prettywordsyouleft · 3 years
Undercooked Christmas
Prompt: “Real funny.” -- @challengingwords​ prompt #50
Pairing: Jae Park x female reader
Genre: fluff / christmas au
Warnings: none
Word count: 589
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“What? Why isn’t it working?!”
Jae looked up from his phone at your panic, discarding the device to investigate your huffs and shrieks as you dashed around in the kitchen.
He found you looking at the oven in bewilderment, the turkey that had been put on for Christmas dinner still sitting there looking rather uncooked.
Your eyes flitted to his desperately. “The oven is broken.”
“Can’t be. We’ve been cooking in it all week long,” Jae reminded, stepping closer to check everything out.
“Well, now it’s not working! Dinner is ruined!” you cried, your gaze slipping to the clock on the wall with a hearty wail. “Everyone will be here in three hours!”
“Three hours should be plenty to cook a turkey,” Jae reasoned, but you were prancing up and down on the spot like a disgruntled reindeer who didn’t get to fly off with the others on Santa’s sleigh.
Looking closely at the oven, Jae stifled a laugh. “Babe?”
“Oh what?! Christmas is ruined all because our stupid oven is—”
“Not turned on,” he concluded with a snort.
Your irritable expression turned murderous. “Don’t be ridiculous. I turned it on hours ago! Look, the oven light is on and everything!”
Still struggling to not laugh, Jae pointed to the dials on the panel. “You’ve turned on the oven setting, which makes the light come on, but not the temperature gauge.”
“What?” Shunting him out of the way, you looked at the panel and then frowned. “But I… I’m sure I turned it on! Surely, I did! I got up and turned on the oven, and then dashed off to finish wrapping presents. I did it!”
Without answering, knowing you would hit him if he did, Jae reached for the temperature dial and turned it on. Instantly, the fans of the oven started up.
You shared a look with your partner, yours of sheer horror, whilst his was strangled amusement.
Jae couldn’t help it. Laughter erupted from every part of him, and he doubled over, gripping onto the countertop as his knees wobbled with the sheer strength of his reaction.
You grumbled incoherently as you opened the door to the oven and put the turkey back in it, reaching for the temperature to put it on the desired heat. “Oh yeah. Laugh it up, Jae. It’s real funny.”
“I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t laugh,” he wheezed out, looking up at you and then was hit with another wave of giggles. “But you were just so comical right now.”
“Super comical.”
“Come on, Y/N. You can see that this is a little funny, right?”
Your hands rose to your hips and his laughter cut short. “You know, I wonder if Santa is going to have anything but coal for you this year!”
“I already know you’ve gotten me three presents under our tree, babe,” he cheekily pointed out, and you spun on your heel, heading out of the kitchen and towards the twinkling pine in the corner of the room. Ducking underneath, you reached for those presents, right as Jae attempted to stop you.
“Okay, I’m an asshole for laughing at your stressed-out reaction!” he proclaimed, and you arched an eyebrow at him to show you were now ready to listen. Jae regathered himself before smiling warmly at you. “At least, we figured out it wasn’t working now instead of an hour before dinner. Christmas isn’t ruined. We’ve saved it by turning on the dial needed to actually cook things.”
Your eyes narrowed again at his jibbing. “JAE!”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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soybeantree · 3 years
― ― → “you're doing it wrong.”
pairing: chanyeol x reader
description: you love when chanyeol takes an interest in your hobbies, but he doesn't always have a talent for them submission for prompt #4 of @challengingwords.
word count: 330+
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After finishing the final row of purple, you check on Chanyeol and have to stifle your snort with a cough.
“Are you okay?” He asks, glancing up from his attempt at crocheting. Yarn laces between his fingers and attached to his hook is a tangled ball of yarn, though if you squint you can kind of make out what looks like stitches.
“I’m fine. You’re not.” You chuckle. “Here give me that, you’re doing it wrong.” He holds his hands out to you, and you gently slip the yarn from his fingers and attempt to unravel his mess.
“I did it how you showed me.” He pouts.
“I don’t think you did.” You mutter as you work on a particularity difficult knot.
When Chanyeol came upon you crocheting a new holiday sweater, he had become enthralled. After watching you for hours, he determined that he was fully capable of crocheting. Excited by his enthusiasm, you had agreed to teach him.
Taking out your basket of scarp yarn and a crochet hook, you showed him how to chain and do a single crochet stitch, and after he failed the first time, you showed him again. He continued to fail, and you continued to teach him, until with huff he snatched the hook and yarn from your hand and swore he would figure it out on his own. You let him because there is no reasoning with Chanyeol when he gets like that.
With the yarn untangled and once again a ready ball, you hold it out to him along with the hook. “Would you like me to show you again?”
