#cyan!!! happy holidays :D
locklylemybeloved · 2 years
orange, magenta, cyan, sea green, pink, grey, erin, mauve, ginger, rose quartz for the ask game <333
orange- if you could, would you change your eye color? why? to what color, if so? hmmm, i dont think i would bcs personally i feel like all eye colors are beautiful and id honestly be happy with any eye color. i also really like brown eyes so :)
magenta- do you keep your fingernails long or short? short. extremely short. i cant keep them long for long bcs i always get annoyed or sometimes chew on them when im anxious so. yeah.
cyan- are you religious? spiritual? not technically, i dont really practice any religions, but i do celebrate some shinto holidays and things bcs of my mom being japanese. i think im a little spiritual, but not heavily :) (i do think religion can be a very beautiful thing though)
sea green- can you fold a fitted sheet? yes!!!! i actually have been able to since i was seven, its something im very proud of :D
pink- what's your natural hair color? its dark brown, in the sun it looks kind of more honey colored, but sometimes itll look black
grey- how many languages do you speak? do you want to learn any more? one (english), but i reaaaaally want to learn more. i think being multilingual is SO COOL!!
erin- what was/is your best school subject? im pretty good at all of my subjects, but i think id go with math and engineering :)
mauve- any unpopular opinions? none that i can think of rn, but knowing me i probably have a million and am just unaware that theyre unpopular 😭
ginger- any sideblogs? nope :)
rose quartz- rings or necklaces? oh my GOD this is so hard what. ok uhhhh i love both but if i HAD to choose, i think id go necklaces. i love both sm tho :)
tysm for the ask!!! ily <33333333
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kamipyre · 3 years
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ferre makes aesthetics ( 1 / ??? ): suki nakamura & raymond barlowe 
remember, before the sky turns RED, it becomes PINK.
( pictures do not belong to me. ray belongs to cyan aka @bloodxhound! )
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chilljammer · 3 years
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Hello, are you interested in another Cube Variant, Q? :)
He’s based on WeirdCore and is from an AU called Just Weird and Free (JWAF). The other character beside him is Father, main caretaker of P4R4D1S3. He’s a Cyan/Player Variant (so tag “cyan” and “player” :D)
Q has separation issues so he always need someone to be with him. :(
Anyways, have a nice day! :D - Paper'd 
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these two are so cute (not in a ship way) together :)))) 
father seems kinda distant tbh but i bet he’d warm up to Q over here fathre figure ACTIVATE 
(Text: headcanon: when puke, eyes in sockets. cuz weirdcore. uh. eyes. yes.)
merry christmas / happy holidays btw!!
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ijustcantwaittobeme · 6 years
To The Anon who asked about 1, 16 & 20! :D
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(Original post can be found here thanks to the lovely @enbeast who has an awesome Five themselves! :D) *waves* Hello and apologies Anon for the delay! Thank you for taking the time out to send this my way and for being curious about my Five! I hope my answers don’t bore you. ^^’ [Advance warning: answering #16 led to a a ramble. Apologies there. ^^’]
Q1: “Has your Five ever broken a bone?” They have been very fortunate in that regard! Considering the fact that they are a clumsy soul who has a history of tripping over their own feet, they’ve managed to keep their bones break-free! (There are two instances of dislocating although I’m not sure if those count. One was from falling off one of the rafts (high beams/ceiling areas) inside the hospital at Abel and they dislocated their shoulder. (They like high places – it’s a comfort zone.) 
The second time was falling on their ass one winter attempting to skate and nearly broke their tailbone.
