#cute suna rintaro
fictionfordays · 4 months
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Suna Rintarou
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Anime Corner | Art Room
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A/N: In love with his face
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Tags: @enchantedforest-network @fuyuswifey @manjirwo @qichun @stopisa @serenesaku @moonartemisia @mikage-rehoe @benkeibear
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I do not own these characters. All rights to the original creators. All content—created rights are reserved to Wallabypirate©2024.
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kuroowo · 2 years
Suna “Google searched how to prepare for a picnic date & best parks in Hyogo & how to impress the person you like without coming off as too desperate but then didn’t clear his history and forgot about it until you asked him what’s the weather like for the afternoon picnic date he set up only for the previous searches to stare right back at you two and now his cheeks are on fire while you’re cooing and kissing him all over his face” Rintarō
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tar0star · 1 month
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pov: u run the pastaria with suna rintarou
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cnnmairoll · 10 months
Imagine Suna Rintaro with a partner who photographs.
Both would (secretly) take photos of each other and from others to make fun of them (especially the Miya twins) and at the end of the year they make a photo album with the best paparazzi shots. This would be so funny 😭.
And both would make little trips outside to just take some pics to fill out random albums for fun. He even got himself a high quality camera to flex infront of you (he’s so nice and lets you use it).
"Hey, Rin," you call out, catching Suna's attention as he lounges on a bench after practice. His eyes flicker towards you, the typical deadpan expression slightly softening.
"What's up?" he replies, not bothering to lift his head.
You grin, holding up your phone. "Check out this gem I got of the Miya twins arguing again. Classic."
Suna snorts, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Send it my way."
The exchange becomes a routine. You both, seemingly engrossed in your phones, secretly capturing candid moments of your friends, especially the Miya twins and their antics.
One day, he hands you a sleek camera, "I got tired of your low-quality shots," he teased, handing it over. A smug smirk playing on his lips. "Try it. It's not as easy as it looks."
You gasped, inspecting the high-quality device. "Seriously? You didn't have to."
"It's a flex, and you get to use it," he teased.
The following week, you both set out on another impromptu photo expedition. Suna's new camera captured the world with stunning clarity, and you couldn't help but marvel at the difference.
"This thing's a beast," you remarked.
Suna nodded, looking at you with a soft expression. "Gotta keep up with the times, right?"
Soon enough, your sneaky photo escapades turn into little trips around town, exploring new places solely for the purpose of filling random albums with your captures. Suna, analytical as ever, provides insights into the art of photography, surprising you with his depth of knowledge.
As the year winds down, you both compile your best shots into a photo album, a collection of stolen moments that tell a silent story. The Miya twins feature prominently, their ridiculous expressions and mishaps immortalized in glossy prints. Suna's snarky remarks accompany each photo, creating a narrative that makes you laugh until your sides ache.
"You've got a talent for this, Rin," you comment, flipping through the album one last time.
Suna smirks, a rare genuine smile tugging at his lips. "Maybe. Or maybe I just have a good subject."
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ushouldwatchhaikyuu · 3 months
heyy self shipping besties. if u want,,, u can send me an ask with some info abt yourself (pronouns, likes/dislikes, personality, gender, some specific trope u like, etc) and your fictional crush and i'll reply w some headcanons of u and ur blorbo,,,,,, if u want,,,,,
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yoomiomiki · 2 years
- places cup, mugs and utensil high up on the shelf and closes jars tightly so you would ask for his help
HIRUGAMI, Sakusa , ATSUMU , MEIAN , lev , kuroo , tsukishima , goshiki , OIKAWA , matsukawa , SUNARINNNN
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chariaki · 2 years
Rintarou Suna is a hot boyfriend.
To outsiders, he may seem expressionless, intimidating and cold, but if you get to know him more, you'll realize that he is still intimidating and cold. Lmao.
Jk, hes playfully cold to his close friends, he smiles, captures silly moments of people looking weird and especially samu and tsumu fighthing, laid back, but still prefers to keep to himself.
But of course, as his girlfriend, you get to see more than what he shows his close friends.
