#cw bed
johobi · 2 years
TW: binge-eating
Below: A general ramble about ADHD, meds, returning to leisure projects and, finally, an outpouring of gratitude from a soppy bitch:
This is becoming more of a ‘Jo updates about her mental health’ blog but 😂😂 it’s good news! I am a month/6 weeks or so into titration of my new ADHD meds and they have literally made every aspect of my life better. Not overstating it, and I’m already out of the ‘honeymoon’ period. I am currently studying at home, unprompted, and have been doing so the last 3-4 weeks. I finally feel like I am on a level playing field with ‘normal’ people. My self-care, my sleep hygiene, daily routines, they’ve all improved and I’m maintaining them everyday. This has never happened before. I have also stopped binge-eating which I never even realised was probably linked to my lack of dopamine.
For the first time in my life, I feel like I might be able to fulfil my potential rather than scrape by thru sheer force of will alone (will that eroded to nothing and resulted in a lot of academic self-sabotage. Even though it’s crap it got to that point, hitting rock bottom is what helped me realise that there was something very wrong).
So now what? Im studying regularly, keeping routines, can finish projects, actually engage socially with people and take on some extracurricular demands, such as becoming my course rep. I am so unbelievably happy these days that it almost feels too good to be true. I never knew what it was like to be satisfied with a day’s work or that I had ‘earnt’ my leisure time.
Now that I can sit down and work regularly, I’m thinking about writing these days. I can see myself at my desk, doing it, and enjoying it again. Without the exhausting internal struggles I usually go thru. I do have a lot of work for uni to do and that is always going to be my first priority, but now that I’m catching up and controlling things, I am going to start pencilling in time to write into my diary (!! Yes, I have a diary, and I actually use it now, rather than buying it cuz it’s pretty and then letting it collect dust.)
Sorry for the extremely long ramble, if anyone is still here and has been for a long time, or if you’re new and stumbled across my fics, I sincerely apologise for not being consistent or reliable, it’s painfully obvious why, now, but yeah. I just want to say thank you so much for reading this nobody’s writing and literally giving me lifelines every day when I’ve visited very dark places.
Every engagement I ever had with you meant something to me and I do not understate this. Writing and talking with you was an escape but I don’t feel as though I need to escape anything anymore, I can do both harmoniously.
I really hope you’re all doing ok and thriving. We all deserve to. I love you 💗🥰
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chrollohearttags · 6 months
we don’t talk about plug!eren, who is the perfect gentleman. The one who holds doors open for you, great manners with your folks, best friends with your younger siblings and cousins, your homegirls love him and just an all around good dude. The one who would drive clear across town in the middle of the night to get your favorite snacks, the one who’d hear you stressing and talking about some bill or expense you have and quietly go take care of it. “I already told you, don’t worry ‘bout that, mama. It’s handled.” Or the one who never exposes you to his lifestyle because it’s the last thing his princess needs to concern herself with. He’s so sweet, kind and loving..one would never guess he wouldn’t hesitate to kill a dude who shorted him on his money or supply. Or that just shortly before coming home to you, he probably beat someone unconscious for trying to set him up on a lick. You wouldn’t know a thing..not when he quietly slides into bed, where you’re lying flat on your stomach, in nothing but a t shirt, bonnet and panties, waiting for him to slide them off while he kisses down your spine. Muttering in your ear to just stay still and let him take care of you. “You awake, mama? I missed you..” In the deepest gruff as he delicately touches your skin, appreciating every inch. And you realize just how much he does when he spreads you open from behind, gripping your asscheeks and planking firmly on top you as he feeds you deep, passionate strokes. Slowly drilling you..with those sweet whimpers underneath him. You didn’t even have to move an inch, all he needs you to do is keep moaning and let him claim that beautiful pussy. That spot opening up so nicely after a couple thrusts. His tattooed hand and gold watch placed at the small of your back to keep you pinned down. “Mmm…just like that, baby. You ain’t gotta do shit..daddy got you.”
and he always will take such good care of his girl.
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hexnovo · 2 months
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Illustration of a stranger's nightmare about the end of the world
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sensitiveheartless · 8 months
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(the rest is under the cut!)
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kawareo · 3 months
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Bhaalist Unholy Communion
This post has been living in my brain rent free and then it hit me in just the right headspace to turn into a vent thing and made me write poetry for the first time since eight grade anyway enjoy my ramblings under cut
because isn't it fucked up that Durge has no bodily autonomy? That he's nothing (using he/him because im looking at my Durge specifically) without Bhaal because not even his own body is his own but still a part of Bhaal?
And sure it is an honor to be Bhaal's Chosen, but is it really if you never got the chance to choose yourself? Strike, my Durge, was born a Bhaalspawn and grew up in the cult since he was eight. It's all he's ever known, he's worshiped for being a demi-god, he's powerful and on top, and in the end, literally everything he has is only because his Father lets him have it.
The Communion especially shows that, with Strike being still worshiped, but it hurts him, the Bhaalists rip his body apart, use it, consume it, and he needs to think of it as a blessing because how lucky is he, to be the soul that was loaned piece of a god to guard? He'd think of his own body like that.
