#cutest woman in the whole world
royposting · 2 years
every time i open my phone and see my wallpaper i swoon like 🥰🥰🥰for a few seconds
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usernameforaboredcat · 11 months
Little Babies
It was just like any other day, how could it get so wrong and now your boyfriend is an itty bitty little kid. You still love him of course, how could you not when he looks so cute and tiny!?
I read @trafalgarvivi story and I couldn't help but love it and want to add to it. Hope you don't mind babes, if you want me to take this down I will just ask <3
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Luffy as a child wasn't any different from how he is as an adult. Still fun, cute and hyperactive as always. He'll probably be bouncing off the walls when he's in a nursing home.
You can't help but giggle and squeal at the sight of your tiny captain, who's just looking back up at you with big eyes. "What?". He asks. You squeal again as you drop down to his height, still being taller than him. "Awhahaaawww you're so adorable! Do you want anything to eat?". You ask the tiny boy. "YEAH!". He cheers, throwing his arms up in the air excitedly. You giggle as his energy and pick him up into your arms, taking him to the kitchen.
Sanji was already annoyed that you where feeding into his terrible eating habits and babying him so much. But he's just so cute! And Sanji couldn't not listen to you, even if you are taken he's still attracted to you.
You'd spend the whole day playing with him, doing what ever he wanted whenever he wanted. Luffy much preferred this side of you, you where less bossy and so much cooler like this.
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When I tell you you cried when you saw your sweet handsome as a kid, you where balling your eyes out. Not because he wasn't his tall fine ass self, but because he's just so God darn adorable in your eyes. Cuddling him close to your chest, cooing and giggling while calling him the most cutest and most beautiful boy in the world. Not like he minded it, he loved your undying attention.
He spent his time as a kid clinging to your side, resting on either your chest or lap while getting absolutely babied by you. He never realizes how much power he had until you saw his cute little self.
And oh the power he had over that Swordsman, Sanji could practically get away with murder and you'd back him up. He'd purposely piss Zoro off just to have him pick him up and yell at him, only for you to come to his rescue. "HOW DARE YOU YELL AT HIM! HE'S JUST A BOY! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU YOU AWFUL MONSTER!". And Zoro would be left speechless, only eyeing the disgusting smirk across Sanjis face.
Him still being Sanji it didn't stop him from being a little pervert, only getting stopped when you'd have to push him away and remind him "You're still a baby, baby. If you want anything like that you'll have to wait till you're an adult again". Even if he did cry, that doesn't change the fact of hey you're still an adult and he's a little baby. But he waited, just so he can still enjoy the baby treatment.
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Zoro had always been a cheeky little fucker, easily getting into fights or starting some sort of commotion. You had to pick him up by the collar of his shirt and carry him away like a mother cat when Sanji picked a fight with him. He really didn't want to deal with being small and weak, so he just tried to sleep it off while he waited to get back to his tall strong self. He much preferred his older body anyway, he was strong and could protect you after all. He also knew that you really liked his muscles.
And he did try to just sleep it off, finding a little spot in the sun to sleep, eventually you coming over and using your lap as a pillow. He may be a tiny little mans, but he's still your boyfriend that you love to take care of.
Later that evening he'd awoken to his head on your lap, you sleeping while sitting upright. "Stupid woman". He mutter, getting off and walking to your shared bedroom. He'd grabbed your pillow and a blanket, dragging them out. He'd slowly pushed you to lay your head on the pillow and threw the blanket over you, crawling under next to you to get spooned by you.
The crew found this little soft side of Zoro cute, although he kinda always had a soft spot for you. I mean you two are dating after all, he wouldn't be dating you of he didn't have that soft spot.
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He'd always been sorta glad that he grew out of his stinky attitude he had as a child, what his didn't know was that if he got turned back into a child his little goblin mode was activated. You'd be running all over the ship, picking him up and hugging him while he flailed around. Not only is he now kid Ace, but he's kid Ace with devil fruit powers.
You'd have to pinch him by the cheek, getting an annoyed look from your little boyfriend. "I know you're having fun, but please baby don't burn down the ship". You'd requested him. He'd just blush and nod. "Fine". He puffed out. "Thank you, darling! I promise that you'll be a good boy". You giggled. His face went more red. He was 50/50 about how you treated him. 1. He was being babied by you. 2. He was being babied by you.
He's a strong brave buff mans! He doesn't need to be babied by his girlfriend. But he did like you just taking care of him, also being a little fuckass. He was aware of the jealous on board, a few of the other pirates being jealous that he was dating you. He used this knowledge, cuddling comfortably into your chest.
When lunch time rolled around, he was sitting on your lap with his head against you chest, getting spoon fed by you. The other men looked at the now young Ace when angry glares. When you're not looking he'd flip them off and poke his tongue out.
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You'd be lying to yourself if you didn't think that Sabo is a very pretty man. You find him beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, you'd literally preach to the world about how your boyfriend was hand crafted and sculpted by Gods!...But...we hasn't exactly the most...cute...child.
He looks up at you compleatly lost as you're covering your mouth, loosing your shit laughing and crying. "What? What's wrong?". He asked, worried for your health. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry but..." You looked at him with tears in your eyes. "You glowed up so much". You whimpered out, now back on the floor and rolling away. "ARE YOU CALLING ME UGLY?!". He yelps, you roll away faster. Then he started to cry, thinking that you didn't find him attractive anymore. Yes, you made your poor boyfriend cry.
You spent the rest of the day babying him and making it up to him, reassuring him that you find him so handsome as an adult. He tried to go to Koala for back up, but she ended up joining you in the crying and laughing. He's definity going to give you the silent treatment when he gets his old body back.
You just held him and hugged him for the rest of the day, him still being angry and grumpy at the fact you insulted him. "Don't worry Sabo, you're not ugly ugly, more like ugly cute! Like a kitten with the big sad depression eyes!". You tell him, but he pouts and turns away, crossing his arms. "Oh come on! You grew out of it! You're literally the pretties man I know". He looks up at you with tears in his eyes. "I am?". "Of course!".
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You just looked down at him with utter confusion. "Are you suuuur-". "THIS IS THE 7TH TIME YOU ASKED! YES IT'S ME LAW! TRAFALGAR D. WATER LAW!". "...But are you sure?". Little Law looks NOTHING like how he does as an adult, like who in the hell is this kid. Not only did Law have to deal with your stupid ass doubting that he was actually you're boyfriend, but also dealing with his crew laughing and cracking jokes.
He eventually convinced you that it was him by him telling you your birthday, your favourite snack, drink, crewmate that wasn't him (Bepo), book, the names and birthdays and zodiac signs of everyone in your family. The FINALLY did you back him up, yelling at his crewmates who where making fun of him for being young. "HOW DARE YOU MAKE JOKES AT HIM! HE'S A LITTLE SWEET BABY!". Meanwhile he's looking at his crew with empty dark eyes. Yeah...sweet.
It felt weird for him to ask you for help, especially when it comes to reaching for stuff. "(Y/n)". He yanked on your clothes. "Yes darling?". "Can you grab me a rice ball? I'm hungry and can't reach". You squealed and happily held the rice ball down to him. "Of course!".
He's the one who's supposed to help you, standing behind you and reaching for something on a high shelf, giving you a cheeky smirk as you'd puff out your cheeks and take it from him. But now you're giggling with stars in your eyes as you reach and hold things down for him. After lunch he's fixing this issue.
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ohmyitsfaith · 1 month
Little survivors
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Reader
Summary: Eight years later, you are visited by a very strange and violent lady, who makes a deal with Five to get you out of the post-apocalyptic world. With this comes the bonus of a comfortable life and a few calm years.
Warnings: The Handler. Think I said enough. Domestic life, but starts off with the Handler threatening people. Quite physically. Also in the middle it gets a bit steamy. Talks of pregnancy and birth.
Word count: 10.6k (shit this is long)
A/n: This was also a requested fic, as a part two to Little survivor. I tried to twist the storyline a little bit, hopefully you guys will like it. I like the idea that the Commission is a part of a society where everything is disturbingly perfect. Maybe I overthought this whole thing, but honestly, it birthed a kind of great story, so... Also, I was debating splitting this into two, but then the title wouldn't have made sense. Anyway, enjoy!
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As the days passed, life became harder and harder. But that didn’t stop you from enjoying time with your husband and son. Max was the cutest little kid and you really lucked out with his temperament being so good. He was the calmest little toddler, who then grew up to be a quite docile child. Sure there were a few tantrums, but in the end, he was a kind and calm little kid.
“Max!” you yelled for him as he played in front of the camp in the sand. He was now 10 years old and smarter than you thought was possible in the post-apocalyptic world. All thanks to Five, who provided the teaching material needed for him. With him working on the equations almost non-stop, it was up to you to try to get the best out of the material Five gave you.
You suddenly became aware of the deafening silence outside.
“Max?” you dropped the stick that you were using to light the fire for dinner and hurried out with your heart beating heavily in your chest.
As you rounded the corner, you saw a well-dressed woman, holding your son by his waist.
“What are you doing?!” you yelled at her, and, ready to save your son, you advanced toward her.
“Ah-ah-ah!” she held up her free hand toward you. “I wouldn’t come closer if you want this sweet little boy to live.”
“Mommy” Max whimpered in the woman’s hold.
You eyed him with worry in your eyes, then looked up, glaring at the woman.
“What do you want?” you asked.
“Just an answer,” she started, “where is Number Five?”
Your heart beat even more anxiously at that question. Five went out to gather more resources for the week and he was supposed to arrive by dinnertime. You were only expecting him around the time when the sun lowered beneath the horizon and that wasn’t til later.
“I don’t- I-” you stuttered.
“Don’t lie to me. I know you know where he went” the lady said calmly and you watched in horror as a small pistol was raised toward Max. “Now, where is Number Five?”
“Please don’t! I’m begging you, I don’t know where he is!” you pleaded, now on your knees. “Don’t hurt him, he’s just an innocent boy! Please.”
In that moment, the man in question turned up. When he saw the scene in front of him, a wild fire lit inside his heart. Not only was he scared, but angry as well. Who dares to threaten his whole world?! He dropped his gatherings and grabbing his gun, he ran up behind the unfamiliar woman.
“Let. My son. Go!” he gritted his teeth, holding the gun up toward the woman’s head.
“Ah, Number Five!” the woman turned around, smiling widely. “Just the man I wanted to see!” she thankfully put the pistol away.
“Who the hell are you?” he asked, still not putting his gun down, focusing fully on the woman, on every little move just in case she would hurt Max.
“Daddy” Max whimpered this time and Five’s eyes flickered over to him for just a fraction of a second.
“I’m here to help” the woman answered, still holding Max tightly.
“By holding my son hostage?” he asked, angrier than ever. “Tell me why I shouldn’t put a bullet right between your eyes!” he gritted.
“‘Cause…” the woman started, walking forward. Through your tears you could see Max struggling in her arms, trying to twist out of her hold. “If you did that, you wouldn’t hear the offer I’m about to give you” she said simply. “Which would be rather tragic, given your…” she looked back at you, “current circumstances.”
“What do you want? And be careful with what you say! My hands are quicker than you would expect” Five warned, his finger on the trigger, ready to shoot at any given moment. He just had to wait for when Max was safe out of her hands so he could shoot the woman dead.
“I work for an organization called the Commission” she started her explanation. “We are tasked with the preservation of the time-continuum through manipulation and removals.”
“I don’t understand…” Five’s eyebrows pulled together.
“Sometimes people make choices that… alter time” she shrugged. “Free will. Don’t get me started on that… When that happens, we dispatch one of our agents to… “she searched for the right words, “eliminate the threat.”
This caused Five to harden his shoulders, keeping the gun pointed at the woman, ready to shoot.
“No, no, no” she put her free hand up, chuckling. “You misunderstand me. You are not a target.”
“Then why don’t you let the boy go?” he hissed.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that just yet. I need your answer to my proposal” she smiled. “I’ve come to offer you a job, Number Five” she said. “We’ve had our eyes on you for quite some time. And we think you have potential!”
“What the hell are you on about?” he asked.
“Your survival skills made you quite a celebrity in the Headquarters” she explained. “The way you strive hard to protect what little you have and provide for them” she glanced back at you and then down at the boy in her hands. She reached out and caressed his head, which in turn made Five suck in a sharp breath. “That, and your ability to jump through time.”
“Don’t touch him” he hissed. “Tell me what’s in it for me? Why would I go with you?”
“You could get out of this place for one” the woman sighed. “And also go back to your family if you complete five years with us.”
“You… you’re saying we could be free?” he asked, glancing behind the woman, right at your still sobbing form.
“Once you served five years, your contract will be done, giving you a chance to retire to the time and place of your choosing” she smiled tightly.
Five thought hard about all that this woman was talking about. This could be his chance to save you, to finally give you and your family the life you deserved. He could live comfortably with you, have the domestic life you wished for and grow old.
“What about my wife and son?” he asked, which seemed to annoy the woman.
“You can bring them with you” she said and he could hear the distaste in her tone. “So, do we have an agreement?” she offered her free hand.
Five looked at you, lowering his gun slightly. You looked so scared, for him and for your son. He never wanted to see you like that. He didn’t want you to suffer. He wanted to give the both of you a chance at a normal life.
He looked at his son, who was sniffling in the woman’s arm, clearly scared out of his mind. The poor boy didn’t deserve this. He didn’t deserve to be so traumatized by this post-apocalyptic world, by this woman, who threatened his life. He should be better off, in school, with food to fill his belly, clothes that fit him well and a roof over his head.
He will do this. For you. For Max. For his family.
“Fine” he put the gun down and approached the woman to shake her hand. “I’ll do it.”
“Wonderful!” the woman lightened up, letting Max out of her hold and shaking Five’s hand.
The moment your son was out of the woman’s hold, he collapsed, his legs giving out underneath him. But in the next moment, Five reached out for him, pulling him up and lifting him into his arms.
“We shall leave momentarily. We have a lot to do” the woman turned away and walked into the little camp to sit down.
The second she was out of sight, you rushed to Five and Max and collapsed with the two of them on the floor.
“Five” you sobbed, your heart pounding in your chest. “Max, oh my poor boy.”
“Mommy, daddy” he cried, grabbing onto both of you.
“You’re safe now, you’re safe” Five tried to calm the young boy, who didn’t deserve all this. He pulled you in, close, so he could take in your features, making sure you were still there. “You’re both safe.”
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The first day at the Commission consisted of Five being dragged away for orientation and basic training while you and Max were herded to a room to wait for someone who would show you to your new house. 
You didn’t have to wait long: a woman with black hair and wearing a skirt suit opened the door. She had a kind smile on her face, and though she looked different and kinder than the other woman was, you still grabbed onto Max tightly.
“Oh, don’t be afraid!” she said quickly, her voice light and sweet. “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m Dot, I work a desk job here. And I got the honor to show you to your new home!”
Still weary, but slightly comforted, you loosen your hold on your son, who looks at Dot in curiosity.
“I’m Y/n” you decide to introduce yourself. “And this is my son, Max.”
“Oh, what a cutie. How old is he?” her smile widens, a soft glow flashing in her eyes.
“He’s ten” you look down at him, still clutching your arm tightly.
“Aw, he looks a lot like Five. And his eyes! They look just like yours” she gushes.
“Thank you” you let yourself smile a little bit.
“Now, I’m sure you’re tired and in need of a good shower. Let us get going then.”
You nod, taking Max’s hand in yours and follow Dot out the door.
“We’re actually not far from the housing, you guys got a pretty adorable family home” she looked back at you as you walked through the entrance hall and then the doors.
It was a sunny day, colder than it was in the apocalypse, but the air was much fresher here. You didn’t know what year you were in or where you were for a fact. But you were just happy to be away from that hellhole.
“Do you know if…” you started and Dot looked back at you, curiously. “If that woman… will she bother us?”
“The Handler?” she asked and you shrugged. If that was her name… “Oh I don’t think she will. She only cares about agents, so you and Max should be fine.”
“And… and Five?” your heart raced. Was he in danger?
“That, I don’t know. I would assume no. She is a big fan of his, so if anything, she’ll make sure he’s fine” Dot hummed.
“Alright” you sigh.
Dot lead you through a small garden that was the Commission’s and you found yourself in view of a village-like assortment of houses. There were some smaller family homes and then there were a couple of huge buildings, which consisted of apartments.
“Do other agents have families?” you asked as you neared the main street.
“Field agents? No, most of them are either alone or only have a partner, no kids. But many of our people in filing or some of our security actually have families. Some smaller, some bigger” she explained.
You hummed and looked down at Max. Maybe he could make friends with other children. He wouldn’t have to be alone. And you could also meet some other moms…
You rounded a corner and found yourselves in a long street, filled with family homes and a playground.
“This is the street you will be living on” Dot smiled. “If you go down the road where we came, we actually have a clothing store and grocery store, so you can buy your own stuff. A bit further from the housing area, you can find an elementary school and a high school as well. Max will be enrolled by the end of the week. You’ll receive a mail from one of our staff.”
“He can go to school?” you asked, your heart picking up pace.
“Of course!” she smiled. “Only the best teachers there.”
“Oh” you nodded.
“Well, we arrived” she stopped in front of a beautiful blue house with white picket fence and a small garden. “Hope you’ll enjoy your stay with us. Five will be here any time he is free or has his day off. But don’t worry, Mary, the woman who lives in the house beside yours, and her daughters Betty and Lily are excited to get to know you guys.”
“Thank you.”
“Well, I’ll leave you to it. It was great to meet you” she stepped back and waved.
“You too” you smiled and waited for Dot to disappear down the street before squatting down in front of Max. “Are you okay?”
“Yes Mama” he nodded and though you could see a little bit of worry in his gaze, he seemed to say the truth.
“Alright darling. Shall we see what’s inside?” you caressed his cheek and he nodded, gripping onto your hand.
You stepped up the few stairs to the front door. There was a key in the door, presumably the one you were meant to use later on. You took the keys out and opened the door.
It really was a small and cute home. Everything aesthetically arranged, the walls and floors in beautiful contrast. It was a wild change from the apocalypse, where everything was very yellow most days.
Across from the front door was a kitchen and dining room with a door to the family bathroom. On your right was the master bedroom, which was painted in a similar light blue as the outside was. To the left, there were two rooms, one the living room and the other a smaller bedroom.
“Look, I think that will be your bedroom” you pointed to the open door. “Do you want to see it?”
“My… my room?” Max looked up at you, confused. “I will sleep alone?”
“Yeah” you nodded.
“But… I don’t want to” the boy’s eyes filled with tears. “I don’t want to be alone.”
“Oh darling” you pulled him in your arms. “You won’t be alone. We’ll be right across from your room. We won’t be far.”
“But at night…” he sniffled. “The monsters will come.”
“Your dad will keep you safe from them” you tried to calm him. “We’ll never let them hurt you.”
But Max was crying, inconsolably. You tried to think about what you could do. How could you help him? His sobs were twisting your heart and you felt as helpless as when the Handler arrived in the afternoon. Where you were unable to move, unable to help your little boy, who didn’t deserve all that. You could only imagine what was going through his head in that moment and now, hours after it.
“Tell you what. You can sleep with us for the first few weeks, okay?” you pulled away a little, looking into his eyes. “You can get used to your room during the day. Would that be alright, darling?”
“Y-yeah” he sniffled.