Q16: “Which Undertale soul is your five (perseverance, integrity, patience, kindness, justice, bravery, or determination)?” Is it bad that I did actual research on all of these? I love that you send the Undertale question by the way Anon! Sorry that is answer is probably going to become a long-winded thing but before I start, just wanted to say it made me happy to see this question! ^_^ I haven’t played the game in a long time but I remember how charming it was! As for my Five and answering your question – this kind of stumped me for a little bit I have to admit! I was trying to figure out how my Five perceives each moral/value here. Even thought about things that either spoke to them personally or how others would see them relating more towards and it – it was fun to figure out but apologies for taking awhile to answer back as a result! …As I say that I wish there was a multi-coloured heart/soul to choose from because the characteristics of these souls from Undertale speak of strengths and weaknesses in my Five’s character. Things like determination and perseverance are a strong suit but a major weakness for them too because it makes their mind narrow when angry or if it’s mixed with justice it’s – it’s not a pretty combination. Integrity is something they see in others and strive to maintain regardless of the situation. Patience, kindness and bravery are strengths of theirs (if that doesn’t sound weird?). I mean, patience shows how they are calm and lend compassion, that strength to handle tough and stressful elements of being a runner, helping people, etc. They’ve been told they are brave and kind but those are kind of contradicts  how they feel about themselves. They’re brave if they have something to protect / others to watch over, they are kind but also seen as standoffish and cold on some things just by appearance alone. So while they are kind – it’s just not something that’s expressed well. Jeez I’m sorry Anon, I’m still rambling and haven’t answered. ^^’ It has been a struggle trying to figure out if my Five has more of the perseverance soul or more of the patience soul. I ended up cross-reference the items, the movements and attacks that go with those and pretty much learn/refresh my mind about what each soul is about/capable of because Five is agile, and bouncy in movement which was described in one of the souls. They are a mix of justice and determination which is described in one soul as well but in light of perseverance; they do get trapped but can also find a way out of situations like that easier than some. And while they are caring, protective and kind – they aren’t always quick to show their friendliness if someone gives them a weird vibe. In the end – for as much as some of their strategies as a runner or what they are able to do out on a mission can be reflective in perseverance – if you take away the runner of Abel and everything really – they are more in alignment with Patience, the cyan/teal soul … I think anyway. Yikes I have rambled here, I apologize. In short (and actual answer to your question); They are more in alignment with the patience soul. They have kindness, they love figuring things out and taking the time to understand what they can or understand a person more and will often try to find a pacifist/merciful way to handle things. Unless they can’t then they go all out on doing whatever needs to be done. This was probably WAY more information than you wanted to know when you asked Anon but thank you for being kind and curious enough to ask! It’s given me some food for thought on my Five and I love the reference used! :D
Q20: “Is your five native to england, did they move there, were they visiting etc.?” Good question! At the time they were merely traveling there for a short holiday but had thoughts about moving there for years, having a desire to leave the States but kept putting it off. Shortly before the zombie apocalypse happened they decided to go ahead and just take the holiday they had been saving up for years to go visit. See if it would really be a fit for them or just be somewhere to visit and well, the rest is history. ^_^ Thank you for the cool questions again Anon and sorry that it took me a little while to answer back! I hope I haven’t driven you mad with my rambles here. ^^’
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pindl3 · 3 years
hallo, pindl, how you doing? hope you pog ^^. It's almost christmas, so happy christmas, or hanukkah or whatever you celebrate :D
Stuff happened, I got covid (I'm ok tho, it's not that bad) which means I can't go out until next year but that also means that I have more time to look for more pretty floweys >:D
hope you like them :DD
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The girl one is so pretty is probably my favourite ^^
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I don't even know if this counts as flower but I think is cool. I like that is orange :D
See ya
I like the one with a cyan backdrop it looks like it’s underwater :DDD all the colors are *chefs kiss* beautiful, love ‘em <3
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Here’s some good ol’ Christmas Holly for u!! Happy holidays <333
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qorillas · 7 years
happy d-day it’s a national holiday so i stayed up all night to write y’all a fic and had to go to a 12.5 hour work shift on no sleep so fucking. appreciate this
2000+ words, studoc because this is my house. d-day gives me lots of emotions
When Stuart walks into the living room at 4am for a glass of water, the last thing he is expecting to see is Murdoc digging through a chewed-up cardboard box of old cassettes as if his life depends on it.
“What’re you doing,” he asks bluntly, and it’s a testament to how many things he’s had to put up with over the years that this is phrased like a statement rather than an actual question, and that there’s no real surprise behind his words anymore. Stu’s been through the wringer, okay. You don’t get spirited off to a parallel space dimension and force-fed an entire fridge by an anthropomorphic slice of pizza without losing a bit of astonishment for everyday things like this.
Murdoc looks up, startled, for a second, then plunges his arms back into the box and starts rummaging around loudly again. “Found some old VHS tapes in the back of the garage,” he says, then stops for a second and yanks one out with much more vigor than is strictly needed and a loud clatter. He barks out a victorious laugh and shoves the box off to the side, kicking the tapes he’s already scattered across the floor out of his way and kneeling down in front of the television set. “C’mere, come look at this.”