When its you, Rintatou Suna is not private. He shares everything with you, always chatty, because he loves talking to you and hearing your pretty voice. Late nights and late afternoons are often spent with the two of you sitting confortably cuddled up with each other, while Rin-Rin would talk excitedly about his day, when he's upset he doesnt hesitate to tell you either.
You get to see his vulnerable side, he lets down his guard when he's with you, he laughs loudly and more freely, makes goofy ass faces, even though he's a home stay person, he will go out a lot, but only when he's with you.
Rintarou Suna is Art.
He loves art, as well. He would travel with you to appreciate beautiful museums, and have a relaxing and content date whilst cherishing life with the two of you side by side. You, yourself is Art, yn. You're enough. Rintarou always says that. You're his art, and he's your art.
He's art in every aspect. You think, he'll might as well live in a museum, because he fits in so much, yet stands out, because of his special energy. A vibe that no one else has, a vibe that you and him understand and connect to.
Like, he's just effortlessly hot. He could sweep back his hair, and i would faint.
His physique, his deep voice, his teasingly smug facial expression that he only shows to you, his soft hair, his emerald green, piercing eyes, his boopy, sharp nose, his charming smile, his lovable and cant get enough of personality, and most importantly, his dick, Jk, his hot girlfriend <3
Therefore, ladies and gentlemen,
Rintarou Suna is a hot boyfriend.
That's today's haikyuu fic, folks!!
This is Charis, your lovely writer, and i would just like to say, that i apologize for my long break here on tumblr. University is tiring.
That's why, take care of yourselves, work hard, but also rest hard.
Get yourselves a man/woman as hot as Rintarou Suna 😘😏
Love, Chariaki💕
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rk-tmblr · 3 months
Osamu aveva appena concluso il turno ed era uscito fuori dal locale per respirare un po' d'aria pulita. Di sera Hyōgo era fresca e regalava una sensazione di refrigerio alla sua pelle sudata, accaldata da ore intense di lavoro dietro ai fornelli. Purtroppo sentiva ancora nelle narici l'odore di fritto e le mani unte, sebbene le avesse lavate prima. i guanti erano insopportabili: quando li toglieva il lattice gli lasciava le dita insensibili e sempre dei segni rossi laddove gli elastici gli stringevano i polsi. Desiderò sbarazzarsi del fastidio che accusava pesante sopra le spalle tese e doloroso ai piedi costretti dentro le scarpe. E si sedette su uno dei gradini che componevano la scaletta di cemento per la porta da cui era uscito.
Dalla tasca del grembiule, ancora legato in vita, prese il contenitore di filtri e cartine e poi il pacchetto di tabacco. Con il filtro stretto fra le labbra secche, piegò la cartina con sei dita e vi mise una porzione di tabacco al suo interno. Fece per arrotolarla finché il contenuto non si sparse omogeneo e infine posizionò il filtro su un'estremità. Inumidì il bordo della cartina con la lingua e la sigillò in un cilindro perfetto. Mentre portava la sigaretta in bocca, si sollevò un poco per tastare la tasca posteriore dei jeans e tirare fuori il cellulare assieme all'accendino. Il click metallico echeggiò nel vicolo e la piccola fiamma bluastra gli illuminò il viso più di quanto facesse il lampione che si ergeva dall'altra parte della rete metallica. Aspirò profondamente facendo in modo che il gusto della nicotina gli si sciogliesse sulla lingua ed espirando le sue spalle si abbassarono lentamente. Scrocchiò il collo e con il pollice accese il display del cellulare: incolonnate sotto l'orario c'erano le notifiche ricevute.
Sua madre si raccomandava di non ammazzarsi di straordinari.
Atsumu gli aveva mandato lo screen della locandina del nuovo match dei Black Jackals e un biglietto del treno già prenotato.
In cima, la più recente di Suna.
Non lesse nemmeno che cosa gli avesse scritto. Appena aperta la chat, cliccò sul tasto della chiamata e portò il cellulare all'orecchio.
"Oi," gracchiò lo speaker con la sua voce perennemente annoiata.
“Che c'è?”, proferì in una nuvola di fumo, intanto che picchiettava la sigaretta di lato per far cadere la cenere accumulatasi in eccesso.
