martina's family curse (terrible eyesight) (Yomi also has shit vision but he doesn't let that stop him from doing activities such as not being able to read anything 2 meters away which is very brave and inspiring to us all)
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Lastly Zero is a makoyomi baby. The reason why he's so fucking weird is because he's just so sad and acting out because his parents die every day by each others' hands and he can't make them stop and murdering people with balls is his coping mechanism
You might ask "why does Yomi have so many kids" and you will not get an answer. Are they all from separate timelines or do they all exist simultenously. That is for me to decide and for you to be disturbed or mildly intrigued perhaps changed by
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alfiely-art · 9 months
About that character inmpression, ship thingy you posted... Of course I'l ask you about Yomi (you can answer each questions for him if you want 👀👀)
Aaaand hmmm
What do you think about Yomi x Seth, Hellxander, Fake Zilch x Seth, and Yomi x Fake Zilch x Seth ?
That might be a lot in one go, so uh, take your time!
OURGHHH Yomi. Okay this is gonna be a lot but lets-a go yahoo
Alright first off, first impression of him.
His introduction was literally golden. From his and Martina's Akira reference to Yomi fake-sobbing before coldly ordering Seth to be executed. I was kicking my feet. He immediately shot to my top favorite (before being kicked down again by Yuma and Makoto) but I absolutely enjoyed what an evil little gremlin he was from the very beginning. Honestly, one of the best introductions of a villain I've ever seen.
Next, headcanons. I think he was a theatre kid in high school. I'm saying this from experience. Every theatre kid goes through a little phase where they're evil and flamboyant it comes with the title. Yomi's just went on a little too long, silly silly boy. OH and I think he has chew toys. Being evil is stressful he's gotta chew on smth or else he'll just take it out on an underling, yk?
As for complaints and praise... weeeell, I thought his takedown was a little... anti-climatic? Like on the one hand, I'm very happy for Martina to get to send him to jail. You go girl. But also, he just sorta... accepts being arrested? I wanted him to resist more. Kicking scratching and screaming, yk?? He did a little of that but not much. And I wish we'd seen him in the epilogue, maybe as a small little shot of him in jail being all pouty. As for praise, I really love how fun-to-hate he is. The game makes it very clear he's horrible and you can't really sympathize with him, but also, he's just so fun to watch. Like. What's wrong with him *twirls hair*
Favorite pairing, hmmmmmmmmmm. Initially it was Makoyomi, but rn it's a three-way tie between Makoyomi, Yomiakou, and Hellxander. These dynamics are all just... really fascinating in all honesty. I want to study them. I'm so glad this fandom enjoys toxic yaoi I think I would go insane if there wasn't a plethora of content for these weirdos.
And finally, my overall opinion. He's my wife. My evil scrunkly meow meow. I'm gonna put a collar on him and cook him a yummy dinner while he's chained to a chair. Also his English VA is amazing and did a wonderful job making Yomi iconic, I'm planning on playing Raincode again but with JP voices to compare. He's the silliest villain I've ever seen. They did a great job with his writing, I think. He just, immediately grabs you- and when you look deeper into him it's genuinely so interesting and fun.
Yomi x Seth is definitely an interesting ship for me. I don't actively think about it but when I come across content of them, my brain goes "fuck yeah". Sadly their interactions don't give us much to go off of as much as other pairs, but it's always a joy to see.
Hellxander. My beloved. Finding Fake!Zilch in the factory and hearing him ramble about Yomi was eye opening. Kodaka did not need to have that in there but it's there and it's amazing. I wish Yomi had a line or something about Zilch, I want to know how he feels about the guy. Was it a parasocial type of thing??? Was Yomi leading him along??? Please Kodaka. Yomi DLC where we visit Kanai Ward and Yomi is doing community service and having flashbacks to his old gay lover Hitman and he cries in the rain "I hate that ugly bowl cut detective!!!!!!! Curse you Yuma the Kokohead!!!!!!!"
Fake!Zilch x Seth isn't something I've ever really thought about, but I can kinda see a dynamic there. Frail little guy x tough hitman? Yeah that's certainly a good dynamic. I just don't know if this particular case would really... grab me?
And Yomi x Fake!Zilch x Seth... yeah I think that's just torture for Seth. Which is fine I like torturing the guy. I can definitely see Yomi being like "lol that seth guy is soooo funny to torment" and zilch is like "do you want me to torment him director yomi. Anything for you director yomi" and Seth is like "can I please just do my job. Please. Please"
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thehandwixard · 6 months
um . could u give me the rain code pitch . i am still cursed with the dream specter and think i might need to play it to exorcise this
hi. so. this is going to be pretty long and slightly stream of consciousness, because i am always much worse about giving concise pitches than i think. i am also clicking my heels together in joy. its going to be very obvious that i love this game a lot... like. elevator pitch, i would give the game a solid, respectable 6/10 if ranking it purely in gameplay feel, overall execution, and the like. maybe edging closer to a 7 with its updates to performance since launch.
However, what is clear about raincode is that it as a 6 year long labor of love, and this endears me to it in the way that energy endears me to trigger happy havoc despite its flaws, its clunkiness, and its relative shortness. I would give it an easy 9/10 for the heights it strives for and the effort that went into the making of the world, the emotional resonance of the main characters, the story, the aesthetic. the psychic effects it has had on me, finally, cannot be measured. i need to find articles about gay bathouse culture for this game. thats not even a queer theme i think kodaka intentionally put in this game and trust me he puts stuff in intentionally, thats just one i keep thinking about. thats the headspace the game puts me in.
THE (master detective archives/enigma archives) RAINCODE PITCH.
The danganronpa games, you know them. Kazutaka Kodaka, the writer of the games, you may or may not know that guy. I like his writing a lot since i got deeply into danganronpa in 2020. this is one of the only games i have preordered in years. He made a new game that's a 3-d mystery-adventure game. The soundtrack designer and character designer from those games are also here, and spitting. 