“‘S 4am, Muds,” Stuart protests, but he shuffles over and plops himself down on the battered couch anyway. “What is it?”
Murdoc has somehow managed to coax the TV set into accepting the VHS tape and is fiddling with the knobs at the bottom of the screen. “Y’know how we got Noodle that video recorder that first Christmas we had her?”
Stu hums in agreement and wraps a throw blanket around himself. He can’t remember much about something back that far, but there’s a faint memory of Noodle tearing open a box and shrieking with delight as she ran around shoving a chunky, early-2000s camcorder in everyone’s faces. “Those her tapes?”
“No, they’re my amateur pornos.” The screen flickers to life and Murdoc settles back on his haunches before looking at him and grinning, illuminated by weak blue light. “Only joshing, I keep those on DVD.”
“Y’know, it says a lot about you that I can’t tell if you’re really joking or not about that.”
“Fuck off, not like I’d let you see ‘em anyway,” Murdoc says, then adds with a leer, “Least, not when you’ve got the real thing right here.” He makes his way back to the couch and settles into the other side, shoving his cold feet under Stuart’s legs and dragging more than half of the blanket over himself.
Stu makes a noise of protest. “Oi, that’s my blanket, get your own.”
“What’s yours is mine, love,” Murdoc says, and Stuart promptly shoves his heel into his crotch. “Argh, for the love of—”
They kick each other for a few seconds before Murdoc relinquishes part of the blanket back, pressing himself closer to Stu so that they can both fit underneath. “Look, you’re missing the whole fucking thing, pay attention.”
“You started it,” Stu mumbles, but leans back, satisfied. On screen, a practice session, probably from the band’s first few months, has already started. The scene isn’t centered in the slightest; half of it is obscured by an amplifier sitting in the way, and every few seconds the camera jolts as a tiny Noodle picks it up and moves it to a new position. She’s obviously sitting on the floor, trying to set it up so that the camera records them as they practice. Finally she manages to set it at an angle where it’s tilted up at the band, and runs out from behind to take her place next to a much younger Stuart, who has his hand down his trousers and is scratching himself, oblivious to the presence of the camera right at his feet.
“Nice,” Murdoc cackles from beside him, and scoots away as Stu aims another kick at him under the blanket. “Absolutely lovely. No, really, look at you, Dents. Satan, what a catch. Twenty years later, and nothing much has changed, eh?”
On the television, Murdoc steps forward into the shot, shoots a furtive glance at Noodle and Stuart, faced away from him, and sticks his hand down his jeans to scratch himself as well.
“Oh, nice,” Stuart parrots back at his own Murdoc, who is looking much more sour now. “Twenty years later and not much has changed, ‘s that what you said, yeah?”
“Will you just — shut up. Not like anybody noticed.”
“Muds, get your hands out your damn pants,” Russel says from somewhere off to the side of the camera. “You touch our instruments with those, nasty-ass—”
Stuart’s snickering and Murdoc’s groan almost drowns out the faltering voice of the Stuart onscreen. The sound is a little bit tinny, but pretty decent for a tape that’s just spent two decades in a moldering cardboard box. “Hey, uh, what song’re we doin’ again, because, uh, I know we just said, but I wanna make sure I’m singing the right one—”
“It’s Re-Hash, idiot, just like it’s been for the past four times.” Although Murdoc’s voice is the same as ever, Stuart notes, the years have had an unmistakable effect on his looks. The bassist plucking at his strings on the television has a much rounder face and tanner skin than the one sitting next to him now, and the red contact that used to be omnipresent in his left eye has long since been discarded. The bags under his eyes are much less pronounced, as well, making him look soft, round and baby-faced in comparison to his current, more angular appearance, although Stuart doesn’t think he’s any less handsome.
Murdoc notices him sizing him up out of the corner of his eye (how he does it, Stuart doesn’t know, since he has no pupils to show where his gaze is lying.) “What?”
“Nothing. Y’look different, that’s all.”
“Twenty years can do that to a person. You’re no spring chicken yourself, mate.”
“No, I know, but I didn’t mean it like bad-different. Just, different-different. You look less like a baby, ‘s what I’m saying. More like a — a velociraptor, or somethin’."
“A velociraptor.”
“Pointy, y’know.” Stuart motions helplessly. “And green.”
