#cuz the cards i associate with them change depending on
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New designs for Bing and Larry, designs for the other two members, a relationship chart...more art and info under the cut! (trust me, there's a whooole lot)
A curious bunch. Kind of an unlikely match (I mean Lasombra and Ventrue under the same roof sounds like a recipe for disaster..lol), but circumstances played their part. They may not be ideal for each other but it's all they have. Family, woof 👆
Why would I assign them with animals and elements? First off, it makes the designing process so much easier, since it creates direction. Second, it makes thematic sense. They've been denied humanity, and then they chose to keep it that way. "You see me a monster, well then, I'll be the monster" kind of situation. So, they'd rather associate with animals and elements than humans.
I could go on, but I'd rather have you experience the thing first hand in game (also doubt people would read further into this post otherwise lmao). Onto the characters!
Animal: Serpent
Element: Earth (Nature)
Main shtick: Change; Pain
Bing has more backstories than he does fingers, so nobody is quite sure on his origin. The one thing that seems certain is that he spent most of his existence in Russian Empire but fled when the civil war broke out in the 1910s. You'd think a Tzimisce of this age and history would be up to something nefarious now in Britain, but Bing is more concerned with "self search" and identity crisis. You could say he spends his retirement days here, or rather...used to spend, before one thing happened. But this, you'll learn more of playing the game XP
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Bing dresses up kind of similar to the way he used to, back in the XVIII century. The outfit is rather loose (before I added clips onto the coat, I was told it looked more like a bathrobe...which, I suppose, is kind of fitting too XD), in order to leave extra room for when Bing uses Vicissitude (more on that later).
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Bing's main gimmick is Tzimisce's signature, Vicissitude and the way he chooses to use it. Instead of turning his head into a giant pickle (Andrei lmao), Bing turns into different people. Not just appearance wise, it also includes voice, mannerisms, even personality. This is what I mean when I say he doesn't need to make clones - he IS the clone.
What he chooses to turn into most of the time are personas he used to "play out" during his glory days, XVIII century coups. Sometimes when prompted, sometimes just to troll others (if they dislike certain mannerisms or find the general idea of shape-shifting weird/scary).
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These were crafted in accordance with the "ruler of the week", to win them over and then later "direct" them towards what Bing's Tzimisce sires and mentors needed. In a way, they are "clones" of these rulers (except maybe appearances), cuz imitation is the highest form of flattery lol
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Though Bing also likes to experiment with his default form, as he doesn't find it ideal (his "true face", the one he forgot). Bing switches pronounce depending on current form (he/she/they, or anything else he feels like at the current moment).
Bing's battle form, aka the pinnacle of his Vicissitude mastery. If you happen to see it, usually it means you'll die a painful death in the next five minutes X)
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Animal: Jackal
Element: Water
Main shtick: Loyalty and betrayal
Larry was dealt some shitty cards and forced upon the life of crime since early childhood. First a pirate (where he got his tan, scars, and vision problem), then a mercenary for a, uh, "dubious company" sponsored by Lasombra clan. Certain events made him overly sensitive to betrayals, so if you betray Larry, or hurt those he swore loyalty to, he will loathe you. And Larry's hatred runs deep. He always means business.
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Larry's outfit is like, a modern take on pirate fashion. A bit rough around the edges, just enough to give him that "jackal" look. Larry's second name is practical, so he carries lots of belts. Never know when you mind need one.
Larry's signature, Obtenebration, comes from the Abyss and runs on his negative emotions. Which is why he's prone to lashing out and general bad mood. Needless to say it is extremely unhealthy, but power is power.
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The story behind him coming to know Bing is fun. Originally, Larry was sent to kill him, but it was a set up, since Larry didn't stand a chance against that. So they kind of bonded instead, "enemy of my enemy is my friend". And after a while Larry just grew attached XDD He still goes on about murdering Bing "one day", but at this point everyone is aware it's not gonna happen like, ever.
Animal: Raven/Crow
Element: Fire
Main shtick: Control
Adella is half-chinese born in Britain. Do I need to say she didn't have a particularly fun time or is it obvious enough? From a very young age she was forced to believe she can only count on herself. Adella strived to climb the corporate ladder and get on top. To "burn her way through the obstacles". Might be lonely up there, but she was used to it either way, and she'd have the power and control to smack down anyone who tries to harm her. For now, let's just say she ended up upsetting the wrong people and had to run for her life. Sabbat was "kind" enough to let her stay under their wing.
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Adella's relatively fresh meat, so her grasp on Sabbat "culture" is rather small for now. Though she is attempting to fit in more. She's determined to stay, despite whatever Larry says about her "looking for the opportunity to dump them". Adella insists she'd rather die than go back to the cammies. Bing is willing to give her the chance to prove herself.
Her and Larry's relationship is quite fun in how disastrous it is. Both constantly looking for jabs to throw at each other. The irony is, their stories and goals are kind of similar. But they're also different in ways that make their blood boil when they have to interact.
Animal: House centipede
Element: Wind
Main shtick: Security
Zephyr is truly a victim of circumstance. Lost ability to speak, lost all his loved ones, lost his home. Not a penny to his name, and no name either. His mind in ruin. He roamed around in the wild, until Bing found him. Seeing something familiar in him, Bing let him stay by their side. Found him a new name. A new purpose. A reason to keep on existing. Slowly, Zephyr is learning ways to communicate again. Perhaps he'll be able to remember, and tell his story one day.
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Zephyr is the least human-like kindred, and looks like an atom bomb fell on his face. Despite the first impression he might create, Zephyr is a rather meek soul, doesn't seek conflict and is fine with following orders. That attitude changes when something threatens rest of the "family", though...
Zephyr is generally adored by his packmates, one could call him the "gentle giant" of the pack. Adella loves spending time with Zephyr, even Larry tolerates him. Though I'd say the most sympathy for him comes from Bing. As mentioned earlier, Bing sees a kindred spirit in Zephyr, so he is most invested in Zephyr's well being. Bing was the one to give him his new name. He's also the one learning sign language with him, so they'd have a better way of communication.
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sburbian-sage · 4 months
I'm a Seer of Stage and I'm trying to maximize my predictive capabilities. Having a bit of trouble though.
At the start of the session, I looked for info on what the best predictive equipment is. You know, tarot cards, magic 8 balls, futomani kits, and so on.
Stage likes constants, stability, and rules. But, most divination methods rely on randomness. I can't be drawing cards from a randomized deck and expect that to play well with Stage. Like, yes, Stage CAN put up with a little randomness, so long as it adheres to rules and patterns, but it's *better* if I find a method that's low-randomness to begin with.
Enter: numerology. It's perfect. I love it, Stage I think loves it as well, match made in heaven. Numbers have specific meanings, and you can learn shit by analyzing them. Great premise, 10/10!
So I alchemized a numerology handbook. And I've had some success with it. But it was a little clunky to use, so I started working on upgrading it.
Some stuff was simple enough. I've &&'d it with a computer and some other stuff, and now I don't need to manually flip through the pages anymore because I can just say a number and it'll bring it up, I can easily cross-reference numbers with other numbers because it just pulls up relevant ones automatically, etc.
But upgrading it for ease of use is one thing. I'm not sure how to upgrade it in ways that actually make it more *accurate* or *powerful*, without it doing things like, you know, CHANGING WHAT IT SAYS THE NUMBERS DO. Which is basically the polar opposite of what Stage wants.
Of course all this shit is arbitrary, numerology isn't real, it's my Stage powers making it work. But Stage doesn't care if it's bullshit, so long as it's *consistent* bullshit. But every time I try and mix in a magic wand or other divination tool or whatever, it just changes the entire nature of the thing, and makes very little attempt at keeping the book's contents consistent. It doesn't just re-write each number's entry to be more specific or whatever, it'll make it say totally different stuff.
I'm wondering if I should just... apply a bit of my aspect to the alchemizations? I know fucking with the alchimiter is usually a BAD idea, but is it really so dangerous to force something like raw consistency and stability into it?
...Well, I checked with my numerology book, and according to various relevant numbers (number of lines in the symbol on the alchimiter, total alchemization performed so far, etc.) it says yes, it would be dangerous.
So... any other ideas? Cuz I'm fresh out.
Mixing Aspects and Alchemy isn't inherently bad. We say that an item produced through Alchemy that was infused with an Aspect has an "Aspect Charge" (as in Aspect Charge is the unit of measurement), and indeed it's quite useful at all stages of the game. You only need to worry about the following when it comes to Aspect Charges in Alchemy.
