petitelepus · 1 year
Dragon reader x dragon ratchet ( tfa) please.
Ratchet was panting softly as he rested his back against your body. It was time for him to lay his eggs, these useless infertile ones that each dragon laid here and there if they didn't practice interfacing.
Not to get things wrong, you and Ratchet fucked, but he was so old that it was impossible for him to have fertile eggs. He was just laying them out and you were there for him to ease his discomfort.
"Are you sure you're alright Ratchet?" You asked worriedly as you gently held him like he was made out of glass. The older dragon grunted, "I'm fine."
"You don't sound alright..."
"This isn't my first rodeo, kid, just let me- Ngh!" Ratchet grunted as he felt another contraction hit him, this one being harder than the earlier one.
He could feel an egg moving inside his channel, but that was it. Only one egg. Not that he minded it, but the fewer eggs one had the bigger they were. And this one was huge.
"Fuck!" Ratchet cursed and you grew worried, but there was very little you could do. So you gently held him and rubbed his bulging belly.
"You're doing great Ratchet," You said, trying to be supportive of your mate.
The red dragon grunted as he pushed and finally, the egg popped out of his valve and rolled on the floor. Ratchet was panting, tired after having to try to get rid of the egg for an hour or two already.
You crooned as you snuggled your snout against the back of his head and the old dragon grunted, but then his eyes landed on the egg and he frowned.
"What is it...?"
"Shit, I think it's fertile." He said and your eyes widened. You reached to look at the egg over his shoulder and your eyes widened as you felt magic emitting from the egg.
Well fuck. What now, this wasn't supposed to happen! Neither of you expected the egg to be fertile, but you couldn't help but wonder about the new life before you.
"This is amazing...!" You gasped as you looked at Ratchet, "I never expected you to be able to still carry!"
"That makes two of us..." Ratchet grumbled. He sounded pissed, but when you looked at him he seemed more worried than annoyed.
You frowned and nuzzled against the back of his head, "Ah, I'm sorry... I wasn't thinking about what I was saying..."
"It ain't your fault for getting excited, kid." The old dragon nodded, "It's your first one after all."
"But... How did this happen? I spiked you specifically because you didn't want to risk me carrying?"
"It's annoying, but not uncommon for one of the parents to hold so strong feelings for another one to be able to fertilize even barren eggs..."
You blinked and Ratchet gave you this look that made the heart in your chest miss a beat, "For some reason, you really must like me."
"I do!"
Well, duh? You worshipped Ratchet and the ground he walked on. If it wasn't for him, you and many others would have wounded up dead ages ago. He also always cared for others despite the attitude he had going on.
Ratchet sighed as he looked at you and then at the egg before him.
"Like it or not, we are parents now."
"Unless you want to donate the egg-"
"No!" You shouted a little louder than intended, "I want to have this hatchling with you Ratchet! I love you and if my love fertilized you then this egg is a miracle!"
"You really should think what you say before blurting such things out just like that." The older dragon grumbled, "But you stole words straight from my mouth."
You smiled, "So does that mean...?"
"Yes yes, we are keeping it."
You cheered happily as you started to nuzzle your lover in a mixture of excitement and happiness. Ratchet huffed, he was too old for this stuff, but maybe it wouldn't be so awful with you.
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cuppajj · 2 years
Giant froggy plushy for the little one and a few energon gummies. - Baphomet
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avoidghost · 2 years
Love how you draw jazz 🥰😍
Thank you so much! 🥺🙏
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onlineviolence · 2 years
OMG YOUR HELEX IS SO ADORABLE - hugs the mech tight like a stuffie- 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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thanks! hugging may pose (many) safety risks
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petitelepus · 2 years
Hey lovely bunny can I have a comfort fic??? Surprise me with bot of your choice. No worries if you can't write.
Sometimes you really envied your lover since Helex was everything you weren't. Yeah, he was a total psycho and a killer but those weren't the qualities you envied in him. You were so jealous how he was a mech, living machine and not a soft, squishy human and not to mention woman.
