#i went a bit crazy
faestelle · 10 months
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idk what he is, but he's probably one of the coolest sims i've made
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mothiidae · 10 months
my MDA:Rain Code thoughts - spoiler version
I saw a few other people posting their thoughts on the game which got me thinking `damn, i want in on that` so here we are!
not really sure if i should call this a review or what, but its certainly my thoughts and opinions on the game a couple weeks after finishing the game. [i would've done it sooner but imma bit of a procrastinator so shhh]
my overall opinions: Despite some issues, Rain Code acts as a great foundation that can be built upon in the future - along with plot threads that can be used in future games. If your a danganronpa fan I would totally recommend it, but its a bit of a harder sell to those outside the bubble.
this was originally going to be all my thoughts about the game in one post but i got too crazy and wrote too much and i dont think i could divide it up without it being jank, so this will be purely anything spoiler related. The spoiler free version is linked here!
Anywaaaay, with the preamble done, onto the main event!!
I've tried to put this into some kinda order so its not completely incomprehensible, it will start with gameplay then transition to story and then characters.
Mystery labyrinths can be extremely boring inbetween the all the different minigames - consisting of running to the next part whilst the characters discus the case. At these moments it feels as if Kodaka is still trapped within the dangan class trial formula. One thing that was able to spice up the labyrinths was that there would be differences in design, like in chapter 2 when we were running in a school or chapter 5 in which we ran through a version of kamasaki district.
However, due to not being confined to killing game rules and having access to supernatural abilities, kodaka was able to do some interesting things with investigations and cases that just wouldn't be possible within any of the danganronpa games. I found most cases to have a really interesting trick to them, with the only exceptions to that being chapter 3 with icardi and chapter 1 with the priest and worshiper situation - though icardis is the only one i dislike It was sooo dumb. The locked room recreation in chapter 1 was a fun mechanic and i enjoyed walking though how it was each locked room was done. Chapter 4's investigation was really inventive and unique, though the ghost obstacle course felt very shoehorned in - specially since we only do it once.
Having the requests was a great move as they acted as a way to flesh out the world of kanai ward without bloating the main story. Though optional, i do recommend playing through some as they are able to give the average persons views about the city and the occurrences in it. I also found a some memorable, whether it was because they were silly or meaningful. The crimson rain cult one sticks out for me purely on how wacky it was, another was about the survey which adds so much to the people and how they feel about Amaterasu Corp
The weakest point in the game is Chapter 3, both the story and mystery/gameplay of it were lacking when compared to literally any other chapter. It seems to be a curse kodaka is under and will seemingly never be freed from
on the other hand, I'm going to have the lukewarm take that the best chapter - at least storywise - is chapter 4. Can't really comment on the mystery as its been a while since i've played it but i remember a sense of forbording during the mystery labyrinth as i progressed i sorta figured out it was yakou but i kept thinking to myself no, it can't be. I was coping hard. AND SHINIGAMI AT THE END UEGHHH
Chapter 2 had a great story, characters and motives but it was completely ruined for me by how desuhiko and shinigami acted throughout the chapter. Whenever i think of it all I can think of is those two acting like buffoons >:(
WHO KNEW THE PINK BLOOD WAS GONNA BE A PLOT POINT?! genuinely shocking and its of my belief that if you had not played or are at least familiar with the danganronpa franchise, it won't hit as hard as it is ment to - and im feel a little bit of sympathy for those people. Danganronpa has desensitised and normalised fans to pink blood so it becomes a plot point no one predicts. Even then, in chapter 1 yuma says stuff like "thats not a manaquin?" and "is that blood?" in reaction to the corpse which at the time can brushed of with this is his first time seeing a non-burnt corpse. Retrospectively however...... yeah
also...... I KNEW THE MEAT BUNS WERE FUNKY I KEEEEEEW ITTTT. But seriously, the set up to the reveal was well done - meat buns were talked about often enough that it was strange and was something to take note of but nothing more than that. I'm not one to feel disgust with media but man the cannibalism reveal upseat my stomach a little so congrats kodaka for your good writing i guess??
I don't know if im dense or what but the No.1 reveal came out of nowhere for me. Or if i did twig it i brushed it of and went nahh, thats to easy and then forgot about it
The whole `real yuma kokohead` reveal could've been set up soooo much better than it was. We see this caped guy what 3, 4 times and then BAM REVEAL hes the REAL yuma that we stole the identity of!!. It was kinda underwhelming and could've easily been rectified by running into him more often or to have a request looking into a creepy caped guy or to visit the new ramen shop that got set up
with the makoto/yuma homunculus thing, i felt it could've fallen either way and is another great plot twist from the game, enough is hinted - specially if you take into account that the concept of homunculi had just been revealed and in both of their profiles, the same height and weight is listed.