Il suono della sua risata riuscì a farlo sentire meglio di quanto avesse potuto fare la stessa nicotina.
“Devi leggere i messaggi che ti scrivo, Samu...”, lo rimproverò con finta petulanza quando in realtà il suo tono celava una certa malizia.
Osamu lo incalzò con premura, incuriosito di scoprire che cosa avesse fatto. Gli era mancato troppo per dilungarsi nei soliti giochetti che Suna architettava per divertirsi con lui.
“Non trattenerti a lavoro che non ho voglia di aspettare troppo. Mi trovi nel tuo appartamento.”
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elysiaslvr · 2 years
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rin but he’s choso for halloween
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iloveslllycatss · 2 years
whoever sees this, plz request (anime) characters for me to make playlists for cuz I am so very bored 😖🙏
u too cute ☺️🫶
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justabloop · 19 days
Do you have any hooman ocs (//0 - 0//)
other than Simon and Eli??
Robin and Bark
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I made this because I was in a funny goofy mood
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Robin's got a little chub and Bark looks like a twink but they're happily...engaged. not married yet. They're saving that for after college
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satorisoup · 8 months
ᰔ CANDY GRAMS ft. rintaro suna
ʚ CW : secret admirer. manager! reader.
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ʚ hq valentine’s series mlist ಇ
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every year on valentine’s day, your schools student body sets up a booth for candy grams. $2 to send a cute little message to your loved one with little lollipops and candied hearts. the line would stretch all the way down the hall with students eager to buy one, the end of the line grumbling at their time wasted when they heard the shout of “sold out!”. it was a huge tradition that the students never failed to miss, as it would always cause an uproar of excitement along with the funds being donated to whatever cause.
it’s your second year at inarizaki highschool, and you were luckily privileged enough to become the manager of the volleyball club during the second half of your first year, being a new student, despite the insane amount of girls who had applied for the spot. you had made it extremely clear that no, you were not interested in the twins, no, this wasn’t a plan to get one them to fall in love with you, and no, you weren’t a secret spy for a fangirl instagram account trying to gather information. all things accounted for, you were accepted into the position.
now as a second year, you had kept your word on not falling for the infamous volleyball twins who in reality were just dumb teenage boys that talked your ear off with their constant nagging and immature jokes. however, the one who had caught your eye was the middle blocker with the #10 jersey, rintaro suna. they never said you couldn’t have a little crush on him, right? and even despite having quite the interest in him, you would never act on it, as you seemed to be good friends with him along with the twins, not daring to ruin the friendship or break the trust with the club.
suna was a nice person to be around, his sense of humor was infectious and he was a good, more tame break from the rambunctious person known as atsumu miya, even though they did tend to occasionally get into mischief when together. he was blunt in the ways he showed that he cared, and you recall the moment you realized you had feelings for him when you had accompanied him at the store to get a snack before practice. he had asked you if you wanted anything, and you had told him you didn’t have any money with you.
“i didn’t ask if you had money. i asked what you wanted.”
it left you blushing for the rest of the day, walking out of the shop with a cookie in hand and hearing “why didn’t ya pay fer me?!” fall out of atsumu’s mouth in complaint. you knew in your heart you definitely couldn’t deny it now, you had fallen.
the date marked february 14th, valentine’s day, and just like last year, the halls were bustling in delirium as the line stretched from one end of the courtyard to the other. you slung your bag over your shoulder and continued to walk to your designated class, overhearing the cheers of the people who finally made it to the front of the string of students. making your way to class and taking your seat, you prepare to take on the day as if it were any other.
eventually, the period before lunch had rolled around, and the person passing candy grams from each class had reached your door. you could feel the anticipation of your peers as the student began dropping each one off to certain desks. 1 here, 3 there, 5, wow that’s quite a few.
after most of the class had received their special gifts, whispering the notes their partners had left for them to one another, you had expected the deliverer to make their leave and be on with it.
your assumptions hadn’t been correct, when you see that they had made their way to your desk.