You groaned and grounded your teeth together as you curled around yourself and just held yourself a like a armadillo. You hated, no, you detested this time of the month when Mother Nature made you suffer for not getting pregnant. Men got off much easier and Cybertronians even less.
"Shit…!" You cursed as you reached for the bottle of pills and glass of lukewarm water. Helex, your lover who was there to watch after you scowled as he looked at you.
"Does it hurt?"
"Helez, love, I'm going to explain this so even a Con like you would understand." You groaned as you swallowed a pill down with water, "It feels like Tesaurus reversed his blades and is trying to drill his way out of my stomach and as if that isn't enough, Kaon is shooting electricity right through my abdomen."
"Does it hurt that badly?"
"No, I'm just eating these painkillers for fun," You rolled your eyes, "Of course it hurts!"
"Hey, don't get mad at me, I was only asking!"
"I know!" You snapped. You knew Helex didn't mean anything bad, this time, but you were in pain and it made you snappy. You sighed and massaged the space between your eyes with your fingers.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so mean." You apologized before groaning again. Even if you had taken the painkiller, it would take at least half an hour for it to start working.
Helex glared at you before sighing and he grabbed your blanket from your bed's edge and used his bigger set of arms to wrap you into it like he was making a human burrito.
"What are you-?" You were asking when he hushed you, "Quiet, I'm trying to help."
You let him do as he pleased and once he was done he nodded, pleased with his handwork. You looked at him curiously and then Helex used his smaller set of arms to pick you up and pressed you against the glass of his smelter.
"Shush!" He hushed you and you scowled, ready to object but then you felt his smelter warm up and your first reaction was a slight panic, but then you noticed that he didn't heat up too much as in enough to harm you.
No, he warmed just enough to feel pleasant through your blanket and you sighed as you felt your pain slowly fade into background of your mind. You wiggled a little as you made yourself even more comfortable and you let your eyes slowly close as you drifted into sleep.
Helex held you close and when he noticed that you had fallen asleep, he smiled and made himself comfortable next to your bed, not wanting to put you down quite yet. He would hold you until the pain went away or at least until you would wake up again.
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petitelepus · 2 years
Minimus x performer bot reader ?? Plz n ty
Swerve's bar wasn't exactly the fanciest place to go if you wanted to enjoy some refined culture. The minibot played mainly human music, and sure, it was different from old Cybertronian songs passed down from generation to generation, but even those songs started to sound the same.
So when a superstar like you asked if you could perform in the famous Lost Light, all the places in Swerve's bar were sold out quicker than the minibot could ever think.
The Bots, they've all heard of you and most of them have seen your show in their datapads.
You were famous for your singing; besides Cybertron, you performed on alien planets and even Earth. What made you so special was your ability to adapt.
That's how you claimed to have survived the long war and what made you so famous. Not to mention, you were quite a looker. Bots and Cons would and could try to court you, but you elegantly and kindly turned them down so they didn't even get angry for being rejected. All they could think was that they got to talk to you and how pretty your smile had been.
So now that you were singing in Swerve's bar, you had every mech and femme looking at you on the quickly build-together stage as you sang from the bottom of your Spark.
As you sang, no one paid attention when Minimus Ambus sat on the bar stool and started to listen, but you noticed him in the crowd.
You smiled as you sang and winked, and the Bots left and right thought you were winking at them, but your wink was meant for the small green Bot. Not that he knew.
No one knew it, but Minimus Ambus was perhaps your biggest fan. Your take on old Cybertronian hymns and even human songs were too beautiful for him to pass.
And little did he know, you were perhaps his biggest fan.
After you had been singing for an hour or two, you called a break. Bots whined after you, but you just giggled and winked again.
"At ease Autobots, I'll just rest my intake a second, and after the show, I'll sign some autographs and take photos with you guys!" You laughed heartily and the whole bar cheered as you disappeared to your makeshift room.
Minimus sighed dreamily as he turned to order from Swerve, but the bartender instead slipped him a little folded note.
"What's this?" Minimus asked and the red and white mech shrugged, "No clue, the star wanted you to have it."
