#cw: AI Art
magicalmysteryperson · 7 months
I ask Dalle 3 to draw every single Pokémon in the pokedex and I grade it on accuracy to show that us artists still have hope in not getting replaced, but we still need to keep fighting. (pt 1)
1. Bulbasaur
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Understood the assignment. Overall basic idea of bulbasaur has been expressed. Spot placement is loose and generalized. 3/4 of them do not have fangs. Some of their eyes are not the right color. All of them have pupils, which is not a trait found in Bulbasaurs but I'll allow it for the style that they are using. As a cute bulbasaur render, it passes.
Grade: B+ (probably nightshade your bulbasaurs)
2. Ivysaur
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Is slowly starting to lose the plot. Most of the time, the ivysaurs generated by the algorithm are either bulbasaurs with buds, ivysaurs with bloomed flowers, or an in-between of ivysaur and venusaur. Flower isn't even the right kind. And some of them become bipedal with tails?? the fudge? And there are too many flowers in the background. The composition is starting to become cluttered.
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Upon giving it the bulbapedia description of its physical appearance, it was a little more accurate. However, the leaves are all wrong and it still suffers from too many spots syndrome. One even had really thin pupils.
Grade (without full description): D Grade (with full description): C (you probably don't need to nightshade your ivysaurs, but seeing the next pokemon... yeah you should probably do that.)
3. Venusaur
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Horrible. Absolute failure. This is just a bigger bulbasaur with ivysaur's colors and venusaur's plant.
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With description is even worse. Nice rendering, but as a representation of Venusaur, it fails spectacularly. Still a bunch of Ivysaurs. With too many spots. And none of those flowers are remotely accurate.
Grade: F (for both of them. Venusaur fans, you are safe. Bulbasaur and Ivysaur fans, though? Nightshade them to hell and back.)
4. Charmander
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Proportionally it needs to a be a little thinner, but other than that? Very scarily accurate, random Pokémon gobbledygook not withstanding.
Grade: A (nightshade your charmanders)
5. Charmeleon
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Asked for Charmeleon, ended up with some bulbasaur/charmander/charizard fusions. Which is nice, but its not what I asked for. Failed automatically.
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Is better with the physical description, but it still has some issues. It's not the right color of red, some of them are quadrupeds, and there are dark greyish brown spots which the description did not have. The cream scales also extend to its mouth, which is also not what the original charmeleon had. Points for originality (well, as original as an algorithm that scrapes images can get), but this is still not going to get a high grade.
Also nice crab claw flame.
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Grade (without description): F
Grade (with description): C-
6. Charizard
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Also understood the assignment. Aside from the flaming tail and some wing bone coloring issues, this is a really accurate representation of a Charizard. It sometimes fails in the proportion department, but 9 times out of 10 it poops out a charizard that doesn't look janky. Though considering that Charizard is one of those really big Pokémons, of course its going to get that right.
Grade: A+ (Nightshade your charizards)
7. Squirtle
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If it wasn't for the machine's struggle with the tail, we would have another A+ on our hands. Which is a scary thing to think about.
Grade: A (Nightshade your squirtles)
8. Wartortle
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The one time it actually got Squirtle's tail right, and it was in the section where the AI struggles to generate a Wartortle with only its name to go by. Just a bunch of bigger squirtles that sometimes go quadrupedal and have blastoise ears.
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With description is slightly better, but it still fails. All of them are quads, some of them have blastoise mouth, and one even has a mane. The tail isn't accurate either, but then again the cohost designer has a character limit. Even without a character limit, I'm still gonna grade it negatively. Especially since it has ignored the bipedal part of the description.
Grade (without description): F (seriously. nightshade your squirtles.)
Grade (with description): D
9. Blastoise
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Appears to understand the assignment, but it only understands the overall body plan. We got tangents and multiple guns galore. And Blastoise.... holding guns?? The fu-?
Also, Dalle 3 does not know how to pixel art. Pixel artists, you have been spared.
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With description, it fairs a little bit better... from a distance. 3/4 of the blastoises have malformed hands, the white shell outlines do not wrap around the arms like a backpack, (which some of the gun toting blastoises actually got right!) and one of the images' ears are too big.