And it hurts Bhaalists, too! It works both ways! His blood is poisonous and his flesh aches in their throats, but it's a blessing! God of Murder loves his son and his love hurts, and if you love him back, you must let yourself be hurt and know how lucky you are to be allowed to be hurt by Bhaal or his mortal flesh itself!
I'm just very into the whole 'no bodily autonomy' thing that we have going on with Durge, like his father not only can take control of his body via the Urge, but he has Sceleritas to guide him away from anything that could be not by Bhaal's books, Orin and Saverok to be a (although messed up as hell) family to him so he'll never look for another, and to some degree, Bhaal can control Durge's mind...
No wonder he'd run to Gortash in the end. The first one who sees more than a Bhaalspawn when he looks at Strike, more than Bhaal's scion, he sees a person and ngl it's totally Bhaal's fault that Strike ended up like that
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zoomzooml · 3 months
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Bumblebee overthinks late at night after a fight with one of his teammates
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pillowspace · 5 months
Thinking about how Charlotte Emily most likely regularly hung out with the Aftons.
William comes downstairs at 9 in the morning to see Charlie and Elizabeth with empty teacups and a teapot, and is just like, ah. Of course. Little girls love tea parties, but indulges them anyway like "what are you two up to?" Elizabeth immediately lights up. "Charlie said that we should play British People 'cause we're British!" William, now a bit more confused, "...ah. I see." Elizabeth, "oh won't you join us? Pretty please?" Charlie then pipes in that she had also asked Mike, but that he had very unfortunately said no, because "Liz plays too mean." Elizabeth, "I do not, you're just too scared to lose!" Michael, "I can't fucking lose at 'British People.'"
Charlie and Elizabeth do atrocious things to their dolls. Drama. Tragedy. They always clash on the endings though, as Charlie wants their dolls fo have a happy end while Elizabeth wants their dolls to have an even worse end
Michael doesn't know Charlie's staying over, and brings home his schoolmates one day. William Frowns TM like "I tried to tell you Henry was dropping off Charlotte today, but you were already halfway out the door." Michael later re-enters the room to find his schoolmates picking on Charlie and pulling at her hair. The closest Michael ever feels to peace is when he's with the Emilys, so he immediately spirals at the sight like, "oh god, if Uncle Henry finds out I brought people over who hurt his daughter, he might not bring her over anymore. What do I do then? What do I do if he stops liking me?" He quickly shoos off his friends, going "dude! She's a guest, leave her be" while Charlie recovers. Before he too can follow after them, Charlie asks Michael if he'll draw with her. He hesitates. The Emilys are the closest he ever gets to peace, so he agrees and sits down to draw. "What are you drawing, Char?" "Marionette!" "'S that the creepy thing that's always watching the guests come and go at Freddy's?" "He's not creepy, he's my friend. Dad made him for me :(" "ahh. You know, my father's been building something for Liz too." "You think that it'll protect her like Marionette protects me?" "Maybe."
Charlie notices how anxious CC always seems to be, and declares one day that she'll keep him safe. She makes him a drawing of them both holding hands, and gives it to him so that he may always look upon it and know that Charlie's rooting for him. He nearly bursts into tears at the kind gesture. The whole household tries to be nicer to each other whenever Charlie's around, but CC tells her about Michael's behaviour to him. Knowing how weak Michael is to her, Charlie gives Michael a look while he's grabbing cereal the next morning like "you should be nicer to your brother. He's just a little kid." Michael immediately pauses, then awkwardly closes the cupboard like "ummm. Okay." Not wanting to use Charlie as a means to make fun of CC, he just never brings the interaction up afterwards
The Emily and Afton families joining together are constantly filled with different forms of jealousy from the Aftons. William, he's jealous of Henry. Michael, he's jealous of Charlie's positive relationship with her father. CC, he's jealous of how Michael seems to like Charlie so much more than him. Elizabeth doesn't even notice her own jealousy, but deep down, Charlie's completely peaceful household... confuses her. She rationalizes the lack of favouritism or hostility as it only stemming from Charlie being an only child, rather than Henry's good parenting. Being so young as well as being the perfect golden child, Elizabeth doesn't know how to express doubt in her father. Clearly, it must be her siblings doing something wrong if Charlie and Uncle Henry are doing so well on their own!
After CC's death, the house is filled with an unbreakable tension. It's grief. It's guilt. Michael and his schoolmates completely cut ties after what happened. And as always, the Emilys feel so separate from the tension of his own home. Michael starts talking to Charlie more frequently, more often at Henry's house rather than his own. He tries not to, or at least usually tries to hide first, but he accidentally has a complete breakdown in the living room one time. Charlie hums a soothing lullaby to him until Henry eventually comes back, notices the state Michael's in, and takes over calming him down while sending Charlie off to do some other seemingly helpful task. After Elizabeth's death, Michael only really has the Emilys left. Charlie stops just being his source of peace, and becomes his best friend. His only friend. Then after Charlie's death...
It's rather lonely all of a sudden.
Later, years later, when Michael's flesh is rotting on his bones and everything is just about to finally be done with, he sits down on the edge of a cheap creaky stage he bought, and lightly knocks his knuckles against Lefty's calf. "Charlie? Can you hear me alright? It's Michael ... I'm sorry. I know I never acted like it, but... for what it's worth... you were my best friend back then. ...Whatever's beyond this, would you like to be friends again there too?"