He pushes your hands back towards you. “I think I’ve had enough crocheting for today.” You smile and nod as you tuck the items back into your basket. “Are you hungry?” He asks as he pulls out his phone. Your stomach grumbles in response. “How about a to-go order and a movie to end the night?”
You enthusiastically agree, as you set aside your sweater and stretch your aching fingers.
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challengingwords · 3 years
Challenging Words #57
Prompt: “Aren’t you supposed to know everything?” 
Source: Admin Sem 
Here is our new writing challenge! The next one will be issued on the 28th March at 8am NZST.
What is Challenging Words?
We invite you to join us and write 500 words or less on the prompt above over the next two weeks. Make sure to tag #cwprompts or  #cwchallenges in the first 5 tags so we can share your story on the blog. For further information, feel free to check out our guidelines below to make sure you’re ready to be challenged!
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Your Fat Mouth
“Oh, come on!” Sehun jerked awake at the yell in the living room. He groaned as he looked around, confused. “You’ve got to be kidding me!”
“Calm down, Ja Kyeong…” he heard Junmyeon say. Sehun sat up and stood, stumbling slightly as he made his way to his bedroom door and into the living room. He yawned before sitting on the couch next to his girlfriend.
“What’s going on?”
“The ref didn’t make the call!” Sehun looked at Ja Kyeong before reaching for the remote. The resulting ice glare made him pause. He was not the usual recipient of the ice glare – Baekhyun’s girlfriend or her brother, on the other hand... Needless to say, he froze in his reach.
“Why are you so heated up? That isn’t your team.”
“Yeah, but the winner will be playing us next.”
“You mean, your team. You won’t be playing. You can thank your current health condition for that.”
“No one would have even considered benching me…if not for your fat mouth…” She slowly turned to look at him. “Maybe I should have stayed at my apartment instead of coming to hang out with you. Actually, I think I am going to leave –” She shrieked as Sehun pulled her back onto the couch.
“Nice try. And it wasn’t my fat mouth.”
“Then whose fat mouth?” Sehun kept his mouth shut. “So the blame remains solely on you.” She refocused on the tv. “Ok! Seriously?!” She grabbed her phone and Sehun rolled his eyes.
“Is she always like this?” Junmyeon asked. Sehun shrugged.
“Never really paid all that much attention to her reactions during the games, to be honest. Too busy defending myself with Baekhyun and Minseok at my shoulders.”
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prettywordsyouleft · 3 years
Ink Me
Prompt: “Would you just sit still?!” -- @challengingwords​ prompt #49
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x female reader
Genre: fluff / tattoo artist au
Warnings: tattoo equipment loosely described.
Word count: 475
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“Would you just sit still?!”
“I am,” you retorted, your eyebrows knitting together. “I haven’t moved once.”
Jungkook looked at you incredulously. “Really? You’re shaking all over.”
“I’m…” Glancing up at your boyfriend with wide eyes, you groaned. “Okay, so maybe I’m a little nervous.”
His lips tipped up at the corners. “Just a little?”
“Maybe a lot?”
“You’re questioning your own anxiety levels. Sounds to me that you don’t want me to do this.”
“I do!” you shot back immediately, whining when Jungkook’s free hand gripped your left arm tightly. “Ow!”
“Be careful, Y/N. I don’t want to hurt you any more than you’re obviously panicking over me doing.” Placing down the instrument next to the chair you sat on, Jungkook sighed, folding his arms over his chest. “I won’t do it.”
“But you promised me that you would!” you exclaimed, your eyes still round but this time with disappointment. “You promised, Kook.”
“I did that without the knowledge that you’d be this frightened of it.”
Looking away before the tears welled up in your eyes, you sighed. “It’s my first one. I don’t know what to expect.”
You were both silent for a moment, and then his hands reached for your face, cupping them around your cheeks. “Do you really want this?”
“I do. And I want it to be you who does it.”
Jungkook searched your expression for any sign to stop this again. “You need to hold still. Okay?”
“I’ll try my best.”
Your boyfriend turned back to the equipment beside you, and you stretched your left arm out, flipping it so the soft skin of your forearm was exposed. The design of your choice was already stencilled there, and now you just had to pull it together for the time it would take to get it permanently inked into your skin.
“Ready?” Jungkook asked, and you nodded, closing your eyes so you couldn’t react before he placed the tattoo gun on your skin. Jungkook’s free hand held down your arm, and he began his work.
It wasn’t as painful as you expected it to be, but it wasn’t pleasant either. After about five minutes of adjusting to the pain, you opened your eyes, watching your tattoo artist boyfriend work. His artistry was second to none, and after a while, you weren’t really that aware of the pain anymore. You were too entranced by the concentration on his face and the way your design choice came to life.