“Alright, now let’s get you cleaned up and some food in your tummy, okay?”
Max nodded, still rubbing at his eyes. You pressed a kiss to his forehead and walked into the dining room, where the door to the bathroom could be found. There was a shower and bath combination in the opposite corner, with some soap and shampoo. It was all neatly arranged and you once again felt that jarring feeling of everything being just… off. But you just took a breath and looked at Max.
“Do you need help or can you wash your body and hair alone?” you asked gently.
“I can do it” Max squared his shoulders, trying to appear strong and you smiled. “But…” he looked up at you. “Can you stay with me?”
“Yeah, of course. How about you take your clothes off and pee while mama goes and sees if there are some clothes in your room?” you suggested.
Max’s hold on your hand tightened for a second and you could see the conflict on his little face. But then he slowly nodded and let you go.
“Alright, I’ll be right back, okay? If you’re done, then stand in the shower.”
Max nodded, looking toward the bathtub. You quickly walked to the smaller room, leaving both doors open, so you could hear your son if he needed help. In the room there was a dresser and a single bed. It was clearly meant to be a kid’s bedroom, what with the wallpaper having dinosaurs and birds on it.
You looked in the dresser to see different sized clothes, both for boys and girls. You sighed in relief and grabbed two different sizes from underwear, pants and a t-shirt, not knowing which one will be good for Max. It’s been a long while since you saw new clothes and not to mention that you never had the luxury for Max to wear the right sized clothing.
“You’re in luck” you stepped back into the bathroom. “We got some clothes here. I brought you two sizes, we’ll see which one will be good” you smiled and watched as Max nodded, stepping into the shower. “I’ll help you adjust the water” you put the clothes down on the sink and reached out to the taps. “See, this has a red dot. It means it’ll give you hot water. And on the other side is a blue dot. It means cold water” you explained to him. “Hold your hand out, underneath the tap” you instruct him, kneeling next to the tub. “I’ll start the water, okay?”
Max nodded and squatted down, holding his hand under the water.
“Tell me if it’s too warm or too cold, okay? We’ll adjust it.”
With your help, Max got the right temperature and he - albeit a bit clumsily - washed as much of the dirt away as he could. You helped with his hair a bit, but otherwise just kneeled next to the tub, so he could do most of it himself.
“Alright. That feel okay?” you asked as you helped him out of the tub and gave him a towel.
“Weird” he said simply.
“I know darling. But now you’ll get used to it. It’s going to be all okay” you promised, drying his hair. “Should we see which clothes will fit you?”
Max nodded and so you picked up the smaller underwear first. To your surprise it slid on easily, even loose around his waist a bit. You knew that Max was a smaller kid then others his age might have been and that’s all thanks to the apocalypse. But you didn’t think he was this small.
“Should I see a smaller size still?” you asked him. “Or is that comfortable.”
“It’s okay mama” he shrugged.
“As you wish,” you sigh. “Are you feeling hungry?” you helped him into his pants and shirt as well.
“A bit” he nodded.
“Alright. I’ll see what I can do” you smiled at him. “Why don’t you grab a book that looks interesting to you and we’ll practice your reading while I cook?”
Max nodded and walked toward the smaller bedroom, looking back at you, to make sure you were still there. When he was reassured, he quickly went in and took a book from the bookshelf. In an instant, he was back in the corridor and taking your hand.
“Well, come on, then” you smiled gently and went up to the counter.
Max sat down at the small circular table, opening the book he grabbed. You watched him flip to the first page and looked at the words. He knew how to read, you and Five taught him. But it took him a little time.
“The story of… Doctor… Do- Dolittle?” he pronounced it slowly, then looked up for confirmation. You smiled at him encouragingly. “The first… chapter. Pudd-puddle-puddleby. O-once upon a time, many… years ago…” Max started reading slowly.
As he read, you started to look through the pantry to see what could be used to make a meal. You didn’t really know how to cook, but thankfully there were some cookbooks that you could use.
You always wanted to get out of the apocalypse, but never imagined what you’d do once you’re out. You never wondered about some of the simple facts of a normal life. Like how to cook. But you were ready to learn. Anything really.
You and Max spent the rest of the afternoon in the kitchen. He read slowly, page after page and you trying to put a meal together for your little family.
“Y/n, Max?” you heard the door opening and Five calling out to you.
“In the kitchen!” you called back just as Max sprang from his seat, running toward Five, yelling: “Daddy!”
You smiled as you walked toward them, seeing Five embrace the boy.
“Hey, little crumb. How was your afternoon?” he asked. “What did you do? Oh and what is that smell? Is that your hair?”
“Yeah! We showered! And daddy, you know, the soap smells so good!” Max rushed out.
“Does it now?” he smiled. “Well, I’ll have to see it for myself.”
“And I read a book about a magic doctor! He can talk to animals!”
“He can?” he laughed gently. “You’ll have to read it for me too, son.”
“C’mon!” Max stood up and pulled him toward the kitchen.
“Hey” Five smiled as he reached you.
“Hi, how was the orientation and training?” you asked, reaching out to him.
“Boring” he sighed and leaned over to peck your lips. “But I got my first assignment. I’ll be going there tomorrow.”
“For how long?” you asked, worried.
“Shouldn’t be long. It’s supposed to be part of the training, with a more experienced agent by my side, so maybe that day? Or two?” he guessed.
“Alright” you sighed.
“You’ll be alright?” he asked gently.
“I will” you nodded. “Just be careful.”
“I will” he promised.
You sighed and pulled away, turning to the stove, where the food was finishing cooking. As you prepared the plates, Max explained the plot of Dolittle to Five, excited about the story.
“Alright boys, it’s time to eat” you put their plates in front of them, full of warm food. “I hope it’s good.”
“I’m sure it is” Five smiled at you.
Truly, it was not so bad. It was definitely better than what you ate in the apocalypse, which was a relief. And even though you cooked the normal amount, there was so much left after you finished eating, you felt worried. You knew it would take time to get used to eating like normal humans, but you couldn’t help but worry about your son.
After dinner, you heard the clock chime loudly from the living room.
“What was that?” you furrowed your eyebrows.
“Oh, they didn’t explain it to you?” Five looked at you. “In the evening and morning the clocks chime to signal the end and the beginning of the day. We’re supposed to go to bed.”
“Oh” you frowned. “Okay.”
“We’ll get used to it” he comforted and turned to Max. “Well, little crumb, could you show me which soap was so good smelling?”
“Yes!” he perked up and jumped off his chair. “Come on daddy!”
You smiled at the two of them before picking up the plates and washing them. You once again marveled about the way water felt on your skin. You couldn’t wrap your head around the day you had. It was so far-fetched and such an outlandish idea, that your brain couldn’t accept it.
“Mama, could you read a bed-time story for me?” Max came to the kitchen, forcing you out of your thoughts.
“Sure thing, baby. Would you like me to read Dr. Dolittle?” you smiled gently.
“No” he shook his head. “I want to read it myself. Could you read something else?”
“Of course” you smiled. “Let’s go to the room and see what we have.”
You soon found a book called “The Wheel on the School”, which Max liked the sound of, so you gave it to him and turned around to look for some pajamas for him.
“What are you looking for, mama?” he asked curiously.
“Some pajamas” you looked back at him. “You know, when you go to sleep, you are supposed to wear some clean, comfortable clothes to bed” you explained to him.
“Here you go, son” you gave him the pair you found.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, sweetie.”
“Will you wear pajamas?” he asked as you went to the master bedroom.
“Yes, but first I need to shower as well.”
“Okay…” Max nodded. “Will daddy stay with me until then?”
“Of course” you nodded. “Now get into bed, I’ll read to you, until daddy finishes showering.
Max climbed on top of the king-sized bed and lay down beneath the sheets, in the middle.
“Comfortable?” you asked and Max nodded. So you started reading to him.
When Five came out of the bathroom, he found the beautiful scene in front of him. Max, in the bed, lying sleepily beneath the sheets, fighting to keep his eyes open, and you, sitting in the armchair close to the bed, reading to him in a soft voice. Five’s heart jumped, filled with warmth and love. His little family, who survived so much and who deserved the world. The reason he was doing all of this.
You finished reading and put the book down, looking at your fast-asleep son. You smiled gently and walked over to him, pressing a light kiss on his forehead. Then you looked up at the door, where Five was standing. He was clean and shaven. You smiled at him and walked up to him.
“You look good” you said to him sincerely.
“Thank you” he smiled and put his hand on your waist, pulling you in. “I didn’t dare to shave it clean, so I left a little stubble.”
“It looks good” you leaned into him, putting your hand on his jaw. “It feels good.”
Five let out an airy laugh and hugged you properly. The day was crazy and he couldn’t be more thankful for your strong presence.
“I love you so much” he murmured.
“I love you more” you teased, pulling a bit away, so you could put your hand on his cheek again.
“Not possible” he smiled.
“Everything’s possible” you countered and then leaned in to kiss him.
He held you close, gripping your waist tightly. In the unfamiliar setting, he finally found something familiar: you. The way you taste was still the same, your lips reacting to his. He was glad to be kissing you once again.
“I wish…” you sigh against his lips.
“You wish?” he murmurs, not wanting to let you go.
“I wish we were alone now. If just for a moment” you finish your sentence, kissing him again. “But I need to shower and our son is lying in our bed.”
“Hm, maybe later then” he surmised.
“In a few weeks. He will get used to his own bedroom and then…” you smirked at him cheekily.
“Can’t wait” he smiled, warmth and passion glinting in his eyes.
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A month later, Five finally got his first paycheck in his hands. And he couldn’t believe his eyes. When they said that the payout for a good performance was great, he thought that they would pay him good. But not this good! For weeks now he thought about what he could buy from the first paycheck. He could get more groceries, he could buy his son some clothes that would fit him and also could be his own choosing, he could buy you a beautiful dress, like the ones you fantasized about in the apocalypse and… Well… the most pressing one in his mind was a ring. So that you could wear the sign of your love.
And so, without much thinking, as his hours were done, he immediately blinked to the street of stores in the city. He found the jewelers and went in.
“Hi! I’m looking for wedding rings?” he smiled lightly.
You were in the kitchen, making a fruit salad when the door slammed.
“Max, I told you, be careful of the door!” you yelled out.
“Sorry mama,” he rushed in.
“How was school, dear?”
“Good! Bennet played with me in recess!” he beamed.
“Oh really? And what did you play?” you smiled and Max took a deep breath before he started gushing about his day in school.
True to Dot’s words, at the end of your first week in Temps, a letter arrived in your mailbox. In it, they stated that Max would join class 4/B, which is right in his age-group and well within his skillset. They also sent over some paperwork, essential for securing his identity as a citizen.
The first week in school was… trying to say the least. But thanks to Max’s good temperament, it became easier and easier each day.
Now, in the third week of school, Max was starting to make friends. The left side neighbor’s twin daughters Betty and Lily were also in Max’s class, so them, and now apparently Bennet as well, became fast friends.
It turned out that Betty and Lily’s mother, Mary, was working in a café on the street where the school was located, so after a couple hang-outs with the three of them: a deal was made. She would take the kids to school on most days, and when she wasn’t working, you would walk them.
Mary was also very helpful with understanding the town’s rules. The chimes from the clock in the morning and evening were only the beginning. There were also some other things like: lunch was strictly at 12pm, at 3pm you had to have a coffee break (or tea break for the kids) and chat with either your neighbors or your co-workers and also, there was a curfew of 8pm being the latest you could leave the house. You also couldn’t work into the night (the only exception being the night guards at the Commission building) and couldn’t leave your house before 7am. There were some others as well, but they were not essential to your days.
Now, after a month, you were finally starting to get used to Temps’ weird rules and even weirder people. Still, you couldn’t help but sigh in relief whenever 8pm rolled around and you could be alone in the privacy of your home with your husband and son.
“…And can you imagine? Bennet said it was such a cool game!” Max was still gushing about recess and you couldn’t help but smile.
Since he started eating more and healthier, he started growing. Not much in a month, but his clothes now fit perfectly on him and you didn’t have to fold the bottom of his pants up anymore. There was also a healthy glow to him, his hair becoming fuller and shining brighter. You were so glad to see the change.
“Honey, I’m home!” you heard Five call out to you and you smiled as Max’s rambling stopped and his eyes lit up.
“Daddy!” he ran to Five as he reached the kitchen door.
“Hi little crumb” Five smiled and squatted down to embrace him. “Did you have a good day?”
“Yes, the best!” Max beamed. “Bennet played with me in recess!”
“Oh really? Wow!” Five laughed, happy for his son. “That’s amazing, baby!”
“It was! And he invited me over for a sleepover!” he mentioned, which caused you to stop smiling and looked at Five, who also looked at you.
“Really? You haven’t said that yet” you put the spoon down into the bowl and walked to your boys. “Did he ask his mom?”
“He said he would once he got home” Max looked at you. “Mama, can I go?”
“I don’t know son, we haven’t talked to Bennet’s mom yet. We don’t know if she agreed to host the sleepover” you sighed and you could see Max’s face fall.
“Tell you what. If they show up, we’ll talk about it” Five tried to reassure the boy, but it didn't help much. He pulled away from both of you and turned to walk down the hall and into his bedroom.
You sighed again, sad to see your son so sad. Five stood up and you could see that he shared that compliment. But there truly was nothing you could do.
So you went back to mixing the fruit bowl together and Five went back to the door so he could take his shoes off before joining you in the kitchen.
“So, how was work today?” you asked.
“It was… fine” he shrugged. “I got my first pay-check.”
“Oh, yeah?” you looked up at him.
“Yeah and, I was surprised to say the least” Five sighed and got the paper out of his suit pocket. “Look at this” he walked up to you and showed you the paper. You almost dropped the bowl from your hands.
“What?!” you asked. “Is that real?”
“Apparently so” he nodded.
“Oh my God…” you blinked, looking up at him. “What do we even do with all that…”
“I don’t know” he sighed. “Well… this months’ I know, because I-”
But at that moment there was a knock from the door. You and Five looked at each other before walking up to the door. Through the glass, you could see a woman standing there. You looked at Five again before opening the door.
“Good afternoon” she greeted.
“Good afternoon” you greeted back with Five. “What can we help you with?”
“Oh my son, Bennet came home from school saying he wanted to invite Max around for a sleepover” she smiled.
“Oh, you must be Sharon!” you smiled at her. “I’m Y/n, and this is Five, my husband.”
Bennet peeked out from behind her and looked up at you.
“Good afternoon” he said shyly.
“Hi, Bennet” you smiled at him as well, then looked up at Sharon. “Would you like some fruit salad? I just finished making it.”
“Thank you so much” she nodded and followed you inside.
“Five, would you be so kind and tell Max that his friend is here?” you looked at him and he nodded. You reached up to take five small bowls out and turned back to Bennet and Sharon. “Bennet, a fruit salad?”
“Yes, thank you” he said just in time when Max came bounding out of the room.
“Bennet!” he shouted happily. “Good afternoon Mrs Meyer.”
“Hi Max” she smiled and let the boys sit together.
“Sharon, a fruit salad?” you looked at her.
“Thank you, I’ll take one” she agreed and you put some of the fruit salad in her bowl as well before placing it in front of the two guests.
“Max, Five?” you asked.
“Yes, thank you mama!” Max agreed loudly, while Five just nodded.
“Here you go, boys” you gave one to each of them. “So, Sharon. You were saying?”
“Bennet wanted Max over for a sleepover” she started. “I have no objections to Max spending the night if you are okay with it as well.”
“Yes, we…” Five started before rethinking his choice of words. “What I mean is, as you know Max had a difficult time adjusting to being away from us at night. We don’t wish to give you any trouble, should he get scared and decide that being houses away from us is too much.”
“I promise daddy, I won’t!” Max immediately said. “I’ll be good!”
“I have no doubt about that, sweetheart. We just don’t want you to feel scared.”
“But mama…” he looked at you sadly.
“How about we put down some ground rules?” Sharon suggested.
“What do you suggest?” Five asked.
So in over an hour, you talked it all out. You agreed that she could take the boys and there wouldn’t be a word about disobeying the Meyer parents’ words. If that would happen, they couldn’t go over to the other’s house for a week. The boys thought that over and then agreed.
“Max, come with me, we’ll put your clothes together” you told your son.
He eagerly followed you to his room, jumping around as he watched you grab a bag from the top of the dresser. You told him what to grab and he rushed to find it and give it to you. You neatly folded them into his overnight bag and once everything was in, you zipped it in and grabbed his hands.
“Listen son, this is the first time you’ll be away from us at night” you started. “But I want you to enjoy this. If you find yourself afraid, remember: mommy and daddy will always protect you. There’s nothing that can harm you” you told him and he nodded slowly. “I love you, baby.”
“I love you too, mama” he smiled and let you pull him in for a hug. You pressed a kiss to his head and smiled at him.
“Alright,” you stood up and walked out with him to the kitchen. “We’re ready.”
“Well, thank you so much for the fruit salad, it was really good” Sharon stood up, Bennet coming up beside her.
“Yes, thank you Mrs. Hargreeves!” he beamed.
“You’re very welcome. And Sharon, thank you so much for letting the boys have this sleepover. If this goes well, the next one is on us.”
Sharon nodded and herded the boys outside. You stopped in the doorway and Five came up to hug you from behind. You watched as Bennet and Max excitedly chattered, happy to spend time together. Five pressed a gentle kiss to your shoulder as you sighed, filled with worry.
Though Max looked engrossed in his conversation with Bennet, he thankfully looked back at you two and waved goodbye. You forced a smile and waved back. You stayed out until the Meyers’ car disappeared from view and then Five gently led you back inside.
“It’s going to be okay, my love” he said gently, hand around your waist and his other hand leading you. “He’ll be okay.”
“I know” you sighed, sitting on the couch with him. “I’m just worried.”
“I know, darling” he pulled you in his arms, holding you close. “But look at the bright side.”
“Which is?”
“He felt up to going. Remember the first week? He couldn’t even let you go to the bathroom alone. Now he’s finally healing” he explained.
“You’re right” you nodded. “Still, it doesn’t stop me from worrying.”
“And it doesn’t have to. You’re his mom, of course you worry about him” he reassured you. “How about I take your mind off of it?”
“What do you have in mind?” you looked at him.
“Remember our wedding?” he pulled a bit away from you and turned you to face him.
“How could I forget?” you smiled.
“Well, we’ve been married for… about fifteen years.”
“Yeah?” you blinked. “It’s been that long?”
“Yeah” he chuckled. “And I finally bought the one missing thing from that day.”
“You did?” your heart picked up speed.
“I did” he pulled the box out of his pocket. “It’s not exactly what I imagined… and I wish we could’ve chosen it together, but… I just wanted to surprise you” he opened the box and the sight of the two golden rings in it made tears spring in your eyes.
“Oh Five” you sobbed, reaching a shaky hand out to cover his own.
“Do you like it?” he asked, slight worry in his eyes.
“They’re perfect” you sniffled, smiling through your tears. “God, they’re so perfect.
“I’m glad you think so” he smiled sweetly and reached into the box, picking up the smaller ring. “May I?” he asked, holding his free hand out.
You nodded and offered him your right hand. He pulled it on your finger, then raised it up to kiss it. You sniffled as he reached his hands out to wipe your fingers.
“My beautiful bride, the gorgeous mother of my child” he murmured. “Thank you so much for staying with me.”