Minimus was confused, but before he could ask all the Bots with dry intakes came to the bar to order now that you were resting, as no one wanted to do so in the middle of your singing, and they wanted Swerve's attention.
There were so many Bots bigger than Minimus so he quickly got out and walked to the more open area of the bar and unfolded the folded note.
'Meet me on timeout in my room' It read and on the bottom of the note was a clear lip mark made with lipstick and a kiss.
The small Bot blinked and looked around if anyone saw his note, but all the bots were too busy getting a drink for themselves to pay attention to him.
So Minimus left the bar and walked to the room that Rodimus had generously given to you as your own to use during your stay in Lost Light.
He knocked on the door carefully and you called him in with that sweet voice of yours. The green minibot entered and saw you reapplying your lipstick in front of a huge mirror. Once the door closed behind him, you put the makeup down and turned to address him.
"Minimus Ambus!" You called out as if you two were old friends and you quickly closed the distance between you two so you could hug the shorter Bot.
"I can't even begin to describe how happy I am to finally meet you!" You cheered happily and Minimus blinked.
"I'm sorry, but how do you know me?" He asked and you let go of him so you could properly look at him.
"I know things. That's what happens when you travel and entertain people and creatures of all kinds." You smiled, "And I heard stories about this load bearer that held the legend of Ultra Magnus alive and I knew I must meet you!"
"I'm flattered..." Minimus nodded, "But why? Many don't really appreciate Ultra Magnus, or me, correcting them nonstop."
"I was once in a bad place, both body, and mind, and on verge of going to Relinquishment Clinic to end it all... That's when I saw Ultra Magnus, all high and mighty, mister Perfect, standing tall and proud and I fell for him, hard."
You chuckled lightly, "I know it makes no sense, but when I saw you standing there I was filled with admiration. I wanted to become a Bot that would be able to charm even Ultra Magnus himself."
"I- I see." Minimus coughed, trying to hide his stutter.
"Tell me, Ultra Magnus- No, Minimus Ambus..." You placed his hands over your spark chamber and leaned so close to him that your lips graced his audials and whispered, "Did I make your Spark flutter like you made mine?"
Minimus swallowed nervously and he tried to answer, he really did, but he couldn't do anything more than stutter. You had rendered him speechless. You pulled back and smiled, "I'll take that as a yes."
"I'm... I'm flattered by your confession." He said and you smiled, "I'm happy. When I'm singing there with all eyes on me, I truly feel alive and I feel like I owe all that to you."
You took Minimus' hands to yours and held them like he was made of glass, "If I may be bold... I would like to join Lost Light!"
"What?!" The green minibot gasped and you smiled, "That way I could always sing and be close to you! I would like to- No, love to spend more time with you and get to know the mech who once saved my life and gave it a meaning."
"I..." Minimus cleared his intake, "I'll work out a meeting with Rodimus and Megatron. You are welcome to join the meeting so you can pitch in your side of the story."
"I would love that Minimus." You said happily and before he knew what happened, you kissed his cheek. The small bot blushed as you pulled back and grinned, "Let's head back. I still have to sing for my new crew!"
Minimus nodded, stunned to silence. He walked you back to the bar where you took your place on the stage and started singing again and just like magic, Bots took their places so they could admire you better.
Minimus took his earlier place by the bar and ordered some engex from Swerve, who delivered the drink quickly. The green bot nodded thanks and took a sip as he looked up at you.
You were singing about new adventures and lovers, and everyone listened, unaware of the conversation you and Minimus just had a moment ago.
He wasn't sure if the conversation you had was real himself. All he knew, he might have imagined the whole thing. Not until Swerve looked at him.
"Is that... Is that lipstick on your cheek?" The red and white mech asked and Minimus flinched, his hand going to the cheek you kissed earlier.
You saw him touch the spot on his cheek that you marked with your lips and grinned wider and sang louder, letting the whole bar hear the love and admiration you held for him in your spark.
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petitelepus · 2 years
Steeljaw x hellhound reader
"What the heck are you supposed to be?" You asked as you looked up at the blue Decepticon who looked just as confused, if not more, as you were, "Pardon?"