Finally, Jungkook was done. You marvelled your first tattoo, your lips spreading out into an excited grin. “It’s beautiful.”
“So are you right now,” Jungkook murmured, smiling at you lovingly. “Thank you for trusting me with this.”
Stretching forward to kiss him, you stared at Jungkook when you pulled back. “I don’t know why I was so scared. You always look after me.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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prettywordsyouleft · 3 years
Sugar Rush
Prompt: “My heart hurts.” -- @challengingwords​ prompt #48
Pairing: Lee Taeyong x female reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none, though it might make you hungry lol
Word count: 551
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“I never expected to experience this type of betrayal,” you told your best friend Ivy, feeling as dramatic as the statement sounded. Looking at her with a sullen expression, you sighed. “My heart hurts.”
“And my head cannot deal with you right now,” she replied with a strong eye roll, shaking her loose copper curls over her shoulder. “Only you would take this as an opportunity to mourn.”
“It’s a great loss to our city,” another voice interjected, and you turned to look at the man standing nearby. He cupped his chest as he looked up at the closed storefront. “They made the best donuts I’ve ever tasted.”
“Right?!” you whined, jerking away from Ivy to commiserate with the handsome stranger.
You both sighed heavily at the same time.
“I’m just going to leave you two to sulk and get my coffee from the café two doors down,” Ivy announced, sending you a disbelieving smile before telling you she’d catch you after work.
You turned to the man, who pouted at you. “They truly were the highlight of my working week.”
“Where do we go now to get our fix?” you wondered, turning your stare back to the bubble-gum pink store. You eyed the PERMANENTLY CLOSED sign, a sour taste forming in the back of your throat.
“There’s that donut store three blocks over,” he suggested initially and then groaned. “But they’re mediocre compared.”
“We’re addicted to the best donuts this city has to offer.”
“Had,” he lamented, and you both sighed again. “Maybe it’s a good thing?” you suggested, though to be fair, you were trying to convince yourself it wasn’t the big travesty that it felt right now. The stranger eyed you curiously. “I was eating them three times a week at least. My goal to shape up for the summer would mean I’d have to cut back on them, somehow.”
“You don’t need to shape up,” he blurted out, his ears turning red. “I mean, if you have a goal like that then it’s yours to decide on. But uh… I’m digging a hole here, aren’t I?”
You giggled, shaking your head. “Admittedly, I don’t have the best track record in avoiding baked goods, so it’s an empty goal, really.”
“So, it’s not just a donut craving?” he mused, and you lifted a hand solemnly in an oath.
“Well, it’s not the same as a donut, but have you tried the triple chocolate cookies over at—”
“Mama’s Bakery?!” you cut in, grinning as you nodded. “They’re to die for.”
“Should we then?” he offered, and you cocked your head to the side.
“Go get cookies?”
“And coffee if you drink it. I’m more of a hot chocolate type of guy myself.”
“It seems I’ve found my match in a sweet tooth today,” you announced gleefully, holding out your hand in introduction. “I’m Y/N.”
“Taeyong,” he answered, slipping his hand into yours. “And I’m guessing if we have this much in common about food, then it’s going to be easy to get to know you more.”
“There’s a whole heap of delicious desserts to share in this city. If you’re up for it?”
Taeyong grinned, shaking the hand you only then realised he still held. “I think I’m going to feel more than a sugar rush soon.”
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prettywordsyouleft · 3 years
The Cure
Prompt: “My allergies!” -- @challengingwords​ prompt #46
Pairing: Lee Junho x female reader
Genre: fluff / office au
Warnings: none
Word count: 933
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Letting out another sneeze, you groaned inwardly.
Why were you constantly sneezing lately? It wasn’t spring, nor did you suffer greatly from pollen anyway. At least that would make more sense for your sudden affliction. Aside from the moment when it happened, you didn’t feel unwell at all. It was seriously confusing you.
“Bless you,” a honeyed voice announced, and you glanced up to look at the desk adjacent to yours. Junho smiled but didn’t lift his gaze away from his task.
“You’ll grow tired of saying that, you know,” you grumbled, and Junho chuckled, right when another sneeze built up within you.
You managed to suppress it for all of two minutes. Three sneezes followed, as did Junho’s well wishes triple-fold.
You grew irritated and stood up. “Mind if I head out and get something to take for this?”
“Go on. I can’t imagine it’s easy to focus on work right now,” he sympathised, and you nodded, grabbing your bag, and you stepped outside.