Raincode is a mystery-adventure game set in a unique world with what are described as “psycho-noir” aesthetics, referencing the heightened fantasy of the setting’s visuals compared to the (already electric) DR.
You play as Yuma Kokohead, an amnesiac trainee detective sent (along with several other, far higher ranking detectives) to the autonomous zone ‘Kanai Ward’ to investigate its never ending rain, its complete isolation, and the corporation that controls it: Amaterasu Corporation, its faction of ‘peacekeepers’, and its systematic refusal to let investigations be done inside or out.
The bulk of the game IS this detective work, even when you’re not working on a case. The city has several districts (with very clear class associations) that you are free to walk around in, and it uses cyberpunk aesthetics in a way that’s very pleasing to me. Kinda think splatsville but neon, its that design of.. an area thats still maybe a little too polished for a city but it has a genuine eye to how a city actually tends to look and the ways people use it and exist in it. there are quite a few incidental npcs, and i think they work well to make the city feel alive. One of my favorite aspects of the game is the goal to present a multinational setting, with stuff like signage in latin alphabets, cyrillic, kanji, and the character’s names.
I could go on about the design for a while and i have more notes about it later just. The World Is Really Cool. you know what the master detectives are? Theyre detectives sanctioned by the World Detective organization, given the title of master because of their innate psychic abilities that have been honed into forensic and investigative tools. The reason the trainee detective Yuma is an amnesiac is probably because he made a pact with a death god that links them “body and soul”, for purposes he can no longer remember and she is unable or unwilling to tell him. This pact, however, gives him his own edge in investigating. Obviously the game is centered around solving murders, though in a less personal way than in DR. Also like and unlike DR, the way you are guided into solving these murders is through a series of minigames (in a pocket dimension that is the mystery given form (called a mystery labyrinth where the psychedelic design starts to come out crazy hard)) which are. The minigames are fine, i do generally enjoy the non-stop debates from danganronpa more, but theyre well-designed and fun. The mysteries themselves are Bangers, i made it a goal for myself to at least try to solve all of the main ones by myself to test if they were good mysteries where u were given all possible information to piece together, and i never felt cheated when i didnt get it exactly right. Again, it misses some of the intense personal connection you get with some of the murders in dr with it not happening in a closed cast, but i think that the story of them is done very well. Smiles. 
And coming back to yuma, thats the other thing about this game. Danganronpa dealt heavily with exploring themes of student burnout, critiquing the justice system in specific areas like trial and (capital) punishment, etc with its characters, and where Raincode really shines in similar areas, but a little to the left. 
If danganronpa was essentially about teenagers who really didn't have much to gain from the system but useless power over other teenagers and the costs of punishing deviance from norms, raincode is grappling with power structures where adults do have a lot to gain from upholding them, especially through the politics of information. Misinformation, hiding information, even the collection and use of info. Like DR, it also has a lot of very interesting things to say about ‘giftedness’ and the way it can alienate people, though again with a strong eye in considering people without these gifts, and/or people who do not have “average” abilities and how they have to navigate this world. 
The themes are strong. I would argue the game is also edging into being about being disabled and the guilt of burdening or even just interacting others with characters like Yuma, Fubuki, and Pucci. Its really highly interesting and, thankfully Kodaka’s bottom-line touch is one of understanding. The duality of being othered by ability and othered by disability.
I think one of the things i like most about Raincode is its unflinching way it depicts the ebb and flow of our protagonists', Yuma and Shinigami’s, morals, goals, and convictions. It has a lot to say about what depending on other people means, the good and the bad of it, the ways you can be taken advantage of, and all of yuma’s relationships with the other characters showcase this heavily– how he feels about himself in relationship to them, what he wants them to feel about him, how they support him or use him. Its a game where, very plainly, you do not have all the information and are playing against sharks who will take every chance they get to puppet you around. 
and what helps, obviously, is that yuma and shinigami are delightful protagonists to follow. their dynamic is written with a lot of care and nuance and is also just. really funny.
I clear my throat. Addendum. Some things to note, about this game. We have some one piece type shit in here. What i mean by that is I respect komatsuzaki as a character designer but he makes a lot of weird choices in character design that i am unable to really understand the reason for at times. Kodaka is not getting off the hook for the writing of the characters of color, but its unclear how much.. Direct correlation kodaka’s writing and the designs have. Wont get too much into it.
The other thing i mean by that is. Transmisogyny but i put a huge “EXCEPT-” sign up. One of the best chapters of the game centers the transmisogynistic plot device of two male characters having to disguise themselves as girls to investigate a murder in a girl’s school. I am not a trans woman, but what i will say in my perspective being familiar with this trope in even recent stuff like mob psycho is that like. The characters generally can and will say edgy, really rude shit but i personally feel the game takes the stance that theres nothing wrong with crossdressing, yknow? And also the pervert character is explicitly trans-positive. That helps. Its a thing that looks bad head on and makes the pitch kind of hard because obviously its not something one expects to be any better than it looks.
Also the game is almost fully voice acted with only some incidental interaction dialogue not being voiced. The english voice actors do a fantastic job, and from what i understand many of the japanese voice actors have a lot of love for the game too (i can't speak on their performances lol)
(also theres a lot of extra material for the game in the form of dlc stories and collectable story interactions in the main game. these are difficult to know the correct time to experience them and are a bit clunky in that way but are very worth looking up when the time is right)
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patchw0rk-quilt · 10 months
today marks the day that danganronpa: trigger happy havoc was officially released!!! to celebrate we should all face the direction of japan and put up two middle fingers as a giant fuck you to kazutaka kodaka for bringing this cursed game upon us
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Makoto Naegi is a Disney princess confirmed????
Hmm 🤔 we must get the checklist.
"Do you have magic hair?"
I mean, the ahoge's pretty magical I think.
"Magic hands?"
Hands that can shoot truth bullets and shatter any argument.
"Do animals talk to you?"
Unfortunately most of them are bears.
"Were you poisioned?"
