#cut that shit out
Starting to think people read critical posts about Rin’s sacrifice and the effect it had on Kakashi and just assume the person is ‘anti rin’ so i will say it once again
The two ideas that can and should coexist are
Rin was in a shitty situation raised to believe her life meant nothing conpared to the village, and her sacrifice was one that was sad because it should never have been taught that a 13 yr old kid should die for the village
Rin’s sacrifice deeply harmed Kakashi, and while we understand why she did what she did it’s totally valid that we’re upset Kishi never actually addressed how Rin’s sacrifice harmed Kakashi specifically because she used HIM as the weapon to end her life
And to clarify
Yes, Kishi ALSO should have had Rin and Kakashi talk about how he wanted to put the mission over rescuing her and allowed Kakashi to see how that knowledge hurt Rin, and have him learn and grow from that, rather than him just growing and learning from Obito punching him and screaming at him because of his response to a terrible trauma no one was actually helping him deal with, yet expected him to recover from (while also punishing him for acting the exact opposite of his father, who died because of the shame placed on him for *reads notes* choosing his teammates over the mission.
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jewist · 2 months
i would like to admire my own blog without having to see an ad every two posts. that would be nice
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prole-log · 2 years
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skinlike · 2 years
friendly reminder that if you are a man who is sexually interested in harming women that there is something 100% wrong with you. there is absolutely nothing normal about wanting to not only assert violent physical dominance over women, usually indicative of an abusive situation, but to be sexually gratified by that.
people who aren’t retarded understand that the relationship between a man and a woman is supposed to be respectful and reciprocal, with the opposite sexes complimenting and supporting each other. biologically, men are stronger than women. to have some kind of arousal from harming creatures weaker than you very much suggests some kind of mental imbalance and poor development.
porn is conditioning men and women alike to find sexual gratification in this. for women to accept it willingly and want to be “dominated“ and for men to want a submissive woman as his partner that he can treat as he chooses and have “control” over. i will never be able to fathom BDSM and why it is so interesting to so many people. all it does is suggest to me a lack of emotional depth, sexual overstimulation, and some kind of mental trauma and imbalance that makes you accept violence against your person, and toward those you love, as not just normal but positive.
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petpetpinixy · 3 months
a small thing that sucks about that whole situation that happened to me is a couple of my favorite songs got completely ruined bc i associate them with being on twitter now :(
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glynjohnsfurcoat · 4 months
peeking out over the cover of this week’s Hot Sexy Weird Dead Musicians Magazine to glance at the queer infighting on my dash. i chuckle i shake my head and i go back to my reading
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sassykinzonline · 4 months
oh now that that post is no longer appearing on my dash
its actually not funny to make fun of asian names because they have meanings, western names also have literal meanings those are just normal to you
like "angel" "angel" "princess" "princess" "hunter" "archer" "teacher" "summer" "month" "flower" "brave" from ohio, nebraska, and wyoming should not be reblogging a post about how someone named "whirpool" after his mom's birthplace has a stupid name
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milanigrey · 5 months
what the hell tumblr mobile, im just trying to scroll the dashboard, not send shit to people
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just-antithings · 2 years
If you say "genshits" in your asks/submission it's getting deleted.
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pinklemonslices · 2 years
daily reminder to those who make Whizzer death jokes: you are not funny. 😊
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e-flo · 1 year
this pride let's agree to stop making anyone ""prove"" how queer they are
doesn't matter how they dress, present themselves, use pronouns, etc. i don't give a shit if someone says they are AA gender or XX sexuality, COOL.
"but what if they're lying? "
SO WHAT. it doesn't affect you at all. they're reasoning isn't any of your business either.
ask for clarification so you can address people Respectfully, but let's cut the second-grade gatekeeper attitude mkay
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butchdykekondraki · 11 months
if i see someone draw henry skinny again i will fucking blow something up
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amiibo-king · 1 year
took a peek in my recommended posts bc i was bored and i have to ask
why are there so many posts about thomas sanders and specifically criticizing him for like, the dumbest shit imaginable in my recommended posts. i have never posted abt thomas sanders. i do not watch his videos. i have not even so much as seen a thomas sanders video on my dash in like 5 years. who is responsible for this
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kybee1497 · 1 year
I would like to politely request that tumblr STOP making changes and updates just to slightly change the location or placement of something
Girl you’re just making it more difficult
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unhinged-nymph · 2 years
Just a reminder that tumblr ain’t that serious and we’re all here just trying to survive some really shitty times. Ship who you want, read and write what you want, do whatever the hell you want, as long as you’re not hurting yourself or others.
That’s all ✌🏼
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dreamlanddoll · 2 years
if your friend tells/confides in you that they're insecure abt their apperance/hate the way they look and your response is "why? you're white/skinny/etc. you shouldn't be complaining" I hope you get hit by a bus <3
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