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willowser · 5 months
katsuki is very sad and a little clingy when your baby is sick :(
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disformer · 9 months
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Sketch request for @combaticon of Blast Off getting hot boxed 😌
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jackobbit · 19 days
I didn’t know if I was gonna post this originally, because suggestive stuff isn’t really up my alley, but here we are. Sketch was good, lineart was good, and the rendering wasn’t half bad so I’m throwing this to the void
Those fancy designer bunny suits are gorgeous, I’ve been looking at a lot of them recently just to see how people add to the original base of it, people get really creative it’s so neat!
I was originally gonna draw Rue but I’m trying not to draw them as much to reign in spoilers where I can, soooo I was left trying to somehow fit a suit over poor Solar Flare, it was like trying to dress up a toaster lmao
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[ID: A digitally drawn image of Solar Flare from the Working for E.V.I.L. AU wearing a bunny suit and tipping over a serving tray of various alcoholic beverages, they give a nervous smile, blush on their cheeks. The background is transparent. Solar Flare is a boxy, orange, brown, and light yellow robot with a circular head, bent sun-like rays and large triangular shoulder pads. The outfit consists of a dark purple button up bunny suit, combined with a skirt, bow tie, and a rabbit eared-headband of the same color. /End ID]
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 8 months
*NSFW* Breathe (Yandere!Monster x AFAB!Reader)
CW: Dead Dove Do Not Eat, bed bug inspired monster, minor character death, Non-Con, traumatic insemination, blood, physical torture, mental torture, impregnation, necrophilia
(Reader) breathed deeply, bouncing side to side in the back of the armored vehicle. The men and women by their side held equally grim expressions, not knowing what they were about to face. Three days ago an outpost went radio silent, the group of military scientists sent out an SOS before cutting communications. (Reader) had no idea what the scientists were studying, nor why they needed military protection in the middle of nowhere, but it wasn't their place to know. That's what they continuously told themselves as they practiced their deep breathing, secretly unnerved by how little their team was informed about this mission, and by how uneasy their teammates were.
The van rattled as it parked, and everyone exited the vehicle, guns pointed and night vision on, patrolling their designated routes throughout the empty land. (Reader) was followed by Davis and Jones, surveying the backside of one of the buildings, and praying for someone to be found alive. It was a bit dramatic, assuming that everyone was dead, but with how everyone seemed to keep this mission "hush hush", keeping important info from the men and women entering the "possibly dangerous" area, with the goal of "information retrieval" being considered a higher priority over extraction of survivors, it didn't sound like even their superiors were hopeful.
Everything was suspicious, and made everyone on edge. That worry became a very real fear when (Reader) entered the building through the back door and found the floor painted in blood. A body was mere inches from the exit, and the back of his head was torn open, exposing a cracked skull.
"Jesus Christ.." Davis covered his mouth.
(Reader) bent down, turning the body over to observe the face, comparing it to the portfolios of the personal working at the outpost they had memorized on the drive. They clicked on their walkie, speaking low. "This is (Reader), we've discovered a body, appears to be Dr. Romero."
Rodriguez's voice crackled quietly in their ears. "Copy that, this is Rodriguez, I've got two more bodies over here."
"What the hell happened to him?" Jones whispered.
(Reader) couldn't answer. There were scratches on the skull, and the skin was red and puffy surrounding it. The face was purple from the pooling blood. It didn't look like a gun shot, but (Reader) couldn't imagine what it could have been otherwise. "Let's continue on." The three left the body behind, creeping down a hall in procession.
"Movement." Behind (Reader), Davis urgently hissed, motioning towards what looked like a rec room. The formation changed, following Davis as he entered the room, focused on a couch. As they drew closer, a quiet gurgling could be heard, along with something wet dripping onto the tile flooring.
What looked like a man, naked and hunched over, was cradling a corpse, rocking back and forth. In the odd lighting of the goggles, they couldn't tell that there was something wrong with him until it was too late.
"Turn around, and put your hands up." Davis commanded, frightened and ready to shoot. The head of the corpse lulled back, revealing it's neck was completely devoured. In the second it took to blink, the creature had lunged at Davis, tackling him to the ground. (Reader) and Jones opened fire, but the bullets seemed to bounce off his back in the dark. Seeing a slight difference in texture between his back and neck, (Reader) took a chance, aiming at his neck.
The creature screamed, holding his neck and jumping to his feet, taking a moment to reveal his almost human face to (Reader), before crawling up the wall, and through a trap door in the ceiling.
"Davis!" Jones picked up his brother, patting his armor.
"I'm fine! I'm fine!" Davis panicked, grasping at Jones to ground himself. "I think he was trying to bite me, but- but couldn't get past my mask."
(Reader) got on the radio again. "This is (Reader), we've just been attacked. No injuries, but.. but I can't explain what just attacked us. It looked like a naked man, but it crawled up the ceiling like a bug."
"Not funny, (Reader)."
"That wasn't a joke, Rodriguez. I unloaded a clip into it, and it didn't die. It went into the attic, do I follow?"