You sniffled, trying to keep your sobs and tears in. You reached shakily for the other ring and took Five’s right hand in yours.
“You’re the love of my life” you whispered, not trusting your voice. “I love you so much” you pushed the ring up on his ring finger gently, putting your own right hand next to it. “I can’t believe we finally have these…”
“I couldn’t be happier” Five turned his right hand and took your hand, caressing your knuckles.
“I’m so happy” you agreed, wiping your tears and looking up at him. “Thank you. For everything you do for us.”
“I love you” he replied.
“I love you too” and finally Five leaned in and kissed you.
It was so soft, so full of love, you couldn’t comprehend how there could be so much love. But you just pulled him closer, your hand going up to his soft hair, grabbing a fistful of it. His hands went to your waist and pulled you in his lap oh so gently.
“Five…” you breathed into his mouth, trying to convey the message you couldn’t form with words.
“Y/n…” he sighed, pulling your lips back on his, while guiding his hand holding your waist down to your ass, so in the next moment he could stand up with you in his arms.
You yelped, but then you were back to kissing him, letting his tongue in your mouth as he walked with you toward your bedroom. Your legs wrapped around his waist, pushing your bodies together. You were in the bedroom quicker than you could’ve imagined, the door slamming shut behind you.
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The sixth month of your stay at Temps became a huge deal. Not only was it a really long time that you could stay in one place and be perfectly comfortable, but also it became a big milestone in your lives.
Around the fourth month of staying in Temps, you found out something really big. Like huge. It wasn’t something you were expecting or hoping for, but you were still really happy. You still remember talking about this with Five.
“So… uh, Five?” you started the conversation one night after you put Max down to sleep.
“Yeah?” he looked at you, climbing into bed and pulling you in close.
“You know when we were talking about Max, way back when…” you tried to find the right words.
“Back when…” he tried to urge you on with your explanation. “In the apocalypse?”
“Yeah…” you nodded into his shoulder, trying to contain your anxiety mixed with excitement. “Specifically when he was just a little toddler.”
“Hm, still not sure which conversation you refer to” he hummed.
“Well it wasn’t just that one time we talked about this. But that was the first time. Actually we talked a lot about this, all things considered” you explained vaguely.
“Is it about his normal life?” he asked.
“No- well partly” you agreed.
“So… what is it, Y/n?” he caressed your shoulder.
“Okay, okay” you got up suddenly, kneeling beside him. “So… things have been going better for us, right?”
“Yeah” he nodded, turning to his side to look at you properly.
“And we’re no longer in the apocalypse…”
“And, well… I know it’s a bit late and Max is so old now, but…” you stopped for a second, not sure if Five will be happy.
“But…?” he was holding his breath now, you could tell.
“I’m- I’m pregnant” you finally blurted it out.
For a moment there was silence. You could see the wheels turning in Five’s head. Then he was up on his knees as well.
“Are you serious?” he asked, shocked.
“Y-yeah” you nodded, afraid of his reaction.
“You’re really, really serious?” he grabbed onto your hands.
“Yes. Are you-” but you couldn’t even finish your question because Five grabbed you by your sides, pulling you close and squeezing you.
“You’re really pregnant” he whispered, though you couldn’t decide whether it was a question or a statement.
“Yeah” you whispered back, still a little confused about his reaction being happy or not so much.
“Oh my God…” he breathed out and that’s when you became aware of his shaking body and the sudden wetness at your neck, where Five buried his head.
You finally smiled and let yourself get lost in Five’s warm embrace and pure love.
And since then you tried to figure out Max’s stance on siblings. You haven’t popped yet, so you could hide it from him, even if that made you feel bad. You never really had secrets in front of Max, especially not big ones that concerned his future as well.
But you heard enough horror stories about kids reacting badly about a new addition to the family before, so you wanted to be prepared. You didn’t want Max to feel like he’s loved less just because there will be a baby in the house. And though you didn’t ask him right out about siblings, there were a number of ways you deduced whether or not Max was ready for a baby sibling.
Today, you noticed in the morning, while you were getting dressed, that your stomach seemed a lot… bigger. It took only a second to realize what happened: you popped. So it was time.
By some twist of fate, it was Five’s day off. And so, immediately as you noticed, you stalked out into the kitchen, where he prepared morning coffee and breakfast.
“Five” you whispered. It was still early in the morning and you didn’t want to wake Max up.
“Yes, my love?” he asked, looking up from his book.
“I popped!” you smile at him, turning to the side, so he could see the big change in your figure.
“Oh my God!” he put his book down, eyes filled with wonder. “You really did!”
He stood up from his seat and walked to you, so he could caress over the bulge of your stomach. You were looking up at his face, seeing him so focused on your belly, eyes full of wonder and love.
“You’re so amazing” he whispered, his free hand going around your waist and pulling you close.
“No, you are” you smiled, lifting his chin with a hand. “Without your hard work, we wouldn’t be here, safe. But thanks to you, Max could heal, we could build a life and also,” you put your hand on his, that was still caressing your baby bump, “expand our little family.”
Five smiled at you gratefully, then leaned in to kiss your lips sweetly. He pulled your robes in again, when he suddenly heard shifting from Max’s room and smiled at you encouragingly.
“Today’s the day.”
“Yeah” you sighed and sat down at the table, grabbing one toast from the pile.
The next moment, Max’s door opened and your son stumbled out, completely out of it from sleep. You smiled at his sleepy face and the way he sluggishly walked toward you and Five.
“Hey there, little crumb” Five smiled, embracing his son when he reached him. “How did you sleep?”
The only answer was a little grunt, which made both Five and you giggle lightly. Contrary to you and Five, Max was not a morning bird. While both you and Five got out of bed easily in the mornings, on most days you had to practically drag your son out.
“Darling, come, there is breakfast here for you” you said gently and pulled a chair out for your son to sit down on. “How about some milk, would you like some?”
Max nodded slowly and sat down next to you. You got up to grab the milk, pouring some for the young boy.
“Here you go” you smiled at him.
Breakfast went by in silence, Max waking up more and more as he ate. Soon, he was starting to chit-chat about the weekend and how you could go to the playground.
“We can, right?” he looked at the two of you and you shared a look with your husband.
“Not right now, son” Five put a hand on his smaller one. “Actually, mama and I want to talk to you.”
“Did I do something wrong?” he asked, immediately scared about being told off.
“No, no” you said quickly, placing a hand on his other hand. “No, you didn’t do anything wrong. There’s just something that’s… Well…”
“There will be some changes in our lives…” Five helped you out. “Soon.”
“What changes?” Max looked between you.
“Well… you know how mama has been feeling unwell for the past few weeks?”
“Is… is mama sick?” Max turned to you, his eyes filling with tears.
“No darling, I’m very healthy” you smiled gently at him. “The sickness has been caused by something else” you thought for a moment on how to approach the subject. “You know Betty and Lily, how they’re sisters?” Max nodded. “They were born on the same day. But you can have siblings a few years in-between.”
“Like Dean and Paul?” he asked, referring to his classmate, who had a younger brother.
“Yes, like Dean and Paul” you nodded.
“What we’re trying to tell you is that mama is now…” Five started. “Well, mama is carrying a baby. In her stomach.”
“What?” Max looked at you, his brain working overtime.
“Yeah, darling” you moved a bit around the table, so he could see your midsection and you opened your robes. “I’m pregnant.”
Max blinked a couple times, reaching out to touch your stomach as if not trusting his eyes. “There’s a baby in there?”
“Yeah” Five nodded.
“And… he is going to be my little brother?” he asked, looking up at you.
“Or sister, we don’t know their gender yet” you smiled. “Are you happy?”
At that question Max’s eyes filled with tears and moved in to hug you. He was gentle, steering clear from your belly. There, he nestled his face into you and nodded a little.
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Around your one year mark of staying at Temps, you were about ready to pop. You ached everywhere, your feet were swollen and you were constantly tired. It was no longer fun being pregnant.
But in hindsight, it was a better pregnancy than it was with Max. There were obvious differences and not just because you were in an apocalypse then. Your stomach was bigger and rounder than it was with him and also, your feet had swollen more.
You were ready for the baby, more so than you were when you learned that Five was going on a longer mission in a few days.
“Come on, baby. I don’t want your father missing your arrival” you groaned as you tried to get off of the couch in the afternoon. “He deserves to be there to greet you. Please.”
But the only thing you can do is wait. Wait for the baby to feel ready. Your doctor said that from the 38th week, it can happen any day. And you couldn’t be more happy about that fact. You were ready for them to arrive.
But they didn’t arrive that day. Nor the next one. And Five’s departure for his mission just kept crawling closer.
“Don’t worry” Five tried to placate you every night. “They’ll be here soon. And I’ll be right by your side.”
You talked to Mary about this as well. She was nice enough to offer Max a place to stay, should your labor start during the day. Which was also a big question mark in your head.
“What if my water breaks during the night? After the curfew starts? What then?”
“Well…” Five looked up from where he was massaging your feet. “I helped deliver Max, so I don’t think we’re in any danger.”
“Yeah, but what if you’re gone by the time this little one decides to come to the world?” you huffed.
“That won’t happen” Five got up and leaned over the armchair to press a kiss to your lips. “Don’t worry, everything will be okay.”
“I hate this” you pouted.
“I know” he smiled gently and then went back to massaging your swollen feet.
On the last day, you start feeling worse. In the morning, you found some weird substance in your underwear, which at first weirded you out, then realized that it was probably related to your pregnancy. Your doctor was on a day off, so you couldn’t go in, but you could go to the payphone at the end of the street and call them.
They told you, after explaining what happened, that that was a good sign. Your labor was finally approaching. It still could be days but it could be only hours. They also told you to call them if any more advancements are made.
The whole day, you barely got anything done. You tried to do something as simple as sweeping the floor, but your back started aching almost instantly. You did manage to make some warm food for dinner, when your two boys showed up.
“Hi mama” Max came home first, but only a couple minutes before Five showed up.
“Hi darling” his smooth voice called from the hallway. “What did the doctor say?”
“To call them when my water breaks” you sighed, rubbing at your lower stomach.
Five hummed and came up to press a kiss to your cheek, then to Max’s, who was sitting beside you, caressing your stomach.
“The baby doesn’t move as much” Max voiced his sorrow.
“They’re sleeping more” you explained. “They’re getting ready to see you.”
“Really?” he looked up at you.
“Really” you smiled gently.
Time ticked by, slowly, even as you wished it would rush. You were in so much discomfort, you really wished that time would pass, so you could just FINALLY-
In that moment, a weird sensation ran through you and you felt a warm sensation run down your legs. Looking down, you saw that your previously dry pants were no longer dry.
Breathing hard and slightly panicked, you yelled out: “Five!”
In just a fraction of a second, Five blinked next to you and grabbed your hand, looking frantic.
“What happened?” he asked, clearly just as panicked as you.
“My… my water just broke!” you told him, still in shock. “What- what do we do?”
“Uh…” Five looked up at the clock. It was 7pm. He could try calling your doctor, but it was unlikely that they would be able to come and it was an hour til curfew. “Shit… I’ll go call the doctor, you… just try to breathe and lie down.”
He quickly made your bed, heaping the pillows, so you would be in a half-sitting, half-lying down position. He helped you lie down and then blinked into Max’s room, where he was reading his favorite book. Soon, Max was knocking on your bedroom door and then peeking his head in.
“Mama?” he asked, looking slightly scared.
“Hey darling” you breathed out, wincing at a sudden pain in your lower stomach.
“Is the baby coming?” he walked up to the bed.
“Yeah, I think they want to” you sighed.
“Does it hurt?”
“Yeah” you nodded, not wanting to lie. “It hurts really badly. But don’t worry, they’ll be here soon and it won’t hurt anymore.”
“Can I help?” he asked, ever the caring little boy.
“You could bring me a glass of water while daddy gets back” you smiled at him as gently as you could.
Max nodded and rushed out to fill a glass with fresh water. He was soon back, giving it to you.
“Thank you darling” you sighed as you took a couple sips.
Five was back within a couple minutes, but not with good news.
“I reached the doctor, but they can’t come” he sighed, frustrated. “He said your delivery could be an hour from now or even 24.”
“Oh God…” you sighed, dropping your head back down. “So I’ll just suffer here?”
“I’m here with you. We’ll get through this” Five took your hand gently in his, then looked back at your son, who was waiting by the bedside table, tears in his eyes. “Max, darling, I think you should go to bed. Mama will be alright” he said gently.
“But I don’t want to leave her. She’s hurt” he sniffled.
“Darling…” Five walked to him, but you interrupted him.
“Let him be here” you told him. “But Max, you have to do what daddy tells you, while you’re here, okay? Once the baby starts coming, mama will be in a lot of pain and you can’t stand in daddy’s way.”
“I promise to be a good boy” he nodded eagerly. “Please, daddy.”
“Fine” Five sighed. “I’ll get some towels.”
Your labor advances quite slowly and every half an hour you get up to walk around with Five’s help. You couldn’t be happier that he was there with you. And Max, he seemed to grow up quite a lot in the hours since your labor started. You of course wished you could spare the young boy from seeing you in pain, but you also didn’t want him to have to be scared in his room as he heard you scream through your delivery.
Which he instead got to experience right by your side. Though Five told him that he didn’t have to take your hand as you couldn’t control how tightly you hold onto it, he did anyway. His eyes were filled with tears, but he didn’t let go of your hand as you delivered the baby, his sibling.
It was quite a shorter process than it was with Max, but somehow more painful. But that all washed away, when Five finally handed them to you.
“It’s a little girl” Five said, tears in his eyes, looking at the crying baby. “I’m so proud of you, darling” he leaned down to kiss your sweaty forehead.
You sobbed as you held your little girl close, so small and fragile. Five disappeared into the bathroom to wash all the blood and other fluids away from his hands and arrived back to seeing Max on the side of the bed, looking down at his sister.
“She’s so tiny” he said quietly.
“Yeah. But you were smaller” you smiled at him.
“Really?” he blinked, his eyes big.
“Yes” Five agreed, grabbing a washcloth and cleaning up the area. “Max, how is your hand?”
The little boy seemed to only just notice his hand, too preoccupied by his sister. He lifted it and showed the red marks on it, that resembled your fingers.
“Oh darling, I’m so sorry” you teared up again. “Mama didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“It’s okay mama” he smiled. “It hurts, but you were hurt more.”
“You’re such a strong kid” Five praised him, kissing his head. “But come on, I’ll get some ice on that for you.”
“But mama…” he started, but then just nodded.
Once things calmed down, Max was sitting on one side of you and Five the other. You looked at your husband.
“What do you think her name should be?”
“I was kind of thinking about flowers…” he hummed.
“What about Penny though?” Max chimed in, looking at his baby sister in your arms.
“Penny? Why Penny?” you asked him gently.
“I don’t know” he shrugged.
“Well, I like Penny” Five agreed with his son. “Not my first idea, but I like the name.”
“I do too” you nodded, smiling down at your sleeping daughter. “Welcome to the world, Penny.”
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Days, months, years passed in Temps as your little family grew. Max was now 13 and baby Penny 2. They were the bestest friends, even when Max’s temper got the best of him. He was going into puberty, his hormones working more and more. But the one thing he never did was hurt his baby sister, no matter what. He was gentle with her at all times.
Five was working hard. Not just with the Commission jobs, but with the equations to get you back to 2019, back to his family. He was getting closer and closer to the answer every day, but didn’t know how close.
One day though, when he was waiting to finish his work for that day, he looked through his book again. There it was. The answer. His heart beat fast as he stared at the book. He could finally… they could finally go…
But before he could think more about it, he had to finish the job and get back home as soon as he could. He needed to see Y/n, the kids. So for the next few minutes, with his heart beating fast, he waited with bated breath, keeping his gun trained on where the target would be. It was only minutes, but he felt like hours passed. He never thought time could pass by so slow.
And when the job was finally done, he wasted no time in jumping back to the Commission, passing his briefcase down and blinking into your home.
“Y/n, get the kids, we’re going” he yelled immediately, pulling his book out.
“Going? Where?” you asked from the kitchen, where you were feeding baby Penny.
“Back to my family” he said lowly when he reached the kitchen. “Come on, before they realize what I’m planning.”
“Okay” you breathed out, anxiety coursing through your veins. You put the bowl from your hands and picked her up from the highchair. “Max!” you yelled from your son as you followed Five to the living room.
“Yeah?” he called from his room.
“Come on, put your shoes on. We’re going home.”
“Home? We are…” Max stopped as he realized you didn’t mean this home. You meant the home in another time. Without another word, he put his shoes on, also picking up baby Penny’s shoes and your own as well. “Here you go, mom.”
“Thank you” you smiled thankfully at him, taking Penny’s shoes first.
“Stand by the door. This portal will be big” Five instructed, stepping back as well, his hands curling into fists.
Max took Penny from your hands so you could pull your own shoes up. The living room was suddenly lit in a blue light and you could hear Penny coo at it.
“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” Max asked and gave her back, when you finished tying your shoes.
Suddenly there was a… fire extinguisher? flying through the portal and you only just pulled Max out of the way from it.
“Woah…” Max looked at the objects now rolling on the floor.
“Take my hand” Five suddenly yelled, reaching back for Max. “And take your mother’s.”
Max immediately took yours in his right then Five’s in his left hand. “Dad…” he didn’t, couldn’t say more, but Five looked at him.
“It’s gonna be alright” he said as gently as he could.
With that, you all took a step forward, holding each other’s hands. Going through the portal felt like wading through thick mud, the energy around you almost forcing you back. But your strong hold on each other didn’t let it.
Soon you were falling, your hand letting go of Max’s as you curled your arms around Penny, to protect her from the fall. Five did the same thing with Max and you all landed in a heap.
Groaning, you got off of Five, Penny safe in your arms. Five stood up as well, looking at Max who was…
“Mama?” the word made you turn to… little Max.
“What…” you blinked, looking at your husband, who was…
“Does anyone see little Number Five and other kids, or is that just me?” a guy asked from your right, but you couldn’t take your eyes off of Five.
“Five…” you whispered, confused and shocked, bouncing a crying baby Penny in your arms.
“Y/n…” he looked you up and down, then himself as well. “Shit…”
[Part 1] [Masterlist] [Part 3]
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Taglist: @snixx2088, @piopoi87, @izzyj12119, @groovydazephantom
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joelsmochi · 3 months
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come get this pollen - joel miller
pairing: beekeeper!joel x f!reader summary: with tommy hosting the bbq this year, that leaves joel in charge of one thing: you. inspired by this tweet | can be read by itself, but if you crave more beekeeper!joel read parts one & two ;) warnings: 18+ bc smut duh, not proofread, reader being reckless & gross in front of Sarah (let us pls remember & acknowledge how unrealistic this dynamic is 🙏🏽🙏🏽), joel is a perv what’s new?, honey play (yeast infections don’t exist in this timeline heheheheheh), brief breeding kink, oral (m+f), overstimulation, unprotected rough piv, pet names, sort of? established relationship, catching people and getting caught, joel "disciplining" you and absolutely slutting you out!!!!!!!, a little bit of corny humor at the end word count: 3.7k a/n: erm... ik it's late but i literally started writing this the morning AFTER the fourth ijbol. final part i will plan for this series for now but i’m always open for requests <3
series masterlist | main masterlist
You greeted Tommy and Maria at Joel's door with smiles and hugs, noticing the pair of chubby cheeks attached to the woman's hip.