The item will of course take on characteristics associated with the Aspect, so don't make a Doom-Charged Medkit or something stupid.
Mind Charges provide infinite energy for an item, with the downside that it might "surge" and fry your computer. Or cause it to explode, depending on the size and whether or not it is in fact a computer, because computers tend to do that in this game. I've always had good luck when it comes to this though.
Blood Charges create a living item. It's usually best for the Blood player to handle that kind of thing, especially if you're the type to get philosophical about it.
Void Charges just erase the item, and all the Grist that went into it.
Never eat Aspect-Charged food. You WILL die, the question is in what way, how painfully, and how long it takes. This is true of Life and Blood too. You shouldn't even be eating Alchemized food in the first place because it all tastes like shit and basically provides no nutrition, either use the Crystalanths, start a garden, or get your hands on a Cookalizer and Alimentator like a civilized person.
And this isn't about Charges but don't ever use Blood to make your Alchemiter, or any Alchemy-related items come to life. What happens next is The Sorcerer's Apprentice meets Videodrome. You're also likely to get a Saccharine Doppleganger situation, in which case add Carebears and Invasion of the Body Snatchers to the list.
If your numerology says not to modify your Alchemiter, or Stage-Charge it, then by all means, don't. But also... Do you have to upgrade your book? You need to alchemize stuff like weapons or armor for the stat boosts, but I don't think there's any meaningful "stat boosts" differentiating an early-game grapple launcher from a late-game one, if you know what I mean. If the numbers mean what they mean, then it seems like "the computer tells me what the numbers mean" is the height of efficiency and you necessarily can't improve from there.
There are three possibilities. Option #1 is accepting that you've peaked in this regard. Option #2 is seeing if those "upgrades" do provide any unique benefits, and if so, if it's possible to create an upgrade that beats out any inconsistency penalties. Option #3, it seems like anytime you alchemized something "magical", it randomized the numbers, but a computer kept it consistent. So maybe focus more on the tech-side of things, becoming a technomancer divination wizard, or turning your Numerology Book-puter into a supercomputer. If the superbookputer grows too big to carry around, you could turn a room in your spire into a Seer's Den. In addition to looking very cool, that's heavily resonant with your Class and will provide a bountiful RP boost.
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albatris · 3 years
thinkin 'bout....... ocs and tarot cards again
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Survey #305
“you want me to be yours, well then you’ve got to be mine, & if you want a good girl, then goodbye”
Do you call the ice cream topping "jimmies" or "sprinkles"? They're "sprinkles" down here. What music are you listening to? Ha, I just turned on music before starting this. "Sex Metal Barbie" by In This Moment is on rn. If you go to school (HS or college) does your school have a rival? N/A Have you been baptized in any religious tradition? Yeah; I was born in a Roman Catholic family. My mom's mom would've probably had a heart attack if us kids weren't. At family gatherings, are you more likely to hang out with the younger or older relatives? I mean, I'd go for those my age or older, generally. I'd hang out with kids though if they wanted me to. Considering you current health, how long do you think you will live? With my CURRENT health, probably not even 80. Do you have anything in your room that would be 'weird' to others? Posters, yeah. Have you ever done geocaching? No, but it'd be cool if my body could actually handle taking a single goddamn step. What was the last game you won? Maybe Uno with my niece? I generally let her win, but occasionally I'm "lucky" to TRY to be more convincing, lol. I think she knows I let her, though. Do you know any deaf people? If so, is it easy or difficult to have conversations with them? No. Do you enjoy playing Monopoly? Why or why not? No, because I don't like board games, especially any that involve math. Is there a doorknocker on your front door? No. Do 'laugh tracks' on TV shows annoy you? They're so normal that I don't even notice them, really. Do people often mistake you for other ethnicities? If so, what do you usually get? No, I'm pretty obviously white. Has anyone famous ever attended your school? Who? I won't say his name for the sake of not connecting dots, but a well-known football player attended my high school. Have you ever had to attend an event that occurred on your birthday? Ha, my 16th birthday landed on the Super Bowl... I was at Jason's that night, and just to be "part of the family," we watched it with everyone else that came over. I was so bored and uninterested, but that's my own fault, really. I could have said something, but this was only a month into our relationship so I was too uncomfortable to speak up. What do you think makes a girl a slut? Do you believe that label is thrown around far more often than it should be? And finally, do you think it's unfair that mostly only women receive that label? I don't give a flying fuck how many people a girl is sexually involved with so long as she is safe and open and honest with her partners. I'm not a fan of the word and don't think anyone should be called it. Do you think it's bad to have sex at 15 or younger? I don't think it's smart, really. It's just too young to risk pregnancy. Yes, abortion is an option, but like... a 15 y/o girl should never be faced with that dilemma. I'ma be real tho, I don't think it's a "good" idea until you're at least 18, aaaand I don't know any non-virgin who waited that long. Just try your best to wait, ig. Favorite love song at the moment? Love songs never sit well with me anymore. I mean I can enjoy them, absolutely, I just... have a lot of bitterness. Trying to pick a favorite when you feel like that is like trying to pick the best-looking rotten apple of the bunch. Ever wondered what it would be like dating the same gender as you? I've done that already, and it was great but also scary in a massively homophobic state. Ever paid for sex? No. During thunderstorms, how does your pet react? Neither have a unique reaction; they're unfazed. What internet browser do you use? Google Chrome. Do you like eggnog? Noooo no no. How often do you see your mother? Every day, because I live with her. Do you like croutons in your salad? No, I really don't like the texture difference. Who did you last play truth or dare with? I don't know. Have you ever brewed your own mead, wine, beer or soda? No. Have you had to make any changes in your life lately? If so, what kind of changes? ugh What's the earliest popular thing you can remember from your childhood? Ummm. I mean, probably like Barney or Elmo? Do you prefer practicality or fashionability when it comes to clothes? Well, really neither. I'm the type that wears tank tops in snow, flipflops year-round, sweatpants in summer... so I don't really dress with practicality. I don't care what's "fashionable," so. Comfort pretty much reigns over my wardrobe. Which kinds of berries grow in the wild where you live? There are these little red ones that grow in little groups and somewhat resemble raspberries. I can't remember if they're edible, though... Oh, and muscadine grapes (I had to look up if they were berries lmao) can be found here, too. They're yummy. Beautyberries are another. Have you ever made an article of clothing yourself? If so, what was it? No. Do you go to arcades? If so, what's your go-to game at one? Even before Covid, I never really went to them. I enjoy them, though. I guess my favorite is maybe air hockey? When's the last time you had an alcoholic beverage? What was it? At the Cheesecake Factory for my birthday. It was some kind of sangria... Maybe strawberry and peach? Idr, but it was good. What has been the most enjoyable job you've had? You assume I've had a job I actually enjoyed. How about the least enjoyable job? Well, I barely lasted two hours in a dairy, soooo... When's the last time you had to carefully plan how you used your time? You're asking the wroooong person, 'cuz my life is never busy enough for that. Who do you usually say hello or good morning to first? My snake Venus, usually. Well, that is if her head is peeking out of her hide or is just fully out. Do you ever chat about your favorite video games with your friends? I don't really have gamer friends anymore, so not really. What do you hope you grow out of? Being so goddamn dependent. What movie made you cry the most? I can't say for sure considering it's easy for movies to make me cry, lmao. Maybe Titanic. What was one of the happiest moments of your childhood? Seeing a container of dog food in the far back behind the Christmas tree one year. It's how I learned I was finally gettinga dog (Teddy). What brings you the most joy in life? Probably my cat lmao. What's a hobby you would like to try out? I wanna get back into video editing, I just. Don't have the motivation for it anymore. As with most things. What sort of a kiss do you count as the first kiss? On the lips and with mutual intention. What was the last event you attended? Thanksgiving dinner at my sister's, ig. How about the last event you organized? Me? Organizing an event? What's the biggest insect you've ever seen? In the wild, probably like... a rhinocerous beetle or something. NO NO WAIT. I remember at least once in my life seeing a fucking GINORMOUS moth on the ground one morning. I don't know what kind it was, but jc it was huge. How about the biggest spider? Oh yikes, I'll never forget this: an orb weaver wandering across the floor of our childhood van and under the passenger's seat. Never saw it again. I was afraid to let my feet stay on the floor for a looong time, haha. What's something you'd never ever dare to ask another person? I'd never ask certain "why" questions, like "why did you get an abortion?" or something like that. I can think of valid