Murdoc’s voice is dry. “Pointy and green. What a compliment, 2D, thank you. Really, I appreciate it.”
“Look, I dunno, it’s 4am, Muds, ‘m tired.” Stuart sighs and wraps himself tighter, leaning his head against Murdoc’s shoulder. “Can’t we watch this tomorrow?”
“Hush up,” he says with no real vitriol, and threads his fingers through Stuart’s hair. “I just wanna see this part.”
The light pours off the screen in shades of cyan, casting long shadows across the living room that jump erratically with the occasional roll of static. Stuart likes to watch it, likes the blue darkness that pools in the corners of the room, settles in the folds of his blanket, collects under the fringe near Murdoc’s eyes. He thinks it’s like being swept under a wing, or sleeping in a blanket fort right up against a window, cool and safe, free but protected. Maybe it’s a little bit like what moonlight must feel like, or maybe moonshadows. Something intangible. Something that blankets your heart.
“D’you ever think about what it would have been like if it didn’t happen?”
Murdoc’s voice is low and musing, less of a question than a thought opened to the air. He’s still looking at the screen, and if Stuart hadn’t been paying attention, he might have thought he didn’t say anything at all.
“If I didn’t happen, I mean. To you.”
It’s a question that Stuart’s asked himself periodically over the past twenty years. Sometimes more often, sometimes few and far between. There have been many times that he has looked in the mirror and not recognized himself — he remembers that sometimes, when they were recording the self-titled, or even Demon Days, he would wake up and stumble into the bathroom and start screaming because he had forgotten what had happened to him and he didn’t recognize the black eyed, toothless face that stared back. There have been many times that he has looked at pictures of himself from the past and not recognized himself either — they had all gone to Crawley to visit his mother and the headless Cyborg for his last birthday, and when his mother had brought out the old photo albums Stuart had not for the life of him been able to pick himself out of a group of his school friends. At times he has thought about this question and squashed down the thoughts that roiled up deep inside of him because all the what-ifs and could-haves made him want to vomit. At times he has looked around him, looked at Murdoc, and thought that he would not have wanted it any way else.
Of course he thinks about what it would have been like. Of course. He’s only human, after all.
Onscreen, Noodle interrupts a muffled argument that had broken out between them all with rapid Japanese and launches into the beginning, jangling riffs of Re-Hash. Murdoc’s eyes have still not left the screen, but the question still drifts in the air.
“I think,” says Stuart, “that if you hadn’t happened to me, then everything would be different. But not bad-different. Just. Different-different, right? And maybe — maybe there’s other worlds out there where you didn’t happen t’me, and maybe there’s some where you happened too much. Maybe there’s infinite worlds out there, and everything and everyone that’s happened to me, or you, or anyone, did or didn’t happen, in all the different combinations possible.”
He’s singing now, on the television, and it’s strange to hear his voice coming from the Stuart that he is and the Stuart that he was simultaneously. Re-Hash rolls over them, humming in the background like static:
It’s a sweet sensation over the dub
Oh, what a situation that don’t wanna stop
It’s the drugstore soul boy over the dub
With the sweetest inspiration, we don’t wanna stop
“The point is,” he continues, and the light is stretched across Murdoc’s face now as he looks down at him, piercing and straight on, curving electric down his cheek, stark against his dark eyes, “that I do think about it. It’s something that happened, and not something anyone can ignore. And sometimes I’m happy about it, ‘n sometimes I’m sad, and mostly I don’t know. But I can’t change it, and you can’t change it, ‘cause this is our reality, right? All we can do is make peace with it, really. ‘S different-different, and for me, at least, I think that’s okay.”
It is very quiet, the barest hint of music floating out towards them from the video. Then Murdoc nods, and gently presses his lips to Stuart’s temple.
“Guess you’ve changed over the past twenty years too, Stu.” The pad of Murdoc’s thumb brushes Stuart’s cheek, and Stuart lets his head fall to press against Murdoc’s chest, feeling his heart beat as the TV plays, and thinks that, just maybe, Murdoc had to happen to him, like someone out there’s writing their lives out like a story, like no matter what, it couldn’t ever have been any other way. Maybe that makes them soulmates, he supposes. Just a little bit.