"And who's this little fella?" You cooed, reaching for the baby once Maria held him out for you.
"This is Jackson," Maria answers. "He'll be six months in a few days."
With wide eyes you smile at the gleaming baby now resting on your waist, cooing little praises at him and bouncing your body to earn a few giggles. "Well you are just the cutest little thing I've ever seen, yesyouare."
You catch up with the couple and walk around Joel's house for just a few minutes until Jackson started reaching for Maria; you said bye-bye and made your way up to Sarah's bedroom.
"Sarah do y—EW!"
You slammed the door shut and stood frozen in the hallway, ignoring Sarah's protests for you to knock on a closed door next time.
"Sorry, I forget you can't exactly white-sock-it at your dad's house," you begrudgingly joked.
Sarah whipped the door open with a pissed off look plastered on her face, her boyfriend having a seemingly more embarrassed look.
"What do you need?"
With a grimace you asked, "Do you still have that dress that I left over here last weekend?"
She rolled her deep brown eyes, knowing you were just trying to catch her father's perverted eye, and stomped away, leaving her distressed and disheveled boyfriend in your view. He awkwardly smiled and offered a wave that just made you want to crawl into a hole and die, but you opted to stiffly smile back.
Before you could register anything else the dress was being thrown into your face and the door was slammed shut again.
"Bitch," you mumbled underneath your breath as you walked into the bathroom.
You shimmied out of your American Eagle shorts and tank top; slipping into the short dress, you couldn't help but notice how bunched up your underwear looked beneath the fabric. You tried pulling them up higher, folding the hem, hell you even gave yourself the world's deepest wedgie just to fail at concealing the grey article of clothing.
You grunted, really not wanting to wear those shorts again because your thighs seemed to swallow the hems whole every time you sat down, but what else would conceal your seamless panties that decided to appear as granny panties today?
You could ask Sarah for a pair, but that was just weird. You could just deal with it, but you knew you wouldn't stop thinking about it. You could just go commando, but...
"Fuck it," you mumbled when you couldn't think of a con to go without undergarments.
You slithered out of your panties and wrapped your clothes around them, discarding them in Joel's room on your way back downstairs and into the kitchen.
"Hey, 'bout time you found me," he greeted.
He glanced out of the patio door, sneaking a kiss with you when no one was watching.
"Sorry. I was saying hi to Sarah and Alex," you lied.
"Mmm, you smell good," he said against your lips after catching a whiff of your shampoo. "Look good too. You want somethin' to drink?"
You trailed behind him to the fridge, wrapping your arms around his soft waist. "Yeah, but it's not gonna be in there," you teased.
He chuckled, pulling out an iced tea for you, and not responding. He’s playing hard to get.
“Mm,” you hummed, stepping onto your tippy toes to brush your lips against the shell of his ear. “I’m not wearing any panties.”
He chuckled, poker face in full effect. “Good girl,” was the last thing he said before walking into the hallway towards the backyard, leaving a disappointed you in the kitchen alone.
The day went by slow enough, and yet you were unable to find that window of opportunity to get Joel alone. He was constantly helping or talking to someone — holding the baby so Maria could go get the door. Preparing more burger patties for Tommy. Offering a smile or two to women who expressed interest in him, or a laugh about golf with the men.
You were stuck listening to Sarah’s friends from college rant and rave about… Whatever they were into. You genuinely tried to listen but it was hard to keep up with how many like’s and literally’s and bro’s and duh’s they felt the need to use.
Alex called your name, catching your attention. “Why don’t you and my boy Johnnie hang out sometime? You’re single right?”
A stiff smile tugged on your cheeks, and your eyes flickered to Sarah for help, but her’s only widened slightly.
“Uh, no. No. Not single,” you blabbered. “Sorry.”
“Oh— well, who’re dating?”
“Uhhhhhhhh… He’s an older guy, you wouldn’t really know him.”
“Oh,” Alex said.
“H-how much older?” Johnnie chimed in, looking a little bummed.
You accidentally laughed, unable to contain your nerves. “Like… Fifties,” you said too quietly.
“Firework time!” Tommy shouted.
“Thank, God,” both you and Sarah said to each other.
“Sorry!” She said after jogging to stand next to you. “I totally fucking blanked.”
“It’s fine,” you exhaled, “I just couldn’t come up with a better lie.”
“Wait, so are you dating my dad?”
You shrugged. “Eh. It’s not official if that’s what you mean.”
“I just wanna make sure I’m not gonna have to choose between my best friend and my dad,” she explained.
“You’d totally pick me though. Right?” You asked hopefully, looking at her with wide eyes.
“Totally,” she repeated with a warm smile.
You looked through the small crowd in seek of Joel, finding him standing on the left side of whatever explosive his brother was packing into the ground. His eyes found yours and he gave you a subtle smile, eyes trailing over the dress that squeezed your breasts and hugged your waist. He shot you a wink before reluctantly looking away, playfully flicking the lighter in his dominant hand.
“Is it cool if I stand go see your dad?” You asked.
“Don’t leave me with them, they’ll ask questions,” Sarah quietly pleaded with a strong tug on your arm.
“Then go with me!” You whispered back. “Tell them you wanna be in the family videos.”
She deadpanned you. “Now you manage to come up with a good lie?”
“Oh! Just do it!”
Your body apologetically moved through the small swarm of people, unsuspectingly making your way over to Joel with Sarah right behind you.
“Light ‘em up,” Tommy told Joel.
Soon after there was that familiar loud whistle rutting against your eardrums, a hissing sound traveling into the sky before the different colors spiraled into a nonsensical design. Kids shouted joyfully, aside from the Jensen’s baby who let out a small cry, and scattered conversation filled the remaining space of empty sound.
You felt more comfortable in Joel’s presence, even when his attention wasn’t completely on you, and even more with your best friend by your side.
You could smell the cheap body spray you picked out for him when you were at Walmart alone a few weeks ago. It took some convincing, but eventually he promised to wear it for you at some point.
It smelled even better being mixed with his musk and pheromones and the layer of sweat he always seemed to have in the Texas heat.
His brown t-shirt proven too tight around his biceps, nestling against his broad shoulder blades with a thin stripe of sweat resting along his spine.
You felt a small gush, suddenly regaining awareness of the fact that you had no panties on right now. Your cheeks beamed a deep red, legs clenching as you tried to smear the precum instead of letting it trickle down your thighs.
Right now your perfectly clean, soft, cum catching Victoria’s Secret cheekies were collecting Joel’s dust in Joel’s room next to Joel’s bed, and you felt absolutely agonizingly exposed even though the only person that knew you were commando was you.
But then Joel’s laugh caught your attention, eyes being drawn back to the curve of his soft tummy, and you decided to use your naked dilemma to your advantage.
But how could we get from point A to point Tease?
“Sarah, you wanna light a firework?” Tommy shouted.
“Hell! No!” She yelled, gaining a couple of disappointed looks from people but a chuckle from you. “I’ve seen people blowing their hands off. Unh-unh, no thanks Uncle Tommy.”
“Agh. Come onnn,” Joel urged. “Don’t be a pussy.”
“Name calling won’t work this time,” she retorted.
“What about’chu?” Joel asked, a daunting look in his dark eyes.
Bend over, give him a little show just to risk losing a limb? Sign me up, you thought.
“Sure, why not?”
You gently pulled the yellow lighter from Joel’s hot hand, brushing your ass against his lower belly as you went to stand in front of him.
“I just light the red thing?” You asked Tommy.
“Yeah, ‘n do it at an angle so you don’t blow your fingers off,” he said nonchalantly.
You bent over, slow enough to ensure the skirt of your dress not popping up. You flicked the lighter, forcing a flame to appear, and held it to the red string sticking out.
Just as the string caught the flame, you felt a breeze ghost over your slick cunt, and Joel let out a strained sigh loud enough for you to hear from where you were.
You took a few steps away and backed into Joel’s frame “accidentally”. Everyone watched in awe as the red’s and blue’s filled the black sky for a few seconds, while Tommy set up another firework for you to light.
You bent over a little more subtly, but still enough to give Joel’s something to look at.
After hopping back between Joel and Sarah once the next explosive went up, you gave Joel’s his lighter back and grinned real wide at him.
But when you turned back to face your best friend, all but a pleasant look wore her face.
“You guys are disgusting,” she spat. “Where are your panties?”
“I had to take them off because they looked like a dirty diaper.”
“Ugh, you are so lucky I love you,” she said with her face in her hands.
You kissed her cheek and behaved yourself for a few more minutes, but as the night grew darker the wetter you became. You needed to get Joel alone now or you would become inconsolable.
“Can I light one more?”
Joel nodded, offering you the lighter once more, and Sarah had to fight the urge to throw her hands up in the air.
You bent over once more, this time leaving a hand on the crease on your ass.
Come on, Joel thought, give me a peek of that pretty hole.
And you did just that; while everyone was watching the firework spiral into the air Joel watched you tug your ass to the side, revealing your small hole that glistened.
“Fuck,” he mumbled to himself, fighting the growing bulge in his Levi’s.
You told Sarah to try lighting one, and she reluctantly agreed to; you stayed until it went off before excusing yourself inside the house.
Making your way into to the kitchen, you tried your best to quickly wipe up the mess that covered your inner thighs, but a hand gripped your forearm.
You screeched, but let out a sigh of relief when you saw it was just Joel.
Without hesitation you got on your knees and looked up at him as if you had no idea what you’d done. You reached for his pants, but he swatted your hand away and carried you onto the island counter, pushing your chest to make you lay down.
Before you could question it his lips inhaled your clit, sucking it a little too hard and making your body jolt.
You searched for his eyes, but the darkness in the room swallowed every fine detail you sought whenever Joel landed between your legs, forcing you to just focus on the feeling.
His heavy tongue licked a quick line from the bottom of your sticky slit to the hood of your clit, pulling the little nub into his hot mouth again. Suckling it until you threatened him with a breathy moan.
He pulled back and popped his rough hand on your clit, the stinging causing you to bite your lip and quiet yourself.
“Keep your fucking mouth shut,” he harshly whispered.
“Need you—“
“Shut up,” he repeated firmly before diving back into your heated core again.
You tried reaching to tug at his hair but he swatted your hands away once more; you were blindly searching for something along the slab of marble to grip onto, accidentally knocking over a jar of something sticky.
You frantically tried to put the jar back up but Joel was sucking your pussy to hard and deliciously. Eventually you fixed the spilled issue, recognizing the texture as Joel’s silky honey from his beehives.
“Here,” you moaned, shoving your fingers beneath his swollen lips.
He hummed in approval, slurping up the remnants from your trembling digits. You gripped the edge of the countertop and bucked your hips, Joel’s nose nestling into the throbbing edges of your clit.
Shaking his head to intensify the pleasure, his nose tickled your little bundle of nerves, that orgasmic tingling climbing the edge of release.
“You’re gonna make me cum, baby,” you moaned softly.
That made him groan and eat you more sloppy than ever before. The obscene noises between his thick tongue and your slobbering pussy was filthy, disgusting almost.
Your moans were silenced behind your gritted teeth, legs burying Joel’s face deeper into your pulsing core, and he ensured his nose would continue rutting against your clit.
Your cry of euphoria was covered by a loud firework; Joel recognized that moan. You were cumming, leaking juices and honey into his mouth like a dam being released for the first time ever.
He lapped it up like a thirsty dog, not even savoring the taste before he found the urge to start slurping up your already sensitive clit again.
You whined, arms flailing in a poor attempt to remove his head.
It hurt it hurt it hurt so fucking bad.
But you couldn’t fight the grip Joel’s had around your thighs. The more you wiggled the more sensitive you became. You whined, accepting your fate and allowing your legs to tremble against his touch.
He made you endure the worst of it: the pain that swallowed you whole and antagonized every nerve ending in your body.
You’d fight harder if it were anyone else, but Joel elicited submission from you. You’d have him punish you anyway he deemed justified if it meant you got to have him.
You gurgled on your saliva, choking on your strained moans.
It was only until he’d had lost too much oxygen that he finally alleviated you from your suffering.
“Get on your fuckin’ knees,” he huffed, dropping his pants and boxers to his ankles.
You eagerly listened, feeling his hand grip your hair and force your eyes to look into his.
“Little fuckin’ slut wants to tease me in front’a everybody? Hmm? You thinks it’s okay to spread your fuckin’ pussy like that?”
He found the glass jar that was coated in the sweet nectar, holding it up in the moonlight for you to see.
“Look at the mess you made, baby,” he said in a mocking tone. “Gonna have to clean it up.”
Joel tipped the jar, pouring more than enough honey all over his painfully hard cock.
Your mouth watered, saliva pooling at the corners of your lips at the mere thought of the taste.
“Clean it up with your mouth for me, baby… Hands behind your back.”
You listened to his instructions, waffling your fingers together against the small of your back and curling your tongue against his velvety mushroom cockhead.
The salty taste made you moan, eyes narrowing up at his own. The slight glow of moonlight showing off the teardrops of honey dangling from his girthy shaft.
After you licked your yearning lips you took him into your mouth, gagging at the sickly sweet taste of too much honey.
“Ah, baby,” he whimpered. “Want me to fuck that cute little face a’yours?”
“M—mmhm,” you gurgled.
He held your head in place and thrusted into your drooling mouth, tip hitting the back of your throat with a lack of mercy.
Tears stung your eyes, excessive amounts of honey glossing over your trembling chin.
“You poor thing. Was that pretty little pussy dripping for me all day?”
You gurgled again, gagging on your hums of confirmation, nodding your dizzy head as he continued to fuck your face.
“Awwwh, such a needy little slut,” he cooed. “Need this cock deeper in that mouth, hmm?”
You nodded even more assuringly than before, moaning around his thick shaft. You blew bubbles of spit around his cock, keep his cock slippery enough to glide down your throat.
His breath was shaky, both hands now on your head, and soon after your throat was being stretched beyond its limits. You gagged around him, tears now flooding your puffy cheeks.
You reached up to give his heavy balls a decent tug, then squeezed them until you received a moan from his strained throat.
He growled when he yanked his cock from your throat, holding your head steady as you worked your way through your coughing fit.
“You’re so fucking hot,” he moaned throat gritted teeth, squatting to be eye level with you. He smacked your jaw once, twice, three times before licking the honey and tears from your face, sloppy kisses being shared occasionally. “Such a fucking good little slut.”
“Just for you,” you whimpered.
“Oh really?” He laughed cruelly. “That why you were showin’ the world your pussy?”
“Jus’ you,” you assured.
“Yeah? We’ll see about that.”
He stood you up and bent you over the counter, stretching the fabric of your dress from pulling it up to hard.
He pinched your pussy lips and leaned onto your back after you screeched.
“Who else you tryna show this pretty little thing to?”
“Ah— fuck. Ju— you, baby. Just you.”
Joel released his grip on your cunt, pushing his tip between your sore lips. Despite the slight burn, he filled you quickly and smoothly.
“Look at this fucking pussy,” he moaned. “Mmhmm. Fuckin’ swallowing my cock like a good little thing. This pussy’s all mine?”
“Yes!” You cried out.
Your weight rested entirely on your stomach, feet swinging in the air, head bobbing and hip painfully bumping into the corner of the surface.
“She’s all mine, baby?” He asked again.
His wrapped a hand around your open mouth, muffling your cries before they turned into screamed.
“Good job, babydoll,” he smiled. “Good job. You’re doing such a good job takin’ this fucking cock.”
“S’big,” you muffled into his clammy hand.
“Goddamn. I got you this wet, baby? Oh, you musta been clenching those pretty legs all day thinkin’ ‘bout me.“
You knew he was talking to himself, using you like a fucktoy. You loved when he fucked you hard, opposing his usual routine of being gentle. He always made you feel good, but when you really needed it he knew how to wear you out.
And it was dumb, really — him forcing you to keep quiet though if it were even just a little more quiet outside everyone would hear the sound of your ass clapping against his tummy pudge.
But it wasn’t about being quiet, it almost never is. It was about keeping you disciplined.
Joel’s thick fingerpads found your clit, pinching the sensitive nub before rubbing big, deep circles.
You clawed at the hand on your mouth, legs looping around his tense hairy legs to balance yourself.
“Yeah, take that cock, slut,” he whispered against your earlobe. “Actin’ all desperate for me. Gonna fuckin’ breed this perfect pussy.”
His filthy words made your knees buckle and your eyes roll back. Your gummy walls clenched around him, thick white cream coating his honey drenched cock.
Joel could feel your clit throbbing between his clumsy fingers, he watched your back rise and fall quickly as your pussy squelched around him from your orgasm.
He gave you one final hard thrust, a rope of his cum shooting into you, his cock throbbing, begging for more release.
“Tell me it’s mine,” he said tiredly.
“It’s all yours, baby. Fu- it’s yoursyoursyours! I belong to you. I fucking belong to you, my pussy was made for you!”
He started thrusting somewhere in the midst of your cock drunk babbles, grunting loudly as he filled you with his warm seed.
“I’m all yours, Joel,” you repeated softly as he finished.
“Yo, Joel, what the— fuck?!”
You ducked below the counter and held your mouth while Joel fixed his pants. Of all people that could’ve walked in it had to be his brother?
Actually, the more you thought about it the better it seemed.
You stared up at Joel’s blank expression and rolled your eyes before standing up.
“Sorry,” you grimaced. “I stole him. Just tell everyone I got sick and he was making sure I was alright.”
“Why is their honey all over the fucking counter?!” Tommy asked as he picked up the sticky jar.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t touch that if I were you,” Joel said.
“No,” the younger man said in disbelief.
You both just stared at him and shrugged.
“How long were we gone?” You asked after Tommy finished berating Joel.
“Like twenty minutes, why?”
“We said we were gonna try that one position next time,” you reminded Joel.
Joel frowned for a moment before remembering the complicated position you stumbled upon a few days prior. He looked to Tommy with a smile.
“No,” he firmed answered.
Joel sighed turning back to you. “Tomorrow, baby.”
“Fine. I’m gonna go get a shower.”
You gave Joel one last kiss and said goodnight to Tommy before heading upstairs.
“Sarah’s best friend?” Tommy questioned as the two men made their way back outside.
Joel, who was still wearing that big smile said, “I know. She’s hot, right?”
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smutoperator · 6 months
Love In An Elevator
Jo Hyewon (Zoa) x Male Reader
Tags: big tits, DSLs, elevator sex, facefucking, facial, fast-paced blowjob, first date, girlfriend, high-intensity sex, jerking off, long legs, pussy eating, restaurant, (lots of) riding, (lots of) spitting, teen, titfucking, visual
Word count: 4924
Zoa is a hidden gem. Her visuals are stunning. Beautiful deer-esque face, long legs, big and ripe boobs—she's got everything. You couldn't believe it when she accepted your proposal to date her. There might be idols who are more famous than her, but to you, she was the prettiest, without question.
You took Zoa to your favorite top-rated restaurant on your first date, wanting to impress her. Zoa gushed at your proposal, feeling really lucky she got to have a boyfriend who would take her to the best places and enjoy experiences she thought she never would.
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When Zoa was eating, you couldn't stop staring at her; she was just so stunningly beautiful that she demanded all of your attention at all times. But one part of her body caught your attention the most: her big and ripe boobs under her white shirt, which made it very easy for you to see. Zoa may be just an 18-year-old teenager, but her mature personality also shows off in her sexy body, with her already having the features of a fully grown adult woman. And to you, none were more noticeable than her tits.