"We're on our way, wait for backup."
Davis looked horrified. "I don't want to go up there!"
"C'mon, man-"
"No, Jones. You didn't see that thing's mouth!"
Everyone went silent as something scraped against the floor boards above them, clenching their weapons in suspense.
The front door was kicked in, Rodriguez and her crew entered the rec room, lowering their guns. "Alright, what happened here?"
"Something Humanoid was in the center of the room, eating.. whoever the hell that once was. Davis told him to put up his hands, when it knocked him to the ground, trying to bite him. Jones and I shot his back, but it didn't seem to affect him. I hit it's neck, but that only got him off of Davis, then he climbed up the wall and went through that door." (Reader) pointed at the attic door.
Rodriguez narrowed her eyes in disbelief, glaring up at the ceiling. "Let's find another way up. If there's nothing up there, we'll go back to the van, check your body cams."
Davis raised his voice defensively. "You think we're lying about this?"
"I think, it fucking reeks in here. It doesn't smell like a gas leak, but I don't believe in monsters. I'm not ruling out a hallucinogen of some kind. (Reader)-" She then nodded to (Reader), signaling to get a move on.
They searched the rooms before finding a ladder, and no other doors leading up. (Reader) sighed. "Good enough."
Davis held the ladder as (Reader) climbed up, followed by Rodriguez, then another soldier, Alistair. Inside the attic the smell was worse, like rotten fruit. It was so bad that Alistair gagged a little, trying not to throw up. "Fuck me, what is that?"
(Reader) flinched, seeing something curled up in the fetal position. "Rodriguez."
The three approached the figure carefully, the smell worsening as they approached, then, (Reader) was close enough to see that the creature wasn't breathing. They kicked it, putting a hole straight through it's stomach.
"Oh God!" Rodriguez recoiled.
However, (Reader) almost threw up, not because of the stench, but from the overwhelming fear that suddenly pulverized their spirit. "It's a shell."
Rodriguez bent down, gingerly pulling (Reader's) foot out and examining the body, finding it to be a combination of hard shell and molted skin. "I can see why you couldn't kill it. It's back is like a bug's exoskeleton. Looks like the front is a more... human.. texture."
"But doesn't that mean it's still here somewhere?" Alistair nervously asked, glancing around in the dark.
"We need to get back to the van, call this in to our superiors." Rodriguez commanded before picking up the walkie, calling out the the other three person team. "Jackson, return to the van."
"Jackson, you there? I said get to the van."
A barrage of shots fired from outside, echoing through the encampment. Everyone raised their weapons and fell into formation, rushing outside quietly while scoping the area. A scream from one of the newer lieutenants pierced the silent air, before choking loudly, and then returning the outpost to silence once more.
The team splintered apart, separating back into their three man groups, covering more ground in hopes of finding the last three members of their team. (Reader) smelled that fruity stench again, and motioned to their men to follow them in the smell's direction. They entered a tent covering what looked like an excavation site, a deep hole roped off with caution tape. A uniformed body laid headless in the dirt next to the entrance. In the bright green view of (Reader's) goggles, they could read Jackson's name on the vest.
Further down the large tent, a disgusting squelching noise was rhythmically slapping, along with animalistic grunts. (Reader) stepped as soundlessly as possible, stepping over torn clothing; a military vest with Adams' name, her jacket, her tank top, and even her bra, torn to shreds and strewn about, leading to the noise.
Behind a metal desk, seconds clicked by like minutes, the adrenaline forcing (Reader) to take in every detail of the horrific scene. The monster, now much larger than it was before, had Adams' corpse in it's arms, her nude upper body violently shaking as it ground it's pelvis into her abdomen, splattering blood around them. As the scene came together, (Reader) began firing, aiming at the side of his head, hoping to hit a soft spot.
The creature angrily stood up, Adams' body sliding off of what appeared to be a curved spike protruding from it's groin. It screamed, rushing (Reader) and ramming into them, knocking them off balance which sent them tumbling down into the hole.
(Reader) heard their team cry out for them, and gunfire, but they kept falling, bouncing off the walls of the hole before landing hard at the bottom, snapping their arm at the bottom.
The shouts of terror didn't last long above ground, ending with sounds of bones cracking and bodies falling. (Reader) struggled onto their feet, feeling discomfort in their rapidly swelling ankles. There didn't seem to be any rope or ladders to get back out, and they didn't know if it was safe to call for help on the radio.
Spinning around, something moved in the dark, scaring (Reader) onto their ass and fumbling for their gun. In the dark, another naked monster, smaller than the previous one, crawled over on all fours towards (Reader), chest heaving like he was sniffing the air. He approached (Reader) who still couldn't find their gun, and cautiously tapped on their goggles, searching their masked face with deep, sunken eyes. His mouth was split open, showing off his jagged, saw like teeth. This monster was about the size of the first one before it molted.
It continued open mouth sniffing (Reader's) head, almost making them vomit by it's rotting body odor, when suddenly it flinched, whipping his head up to see the bigger creature climbing down head first into the pit. The younger looking monster grabbed (Reader's) face tightly, pressing his hands against their mouth and squeezing, forcing them to hold their breath.