"You have ears and tail, sure... But you're made out of metal?" You wondered out loud and knocked on his shoulder. "Are you sure you're a Hellhound?"
"Who said anything about me being a hellhound?" Steeljaw asked and you stared at him eyes wide until you blushed.
"Ack, I must have gotten things mixed up! Forget you ever saw me!" You cried out as you turned to leave, but before you made it far, Steeljaw stepped in front of you and grinned at you.
"Hold it, just because I'm not a Hellhound doesn't need our conversation should be cut so short." He said as he gave you one of his charming smiles and your blush just deepened.
"Ah, alright then..." You muttered bashfully, and he grinned, "Now, tell me about yourself? I'm eager to learn more about you Hellhounds and how you choose your leaders?"
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petitelepus · 2 years
Hugs for you my smol request is just a cute lil read x ambu fluff for a late valentines love
Ambulon was on his way to the medbay as his shift was starting in a couple of minutes and while he was at it, the medic also ate a protein energon bar as he walked. Truth was, he was a little anxious. You hadn't been there next to him when he had woken up from recharge so he assumed that you had gotten your morning energon early.
You had to eat and rest a lot, and overworking was absolutely forbidden, especially in your condition.
The doors to medbay slid aside as Ambulon entered the room and his golden optics immediately landed on you. You were sitting on a patient table and talking with First Aid, but when he stepped into the room you and the rookie medic turned to look at him.
"Morning sleepy head." You greeted your lover and Ambulond sputtered as he marched over and almost yanked your patient files from poor First Aid's hands.
"Take a break First Aid." He said before shaking his helm, "Actually, your shift is ending soon so you can just as well leave early."
"I…" The young medic looked at you and you nodded, reassured that you would be fine. That was the permission he was looking for so with your blessing, he left the medbay.
As soon as it was just Ambulon and you, his lover, he scowled and took a quick glance at First Aid's notes.
"I see you have been experiencing some abdomen pains." He thought out loud and you rolled your optics as he turned to look at you. "Why didn't you tell me this morning?"
"I didn't want to worry you." You replied honestly.
"My job is to worry about you!" Ambulon snapped, "So, why did you sneak out and come to see my student instead of me?"
"Because if I told you that I was feeling a little ached, you would have ordered me to bedrest!"
"You're damn right I would!"
"This is your fault…" You grumbled under your breath but your lover still heard you, "Excuse me? How is this exactly my fault!?"
"You put this sparkling in me!" You finally snapped as your hands went to hold your huge stomach. Ambulon scowled as he put your file on the table and turned to give you his whole attention.
"You were begging me to do so!"
You were, you honestly were. While you had been celebrating the human holiday called Valentine's Day, you had been so horny and so eager for Ambulon to frag you with all his might. You had even begged him to overload inside you as if the two of you were rabbits at it.
"It's just-! It's not fair!" You whined and Ambulon blinked before understanding what was going on. You were having one of your mood swings again. The medic sighed as he kneeled before you and you stopped crying because of confusion.
"I'm sorry my love." Ambulon sighed as he gently held your huge stomach and massaged it with his hands while resting his helm against it. If he listened closely, he could hear the sparkling's life energy softly pulse inside your abdomen. A new life was growing inside you, and he was part of that life just like you were.
"If I could, I would take this burden from you and carry it myself…"
"Ambulon…" You gasped softly, your mood settling as you gently petted his helm. The mech looked up at you and saw you smiling at him and he felt like Primus was smiling down at him.
"What is born from our love can't be a burden." You said with a voice full of love and it made the medic smile as he kissed your swollen abdomen.
"I love you and I love what we have here." He replied and you smiled, "Only a couple of moon cycles and we get to meet them."
"I'll be ready." He nodded, "I'll be the first thing they see and I'll welcome them to this world with my whole spark."
"You're so romantic." You sighed happily as you kept petting his helm, "Please kiss me?"