I think so but hasn't been proven.
Narrows eyes at Kodaka... Possibly
Thankfully not.
"And do people assume all of your problems got solved because a big strong man showed up?"
Honestly I'd argue Makoto is the one showing up solving problems.
Everyone else kinda makes it worse for him.
But that's 5 out of 8 so Makoto Naegi I decree you are a Disney princess.
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mothiidae · 1 year
my MDA:Rain Code thoughts - spoiler version
I saw a few other people posting their thoughts on the game which got me thinking `damn, i want in on that` so here we are!
not really sure if i should call this a review or what, but its certainly my thoughts and opinions on the game a couple weeks after finishing the game. [i would've done it sooner but imma bit of a procrastinator so shhh]
my overall opinions: Despite some issues, Rain Code acts as a great foundation that can be built upon in the future - along with plot threads that can be used in future games. If your a danganronpa fan I would totally recommend it, but its a bit of a harder sell to those outside the bubble.
this was originally going to be all my thoughts about the game in one post but i got too crazy and wrote too much and i dont think i could divide it up without it being jank, so this will be purely anything spoiler related. The spoiler free version is linked here!
Anywaaaay, with the preamble done, onto the main event!!
I've tried to put this into some kinda order so its not completely incomprehensible, it will start with gameplay then transition to story and then characters.
Mystery labyrinths can be extremely boring inbetween the all the different minigames - consisting of running to the next part whilst the characters discus the case. At these moments it feels as if Kodaka is still trapped within the dangan class trial formula. One thing that was able to spice up the labyrinths was that there would be differences in design, like in chapter 2 when we were running in a school or chapter 5 in which we ran through a version of kamasaki district.
However, due to not being confined to killing game rules and having access to supernatural abilities, kodaka was able to do some interesting things with investigations and cases that just wouldn't be possible within any of the danganronpa games. I found most cases to have a really interesting trick to them, with the only exceptions to that being chapter 3 with icardi and chapter 1 with the priest and worshiper situation - though icardis is the only one i dislike It was sooo dumb. The locked room recreation in chapter 1 was a fun mechanic and i enjoyed walking though how it was each locked room was done. Chapter 4's investigation was really inventive and unique, though the ghost obstacle course felt very shoehorned in - specially since we only do it once.
Having the requests was a great move as they acted as a way to flesh out the world of kanai ward without bloating the main story. Though optional, i do recommend playing through some as they are able to give the average persons views about the city and the occurrences in it. I also found a some memorable, whether it was because they were silly or meaningful. The crimson rain cult one sticks out for me purely on how wacky it was, another was about the survey which adds so much to the people and how they feel about Amaterasu Corp
The weakest point in the game is Chapter 3, both the story and mystery/gameplay of it were lacking when compared to literally any other chapter. It seems to be a curse kodaka is under and will seemingly never be freed from
on the other hand, I'm going to have the lukewarm take that the best chapter - at least storywise - is chapter 4. Can't really comment on the mystery as its been a while since i've played it but i remember a sense of forbording during the mystery labyrinth as i progressed i sorta figured out it was yakou but i kept thinking to myself no, it can't be. I was coping hard. AND SHINIGAMI AT THE END UEGHHH
Chapter 2 had a great story, characters and motives but it was completely ruined for me by how desuhiko and shinigami acted throughout the chapter. Whenever i think of it all I can think of is those two acting like buffoons >:(
WHO KNEW THE PINK BLOOD WAS GONNA BE A PLOT POINT?! genuinely shocking and its of my belief that if you had not played or are at least familiar with the danganronpa franchise, it won't hit as hard as it is ment to - and im feel a little bit of sympathy for those people. Danganronpa has desensitised and normalised fans to pink blood so it becomes a plot point no one predicts. Even then, in chapter 1 yuma says stuff like "thats not a manaquin?" and "is that blood?" in reaction to the corpse which at the time can brushed of with this is his first time seeing a non-burnt corpse. Retrospectively however...... yeah
also...... I KNEW THE MEAT BUNS WERE FUNKY I KEEEEEEW ITTTT. But seriously, the set up to the reveal was well done - meat buns were talked about often enough that it was strange and was something to take note of but nothing more than that. I'm not one to feel disgust with media but man the cannibalism reveal upseat my stomach a little so congrats kodaka for your good writing i guess??
I don't know if im dense or what but the No.1 reveal came out of nowhere for me. Or if i did twig it i brushed it of and went nahh, thats to easy and then forgot about it
The whole `real yuma kokohead` reveal could've been set up soooo much better than it was. We see this caped guy what 3, 4 times and then BAM REVEAL hes the REAL yuma that we stole the identity of!!. It was kinda underwhelming and could've easily been rectified by running into him more often or to have a request looking into a creepy caped guy or to visit the new ramen shop that got set up
with the makoto/yuma homunculus thing, i felt it could've fallen either way and is another great plot twist from the game, enough is hinted - specially if you take into account that the concept of homunculi had just been revealed and in both of their profiles, the same height and weight is listed.
The overall homuculus plot was set up somewhat well, though i guess it could feel shoved in your face in chapter 5, but then again thats just final kodaka chapter procedure. What i do like about the set up was in chapter 4 when questioned makoto states that "theres no immortal monsters in this city!!" but makoto has stated multiple times before that he loves the people of this city, so why would he call them monsters? in fact, this whole thing is what led me to theorise that the people were in fact homunculi
Makoto is such a breath of fresh air when it comes to kodaka's villains/ danganronpa's villains. The fact that he acknowledges what he has done and knows that it's bad but can't see any other possible way to help the people he loves. An important factor to this is that he is No.1's homunculus and because of this hates mysteries but to save the people of kanai ward he had to create mysteries on top of mysteries. What i also enjoyed was slowly unraveling the extent of makoto's influence and seeing just HOW powerful this man is, realising that hes been playing 4D chess from the start. That the rough outline of events were planned out by him, with him taking direct control of the case of chapter 4. Man, makoto's for sure has more interesting motives than junko ever did - but then again, i see them as having two different roles. Junko is a great villain cause shes just insane.