Five minutes later, and you felt completely fine. By the time you reached the nearest pharmacy, you hadn’t sneezed once. Explaining your issue to the pharmacist, they prescribed you something to help ease the sneezing but insisted you looked around the workplace for what you were allergic to.
“Of course, why didn’t I think of that?” you murmured as you clambered back up the stairs into your department, smiling at a couple of workers as you went by.
It happened as soon as Junho looked up at your arrival. “Did they—you’re still sneezing.”
“It’s something in this area,” you concluded, explaining to Junho how you hadn’t sneezed once when you were gone.
“Want me to help you look?” he offered, and you nodded, your search coming up fruitless. Everything around you was normal office supplies, and no one had flowers in the area – not that you were affected by them in the first place.
“It’s maddening!” you exclaimed as you sneezed again, and Junho ran a hand through his hair.
“Just what is it?” he wondered, scanning the area again.
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The next day, you weren’t sneezing every few minutes. By lunchtime, you were euphoric. You had not only caught up on your work from the day before, but you were also processing files you set aside for later in the week.
“My allergies!” you stated, pumping your fist into the air. “They have cleared!”
“Good for you, Y/N,” your boss mentioned, her attention falling to the empty chair nearby. “Junho not in today?”
“Huh. That’s what’s missing,” you said and then gasped, covering your mouth. “I can’t be…”
Shaking her head at your nonsense, your boss returned to her office as you stared at Junho’s empty spot for a moment. You then giggled. “No way. That would be ludicrous to be allergic to a person, right?”
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You didn’t even need to mindfully look out for the differences. As soon as Junho greeted you, you replied with a sneeze. And even if you took your medicine, you were still struggling by the end of the workday.
Since Junho worked from two departments in the building, he was missing the next day from his desk. You were back to being productive and sniffle-free.
By Friday morning, you were convinced he was the cause.
“That sneezing of yours—”
“Don’t find me weird for this, but have you changed cologne or something recently? Showering in a new body wash by chance? New washing powder? Something different?” you prattled off, and Junho eyed you warily. “I’m not trying to pry, I promise. But I think it’s you.”
“Me? What?” he asked, his gaze narrowing. “It can’t be me, Y/N. You can’t be allergic to someone.”
“Hear me out.”
“I don’t want to.”
“But it makes sense! When you’re not here, I’m fine. The moment you smile that beautiful dimpled smile of yours, I’m returning to Sneezeville immediately!”
Junho stared at you for a moment before bursting into laughter. “That’s your proof?”
“Well, what more can I say? My allergy is you.”
Leaning towards you, Junho smirked. “Have you thought it might not be an allergy you’re dealing with but feelings instead?”
“What? That makes—”
“My adorable dimpled smile,” he repeated, and you groaned with embarrassment. “Do my eyes make you react too? What about my voice? Face it. Sounds to me that you might like me.”
“Don’t be so rash. It’s probably a change you’ve made, and I’m sensitive to it.”
Junho stared at you. “So, you don’t like me? Not even a little?”
Just thinking about it made you sneeze. Junho laughed heartily. “Wait! That’s not— it can’t be! I mean— Junho!”
Quickly taking you by the hand, Junho strode down to the boardroom, pulling you inside before shutting the door. He then looked down at you, his smile warm and inviting.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you managed to say before sneezing again.
“Bless you,” he voiced, and you rolled your eyes. Junho grinned. “Maybe I have the cure.”
“What’s that? Just change whatever it is that you’ve—”
He cut you off with a kiss, slow and lingering. Blinking several times before closing your eyes, you focused on the embrace, melting further into it than you expected to.
You definitely felt something for him now.
Pulling away, Junho searched your expression curiously. “Are you still allergic to me, Y/N?”
You felt no sneeze on the horizon. However, reaching out for the collar of his shirt, you shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe we should do that again just to make sure I’m fully cured.”
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prettywordsyouleft · 3 years
Play Along
Prompt: “Why can’t you hear me?” -- @challengingwords prompt #40
Pairing: Hwang Minhyun x female reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: I finally wrote something, thank god! Dedicating this to @minsmonaverse​ as I mentioned I would try and write Minhyun again. 
Word count: 375
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“I can’t wait for you to return, Min,” you enthused, sitting back in your home office chair. “I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve seen you. It has, actually. To the point, I think I’ve forgotten how you smell. Wait. That sounds weird.”
You laughed good-naturally all the same, knowing your boyfriend would understand your excitement. He was anticipating his return too.
“Y/N, I can’t quite make out what you’re saying.”
Frowning, you pulled your phone away from your ear to ensure you hadn’t accidentally muted your call somehow. The screen flashed with the call details, and you saw everything was in order. Hitting the volume button, you placed it back against your head. “How’s that?”