"Let's share this moment," Zoa said, running towards the restaurant's elevator to take a picture of herself. After she was done, she sent you the selfie. You were disappointed you couldn't see her striking face, covered by her phone, but the other parts of her body looked better than ever, as you drooled over how her navel was popping out just above her jeans and how long her legs were as she took a full-body shot at the elevator. You still couldn't believe this girl was your girlfriend; she just looks so pretty. You, for sure, would go to all lengths for her. Zoa is really that girl.
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After you paid both their restaurant bills, you two entered the elevator, where she had just shared her picture, and left the restaurant. "What did you think of today's date, Zoa?" you asked her. "It was really great; I feel so overwhelmed by the way you were so kind to me and treated me like a princess," she replied. "Well, you are indeed a princess and the most beautiful woman in the whole world," you complimented her.
The elevator door closed as the machine started to go up, and you two continued to chat. The way Zoa laughed caught your attention the most; she truly had the cutest laugh you had ever heard. However, the happy mood between both of you was about to change in a hurry, as the elevator lights started to falter and suddenly the machine came to a halt.
"I'm scared," Zoa told you, as the elevator was now stuck and only the emergency lights were working. "Don't be; we'll be out of here soon," you said, trying to calm her. "I hope so; I don't like being trapped with nowhere to go," Zoa said. "I'll make sure this will go by quickly," you told her.
Easier said than done; you guys had been trapped for a while in the elevator after you said those words. The once calm and collected Zoa was starting to lose her cool, and you were running out of ways to keep your girlfriend calm. The hugs and kisses you gave her just didn't work anymore, and you could see the first tears forming in her eyes. You needed something better.
"It's getting really hot inside here; I'm starting to have a panic attack," Zoa told you. These words set your alarm bell off. You had to act quickly. At the same time, Zoa looked hotter than ever in that white shirt and jeans. But if she was feeling so much heat, you had found a solution to cool her down.
You took Zoa's jeans off, leading her at first to instantly react and cover her beautiful legs. "What are you doing, baby?" she asked. "You said it was getting too hot, so I'm helping you," you told her as you also started taking your shirt off. Zoa provided a helpful hand, and soon you were naked from the torso up while she was from her legs down.
You kept advancing on Zoa's tall, sexy body, aiming next at the spot that had taken most of your attention at the restaurant: her big and still-growing tits, sucking the area around them with her clothes still on. Meanwhile, you reached into her lower backside, running your hands all over her ass and taking her panties off. Your bulging erection under your pants was already touching the entrance of her pussy, making her moan for the first time.
More kisses ensued before you lifted Zoa's shirt slightly up, unveling her sexy belly button as you started fingering your hands all over her young pussy. With just a couple fingers inside, you were impressed by how warm and tight her hole was. You two kept kissing each other as you kept running your left hand in her legs and pussy, while she placed her right hand straight at your already throbbing boner.
Zoa increased her soft and angelic moans as you inserted a third finger in her vagina, getting louder as you started going up and down her tight pussy with them. Her legs closed around them, and she started sweating a little before you took them off her hole.
Next, you took Zoa's white shirt off, with her already unhooking her bra for you to get easier access to her big, young tits. Zoa may be the one called the giant baby, but you were the one acting like a baby, sucking her milkers in a way you had never done to your mother's. You had never seen such firm and ripe boobs like hers; truly, there isn't a single part of Zoa's body that isn't visually striking.
You kept bombarding Zoa's right boob with suckings and kisses while running your hands all over her left tit before pinning her against the elevator wall and groping both of them, leading to her giving you the biggest smile since you two had started dating. Zoa was now completely naked and submissive to you; her natural body was beautiful from head to toe, with no flaws whatsoever.
As Zoa's nipples got erect from your stimulation, you moved down her hot body, exploiting other areas. At first, you sucked the bottom of her boobs before giving a long lick between them, starting all the way down her navel and going all the way up her chest. You repeated this move multiple times, each time getting longer until you licked her from her pussy up to her mouth. Zoa being roughly the same height as you helped a lot, as once you were finished, you just needed to go down a little bit to suck her perky tits once more.
You go on your knees as Zoa spreads her left leg and her toe on the opposite wall of the elevator, while her hands hold the support with all her might as you start eating her out. After your fingers, it's your tongue that gets to know how warm Zoa's pussy is, with her enjoying every second of it as her moans get more and more frequent. 
You run your tongue all over Zoa's pink teen pussy, exploiting her folds to the fullest. You start wondering which lips are better, the ones in her mouth or the ones between her legs, as you worship her pussy and move your tongue faster and faster over it. Zoa gets overwhelmed by the speed at which you eat her folds out, turning herself into a moaning machine as you keep going on.
You start making different moves all over Zoa's pussy, kissing it and spitting on it as well. But as she gets wetter inside, your urge to fuck her pussy grows. But first, you go back to do so with your fingers, making her squirt her teen juices all over them. "Oh Shit," Zoa curses and finally says something. As you simultaneously tongue her clit while penetrating her, her moans get louder, and she almost loses her balance. Sensing she is getting wetter and warmer, you increase the pace of your finger-fucking, pushing your beautiful girlfriend to the limit.
"Fuck. AHHHHH!" Zoa screams as you go full-speed with both your hands and mouth. Her pink pussy had never been stimulated like this before, as she has to use all her strength in that confined space she finds herself in not to fall down. But you don't stop, twisting your fingers inside Zoa's pussy and keeping an eye out for different angles to attack her warm hole before pulling out and going all-in with your mouth as you grab her legs and pin her down even further against the elevator wall.
You reach for Zoa's left boob as you keep eating her out. Her soft milkers are perfect for getting groped and honked hard, and her nipples are harder than ever. "Please, please," Zoa begs as you show no signs of slowing down, worshipping her hot body and especially her warm pussy. 
"Yes, oh fuck," Zoa says as you move your fingers back inside her pussy, which is now a dripping wet mess. "Yes, keep going," she continues as she closes her eyes, her athletic figure trembling as you put her close to cum with just your hands and mouth. "Oh my God, shit" she continues as you finger-fuck her faster than ever, panting and moaning and grabbing her boobs, just trying to survive your early attacks.
You kiss and worship Zoa's perfect pussy, now also fondling her tits at the same time, paying extra attention to her nipples as you touch them nonstop. You then attack her clit with your tongue, challenging Zoa to stay with her leg up as you see her body shaking harder than ever. Zoa tries not to lose her breath, her body aching with pleasure at each tonguing you give her. But she can't last for long, as you go back with all your four fingers inside her, twisting them all over her pussy and finally making her cum for good.
As Zoa releases her juices out of her pussy, you worship it with tons of kisses, then move up her body to lick her fit belly, giving special attention to her navel. As you fully get up to kiss her and grope her big tits, Zoa starts unhooking your belt and taking more initiative, quickly unleashing your big cock out of your pants.
Zoa gets on her knees and furiously sucks your dick. You can tell she's not that experienced, going very aggressive on your shaft and popping it in and out of her mouth. But that's not important to you, as her mouth is even warmer than her pussy and watching that doe-eyed deer with those amazing dick sucking lips work on that prick is extremely hot. Zoa keeps licking your shaft and sucking your tip hard, her lips fully wrapped around your pole as her head starts bobbing. "Keep sucking it, keep sucking it," you tell her as she looks up and gives you a naughty stare and jerks your shaft, driving you insane with her speed. She puts just the tip inside her mouth, but that's enough to send shivers down your spine.
Zoa gets sloppier and bobs her head deeper against your cock. "Oh yes." You approve of her blowjob skills just as she gags and opens her big eyes, spitting on that dick shortly after. Her fast-paced work on your cock continues as she jerks it off frenetically before using her mouth to warm your shaft up, bobbing hard as one of her hands grabs your thighs and the other grabs your balls.
As Zoa gags on your cock, a string of saliva connects her DSLs to your throbbing tip. Your relief is short as she goes back to attack, doing to your cock what you did to her pussy: licking, sucking, throating, spitting, and using every move she knows. It's even better when she does all that with her big eyes wide open, staring at you, as you can watch her sexy empressions while sucking you off.
You can't resist for long, grabbing Zoa's head to start fucking her face as your cock rips through her DSLs, tying her hair up with your own hands to see more of her beautiful face gagging on that dick and her doe eyes rolling out of pleasure. As soon as Zoa coughs on your cock, you rattle it inside her mouth, hitting her warm walls left and right before she finally pulls out of it and gives a massive spit on your shaft, going back right after as you grab her hair and dunk her face against your balls multiple times, teaching her not to be such an aggressive cock-sucking whore as you spit in her mouth right after.
Zoa makes a mess out of your cock as the facefucking continues, her chin full of saliva that drips out of her mouth as she gets sloppier and sloppier and turns your dick into a wet mess of spit. Now it's your turn to get aggressive, as you grab her head hard and thrust inside her mouth as if you were pounding her pussy full speed, moving your hips at a fast pace as you place your right foot right at the elevator wall, and splitting her dick sucking lips open with no room for any air to enter her mouth.
After rattling your cock inside her mouth once more, you kiss Zoa passionately, tasting her sloppy and cock-flavored mouth to the fullest. Zoa kept jerking you off as you were doing it, and as soon as you pulled out of her mouth, she got back into her aggressive cock-sucking, trying to prove to you she could be your cute-looking, slutty girlfriend. "Holy shit," you said as Zoa engulfed your balls and took your cock full length in her mouth for a few seconds before her lack of experience did her in and made her gag and get out of breath. And every time she pulled out of your cock, she spat on it, quickly turning it into her signature move.
Zoa kept bobbing hard on your cock and filling it full of saliva. You couldn't complain, as you weren't going to need any lube to enter her tight, warm pussy soon after, just letting her do it as she pleased and getting your cock wet and sloppy. "Bad girl," you said as you got back to fuck her face, and once she gagged, you gave it a lot of slapping with your dick, showing her who was the real boss. "You really like to spit on that cock, don't you, you tall young whore?" you asked her, noticing how often she did it.
As Zoa got up, still jerking your cock off, you spat in her mouth. "You are getting too slutty for my liking," you poke at her, even though you really enjoyed it. "Now turn around," you say as you pin her against the elevator wall. Zoa knows what's coming, lifting her long left leg once again and placing her left foot and right hand on the elevator's handrail. In just a couple seconds, your wet cock easily slides inside her tight teen pussy. "Oh fuck, oh shit" Zoa says as she feels your shaft penetrating her.
Knowing she had already shown how much of a whore she is, you give Zoa no room to breathe, attacking her tight pussy hard from the start and kissing her as you pump her warm hole. "Ah, ah, ah, ah," Zoa softly moans as you turn her into your cocksleeve, fingering herself to get that extra pleasure, now holding both hands against the handrail to take the pounding you are giving her. "FUCK!" she screams as her cheeks start to clap and you grab her tiny waist for a better grip, manhandling her pussy full speed. "SHIT," she keeps screaming as you get addicted to her pussy and can't stop fucking her hard. Even though her insides are perfect, Zoa is truly a flawless woman, the daughter of Venus, the goddess of love.
Zoa has a hard time staying up in just one foot; you fuck her so hard she has to cling onto every support of the elevator, which itself starts to swing a little with the force of your rough poundings on her. "Yes, oh yes, oh yes," she says as you spank her ass and show no signs of slowing down. You had never fucked a girl on your first date, and the thought of fucking her in such an unconventional space turned you on a lot.
"Shit, you're fucking me so hard; don't stop," Zoa told you. And no, you were not going to stop. If it depended on you, that elevator would never go back to work again, and you'd just fuck Zoa to eternity. As you start groping her tits and add extra stimulation, Zoa spreads her cheeks to ease the pressure on her already tightening walls that you kept shaping to the format of your cock.
Zoa's left leg finally gives in as she places it back on the ground, giving you a better angle to grab her butt and hold it as you keep fucking her, now in a standing doggy position that made her look so submissive and slutty, as her vocabulary got reduced to just three words: fuck, shit, and yes.
You kept spreading Zoa's ass cheeks and pumping her warm pussy hard while also grabbing her hair and making those cheeks clap at each thrust, discovering how quickly a teen pussy can turn into an addiction that can make even the calmest men turn into raging animals who furiously pound them. Zoa gets firmly grabbed by the waist as you destroy her fuckhole nonstop, testing how hard this young whore could take your big cock fucking the shit out of her. Meanwhile, Zoa's big, ripe melons are now swinging hard, giving you the perfect opportunity to grope them and feel how hard they try to escape from your grasp every time you pound her.
Zoa regains her strength and lifts her leg up again, allowing your cock to penetrate her even easier. She gets very needy and clingy, turning her cute face in your direction and hugging you as you are still fucking her hard, looking for you to kiss her as much as you can. As much as Zoa may love your cock, she loves your touch and kisses even more, and she just wants to be a good girlfriend. And you give her what she wants: kisses up top, dick at the bottom, making the elevator make a lot of noise as you two hit its walls with your intense fucking.
As you're finally done pounding Zoa, she turns around and gives you a torrid kiss. "Am I a good girlfriend?" she ponders in her head. But you don't give her many seconds to think, instantly lifting her body up and pinning her back against the elevator's wall, forcing her to hold both hands hard into the handrail as you fuck her in a face-to-face position with both her feet up in the air.
"Oh yeah," Zoa says as she fingers her pussy and her feet reach the wall on the other side, landing close to the elevator's buttons. You truly couldn't do this position with a girl shorter than her, feeling blessed for Zoa being so tall and perfect for it.
"You don't get to have it so easy," you tell her, placing her right leg over your shoulder instead and pressing her even further against the wall, giving her a rough but very passionate missionary fucking that sends her over the moon, with Zoa giving you a kiss every time she's not moaning like a submissive slut. "AHHHHH!" Zoa's loud screams come along with the loud noises of her body banging against the elevator's wall as she gets ragdolled and enjoys it to the fullest.
It turns out such a position ends up being too demanding, not only for her but for you as well, as you get Zoa back on her feet and compensate her with another passionate kiss. This time, you let her fully spread her legs and hook them to opposite sides of the elevator, giving you the perfect view of her body, but especially her face, tits, pussy and thighs as you resume fucking her, now with one hand grabbing her head to kiss her and another groping her tits.
Zoa gets increasingly clingy, hugging you and pushing your body even closer to hers. She wants your touch, your cock, to be your cute girlfriend but also your slutty fucktoy. As the hard pounding finally starts to get you tired, you decide to try something different: lying on the elevator's floor as you look up at her goddess-esque tall body, sliding just under her long legs.
You don't even need to give a command; Zoa already knows what to do. She moves a couple steps and squats down your cock, letting herself get fully impaled. At first, you think of telling her to turn around to see her face as she rides you, but as soon as Zoa starts clapping those cheeks against your hips, you feel very appreciative of the back view she gives you, enjoying her beautiful long hair, her toned ass, and her sexy back to the fullest.
Zoa shows no mercy for your cock, riding it hard from the start. "OH MY GOD," she suddenly finds herself screaming, but doesn't slow down. She wants to prove to herself that she can tame any cock. Her moans get louder and screamier as you grind your teeth, trying to hold as hard as you can not to shoot inside her warm hole. Her tits get very bouncy, but you can't see them, and she uses the handrail to her advantage, holding onto it as she keeps bouncing on your cock.
"Wow, I never knew you could ride a dick like that," you tell her. Truth be told, not even Zoa did. Her moves are very spontaneous, the ones of a girl still discovering the pleasures and intrincacies of sex. At times, your cock feels like it's too much for her still-young and unexperienced self, but she's a strong girl ready to blossom and won't stop. The more she feels challenged, the more she wants to ride you, and the harder she goes.
Zoa stays on course; she knows that the elevator won't be turned off for long and wants to bounce as many times on your cock as she can. She starts fingering her pussy, getting wetter, and allowing your prick to slide up and down her easier. "Ah, God," she moans, riding it as fast as she can. The more you hit her sensitive cervix, the better.
You can't be just a bystander to Zoa's pleasure and decide to teach her a lesson, lifting both her legs up and regaining control of the pounding. "Oh yeah," Zoa says as you start pumping her hard back again and destroying her pussy, which has become an addiction to you. The warmth of her hole makes you go feral once more, pounding Zoa balls deep and making your cock fully disappear inside her vagina. It turns out she really likes it rough, as her cunt gets much juicer the moment you go back to manhandle her.
Zoa's pussy burns and clenches all over your cock, forcing you to pull out quickly after just a couple minutes of pounding not to cum inside her. Maybe you need to take it slow. As she turns around, she goes back to sitting on that cock, allowing you to have a full frontal view of her perfect body. "Just ride it as hard as you can," you ask her as you spank her ass. Zoa obliges, this time tilting her body as she clings onto yours and bumps her bouncy chest against it.
"GOD!" Zoa screams as you keep hitting her ass and turning it red, but that only makes her increase her intensity and go full speed against your throbbing pole, bouncing on it as if she wants to snap it in half. "Whoa," you say as Zoa now pushes you to the limit—that perfect, tight pussy biting your cock and sliding up and down—is really just too much for you.
You push your cock up Zoa's pink pussy and put a pair of fingers up her asshole, attempting to slow her down, but she won't cave this time. Zoa wants that cock deep in her pussy at all costs and keeps bouncing. Her hair covers her face, she grabs the handrail hard, and one of her hands is now in her ass to provide her with some extra impulse. "Holy shit," you say as Zoa keeps smashing your cock like nothing. You just decide to grab her by the waist and aid her, pushing her body down your shaft with even more speed, even if it makes you give in and cum inside her.
Zoa's tits are like a pair of pinballs bouncing hard as she places her hands on your chest and stares at you. Her doe eyes are fully bright; she hasn't felt this excited in a long time. Even as you push her closer to you and tilt her body sideways, she never stops. "Fuck, fuck, yes, I want that cock deep in my pussy," she tells you as her cheeks make a loud noise, clapping on your balls.
"Bad girl," you say once again as you slap her ass. Zoa agrees; she's a bad girl, a cock-craving slut, and a teen whore. As she pulls out of your cock a little bit, you think her bombardment is over, but after just two seconds, she has already regained strength to sit back on that cock. It's the only thing she wants now: cock, cock, and more cock. "OH. GOD. FUCK. AH. SHIT." These are the only words that come from Zoa's mouth, as she keeps using your chest as an impulse for her crazy bouncing.
More than 10 minutes have passed, and Zoa just doesn't seem to stop. You push up once again and try to challenge her, as one of her hands is still on the handrail while the other holds your body, but Zoa has won the battle. The truth is, you can never challenge a K-pop idol when it comes to stamina. It's futile.
As Zoa finally climbs out of your cock, she still has her hands on it, always jerking it off at every chance she gets. You stand up to kiss her, still recovering from her crazy ride, but she never gets her tiny hands out of that dick, getting on her knees shortly after to taste her pussy from it, her doe eyes looking more focused than ever. With the way she gags on it, takes it deep in her throat, and jerks it off, it's like your ride never ended. But you can't lie, you love how aggressive she is, taking every second of this elevator fuck session as if it were the last. "Oh yes, fuck," you say as Zoa engulfs that pole all the way deep in her throat in a way many seasoned veterans would be unable to.