other than that, i found the peacekeepers to be a little disappointing. They did what they were needed to but most are susceptible to leaving little impression on people. Which is not good as they are your major obstacle in a chapter. the majority of them have under 30~ mins of screen time [that is a rough estimate, most likely im wildly wrong] though they didn't need to have backstories or anything, them being a constant presence through investigation might've helped. Like martina in chapter 2
I, personally, am in the shinigami fan camp -though it is certainly in a despite chapter 2 kinda way. If you take into consideration that the termination of the contract would lead yuma to forget her, of course she would act obnoxious and mean. She, in the end, does not want yuma to hurt emotionally. And she even says in chapter 5 he should be ranting and raving about how hes glad shini is leaving. Shinigamis been through this countless times and knows how this will end, it makes her character tragic in a way. Also, the moments in which she turns serious are notable for me as they seem to display how old she is, and for me at least, act as times in which she metaphorically sit down with yuma to say `hey, I know this is bad but it is how it is and I believe that you can get through this`
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wisteriasonthemoon · 11 days
okay so I need to just. post weekly about my DRV3 replay to hold myself accountable to some progress otherwise it's going to take forever to get through it again
hello drv3 tag, I am doing a replay. I'm only through the prologue and just into chapter 1. some notable events thus far
the pre-prologue ... prologue? where the cast is their "pre-game" selves is such a bizarre choice of scene. I replayed it several times and I'm still unsure why it's there. the simple answer is that it exists only to cast doubt on Tsumugi's version of events in chapter 6, but that explanation doesn't quite satisfy me
the flashback lights were introduced. a device that can alter memories. with no clear rules or in-universe limitations. I don't recall an additive explanation on those points later. that's fine. I'm sure my memory of DRV3 is wrong and Kodaka didn't just blow up his setting like a teenager behind the wheel in an action movie car chase
Kokichi has been in 3 scenes so far. the only one in which he didn't directly contradict himself is in the pre-prologue. he had the opportunity! he had *2* lines! but they were both questions
oh and I got to sight-see around my new prison-school
I saw this dragon
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Tsumugi and Kaede alleged it was floating. they in fact had this exchange
Tsumugi: Ah…that bronze dragon statue over there. I’m just plain curious about it. Tsumugi: It almost seems like it’s floating, right? Doesn’t it look pretty out of place? Kaede: Now that you mention it…you’re right. It sorta bothers me, too.
they did not elaborate. I have no idea what they mean. I walked around the thing to get a view from every conceivable angle. it doesn't appear to be floating - not between the dragon and it's slab, or the slab and the floor
sure, from certain angles, you could argue that between the slab and the floor, it KIND OF appears to be floating due to perspective and a lack of occlusion or cast shadow. but if I swivel a couple degrees there is a tree made of a flat texture with no shadow in a 3D space, so I'm not sure I'd make the argument that that is intentional
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and I saw these stairs!
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this pink pattern on first-to-second floor stairs resembles a temporary texture file. last I checked in with the game dev scene, because of how textures are added atop 3D models, it was practical to utilize a generic repeating pattern before doing any committal custom texture work for an object's final appearance. otherwise you might get unseemly tiling or seams
there are two other objects accessible within the prologue that have this pattern as well: the stairs to the basement and gate-style door between the main area of the first floor and the gym. so although you could, I personally wouldn't make the argument these are "un"intentional "missed" textures
filing this one under: 'devs wanted to give you the option to believe in virtual reality', 'possible pranks by in-universe Team Danganronpa', and 'one of the monokubs has really bizarre taste in wallpaper'
these cursed lockers are outside the gym
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there is a double-stack of boys lockers and girls lockers to each side of the door. I say they're cursed because they're ... completely disorganized. they don't appear to be in any kind of sensible arrangement and WORSE. they don't even match the dormitory room assignment order
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I think this fully justifies any murder committed by housekeeping tbh
also these photos!
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there is a whole series of these babies in the prologue's opened areas. there are 18 total. 12 of them being in 4 sets of 3 down the hallway to the left after coming down the stairs from the second floor. these appear to be actual photos with some filters thrown on top
they are hard to make out, but they appear to be nondescript fields, mountains, seas and buildings. considering them all together makes me think of an island, but beyond that, I'm unsure of their purpose
I like these ones adjacent to Kaede's ultimate research lab. doesn't the one to the right look like a smug little creature
(≖ᴗ≖ ✿)
speaking of islands
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if it's been a while since you've played DRV3, you may not remember that the school was still being built during the prologue by Monokuma and the monokubs. these steel boxes appear to be storage containers for the construction
they evoke both an outer-space and nautical theme with the pressure gauges and handles that resemble ship helms
and speaking of building the school
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in the prologue, arguably the third and fourth floors are not yet constructed and absolutely the clock tower is non-existent
the clock tower where, y'know, Kaito's lab was located and everyone burst out of cryogenic chambers or something to start their new life in space. according to sources. sources in chapter 5
I don't think there is a single clock, person, or mechanical bear-shaped entity in this game that is tracking time correctly
and. uh. this??? th s
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I'm pretty sure this door opens up in chapter 5 to Kaito's lab, but the more I gaze upon its' visage. the more I. the more I just
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96percentdone · 7 years
Hello! sorry for bothering you! I read you say Shirogane was an adult? why do you think so? I thought she was a teenager too (maybe 1 year older for being in dr52) I'm pretty curious about the fact! No ships involved, don't worry, I'm just plain curious
I feel like I answer this question a lot. Well okay. So basically the way I read the game it’s implied a lot. If you talk to her at different points in the game, like in ch1 where she mentions owning a house, or in ch4 where she mentions working at bars and having a fuck ton of debt, she mentions things that are...atypical for teenagers. But more importantly, she’s been showrunner of dangan ronpa for quite some time, and I mean more than just the past two seasons. She talks as if she was showrunner for the entire god damn thing. And that would entail several years of work at minimum, right? Now maybe she’s lying, she’s been known to do that, but given the other things she’s brought up for no reason, and how the big reveals for ch6 seemed largely unplanned on her part, on this one I don’t think she is. So I think it’s fair to say she’s at least like in her 20s.