“If you’re talking to me, I really don’t know what you’re saying,” Minhyun continued.
“Why can’t you hear me? Is the signal bad?” you asked, even though you were uncertain if your voice would come through to him.
“Oh, I don’t think this is going to work. I can’t hear you. Maybe go outside?”
“Would the signal be better out there?” you wondered, backtracking in your footsteps to the front door. Swinging it open, you started to blink rapidly.
And Minhyun grinned and ended the call. “Ah, I bet I could hear you perfectly now.”
“Wait… you… and this whole time… you’re back?!”
“In the flesh,” he confirmed as he held out his arms, your body quickly nestling into his.
You had missed more than his scent, and as you inhaled deeply, you worked on imprinting how his body fit perfectly around yours as well. Minhyun’s grip tightened, and you rejoiced with how comforting this moment was.
Until your brain finally recovered from the initial shock. Pulling back just enough to look up at him, you scowled. “I was seriously stressing right now!”
“You always tell me to try and be more playful,” he offered, pouting slightly as he thought over his actions. Minhyun smirked. “I think the end result was worth a little bit of your heart racing, don’t you?”
Softening your expression, you nodded and dove back into his arms. “You’re right. I’ll happily play along with any playful prank of yours if it means I get to be with you like this in the end.”
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prettywordsyouleft · 3 years
Prompt: “In what world would that happen?” -- @challengingwords​ prompt #42
Pairing: Koo Junhoe x female reader
Genre: suggestive / friends to lovers au
Warnings: suggestive
Word count: 340
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“Date me.”
Glancing up from the magazine he was loosely perusing, Junhoe smirked. “No.”
“Come on! You know this will look great for both of us.”
“How exactly?”
“Your boss will stop pestering you inappropriately, and I’ll be better off if I can avoid any further blind date offers from my employees. The last thing I need them to think of their boss is that they’re a sad loser in love.”
Junhoe chuckled. “Why lie?”
“Hey! I could make a wonderful lover!”
“In what world would that ever happen?” Junhoe taunted, and you fumed, storming up to your friend and scowled. He eyed you curiously for a moment before sighing. “See. You hesitate before-”
Leaning down to kiss him, you blinked several times in realisation that you had actually followed through. For years, you had dreamed of this moment, holding out on every opportunity sent your way because of your crush on Junhoe.
You hadn’t expected his response to be so eager. Hands reached out to pull you into his lap, bringing you closer for further inspection. His tongue was meticulous, diving in and encouraging yours to dance along with it. With your breath now completely stolen, you felt giddy, thankful for the lap you now sat on.
Your knees would have definitely given out on you otherwise.
When Junhoe finally pulled back and stared at you intensely, you smiled lightly. “See. I can too.”
“Can too what?” he breathed in confusion.
“Make a good, uh, lover,” you awkwardly responded, not feeling as confident as you had before.
Smiling, Junhoe shrugged. “That was just one taste, Y/N.”
“But you know, maybe this is the right universe for me to test just how good of a lover you are. Or maybe not. But I do have the ability to send you right into the galaxies, so…”
You laughed, rolling your eyes a little despite the surge of anticipation that engulfed you from Junhoe’s words. “Oh yeah? Well, space traveller, you better be prepared to take me on quite the expedition.”
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
Collecting Excuses
Prompt: “You don’t need an excuse to kiss me.” -- @challengingwords​ prompt
Pairing: Im Changkyun x female reader
Genre: university au / fluff / friends to lovers au
Warnings: none
Word count: 875
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“You know, you don’t need an excuse to kiss me.”
Glancing over at Changkyun, you rolled your eyes and forcibly smiled. “That much I know. But even with all the excuses in the world, I still wouldn’t want to.”
“One day you will,” he confidently stated, and you shuddered as Changkyun walked on.
It was always the same. He would relentlessly tease you about liking him in some way and had no shame of where and when he’d bring it up.
Changkyun wasn’t like this with any of his other friends. Then again, none of them had confessed they liked him when they were younger either.
You groaned heavily. If only you hadn’t had one too many cocktails that night. You vowed you would never drink again, not wishing to face another loose-lipped moment. Who knew what else you’d confessed to under the influence of alcohol.
You were done with Changkyun’s fun at your expense. It was growing old, and frankly, you wanted to smack those lips of his with your hand, not your mouth. You wished for him to get another obsession, or for an attractive being to distract him from this little game. Anything that could save you from his endless quips would be appreciated.
However, nothing seemed to get in the way of Changkyun and his offers. He had become a little more blatant at times, yelling across the campus that you loved him and making a big deal in the middle of a group gathering too.
But this was a whole new low.