Grade (without description): C-
Grade (with description): B- (Best to nightshade your Squirtles and Blastoises)
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leam1983 · 1 year
How to make an Unsexy Character Arguably Sexy
Let's start with Count Orlok. He stares, is cadaverously rigid, has excessively long fingernails that may or may not double as claws, buck teeth that limit his Charisma factor, a few posture-related issues and a very limited wardrobe.
Keep the age factor. With a little self-esteem and proper poise, undead silverfoxes with two little tufts of hair behind their ears could be literal and figurative ladykillers.
Lose the hunch. Expose the neck, knowing that he has very little natural predators and very few enemies who could come close to slashing his throat, and standing straight would add a few inches to an already stately figure.
Imply that he's confident enough to keep his arms down and wrists unbent.
Get him on enough walks that he loses his stiffness and recovers something close to a normal walking gait.
Borrow something from the Traditionally Sexy camp, and make his gestures occasionally veer into languid or feline suggestions, with a few occasional twitches to pay homage to his origins.
Work on his people skills. A more lively face makes the buck teeth easier to integrate.
Carefully iterate on his wardrobe. Stay close to tones of black or charcoal, but go for modern suit cuts, using the sides of a well-tailored suit jacket to fill in his frame somewhat. Neckties can invoke a sense of professionalism, while bowties can also suggest the playfulness inherent to certain undead.
Keep his hands occupied. Shadow of the Vampire and a few other vampire vectors insinuate that vampires can at least hold booze down in the absence of solids other than blood, so occupy his hands with the occasional coffee cup, Martini or Scotch glass - or why not - the errant cigar or two. His now-mostly-unused lungs have to be good for something, right?
Bring it all together. A vampire doesn't need to be a Greek statue brought to life, it simply needs to command an excess of charisma and seductive power that makes onlookers disregard its obvious traits. Dude looks old enough to be your grandfather? Who cares, he's such a natural storyteller you'd sit there and drink his words for hours. He's perhaps slightly out of touch? Ah, but there's nothing like a dash of Old World charm to make even the occasional case of befuddlement in front of a smartphone look like something you'd forgive with a wink and a laugh. Too-long fingernails that look about ready to score glass? Here's a quirky anecdote that excuses it!
Know when to bring out the savagery. Orlok should only look old or feel old to first-time acquaintances, anyone who crosses him should consider themselves a target - and there's nothing more terrifying than a six-foot-five beanpole with pointy ears who unironically dabs himself in Aqua Velva that somehow manages to one-hand-smash you into his coffee table after going from "deceptively casual bon vivant" to "sheer rage" in half a second.
Oh, and he should be a well-read commentator on all things rodents and rats, very much the type to keep a few large closed vivariums of the things, all the while endearingly calling them "chaos potatoes".
And yes, I wholeheartedly believe that Modern Day Count Orlok has a capybara as a pet.
As for visual examples, I'll admit to having used Stable Diffusion on my own PC and a metric fuckton of duty-free and Creative Commons pictures to whip this up, as I cannot draw to save my life but enjoy having the ability to quickly source visual references without pestering artists strictly to prove a point. The pic itself is Creative Commons by default and I'm using it in a context covered by Fair Use - as it's my own generation on my own hardware.
So, take a look at these Orloks and tell me which one you'd strike up a conversation with.
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Orlok Number 1 maintains a vague aura of menace but cleans up very well. Plus, chances are he's just giving you that sultry look because you've managed to excite something that goes beyond base predatory instincts, right? Who knows?
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A little less formal for Orlok Number 2, with a bit more personality in his facial structure. He might not have that many top teeth and his underbite isn't classically sexy, but his more Business Casual attire suggests he's pulled himself together. Maybe he's just relating some juicy office gossip to someone while crossing their path in a staircase - and not being evil doesn't mean he has to stop being a little rapacious, right? Maybe you've helped him with a hostile takeover and he's giving you a few words of encouragement along with a dark chuckle or two...
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Orlok 3+4 is notably softer in design, much more believable as a fairly genteel character - and that unprompted wink just sends me. It's just perfect. This is an Orlok who's brimming with Slavic witticisms and who, as suggested above, probably manages to be a fair bit of a social butterfly. I imagine him as kind, an absolutely perfect gentleman, reasonably funny and spirited with the conversation calls for it; with the sense that his sticking to modern displays of chivalry still requires a little extra focus. He'd probably give you his coat even if unprompted and just barely catch himself before pushing his attentive nature into sexism, after which he'd profusely apologize and claim that he's "still learning, you see".