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The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
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Okay, so this is a megapost about why I absolutely love the potential and idea of Angie, but explain my creative differences with Kodaka, who absolutely butchered her. I feel like I should at least put something about how Angie needs to be a bit more appreciated in the DR community, as absolutely batshit crazy she is.
In this post, I’ll divide things into Good (Things I really like about angie in general), Ugly (things that are probably true about Angie, or things that would be changed if i were in charge-- these things are often misunderstood.), and BAD (things that i would remove about Angie all together cause there’s no circumstances that it would be okay, or even feasible someone would do stuff like that (even Angie))
More Under the cut!
Her unhealthy piety to Atua
I’ll get the elephant in the room out of the way. I do like that she is overly obsessed with the Divine way rather than her own way, and can’t tell the divide between her own wants and her deity’s wants. It adds a potential for self discovery, and learning herself so that she can grow as a character, potentially.
Her overall craziness and how things are on her island
Some people find Angie a bit jarring about her character, but i find it pretty endearing, kind of like how people view Harley Quinn-- Different, but in Angie’s case its on a more benevolent level. I always liked how she has a different idea from the rest of the cast on how to do things, and she may have unorthodox methods, but she comes to the same conclusion as everyone else. She is always on the same page, but came to that end in a totally weird manner. Her island’s alleged ways and the lack of knowledge about things allow for a fantasy-like culture where blood sacrifices are made via truck every monday and wednesday, and there are plants that are hard to tell if they’re actually animals. This leads to a variety of Cultures-- but i’ll get to the barbaric portrayal in a sec
the way she thinks she’s cute.
She thinks she’s cute, probably because she was cute on her island’s standards, so she kept it up for the attention.
How one-note Angie is
I will say that Angie’s “Atuaism” is very one-note in the game. Like, when I wrote as Angie, I delved into how lonely she felt, how her island functioned (if it did), and how she became so high and mighty in her own village. Did she rise to that point of power? Was she elected as the Oracle of the island against her will, and was brainwashed into being the cult leader? (Think Natural Harmonia from Pokemon Black and White.) We don’t really know, but the way I wrote angie is that it was a role forced upon her, and she was very lonely as no one was allowed to interact with “her purity”. That would some add some interesting twists to her character!
Blood Sacrifices and the Cult
She says that on her island, there are blood sacrifice rituals. However she did mention it was a “teensy bit” of blood. This could result as a harmless dose- no more than one would donate to the Blood Drive. Otherwise, how would she allow the people of her own island to live? Its a bit too chaotic to function if people gave large amounts of blood and died doing so.  
Also, she does mention the fate of someone who eventually became a sacrifice. It could be inferred that she requested it-- but i personally think that since it is a cult mentality, her island took it upon themselves to act for her-- even if she doesn’t condone it, as form of an extremist group. Angie wasn’t in a place to actually punish them every time, so she would do the “7 generation curse” thing and unfortunately turn them loose. Angie was a figurehead, probably. That’s How I chose to see it, anyway, and I wish they werent so flaw-crazy with Angie.
Brainwashing in Ch.3 , pt 1
This one was more that she felt she couldn’t get everyone to cooperate. She knew her place, and began to brainwash everyone in the cast. She mentioned that she saw her religion as “you’ll come around eventually” kind of thing, and wouldn’t force it.  The forced conversion here, was only because she knew everyone wasn’t on board. She probably would snap everyone out of it to live their lives as they want to if they were to get out because no one wanted to participate, through death or not. She also may have wanted to call Monokuma out on his bluff that he’d murder everyone if there was no murder. (as we know as the audience, would be a very short and unfulfilling show). She had everyone’s best interest in mind, not above hers tho, and did it in the most unorthodox way possible. I like that.
Non-Consensual sexuality
does this need to be said? there was no reason that had to be written. and for Angie to fall for someone who said “no”? That’s EXTREMELY shallow,even for angie. NEXT--
Brainwashing in Ch. 3, pt. 2
Now, how is hugging someone and preying on their weaknesses actual IMMEDIATE Brainwash? Like, I get it, preying on weaknesses can get someone on board... but when it comes to religion, people have a thing called a will. Gonta might join, because his will is weaker and he can be fooled, but Himiko? Kiibo? its not feasible. They know when somethings fishy and not easily fooled (yes, even Himiko).  The only reason brainwashing was there because of plot progression. That’s it. if it weren’t for that, i’d ditch it. You can originally tell that Kodaka wanted Angie to be the murderer at some point, but still wanted her to be seen in a worse and worse light. Its terrible. I hate it.
The fact that Angie has no legacy
After Chapter 3-- there was hardly any feeling toward Angie being dead. Most people were traumatized by tenko, and they didn’t know that they sent her to her death. But news flash-- Angie died too. She was a person! Who died! Who tried getting everyone to a better place, and NO ONE recognizes that? all of the student council said “oh, she’s not invincible, guess i was wrong lol” and never mention Angie till the very very end, along with everyone else. I get that no one wanted to  mourn for her, but it could at least have an impact greater than that, especially for her legit followers. However, Himiko’s relationship to Tenko afterward is honestly off-putting, because of how obsessive Tenko was, and Himiko said “no. never. leave me alone.”. for her to be like “TENKO I MISS U BB” is off putting, putting it lightly. I do ship those two, but only if kodaka didn’t put his grubby hands on the duo, including Angie.
Well, that was my rant, feel free to reblog if you want, I just love Angie and no one can convince me to stop goodnight :)
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insomniac-jay · 4 years
Redesigning The Trigger Happy Havoc Boys
So this lovely post you should look at got a lot of positive feedback, I decided to to make the one for the boys since some of them have the most atrocious designs ever (Looking at you, Hifumi).