"I'll do anything the carrier of my child asks me to." He replied as he got up and the two of you kissed lovingly, both excited to meet the little product of your love.
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petitelepus · 2 years
Dragon minimus x dragon reader. First time Nesting pair.
This was the first time you mated during your heat and it was the perfect time for you to first time carry eggs.
While Minimus was older and more experienced than you, you were a young adult and eager to mate with your one and true for the first time and even more eager to turn into a parent.
Minimus knew from past relationships that it was rare for a first-timer like you to actually carry fertilized eggs.
He had tried to prepare you with the knowledge that when you would lay your eggs they would most likely be duds and as sad as it made you, you accepted this chance.
So imagine the shock when you start laying eggs and there is actually life growing inside them! The two of you managed to fertilize the eggs on your first heat and first try!
You could easily tell, the beautiful eggs were emitting warmth, magic, and life.
Minimus was shocked, but happy about the outcome. He was one of the last dragons of his rare breed so he was excited to see what would come out of the four huge eggs you laid.
The two of you take turns to keep the eggs warm and day by day you could both feel the life and magic in them grow.
Minimus hasn't said anything to you yet, but he can feel the power, unlike anything he has ever felt before in your eggs. Just what kind of dragons would hatch from them, only time and love would tell.
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petitelepus · 2 years
Mtmte omega alpha match up please.
I am a nerodivergant asthmatic would is sweet kind gentle and at times soft. Very loving and protective. 5ft 4 in height and star sign cancer. So very emotional. Have a tendency to take care or parent others. 😅. Love naps reading and cooking. Too much noise is harsh on my hearing.
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I match you with Brainstorm!
This scientist is an Omega in dire need of someone to take the reigns from him and help him to function in a little less chaotic manner.
You're loving and caring but also strict when needed and that is exactly what he needs, your support and help. You're so protective over him, he feels safe with you behind him and his decision.
You might be a little emotional, but these are the traits in you that stand out over everything else. Brainstorm is no better so the two of you get along perfectly.
He is super understanding and honestly doesn't see anything bad in your Neurodivergent. It's just one of those many traits that make him love and trust you for he is the same as you.
He makes sure not to shout out loud in your company because he wants you to be as comfortable as possible around him so he has quieted down a lot since his days without you.
Brainstorm hates to see you coughing out of breath so he prepares and builds you an inhalator to help you breathe properly.
The scientist honestly loves how you look after him, it makes him feel loved and treasured.
In habsuite he doesn't mind letting you take control. You're so caring and gentle with him, you make him feel like a pillow prince as you spoil him rotten.
Brainstorm swears that he will return the favor one day with a brilliant invention of his, but until that day comes, he enjoys you loving and spoiling him rotten.
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petitelepus · 2 years
Bot reader x minimus. Bot reader changed their paint to holiday colours and added holiday lights to themselves
When you told Minimus that you had a surprise prepared for him in your habsuite, this was not what he expected to see. You had gotten a new paint job with a festive red sparkling paint and as a cherry on top, you had installed flashing lights all over your frame.
"What do you think?" You were absolutely beaming, your smile rivaling the lights. You were that happy and proud of your creative idea. The green minibot covered his mouth, but behind his hand, he was smiling.
"Honestly, I was expecting this from Rodimus, but not from you," Minimus confessed. He was sure that if they placed you outside, alien planets and their residents would be able to see you all the way in space.
"Really? Because the lights were totally his idea." You laughed but when he didn't react your smile shrank. "You don't like it…"
"I didn't say that."
"But you think so."
Minimus shook his helm and lowered his hand so you could see his smile, "I admit, it is bright… But it suits you, my love."
"Really?" You smiled hopefully, "Then… Would you like to see what else I got painted?" You grinned and winked, giving him a pretty straightforward hint. Minimus blushed a little and coughed into his fist to cover up his smile.
"I would be honored."
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petitelepus · 2 years
THANK PRIMUS!!! from my fave tf writer I would like to request worried about you with percy x minicon reader plz
"I was worried something happened to you!" You cried out, despair clear in your voice as you watched your bigger Conjunx glare down at you. The two of you were having an argument over an assault that left your lover and a couple of other Bots in the middle of the attacking Decepticons.