situations to ask most things, even controversial matters, but no one should ever have to justify something like that. "Why don't you have kids?" is another. That one gets to me. Having children is not an advancement or milestone in everyone's life, and hell, you never know if the woman's had like five miscarriages or something. What's something you've always wanted to ask someone but haven't dared? Why Mom didn't raise her eldest daughter, at least for her whole life. Katie's childhood is a big mystery to me, and I want to know more, but I know the topic is very upsetting to Mom, so I'm not about to make her explain it. What's the worst/best thing you've done without your parents knowing? Saying "worst/best" makes this question confusing... but I'm guessing you mean the best thing to me that they wouldn't have approved of? I really didn't do a lot of things that would fit that description. I can only think of a certain intimate occasion where things happened where they probably shouldn't have. If you wear earrings, what does your favorite pair look like? Ugh, I don't because of the holes being too stretched out from wearing heavy earrings too long. I still haven't gotten to putting proper gauges in so it looks less stupid. Have you ever won any money from a scratch card? Maybe like, $10 or something. How about a slot machine? I've never played one. Do like playing bingo? Sure, it's all right. What small, everyday thing makes you really happy? Cuddling with my cat. Do you enjoy puzzle games? If so, which one's your favorite? Yeah, I do. I can't really pick a favorite, though... Is there a substance you avoid at all costs? If so, what is it and why? I think in a past survey I mentioned my aversion to beer because of the association it has with my dad. I'd never be able to get a sip down. Not that I really want to anyway though, it stinks. What you would you absolutely hate living next door to? Any really busy location or travel hubs, like a train station. My childhood home was near a railroad track, and it sucked, so I can only imagine a station. What would you love to live next door to? A waterfall, uggghhhh. In the woods too to hear plenty of frogs and toads and crickets... What gives you nostalgia? It is very easy to make me nostalgic. The littlest things can do it. Hearing about/seeing/playing childhood video games, like Spyro, is a biggie. Which reminds me how damn badly I wanna play the Reignited trilogy, fuck. I just don't have the proper console. Which language do you think is the most complicated to learn? Well English is supposedly the hardest objectively, but as a native English speaker, I can't say anything about that. In my experience, Latin was like fucking impossible. Is there a place that you might call your second home? I guess Dad's house, but it's not like I'm there a lot. I feel comfortable there, though. How do you imagine your later life to look like? I DO NOT want to think about this. I fucking dread the thought. What is a job you would never in a million years want to do? A butcher. There is absolutely no motherfucking way I ever could do it, even if it kept me off the streets. What's the weirdest building in your city? *shrug* How do you keep in touch with friends usually? Facebook. Do you recognize friends'/family's vehicles by sound? Not anymore. Dad had an old car that was very easy to recognize with its shitty muffler, but he hasn't had that car in years upon years. I used to be able to recognize Jason's old car too because of sound, but primarily because he drove way too fast down our path that when I heard a car zooming over rocks, I knew it was him. What's something new you've just recently learned? It was actually a topic of recent discussion that I may have high-functioning Asperger's. Very, very unusual to learn later in life, but apparently Mom's seen the warning signs in some things since childhood, like my extreme pickiness with textures, my tendency to knead and play with my hands in situations of discomfort, my social ineptitude, hyperfixations, it actually running in our family (which I didn't know beforehand), among a lot of other things. We're not really digging into it though because it just doesn't matter; there's obviously no magic treatment for autism, and me being in therapy and having a psychiatrist to handle my meds is enough. If you were in Harry Potter, which house would you be in? Apparently I'm on the Hufflepuff/Gryffindor line when I took a survey a long time ago. Are you nagged about being on the computer too much? Not anymore, at least on the average day. Mom's accepted it by now. Dad's joked about it before though and I know others have certain opinions about it. Based on your personality, what animal do you think you'd be? Maybe a deer. Shy, reclusive, and always on alert. Have you ever been in a hot tub? Yeah. What song is stuck in your head at the moment? I have "my boy" by Billie Eilish on right now because it's stuck in my head. What's your father's middle name? John. What's the last movie you saw in theaters? Yikes, good question. I think it was The Lion King remake. Have you ever vandalized? No. What's a pet you've always wanted? Most pets I want I've had at some point or another... I guess I'll say a ferret, though I've really only wanted one in concept. I could never keep up with their maintenance, but by god they are the cutest fucking things ever. Do you like mice? I love mice! What's your favorite t-shirt? My "equal in our bones" Cloak shirt. :''') The design is so beautiful and just my style in general, plus I live to support anything Fischfuck takes part in. Did you/will you get a car for your 16th birthday? I'm 25 and still have never had my own car lmaoooo. What's your favorite tomato variety? I generally don't like tomatoes themselves, but rather products made with them, like ketchup. If I'm in the mood though, I do like tomato sandwiches with mayo and bacon; I only ever enjoyed them though if they were fresh right from an old friend's garden. Which well-known person's death shocked you the most, if any? I think Chester Bennington's was the biggest surprise. Rest easy, you legend. What's the craziest color you'd dye your hair? More like what crazy color WOULDN'T I dye it... What was the longest train ride you've been on? I've never been on one. What's the coolest hobby one of your friends has? uhhhhh idk Have you ever played in a stack of hay bales? No. If you could learn any skill, which would you like to learn? Ha, cooking. How do you like your steak? Medium well.
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incarnateirony · 4 years
I'm curious, do you think that theory that Lucifer is Jottun makes sense? To me it feels weird, but this is your lane and you have way more knowledge about this.
Okay so first of all, wtf tumblr why is your cut INSIDE THE ASK and fucking up my post
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Moving on:
I... is this like, a show theory that someone came up with? Or are you talking like, in general mythology?
(Edit: I realized I postured this from the angle of assuming we’re talking about the widely received idea of Lucifer in modern culture; if I was wrong about that, lemme know -- I do drift into the NONCHRISTIAN Greek Lucifer as well, which you’ve seen me talk about with Phanes before on this blog)
I’ve never heard a serious statement (or at least one that held up if gently poked) about this as much as a general correlation (IE, Promethean deities if you will, which would correspond Lucifer to Loki, though I highly disagree with that assessment for other reasons as well) -- or various theory parallels where the Jotun are parallel to everything from Titans to Nephilim. 
Generally the Luciferian/Satanic iconization of Loki came from later transcriptions of eddas by Christian monks. Then again, the idea of Satan himself came from the jews taking on Zoroastrian beliefs after captivity so fuck all flips table
The last thing I’ve seen that tried to draw any kind of correlation about it had some nonsense trying to equate Azazel to Hermes too and a whole other mess of madness.
Without tracking the anthropology and etymology of a situation though, you end up with a mess, and there’s a lot of those out there. If you google long and hard enough, Lucifer is everyone. He’s Cronus, he’s Hyperion, he’s Prometheus, he’s Loki, he’s like half the native american spirits, he’s also somehow half the angels and demons in the bible and apocryphal scripture, depending on how far down a rabbit hole someone wants to go, he’s Santa or a tempting sandwich on tuesdays.
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This got long so I’m putting it behind a cut -- it seems to drift but to truly answer this ask, or more answer why I don’t even have a direct statement to answer it, required some -- explanation and history
Helel is a stronger thing to lean into for example. The anthropology tracks, the mythos tracks, etc. Hell, look up Jewish beliefs on fallen angels, satan, lucifer or whatever and realize Christianity has really taken judaism for a joyride while gluing shit over their homework. Hell like, check out the history of jewish captivity under Nebuchadnezzar II and how Zoroastrianism influenced judaism/the very belief of satan/eventual conflation with Lucifer -- there’s debate on whether the Morning Star, mentioned as the King of Babylon, who made them work and toil, was Nebuchadnezzar himself. Which would make, Lucifer, um. Some king dude that died 2600 years ago, give or take. 
I am-- very slow to draw angelic associations. That’s not to say they don’t happen. You can, say, track the fall of the grigori and follow their mentioned path to egypt where they "became kings”, and follow which ones disseminated into which cultures how by comparing their attributes, sure. But with something like, say, Lucifer, which is a mythological clusterfuck to itself, considering everything in the public mind about Lucifer modernly is an amalgam of everything from multiple names in the same sacred text to adaptations from influencing religions/weird reads on the transcriptions from people that didn’t know their history/etc, I’m not gonna be like LUCIFER IS JOTUN any more than LUCIFER IS A TITAN or LUCIFER IS A NEPHILIM. 