"Fuck my face again," she says. Suddenly, that little inexperienced teen is long gone, and she is now giving you orders. She should really respect your seniority, shouldn't she? But you said to hell with it and just gave Zoa what she wanted. You just couldn't say no to the most beautiful woman on the planet, grabbing her head and shoving your big cock down those DSLs until she coughs.
You move back to the elevator's floor, and Zoa follows you as you now penetrate her in a spooning position. Romantic kisses up top and hard pumpings at the bottom ensue. One of your hands grabs her boobs, the other her neck. Zoa can only say "yes" at each pumping and moan like a whore, especially after you move your hands down her body all the way into her wet pussy. You have to grab her long legs to go faster, putting her on the edge. Her pussy tightens as you choke her and muffle her moans with your thumb in her mouth.
You keep pumping Zoa nonstop. "Right there, right there," she says before screaming hard as she cums. She then ties her hair up and gets on her knees, placing her big tits right between your dick and moving them up and down your shaft as you passively watch, searching for that cum. "You want my cum, you little whore?" you ask her. "Yes, baby, all over my pretty face," she says, keeping her aggressive titfucking session going. As you were already on the edge, she promptly gets her wish as seven gravity-defying shots cover her beautiful face full of sperm.
Zoa doesn't even get to enjoy the massive cumshot you gave her, as the elevator starts working again shortly after, leading both of you to get dressed in a hurry and act like nothing happened, with her cleaning her face of your cum just in time to emerge out of it.
It's going to be hard to top your first date.
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its-avalon-08 · 5 months
Hello! I was wondering is y/n was a Verstappen!sister what would be her dynamic with the other drivers??????
hiii! okay so i would visualize y/n verstappen as a stunning, crazily intelligent, super stubborn and talented woman. just like her brother she would be an absolute terror (in a way that she is so insanely talented in her profession). also if i were to write a story about her, i would make her one of the engineers in redbull. she would be fiercely protective of max even though she's younger than him. { she is terrified of jos and max often covered her ears when they were younger to silence his shouts and screams } as for her dynamics with others on track -
max verstappen - being her older brother, he is super super super protective of her, often chasing away slimy men in bars. kelly and y/n are the closest of friends. y/n and p's relationship is the cutest ever, since p absolutely adores her
charles leclerc - close friend and almost like a second brother. charles often looks after y/n and alex's drinks in the bar when they are dancing. y/n loves alexandra and is best friends with her.
carlos sainz - y/n and carlos used to date when max was in toro rosso. max was furious when he found out. carlos was y/n's first. they still have a great deal of respect and affection towards each other but have moved on in a romantic sense. they are now close friends and often pull pranks on charles and max.
lando norris - boyyyfriendddd <3 they started to date in 2022 and fell deeply in love. they dated in secret for 6 months but max found out after seeing lando and y/n with matching hickeys (ooopsss) and swapped hoodies. he was so angry, but not because they were dating but rather because y/n didn't feel comfortable to tell him. he got over it fast enough after a crying session with y/n. lando adores the ground y/n walks on. he is openly whipped for her and has no shame about it. he posts her all the time over instagram and publicly sings praises for her, he often tries to ask her how she makes the redbull car so fast but y/n just laughs in his face. and btw they are so endgame <3
sergio perez (checo) - he is like a father figure to y/n. he gives good advice and helps her calm down when she gets angry at lando or max. he protects her from jos's tantrums.
oscar pisatri - they are good friends since they know eachother from F2. to be fair y/n likes lily more than oscar <3
daniel riccardio - he is y/n's best friend in the whole world ( much to max's dismay and jealousy ). he absolutely adores her to the ends of the earth. he is the same smiley guy who pulled y/n out of her eating disorder and spiral of shame after a bad race where the car underperformed. y/n assures him that his future in f1 is safe <3
part 2 soon!
BONUS { esteban ocon - no words required, she hates him. }
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kenjioharashotspot · 2 months
Things Kenji Sato would say to you throughout the day:
He admires you for every little thing you do, showing his love and appreciation at any given time! <3
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"You did so well today, my love. I'm proud of you."
"You got me addicted to your scent and I can't get enough."
"I'm so lucky to have you in my life, you complete me."
"My life's mission is to make you smile, every single day."
"I love how red your cheeks turn when I call you sweetheart."
"Seeing you, makes me believe angels are real."
"I'm addicted to the way you love me, so loving and honest."
"You see me for who I truly am, and I appreciate you so much for that."
"I love that, when I get home, you're already standing by the front door waiting to give me a kiss."
"Hearing you call my name, makes my heart skip a beat. My name feels like honey when you say it."
"My love for you grows deeper as you confess your feelings to me when you're tipsy after a night out."
"When I saw you for the first time, I knew we'd be forever."
"I applaud you for the way you see the world. To you, every day is a good day."
"You did some sort of magic spell on me, and now, everywhere I look, I see you."
"You got flushed every time you mumble my name while sleeping. You're the cutest."
"Can't wait for you to be the only woman I love for the rest of my life."
"I appreciate your patience when I'm having a bad time, it means the whole world to me."
"I love that you make my entire body shiver just by kissing my lips."
"Seeing you at my games, supporting me, cheering for me, makes me realize how lucky I am."
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chrisbesitos · 24 days
madison meeting your baby daughter for the first time.
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Y/N never expect to date a famous singer, but here she is, driving to a restaurant to finally introduce your baby daughter to Madison. She was excited, but at the same time scared of how she was react.
Madison was super excited, she loves to hear Y/N talk about Eloise and see pictures of they together. She knows since they started to talk that Y/N was a single mom, but it wasn't a problem for her. Y/N always had relationship issues, because they run away when find out she is a mom, but Madison stay.
In the restaurant, Madison was waiting inside and she opened a soft smile when saw Y/N and Eloise. The 4 year old girl was so pretty in a pink dress covered with white flowers, she looks so much with her mother. Y/N smiled to Madison, holding her baby daughter on her lap, she was hiding her face in the crook of her neck by the shyness.
"Hey, sweetheart!" Madison got up to hug her girlfriend — and her baby daughter —, Y/N embrace the brunette shoulder with her free arm and let a gentle kiss on her cheek.
"Hi, Mads." Y/N reply. Eloise is still hiding her face, Madison smiled. "You don't want to say 'hi' to Madison, baby?"
Eloise slowly raised her head and looked at Madison, she gave a little smile and her cheeks got a pink tone. Madison cooed, she was the cutest thing in the whole world.
"Hi, Madison." She said with her cheek pressing her mom's shoulder.
"Hi, Eloise. I was so excited to meet you." Madison remembers that she had something to Eloise, so she held the box that was in the table and handed it to the little girl. "This is for you, I hope you like it."
"Oh, Mads, you don't have it—" Y/N was interrupted by Madison's shake head. Eloise holds the box with her eyes shining of excitement, she loves to get gifts. "How do we say, Elo?"
"Thank you, Madison!" She opened a big smile, shaking the box to know what was inside.
They sit, so Eloise could open her gift. It was a plushie of My Melody, the little girl opened a smile and showed her new plushie to her mom. Y/N had tell Madison that she loves Hello Kitty and Friends, so the plushie was a perfect gift for her and Madison also loves My Melody too.
Madison spent the whole night talking with Eloise, Y/N was passionate by the way the way her girlfriend was treating her baby daughter, no one never had done this before. She knows Madison was the woman of her life, she could cry in that moment.
Eloise gave Madison one of her smile potatoes from her kid meal — she didn't even share her food with Y/N —, she also talked about her day in the kindergarten and how she draw a butterfly and colored with pink and blue. Now Madison knows her favorite color, which is blue, and also knows her favorite movie and song.
By the end of the night, Eloise was upset that she had to go home and not see Madison anymore, but Madison says that they can meet again soon.
"Madison, are you going to marry my mom?" Eloise asks looking at Madison.
"Eloise!" Y/N said.
"I really hope, Elo!" She replied, Madison bent down to be at the same height as Eloise. "Please, tell her to say 'yes', okay?"
Of course Eloise said this to her mother. After putting Elo in the bed, Y/N thought that she definitely would say 'yes' to Madison.
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i really want to write more madison w a single mom!reader
Tags: @lizzymacdonald06 @deliciousluminaryanchor @lushjunkie @sweetreliever @watercolorskyy
join my taglist!
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pixiesfz · 9 months
hi hi! can i request a fluffy jessie fic where her and reader have been together for a few years and reader has a kid from a different relationship (shes older than jess by a few years) and jessie just treats readers kid like her own because the other parent isn't in the kids life anymore!
I have the cutest idea!
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little O j.f
plot: a year out of your marriage to your ex, you meet Jessie and so does your little daughter Olivia, it’s been a rough ride but the day finally comes that she calls Jessie mum.
warning: if you don’t want kids after this (I don’t blame you) I don’t know what will.
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Olivia or liv of you were allowed (she was fussy) was your whole world and Jessie knew that, it was the first thing you brought up on your date but she insisted that it would be no problem for her.
“Jess” you started, it was now your tenth date without returning to your own home and you had both decided it was time for Jessie to meet you very sassy 3 year old.
“I want to meet her, I’ve been actually really excited for this moment for a while” she smiled and you leaned back “she’ll be confused she has never seen me date a women, well that’s also because I’ve never dated a woman long enough for them to meet her” you explained and Jessie nodded as she drove to your house.
“I’m sure it will be fine and if she doesn’t like me straight away I’ll just buy her ice cream” she said and you scoffed “no Olivia is a mini genius she will see through your plan”.
When you arrived at your home early in the evening you thanked and payed your babysitter who stared blankly at Jessie when she entered the room.
“When you told me you were going on dates, you didn’t tell me it was a Olympic gold winning soccer player” she smirked and you rolled your eyes “well that’s if Olivia doesn’t run her away like she did my ex boyfriend” you laughed as you remembered him “well maybe she did me a favour”.
The babysitter left and you made your way up to your daughters room to find her not in her bed.
“oh shit”
Unbeknownst to you your little 3 year old had heard voices when she was supposed to be asleep and got curious.
Now she stood staring at Jessie as she was looking into your pantry.
“You’re not mummy” she glared and Jessie’s eyes popped, how did a 3 year old scare her so much.
“No I’m not” she said before nervously pulling her hand out “hi my names Jessie” she smiled and Olivia stared at her
“Why are you here Jessie?” she asked with a scowl and your loud and quick footsteps entered the room “oh Jesus” you muttered at the sight.
“Jessie is here” you started as you picked up your daughter “because I want you to meet her, I plan on you two seeing eachother more often” you explained and your daughter looked in between you.
“Is this like meanie Michael?” She asked, saying his name as if it was a swear word “yes but no” you explained “Jessie will be here with me and you and-“
“And I’m not going to leave” Jessie stepped in and looked at you “I promise” she said this time looking at Olivia.
“But you’re both girls?” She asked out of curiosity and your eyes widened.
The next time Jessie came over to see you and Olivia was nice, you three went on a walk as Olivia demanded to be thrown, taking advantage of the fact there was two of you. Then you ate fish and chips at an oval and walked back.
When Jessie said goodbye she gave you a quick kiss on the lips and bent down to Olivia “I uhm- I’m going now” she said and Olivia nodded “are you going to come back?” she asked and she nodded “yeah I’ll be back” she smiled and Olivia nodded, suspicious of the girl.
Olivia refused to go to bed in her own bed that night and you were too tired to fight when she snuggled up to you in your bed.
“Mummy” she whispered out and you hummed “I don’t want Jessie to leave” she said, you turned around at her words “do you like Jessie baby?” You asked and she looked around “I like you and I don’t want you to be sad again” she said and you nodded “I don’t think Jessie will leave”
“You said the same thing about meanie michael and horrid harry”
You tried not to smile at the nickname your daughter gave your exes “Jessie’s different” you smiled at your daughter as you tan your fingers through her hair “how do you know?” She asked and you smiled “I don’t know” you admitted and Olivia frowned “but I’m glad to know you like her”
“I didn’t say I liked her” Olivia huffed and you nodded “okay then” you smirked and your daughter poured “I didn’t say I like her!”
Olivia watched as months went by, Jessie coming in and out of the house almost everyday as you now forced her to go to Jessie’s games where she promised Olivia she could walk out as her ‘mascot’ one day.
“I’m not nobody’s mascot” she replied and you both laughed “mascots get to be on the pitch” you told her and she smiled “I wanna be a mascot!” She yelled and Jessie laughed.
“This is your fault” you said as you pointed at Jessie who gasped “she now wants to be a football sensation”
“Like Sam Kerr!” Your now recently turned 4 year old yelled “what about Jessie Fleming?” You asked
Jessie shrugged “worth a try bye little O” she waved and Olivia looked at you “I’m not little” she said and you picked her up “course your not” Jessie smiled and walked back to her team but tan back to give you a kiss on the cheek then walk away again.
“I think-“ your daughter stopped before looking up again “I think I like-“ she stopped again “Liv what is-“
“I think I like Jessie” she admitted and you smiled “yeah?” You asked and she nodded “do you like her so much that you wouldn’t mind if her sleeping at the house stayed permanent?” You asked and the little girl rolled her eyes “she can’t take my room” she said and you kissed her forehead “it’s okay we’re gonna share mine”.
Jessie moved in and things were working nicely, she had signed up Olivia for soccer and now you were stuck driving the girl to trainings and games.
“Can Jessie drive me next week” Olivia asked as she got into the car, your heart swelled but you tried to hide it “have you had enough of me?” You asked pretending to be hurt but she grabbed your hand “some of the boys on my team don’t believe my mums dating a soccer star” she complained
“and also Jessie can tell them some tips because I’m running circles around them” she sighed and you laughed.
“I’m sure she would love to”
You got home and showered Olivia before sending her to bed when you joined Jessie on the couch. “Guess what?” You asked and Jessie shrugged “did Olivia injure another player?” she asked and you shook your head “oh god no, I do t think I’ve never been more angry and proud of her ever but no”
“Then what is it?” Jessie said as she leaned down on you “she asked if you could take her to training next week” at the news Jessie shot up to look at you, excitement filling her mind “really?” She asked and you nodded “I know your busy but could you-“
“But I know you have some team bonding-“ Jessie shit you up with her hand to your mouth “No I will call that off if Olivia wants me, I will not disappoint her” she smiled and went back to her seat.
“I love you”
The words poured out of you without you even noticing but when Jessie looked at you, your cheeks turned crimson red “I love you too” she said and she leaned down to wear you laid on the couch and kissed you.
You loved each other and lived with each other and your daughter was warming up together.
You were almost like a family.
It wasn’t until Sam and Kristies wedding that your daughter realised that.
She sat with other children at a small table where you and Jessie were sat nearby as you watched Sam and Kristie have their first dance.
She watched Sam and Kristie then to you and Jessie and wondered if you were going to ever be in the same position.
Then her mind got too excited when she was allowed onto the dance floor.
You and Jessie watched in awe as your daughter went up to another boy and danced with him, laughs filled as your whole table joined. Olivia came back to you with blushing cheeks as she told you his name was Dylan.
When she ran back to the dance floor she saw Dylan dancing with another young girl, heartbreak flowed through her as a tear ran down her eye.
This must be how mummy felt she thought before she looked back to see you with Jessie, you had a smile on your face as you slow danced.
Jessie made you happy.
So Jessie made her happy.
“Mama!” She yelled as she ran to Jessie, you turned your head with furrowed brows at the new ‘a’ sound that she didn’t usually call you but when you saw the girl jump into Jessie’s arms your eyes watered “hey little O” Jessie said as she tried her very hardest not to react weirdly at her new label.
“Dylan mama, he- he with another girl!” She complained before she cried into Jessie’s shoulder “which boy is Dylan” she said as she held Olivia closer.
You didn’t even think to slap Jessie out of her state as Olivia pointed him out and they made their way to him.
Kristie ran over to you in fear “oh my god” her American accent thick “why are you crying, are you okay?” She asked and you smiled “happy tears I promise, Olivia called Jessie mama for the first time”
Kristie gasped and grabbed your hands “really?” She asked and you nodded and you looked for your girlfriend and your daughter who were now walking back.
“Mummy why are you crying?” Olivia said “Is it because I took away Mama?” She worried as she passed Jessie towards you.
“No no darling you can have Mama as much as you want” you told her “good” she smiled “because despicable Dylan and is now too scared to dance with anyone at all” she cheered and you looked to Jessie.
“You’re now Mama so you get to talk to any angry parents who come looking for the girl who yelled at their son”
After that you heard little patters of feet walking up to your daughter.
“That boy sucks” the little blonde said and held out her hand “my names Harper” she smiled and Olivia took her hand “my names Olivia” she said and they walked off.
“Do you also have two mummies?”
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theemporium · 10 months
Can I request a 🧸 for Charlos and reader? Maybe both of them being obsessed with a newborn, but also taking care of the reader after birth, just being dads and boyfriends of the year?
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
“He is perfect,” Charles whispered in a hushed voice as his fingers lightly tracing over the soft features of his son’s face.
“You’re just saying that because Pascale said he looks a bit like you when you were born,” you countered, though there was a smile on your face as you watched the boy pace around the living room with the baby in his arms, the baby that was barely a month old.
“Then he will grow up to be handsome,” Charles said with a playful glint in his eyes, one that only brightened when you both heard the Spaniard in the kitchen let out a noise of disagreement. 
You snorted.
“Kidding, mon amour!” Charles called out, his cheeks flushed a soft pinkish colour as his attention was quickly shifted back to the huffing baby in his arms, almost like little Julian Leclerc-Sainz knew the focus wasn’t on him anymore. “And I’m just kidding too, my prince.”
“You’re hogging him,” Carlos commented as he walked back into the living room, a tray of food in hand as he headed straight towards the couch where you were sitting.
“He’s your son, not a football,” you murmured, rolling your eyes. However, it was short-lived when you saw the array of foods laid out on the tray—foods that you weren’t able to eat while you were pregnant but craved through the whole nine months. “Oh.”
“The least you deserve,” Carlos murmured as he placed a kiss to your hairline before his arm wound around your shoulders, tugging you into his side. “The least we can do after you gave us so much.”
“You know I’m still a mess,” you murmured as you sniffled, though it was a little late for the tears already welling up in your lash line. 
“It’s cute,” Carlos commented with a huffed laugh as you nuzzled your face further into his chest, most likely wiping your tears on his shirt but he couldn’t bring himself to care.
“But not as cute as you,” Charles cooed softly, grinning down at the small baby in his arms. “No, you’re the absolute cutest.”
“Way to make a girl feel special,” you joked lightly as Charles’ eyes found yours, a grin spread across his face.
“You, cherie, are the most beautiful woman on the planet and nothing will change that,” Charles stated it so simply, like it was just a fact of the world: the sky was blue, grass was green and you were the most beautiful person to ever exist.
Your cheeks burned but you smiled, nonetheless. “Maybe not right this second,” you joked, teasing and light-hearted but it made both boys frown.
“You look more and more beautiful every day,” Carlos told you as his fingers gripped your chin, pulling your face up so you could look at him. “And I think motherhood has only made you more beautiful.”
“You brought in the most perfect creation into the world,” Charles continued as he walked over to the couch, settling into the spot next to you despite little Julian happily dozing off in his arms. “Only someone just as perfect could do so.”
You felt your eyes get wet again. “You two are really ganging up on me to make me cry today.”
“And we will be here to wipe the tears too,” Carlos murmured as his thumb swiped a few stray tears before he placed another lingering kiss to your forehead.