“10 candy grams for miss l/n, here you go!”
wait what?
you caught a few quiet gasps and small whispers from some of your classmates as your desk had been filled with a whopping number of 10 candy grams. even you had wanted to gasp yourself, but you really did not want this attention on you.
after everyone had quieted down a little more, you took the gracious opportunity to check the pink slips of paper on each packet of treats.
“to: y/n.”
again, you checked another slip. then another, and another for good measure. to your upmost confusion, every single slip you had was completely nameless. before you could comprehend exactly what was going on with these mysterious sweets, class was being dismissed for lunch.
“buying candy grams for yerself? that’s pretty depressin’.” atsumu bellowed at you when you had walked up to your friends, arms almost overflowing with your gifts.
“im not that cheap, you idiot…there’s 10 here, and ALL with no name.” you scoffed back at him.
“maybe it’s yer stalker.” osamu had countered, eyeing the bags.
“oh yeah, how lovely that would be. quit trying to scare me, osamu.” you deadpanned. “where’s suna?”
“dunno. so, ya gonna share that candy or what?”
“really miya? you’re both holding an entire grocery bag of them. i’ll see you guys at practice.” you walked off, still pondering on the thought of who it could be.
you still hadn’t managed to find suna within the midst of this entire situation, wanting to get his input. despite the so called “thrill” of having a secret admirer, you didn’t really seem to care. you wanted suna, and you wanted it to be him who was sending you stupid pieces of candy and dumb notes. that however, is a wish that could never be granted no matter how bad you yearned for it.
it’s the last half of the day by now, most classes having been visited by the deliverer, disregarding a few. mostly extra candy grams were being passed to the people who didn’t receive them before lunchtime. you practically ignored the lesson your teacher was explaining, too caught up in your thoughts to listen. 10 candy grams, no name, suna has practically disappeared. when class had been dismissed, you passed by your locker in hopes of putting the treats in there for later, but when you opened the latch, you had yet another surprise waiting for you.
10 more packets of candy dribbled out of your locker, a couple landing by your feet as if to mock you. you scamper to pick them up with a huff, and when you start to shove them in with the rest in your locker, miserably failing to fit them all inside, you come to an immediate realization.
atsumu is the only person who unfortunately knows your locker combination, back when you had held his lost textbook for him until he could get it back.
it dawned on you in an instant, of course, this was atsumu’s idea of humour, a perfect valentine’s day prank.
you roll your eyes at the idea of the twins antics, but also began to feel a tinge of sadness when you came to your conclusion, a hint of hope in the back of your mind that maybe, it was the one your heart had longed for who was up to this, but you’re quick to shut it down. with an upset slam of your locker, you head to the gym.
feet that slowly skid onto the concrete stairs was all that could be heard, and your shoes squeek against the vinyl flooring of the inarizaki gym when you enter. as you prepare to tell off atsumu, a voice interrupts you.
“what’s up with you?”
it was suna, his head cocked to the side with a slight furrow in his brow.
“im trying to find atsumu, he’s really done it this time…”
“and what did he do?”
“he thought it would be a funny idea to prank me! on valentine’s day of all days! sending a mountain of candy grams that won’t even fit in my locker…there wasn’t even a name on them. and it made me think…” you interrupt yourself before you accidentally say too much, “it’s just dumb yknow?” you huff.
“i figured you would think something dumb like that.”
“… huh?”
suna starts to dig into his bag, hand reaching in and then back out. one of his arms extended out to you, holding one of the same cellophane bags that had been taunting you all day.
this one held a cookie, the same kind as that day back at the store, and when you open the note, you can feel yourself grow lighter.
“to: y/n.
you’re kind of a dunse.”
and this time, there’s an indicator of the sender on the slip of paper, in the same handwriting as all of the others.
“R. S.”
you look to suna with widened eyes and a growing blush to your cheeks, your mouth slightly ajar when you ask him,
“…it was you?”
suna softly smirks at you, his hidden facade of mischievousness breaking as he replies,
“yeah, you should really think before you trust a miya with your locker combo.”