Could there be a correlation for that? Sure I guess. But of the many things I have studied or dealt with, I’ve seen some shit. I’ve seen some SHIT. And never once have I encountered a Lucifer that was legit, if you believe in spoopy shit. Various shit loves using the name as a quick cred card but that’s the equivalent of a nigerian prince facebook scam that’s totes in the US Army Doug David Donnie Darko Davis, very believable.  But you know what? I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s Lucifer these days. Whoever was identified as it originally 1. probably put on magical witness protection and changed names by now 2. has been utterly lost by time and has been replaced more with a /concept/ than a /being/. But the modern concepts are so vague it’s like hiding a blue chip in a pool, have fun finding it, and I’ve definitely never been compelled to do so.
I’m sure racially speaking one could say “angels might be aesir” “demons might be jotun” and draw a reasonable argument about it with enough effort, but that’d be more like... systemic translation of thousands-years-old stories traveled over the lands, at which point the question is less “Is Lucifer Jotun?” and more “What would the Aesir and Jotun be in abrahamic text equivalency?”
Curiously I’ve never seen anybody go bananas over this shit to find correlations for anything ~other~ than Christian-outward -- Christian texts always want to make their people everybody else’s people, but nobody is fighting to be referenced by christianity and even less are trying to compare say, Zoroastrianism or Islam or anything else to what gods THEY might be -- even though Zoroastrianism is literally where half this stuff came from, where ideas of archangelic-like creatures and archdemons came from, where the afterlife, where it all came from. So I struggle, deeply, to associate Lucifer with anything specific for a long, long list of reasons but find this a particularly weird thing. Like when’s the last time you heard a muslim or taoist or any other major world religion right now go out and be like “YOU KNOW WHO I THINK (ENTITY) IS, I BET ITS THIS GREEK/NORSE DUDE RIGHT HERE”-- it’s just a Christian culture thing?? IDK???
And again sometimes it’s even /valid/ but I just-- Lucifer is such a Topic(TM) to me. Because to me, he’s a concept, an idea, an archetype, but if there ever was an individual Lucifer that dude got himself a face transplant and fucked off a long time ago IMO so good luck 
cuz like
 Interpretations of a similar term in the Hebrew Bible, translated in the King James Version as "Lucifer" as a proper name, led to a Christian tradition of applying the name Lucifer, and its associated stories of a fall from heaven, to Satan, but modern scholarship generally translates the term in the relevant Bible passage, (Isaiah 14:12), as "morning star" or "shining one" rather than as a proper name, "Lucifer".
As a name for the Devil, the more common meaning in English, "Lucifer" is the rendering of the Hebrew word הֵילֵל‎ (transliteration: hêylêl; pronunciation: hay-lale) in Isaiah (Isaiah 14:12) given in the King James Version of the Bible. The translators of this version took the word from the Latin Vulgate, which translated הֵילֵל by the Latin word lucifer (uncapitalized) meaning "the morning star, the planet Venus", or, as an adjective, "light-bringing".
As a name for the planet in its morning aspect, "Lucifer" (Light-Bringer) is a proper name and is capitalized in English. In Greco-Roman civilization, it was often personified and considered a god and in some versions considered a son of Aurora (the Dawn). A similar name used by the Roman poet Catullus for the planet in its evening aspect is "Noctifer" (Night-Bringer).
You’d probably have a better chance of coherently inferring that Lucifer is actually Inanna or Ishtar the goddess, as Venus, or that Lucifer is Aphrodite. ORIGINALLY IT WAS FUCKING HELEL. 
A suggested methodology on this: Never ever ever start from Christian texts. Like ever. Much less without at least a single Daf Yomi run to actually understand the jewish texts before it got super renovated and had white-out slapped all over it. Christianity generally perished anything after it, or at best attached like a symbiote until the host entity or belief was gone. Hell, sometimes the greecoroman Lucifer is the son of Eoster. Sound familiar? Hot take: Lucifer is Easter confirmed Easter is Satan worship.
See how that can be kinda... faulty? If you want to understand it though-- figure out where the same concept went? GO BACKWARDS. Never go FORWARDS. Pick up those christian and jewish texts and go. BACKWARDS. Akkadian. Babylonian. Because once you realize what was clipped out of other faiths, you can go back to that core deity and start figuring out where it branched off in other directions than eventually being kidnapped into the messianic cult bag. THEN go forward in time and realize that christianity is just an itty bitty teeny tiny branch of our history, it just swamped us over time via extermination. So you can find Lucifer as just about anyone, because respectively, ask a room full of rabbis and pastors to write down every time Lucifer is mentioned by name in original text form in the bible before translation and rendition. The rabbis are gonna giggle and the pastors are gonna be deadass wrong, sorry.
You wanna play a game? “Is Asmodeus Aesir?”
folds arms I’ma let you sit here scratching your heads about that for a while.
Because it’s gonna take going backwards. Who was the babylonian form of Asmodeus? When did the name ASMODEUS happen? What name did it have even in jewish texts? Or which branch of names? What did that deity evolve into in less calvinistic or messianic circles? Yes, you can track this. Yes, you CAN find how it translated into greece far and away from abrahamic or calvinistic influence, or to the vikings, or anyone else if you chase the crumbs enough, but again, there’s-- entire things to review about systemic beliefs and translations/hot takes. Same shit, different label in most places, sure, but-- eh. 
Ranting a bit at this point but if anyone takes anything out of this:
Pinpoint when/where/why names originated
Go backwards first, not forward
Find the anchor belief/origin/story
Find where it branched
respect the branches and deviations as unique renditions within cultures while equally respecting the fact that there’s some truth in all beliefs and we’re all trying to describe the same shit. So could Lucifer be Jotun, I guess. But we’d have to hold nuanced discussion about the journey of the narrative from A to B and how the Aesir and Jotun correspond at large.
Anthropology and etymology are key. Where did people travel, how did they write, what did it mean. Don’t look only for very specific affiliations.
Hell let me take a quote from-- a place. 
Here is how a pantheon actually comes together.
First deity: “Shit. My people were conquered and my religion just blowed up. I’m out of a job”
Second deity: “Me too.”
Third deity: “Hey, you look like that Lightning God the mortals in that place over there are telling stories about.”
Two deities at the same time: “We’re lightning gods too, though!”
Third deity: “Well, shit. You, on the left, you’re better looking. Best you be in charge.”
First deity: “Screw you! I’m bigger than all of you!”
Second deity: “Whatever. You’re a thug. Go rule the sea.”
First deity: “What? I’m a god of paternity!”
Second deity: “Paternity’s moist. That’s very similar.”
Meanwhile, you guys on Earth are all like, “Oh, Hermes is younger than Apollon.” Like its a fact. Like I wasn’t some Proto-Indo-Eurpean god of Penises and Serpents and outcroppings of stone long before anyone was ever speaking Greek.
And while we’re at the bastardized rerolling of mythologies, most heavily performed by christianity, I point you to that last line, regarding Baal Peor, and raise you:
If people noticed that video was sassier than normal, there’s a reason.
Let’s say you had a super interesting life and people kept telling your story, but over time, as it spread around the world, the telephone game got warped into several very different things. In some you’re even the villain, in some you have a giant dick, and in others you saved the world. All of these were somehow inspired by you and your story, but none of the people at the end of the story are necessarily ~you~. But someone has to figure out where the story started to find who ~you~ are, even if there’s tales of things you did, or supposedly did, all over the place. And sometimes people also take any word that sounds like your name and make it you. So if your name was Ted, you’d also end up with all kinds of shit like Bed Dead Fed Head Jed Lead Ned Red Wed and Zed when they come up suddenly all get replaced by the word/name Ted and that’s it, that’s your mythology. 