Once you had heard your Conjunx was in danger and in a disadvantage, you grabbed your battle ax and ran into the heart of the battle, endangering yourself for your loved one. You all escaped safely, but that didn't mean you were out of trouble.
"That doesn't justify your actions!" Perceptor, the normal and usually calmest Bot that ever lived, shouted. "What were you thinking!?"
You flinched when you heard the brilliant scientist raise his voice at you like that. A sign you had really screwed up this time, but you stood behind your actions and refused to take your optics off from his.
"What do you think I would do when I heard you were in trouble? Sit around and play pretend?" You scowled before averting your gaze, "I just wanted to help…"
Perceptor kept glaring at you, but finally, he sighed and rubbed his nasal ridge with his Wrecker's servos that had taken many lives and saved him and his friends or allies so many times. "I see the reasoning behind your actions, but you should trust me more. I won't die just like that."
"We don't know that…" You grumbled but your frown didn't last when Perceptor gently lifted you and seated you on the berth and he sat next to you, cutting your size difference by over half.
"Trust me, I won't die when I got you to return to." He said and pecked the top of your helm. Sometimes you just hated the huge size difference between you two, but it hadn't stopped you before from rushing into the fight and you wouldn't let it stop you now from showing to your Conjunx how much you really loved him.
"You missed." You grinned a little and tapped your lips with the tip of your servo and Perceptor gave you a small smile back. "I never miss."
"Prove it." You dared him and the two of you kissed for real.
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petitelepus · 2 years
Ambulon x sick reader comfort fluff
You woke up suddenly thanks to a hideous coughing fit that wrecked your whole body. As you hacked your lungs out, you noticed that you were in your own habsuite. How did you get here? The last thing you remember was that you were in Captain's meeting, taking notes and feeling lightheaded.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty."
You flinched and looked to your right, only to see Ambulon out of all the mech sitting right next to your bed. You blinked owlishly at the sight of him. Why was he in your suite? Also, beauty? You certainly didn't feel like one.
"W-what happened?" You asked as you tried to sit up but Ambulon quickly pressed you back down on the soft bed. "You fainted at the meeting. You have a high fever which drained you of your power and made your body shut down."
Such words. Exactly like one would say when one hasn't treated a human before.
"I didn't know you took care of humans?" You wondered out loud and Ambulon shook his helm, "I don't so this is an excellent chance to learn first hand."
"Pleasure to help you out." You said with a grin before another coughing fit hit you head first. Ambulon frowned and pulled a small bottle from his subspace before giving it to you with a bottle of water. You raised a questioning eyebrow and he sighed, "Medicine for your situation."
"Thanks." You accepted the bottle of pills and water and immediately took one pill and chased it down with water. You quickly came to one conclusion. Being sick sucked. Your muscles ached, your head hurt and at one point your nose would be stuffed and leaking next. Gross.
"Don’t worry, I’m staying right here," Ambulo said and you groaned. That's not what you were worried about, but that's still awfully nice of him.
"I'm okay Ambulon." You said as you sat up and he let you when you swiped his hand away, "I don't need you to look after me 24/7."
"I want to." He said with a serious face, "You mean a lot to me and I want to take care of you. Make you healthy again."
What, was he confessing something? You averted your gaze from him and blushed, not as he could tell with your already fever-heated face.
"F- Fine. You can stay if you want." You cursed yourself for stuttering. "But only because I like you, but I don't want to be a bother!"
"Wait, you like me?"
What the fuck did you just say with your feverish mind? Oh no….! You confessed!
You could feel dread rise against your spine and suddenly you were feeling too hot and cold at the same time. What did you just do? Did you just ruin a good friendship because you had feelings for Ambulon?
"What a coincidence." You could hear the smile on the good doctor's face, "I happen to like you also."
You whipped your head towards him and saw him actually smiling and his smile only grew when he saw your stunned face. "I take it you like me also?"
