#cycling calories
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Icecream <<< frozen yoghurt
like i know icecream is delicious but frozen yoghurt is just 🤌🤌🤌
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modern-inheritance · 7 months
Brom, Murtagh and Arya are all sitting against a log, waiting for Eragon and Saphira to land at Camp Run Like Hell From The Empire. Brom is sitting between the two younger group members.
Arya: *eating something from a ration pack* *cracker eating sounds*
Murtagh: *whispers to Brom* Sh…she knows that’s hardtack, right?
Brom: Oh, she’s well aware. She likes it.
Arya: *leans forward to look past Brom and makes steady, deadpan eye contact with Murtagh*
Arya: *slowly lifts another piece of hardtack and bites down on it, slowly munches*
Murtagh: . . .
Murtagh: Alright. This is my life now I guess.
Arya: *leans back, satisfied she has established dominance over the snack food chain*
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hairtusk · 9 months
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bullying myself into forming consistent daily habits via the medium of taking up bullet journalling again
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ineedhjalp · 2 months
Me: *slightly underweight, tall, with a belly that isn’t “how it’s supposed to be”*
literally everybody else: ok have you tried Dieting
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josendlessmonolouge · 2 months
tw weight mentions weight loss disordered eating
this is just a silly though not a vent or anything
I be feeling guilty I ate too much then I realize I’m literally underweight from running and keeping up my old diet and also running
Like girlboss just eat the peanutbutter yogurt with a chocolate shell
Like girl you wanted to starve yourself when you were 10 bigger issues then a desert that literally has over 30 grams of protein
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nexus-nebulae · 6 months
the starving street cat headmate has discovered the smoked salmon we bought
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mrsnancywheeler · 5 months
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modern-inheritance · 7 months
Modern Inheritance: Earned (Short)
(A/N: Set a few days after Arya wakes up post-Gil'ead escape.)
Eragon sat beside the elf and passed her a bowl of the half warmed slop Brom had dished out. She muttered a distracted thanks and set it down, going back to digging in her pack.
“Trying to get to the other side of the Hells there?” Murtagh asked, popping a handful of dried nuts in his mouth. The ration packs they had pilfered from Gil’ead weren’t the most appetizing, but they had good snacks to supplement the awful meals. 
Arya grunted a noncommittal response, shoving aside a weapons cleaning kit. “It’s gotta be in here, I never forget to pack it.”
“Maybe someone took whatever it is out?” Eragon spooned some of the gruel into his mouth and winced. Highly nutritious, yes. Kept you on your feet, yes. But if he never ate another MRE in his life after they got to the Varden then it would be too soon. Through their link he could feel Saphira crunching down on a deer carcass not too far from their hidden camp. She swatted away his half serious suggestion she share.
“No, the pack’s locked with a print scanner, you can’t get in it unlessAH HA!” The woman let out a quiet triumphant whoop and, in an altogether uncharacteristic display of excitement, wiggled side to side as she pulled out a thin, palm sized package. 
The gathered men stared. Whatever it was, it didn’t look all that remarkable. Wrapped in brown paper, one corner torn and revealing a shiny foil below, it was only remarkable in how ordinary it looked. 
Completely oblivious to their deadpan stare, Arya let out happy noise and tore the packaging off before taking a large bite of the firm substance within. 
That’s when Brom let out a somewhat disbelieving scoff. “Chocolate? Really?”
The elf scowled up at him. “Shut up, I earned this.”
Murtagh and Eragon both leaned towards the woman when the word ‘chocolate’ came into play.
“Say, Arya.” The young Rider gave her his best smile, voice entirely innocent. “What do you say? Share with your favorite Dragon Rider?” 
“Yeah, that whole debt thing. Saved you and all that.” Murtagh’s fingers itched to grab the treat. He hadn’t had chocolate, real chocolate, in years. “Maybe you should pay up.”
“Hell no! Get your own!”