Makoto Naegi
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Listen, I know Naegi is meant to be generic and boring but for the love of GAWD, please at least give him a good outfit. For starters, I made his hair curly because I headcanon him to be Asian and Hispanic mixed. Also he’s fat and he has freckles.
As for his outfit, I decided to give him a black long sleeve shirt, a dark green t-shirt with a four leaf clover on it, a black hoodie with some graphic designs because his canon one is cursed and ugly, ripped jeans, and red sneakers. He wears a chain on his pants with lucky charms on it.
Byakuya Togami
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For someone with so much money, Togami has very poor taste in fashion and haircuts. Someone get this man a stylist. First of all let’s get rid of his Karen haircut and traded it for slicked back hair. Next I gave him wider glasses. When it comes to his outfit, I decided to dress him a designer suit. He wears a white jacket with cuffs and gold lining, a dark green shirt, white pants, and designer shoes. I gave him gloves bc he doesn’t like to touch plebians (except for his bfs) and gave him more bling bc he likes to flex. I want him to be the obnoxious rich kid.
Leon Kuwata
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Listen I know his whole thing is like whether or not he wants to do baseball or rock music, so I gave him a mix of both (or at least tried). The roots of his hair are black but then turn to ginger because of his mixed heritage and made his hair longer. I also gave him more piercings because I want him to look like a true punk.
I gave him a black Letterman jacket with all sorts of pins on it such as a trans flag, a bisexual flag, BLM and Eat The Rich on one of the sleeves, and an anarchy symbol. His baseball uniform is the one from the splash art because it’ll be easier on my life. I got rid of his ugly ass shoes because they’re a crime against humanity and a cardinal sin. They are replaced with some good ol’ punk boots.
Yasuhiro Hagakure
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Hiro’s canon outfit is so ugly Kodaka ffs give your characters good designs. They looks like a hobo outside a 7/11 that might scam me.
First of all I gave them glasses rights because I believe in glasses Hiro supremacy. Next I gave them vitiligo and tattoos because I also believe in that. For their outfit, they wears a black shirt but it’s hella unbuttoned bc they lack in self preservation, dark purple jacket with star signs on it, black pants, and sandals. Also, I gave him the dreads from their beta design bc pls,,, give them good hair. They also wear a headwrap. 
Mondo Oowada
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You can tell I’m gonna have way too much fun with this one and that I’m gonna play favorites. I gave them tattoos and a missing tooth bc I can. He also has scars on his body bc y’know he gets into fights. One of the sleeves of their jacket is missing because I refuse to believe that wouldn’t happen, he doesn’t wear a shirt and instead wears a haramaki, and black pants. I replaced his loafers with boots bc to quote my mutual on Discord, “When you gotta lead the gang at 6 but go to church at 7″. I also have him a headband bc that’s the style.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
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Another redesign that you all can tell I’m both playing favorites and having too much fun with. I gave Kiyotaka fangs so him and his bf could match. Next I gave him round nerd glasses bc he hits different with those on. For his outfit, I decided to keep his canon outfit but make it even better. I gave him more medals and a tie as well as gloves and a belt. He also gets a sash with all sorts of pins on it.
Hifumi Yamada
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Hifumi ily and kin you but Kodaka did you so dirty. First, I fixed them fucking leg proportions bc they are my villain origin story. Next I made pheir hair soft and curly. For pheir outfit, I gave phem a dark grey cardigan, orange suspenders with anime pins on them and a few pride flags on them, khakis, and some sneakers. I also gave phem an ita bag.
That’s all. Might do Goodbye Despair next, who knows.
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Please respect the pronouns I use for certain characters.
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syrups-edit-corner · 3 years
dont bother replying to antis tbh, they act like that to guilt trip and if you dont fall for it they sui bait u 💀 anyway here’s a true fact (kodaka told me this was true himself)
kotoko and komaru own 2 kittens together
Yeah, I just, have a self saving complex, really need to work on that tbh. Like, I always tell myself next time I get anything from anti’s I delete but then I feel like they’ve won, so I instantly defend myself. Yaknow what, I’m a go back to responding with extremely cursed images to any anti’s that come in my inbox.
And Awwwwwwwem That so cute! I feel like they’d name the kittens something cute too! Kotoko would definitely be the one to convince Komaru into getting them!
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Mod Kokichi (Maki/Agoti Shift)
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radramblog · 4 years
Ninty Direct Feb 2021 Thoughts
That was uh. Kind of disappointing, actually.
I suppose it was inevitable that we weren’t seeing Pokemon since they’re gonna do their own announcement. But like. Coulda done better here.
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(oh no you’re now introduced to my awful awful handwriting, is this better or worse than my cursed interests? you decide)
Anyway I wrote down everything they announced so here we go
Pyra/Mythra in Smash: I don’t give a single shit about the Xenoblade series, but it’s one of like 2 IPs Nintendo has had in the last decade so sure whatever they can have second a character as a treat. I’m mostly just annoyed this wasn’t a third-party character.
Fall Guys Switch: This feels inevitable. It also feels about 5 months too late.
Outer Wilds Switch: I’ve heard some absolutely excellent things about this game, so fair enough. I’m not sure I’d buy it on the Switch, but I haven’t bought it at all yet, so.
Famicom Detective Club: This looks like a Ren’py game if it had an actual budget, but still used Ren’py for some reason. Prooobably not biting on this one chief.
Samurai Warriors 5: The only Warriors game I’ve played is the first hyrule warriors, and the only Nobunaga game I’ve played was Pokemon Conquest (it’s a trip), so. I don’t understand the obsession they have over there for this bloke, like imagine if Australia made like a tv series a year and a large handful of video games about Ned Kelly or something.
Legend of Mana: Shit I should go play Octopath Traveler huh
Monster Hunter Rise: Those monster designs looked pretty kickass, and those human designs made me crack up laughing. I’ve never played Monster Hunter, and I don’t think this is gonna change that.