The overall homuculus plot was set up somewhat well, though i guess it could feel shoved in your face in chapter 5, but then again thats just final kodaka chapter procedure. What i do like about the set up was in chapter 4 when questioned makoto states that "theres no immortal monsters in this city!!" but makoto has stated multiple times before that he loves the people of this city, so why would he call them monsters? in fact, this whole thing is what led me to theorise that the people were in fact homunculi
Makoto is such a breath of fresh air when it comes to kodaka's villains/ danganronpa's villains. The fact that he acknowledges what he has done and knows that it's bad but can't see any other possible way to help the people he loves. An important factor to this is that he is No.1's homunculus and because of this hates mysteries but to save the people of kanai ward he had to create mysteries on top of mysteries. What i also enjoyed was slowly unraveling the extent of makoto's influence and seeing just HOW powerful this man is, realising that hes been playing 4D chess from the start. That the rough outline of events were planned out by him, with him taking direct control of the case of chapter 4. Man, makoto's for sure has more interesting motives than junko ever did - but then again, i see them as having two different roles. Junko is a great villain cause shes just insane.
other than that, i found the peacekeepers to be a little disappointing. They did what they were needed to but most are susceptible to leaving little impression on people. Which is not good as they are your major obstacle in a chapter. the majority of them have under 30~ mins of screen time [that is a rough estimate, most likely im wildly wrong] though they didn't need to have backstories or anything, them being a constant presence through investigation might've helped. Like martina in chapter 2
I, personally, am in the shinigami fan camp -though it is certainly in a despite chapter 2 kinda way. If you take into consideration that the termination of the contract would lead yuma to forget her, of course she would act obnoxious and mean. She, in the end, does not want yuma to hurt emotionally. And she even says in chapter 5 he should be ranting and raving about how hes glad shini is leaving. Shinigamis been through this countless times and knows how this will end, it makes her character tragic in a way. Also, the moments in which she turns serious are notable for me as they seem to display how old she is, and for me at least, act as times in which she metaphorically sit down with yuma to say `hey, I know this is bad but it is how it is and I believe that you can get through this`
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fandoms-spamdom · 1 year
me when she
God I’m so gay
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mildh4nn · 29 days
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Interested in the full resolution and no glaze? Wanna tip me? Check me Patreonn
Added this as a print to buy if anyone would like to grab one as well
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c-hrona · 8 months
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A Rough Night
Basically the thought process for this was:
“I really really want to do a comic full manga style” + “I really really want to draw TriStamp again” + “I really really want to draw some Wolfwood’s angst”
And that's it. That's the comic.
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soapyakships · 5 months
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Even being junks, even a piece of rag After following the never ending dream I'll find my own light, all the way
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mustasekittens · 6 months
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💫lucky girl🔮
alt versions!!
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picturesofponies · 9 months
maybe a blind Rarity who uses a white cane?
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I had alot of fun with this!
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opioidkara · 26 days
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* makes my fav indigenous * * makes my fav indigenous * * makes my fav indigenous * * makes my fav indigenous * * makes my fav indi
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introducing my new eddsworld au where nothing changes except Tom is cree 😁💥
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zarla-s · 9 months
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I imagine that with the Medigun healing wounds like, instantly, that Medic cleaning and dressing a wound by hand would be a unique experience. Kind of nice in its own way! Depending on the circumstances.
(from a fic i wrote with them going from casual sex to an actual relationship, be warned it is 18+ though)
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bittersweet-mojo · 1 year
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suntails · 3 months
I've been working on this for almost a month and a half, and I'm SOSOSO excited to get to finally share it with y'all! :D it's a little love letter to his arc of the diasomnia story, and i'm so honored to get to make something special for my lil guy <3
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blotb0x · 3 months
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different kinda post. i cosplay him too
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wingedmenace · 1 year
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Empty nest syndrome
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singscribbles · 1 year
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rauru (source of the right arm)
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lesoldatmort · 1 month
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FURFUR "He is a Great and Mighty Earl, appearing in the Form of an Hart with a Fiery Tail. (...) He can raise Lightnings and Thunders, Blasts and Great Tempestuous Storms. He ruleth over 26 Legions of Spirits."
Entry to my Hell Employees project which, of course, includes the Hell's canon nobility aswel! More info and lore on my P▲treon.
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