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rinsoap · 2 months
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➣ includes : brother's best friend! suna rintaro. oh and also small age gap between him and the reader, only two ish years though. LOWKEY SUGGESTIVE? one mention of the reader not wearing a bra if that is something u deem suggestive.
note : i'm so in love with romantic and sexual tension between u n suna it's so fun to write! also lmk if u want a pt2 or something not sure what i'd do for a pt2 but y'all can send in some ideas lol
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suna rintaro who is your brother’s best friend… he likes seeing you around the house, ready for bed looking so cute in your comfy shorts and a little top n no bra. he likes that he gets to see what you look like everyday instead of only seeing you dolled up. he likes when you’re glammed, of course, you always look stunning. he just likes stealing glances of you do everyday tasks.
like tonight, in the kitchen far too late in the night, he’ll lean against the doorframe as he watches you make a snack. he notices the curves of your shoulders, and how the small of your back peeks out from your top riding up a little. you’re still humming the song you’ve had stuck in your head all day. you turn around and surprised to see him, you gasp, causing him to widen his lazy half smile. you roll your eyes, party because he scared you, but also because he looks way too good. hands shoved into the pockets of his sweatpants loose around his hips, hair messy, and a white tank top on that fits him perfectly. he looks like a slut.
“what could you possibly want,” you sigh, and he shrugs in response. “just wanna see what you’re up to”
“where’s my brother? shouldn’t you be hanging with him?” you question, pointing a strawberry pop tart at him accusingly.
“he’s asleep” he closes the distance between you to take the pop tart out of your hand, taking a rather generous bite.
“rin stop, oh my god you just ate like half of it,” you exclaim, snatching it back, “you’ve already cleaned out half the fridge, when will your greedy ass be satisfied?”
“rin?” he cocks his head, his sleepy smile settling into a smug one, “you haven’t called me that since, like, elementary school” the eye contact he so casually maintains is difficult for you to keep, and your face gets furiously hot, looking away. “yeah well, i kind of thought you were embarrassed by it, so i got embarrassed and i stopped” you try to exit the conversation and walk past him to the doorway he was just standing in, trying to signal that you were going to leave to your bedroom. he follows you, much to your dismay. he leans against the doorway, his back to it, and you mimick his action. you're both looking directly at each other, and it feels weirdly intimate. seeing each other face on meant he could see every expression on your face.
“why would you think that? i wasn’t embarrassed.” he says, his eyes scan you from your painted toenails to the top of your head, but inevitably looking into your eyes. after a beat of hesitation, he continues talking. “...you know, i had a crush on you then. i was really sad when you stopped calling me it.”
the heat in your face returns as he laughs. how can he sit there and laugh after dropping this insane piece of information??
“you’re kidding. i totally liked you back, why didn’t you tell me sooner?” you look at him incredulously, mouth agape and growing annoyed as you realize he was not as shocked finding out your feelings as you were in learning his.
“yeah, i figured. but your brother, you know? and just in case i wasn’t right, i didn’t want you to reject me and then show up at your house the next day to watch movies with your brother” he had a point. you remember those movie nights. you always wanted to watch with them, but your brother would always say no and kick you out of the room. suna always let you watch anyways, offering a seat on the couch beside him despite his best friend’s wishes.
the movie nights were not the only thing your mind was pondering on. if he knew about your crush then, did he know now? your feelings were much too complicated for you to call it a crush, and you'd like to think you've learned how to be at least a little subtle, so maybe he didn't know.
"that’s crazy. we just barely missed each other i guess” you finally say with a chuckle that turns into a thoughtful hum, glancing anywhere but his eyes.
"what? so, you don't have a crush on me anymore?" oh, so he did know. he easily closes the gap between you two, and for once, it doesn't seem like he's teasing you. "rin..." you say, mouth slightly open like you're going to add something else, but you don't. "i don't think we missed anything... am i wrong?" he leans towards, and you swear he's going to kiss you but he stops before your lips touch, "you can tell me if i'm wrong."
you grab his shirt and pull him in to press your lips against his, bringing him into a surprising, but long kiss. his hands thread through your hair, lingering in the moment. when you break away, they slide from your hair to the sides of your neck, and he has the dumbest smile on his face. "definitely not wrong."
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emmyrosee · 3 months
suna gives you kisses o the tip of your nose to tease you. i dont make the rules.