You grumbled quietly, but there was no way to deny your feelings. So you nodded and looked away stubbornly. "I don't want your pity…!"
"Good." He nodded as he gently got to your level and pecked your head, "Because you never needed it."
You blushed even harder and lifted your pillow to push it against your burning face.
"You're awful…!" You murmured against the pillow, yet still, somehow Ambulon could hear and understand you.
"I love you too."
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petitelepus · 2 years
You don't have to be gentle reader x ambus brothers??
"This really isn't necessary," Dominus said from his seated position in the bed, but his words fell to deaf ears as you and Minimus rushed from one side of the room to another, trying to make the habsuite as safe and comfortable as possible for the older brother of Minimus.
"Don't worry, we are done soon anyways." You said as you grabbed another fluffy pillow from your subspace and carefully tucked it behind the grey mech's back, to join the rest of the 4 pillows that you had already put there. "How are you feeling?"
"Like a sparkling." Dominus grumbled, "Honestly, this is all too much!"
"Nonsense brother," Minimus said as he carried a tray filled with Energon jellies, the perfect food that would be easy to eat and digest. "You need to rest so you can restore your strength."
Dominus looked like he wanted to protest more, but you spoke quickly, not granting him a chance to do so. "Doctor's order, no stress or hard activities!" You said as you crossed your arms in an attempt to look serious. "You need a lot of rest after your Mnemosurgery. Ratchet and Chromedome said to themselves."
Minimus carefully set the tray filled with healthy treats on Dominus' lap and took a seat on the edge of the bed. "Brother, you were stuck in your beast mode for so long… Your body needs time to get used to its original form and activities."
"I understand where your worrying comes from." The grey mech nodded at both of you, "But you don't have to be so gentle. I'm not going anywhere." A silence fell between you guys and Dominus cleared his intake, "I promise."
"Brother…" Minimus said quietly and gently touched his older brother's shoulder. "I just got you back and I don't want to risk losing you again."
"I have also grown fond of you Dominus." You nodded from your place standing next to sitting Minimus. "And I would like to have you around to see where this relationship of ours can go from here?"
"But…!" Dominus glanced at you and Minimus in a mixture of confusion and shock, "Aren't you two Conjunxes?"
"Yes, we are." Minimus nodded as he looked at you by his side, "But I am open to including you in our relationship for their wishes."
The green mech took your hand in his and you smiled as you leaned down to plant a kiss on the back of his hand, "My beloved, you are so good to me."
"I see…" Dominus looked at your hands that were together. You did seem like a happy couple. "Can I have time to think about what you are proposing to me?"
"Yes, take as long as you want." You said with a smile, "Your health comes first, but don't stress over the decision. You can say no if you don't want a relationship and it's alright. We still love you, no matter what and nothing will change."
Dominus nodded, but he couldn't take his red optics off from you and his little brother. You looked happy, together, and now that he was there in his brother's and your lives. Maybe he could be happy with you guys?
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cuppajj · 2 years
For the ask game I offer my newest oc.
Vivace was the accidental child of Jazz and Knockout when Jazz was on a special ops mission undercover. Vivace is a youngling mech who loves music, clubbing, causing trouble, wax and polish, sweet treats and sneaking around. He is a huge flirt and can be normally found at his night club on base... if you can find it, he has it hidden well. He has claws, fangs and a lovely glittery blue paint job with purple swirls.
Drillburst might see Vivace as a bit of a whopper XD
He’s already a little cautious around younger mecha, simply because their energy can be a lot to deal with at times, and Vivace might not be any different, at least initially. Especially if he’s a troublemaker, which Drill isn’t too keen on…
He would however respect his appreciation for music, and if both of them like the same genre of music (I’d imagine because his dad is Jazz), then more power to them! If Drill is invited to the night club to play, he would definitely, especially if Jazz is there. He’s probably one of if not the only Autobot elite he doesn’t have biases about. XD
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avoidghost · 2 years
Your pride art is so adorable love seeing my fave bots looking soooo adorable n cute 😍
Thank you so much! I love everyone pointing out their faves, it makes me really happy to see <3
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