Glaring at the student who had slung his arm over your shoulder, you then turned and shook your head at the other one in front of you. “Mike, actually he’s wrong.”
“What? That’s not what you said to me, Y/N. Sorry Mike, she’s taken. You’ll have to ask someone else for their number.”
You were dumbfounded and mortified. Mike retracted his phone from your outstretched hands and smiled politely before rounding you both.
The anger began to boil throughout you. “Im Changkyun!”
“I hate you.”
He grinned cheekily. “No you don’t, you-”
“I WAS FOURTEEN! I had no idea what liking someone was about, and clearly, I was a fool. So what? I had a crush on you for a few years! Does that have to bother me so much now as a young adult?!”
“No, don’t Y/N me! You just ruined me from actually getting on with my life. I don’t have a huge amount of people rushing after me to ask me out. I was happy, for once, to have the opportunity!”
Changkyun’s humour had slid off his face, and instead, his expression split between awkwardness and confusion. Throwing his arm off of you roughly, you went to depart the scene when he reached out for your forearm and stopped you. Snapping your focus back to him, Changkyun balked a little with your glower. “Come on, Y/N. I’ve been giving you the opportunity for weeks now.”
“Ha! Yeah, right.”
“You thought I was just playing with you all this time, didn’t you?”
“Of course, you were. I’ve been nothing but a bit of fun for you to torment all this time! I’m so done with your immaturity.”
“I was being sincere,” he admitted, blinking rapidly with growing emotions.
“Oh, since when is screaming out at me from across the atrium seen as being sincere?”
“So maybe I’ve been a little creative lately, but I had hoped you would realise at some point,” he replied, sighing heavily. “Then again, you’re not crushing on me anymore.”
“You’re being serious?”
He nodded. “Do I go around making a fool out of myself for just anyone? Y/N, you’re not the only one who felt something over the years.”
“Then why didn’t you just tell me?!”
Changkyun stared at you exasperatedly. “I have been. Almost every time I see you.”
“I thought you were trying to make a fool out of me,” you mumbled, shooting him another look. You scrutinised his expression, looking for signs to doubt.
There were none.
“You really meant it?”
“Yeah, I did.”
“You weren’t creative enough. If words weren’t working, why didn’t you act upon it?” you wondered, shaking your head as you stepped closer to Changkyun. You smiled up at him. “You know, you don’t need an excuse to kiss me.”
“I think you just stole my line, Y/N.” Leaning towards you, he smiled softly. “And I know I don’t. But I’ve just been waiting for you to catch up.”
“Me? I bet I liked you first.”
Changkyun chuckled. “I don’t know about that.”
“Are we just going to keep bantering or do we really need an excuse?”
“I have one.” Kissing you gently, Changkyun’s hands slipped up to your neck and cradled your jaw. He pulled back and smiled. “I’m sorry for ruining your opportunity with Mike, so here’s a kiss to make up for it.”
“Are you seriously going to use that right now?” you muttered and then grinned, kissing him back. He stared at you curiously. “I’m sorry for not realising you weren’t teasing me.”
“Ah… so maybe I was.”
“You were, huh?”
“Just a little,” he confirmed with a grin. “Should I kiss you to make up for it?”
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challengingwords · 3 years
Challenging Words #51
Prompt: “Could you see us like this in five years?”
Source: Admin Chelle
Here is our new writing challenge! The next one will be issued on the 3rd January at 8am NZST.
What is Challenging Words?
We invite you to join us and write 500 words or less on the prompt above over the next two weeks. Make sure to tag #cwprompts or  #cwchallenges in the first 5 tags so we can share your story on the blog. For further information, feel free to check out our guidelines below to make sure you’re ready to be challenged!
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challengingwords · 2 years
Challenging Words #58
Prompt: “Because I love you, you idiot!” 
Source: Prompt Anon
Here is our new writing challenge! The next one will be issued on the 25th April at 8am NZST.
What is Challenging Words?
We invite you to join us and write 500 words or less on the prompt above over the next two weeks. Make sure to tag #cwprompts or  #cwchallenges in the first 5 tags so we can share your story on the blog. For further information, feel free to check out our guidelines below to make sure you’re ready to be challenged!
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prettywordsyouleft · 3 years
Prompt: “Watch out behind you.” -- @challengingwords​ prompt #43
Pairing: Kwon Soonyoung x female reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
Word count: 710
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“How are we meant to make anything together?” you exclaimed, glancing at your partner dejectedly.
You had spent the last forty minutes going through a range of recipe options with Soonyoung, the pair of you pulling out what you both could make. But each one had dairy items, which Soonyoung was intolerant to, or gluten, which you had a sensitivity towards.