He knows to do it when you’re especially affectionate too, because he loves the little whine and huffs you give him.
Like once you crawled into his lap while he was playing a video game, and you merely slipped your arms around his neck and burrowed your face in the curve, letting him continue playing while he does.
After a bit, he pauses the game, tosses the controller to the side and snuggly wraps his arms around you, playfully groaning at the force. “Just a big baby right now, huh?”
“Don’t start,” you murmur. “Just love me.”
“I do love you,” he assures, pulling back and smirking down at you. He dramatically puckers his lips out for a kiss, and when you lean forward to give him one, he moves his head to plant it on your nose instead, chuckling as you whine.
“No,” you pout. “Kiss me.”
He snickers and gently cradles the back of your head, “I did kiss you. Silly goose.”
“Don’t patronize me, and give me affection,” you hiss, and he laughs again before leaning down to kiss you.
When you try to kiss him back, he whips his head up slightly to kiss the tip of your nose again, laughing fully now as you whine and writhe in his lap. “Rintaro!”
“I’m about to go kiss Komori if you don’t stop!”
“Alright, alright,” he says, moving his hand to gently grip your chin, “no kissing the teammates.” This time he’s moving your head up to press a kiss gently to your lips, relishing in the mewl you let out. Your fingers toy with the locks of hair at the nape of his neck, and he shivers and deepens the kiss, his head spinning as the affection continues.
“My baby,” he murmurs against your lips, gently rubbing his thumb over your cheeks. “Like being kissed huh?”
“Only by you,” you purr, leaning up to kiss the tip of his nose.
Instead of pouting up at you for the kiss like he’d fully intended, he smiles dopily and moves his hands to hold you tighter, not quite ready to let you go.
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ghost-recs · 6 months
CAN I ASK FOR A SUNA REC? (preferably timeskip)
YES YOU SURE CAN !! i may have gone down a small rabbit hole but most of them are oneshots. hopefully you'll find something that fits your fancy :)
Suna Timeskip Recs
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love sick by @idlerin
synopsis: you are the campus "cupid" and give out love advice to the other students on campus as a hobby. but what happens when suna asks you to fake date him as a way to fend off the girls you're encouraging?
smau, college au - fun dynamics between characters and i'm obsessed with seeing where this goes [ongoing...]
bet on stones by @animatedrapture
synopsis: suna lost a bet, but for you he'd do it all over again.
a pure fluff oneshot with your pro-player boyfriend!
once in a lifetime by @moonswolfie
synopsis: this may be your once in a lifetime opportunity to talk with ejp raijin's suna rintaro, who could blame you for indulging in your small celebrity crush?
cute oneshot, flirting, i love this scenario
Lame Jokes by hurtbycanonthoughts [ao3]
synopsis: the same grumpy customer comes in every morning. you swear you'll get him to smile somehow.
oneshot! full of bad puns and fluff
clair de lune by MyAUIsAMess [ao3]
synopsis: it's been years since you've seen suna, since he made his promise. you're not sure if seeing him again was worth it.
angsty oneshot, right person wrong time that put me in my sad hours.
untitled scenario by @emmyrosee
synopsis: suna misses you while away for volleyball...
it's just cute, okay? he deserves it!
cameral roll by @haijmei
synopsis: suna is known for not being super expressive with his emotions. so how can you tell if he loves something? easy! look through his camera roll
short little oneshot of suna going through his camera roll
don't smile at me by @atzuums
synopsis: model suna is a real jerk, a hot one, but a jerk nonetheless. you just had to fall for him anyways.
smau, this is a bit cheesy, started off with a lot of good potential, but felt rushed at the end
it's a match! by shittyshima [ao3]
synopsis: matching on tinder with suna made your day. him messaging you was the cherry on top!
college au; i'm not gonna lie i feel like this is ooc, but the idea is cute!
i'm just gonna leave this one here again tho - you're not the one (ik it's not a timeskip but it's so good)
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4unnyr0se · 3 months
Morning sex with Kenma and Suna?👀
❥ morning breath | kenma kozume & rintaro suna
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warnings: timeskip! kenma and suna, fem! reader, unprotected sex, the pullout method, hickeys, mentions of cunnilingus, suna might be ooc im sorry u guys
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 787
a/n: im literally so sorry it took me so long to do this aaaaa :( sorry it's so short
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Kenma Kozume
Kenma can usually only have sex in the morning or at night, nothing in between. Sure, he can ask you for a blowjob after he just won a game after his stream ends, but there’s never any penetrative sex. He has things to do, even though he really doesn’t want to do them. So when he wakes up every morning with your plump ass pressed against his boxers, unknowingly grinding against him in your sleep, how can he say no? You’re practically begging for it anyway, sweet thing. 