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
The Invisible Man (2020) Locations - Movies Locations
Barangaroo, sorry son wants to start a new type of travel in where you can go and have your car detailed refueled fluids changed while you're sleeping and I have a robot concierge there that you can access that can get you things to the hotel without you so much as lifting a finger on your device or a hotel phone or anything and a couple other features we can think of you can actually have your car transported and take a helicopter or go to the airport and it offers tickets and find the best rates and purchases them using the credit card you left to the hotel for your e signature or voice signature and it's a normal price hotel it's like 50 to $85 a night depending where and we're going to start it down there and yes we're going to ask the outback to put a mini outback in each one of them and Max says yes I don't know if he owns it but he says yes which means he probably wants to go there all the bedding is always changed of course and the rooms are cleaned immaculate and we cleaned them all at the same time and with robotics and we monitor it and nobody's in the hotel when we're cleaning them and we clean them from a half hour from 11:00 to 11:30 if you rent the hotel for more than one day just you may stay in your room through the time period but we ask that you leave us a half hour to clean the room at and notify the desk when and take your personal effects out you may of course leave clothing and stuff but we require you to take your personal effects out with you your purse your wallet your watch and it is a joy to watch people and we do sanitize it and the HVAC system is top rate and it is a laser sanitization system or you may crack a window depending and we recommend the sanitized air because it is 30% fresh air and it's not recirculated except for well 30% is what is in it all the time we dehumidify it and everything this is clean as a clean room people say we have a couple up and running in Australia you can book from anywhere you can go from the hotel there avoid helicopter it was funny or you can land a fly car and we have landing area and a and we have taxis that go from it to the hotel it's a secure a lot and it does have a camera you can access a lot of people like might like it it's a great idea it sounds like boomerang but it's not it's a town that's in Australia it has a smoothie in it tonight or John goes after Ellie trying to get the letter Jesus Christ it's like The Scarlet letter he says some people call it it has the A on it it means a lot more than just his last name so people want to see what it says how it's written and so forth a lot of people might be disappointed some people might see some sort of code in it
Thor Freya
We're down there buying hotels like mad cuz people want to stay there tonight well now it's today I'm going to renovate like 50,000 hotels right now if robots doing all the work it's a huge job giant giant numbers of people are doing it huge numbers and we have several people who want one of those in the city is it's New York Los Angeles San Francisco San Diego Houston and New Mexico wants one and a whole bunch of cities in Atlanta and where asking them where and actually it's a the Town council who wants it City councils and we're talking to people all over the world and they want these places and we're asking for locations no we're telling them where like hotels that are about the right size and we just add a building or two to our Best Westerns and things and usually the defunct ones that we can talk about and they said okay so we pick a few and we tell them how it works and we're going ahead and do you and this is associated with him yes that's all they ask so we're installing them now we have all sorts of rental stuff in the at the airport now and they want the bikes there to rent the bikes and we said wow that's crazy man and then sunset there's a few places the bike rental like that would be great and we probably haven't done it yet like Bermuda Australia New Zealand and Hawaii and of course right here and siesta key and saint Armand.
Now I saw the cops arresting and I know this is serious cuz he's an idiot he's not on either side and everyone doesn't like him and they're going after him and he's been doing this for years now he's caught and he's going from side to side and people are hitting him and I don't really near him cuz I'm Ellie today he provoked him a lot he just sat there looking at him I think it's a nut job cuz he is I saw him called the cops and I thought the idiot did and he did needs walking towards him and he heard the cops on the phone saying this is the sheriff and he backed off why I said is he's pretty cunning and he's starting to figure it out just to keep the stupid a****** away from him he's going to be doing that stuff can you imagine it all this in the balance and this moron it's selling a future out just to go around harassing him it doesn't really help us and we looked at it and it doesn't it doesn't help us at all some kind of pissed off because he keeps doing it and doing it and doing it and doing it and it doesn't do anything and everybody's yelling at him and they a****** won't back off and I can hear him saying you are right on because this this is terrible and I noticed something too he sits there and says all this s*** in space tons of stuff we were blaming his people for he's having said he's a nutcase Ellie says and I get the program we're going to have to possibly do it because of what he's doing I mean there's what else can we do it would work but you know maybe in a while a few days next Tuesday
Ellie says
It's going to block him off and tell him apart because it's such a jerk and we're taking him down he's all over the place doing these acts everybody moves in takes us part and they wreck the thing and we're going to sue him too we got lawsuits that are issuing now and there's tons of them okay and they're real my son's name on them yeah.
He goes to this movie tonight John Gallagher he gets arrested in Australia several times and he gets put on trial today for espionage and he's getting sued there too by a bunch of people and they want him down and is there to investigate the comet Empire ship and people don't want him investigating it and talking about it and inspiring others. He goes there and you can hear a son saying should go there to get rid of yourself and others that's what happens he just keeps on talking and talking and talking because after some letter that's practically meaningless so I can excuse to be there any parks himself to death with it gets arrested and for stocking attempted murder homicide of other people while he was doing it this police and sheriff said he kills and they put them in jail and he's there for like half a night gets out and tries to run here and he can't and there is an interesting piece of information in that movie as to where he goes next
Thor Freya
It's a clue and a son nailed it there's other people like him they're his people though and it's not nobody from the mission because they're wearing gear and a lot of them get fried partially or fried completely and their outfitted with stuff because they hate him and it's in the movie suicide squad the first one it happens immediately after this movie and he goes over there up there to the upper Midwest and he's trying to steal things and he goes as Will Smith and he gets caught but without the cloak
Bitol and Goddess Wife
0 notes
buffpidgey · 7 years
Edward Elric Is a Political Powerhouse And Doesn’t Know It
I said I’d write something about Ed’s political potential. Here, have 2,065 words about Ed’s political potential.
Edward Elric is the youngest State Alchemist, earning his position at age 12, because he is a cheeky little shit. 
Edward Elric makes a name for himself as a competent independent actor, when Roy Mustang sends him on missions.
Edward Elric is a hot political commodity.
It’s a pity he doesn’t give a shit.
There’s a common trope in FMA fanfic where Ed is approached by another military official, wanting Ed to join him. I can’t really remember seeing this happen in canon, but, I do think it is something that could and probably has happened. (Unless there is some kind of military reason this WOULDN’T happen, but I am not aware of something like that, and furthermore, Amestris’ military also functions as a political entity so there would probably be leeway for at least unofficial actions like this)
In those fanfics, Ed always declines the offers. Those military officials don’t know his secret like Roy does, and Ed has no patience for their political posturing.
If he DID though, he would have quite a bit of influence if he wanted it. And while a non-negligible part stems from his undeniable abilities as an alchemist, I would argue much of it comes from his status as something of a Folk Hero.
(Under a cut cuz 2,065 entire words)
The idea of folk heroes is one that’s been played with for a long time- hell, we even have a hero from hundreds of years ago (Robin Hood) who has hung around because that idea is still popular. 
One of the things that go hand in hand with folk heroes is a repressive local regime. With Robin Hood, it was the Sheriff of Nottingham and the usurper king (represented in the Disney version as scrawny lion). In the case of The Man They Call Jayne and the mudders, it was the bosses who worked those folks hard for no pay.
With The Peoples’ Alchemist, it’s... well, technically it’s the entire Amestrian government, but while Ed is a State Alchemist, it’s just corrupt officials. 
The motto an alchemist is supposed to follow in FMA is: “Alchemist, be thou for the people.” In a largely agrarian society that’s just leaning into the industrial revolution, like Amestris, someone who could easily fix tools, repair buildings, act as a doctor, or even control fire (depending on the alchemist’s skill level and specialty) are all things that could very much provide a huge advantage and security to a community that could support an alchemist.
Which is probably what needs to happen, since you can’t do alchemy without a lot of studying.
So an alchemist who completes that study, is supposed to turn that awesome alchemical power back to the benifit of the community. By running off to the military, that alchemist is basically taking the community’s downpaiment made during that alchemist’s training, and running away with it, while giving the community nothing.
(And this reasoning totally ignores the Spiderman Maxim of: with great power comes great responsibility.)
Then the alchemist goes specifically to the military. Since its ... founding ... Amestris has been run by war hawks, who look for any excuse to start a land-grabbing war. Of course, war is a serious drain on both people and the economy.
Those who AREN’T in a position for war profiteering (basically most of the population) don’t want war. They get coerced into war through various means anyway, and end up losing family over it. So yeah, Amestris may be basically a military dictatorship with a few democratic trappings, but there is a reason that Roy Mustang went into the military to change the country’s politics, and not the parliment.
With great power both politically and martially, the military is gonna start feeling entitled. Especially ranking individuals within the military. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and the military structure is really bad at promoting accountability.
So when alchemists go off to this institution and they get caught up in the absolute corruption it’s a double blow to the people, because it’s like watching your community’s nice doctor go off to design bioweapons.
Into this situation, enter Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist.
Edward, as I mentioned briefly in the beginning of this post, has an amazing skill in alchemy, and is a competent individual. The first of these qualities got his foot in the door. The second kept him in his position of State Alchemist. From there, though, this competent alchemist was able to unintentionally forge his reputation of the Peoples’ Alchemist.
In a situation where State Alchemists are seen as dogs of the military at best, and living genocide machines at worst, Ed managed to break through that image to the point where people actually love him enough to flock around him in awe. (Well, flock around Al, who they THINK is Ed)
Garnering that kind of admiration is no mean feat. We know HOW he did that- Ed’s adventure in Youswell laid it out pretty well. The point is, Ed is seriously popular.