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hydetheghost · 8 months
"if food is all i think about, then I don't deserve to live"
...k, but my thoughts circle around f$0d 27/7, so...I should be long dead? Sighhhhh
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the-ramblings-of · 8 months
i'll be like...ok here is my 11 month plan to drop 25 pounds including a detailed outline of how i'm going to prevent myself from b/ping 10,00+ calories every other day. and then be like. but starting monday obviously *proceeds to spend the next 6 hours in a b/p cycle* :)))))
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depresseddepot · 2 years
the way i try so SO hard to gain even a crumb of body neutrality only to then see some shit on twitter that remind me that oh yeah. a distinct portion of the population genuinely believes they are being discriminated against when they have to look at or be within 50 feet of a fat person
#the amount of times ive heard my skinny friends call themselves fat and disgusting to my face without considering the implications#i saw some tweet that just like. had a fat person in the video and ALL of the responses were men making fun of her#like. yes i realize my life would be so much better if i was born with a faster metabolism. thank you for reminding me#yes i realize i am not treated seriously because i am fat#that sort of incredulous look skinny people give you when you have the audacity to sit near them on the bus or ask for directions#like they're shocked you weren't some round thing that was in their sights for 2 seconds to make fun but disappeared#i am trying very hard not to let it get to me but when so many people seem to think the same thing it feels stupid#likei know i dont see people the way allosexuals do but are fat people really so disgusting that they feel like they can say shit like that#its so so frustrating#if i am going to die alone because of my own failings i can learn to accept that#but if i die alone because i can't find anybody that doesn't think fat people are worthless then what is the fucking point lmao#''people irl dont actually think that'' i cant count on 1 hand the amount of skinny people who have lamented about their weight to my face#someone brings in cookies to work and as im eating one someone skinny says ''well. i really don't need the extra calories so ill pass''#someone skinny checking out diet/exercise books because they ''REALLY have to lose some weight''#no they aren't talking about me/to me but how detached from your surroundings do you have to be to shit on yourself for your weight#like. even if i was skinny they're still talking about how gross and ugly they are around kids#''love your body and your self!!!1!!1'' okay then stop calling yourself disgusting regardless of how much you weigh.#you can think if if you want but god that 12 year old girl in line behind you is going to remember that forever#she is going to internalize ''oh okay. thats what a disgusting body looks like''#andthen she'll grow up and hate herself and continue the fucking cycle#just stop. stop talking about your weight around kids. i dont need 60 yo women telling me they're gross when they weigh maybe 150 lbs#i know this is super unhealthy but i literally cannot wait until i can move out and isolate myself from society#because every second i try to engage with it is literal torture#yall are so mean for no reason#i dont really have much to live for#but it would be helpful if skinny people didn't constantly reiterate that there's no point to living if you aren't skinny#im so tired#vent
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nordfjording · 1 year
hi, I've read a systematic review and it concluded there wasn't any effect of menstruation on exercise. If one has pains that might hinder, but there's nothing else that causes that. if you don't believe me look for systemic reviews/research papers and stuff. Remember that there are single studies that say the earth is flat, you want to read systemic reviews
I can only speak for my own extremely anecdotal experience that things like pain during menstruation sure but also the sometimes mildly extreme energy fluctuations between follicular (cocaine-addled lab rat pushing an electic stim button over and over on 3hrs of sleep) and luteal (recovery position staring at my bedroom wall too tired to turn over and check the clock which is just as well because the alternative would be to get up and drown myself in the fjord) has some effect on my workout regime.
And I understand that me not seeing this connection vs thinking it was all in my own head and I needed to just kick my lazy ass into gear doesn't mean it's a systemic failure of communication. I just think it would have been nice to have been given some clues earlier in life, rather than the effect of my hormone cycle on physical output being reduced to continuous harping that your uterus wringing itself of blood and mucus is no excuse to skip a workout. And I get bitter sometimes.
I'm sorry if my previous post suggested I was talking about something else.
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mickinspo · 10 months
i'm so endlessly proud of myself, of how actually easily i can pull off 200-300kcal a day plus 30min workout and lots of walking. others might have strenght to go even further but this is insane to me; just a month ago i didn't think i could cut out snacks and big meals and now i rely on max. 2 100g meals a day and one or two lowcal snack.
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purpleparrot · 11 months
i really need to get back in my "running every day" era
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emerald-galaxy · 1 year
so MAD that eating food has solved my issues of being tired and unable to do the things I want to do. It's almost like my body needs food for energy and when I stop eating I stop being energized...
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