Sweat felt like lice as out dripped down the fine hairs on (Reader's) neck. They hadn't prepared to be holding in their air, so they were already beginning to feel light headed. The larger monster paused halfway down, sniffing hard into their air before screeching at the smaller creature. He howled in response, still keeping his hands in place on (Reader's) face. (Reader) understood that the two were communicating, and that it seemed like the smaller monster was on their side, because soon the killer turned around and retreated back up, more than likely to kill more of (Readers) brothers and last remaining sister.
After a painful amount of time, he removed his hands, and (Reader) wasted no time grabbing their walkie. "Hello? Does anyone read me?" They whispered frantically.
"(Reader), we found more bodies-"
"Jackson and Adams are dead, possibly Davis and Jones as well."
"We found the monster in a large tent covering what looks to be a dig site. I was thrown into a hole, broke my left arm, lost my gun, and possibly sprained both ankles." (Reader) swallowed their rising bile, watching the monster mimic their movements. "Don't breathe. If you hear rustling, don't breathe. The monsters can see, but I think they find their victims through their breath or something."
"What? Wait, did you just say monsters?"
"There's a smaller one here in the hole with me. I think he saved my life. The one from the attic is much bigger now, this other one is still small. He made me hold my breath and it made the bigger one leave me alone."
"Jesus, alright. That sounds crazy. But.. look, just stay there, we'll be there soon. Can you see a way out?"
"No. No ropes or ladders down here."
"'Kay. Stay quiet, call back if that thing down there tries to attack you. Even if we can't get you out, I can at least throw you down a weapon."
"Thanks. Stay safe up there."
(Reader) leaned back, the pain settling in as the fight or fight response cooled down. They groaned in pain. The monster hopped up, crawling back over to inspect (Reader).
"Curious little monkey, aren't ya?" (Reader) panted, becoming nervous at how he sniffed the air excitedly as they did so. He crept back over, becoming far too close again, and starting touching their mask and goggles, confused. Long sharp claws reached under the mask and pulled it down, startling himself. He retreated to the other side of the pit while whimpering.
"Hey, that was just my mask." (Reader) tried to console him. They didn't know if it was because he saved them, or if because he acted like a scared child, but they weren't nearly as scared of him as they were the other one. Seeing that it was just a piece of fabric, and not (Reader's) face accidentally being ripped off, he shuffled back over, rubbing his dirty fingers across their lips.
He tapped his nails across their teeth, pulling open their lips carefully, feeling their jaw and chin, running his hands over every little bump and scrape. Learning that the bottom half of (Reader's) face had been covered by a mask emboldened him to tug on the goggles, coaxing (Reader) into removing them, leaving them completely blind in the dark. His breath tickled their face as he shuddered, purring deep in the back of his throat as he placed his nose on (Reader's) forehead, pressing into them in an almost cat-like manner, smelling them and rubbing his oily skin over (Reader's) entire face.
Uncomfortable by their lack of vision, (Reader) replaced their goggles, much to the monster's dismay. "I need these. Protection." They put back on the mask as well, ignoring his whines of disapproval.
Dirt fell onto (Reader) as Rodriguez stepped near the opening. "You still alive?" She stage whispered down into the chasm.
"Yeah. Can we get out of here?"
"Yeah. I think with the footage we got, and the documents, they'll understand if we don't take any bodies back with us." Her words were harsh, but (Reader) knew she was just as distraught as they were. "Your gun's up here, want me to throw it down?"
"No. I'm guessing you didn't find a ladder?"
"Then I'll try to climb out."
"Didn't you say your arm was broken?"
"Unless you killed that other creature, it's too dangerous to hang around here." (Reader) readied themselves to climb, immediately hissing as they grabbed into the dirt. The monster panicked, growling at (Reader). But they didn't stop, kicking a foot in, creating a hold, and pulling up. White hot pain flashed through their body.
An arm grabbed them around their waist, and swung (Reader) around; the monster had picked them up like a sack over his shoulder, and began climbing the wall with one arm.
"Jesus Christ." Rodriguez grabbed at (Reader) as soon as they were within reach, yanking them away from the monster. He snarled in response, trying to cover (Reader) with his body, but (Reader) wearily pat him on the head, trying to show that they were fine. He calmed down, but still glared at Rodriguez suspiciously. "What the hell are you?"
"Where's the rest of us?" (Reader) questioned, only now seeing that Rodriguez was alone.
"Only one other guy made it, Davis. He was fucked up when we found him, I got him in the van."
"I'm sorry.."
"It wasn't your fault. Let's go." Rodriguez helped (Reader) to their feet, handing them their gun, and the three left the tent.
Bodies of (Reader's) mates were in pieces, littering the ground with organs. Everyone was wrinkled. Whatever blood hadn't spilled on the ground while being murdered appeared to have been siphoned from their bodies, the chunks nearly mummified. The two soldiers watched their new companion as they snuck back through the outpost, using him like a blood hound to sense if his more dangerous relative was near. There were moments when he would pause, a frightened look crossing his face as he clung to (Reader), and both humans would hold their breath, desperately clinging to the faith that this monster was actually trying to save them.