Because FMA is Ed’s story, and Ed doesn’t care about politics at all, we never see other government/military officials. Well, we never see one who is genuinely popular with the people. But looking at how dramatic Ed’s reception is, how determined Roy is to change things, and what we know about how Amestris was formed, it’s easy to assume that the average citizen doesn’t have a lot of real say in important things.
What hope the people have in positive political or social change rests in figures who are already in power who act in ways that visibly benefit them. Given the cast of political actors we’ve seen in canon, the only person who is VISIBLY acting on behalf of the people is Ed.
Which means that you could argue that Ed is the single most popular political figure in ALL OF AMESTRIS.
That’s not to say that I do think he IS, just to say that it’s possible. I’m sure there are other do-gooder reformers. They likely are either stuck in dead-end assignments or aren’t as visibly effective.
Either way, Ed is the single most popular State Alchemist, and given that as a State Alchemist, he has a rank equivalent to Major, and even as someone who only knows vague facts about military structure from what she’s found on wikipedia, (A major has the authority to command units up to 300 strong) that is an IMPRESSIVE and IMPORTANT position of authority.
When learning about The French Revolution (not the Les Mis one) I learned that French society was divided in three unequal parts, and that the largest population was also the poorest, and also had 100% of the tax burden. I’m pretty sure that’s not how Amestris is, but I will tell you that that fact made a very big impression on little me after growing up listening to (and basically memorizing) the 25th Anniversary Version of Les Miserables the Musical (Mom is a music nerd) where a not insignificant thing that sets off the revolution is the death of Lamarque.
According to the students and the chorus, Lamarque is the only one who “speaks for the people here below”. When this dude dies, the students decide it’s time to topple the government since the ONE GOOD THING about it just died. They ultimately fail to topple the government, but Lamarque made that much of an impact on them.
Ed is NOT Lamarque. His goal isn’t to make things better for The People. And yet, he has so much pull among The People, that he has a rep and a nickname, after less than four years of work. Four years seems like a lot for many people, but in the grand scheme of things, four years from “absolute beginner starting point” to “national figure” is almost unnaturally short. Especially in a world where the newspaper is the main source of news.
In political systems where power is intentionally concentrated at the very top (fascism, dictatorships, monarchies), and the people have very little explicit political power, they are not completely powerLESS.
Their power is ill-defined and even harder to actually access in a specific way, but, being able to gauge the feeling of your citizens is important in remaining in power. Even citizens with only a facsimile of political power still can make their opinions known. And if that opinion turns to ‘those in power have to go’, well, it’s better to not let it get there, right?
In the case of Amestris, they have made their opinion of Ed pretty clear. His reputation is no secret to those who pay attention. While gaining a positive reputation is harder than gaining a bad one (the saying is ‘lie down with dogs, rise up with fleas’ not ‘stand in a rose garden and smell of roses’) association with Ed would probably be beneficial for those who wish to play the political game.
Without going out and specifically doing work good deeds, becoming Ed’s commanding officer would mean that you get to take partial credit for everything he does. That’s, like, how commanding officers WORK.
This partial credit for Ed’s very popular corruption-smashing would translate into some pretty sweet political clout, since you are presumed to be a source of popular political action. Popular political actions being easier to implement, even in places where democracy isn’t really a thing.
Of course, that is assuming that Ed doesn’t want to wield his popularity himself.
If Ed wanted to, he could decide that he wants political authority and use the popularity he’s found as a stepping stone to launch himself higher up the ladder than he is already. While his age and political inexperience would hamper him, if he played his cards right, Ed could become a political force equal to the vast majority of the population of Amestris, in addition to the military power he holds by being a State Alchemist.
Because Ed DOESN’T decide to become the Avatar Of The People’s Will in Amestrian politics, he leaves any handling of his political clout to Roy Mustang. And as I said earlier, that sure does boost Roy’s own political clout.
And I’m sure that Roy appreciates that.
He DOESN’T appreciate having to absorb any negative political blowback whenever Ed unseats someone’s nepotistic pet project. 
There is also the danger of what could possibly happen if Ed were to die in Suspicious Circumstances.
I don’t think that Roy would immediately be assumed to be the one who had Ed “taken care of”. But it would all depend on how Ed died, and the current state of the country when he died.
Assuming Ed died during, say, a year with a good harvest when things were generally quiet, there would likely be some kind of public mourning, but it would probably be akin to when David Bowie died.
If he died very suspiciously during a bad year... things could get ugly. If a people thinks that there is nothing to lose, they will take no prisoners.
In that situation of course, Amestris gets throw into another civil war since the people believe their government killed off the only person who was perceived to be on their side.
Of course, that never happened in canon, but sometimes I think about the bad things that could happen, politically, if something happened to Ed.
Ed’s focus is only on restoring his and Al’s bodies, but his little side trips to help people when he finds assholery has given him a reputation that would immediately catapult him to VIP in Amestrian politics if he so chose.
This reputation, along with Ed’s undeniable skill, is probably pretty useful to Roy Mustang’s own political standing. Roy doesn’t give Ed that long leash just because he feels sorry for the kid. Ed roaming around being The Peoples Alchemist earns HIM political points too
If anything bad ever happened to Ed in any kind of public way, though, the Amestrian people would want SOME kind of vengeance, and depending on the situation, Ed might could probably maybe start a war. Or even a civil war, depending on how he died...
It’s probably one of the reasons the homonculi are so concerned with making sure this particular “human sacrifice” stays safe.
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brewerlinda1995 · 4 years
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BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :car4insure.xyz
can i put insurance on a car that is not in my name
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Insurance Coverage – Costs and Details – What is an HSA? An HSA provides more than just health insurance. You ll have access to Medicare, Health Insurance Plans and Medicaid, as well as the benefits and financial protection for emergencies. However, it s also available for the community as part of your tax and charitable contributions. An HSA is essentially a contract between you and an insurance company – you agree to have your benefits delivered to your beneficiaries. As an example, a HSA could cover your hospital costs for emergency hospital care. You might think a HSA is like a . However, HSA-approved insurance policies can be very limited. While some insurance companies offer a wide range of plans, you can find individual/group plans available to you, for free. A common example would be . You might also find coverage for a specific type of medical care only – it s the least expensive option available (or you may have a higher deductible). An HSA or PPO plan is the only way to truly truly compare.
What do auto insurance companies think about policies being purchased by someone other than a vehicle’s owner?
What do auto insurance companies think about policies being purchased by someone other than a vehicle’s owner? When a driver purchases a policy for himself or herself, the driver’s insurance carrier is typically asking if the driver owns a “primary” vehicle.  If so, that person can be assumed to have a “primary” license.  In the event of a motor vehicle accident, the other person’s insurance policy will not cover a driver’s car’s damage. This has happened in the past. This section of the article introduces the primary vehicle law for driving purposes.  The primary vehicle law applies in the states where it would be legal to drive a car without insurance.  So, when a driver applies for car insurance with a “primary” license, the policy holder and the agent are typically on the same side in covering accidents.  An “authorized” agent will have the discretion about which party the car insurance company will take your policy for.  Under some circumstances, the �.
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
How Student Loans Work...EXPLAINED!
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/how-student-loans-work-explained/
How Student Loans Work...EXPLAINED!