“It’s easy to substitute for non-dairy and gluten-free ingredients,” Soonyoung offered, but you sighed loudly.
“We’re in a bake-off, Soonyoung. Everyone else’s food is going to have more taste to it than ours. We’ll be substituting out the taste too if we cater to both our intolerances.”
He smirked and leaned in closer. “So, we’ll add some MSG.”
“We all know the judge will spot that in our food,” you reprimanded, attempting to dissolve your smile from the playful suggestion.
Soonyoung threw his hands up in the air before dropping his head to the countertop. “What if only one of us tries the food?”
“If we just use dairy-free options, you’ll be able to showcase it in the competition!” you replied, growing eager. Reaching out for Soonyoung’s arm on the counter, you shook it. “You’re a genius!”
“Gluten would be better to add, right?”
You nodded and then momentarily turned glum. “Everything tastes better with gluten.”
“How much longer do we have to prepare something?” Soonyoung asked, lifting himself back up.
Glancing at your watch, you grinned. “Five hours.”
“Well, that’s plenty of time for one of these recipes!” Soonyoung enthused, reaching out towards the stack of papers you had been searching through.
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After a small mishap with an ill-followed recipe, you were able to present the finest triple chocolate chip cookies you had ever seen. They were so delectable that you had to stop Soonyoung from taste-testing more than the four he had so far.
“If you keep eating, we’ll have nothing to present against Delia and Jeonghan’s Lemon Drizzle Cake!”
“I can’t help it! They’re so good!” Leaning in closer, Soonyoung chuckled before whispering in your ear. “Did you add the MSG?”
“Honestly! You were there. We took zero shortcuts on these cookies! We even used Belgian chocolate, Soon!”
“I’ve never tasted something so delicious. It must be the high-quality ingredients.”
Nodding with satisfaction, you picked up the tray of cookies from your dorm’s table. “We have to head to the main hall for the competition, so hurry up and open that door, would you?”
Balancing the tray, you walked proudly down the hallway towards the Bake-Off competition, smiling at the interest you garnered along the way.
You seemed to be a beacon for dragging a crowd into the auditorium, grinning at Soonyoung as he fell into step at your side once heading over to the judge’s table.
You could see it now, the prized spot you would place your cookies under, and further, steal the limelight from Delia and Jeonghan’s yearly masterpiece.
This year’s Bake-Off would be crowning you and Soonyoung victorious.
However, with only a few steps to go, Minghao suddenly lost his balance after catching his foot on a chair leg in front of you. Trying to avoid crashing into the fellow student, you side-stepped, your eyes widening as you held onto the tray with all your might.
Soonyoung gasped. “Watch out behind you!”
It happened all too quickly. One minute you thought you had saved your sugary stack, and the next, you were sprawled on the ground, looking aghast over at the head judge sprawled out beside you.
For a moment, all was silent until he picked up one of the cookies off his shirt and took a hearty bite of it.
You waited with bated breath.
“These are excellent,” he announced, gathering up the remaining cookies still upon him. You thrust out the tray to Soonyoung, who worked on picking up all the cookies that didn’t fall to the ground.
“Are we still in the running?” you asked the judge, and he grinned.
“With cookies as good as these, I’m going to have a hard time choosing anything to top this taste!”
You took the hand Soonyoung held out to you, allowing him to pull you back to your feet. “We’re still in the running, Y/N.”
“May the best baked goods win!”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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challengingwords · 3 years
Challenging Words #50
Prompt: “Real funny.”
Source: Admin Sem
Here is our new writing challenge! The next one will be issued on the 20th December at 8am NZST.
What is Challenging Words?
We invite you to join us and write 500 words or less on the prompt above over the next two weeks. Make sure to tag #cwprompts or  #cwchallenges in the first 5 tags so we can share your story on the blog. For further information, feel free to check out our guidelines below to make sure you’re ready to be challenged!
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
The Ledger of Hearts
Prompt: “Not everyone is a saint, you know.” -- @challengingwords​ prompt #35
Pairing: Cha Eunwoo x female reader
Genre: demon x saint au / romance
Warnings: slightly suggestive
Word count: 497
The Ledger of Hearts |  Peace and Chaos | The Fall
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Handing over the ledger, Eunwoo hesitated to fully let it out of his grip. Eyes of obsidian stared back at him intensely, your head tilting to the side. Lips now curled, your wicked tongue moistened them a little. “You’ve done your job, Eunwoo.”
“I need to ensure these findings will reach your King, Y/N.”
“He’ll be the first to read them. I give you my word.”
Eunwoo rolled his eyes, and even you couldn’t disguise the impish expression that flashed over your features. He knew as soon as you were gone from this bridge that connected the two realms that you would peruse all the details meant for the Underlord.