He can hear his own voice singing in tandem with Noodle’s, and Russel’s, and Murdoc’s on the television. He’s always liked Re-Hash, because it was the first song they ever wrote and performed together as a band, and because it’s the only song where they all sing together as one, his own voice pressing them forward, Russel steady underneath, Murdoc rumbling low at the bottom, and Noodle skating over the top. Stuart leans back into the couch, facing the television again, watching himself crowded around a battered microphone with Noodle and Murdoc, Russel at his drumset in the back. He reaches up to the hand cupping his cheek, twining his fingers into it, and he squeezes gently, and softly, tentatively, Murdoc squeezes back.
The darkness crouches in the corners like a lingering embrace, the light spilling bright across the two of them together in comforting blues, and in that moment, everything that has ever happened is meant to be.
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hemsworths-chris · 7 years
❄ i voted for wintersirius :D
hey!! thanks for voting
url: 9.25/10 icon: 9/10theme: 9/10 (lovely theme, but a bit hard to read with the cyan on grey) content: 9.25/10creations (if applicable): 9/10overall: 9.25/10 following? now i am - your blog is lovely! have a great day and happy holidays
url change promos + rates!
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skybluesunshine · 7 years
bored and it’s been too long since I made one so why not! #aboutme 2017.11.15
What is your full name? Sigita Viktorija Veronika Koskutė
Are you named after anyone? Yeah, some beautiful woman my mom knew.
What does your name mean? “Victorious peace”
Where are you from? Kaunas, Lithuania
Where do you live? ^
Where were you born? ^ hahaha
Which of your parents are you closest to? Mom all the way
Which of your parents are you more like? errr mom? neither? :D
What is your favorite drink? Alcoholic - liquor, non-alcoholic - tea
What is your favorite food? there’s plenty, but I don’t know, maybe spaghetti bolognese.
What is your favorite holiday destination? Perhaps Portugal :D
What is your favorite childhood memory? Shaking off the petals from the trees and dancing in them, or jumping in piles of leaves
What is your favorite way to pass time? Listening to music, walking, travelling
What is your favorite snack? Anything sweet
What is your favorite sport? Volleyball
What is your biggest regret? There’s plenty :D
Are you a fan of any sports team? Sometimes basketball, it comes and goes lol
Are you a dog person or cat person? Dog all the way! <3
Are you scared of heights? Not really
At what age did you go on your first date? hahaha 15 I think
What is an ideal first date for you? travelling somewhere and having adventures on the way :D
What is at the top of your bucket list? Being happy and feeling alive
What is something you are gifted at? Speaking english from when I was little
What is something you look for in a partner? Lots and lots of things
What is something you wish you were gifted at doing? SINGING :DD
What is the one item you can’t leave home without? My handbag with all the stuff in it
What is the best compliment you have ever received? I have a very beautiful voice / beautiful eyes / I’m a great friend :>
What is the first book you remember reading? Fairytales
What is the first movie you remember seeing? uhhh Shrek? Charlie’s Angels?
What is the last book you read? I think some romance book
Do you like pets? Yessss
Do you have any pets? No :(
What is the name of your first pet? A dog with the name of “Fluffy”
What is your best physical feature? Probably my legs
What is your biggest accomplishment? I graduated college hahaha
What is your eye color? Dark blue/gray
What is your favorite color? Cyan - sky blue
What is your favorite fairytale? I don’t know :|
What is your favorite ice-cream flavor? Caramel with raisins soaked in rum or chocolate mint
What is your favorite music genre? Phantogram, you tell me :D probably trip hop
What is your favorite nickname? Sunshineeee
What is your favorite quote? There’s lots
What is your favorite type of clothing? Casual, intelligent, mixture in between :D
What is your most commonly used swear word? ‘Blet’ when I’m super frustrated, I don’t usually swear (russian blyat, yes, the same)
What is your star sign? Sagittarius
Do you have a best friend, if so, then who? Unfortunately no
Do you have a tattoo? No but I want one (MCMXCIV XII XIV)
Do you have any allergies? No
Do you have any birthmarks? If so, where? On my right leg at the other side of the knee
Do you hold any convictions that you would be willing to die for? Well yeah but not actual crimes
Do you prefer kissing or cuddling? Why not both??