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How would the suitors reaction be when their wife ( Crewle daughter) is pregnant with triplets? And meeting the kids after birth?
With Ruggie, Jack, Lions, Malleus, Silver, Trey, Vil and Ace
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Triplets Are Here | Yandere Twisted Wonderland Crewel Daughter
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Ruggie Bucci
“What can I say I’m a beast in bed!” 
He’s not going to act like it even could have been inherited to you
He’s got a whole new air of confidence
Not only does he have the woman of his dreams 
But he knocked her up times three
Hopefully that will squash anyone else’s delusions about being with you
Either way he doesn’t mind getting rid of them the old fashioned way
“Awww they look like we had babies! Oh wait-”
“Just focus on feeding that one.”
“Yes Mama!” 
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Jack Howl
“If you faint now, I won’t catch you!”
This is the best news 
A strong litter, a perfect mate
He’s protecting his already larger than average pack
“Back away or I will not hesitate to end your life. I’ve got four lives to protect now.”
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Leona Kingscholar
“Don’t make that face.”
“What face? I’m just surprised you took me so well.”
He has mixed feelings about it
Especially when he’s catering to you as your belly swells to an almost unbelievable size
And you groan in pain
“Why don’t the brats just get here. I hate seeing you in pain.”
He’s heard of other lions so jealous they kill their kin
But as he holds the little bundles he can’t begin to fathom it
He might just cry
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Malleus Draconia
“If you and I were not made for each other, theres noway this could be.”
He’s ecstatic 
But the entirety of Briar Valley and the world around you must be made to cater to you
Devoted to your comfort and health above all else 
he even struggles to let Crewel see you
“Nothing will ever hurt my loves. My babes. My wive. I’d curse the world for you.”
Genocide Murder spree ensues should there be any pain or assassination attempts
No one’s so much as flicking you 
He’d sooner rend them to ash
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“Three…at the same time…?”
“Yes so we’ll have to get three times the baby equipment and–Silver?”
He’s barely processing any of it 
Even when he’s practically carrying the four of you as you waddle places
“Our babies…”
“Aren’t they precious they have your eyes!”
“M-m-my eyes-? Agh-!”
“Its okay babe this is a good time to cry.”
“H-how did Dad do it!? I-I’m never letting any of you leave me!”
Any protective traits are amplified even higher
And if there was ever a time he refused to kill anyone in his pursuit for love
That has long since past
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Trey Clover 
“Well I did always say I wanted a big family!”
He’s thrilled to see your tummy rounding with his children
All while you incessantly demand for his sweets and cooking
And he’s jumping to his tooth brush after a rough morning 
But its all made even better when they arrive
Little mixes of his love and himself 
“They’ll have the cutest little teeth!”
He definitely saves them when they get older
But he’s the perfect papa
Poisoned sweets and all
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Vil Schoenheit
“We’ll be parents…is that registering?”
“Barely. When we agreed to marry I doubted ever moving further than that.”
“Does it make you unhappy?”
“Not in the slightest.”
He’s brimming with anxiety 
Worry eating away as he contemplates his own jealousy and the excitement of having a  child
It doesn’t become much easier when the triplets arrive
He despises the paparazzi 
So much so he’s willing to set his rabid fans on them
Purge them of every photo of his adorable babes
He’s the only one who gets the honor
A dazzling photo of your delivery is only for his eyes
Doxx the peeping toms
“They’re all mine. I’m willing to lose everything for them.”
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Ace Trappola
“Dang! I really am amazing–Ow! Joking, joking.”
He couldn’t be happier
What better way to prove his love ownership of the sexiest woman alive if it weren’t for the giant round belly you had
And soon to be three little rascals that are further testaments of his status
He’ll whine about things 
Probably more than you 
But in the end he’s glowing with pride as you look down at your freshly born babies
“Ehehe they can’t deny that I may have children for days but I’ve got game.”
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byechristopher · 9 months
Dates with Chris.
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Author's note: not requested (edit: someone requested it after that, pft) but shit, I am in need of some good old fluff with boyfriend Chris, you know? Do not copy/steal my work. :)
Warnings: not smut but, could be suggestive. Minors dni!
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I feel like Chris is the type of guy that would take you to lil dates all the time. It doesn't have to be something big, you know.
He would be very spontaneous about it, too – "come on, lemme take you to the movies!"
He knows better than to put any pressure on you before any date. He is spontaneous, but that doesn't mean he'll complain if you take a lil too long.
He definitely is the type of guy that showers his girl with compliments, not only before y'all leave, but also on the way, but also during the date and just – he never stops.
"You look so good.. please be my girl."
"I am your girlfriend, Chris. Stop." he laughs and kisses you at that.
He holds your hand and kisses you the whole time. Not only because he couldn't care less about what the world thinks, but also because he is proud to have you and wants you to feel like the only girl in the world; you are.
I feel like he wouldn't be too formal when it came to dates – he would definitely pick up a random flower while you're walking, and if there weren't any, he'd just try to find a flower shop to get you something.
"I couldn't decide which flower to get you.. so I got all of them?"
He loves it when you dress up. It doesn't matter if you just show up in your hoodies and jeans, he still thinks you're the most beautiful girl in the world – but he thinks is cute when you take your sweet time to plan your outfits, even if the date is just for ice cream.
He definitely is someone who teases you under the table, with every chance he gets. He giggles every time you slap his hand away.
"Babyyy, I'll stop, I'll stop." he would say, but of course he doesn't really stop.
He would take you to your favourite restaurant, or the park that you both love, the movies, anywhere.
His favourite date would be somewhere where you can see the whole town, in the night, on the hood of the car, while holding you in his arms – this is where he's having the deepest conversations of his life.
"You're the love of my life, you know that? The woman of my dreams."
You're definitely having sex with him in the car afterwards.
He also definitely offers to carry you the minute you show any sign of discomfort – it's the cutest thing in the world. Same thing with his hoodie. If it's too cold, you're wearing his hoodie whether you like it or not.
"It's not ruining the outfit, God! Just wear it already."
Chris is also the type to plan cute, silly dates at home; like, he'd cook something for you and would pretend to be your chef at a restaurant or something. He'd wear an apron, change his accent and everything.
"Welcome to Stromboli Restaurant, mademoiselle. Bon appétit."
Overall, he's very affectionate, very playful, he loves you and cherishes you more than any other girl, so he makes sure to show it to you all the time.
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marleyybluu · 5 months
Four and Counting
husband!Oscar Diaz x fem!black!reader
Word count: 4.4k (oops)
Warnings: everything is fluff, the cutest couple alive, another pregnancy, hints at abortion (but supportingly?), Oscar being the cutest fucking husband, self-indulgent asf cant lie like I want be in love like this
if i missed any lmk
AN: yall do not know how long this mf has been in my drafts omg I finally finished. This fic is just drowning in love. No smut 🤷🏾‍♀️. A bit rushed in certain places but it all fits pretty well in my opinion. this is not the end of the series but its like the end of the main chapters. there will be lore on the couple obvi, updates on the kids and the family as a whole bcus i am obsessed. hope yall enjoy.
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You didn't know how it happened, you blinked and soon there were four. You had four kids running around your home filling it with innocent joy and laughter, and the occasional attitude. It was a full house and a busy life, but it could be enjoyable. You'd become a stay-at-home mom. At first, you weren't sure if you'd be able to manage, you loved your job a lot and worked extremely hard for it but with your growing family, your kids needed you more.
With Oscar opening a second restaurant you thought it'd be a good idea to bring up what's been gnawing away at you and he tells you that he's behind you no matter what path you choose. You put in your letter of resignation and bid your co-workers a teary-eyed farewell with promises to visit as much as they can. You had to admit it was a nice break, you didn't have to wake up as early, you weren't on your feet as much and the house was nice and quiet for a few hours when your children were either in school or at daycare. But then you had baby Rosie and your house had returned to a screaming, hollering mess.
She was a loud one and very expressive, babbled and cooed to anyone who would listen. "And then what happens after that?" You say laying next to her gently stroking her hair. She kicks her feet with excitement and responds in her usual baby language. "Oh my goodness." You respond. You could do this all day. You hated to admit it but you missed the baby stage so much and you were grateful for your little one. You'd been lounging around all day, only getting up to shower when she had fallen asleep and the occasional time when you needed to grab her bottle.
You pepper her chunky face in kisses and she squeals with happiness. "Que hermosa." You giggle. You two are so wrapped up in your world you don't even hear when the door unlocks and Oscar strolls in, he decides to check in on you since everything at the restaurant was going fine today. He notices the obvious vacancy of your presence downstairs and stumbles into the kitchen thinking you were feeding Rosie but he was wrong. He hears his baby's infamous noises from upstairs and smiles following the sweet noises. He creeps in on you two.
His head lolls to the side and rests on the door frame. He'd seen you like this many times (clearly) and it never got old. The way you lovingly interact with each child at any stage in their life, it was sweet to witness you give the same sweet eyes to Rafa at his big age as you did when he was a baby. Just a gentle reminder that he chose the right woman to marry, the best one to make a mother.
Rosie turns her little head and screams when her eyes land on her father. "Hola, mi corazoncito." He coos entering the room matching the same excitement as his baby which causes her to become even more riled up. He scoops her up and holds her in the air and all you can do is watch and grin like the Cheshire Cat. He brings her down and kisses her cheeks. "Cómo estás, mi mariposa?" He asks Rosie and she nuzzles her forehead in his cheek. Her nonverbal way of saying she missed him. Oscar takes his place next to you on the bed. "How are you, mama?"
You pucker your lips and he smiles dropping a kiss. You pout at how quick it was but quickly subsides when he gives you a forehead kiss. "I'm good. Sleepy. Hungry. Missing you."
"Missed you too, that's why I came home. And I brought some food from work."
You squinted. "Who cooked it?"
He chuckled. "Jason."
"Yes!" You fist pump. "Jason makes the best fucking food I swear."
Oscar's head seems to tilt even more, he's insulted by your statement but you smile sheepishly placing an encouraging hand on his shoulder. "Not as amazing as you do." He rolls his eyes and kisses your temple. Rosie babbles as her little reminder that she's still in the room. "No one forgot you chica" He affirms giving her some more smooches. "Let's go get mommy her food."
You sit up and stretch; some much-needed cracks are heard via your aching bones, and when your arms come down, you feel much looser and less tense than before. "It's okay, iré contigo." (I'll come with you.)
The three of you plop down the stairs and you part ways as Oscar heads to the kitchen while you shuffle to the living room and drop onto the couch, your lounging was short-lived when the doorbell rang. You huff getting back up on your feet. You swing the door open with a mean mug on your face until your eyes land on your mom and your features immediately soften.
"Hi, Mommy." You smile reaching out for her. "Hi sweetie, how are you?"
"I'm great," You pull her inside and close the door behind her. "What are you doing here?"
She shrugs off her jacket and hangs it up on the rack nearby, her shoes slip off her feet and she places those next to Spooky's on the mat. "Came to visit, figured you'd need some... company..." She trails off and— not so subtly— stretches out her neck to see if she can spot the baby. "Mhm." You say crossing your arms, you call bullshit.
"She's in the kitchen with Spooky."
And just like that, your mother leaves you in her dust. You hear her high-pitched, "Hiiiii GG's babyyyyy, helloooo." And you can't help but smile. Your mom always seemed to become happier with each grandchild you produced.
You begin to feel left out when you hear all the commotion in the kitchen so you decide to join them. Your daughter has your mom's nose in her small fist while your mom blows raspberries in her little tummy, she erupts with laughter and you catch a glimpse of Oscar with nothing but heart eyes for his baby girl. You sneak over to him and slide your arms around his abdomen, he drops his arm over your shoulder and draws you close. He plants a kiss on your head. The microwave beeps behind you signalling that whatever was in there had finished heating up. Your eyes widen when the aroma of cheese hit your senses. "Is that lasagna?"
He nodded. "Yeah. He made a little dish for you, told him you've been craving it lately."
You squeal with excitement as you take the hot dish out of the microwave, you set it on the counter and danced over to the drawers in hot search for a fork, your successful in finding one and greedily stick it inside the soft noodles that were jam packed with delicious ingredients. You take one bite and practically faint at the taste.
"Just needs one more thing." You think out loud, you hustle over to the pantry and grab a bag of barbecue chips, you snag a handful and crack them in your hand, sprinkling them on top. Oscar stands there... confused.
"Girl, what the hell is that?" Your mom asks equally appalled.
You shrug and take another bite. "It's good though." You muffle with a full mouth.
"I love you." Oscar sighs and you laugh at his adoration for anything you do, you blow him a kiss before taking another bite. You don't see it but your mom has her eye on you with a very interesting theory brewing in her head. Your husband's phone rings and he excuses himself to answer it leaving you alone with your mom and Rosie, who is quiet and happy on her grandmother's chest, her little eyes slowly closing with sleep.
You try your best not to make too much noise while you reach for more-
"Are you pregnant again?"
You nearly choke on your saliva at the ridiculous question. You quickly shake your head. "No!? Are you nuts? I just had her and she is the last one." You assure but your mom isn't believing it. "This little concoction says otherwise."
You roll your eyes. "I just... like pasta and chips... together."
It did sound ridiculous.
"Since when?"
"Like... a month ago..."
She sucks her teeth. "Mi amor, I'm telling you, I think you're pregnant."
This was insane, this was an insane conversation to be having. You were one hundred percent sure there was nothing and no one in your belly-- just the mere thought of having two under two was giving you the heebie-jeebies. "I'm just saying-"
You groan like the irritated teenager you once were, "Ay Mama, no más charlas de bebé, por favor." (No more baby talk, please.)
She agrees to ease off the topic but it remains in the back of her mind.
-- --
Later that day after Oscar's gathered the others from school, you sneak out of the house to do some grocery shopping. It was a bit of time for yourself, a time when you didn't have to keep your eye on your tiny little humans. You go through the aisles for the essentials and when that's done you browse for treats and snacks for your kids (that you and Oscar will eventually munch on as well.)
You cautiously approach the next aisle that is stacked with condoms, contraceptives and pregnancy tests. You meant to move, your hands ready to push the cart forward but your feet are firmly planted on the floor. You sigh and turn in, quickly grabbing a box and dumping it in the cart as though it's not for you. "She better be fucking wrong." You mutter to yourself.
-- --
With all kids fed, bathed and in bed before twelve it allows you to have the bathroom to yourself for a while. You wedge the knuckle of your index finger between your two rows of teeth, you stare at the box and sigh. "Please prove her wrong." You whisper to no one in particular. You pop open the box and rip open the wrapping of the test. One original and one digital. You sit on the toilet and do what you've done a hundred times, you pee on the sticks and set them aside until the timer goes off.
You clean yourself up and wash your hands, you know better than to just stand there and watch the sticks waiting for that fate-sealing answer but you go against yourself and stare. You're in a trance until there's a knock at the door, it startled you and you clutch your non-existent pearls for dear life. "Que?"
Oscar asks, "You good? Didn't need company tonight?" He's referring to your commonly shared showers which, now that you think about it, is probably one of the reasons you're in this predicament again!
"No, it's not that. I'm just..."
You huff and unlock the door swinging it open with displeasure on your face, your arms crossed as you nod over to the tests on the counter. His eyes follow your actions and pop out when he sees them. "How-"
"Mom said it was weird that I ate the lasagna like that."
He chuckled. "Didn't want to say anything." 
You whine saying, "It's not funny, I just thought it was a change in my palette or something, I mix random foods all the time. I-" You searched for every excuse you could find. Oscar's face softens at the worry in your voice. "I just had Rosie." You sigh sounding depleted. You turn your back to the tests when you hear that all too familiar sound. You squeeze your eyes shut, if you don't look you won't know the answer and you can go about your merry way. Your husband offers to look for you and leans over. You hear the quietest gasp he's ever uttered and you know. You spin around to look at them yourself.
Positive. Both of them show positive.
You look up at Spooky and he's already looking at you waiting for your reaction so he can curate his own. "How do you feel about it?"
You shrug. You truly didn't know, you didn't even have words. Your throat was dry. You pick up one of them and look at it. And you feel nothing. Empty. Just waiting for a sense of gratitude to come across and for some reason, you can't seem to produce it. You put the test down and leave.
Spooky's still standing there with his heart in the pit of his stomach. Maybe he should've listened to you, that two was enough, and then three and four. He's after you, right on your heels as you enter your bedroom. You sit on the bed and fall back onto the sheets, you cover your eyes and shake your head at yourself and him. "I just had Rosie." You repeat to yourself. And then it happens. A tear slips and as quick as you are to wipe it, he knows you like the back of his hand— your breathing gets choppy and choked, you sniffle. The bed dips beside you and the sound of the sheets ruffling as he lays down.
"Háblame." (Talk to me)
You take a deep breath. You can be honest. "I don't know how I feel. I'm not sad but I'm not happy. I just hoped Rosie would be a little older. They all have good age gaps and- Oh god, what if they don't want another sibling? And Rosie and I spend so much time together, they just got used to her-- Emilia was so clingy when I had her, she felt so left out and-and-"
Oscar presses his hand over your thigh. "Cariño. Respirar. Por favor.
You breathe shakily. "It's okay not to know how to feel. If this is not what you want... I'm here for you, your moms here... the kids are here. We have more than enough, Sí?"
You nod. He reaches over and pulls you into him, you rest your forehead on his chest while he rubs smooth circles on your back. "We have some time for you to think about it right? It's your world mi amor, we're just living in it. I got you no matter what."
"Thank you."
He smiles and kisses your head. "It's my job baby."
— — You'd been hiding your belly from everyone, even the kids. It was easy for the most part because you only wore baggy clothes and they made you look a little large anyway but then there were not so subtle signs— like the heavy breathing from doing just about anything, and your walk? Oh, your walk was not normal no matter how hard you tried. So you decide to come clean to your kids and other close family during a little gathering that Spooky's brother, Cesar, was hosting. Cesar was the only person who knew and you two asked if it'd be okay to announce it tonight.
He was fine with it, excited actually.
Your hands shake. You were cautious in deciding on having this baby, it took you a while to feel anything. At first, it was uncertainty, did you want another? Would you be crushed if you didn't have it?
But as the weeks passed you couldn't help but fall in love with the growth, the bigger you got the giddier you became. Modelling in front of the mirror any chance you got, and when all the kids were asleep you'd talk to your belly and giggle with every shift they made.
"Listo?"  He asks and you nod confidently. Oscar whistles over to Cesar giving him a thumbs up. Cesar turns down the music to gather everyone's attention. "I just want to thank everyone for coming out, it's been a while since we've all been in one place, right?"
The crowd mumbles in agreement. "But it's great to see everyone in good health and good spirits—" He raises his Corona bottle and the crowd follows with their drinks (including the kids and their juice boxes) "Salud." He smiles.
"Salud." The crowd repeats. You clear your throat and enthusiastically say, "Oh let me see if I can get a picture. Everyone gets in."
They shuffle into one pile as best they can, you grab your phone and hold it landscape, you press record and say, "Alright everybody in... great, now saaaay... Y/n and Spooky are having another babyyyy!"
There were collective gasps, the word "what!?" Being thrown around in every language. "Excuse me!?" Your mom hollers. You unbutton your cardigan and turn to the side having worn a tight dress on purpose. "Surpriiiiiise." You sing out.