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Mike: hey? Have you ever guys ever heard of Tyler Oakley? Good, Tyler Oakley has heard os scholar loans, cuz he had ’em. Giant time. And so he and his acquaintances at gigantic body have asked us to make this for you to give an explanation for how student loans work so you realize, you guys can hae a slightly higher existence vis a vis (?) student loans than Tyler did. Cuz from what I comprehend, he and his acquaintances located it very confusing being that they may be humans and everything. So how do scholar loans work, and the way can you make them work better for you? Section One: The FAFSA AKA Free software for Federal pupil aid. Now before you genuinely start watching for loans, you are gonna want to fill the sort of babies out, either online or on a paper type, which it seems that continues to be a thing.Did you? I didn’t. In any case, huh? Rapid note: filling out the FAFSA is FREE! Free! By no means pay any scammers who are trying to get your money to fill it out. Go to FAFSA’s government website, no longer FAFSA.Com because these guys… Somethin’s fishy. In addition to getting used for federal financial help the FAFSA can also be used by state and institution funded packages, reminiscent of scholarships. Now if youre in high institution, reeer-eer rock and roll, high institution right here, it can be the hippest position in town. Seem at me, i’m not a 31 year old man, i am so hip.I think that you can tell. (beep) If youre in excessive institution then youll surely wish to fill this out as soon as viable after January 1st in the course of your senior year. If youre no longer in high university, you still do wish to fill it out as quickly as viable after the new 12 months. I do need to take a 2nd to stress how foremost that is. Most fiscal help is given out on a primary come, first served groundwork even though it is determined by distinct reasons. So the sooner that you may get that FAFSA in, the bettter you chances of getting the maximum quantity of support available to you.And unluckily, this isn’t a one time thing, either. Even when you are in tuition, you have got to keep filling it out each year. That is due to the fact that, you already know, your occasions might alternate. Considered one of our lovely Tumblr readers said that you may get help from the fiscal support workplace which makes plenty of experience and we’d incredibly advise that. To honestly fill it out your FAFSA, youre gonna want some records. There are tons of one-of-a-kind ones, so right now that knowledge is solely floatin’ round my face right now on account that powers. Also, dont leave any blank house on the shape, if something would not apply to you, simply write zero or no longer applicable and then you are done, you already know. Simply wrap that youngster in a blanket and smack it on the bottom, cuz we’re occurring to– phase Two: varieties of Loans After submitting your FAFSA, there are going to be a quantity of different loan choices. These comprise: 1. Stafford Loans These are offered immediately to you, the pupil, from the USA department of schooling. They are able to be used to pay for many distinctive sorts of bigger education.Stafford loans will either be subsidized or unsubsidized, based in your monetary want. Backed loans mean you dont need to pay any interest on the mortgage at the same time youre nonetheless in university as a minimum half of-time. If your mortgage is unsubsidized, you start accruing curiosity on the first day you obtain your funding. 2. PLUS Loans AKA father or mother Loans for Undergraduate students. These loans are provided to the dad and mom of students by means of the U.S. Division of schooling to help fund their childs education. PLUS loans are confined to the precise schooling expenditures minus every other fiscal aid obtained with the aid of the scholar. 3. Perkins Loans Perkins loans are available for undergraduate or graduate students. These loans are financed by using your institution, however are guaranteed through the federal govt. Perkins loans are situated on your financial want and have caps of $27,500 for undergrads, and $60,000 for graduate scholars. When weighing your monetary options, PLEASE be definite to look at your interest expense. Even decimal points of change can add as much as massive quantities over the ten, 20 or something years for the duration of which you’re going to be paying your loans. So read that high-quality print child! Depending to your problem, you too can have got to practice for personal loans.These are style of problematic. Exclusive loans most likely cost greater costs and more interest, however we do comprehend that they possibly the only option for your case. Extra data within the dooblydo. Section Three: compensation good day, investigate out that fancy piece o paper in your fingers! Whoah mama! Aooga! Time to pay for it. You’re gonna have a number of extraordinary choices of the right way to pay your loans back. 1. Customary terms – that you can repay situated for your loans long-established phrases. This is regularly a ten to twenty 12 months reimbursement plan and it is the most common system. 2. Earnings-established repayment. That is the 2d most fashioned variety. The phrases of your long-established loan are restructured to suit into your funds centered to your present stage of revenue. You’re going to have to reapply ever year for this style of repayment, on account that your revenue could also be altering year to yr, confidently going up.Up, up, up, to the moon! 3. Deferment – if you can not have the funds for your pupil loan cost, in some instances that you can defer it. Deferment doesnt eliminate your student loan debt, it with no trouble puts off when your reimbursement plan starts offevolved. Its most likely most effective granted to current scholars, residents within the army, or if youre unemployed or are incomes not up to the minimal wage. Unsubsidized loans will continue to accrue curiosity for the period of deferment, so its a excellent inspiration to make any repayments that youre ready to. 4. Consolidation Loans If youre now out of institution and in finding your present repayment plan elaborate to manipulate, that you would be able to consistently consolidate your loans. Consolidating will take a couple of loans and simplify them right into a single new mortgage. This can make reimbursement less complicated and may prolong your reimbursement terms up to 30 years, that will slash your monthly repayments, but will extensively increase the quantity of interest you pay over the years. It’s super dupes essential to remain on top of your scholar loan repayments or to work with a mortgage servicing organization if you already know that you cannot make your repayments, try this as quickly as possible.Additionally, pupil loan debt does no longer mechanically go away. Even though you file for bakruptcy! What the crap? Best under very precise circumstances are you going to have these loans forgiven. A type of occasions is dying. So that you die, however you don’t have to pay. Every cloud… You can also honestly be competent to get your loans reduced or utterly forgiven if you happen to prefer to work in the public sector. You may still need to could a hundred and twenty on-time monthly payments before your ultimate balance is forgiven, however it is a quality alternative for regional, state, and federal government employees. Section four: A note for father and mother hi mom and dad! It can be first-class to peer you around here. You’re looking great.Would you adore this gift card for Chili’s? (laughs) Or these tickets to your Billy Joel live performance? Or would you adore… What’s yet another factor grown-u.S.Like? I am a grown up (document scratch) Existential hindrance! Consistent with Forbes, greater than half of all pupil loans are both delinquent or in deferral. These loans will also be for striking quantities, so if you do decide upon to support pay for your youngster’s school schooling, saving early is A+++.The IRS absolutely needs you to aid pay in your little one’s education, so they’ve anything known as a 529 financial savings Plan, which is sort of like a Roth IRA for saving to your bebes future. Not everyone has parents who’re going to be competent to support, but I do want each person to understand this alternative exists to aid. Phase 5: Tyler Oakley i’m so enthusiastic about this that I spit. I spit within the rainbow arc, with the bad french accent that goes to italian routinely. Tyler, you are making me communicate in tongues, you’re making my sould dance, you’re making my liver quiver. I don’t know what to assert to you besides (kiss) thanks a lot to Tyler Oakley and associates for suggesting the subject of this week’s video. In return, i am so joyful to inform every body that HowToAdult can be donating advert sales from this video to the Trevor assignment. The Trevor assignment is a 24-hour hotline and useful resource for hindrance intervention and suicide prevention offerings to LGBTQ young people from ages 13-24.Tyler has supported the Trevor venture for years. It is very close and costly to his heart and to ours, so this is simply our way of paying it ahead. Thanks a lot Tyler, we heart you. In the event you guys are looking for a model of exceptional maturity, Tyler Oakley is lovely difficult to beat. We will see you guys subsequent week. I really like you bye. (kiss) (endscreen) .
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airoasis · 5 years
How Student Loans Work...EXPLAINED!
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/how-student-loans-work-explained/
How Student Loans Work...EXPLAINED!