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thelewdpokemanik · 2 years
Funny elf Shuichi go brrrr
Shuichi was standing in front of the door leading into Tsumugi’s house, shivering slightly in the cold winter’s wind as it blew against his bare skin.
But even the promise of warmth wasn’t enough to make him enter the Ultimate Cosplayer’s Christmas party.
He was profoundly embarrassed. The price Tsumugi had asked for using her house to host the party had been that she would get to design all of her classmates’ costumes, and, foolishly, Shuichi hadn’t thought to raise his voice in objection.
Sometimes, it was easy to forget that, despite Tsumugi acting somewhat like a wallflower, she was an irreverent pervert. And she had, of course, taken the opportunity to inflict her perversions on them all. Or at least, Shuichi assumed she had, since his own costume was…
The word that came to mind was slutty, and Shuichi didn’t feel like calling himself that. But neither whorish nor depraved were any more pleasant. Lewd was the barest minimum he could go down to without outright lying to himself.
Another strong wind blew between his bare thighs, making him jump and shiver.
Fuck it. He couldn’t stand another second out here.
He pressed on the doorbell, and almost as if she had been waiting for him, Tsumugi threw the door open immediately.
“Shuichi! You finally rang!” Tsumugi exclaimed, a spark in her eye that almost made the detective decide that walking back home wouldn’t be too bad a prospect. But before he could try and flee, the bluenette grabbed his arm and pulled him inside.
“Let me take your coat!” She exclaimed, already trying to pull it off him, but Shuichi struggled against her.
“N-No! It’s fine!” He said, a hint of desperation coloring his voice. His coat at least went down to his mid-thighs! Without it, everyone would see-
Shuichi blinked when he finally registered what Tsumugi was wearing, which could only be described as a gift cosplay. A lewd one, of course.
She seemed only to be wearing ribbons, in a complex arrangement that covered her most intimate parts, while still leaving as much skin visible without being categorized as naked. Like, the Christmas version of a bikini.
“There!” Tsumugi exclaimed, using Shuichi’s surprise against him, and ripping his coat off him, leaving him only wearing the costume the cosplayer had designed.
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“Oh, I knew it!” Tsumugi exclaimed, drool escaping her lips as Shuichi’s blush exploded. “You just make for such a delicious-looking elf!” She said, rapidly walking around Shuichi to look at him from all angles, only to pause behind him for a moment and whistle, making Shuichi spin around, embarrassed.
“Wh-What is with this costume, Tsumugi!” He demanded, trying to have his anger overcome his embarrassment, if even for a moment, but the cosplayer wasn’t repentant in the slightest.
“What is it? Do you think I should’ve gone with a thong? I thought that you wouldn’t go for it, but I probably have something upstairs that’ll fit you if you insist…” Tsumugi wondered, looking very fixedly at his bulge, which simply couldn’t hide in the tight material.
“Wh-What!? No! This is- I can’t wear this in front of everyone!” Shuichi insisted though he could already tell from Tsumugi’s expression that he wouldn’t be convincing her.
She was staring at him, a sudden intense look on her face. “I can’t let you do that, Shuichi.” She said, making Shuichi pale.
He took a step back, a shiver going down his back. “T-Tsumugi?” He asked, but before he could react, the ribbon-adorned girl had grabbed hold of him once more. “Wh-What are you doing!?” The detective asked, struggling, but while he had been training with Kaito and Maki, Tsumugi was holding him with the strength of legions of horny fans.
“I won’t let you hide this magnificent cosplay from the world, Shuichi!” She said, before bodily picking him up, making him yelp as he was pressed against her, his face burning as he came into contact with so much bare skin.
He froze, trying not to touch her any more than necessary, but that only made her job easier as she walked towards the door leading into the foyer.
“And if a plain girl like me is enough to embarrass you, then you should definitely try and relieve some stress, if you know what I mean.” She declared, before boldly kicking the door open, attracting everyone’s eyes, and pushing him in.
The door closed behind him before he could so much as blink, and the sound of the lock turning made his heart plummet.