He gripped the book tightly. “You plan to read it for yourself.”
“Not everyone is a saint, you know,” you answered, eying his pearly robes with a snigger.
“No, you’re right. Demons have no place in being saints, now do they?”
Your lips pursed together sourly. “The book, Eunwoo.”
“I think perhaps I ought to deliver it to Lucifer myself.”
Reaching to hold your waist as you threw back your head in sudden laughter, you then quickly reined in your amusement and glared at him. “You have no place down there.”
“Because I’m not sinful like you are?” Eunwoo wondered, passing by your stunned stance and towards the archway you had arrived through.
Wind rushed by his ear, and you were back in front of him. Eunwoo smirked, noticing the concern whirling within your eyes. They hardened, and you shoved him back.
“Excuse me. There was no need to for that!”
“I entirely disagree,” you announced, giving him another shunt across the bridge, back towards his portal archway. Eunwoo stood his ground, his heels scuffing into the stone. “There was every need for that.”
“You think of me as not capable!”
“Rather, I think of you as more than capable.”
“Then what prevents you from allowing a saint into the depths of hell? Worried I might become corrupted, and that will be on your head?”
“Considering the number of times I’ve had you pressed up against that wall over there moaning out my name and you still haven’t been cast from piety, I doubt you’re the corrupting type.”
“Why should I trust this ledger with you and not walk it to Lucifer myself?”
You sighed, casting your dark gaze directly onto his. Eunwoo shivered, a heat encompassing him with the burn of temptation.
Eunwoo had contaminated his pureness with you a multitude of times, only stopping when you ventured lower than anyone could go with someone of his kind. Yet, for all the immoral acts he knew you carried out, Eunwoo couldn’t quite see you as evil. You cared far too much to fully be a depraved entity.
Running your fingers along the side of his neck, you leaned in closer. “I fear if my King sees you that he’d take you as his own. I might do his biddings, but he can’t have what is mine.”
Next: Peace and Chaos
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prettywordsyouleft · 3 years
Divine One
Prompt: “Shut up.” “Why must I?” -- @challengingwords​ prompt #​41
Pairing: Lee Minhyuk x female reader
Genre: sad fluff / best friends / office au
Warnings: one-sided feelings
Word count: 479
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“This was never going to work,” Minhyuk complained, shifting away from your side to pace the length of the office. Shaking his head some more, he groaned. “I should have just done it all myself! This is what I get for finally taking your advice to delegate some of my responsibilities. I’m more stressed now than I was doing everything myself!”
Rolling your eyes at his antics, you continued your hurried approach to the keys upon the laptop. “Shut up.”
“Why must I?” Minhyuk asked, dashing back to your side. “This is all your fault!”
“If blaming me helps you sleep better at night.”
“Oh God, if we don’t solve this soon, there will be no sleep tonight at all.”
“I’m almost there,” you grunted, searching deeper into the server for the misplaced files. Hitting another button, you watched as they popped up on the screen, your grin causing Minhyuk to dash around the desk to your side in a rush, his hands gripping onto the arm of the chair to keep his balance.
Your smile evaporated as you guided your eyes to the ceiling immediately, his aftershave overwhelming your senses.
Minhyuk, oblivious to your sudden tension, whooped with joy. “You found them!”
“Well, I am in the IT department for a reason. I must have known you’d be too much trouble left to your own devices.”
“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that!” Minhyuk mused, smiling brightly at you. He pointed at the screen. “Can you back them up onto the USB I handed you before? I’m not losing these files again. Oh Lord, thank you for this blessed moment.”
“Don’t you mean, thank my best friend for saving my bacon once again? I’m fairly sure I didn’t rely on any divine intervention to recover these files, just my computer science degree.”
“Alright!” Minhyuk nodded eagerly. “Thank you, Y/N. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
You let a small smile grace your lips, satisfied with his gratitude. However, Minhyuk was too overjoyed and spun the chair you sat in to face him. You tried not to gulp too loudly.
“I’ll buy you dinner.”
“And run you a bath when we get home. The best roommate pampering session will commence!”
“You don’t have to go that far,” you mumbled, your cheeks flushing with colour. “Dinner’s enough.”
“No way! If those files weren’t found, I’d be jobless. I’m going to shower you in all of my appreciation, Divine One.”
“Shut up,” you weakly responded, reaching down for your bag and attempted to stand.
“Why?” Minhyuk whined, and you glanced at your friend, hesitating with the truth on the tip of your tongue.
Because I might construe your efforts for something else. I don’t want to hurt myself over my one-sided feelings once again.
Shaking your inner dialogue off, you smiled. “You better get on to ordering that pizza.”
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