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Mike: hey? Have you ever guys ever heard of Tyler Oakley? Good, Tyler Oakley has heard os scholar loans, cuz he had ’em. Giant time. And so he and his acquaintances at gigantic body have asked us to make this for you to give an explanation for how student loans work so you realize, you guys can hae a slightly higher existence vis a vis (?) student loans than Tyler did. Cuz from what I comprehend, he and his acquaintances located it very confusing being that they may be humans and everything. So how do scholar loans work, and the way can you make them work better for you? Section One: The FAFSA AKA Free software for Federal pupil aid. Now before you genuinely start watching for loans, you are gonna want to fill the sort of babies out, either online or on a paper type, which it seems that continues to be a thing.Did you? I didn’t. In any case, huh? Rapid note: filling out the FAFSA is FREE! Free! By no means pay any scammers who are trying to get your money to fill it out. Go to FAFSA’s government website, no longer FAFSA.Com because these guys… Somethin’s fishy. In addition to getting used for federal financial help the FAFSA can also be used by state and institution funded packages, reminiscent of scholarships. Now if youre in high institution, reeer-eer rock and roll, high institution right here, it can be the hippest position in town. Seem at me, i’m not a 31 year old man, i am so hip.I think that you can tell. (beep) If youre in excessive institution then youll surely wish to fill this out as soon as viable after January 1st in the course of your senior year. If youre no longer in high university, you still do wish to fill it out as quickly as viable after the new 12 months. I do need to take a 2nd to stress how foremost that is. Most fiscal help is given out on a primary come, first served groundwork even though it is determined by distinct reasons. So the sooner that you may get that FAFSA in, the bettter you chances of getting the maximum quantity of support available to you.And unluckily, this isn’t a one time thing, either. Even when you are in tuition, you have got to keep filling it out each year. That is due to the fact that, you already know, your occasions might alternate. Considered one of our lovely Tumblr readers said that you may get help from the fiscal support workplace which makes plenty of experience and we’d incredibly advise that. To honestly fill it out your FAFSA, youre gonna want some records. There are tons of one-of-a-kind ones, so right now that knowledge is solely floatin’ round my face right now on account that powers. Also, dont leave any blank house on the shape, if something would not apply to you, simply write zero or no longer applicable and then you are done, you already know. Simply wrap that youngster in a blanket and smack it on the bottom, cuz we’re occurring to– phase Two: varieties of Loans After submitting your FAFSA, there are going to be a quantity of different loan choices. These comprise: 1. Stafford Loans These are offered immediately to you, the pupil, from the USA department of schooling. They are able to be used to pay for many distinctive sorts of bigger education.Stafford loans will either be subsidized or unsubsidized, based in your monetary want. Backed loans mean you dont need to pay any interest on the mortgage at the same time youre nonetheless in university as a minimum half of-time. If your mortgage is unsubsidized, you start accruing curiosity on the first day you obtain your funding. 2. PLUS Loans AKA father or mother Loans for Undergraduate students. These loans are provided to the dad and mom of students by means of the U.S. Division of schooling to help fund their childs education. PLUS loans are confined to the precise schooling expenditures minus every other fiscal aid obtained with the aid of the scholar. 3. Perkins Loans Perkins loans are available for undergraduate or graduate students. These loans are financed by using your institution, however are guaranteed through the federal govt. Perkins loans are situated on your financial want and have caps of $27,500 for undergrads, and $60,000 for graduate scholars. When weighing your monetary options, PLEASE be definite to look at your interest expense. Even decimal points of change can add as much as massive quantities over the ten, 20 or something years for the duration of which you’re going to be paying your loans. So read that high-quality print child! Depending to your problem, you too can have got to practice for personal loans.These are style of problematic. Exclusive loans most likely cost greater costs and more interest, however we do comprehend that they possibly the only option for your case. Extra data within the dooblydo. Section Three: compensation good day, investigate out that fancy piece o paper in your fingers! Whoah mama! Aooga! Time to pay for it. You’re gonna have a number of extraordinary choices of the right way to pay your loans back. 1. Customary terms – that you can repay situated for your loans long-established phrases. This is regularly a ten to twenty 12 months reimbursement plan and it is the most common system. 2. Earnings-established repayment. That is the 2d most fashioned variety. The phrases of your long-established loan are restructured to suit into your funds centered to your present stage of revenue. You’re going to have to reapply ever year for this style of repayment, on account that your revenue could also be altering year to yr, confidently going up.Up, up, up, to the moon! 3. Deferment – if you can not have the funds for your pupil loan cost, in some instances that you can defer it. Deferment doesnt eliminate your student loan debt, it with no trouble puts off when your reimbursement plan starts offevolved. Its most likely most effective granted to current scholars, residents within the army, or if youre unemployed or are incomes not up to the minimal wage. Unsubsidized loans will continue to accrue curiosity for the period of deferment, so its a excellent inspiration to make any repayments that youre ready to. 4. Consolidation Loans If youre now out of institution and in finding your present repayment plan elaborate to manipulate, that you would be able to consistently consolidate your loans. Consolidating will take a couple of loans and simplify them right into a single new mortgage. This can make reimbursement less complicated and may prolong your reimbursement terms up to 30 years, that will slash your monthly repayments, but will extensively increase the quantity of interest you pay over the years. It’s super dupes essential to remain on top of your scholar loan repayments or to work with a mortgage servicing organization if you already know that you cannot make your repayments, try this as quickly as possible.Additionally, pupil loan debt does no longer mechanically go away. Even though you file for bakruptcy! What the crap? Best under very precise circumstances are you going to have these loans forgiven. A type of occasions is dying. So that you die, however you don’t have to pay. Every cloud… You can also honestly be competent to get your loans reduced or utterly forgiven if you happen to prefer to work in the public sector. You may still need to could a hundred and twenty on-time monthly payments before your ultimate balance is forgiven, however it is a quality alternative for regional, state, and federal government employees. Section four: A note for father and mother hi mom and dad! It can be first-class to peer you around here. You’re looking great.Would you adore this gift card for Chili’s? (laughs) Or these tickets to your Billy Joel live performance? Or would you adore… What’s yet another factor grown-u.S.Like? I am a grown up (document scratch) Existential hindrance! Consistent with Forbes, greater than half of all pupil loans are both delinquent or in deferral. These loans will also be for striking quantities, so if you do decide upon to support pay for your youngster’s school schooling, saving early is A+++.The IRS absolutely needs you to aid pay in your little one’s education, so they’ve anything known as a 529 financial savings Plan, which is sort of like a Roth IRA for saving to your bebes future. Not everyone has parents who’re going to be competent to support, but I do want each person to understand this alternative exists to aid. Phase 5: Tyler Oakley i’m so enthusiastic about this that I spit. I spit within the rainbow arc, with the bad french accent that goes to italian routinely. Tyler, you are making me communicate in tongues, you’re making my sould dance, you’re making my liver quiver. I don’t know what to assert to you besides (kiss) thanks a lot to Tyler Oakley and associates for suggesting the subject of this week’s video. In return, i am so joyful to inform every body that HowToAdult can be donating advert sales from this video to the Trevor assignment. The Trevor assignment is a 24-hour hotline and useful resource for hindrance intervention and suicide prevention offerings to LGBTQ young people from ages 13-24.Tyler has supported the Trevor venture for years. It is very close and costly to his heart and to ours, so this is simply our way of paying it ahead. Thanks a lot Tyler, we heart you. In the event you guys are looking for a model of exceptional maturity, Tyler Oakley is lovely difficult to beat. We will see you guys subsequent week. I really like you bye. (kiss) (endscreen) .
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didsomeonesayventus · 8 years
kinda wanna make a kh tarot so have some rambling:
first off I think with the Minor suits I’d keep Swords and Wands but make Pentacles Shields (or munny but I really want to evoke the Sword Wand Shield choice of KH1′s awakening) and Cups Charms
Kinda wanna make the Minor Court Cards stray from those to be Dusk(Swords?) Dawn(Cups?) Shadow(Pentacles?) and Light(Wands?) after seeing an oracle deck tho so we have things like “Queen of Dawn” and “King of Shadow” cuz yanno hella cool (might also convert Page and Knight to Princess and Prince becuz of royalty motifs in KH) 
but this theoretical setup is not only confusing from a perspective of suddenly changing the suits and forcing the reader to learn which court cards go with which previously established suit, it’s also tricky for interpretations because it can lead to some counter-intuitive things! To get into some slightly nitty gritty about Tarot symbology: 
say King of Wands becomes King of Light and that is INSTANTLY a Sora concept right from the get-go King of Light=Sora DUH but in this theoretical situation when you get down to meanings someone more in line with the maturer perspective of a King (traditionally the court cards are Page Knight Queen King and this reflects a person getting older and maturing so Page and Knight are girl and boy where Queen and King are woman and man if that makes sense??? also sorry for the gender-normativeness) and the wild charisma and inspiration of Wands (this is my opinion) would be Axel/Lea, and Sora is more a Knight (or in this theoretical case Prince) of Wands. whoops.
Or say Roxas ends up as part of the Cups court cards since his character is so much about intuition and exploring himself and emotions- well those look like they’d be Dawn in our theoretical set up, for a character primarily associated with Dusk, which is going to the Swords suit, which while Roxas can also fit the search for truth found in Swords, I think it’s a little too clear and damaging to fit Roxas himself.
Or Kairi becomes Queen of Shadows since Shadows may be Pentacles and to reflect her warm and generous nature, but the title directly and absolutely makes no sense when she is a Princess of Heart and especially when there’s the potential for a Page/Princess of Light which sounds more in line with Kairi.
that mess aside, also I feel there’d be more of a focus on the Original characters over Disney and Squeenix because I feel they fit the feel more. Maybe a Disney of FF character here and there, but definitely a focus on the original characters because they’re more KH I suppose??? reasons??? eh.
I already have some idea for card scenes and meanings, though not all of them and not to mention making the card composition work in traditional Tarot size (which feels weirdly narrow to me) and designing a reversible back (because even if that’s a controversial topic it’s not that hard to keep ur cards in proper order and it should be an option for those who want) and also like. making sure everything’s carefully considered and makes sense in convoluted KH lore and from brief impression as well as working with traditional meanings.
tbh I might just make a Majors only thing, put the files out there free to print, depending on reception make Minors and kickstart for fancier deck printing and all that.
IDK I just rly wanna make a KH tarot deck.
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