The sun was still hours away from rising, and horror movie plots drifted through (Reader's) mind, pondering what kind of creature was clinging to their arm at that moment, and what could possibly kill it. (Reader) sped up their pace, rushing to the driver's side door as Rodriguez pulled the unwilling monster into the back with her, wrestling him as he tried to follow (Reader).
Each team leader had a spare key for the truck, so it didn't matter who drove it back, but Rodriguez did have more hands on experience with first aid, so it made sense for her to be in the back with the barely conscious Davis during the ride, just in case his health took a turn for the worse.
The van started up, worryingly loud in the silent town. (Reader) pulled off their goggles and flipped on the lights, flooring the gas as they took off, knowing it was no use trying to be quiet at that point. From the back of the van, the monster started crying.
"Hey, something's wrong with this thing!" Rodriguez called out to (Reader), before the entire van shook under the weight of something dropping onto the roof. "Shit!"
Without thinking, (Reader) spun the wheel to the left, throwing the bloody monster off their vehicle and sending him tumbling into the road. He was able to shake off the fall, standing upright and staring at (Reader) from the road. Now without the night vision, (Reader) saw him clearly in the headlights, the difference between his brown armored shell pieces, and the mammal like skin, almost paper thin in the light, pulsated with the blood of (Reader's) teammates and the doctors they were sent to find. The skin was stretched tight over how swollen he was, growing to almost twice its natural size.
"Hold on!" (Reader) barked, speeding towards the man in the road.
His head snapped forward as his chest connected with the grill, bouncing off the hood as (Reader) drug him back towards the buildings, driving him towards the house with the rec room. (Reader) kept on full speed until they crashed into the wall. Blood splashed across the wall and van as the monster popped under the force of the collision.
"Shit! Are we good?"
The body twitched a few times, choking on it's stolen blood as it feebly clawed at the metal crushing it before falling still, finally dying. "Yeah. We're good."
Back at the base, it was a horrifying shock for the troops awaiting their return, guns raised and pointed at the young monster they brought with them, however, they didn't shoot, as he held onto (Reader) tightly, making no move to attack anyone. They uploaded their body cam footage, corroborating their testimonies of what they saw, save for Davis, who was rushed back to the hospital wing for emergency surgery. (Reader) and Rodriguez were also eventually treated for their injuries, Rodriguez only needing a couple of stitches and getting diagnosed with a concussion, while (Reader) had their arm placed in a cast, and both ankles had to be wrapped up for compression to fight the mild puffiness.
The two sat next to each other, finally alone after the military dragged their monstrous savior away. "God, I need a shower." The dark haired woman complained, sniffing her hair that had been let down. Her face scrunched up in disgust. "I smell like those things."
"Ha. Yeah, like rotting fruit."
"Rotting raspberries. So gross." Rodriguez's forced smile melted, incapable of pretending to feel relief. "Why do you think he saved you?"
Clashing with the smell of the sanitized hospital and the saline aftertaste from the IV drip, (Reader) could still smell the pungent scent of the monster on their body, just as Rodriguez pointed out. "I don't know."
"What do you think those things are? Vampires?"
The image of Adam's limp body sliding off of a thin spike resurfaced in (Reader's) mind, making them nauseous. "I don't think so." They leaned forward, scooting closer towards Rodriguez. "I didn't see your body cam video.. did you see mine?"
"No. Why?"
"Did any of the bodies- I mean, this is going to sound.." they sighed, licking their lips and trying again. "When I entered that tent, with the hole, I found the monster with Adams. It had.. torn off her clothes, and it looked like he was.. stabbing her abdomen, with a claw out of his pelvis."
Except for the normal hospital beeping, (Reader's) words left the atmosphere feeling far too silent. "Are you saying it raped her?"
"I don't know.. maybe. Did you see any other naked bodies?"
"..no." They both laid back, exhausted, and frightened. "But if you're thinking that it could tell she was a woman, why weren't we attacked? I mean, I know you're not a woman, but if those things went by smell or pheromones.. I don't even know what I'm saying." She drug her dirty hands over her face.
"Maybe because our's is a kid. I mean, he's the size of that first monster before it molted, so maybe he isn't.. sexually mature?"
Before Rodriguez could think of a response to that a doctor came in, asking to see her out in the hallway. "I'll be right back." She promised, patting (Reader's) shoulder as she left the room.
(Reader) nestled back into the thin pillow and accidentally fell asleep while waiting for their friend to return, the awful rotting smell never fading.
It wasn't until a banshee worthy scream echoed throughout the hospital that (Reader) woke up, looking up at the clock on the wall and seeing that it was 19:31, revealing that they had slept through an entire day, and that Rodriguez was not in the room with them. Something down the hall shattered, followed by another terrified shout. Unarmed and now incapacitated, the only course of action their adrenaline flooded mind could think up on the fly was to hide, ripping out their IV and sliding under the cot, hidden from view by the crossing metal bars and plastic barrier.