Thankfully, it seemed that not everyone had arrived yet, saving Shuichi some embarrassment at least, but still…
Everyone else here was also wearing skimpy Christmas-themed costumes. Kaito waved at him from the back of the room, his muscular chest bare except for a pair of candy cane-colored overall straps that were tied to his shorts, a redfaced Maki standing beside him, her eyes desperately fighting between staring at the astronaut and looking anywhere else.
Shuichi weakly waved back, but he didn’t have a chance to do much more, before a hand suddenly landed on his butt with a clap, making him yelp.
“Goddamn!” Miu yelled, palming one of his cheeks. “Talk about Christmas cake, am I right?” Shuichi tried to turn towards her, but her grip on him was like steel, and only his neck responded to his command.
But any protest he had been about to raise died in his throat as his eyes landed on the inventor.
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Miu’s bust had always been, uh, impressive. But Tsumugi’s costume somehow seemed to leave it on display even more than usual, no doubt aided by her leather corset. There was a lewd look in her eyes, but when Shuichi tried and take a step back, Miu forcefully pulled him closer, until his face landed in an ocean of softness.
“Oh god,” Shuichi mumbled, feeling Miu’s breasts envelop his head.
“Aren’t you a lewd little pervert?” Miu teased, her other hand suddenly landing on the top of his head, pulling him down even deeper in her cleavage. “But that’s exactly what I’m looking for. That retarded cosplayer gave Kibo a reindeer cosplay, so I’m looking for an elf to go with my Santa costume, yeah? So how about it?” Miu whispered, angling Shuichi’s head to make him stare up at her. “Wanna go find where Tsumugi’s bedroom is, and give that bed more action than it’ll ever see again?”
Shuichi’s blush had reached down to his neck as he stuttered an answer, though he himself wasn’t even aware of what it would’ve been if he ever gathered himself.
Thankfully (maybe), that was when another hand suddenly landed on Shuichi’s boy booty, making him moan quietly as it began to grope him thoroughly, unlike Miu’s calmer grip.
“Heyyy, Shuichi. Miu.” Kaede said, her voice making a shiver go down Shuichi’s spine.
Miu’s face paled at the cold in Kaede’s voice, but she soldiered on regardless. “H-Hey yourself, No T-Tits,” she stuttered, only to yelp as Kaede’s other hand grabbed onto Shuichi’s soldier, spinning him out of Miu’s grasp, though her initial grip on his butt cheek wasn’t so easily relinquished.
Which left Shuichi to land cheek first rather than face first in Kaede’s own boobs.
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Her top went just a bit too high to allow her to swallow Shuichi in her cleavage, but the detective still found himself sinking in her chest, though only for a moment, before Miu pulled him out, leaving him in between the two blondes who were glaring daggers at one another.
He gulped.
Kaede smiled coldly. “Thanks for finding my wayward elf, Miu. We’ll be going now.” She said, but Miu scoffed.
“Wayward? Finders keepers, losers weepers, no? Get your hands the fuck off my man before I cut them off.” She snarled, only to lose heat when Kaede’s smile fell.
“Stay in your lane, bitch, and back off,” Kaede said, leaning forward over Shuichi, pressing her tits against the side of his face.
And for a moment, Miu seemed ready to do exactly that. But before she could completely falter, her groping hand suddenly dove inside Shuichi’s pants, groping him directly.
“Ahn~” He moaned shamefully as her strong fingers grabbed hold of his doughy behind, sinking into his softness.
And the sound of his moan, and the sensation of his ass, seemed to reenergize the Meek Miu back into the Lewd Miu.
“Seems to me like you aren’t taking proper care of him, hm?” Miu said, suddenly changing her angle of attack.
Kaede blinked. “What are you talking about?” She asked, only to be met by Miu leaning forward herself, effectively sandwiching Shuichi between their chests.
“Look at this lewd little elf,” Miu cooed, her hand vigorously groping his behind, shooting bolts of pleasure up Shuichi’s spine. Her nails dug ever so slightly into his skin, just enough to heighten the sensation of her touch, and she even pulled on his cheek, spreading his ass open, making Shuichi whine at the feeling of stretching. “He’s so desperate, so needy~,” Miu said as Kaede’s face reddened more and more as the inventor pulled more and more sounds out of Shuichi.
“Clearly, you’ve been neglecting his lewd male needs,” Miu said, almost triumphantly, but said triumph was short-lived as Kaede’s face screwed up in determination.