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“Babe,” Kenma gently shakes you awake.
“Hm?” you roll over, barely opening your eyes. “What is it, Kenma?” you lean forward to peck his chapped lips.
“Y’were grinding on me just now, in your sleep,” he whispered, placing his hands on your hips. “You got me all hard, can’t you feel it?” you were now straddling his lap, struggling to stay awake as his erection rubbed against your clothed pussy. “Fucking take care of it, please? I need you,” he was so cute when he whined, especially with his messy hair framing his face so perfectly. How could you ever refuse your cute little boyfriend when his cock was so painfully hard against your thigh?
His boxers were slid down to his ankles, your soaked panties pushed aside. Red and lacy, just like how Kenma liked it. Slowly, you slid down onto his length, your pussy taking him so nicely. Kenma wasn’t that long, but he was girthy and always filled you up so well. Your hips began to roll in tandem with his slowly, Kenma’s hands guiding your hips up and down on his cock.
“That’s it, that’s my girl,” he lazily praised, his eyes not even bothering to open; he already knew how pretty you looked when you were fucking him. He groaned as your tight walls fluttered and clenched around him, trying desperately to pull him impossibly deeper inside of your pussy. You arched your back, your hands palming your breasts from under your (his) t-shirt as you writhed above him, feeling his cock twitch. 
“Are y’gonna cum, baby?” you sighed, scratching your nails down his slim abdomen. Your question was quickly answered. Kenma whimpered, a familiar warm sensation filling your belly as his release covered your insides. 
“Mm, thank you, baby,” Kenma lazily kissed your cheek as you fell right next to him, curling up in his arms. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you off later, I promise.”
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Rintaro Suna
Suna fucking loves morning sex because he can cuddle you and get off without doing a lot of work. He’s extra sensitive in the morning and almost always has morning wood, so it became a sort of morning ritual to have cuddle sex when you both wake up.
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“That’s it, baby, fuck up against me. Feels amazing,” Suna yawned in your ear, his hands groping your breasts as you ground your soaked cunt against his exposed cock. He hissed as you reached behind you, aligning it with your entrance. “M’gonna fuck you now, okay? Don’ feel like fingering you today, babe. I got practice this afternoon.”
“That’s okay,” you yawned, gasping softly as he pushed himself inside you. Suna was always much more gentle with you during the mornings, and you enjoyed every second of it. He groaned as he bottomed out, his hands squeezing harder on your sensitive breasts. “Always so fucking tight for me. That’s okay, I’ll loosen you up,” he bit down on your ear shell, lazily snapping his hips against your ass.
“Rin!” you yelped, lifting your leg to give him better access. He smirked against the back of your neck, not slowing down his pace. This was as slow as he wanted to go, which was somehow still achingly fast. Not as fast as when he would fuck you at night, but still. “S’fucking hard, s-slow down!”
“Don’t wanna, it’s your fault for getting me all worked up in my dreams,” he slapped your ass, kneading the stinging flesh between his calloused fingers. “Y’were sucking on my cock, but I guess you can do that after breakfast, right?” he bit down on the base of your neck, sucking a hickey in an unusual place that would be sure to raise some eyebrows. 
You clenched around him, feeling his cock twitch. “J-just don’t cum inside, okay? S-still messy from last night.”
“Whatever you want, babe,” Suna muffled his cry of pleasure in your shoulder as he pulled out, pumping his cock to cum all over your ass. The middle blocker left an open-mouth kiss on your cheek, handing you a tissue box. “Clean yourself up. I don’t want to be touching my own cum when you’re sitting on my face.”
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