What piece of technology can you not live without? Without a laptop
What was the first concert you ever attended? Can’t remember, I’ve been to many when I was a child
What was your favorite subject in High School? Chemistry <3
What was your first job? A booklet carrier in the center of my city when I was like 10 lol
What was your least favorite subject in High School? Maths
What is the furthest you’ve ever been from home? In Portugal :D
What is your biggest fear? There’s lots
When did you suffer your first heartbreak? ehhh when I was 17
When was the first time you were on a plane? When I was 20 I think, pretty late :D
When was the last time you cried? Last week or two weeks ago
When was the last time you got in a fist fight? oooo long ago :D
Who has left the most impact on your life? This guy I left some years ago because of what I do to everyone I love and I can’t change it. Had no patience to wait for him and I still sometimes regret it
Who is the best teacher you ever had? Chemistry teacher
Who is the first person you call when something exciting happens? My mom
Who is the first person you call when something horrible happens? My mom
Who is your favorite musician? Band Phantogram <3
Who is your role model? As in role model I would like to look like? Olivia Wilde, who I would like to become - Beyonce
Who was your first Boyfriend/Girlfriend? A guy from my dad’s hometown when I was 16, the guy was hired to give me my first kiss lel
Who was your first Celebrity crush? Kristopher Turner from “Omen”
Who is your favorite actor? Frank from HTGAWM
Who is your favorite actress? Olivia Wilde
Describe yourself in a single sentence? Reckless hot headed hopeless romantic graffe LOL
Have you ever dated two people at the same time? No never
Have you ever suffered a fracture? Nope
Have you ever visited a country outside your continent? Unfortunately no :(
How many Boyfriends/Girlfriends have you had? Five, oh God I’m terrible lmao
How many relationships have you been in? More than five haha
If you could give your younger self any advice what would it be? Stay alive because you will die inside later on otherwise. Do what you like to do and don’t listen to your parents. Study music.
Last time you swam in a pool? In Portugal :D
What is your most embarrassing moment? There’s plenty
On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, rate your fashion sense? HAHAHA 7?
On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, rate your driving skills? 1
On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, rate your cooking skills? I’d like to think 7-8
On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, how good a kisser are you? ohhhhhhhhhhhh! 6 hahaha
One thing you know now that you wish you had known as a kid? The advice I said before
The first app you check when you wake up in the morning? Facebook/Wish
What app do you use most? Facebook
What are some of your bad habits? I get super mad super quickly but cool down as quick
What are your favorite things about yourself? NONE :))))
What are your hobbies? Listening to music, travelling, meeting new people, making memories that last
What countries have you visited? The majority of Europe
What countries would you like to visit? USA, Australia, Japan, Northern Africa, Maldives
What do you consider unforgivable? Lots of things
What do you do for a living? I’m a cashier for now :D
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reallypheelingit · 7 years
Pheel’s daily challenge list part 2
Day 182: Dratini! Day 183: Halfway There video Day 184: Mega Dragonite Day 185: Happy Birthday America (and Pebsi) Day 186: Brooke and Nautilus Day 187: Anattawam reference* Day 188: Dirac Day 189: Huggable Blue Boys Day 190: King Cooger and the royal crew Day 191: Turtwig Day 192: Zigzagoon Day 193: Aranza Day 194: Wyatt Day 195: Uraby Day 196: Alderstrom in flight Day 197: Midnight Lycanroc Day 198: Shiba Inu Day 199: Angry Flareon Day 200: Pink Orca Magikarp Day 201: Favorite Pokemon by Type* Day 202: Fizzywits Dragon Day 203: Siphooskii reference* Day 204: Dani Day 205: Miles the Soft Moth Day 206: Jess the Mod!Dragon Thing Day 207: Gligar Day 208: Kyurem Day Kyurem! Day 209: Araia Day 210: Pezzie Banner (Dragons Don’t Interact)* Day 211: Zekrom and Kyurem Friends Day 212: Kyurem and Bees?*