Footsteps passed by (Reader's) door. They took a deep breath, holding their face to keep in their air. The door opened and whoever it was entered the room. (Reader) was only capable of seeing the bare feet painted in blood as they stepped closer to the bed. The bloody individual leaned on the mattress above (Reader), pressing their weight into it, before stepping away, touching other things around the room. Blood dripped onto the tiles from the drenched body. (Reader) began shaking, trying not to take a breath as they waited for the thing to leave, tearing up at the possibility of it being the creature they willingly brought back with them. The feet disappeared from view, then they heard the door close. Still, just to be safe, (Reader) kept their hands to their mouth for a few more seconds, unable to hear if he left because of the blood rushing through their ears. Quietly, they released the lungful of air and slowly sucked new air back in.
A hand grabbed one of their swollen ankles and pulled (Reader) out from under the bed. In the dim light of the flashing buttons, (Reader) saw the freshly molted monster, smiling down at them with blood coating their face and dribbling from their lips.
"No!" A casted fist attempted to punch him, but he caught it, rubbing the puffy fingers against his face affectionately. He leaned down, rubbing his nose across their face like he had done back when he had first saved them, sniffing loudly. (Reader) began sobbing, knowing what would happen to them after Adams. The thin hospital gown was easily ripped off, pleasing the monster who made that purr-like rumble in the back of his throat, still smiling.
A long, thinly tipped aedeagus unfurled itself, curved and sharp, just like (Reader) remembered it looking.
"Please don't.. please.. I don't want to die!"
Their words weren't understood by the monster, too busy rubbing (Reader's) side. He laid down beside them, hugging (Reader) tightly as he positioned himself, still sniffing their neck as he did so. Between (Reader's) pleas a stinging pain entered their side as he pushed his hypodermic penis into their midsection.
The sound of pain (Reader) made was unlike anything they had ever made, or heard, before. Incapable of jerking away because of his hold on them, he continued making noises of pleasure, rolling his hips as he pressed deeper, splurting blood as he wiggled back and forth inside of them, trying not to puncture anything important until he could get deep enough to what he needed.
His prick pierced (Reader's) uterus, the burning torture as they felt something inside getting stabbed was hell. Their eyes rolled back as his hips rubbed sensually against their side, unable to hold on as they began to pass out. He screeched horrifically, scratching (Reader) as his grip constricted happily, cumming straight into (Reader's) uterus. Even after they fell limp in his arms, his fluids continued pouring out, overfilling the poor organ; his elastic liquid solidifying near the hole like a polyp.
Contrary to what (Reader) thought, the monster who caressed their body was intelligent. He was far smarter than his brother, who had been so desperate to implant his seed he fucked that poor woman to death, not taking into account that human females hadn't evolved to handle the method of reproduction that their species used. Even their own could die if they mated multiple times, so he really should have been more careful. He held onto (Reader) dreamily, using their gown to stop the bleeding as he pulled out. He took the time to ensure nothing was damaged inside his wonderful little mate, so the only bleeding he had to worry about was the skin. Some of his sperm clung to the tip of his needle like cock, so he rubbed it across (Reader's) face as they laid unconscious, just so that if another male of his species did somehow follow them, the could smell that (Reader) had already been claimed.
When he was searching the hospital for (Reader) he had seen stitching, and learned what it was for by watching a doctor from afar before killing him and the patient. It wasn't too difficult to figure out.
(Reader) would live. It would hurt, but imagine how happy they'll be when they awake to find themselves pregnant! It made him purr with joy, wondering how many children he'd have with his beautiful human.
After all, unlike humans, his species only needed to fuck once and their sperm would survive inside the host body for years, creating a kind of sac to plug up the hole in the uterus and protect the sperm from the forming infants, releasing sperm whenever there is a vacancy in the uterus to immediately impregnate the host again.
His mate shifted under the needle in their sleep as he fixed them up. It brought him such pride, imagining that he could almost see them becoming pregnant at that very moment. He knew from the second he smelled (Reader) down in the dirt he was unburied from that he was born to be their mate~
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koszmarnybudyn · 9 months
Dungeon and daddies spoilers ahead
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The doodler being made corporial had such a clear image attached in my head, Anthony described it so well so here it is in a stain glass window like format.
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bamsara · 8 months
live reaction of me trying not to lose it when someone gives their unwanted opinion on if i'm *really* disabled and then completely seriously suggests i should have 'oil bath detoxs' in order to fix me
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b4kuch1n · 8 months
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bidisastersanji · 4 months
Was thinking about how the Olympic village is basically an orgy of strongest people from all over the world so let’s think of Olympic athletes Zoro and Sanji meet at the Olympic Games:
Zoro as a Japanese martial artist (karate? Judo? Taekwondo?) kind of athlete since Kendo is not an Olympic sport and fencing wouldn’t feel right for this man. He can have Law and Kiku as buddies from Japan on his team
Sanji as a French gymnast , coached by his adoptive father Zeff
Sanji spots Japan’s sexy flagbearer (a bit oiled up or shirtless maybe 😏?) during the opening ceremony and is very flustered. He doesn’t know Zoro notices him too- not just from then but because Sanji was in a promo video for Paris 2024, doing some hypnotizing gymnastics and looking gorgeous, sweaty and laughing on camera , and Zoro definitely didn’t pause and stare at his definition a couple dozen times, no sirree.
(Alternate idea: the flame needs to be passed on from Japan to France (Tokyo to Paris) What if they fight and extinguish it by accident and dislike each other at the start?)