"I FUCKING KNEW IT!" Jasmine screams stretching her arms out for you, you gasp and playfully smack her hand. "Not in front of my kids, puta!"
She tells you to shut up and hug her, your mom joins in and soon the children and in that moment it hits how loved and supported you are by everyone around you. This was your village and it was a damn good one too.
Oscar's friends dap him up and congratulate him. They hug you as well and whisper that they hope it's another girl. They loved spoiling your daughters. Anything they asked for the boys were sure to buy it no problema.
"Well, actually," You begin to say. "We know what we're having."
Rafa, your oldest comes up to you. "Is it a boy?" His eyes gloss over with the hope that you would say yes, he'd been hoping that Emilia (your third) was going to be a boy but he lucked out. You had an idea. You hunch over to match his eye level. "You see that cake over there." You whisper and he nods. "Papi and I were going to cut it, but I think you should get the first slice."
He shrugs and you walk him over to the white cream frosted cake. You and Oscar help him hold the knife and carefully slide the blade into the spongey treat making one incision and you help him make another. He pushes the knife under to take the slice out and plops it on his plate, he reaches for a fork when he looks down to see the inside was blue.
Nobody spoke. Nobody moved with the understanding this was his moment. He looks up at you. "You're having a boy!?"
You nod with tears spilling over and ruining your makeup. "I am."
He puts the plate down and hugs you tightly and that's when the crowd goes wild. "Thank you, Mommy." He sobs which makes you cry even more. "Oh, you're welcome sweetie."
— — Nine months had sped past you and it seemed as if it was just yesterday that you found out you were pregnant. Now, you lay on a hospital bed, covered over by a few blankets to help with post-partum shivers, your jaw rattling and fingers dancing involuntarily. But that wasn't your main focus.
Oscar hovered over you staring at the sleeping newborn in your arms. He made the cutest noises while he nuzzled against your chest. Your finger ghosts over his nose and he reacts by moving his head and sighing. "Are you sick of me already, mi hijo?(my son)" You joke nudging him with your nose. "You get used to her." Oscar chimes in and you suck your teeth hitting him as hard as you could. "Cállate culo."(Shut up, ass)
"Hitting me in front of my son?"
"And I'll do it again."
He smiles and leans down to kiss you. "You know I like you a little feisty, mami."
You sigh, so in love with your new baby, in love with your husband— just filled with overpouring affection. You can't stop staring at your new son and your husband couldn't stop gazing at either of you. He'd been in this room over and over and he swore up and down you made it look so easy, that you looked like a goddess bringing new air and life into this world. Even though you thought you looked like a monster from the swamp.
Oscar tells you in a loving tone. "You're doing an amazing job, seriously, you... you're just amazing."
You blink rapidly to keep tears from spilling over. When you met this man he was so rough and tough, such a brute that it seemed impossible to get him to even admit that he liked you, but under all that fake-cold persona, was the gentlest giant and the biggest sweetheart you'd ever met—a man who spreads nothing but positivity around you and your children.
"I'm so happy, I met you." He mutters. You were his wife, the mother of his children and his best friend rolled into one and that's all he wanted out of this life. You look up at him with glossy eyes. "I'm happy I met you too."
You share a kiss as a tear slips out, you just can't hold them back any longer. He kisses your forehead as his thumb swipes over your cheek. Your attention is drawn back to your son when he begins wiggling in your hold, you press your nose against his hair taking a whiff of that fresh baby smell. As you soak in the presence of your child, your husband's phone buzzes against the fabric of the diaper bag, he looks over and your mom's name catches his attention. He looks to you for some sort of permission and your brows furrow together. "It's okay."
He rushes over to answer, and just then your nurse walks in with a smile on her face. "Just came to check on mommy and baby." She announces.
"Ok... yeah, I'll meet you guys downstairs... bye." Oscar hangs up and looks over at you. "Your parents are here, with the kids. I'll just be back okay?"
"Mhm." You hum. He gives you a quick kiss before he speeds out of the room. The nurse smirks as she helps you adjust yourself into a somewhat comfortable sitting position, asking you if you'd like your son to be put back in the bassinet to which you respond yes and she gently takes him. "I apologize if this is forward but... I've seen a lot of couples in here and let me tell you, I've never seen anything like you two. He is so attentive."
You giggle. "Thank you. I just got really lucky with him."
A few minutes had passed and she had finished her check-up letting you know that she'd be back in a bit for another check-in. Once she left that's when your family, quietly, barged in. Oscar approaches you first with a sleeping Rosie in his arms and you happily reach for her and coddle her in your arms. Rafael, Elliana and Emilia gently charged over to you, shuffling off their shoes and finding their places on the bed with you. You greeted them as best as you could, with restricted movement all you could do was reach for their faces. Your parents and Oscar stand in the background of it all observing you in your motherly nature and Oscar can't fight the grin that has been plastered on his face since the day he met you.
"Baby." Emilia chimes in drawing everyone's attention to her now. "Yeah, mira, mommy had the baby."
Rafael seemed enamoured by the presence of his new sibling. He loved his sisters, you knew that, but by the looks of it-- this would be a special bond. "Rafa, would you like to hold him first?" Oscar asks.
He nodded eagerly and readied himself by sitting up straight and folding his arms. Oscar removes your son from his bassinet and carefully places him in Rafa's arms. The baby was a bit squirmy, upset that he'd been disturbed but with the soothing 'shhhh' from his mother's lips he settled down. Your two girls surround their brothers with curiosity.
Emilia giggles. "Hi, cutie."
"He's so tiny," Eliana mutters. Your parents finally make their way over to you after letting you have your moment with the kids. They congratulate you and your dad holds up a Chipotle bag and you beamed. "Thank you, this hospital food sucks." You whisper.
They attempted to take Rosie from you but you assured them it was fine, having missed her snuggles anyway. "Want me to feed you?" Your husband asks and you snicker shaking your head. "Está bien papito, I'll eat when I'm ready. But thank you."
— — After all the kids had their turn holding the baby their attention spans had turned to you and their father, telling you everything that had happened since you left the house.
"And then Ellie licked the cookie and put it back in my bowl," Rafa whines and you hold back a laugh. "Eliana you do not do that, that's gross."
She shrugs and nuzzles closer to her grandfather on the couch who is causing a ruckus with all his snoring. Your mom nudges him awake and he hits his famous line, "I'm not sleeping, I just closed my eyes."
"Think it's time for us to go." Your mom says. "Um.." Rafa chimes. "Is it okay if I stay?"
"I- yeah, I guess so." You answer. Oscar says that you'll keep Rosie since she has now found a new sleep space in his arms. Your mom carries a sleeping Emilia and your dad carries Eliana on his back. They say their goodbyes and are out the door.
— —
The room is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Rafael had fallen asleep on the couch while Rosie, who'd only woken up to ear and fell back into slumber, lay under her older brother's arm. You sigh contently as you gaze at them.
"Did you ever think when we met at that laundromat, that we'd be here?" Oscar mumbled as he held your baby boy, tracing his finger along his little nose. You turn to him. You shrug.
"Maybe with one kid... two.... But not five." You joked. He chuckled.
"Did you?"
He nods. "I knew you were gonna be my girl from the moment I picked up that sexy red bra you dropped-"
"Spookyyyy." You gasped gently hitting his arm.
He laughs. "Que? Man, once I saw those cups I started barking."
"You are so fucking stupid."
He shrugs. "I know. But I'm stupid in love with you."
You playfully rolled your eyes at his corny, yet sweet, line.
"I'm stupid in love with you too."
if you liked this fic feel free to like this fic. comments and reblogs are appreciated. hopefully, I'll be back a whole lot sooner. peace and love
tags: @darqchilddaydreamz @realhotgurlshit @skyesthebomb @librarian1002
Who might be interested: @miyahmaraj @bigenergy777 @educatorsareslutstoo @missdforever
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frenchkisstheabyss · 5 months
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♥︎ Pairing: boyfriend!jisung x chubby!fem!reader
♥︎ A/N: If you're a chubby/thick/plus sized babe feeling not so great about yourself and you happen to love our sweet Hannie, I hope you find some comfort in this.
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boyfriend!jisung who fell for you the moment he saw you but took forever to work up the nerve to ask you out on a date because he was afraid you'd say no.
boyfriend!jisung who's an introvert that doesn't like to go out a lot but went out every weekend for a whole month just for the chance to hang out with you.
boyfriend!jisung who spontaneously confessed his feelings for you one night and turned the cutest shade of red when he found out you felt the same.
boyfriend!jisung who's hangs on every word you say so when it was time to plan your first date he knew how to make it perfect for you.
boyfriend!jisung whose friends adored you before they even met you because this man couldn't stop running his mouth to them about how amazing you were. They've literally never seen him so head over heels.
boyfriend!jisung who had you stay over his place so he could make you breakfast the next morning accompanied by flowers and a little card he handmade asking you to be his girlfriend.
boyfriend!jisung who doesn't get it at first when you say people won't believe that someone like him wants someone like you.
boyfriend!jisung who took the time to understand your feelings, reassuring you as much as you needed that it didn't matter what anyone else thought. You're the most beautiful woman in the world to him. How could he not want you?
boyfriend!jisung who praises your body every chance he gets. When you take him shopping with you he can't resist telling you how nicely that sundress suits your figure or how cute those pants make your butt look.
boyfriend!jisung who always has to sneak in a few extra minutes with you in bed in the morning so that he can cuddle and squeeze your soft body. You're the reason he's late all the time but it's worth it.
boyfriend!jisung who never makes you feel like you need to be ashamed of your squishy belly, rolls, or chin. If he catches you sulking he'll kiss every part of you until it feels loved.
boyfriend!jisung who's known for being funny but will turn into an absolute demon if anyone ever fucks with you or makes you feel bad.
boyfriend!jisung who checks in with you throughout the day to make sure that you've eaten. On your bad body image days especially he'll either cook or buy you your favorite foods to avoid you skipping meals.
boyfriend!jisung whose camera roll is filled with pictures of you two together along with a bunch of secret ones he's taken when you weren't looking. Some are from angles you'd feel make you look bigger but he's smitten with every picture of you. You'll have to fight him to delete them.
boyfriend!jisung who always lets everyone know that the two of you are together. There's never a question of how proud he is to tell the world you're his.
boyfriend!jisung who'll stop everything to be with you when things get really bad. You can cry in his arms for hours if you want. He'll always be there to comfort you.
boyfriend!jisung who lets himself be vulnerable, opening up to you about his own insecurities because he knows you'll be there to comfort him too. Of course you are.
boyfriend!jisung who may drool over how pretty you are but never takes for granted how kind, funny, creative, and intelligent you are on top of that.
boyfriend!jisung who loves you because, well, you're you.
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follows-the-bees · 4 months
I wanna talk about Jim's journey. Their character arc is one of my favorites of the show.
In season one, Jim fits into two very well-trodded tropes and each one is subverted by the end.
First, we have the trope of a person (typically a woman) disguised as a man to go into hiding and also the old wives tale of no women on ships because they bring bad luck. We see some of this attitude through Frenchie's superstitions but the trope is subverted fairly quickly when Jim talks to them about wanting to be just Jim and the crew (and Nana) effortlessly use they pronouns.
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OFMD has many, many ties to classic Western tropes and style of filmmaking. And Jim's whole character arc of season one fits the Revenge trope.
They have been trained to be a killer, hardened by life, only open to Olu but even that openness is just a sliver. When Jim is spurred on by Nana to complete that Revenge arc, they fall into it, leaving the safety of the ship, the community built there, from Olu.
But instead of more killing, Jim comes to an understanding with Spanish Jackie. They share a drink (which oftentimes in Westerns ends in a gunfight, unlike the show which starts with a knife fight and ends with communal drinking). Upon hearing that most of the men they are after are likely already dead, Jim decides to put down that knife and instead returns to the aptly named Revenge.
But in perfect subversions of tropes, Jim does choose Revenge, but not the type that eats at your soul and often ends in unhappiness or death. Rather, they are choosing community and softness.
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Jim is one of Stede's loudest critics at the beginning of season one; Stede represents the opposite of how Jim was raised and once viewed the world.
But the beginning of season two shows how much Stede's way of piracy has influenced Jim. They no longer are following the Western Revenge storyline, but rather serving as the storyteller to the crew. (A direct parallel to the pilot.)
In fact Jim is reciting that same exact story that Stede told in the pilot. But it is different, darker. And that is because Jim is a different person, and in a different, darker environment at the moment. But invoking those good times that they remember. S1 Jim would have never told a story to try and make a crew member feel better.
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We see Jim continue to choose kindness, mercy, grace with several characters. With Izzy, who is a dick but is their dick. And yes, also with Ed, until Ed's plan of suicide by crew now has affected and threatened their lives.
They also seem to be the first to realize what Ed is doing. And they refuse to kill Archie, who was drawn to them because of Jim's hope.
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Jim's journey the rest of the season fills me with warmth. They get to be soft, they reunite with Olu, and form the cutest polycule with Olu and Archie. They also intervene and talk to the Pirate Queen about Olu, repairing their status.
The giant smiles on their moustached face during Calypso's Birthday, handing out drinks to the captain and Ed (showing the repaired relationship there), dancing with their lovers, and cheering on Izzy's singing shows how free Jim (and the whole crew) get to be now.
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Jim is the embodiment of how Stede has tried to change piracy, of how Stede's effect has created a community.
Jim is the embodiment of the queer joy that this show unabashedly embraces.
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lovelyiida · 4 months
(NF) Hey lovely, I saw that you want requests. Could I request a iida x fem!reader fluff? I even have a prompt! You know how in MHA it’s winter break and everyone is bored at the dorms? Someone gets the idea to throw a whole fake wedding and invite all first years/the whole student body. The girls of 1A vote the bride and the guys vote the groom and reader is the bride and iida is the groom, which is good because they secretly like each other, y’know the drill. Iida and reader do the ceremony with vows and the rings and the kiss and all that. Also, there’s lots of cake and a huge party at the end with fireworks!!
That’s the cutest shi I’ve ever cooked up and I want someone talented to write it. If you could tag me to, that’d be awesome!
Love, psi kid 🎀
OHHHHHH MY GOD I FUCKING LIVE FOR THIS, this is seriously so cute. God, why can't I think of these ideas by myself??
꧁★𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝟏-𝐀 𝐖𝐄𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆★꧂ — afab
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Snow falls gently outside, the world a picturesque white. The students of class 1-A lounge around, boredom plastered on their faces. It's a snow day, just great.
Ochaco twirls a strand of hair and glances at her friends. Even the lively Kirishima looks lethargic on the couch. Denki was about to sink into the floor if he couldn't find a way to annoy his fellow comrades.
Then, an idea sparked.
Ochaco's eyes spark with a twinkle and her lips curled into an intriguing smirk. "We need to do something fun, how about a fake wedding?"
The class exchanges intrigued looks, murmuring amongst themselves. Mina's eyes spark in excitement at the idea. "Yeah! We can vote and groom for our class. It'll be totally adorable!" She squealed.
Everyone nods in agreement as chatter bursts across the common space for today's event.
The entire Class 1-A along with various first years assemble outside, enveloped by the festive atmosphere. Electricity fills the air as the class has been sectioned into two groups to help figure out who will be the bride and the groom.
And out of the corner of your eye, you noticed IIda standing awkwardly in the midst of all this, glancing quick looks at you with a light blush. You couldn't help but chuckle to yourself and your friends at the act.
Later into the evening, the room now transformed with makeshift decorations and fairy lights strung everywhere (you can thank Momo for that). The class sat excitedly as Ochaco and Tsuyu held envelopes, ready to announce the lovely couple in waiting.
Standing at the improvised altar (standing on top of a table), they spoke with a grin.
"The results are in! The bride-to-be is... Y/n!"
The class erupts in cheers as you sit in shock of the results, slowing picking yourself off your feet, you stand in front of the "altar," as your face flushes in excitement. Tsuyu then spoke:
"And the groom-to-be is...Iida!"
Iida goes stiff, and his face turns crimson. The boys laugh and nudge him forward. Standing from his feet, he nears himself towards you and bows politely. You send him a wink of encouragement before whispering, "don't be so nervous. I bet you'd make a great husband."
Iida smirks at your words before whispering back, "and I know you'd make a wonderful wife."
As so, a makeshift ceremony begins!
Iida and you stand at the altar with hands intertwined. Wedding dress and suit on (thanking Momo once more!), looking like a match made out of heaven. Everyone watches eagerly as the both of you stand awkwardly, awaiting each other's vows.
"Don't chicken out, four-eyes," Bakugo chuckled. Iida side-eyed the blonde before clearing his throat and pushing up his glasses. "Y/n, ever since the first day we met. I knew you were a woman who I could spend the rest of my days with. You're kind, smart, beautifully-spirited, and one of the best teammates I could see fighting with me to the death..."
The class is swooned by Iida's words, you couldn't help but stand there in shock at the blatant confession thrown in your face.
"Y/n, I vow to always support and protect you...in sickness and in health...even in this mock wedding."
The class erupts in cheers as they hear Iida's beautiful poetic vows.
You chuckle, softening the moment once more.
"Iida, you're someone who I trust and care for deeply, you are a pinnacle in everyone's life and without you, I would be nothing. Your presence keeps me motivated and ready to take on whatever is ahead of me...because that's what you are and I deeply admire you for that."
"You're smart, you're hardworking, and super handsome..."
Iida quickly reddened at your words, your voice sounding like music to his ears. Oh, how he wished this was real.
"And I vow to always support and protect you...in sickness and in health...even in this mock wedding, or out of it."
As you finish, the class erupts in laughter as Iida and Reader exchange playful glances. Holding out your paper-made rings, you change and slide them onto each other's fingers. Ochaco and Tsuyu, beaming with joy, declare them fake husband and fake wife.
"You may now, fake-kiss the bride!"
You'd begin to go in for a simple kiss on the cheek, but suddenly Iida grabs a soft hold of your waist and scoops you down. Planting a soft kiss on the corner of your mouth.
A respectful man, we love!
Claps were heard around the room, but the moment between the two of you felt as if no one was there and the room was fading into black. As if nothing mattered but the to of you.
Mina teasingly claps before yelling, "I now pronounce you fake husband and fake wife! You may now fake-party!" The room transforms into a lively celebration, with music playing and students dancing joyfully.
Iida and Reader sneak glances at each other, their fake smiles turning into genuine ones. Photos and videos were taken throughout the night of the heartwarming moment between the class.
And as the night grew young, and the slow subsides. The both of you stand outside and look at the breathtaking array of stars that light up the night sky. Your hand tangled into his, as your head fell softly against Iida's broad shoulder.
Iida couldn't help but play with his makeshift ring, smiling to himself about what the future holds, and how he wanted this future to be a potential reality. Your head suddenly moves from his shoulder, which earns a soft hum from Iida.
You look at him with a light blush as you speak, "this was amazing... thank you, Iida." You spoke softly with a warm smile. "No thank you, Y/n, this night wouldn't have been the same without you."
You hum in response before placing your head back on his shoulder.
You share a quiet, perfect moment as the stars illuminate your faces as a "newlywed couple." Only for the moment to be laughed upon in the future, when your real wedding comes to fruition.
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When someone who gives me a tenya rec tells me to jump, I'm gonna JUMP!!!!
— 𝓁ℴ𝓋ℯ𝓁𝓎𝒾𝒾𝒹𝒶 ❤︎︎
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