The pianist’s own hand dove inside Shuichi’s pants to grab onto him, making him gasp, her long fingers easily covering acres, and digging forcefully, possessively into him.
“Well, maybe you should buzz off so I can tend to those needs, hm?” Kaede said as Shuichi devolved into more and more of an aroused mess between the two busty girls.
Kaede’s words only seemed to motivate Miu further, as her other hand soon went to Shuichi’s front, tracing a slow, sinuous path with a nail down his chest, sending tingly pleasure all across his body.
“Please, a virgin like you couldn’t handle this perverted elf.” Miu scoffed, only for her scoff to be returned by Kaede’s own, and her own hand going directly for Shuichi’s crotch, his cock hard and throbbing for a while now, and only growing more aroused as Kaede’s fingers closed on it, making him buck his hips.
“Don’t act like you’re any better than me on that part, Miu. You’re just as much of a virgin as I am.” She said, before Miu, apparently taking Kaede’s actions as a taunt, also sent her hand to Shuichi’s junk, grabbing him lower than Kaede had, cupping his full balls, and making Shuichi whine.
His head was stuck in between the bickering blondes’ chests, swallowing him in their warmth and softness, while his bottom was harshly assaulted on both sides, the girls’ strong fingers bending his skin to their will, making his legs twitch and his cock throb, his hips bucking and humping their hands like an animal.
“P-Please~” He half-moaned and half-gasped, making both girls and himself freeze. Had he been the one to let out that lewd begging?
The blondes’ faces had also reddened as they heard his aroused, desperate voice.
They shot one another a glance, no doubt noticing each other’s hard nipples and squirming thighs.
Kaede licked her lips. “How about we stop talking, and start doing,” she said, making Miu blink before a salacious smile crossed her lips.
“Sure. I guess I wouldn’t mind showing you how things are done~”
Kaede chuckled before the two girls began pulling Shuichi away, out of the room, though not without groping him thoroughly as they went.
He just barely managed to catch a thumbs up from Kaito, whose own hand seemed suspiciously low down Maki’s back, the assassin panting as she stared into nothing before the door closed behind the trio, who wouldn’t be seen until morning, though they would do a very good job at being heard.
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strikerwott12 · 2 years
I wiped my old DA gallery clean awhile back thanks to the whole A/I incident, but I got an idea. How would you guys feel if I made a sideblog dedicated to archiving my old art from DA?
I was also thinking about uploading drawings that I uploaded on Scratch for better quality and such too, so basically it’d be an old art blog in general!
If I do this, I WON'T upload EVERYTHING I posted for my own personal reasons, and I’d rather not say what those reasons are, it’s simply just because I’m more comfortable with not uploading everything.
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pinkiepig · 4 months
I wanted to draw a cool tiger from someone’s dream 🐅
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(Link to the original poster)
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deerteatime · 2 years
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im having very strong feelings about AI art in this chilis tonight. [ID in alt.]
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ieilaf · 4 months
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OOOUuOOoAaooouuuu Some doodles I made! :D
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In the second last art was originally 3Ds backgrounds I wanted to mod on my 3Ds but it took awhile but I'm really happy with how it turned out :D
In the last one I drew what if Benery interacted with Gordon and i was just happy with the drawing the silly guys! ٠ن٠
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ignore the green im not a native speaker idk what it means
also theres a hidden amogus in there somewhere idk
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gvalesdraws · 6 days
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who am i
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comickergirl · 1 month
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⋆。°✩ 8.18 ✩°。⋆
Happy Haibara Day!
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timtamtomme · 2 months
"I've been outside Black Mesa, Dr. Freeman, There's nothing there, But YOU, I know there's a world in your dreams. AND I NEED TO GO THERE." ~ Dr. Harold P. Coomer
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I had a lot of fun with this!! I need to make finished art more often, HAHA!! Hope you like it <333
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stiffyck · 10 months
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sp3ncer · 27 days
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my lovely brain thought up the perfect name: benrey? bill? benadryl
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mstrchu · 3 months
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younger ais + longer hair + someone very unlucky
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starfall-isle · 2 years
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There's indifference on the wind But a faint gust of hope
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room-of-lies · 23 days
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You are now, as you once were: Beautiful
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