Day 213: Sage the Primarina* Day 214: Kuraga Day 215: Zubat Day 216: Bowser Day! Day 217: Original Tao Dragon (design by kyurmlem) Day 218: Perci and Ashby Day 219: Shiro Day 220: Kou Day Rockruff Day 221: Baile Oricorio Day 222: Letizia and Levianden Day 223: Leonard, Don Q, and Delta Day 224: Gigalith Day 225: Darue playing guitar Day 226: Salandit Day 227: Noodles eating Noodles Day 228: Eli and Raichu Day 229: Munchlax Day 230: Girafarig Day 231: Electra and Qorrax Day 232: Gwyn and Virgil Day 233: Eclipse Day 234: Kingdra Day 235: Murkrow Day 236: Shelgon Day 237: Woobat Day 238: Swoobat Day 239: West Sea Gastrodon Day 240: Pikachu with hands* Day 241: Birthday Crystal Day 242: Dunnine (Dunsparce x Arcanine) Day 243: Jangmo-o
Day 244: Dunsparce in heart* Day 245: Weavile Day 246: Karyth Day 247: Paper Mario Twilight Town people Day 248: Flying Careleon Day 249: Agnes and Blaise Day 250: 4 Voltorb Day 251: Careleon Mask Off* Day 252: Ellyx the Celestine Day 253: Lemuria Day 254: Illuv Day 255: Euphora Day 256: Anattawam (gryphon form) Day 257: Mareep Day 258: Freya’s toe beans Day 259: Inkay Day 260: Tara and Cuthbert Day 261: Pumpkaboo Day 262: Bazyl Day 263: Drampa Day 264: Krabby Day 265: Altamont Day 266: Gulisaayad Day 267: Geneva Day 268: Stretching Vaporeon Day 269: Flower Dragon Day 270: Articuno Borb Day 271: Snoatl Day 272: Peki Day 273: Pocket Kyurem
Day 274: Inktober doodles Day 275: KB Day 276: Sevid Day 277: Yoshi! Day 278: Kyurem and Munna Day 279: Patrick Day 280: Twig Day 281: Dragon Alignment Chart Day 282: Cutiefly Day 283: Coal Dragon Day 284: Christopher Day 285: Birthday Pangoro Day 286: Silhouette Game Creature* Day 287: Archen Day 288: Octillery Day 289: Blitzen Day 290: Farfetch’d Day 291: Noivern Anattawam Day 292: Daft Punk Altamont Day 293: Leafylitter Bunnysona Day 294: Gulpin but with eyes open Day 295: Kandy Kronch Day 296: Maleficent Attic Day 297: Eeyore Zen Day 298: Spiderweb Day 299: Dipper Olivia and Mabel Evie  Day 300: Leonard checking out Delta with Nancine right there Day 301: Dexter Montero Day 302: Joltik Pile (w/ Kronch) Day 303: Bat Wolfie Day 304: Tao Trio cosplay
Day 305: Elemarr Day 306: Tyranitar Day 307: Charjabug Day 308: Freya and Alder holiday excitement Day 309: Tepig Day 310: Lessie Day 311: Pokemon from Memory Day 312: Krokorokin Day 313: Riley Day 314: Poliwrath Day 315: Gligar painting Day 316: Anattawam and Siphooskii Day 317: Millisievert Day 318: Pearlcatcher Group Pic Day 319: Reuniclus Eloise (Reunicloise?) Day 320: Hatsu Day 321: Nebby Day 322: Feraligatr :D Day 323: Renesme Sliggoo Day 324: Rowlet Day 325: Asterina Day 326: Manaphy Day 327: Turkey Kronch* Day 328: Boran Veteran Day 329: Horsea Day 330: Magmar Day 331: A snake Day 332: Karishma and Gal Day 333: Kato Day 334: Trunks
Day 335: Santa Masquerain Day 336: Stunky Day 337: Christmas Arcanine* Day 338: 646 Post Kyurem Day 339: Ewe, the new Ixi! Day 340: Shasda Day 341: Ponyta Day 342: Miji Day 343: Birthday Espurr Day 344: Costello Day 345: Merritt Day 346: Samus Day 347: Shannen Day 348: Islacura with cyan heart Day 349: Bleys Day 350: Blaze Day 351: Goomba Day 352: Cobalt Day 353: Skateboarding Kyurem Day 354: Deborah and Gronga Hanukkah Day 355: Elemental Q&A* Day 356: Fiamma and Regina Day 357: Sera the Christmas Druddigon Day 358: Christmas stuff for friends 1 Day 359: Kronch Christmas* Day 360: Christmas stuff for friends 2 Day 361: Black and white MS Paint Dunsparce* Day 362: Christmas stuff for friends 3 Day 363: Christmas stuff for friends finale (underwhelming) Day 364: Arcanine, Kyurem, and Dunsparce Day 365: Dra6ons New Year
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