Mario Golf: Hey look they confirmed Waluigi as playable ahead of time so people wouldn’t complain, good job guys. The multiplayer of this looked silly as hell, but I’m not spending 80 bucks on wii sports tennis for a multiplayer mode ill drag my mates to play all of once before we go back to playing Beetle Adventure Racing.
Tales from the Borderlands: Wait telltale is still around? Ok…? I haven’t played Borderlands and don’t really care for the Telltale style so nah
Capcom Arcade Stadium: They could have made a peripheral like the NES/SNES mini, but they didn’t, and it’s for the best. The fact that one of the games is free implies to me that the rest are going to be overcosted, though.
Stubbs the Zombie: What the fuck am I looking at. Apparently this is a remaster of an old Xbox game, but I’ve never heard of it. Weird as fuck, but sure.
No More Heroes III: No more Heroes is a franchise that I’ve never played, but always wanted to. It seems right up my alley aesthetic-wise, and the gameplay looks pretty solid too- probably gonna try one of the older ones first, though.
Neon White: Speaking of aesthetic. This looks anime as fuck and edgy in a good way, and the gameplay looks real fun. I actually really want to check this out, and no, it’s not just because of the skull masked goth gf on the cover. (Doesn’t hurt, though.)
DC Super Hero Girls Teen Power: Jesus, this looks like a bad tie-in game from the mid 2000s. Not like Battle for Bikini Bottom, more like a Jimmy Neutron. And while I really liked the Jimmy Neutron game as a kid (shame about the show), this doesn’t look like it’ll stand up to that…high bar. Listening to this trailer made me want to die a little bit inside.
Plants Vs Zombies: Battle for Neighbourville: I miss PopCap. Peggle 3, never.
Miitopia: This looks cute, and will probably lead to the same sort of 3am DMs that happened with Tomodachi Life. If it’s a full priced game, it probably won’t sell at all.
Animal Crossing New Horizons Mario items: uhhh sure. Don’t have that game, so.
Triangle Strategy: Aww fuck it’s a final fantasy tactics that looks like octopath and it might have an actually good story, shiiiiiiiiit. I’m gonna give the demo a try before I land on this, but I’m optimistic.
Star Wars Hunters: When was the last time we had an actually good Star Wars game? And don’t say Fallen Order. Yeah, didn’t think so.
KO City: Ah, the bottom of the barrel. Didn’t think it would take this long. At this point, the pseudo-cartoony style everything has because they’re trying to ape Fortnite is extremely grating on me. (I definitely thought this ad was for Fortnite stuff at first)
World’s End Club: OK this one has me actually hyped. I knew that Kodaka (director/writer of the Danganronpa series) and Uchikoshi (director/writer of the Zero Escape series) were working on a joint project, and we’re finally seeing the results. Both of them have multiple excellent games under their respective belts, and this new game looks like a fun spin on what I’m sure a lot of people were expecting from the pair. Literally both of them have made a game where (spoilers I guess, Keara stop reading here you haven’t played VLR yet) there’s a death game going on while the characters are unaware the world fucking ended, so to see the idea of the death game getting interrupted and the characters actually having to live in the dead world is really cool. I’m paying cloooose attention to this one.
Hades (Physical Release): Dang now if I buy hades I can choose to have some of my money go to EB games or JB hifi or something. Cooooooooooooool.
Ninja Gaiden Collection: This just made me wonder why Ryu Hayabusa isn’t in Smash yet. Is it because there’s already a Ryu?
Age of Calamity DLC: I don’t think I mentioned this in my post yesterday, but I would have put money on DLC for this game coming out. I still haven’t played it, but the first Hyrule Warriors had so much fucking DLC so this was inevitable in my eyes.
Bravely Default 2: Uhhh its another JRPG man idk what you want me to say. Didn’t play the first one, apparently its good.
Ghosts n Goblins Resurrection: Kinda funny having this next to the free original in the Capcom Arcade Stadium. Capcom is reviving old franchises, I guess? Where’s Mega Man Battle Network, cowards?
SaGa Frontier: I’ve heard good things about the SaGa series, but this looks awful. Not like gameplay wise, the style for the models and shit in game just disinterests me.
Apex Legends: Is anyone still playing this game?
BOTW 2 (no news): I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed. Next Direct, I guess.
Skyward Sword HD: I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.
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Seriously though, I was expecting 3 of the best Zeldas ever made to get ports, and we got the one that I wasn’t interested in. Fuck you too, I guess.
Splatoon 3: I actually was super interested in this, seeing as the trailer looked like it was gonna be for some like… side game, 3D RPG or something, exploring the origins of the Splatoon world? But then it’s just Splatoon 3. And like, I know people really like that series, but it never appealed to me. The world is neat! But I’m not interested in the series as it is.
And that’s the tea.
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shit that’s this weekend? huh ok -New Hearthstone expansions revealed, kinda like WOTC does with magic every so often, just like “here’s the next couple sets btw”. Since they do nothing but plagiarise off each other and MTG is having a set based on another WOTC property this year (D&D), there’s going to be a Starcraft set. -Diablo 4 release date that will not be stuck to since COVID is still a thing -people are hoping for starcraft 3. Blizzard to announce Starcraft 2 Episode 1. -New WoW expansion announced, determined objectively to be “worst ever” before trailer is even finished
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takonei · 4 years
I hate V3 because how it treats the female characters. They’re killed off before they can even shine and most cases bland as fuck. Also Shuichi doesn’t deserve any hype at all. He has no conflict after Kaede dies. Honestly if Kaede and Shuichi were gender flipped, Kodaka won’t hesitate to with the ITMLF with Male Kaede, because his male character’s development is more important than developing his female characters.
Alright *cracks knuckles* let’s debunk this with Kagazuly!~
They’re killed off before they can even shine...