They run into each other constantly at the Olympic village- staying in nearby rooms, at the cafeteria, at parties, etc, their friend groups accidentally mingling and bringing them together over the course of the games
The sexual tension is PALPABLE AS FUCK Sanji can’t stop staring at this infuriatingly sexy and usually composed man with an impressively large chest and arms while Zoro can’t stop thinking about getting between those corded muscles on those juicy thighs and die happy there
Zoro definitely attends Sanji’s events and gets so hot and bothered
Nami (team France, Friends with Sanji) notices Zoro staring at his ass of course and tries to get them to get it out of their system, bringing Sanji to a team Japan event or completion where Zoro is likely to attend- everyone runs with the urban myth that athletes at the Olympics perform better when having sex anyways right?
At a party, drunk after a win, Zoro and Sanji try to reason with themselves that that’s the reason they’re doing this, nothing more, as they fall into each others (cardboard?) beds again and again, seeking each other out (if they’re cardboard like for Tokyo 2020 they MUST break one)
There can be some second language English miscommunication, as a treat
Despite their emotional constipation Sanji can’t stop himself from being himself though and shows his sweet side, showing Zoro around and sharing French culture with him, and Zoro is enamoured as fuck, and Sanji tells him he’s always dreamt of coming to Japan, if not at least for the food-then for the culture (Fun fact Japan and France have a long long history of romanticizing the fuck out of each other so it’s so perfect)
Sanji originally plans to bring just Zoro on a romantic outing in Paris but ends up bringing the whole ragtag group they accidentally formed - Robin insists they need to visit the catacombs (lol) Chopper wants to eat Berthillon Ice cream, Usopp wants to visit the botanical gardens, etc robin wins and Chopper and Usopp are terrified the whole time because these are real human bones lol
Bonus stuff: Usopp is in sharpshooting or archery, Luffy is in trampoline, Chopper is in equestrian, Nami is in sailing, Robin is in table tennis (or is a coach?), Franky does Paralympic Greco-Roman wrestling, Brook does fencing, Jinbei does surfing
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fushigurro · 8 months
𝗧𝗢𝗝𝗜 𝗙𝗨𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗚𝗨𝗥𝗢 𝗫 𝗙!𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗘𝗥. ⌇ 18+ only, mdni / daddy kink / slight somnophilia?? but like not entirely / reader is mildly physically ill / m!masturbation / thigh fucking / pet names (baby + babygirl + good girl)
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toji wakes up with a hard cock and he tries to let it go because he’s been holding you in his arms; you’re feverish and sleeping restlessly unless he’s got a good hold on you, so that’s how he stays. but still, his body betrays him.
he can’t ignore the ache, not when you’re looking so cute even in your state of illness, so he palms himself through his sweats and it only gets worse; thinks he might be able to quietly rub one out while you’re still asleep, but the movement and lack of contact from him wakes you up.
“fuck baby, i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to wake you up.” maybe he should’ve gotten up, but he didn’t want to leave your side, so now your eyelids are fluttering open to the sight of toji on his back behind you, slowly jerking his cock and cursing himself for disturbing you.
even though you feel rough, there’s something about it that makes you wanna help, to be included somehow. “you can use me… to help,” you mumble sleepily, and he shakes his head.
“nah, don’t worry about it baby. just try to go back to sleep, okay?” he rubs your arm a little roughly but affectionately, and unfortunately touching you only makes him harder.
it’s your turn to shake your head this time. “just do it. want you to.” your voice is feeble, but still his favorite sound. toji leans in to press a kiss to the back of your neck and contemplate for a moment what he should do. you’re sick and he’s throbbing, and fuck you’re still just offering yourself up to him like such a perfect little thing. he can’t fight the temptation.
toji rolls back onto his side and presses his chest to your back, holding you close once again and breathing against your neck. “gonna let daddy use you a little?” he asks, brushing your hair away and placing kisses against your skin, holding your leg up a bit, and then slipping his cock between your thighs.
eyes closed again, you nod and scoot back against him. you don’t need to say anything else.
“yeah, that’s a good girl.” he presses one last kiss up against your temple and starts to rock his hips, dragging his length back and forth between your thighs with a satisfied groan. once he sets a rhythm, he drops your leg back down and lets the pressure around him increase.
you’re a little too disoriented and wanting to drift back to sleep to do much other than just lay there, but you do manage to gently hold onto the arm he now has wrapped around your waist as he fucks your thighs.
toji’s speed starts to increase and he does his best to handle you with care, to not lose himself and go too crazy on your poor body, but the motion does jostle you enough to have you furrowing your brows a bit. he can’t tell if it’s a good or bad thing, but you look so fucking adorable either way.
“i know, babygirl, i know. daddy’s almost done,” he breathes in your ear and goes a little faster, still gritting his teeth and trying to keep himself in check until he eventually spills across your leg and onto the sheets, pumping out his orgasm with a few final stuttered thrusts.
toji breathes and kisses the back of your neck in appreciation. you’re already being pulled back into sleep and he uses a couple of tissues from the box next to the bed to clean up the mess in the meantime, not wanting to disturb you further. he feels just a little fucked up over it all, but you seem perfectly content to snuggle back into him and soak in all the extra heat as you fall asleep.
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