... Not really. Case 3-1 is one of the most, if not the most memorable of the franchise. Trust me, I follow a lot of discussions on Reddit and Kaede is popular for a reason, even though she was killed off early. I admit it wasn’t really that cool to hype up the fans for a female protag, but Kaede did have more time to shine than most.
As for the others let’s see.
Kirumi (to me) unfortunately didn’t have that much potential as a late victim/murderer or survivor. So I get why they killed her early.
Angie did have her time to shine in chapter 3, and was probably the main antagonist. I honestly don’t see that much potential for a ‘main character’ in her.
Tenko, unfortunately, was killed off during her character development, but that’s the curse of the double murder (like Taka and Hiyoko). I would really have liked to see her more but we can see her ideals and motivation through Himiko for the rest of the game.
Miu, even though she was the chapter 4 victim, had a major role for the rest of the game. She shone after her death with her inventions (electrohammer, electrobomb and the bugvac) and while I think it’s a bit sad she herself couldn’t see the expense of her relevance, she was partially done justice.
As for Tsumugi, she is the freaking mastermind. She had the whole 6th case to shine.
...and most cases bland as fuck
3-1 was a freaking protagonist twist. Need I say more?
3-2, I admit, wasn’t that much interesting.
3-3 served as the catalyst of Himiko’s development, and I have to admit I was quite surprised by how creative Korekiyo’s murder methods are. To me this case was definitely not boring.
3-4? Bland? Excuse me have you played the game- The murder in itself was interesting, but how the characters acted during the trial? BOI-
3-5. Where do I even begin. Constant doubt is what keeps me going during the cases. And this case is extremely good at it.
Also Shuichi doesn’t deserve any hype at all.
Damn, that’s just ignoring core game aspects at this point. Shuichi went from the shy and afraid detective to a confident boy who was ready to reach out for the truth no matter what. I think he deserves some respect.
He has no conflict after Kaede dies.
And this is where I say “Sore wa chigau yo!”
I can finally talk about this theory that I’ve came across multiple times.
Kaito, Shuichi and Kokichi are respectively based off the superego, the ego and the id from the Freudian psychology.
Shuichi had many conflicts during the game.
Chapter 2 his development starts thanks to Kaito. He is all in the ‘good morality’ and ‘the hero who motivates and believes in the others persona’. It works in chapter 2 because they believed in Maki.
Chapter 3 was a mix of both. Kaito’s fear of ghosts interfered with his ability to solve the case, which left Kokichi some time to shine and influence the trial.
In chapter 4 this is where Kokichi strikes and puts Kaito’s beliefs to the trashcan. Shuichi did try to continue on the path of morality, but was quickly cut off because well, this way of thinking has its limits, so instinct took over the whole case.
You need to balance morality and instinct in order to live, and that’s by balancing both belief and doubt that Shuichi was able to solve the 5th case.
Trust me, Shuichi was conflicted the entire game. You just didn’t see it, for some reason.
Honestly if Kaede and Shuichi were gender flipped, Kodaka won’t hesitate to with the ITMLF with Male Kaede...
Eeeeeh who knows. On this part I really cannot say what they would have done, but if their goal was a protagonist twist I don’t think they would have pulled out a ITMLFY.
... because his male character’s development is more important than developing his female characters.
Unfortunately I’m not Kodaka so I have like,,, 0 idea if this is true or not.
While this is true that the danganronpa series tend to have more male characters as main characters than female ones, I prefer several male main characters with cool character development than a female main character with a sloppy character development.
Of course that would be nice to see more girls having major roles, but I’m honestly not that mad over it. Because, once again, I really don’t care that much about the gender of the main characters since that’s not what defines them entirely.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk!
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prodigaisons · 5 years
I get what you're saying - I think some people are coming from a place of hurt, how gamer and anime fandoms can be like, its even a trope for the gay coded character to be "the Komaeda", viewed as cursed and cringe in fandom. Its hard to fine representation that can just be. Do you ever wish you could avoid discourse, and have characters who were gay coded but beloved instead of made into "cursed" memes or who get fucky content? My view of Shuake is more positive than most but I know fandom :|
I mean I get it but like here’s the thing: blaming lgbt people for being drawn to these characters isn’t productive or helpful.
if you personally just prefer fluffy, romcom type stuff that’s fine but. pressuring other lgbt people who don’t for happening to enjoy smth with angst content just...... isn’t helpful and makes us all forget the real problem: cishet people making this content.
I used to be into dangan ronpa for legit like 5 years. I have a LOT to say on kodakas handling of lgbt characters. but there’s one thing that I and a lot of others always wanted to stress: it’s not the fault of lgbt people who like antags that a cishet man only writes us as antags.
on top of that, I firmly disagree that even a majority of akeshu fans only want angst. personally, I enjoy angst that is productive and results in a happy ending. that’s just what I enjoy. I don’t necessarily like cishets writing it but like..... lol I’m 21 and in college I have the ability to enjoy smth and critique it at the same time. I literally want to go into video game analysis and discourse (actual academic discourse not. tumlr discourse lol) as like, my job.
my problem is the idea that people enjoying seeing a portrayal of mental illness that isn’t just sad or “clean” = enjoying angst or toxic masculinity. goro is portrayed as angry and bitter and has a violent streak that makes kasumire visibly nervous. and! and this is defended as okay! no one shames him or treats him badly for this! joker openly WANTS this! joker isn’t being treated badly by goro at all either, they’re able to go to the jazz bar and still have their usual philosophical discussions that they enjoy
which is another implication I dislike- goro and akira enjoying friendly competition with each other isn’t them being mean. they’re both competitive people and it’s something they bond over. it’s slightly different, but my sister and I are both highly competitive. one of her friends HATES playing board games with us together bc we get way too intense. for us, that’s just..... fun tho???
goro and akira aren’t mean or violent towards each other- theyre just competitive people. it’s important to their characters that they both enjoy friendly competition.
and like, legit joker is just kind of a dick. this is in vanilla too. he cares about his friends but he also is an arsene lupin expy and thus just Has to be obnoxious
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